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Jumping genes and epigenetics: Towards new species


Abstract and Figures

Transposable elements (TEs) are responsible for rapid genome remodelling by the creation of new regulatory gene networks and chromosome restructuring. TEs are often regulated by the host through epigenetic systems, but environmental changes can lead to physiological and, therefore, epigenetic stress, which disrupt the tight control of TEs. The resulting TE mobilization drives genome restructuring that may sometimes provide the host with an innovative genetic escape route. We suggest that macroevolution and speciation might therefore originate when the host relaxes its epigenetic control of TEs. To understand the impact of TEs and their importance in host genome evolution, it is essential to study TE epigenetic variation in natural populations. We propose to focus on recent data that demonstrate the correlation between changes in the epigenetic control of TEs in species/populations and genome evolution.
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Jumping genes and epigenetics: Towards new species
Rita Rebollo
, Béatrice Horard
, Benjamin Hubert
, Cristina Vieira
CNRS, UMR558, Laboratoire de Biométrie et Biologie Evolutive, Université Lyon 1, Villeurbanne, France
Laboratoire de Biologie Moléculaire de la Cellule-UMR 5239 CNRS;ENS LYON; Université LYON 1; HCL. 165, Chemin du Grand Revoyet, 69495 Pierre Bénite or 46, allée d'Italie,
69364 Lyon cedex 07, France
abstractarticle info
Article history:
Received 24 November 2009
Received in revised form 6 January 2010
Accepted 19 January 2010
Available online 25 January 2010
Received by Prescott Deininger
Transposable elements
Rapid speciation
Natural populations
Epigenetic control
Transposable elements (TEs) are responsible for rapid genome remodelling by the creation of new regulatory
gene networks and chromosome restructuring. TEs are often regulated by the host through epigenetic
systems, but environmental changes can lead to physiological and, therefore, epigenetic stress, which disrupt
the tight control of TEs. The resulting TE mobilization drives genome restructuring that may sometimes
provide the host with an innovative genetic escape route. We suggest that macroevolution and speciation
might therefore originate when the host relaxes its epigenetic control of TEs. To understand the impact of
TEs and their importance in host genome evolution, it is essential to study TE epigenetic variation in natural
populations. We propose to focus on recent data that demonstrate the correlation between changes in the
epigenetic control of TEs in species/populations and genome evolution.
© 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Speciation can be a slow process in which genetic differences
between individuals become xed, either as a result of changes in their
tness, ecological specialization, or simply the induction of genetic
incompatibility, followed in both cases by micro-population isolation.
Speciation is also thought to happen quickly in the context of non-
genicspeciation, i.e., when important karyotypic differences between
individuals of the same species lead to sexual isolation. Our explo-
ration of the dynamics of transposable elements (TEs) in natural pop-
ulations led us to ask how TE mobilization is involved in speciation
(Vieira et al., 1999; Rebollo et al., 2008; Fablet et al., 2009). In this
short-review we argue that TEs are able to induce speciation through
chromosomal rearrangements since, 1) chromosomal rearrangements
are able to induce speciation (Noor et al., 2001; Baird et al., 2009; Greig,
2009), 2) bursts of TE transposition can cause chromosomal rearrange-
ments (Geurts et al., 2006; Weil, 2009; Zhang et al., 2009), and 3)
bursts of TE transposition may be driven by the selective release of
active elements as the result of an epigenetic response to the envi-
ronment (Lisch, 2009). We also discuss the importance of TE-induced
speciation compared to that of other speciation mechanisms.
2. Transposable elements and the genome: a partnership on
the move
Genome-sequencing programs have provided new clues explain-
ing the lack of correlation between phenotypic complexity and ge-
nome sizewhich is known as the C valueparadoxby revealing
that most of the differences in genome size between species reside
in the non-coding parts (reviewed in Biemont and Vieira, 2006). For
instance, the human genome is composed of 98% of non-coding DNA
(International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium, 2004),
whereas the fruit y, Drosophila melanogaster, has a very compact
genome with far fewer sequences of this type (Dowsett and Young,
1982; Hoskins et al., 2002; Kaminker et al., 2002; Clark et al., 2007).
This variable part of the genome consists mostly of repetitive
sequences, such as satellite DNAs and TEs. We will focus mainly on the
latter in this short review (see Fig. 1 for a classication of eukaryotic
TEs). The evolutionary importance of TEs is no longer open to question.
In general, all families of DNA repeats could potentially have an impact
on genome organization, either by generating genome instability,
since multicopy elements are known to be powerful recombinogenic
substrates (Hedges and Deininger, 2007), or as being components of
essential chromosomal domains, such as centromeres and telomeres
in many species (Wong and Choo, 2004; Lamb et al., 2007). It is clear
that TE replication might induce genetic mutations via transposition,
as reported for some maize lineages, where Ac/Ds alternative trans-
position (from the ends of two different elements) is directly re-
sponsible for major chromosomal rearrangements (translocations,
duplications, inversions)(Zhang et al., 2009). The immediate effects
Gene 454 (2010) 17
Abbreviation: TE, Transposable element.
Corresponding author. Tel.: +33 4 72 43 29 18; fax: +33 4 72 43 13 88.
E-mail address: (C. Vieira).
0378-1119/$ see front matter © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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of transposition can be detrimental, as illustrated by several human
diseases (reviewed in Callinan and Batzer, 2006). Despite these dam-
aging effects, TEs have been maintained in almost all genomes either
as full-length or truncated copies. Full-length copies have kept their
ability to mutate the genome as a result of transposition, while the
truncated copies have often lost their capacity to transpose. However,
the truncated versions might also be recruited by the genome. Indeed,
recent reports have proposed a scenario of co-evolution of TEs and
hosts, in which TEs (often as truncated copies) are involved in complex
genomic processes such as post transcriptional gene regulation, gene
protein translation enhancement, etc. (Muotri et al., 2007; Sinzelle
et al., 2009). Truncated copies may also act as recombinogenic sub-
strates for other truncated or full-length copies, inducing genome
rearrangements. TE copies have been shown to give rise to new regu-
latory sequences, alternative splice sites, polyadenylation signals
(Marino-Ramirez et al., 2005), and new transcription-factor binding
sites (Polavarapu et al., 2008). TEs also enhance genome regulation
as, for example, when they give rise to microRNAs, which are able
to regulate gene expression (Hasler et al., 2007; Piriyapongsa et al.,
2007). Since TEs are widespread in the genome and have so many
different inuences on gene regulation, several authors have sug-
gested that TEs may play a vital role in creating, remodelling and
regulating gene networks (McClintock, 1984; Feschotte, 2008). We
therefore hypothesize that bursts of TE activity may have profound
impacts on genome structure and gene regulation.
3. Bursts of TE transposition drive speciation
TEs have been observed in all sequenced genomes analyzed to
date, and comparative genomics gives us a broad insight into the
variability of TE content between genomes of different species. For
instance, TEs represent 85% of the maize genome (Schnable, 2009),
but only 14% of Arabidopsis thaliana's (The Arabidopsis Genome Ini-
tiative, 2000). Variations in genome size between closely related
species are often related to differences in the amount of TEs. For
instance, in the D. melanogaster species subgroup, larger genomes are
partly attributable to high TE-like sequence content, as estimated
from the amount of reverse transcriptase-related sequences deter-
mined by dot blot (Boulesteix et al., 2006). In cotton, differences in
genome size between species, ranging from 40 to 65%, have been
associated with a particular TE subfamily, the gypsy-like Gorge3 ele-
ment (Hawkins et al., 2006). Differences in the relative proportions
of TEs can also occur within a species, as observed for copies of several
TE families when counted in the euchromatic arms on polytene chro-
mosomes in natural populations of D. simulans (Vieira et al., 1999).
TE abundance, TE-derived genomic features and chromosomal re-
arrangements involving TE sequences are frequently lineage specic
and, therefore, suggest that TEs have contributed to the process of
speciation, either as a cause, or an effect (Marino-Ramirez et al., 2005;
Bohne et al., 2008). One should note that correlating TE transposition
consequences and speciation is rather tricky, since it is difcult to
determine the exact timing of TE bursts and natural species diver-
sication. We hypothesize that TE burst of transposition might induce
rapid speciation, but the debate is still open. A variety of factors such
as gene transfers and losses, mutations affecting speciation genes,
endosymbiotic interactions, antirecombination mechanisms during
meiosis, and introgression could also account for reproductive iso-
lation (Presgraves et al., 2003; Scannell et al., 2006; Lexer and Widmer,
2008; Lowry et al., 2008; Greig, 2009). In addition, an inuence of TEs
on speciation apparently without transposition bursts was reported in
Fig. 1. General classication of eukaryote transposable elements. TEs are abundant and ubiquitous mobile sequences capable of jumping inside the genome. TEs are divided into two
major classes on the basis of differences in their transposition mechanisms: Class I Retrotransposons copy and pastethrough an RNA intermediate, whereas Class II DNA
transposons just cut and pastetheir own molecule. Autonomous retrotransposons harbor long terminal repeats in their ends (LTR) or not (LINE-like), and can be infectious agents
(endogenous retroviruses). Non-autonomous retrotransposons, such as SINEs, are dependent on autonomous elements to be copied and pastedin trans. The same dependency is
observed among DNA transposons, where MITEs need a full-length transposase coded by autonomous DNA transposons to be cut and pastedin trans. Full-length helitrons, recently
identied Class II DNA transposons, play an important role in exon shufing thanks to their rolling circlereplication mechanism. For a recent classication of eukaryote TEs, please
refer to Wicker et al., 2007. Boxes represent open reading frames, triangles are either inverted repeats (IR) in blue, or long terminal repeats (LTR) in green, and small blue arrows
correspond to duplicated insertion site representations. DDE elements: transposases carrying the aspartate (D), aspartate (D), glutamate and (E) motif. MITE: miniature inverted
repeated elements; ERV: endogenous retrovirus; LINE: long interspersed nuclear element; SVA: composite element composed of parts of SINE (short interspersed nuclear element),
VNTR (variable number of tandem repeats) and Alu repeatsthe rst box represents CCCTCT hexamer repeats; SINE red boxes indicate a diagnostic feature; Gag, Pol, Env: retroviral-
like proteins coded by TE open reading frames.
2R. Rebollo et al. / Gene 454 (2010) 17
some species. For instance, the formation of the recent invasive species
Spartina anglica through natural allopolyploidization was accompa-
nied by major structural and epigenetic remodelling (CpG methyla-
tion changes) in the vicinity of TEs (Parisod et al., 2009), but bursts of
transposition have not been detected (Baumel et al., 2002). Hetero-
chromatin, which is highly enriched in TEs and other repeats, also
seems to play a role in speciation, as observed by Ferree and Barbash in
Drosophila hybrids (Ferree and Barbash, 2009; Hughes and Hawley,
2009). Furthermore, bursts of transposition are not always associated
with rapid speciation. It should be kept in mind that Pand Ielements
have recently invaded natural populations of D. melanogaster, but no
speciation has been observed. Also, in a few rice strains, nearly 40 new
copies of the DNA transposon mPing are observed per plant generation.
For the present, the only consequence of this burst of transposition
has been slight transcriptional deregulation of a few genes that have
mPing copies inserted into their 5anking region. However, it is
interesting to note that a few of the genes containing mPing in their
anking regions are salt- and cold-inducible as a result of the presence
of the DNA transposon, suggesting that a few insertions may play an
adaptive role (Naito et al., 2009). No massive restructuration of the
genome has been observed in rice despite the high rate of trans-
position, and no speciation seems to be happening in this species. We
hypothesize that in order for bursts of transposition to induce rapid
speciation, massive genome restructuring or mutations in speciation
geneshave to occur. Several researchers have found examples of
concordant timing between bursts of transposition or massive TE
extinction and speciation (Table 1). While this short-review was in
revision, two bibliographic analyses of the punctuated equilibrium
theory, and the general impact of TEs in genomes were published, and
both reinforce the hypothesis that TEs may drive macroevolution via
bursts of transposition (Oliver and Greene, 2009; Zeh et al., 2009).
Signicant TE activity is observed in several species, often during
periods of radiation, suggesting that massive speciation and massive
TE activity may be associated. The genetic distance between two
organisms is calculated as a function of their genetic divergence, so
every episode that creates divergence, such as lineage-specic trans-
position events, could contribute to the reproductive isolation of those
organisms. TE patterns that differ between individuals of the same
species, whether as a cause or a consequence of genetic differentiation,
may not only provide genetic markers for researchers, but also con-
stitute evidence of a speciation process occurring within the species
concerned (Esnault et al., 2008). For instance, signicant TE insertion
site polymorphism can be observed in the Japonica and Indica cultivars
of rice, and accounts for 14% of their genetic differences (Huang et al.,
Since the exact evolutionary history of a species is difcult to
determine, interspecies crosses provide useful macroevolution study
models. Indeed, interspecies hybrids are classic examples of bursts of
transposition that have caused severe dysfunctions, and could poten-
tially induce rapid speciation (reviewed in Fontdevila, 2005; Micha-
lak, 2009)(Table 2). Three independent hybrids of the sunower
species have a genome that is 50% larger than the parental lines as the
result of a massive TE transposition, and they are thought to have
undergone rapid speciation (in fewer than 60 generations in one case)
(Ungereret al., 1998, 2006). Also, in dosage-dependent crosses between
A. thaliana and A. arenosa (crosses where the amount of the maternal
and paternal genomes are variable, and so may be different), high
expression of the paternal A. arenosa Athila element in the hybrid is
correlated with seed lethality (Josefsson et al., 2006). Such obser-
vations are essential for understanding hybrid compatibility, since
A. arenosa and A. thaliana hybridization has been successful at least
once in nature (Jakobsson et al., 2006). In insects, D. buzzatii and
D. koepferae are still able to interbreed, and share common TE families
that are maintained in both genomes. Crosses between these two
species considerably induce the transposition of Osvaldo in the result-
ing hybrids, even though it is repressed in both parental genomes
(Labrador et al., 1999). In wallabies, interspecies hybrids contain vari-
able centromeres, composed of satellite repeats and newly replicated
TE copies (Metcalfe et al., 2007). McFadden and Knowles have de-
signed an algorithm in order to model evolution in asexual digital
organisms with or without TEs. They conclude that transposon-
mediated mutations were associated with punctuated bursts of rapid
evolution and appearance of new adaptive peaks, in contrast to the
stasis trap observed in organisms without transposons (McFadden and
Knowles, 1997). All these examples suggest that bursts of TE trans-
position occurring during hybrid speciation may induce important
karyotypic changes because of the ability of TEs to induce major chro-
mosomal rearrangements and ectopic recombination (Hedges and
Table 1
TE transposition bursts concomitant with radiation periods.
TE events/Species history References
Decreased L1 and SINE accumulation during emergence
of African apes (1415 Mya).
Consortium (2002)
Generation of L1 subfamilies in less than 0.3 Mya
concomitant with intense speciation in
Rattus sensu stricto.
Verneau et al. (1998)
The timing of Lx family (L1 ancestral family)
amplication is close in time to the murine radiation.
Pascale et al. (1990)
Rapid speciation in the genus Taterillus (gerbil) occurred,
and massive transposition of TEs in new lineages
was observed.
Dobigny et al. (2004)
DNA elements were extremely active during the
Myotis radiation.
Ray et al. (2008)
DNA transposon transposition bursts are concomitant
with speciation events in pseudotetraploid salmonids
and occurred after genome duplication.
de Boer et al. (2007)
Acquisition and consequent transposition of an endogenous
retrovirus element in Entamoeba histolytica, and lineage
specic enrichment in TEs might affect speciation
and pathogenicity.
Lorenzi et al. (2008)
Table 2
Hybrid analysis: epigenetic remodelling and TE activation.
Experimental conclusions References
Mus musculus and M. caroli crosses induce retroelement
hypomethylation on chromosome 10, the substrate
of double minute chromosome formation in
interspecies hybrids.
Brown et al. (2008)
Intraspecic crosses of D. melanogaster can result in
hybrid dysgenesis, associated with mobilization of
Por Ielements, dependent on rasiRNA production in
the germinal cell line and causing several
abnormalities (such as female sterility).
Brennecke et al. (2008)
Crosses between D. buzzatti and D. koepferae activate
Osvaldo copies in the hybrid.
Labrador et al. (1999)
Interspecic macropodid hybrids (Macropus rufogriseus
and M. agilis) present centromeric instability due to
TEs and satellite replication, probably inducing
karyotypic isolation from the parental species.
Metcalfe et al., 2007
Genome-wide hypomethylation and centromeric
expansion, due to TE activation, are observed in
M. eugenii or Wallabia bicolour hybrids.
O'Neill et al., 1998
In A. thaliana and A. arenosa dosage-dependent crosses,
the usually silenced paternal Athila elements are
activated concomitantly with the deregulation of
polycomb complex-dependent gene regulation.
Josefsson et al. (2006)
Wheat allotetraploid formation is accompanied by TE
activation, DNA methylation and gene expression
Kashkush et al., 2002
Helianthus annuus and H. petiolari hybrids have a
genome 50% larger than parental individuals due
to TE amplication.
Ungerer et al. (1998),
Ungerer et al. (2006)
DNA introgression in Zizania latifolia causes TE activation
through modications in DNA methylation and
morphological deviations from the primordial line.
Note that de novo stable silencing of TEs is observed in
the introgressed lines.
Liu and Wendel (2003)
3R. Rebollo et al. / Gene 454 (2010) 17
Deininger, 2007; Weil, 2009). In this way, TE mobilization can result
in novel phenotypes followed by the ecological isolation of micro-
populations, which are the components required for rapid and diver-
gent evolution.
Both transcription and transposition activities of TEs are controlled
via a variety of mechanisms. The expression of TEs is dependent on
the presence of transcription factors, as illustrated by the evolution
of the L1 lineage in humans. Indeed, the recruitment of regulatory
regions in new L1 subfamilies harboring new transcription-factor
binding sites is essential for L1 expression (Khan et al., 2006). Fur-
thermore, cellular inhibitors may inuence TE transposition post-
transcriptionally, as has been observed for some members of the
APOBEC family, which are capable of reducing HERV-K infectivity
(50 fold) (Lee and Bieniasz, 2007), and block Alu transposition in a
manner independent of ORF1p L1 (Hulme et al., 2007). Moreover,
transposition of mobile elements induces DNA breaks, suggesting
that an interaction occurs between the host DNA repair machinery
and TEs. ERCC1-XPF heterodimers are implicated in DNA repair pro-
cesses and limit L1 insertion (Gasior et al., 2008). Apart from cellular
inhibitors and transcription factor dependency, TEs are also transcrip-
tionally and post-transcriptionally regulated through epigenetic path-
ways (Lisch, 2009). However, we know that epigenetic mechanisms
are labile in response to environmental changes, and so TEs may
occasionally escape silencing, and in some cases could cause genome
rearrangements. In order to understand how speciation occurs as a
result of transposition bursts, it is therefore essential to understand
epigenetic reprogramming.
4. Epigenetic reprogramming of TEs
Epigenetic regulation of TEs involves interdependent pathways,
such as chromatin remodelling factors, DNA methylation and non-
coding small RNAs (Lisch, 2009; Obbard et al., 2009)(Table 3 for an
overview of TE epigenetic regulation). In rice, for instance, specic
mutants of histone H3K9 methyltransferase induce DNA demethy-
lation of Tos17 (copia-like retrotransposon) and, consequently, lead
to transposition (Ding et al., 2007). In plants, RNA-dependent DNA
methylation (RDDM) of TEs and genes is often observed. This is re-
versible, since it is dependent on the presence of small interfering
RNAs (Matzke et al., 2007). Recent investigations have highlighted
the central role of RNA in controlling TE activity: such a system was
probably present in a common eukaryote ancestor as it is well con-
served between species; and it may act as an immunological system
against non-self RNAs (Obbard et al., 2009). Also, small RNAs allow
for target specicity of DNA methylation or histone modication in a
given sequence. For instance, epigenetic instability in long-term cul-
tured cells of A. thaliana evolves into the hypomethylation of specic
TEs and subsequent activation (Tanurdzic et al., 2008). Indeed, Athila
or copia elements are hypomethylated, regardless of their location,
whereas no change is observed for gypsy class elements (Tanurdzic
et al., 2008). Such specicity is possibly due to the fact that siRNAs
are produced differently in TE families subjected to stress of this type,
varying from 21 nt and 24 nt for hypomethylated activated TEs, but
with only 24 nt for silenced gypsy class elements (Tanurdzic et al.,
The TE epigenetic regulation system is in fact rather efcient.
It is general in nature, because the TE families capable of invasion
are multiple and divergent but, at the same time, it also appears to
be specic, and targets single TE families through sequence-specic
small RNAs. Each pathway in the epigenetic regulation of TEs seems,
therefore, to be both essential and extremely rigorous. Naturally the
question arises as to how TEs can possibly invade a genome if they are
trapped in an inviolable prison. In fact, we know that TEs often do
transpose at a very low rate, suggesting that the prison is after all,
somewhat permeable. Indeed, it has recently been suggested that
small RNAs can be linked with the total or partial silence of elements,
as observed in Drosophila hybrid dysgenesis. Indeed, intraspecies
Drosophila crosses may cause hybrid dysgenesis of Pand Ielements,
resulting in very seriously deleterious effects, such as female steril-
ity or chromosomal abnormalities (Bucheton et al., 1984; Castro and
Carareto, 2004). In these crosses, individuals of the same species have
different amounts of TEs since one of the parents has an empty
genome. A decit in a small interfering RNA (piRNA) in the maternal
gamete allows originally silenced TEs to transpose in the hybrids
(Brennecke et al., 2008; Chambeyron et al., 2008).
The study of natural populations and the observation of the nat-
ural variability that exists in epigenetic host control can explain
TE-induced macroevolution. Epigenetic variation in hybrids, in allo-
polyploid species, and in single individuals could arouse the TEs,
induce a burst of transposition and, as described above, increase kar-
yotypic changes followed by ecological isolation. TE epigenetic regu-
lation has been reported both in somatic tissues (Barbot et al., 2002;
Malone et al., 2009) and in germline tissues (Malone et al., 2009). Both
types of regulation can inuence population behavior by creating
potentially heritable phenotypic variations. Variation in TE epigenetic
regulation has been observed, for instance, in the LINE-like element
Sadhu, that displays epigenetic variation (DNA methylation and differ-
ent silencing states) in three different A. thaliana ecotypes (Rangwala
et al., 2006). Other epialleles, or differences in the epigenetic regu-
lation of a given sequence in different tissues and/or individuals
belonging to the same population, have been reported, mostly in
plants and mice. However, further progress in population epigenetics
is still necessary, along with ecological epigenetic studies, if we are
fully to understand natural population variation in epigenetic regula-
tion (Bossdorf et al., 2008; Johannes et al., 2008; Richards, 2008). TE
Table 3
General view of TE epigenetic regulation.
Histone modications Position effect variegation (PEV) is the mechanism behind
variation in the transcription of a given gene, and is
correlated to its chromatin localization. Mutations in
Su(var) genes responsible for such variegation are often
accompanied by TE amplication. The major function of
this gene family is to post-translationally modify histone
N terminal ends. Usually histone methylation in lysine
residues (H3K9me, H3K27me, and H4K20me) typically
occurs in a closed chromatin conformation, in contrast to
the acetylation of histones and methylation in H3K4,
which are often observed in open chromatin structures.
TEs are closely associated with repressive marks, like
H3K9me3 in humans, H4K20me3 in Drosophila and
H3K9me2 in plants.
DNA methylation In plants and mammals, DNA methylation plays an
important role in silencing TEs. In insects,
DNA methylation is observed as a silencing process
in genes and TEs.
Non-coding RNAs Post translational gene silencing (PTGS) via small
interfering RNAs (siRNA) processed by the AGO/DICER/
RISC complex is another mechanism that can be used to
silence TEs. Indeed siRNAs derived from TE copy
transcripts can target full-length and putatively active
TE transcripts, thus preventing TE transposition.
Piwi related RNAs (piRNAs or rasiRNAs, standing for
repeated associated small interfering RNAs) in Drosophila
are processed via the Piwi/Aub/AGO3 pathway, are
2430 nt and are known to silence TEs in the germline,
whereas endo-siRNA (endogenous small interfering RNAs)
processed by DICER2/AGO2 are 21 nt, and are capable of
somatic silencing TEs. Germinal and somatic silencing are
therefore possible thanks to non-coding RNAs. However,
the presence and the transcription of a TE copy in the
genome are essential to engage PTTES (post translational
transposable element silencing). The idea that this
constitutes an immune system is therefore appropriate,
since having non-coding RNAs of a given TE family will
protect the genome from further invasions.
4R. Rebollo et al. / Gene 454 (2010) 17
epigenetic regulation is, therefore, a variable and exible mechanism
that can induce massive TE transposition in the germline, and conse-
quent chromosomal rearrangements.
The gibbon species has rapidly accumulated chromosomal rear-
rangements and, hence, offers an interesting model for karyotypic
evolution and speciation. Carbone et al. recently reported an example
of differences in the epigenetic regulation of Alu elements in humans
and gibbons that is associated with breakpoints between the species
(Carbone et al., 2009). They observed that CpG content was higher
in the gibbon Alu elements near the breakpoints (typical of active
elements), and that these elements were undermethylated relative
to human Alu.Alu elements present in the breakpoints are probably
active and responsible, in part, for the rapid chromosomal remodel-
ling in the gibbon. The authors propose that the association between
undermethylation and chromosomal rearrangement in gibbons sug-
gests a correlation between epigenetic state and structural genome
variation in evolution.
Conjugating two different genomes in the same organism, as
in hybrids or in allopolyploids, may require signicant adaptations
of all the regulatory mechanisms, including TE epigenetic regula-
tion (reviewed in Michalak, 2009)(Table 2). In wallabies, interspecies
crosses cause a burst of transposition of a retrotransposon, together
with genome-wide hypomethylation (O'Neill et al., 1998). Such a burst
of transposition targets a single parental genome, and results in ex-
tended centromeres, suggesting rapid karyotype differentiation from
the parents (O'Neill et al., 1998). The authors also analyzed some other
natural crosses, and found that hypomethylation of the hybrids was
always observed as de novo chromosomal changes. In allopolyploidi-
zation, TE transposition may also be concomitant with genome-wide
epigenetic changes (Liu and Wendel, 2003). These examples show
how genome remodelling could occur after epigenetic variation in
TE copies. However, we need to identify the causes of genome-wide
epigenetic modications and subsequent TE activation. Interspe-
cies crosses induce genomic stress, i.e. changes in genomic stability
(chromatin changes, density of repeats) and organization (DNA
recombination, TE replication, retroposed or duplicated genes), that
could indeed have an impact on epialleles and provoke TE activation.
Genome-wide epigenetic changes might play a role in genome adap-
tation to environmental changes. One can readily imagine that TE
arousal occurs due to epigenetic changes, and that these changes orig-
inate in one individual in response to specic environmental changes.
The ecological outcomes of TE mobilization due to environmental
changes may be numerous, including things such as survival of the
host, increase of host tness, micro-population isolation etc. The sub-
sequent spread of these factors within populations could lead to
sexual isolation and speciation.
5. The environment induces epigenetic reprogramming
Several studies have demonstrated that modications in the envi-
ronment can induce epigenetic modications and, therefore, tran-
scription state changes (Jaenisch and Bird, 2003). Such transcriptional
changes are a source of phenotypic variability that may be exploited
by organisms to increase the adaptative potentialof the host. Indeed,
diet changes, temperature variation, stress etc. all have an impact
on gene regulation (Waterland and Jirtle, 2004; Cropley et al., 2006;
Gibert et al., 2007; Chinnusamy and Zhu, 2009). In addition, diet
changes, temperature variations, stress etc. could all affect TE trans-
position (El-Sawy et al., 2005; Hashida et al., 2006; Ebina and Levin,
2007; Cho et al., 2008). Consequently, activation of TEs could result
from the relaxation of epigenetic control induced by environmental
There is a huge amount of literature relating the activation of
TEs to environmental stress, but only a few examples suggest a link
between environmental epigenetic instability and the activation of
TEs. Early nutrition has an impact on the epigenetic regulation of
TEs, especially via DNA methylation, as reviewed by Waterland and
Jirtle, 2004. The agouti gene controls hair color in mice (brown in wild
type), and the insertion of an IAP retrotransposon in the rst exon
induces ectopic and variable expression of agouti. LTR from IAP ele-
ments are regulated by DNA methylation, which varies between
individuals. Dietary supplementation (with methyl donors) shifts the
phenotype to the wild type brown colour, which is indicative of higher
DNA methylation in the IAP element (Waterland and Jirtle, 2003).
In D. melanogaster, both heat treatment and aging induce the tran-
scription of older heterochromatic I copies and, hence, the production
of small interfering RNAs (rasiRNA) that repress active I elements in
the germline (Dramard et al., 2007). DNA methylation of L1 and Alu1
elements is decreased in individuals exposed to the pollutant benzene
(Bollati et al., 2007) and, similarly, benzo(a)pyrene increases retro-
transposition of L1 elements in HeLa cells (Stribinskis and Ramos, 2006).
In mice, a long-term peroxisome proliferating diet induces hypomethy-
lation of satellites, IAP and L1/L2 elements (Pogribny et al., 2007).
6. Conclusion
The fact that TE copies are subject to epigenetic regulation has two
main consequences: 1) the environment can have a direct inuence
on TE activity through epigenetic instability and 2) TE sequences
are present in the host genome in a harmlessstate. Since bursts of
transposition have been observed in several species it is tempting to
suggest that their defense systems have, at least temporarily, broken
down. However, this failure is transient, and the host may rapidly
silence any de novo TE copies produced. Although the benet is not
immediate, transposition might have a long term advantage. Indeed,
transposition bursts have numerous consequences, resulting in a re-
newal of genetic diversity, which is the major prerequisite for genome
evolution and selection to occur. Genetic diversity is fundamental for
gene networks to be renewed, allowing new species to emerge. Each
environmental change indirectly creates an increase in host genetic
variability, which means that selection can act over a larger repertoire
of genetic information. Epigenetic instability of TEs would lead to
signicant genetic variability, and the subsequent selection of the best
adapted organism.
Owing to space limitations, we sincerely regret the omission of
many outstanding publications in this eld. We thank Dr. M. Fablet,
Dr. D. Reiss and two anonymous reviewers that contributed signi-
cantly to improve the manuscript. We thank Monika Gosh for cor-
recting the English of this article. This work was supported by ANR09-
BLANC0103-01, FINOVI and CIBLE2008 (Région Rhône Alpes).
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7R. Rebollo et al. / Gene 454 (2010) 17
... For instance, TEs has been indicated to be of evolutionary importance in invasive species of ants, where TE-dense genomic islands were shown to generate variability in genes deemed important in the adaptation process [21]. Interestingly, bursts of TE activity coinciding with speciation have been found in studies of a variety of taxa [22], including mammals [23]. Within teleost fish, elevated TE activity has been shown to coincide with species radiations in salmonids [24] and cichlids [25,26]. ...
... Within teleost fish, elevated TE activity has been shown to coincide with species radiations in salmonids [24] and cichlids [25,26]. Beside a potential role in adaptive radiations through generating adaptive mutations, a mechanism of which TEs could influence speciation is by causing chromosomal rearrangements, possibly as a response to epigenetic release due to environmental stress [22], which in turn can lead to reproductive isolation. For STRs, different length variants present in a population contribute to the genetic variation and have been shown in some cases to be functionally relevant [27][28][29][30]. ...
Full-text available
Repetitive DNA make up a considerable fraction of most eukaryotic genomes. In fish, transposable element (TE) activity has coincided with rapid species diversification. Here, we annotated the repetitive content in 100 genome assemblies, covering the major branches of the diverse lineage of teleost fish. We investigated if TE content correlates with family level net diversification rates and found support for a weak negative correlation. Further, we demonstrated that TE proportion correlates with genome size, but not to the proportion of short tandem repeats (STRs), which implies independent evolutionary paths. Marine and freshwater fish had large differences in STR content, with the most extreme propagation detected in the genomes of codfish species and Atlantic herring. Such a high density of STRs is likely to increase the mutational load, which we propose could be counterbalanced by high fecundity as seen in codfishes and herring. Supplementary Information The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s13100-023-00302-9.
... Transposable elements have been shown to affect gene expression in different organisms (Huang et al., 2012;Rebollo et al., 2010). These elements have an established role in plant diversity and evolution (Oliver et al., 2013). ...
... These elements have an established role in plant diversity and evolution (Oliver et al., 2013). Insertion of transposable elements often causes epigenetic changes, like DNA methylation that leads to strong gene silencing (Rebollo et al., 2010;Uchiyama et al., 2009). Retrotransposons are ubiquitous components of plant genomes (Grandbastien and Casacuberta, 2012) and the transposon insertions have been documented both in coding and noncoding regions. ...
... Repeats have proven to be valuable resources in molecular biology and phylogenetics as species-specific or group-specific markers (Rebollo et al., 2010). In the Musaceae, repeats have served as effective molecular markers, as the proliferation of certain groups often accompanied speciation (Novaḱ et al., 2014). ...
Full-text available
Genome size variation is a crucial aspect of plant evolution, influenced by a complex interplay of factors. Repetitive elements, which are fundamental components of genomic architecture, often play a role in genome expansion by selectively amplifying specific repeat motifs. This study focuses on Amomum, a genus in the ginger family (Zingiberaceae), known for its 4.4-fold variation in genome size. Using a robust methodology involving PhyloNet reconstruction, RepeatExplorer clustering, and repeat similarity-based phylogenetic network construction, we investigated the repeatome composition, analyzed repeat dynamics, and identified potential hybridization events within the genus. Our analysis confirmed the presence of four major infrageneric clades (A–D) within Amomum, with clades A–C exclusively comprising diploid species (2n = 48) and clade D encompassing both diploid and tetraploid species (2n = 48 and 96). We observed an increase in the repeat content within the genus, ranging from 84% to 89%, compared to outgroup species with 75% of the repeatome. The SIRE lineage of the Ty1-Copia repeat superfamily was prevalent in most analyzed ingroup genomes. We identified significant difference in repeatome structure between the basal Amomum clades (A, B, C) and the most diverged clade D. Our investigation revealed evidence of ancient hybridization events within Amomum, coinciding with a substantial proliferation of multiple repeat groups. This finding supports the hypothesis that ancient hybridization is a driving force in the genomic evolution of Amomum. Furthermore, we contextualize our findings within the broader context of genome size variations and repeatome dynamics observed across major monocot lineages. This study enhances our understanding of evolutionary processes within monocots by highlighting the crucial roles of repetitive elements in shaping genome size and suggesting the mechanisms that drive these changes.
... In fact, the heterogeneity found across the Neotropical region provides innumerous distinct environments, challenging the survival of species (Miranda et al., 2022). Such environments also impact genomes, as expanding into new areas may relieve the epigenetic silencing or control of TEs, leading to their mobilization and amplification (Gregory, 2001;Rebollo et al., 2010;Antoniolli et al., 2023). For instance, D. willistoni -which harbors an exceptional diversity of Galileo (Gonçalves et al., 2014) -is distributed throughout the Neotropical region, and TEs differentially populate its genomes (Bertocchi et al., 2022). ...
Full-text available
Galileo is a transposon notoriously involved with inversions in Drosophila buzzatii by ectopic recombination. Although widespread in Drosophila, little is known about this transposon in other lineages of Drosophilidae. Here, the abundance of the canonical Galileo and its evolutionary history in Drosophilidae genomes was estimated and reconstructed across genera within its two subfamilies. Sequences of this transposon were masked in these genomes and their transposase sequences were recovered using BLASTn. Phylogenetic analyses were employed to reconstruct their evolutionary history and compare it to that of host genomes. Galileo was found in nearly all 163 species, however, only 37 harbored nearly complete transposase sequences. In the remaining, Galileo was found highly fragmented. Copies from related species were clustered, however horizontal transfer events were detected between the melanogaster and montium groups of Drosophila, and between the latter and the Lordiphosa genus. The similarity of sequences found in the virilis and willistoni groups of Drosophila was found to be a consequence of lineage sorting. Therefore, the evolution of Galileo is primarily marked by vertical transmission and long-term inactivation, mainly through the deletion of open reading frames. The latter has the potential to lead copies of this transposon to become miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements.
... Even though TE activity is beneficial to a certain extent, TE overactivity can be detrimental to genome stability, and, therefore, TEs are generally epigenetically silenced [107][108][109][110]. In fungi, genomic regions that are enriched for TEs are often epigenetically silenced by H3K9me3 and cytosine methylation (5-methylcytocine, 5mC) [111][112][113][114][115]. Similarly, in V. dahliae we found that H3K9me3 and 5mC co-localize on TE-rich genomic regions (Fig 1A) [27,36,37]. ...
Full-text available
Through the association of protein complexes to DNA, the eukaryotic nuclear genome is broadly organized into open euchromatin that is accessible for enzymes acting on DNA and condensed heterochromatin that is inaccessible. Chemical and physical alterations to chromatin may impact its organization and functionality and are therefore important regulators of nuclear processes. Studies in various fungal plant pathogens have uncovered an association between chromatin organization and expression of in planta-induced genes that are important for pathogenicity. This review discusses chromatin-based regulation mechanisms as determined in the fungal plant pathogen Verticillium dahliae and relates the importance of epigenetic transcriptional regulation and other nuclear processes more broadly in fungal plant pathogens.
... Signals of recent transpositions were detected in the interspersed repeats landscapes of species belonging to the willistoni subgroup (Fig. 1), as peaks in Kimura distance closer to 0 (i.e., the "L" shape) indicate that the copies found within a genome are similar between each other (Fonseca et al. 2019). Bursts of transposition might be associated with speciation events, since hybridization and stressful environmental conditions faced by species while expanding into new areas may result in the breakdown of epigenetic control of TEs, triggering their mobilization and amplification (Gregory 2001;Rebollo et al. 2010). Even though most of the crossings produce sterile offspring, interspecific hybridizations have been reported in the willistoni subgroup (review in Winge and Cordeiro 1963) --as the case of D. equinoxialis and D. tropicalis; Genome Downloaded from by MARINDIA DEPRA on 08/03/23 ...
Genome size evolution is known to be related with transposable elements, yet such relation in incipient species remains poorly understood. For decades, the willistoni subgroup of Drosophila has been a model for evolutionary studies because of the different evolutionary stages and degrees of reproductive isolation its species present. Our main question here was how speciation influences genome size evolution and the fraction of repetitive elements, with a focus on transposable elements. We quantitatively compared the mobilome of four species and two subspecies belonging to this subgroup with their genome size, and performed comparative phylogenetic analyses. Our results showed that genome size and the fraction of repetitive elements evolved according to the evolutionary history of these species, but the content of transposable elements showed some discrepancies. Signals of recent transposition events were detected for different superfamilies. Their low genomic GC content suggests that in these species transposable element mobilization might be facilitated by relaxed natural selection. Additionally, a possible role of the superfamily DNA/TcMar-Tigger in the expansion of these genomes was also detected. We hypothesize that the undergoing process of speciation could be promoting the observed increase in the fraction of repetitive elements and, consequently, genome size.
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THE SOURCES OF GENOME VARIABILITY AS DOMESTICATION DRIVERS (review) Plant and animal domestication is the key event in the history of mankind, its mechanisms have attracted the attention of many researchers, especially in recent decades due to the well-known decline in biodiversity, including in agricultural species. According to the definition proposed by Melinda Zeder (M.A. Zeder, 2015), domestication is the stable mutualistic relationship in a number of generations in which the domesticator influences the reproduction of the domesticates, optimizing their lifestyle for the supply of the needing resource to human, and thanks to which the domesticates gain advantages over other individuals of the species. Such relationships are accompanied by interspecific coevolution, they are present not only in humans and domestic species of plants and animals, but also in representatives of wild species, for example, insects, fungi. As a universal feature of domestic species in comparison with closely related wild ones, a high phenotypic diversity is considered, which was noticed by Charles Darwin (Ch. Darwin, 1951). Pairwise genomic comparisons of such species as domestic dog and wolf, wild and domestic cat, domesticated and wild rabbit reveal a relatively increased density of a number of mobile genetic elements in domesticated animals compared to wild ones. In recent years, mobile genetic elements, or transposons (TEs), have been considered as the main factors of genomic transformations, gene, genomic duplications, genomic and gene reconstructions, as well as horizontal exchanges of genetic information (K.R. Oliver, W.K. Greene, 2009). The number of comparative genomic studies of TEs in domesticated species is small, and the role of such elements in domestication, as a rule, is not discussed. However, it can be expected that universal mechanisms of genome variability underlie all evolutionary events, including in response to the new niche-construction during domestication. The presented review systematizes such mechanisms. TEs providing deep genomic transformations, active and passive forms of their interactions with the host genome are considered (K.R. Oliver et al., 2009). Examples of the emergence of new genes based on TEs, such as the synticin gene, are described (C. Herrera-Úbeda et al., 2021), the synaptic plasticity regulator gene arc (Activity Regulated Cytoskeleton Associated Protein) (C. Herrera-Úbeda et al., 2021), the bex gene family encoding, in particular, the neuron growth factor receptor (E. Navas-Pérez et al., 2020; R.P. Cabeen et al., 2022). Conflict and cooperative interactions with the host genome during retrotransposon movements and different mechanisms of their effects on gene expression profiles are discussed. The participation of TEs in the formation and variability of networks of genomic regulatory elements, in particular microRNAs, is considered. Examples of the involvement of microRNAs in the control and formation of economically valuable traits in domesticated plants and animals are presented. The accumulated data suggest that the leading source of large phenotypic variability of domesticated species is the relatively high saturation of their genomes with mobile genetic elements and, as a consequence, an increase in the variability of genomic regulatory networks in the formation of a new niche during domestication by humans. Keywords: domestication, genomics, variability, transposons, regulatory networks, microRNA
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Repetitive DNA make up a considerable fraction of most eukaryotic genomes. In fish, transposable element (TE) activity have coincided with rapid species diversification. Here, we annotated the repetitive content in 100 genome assemblies, covering the major branches of the diverse lineage of teleost fish. We investigated if TE content correlates with family level net diversification rates and found support for a weak negative correlation. Further, we found that TE content, the degree of parental care and short tandem repeat (STR) content contributed to genome size variability. In contrast to TEs, STR content showed a negative relationship with genome size. STR content did not correlate with TE content, which implies independent evolutionary paths. Last, marine and freshwater fish have large differences in STR content. The most extreme propagation was found in the genomes of codfish species and Atlantic herring. Such a high density of STRs is likely to increase the mutational load, which we propose could be counterbalanced by high fecundity as seen in codfishes and herring.
Transposable elements (TEs) are an important source of genome variability, playing many roles in the evolution of eukaryotic species. Besides well‐known phenomena, TEs may undergo the exaptation process and generate the so‐called exapted transposable element genes (ETEs). Here we present a genome‐wide survey of ETEs in the large genome of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), in which the massive amount of TEs, provides a significant source for exaptation. A library of sunflower TEs was used to build TE‐specific Hidden Markov Model profiles, to search for all available sunflower gene products. In doing so, 20,016 putative ETEs were identified and further investigated for the characteristics that distinguish TEs from genes, leading to the validation of 3,530 ETEs. The analysis of ETEs transcription patterns under different stress conditions showed a differential regulation triggered by treatments mimicking biotic and abiotic stress; furthermore, the distribution of functional domains of differentially regulated ETEs revealed a relevant presence of domains involved in many aspects of cellular functions. A comparative genomic investigation was performed including species representative of Asterids and appropriate outgroups: the bulk of ETEs resulted specific to the sunflower, while few ETEs presented orthologues in the genome of all analysed species, making the hypothesis of a conserved function. This study highlights the crucial role played by exaptation, actively contributing to species evolution.
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The sequence of the human genome encodes the genetic instructions for human physiology, as well as rich information about human evolution. In 2001, the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium reported a draft sequence of the euchromatic portion of the human genome. Since then, the international collaboration has worked to convert this draft into a genome sequence with high accuracy and nearly complete coverage. Here, we report the result of this finishing process. The current genome sequence (Build 35) contains 2.85 billion nucleotides interrupted by only 341 gaps. It covers approximately 99% of the euchromatic genome and is accurate to an error rate of approximately 1 event per 100,000 bases. Many of the remaining euchromatic gaps are associated with segmental duplications and will require focused work with new methods. The near-complete sequence, the first for a vertebrate, greatly improves the precision of biological analyses of the human genome including studies of gene number, birth and death. Notably, the human genome seems to encode only 20,000-25,000 protein-coding genes. The genome sequence reported here should serve as a firm foundation for biomedical research in the decades ahead.
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Comparative analysis of multiple genomes in a phylogenetic framework dramatically improves the precision and sensitivity of evolutionary inference, producing more robust results than single-genome analyses can provide. The genomes of 12 Drosophila species, ten of which are presented here for the first time (sechellia, simulans, yakuba, erecta, ananassae, persimilis, willistoni, mojavensis, virilis and grimshawi), illustrate how rates and patterns of sequence divergence across taxa can illuminate evolutionary processes on a genomic scale. These genome sequences augment the formidable genetic tools that have made Drosophila melanogaster a pre-eminent model for animal genetics, and will further catalyse fundamental research on mechanisms of development, cell biology, genetics, disease, neurobiology, behaviour, physiology and evolution. Despite remarkable similarities among these Drosophila species, we identified many putatively non-neutral changes in protein-coding genes, non-coding RNA genes, and cis-regulatory regions. These may prove to underlie differences in the ecology and behaviour of these diverse species.
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Insertions and precise eliminations of transposable elements generated numerous transposon insertion polymorphisms (TIPs) in rice (Oryza sativa). We observed that TIPs represent more than 50% of large insertions and deletions (>100 bp) in the rice genome. Using a comparative genomic approach, we identified 2,041 TIPs between the genomes of two cultivars, japonica Nipponbare and indica 93-11. We also identified 691 TIPs between Nipponbare and indica Guangluai 4 in the 23-Mb collinear regions of chromosome 4. Among them, retrotransposon-based insertion polymorphisms were used to reveal the evolutionary relationships of these three cultivars. Our conservative estimates suggest that the TIPs generated approximately 14% of the genomic DNA sequence differences between subspecies indica and japonica. It was also found that more than 10% of TIPs were located in expressed gene regions, representing an important source of genetic variation. Transcript evidence implies that these TIPs induced a series of genetic differences between two subspecies, including interrupting host genes, creating different expression forms, drastically changing intron length, and affecting expression levels of adjacent genes. These analyses provide genome-wide insights into evolutionary history and genetic variation of rice.
We analyzed the events that affect gene structure and expression in the early stages of allopolyploidy in wheat. The transcriptome response was studied by analyzing 3072 transcripts in the first generation of a synthetic allotetraploid (genome SlSlAmAm), which resembles tetraploid wheat (genome BBAA), and in its two diploid progenitors Aegilops sharonensis (SlSl) and Triticum monococcum ssp. aegilopoides (AmAm). The expression of 60 out of 3072 transcripts was reproducibly altered in the allotetraploid: 48 transcripts disappeared and 12 were activated. Transcript disappearance was caused by gene silencing or by gene loss. Gene silencing affected one or both homeologous loci and was associated in part with cytosine methylation. Gene loss or methylation had occurred already in the F1 intergeneric hybrid or in the allotetraploid, depending on the locus. The silenced/lost genes included rRNA genes and genes involved in metabolism, disease resistance, and cell cycle regulation. The activated genes with a known function were all retroelements. These findings show that wide hybridization and chromosome doubling affect gene expression via genetic and epigenetic alterations immediately upon allopolyploid formation. These events contribute to the genetic diploidization of newly formed allopolyploids.
Background: Anopheles gambiae, a major vector of malaria, is widely distributed throughout sub-Saharan Africa. In an attempt to eliminate infective mosquitoes, researchers are trying to develop transgenic strains that are refractory to the Plasmodium parasite. Before any release of transgenic mosquitoes can be envisaged, we need an accurate picture of the differentiation between the two molecular forms of An. gambiae, termed M and S, which are of uncertain taxonomic status.
The non-LTR retrotransposon LINE-1 (L1) comprises approximately 17% of the human genome, and the L1-encoded proteins can function in trans to mediate the retrotransposition of non-autonomous retrotransposons (i.e., Alu and probably SVA elements) and cellular mRNAs to generate processed pseudogenes. Here, we have examined the effect of APOBEC3G and APOBEC3F, cytidine deaminases that inhibit Vif-deficient HIV-1 replication, on Alu retrotransposition and other L1-mediated retrotransposition processes. We demonstrate that APOBEC3G selectively inhibits Alu retrotransposition in an ORF1p-independent manner. An active cytidine deaminase site is not required for the inhibition of Alu retrotransposition and the resultant integration events lack G to A or C to T hypermutation. These data demonstrate a differential restriction of L1 and Alu retrotransposition by APOBEC3G, and suggest that the Alu ribonucleoprotein complex may be targeted by APOBEC3G.
The flowering plant Arabidopsis thaliana is an important model system for identifying genes and determining their functions. Here we report the analysis of the genomic sequence of Arabidopsis. The sequenced regions cover 115.4 megabases of the 125-megabase genome and extend into centromeric regions. The evolution of Arabidopsis involved a whole-genome duplication, followed by subsequent gene loss and extensive local gene duplications, giving rise to a dynamic genome enriched by lateral gene transfer from a cyanobacterial-like ancestor of the plastid. The genome contains 25,498 genes encoding proteins from 11,000 families, similar to the functional diversity of Drosophila and Caenorhabditis elegans— the other sequenced multicellular eukaryotes. Arabidopsis has many families of new proteins but also lacks several common protein families, indicating that the sets of common proteins have undergone differential expansion and contraction in the three multicellular eukaryotes. This is the first complete genome sequence of a plant and provides the foundations for more comprehensive comparison of conserved processes in all eukaryotes, identifying a wide range of plant-specific gene functions and establishing rapid systematic ways to identify genes for crop improvement.