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Sustainable Effect of Ayurvedic Formulations
in the Treatment of Nutritional Anemia
in Adolescent Students
Vaidya Balendu Prakash, B.Sc., B.A.M.S.,
Shyam Prakash, Ph.D.,
Rajesh Sharma, M.Sc.,
and Sanjoy K. Pal, Ph.D.
Objectives: Anemia is a serious health problem in Indian school children. High prevalence of anemia has been
reported in nonpregnant adolescent girls. An investigation was initiated to study the effect of two non-iron-
containing Ayurvedic preparations—Sootshekhar Rasa plus Sitopaladi Churna—in improving nutritional anemia
among adolescent students.
Design: This was a single-blinded, randomized, controlled study.
Setting: The study setting was Dehradun district, North India.
Subjects: The subjects comprised a total of 1646 boys and girls, aged 11–18 years, attending school in Dehradun
Intervention: As per World Health Organization guidelines, a total of 1322 adolescent anemic students were
randomly divided into 5 groups. Students of group I (control) received starch. Group II, III, and IV students
received Sootshekhar Rasa (SR) plus Sitopaladi Churna (SC) in various combinations, namely, SR 125 mg þSC
500 mg daily, SR 250 mg þSC 400 mg daily, and SR 250 mg þSC 400 mg weekly, respectively. Group V student
were given iron and folic acid tablet. All the students received treatment for 90 days and were followed up for
the next 180 days.
Outcome measure: The outcome measure was to evaluate the effect of Sootshekhar Rasa plus Sitopaladi Churna in
improving nutritional anemia.
Results: The overall prevalence of anemia was found to be 81.3%. At baseline, the mean hemoglobin (Hb) was
97.4 13.2 g=L and ranged from 96.4 0.8 g=L to 98.3 0.8 g=L in various groups. At end of follow-up (day 270),
a significant increase in Hb levels from baseline was observed in all treatment groups; however, the Hb gain
(6.9 0.6 g=L) in group III and group V (3.64 0.56 g=L) differed significantly from the control group. A total of
155 students dropped out of the study due to various reasons not related to treatment. No adverse side-effect of
Ayurvedic medication was noted in any student.
Conclusions: We conclude that a daily dose of Sootshekhar Rasa (250 mg) plus Sitopaladi Churna (400 mg) can
produce sustainable improvement of nutritional anemia in adolescent students.
Anemia is the most prevalent nutritional problem in
the world.
More than 2.1 billion people are anemic
Nutritional anemia, according to the World
Health Organization (WHO), is a state in which the hemo-
globin concentration in the blood is lower for the age, gender,
physiologic state, and altitude, as a consequence of shortage
of essential nutrients, independent of the cause of this
Nutritional anemia includes a lack of nutrients
such as iron, folic acid, vitamin B
and copper, and vitamins
C, E, and A. Iron deficiency anemia is the most prevalent form
of nutritional disorder in infancy. It also affects communities
not only in developing nations but also in highly industrialized
In the developing world, 42% of children less than
5 years of age and 53% of children 5–14 years of age are anemic.
Anemia is a serious public health problem in India.
national survey has reported high anemia prevalence rates of
Vaidya Chandra Prakash Cancer Research Foundation (SIRO), Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India.
Research & Development Department, Ipca Traditional Remedies Private Limited, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
Human Nutrition and Gastroenterology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India.
Volume 16, Number 2, 2010, pp. 205–211
ªMary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089=acm.2008.0573
79.2% in children below 3 years of age and 56.2% in women
aged 15–49 years.
An estimated 50%–95% of the anemia in
India is due to iron deficiency.
There are few data sources
on the anemia status of Indian school-going adolescents. It is
not known if adolescent school-going children have the same
high prevalence of anemia. Furthermore, they are a neglected
group in terms of micronutrient interventions, not reached
by the intervention strategies aimed at preschool children or
pregnant women.
A high prevalence of anemia has been reported among
adolescent Indian girls.
Anemia reported among adoles-
cent girls from public and government schools in Delhi was
Studies indicate that the prevalence of anemia
among those 5–14 years of age is in the range of 66.7%–
Vasanthi et al.
reported that anemia and iron
deficiency were higher in rural girls as compared to urban
slum adolescent girls. A study conducted on 1513 rural ad-
olescent girls in Gujarat indicated that 61% of the girls
were anemic.
A multicentric study carried out in 16 dis-
tricts of India indicated that the overall prevalence of anemia
ranged from 33% to 89% among pregnant women and more
than 60% among adolescent girls.
Under the anemia pre-
vention and control program of the Government of India,
iron and folic acid tablets are distributed to pregnant women,
but no such program exists for adolescent girls.
There is a high prevalence of anemia in school-going ad-
olescents in the Dehradun district. Hence, the present in-
vestigation was planned to take an initiative and study the
sustainable effect of the non-iron-containing Ayurvedic prep-
arations Sootshekhar Rasa
and Sitopaladi Churna
in im-
proving nutritional anemia in school-going adolescent boys
and girls.
Subjects and Methods
Study duration
This study was conducted from February to December
This was a single-blind, randomized, controlled trial.
Ethical clearance and permission
The principal and teachers of the three schools involved
were given a detailed briefing on the study protocol. Prior
permission was taken from the management of all three
schools for conducting this study. This study was approved
by the State Government of Uttrakhand and a state-level com-
mittee comprising experts from the Department of Health,
Department of Ayurveda Yoga Unani Siddha & Homeopathy
(AYUSH), Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government
of India, and Department of Education & Administration was
formed to approve the study protocol and periodic monitoring
of the progress. Free and informed verbal consent of the stu-
dents and their parents was taken before the start of study.
Analytic procedures
Hemoglobin estimation was done by the cyanmeth-he-
moglobin method.
An internal Quality Assurance Program
was carried out within the laboratory periodically for con-
sistency. An external Quality Assurance Program was
carried out by exchanging of samples with laboratory of de-
partment of Human Nutrition and Gastroenterology, All
India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi. Anemia was
diagnosed as per WHO recommendations.
A total of 1646 school students comprising 1327 girls
and 319 boys (11–18 years) was initially screened for the
study from three schools in Dehradun district. The schools
were Government Girls Inter College, Rajpur Road, Gov-
ernment Inter College, Nathuvawala and Government In-
ter College, Maldevta. A total of 1121 (84.4%) of girls and
218 (68.33%) boys were found to be anemic (hemoglo-
bin <120 g=L).
Sample size
Sample size calculation showed that 222 students per
group were required to distinguish a difference in hemo-
globin concentration among 5 groups of 2.0 g=Lata5%
comparison-wise significance level and with a power of 90%,
assuming standard deviation of change hemoglobin con-
centration within each group of 5.35 g=L on the basis of
previous study.
Estimating a dropout rate of 10%, we
aimed to have at least 245 anemic students per group at
Ayurvedic medicines
The composition of Ayurvedic medicines Sootshekhar Rasa
and Sitopaladi Churna is mentioned in Table 1.
Table 1. Composition of Sootshekhar Rasa
Traditional name English=scientific name Proportion
Suddha Parada Processed cinnabar 1 part
Suddha Gandhaka Processed sulphur 1 part
Dalchini Cinnamomum zeylanica 1 part
Choti Elachi Elleteria cardamomum 1 part
Tej patta Cinnamomum tamala 1 part
Nagkesar Mesua jerrea 1 part
Shankh Bhasma Turbinella pyrum 1 part
Swarna makshika
Chalco pyrite 1 part
Ropya Bhasma Argentum 1 part
Tamra Bhasma Cuprum 1 part
Dhatura’s seed Datura metel 1 part
Suhaga Borax sodium borate 1 part
Saunth Zingiber officinale 1 part
Kali mircha Piper nigrum 1 part
Choti pippal Piper longum 1 part
Bhringraj swarasa Eclipta alba Q.S. (for mardana)
Composition of Sitopaladi Churna
Traditional name English=scientific name Proportion
Mishri Sugar candy 16 part
Vanslochan Bambusa arumdimaceo 8 part
Choti Pippali Piper longum 4 part
Choti Elachi Ellettaria cardamomum 2 part
Dalchini Cinnamomum zeylanica 1 part
Quality control of medicines
The Ayurvedic medicines used for the present study were
prepared by the Bharat Bhaishajya Shala Private Limited,
Dehradun, using modern scientific methods (GMP) follow-
ing the stringent Ayurvedic procedures as mentioned in the
classic Ayurvedic text.
Bharat Bhaishajya Shala (BBS) is a private limited unit that
was incorporated in 1983. It now works in conjunction with
VCP Cancer Research Foundation, Dehradun. Over the
years, BBS has been involved in preparation of medicines to
meet in-house requirements of medication. These prepara-
tions are based on Ayurvedic traditional standards for raw
materials, processing, and finished products. Raw materials
thereby used meet the specifications given in various tradi-
tional texts. The processing of the drug is done in heat fur-
naces with programmed controls. A particle size analyzer is
employed to ensure proper grinding of the medicine and the
final end product is monitored by an x-ray powder diffrac-
tometer for adequate quality control.
Study design
A total of 1322 anemic students who consented for the
study were divided into 5 groups by simple randomiza-
tion. Few students with severe anemia (Hb <70.0 g=L)
were not included in the trial and were referred for proper
medical check-up. The students were blinded to their
treatment assignment. Students of group I were given
starch and this acted as a control group. Group II, III, and
IV students received Ayurvedic preparations Sootshekhar
Rasa and Sitopaladi Churna in various combinations, the
details of which are given in Table 2. Group V student
were given iron and folic acid tablet (IFA), which was the
positive control arm. On day 0, blood samples were drawn
from all subjects for Hb estimation and thereafter, Hb es-
timation was done on day 30, 60, 90, 170, 270 respectively.
Medicine was orally administered as per the schedule given
in Table 2.
The enrolled students were followed at weekly intervals
for the treatment period. The field staffs visited all the school
regularly to supervise the consumption of the medicines to
ensure maximum compliance.
Statistical analysis
The data were analyzed by SPSS software (version 12.0,
SPSS, Chicago, IL). Mean and 95% confidence interval in
each group was calculated. Paired ttest was used to calculate
the sustainable effect within the group. One-way analysis of
variance was used for multiple comparisons among the
groups. A w
was carried out to compare anemia prevalence
between genders.
The prevalence of severe, moderate, and mild anemia in
the present study was 1.2%, 53.5%, and 29.6%, respectively.
The overall prevalence of anemia was 81.3%. The prevalence
of anemia in girls (84.5%) was significantly higher than the
boys (68%). The prevalence of severe, moderate, and mild
anemia among girls were respectively 17 (1.2%), 710 (53.5%),
and 395 (29.6%). In boys, 167 (52.3%) and 50 (15.6%) were
mild and moderately anemic, respectively.
The hemoglobin concentration (mean SE) values of the
various intervention groups are given in Table 3. At baseline,
the mean hemoglobin was 97.4 13.2 g=dL and ranged from
96.4 0.8 to 98.3 0.8 in various groups. Significant increase
in Hb concentration after 30 days of treatment was observed
in group III. At the end of the treatment period, significant
increase in Hb concentration was noted in all treatment
groups. As compared to control, group III, i.e., daily dose of
Sootshekhar Rasa (SR) 250 mg þSitopaladi Churna (SC) 400 mg
and group V (receiving IFA) was found significantly better
than the other 2 treatment groups. During the follow-up
period (from 90 to 270 days), a significant increase in Hb was
noted in groups I and IV, respectively (Table 4). At day 270,
the mean gain of Hb level (g=L) in the four intervention
groups II, III, IV, and V was, respectively, 2.3 0.4, 6.9 0.6,
1.4 0.5, and 3.64 0.5. The maximum Hb gain was noted in
group III.
The study started with 1322 students; however, at the end
of the follow-up period there were 155 dropouts. The details
of students who opted out of the study are given in Table 5.
No adverse side-effect of the Ayurvedic medication was re-
corded in any of the participants.
High prevalence of anemia (81.3%) among adolescent
school-going students observed in this study is consistent
with earlier findings of Bulliyy et al.
among non-school-
going adolescent girls from three districts of Orissa and the
study of Toteja et al.
on the prevalence of anemia among
adolescent girls in 11 states across India. DeMaeyer et al.
reported the prevalence of anemia in 6–12-year-old children
to be 36%, while study among 5–15-year-old urban school
children of Punjab was reported as 51.5%.
A literature
indicates that anemia prevalence ranged from 19
to 88% across five different cities in India. Verma et al.
Table 2. Various Study Group and Treatment Schedule
Groups No. of students Status Intervention Dose Duration (days)
I 288 Control group Starch Daily 90
II 277 Treatment group SR 125 mg þSC 500 mg Daily 90
III 263 Treatment group SR 250 mg þSC 400 mg Daily 90
IV 251 Treatment group SR 250 mg þSC 400 mg Weekly 90
V 243 Positive control IFS
Daily 90
100 mg of elementary iron and 500 mg folic acid.
SR, Sootshekhar Rasa; SC, Sitopaladi Churna.
reported high (38%) anemia prevalence in adolescent stu-
dents belonging to higher socioeconomic groups. They also
found that nearly half (47.6%) of well-nourished children
were anemic. In semi-urban Nepal, the prevalence of anemia
in adolescent girls aged 11–18 years was found to be about
In Bangladesh, although the prevalence of anemia in
adolescence girls is very high, estimates vary widely: 43% in
rural girls and 20%–40% in urban girls.
Our study clearly indicates that the non-iron-containing
Ayurvedic preparations Sootshekhar Rasa and Sitopaladi
Churna (250 mg þ400 mg) taken daily for 90 days not only
improved the Hb concentration but sustained the same in the
next 180 days. These results are similar to those of the earlier
study carried out with daily dose of SR þSC on nonpregnant
women of a reproductive age group (11–45 years) in
The 90-day-study on 119 nonpregnant anemic
women indicated a maximum gain of 16.0 g=L in Hb con-
centration. The maximum effect of SR þSC was seen in the
moderately anemic women. Similar trends are seen in the
present study. Out of the three combinations of Sootshekhar
Rasa and Sitopaladi Churna that were tried, group III (SR
250 mg þSC 400 mg, daily) was found to be significantly
better than the other two combinations. More importantly,
the gain in Hb was sustainable even after stoppage of
Evidence indicates that preventive supplementation cou-
pled with nutritional education may be a more effective
strategy associated with better compliance and improve-
ment in iron status.
Before the start of this study, school
students were made aware regarding nutritional anemia.
After the initial screening, parents of all students who were
found to be anemic were informed. It may be possible that
many students may have received some extra care and di-
etary modification in their home because of the awareness
program. The significant increase in Hb concentration ob-
served in the controls and group IV after stoppage of
therapy may be attributed to this. The other factor could be
the seasonal effect. The study of Deepa et al.
revealed that
there was considerable seasonal variation in the iron status
of adolescent girls. The frequency of consumption of foods
rich in blood-forming nutrients by adolescents was higher
during the post–rainy season and winter as compared
to summer. Hence, higher mean Hb level was recorded
in adolescent girls in the winter season compared to sum-
mer. In our study, the 270-day Hb estimation was done in
Sootshekhar Rasa has been mentioned in various classical
Ayurvedic texts in the chapter of ‘‘Amla pitta Rogadhikara,’’
which means to reduce acid in the body. Sootshekhar Rasa is
an important medicine of Rasa Shastra
(meaning science
of mercury). It is an herbo-mineral preparation and con-
tains many medicinal herbs, namely, Eclipta alba (Bhringraj),
Cinnamomum zeylanica,Zingiber officinale, etc., along with
of silver, copper, and mercury. Bhringraj is used
as a restorative and rejuvenative medicine in Ayurveda. It
is used as a tonic for keeping the body healthy and fit.
Similarly, Sitopaladi Churna is a traditional Ayurvedic
formulation for treatment of various upper and lower re-
spiratory tract ailments. The hypothesis of using these non-
iron Ayurvedic formulations was that it may improve the
absorption of iron in the gastrointestinal tract. Anemia will
result when the iron demands by the body are not met by
iron absorption, regardless of the reason. The gain in Hb
concentration observed in this study and in an earlier
conducted on nonpregnant women indicates that
Sootshekhar Rasa and Sitopladi Churna may play some role in
iron absorption.
Though the Ayurvedic formulation Sootshekhar Rasa con-
tained processed heavy metals in it; however, no adverse
side-effect was observed in any students. Sootshekhar Rasa
and Sitopaladi Churna are classic Ayurvedic preparations
routinely used by Vaidya in their routine clinical practice and
are considered to be safe and effective. Some Ayurvedic
preparations in their native form are toxic. To remove these
Table 3. Hemoglobin Concentration in g=L(Mean SE) of All Groups from Baseline to End of Study
Group Intervention No. Day 0 Day 30 Day 60 Day 90 Day 170 Day 270
I Starch 254 96.4 0.8 96.1 0.7 96.7 0.6 97.1 0.6 96.6 0.6 98.2 0.6
II SR 125 þSC 500 mg
once daily
245 97.6 0.8 98.1 0.7 98.7 0.7 99.6 0.6 98.0 0.6 99.9 0.6
III SR 250 þSC 400 mg
once daily
233 98.1 0.8 100.3 0.7
102.5 0.6
105.0 0.6
102.6 0.7
105.1 0.7
IV SR 250 þSC 400 mg
once weekly
220 96.7 0.9 96.6 0.8 97.2 0.6 97.1 0.6 95.9 0.7 98.1 0.7
V IFS daily 215 98.3 0.8 97.0 0.7 101.0 0.7
102.3 0.07
100.5 0.7
102.0 0.6
Differs significantly [P <0.01] as compared to control (group I).
SE, standard error; SR, Sootshekhar Rasa; SC, Sitopaladi Churna; IFS, 100 mg of elementary iron and 500 mg folic acid.
Table 4. Intragroup Comparison of Change
in Hemoglobin Levels g=L(Mean Change SE)
At end of
From end of
treatment to
end of follow-up
From start
to end of
Groups 0–90-day 90–270 day 0–270 day
I 0.70 0.48 1.07 0.43* 1.78 0.43**
II 1.98 0.49** 0.26 0.39 2.24 0.45**
III 6.89 0.51** 0.08 0.53 6.97 0.61**
IV 0.34 0.54 1.06 0.04* 1.40 0.5**
V 3.92 0.60** 0.28 0.49 3.64 0.56**
*p<0.05 and **p<0.01.
SE, standard error.
toxic qualities of the metals, the preparations undergo vari-
ous processes of purification (Shodhana,Marana, and Sams-
The metal contents of the medicines are burned
several times at a high temperature. This repeated cycle of
burning and cooling for several times transforms the initial
contents into a nontoxic form. Metals and minerals are con-
sidered nonliving, and by treating them with herbs they are
converted to a living state, thereby becoming biocompatible.
The same metal processed with different herbs acts on dif-
ferent organs in the human body. Recently, Sathya et al.
studied the effect of various popular Ayurvedic Bhasmas
for chromosomal damage and single=double-strand DNA
breaks by micronucleus assay and the comet assay. Despite
the presence of traces of transformed toxic heavy metals in
Bhasmas, no induction of micronuclei or DNA damage
was observed. However, improper processing=manufacturing
of Ayurvedic medicines may result in dangerous conse-
In the diet, the quantity of bioavailable iron is important,
and this is determined by stimulation and inhibitory factors
that exist within a meal.
Among the iron absorption stim-
ulation factors in the diet are organic acids, in particular
ascorbic acid, which is found in citrus fruits. Among the iron
absorption inhibitory factors are phytic acid, which is found
in fibers, whole grains, and beans;
oxalic acid, which is
found in spinach and beetroot;
and tannin, which is found
in tea, coffee, and chocolate.
Calcium, which is present in
milk and dairy products,
and other minerals that are close
to iron in the periodic table, which compete with the same
intestinal absorption, also inhibit the absorption of iron.
United Nations Children’s Fund=WHO Joint Committee
on Health Policy
recommended iron supplementation for
all females between 10 and 49 years in countries where
over 30% of the population is anemic. Studies suggested
that iron and folic acid supplement given weekly twice
or even once is as effective as daily supplementation in
raising hemoglobin levels.
In the past, many daily
supplementation programs in developing countries have
been unsuccessful due to lack of supply and compliance.
Moreover, one of the problems of iron supplement is that
it causes unpleasant gastrointestinal side-effects such as
epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and so on. This
could be one of the reasons why many subjects discontinue
the intake of the supplement.
In the present study, no
unpleasant side-effects of the Ayurvedic formulations were
reported by any student. The compliance was good, though
there were some dropouts, but they were not related to
World interest in adolescent health issues has grown
dramatically in the past decade. However, much of the at-
tention has been on adolescent pregnancy and sexually
transmitted diseases, including human immunodeficiency
virus infection, but adolescent nutrition has aroused little
Almost 25% of India’s population comprises girls
below 20 years of age. Adolescent pregnancies make up
10%–15% of the total and may be largely attributed to early
Anemia has been related to reduced work ca-
reduced ability to execute activities of daily living,
and poor pregnancy outcome.
Study shows that children
with iron deficiency present worse performance in psycho-
motor test than do nonanemic children.
The highest prevalence of anemia exists in the developing
world where its causes are multifactorial. With limited re-
sources and complex socioeconomics in the developing
world, combating anemia is a global public health chal-
Our study indicates that there is a high prevalence of
anemia in school-going adolescent boys and girls. Adoles-
cent health is the most important indicator of development of
a nation. Hence, urgent attention is needed in this area.
Evidence suggests that preventive supplementation coupled
with nutrition education may be a more effective strategy
associated with better compliance and improvement in iron
The result from our study indicates that the noniron
Ayurvedic preparations Sootshekhar Rasa and Sitopaladi
Churana can be used to improve the nutritional anemia status
in adolescents without any side-effects. However, larger
multicentric studies are required to assess the exact potential
of the observed results.
The authors are grateful to the then Chief Secretaries Dr.
R. S. Tolia and Mr. S. K. Das, Government of Uttarakhand,
for taking the initiative and granting permission to carry out
this project. We also thank Ipca Laboratories Ltd., Mumbai
Table 5. Dropouts Details of Participants
Group Category No.
Lost to
by parents
Other illness
& treatment
Lack of
compliance Total
I Boys 03 04 10 11 09 34
Girls 31
II Boys 05 05 10 10 10 35
Girls 30
III Boys 04 03 08 07 12 30
Girls 26
IV Boys 08 05 07 07 06 25
Girls 17
V Boys 06 04 08 09 10 31
Girls 25
and Department of AYUSH, Ministry of Health & Family
Welfare, Government of Uttarakhand for providing financial
support. We thank Dr. G. S. Toteja Scientist F, Indian Council
for Medical Research, New Delhi, for guidance, study de-
sign, and arranging collaboration between Vaidya Chandra
Prakash Cancer Research Foundation (Scientific & Industrial
Research Organization) and All India Institute of Medical
Research, New Delhi, for ensuring quality control. Thanks
also to Department of Health & Education, Government of
Uttarakhand for mobilizing state machinery for logistic
support and ethical & technical issues. We are grateful to
principals of all the schools for giving consent for this study,
and all field workers and staff of VCPCRF and Ipca La-
boratories who helped in the drafting of the manuscript.
Disclosure Statement
No competing financial interests exist.
The Sootshekhar Rasa and Sitopaladi Churana combination
has recently been granted a license from the authority of
federal government of Uttarakhand, India and the drug is
now commercially known as NUMAX.
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Address correspondence to:
Vaidya Balendu Prakash, B.Sc., B.A.M.S.
Research & Development Department
Ipca Traditional Remedies Private Limited
142-AB Kandivali Industrial Estate
Kandivali West
Mumbai, Maharashtra 400 067