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The Mantos Blancos copper deposit: An upper Jurassic breccia-style hydrothermal system in the Coastal Range of Northern Chile


Abstract and Figures

The Upper Jurassic Mantos Blancos copper deposit (500 Mt at 1.0% Cu), located in the Coastal Range of northern Chile, displays two superimposed hydrothermal events. An older phyllic alteration probably related to felsic magmatic-hydrothermal brecciation at similar to 155 Ma, and younger (141-142 Ma) potassic, propylitic, and sodic alterations, coeval with dioritic and granodioritic stocks and sills, and dioritic dikes. Main ore formation is genetically related to the second hydrothermal event, and consists of hydrothermal breccias, disseminations and stockwork-style mineralization, associated with sodic alteration. Hypogene sulfide assemblages show distinctive vertical and lateral zoning, centered on magmatic and hydrothermal breccia bodies, which constitute the feeders to mineralization. A barren pyrite root zone is overlain by pyrite-chalcopyrite, and followed upwards and laterally by chalcopyrite-digenite or chalcopyrite-bornite. The assemblage digenite-supergene chalcocite characterizes the central portions of high-grade mineralization in the breccia bodies. Fluid inclusions show evidence of boiling during the potassic and sodic alteration events, which occurred at temperatures around 450-460 degrees C and 350-410 degrees C, and salinities between 3-53 and 13-45 wt% NaCl eq., respectively. The hydrothermal events occurred during episodic decompression due to fluid overpressuring, hydrofracturing, and sharp changes from lithostatic to hydrostatic conditions. Sulfur isotope results of hypogene sulfide minerals fall in a narrow range around 0 per mil, suggesting a dominance of magmatic sulfur. Carbon and oxygen isotopic data of calcites from propylitic alteration suggest a mantle-derived carbon and oxygen isotope fractionation due to low-temperature alteration.
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Miner Deposita (2006) 41: 246258
DOI 10.1007/s00126-006-0055-9
L. E. Ramírez .C. Palacios .B. Townley .
M. A. Parada .A. N. Sial .J. L. Fernandez-Turiel .
D. Gimeno .M. Garcia-Valles .B. Lehmann
The Mantos Blancos copper deposit: an upper Jurassic
breccia-style hydrothermal system in the Coastal
Range of Northern Chile
Received: 26 April 2005 / Accepted: 6 February 2006 / Published online: 22 April 2006
#Springer-Verlag 2006
Abstract The Upper Jurassic Mantos Blancos copper
deposit (500 Mt at 1.0% Cu), located in the Coastal Range
of northern Chile, displays two superimposed hydrother-
mal events. An older phyllic alteration probably related to
felsic magmatichydrothermal brecciation at 155 Ma, and
younger (141142 Ma) potassic, propylitic, and sodic
alterations, coeval with dioritic and granodioritic stocks
and sills, and dioritic dikes. Main ore formation is
genetically related to the second hydrothermal event, and
consists of hydrothermal breccias, disseminations and
stockwork-style mineralization, associated with sodic
alteration. Hypogene sulfide assemblages show distinctive
vertical and lateral zoning, centered on magmatic and
hydrothermal breccia bodies, which constitute the feeders
to mineralization. A barren pyrite root zone is overlain by
pyrite-chalcopyrite, and followed upwards and laterally by
chalcopyrite-digenite or chalcopyrite-bornite. The assem-
blage digenitesupergene chalcocite characterizes the cen-
tral portions of high-grade mineralization in the breccia
bodies. Fluid inclusions show evidence of boiling during
the potassic and sodic alteration events, which occurred at
temperatures around 450460°C and 350410°C, and
salinities between 353 and 1345 wt% NaCl eq.,
respectively. The hydrothermal events occurred during
episodic decompression due to fluid overpressuring,
hydrofracturing, and sharp changes from lithostatic to
hydrostatic conditions. Sulfur isotope results of hypogene
sulfide minerals fall in a narrow range around 0 per mil,
suggesting a dominance of magmatic sulfur. Carbon and
oxygen isotopic data of calcites from propylitic alteration
suggest a mantle-derived carbon and oxygen isotope
fractionation due to low-temperature alteration.
Keywords Cu mineralization .Upper jurassic .
Coastal range .Northern Chile
This paper presents the results of a comprehensive and
updated study of the Mantos Blancos ore deposit, in the
Coastal Range of northern Chile (Fig. 1). Pre-mining
resources of this deposit are estimated at 500 million metric
tons with 1.0% Cu, of which 200 million tons were
extracted between 1960 and 2002 (Maksaev and Zentilli
2002). The remaining ore reserves stand at 142 million tons
with 0.86% Cu, and a resource of 156 million tons with
0.89% Cu (Anglo Base Metals Report, May 2003).
The Coastal Range is host to Upper Jurassic to Lower
Cretaceous copper deposits of volcanic-hosted strata-
bound type, and Cretaceous, generally heavily eroded
porphyry-type systems, which constitute a NS-trending
metallogenetic province (Camus 2003). The volcanic-
hosted strata-bound ore bodies are mainly associated with
hydrothermal breccia feeder structures, in which the
hydrothermal breccias contain at least 50% of the economic
Editorial handling: R. King
L. E. Ramírez (*).C. Palacios .B. Townley .M. A. Parada
Departamento de Geología, Universidad de Chile,
P.O. Box 13518-21, Santiago, Chile
Tel.: +56-2-9780233
Fax: +56-2-6963050
A. N. Sial
NEG LABISE Department of Geology,
Federal University of Pernambuco,
C. P. 7852,
Recife-PE, 50.732-970, Brazil
J. L. Fernandez-Turiel
Institute of Earth Sciences J. Almera, CSIC,
Sole i Sabaris,
08028, Barcelona, Spain
D. Gimeno .M. Garcia-Valles
Faculty of Geology, University of Barcelona,
Marti i Franques,
08028, Barcelona, Spain
B. Lehmann
Institut für Mineralogie und Mineralische Rohstoffe,
Technische Universität Clausthal,
Adolph Roemer Strasse 2 A,
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany
mineralization and the highest ore grades. The hydro-
thermal breccias are coeval with barren and generally
incipiently altered stocks and sills of mainly dioritic
composition, and are intruded by late mineralization
dioritic dikes.
Sulfide mineralization consists of chalcocite, digenite,
bornite, chalcopyrite, and pyrite related to sodic hydro-
thermal alteration (Palacios 1990; Wolf et al. 1990). Most
of these deposits are relatively small, with resources
between 10 to 50 million tons grading 1% Cu (Espinoza et
al. 1996). The porphyry-copper-type mineralization is
associated with granodioritic porphyries and hydrothermal
breccias, in which the hypogene mineralization consists of
chalcopyrite, pyrite, and minor bornite and molybdenite,
and occurs coeval with potassic and phyllic alteration
(Camus 2003).
The Mantos Blancos ore body, located 30 km NE of
Antofagasta, was described in the past as disseminated
copper mineralization in a bimodal rhyoliteandesite
sequence by Chávez (1985), but, in general, has been
considered as a strata-bound Cu deposit in recent reviews
(Espinoza et al. 1996; Maksaev and Zentilli 2002). No
detailed studies have been performed since 1985, when
Mantos Blancos comprised a series of open pits and
underground mines. During the past 20 years, the mine has
been transformed into a large open-pit operation, which
now provides much better geological exposures and more
detailed information.
The aim of this paper is to present new data on the
geology, hydrothermal alteration and mineralization, fluid
inclusions, and stable isotopes, and to discuss the
metallogeny and origin of the deposit.
Tectonic and geologic setting
During the Jurassic to Early Cretaceous, a subduction-
related magmatic belt was established along the present
Coastal Range of northern Chile. It is represented by a
7,000-m thick basaltic to andesitic volcanic pile (La Negra
Formation) and granitic to dioritic plutonic rocks. The
volcanic sequence evolved with time from an initial stage of
tholeiitic affinity to a calc-alkaline composition (Palacios
1984; Rogers and Hawkesworth 1989; Pichowiak et al.
1990; Kramer et al. 2005). Based on radiometric age data
and paleontological arguments, the extrusive event oc-
curred between the Lower Jurassic to the Oxfordian
(Rogers and Hawkesworth 1989; Gelcich et al. 2004;
Kramer et al. 2005). The Jurassic volcanic pile was
deposited without significant relief building, indicating
considerable crustal subsidence, probably related to crustal
thinning in an extensional setting (Dallmeyer et al. 1996;
Maksaev and Zentilli 2002).
The intrusive rocks, also of calc-alkaline composition,
include granites, tonalites, granodiorites, and diorites of
Lower Jurassic to Early Cretaceous age (200130 Ma;
Scheuber and Gonzalez 1999; Oliveros 2005). Tectonic
evolution of the Coastal Range during the Jurassic is
interpreted in terms of coupling and decoupling between
the subducting oceanic and overriding continental plates
(Scheuber and Gonzalez 1999). From 195 to 155 Ma, an
intra-magmatic belt was widespread, spatially related to the
northsouth trending, sinistral strikeslip dominant Ataca-
ma Fault Zone. However, at the end of Jurassic time, due to
foundering of the subducting plate, subduction rollback,
and decoupling, an eastwest-trending extensional regime
developed. At the end of the Jurassic to the Early
Cretaceous, seismic coupling of the subducted plate is
suggested by the return of the sinistral strikeslip style of
deformation (Scheuber and Gonzalez 1999).
Geology of the deposit
Rock units recognized within the Mantos Blancos ore
deposit consist of a rhyolitic dome and its magmatic
hydrothermal breccias, intruded by dioritic and granodi-
oritic stocks and sills. The dioritic and granodioritic stocks
Fig. 1 Geological map of the Coastal Cordillera, Northern Chile,
and location of the Mantos Blancos ore deposit (star) and the Upper
Jurassic volcanic-hosted copper deposits (diamonds). In grey are the
Middle to Upper Jurassic volcanic rocks of the La Negra Formation,
crosses represent Jurassic plutonic rocks. Modified after Maksaev
and Zentilli (2002)
locally grade upwards into magmatichydrothermal brec-
cias. These rock units are all mineralized to variable
degrees. Late mafic dikes crosscut all previously men-
tioned rock units and are essentially barren. All the above
rock units are informally grouped as the Mantos Blancos
Igneous Complex (MBIC; Fig. 2). The local structural
framework at deposit scale is characterized by three groups
of faults: 1) NE- and NW-trending subvertical faults with
evidence of sinistral and dextral movements respectively,
2) NS / 5080° W normal faults, and 3) NS / 5080° E
normal faults.
The MBIC consists of the following major rock units:
Rhyolitic porphyry dome
The central part of the deposit consists of a rhyolitic dome
(Figs. 2and 3). The dome structure is partially preserved in
the open-pit walls, but its geometry has been roughly
defined from drill core logs and samples of the early stages
of exploitation of the ore deposit (Chávez 1985), and later
lithological modeling. Due to pervasive alteration, the
contacts between different internal flows are very difficult
to observe; however, near-horizontal and vertical flow
laminations are typical, varying between 1 to 4 cm in
thickness. West of the pit, the felsic dome is intercalated
with felsic tuffs and andesitic lava flows, and is intruded by
dioritic and granodioritic sills. The rhyolitic dome consists
of a rhyolite porphyry with fragments of corroded quartz
and feldspar phenocrysts (15 mm) in an intensively
altered felsic groundmass.
Rhyolitic magmatichydrothermal breccia system
Several sub-vertical monomictic and matrix-supported
rhyolitic magmatic and hydrothermal breccia bodies, have
been recognized within the felsic dome intrusion (Figs. 2
and 3). They consist of irregular bodies, about 100 to 250 m
in vertical extent, and semi-oval to circular sections, 50 to
100 m in diameter. The matrix is composed of rhyolitic rock
flour with intense alteration and disseminated sulfide
minerals (Fig. 4a). The fragments are altered, irregular in
shape, poorly sorted, and vary in size between 1 cm and
several meters. In the centre of the ore deposit, the rhyolitic
magmatic and hydrothermal breccias are intruded by late
dioritic to granodioritic magmatichydrothermal breccias.
Fig. 2 Geological map of the Mantos Blancos ore deposit
Bimodal stock and sill system
The rhyolite dome is intruded by a subvolcanic complex of
porphyritic dioritic and granodioritic stocks and sills. At
least five gently dipping sills of both rock types occur in the
mine, varying in thickness between 10 and 50 m. The
feeder relationship between the stocks and sills has been
locally observed (Fig. 3). The granodiorite porphyry is
composed of 10 to 30% phenocrysts of hornblende,
plagioclase, quartz, and biotite, in a groundmass of quartz,
feldspars, biotite, and hematite microlites. The diorite
porphyry has 5 to 10% pyroxene and minor amphibole
phenocrysts in a groundmass of fine-grained pyroxene,
plagioclase, and magnetite. In both rock types, the
porphyritic texture grades to aphanitic near the intrusive
margins. The diorite porphyry has millimeter-size amyg-
dules filled with quartz and quartz-sulfide. Mutual intrusive
relationships between both granodioritic and dioritic rocks
are common, and enclaves of one in the other have been
frequently observed. The dioritic enclaves show convolute
to flame-like contacts (Fig. 4b) with the host granodiorite,
whereas, the granodioritic enclaves exhibit sharp or
brecciated contacts with the surrounding diorite. Back-
veining between the two lithological types is also observed.
Ar data on amphibole provide ages of
142.18±1.01 Ma for the granodiorite, and 141.36±0.52 Ma
for the diorite (Oliveros 2005).
Dioritic to granodioritic magmatichydrothermal
breccia system
Two polymictic and matrix-supported pipe-like magmatic
hydrothermal breccias hosted within the rhyolitic dome, at
the top of some dioritic and granodioritic stocks and
spatially related with NS-trending faults, are recognized
(Figs. 3and 4ce). The central and largest breccia body is
crosscut by at least three metric-size sills; two dioritic and
one granodioritic in composition. The breccias form near-
vertical bodies, with a vertical extent of about 700 m, and
diameters between 100 and 500 m. It is likely that these
bodies did not reach the upper levels of the ore deposit, as
they were not observed and described in the earlier study
by Chávez (1985). The upper part of the breccia pipes
exhibit hydrothermal characteristics as evidenced by the
presence of a matrix mainly composed of hydrothermal
gangue and ore minerals. The breccia consists of altered
angular and subrounded fragments of the rhyolitic dome
and the granodioritic and dioritic porphyries. They are
poorly sorted and range in size from 1 cm to 15 m.
Downwards in the breccia bodies, magmatic features are
progressively evident, with granodioritic fragments in an
altered and mineralized dioritic matrix, as well as dioritic
fragments in a granodioritic matrix (Fig. 4f).
Mafic dyke swarm
Intruding all the rock units in Mantos Blancos deposit,
partially altered late-ore dioritic dikes were emplaced. They
are subvertical and have orientations preferentially NNE,
and subordinate NSNNW. The dikes are 1 to 12 m wide
and represent about 15% of the total rock volume in the
deposit. They exhibit porphyritic texture, composed of 10
25% phenocrysts of altered plagioclase, amphibole, and
minor pyroxene, in a very fine-grained groundmass of
feldspar, amphibole, and minor biotite and magnetite. An
Ar date on amphibole from a late-mineral dike in the
mine is 142.69±2.08 Ma of age (Oliveros 2005).
Hydrothermal alteration and mineralization
Two hydrothermal events have been recognized, based on
the superimposition of alteration minerals and relationship
between different stages of veinlets. The first event is
represented by the rhyolitic magmatichydrothermal
brecciation hosted by the rhyolitic dome. The second
event, which represents the main stage of mineralization, is
hosted mostly within the dioritic to granodioritic mag-
matichydrothermal breccias, dioritic sills, and the rhyo-
litic dome, and may be genetically associated with the
intrusion of dioritic and granodioritic stocks.
Elevation (m.a.s.l)
Ore grade > 0.5% Cu
0 1 Km
cp-py cp-bor cs-dig
py py
Fig. 3 EW profile of the Mantos Blancos ore deposit. For symbols, and location of profile see Fig. 2
First hydrothermal event
The first hydrothermal event is characterized by the
assemblage chalcopyrite, bornite, pyrite, quartz, and ser-
icite. This assemblage occurs: 1) disseminated in the matrix
of irregular and sub-vertical bodies of rhyolitic magmatic
hydrothermal breccias, 2) planar veinlets, 3) disseminated
within the rhyolitic dome and in fragments of the
hydrothermal breccias, and 4) as isolated crystals or as
rim assemblages within and on quartz phenocrysts of the
rhyolitic dome. In the rhyolitic magmatichydrothermal
breccias, chalcopyrite and bornite are the most abundant
sulfides. Around these bodies the sulfides are chalcopyrite
and pyrite. The phyllic veinlets contain the sulfide minerals
as open space filling within fractures, and often display
weak alteration halos of sericite and quartz. Due to the
intense and widespread superimposition of the main
(second) hydrothermal event, it was not possible to
establish the extent and intensity of this first event. It
probably extended to all rocks of the rhyolitic dome. An
Fig. 4 Photographs of: arhyo-
litic magmatic-hydrothermal
breccia, bdioritic enclave with-
in the granodiorite showing
convolute contacts, c,d, and
edioritic to granodioritic mag-
matic-hydrothermal breccias in
which hydrothermal features
dominate, fdioritic to grano-
dioritic magmatic-hydrothermal
breccia with dominating mag-
matic features, and gpebble
Ar age on sericite from this first hydrothermal event
yields an age of 155.11±0.786 Ma (Oliveros 2005).
Second hydrothermal event
The main hydrothermal alteration and mineralization event
at Mantos Blancos is centered on the dioritic to
granodioritic magmatichydrothermal breccias and is
considered syngenetic with both breccia formation and
emplacement of the granodioritic and dioritic stocks and
sills. The mineralized zone extends discontinuously for
3kminanEW direction, has a width of up to 1 km and
depth of 600 m. The hypogene mineralization occurs
between the elevations of 720 and 450 m asl. (Fig. 3).
Primary mineralization developed mainly within and
around the magmatichydrothermal breccia pipes, yet the
ore deposit exhibits a discontinuous lateral ore grade
distribution. The highest Cu grades occur within the
breccias with lateral zoning to progressively lower
concentrations. This fact suggests that the magmatic
hydrothermal breccia pipes served as the feeder bodies of
the main mineralization.
In the second hydrothermal event, the early alteration
stage was potassic and propylitic, followed by sodic
alteration. The potassic and propylitic mineral assemblages
are centered on the dioritic to granodioritic magmatic
hydrothermal breccias, affecting all lithologies of the
deposit. These alteration types developed pervasively,
disseminated, filling amygdules within the dioritic sills,
and as weak halos around flame-like veinlets that crosscut
the first generation phyllic veinlets in the rhyolitic dome.
The potassic alteration is characterized by K-feldspar,
quartz, tourmaline, biotitechlorite, magnetite, chalcopy-
rite, digenite, and minor pyrite (Fig. 5). Relicts of K-
feldspar, tourmaline, and biotite are observed in most
locations, suggesting that potassic alteration was initially
widespread, but was subsequently overprinted and ob-
literated by later alteration stages. Dioritic and granodiorit-
ic sills, that contain amygdules filled with quartz, chlorite,
digenite, chalcopyrite, and traces of K-feldspar and
tourmaline, intruded the magmatichydrothermal breccias.
Propylitic alteration occurs extensively in the whole
deposit, affecting all of the rocks (including sills and
dikes), and overprinting and obliterating the potassic
alteration assemblage. It occurs as disseminations and
veinlets of quartz, chlorite, epidote, calcite, albite, sericite,
hematite and minor chalcopyrite, galena, and pyrite. These
minerals also fill amygdules within dioritic sills and dikes.
Laterally, propylitic alteration consists of quartz, chlorite,
epidote, and pyrite, forming a ring around the orebody at
least 2 km wide. From elevations of 600 m to the upper part
of the deposit, a swarm of N 2530° E striking and sub-
vertical pebble-dikes have been observed. These pebble-
dikes are 10- to 20-cm thick and consist of rounded
fragments of the rhyolitic dome, dioritic and granodioritic
rocks, set in a matrix of quartz, epidote, calcite, galena, and
pyrite (Fig. 4g).
Both potassic and propylitic alterations were followed
by sodic alteration, containing albite (replacing feldspar),
hematite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, and Ag-rich digenite, with
minor amounts of quartz. This mineral assemblage is very
extensive, centered on the magmatic and hydrothermal
breccias, and occurs as disseminations, cavity fillings, and
sharp veinlets. Sodic alteration and mineralization affected
all lithological types between elevations of 500 m to the
surface and spatially coinciding with the current commer-
cial ore zone. Above the elevation of 500 m, the dioritic
sills that intruded the magmatichydrothermal breccias
exhibit intense stockwork with a sodic alteration mineral
assemblage. As the syn-mineralization granodioritic and
dioritic stocks and sills have been dated at 142.18±1.01 and
141.36±0.518 Ma (Oliveros 2005), respectively, and a late-
ore dike yields an age of 142.69±2.083 (Oliveros 2005),
the age of the main hydrothermal event is constrained
between 141 and 142 Ma.
Supergene oxide mineralization has been mined, with
only patches of atacamite, chrysocolla, and malachite
remaining. This supergene mineralization was described in
detail by Chávez (1985). Although he reported primary
chalcocite (late within the hypogene assemblage), our data
indicate the presence of only secondary chalcocite (Fig. 6).
The secondary sulfides are mainly chalcocite (forming
zones of high-grade copper mineralization centered over
the magmatichydrothermal breccia bodies, with bornite
digenite), and weak layers of covellite, together with
cuprite-native copper and tenorite.
Fluid inclusion studies
Fluid inclusion studies were carried out on quartz crystals
of the second hydrothermal event. Samples include quartz
crystals from potassic, propylitic, and sodic veinlets, and
MINERALS First Second
Phyllic Potassic Sodic Propylitic
Magmatic and Rhyolitic Dioritic and granodioritic
hydrothermal dome and stocks and sills, brecciation
events brecciation and dike intrusion.
Fig. 5 Hypogene mineral assemblage of the hydrothermal events at
the Mantos Blancos ore deposit
from potassic and propylitic amygdules of the dioritic sills
and stocks. A total of 23 samples were taken from the
central part of the deposit (Fig. 7), from which 153
microthermometric measurements of primary inclusions
were done. Vertical sampling extends to a depth of 850 m.
Heating and freezing experiments were conducted on a
Linkam THMS600 stage for homogenization temperatures
) up to 450°C and on a Linkam TS1500 stage for T
above 450°C. The uncertainty for heating runs is about
±2°C at 400°C.
Three fluid inclusion types were recognized, following
the classification scheme of Nash (1976): I (liquid-
dominant inclusions without halite daughters), II (vapor-
dominant inclusions without halite daughters), and IIIb
(vapor-dominant inclusions with halite daughters). All
fluid inclusions types have mostly rounded shapes and
ranged from 5 to 15 μm. No evidence was observed for
either liquid CO
or clathrate formation, freezing point
depression measurements rule out the presence of signif-
icant CO
. Apparent salinities are reported in weight
percent NaCl equivalent (wt% eq.), based on the halite
solubility equation for halite-saturated inclusions and on
the final ice-melting temperature for halite-undersaturated
inclusions (Bodnar and Vityk 1994). The fluid inclusion
microthermometric data are presented in Table 1and Fig. 8.
The highest temperatures were measured in types II and
IIIb inclusions trapped in quartz from veinlets of the
potassic alteration assemblage within the matrix of the
magmatichydrothermal breccia at elevations between 239
and 260 m. The type-II inclusions homogenize between
550 and 608°C and have salinities of 9.9 to 10.1 wt% NaCl
eq., whereas, the IIIb-type inclusions have T
between 530 and 590°C and salinities ranging from 52 to
74 wt% NaCl eq. The coexistence of both types of
Fig. 6 Microphotographs of
adigenite relict in chalcocite,
band cdigenite with hematite
flakes replaced by chalcocite,
dchalcocite with inclusions of
hematite flakes, echalcopyrite
replaced by covellite (blue), and
fnative copper in cuprite (red
internal reflections in grey) with
replacement rim of tenorite
Elevation (m)
300 600 m0
Ore grade > 0.5% Cu
Q-10 Q-7
Q-100 Q-101
Fig. 7 NS profile of the Mantos Blancos deposit showing the location samples used in the fluid inclusions study. For symbols, and location
of profile, see Fig. 2
Table 1 Microthermometry data of fluid inclusions from the second hydrothermal event
Sample Elevation
Th (L-v)
Th (Halite)
%L %V
Tm (ice)
Salinity (wt%
NaCl equiv)
Remarks N° of
Q-1 239 58 601±7 24±9 76±9 6.5±0.5 9.9±0.7 Veinlets of K-assemblage
in MHB
239 59 500±20 580±10 10±5 30±4 60±5 71±3.0 5
Q-104 247 810 505±15 20±5 20±5 18.0±2 19.4±3.0 Veinlets of K-assemblage
in sill of dioritic porphyry
Q-1-1 260 510 564±14 550±20 23±8 77±8 6.7±0.8 10.1±1.0 Veinlets of Kassemblage
in MHB
260 510 490±10 20±10 20±10 60±10 62±10.0 7
Q-105 260 810 465±12 19±6 81±5 15.0±3.5 18.5±3.0 Veinlets of K-assemblage
in sill of dioritic porphyry
Q-2 684 510 390±12 449±20 11±4 51±6 38±4 52.4±1.6 Veinlets of K-assem-
blage in MHB
610 462±8 15±10 85±10 1.5±0.5 2.5±0.8 3
Q-3 684 58 404±6 464±6 10±2 50±10 40±8 53.5±0.5 Veinlets of K-assem-
blage in MHB
10 455±6 10±5 90±5 2.0±1 3.3±2.5 2
Q-100 720 510 413±13 20±10 80±10 19.4±1.4 22.2±10 Amygdules filled by K-
assemblage in dioritic sill
Q-101 720 1015 380±15 25±10 75±10 19.4±1.4 22.1±10 Amygdules filled by K-
assemblage in dioritic sill
Q-4 696 810 302±16 349±26 15±6 50±5 35±8 42.2±1.9 Veinlets of Albitic as-
semblage in matrix of
810 357±23 10±6 90±6 9.9±0.9 13.9±1.1 5
Q-5 696 8 349±20 349±20 6±5 60±10 35±5 42.3±1.6 Veinlets of Albitic as-
semblage in MHB
815 346±6 9±3 90±7 9.4±1.2 13.4±1.4 5
Q-6 696 710 362±8 10±5 90±5 13.2±1.8 Veinlets of Albitic
assemblage in MHB
Q-7 708 710 356±11 8±2 92±2 9.7±1.2 14.0±1.4 Veinlets of Albitic
assemblage in MHB
Q-8 720 810 376±25 413±2 10±4 50±2 40±6 47.8±0.3 Veinlets of Albitic
assemblage in MHB
515 351±23 10±5 90±5 8.8±1.8 12.6±2.2 3
Q-9 720 8 371 423 8±2 50±4 42±5 48.7 Veinlets of Albitic
assemblage in MHB
810 313±15 11±7 89±4 8.5±1.0 12.3±1.3 5
Q-103 768 510 358±3 75±10 25±10 12.5±5.0 15.3±2.5 Veinlets of K-assem-
blage in sill of dacitic
Q-10 720 810 301±1 90±5 10±5 7.1±0.1 10.6±1.0 Veinlets of Propylitic
assemblage in sill of
dioritic porphyry
CP-1-22 760 812 218±25 65±8 35±8 19±6.8 20±2.4 Amygdules in dioritic
porphyry filled by Pro-
pylitic assemblage
Q-11 780 815 269±11 70±10 30±10 6.6±0.6 9.8±0.9 Veinlets of Propylitic
assemblage in RPD
Q-12 780 712 249±5 68±12 32±12 7.9±1.3 12.0±2.4 Veinlets of Propylitic
assemblage in RPD
Q-102 792 810 335±5 90±4 10±6 10.5±0.5 14.5±0.5 Veinlets of Propylitic
assemblage in sill of
dioritic porphyry
inclusions within the same growth zone of a quartz crystal,
is considered as indicative of deposition from boiling
fluids. In these brines, T
(halite) values are at least 60°C
greater than T
(lv) values in the same samples (Fig. 9).
Fluid inclusion observations of samples from potassic
alteration assemblages at an elevation of 684 m also display
evidence of boiling: Type-IIIb inclusions have T
between 449 to 464°C and salinities between 52.4 and 53.5
NaCl eq., and co-exist with vapor-rich type-II inclusions
(with T
between 462 and 415°C, and salinities between
2.5 and 3.3 wt% NaCl eq.). Also in these brines, T
values are at least 65°C greater than T
(l-v) values in the
same samples. Quartz crystals from potassic alteration
assemblage in amygdules and veinlets from sills in the
diorite contain type I and II inclusions. In these samples, T
values decrease systematically with an increase in elevation
(from an average of 515°C at 360 m to 365°C at 720 m). In
contrast, salinities remain relatively constant (1922 wt%
NaCl eq.). Fluid inclusions associated with propylitic
alteration assemblages have been measured in samples
from elevations of 720 to 816 m. They correspond to type-I
inclusions, in which T
values vary between 340 and 150°C
and salinities between 9 and 22 wt% NaCl eq.
Fluid inclusions in quartz related to the sodic assemblage
were difficult to measure due to the limited amounts of
albite-bearing quartz veinlets. Fluid inclusions in quartz
obtained from these veinlets in the matrix of the magmatic-
hydrothermal breccia at elevations between 696 and 768 m,
are mainly of types II and IIIb. Evidence of boiling has
been recognized at elevations of 696 to 720 m asl, in which
both types of inclusions coexist in growth zones of similar
hydrothermal quartz crystals. The brines have T
between 349 and 423°C and salinities ranging between 42
and 48 wt% NaCl eq., whereas, the vapor-rich-two phase
inclusions have T
values between 313 and 364°C and
salinities between 13 and 14 wt% NaCl eq. Brines in the
Sample Elevation
Th (L-v)
Th (Halite)
%L %V
Tm (ice)
Salinity (wt%
NaCl equiv)
Remarks N° of
Q-13 792 810 247±3 70±5 30±5 6.5±0.5 9.8±0.7 Veinlets of Propylitic
assemblage in RPD
CP-115 816 711 187±35 65±10 35±10 8.8±5.6 12±5.1 Amygdules in dioritic
porphyry filled by Pro-
pylitic assemblage
CP-122 816 69 318±15 80±10 20±10 10.1±1.3 14.1±1.2 Veinlets of Propylitic
assemblage in dioritic
Th (L+v) Liquid-Vapor homogenization temperature, Th (Halite) halite dissolution temperature, Tm (ice) melting temperature of ice, % L,V,
Halite abundance of phases at room conditions, MHB magmatic and hydrothermal breccia, RPD rhyolitic porphyry dome
Table 1 (continued)
Salinity ( wt% NaCl eq.)
250 300 400 500350 450 550 600
Potassic alteration
Sodic alteration
Propylitic alteration
Th (˚C)
Fig. 8 Homogenization temperature vs salinity of fluid inclusions
Fig. 9 Halite dissolution temperature versus liquid-vapor homog-
enization temperature of boiled fluid inclusion samples from
potassic and sodic alteration
same sample exhibit halite dissolution temperatures greater
than the vapor homogenization temperatures.
Stable isotope studies
Seventeen sulfide samples from the second hydrothermal
event were analyzed for δ
S at the Scientific-Technical
Services of the University of Barcelona. Sulfide samples
were separated mechanically to obtain splits with 5080 μg
of sulfur. Between 100 and 300 μg of pure sulfide were
mixed with V
(1:1), homogenized and packed into
high-purity tin cups. The sulfur isotopic composition was
analyzed using a Continuous Flow-Isotope Ratio Mass
Spectrometry (CF-EA-IRMS). Samples were combusted in
an elemental analyzer (Carlo Erba EA 1108) connected to a
Finnigan MAT Delta C gas mass spectrometer via a
Finnigan MAT Conflo II interface. Results are expressed in
the per mil notation relative to the international Vienna-
Canyon Diablo troilite (VCDT) standard. The reproduc-
ibility of measurements was ±0.3. The δ
S values of 11
samples of pyrite, five samples of chalcopyrite, and one
sample of digenite are reported in Table 2and Fig. 10. All
samples were taken in the central part of the deposit,
between elevations of 450 and 780 m asl. The analyzed
sulfides exhibit δ
S values ranging from 5 to 1.2 per mil,
with a mean value of 1.4and a standard deviation of
1.8. Results are similar to those previously reported by
Sasaki et al. (1984) and Vivallo and Henriquez (1998).
Pyrite shows the widest sulfur isotope range in comparison
to the Cu-sulfides, and the variation is independent of
alteration types or host rock lithology (Fig. 10).
Carbon and oxygen
Eighteen calcite samples were analyzed for δ
C and δ
at the stable isotope laboratory (LABISE) of the Depart-
ment of Geology, Federal University of Pernambuco,
Brazil. CO
gas was extracted from micro-drilled powder,
in a high-vacuum line after reaction with 100% orthophos-
phoric acid at 25°C for 1 day. CO
released, after cryogenic
cleaning, was analyzed in a double inlet, triple collector
SIRA II mass spectrometer. Results are reported relative to
PDB, in per mil notation. The uncertainties of the isotope
measurements were better than 0.1for carbon and 0.2
for oxygen, based on multiple analyses of an internal
laboratory standard (BSC). Values of δ
C and δ
calcite samples from propylitic alteration stage (of the
second hydrothermal mineralization event) are reported in
Table 3and Fig. 11. All samples were taken in the central
part of the deposit, between elevations of 172 and 900 m
asl. The carbon isotope values of calcites vary between
4.37 and 6.71, whereas, the δ
O values fluctuate
between 13.08 to 23.49.
Based on available radiometric ages and geological
observations described in this study, the Mantos Blancos
ore deposit was formed by two superimposed Upper Jurassic
hydrothermal events. The older event occurred at 155 Ma,
coeval with the rhyolitic magmatichydrothermal breccia-
tion and phyllic alteration. The younger event represents the
main hydrothermal mineralization (141142 Ma) and is
genetically related to dioritic and granodioritic stocks and
sills and coeval magmatichydrothermal brecciation. Prob-
ably, both hydrothermal events contributed to extensive but
irregularly distributed ore grades of hypogene mineraliza-
Table 2 Sulfur isotope of sul-
fides from the main hydrother-
mal event at the Mantos Blancos
ore deposit
Hydrothermal alteration stage
associated with the analyzed
Host rock of the sulfide
MHB Magmatic Hydrothermal
Sample no. Mineral δ
() Hydrothermal alteration
M-25 Pyrite 2.0 Propylitic Granodiorite
CPM-54 Pyrite 1.9 Potassic Diorite
CP-122 Pyrite 2.6 Sodic Diorite
CPM-53 Pyrite 4.0 Propylitic Rhyolitic dome
M-3 Pyrite 1.2 Propylitic MHB
M-4-A Pyrite 0.7 Propylitic MHB
BC-708 Pyrite 0.1 Potassic MHB
P-2-1 Pyrite 0.3 Potassic MHB
C-684 Pyrite 1.1 Potassic MHB
N-684 Pyrite 1.2 Potassic MHB
M-24 Pyrite 5.0 Propylitic MHB
M-25 Chalcopyrite 2.1 Propylitic Granodiorite
CPM-54 Chalcopyrite 0.5 Potassic Diorite
CPM-54a Chalcopyrite 2.0 Potassic Diorite
CPM-53 Chalcopyrite 4.5 Potassic Rhyolitic dome
BC-708 Chalcopyrite 1.3 Potassic MHB
CPM-54a Digenite 3.2 Potassic Diorite
tion. High-ore-grade mineralization is restricted to the upper
part of the magmatichydrothermal breccias from the second
hydrothermal event. The radiometric ages for the two
hydrothermal events reported by Oliveros (2005) agree with
Ar (total gas in albite) and whole rock RbSr
(errorchrons in strongly altered samples) radiometric ages
(150146 Ma; Munizaga et al. 1991; Tassinari et al. 1993).
The younger event is characterized by three types of
alteration and mineralization: an early potassic, a propyl-
itic, and a late sodic stage. The potassic and propylitic
alteration stages occurred coeval with dioritic and
granodioritic porphyry stock intrusions, magmatichydro-
thermal breccias and late sill and dike emplacements. The
late sodic alteration that developed centered around the
magmatichydrothermal breccias, associated with intense
fracturing and brecciation (including in the sills) and the
main mineral deposition. The ore grade, alteration, and the
copper sulfide mineral zoning indicate that the magmatic
hydrothermal breccia bodies represent the feeders to the
hydrothermal system. The hydrothermal activity, was
followed by the intrusion of a dioritic dike swarm. An
indication of local subsidence is the common occurrence of
sills intruded by vertical dikes as part of the same magmatic
event. Because the magmatic pressure must exceed the
least main horizontal stress and the tensile strength of the
rock cover to form discordant intrusions, these intrusive
Fig. 11 δ
O() diagram showing the distribution of
calcites from the Mantos Blancos ore deposit. Fields and arrows
after Taylor et al. (1967) and Keller and Hoefs (1995)
Table 3 C and O isotope analyses () of calcites from the Mantos
Blancos ore deposits
56-585 14.98 15.40 6.16
56-590 17.42 13.04 6.69
VB-1 18.74 11.71 5.50
97-230 23.49 7.14 6.58
VB-2 17.60 12.86 5.36
06-268 13.27 16.44 5.13
06-335 15.87 14.54 6.27
BC-1 13.91 16.44 5.13
33-200 16.72 13.71 6.91
33-257 20.81 9.75 5.72
33-288 19.87 10.66 4.37
33-298 13.08 17.25 6.02
DV-1 14.59 15.78 5.09
1-14B 16.51 13.92 6017
696-41 13.88 16.47 6.17
1-14C 16.68 13.75 5.42
CPM1-21 16.85 13.60 4.75
Fig. 10 δ
S() values of sulfides from the main hydrothermal
event at the Mantos Blancos ore deposit (a). Diagrams band cshow
the types of alteration and host rock, with which the sulfides are
relationships between sills and dikes are an indication that
sufficiently thick magmatic overburden was progressively
formed to produce a change of the least principal stress
from vertical to horizontal (Parada et al. 1997). As this sill
dike relationship has been observed at Mantos Blancos, it is
suggested that the tectonic setting during mineralization
corresponded to a local extensional regime, probably
related to a transtensional faulting within the Atacama
Fault System.
Evidence of boiling associated with potassic alteration
has been found in samples up to an elevation of 684 m asl.
At this elevation, fluid inclusions T
values exceed 450°C.
At such temperatures, rocks in the hydrothermal system
behave in a ductile manner: with strain rates smaller than
/s, rocks of dioritic or granodioritic compositions
behave quasiplastically, making brittle fracturing difficult
and allowing fluid pressure to approach lithostatic values
(Fournier 1991,1999). As a consequence, the magmatic
hydrothermal breccias most likely did not reach the
paleosurface, and the hydrothermal system mostly formed
at lithostatic pressure. The hydrothermal fluids within the
magmatichydrothermal breccias evolved along a cooling
trend, as indicated by the fluid inclusion data in quartz of
the propylitic assemblage.
The emplacement of dioritic and granodioritic sills
crosscutting the magmatichydrothermal breccias at dif-
ferent levels, sealed the hydrothermal system, over-
pressured the fluids, hydrofractured the rocks, and
produced the sodic boiling. The thermodynamic evolution
of brine into the field of gas+solid salt at 350400°C
(conditions under which sodic alteration associated boiling
occurred), has important implications regarding the con-
centration of HCl that may be transported when and if
steam escapes into the overlying rocks. Fournier and
Thompson (1993) noted an abrupt increase in the concen-
tration of HCl° in steam when NaCl begins to precipitate at
pressures below 300 bars. This increase occurs because
hydrolysis reactions that produce HCl° and NaOH by the
reaction of NaCl with H
O become important only at
pressures sufficiently low for halite (and probably also
NaOH) to precipitate (Fournier and Thompson 1993). In
addition, an order of magnitude higher than HCl° concen-
tration is obtained at comparable pressures and tempera-
tures when quartz is present. This occurs because quartz
reacts with NaOH to form albite at the expense of K-
feldspar or plagioclase (Fournier and Thompson 1993).
The limited amounts of quartz-bearing albite veinlets in the
deposit support this model.
In addition, as fluids migrated away from the early heat
source (the magmatichydrothermal breccias) and down a
thermal gradient, K-feldspar was the stable alteration
mineral, as reflected by potassic alteration. The reverse
reaction operated when fluids migrated away from a
second heat source (intrusion of sills), conditions under
which the albite stability field expanded at the expense of
K-feldspar (Hezarkhani et al. 1999; Simmons and Browne
2000). Both processes probably occurred at Mantos
Blancos, in which the entire evolution points to a prograde
(potassic and propylitic)retrograde (sodic) hydrothermal
sequence. These results can be interpreted as boiling events
and associated decompression occurring episodically due
to fluid over-pressuring, hydrofracturing, and sharp chang-
es from lithostatic to hydrostatic conditions.
The sulfur isotopic results from hypogene sulfides
suggest a largely magmatic source for sulfide sulfur and
indicate a co-genetic relationship for the analyzed sulfide
minerals. CO isotopes in fresh calcite crystals reported in
this paper suggest C of magmatic origin, probably of
mantle provenance (Cartigny et al. 1998), and fractionation
of O following the trend of low-temperature alteration
caused by magmatichydrothermal fluids.
Acknowledgements This study was funded by a FONDEF
(CONICYT, Chile), grant DO1-1012, awarded to the authors and
the Mantos Blancos division of Anglo American Chile. Permission
for publication was granted by the University of Chile, the Chilean
Government, and AngloAmerican Chile. We thank the Mantos
Blancos mine geology staff, especially to Jorge Pizarro, with whom
we had the pleasure of working. Special acknowledgement to Jens
Wittenbrink for his constructive comments to the manuscript. Finally,
this paper was improved through the valuable reviews of Shoji
Kojima, Robert King and Larry Meinert.
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... S. F. Wilson, Zentilli, & Spiro, 2003). Layered pyroclastics, lack of pillow structures and presence of volcanic clasts in pyroclastic rocks, and formation of limestones intercalations can best explain their formation in a subaerial or shallow marine sedimentary basin (Cabral & Beaudoin, 2007;Ramírez et al., 2006). Zangalou deposit formed in a subduction-related volcanic arc along a continental margin. ...
... Mineralization in the Zangalou deposit has mainly F I G U R E 1 6 (a) Oxygen isotopic composition of the calcite samples compared with igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks, meteorites and different waters (Best & Christiansen, 2001). (b) The δ 13 C PDB versus δ 18 O SMOW plots for the Zangalou mine and some manto-type deposits in Chile (Mantos Blancos, Ramírez et al., 2006;El Soldado, N. S. F. Wilson, Zentilli, & Spiro, 2003;Mantos de La Luna, Kojima et al., 2003;Michilla, Vivallo & Henríquez, 1998). The data are from four different materials including marine carbonate (Baker & Fallick, 1989;Hoefs, 1997), sedimentary organic matter carbon (Hodson, 1977;Hoefs, 1997), organically derived carbon (Longstaffe, 1989;Valley, 1986) and magma-mantle carbonate (Ray et al., 1999;H. ...
... The data are from four different materials including marine carbonate (Baker & Fallick, 1989;Hoefs, 1997), sedimentary organic matter carbon (Hodson, 1977;Hoefs, 1997), organically derived carbon (Longstaffe, 1989;Valley, 1986) and magma-mantle carbonate (Ray et al., 1999;H. E. Taylor et al., 1967) F I G U R E 1 7 (a) Sulfur isotopic composition of Zangalou deposit compared with different sulfur reservoirs (Hoefs, 1997) (b) sulfur isotopic compositions of primary copper sulfide minerals from mantotype deposits around the world (Dochileh, Ebrahimi et al., 2019;Abbas abad, Salehi & Rasa, 2016;Koshkouieh, Abolipour et al., 2015;Keshtmahaki, Boveiri Konari et al., 2013;Mari, Maghfouri et al., 2017;Dongxiang, Cai et al., 2016;Melipilla, Carrillo-Rosúa et al., 2006;Lo Aguirre, Puig & Spiro, 1988, Saric et al., 2003El Soldado, N. S. F. Wilson, Zentilli, & Spiro, 2003;Cerro Negro, Munizaga & Zentilli, 1994;Talcuna, Puig & Spiro, 1988, Carrillo-Rosúa et al., 2006Metalotect, Cisternas & Hermosilla, 2006;Ocoita-Pabellon, Cisternas & Hermosilla, 2006;Buena Vista, Kojima et al., 2009;Mantos Blancos, Sasaki et al., 1984, Munizaga & Zentilli, 1994Ramírez et al., 2006;Michilla, Vivallo & Henríquez, 1998, Sasaki et al., 1984, Munizaga & Zentilli, 1994, Tristá-Aguilera, 2007Mantos de La Luna, Kojima et al., 2009;Mantos del Pacifico, Vivallo & Henríquez, 1998) T A B L E 9 Comparison of the Zangalou deposit properties with manto-type deposits in the world and some similar deposits in Iran Kirkham, 1984Kirkham, , 1995N. S. F. Wilson, 2000;N. ...
Full-text available
The Zangalou Cu deposit lies in the Sabzevar volcanic‐plutonic zone, northeastern Iran. The deposit is hosted by the middle Eocene volcanic‐sedimentary sequences and it has been affected by propylitic, carbonate, sericitic, and minor argillic alterations. The volcanics have features typical of calc‐alkaline and metaluminous magmas and are plotted in the continental volcanic arc region. Zircon U–Pb dating of the andesite porphyry yield ages of 41.2 and 38.4 Ma (Bartonian). Ore mineralization occurs as stratabound with open‐space filling, dissemination, veinlet, and replacement textures in mineralized conglomerate, andesite porphyry, and trachyandesite host rocks. Cu content in Zangalou deposit vary from 1,234 g/t to 6.24% which mostly occurred as chalcocite mineral. Fluid inclusion data of mineralization‐related calcites indicate medium salinities (12.8–16.6 wt.% NaCl equivalents) and a wide range of temperatures (154–295°C) and show evidence of fluid cooling trend during the ore formation. The δ13C (between 19.3 and −2.8‰) and δ18OSMOW (between 24.8 and 25.34‰) values of ore‐related calcites suggests a contribution of sedimentary organic matter and marine carbonates as the source of carbon in the ore‐forming fluid. High positive δ34S values (27.8–33.47‰) suggest that the source of sulphur is related to sedimentary country rocks. Mineralization is lithologically and structurally controlled and it is epigenetic. According to geological, petrological, alteration, mineralization textures and geometry of deposit, fluid inclusion, and isotopic studies, the Zangalou deposit is similar to manto‐type deposits. Properties of Zangalou deposit is very similar to manto‐type deposits. There are two reasons why assuming volcanic host rocks as the Cu source for manto‐type deposits is questionable: (1) High Fe content of volcanic host rocks (2) lack of vast argillic alteration and acidic (pH < 4) conditions of ore‐forming fluids.
... The northern belt (18-26°S) comprises several deposits, among them Buena Esperanza, Mantos de la Luna, Mantos del Pacífico, Susana and Lince (Michilla district), Mantos Blancos, Santo Domingo, and Las Luces ( Fig. 1; Table 1). These deposits are hosted mainly by basaltic to andesitic porphyritic lavas of the La Negra Formation (Rogers and Hawkesworth 1989;Oliveros et al. 2006Oliveros et al. , 2007, except for Mantos Blancos-the largest deposit in this belt-which is hosted by a bimodal suite of rhyolitic and andesitic rocks (Sato 1984;Maksaev and Zentilli 2002;Ramírez et al. 2006;Kojima et al. 2009). The porphyritic volcanic host rocks are composed of plagioclase, clinopyroxene with secondary minerals such as chlorite, epidote, quartz, sericite, calcite, hematite, and minor amounts of zeolites, prehnite, pumpellyite, and actinolite. ...
... Early studies proposed a syngenetic model for their formation (e.g., Ruíz et al. 1965;Stoll 1965), although most authors support an epigenetic model based on the geometry of the ore bodies, the spatial relationship of the Cu mineralization around intrusive stocks and sills, and the presence of widespread hydrothermal alteration associated with Cu-rich sulfide disseminations (Maksaev Abbreviations Cisternas and Hermosilla (2006) and Zentilli 2002). Two main ideas have developed around the epigenetic model: (a) a magmatic-hydrothermal origin where fluids and metals are derived from a magmatic source (e.g., Palacios 1990;Vivallo and Henríquez 1998;Maksaev and Zentilli 2002;Ramírez et al. 2006), and (b) Cu was leached from the volcanic host rocks by fluids of metamorphic or non-magmatic (basinal brines, connate, and meteoric waters) origin and where the intrusions provided heat for hydrothermal convection (Losert 1973;Sato 1984;Boric et al. 1990;Oyarzún et al. 1998;Tosdal and Munizaga 2003;Wilson et al. 2003a, b;Kojima et al. 2009). Limited Re-Os data on sulfides from stratabound Cu-(Ag) deposits in northern Chile (Lince-Estefania, Tristá-Aguilera et al. 2006; Altamira, Barra et al. 2017) show radiogenic initial Os ratios, suggesting a significant crustal component for the Os contained in the copper sulfides. ...
... The bornite-Cu sulfide myrmekite-like exsolution texture (Fig. 6) is a common feature observed in Chilean manto-type deposits (Kojima et al. 2003;Tristá-Aguilera et al. 2006;Ramírez et al. 2006;this study). Textural information of sulfides, particularly exsolutions, can provide information on the thermal history of the mineral assemblage; however, most of the ore mineral assemblages suffer rapid transformations as they re-equilibrate under changing temperature conditions, i.e., cooling (Grguric and Putnis 1999). ...
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Stratabound Cu–(Ag) deposits in the Coastal Cordillera of northern Chile were emplaced under an extensional setting during the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous. Las Luces and Altamira are two stratabound Cu–(Ag) deposits located approximately at the same latitude (~ 25°45′S), but the former is hosted by Jurassic volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks, and the latter by Cretaceous volcano-sedimentary sequences. Both deposits show similar hydrothermal alteration types with albitization and hematite–chlorite superimposed on low-grade regional metamorphism. Sulfide mineralization is represented mainly by pyrite, chalcopyrite, and a bornite– “chalcocite” assemblage. Chalcopyrite is relatively minor and can replace early pyrite. In addition, framboidal pyrite of possible diagenetic origin was observed in Altamira. Copper mineralization is dominated by a bornite– “chalcocite” assemblage; however, electron probe analyses show that “chalcocite” has a composition ranging from geerite to djurleite. The typical mymekitic-like exsolution texture observed in the bornite–Cu sulfides assemblage is interpreted as caused by sub-solidus re-equilibration on cooling of the bornite–digenite solid solution. Silver, the main by-product in these deposits, is probably incorporated in solid solution in Cu sulfides and bornite, although Ag–sulfide microparticles were occasionally observed within sulfides in Altamira. Copper sulfides of the geerite–djurleite series can contain high amounts of Ag, ranging between 202 and 789 ppm, whereas in bornite from Las Luces Ag can reach up to 270 ppm. The presence of low-temperature (~ 100 °C) hydrothermal Cu sulfides is consistent with formation temperatures of < 300 °C, based on previous fluid inclusion studies. Bulk stable isotope data shows that sulfur in these deposits have different sources. In Las Luces δ³⁴S values for bornite and pyrite (− 2.5 to + 2.9‰) indicate a magmatic source, whereas in Altamira the negative values for “chalcocite” (δ³⁴S: − 38.7 to − 10.7‰) are interpreted as sulfur derived by bacterial reduction of marine sulfate. The Las Luces and Altamira deposits were possibly formed by high water/rock ratios where basin-derived fluids leached metals from the volcanic/volcano-sedimentary host rocks. However, extensive leaching of the volcanic host rocks necessary to extract the Cu contained in silicate minerals is not consistent with the relatively small volume of hydrothermal alteration associated with these deposits, suggesting an additional magmatic contribution. In the revised genetic model, variable contributions of a magmatic and non-magmatic source are needed to form these stratabound Cu–(Ag) deposits.
... The epochs span from Middle -Late Mesozoic on the Pacific coast to Miocene -Early Pliocene along the eastern border of the orogen, at the Chile -Argentina boundary (Figs. 1a and 2a) (Sillitoe, 2003;Sillitoe and Perelló, 2005;Cabello, The Mesozoic belt extends semi-continuously along the Coastal Cordillera of northern Chile with an average thickness of about 30 km and hosts one of the world's major IOCG belts (including deposits like Marimaca, Candelaria-Punta del Cobre and Mantoverde; Marschik and Fontboté, 2001;Benavides et al., 2007) (Fig. 2a), these deposits are spatially associated with minor Cu-poor massive magnetite mineralization, manto-type Cu (e.g., Mantos Blancos and El Soldado; Wilson et al., 2003;Ramírez et al., 2006) and subordinate porphyry-Cu deposits (e.g., Andacollo; Llaumett et al., 1975;Munizaga et al., 1985). The formation of IOCG deposits took place under extensional and transtensional tectonic regimes, developed in response of retreating convergent margin (slab roll-back) and high-angle subduction of the Phoenix plate. ...
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The Kimia copper area is located in the Eocene volcanic-sedimentary complex northwest of Bardskan in Razavi Khorasan province. The geology of the area includes volcanic rocks with andesite-basalt composition, conglomerate with andesite fragments, nummulite limestone and tuffaceous sandstone. Mineralization is found in andesite and conglomerate units as well as at the border between these units in the form of vein-veinlets, disseminated, replacement and open space filling. Primary minerals are chalcocite, pyrite, and secondary minerals are malachite, caveolite, and iron oxide. The faults of the region are located in two directions, northeast-southwest and northwest-southeast, with a slope of 45 degrees. The main veins in the zone are calcite-quartz-pyrite, calcite-chalcocite and calcite-barite-pyrite. Alterations related to veins are siliceous and carbonate and related to igneous, propylitic, carbonate and chloritic units. The amount of copper element is between 6950 and 47935 ppm and other elements have low amount. Based on fluid inclusion study, the minimum formation temperature is between 228 and 368 °C and the salinity is between 10.4 and 16.9 percent. Based on the evidence of the host rock, structure and textures, mineralization and existing alterations, Copper mineralization in Kimia area is Manto type.
... Los yacimientos Mantos de la Luna, Mantos del Pacífico, Buena Esperanza y Michilla (Figura 1) se alojan principalmente en basaltos y andesitas porfídicas de la Formación La Negra, a excepción de Mantos Blancos (Figura 1) que se hospeda en una serie típicamente bimodal de rocas riolíticas y andesíticas (Maksaev y Zentilli, 2002). El yacimiento Mantos Blancos corresponde al depósito de mayor tamaño dentro de esta franja, con un tonelaje de 500 Mt a una ley de 1% Cu (Sato 1984;Maksaev y Zentilli, 2002;Cornejo et al., 2006;Ramírez et al., 2006;Kojima et al., 2009). La mineralización de calcopirita, bornita, digenita y galena ocurre principalmente de forma diseminada, amígdalas, vetillas, matriz de brecha y stockwork (Espinoza et al., 1996). ...
La mina subterránea Portales, corresponde a un depósito estratoligado Cu-(Ag), hospedado en rocas sedimentarias de la Franja Cretácica, a lo largo de la Cordillera de la Costa del centro de Chile. Aunque este yacimiento ha estado en producción desde aproximadamente 1940, hasta la fecha no se han llevado a cabo estudios mineralógicos detallados. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es caracterizar mineralógicamente la litología, alteración hidrotermal y mineralización de la mina Portales, a través de la descripción de muestras de mano y secciones transparentes-pulidas. Además, se examina la ocurrencia y distribución del cobre, la plata y la materia orgánica mediante observaciones y análisis de química semicuantitativa utilizando microscopía electrónica de barrido (SEM). Asimismo, se presenta una columna estratigráfica esquemática de la litología que hospeda el yacimiento y una secuencia paragenética que resume los principales eventos de alteración hidrotermal y mineralización. La secuencia sedimentaria que hospeda la mineralización se compone de lutitas, fangolitas y areniscas. Además, se identifican al menos cuatro eventos de mineralización/alteración hidrotermal que formaron el yacimiento Portales. El evento de pre-mineralización se caracteriza por la presencia de bitumen, pirita y pirita framboidal. Este primer evento es seguido por el evento principal de mineralización de cobre y plata (Evento I), en el cual precipitan la mayoría de los sulfuros del sistema, incluyendo bornita, calcopirita, calcosina-digenita, galena y stromeyerita. Durante esta etapa también se observan reemplazos de calcosina por bornita y, en menor medida, de bornita por digenita. El segundo evento de mineralización (Evento II) involucra un extenso y generalizado reemplazo de bornita y galena por calcopirita. El último evento de mineralización es de carácter supérgeno y se caracteriza por la formación de hematita, así como por el reemplazo local de bornita por digenita y covelina. Los resultados de este estudio sugieren que la mineralización en la mina Portales presenta un fuerte control tanto litológico como estructural. El mecanismo de precipitación y acumulación de sulfuros es fundamentalmente por reducción de los fluidos mineralizados con la materia orgánica (bitumen y restos fósiles plantas) contenida en las lutitas y fangolitas. De manera subordinada, la disolución y reprecipitación de los carbonatos que conforman las areniscas calcáreas actúan como agentes de neutralización de los fluidos mineralizados. Los análisis SEM sugieren que la plata se incorpora preferentemente como solución sólida en bornita y calcosina-digenita, así como micropartículas de stromeyerita y posiblemente clorargirita.
... Therefore, the determination of the origin of the deposits requires further studies and consideration of other factors. Camus, 1990;Oyarzun et al., 1998;Kojima et al., 2003;Ramírez et (Shahrabi et al., 2006) and Doruneh (Qaemi and Mousavi Harami, 2006 ...
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In Nasim deposit, mineralization has been done in conglomerate unit as a particular horizon. This unit is composed of volcanic fragments with carbonate and volcanic cements. Chalcocite is the most important and main sulphide mineral in the study area. Alteration can be divided into pre-mineralization and syn-mineralization stages. Pre-mineralization includes Celadonite, Carbonate, Silicified, and Propylitic alteration. Syn-mineralization consists of small amounts of Chlorite, Zeolite, and Calcite. In this system, the chemistry of solution is different from those of other systems such as IOCG, massive sulfide, porphyry etc., due to completely reduced and iron and silica-deficient solution
... Geological background and geomorphological units: In northern Chile, the occurrence of the porphyry Cu and porphyry-related mineral deposit and their spatial distribution is strongly associated with the eastward-migrating tectonic-magmatic activities, controlled by the Atacama and Domeyko fault system (Zhu and Lu, 2016). In the Antofagasta Region, the Coastal Cordillera, a Carboniferous -Early Triassic magmatic arc, contains numerous copper deposits from the Upper Jurassic, such as Mantos Blancos (Ramírez et al., 2006). Tracking the displacement of tectonic activity, a Paleocene-early Eocene belt of porphyry copper deposits is situated within the Central Depression, where the Spence deposit stands out as part of the Antofagasta -Calama Lineament (Palacios et al., 2007). ...
... Geological background and geomorphological units: In northern Chile, the occurrence of the porphyry Cu and porphyry-related mineral deposit and their spatial distribution is strongly associated with the eastward-migrating tectonic-magmatic activities, controlled by the Atacama and Domeyko fault system (Zhu and Lu, 2016). In the Antofagasta Region, the Coastal Cordillera, a Carboniferous -Early Triassic magmatic arc, contains numerous copper deposits from the Upper Jurassic, such as Mantos Blancos (Ramírez et al., 2006). Tracking the displacement of tectonic activity, a Paleocene-early Eocene belt of porphyry copper deposits is situated within the Central Depression, where the Spence deposit stands out as part of the Antofagasta -Calama Lineament (Palacios et al., 2007). ...
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Indigenous communities from northern Chile have historically been exposed to the impacts of massive copper industrial activities conducted in the region. Some of the communities belonging to the Alto El Loa Indigenous Development Area are located less than 10 km from the “Talabre'' tailings dam, which contains residues from copper production and other metals that can be toxic to human health (e.g., As, Sb, Cd, Mo, Pb). Given the increasing demand of copper production to achieve net-zero emission scenarios and concomitant expansions of the tailings, the exposure to toxic metals is a latent risk to local communities. Despite the impact that copper production could generate on ancestral communities from northern Chile, studies and monitoring are limited and the results are often not made accessible for local communities. Here, we evaluate such risks by characterizing metal concentrations in dust collected from roofs and windows of houses from the Alto El Loa area. Our results showed that As, Sb, Cd, Cu, Mo, Ag, S, and Pb concentrations in these matrices can be connected to local copper mining activities. Additionally, air transport models indicate that high concentrations of toxic elements (As, Sb, and Cd) can be explained by the atmospheric transport of particles from the tailings in a NE direction up to 50 km away. Pollution indices and Health Risk Assessment suggested a highly contaminated region with a health risk for its inhabitants. Our analysis on a local scale seeks to make visible the case of northern Chile as a critical territory where actions should be taken to mitigate the effects of mining in the face of this new scenario of international demand for raw materials necessary for the transition to a net-zero carbon global society.
Chlorite is an important agent for the study of fluid evolution and exploration in hydrothermal deposits. However, the degree of effect of different factors on chlorite composition in hydrothermal deposits is unclear. In this study, the Hongguleleng Cu deposit is selected, where chlorite is extensively developed at different stages, to investigate which factors have a more obvious effect on chlorite compositions in hydrothermal deposits through petrographic and mineralogical studies. This study shows that in weakly altered rocks (with well-preserved rock structures and mineral morphologies), the FeO and MgO contents and Fe/(Fe+Mg) ratio of chlorite are controlled by the host rock, while in veins and strongly altered rocks (with significantly destroyed rock structures and mineral morphologies), they are controlled by the ore-forming fluid. Chlorite coexisting with epidote generally has higher MgO contents and lower Fe/(Fe+Mg) ratios than chlorite without epidote under a similar alteration intensity and formation temperature. Based on petrographic and mineralogical studies, temperature, oxygen fugacity, and sulfur fugacity are decreased during Cu mineralization. The early syn-ore stage formed in relatively low water/rock ratio conditions, continued water-rock reactions led to the development of microfractures, and eventually high water/rock ratio conditions formed during the late syn-ore stage. This study confirms that chlorite compositions are significantly influenced by ore-forming fluids in hydrothermal deposits, laying the foundation for using chlorite to study fluid evolution and exploration; it also emphasizes the influence of coexisting epidote on chlorite compositions and formation temperatures on epidote compositions.
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Copper ore deposits with variable amounts of Ag, Au and Fe are hosted by La Negra Formation basaltic-andesites (ca. 180 Ma) and gabbroic to granitic plutonic rocks (160-140 Ma) that intrude them.The stratabound Cu±Ag ore deposits include stratiform and breccia pipe bodies which are mainly hosted by the volcanic rocks, whereas the Cu-Fe±Au (chalcopyrite-magnetite-actinolite) vein bodies are only found in the intrusives. The space and time relationships between both types of deposits suggest a common hydrothermal origin genetically related with the Middle-Upper Jurassic granitoids. This is consistent with the isotopic composition (δ34Scor=3,5 to 2%0; δ13CPDB=3,9% δ18Osuow=14‰) of the ore/gangue minerals showing a magmatic origin for the hydrothermal solutions responsible for the ore deposits genesis. The initial 87Sr/e6Sr ratio of the hydrothermal solutions (0,70435) has been inferred from the calcite isotopic composition in the gangue assemblage, and this value is slightly higher than the same ratio in genetically related granitoids (0,70329-0,70387). This difference suggests an interaction of magmatic derived solutions with fluids of higher 87Sr/86Sr initial ratio, e.g., meteoric dominated water isotopically equilibrated with older crustal rocks. The ore lead composition (206Pb/204Pb 18,529; 208Pb/204Pb 15,630; 208Pbf204Pb 38,526) shows a common orogenic reservoir for both type of deposits. The vein deposits were formed at the higher temperature plutonic environment by magmatic derived solutions at equilibria with magnetite and at a neutral to slightly alcaline pH, as it is shown by magnetite associated with ore minerals and albite or potassic feldspar alteration minerals. These hydrothermal fluids moved up to a near surface volcanic environment, characterized by lower temperatures and higher oxygen f ugacity than the plutonic one with hematite stable, to form the stratabound ore deposits.
The Susana copper deposit is located at an elevation of 860 m above sea level in the coastal Cordillera of northern Chile (Carolina de Michilla district), 110 km north of Antofagasta at 70°10′W and 22°40′S. Initial mining began in 1981 by surface mining methods with production coming from one open bit. Due to subsequent geologic reconnaissance that resulted in the discovery of a mineralized breccia pipe structure, underground mining started in 1983. By 1983, 36000 m of drilling had shown the presence of 8 million metric tons of oxide/sulfide ore averaging 2% copper at 0.5% cutoff (Valdebenito 1983) with probable reserves several million tonnes greater. Mine production in 1985 was 1700 mt/day with Cu >3% and 20 g/mt Ag.
The continental margin of western South America is a currently active oceanic-continental plate boundary: subduction of the oceanic Nazca plate is thought by most proponents of the plate theory to have generated magmatic activity in the Andean belt. In the southern part of the Central Andes active volcanism has been episodic since Jurassic time, taking place in parallel belts in each period, and migrating steadily eastward.
Sulphur isotopes of porphyry copper and manto-type mineralization and the host granitic rocks in Chile and the Philippines follow the trend characteristic of the magnetite-series granitic regime. Isotopic fractionation between the rock- and ore sulphur, DELTA delta 34S (rock ore), is found to be 8 + or - 1per mille on average. This is larger than the value, 3 + or - 1 per mille for the skarn and vein-type deposits from Japanese granitic terrains and suggests that relatively high fO2 conditions have prevailed in the mineralizations concerned. (Author's abstract)-Y.K.
Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous magmatic activity in the present-day Coastal Cordillera and the Central Depression of northern Chile is marked by important plutonic and volcanic cycles. The Initial Basics unit of the Coloso Coastal gabbro complex contains the first intrusives into an ensialic marginal basin related to extension, probably due to strike-slip plate motion. These gabbros have affinities with continental tholeiitic basalts. The subsequent Jurassic Volcanic unit, ranging from basalt to andesite in composition, erupted onto the subsiding basin. Simultaneous with and after the eruption of the Volcanic unit, the Late Granitoids unit was intruded. The earliest intrusives of this Late Granitoid unit (GI of the Coastal Cordillera) follow the Initial Basics in time and have similar geochemical source indicators. Geochemical signatures of both the Volcanic unit and the Late Granitoid intrusives suggest that they are related to contemporaneous subduction. Some Late Granitoids (GII of the Central Depression) show evidence of significant crustal contamination much like that of modern Andean magmatism.
The Broadlands-Ohaaki geothermal system is a boiling hydrothermal system hosted by a sequence of Quaternary felsic volcanic rocks and Mesozoic metasediments. More than 50 wells have been drilled (400 to >2,600 m deep) to assess the geothermal potential for the production of electricity. Fluids and precipitates sampled from wells, along with descriptions of the alteration minerals in more than 500 drill cores, provide a three-dimensional picture of the distribution of fluid types and secondary minerals. Interpretation of these features and the distribution of gold and silver highlight the relationship between alteration and mineralization in an active, low-sulfidation epithermal environment. Quartz, illite, K feldspar (adularia), albite, chlorite, calcite, and pyrite are the main hydrothermal minerals that occur in the deep central upflow zone at ≥250°C and >600 m depth. These minerals form through recrystallization of the volcanic host rocks and incorporation of H 2O, CO 2, and H 2S in the presence of a deeply derived chloride water containing ~1,000 mg/kg Cl and ~26,400 mg/kg CO 2. At the same time, and on the periphery of the upflow zone, illite, smectite, calcite, and siderite form through hydrolitic alteration in the presence of CO 2-rich steam-heated waters that contain <30 mg/kg Cl and ~13,000 mg/kg CO 2. Upward and outward from the deep central upflow zone, mineral patterns reflect the shift from rock-dominated to fluid-dominated alteration and the prevailing influence of boiling, mixing, and cooling on fluid-mineral equilibria. Accordingly, the abundance of quartz and K feldspar increase toward the upflow zone, whereas clay abundance increases toward the margin of the upflow zone (with smectite dominating at <150°C and illite dominating at >200°C); the abundance of chlorite, pyrite, and calcite varies here, but albite is absent. Geothermal production wells with high fluid fluxes are the main sites of precious-metal mineralization. The deep chloride water (with or without minor amounts of vapor) enters the well at depths >500 m and undergoes a pressure drop that causes boiling. As a result, precious metals precipitate and accumulate as scales on back-pressure plates or as detritus in surface weir boxes; these deposits contain <10 to >1,000 mg/kg Au, <100 to >10,000 mg/kg Ag and ~10 to ~1,000 mg/kg As and Sb, each. Within production wells, platy calcite deposits as a scale at the site of first boiling near the fluid feed point, while crustiform-colloform-banded amorphous silica deposits in surface pipe work. By contrast, the hydrothermally altered host rocks contain low concentrations of gold, ranging from <0.01 to 1.0 mg/kg Au (68 analyses), and these correlate positively with arsenic (<100 to ~5,000 mg/kg) and antimony (<10 to ~500 mg/kg). Reaction path modeling using SOLVEQ and CHILLER shows that calcite, K feldspar, gold, and amorphous silica deposit in sequence from a chloride water that cools along an adiabatic boiling path (300°to 100°C), analogous to fluid flow in a production well. By contrast, calcite, quartz, K mica, and pyrite deposit from a chloride water that cools due to mixing with CO 2-rich steam-heated waters; dilution prevents precipitation of precious metals. Thus field observations and reaction path modeling demonstrate that boiling is the main process influencing the deposition of precious metals. The results of this study show how peripheral hydrolytic alteration by CO 2-rich steam-heated waters relate to propylitic and potassic alteration by chloride waters in the epithermal environment of a hydrothermal system. Both the distribution of alteration mineral assemblages associated with the different water types and the broad-scale distribution of temperature-sensitive smectite and illite reflect the location of the upflow zone. On a local scale, the occurrence of platy calcite, crustiform-colloform silica, and K feldspar in veins indicates the existence of boiling conditions conducive to precious-metal deposition.
Pore-fluid pressure (Pf) > Ph has been encountered at the bottom of 3 geothermal exploration wells that attained temperatures > 370°C (at Larderello, Italy, at Nesjavellir, Iceland, and at The Geysers, California). Chemical sealing by deposition of minerals in veins appears to have allowed the development of the high Pf encountered in the above wells. The upper limit for the magnitude of Pf that can be attained is controlled by either the onset of shear fracturing (where differential stress is relatively high) that reopens clogged veins, or the hydraulic opening of new or old fractures (at relatively low values of differential stress). -from Author
Carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions of nyerereite and gregoryite phenocrysts and wholerock samples of natrocarbonatite lavas from the June 1988 eruption of Oldoinyo Lengai lie within restricted ranges of δ13C −6.3 to −7.1 and 5.8 to 6.7 for δ18O. These δ18O and δ13C values from unaltered natrocarbonatites and their carbonate phenocrysts support the conclusion that the carbonatitic magma was derived from the mantle and that their isotope composition was not changed by secondary isotopic exchange. Exposure to alteration under atmospheric conditions, weathering and hydration of the alkali carbonates at the surface produce distinctly higher δ18O, and also heavier δ13C values. A recent natrocarbonatite exposed to weathering for only several weeks shows δ18O and δ13C values of 17.4 and −3.3‰, respectively.