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Active noise cancellation headset


Abstract and Figures

A new design for a headset with active noise cancellation capability is presented. For the proposed headset, a variable-step-size normalized least-mean-square (VSS-NLMS) algorithm is adopted in the combined audio and feedback active noise cancellation system. Experimental results show that, for the same set of signals, the average noise reduction using the proposed adaptive algorithm is 38 dB compared with 36 dB using the normalized least-mean-square algorithm and 14 dB using the least-mean-square algorithm. The speed of convergence using the proposed approach is also faster compared with the other two cases. Informal listening tests also favor the adoption of the proposed VSS-NLMS adaptive algorithm.
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Title Active noise cancellation headset.( Published version )
Author(s) Foo, Say Wei.; Senthilkumar, T. N.; Averty, Charles.
Foo, S. W., Senthilkumar, T. N., & Averty, C. (2005).
Active noise cancellation headset. IEEE International
Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2005: (pp.
Issue Date 2009-07-03T02:45:10Z
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Active Noise Cancellation Headset
Say-Wei Foo
,T N Senthilkumar
, and Charles Averty
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
ST Microelectronics Asia Pacific Ltd.
Abstract --In this paper, a new design for headset with active
noise cancellation capability is presented. For the proposed
headset, a Variable-Step-Size Normalized Least-Mean-Square
(VSS-NLMS) algorithm is adopted in the combined audio and
feedback active noise cancellation system. Experimental results
show that for the same set of signals, the average noise reduction
using the proposed adaptive algorithms is 38dB compared with
36dB using Normalized Least-Mean-Square algorithm and 14 dB
using the Least-Mean-Square algorithm. The speed of
convergence using the proposed approach is also faster compared
with the other two cases. Informal listening tests also favor the
adoption of the proposed VSS-NLMS adaptive algorithm.
Index Terms— active noise cancellation, audio signal, headset,
signal processing
With the advances in consumer electronics, more and more
people listen to high quality pre-recorded music on the move using a
headset. However, if this is done in a noisy environment such as in a
flying aircraft or in a subway train, listening fatigue would soon set
in when the noise level is high. Research has been ongoing to
develop noise cancellation systems to reduce the noise level while
preserving the music level of the audio wave presented to the
For one such active noise cancellation (ANC) system, a
microphone is placed together with the loudspeaker inside the ear-
cup of the headset and a combined audio and feedback system is
introduced between the audio source and the special headset as
illustrated in Fig.1.
Fig. 1 Combined audio and ANC headset
The block diagram of a combined audio ANC system is depicted in
Fig.2. The essential operation of the feedback system is to produce a
signal that will nullify the external noise in the ear-cup of the headset.
For the system to work properly, it is assumed that the external noise
and the desired signal are uncorrelated and the magnitude of the
external noise entering the ear-cup should be less than what the
loudspeaker in the ear-cup can produce.
Fig.2 Block diagram of a generic combined audio and feedback ANC system
2680-7803-8834-8/05/$20.00 ©2005 IEEE.
In Fig.2, S(z) simulates the headset model. d(n) denotes the external
noise. The output signal, e(n), contains both the residual noise and the
desired audio signal, it is the signal presented to the eardrum and hence
should be as close to the desired audio signal as possible. The residual
noise e’(n) is separated from the output e(n), by adding the filtered
audio signal a’(n) from
. The audio signal is used as a reference
signal in the adaptive filter
. The adaptive filter
is called
the audio interference cancellation filter, since it is used to remove the
audio signal from e(n). Estimate of the secondary path model filter
is made offline using a white noise input. The estimate of the
noise, e’(n) is obtained by mixing e(n) with the desired audio signal
a’(n). The reference noise signal x(n) is extracted from e’(n). This
reference noise signal and the residual noise signal are fed to the
Shaping Algorithm, which computes the weights of the ANC filter
denoted by W(z) in the block diagram.
For ease of analysis, we shall assume that the audio signal a(n) is of
persistent excitation and uncorrelated with the primary noise d(n) and
that the audio interference cancellation filter
models the
secondary path filter
()Sz. The following derivations of the ANC
system can be made after convergence of the adaptive filter
() () () ()
() () ()()
zDzUzSz=− (2)
Substituting (2) into (1), we get
() () ()() () ()
=− + (3)
() () ()Uz Az Yz=+, (3) can be written as
)())()(()()(' zAzSzSzYzAzDzE ++= (4)
is a perfect model of the secondary path, represented by
the filter
()Sz, that is,
= ()Sz, then (4) becomes,
() () ()()
=− (5)
D(z) represents the primary noise signal and the term
() ()YzSzrepresents the anti-noise signal. Hence ()
the residual error signal of the ANC system.
The z-transform of the input reference noise signal, x(n), can be
written as,
() () () ()Xz E z YzSz
By substituting (5) into (6), we have
)()()()()( zSzYzSzYzDzX +=
)(()( zSzSzYzD +=
= ()Sz, then ()
z = ()Xz. Thus, the reference noise
signal x(n) is identical to the external noise d(n).
For the Shaping Algorithm as shown in Fig.2, Woon S. Gan and
Sen M. Kuo in their paper [1] investigated the case using Least Mean
Square (LMS) algorithm. However, the gain and step-size for the
LMS algorithm are fixed resulting in suboptimal performance when
the environment changes. Furthermore, unstable conditions may arise
when the noise level is high. To overcome these drawbacks, we
propose the adoption of a Variable Step-Size Normalized LMS (VSS-
NLMS) algorithm as the Shaping Algorithm. The basic principle of
operation of VSS-NLMS algorithm is that when the filter coefficients
are close to the optimum solution, a small step size is used; otherwise
a large step size is applied. For the experiments mentioned in this
paper, time-varying step-size parameter is changed in such a way that
the change is proportional to the negative of the gradient of the
squared estimation error with respect to the convergence parameter.
This algorithm reduces the trade-off between speed of convergence
and steady-state error.
Mathematically, the weights are adjusted according to the
following expression [2],
is the time-varying step-size and the error signal
e is
defined as,
kk kk
edXW=− (9)
The step-size sequence
will be adapted using the following
which can be transformed after, substituting (8) and (9) into (10), into
the following form.
kk kk
µµ ρ
is a small positive constant that controls the behavior of the
step-size sequence
In addition to VSS-NLMS, the performance of the
Normalized LMS (NLMS) algorithm is also investigated. The
NLMS algorithm was first introduced by Nagumo and Noda
[3]. In its simple form, the algorithm can be represented as
( ) ( ) ( )
yk W k X k= (12)
() () ()ek dk yk=− (13)
() ()
(1) ()
() ()
ek X k
Wk Wk
+= +
The term
is the normalized adaptation factor, its value is
chosen between 0 and 2.
is a small positive term included to
ensure that the update term does not become excessively large
when the signal power
() ()
XkXk becomes small.
Experiments were carried out to assess the performance of the
LMS, NLMS and VSS-NLMS algorithms under different noisy
environments. For the noise control adaptive filter W(z), 128 taps are
used whereas the order of the secondary path adaptive filter is 75 taps.
The initial step size value chosen for NLMS is
= 0.004 and the
value of
is chosen to be 0.05. The initial step size value chosen
for VSS-NLMS is 0.001 and the optimal value for constants
is 0.3. The values for
are critical. It is found that
inappropriate selection of these values will result in system instability.
For the case with subway train noise, the system is unstable when
LMS algorithm is adopted. The output waveforms when the ANC is
off and when the ANC is on using the NLMS and VSS-NLMS
algorithms are shown in Fig.A1 to Fig.A3 in Appendix A. The
residual noise for the two cases is shown in Fig.A4 and Fig.A5. The
magnitudes of noise reduction and the convergence rates for the three
algorithms under different noise environments are summarized in
Tables 1 and 2. For subway train noise, the performance of the system
using LMS algorithm is unstable and hence no values are given.
It can be observed that the VSS-NLMS algorithm efficiently
attenuates the noise signals by more than 37.6 dB compared to an
average of 36dB using NLMS and 14.2 dB using LMS. The
convergence rate of the VSS-NLMS algorithm is also much faster.
Informal listening tests also reveal that the quality of the audio signal
received is significantly better.
Helicopter noise 24 35 38
Jet air noise 12 31 33
Propeller air noise 20 37 38
Subway train noise Unstable 34 37
Car noise 10 39 41
Air hammer noise 5 38 38
Average (excluding
train noise)
14.2 36.0 37.6
RATE OF CONVERGENCE (No. of iterations)
Helicopter noise 22000 2470 1500
Jet air noise 120000 1350 1200
Propeller air noise 78000 750 640
Subway train noise Unstable 1700 1180
Car noise 240000 950 800
Air hammer noise 250000 270 150
The power spectral density of the noise present in the
corresponding frame of the signals shown in Figs.A1,A2 and A3 are
shown in Fig.3. From the figure, it can be observed that VSS-NLMS
gives the highest noise reduction.
In this paper, a new algorithm is proposed for active noise
cancellation headset. The performance of the new algorithm, Variable
Step-Size Normalized LMS is compared with that of the LMS and
NLMS under different noisy environments. Results show that not only
the convergence of the VSS-NLMS is faster, but it also gives
significantly much better noise reduction under all the noisy
conditions tested. Informal listening tests also confirm the superiority
of the proposed algorithm.
The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support given
by STMicroelectronics Asia Pacific Ltd. for this research.
[1] Woon S. Gan and Sen M. Kuo, “An Integrated Audio and Active
Noise Control Headset”, IEEE Transactions on Consumer
Electronics, May 2002
[2] Ahmed I.Sulyman and Azzedine Zerguine, “Convergence and
Steady-State Analysis of a Variable Step-Size Normalized LMS
algorithm”, Proceedings of the Signal Processing and its
applications, July 2003.
[3] J. Nagumo and A. Noda, “ A learning method for system
identification”, IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., vol. AC-12, no. 3,
pp 282-287, June 1967
[4] Theory and Design of Adaptive Filters, John R. Treicheler, C.
Richard Johnson, JR. Michael G. Larimore.
[5] Moshe Tarrab and Arie Feuer “Convergence and Performance
Analysis of the Normalized LMS Algorithm with Uncorrelated
Gaussian Data”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, July
[6] Active Noise Reduction Headphone Systems by Chu Moy
[7] Sen M. Kuo and Dennis R. Morgan “Active Noise Control: A
Tutorial Review”, Proceedings of the IEEE, June 1999.
Fig.3 Spectrum showing noise reduction using NLMS
and VSS-NLMS algorithms
(Subway train noise)
Fig.A1 Noise signal
Fig A2 Music signal
Fig A3 Output when ANC is OFF
Fig.A5 Output when ANC is ON (VSS-NLMS)
Fig A6 Residual noise (NLMS)
Fig.A7 Residual noise (VSS-NLMS)
... In this chapter, we will explore active noise cancellation (ANC) experiments and examine their performance results. For instance, we can refer to the study by [11] Say- Wei Foo et al. (2005), who introduced a new active noise-cancellation headphone design. The noise signal is efficiently attenuated by the VSS-NLMS algorithm by more than 37.6 dB, as Table 1. ...
... In this chapter, we will explore active noise cancellation (ANC) experiments and examine their performance results. For instance, we can refer to the study by [11] Say- Wei Foo et al. (2005), who introduced a new active noise-cancellation headphone design. The noise signal is efficiently attenuated by the VSS-NLMS algorithm by more than 37.6 dB, as Table 1. ...
Thanks to the development of wireless audio transmission technology, Bluetooth technology made it possible to give users a seamless and convenient connection experience. However, in a noisy environment, preserving the audio quality is still difficult, which motivated people to explore the technology of Active Noise Cancellation (ANC). This paper aims to analyze integration of ANC technology and the potential of Bluetooth audio transmitting to improve the audio effect, especially in application scenarios where clear audio is required. At the beginning of this paper, how Bluetooth and ANC are evolved is reviewed for the preparatory works. Then, the technology mechanism of the ANC and the advantages in particular application scenarios such as Industrial automation and autonomous vehicles are described in detail. In addition, this paper give experimental data to illustrate that the ANC systems is effective in reducing ambient noise. The central technology of ANC system is using a microphone to detect environmental noise information and then creates a sound wave phase-inverted to the original noise to cancel. Furthermore, by connecting artificial intelligence technique, the ANC system dynamically fits from different acoustic environment to improve the audio quality. Finally, the experimental results that are quoted reveal that the advanced ANC system can reduce the noise level in a wide range of environments, cutting down the sound pressure level to 65 dB. It is clearly demonstrated that the ANC technology is widely applicable and effective to enhance the audio experience.
... As a result, ambient noise is reduced significantly and ideally hardly even heard by the wearer of the ANCH. The technology works especially for noise or sounds at low frequencies [22,23]. While mainly being used for recreational activities such as travelling and commuting or for industrial work, ANCH are also in use sparsely in certain areas of health care facilities such as intensive care units to reduce noise exposure of patients [24,25]. ...
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Background and Objectives: Noise exposure during total knee arthroplasty (TKA) has been demonstrated to exceed thresholds that are deemed as over-exposure by industry noise level standards. With orthopedic surgeons being at risk of suffering from Noise Induced Hearing Loss, the purpose of this pilot study was to evaluate the viability of the use of industry grade active noise cancelling headphones (ANCH) during TKA. Material and Methods: In this prospective pilot study, 10 TKA were performed. In five of these cases, surgeon, assistant, scrub nurse and anesthetist wore ANCH with automatic noise level dependent noise attenuation above 82 dB. A validated 14-item questionnaire was used after each case to evaluate the quality of communication, performance, teamwork and mental load. In seven cases a calibrated sound level meter was used to measure the operating theatre noise. Peak sound level (LApeak), A-weighted continuous sound level (LAeq) and A-weighted noise exposure averaged for an 8-h time-period (LEPd) were calculated. Results: There was no perceived benefit of ANCH for the surgeons (p = 0.648), assistants (p = 0.908) and scrub nurses (p = 0.251). There was an overall improvement observed by anesthetists (p = 0.001). A worse communication while wearing ANCH was reported by surgeons but not by the rest of the team. Average LApeak was 90.6 ± 3.2 dB(C), LAeq was 61.9 ± 1.0 dB(A) and LEPd was 53.2 ± 1.2 dB(A). Conclusions: Industry grade ANCH seem to provide no benefit for surgeons, assistants and scrub nurses during TKA, while anesthesiologists seem to benefit from the use of ANCH during TKA. Due to the limitations of this pilot study, further studies with larger study populations are necessary to adequately investigate the use of ANCH during TKA.
... For the same experimental conditions (same type and volume of background noise), the signal correlation scores at each 0.5-4 kHz for the three different ANC models did not differ much. This is mainly because the active noise reduction headphones used in this study all employed similar digital-filtering techniques to execute the ANC algorithms [36]. In other words, under the same algorithmic framework, the correlations of the signals were similar across the different ANC models. ...
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With the development of active noise cancellation (ANC) technology, ANC has been used to mitigate the effects of environmental noise on audiometric results. However, objective evaluation methods supporting the accuracy of audiometry for ANC exposure to different levels of noise have not been reported. Accordingly, the audio characteristics of three different ANC headphone models were quantified under different noise conditions and the feasibility of ANC in noisy environments was investigated. Steady (pink noise) and non-steady noise (cafeteria babble noise) were used to simulate noisy environments. We compared the integrity of pure-tone signals obtained from three different ANC headphone models after processing under different noise scenarios and analyzed the degree of ANC signal correlation based on the Pearson correlation coefficient compared to pure-tone signals in quiet. The objective signal correlation results were compared with audiometric screening results to confirm the correspondence. Results revealed that ANC helped mitigate the effects of environmental noise on the measured signal and the combined ANC headset model retained the highest signal integrity. The degree of signal correlation was used as a confidence indicator for the accuracy of hearing screening in noise results. It was found that the ANC technique can be further improved for more complex noisy environments.
... Noise cancellation techniques usually require reference noise signal to provide close to silence noise cancellation effect. This type of noise cancellation is sometimes referred as Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) [27]. Thus, hardware implementation will be needing external mic source which can be difficult to implement in a software-only-implementation that are limited on the proposed language identification system. ...
... This arrangement will result in acquiring signals coming out of both L1 and L2 loudspeakers by the microphone. Solution for this complexity is to use integrated audio and ANC system [5] whose schematic diagram is shown in figure 5. ...
In this developing world, there is an increase in pollution, mainly noise pollution due to industrial machineries, vehicles, construction activities, aircrafts and various other forms of man-made noise leading to anxiety, headache, noise-induced hearing losses, heart diseases, stress and various others problem for humans. Therefore, the ANC technology can help to reduce this unwanted noise based on acoustic-based solutions. But still, it can be said that ANC is not a complete solution to this noise, but it can reduce the noise at the personal level. In our ANC circuit, we have made use of simple adder, amplifiers, delays and certain filtering components to cancel noise of wideband range, and it does not deal with other forms of noise. The ANC is used in the present world appliances like mobile phones, ear phones, aircrafts and in the industrial applications.KeywordsActive noise cancelling circuitAdderAmplifiersDelaysPhonesEar phonesPre-amplifierSumming amplifierAttenuation of noise
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Blind Source Separation approaches have proved their efficiency to solve problems dealing with recovering a set of underlying sources from recoded observations without any a priori knowledge on the mixture process and sources. For this reason, we propose to use them to extract the true fetal ECG signal and consequently to calculate its instantaneous heart rate. Thus, we aim the application of the Robust Second-Order Blind Identification (RSOBI) algorithm, which exploits non-stationarity properties and second-order statistics, to a set of ECG mixtures recorded on pregnant mother. The obtained results show that we can separate original mixtures into 3 main sources which can be considered as the fetal ECG, the maternal ECG and noise. The recovered fetal ECG signals were found very clean and have permitted to perform fetal instantaneous heart rate calculation with a high precision.KeywordsBlind source separationFetal ECGInstantaneous heart rateRSOBI
The perception of one’s own voice influences the acceptance of hearing devices, such as headphones, headsets or hearing aids. When these devices fully or partially occlude the ear canal, the wearer’s own voice sounds boomy or like talking in a barrel. This is called occlusion effect . Occluding the ear canal results in an amplification of body-conducted sounds, mainly at low frequencies, and an attenuation of air-conducted sounds, predominantly at high frequencies, compared to the open ear. This contribution provides a comprehensive treatment of Occlusion Effect Cancellation (OEC) and its relation to Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) using digital signal processing. A novel effective filter structure is presented which offers some degree of adaptability and adjustability. Furthermore, digitally opening and closing the ear is evaluated by listening tests and objective measurements.
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This paper presents an integrated approach in designing a noise reduction headset for audio and communication applications. Conventional passive headsets give good attenuation of ambient noise in the upper frequency range, while most of these devices fail below 500 Hz. Unlike the feedforward method, the adaptive feedback active noise control technique provides more accurate noise cancellation since the microphone is placed inside the ear-cup of the headset. Furthermore, the system uses a single microphone per ear cup, thus producing a more compact, lower power consumption, cheaper solution and ease of integration with existing audio and communication devices to form an integrated feedback active noise control headset. Simulation results have been conducted to show that the integrated approach can remove the disturbing noise and, at the same time, allow the desired speech or audio signal to pass through without cancellation
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It is demonstrated that the normalized least mean square (NLMS) algorithm can be viewed as a modification of the widely used LMS algorithm. The NLMS is shown to have an important advantage over the LMS, which is that its convergence is independent of environmental changes. In addition, the authors present a comprehensive study of the first and second-order behavior in the NLMS algorithm. They show that the NLMS algorithm exhibits significant improvement over the LMS algorithm in convergence rate, while its steady-state performance is considerably worse
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Active noise control (ANC) is achieved by introducing a cancelling “antinoise” wave through an appropriate array of secondary sources. These secondary sources are interconnected through an electronic system using a specific signal processing algorithm for the particular cancellation scheme. ANC has application to a wide variety of problems in manufacturing, industrial operations, and consumer products. The emphasis of this paper is on the practical aspects of ANC systems in terms of adaptive signal processing and digital signal processing (DSP) implementation for real-world applications. In this paper, the basic adaptive algorithm for ANC is developed and analyzed based on single-channel broad-band feedforward control. This algorithm is then modified for narrow-band feedforward and adaptive feedback control. In turn, these single-channel ANC algorithms are expanded to multiple-channel cases. Various online secondary-path modeling techniques and special adaptive algorithms, such as lattice, frequency-domain, subband, and recursive-least-squares, are also introduced. Applications of these techniques to actual problems are highlighted by several examples
In this paper, a simple and robust variable step-size normalized LMS (VSS-NLMS) adaptive algorithm is proposed. The NLMS algorithm with a fixed step-size usually results in a trade-off between the residual error and the convergence speed of the algorithm. The variable step-size NLMS algorithm presented here will eliminate much of this trade-off. The step-size variation makes it possible for the VSS-NLMS algorithm to converge faster and to a lower steady-state error than in the fixed step-size case. We derive here the proposed algorithm and analyze its steady-state performance. Computer simulation shows that the analytical results obtained in this paper are closely verified. In particular, our simulation results show that the proposed VSS-NLMS algorithm outperforms the traditional NLMS algorithm both in terms of convergence speed and steady-state error.
Conference Paper
This paper presents a simple and robust variable step-size normalized LMS (VSS-NLAIS) adaptive algorithm. The fixed step-size NLMS algorithm (FSS- NLMS) usually results in a trade-off between the residual error and the convergence speed of the algorithm. The variable step-size NLMS algorithm presented here relaxes such trade-off. Both analysis and simulation results show that the proposed VSS-NLMS algorithm outperforms the FSS-NLMS algorithm.
A method for system identification is proposed which is based on the error-correcting training procedure in learning machines, and is referred to as "learning identification." This learning identification is nondisturbing, is applicable to cases where the input signal is random and nonstationary, and can be completed within a short time, so that it may be used to identify linear quasi-time-invariant systems in which some parameters vary slowly in comparison with the time required for identification. This merit also makes it possible to eliminate noise disturbances by means of the moving average method. Computer simulation of the learning identification was carried out and the times required for identification were obtained for various cases. Some modifications of the learning identification were also investigated together with their computer simulations.
Active Noise Control: A Tutorial Review Fig.3 Spectrum showing noise reduction using NLMS and VSS-NLMS algorithms (Subway train noise) APPENDIX A: WAVEFORMS OF SIGNALS (NOISE: SUBWAY TRAIN SOUND) Fig.A1 Noise signal Fig A2 Music signal Fig A3 Output when ANC is OFF Fig
  • M Sen
  • Dennis R Kuo
  • Morgan
Sen M. Kuo and Dennis R. Morgan " Active Noise Control: A Tutorial Review ", Proceedings of the IEEE, June 1999. Fig.3 Spectrum showing noise reduction using NLMS and VSS-NLMS algorithms (Subway train noise) APPENDIX A: WAVEFORMS OF SIGNALS (NOISE: SUBWAY TRAIN SOUND) Fig.A1 Noise signal Fig A2 Music signal Fig A3 Output when ANC is OFF Fig.A5 Output when ANC is ON (VSS-NLMS)
3 Spectrum showing noise reduction using NLMS and VSS-NLMS algorithms
  • Fig
Fig.3 Spectrum showing noise reduction using NLMS and VSS-NLMS algorithms (Subway train noise)
Fig.3 Spectrum showing noise reduction using NLMS and VSS-NLMS algorithms
  • M Sen
  • Dennis R Kuo
  • Morgan
Sen M. Kuo and Dennis R. Morgan "Active Noise Control: A Tutorial Review", Proceedings of the IEEE, June 1999. Fig.3 Spectrum showing noise reduction using NLMS and VSS-NLMS algorithms (Subway train noise)