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RESEARC H Open Access
Construction of an Yucatec Maya soil
classification and comparison with the WRB
Francisco Bautista
, J Alfred Zinck
Background: Mayas living in southeast Mexico have used soils for millennia and provide thus a good example for
understanding soil-culture relationships and for exploring the ways indigenous people name and classify the soils
of their territory. This paper shows an attempt to organize the Maya soil knowledge into a soil classification
scheme and compares the latter with the World Reference Base for Soil Resources (WRB).
Methods: Several participative soil surveys were carried out in the period 2000-2009 with the help of bilingual
Maya-Spanish-speaking farmers. A multilingual soil database was built with 315 soil profile descriptions.
Results: On the basis of the diagnostic soil properties and the soil nomenclature used by Maya farmers, a soil
classification scheme with a hierarchic, dichotomous and open structure was constructed, organized in groups and
qualifiers in a fashion similar to that of the WRB system. Maya soil properties were used at the same categorical
levels as similar diagnostic properties are used in the WRB system.
Conclusions: The Maya soil classification (MSC) is a natural system based on key properties, such as relief position,
rock types, size and quantity of stones, color of topsoil and subsoil, depth, water dynamics, and plant-supporting
processes. The MSC addresses the soil properties of surficial and subsurficial horizons, and uses plant communities
as qualifier in some cases. The MSC is more accurate than the WRB for classifying Leptosols.
Ethnoecology is concerned with studying the relation-
ships between humans and nature, and investigates how
indigenous people perceive, know and use the land-
scapes and their natural resources. This approach puts
emphasis on the cultural value of the belief-knowledge-
practice (kosmos-corpus-praxis or K-C-P) complex [1].
Ethnopedology, as part of ethnoecology, seeks to explore
the connections, synergies and feedbacks between sym-
bols, concepts and perceptions of soils and soilscapes in
local societies [2-5].
Yucatec Maya have used soils over four millennia, pro-
viding a good example for understanding soil-culture
relationships. The soils occurring in the Maya territory
have been well documented [6-14]. For instance, Pérez
[7] describes soil profiles in the southern portion of the
Yucatán state, using the FAO soil classification adapted
to the Mexican context [15]. This study is the first one
recognizing the Maya soil reference groups (MRGs) of
Ek’lu’um, Yax kom and Ak’al che’, and their local uses.
Using chemical and physical topsoil properties, Pool and
Hernández [8] highlight important short-distance differ-
ences between the MRGs of Ho lu’um and K’an kab
lu’um in the eastern part of the Yucatán state. Duch
[16,17] reports a variety of Maya soil-related names from
the southern Yucatán state. Working in the same region,
Dunning [10] classifies the soils according to the USDA
Soil Taxonomy [18], the INEGI soil classification system
[15,19], and the Yucatec Maya soil nomenclature [17],
but fails to analyze the differences among these soil clas-
sification schemes. Estrada [20] made a detailed descrip-
tion and sampling of 21 soil profiles in the Hocabá
municipality, using the WRB classification [21] and the
Maya nomenclature. This field information was subse-
quently used by Estrada et al. [22], together with local
* Correspondence:
†Contributed equally
Centro de Investigaciones en Geografía Ambiental, Universidad Nacional
Autónoma de México, Antigua Carretera a Pátzcuaro No. 8701, Col. Ex-
Hacienda de San José de La Huerta, C.P. 58190 Morelia, Michoacán, México
Bautista and Zinck Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2010, 6:7 JOURNAL OF ETHNOBIOLOGY
© 2010 Bautista and Zinck; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access ar ticle distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attri bution License ( /licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproductio n in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
soil knowledge, to construct an indigenous soil classifica-
tion and prepare a map using MRGs. Bautista et al.
[12,13] studied micro-catenas in a karstic plain, highlight-
ing the importance of using micro-relief features and soil
color as diagnostic properties. They relate these features
with chemical constituents, such as organic matter and
phosphorus, and mineral contents of calcite, hematite,
goethite, and boehmite. Bautista et al. [23] also high-
lighted the importance of soil-relief patterns in large
areas within karstic plains for establishing a geopedologic
map of the whole Yucatán state. In general, soil variabil-
ity is controlled by relief and landforms from local and
plot scales [12-14,24] to regional scales [25]. Using geos-
tatistical analysis, Bautista et al. [14] showed the close
correlation and complementarity of the numerical, Maya
and WRB [21] classifications of 54 soil profiles from the
Mérida municipality. The Maya soil, geoform and water
knowledge at the Yucatán peninsula level was analyzed in
an integrated way by Bautista et al. [24], implementing
the K-C-P model as suggested by Barrera and Zinck [26]
and Barrera and Toledo [1] to understand the Yucatec
Maya ethnopedology.
The kosmos domain, which refers to the beliefs and
symbolism associated with the indigenous culture, has
been little studied in Yucatán [1,27]. Some studies
report on the Maya experience (i.e., the praxis domain)
in managing their soils [10,24,28,29]. Several studies
have addressed the Maya soil corpus per se but only in
small areas [12-14,17,22-24,29-33], and very few have
attempted to compare the Maya soil nomenclature with
the World Reference Base for Soil Resources [13,14].
The possibility of using indigenous soil knowledge for
designing local soil classifications and amending interna-
tional soil classifications is often questioned. Duch [17],
for instance, considers that Maya soil names should be
nomenclature, while Krasilnikov and Tabor [4] sustain
that folk systems are only locally valid and have rela-
tively limited application compared to scientific systems.
It is, however, remarkable that soil classifications were
originally constructed from the farmers’knowledge.
Dokuchaiev, for instance, documented and organized
the soil knowledge of the Ukrainian peasants into a clas-
sification scheme [34]. Nowadays, the Maya soil nomen-
Yucatán peninsula.
The objective of this work was to organize the Maya soil
nomenclature and knowledge and to construct a Yucatec
Maya soil classification by comparison with the framework
of the World Reference Base for Soil Resources.
The relief in the Yucatán State, southeast Mexico, has
developed from Miocene-Pliocene and Holocene
limestones and includes, as main regional units, a
coastal plain, a karstic plain, inland basins with hills
(extended karst), and hillands crossed by valleys (tec-
tono-karst) [35]. Our study was carried out mainly in
the lowlands of the coastal and karstic plains.
The coastal plain is a strip of land very slightly
inclined towards the sea that extends along the western
and northern coast at less than 10 m above sea level.
The climate is semiarid [36] and the vegetation cover is
shrub, savannah and mangrove [37].
The karstic plain lies 10-60 m above sea level and its
topography varies from horizontal to undulating. Two
main geoforms, namely mounds and depressions, sys-
tematically recur throughout the landscape [12].
Mounds are lapiaz fields with large bedrock outcrops,
intensively carved by minor solution channels, which
dominate the depressions by a few meters elevation
(2-10 m). Depressions are sinkholes (dolines) formed by
solutional enlargement of joints and subsequent settling
of the surface and/or by subsidence resulting from roof
collapse of small caverns. In general, shallow black soils
occur on mounds and deep red soils in depressions. Cli-
mate is subhumid warm with summer rains [36]. The
most common vegetation cover is dry forest [37].
The inland territory of the peninsula has also been
formed by karstification and includes basins with iso-
lated hills and larger hilly relief units crossed by valleys.
Hills reach elevations of about 220 m above sea level,
while basins and valleys are flat, closed depressions at
120-150 m above sea level [25].
Forty-five open interviews were conducted between
2000 and 2009. In 2009, field trips with bilingual Maya-
Spanish-speaking peasants took place. Some of these
peasants were agricultural technicians from the Agroe-
cology School “U Yits Ka’an”of Mani, Yucatán, who are
knowledgeable with the main soils of the Yucatán state
Structured interviews were not done because peasants
do not feel comfortable when formal questionnaires are
used. As a consequence, we missed the opportunity to
perform statistical data analysis but responses gained in
Soils were described and sampled at representative
sites for laboratory analysis, and classified using the
WRB [21]. A multilingual soil database was built with
315 soil profile descriptions, using the database struc-
ture developed by De la Rosa et al. [38] (Figure 1). By
means of interviews, participative field transects and
workshops, local farmers were asked to name and show
the soil types, describe their properties, and explain the
characteristics used to recognize them in the territory of
their community (Figure 2).
The WRB framework was used to develop the MSC
mainly because of its relatively simple structure that
Bautista and Zinck Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2010, 6:7
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allowed accommodating the levels of soil perception
shown by Maya farmers. It is also the international soil
classification system most commonly used by Mexican
soil scientists together with the national INEGI system.
The WRB states comprising only two tiers of categorical
information, but the practical operation of the frame-
work implies four consecutive classification steps [21].
The system starts providing a set of ten classes based on
soil properties, forming factors and processes, which
serve as entries to the classification key. The following
level, the most important of the system, includes 32
reference soil groups (RSGs) that are clustered into the
ten entry classes aforementioned. Subsequently, soil
classification is refined using a two-tier system of prefix
(primary) qualifiers and suffix (secondary) qualifiers.
Thus practically, a four-step procedure is used to clas-
similar categorical approach to construct the Maya soil
classification scheme. The criteria used to define the
entries to the classification key and the Maya soil refer-
ence groups (MRGs) are similar to those used in the
WRB framework, namely in our case: (1) organic carbon
content; (2) presence of features in the soil profiles that
reflect strong anthropic influence; (3) physical restric-
tions to root growth; (4) water influence and drainage
limitations; and (5) weak profile development (sandy
soils). Additional criteria were extracted from the Maya
soil nomenclature and implemented to subdivide the
MRGs at lower levels. For instance, Maya people make
a distinction between rock outcrops and stones as
coarse fragments that hinder root development. Simi-
larly, in Maya knowledge, the color contrast between A
and B horizons is relevant to separate MRGs, probably
as a reflection of differences in soil fertility or drainage.
This distinction has important implications for planting
Diagnostic soil properties
Maya peasants identify soil reference groups based on
relief position, soil color, stoniness, rockiness, gravel
content, depth, texture, structure and drainage, which
Figure 1 Study area and location of soil profiles in the state of Yucatán. LP = Leptosol, CM = Cambisol, LV = Luvisol, AR = Arenosol,
GL = Gleysol, ST = Stagnosol, VR = Vertisol, NT = Nitisol and SC = Solonchack.
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are all soil properties of universal use in indigenous soil
classifications [3]. Plant community and area size are
also used as differentiating criteria in some particular
sites. The MSC gives more weight to topsoil than sub-
soil properties. Many of these properties are also diag-
nostic attributes in scientific soil classifications, such as
the WRB system and the USDA Soil Taxonomy [39].
The position of the soils on the terrain is a primary
diagnostic feature [40]. Maya soil groups and soil units
vary according to soil position on the landscape [13,23].
A major distinction takes place between soils on
mounds (Ho-lu’um) and soils in depressions (Kankabal),
the two main geoforms in the Yucatán karstic landscape.
Also the word ka’anal lu’um designates soils on high
sites [17]. While terrain position is used by Maya pea-
sants for management purposes, it is considered mainly
as a pedogenic factor in the WRB classification.
Color is usually taken as an accessory, co-variant soil
property, as it reflects chemical and mineralogical prop-
erties that are not directly observable in field conditions,
such as organic matter, iron and manganese contents,
among others [41,42]. In the Yucatec Maya perception,
color is a highly differentiating attribute used to distin-
guish soils at the higher levels of the soil classification.
From the soils in the northern part of Yucatán, Bautista
et al. [12,13] report a clear difference between the black
soils on mounds and the red soils in depressions, the
first ones being rich in organic matter, calcium and
phosphorus, the second ones with high contents of Si,
Al and Fe oxides, together with the presence of hematite
and boehmite. Maya farmers use also color to distin-
guish key soil horizons. The concept of K’an kab, for
example, means “yellow underneath”that refers to a yel-
low Bt horizon underlying a usually red epipedon in
Stoninessisarelevantproperty influencing soil pro-
ductivity and soil management [43]. In karstic areas, the
amount of coarse fragments in the soil reflects the
intensity and stage of rock dissolution. High tempera-
ture and abundant rainfall accelerate the weathering of
calcareous rocks, generating deep clayey soils, with neu-
tral reaction and well developed structure [44,45]. Stoni-
ness is an important differentiating property in the
Yucatec Maya soil perception and classification. Special
words are used to refer to stoniness (mulu’uch) and
stone mounds (mu’ul). Particular MRGs (e.g., Ch’och’ol)
allow distinguishing stony soils from others, which are
strongly correlated with the Hyperskeletic Leptosols in
Figure 2 Methodological approach.
Bautista and Zinck Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2010, 6:7
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the WRB classification [14]. The consideration given to
stoniness in the MSC could help improve the WRB clas-
sification with the introduction of qualifiers to recognize
the presence of calcareous coarse fragments in the Lep-
tosols, such as Ch’ich’ic for gravelly soils and Ch’och’olic
for stony soils.
Rockiness can take different forms that are reflected in
two MRGs: (1) Chaltún soils on smooth laminar bed-
rocks with surface dissolution channels, and (2) Tzek’el
soils on large, rugged promontories with cracks (karst
mounds). In both cases, soils are poorly developed and
very shallow, except along joints and fractures where
limestone dissolution proceeds. Chaltún lu’um soils are
extensive in the north of Yucatán under semiarid cli-
mate, with a thorny shrub cover and a variety of herbac-
eous plants that grow only during the short rainy
season. To place these soils in the WRB system, Tzek’e-
lic and Chaltunic are proposed as qualifiers of the
Depth is used as an indicator of effective soil volume.
The MSC is more precise than the WRB classification,
establishing a clear difference between Hay lu’um and
Chaltún soils within the Lithic Leptosols. In Mayan lan-
guage, different words are used to indicate soil depth,
such as Hach taan lu’um for very deep soils; Taan lu’um
and Taan taan lu’um for deep soils; Ma’taan lu’um for
shallow soils; and Hach ma’taan taan lu’um for very
shallow soils [17]. On the basis of depth criteria, the
K’an kab lu’um soil class can be divided into three sub-
groups, resulting in a shallow (25-50 cm) K’an kab
lu’um, a moderately deep (50-100 cm) K’an kab lu’um,
and a deep (>100 cm) K’an kab lu’um. Recent modifica-
tions of the WRB [21] have led to eliminating depth
limits as a diagnostic criterion, arguing that the latter
are artificial and not genetic soil subdivisions. This is
questionable in the case of the tropical karst in the
Yucatán peninsula, where there are shallow soils that
show degrees of development similar to those of deep
soils [12,23,45]. We strongly support maintaining or re-
introducing depth qualifiers, i.e., lithic in Leptosols, and
epileptic and endoleptic in Kastanozems, as practical
classes for farming purposes but also for morphological
Soil heterogeneity is relevant to farming. In the north-
ern part of the Yucatán peninsula, soil distribution pat-
terns are very complex, with frequent spatial variations
at short distance. For example, Bautista et al. [14] identi-
fied six MRGs, corresponding to four types of Leptosol
and one type of Kastanozem, on a surface area no larger
than 1350 m
. This might be the reason why farmers
integrate soil, land and soilscape in one comprehensive
concept. By contrast, the southern part of the Yucatán
state is more homogeneous. In the Pucc region, for
instance, K’an kab lu’um, Chac lu’um, Ek’lu’um and
Yaax kom, that are among the best soils of the penin-
sula, occupy in general large areas. Only Ak’al che’soils
occur as small patches in swampy lowlands [28].
Yucatec Maya farmers use also the type and density of
individual plants and plant communities as soil indica-
tors.Forinstance,Ak’al che’are associated with hydro-
phytes, Chaltún lu’um with seasonal herbs, K’an kab
lu’um and Chac lu’um with plants adapted to hydropho-
bic soil materials, and Tzek’el lu’um and Box lu’um with
tree communities.
it comes to crop selection and farming practices. Each
soil class or soil unit is used according to its suitability
for selected varieties of maize and other crops [46,47].
Engineering properties of soils were also taken into
account when building pyramids [48].
Soil nomenclature
The phonetic writing of the oral terms used by Maya
peasants can lead to confusions. For example, the com-
posite expression of Yaax kom lu’um means literally
“the soil around a poorly drained area”, while Yaax hom
lu’um (with hom instead of kom) would mean “green
soil”. The apostrophes following consonants in Yucatec
Maya words are used by linguists to indicate glottal
stops. Thus, Ch’och’ol is preferable to Chochol, which
in plain pronunciation has no meaning in Mayan lan-
guage (Table 1).
To distinguish among MRGs, Maya farmers give high
weight to topsoil properties, in the same fashion as
other indigenous people do in different agro-ecological
zones [5]. However, in deep soils with contrasting mor-
phology, they also take into consideration subsoil prop-
erties that influence soil management and/or crop
adaptability. This is the case of the K’an kab lu’um soils
that have red topsoil and yellow subsoil.
Soils enriched in organic matter from decomposition
of human and animal wastes in earlier settlements,
together with other rests of human activities such as
ceramic shards and kitchen middens, are clearly distin-
guished from other kinds of soil and named Kakabb
lu’um (Anthrosols). Similar soils have been described by
Dunning and Beach [31], and Duch [17].
Incipient soils, poorly developed because of the pre-
vailing environmental conditions, are frequent in the
Yucatán peninsula. Shallow soils and soils with little fine
earth material are segregated on the basis of vegetation
cover density, water dynamics, and the degree of disso-
lution of the calcareous substratum. Tzek’el lu’um and
Chaltún lu’um are rocky soils; Ch’och’ol lu’um and Box
lu’um are stony soils; and Ch’ich’lu’um are gravelly
The presence of calcareous coarse fragments is a
dominant feature in the Yucatán soils and is recognized
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as such by the local farmers. Many national soil classifi-
cations (e.g., the French, German, Polish, and Russian)
have specific groups to account for the occurrence of
calcareous fragments in soils. The WRB classification, in
contrast, does not fully recognize the essential role of
calcareous rocks, stones and gravels in soils and
excludes them from the Leptosols [39,49].
Tzek’el lu’um, Yaax kom and Ak’al che’are compre-
hensive concepts, referring simultaneously or alterna-
tively to soils, soilscapes, lands, sites, ecosystems, or
plant communities. For instance, Tzek’el lu’um desig-
nates the unproductive land and soilscape of Lithic Lep-
tosols on mounds and in depressions. Yaax kom is a site
name referring to the low-lying land that surrounds a
swampy area. Ak’al che’is rather an ecosystemic con-
cept, corresponding to a swamp with indicator trees
such as Dalbergia sp., Haematoxylon campechianum L.,
Bucida buceras,andAnnona glabra (Table 1). Akal
means flooded area and ché means tree or vegetation.
Thus, the combination of both particles in Ak’al che’
refers to marshlands with soil seasonally flooded and
covered with trees [9]. The term expresses the interac-
tion between relief, hydrology and plant communities.
The soils can be grey Gleysols or light brown Stagno-
sols. Ak’al che’is a good example to illustrate the indi-
genous land concept proposed by Ortiz et al. [50],
where land is a specific terrestrial area that includes all
attributes of the biosphere, directly observed in the top-
soil or inferred from the presence of indicator plants or
Maya peasants use soil names and other terms as
modifiers to designate particular soils that share charac-
teristics of several groups. Also Maya soil names can
refertosoilscapes.Forexample,K’an kab Tzek’el is
sometimes used for patches of shallow stony soils within
aK’an kabal area. Pus ek’lu’um can be used for shallow
transitional soils around a swath of deeper Ek’lu’um.
Mulu’uch Tzek’el is sometimes used to reflect the essen-
tially soil-less conditions found on some rocky mounds.
Maya use additional terms, not included in the classi-
fication scheme of Table 2, to refer to special soil or
land conditions that significantly restrict their use
potential. For example, Buy lu’umstandsforpoorsoils,
Sohol lu’um for dry and sterile soils, K’oha’an lu’um for
degraded soils, and Ch’ech lu’um for compact soils
Proposed classification scheme
On the basis of the diagnostic soil properties and soil
nomenclature used by Yucatec Maya farmers, we have
constructed a folk soil classification scheme with a hier-
archic, dichotomous and open structure based on the
WRB framework. Maya soil properties were used at the
same categorical levels as similar diagnostic properties
are used in the WRB system (Figure 3).
The first division is between organic and mineral soils
to separate the Pu’uc lu’um soils (Histosols), which
occur in areas of the karstic plain neighboring the
coastal plain. The second division considers the pre-
sence of anthropedogenic features to separate Kakkab
lu’um soils that are found in all regional relief units.
Kakkab lu’um are homegarden soils (Hortic Anthrosols)
that are enriched in organic matter derived from human
and animal wastes but may also contain potsherds, cera-
mic shards, ash, and other domestic residues. Their
location allows tracing former human settlements.
Table 1 Yucatec Maya soil names
Maya Spanish English References
Chaltún Tierra donde hay lajas,
con poca tierra encima
Soil with laminar
Bautista et al.
(2003ab; 2005abc)
Box lu’um Box: negro
Lu’um: tierra
Black soil Bautista et al.
(2003ab; 2005abc)
Pus lu’um Tierra seca, suave Dry, soft soil Barrera (1995); Dunning and Beach (2004)
Ch’ich’lu’um Tierra con grava Soil with gravel Bautista et al.
(2003ab; 2005abc), Duch (2005)
Tzek’el lu’um Tierra con rocosidad
tipo promontorio
Soil with large rock promontories Dunning and Beach (2004)
Ch’och’ol lu’um Suelo con piedras Soil with stones Duch (2005)
K’an kab lu’um K’an: amarillo
Kab: abajo
Yellow subsoil Barrera (1995), Dunning and Beach (2004)
Chak lu’um Chak: colorado
Lu’um: tierra
Red soil Barrera (1995)
Ek’lu’um Tierra obscura,
de las sabanas
Dark soil Pérez (1984), Barrera (1995), Duch (2005)
Yaax kom Yaax: antes
Kom: valle, parte baja del terreno
Tierras bajas
Land around low-lying
around a swamp
Flores et al. (1994),
Barrera (1995),
Dunning and Beach (2004)
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All other mineral soils that do not show conspicuous
anthropedogenic features are grouped in five classes on
the basis of rockiness/stoniness, water influence and
drainage conditions, color contrast between topsoil and
subsoil, and the occurrence of sandy texture.
(1) Soils with limited rooting space because of rocki-
ness and/or stoniness at shallow depth. These soils are
separated on the basis of the same criteria as those used
in the WRB. Rock fragments can be boulders as in Tze-
k’el lu’um or laminar limestone slabs as in Sak lu’um,
Pus lu’um, Chaltún and Hay lu’um. Tzek’el lu’um (Lithic
Leptosols) occur mainly on mounds and hillslopes in all
regional relief units, while Sak lu’um (Gleyic Lithic Lep-
tosols) are common in the coastal plain (place of dis-
charge of the groundwater). Pus lu’um are found in
small areas, usually of less than one hectare, in all regio-
nal relief units. The Pus lu’um concept covers a variety
of soils including Lithic Leptosols, Mollic Leptosols and
Rendzic Leptosols, reflecting variability in soil depth,
calcium carbonate and organic matter. Chaltún and Hay
lu’um occur principally in the karstic plain, near the
coastal plain, but occasionally also in other relief units.
The stony soils called Ch’och’ol and Ch’ich’lu’um are
distributed in small areas of less than one hectare. Box
lu’um are commonly shallow, well drained, black soils
with little fine earth, 20-60% stoniness, >10% organic
matter, and with or without calcium carbonate.
(2) Soils influenced by water and poor drainage condi-
tions. These soils also are separated on the basis of the
same criteria as those used in the WRB. Yaax kom and
Ak’al che’are frequent in the south of the Yucatán
peninsula. Yaax kom cover large areas in inland plains,
while Ak’al che’are found in depressions between hills.
The central concept of Ak’al che’corresponds to soils
temporarily flooded. These can be Gleysols as in Cam-
southern Yucatán state. The difference between gleyic
and stagnic properties is reflected in the vegetation
cover. In the WRB system, Stagnosols were first consid-
ered “false Gleysols”mainly because of the lack of infor-
mation for full characterization, but they have been
recently separated from Gleysols as an individual group.
Similarly, in the Maya soil classification, primary and
secondary qualifiers are added to the central concept of
the soil group. Thus, Ak’al che’soils can be either grey
Gleysols or light brown Stagnosols.
(3) Soils with color contrast between surface and sub-
surface horizons. This soil class was built using the
Table 2 Soil descriptors of Maya reference groups and correspondence with WRB soil groups
Soil descriptors MSC WRB
Black soils with abundant organic matter, fresh litter and litter in decomposition, in wet areas
generally covered by mangrove
Pu’uc lu’um Histosols
Black soils with high content of organic matter
derived from human and animal wastes (former homegardens), containing also potsherds, ash, and
other domestic residues
Kakkabb lu’um Hortic Anthrosols
Black soils, with very little fine earth, bedrock outcrops in the form of promontories, stones >25 cm
Tzek’el lu’um Lithic Leptosols
Black soils, with little fine earth, soft, shallow, >10% organic matter, well drained, high water retention,
with or without calcium carbonate, laminar limestone
Pus lu’um Lithic Leptosols,
Rendzic Leptosols,
Mollic Leptosols
Light gray soils, sandy clay loam, extremely shallow (3-17 cm), poorly drained, calcareous over laminar
Sak lu’um Gleyic Lithic Leptosols
Predominant rock outcrops of laminar limestone, large amounts of coarse fragments, with very little
fine earth of red, reddish-brown or black color
Chaltún Nudilithic Leptosols
Very shallow soils (<10 cm), red, reddish-brown or black, 3-15% organic matter, <50% stones, few rock
Hay lu’um Lithic or Nudilithic
Black soils, with more fine earth than Tzekel soils, >90% stones, coarse fragments >5 cm diameter Ch’och’ol lu’um Hyperskeletic Leptosols
Black soils, shallow (<25 cm), >90% gravel, >10% organic matter, high water retention Ch’ich’lu’um Hyperskeletic Leptosols
Black soils, with little fine earth, shallow, 20-60% gravel and stones, >10% organic matter, well drained,
with or without calcium carbonate
Box lu’um Mollic Leptosols
Grey or red soils, deep (>100 cm), clayey, no stones, temporary cracks, hard when dry Yaax kom lu’um Haplic Vertisols
Red soils, deep (>100 cm), clayey, no stones, temporary cracks, hard when dry, fertile (>50%
exchangeable bases)
Yaax kom- K’an
kab lu’um
Haplic Vertisols
Grey soils, moderately deep (<100 cm), clayey, temporary cracks, no stones, no rocks, swampy during
the rainy season, in agricultural lands and large areas
Yaxx kom-Ak’al
Gleyic Vertisols
Grey soils, temporarily flooded, moderately deep (<100 cm), clayey, temporary cracks, no stones, no
rocks, swampy in summer, fall and winter, plant community with Dalbergia sp. and Haematoxylum
Ak’al che’grey Gleysols
Light brown soils, temporarily flooded, moderately deep (<100 cm), clayey, temporary cracks, no
stones, no rocks, swampy in summer, fall and winter, plant community with Bucida burceras
Ak’al che’light
Bautista and Zinck Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2010, 6:7
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Maya perception of color contrast in well-developed and
deep soils such as Luvisols and Phaeozems. K’an kab
lu’um are widespread in the south of the penisula and
occupy also small areas in the north. Deep Phaeozoms
called Ek’lu’um occur in karstic depressions in the
(4) Soils without color contrast between surface and
subsurface horizons. The absence of strong color con-
trast in less-developed mineral soils lacking B horizons
is used by Maya to build a separate soil class. Chack
lu’um are widespread in the karstic plains of the south
and occur also in small areas in the north.
(5) Sandy soils. Pupuski lu’um are white sandy soils
located in the coastal plain, with or without gleyic and/
or salic properties. They can be distinguished from
other grey or white soils occurring in the area (e.g., Sak
lu’um) because they lack a lithic qualifier. Pupuski lu’um
include Arenosols as well as Gleysols and Solonchaks.
Thus the central concept of Pupuski lu’um can be speci-
fied using primary qualifiers for depth, gleyic properties,
and salinity.
The relatively simple structure of the WRB helped us
accommodate the levels of soil perception shown by
Maya farmers. The criteria used in the WRB to distin-
guish entries to the classification key and reference soil
groups were useful to construct the upper levels of the
MSC scheme. The lower MSC levels are mainly based
on the formalization of features used by the Maya for
more detailed soil distinction.
The Maya soil classification can be used for improving
the WRB and other soil classification systems, in parti-
cular in karstic landscapes. For instance, the Maya soil
classification can provide qualifiers for Leptosols to cope
with soil and landscape features that strongly influence
land management and use, such as soil depth (e.g.,
extremely shallow soils), types of bedrock (e.g., promon-
tory bedrock, laminar bedrock), surface and subsurface
stoniness with ranges of size and quantity, and soil
color. Stoniness and gravel content are relevant proper-
ties to build hierarchy in the Maya soil classification (e.
g., Ch’och’ol and Ch’ich’lu’um). Rockiness can take dif-
ferent forms that are reflected in two MRGs: Chaltún
soils have smooth laminar bedrocks with surface disso-
lution channels, while in Tzek’el soils bedrocks are
large, rugged promontories with cracks. The WRB clas-
sification does not include this feature as a diagnostic
The Maya soil classification and the WRB classifica-
tion are complementary. The MSC shares categories
and classes with the WRB framework. This is an advan-
tage for the scheme being understood by technicians
and local scientists and being incorporated in specialized
Figure 3 Yucatec Maya soil classification scheme.
Bautista and Zinck Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2010, 6:7
Page 8 of 11
curricula at regional universities. It is recommended that
both systems be used at a maximum level of detail, as
together they provide valuable information on soil prop-
erties, distribution, formation, and use potential in the
study area. The MSC is addressed especially to exten-
sion agents and other experts involved in rural develop-
ment as a means for communicating with Maya farmers
in terms of soil management, farming practices and
crop selection.
similar soil properties used in indigenous soil classifica-
tions in other parts of the world [3,5,11]. As indigenous
soil classification schemes are mental constructs, result-
ing from the way the soil scientist interprets farmers’
soil perceptions, variations might appear among the
schemes proposed by different authors to organize the
Yucatec Maya soil knowledge [11].
The meaning of some Maya soil names may vary
throughout the Yucatán peninsula. Such is the case of
the Ak’al che’, for instance. These soils can be Gleysols
as in Campeche or Stagnosols as in some places of the
southern Yucatán state. The difference between gleyic
and stagnic properties is taken care of in the Maya soil
classification by adding primary and secondary qualifiers
to the central concept of the soil group. In general,
interregional variations such as in the above example
are more common than intraregional variations. How-
ever, it can be assumed that the Maya soil classification
applies to a large part of the peninsula of Yucatán (ca
152,000 km
) for two main reasons. One is the spatial
repetition of four geomorphic systems all over the area:
coastal, karstic, tectono-karstic, and fluvio-paludal, each
one showing specific soil-relief patterns [12,14,25]. Our
study documents the soils found in these four geo-
morphic environments and describes their variability
over an area of nearly 39,000 km
(Figure 4). This can
be considered a representative sample of the peninsula.
The second reason is linguistic homogeneity as 1.5 mil-
lion people speak the Yucatec Mayan language in the
Yucatán peninsula [51,52]. Obviously, additional studies
are needed to improve the MSC and test its applicability
in a variety of settings throughout Yucatán.
Soil heterogeneity at parcel level is well recognized by
Maya peasants who select the type of milpa according
Figure 4 Geomorphic environments in the Yucatán Peninsula (southeast México).
Bautista and Zinck Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2010, 6:7
Page 9 of 11
to soil quality and variability. For instance, in the center
of the Yucatán state, several types of milpa are used
including slash-and-burn milpa and sugar cane milpa,
but intensive milpa is practiced only on K’an kab lu’um
and Chak lu’um soils, using manure, manual tillage, and
cover crops with herbaceous legumes. In Tzek’el, Ch’ich’
lu’um and Ch’och’ol lu’um, the planting distance is 1 ×
1 m, using a local maize variety along with beans and
squash. Whereas in Chacklu’um and K’an kab lu’um, the
planting distance is 0.6 × 0.6 m with an improved vari-
ety of maize together with sweet potato and cassava
[29]. This local soil variability should be reflected in soil
maps using the MSC as a reference system.
The conclusions about the Yucatec Maya soil knowledge
that can be derived from this study are as follows: (a)
the identification of soils in the Yucatec Maya classifica-
tion may be made using a key similar to that used in
the WRB; (b) the MSC is a natural system based on key
properties, such as rock types, size and quantity of
stones, color of topsoil and subsoil, depth, relief posi-
tion, water dynamics, and plant-supporting processes;
(c) the MSC addresses the soil properties of surficial
and subsurficial horizons that have morphological,
genetic and practical importance; (d) the soil properties
used in the MSC can help generate primary and second-
ary qualifiers for the WRB (e.g., Chaltunic, Ch’och’olic,
Ch’ich’ilic). However, much effort is still needed to go
deeper into the Maya soil knowledge. In particular, a
better understanding of the diagnostic properties used
and their relationships with soil forming factors is
necessary, before a complete classification system can be
established, especially at the lower categorical levels.
This research was supported by CONACYT and the Yucatán State
government (Projects 0308P-B9506; R31624-B; YUC-2003-C02-054). We thank
the collaboration provided by Bernardo Xiu, Pedro Canché, Raúl Casanova,
Anastacia Dzul, E. Pérez, Miguel Uicab, Fredy Tzek, and the peasants of
Hocabá, Yucatán. We acknowledge the valuable comments provided by
three anonymous reviewers that helped improve an earlier version of this
Author details
Centro de Investigaciones en Geografía Ambiental, Universidad Nacional
Autónoma de México, Antigua Carretera a Pátzcuaro No. 8701, Col. Ex-
Hacienda de San José de La Huerta, C.P. 58190 Morelia, Michoacán, México.
International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation,
PO Box 6, 7500 AA Enschede, the Netherlands.
FB carried out the soil surveys, peasant interviews and the building of the
first version of the Maya soil classification. JAZ improved the Maya soil
classification and reviewed previous versions of the paper. FB and JAZ wrote
the final version of the paper.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Received: 4 August 2009
Accepted: 13 February 2010 Published: 13 February 2010
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Cite this article as: Bautista and Zinck: Construction of an Yucatec Maya
soil classification and comparison with the WRB framework. Journal of
Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2010 6:7.
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