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A general architecture to support mobility in learning


Abstract and Figures

A rather new tendency in distance learning is the usage of mobile and wireless technologies to support learners and educators. In this paper we present an architecture, where the functionalities of e-learning platform are presented as Web services and on top of it a mobile learning management system is taking the responsibilities of adapting those services for the mobile users and for providing additional mobile specific services. Such a system should have three main functionalities - "context discovery", "mobile content management and adaptation" and "packaging and synchronization".
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A General Architecture to Support Mobility in Learning
Anna Trifonova, Marco Ronchetti
Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Trento,
38050 Povo (Trento), ITALY.
E-mail: {Anna.Trifonova, Marco.Ronchetti}
A rather new tendency in distance learning is the
usage of mobile and wireless technologies to support
learners and educators. In this paper we present an
architecture, where the functionalities of e-learning
platform are presented as web services and on top of it a
mobile Learning Management System is taking the
responsibilities of adapting those services for the mobile
users and for providing additional mobile specific
services. Such a system should have three main
functionalities – “Context Discovery”, “Mobile Content
Management and Adaptation” and “Packaging and
1. Introduction
Online courses, web-based education, computer
supported training and even virtual university are already
wide used terms. All of them represent e-learning which
is growing very fast both in educational end corporate
environment. The rapid development of wireless
infrastructure and the advent of mobile devices in
everyday life of people push the research to combine
those two domains, which results in the emerging of
mobile learning [6]. Considering the functionalities of e-
learning system in this paper we analyze the possibilities
to extend it to provide services for mobile devices. This
includes distribution of didactic material, user
identification and authorization, gathering of data relative
to the user-system interaction, provisioning of mobile
services etc. We find suitable an architecture that provides
interoperability between eLMS and mLMS (LMS stands
for Learning Management System).
In Section 2 we give a description of what e-learning is
and the services generally offered by e-learning platforms;
then we discuss the problems in the transition from e- to
m-learning (3). Section 4 is dedicated to the proposed
architecture. Related work (5), conclusion (6) and
references follow.
2. E-learning
E-learning has two main facets: the first is relative to
using technology to support distance learning, the second
is concerned with enhancing the learning experience with
the help of information technology. In the first case the
learners and the instructors can be physically separated
(they never or rarely meet for face-to-face lectures,
discussions, etc.) and thus all the learning process is
technology-mediated. In the second scenario the
traditional learning approaches can be supported with
complementary services, like online delivery of the
learning materials, support for collaborative work, virtual
communities etc. In many cases both aspects are
simultaneously present. The goals of e-learning systems
and the functionalities they offer can differ: the needs and
goals of know-how transfer in an industrial company are
quite different from the educational needs of a university.
The functionalities can be broadly grouped in four
categories: access to resources (data), specific e-learning
services, common services and presentation. We intend to
first list the main services and then discuss how these
services must be modified with the introduction of small
ubiquitous devices.
a) Resources
- Support of learning objects (LO) – any digital
material, link to other resources, active element (like
simulations etc.). Breaking the educational content into
small pieces allows modularity and reusability of the
content. These chunks of digital resources can be
rearranged in modules, like lectures and courses. To
facilitate this process they are usually described by
additional metadata (as prescribed by the LOM standard).
- Support for Learning Metadata – Repositories
for metadata can help to catalog learning objects, and
facilitate search and reuse.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT’04)
0-7695-2181-9/04 $20.00 © 2004 IEEE
- Quizzes and questions: lecturers can create a
pool of questions and answers to be used both for
automatic formal examination (summative assessment) or
self-assessment of the students.
b) E-learning specific services
- Content management services – In general any e-
learning system has the notion of Course and Lecture. A
course can be composed by collection of resources:
syllabus, one or many lectures, a structure for describing
lecture sequence, forum, board, etc. A lecture is usually
composed by many resources: presentation, exercise,
additional material. All these components should be
organized and accessed through a proper engine. There
could be searchable directories of courses, programs, etc.
- Assessment - one of the main advantages of
computer-supported learning is the automation of some
important processes. The self-assessment is one example.
The pool of questions/answers and a suitable engine allow
automatic generation of different versions of tests and
quizzes and also automatic checking of the results,
evaluation of performance and comparison with others’
- Knowledge management (KM) – today most e-
learning systems do not really support knowledge
management services. KM in general aims at extraction,
summarization and organization of explicit or tacit
knowledge from data sources (e.g. Web, e-mails, chats,
etc.). Application of KM to e-learning can be of vital
importance in companies, while in university context
(where most of the knowledge to be acquired by the
students is explicit and formalized) it can be a useful but
less relevant addition.
- Tools to support learners and tutors in managing
their learning resources - some systems allow different
users to have their own workspace and to upload personal
resources (links, documents, notes, etc.), or to markup
learning material.
c) Common services
- Support of different actors (students, teachers,
tutors, administrator and guests), and integration with the
company (university) information system. Different users
typically have different levels of permissions.
Unregistered users (guests) can have some (typically very
limited) level of access to the platform.
- Collaboration tools: synchronous (chat rooms,
shared applications, whiteboards, web-cast, audio- or
video-conference, role games, simulations) and
asynchronous (FAQ, forums, wikis, blogs, message/news
boards, e-mail, mailing lists). Usually few different
services are offered for communication between users of
the system (learners, lecturers, tutors, mentors). Some of
these tools are mainly meant to support cooperative work,
while others aim at sharing and accessing important or
topical information.
3. M-learning
In the general case mobile learning can be viewed as
any form of teaching or studying that happens when the
user is interacting through a mobile device. Nevertheless
here we try to transfer the services provided by an e-
learning platform (enumerated previously) into the mobile
context. We can easily see that there are services that need
to be adapted to fulfill the limitations of certain devices,
there are other services that are infeasible to transfer, but
also new services appear, provoked by the mobility.
The connectivity is one of the main differences if we
compare a mobile device with the PC (the usual medium
for delivering e-learning). Nowadays mobile devices
might be connected to ‘The Net’ via many technologies –
WAP, GPRS, UMTS, Bluetooth, WiFi, etc. Although it is
predictable that in the future the ‘always on’ will be wide
spread still it is not the case. Mobile devices often have
periods of disconnection, either intentionally (when the
connection is too expensive) or not (when no
infrastructure is provided).
Devices’ hardware and software characteristics have a
big impact on what content is possible and meaningful to
be delivered. Usually the web content is designed for
desktop PCs, thus unpleasant and even rarely useful from
a small-screened device. Nowadays mobile phones
became more powerful with amazing speed (both from
hardware and software point of view) however their
screens will remain comparatively small. Often also the
navigation is hard. Equipped with a small phone-style
keyboard or a touch-screen (for the PDAs) the users
might loose more time in searching where on the page the
information they need is than in reading it. We can
imagine alternative ways of navigation, for example voice
commands. The memory available on a mobile device is
also relatively small. It is possible to use extension packs
on some devices like PDAs, which reduces some of the
Location is a new thing to be considered. Although up
to now we are talking only about limitations, confronting
m-learning and e-learning there are also advantages. The
small size of the device and the wireless connections
make them available anytime and anywhere. The mobility
opens variety of new scenarios. Services involving
location-discovery are for example receiving directions
how to get to a certain room or alerts for seminars/lectures
that can be triggered while taking into consideration the
current place and the time to get to the needed destination,
location-aware printing of the learning content, etc.
4. The Architecture
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT’04)
0-7695-2181-9/04 $20.00 © 2004 IEEE
In Section 2 we presented the functionalities offered
generally by Learning Information Systems (LIS). The
services approach (exposing web service interface to
access these functionalities) allows flexibility,
interoperability and possibility for extension. In this
section we are presenting an architecture that will provide
access to learning materials and other services to users
equipped with mobile devices. Our goal is to have an
architecture which is:
a) General – to be able to provide all possible services
offered to the e-learning users from the corresponding
eLMS, but also to support services that are new in the
mobile context.
b) Generic – to support different mobile devices
(digital pones, smart phones, PDAs, tablet PCs and etc.)
with different characteristics and be easily extensible for
the new generation devices.
To achieve this goal we believe that a “mobile adapter”
should sit on top of the traditional e-learning system and
provide adaptation of the existing e-services, like user
identification, authorization, distribution of didactic
material, gathering of data related to user-system
interaction etc. In addition it should take care of mobile
specific service.
Web Services Interface
M obile D evic e
Packaging and Sy nchronization
- Web browser
-Wap browser
- Application
Presentation Layer
Business Logic Lay er
Content Managem ent
User Tracking
Stora ge
Lay er
User Profiles
Sem antic
Context Discovery
Mobile Content Managem ent
and P resentation Adaptation
Figure 1: General M-Learning Architecture
The mobile adapter (in the following m-LMS) is a
broker: on one side it has the mobile device, request
access to it from a web browser, WAP browser or specific
On the other side we have the eLMS which exposes an
interface to the services it provides. Only some possible
services are shown on Figure 1. In the business logic layer
these services might not be so clearly separated.
We identify three main modules in an m-LMS. They
Discovery of context
Content management and specific adaptations
Support for disconnected operation
Let’s see the interaction between different modules by
giving a simple example. We can imagine a scenario in
which a user requests an interaction with learning system
from her PDA. The system shows to the user the services
which it can provide and the user selects to requests more
data about a seminar. The system provides to the user the
information about the subject, speaker and location of the
seminar, and if the user is interested also creates a
reminder, which is triggered by the system depending on
what time the user needs to get to the seminar room. Later
the systems gives to the user direction how to get to the
room and during the seminar lets the user watch the
slideshow of the presentation also on the PDA display.
First the user request is captured and in order to
proceed the system need to know who is the user and
what is the device used. This is done automatically by the
“Context Discovery” module, which (based on the first
request or additional interaction) already hold the
information about the user and the capabilities and
limitations of the device (both software and hardware).
Based on this data the system checks the user role
(student, teacher, guest, etc.) and access rights in the
eLMS, decides what services can be offered at this time
and proposes a list to the user. After the next interaction
with the user the m-learning system requests information
about the seminar from the eLMS and triggers the
“Mobile Content Management and Presentation
Adaptation” module. Knowing the capabilities of the
device (from the “Context Discovery” module) the data is
redesigned and returned to the user. Afterwards the user
requests the reminder to be set up for her. The system
needs additional context information, namely the user
location, in order to calculate the needed time to get to the
seminar room. Once again the “Context Discovery”
module is triggered to track the user current position.
Meanwhile, as the system ‘knows’ that the network is not
accessible in the seminar room, it triggers the “Packaging
and Synchronization” module. The eLMS might contain
big amount of materials concerning the seminar – the
presentation itself, including explanations from the
lecturer; related links; additional papers and examples;
etc. As the system already knows the limitations of the
device the “Packaging” module selects (with certain
confidence) what part will be more useful and important
during the seminar (for example only the presentation). In
order to fit the device memory the system also ‘asks’ the
“Presentation Adaptation” module to resize the images
used. In the end the presentation is seamlessly uploaded to
the user’s PDA and is accessible when needed.
4.1. “Context Discovery”
This module adds an abstraction that can hide the
details about the different physical methods of context
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT’04)
0-7695-2181-9/04 $20.00 © 2004 IEEE
discovery. By context we mean identity, temporal
information, spatial information (i.e. physical location),
environmental information (i.e. noise level), availability
of resources (i.e. battery, display, network, and
bandwidth), and etc. For example for finding location
different positioning systems can be used – outdoors a
GPS system can be used while e inside a building the
strength of WiFi signal from more antennas will be used.
A possible solution is the introduction of a semantic
server, which translates data from the format used by the
device (GPS, WLAN, etc.) into a proper format for the
service that requests the context information. It is not
necessary that the system detects all possible context data
at the first user request for service. Some context data
might be detected and provided when needed (on
4.2. “Mobile Content Management and
Presentation Adaptations”
An important service provided by e-learning systems is
content delivery. The presentation of learning materials is
an important issue and should be carefully designed. If,
for example, the content will be accessed through a
standard web-browser on the PDA then it should not
contain incompatible elements, like scripts. Adapting e-
learning material for a mobile scenario might imply
something more than a simple reshaping of material or
translating from one presentation language into another. It
should be more precise and could involve different
presentation logic than in e-learning - “Mobile Content
Management”. The presentation adaptation can include
adaptation of the structure, of the media format, quality or
even type, etc. This module should be also used to adapt
the presentation for auxiliary services, not only
presentation of content.
4.3. “Packaging and Synchronization”
For allowing offline usage we require a mechanism for
selecting what the user needs and also for taking care of
content’s coherence and synchronization with the system.
During offline usage user activities should be tracked and
the gathered data should be fed back to the LMS when the
connection is re-established. This module should be able
to predict which ‘learning path’ the user is most likely to
follow and assign weights to the learning objects
depending on how important they are for the next user
session. The objects with higher weights should be
uploaded to the device first; afterwards the materials with
smaller weights should be uploaded until the device’s
available cache is filled. The module should be able to
analyze how successfully the previous uploads were done
and improve further prediction.
5. Related Work
A work closely related to ours is [2]. The authors
discuss the possible m-learning scenarios in respect of e-
learning platforms and the functionalities an m-learning
platform is best suitable for. Also the characteristics of the
mobile devices are discussed and their impact on
foreseeable learning scenarios. What differs drastically in
this work is that the mobile platform functionalities are
direct mapping of the functionalities of an e-learning
platform and only those that are impossible to deliver are
excluded. In our opinion is also important to foresee the
support of new services that are proper only in the mobile
case, like location-dependent services.
In [4] context awareness architecture for mobile
learning is presented. Similar to our “Context Discovery”
module their “Context Engine” is responsible for
gathering the context data. A very good description of
context is given in a hierarchical structure with the notion
of context states and substates, dynamics and historic
dependencies of processes. The main difference from our
“Context Discovery” is that authors suppose that all the
context information is collected on the mobile device
(including data obtained from sensors). In our vision
some context data can be extracted directly from the
infrastructure (i.e. location) and does not require adding
additional load on the device. Also in our opinion we
should support the presumption that the context data
might be needed in different formats by diverse
applications and services, thus there should be a way to
‘translate’ it properly. Still this work proves the viability
also of our ideas. The authors also see the web services as
a most appropriate way for integrating their context-aware
(sub)system with a mobile learning system.
In [5] architecture for m-learning based on web
services is discussed. The analyses here show that this
technology is proper for supporting mobile equipped
users in learning scenarios. The authors find one of the
biggest challenges in the ability of such system to convert
in satisfactory time the data (LO) from one format into
another. They find the solution in preliminary (before
request) creation of different versions. A major miss that
we find in this work is that the only way the system would
support the offline usage of material is on manual request
of the user (“students could easily access and download
the entire course content anytime anywhere on their
mobile device”).
A lot of work has been done in the area of content
adaptation for mobile devices and of device independent
representation of web content. In this context different
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT’04)
0-7695-2181-9/04 $20.00 © 2004 IEEE
approaches are proposed for describing device
capabilities; different architectural approaches are
developed for using this information for adapting the
content accordingly. A comprehensive review of the
current device-independence technologies and activities
can be found in [1] and
Transcoding servers or proxies are often used for
adaptation of content (see e.g. [3]), which is retrieved by
the server together with the client preferences and
constraints. A negotiation is then done between the client
and the server about the needed adaptations. Finally the
converted content is delivered. Different transcoding
techniques can be used for translating from one
presentation language to another (e.g. WAP-HTML-
WAP), for reducing the contents size, for satisfying
bandwidth or screen capabilities, for adapting the
structure of the content etc. What is missing here is that
generally only online access to the content is considered.
Only some of the transcoding proxies take care also for
caching web pages for offline usage (e.g. AvantGo).
Another point to consider is that in the learning scenario
the content that is to be delivered could be sometimes
quite large. We think that delivering content for offline
usage is an important issue as still mobile devices are
often disconnected because of the lack of access in certain
places but also because of the high prices, thus our
intention is to support both online and offline access to
The off-line access to data is treated in the offline
browsing of web content. The typical pre-fetching
solutions offered by offline browser utilities cannot be
cast to the mobile domain without taking into account the
(severe) memory limitations of such devices.
6. Conclusion
This paper presents a general architecture to support
mobility in the learning scenario. We discussed the
services provided by eLMS, how they have to be changed
(adapted) for accessing them through mobile devices and
what additional services should be supported. We identify
three main functionalities for a mLMS, which sits on top
of the usual eLMS - “Context Discovery”, “Mobile
Content Management and Adaptation” and “Packaging
and Synchronization”. Interaction between these modules
will allow the automatic selection of services, properly
constructed for devices’ capabilities, user preferences and
needs and will permit the usage both online and offline.
7. Acknowledgement
We thank Prof. Fausto Giunchiglia for pushing us in
the e-learning field and especially for encouraging and
supporting our efforts for the current work.
8. References
[1] Butler M. H., “Current Technologies for Device
Independence”, HP Labs Tech. Report HPL-2001-83.
[2] Kurbel K., Hilker J., ” Requirements for a mobile e-
Learning Platform”, IASTED 2002 Int. Conference on
Communications Internet and Information Technology, US
Virgin Islands
[3] Lemlouma T., Layaida N., “Adapted content delivery for
different contexts”, Proceedings of Symposium on Applications
and the Internet 2003.
[4] Lonsdale P., Baber C., Sharples MArvanitis. T. N., “A
context awareness architecture for facilitating mobile learning”,
MLEARN 2003, London, UK, May 19-20, 2003.
[5] Sharma S. K., Kitchens F. L., “Web Services Architecture
for M-Learning”, Electronic Journal on e-Learning, Volume 2,
Issue 1, February 2004, pp. 203-216.
[6] Trifonova A., Ronchetti M., “Where is mobile learning
going?”, Proceedings of the E-Learn 2003 Conference, Phoenix,
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT’04)
0-7695-2181-9/04 $20.00 © 2004 IEEE
... These disadvantages were related to touch-screen, pointer and keyboard in the touch-screen. Trifonova and Ronchetti (2004) argued that small screen and small keyboards of such instruments has an impact on what is reasonable, useful and even pleasant to do on such devices. Therefore, when students do not please to use the device with these interactions, their overall satisfaction is affected. ...
... Four students did not like studying such a divided page and they also complained about transition between the windows. Trifonova and Ronchetti (2004) stated that available screen area, making direct presentation of most pages on the small devices aesthetically unpleasant, unnavigable and in the worst case, completely illegible. Siau and Shen (2003) indicated that the success and satisfaction of mobile technologies have been linked to a lack of standards; the impact a small screen size has on work efficiency. ...
Mobile devices are becoming ever more widely available, with growing functionality, giving students access to educational material anytime and anywhere. Thus, mobile devices have become more attractive for education. However, owing to the nature of mobile devices, such as small screen size, it poses number of challenges to create a usable learning environment. Therefore, it becomes noteworthy to explore usability of these devices and the students' expectations. The present empirical study regarding the use of personal digital assistants (PDAs) aimed to explore expectations of students from mobile devices in order to support mobile learning. Data was collected from 30 university students through pre and post interviews while students were conducting a set of e-learning actions, such as uploading files, communicating and acquiring course contents, on a mobile device. With the analyses of interviews using constant comparative approach, expectations of the students were classified into 11 categories which are related to interaction and usability.
... The 'chase' of technology therefore, has brought forward this new dimension of learning. Using "small devices (PDA, cell phones [mobile phone], or any small, autonomous and unobtrusive) with the combination of elearning and mobile computing (Trifonova & Ronchetti, 2004)", enable teachers to "create" a mobile learning environment to students. ...
... mobile devices]". Another claimed supported using note book PCs in mobile learning is presented by Trifonova & Ronchetti (2004). ...
... The objective of this research project is to undertake innovative methods for addressing these fundamental limitations in the training of visual-spatial skills by means of extra-curricular teaching/learning formats. The project will explore the use of mobile computing technology by developing a set of mobile learning (mlearning) (Trifonova and Ronchetti 2004) instructional modules and testing the degree to which the students' visual-spatial competence is enhanced. The instructional modules will make use of media-rich representations (graphics and animations) for conveying the nature of 3-D spaces. ...
... One of the most important features of mobile devices is to support and develop learning environments without space or time limits (Traxler, 2007). According to Trifonova and Ronchetti (2004), the students have explained to them the process of undertaking a teaching activity by means of a mobile tool. Learning does not only occur between the four walls but is always an ongoing process (Yokuş, 2016). ...
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The aim of this research was to investigate the effect of mobile learning on students’ academic achievements and their opinions about the course. This research was a mixed study where both quantitative and qualitative methods were used together. The quantitative part of the study used quasi-experimental models in a pre-test/post-test design according to the patterned paired control group. In the qualitative part, a semi structured interview method was used from descriptive models. The study group consisted of 28 students studying in the 8th grade of a state secondary school in the Pasinler district of Erzurum Province of Turkey in the 2018–2019 academic years. The study lasted approximately 6 weeks. As a result of the study, it was observed that there was a positive increase in academic achievement in favor of the experimental group of students. Moreover, although there were differences of opinion among the students, a large majority declared that the mobile supported learning increased their interest towards the course. Recommendations are made based on this research.
... Mobile devices have quite significantly altered and expanded the different ways in which e-learning is conceived, particularly in the second decade of the 21st century, due to widespread access of these complex and affordable devices (Miangah & Nezarat, 2012). Certain authors (Barcena & Read, 2008;Kukulska-Hulme & Shield, 2008;Trifonova & Ronchetti, 2004) have highlighted the characteristics of these mobile devices, such as their size and range, which provide students with affordable access to all resources. Mobile technology has advanced in the last decade, offering users the chance to access both educational resources and different forms of social interaction via the mobile device (Comas-Quinn, De-los-Arcos & Mardomingo, 2012), transforming this social interaction into a tool which, without a doubt, makes it possible to practise foreign languages. ...
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The use of Information and Communication Technologies (henceforth, ICT) in foreign language learning and, to be more specific, in English language learning has increased quite considerably since the commencement of the 21st century and, particularly, in the second decade of the 21st century with the introduction of mobile learning (m-learning, henceforth) at our daily lives. Our aim, at this current paper, is to confirm whether use of the Twitter social network via a mobile device helps Spanish learners of English as a foreign language (henceforth, EFL) improve their quality of EFL written expression and, especially, their summarizing skill in the English language. We conducted a classroom experiment with students in Year 4 of compulsory secondary education at the time of the experiment. The participating students were level B1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (henceforth, CEFR). Two research questions were established. Based on these, the following preliminary hypothesis was formulated: Use of the mobile version of Twitter has a positive impact on improving written expression and, to be more concrete, the summarizing skill in EFL. The research model, which we selected, was action research, in accordance with which quantitative data were analysed to justify the outcomes of this empirical research. The data were satisfactory since learners improved significantly at the end of this current classroom experiment. This research on the use of Twitter in its mobile version could imply a starting point to conduct further empirical studies in this respect on English language teaching and learning in non-university education, such as primary education, compulsory secondary education and Baccaulerette.
... Mobile devices have quite significantly altered and expanded the different ways in which e-learning is conceived, particularly in the second decade of the 21st century, due to widespread access of these complex and affordable devices (Miangah & Nezarat, 2012). Certain authors (Barcena & Read, 2008;Kukulska-Hulme & Shield, 2008;Trifonova & Ronchetti, 2004) have highlighted the characteristics of these mobile devices, such as their size and range, which provide students with affordable access to all resources. Mobile technology has advanced in the last decade, offering users the chance to access both educational resources and different forms of social interaction via the mobile device (Comas-Quinn, De-los-Arcos & Mardomingo, 2012), transforming this social interaction into a tool which, without a doubt, makes it possible to practise foreign languages. ...
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The use of Information and Communication Technologies (henceforth, ICT) in foreign language learning and, to be more specific, in English language learning has increased quite considerably since the commencement of the 21st century and, particularly, in the second decade of the 21st century with the introduction of mobile learning (m-learning, henceforth) at our daily lives. Our aim, at this current paper, is to confirm whether use of the Twitter social network via a mobile device helps Spanish learners of English as a foreign language (henceforth, EFL) improve their quality of EFL written expression and, especially, their summarizing skill in the English language. We conducted a classroom experiment with students in Year 4 of compulsory secondary education at the time of the experiment. The participating students were level B1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (henceforth, CEFR). Two research questions were established. Based on these, the following preliminary hypothesis was formulated: Use of the mobile version of Twitter has a positive impact on improving written expression and, to be more concrete, the summarizing skill in EFL. The research model, which we selected, was action research, in accordance with which quantitative data were analysed to justify the outcomes of this empirical research. The data were satisfactory since learners improved significantly at the end of this current classroom experiment. This research on the use of Twitter in its mobile version could imply a starting point to conduct further empirical studies in this respect on English language teaching and learning in non-university education, such as primary education, compulsory secondary education and Baccaulerette.
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The aim of this study is to reveal the effects of online learning supported by mobile applications on students' motivation, readiness and loyalty. The study was carried out via pre-test, post-test, and experimental control group design, which is one of the quasiexperimental designs. The research group of the study consisted of 32 students who took the course of Basic Computer Technology. The research group was determined by the convenient sampling method. The data collection tools of the study were Academic Motivation Scale (AMS), Scale of Readiness to Online Learning (SROL), and Online Scale of Student’s Loyalty (OSSL). Dependent and independent groups t-test were used for data analysis of the study. The findings obtained from the study showed that there was a statistically significant difference between the pre-test and post-test scores of the students in the experimental group regarding their motivation and loyalty, but there was no statistically significant difference between their pre-test and post-test scores regarding their readiness. In addition, it was determined that there was a statistically significant difference between the motivation and commitment post-test scores of the experimental and control groups, and there was no statistically significant difference between their post-test scores of readiness. As a result, in this study, it has been revealed that online learning supported by mobile applications has significant contributions to students' motivation, readiness, and loyalty.
This chapter has the aim to point out an important functionality of a ubiquitous mobile system, and more specifically, its application in the learning domain. This functionality is the possibility to access the learning material from mobile devices, like PDAs (personal digital assistants) during their off-line periods and the technique to approach it, called hoarding. The chapter starts with the overview of a concrete mobile learning system—Mobile ELDIT, so as to give a clear idea of when and how this problem appears and why it is important to pay attention to it. Later, a description of the development approaches for both general and concrete solutions are discussed, followed by more detailed description of the important hoarding steps.
The browser war is far from over, and the HTML5 tag has not improved video access despite its promises to work without specifying a plug-in. This chapter discusses m-learning with respect to video. It outlines the m-learning paradigm in conjunction with the technical aspects of video display in browsers, when varying media formats are used. The tag used in this work renders videos from two sources with different MIME types. Feeds from the video sources, namely YouTube and UCT Matterhorn, are pulled by a Website that acts as a content aggregator. The content aggregator presents the various user-generated contents and lectures from the two repositories to both lecturers and students as a single source. By leveraging on HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript, the application should render uniform video display and gather comments among various students, who use various personal mobile devices. Results show that a uniform display cannot be achieved when developing an application for personal mobile devices.
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M-learning is a quite new, exciting and promising field. Papers on this domain are spread through several conference and workshops proceedings, so it is rather difficult to have a complete view of the field. This paper aims at helping, by reviewing the existing work, and classifying the research directions that try to answer the questions of how m-learning will help reaching the goals of a better learning, and how it will be different from the rest of e-learning. Finally, we try to foresee some directions for successful m-learning research. Int roduction Computing technology has been applied to learning since decades, but it has really flourished with the advent of the Web. In recent years the quick growth of mobile technologies is promising a new revolution that might be comparable with the Web. The forecasts are (Steinberger 02) that by 2004 about 63 millions handhelds will be sold, and that approximately 38% of them will be smart phones, integrating PDA functionality with features for communication. And the forecasts are already getting true (Scott 02) – since according to DoCoMo more than 37% of Japanese population owns Internet-capable phones. More and more mobile devices with improved capabilities are appearing on the market. Lots of mobile clients already support Java (J2ME) making it easier and less costly to develop portable applications. Mobile learning (m-learning) is a field which combines mobile computing and e-learning. Will e-learning undergo a revolution like it happened with the Web? We do not know, but we must try to answer the question, by trying to imagine how mobile devices can enhance e-learning or modify it. Many people are working in this new field, and it is increasingly difficult to have an overview of what is going on, since most papers are dispersed in many conferences, and some reports are only available as gray literature. In the present paper, we present an overview of what is going on. By no means were we able to discover all the interesting papers that have been published in the field, but from the inevitably partial view we try to let emerge the trends that characterize the field.
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In this paper, we present a framework which allows adapted content delivery for different target contexts. This framework is based on a universal profiling schema, UPS, for describing the environment characteristics and on an profile exchange protocol. In the server and the proxy side, we give a strategy for matching the different constraints (clients, servers, content, etc.) in order to find an agreement between the server adaptation capabilities and the client preferences and constraints. Usually such environments are subject to frequent changes. To tackle this difficulty, we propose a dynamic adaptation approach based on XSLT for structural transformation and resource aware transcoders for media adaptation.
Increasing numbers of users want to access web content from devices such as WAP phones or PDA's. Creating content for each device would be expensive and time consuming. This report provides a survey of current technologies related to the creation of device independent web content and web applications.
The academic environment is undergoing a major shift, as increasing numbers of schools are ready to offer courses using mobile technology for economic and other reasons both from an instructor and student perspective. The mobile learning (m-learning) approach would necessitate changes in pedagogy, educational roles, curricular content, and classroom practices. In addition, it would also require different system architecture because it would demand massive integration of software systems. This paper presents a method for exploiting web services architecture for m-learning.