Autonomous robots working in a shared environment require new coordination capabilities in order to achieve enhanced efficiency: planning to decide what is the best way to tackle a problem and task allocation to decide which robot will perform each workload. The latter, which is the main focus of this thesis, has been addressed by many different means: from implicit coordination without communications (cooperation as an emergent property of predefined algorithms), through biologically inspired systems (swarms), mathematical models (e.g. Markovian ones), to human-mimicking explicit communication (contracts, auctions).
Task allocation solutions often require explicit communication. This communication is commonly carried out by means of Wi-Fi transmitters, since this is a well established technology that does not impair robots’ mobility. However, Wi-Fi
coverage may be limited, for instance due to economic or infrastructure reasons (unprepared, destroyed, or too large areas). This prompts the use of MANETs and explicit management of multi-hop messaging and network route preservation.
While there is a respectable amount of work on task allocation, there is still the need for research towards the integration of problems that are typically treated in an isolated way. Furthermore, network integrity preservation is a growing concern in mobile robotics and as such it is receiving increasing attention. For the outlined
reasons, this thesis provides novel research on the following subjects:
* Problem-independent generic allocation methods for loosely coupled or uncoupled tasks (e.g. with few or no temporal restrictions), suitable for a variety of service missions. In particular, several auction based methods are
explored, and their use in combination with hierarchical task networks or limited communication environments is studied.
* Well-defined optimization objectives and metrics that allow a fair evaluation and comparison of these task allocation methods within the context of service robotics. Starting from the classic traveling salesman model, several metrics and their effects in the optimization are identified. Methods for the adaptability of algorithms to interchangeably use any of these metrics are proposed.
* Algorithms for the integration of these results and its application to constrained networking environments. Two approaches are studied: one considering networking as an additional restriction in the optimization process, and
another treating it as a fundamental aspect which determines the methodology used for assignation.
* Experimental demonstrations of simulation results. These experiments address two related points of increasing relevance in complex systems such as a multi-robot team: on the one hand, experimental validation is a necessary step in a whole research plan; on the other, by publishing source code (SANCTA architecture) of our robots, the task of verifying and replicating research is simplified for other researchers. Furthermore, this enables code reuse by the robotic community with the corresponding implementation time savings.
* Implementation, integration and deployment, as leaders of the work package devoted to task allocation, of the pertinent algorithms within the context of the European project URUS. This project focuses on the introduction of robots and sensors in urban settings, in order to enable tasks like people and goods transportation, tracking of users, triggering of safety alerts and subsequent robotic intervention, for instance.
By tackling all these issues as a whole, this thesis is posed to contribute to the furthering of the field in its goal of building versatile robotic teams that can be quickly and easily tailored for the particular objectives of a mission, performing its tasks with a high degree of autonomy and relying on humans only for supervision and customization of high level directives. It can be said that such teams are one of the “holy grails” of service robotics because of its impact in many contexts.