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Evaluating re-identification risks with respect to the HIPAA privacy rule


Abstract and Figures

Many healthcare organizations follow data protection policies that specify which patient identifiers must be suppressed to share "de-identified" records. Such policies, however, are often applied without knowledge of the risk of "re-identification". The goals of this work are: (1) to estimate re-identification risk for data sharing policies of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule; and (2) to evaluate the risk of a specific re-identification attack using voter registration lists. We define several risk metrics: (1) expected number of re-identifications; (2) estimated proportion of a population in a group of size g or less, and (3) monetary cost per re-identification. For each US state, we estimate the risk posed to hypothetical datasets, protected by the HIPAA Safe Harbor and Limited Dataset policies by an attacker with full knowledge of patient identifiers and with limited knowledge in the form of voter registries. The percentage of a state's population estimated to be vulnerable to unique re-identification (ie, g=1) when protected via Safe Harbor and Limited Datasets ranges from 0.01% to 0.25% and 10% to 60%, respectively. In the voter attack, this number drops for many states, and for some states is 0%, due to the variable availability of voter registries in the real world. We also find that re-identification cost ranges from 0to0 to 17,000, further confirming risk variability. This work illustrates that blanket protection policies, such as Safe Harbor, leave different organizations vulnerable to re-identification at different rates. It provides justification for locally performed re-identification risk estimates prior to sharing data.
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Evaluating re-identification risks with respect to the
HIPAA privacy rule
Kathleen Benitez,
Bradley Malin
Objective Many healthcare organizations follow data
protection policies that specify which patient identifiers
must be suppressed to share “de-identified” records.
Such policies, however, are often applied without
knowledge of the risk of “re-identification”. The goals of
this work are: (1) to estimate re-identification risk for data
sharing policies of the Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule; and (2) to
evaluate the risk of a specific re-identification attack using
voter registration lists.
Measurements We define several risk metrics: (1)
expected number of re-identifications; (2) estimated
proportion of a population in a group of size gor less, and
(3) monetary cost per re-identification. For each US state,
we estimate the risk posed to hypothetical datasets,
protected by the HIPAA Safe Harbor and Limited Dataset
policies by an attacker with full knowledge of patient
identifiers and with limited knowledge in the form of voter
Results The percentage of a state’s population
estimated to be vulnerable to unique re-identification (ie,
g¼1) when protected via Safe Harbor and Limited
Datasets ranges from 0.01% to 0.25% and 10% to 60%,
respectively. In the voter attack, this number drops for
many states, and for some states is 0%, due to the
variable availability of voter registries in the real world.
We also find that re-identification cost ranges from $0 to
$17 000, further confirming risk variability.
Conclusions This work illustrates that blanket
protection policies, such as Safe Harbor, leave
different organizations vulnerable to re-identification at
different rates. It provides justification for locally
performed re-identification risk estimates prior to
sharing data.
Advances in health information technology have
facilitated the collection of large quantities of
nely detailed personal data,
which, in addition to
supporting innovative healthcare operations, has
become a vital component of numerous secondary
endeavors, including novel comparative quality
research and the validation of published ndings.
Historically, data collection and processing efforts
were performed internally by the same organiza-
tion, but sharing data beyond the borders of the
organization has become a vital component of
emerging biomedical systems.
In fact, it is of
such importance that in the United States, some
federal agencies such as the National Institutes of
Health (NIH) have adopted policies that mandate
sharing data generated or studied with federal
To realize the benets of sharing data while
minimizing privacy concerns, many healthcare
organizations have turned to de-identication,
a technique that strips explicit identifying infor-
mation, such as personal names or Social Security
Numbers, from disclosed records. Healthcare orga-
nizations often employ multiple tiers of de-identi-
cation policies, the appropriateness of which is
usually dependent on the recipient and intended
use. Each policy species a set of features that must
be suppressed from the data. Presently, healthcare
organizations tend to employ at least two policy
tiers: (1) public use; and (2) restricted access research.
The public use policy removes a substantial number
of explicit identiers and quasi-identifying,or
potentially identifying, attributes. The resulting
dataset is thought to contain records that are
sufciently resistant to privacy threats. In contrast,
the restricted access research policy retains more
detailed features, such as dates and geocodes. In
return for additional information, oversight or
explicit approval from the originating organization
is required.
Though de-identication is a widely invoked
approach to privacy protection, there have been
limited investigations into the effectiveness of such
policies. Anecdotal evidence suggests that concerns
over the strength of such protections may be
warranted. In 1996, for instance, Sweeney was able
to merge publicly available de-identied hospital
discharge records with identied voter registration
records on the common elds of date of birth,gender
and residential zip code to re-identify the medical
record for the governor of Massachusetts, uncov-
ering the reason for a mysterious hospital stay.
subsequent investigations, it was estimated that
somewhere between 63% and 87% of the US
population is unique on the combination of such
However, both investigations
assumed that an attacker has ready access to
a resource with names and demographics for the
entire population.
There are several primary goals and contributions
of this paper. First, we extend earlier work
6 7
dening and applying several computational
metrics to determine the extent to which de-iden-
tication policies in the Privacy Rule of the Health
Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
(HIPAA) leave populations susceptible to re-identi-
cation. In particular, we focus on the Safe Harbor
and Limited Dataset policies, which, akin to the
policy tiers mentioned earlier, dene public use and
restricted use datasets. In the process, we illustrate
how to compare the re-identication risk tradeoffs
between competing policies. We perform this anal-
ysis in a generative manner and assume that an
<Supplementary appendices
are published online only at
Department of Biomedical
Informatics, School of Medicine,
Vanderbilt University, Nashville,
Tennessee, USA
Department of
Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science, School of
Engineering, Vanderbilt
University, Nashville,
Tennessee, USA
Correspondence to
Bradley Malin, 2525 West End
Avenue, Suite 600, Department
of Biomedical Informatics,
School of Medicine, Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, TN 37203,
Received 4 April 2009
Accepted 14 December 2009
J Am Med Inform Assoc 2010;17:169e177. doi:10.1136/jamia.2009.000026 169
Research paper
attacker has access to all the identifying information on the de-
identied population. Second, we demonstrate how to model
concerns in a more realistic setting and consider the context of
a limited knowledge attacker. Specically, while the analysis
mentioned in the rst part of the paper assumes access to iden-
tifying information for the entire population, the accessibility of
such data cannot be taken for granted. And, while voter regis-
tration lists have been exploited in one known instance and are
cited as a source of identied data, such an attack may not be
feasible in all situations. We investigate how the real world
availability of voter registration resources inuences the re-
identication risks. Voter information is often managed at the
state level, and thus we perform our analysis on a state-by-state
basis to determine how blanket federal-level data sharing policies
(ie, HIPAA) are affected by regional variability. Our results show
that differences in risk are magnied when the wide spread of
state voter registration policies is taken into account. Overall, our
study provides evidence that the risks vary greatly and an
attackers likelihood of re-identication success is dependent on
the population from which the released dataset is drawn.
In this section, we review the foundations of de-identication and
re-identication. We examine previous privacy risk analysis
approaches and illustrate the concepts with a motivating example.
From de-identification to re-identification
Consider the hypothetical situation outlined in gure 1. In this
setting, a healthcare provider maintains identied, patient-level
clinical information in its private medical records. For various
reasons, the provider needs to share aspects of this data with
a third party, but certain elds in the dataset are sensitive, and
therefore an administrator must take steps to protect the privacy
of the patients. The de-identication policy of the provider
forbids the disclosure of personal names and geographic attri-
butes, so these elds are suppressed to create the released dataset.
The residual information, however, may still be susceptible to re-
In this work, we are concerned with attacks that re-identify as
many records as possible, which in prior publications have been
called marketer attacks.
A large-scale attack requires an identi-
ed dataset having elds in common with the de-identied
dataset, such as the ctional voter list in gure 1. A re-identica-
tion, also known in the literature as an identity disclosure,
accomplished when an attacker can make a likely match between
a de-identied record and the corresponding record in the iden-
tied dataset. For simplicity, we assume that identied public
records contain data on everyone in the de-identied release,
making the identied population a superset of the de-identied
dataset. We acknowledge this is a simplication and point out
that it results in a worst-case risk analysis; that is, an upper
bound on the number of possible re-identications. The online
appendix elaborates on this component of the problem.
Unique individuals are most vulnerable to re-identication
precisely because matches are certain in the eyes of an attacker.
In gure 1, for instance, there is only one person in the popula-
tion who is a male born in 1953. As a result, since he is a patient
in the released dataset, his identity, which is reported in the voter
list, can easily be linked to his record in the released dataset.
However, it is important for the reader to recognize that
uniqueness is only a sufcient, and not a necessary, condition for
achieving re-identication. Anytime there is a level of individu-
ality, or distinctiveness as we shall call it, there is the potential for
re-identication. Notice, again in gure 1, that there are two
records in the released dataset for male patients born in 1955.
Similarly, there are also two males born in 1955 in the population
at large. While these records are non-unique, an attacker who
linked the identities to the sensitive records through a random
assignment procedure would be correct half of the time.
Identified datasets and the use of voter registration records
The key to successfully achieving a large-scale re-identication
attack is the availability of an identied dataset with broad
population coverage. In this sense, public records can provide for
an easily accessible resource that often includes richly-detailed
demographic features. While identied records with features
linkable to de-identied data could be obtained through illegiti-
mate means, such as the theft of a laptop that stores such lists
on an unencrypted hard drive (eg, see Tennessee
) or hacking
a state-owned website (eg, see Illinois
), lawful avenues make it
possible for potential attackers to obtain some public records,
such as voter registration lists, without committing any crime.
Moreover, access to such records can, in some cases, be obtained
without a formally executed data use agreement.
In this paper we focus on voter registration information as
a route of potential re-identication for several reasons. First, as
mentioned in the introduction of this paper, this resource was
applied in one of the most famous re-identication studies to
date: the case study by Sweeney.
Second, following in the
footsteps of this case study, there have been a signicant number
of publications by the academic and policy communities that
suggest such records are a particularly enticing resource for
would-be attackers.
However, allusions to the potential uses
of voter lists rarely acknowledge the complexity of data access
intricacies, or the economics, of the attack. Rather, they tend to
make an implicit assumption that a universal set of demographic
attributes tied to personal identity is available to all potential
adversaries for a nominal fee. But the reality of the situation is
that, if not the absolute contrary, the ability to apply such
a resource for re-identication is not universal. Consider, in 2002,
a survey of voter registration data gathering and privacy policies
which documented that, while all but one state required voters
to provide their date of birth, 11 states redacted certain features
associated with date of birth prior to making records available to
secondary users.
The accessibility of identifying resources, such
as voter registration lists, is made even more complex by the fact
that state-level access policies for identied records are dynamic
and change over time. To generate results that are relevant to the
current climate, this paper updates the aforementioned survey.
Re-identification risk measures
Most risk evaluation metrics for individual level data focus on
one of the following factors: (1) the number, or proportion, of
unique individuals; or (2) the worst case scenario, that is, the
identiability of the most vulnerable record in the dataset.
Of those that consider the rst factor, the most common
approach simply analyzes the proportion of records that are
unique within a particular population.
22 23
approaches that have been proposed add nuance, for instance not
just considering unique links, but the probability that a unique
link between sensitive and identied datasets is correct. This
accounts for the complexities of the relationship between the
populations represented (further details on this matter are
provided in online Appendix B).
The second body of work
For further discussion of the types of attacks and types of re-identifications, see online
Appendix A.
170 J Am Med Inform Assoc 2010;17:169e177. doi:10.1136/jamia.2009.000026
Research paper
comes into play when none of the records is likely to be unique.
These approaches dene disclosure risk as the probability that
a re-identication can be achieved.
For the evaluation offered in this paper, we adopt a measure
proposed by Truta et al,
which offers an advantage over the
narrow focus on either unique individuals or the most susceptible
individuals. This measure incorporates risk estimates for all
records in the dataset, regardless of their level of distinctiveness.
We utilized the following resources for our evaluation: (1)
HIPAA policies for secondary data sharing to determine the elds
available in released datasets; (2) real voter registration access
policies for each US state to determine the elds available to an
attacker; and (3) demographic summary statistics from the 2000
US Census as population descriptors. We describe each of these
resources in the following sections.
Sensitive data policies
Medical and health-related records are considered to contain sensi-
tive information by many people.
The unauthorized disclosure of
an individuals private health data, such as a positive HIV test result,
can have adverse effects on medical insurance, employment, and
27 28
Yet, health data sharing is vital to further healthcare
research, and thus there are various mechanisms for doing so in a de-
identied format. As part of HIPAA, for instance, the Privacy Rule
regulates the use and disclosure of what is termed Protected Health
Of particular interest to our study are two de-iden-
tication policies specied by the Privacy Rule, namely Safe Harbor
and Limited Dataset, which permit the dissemination of patient-
level records without the need for explicit consent.
The Safe Harbor policy enumerates 18 identiers that must be
removed from health data, including personal names, web
addresses, and telephone numbers. This process creates a public-
use dataset, such that once data has been de-identied under this
policy, there are no restrictions on its use. As in many data sharing
regulations in the USA and around the world, Safe Harbor
contains a special threshold provision for geographic area.
a geographic area (eg, zip code) contains at least 20 000 people, it
may be included in Safe Harbor protected datasets, otherwise it
must be removed.
Therefore, the threshold of 20 000 is signi-
cant for an analysis of population distinctiveness, which we
Figure 1 Example of de-identification and re-identification using public records.
For simplicity, we assume no geographic detail beyond “US state” is made available
through Safe Harbor.
J Am Med Inform Assoc 2010;17:169e177. doi:10.1136/jamia.2009.000026 171
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explicitly investigate in the following evaluation. In contrast, the
Limited Dataset policy species a subset of 16 identiers that must
be removed, creating a research dataset. In order to obtain this
dataset, recipients must sign a data use agreement, a contract that
restricts the use of the data. Such agreements often explicitly
prohibit attempts to re-identify or contact the subjects.
In this paper, we focus explicitly on demographic information,
which is particularly relevant to risk analysis because of its wide
availability in health and public records, especially in the form of
voter registration lists. We assume that an unmodied dataset
managed by a healthcare entity includes (Name,Address,Date of
Birth,Gender,Race). When ltered through Safe Harbor, a released
dataset will contain only (Year of Birth,Gender,Race), while
a Limited Dataset release will also include (County,Date of Birth).
Voter registration information
Information regarding voter registration lists is available from
several sources. Most US state websites maintain online, unofcial
versions of their regulatory codes, which contain the policies that
govern the use and administration of voter registration lists (eg,
). In some states this information is sufcient to learn
which elds are specically permitted in public releases of the voter
registration lists. In other states, the regulations are prohibitory,
simply stating which elds cannot be part of the public record. We
deemed that a survey of each states elections ofce was the most
reliable source for information regarding the current contents and
prices of voter registration lists. We conducted this survey (results
in online Appendix C) in the fall of 2008 by making inquiries with
election ofces and interpreting a variety of voter registration
forms and legal paperwork because there is no standard form or
procedure for obtaining state voter lists. Information available in
both private health data and voter registration information
consists mainly of demographics, such as age, gender, or race.
Thus, we dened the potential elds of intersection as (Date of
Birth,Year of Birth,Race,Gender,County of Residence).
Population information
The census is a natural place to turn for population descriptions
subdivided by the aforementioned demographic features. The
2000 US Census is one of the most complete population records
to date with an undercount rate estimated to be between 0.96%
and 1.4%.
Many of the results of the census are freely available
online through the Census Bureaus American Fact Finder
Tables PCT12 AeG detail the number of people of
each gender, by age, in a particular geographic division, each table
representing one of the Censuss seven race classications: White
alone,Black alone,American Indian or Alaska Native alone,Asian
alone,Native Hawaiian or Pacic Islander alone,Some other race
alone, and Two or more races. This information is available for
many geographic breakdowns, but as we dened the elds of
intersection to include only information as specic as county, the
most appropriate division was each table for the 3219 US
counties and county equivalents. We created tables for each state
and an additional table to translate between eld names and the
age ranges, genders, and races they represent, so that populations
with elds in common could be combined where warranted.
While the census provides the majority of the information
needed, it is not a perfect t. In particular, the census partitions the
population by gender and age, whereas voter registration data
include year of birth, for which we assume age is a proxy. However,
there are additional challenges. For instance, ages over 100 are
grouped by the US Census into 5-year age groups (100e104,
105e110). Additionally, information on date of birth is not
reported. To overcome such limitations, we leverage a statistical
estimation technique proposed by Golle, which is based on the
assumption that members of the group are distributed uniformly
at random in the larger group.
This implies that an individual is
as likely to be born on January 5 as January 6, and likewise, that
an individual in the age group 100e104 is as likely to be 100 as
101. More generally, given an aggregated group with nindividuals
who could correspond to bpossible subgroups, or bins, the
number of bins with iindividuals is estimated as:
As an example, if there are 200 individuals in a group, say 24-year-
old Asian alonemalesinCountyX, then 2003365
are expected to have a unique birth date.
Risk estimation metrics
We developed two risk estimation metrics that we believe
provide a compromise between focusing on likely re-identica-
tions and accepting that there is some probability of re-identi-
cation for every record in a released dataset. They are termed g-
distinct and total risk and are dened as follows.
An individual is said to be unique when he or she has a combina-
tion of characteristics that no one else has, and we say an indi-
vidual is g-distinct if their combination of characteristics is identical
to g-1 or fewer other people in the population. Therefore, unique-
ness is the base case of 1-distinct. In general, g-distinct is the sum of
the number of bins with iindividuals, which is computed as:
hnðgÞ¼ +
Of the 200 individuals above, approximately 199.95 would be 5-
distinct. It is useful to think of these numbers in terms of
proportions rather than absolute numbers. In this case, 99.975% of
the group is 5-distinct. Therefore, if a released dataset contained
three Asian only24-year-old males, 2.999 of them would be
expected to be 5-distinct. Formally, given jmembers of a group of
n, the expected number that will be g-distinct is given as follows:
Total risk
We extend the notion of g-distinct to cover all possible gsto
create a measure of total risk. This is similar to the DR
metric proposed by Truta et al
and quanties the likelihood of
re-identication for each member of a group. When summed over
all groups, it reveals the expected number of re-identications for
the whole dataset. Specically, given jmembers of a group of n,
the expected number of re-identications (ie, the total risk) is
computed as:
The risk analysis estimation consists of a three step process: (1)
determine the elds available to an attacker; (2) group the
Census data according to these elds; and (3) sum the result
obtained by applying a risk estimation metric to the results,
While voter history is available from many states’ voter registration lists, and is not
explicitly prohibited by either of the privacy policies under consideration, it is certainly
not likely to turn up in a medical record.
172 J Am Med Inform Assoc 2010;17:169e177. doi:10.1136/jamia.2009.000026
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normalizing by the total population. The interplay of the data is
illustrated in gure 2, which depicts the relationship between our
simulation of re-identication (top) and the expected approach of
an attacker (bottom).
We consider two types of risk for the purposes of this work,
which we call GENERAL and VOTER.GENERAL is the risk asso-
ciated with a fully informed attacker and corresponds to the worst-
case scenario. It assumes that the attacker has access to identifying
information for each individual and all the relevant elds for
linkage for the entire population from which the disclosed records
were derived. To determine the elds available to a GENERAL
attacker, consider the data protection policy and assume the
attacker has access to all the demographic data permitted by that
policy. In gure 1, the released dataset has elds (Gender,Year of
Birth,Diagnosis), so we assume that the attacker has identifying
information containing (Gender,Year of Birth), and would use these
elds to re-identify the released dataset. The GENERAL attacker is
the typical risk model applied today. The second model, VOTER,is
tempered in that it considers the availability of a specicidentied
resource. Specically, the elds available to a VOTER attacker are
derived from the data de-identication policy and the voter regis-
tration access policy of the relevant state.
Post-analysis calculations
Trust differential
We use the re-identication risk estimates to compare the
protective capability of data sharing policies through a mecha-
nism we call the trust differential. This term stems from the
practice of using several policies to govern the disclosure of
the same dataset. In the case of the public and research datasets,
the latter contain more information because the researchers are
more trusted or are discouraged through various penalties of
violating a use agreement. Formally, we model the differential as
the ratio of policy-specic risks as R
(B), where R
the risk measure for the group size gunder policy Xas computed
by re-identication metric j. Imagine that policy Acorresponds to
Limited Dataset and policy Bcorresponds to Safe Harbor. Then, the
resulting ratio quanties the extent to which researchers are
more trusted than the general public. Calculation of the trust
differential species the degree to which the latter policy better
protects the data.
Cost analysis
While an economic analysis does not t strictly into the diagram
in gure 1, it is a logical and practical aspect of the voter attack to
study. Cost acts as a deterrent in computer security-related
such that an attack on privacy will only be
attempted if the net gain is greater than the net cost. Voter
registration lists, along with many other identied datasets, may
be available to an attacker, but at a certain price. An economic
analysis with respect to any of the above measures is then the
price in dollars for the resource normalized by the result of the re-
identication risk metric, that is C/R, where C is the cost for the
resource, and Ris the expected risk to the dataset from an
attacker using that resource as computed in equation (4). For
example, total risk conveys essentially the expected number of re-
identications. Thus, the economic analysis with respect to total
risk will be an estimate of the price the attacker pays for each
successful re-identication. All things being equal, we assume an
attacker will be more drawn to an attack with a lower cost to
success ratio.
For each US state we set gequal to 1, 3, 5, and 10 and for one
state, we performed a more detailed analysis, such that gwas
evaluated over the range 1 through 20 000. We perfor med a cost
analysis using the total risk measure over the same range. For
presentation purposes, we have divided the major results of the
evaluation to rst report results computed with g-distinct, and
then results calculated by total risk measures.
In general, we use a combination of factors to perform our risk
analysis and use the <Policy,Attack>pair to summarize the
specic evaluation. Policy refers to the health data sharing policy
and corresponds to either the Safe Harbor (SAFE) or Limited
Dataset (LIMITED) policy. Attack refers to the information we
assume is available to the adversary and refers to the GENERAL
or VOTER scenario.
g-Distinct analysis
The g-distinct analysis enables data managers to inspect a partic-
ular cross-section of the population, namely the individuals whose
records are most vulnerable to re-identication by virtue of being
the most distinctive. The plots in gure 3 illustrate the results for
the state of Ohio. The analysis of this state is particularly inter-
esting because its voter registration list includes (County,Year o f
Birth) and is thus different from either of the two HIPAA policies.
The risk analysis for <LIMITED,GENERAL>measures the re-
identication risks associated with the Ohio population using the
attributes of (County,Gender,Date of Birth,Race), and <LIMITED,
Figure 2 Interplay of data sources in re-identification.
Figure 3 g-Distinct risk analysis for the state of Ohio. (A) g¼1 to 5 (B)
g¼1 to 20 000.
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VOTER>using the attributes (County,Year of Birth), while the risk
analysis for <SAFE,GENERAL>uses (Gender,Year of Birth,Race),
and <SAFE,VOTER>uses (Year of Birth).
Both plots in gure 3 represent the same result, but at different
granularities. The plot on the left focuses on the population that
is particularly distinct, those identical to 5 or fewer people. We
focus on this cut-off because it is a common risk threshold
adopted by many healthcare and statistical agencies. We observe
that there is a large gap between the risk associated with Limited
Dataset and the other risks measured. Under Limited Dataset,
18.7% of the population is 1-distinct, or unique, and 59.7% are 5-
distinct. In contrast, under Safe Harbor, 0.0003% are 1-distinct
and 0.002% are 5-distinct. When these patterns are inspected
over a wider range of values of g, as shown in the plot on the
right, the pattern continues, such that the risk under Limited
Dataset rises quickly, surpassing 99.9% by g¼31. In other words,
fewer than 0.1% of the population in Ohio is expected to share
the combination of (County,Gender,Date of Birth,Race) with more
than 31 people.
The sheer number of distinct individuals can be startling. If
a researcher receives a dataset drawn at random from the
population of Ohio under Limited Dataset provisions, more than
1 out of 6 of those represented would be unique based on
demographic information. Remember, though, that uniqueness
is not sufcient to claim re-identication. There is still need for
an identied dataset and VOTER reects this reality. While
higher than the risk under Safe Harbor, <LIMITED,VOTER>is
signicantly lower than <LIMITED,GENERAL>, particularly
for smaller values of g. According to <LIMITED,VOTER>, only
0.002% of the population is 1-distinct and 0.01% is 5-distinct. As
we increase g,wend that more than 50% of the population is
3500-distinct under the same constraints. In other words, very
few individuals are readily identiable with any certainty. In
comparison, less than 1% of the population is 20 000-distinct for
<SAFE,VOTER>. Either way, the probability of re-identication
is small, but non-zero.
We can see more precisely how the two policies compare in
gure 4, which displays the trust differential for both GENERAL
and VOTER.InGENERAL, the trust differential for the two
policies ranges from approximately 5 to 90 000, while the VOTER
trust differential ranges from approximately 67 to more than 3.9
trillion. The extremely high values are found for the lowest
values of g, where small differences in values are sufcient to
make the differential oscillate, as can be seen in the plot.
Consistently, however, the trust differential is large even with g
equal to 20 000. It is perhaps an important feature that the trust
differential is greatest for low values of g, again, for the individ-
uals who are most susceptible to re-identication.
While the above results demonstrate the power of the g-
distinct analysis and the effects of different choices of g, they are
not necessarily representative of the results for other states.
Thus, gure 5 shows the range of vulnerabilities for selected small
values of gfor all 50 states (details for all states are in online
Appendix D). True to the results found in Ohio, vulnerabilities
under Safe Harbor are lower than those under Limited
Dataset. Safe Harbor vulnerabilities, however, are spread over
a wide range of small values, sufcient to create outliers, seen in
both of the Safe Harbor analyses in gure 6. Additionally, notice
the reduction of risk when attack-specic information is
introduced. While the 10-distinctiveness of the states ranges from
0.44 to nearly 1, with a median of 0.925, the attack-specic
10-distinctiveness ranges from 0 to 0.99, with a median of 0.36. In
other words, considering the actual attack tends to much lower
risk estimates, particularly when analyzing a less restrictive
Figures 6 and 7 provide another perspective on the results in
gure 5. In these plots, we show the two most vulnerable and
two least vulnerable states according to 1-distinct, for their
respective risk estimate and policy. These results summarize how
the states re-identication risk changes for various g(values for
each US state are provided in online Appendix E). Our goal was to
characterize how changes in re-identication risk related to each
other across states. In other words, we wanted to determine how
decisions made for risk thresholds affected the re-identication
estimates of the states. For the most part, the rankings remain
fairly consistent, but not universally. In particular, we observed
that the most substantial change within the range gless than 10
is the state of Kentucky for <LIMITED,VOTER>. This state had
the second greatest percentage of 1-distinct individuals, but is
ninth at the 10-distinct level. Thus, an attacker may shift focus
from one state to another depending on the policy and risk
Total risk analysis
While g-distinct estimates enable analysts to determine which
states are the most vulnerable given a particular policy, the total
risk measure estimates the number of re-identications that
could theoretically be achieved by an attacker. It is important to
recognize that each record has some non-zero probability of
being re-identied, even if very small. The total risk measure
aggregates these probabilities.
Table 1 displays the results of the total risk analysis for the
states with the top three and bottom three trust differentials for
GENERAL and VOTER. A complete list of states and their total
risk measures under these policies and types of analysis can be
found in online Appendix E. In contrast to the state of Ohio, as
previously discussed, the state of Texass voter registration policy
includes all of the elds available in Limited Dataset releases.
Therefore, the health record policy is the limiting factor, meaning
that GENERAL and VOTER are identical. For the rest of the states
the voter registration policy is the limiting factor, and thus the
GENERAL and VOTER are different. For some states, this is
a slight difference, such as Virginia, whereas for others it is several
orders of magnitude different, such as Alaska. In states where the
voter registration policy is more restrictive than the health data
sharing policy, administrators might consider data release policies
that favor more information.
Figure 4 Trust differential (plotted on log scale) between Limited
Dataset and Safe Harbor for the state of Ohio.
174 J Am Med Inform Assoc 2010;17:169e177. doi:10.1136/jamia.2009.000026
Research paper
The difference between the Safe Harbor and Limited Dataset
risks can be seen in the trust differential, also shown in table 1.
While the trust differential calculated for GENERAL displays
a wide range, the extent of the differences is several orders of
magnitude less than the differences between the trust differential
for VOTER. For administrators using the trust differential to
make data sharing decisions, this difference highlights the critical
point of VOTER analysis for making policies that will apply
across states.
Cost analysis
The estimated price per re-identication for VOTER is shown in
table 2. The top of the table shows the states with the three
minimum and maximum costs per re-identication under Limited
Dataset, while the bottom shows the same for Safe Harbor. Details
for all states are provided inonline Appendix E. The estimated cost
per re-identication under Limited Dataset ranges from $0 to more
than $800. For the states with no charge for their voter registration
lists, Virginia has the highest total risk, with an estimated 3.1
million re-identications possible. Under Safe Harbor, the esti-
mated cost per re-identication ranges from again, $0, though this
time with a maximum total risk of 1431 expected re-identications
in North Carolina, to a high of $17 000 per re-identication in West
Virginia. This analysis not only highlights what is possible with
a particular attack, but what is likely based on these real-world
constraints. Particularly for the marketer attack model, the cost
and effort involved in achieving re-identications are an important
In this paper, we introduced methods for estimating re-identi-
cation risk for various de-identication data sharing policies.
We also evaluated the risk of re-identication from a known
attack in the form of voter registration records. Our evaluation
revealed that the differences in population distributions of US
Figure 5 Distribution of g-distinct
computations for all US states,
clockwise from top left: (A) <SAFE,
Figure 6 Ranks for top and bottom two states. (A) <LIMITED,
GENERAL>; (B) <LIMITED,VOTER>.Figure 7 Ranks for top and bottom two states. (A) <SAFE,GENERAL>;
J Am Med Inform Assoc 2010;17:169e177. doi:10.1136/jamia.2009.000026 175
Research paper
states and their policies for disseminating voter registries lead to
varying re-identication risks. Use of risk estimation approaches
has the potential to improve design and implementation of data
sharing policies. Here, we elaborate on some of the more
pressing issues and future directions.
From theory to application
Our analysis provides a basis for comparing different privacy
protection schemes both theoretically and with respect to real-
world attacks. As such, the approach may be useful to privacy
ofcials dening new policies. The difference between the
GENERAL risk and VOTER risk analysis shows a wide gap
between a perceived problem (the threat of re-identication using
voter registration lists) and the actual results of such an attack.
Furthermore, the performance of such an analysis on a state-by-
state level shows that the results vary widely across the country.
Data administrators in a state with a more permissive voter
registration policy may wish to be more conservative in the data
released, knowing the wealth of demographic information avail-
able in this single source. Comparatively, administrators in states
with more restrictive voter registration policies might be inter-
ested in performing similar analyses for other available sources of
identied data. They may ultimately conclude that the identied
data sources that are readily available in their area are such that
additional information may be included in a de-identied dataset
without greatly increasing the re-identication risk. In essence,
there are (at least) three different policy-making bodies that must
be aware of one another: the medical data-sharing policy makers,
the public records policy makers, and the data administrators
making decisions about particular datasets. When making
new policies or other policy-related decisions, the different poli-
cy-making bodies should be aware that their separate policies
interact and their combined actions inuence privacy.
Therefore, we take a moment to sketch an approach for policy
makers to set appropriate protections. First, to set a specic
policy, analysts should test several different policy options and
document their effects on the whole population. The results of
this analysis would enable the policy maker to compare policies
and also to create a target identiability range. This would dene
the acceptable level of risk permitted by the policy. Second,
when an actual dataset is ready for release, the policy should be
reexamined in light of that specic dataset. If a simple applica-
tion of the policy as written leads to a risk outside the acceptable
identiability range, that dataset would be subject to further
transformation before release, requiring additional suppression
or retraction of certain elds. Alternatively, policy makers could
authorize the release of additional elds if the estimated risk was
found to be below the acceptable threshold.
Limitations and future work
The general approach of this work is limited by certain
assumptions and simplications. First, the estimates computed
for the case study are only as complete as our population
information. Although the US Census Bureau reports that the
2000 Census is more accurate and complete than previous
censuses, the undercount rate is close to 1%.
Second, we used
the 2000 Census as an estimate of the current population as
opposed to the current population density. Third, we conated
the age reported in the Census with the year of birth reported in
voter registration lists and sensitive records. For date of birth, we
used a statistical model that assumes uniform distribution of
birth dates. Yet, reports have shown that this may not be accu-
so our estimates may misrepresent the number of distinct
Nonetheless, the idea provides several future research
opportunities. First, we performed analysis for populations as
a whole, but not for specic datasets. We believe a similar
approach that denes the elds of intersection would be useful
for dataset-specic analysis. An evaluation using a specic
sensitive dataset, or multiple datasets, would allow for
comparison of the theoretical risk types we evaluated here
with more concrete measures. Second, this work focuses on
the attack-specic risk posed by publicly available voter
registration lists. While our survey provides accurate
information on statewide lists, in some states voter registries
are available from county governments. In Arizona, for
instance, county governments are the only source for
voter registration lists. Further research could show whether
small counties, with more distinctive populations, or larger
counties, with a lower cost per entry in the voter registries, are
more vulnerable to re-identication attacks. Additionally,
similar analysis could be performed with myriad other public
datasets which an attacker might use for re-identication
Finally, a hurdle to the adoption of any new evaluation tool is
its implementation. The risk analysis process described here can
be replicated, but the implementation of such a system may be
a burden. A software tool can be developed to automate the
process of analyzing either a general population or a particular
dataset with regard to its distinctiveness and its susceptibility to
a predetermined set of attack models. We imagine that such
Table 1 Percentage of state population vulnerable to re-identification
and the trust differential according to the total risk measure
rank State
50 DE 37.58 0.16 229
49 RI 35.25 0.13 275
48 AK 62.51 0.21 297
3 NY 25.69 0.01 3251
2 CA 19.28 <0.01 4291
1 TX 36.90 0.01 5172
50 HI 0.01 <0.01 22
49 ND 12.38 0.01 884
48 AZ 24.61 0.02 1177
3 PA 15.31 <0.01 13088
2 VA 8.20 <0.01 12507
1 MO 36.90 0.01 5171
Table 2 Estimated cost per re-identification
State Rank
risk Price per re-id
Limited Dataset
VA 50 3159764 US$0
NY 49 2905697 US$0
SC 48 2231973 US$0
WI 3 72 US$174
WV 2 55 US$309
NH 1 10 US$827
Safe Harbor
NC 50 1431 US$0
SC 49 1386 US$0
NY 48 221 US$0
WI 3 2 US$6 250
NH 2 1 US$8267
WV 1 1 US$17 000
176 J Am Med Inform Assoc 2010;17:169e177. doi:10.1136/jamia.2009.000026
Research paper
a tool would have information on multiple attack models, and
could include different tools for estimating distinctiveness; we
are in the process of developing such a tool.
This research provided a set of approaches for estimating the
likelihood that de-identied information can be re-identied in
the context of data sharing policies associated with the HIPAA
Privacy Rule. The approaches are amenable to various levels of
estimation, such that policy makers and data administrators can
evaluate policies and determine the potential impact on re-
identication risk. Moreover, we demonstrated that such
approaches enable comparison of disparate data protection
policies such that risk tradeoffs can be formally calculated. We
demonstrated the effectiveness of the approach by evaluating
the re-identication risks associated with real population
demographics at the level of the US state. Furthermore, this
work demonstrates the importance of considering not just what
is possible, but also what is likely. In this regard, we considered
how de-identication policies fare in the context of the well
publicized voter registrationlinkage attack, and demonstrated
that risk uctuates across states as a result of differing public
record sharing policies. We believe that with the methods
proposed above and awareness of how different policies interact
to affect privacy, a policy maker can make more informed policy
decisions tailored to the needs and concerns of particular data-
sets. Finally, we have outlined several routes for improvement
and extension of the framework, including the incorporation of
up-to-date population distribution information and application
Acknowledgments We thank the Steering Committee of the Electronic Medical
Record & Genomics Project, particularly Ellen Clayton, Teri Manolio, Dan Masys, Dan
Roden, and Jeff Streuwing for discussion and their insightful comments, from which
this work greatly benefited. We also thank Aris Gkoulalas-Divanis, Grigorios Loukides,
and John Paulett for reviewing an earlier version of the manuscript.
Funding This research was supported in part by grants from the Vanderbilt Stahlman
Faculty Scholar program and the National Human Genome Research Institute
Competing interests None.
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
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Research paper
... The deidentification process involves techniques such as removing names, addresses, social security numbers, and other direct identifiers, as well as managing quasi-identifiers such as dates of birth, gender, and medical diagnoses. However, these identifiers could potentially be used in combination with other information to reidentify individuals [38,39]. Therefore, deidentification singularly is not devoid of reidentification risks. ...
Full-text available
Large language models (LLMs) continue to exhibit noteworthy capabilities across a spectrum of areas, including emerging proficiencies across the health care continuum. Successful LLM implementation and adoption depend on digital readiness, modern infrastructure, a trained workforce, privacy, and an ethical regulatory landscape. These factors can vary significantly across health care ecosystems, dictating the choice of a particular LLM implementation pathway. This perspective discusses 3 LLM implementation pathways—training from scratch pathway (TSP), fine-tuned pathway (FTP), and out-of-the-box pathway (OBP)—as potential onboarding points for health systems while facilitating equitable adoption. The choice of a particular pathway is governed by needs as well as affordability. Therefore, the risks, benefits, and economics of these pathways across 4 major cloud service providers (Amazon, Microsoft, Google, and Oracle) are presented. While cost comparisons, such as on-demand and spot pricing across the cloud service providers for the 3 pathways, are presented for completeness, the usefulness of managed services and cloud enterprise tools is elucidated. Managed services can complement the traditional workforce and expertise, while enterprise tools, such as federated learning, can overcome sample size challenges when implementing LLMs using health care data. Of the 3 pathways, TSP is expected to be the most resource-intensive regarding infrastructure and workforce while providing maximum customization, enhanced transparency, and performance. Because TSP trains the LLM using enterprise health care data, it is expected to harness the digital signatures of the population served by the health care system with the potential to impact outcomes. The use of pretrained models in FTP is a limitation. It may impact its performance because the training data used in the pretrained model may have hidden bias and may not necessarily be health care–related. However, FTP provides a balance between customization, cost, and performance. While OBP can be rapidly deployed, it provides minimal customization and transparency without guaranteeing long-term availability. OBP may also present challenges in interfacing seamlessly with downstream applications in health care settings with variations in pricing and use over time. Lack of customization in OBP can significantly limit its ability to impact outcomes. Finally, potential applications of LLMs in health care, including conversational artificial intelligence, chatbots, summarization, and machine translation, are highlighted. While the 3 implementation pathways discussed in this perspective have the potential to facilitate equitable adoption and democratization of LLMs, transitions between them may be necessary as the needs of health systems evolve. Understanding the economics and trade-offs of these onboarding pathways can guide their strategic adoption and demonstrate value while impacting health care outcomes favorably.
... 5 Also, machine learning has advanced rapidly, making true de-identification increasingly insecure. [7][8][9] Legal scholars, privacy advocates, bioethicists, and informaticians, citing privacy and consenting concerns, have called for revising HIPAA and data privacy regulations, and made varied proposals for doing so. 2 We explore ways in which data are shared and examine the ethical ramifications involving PHI exposure. To our knowledge, data sharing is usually thought of for patient care, public health, and research. ...
Background Clinical data sharing is common and necessary for patient care, research, public health, and innovation. However, the term “data sharing” is often ambiguous in its many facets and complexities—each of which involves ethical, legal, and social issues. To our knowledge, there is no extant hierarchy of data sharing that assesses these issues. Objective This study aimed to develop a hierarchy explicating the risks and ethical complexities of data sharing with a particular focus on patient data privacy. Methods We surveyed the available peer-reviewed and gray literature and with our combined extensive experience in bioethics and medical informatics, created this hierarchy. Results We present six ways on how data are shared and provide a tiered Data Sharing Hierarchy (DaSH) of risks, showing increasing threats to patients' privacy, clinicians, and organizations as one progresses up the hierarchy from data sharing for direct patient care, public health and safety, scientific research, commercial purposes, complex combinations of the preceding efforts, and among networked third parties. We offer recommendations to enhance the benefits of data sharing while mitigating risks and protecting patients' interests by improving consenting; developing better policies and procedures; clarifying, simplifying, and updating regulations to include all health-related data regardless of source; expanding the scope of bioethics for information technology; and increasing ongoing monitoring and research. Conclusion Data sharing, while essential for patient care, is increasingly complex, opaque, and perhaps perilous for patients, clinicians, and health care institutions. Risks increase with advances in technology and with more encompassing patient data from wearables and artificial intelligence database mining. Data sharing places responsibilities on all parties: patients, clinicians, researchers, educators, risk managers, attorneys, informaticists, bioethicists, institutions, and policymakers.
... The de-identification process involves techniques such as removing names, addresses, social security numbers, and other direct identifiers, as well as managing quasi-identifiers like dates of birth, gender, and medical diagnoses. However, these identifiers could potentially be used in combination with other information to reidentify individuals[38,39]. Therefore, de-identification singularly is not devoid of re-identification risks. ...
Full-text available
UNSTRUCTURED Large Language Models (LLM) continue to exhibit noteworthy capabilities across a spectrum of areas including emerging proficiencies across the healthcare continuum. Successful LLM implementation and adoption is dependent on factors such as digital readiness, modern infrastructure, a trained workforce, as well as privacy, ethical and the regulatory landscape that can vary significantly across the healthcare ecosystem. This perspective discusses the economics of LLM implementation pathways to facilitate their equitable distribution across healthcare organizations. Three broad onboarding pathways (TSP: Training from Scratch Pathway, FTP: Fine-Tuned Pathway and OBP: Out of the Box Pathway) along with risks, benefits, and cost-comparisons across four major cloud service providers (Amazon, Microsoft, Google, Oracle) are presented. TSP provides the most customization but is resource-intensive, FTP balances customization and efficiency, while OBP offers rapid deployment with minimal customization. Although LLMs have the potential to transform healthcare outcomes, their equitable adoption and democratization through these pathways are critical for their long-term success. Understanding the economics and trade-offs of the LLM onboarding pathways can guide healthcare organizations in strategically adopting LLMs to improve patient outcomes.
... Mainstream healthcare-related tasks such as medical named entity recognition (Gligic et al. 2020;Gorinski et al. 2019;Quimbaya et al. 2016) and drug recommendation Yang et al. 2021;Shang et al. 2019) can be carried out based on EHR datasets. However, EHR data sharing is generally limited by privacy/policy regulations, resulting in real records being insufficient for requirements (Neamatullah et al. 2008;El Emam et al. 2011;Benitez and Malin 2010;El Emam, Rodgers, and Malin 2015). Therefore, synthetic EHR generation is a safer alternative for privacy protection (Cui et al. 2020;Zhang et al. 2021). ...
Electronic health records (EHRs) have become the foundation of machine learning applications in healthcare, while the utility of real patient records is often limited by privacy and security concerns. Synthetic EHR generation provides an additional perspective to compensate for this limitation. Most existing methods synthesize new records based on real EHR data, without consideration of different types of events in EHR data, which cannot control the event combinations in line with medical common sense. In this paper, we propose MSIC, a Multi-visit health Status Inference model for Collaborative EHR synthesis to address these limitations. First, we formulate the synthetic EHR generation process as a probabilistic graphical model and tightly connect different types of events by modeling the latent health states. Then, we derive a health state inference method tailored for the multi-visit scenario to effectively utilize previous records to synthesize current and future records. Furthermore, we propose to generate medical reports to add textual descriptions for each medical event, providing broader applications for synthesized EHR data. For generating different paragraphs in each visit, we incorporate a multi-generator deliberation framework to collaborate the message passing of multiple generators and employ a two-phase decoding strategy to generate high-quality reports. Our extensive experiments on the widely used benchmarks, MIMIC-III and MIMIC-IV, demonstrate that MSIC advances state-of-the-art results on the quality of synthetic data while maintaining low privacy risks.
Objective Electronic health records (EHRs) are rich sources of patient-level data, offering valuable resources for medical data analysis. However, privacy concerns often restrict access to EHRs, hindering downstream analysis. Current EHR deidentification methods are flawed and can lead to potential privacy leakage. Additionally, existing publicly available EHR databases are limited, preventing the advancement of medical research using EHR. This study aims to overcome these challenges by generating realistic and privacy-preserving synthetic EHRs time series efficiently. Materials and Methods We introduce a new method for generating diverse and realistic synthetic EHR time series data using denoizing diffusion probabilistic models. We conducted experiments on 6 databases: Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care III and IV, the eICU Collaborative Research Database (eICU), and non-EHR datasets on Stocks and Energy. We compared our proposed method with 8 existing methods. Results Our results demonstrate that our approach significantly outperforms all existing methods in terms of data fidelity while requiring less training effort. Additionally, data generated by our method yield a lower discriminative accuracy compared to other baseline methods, indicating the proposed method can generate data with less privacy risk. Discussion The proposed model utilizes a mixed diffusion process to generate realistic synthetic EHR samples that protect patient privacy. This method could be useful in tackling data availability issues in the field of healthcare by reducing barrier to EHR access and supporting research in machine learning for health. Conclusion The proposed diffusion model-based method can reliably and efficiently generate synthetic EHR time series, which facilitates the downstream medical data analysis. Our numerical results show the superiority of the proposed method over all other existing methods.
Large-scale genomics data combined with Electronic Health Records (EHRs) illuminate the path towards personalized disease management and enhanced medical interventions. However, the absence of “gold standard” disease labels makes the development of machine learning models a challenging task. Additionally, imbalances in demographic representation within datasets compromise the development of unbiased healthcare solutions. In response to these challenges, we introduce FEderated Semi-Supervised Transfer Learning (FEST) for improving disease risk predictions in underrepresented populations. FEST facilitates the collaborative training of models across various institutions by leveraging both labeled and unlabeled data from diverse subpopulations. It addresses distributional variations across different populations and healthcare institutions by combining density ratio reweighting and model calibration techniques. Federated learning algorithms are developed for training models using only summary-level statistics. We perform simulation studies to assess the efficacy of FEST in comparisons with a few alternative methods. Subsequently, we apply FEST to training a genetic risk prediction model for type 2 diabetes that targets the African-Ancestry population using data from the Massachusetts General Brigham (MGB) Biobank. Both our computational experiments and real-world data application underline the superior performance of FEST over competing methods.
Purpose Our objective is to describe how the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)'s Sentinel System implements best practices to ensure trust in drug safety studies using real‐world data from disparate sources. Methods We present a stepwise schematic for Sentinel's data harmonization, data quality check, query design and implementation, and reporting practices, and describe approaches to enhancing the transparency, reproducibility, and replicability of studies at each step. Conclusions Each Sentinel data partner converts its source data into the Sentinel Common Data Model. The transformed data undergoes rigorous quality checks before it can be used for Sentinel queries. The Sentinel Common Data Model framework, data transformation codes for several data sources, and data quality assurance packages are publicly available. Designed to run against the Sentinel Common Data Model, Sentinel's querying system comprises a suite of pre‐tested, parametrizable computer programs that allow users to perform sophisticated descriptive and inferential analysis without having to exchange individual‐level data across sites. Detailed documentation of capabilities of the programs as well as the codes and information required to execute them are publicly available on the Sentinel website. Sentinel also provides public trainings and online resources to facilitate use of its data model and querying system. Its study specifications conform to established reporting frameworks aimed at facilitating reproducibility and replicability of real‐world data studies. Reports from Sentinel queries and associated design and analytic specifications are available for download on the Sentinel website. Sentinel is an example of how real‐world data can be used to generate regulatory‐grade evidence at scale using a transparent, reproducible, and replicable process.
Publishing data about individuals without revealing sensitive information about them is an important problem. In recent years, a new definition of privacy called k -anonymity has gained popularity. In a k -anonymized dataset, each record is indistinguishable from at least k − 1 other records with respect to certain identifying attributes. In this article, we show using two simple attacks that a k -anonymized dataset has some subtle but severe privacy problems. First, an attacker can discover the values of sensitive attributes when there is little diversity in those sensitive attributes. This is a known problem. Second, attackers often have background knowledge, and we show that k -anonymity does not guarantee privacy against attackers using background knowledge. We give a detailed analysis of these two attacks, and we propose a novel and powerful privacy criterion called ℓ-diversity that can defend against such attacks. In addition to building a formal foundation for ℓ-diversity, we show in an experimental evaluation that ℓ-diversity is practical and can be implemented efficiently.
A measure of re-identification risk at the record level has a variety of potential uses in statistical disclosure control for microdata. The conceptual basis of such a measure is considered. The risk is conceived of broadly as the evidence in support of a link between the record and the unit in the population from which it is derived. For discrete key variables subject to no measurement error, a measure is derived which reflects the probability that the record is unique in the population. Under certain assumptions, two approaches are described for estimating this measure from the microdata. These approaches are applied to a 10% sample of microdata from the 1991 Census in Great Britain. It is found that the resulting risk measures can indeed be used successfully to establish whether sample unique records are unique in the population. The implications of these findings are discussed.