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Current Neuropharmacology, 2009, 7, 257-268 257
1570-159X/09 $55.00+.00 ©2009 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.
Adenosine, Ketogenic Diet and Epilepsy: The Emerging Therapeutic
Relationship Between Metabolism and Brain Activity
S.A. Masino1,2,*, M. Kawamura Jr.1,2, C.D. Wasser2, L.T. Pomeroy2 and D.N. Ruskin1,2
1Psychology Department, 2Neuroscience Program, Trinity College, 300 Summit St., Hartford, CT, USA
Abstract: For many years the neuromodulator adenosine has been recognized as an endogenous anticonvulsant molecule
and termed a “retaliatory metabolite.” As the core molecule of ATP, adenosine forms a unique link between cell energy
and neuronal excitability. In parallel, a ketogenic (high-fat, low-carbohydrate) diet is a metabolic therapy that influences
neuronal activity significantly, and ketogenic diets have been used successfully to treat medically-refractory epilepsy, par-
ticularly in children, for d ecades. To date the key neural mechanisms underlying the success of dietary therapy are un-
clear, hindering development of analogous pharmacological solutions. Similarly, adenosine receptor–based therapies for
epilepsy and myriad other disorders remain elusive. In this review we explore the physiological regulation of adenosine as
an anticonvulsant strategy and suggest a critical role for adenosine in the success of ketogenic diet therapy for epilepsy.
While the current focus is on the regulation of adenosine, ketogenic metabolism and epilepsy, the therapeutic implications
extend to acute and chronic neurological disorders as diverse as brain injury, inflammatory and neuropathic pain, autism
and hyperdopaminergic disorders. Emerging evidence for broad clinical relevance of the metabolic regulation of adeno-
sine will be discussed.
Key Words: Metabolism, neuroprotection, neurodegeneration, sleep, pain, autism, addiction, dopamine.
Adenosine is a potent neuromodulatory purine present
throughout the extracellular space of the central nervous sys-
tem. Adenosine acts at pre- and postsynaptic G protein-
coupled receptor subtypes (A1, A2A, A2B, and A3) [58], and
the influence of A1 and A2A receptor subtypes predominates
due to their higher affinity for adenosine (~100 nM) [100]
and their activation by ongoing levels of adenosine. In brain,
A1 receptors are distributed widely [73] and A2A receptors
are located preferentially in the basal ganglia and olfactory
tubercle [169]. Both the A1 and A2 receptor subtypes are
antagonized by caffeine, the most widely used psychoactive
substance worldwide, and caffeine’s actions at adenosine A1
and A2A receptors in the central nervous system underlie its
alerting, locomotor and cognitive effects [136].
Adenosine exerts a tonic inhibition of neuronal excitabil-
ity via A1 receptors in many brain regions, including hippo-
campus and cerebral cortex, and this baseline inhibition in-
fluences both baseline synaptic activity [132, 175] and neu-
ronal plasticity [36]. Adenosine’s inhibitory influence also
alters seizure threshold directly, and increased extracellular
adenosine during a seizure plays a key role in postictal de-
pression [193] and in keeping a seizure focus localized [140]
via adenosine A1 receptors [74]. Large additional amounts of
adenosine are mobilized during metabolically stressful cellu-
lar conditions such as low oxygen or glucose [57], and in-
creased extracellular adenosine acting at the adenosine A
receptor has been shown to be neuroprotective during condi-
tions of metabolic stress [45]. Overall, adenosine holds well
established and profound therapeutic potential for conditions
such as stroke, brain injury, pain and epilepsy, among others
[17, 79].
*Address correspondence to this author at Psychology Department, Neuro-
science Program, Trinity College, 300 Summit St., Hartford, CT, U SA; Tel:
860-297-2557; Fax: 860-297-2538; E-mail: susan.masino@trincoll.edu
Whereas adenosine’s role as an endogenous neuroprotec-
tive molecule during pathology such as stroke, hypoxia and
brain injury is of paramount clinical importance, and has
long been the focus on adenosine-based therapies, the ongo-
ing effects of adenosine are critical to baseline neuronal ex-
citability and sleep behaviors. In addition, adenosine influ-
ences the risk for an epileptic seizure, and can control sig-
nificantly the expression and progression of a broad range of
acute and chronic neurological conditions. With an unparal-
leled long-term epidemiological database based on manipu-
lating the influence of endogenous adenosine, i.e. the world-
wide consumption of caffeine [60, 85], a strategy focused on
regulating endogenous adenosine is likely to be well toler-
ated and non-toxic.
To date, receptor-based strategies to augment the inhibi-
tory influence of adenosine by targeting A
1 receptors have
been unable to harness its clinical potential, primarily due to
peripheral side effects [43, 51]. Accordingly, interest has
intensified in the regulation of adenosine directly by physio-
logical stimulation [42, 45, 76, 77], metabolism [125] and
adenosine kinase [75], an astrocytic intracellular enzyme
that, together with equilibrative adenosine transport, controls
extracellular adenosine levels. We now appreciate the active
role of astrocytes in regulating extracellular adenosine [156],
underscoring the multi-faceted and direct impact that glia
have on neuronal activity and signaling. Together, these re-
cent findings highlight the dynamic regulation of adenosine
by cellular and metabolic stimuli, and thus expose new clini-
cally-relevant strategies for augmenting adenosine.
As both the core of ATP and a prevalent neuromodulator,
adenosine is poised to link changes in cell metabolism with
changes in neuronal activity [109]. Indeed, adenosine levels
rise dramatically in the extracellular space during all types of
258 Current Neuropharmacology, 2009, Vol. 7, No. 3 Masino et al.
metabolic stress and earned adenosine the apt title of “re-
taliatory metabolite” [138] - its profound inhibitory influence
at both pre- and postsynaptic receptors serves to limit energy
demand and excitotoxicity when energy availability is com-
promised [59]. The direct release of adenosine via nucleoside
transporters can increase extracellular adenosine under
physiologically stressful conditions [114], and typically
adenosine’s role as a retaliatory metabolite is thought to be
mobilized when intracellular ATP dephosphorylation out-
strips ATP production [145, 170]. However, the regulation of
adenosine by ongoing physiological stimuli and under non-
pathological conditions of adequate or even high intracellular
ATP is becoming more appreciated [45, 96, 128]. In addi-
tion, degradation of extracellular ATP is a major source of
extracellular adenosine [29, 44, 82], so manipulations that
increase extracellular ATP have a net effect on neuromodu-
lation by adenosine [44].
Ketogenic strategies such as fasting or adhering to a ke-
togenic (high-fat, low-carbohydrate) diet increase ATP and
other energy molecules in brain [20, 37, 126, 134]. These
metabolic manipulations are known to reduce seizures sig-
nificantly [194], and have been shown to offer neuroprotec-
tion in animal models of brain injury [70, 125]. Emerging
evidence suggests that mimicking key cellular aspects of
ketogenic metabolism increases extracellular adenosine [96],
and furthermore, that an increased influence of adenosine at
the A1 subtype plays a key role in the anticonvulsant success
of ketogenic strategies [127] via its combined presynaptic
inhibition of glutamatergic terminals and its postsynaptic
hyperpolarization via K
+ channels. Due to the functional
coupling and inverse relationship between adenosine and
dopamine receptors (A2A/D2 and A1/D1) [66], a general in-
crease in extracellular adenosine could also decrease dopa-
minergic transmission. A diverse set of physiological and
pathological stimuli that modulate extracellular adenosine
are outlined in Table 1.
Table 1. Conditions that Increase Adenosine in the CNS
Fowler 1989 [55]
Dale & Frenguelli 2000 [34]
Saransaari & Oja 2003 [172]
Martín, Fernández, Perea, Pascual, Haydon,
Araque & Ceña 2007 [123]
Fowler 1990 [56]
Latini, Corsi, Pedata & Pepeu 1995 [108]
Frenguelli, Llaudet & Dale 2003 [63]
Parkinson, Xiong & Zamzow 2005 [155]
Frenguelli, Wigmore, Llaudet & Dale 2007 [64]
NMDA receptor
Manzoni, Manabe & Nicoll 1994 [119]
Semba & White 1997 [176]
Melani, Corsi, Giménez-Llort, Martínez, Ogren,
Pedata & Ferré 1999 [130]
Brambilla, Chapman & Greene 2005 [21]
(Table 1. Contd….)
Masino, Mesches, Bickford & Dunwiddie
1999 [129]
Saransaari & Oja 2003 [172]
Hypoglycemia or
impaired glycolysis
Fowler 1993 [57]
Zhu & Krnjević 1993 [201]
Calabresi, Centonze, Pisani & Bernardi 1997
Zhao, Tekkök & Krnjević [200]
Minor, Rowe, Soames Job, Ferguson [131]
Increased tempera-
Gabriel, Klussman & Igelmund 1998 [67]
Masino & Dunwiddie 1999 [124]
Dulla, Dobelis, Pearson, Frenguelli, Staley &
Masino 2005 [42]
Gourine, Llaudet, Dale & Spyer 2005 [77]
Otsuguro, Yamaji, Ban, Ohta & Ito 2006 [146]
Pedata, Pazzagli, Tilli & Pepeu 1990 [157]
Latini, Corsi, Pedata & Pepeu 1995 [108]
Metabolic poisons
Doolette1997 [40]
Zhu & Krnjević 1997 [202]
Saransaari & Oja 2003 [172]
Astrocyte activation
Zhang, Wang, Ye, Ge, Chen, Jiang, Wu, Poo &
Duan 2003 [199]
Parkinson & Xiong 2004 [154]
Pascual, Casper, Kubera, Zhang, Revilla-
Sanchez, Sul, Takano, Moss, McCarthy & Hay-
2005 [156]
Whitcomb, Lupica, Rosen & Berman 1990 [193]
During & Spencer 1993 [46]
Berman, Fredholm, Aden & O’Connor 2000
Kaku, Jiang, Hada, Morimoto & Hayashi 2001
Etherington, Patterson, Meechan, Boison,
Irving, Dale & Frenguelli 2008 [52]
Intense exercise
Dworak, Diel, Voss, Hollman & Strüder 2007
Sleep deprivation
Porkka-Heiskanen, Strecker, Thakkar, Bjorkum,
Greene & McCarley 1997 [162]
Porkka-Heiskanen, Strecker & McCarley
2000 [161]
Kalinchuk, McCarley, Stenberg, Porkka-
Heiskanen & Basheer 2008 [94]
Murillo-Rodriguez, Liu, Blanco-Centurion &
Shiromani, 2008 [133]
An overview of both physiological and p athological conditions of altered metabolism
and cellular activity that can increase extracellular adenosine. Due to the rapid
dephosphorylation of extracellular ATP to adenosine, increased extracellular ATP
yields a net increase in adenosine. This table is not meant to be exhaustive of th e litera-
ture, but to highlight the u biquitous and rapid nature of the adenosine response and thus
its broad and dynamic influence in the nervous system.
Adenosine, Ketogenic Diet and Epilepsy Current Neuropharmacology, 2009, Vol. 7, No. 3 259
The inhibitory adenosine A1 receptor is functionally
dominant in hippocampus and cerebral cortex, and underlies
adenosine’s role as an endogenous anticonvulsant [43]. Ac-
cordingly, any manipulation which increases extracellular
adenosine offers significant potential for both preventing and
halting epileptic seizures, the vast majority of which initiate
and propagate in these forebrain regions. Unlike the point-to-
point and activity-dependent changes in synaptic transmis-
sion effected by classical neurotransmitters, adenosine exerts
a tonic modulatory influence on neuronal activity. Thus the
anticonvulsant effects of adenosine are dissimilar mechanis-
tically to classical actions of glutamate and GABA, the neu-
rotransmitters targeted most often for the treatment of epi-
lepsy [168]. Adenosine itself is not packaged in vesicles, and
its non-synaptic release, such as from astrocytes and through
nucleoside transporters, can influence a neural “neighbor-
hood.” Akin to a broad-based influence of altered metabo-
lism, such as via ketogenic strategies, the presence of a tonic
level of adenosine in the extracellular space makes adenosine
a major player in the dynamics of nervous system activity
and even in determining the set point of normal physiology
versus pathology in brain function – such as by determining
seizure threshold. Indeed, local release of adenosine itself
[89] or regulating local metabolism of adenosine by reducing
its intracellular rephosphorylation by adenosine kinase [18]
both offer significant emerging potential for treating epi-
lepsy. Importantly, adenosine is effective in stopping sei-
zures which are pharmacoresistant [16], thus opening new
therapeutic opportunities for intractable epilepsy.
Physiological conditions which offer both high ATP lev-
els and increased extracellular adenosine are particularly
ideal for epilepsy and for many acute and chronic neurologi-
cal disorders characterized by metabolic dysfunction and
neuronal vulnerability or frank progressive neurodegenera-
tion. Enhanced ATP levels provide energy reserves for a
neuron to continue functioning under stress, essential for
maintaining cell calcium and other ion gradients across the
cell and mitochondrial membrane. Increased extracellular
adenosine, at levels permitting normal synaptic transmission,
plasticity and cognition, offers a neuroprotective buffer
against insults, reduces excitation, and averts excessive ATP
demand, expressly critical in cells with compromised energy
capacity. Ideally, metabolic strategies enhance ATP, increase
extracellular adenosine, and boost on-demand adenosine
within a neural neighborhood to provide local seizure control
and neuroprotection. As such, metabolic and dietary strate-
gies such as ketogenic diet therapy may increase regional or
global adenosine and increase overall seizure threshold as
described below.
Multiple lines of evidence suggest that adenosine, ATP,
and general cellular energy are upregulated by ketogenic
metabolism. To highlight these effects, it is necessary to re-
view the underlying biochemistry of ketosis. Due to re-
stricted carbohydrate intake, blood glucose is very low dur-
ing chronic consumption of a ketogenic diet (or prolonged
fasting). During conditions of limited glucose the liver main-
tains energy homeostasis by converting fatty acids and some
amino acids to ketone bodies (β-hydroxybutyrate, acetoace-
tate, acetone) which are then transported by the blood to
other tissues for use as fuel. The brain is particularly depend-
ent on this process, since it is poor both at using fatty acids
directly for fuel and at converting fatty acids to ketone bod-
ies; the brain is a unique tissue in this regard [65, 147].
While the enzymes involved in ketone body synthesis are
detectable in brain, they are present at far lower levels than
in liver [4, 27, 28].
Ketone bodies lead to energy production by conversion
to acetyl-CoA which then enters the mitochondrial tricar-
boxylic acid cycle, replacing pyruvate (derived from glyco-
lysis) as an acetyl-CoA source. The tricarboxylic acid cycle
then leads as usual to proton flow out of the mitochondria
matrix; this gradient in turn powers ATP production by ATP
synthase in the mitochondrial inner membrane. Not only can
ketone bodies substitute for glucose, metabolism of ketone
bodies is more efficient than that of glucose, leading to more
available energy for ATP synthesis. This effect derives from
the higher heat of combustion of ketone bodies compared to
pyruvate [187]; ketone body metabolism leads to reduction
of the mitochondrial NAD couple (NAD+/NADH) and oxi-
dation of the mitochondrial co-enzyme Q couple (Q/QH2).
The difference between the redox potentials of these couples
determines the magnitude of the proton gradient which in
turn determines the free energy (ΔG’) of ATP hydrolysis –
the increased difference with ketone body metabolism leads
to increased ΔG’ for ATP production [187]. Key aspects of
this energy cycle and its relationship to adenosine are sum-
marized in Fig. (1).
Experimental application of ketone bodies in vitro leads
to increased ATP/ADP and phosphocreatine/creatine ratios
and increased levels of the tricarboxylic acid cycle substrates
citrate and isocitrate [95, 173]. Overall, studies of ketogenic
metabolism in the brain demonstrate an increased energetic
status using measures ranging from respiration to mitochon-
drial density to levels of energy-storing substances such as
ATP and phosphocreatine. Importantly, the brain’s bioener-
getic response to ketosis appears to differ from peripheral
tissues so far examined – increases in cell energy predomi-
nate in brain (Table 2).
In addition to published neurochemical and biochemical
evidence, recent neurochemical evidence suggests a regional
upregulation of energy molecules in rats after maintenance
on a ketogenic diet. Preliminary results demonstrate in-
creased ATP or adenosine in specific brain regions [127,
143], including a significant increase in ATP and a strong
trend toward increased adenosine in cerebral cortex [127],
and upregulated ATP synthase gene expression in hippo-
campus [20, 141]. Field recordings from the CA1 region of
hippocampal slices show a reduced electrophysiological re-
sponse to hypoxia [20] and exogenous adenosine [127] after
ketogenic diet therapy, consistent with increased endogenous
adenosine. Hippocampal CA3 pyramidal neurons autoregu-
late their activity based on acute changes in intracellular
ATP and extracellular glucose consistent with the metabolic
consequences of ketogenic diet therapy [96]; detailed cellular
mechanisms are described below.
260 Current Neuropharmacology, 2009, Vol. 7, No. 3 Masino et al.
As noted above, ketogenic metabolism occurs during
restricted glucose and is characterized by increased ATP.
During single-cell patch clamp recordings, when extracellu-
lar glucose is reduced but not eliminated, and the level of
intracellular ATP is sufficient or high in the patch pipette,
CA3 pyramidal neurons regulate their own excitability by
releasing ATP, activating adenosine A1 receptors and open-
ing postsynaptic K+ channels [96]. In contrast, during single
cell recordings of CA3 pyramidal neurons, when extracellu-
lar glucose is reduced and intracellular ATP is low, CA3
pyramidal cells depolarize significantly [96]. These low
ATP/low glucose conditions are similar to an ischemic stroke,
where both oxidative phosphorylation and glucose availabil-
ity are interrupted. Thus, an autocrine regulation of CA3
neuron excitability during low glucose depends critically on
intracellular ATP; the subsequently increased extracellular
adenosine likely influences nearby neurons, particularly im-
portant in CA3, a region with recurring excitatory collaterals.
Overall this concurrent intracellular ATP / extracellular glu-
cose manipulation mimicking metabolic aspects of ketogenic
diet therapy provides a clear example of a situation where
intracellular ATP is high yet extracellular adenosine in-
creases – ideal for autocrine regulation by increasing seizure
threshold and promoting neuronal survival.
Evidence for autocrine neuronal regulation is consistent
with adenosine’s role as a neuroprotective agent, mobilized
proactively under these conditions by non-pathological
changes in altered metabolism. Similarly, ketone-based me-
tabolism [35] or a ketogenic diet [70] has already shown
neuroprotective properties in injury models in multiple brain
regions. While it seems counterintuitive for brain cells to
release ATP when extracellular glucose is low, ultimately
this process can save cell energy: under conditions of suffi-
cient ATP, there is a large ratio of ATP:adenosine (10,000:1)
inside the cell. Upon releasing a relatively small amount of
ATP, a coherent set of mechanisms degrade extracellular
ATP to adenosine, activate adenosine A1 receptors and re-
duce excitability. Thus, releasing a relatively small amount
of ATP during low glucose is a powerful preemptive strike
against a condition of increased excitability – potentially
placing energy demands which could exceed energy supply
and compromise neuronal function.
The clinical efficacy of a ketogenic diet is well-estab-
lished for pediatric epilepsy. It has been validated retrospec-
tively by multiple clinical sites [38, 62, 153, 188] and con-
firmed recently in a randomized controlled trial [135]. Simi-
lar to adenosine, the ketogenic diet is effective in medically-
refractory epilepsy, and thus reduces seizures via mecha-
nisms other than those targeted by antiepileptic drugs avail-
able currently [168]. A significant subset of pediatric epi-
lepsy patients become and remain seizure-free, and can re-
duce or eliminate their medication even after discontinuing
diet therapy. Most common side effects are short term, and
include hunger, constipation, and lethargy [135, 188]. How-
Fig. (1). The metabolic relationship between ketones and adenosine. Compounds upregulated by a ketogenic diet or exogenous ketones are
italicized. (1) During ketolytic metabolism, the ketone bodies β-hydroxybutyrate (and its b reakdown products acetone and acetoacetate) are
either generated locally or hepatically and transported via the blood to other tissues (such as brain). Ketones are converted intracellularly into
acetyl-CoA which enters the tricarboxylic acid cycle. (2) This mitochondrial energy cycle generates, at multiple steps (----), protons and elec-
trons that are channeled to the electron transport chain by NADH and FADH2 (β-hydroxybutyrate conversion to acetoacetate also contrib-
utes). Many steps of the tricarboxylic acid cycle are omitted for simplicity. (3) The electron transport chain drives an electrochemical gradi-
ent across the mitochondrial outer membrane and ultimately oxidative phosphorylation which forms ATP from ADP and phosphate (Pi) by
ATP synthase. (4) Enhanced ATP can be converted to phosphocreatine for energy storage, or broken down to its core molecule, adenosine.
Adenosine levels inside and outside of the cell membrane are influenced concurrently by an equilibrative transporter. Due to the very large
ATP / adenosine ratio inside the cell, a small increase in intracellular ATP could translate into a large relative increase in intracellular, and
thus extracellular, adenosine.
Adenosine, Ketogenic Diet and Epilepsy Current Neuropharmacology, 2009, Vol. 7, No. 3 261
ever, kidney stones can develop in 5-7% of children on the
diet [171].
The ketogenic diet may also offer benefits for adult epi-
lepsy [15], and recently has been shown to improve dramati-
cally or even reverse the metabolic syndrome which charac-
terizes type II diabetes [198]. Notably, a ketogenic diet was
more effective than a calorically restricted diet, and virtually
reversed metabolic syndrome in all persons who were able to
comply with the restrictions of dietary therapy [192]. Basic
research has also shown dramatic results in slowing tumor
growth in brain cancer [177], and synergistic effects of the
simultaneous use of a ketogenic diet and 2-deoxyglucose
[121], a metabolic manipulation which inhibits glycolysis,
increases adenosine [200] and decrease seizures [69, 181].
Thus, the therapeutic applications of a ketogenic diet and
metabolism-based therapies are broadening rapidly beyond
pediatric epilepsy to other chronic and prevalent conditions.
As a whole, the capacity for a ketogenic diet to increase
specifically the influence of endogenous adenosine offers
testable and clinically-relevant predictions; many of these
predictions are validated by published clinical and basic re-
search, lending further conceptual support [125, 126]. Below
we highlight briefly some of the central nervous system im-
plications of a relationship between a ketogenic diet and
adenosine. A subset is supported strongly by published re-
search, in particular neuroprotection and sleep. Data are
emerging for neurodegeneration, hyperdopaminergic disor-
ders and autism. In addition, we speculate upon major clini-
cal implications for pain.
Brain Injury
The attractive features of adenosine as an endogenous
anticonvulsant are recapitulated in its role as a neuroprotec-
tive molecule. Increasing adenosine’s inhibitory influence
via the adenosine A1 receptor protects neurons in virtually
any model of brain injury [45], and the adenosine A1 recep-
tor has long been a major focus of and goal for adenosine-
based neuroprotective therapies. Increasing the influence of
adenosine at A1 receptors offers neuroprotection either be-
fore [90] or after [190] the injury. Unfortunately, and akin to
epilepsy, the peripheral side effects of receptor-based strate-
gies have stymied drug development and adenosine A1 re-
ceptors have lost momentum as a primary neuroprotective
Importantly, and as predicted based on a relationship
between ketone metabolism and adenosine, the ketogenic
diet or analogous metabolic strategies have shown neuropro-
tective properties in multiple brain injury models and brain
regions, including spinal cord injury [160]. Some of these
effects have been counterintuitive – neuroprotection was
observed after a ketogenic strategy such as fasting [35], or
after strategies that interrupted metabolism [102] or inhibited
glycolysis [111]. Importantly, neuroprotection was observed
even if altered metabolism was initiated after the injury
[152], making this a particularly promising strategy. Based
on differential consequences and responses in the central
nervous system versus the periphery (Table 2), a metabolic
strategy could lend new therapies and recommendations for
the treatment of brain injuries, and open a new and exciting
chapter for adenosine and neuroprotection.
The neuroprotective effects of adenosine via altered me-
tabolism may extend to neurodegenerative diseases. Meta-
bolic dysregulation at the cellular level is a hallmark of many
chronic and neurodegenerative disorders [7], and often it is
unclear if it causes and/or results from the progressive neu-
ronal dysfunction. The brain has an extremely high fat con-
tent, and as noted in Table 2 offers some differential re-
sponses to metabolic manipulations as compared to periph-
eral tissues. These dual and unique features of brain compo-
sition and brain metabolism enhance therapeutic opportuni-
ties for chronic and progressive disorders [1], and suggest
the potential for limited or reduced peripheral side effects.
As one example, metabolic therapy may offer sympto-
matic delay or improvement even in a genetic, neurodegen-
erative disorder such as Huntington’s disease [41, 186]. Drug
treatments targeting type II diabetes, which, similar to a ke-
Table 2. Influence of Ketone Metabolism on Cellular En ergy
Energetic Molecules
Expression of Mitochondrial
Genes or Proteins
Increased ATP [37, 99, 127,
134, 143]
Increased phosphocreatine [20,
Upregulated ATP synthase [20, 141]
Upregulated uncoupling protein
Unchanged succinate dehydrogenase
Increased number [20, 143]
Increased or reduced number
(region-dependent) [6]
Increased respiration [182]
Peripheral tis-
Unchanged ATP production
Unchanged citrate synthase [158]
Unchanged succinate dehydrogenase
[137, 167]
Moderately increased size [48]
Unchanged [6]
Evidence for changes in cellular energy in brain and p eripheral tissues after ketogenic metabolism in vivo or in vitro. An increase or upregulation is indicated by italics throughout.
“Expression of genes or proteins” includes mRNA expression and protein expression via immunochemical or activity-based assays; here we include both cell and mitochondria-
related genes/proteins. Periph eral tissues include skeletal muscle and liver.
262 Current Neuropharmacology, 2009, Vol. 7, No. 3 Masino et al.
togenic diet, offer improved glycemic control, can reduce
symptoms and increase survival in mouse models of
Huntington’s disease [116, 122]. With gene therapy still be-
yond the near-term horizon, metabolic treatment strategies
which delay or reduce symptoms of disease could offer sig-
nificant improvements in quality of life for current patients
with Huntington’s disease and a host of neurodegenerative
conditions. In addition, at least some neurodegenerative dis-
eases are associated with an increased risk of seizures, such
as Alzheimer’s disease [3]. It is unknown whether subclini-
cal seizures may occur and contribute to the progression of
Alzheimer’s disease or other neurodegenerative diseases
in humans. Ultimately, similar to epilepsy, adenosine-based
metabolic therapies could limit acute dysfunction and offer
ongoing neuroprotection against progressive neuronal de-
cline and degeneration.
Adenosine promotes sleep [165, 189], and treating sleep
disorders and enhancing the quality of sleep is a major con-
cern for public health [23]. The specific adenosine-based
mechanism established initially as sleep-promoting was in-
creased activity at the A1 receptor in the basal forebrain
[166]. More recently the adenosine A2A receptor has been
recognized for an important role in sleep [88, 174]. The
alerting effects of caffeine are attributed to its actions at
adenosine receptors in forebrain areas important for cogni-
tion as well as arousal centers, and it may be that endoge-
nous adenosine acting at both of the receptor subtypes in
brain that are antagonized by caffeine – A1 and A2A adeno-
sine receptors – play a role in sleep behaviors [8].
In keeping with adenosine’s role as a sleep-promoter, and
the potential for a ketogenic diet to increase ATP and ex-
tracellular adenosine, the ketogenic diet has been shown to
improve sleep quality and quantity in children with epilepsy,
especially normalizing the ultradian cycling between slow-
wave and paradoxical sleep [83]. Sleep electroencephalo-
graph (EEG) changes were observed consistently with keto-
genic diet therapy, and normalization or improvement in
sleep EEG was correlated with an improvement in seizures
[153]. In control subjects without a diagnosis of epilepsy,
effects are typically moderate and include reports of an in-
crease in the latency to enter rapid eye movement (REM)
sleep [106] and an increase in slow-wave sleep [2]. Whereas
a high-fat, low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet increased slow-
wave sleep, a high-carbohydrate, low-fat isocaloric diet de-
creased slow-wave sleep [159].
Recent evidence implicates the role of extracellular as-
trocyte-derived ATP as critical for the sleep-promoting in-
fluence of adenosine [82]. Furthermore, there is a well estab-
lished association between poor sleep and epilepsy [105].
With such a high prevalence and cost associated with these
co-morbidities, metabolic therapy appears to offer significant
promise. More research is needed in this area to determine
the therapeutic relationship among adenosine, a ketogenic
diet and sleep.
Multiple lines of evidence suggest that the influence of
adenosine may be insufficient in autism spectrum disorders
(ASD), and that increasing adenosine would reduce both
physiological and behavioral hallmarks of ASD. Preliminary
studies have shown that the ketogenic diet improves symp-
toms of autism [53], and Rett syndrome [80]. To our knowl-
edge, dysregulation of adenosine in brain has not been tested
directly with respect to symptoms of autism, although these
studies are underway. Nevertheless, adenosine is a purine
molecule with roles in both metabolism and neuronal signal-
ing, and abnormalities in purine metabolism have been
documented [19, 120, 142, 149, 150] in a subset of ASD.
Along with dysregulation of purine metabolism, ASD are
characterized by several behavioral and physiological hall-
marks of disordered adenosine: sleep disruption [25, 72,
184], markedly increased incidence of seizures [118, 195],
immune dysfunction [87, 91], and reports - including self-
reports - of increased anxiety and “sensitivity” and “hyperac-
tivity” of the nervous system [24, 78, 178]. Often there is a
dual diagnosis, with psychiatric comorbidities present in
least 70% of individuals diagnosed with ASD. The most
common comorbidities are social anxiety disorder, attention-
deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and oppositional defiant disor-
der [178].
Many of the behaviors exhibited by persons with autism
and/or reported by high-functioning persons with autism
involve stimuli that would be predicted to release ATP
and/or adenosine based on associated mechanical pressure,
increased neuronal activity, decreased pH or increased tem-
perature (ref. [45] and Table 1). For example, rocking, spin-
ning and Grandin’s well-known “Hug Machine” [49] all ex-
ert mechanical pressure or sudden changes in acceleration,
intense intellectual activity and focus can reduce anxiety
associated with ASD [78], and intense neuronal activity in-
creases extracellular adenosine [114]. Intense exercise causes
a metabolic decrease in pH [84], decreased pH has been
shown to increase adenosine [42, 146], and intense exercise
has been shown to increase brain adenosine [47] and im-
prove symptoms of autism [98]. Reports show improved
behavior, language and social function associated with a
fever in persons with autism [30], and basic research demon-
strates that a similar temperature increase in hippocampal
slices increases extracellular adenosine and inhibits neuronal
activity significantly [124].
Certainly many symptoms and behaviors of ASD are due
to aberrant neurochemistry, neuroanatomical development
and genetically-determined substrates. However, increasing
the inhibitory influence of adenosine could help significantly
with multiple behavioral and physiological sequelae. Impor-
tantly, increasing adenosine improves sleep, decreases sei-
zures and reduces anxiety – all physiological effects that
could be achieved by a metabolic strategy such as a keto-
genic diet and would improve quality of life significantly in
persons and families affected by ASD. Ketogenic diet ther-
apy and/or increasing adenosine could improve social and
behavioral symptoms and reduce or alleviate serious chronic
physiological symptoms which impact the ability to learn
and remember (sleep disruption/inadequate REM sleep/
seizures [86, 118]) and ultimately cause permanent brain
dysfunction and cognitive impairment (recurrent seizures)
[25, 26]. Given adenosine’s profound effects on neuronal
Adenosine, Ketogenic Diet and Epilepsy Current Neuropharmacology, 2009, Vol. 7, No. 3 263
activity, sleep and seizures, the relationship among metabo-
lism, autism and adenosine, including the efficacy of a keto-
genic diet in reducing symptoms of autism, needs to be ex-
plored directly.
Hyperdopaminergic Disorders
Dopamine and adenosine have long been known to be
opposing at numerous levels. Behaviorally, whereas adeno-
sine receptor antagonists (e.g. caffeine) are stimulants, such
properties belong to agonists of the dopamine system (e.g.
amphetamine). Biochemically, the two high affinity adeno-
sine receptors in brain each have an antagonistic dopaminer-
gic counterpart. Specifically, A1 and D1 receptors, and A2 A
and D2 receptors, have opposing effects on 2nd messenger
pathways, most notably the production of cyclic AMP
through heterotrimeric G-protein regulation of adenylate
cyclase [61, 97]. More recently, it has become apparent that
such interactions can involve direct receptor/receptor cross-
talk via A1/D1 and A2A/D2 receptor heteromers [54]. There-
fore, it is logical to explore modulation of adenosinergic ac-
tivity as a possible treatment for disorders of dopaminergic
Thus far there is compelling evidence that adenosine an-
tagonists are useful in treating a hypodopaminergic disease,
namely Parkinson’s disease [197]. Conversely, the ketogenic
diet and an associated augmentation of adenosine may be of
use in hyperdopaminergic states. The list of clinical condi-
tions that are hypothesized to involve overactivity in the do-
pamine system is impressive, and includes conditions as di-
verse as schizophrenia, tardive dyskinesia, attention defi-
cit/hyperactivity disorder, Tourette’s syndrome, Huntington’s
disease, and drug addiction/relapse. Research in animal
models of some of these disorders suggests the beneficial
effects of promoting adenosine [12, 14, 39, 71, 92, 101, 113,
191]. Adenosine augmentation via ketogenic diet or analo-
gous metabolic strategies may be particularly useful in those
hyperdopaminergic disorders involving neurodegeneration,
offering the combined benefits of treating symptoms as well
as retarding the underlying degeneration.
Preliminary human data exist on the benefits of ketogenic
diet therapy and schizophrenia [148]. Ketogenic diet therapy
was tried because the physiological effects of other treat-
ments – such as electroconvulsive shock – result in de-
creased blood pH, and ketone metabolism increases acid
production. In addition, physicians noted carbohydrate crav-
ings and increased intake prior to a relapse and hypothesized
that persons with schizophrenia may have problematic or
altered carbohydrate metabolism. Despite the small sample
size and incomplete control over dietary therapy, promising
results were noted [148].
Like epilepsy, schizophrenia is a chronic condition char-
acterized by recurring episodes as well as significant propor-
tion of cases that remain intractable to therapies available
currently [107]. Finally, given the high coincident rates of
epilepsy and schizophrenia [164] and type II diabetes and
schizophrenia [39, 139, 144, 179], and the success of a vari-
ety of low carbohydrate and ketogenic diets in treating type
II diabetes [198] and adult epilepsy [5, 103, 104], dietary
therapy would seem like an optimal primary or adjuvant
therapy to reduce all of these medical conditions.
Control of chronic pain remains a major clinical problem.
For example, the strongest analgesics, the opiates, have been
viewed historically as poorly effective against neuropathic
pain; only a subset of patients respond well to opiates [163].
Anticonvulsant drugs are a non non-opiate alternative used
with success against neuropathic pain, yet they have their
own set of undesirable side effects. Pain relief using anticon-
vulsants demonstrates that an overall inhibition of neuronal
activity is a strategy that can alleviate pain, and so it is not
surprising that adenosine persists as a prized, but problem-
atic, target for pain relief [180]. Adenosine A1 receptor ago-
nists given systemically reduce chronic pain effectively in
experimental animals [31, 112], and conversely, genetic
knockout of the A1 receptor enhances pain sensitivity [90,
196]. Clinically, systemic adenosine alleviates neuropathic
pain [10], yet the presence of adenosine A1 receptors in the
heart and other peripheral tissues, and the short biological
half-life of adenosine in the blood, have stymied this type of
therapy. Side effects can be avoided with intrathecal adeno-
sine [9, 50], but this route of administration is obviously in-
Based on evidence that ketogenic strategies increase
adenosine in the central nervous system, they will also be
likely to alleviate pain, although research on this topic has
only begun [203]. The parallels between ketogenic diets and
adenosine A1 receptor activation include their efficacy in
pharmocoresistant epilepsy, and neuronal inhibition via anti-
convulsants appears to be one mechanism for alleviating at
least a subset of neuropathic pain. We suggest that adeno-
sine-mediated central nervous system inhibition via meta-
bolic strategies such as ketogenic diet therapy will be effec-
tive against neuropathic pain.
Beyond these possible effects on the neural substrates of
pain generally, a ketogenic metabolism may have beneficial
effects with inflammatory pain by reducing inflammation
itself through several mechanisms. 1) adenosine A1 receptors
have been shown to be anti-inflammatory in a number of
tissues, including brain [68, 110, 183, 185]. 2) Compared to
glycolytic metabolism, ketolytic metabolism produces fewer
reactive oxygen species, which are known to contribute to
inflammation [81, 117, 187]; 3) the long-chain polyunsatu-
rated fatty acids in the ketogenic diet activate peroxisome
proliferator-activated receptors, an effect which will reduce
inflammation by inhibiting nuclear factor κB and other pro-
inflammatory pathways [13, 32, 33, 115]. Altogether, multi-
ple consequences of ketone metabolism, including increased
adenosine, appear to have much clinical promise as safe,
effective, non-addictive treatments for chronic neuropathic
and inflammatory pain conditions.
Herein we highlight major implications of the emerging
relationship among adenosine, a ketogenic diet and epilepsy
and provide a broad and provocative overview of a subset of
the therapeutic predictions of this metabolic relationship.
The clinical implications discussed in detail are supported by
preliminary or historical data, or by infrequent publication in
disparate fields of research, and deserve further examination
and integration. An evidence–based metabolic treatment as
264 Current Neuropharmacology, 2009, Vol. 7, No. 3 Masino et al.
an adjuvant or alternate strategy is particularly attractive and
important as we seek cost-effective solutions for the diverse
conditions highlighted herein. Together these conditions
exact an enormous toll on health care and quality of life as
they are chronic, prevalent, increasing (particularly diabetes
and autism), and often comorbid (sleep disorders and epi-
lepsy, for example).
In the central nervous system, adenosine offers unparal-
leled yet untapped opportunities for seizure protection, neu-
roprotection, sleep, and pain relief, among others. Under-
standing the regulation of adenosine helps achieve these
long-standing clinical goals and extends beyond them to al-
leviating both acute and chronic conditions in adults and
children. In summary, the metabolic relationship among
adenosine, a ketogenic diet, and epilepsy could open major
new therapeutic applications and avoid peripheral side ef-
fects in a way that has eluded receptor-based strategies.
We acknowledge the support of NIH (NINDS), the Na-
tional Science Foundation and Trinity College.
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Received: February 23, 2009 Revised: May 01, 2009 Accepted: May 06, 2009