The purpose of this study was to compare a low- and high-intensity resistance exercise session of equal work on excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC). Ten African American (AA) overweight women performed a no-exercise control (CN) session, 3 sets of 9 resistance training exercises, for 15 repetitions (reps) at 45% of their 8-repetition maximum (RM) during 1 session (LO) and for 8 reps at 85% of their 8-RM during another session (HI). For each session heart rate (HR), ventilation volume (VE), oxygen consumption (VO₂), and respiratory exchange ratio, were collected continuously from 15 minutes pre exercise until 30 minutes post exercise. Blood lactate ([Lac]b) was collected pre, immediately post, 15 and 30 minutes post exercise. No significant differences were found between sessions for any pre-exercise measurements (p > 0.05). During exercise, there was no significant difference between the HI and LO sessions, as expected. The [Lac]b immediately post and 15-minute post were significantly higher in both HI and LO sessions compared with the CN session, however; no significant differences were found between the HI and LO sessions. Post-exercise HR for the HI session was significantly greater than the CN session (p = 0.006) but not different from the LO session. There were no significant differences in post-exercise VO₂ between the HI and LO sessions. A trend was observed between exercise sessions with EPOC for HI (1.26 ± 0.567 L·O2) vs. LO (0.870 ± 0.394 L·O2) sessions. These data suggest that resistance training at either a low or high intensity with an equated work volume will produce similar exercise and post-exercise oxygen consumption for AA overweight women. Both of these resistance training programs were well tolerated and could be used for sedentary populations without a preconditioning program.