Conference Paper

On the current saturation in low dimensional MOSFETs

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Submicron MOSFETs are the issue for ULSI integrated circuits. Several current models are proposed to explain the drain current behavior in the saturation region of the ID-VD characteristic curve. Mainly, we can distinguish two types: the classical and low dimension current modeling. In the present work a survey of Current voltage models is presented aiming a contribution to interpret the non-saturation phenomenon, which are severe in low dimensional devices.

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... The current variation in this region is attributed to the effects of the high fields applied between gate and substrate as well as drain and source and the channel modulation, which induce the hot carrier generation, thus the increasing of drain current. In this case the channel is completely formed and pinched closely to the drain; the position of the pinch-off point is modulated by the drain voltage [14][15][16]. In Fig. 9d, it is worth noting that we found an optimal value for the drain current between the low and high injection zones (V d = 3.8 V). ...
In this paper the energy consumption of flash floating gate cell, during a channel hot electron operation, is investigated. We characterize the device using different ramp and box pulses on control gate, to find the best solution to have low energy consumption and good cell performances. We use a new dynamic method to measure the drain current absorption in order to evaluate the impact of different bias conditions, and to study the cell behavior. The programming window and the energy consumption are considered as fundamental parameters. Using this dynamic technique, three zones of work are found; it is possible to optimize the drain voltage during the programming operation to minimize the energy consumption. Moreover, the cell’s performances are improved using the CHISEL effect, with a reverse body bias. After the study concerning the programming pulses adjusting, we show the results obtained by increasing the channel doping dose parameter. Considering a channel hot electron programming operation, it is important to focus our attention on the bitline leakage consumption contribution. We measured it for the unselected bitline cells, and we show the effects of the lightly doped drain implantation energy on the leakage current. In this way the impact of gate induced drain leakage in band-to-band tunneling regime decreases, improving the cell’s performances in a memory array.
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Performance limits of silicon MOSFETs are examined by a simple analytical theory augmented by self-consistent Schrodinger-Poisson simulations. The on-current, transconductance, and drain-to-source resistance in the ballistic limit (which corresponds to the channel length approaching zero) are examined. The ballistic transconductance in the limit that the oxide thickness approaches zero is also examined. The results show that as the channel length approaches zero (which corresponds to the ballistic limit), the on-current and transconductance approach finite limiting values and the channel resistance approaches a finite minimum value. The source velocity can be as high as about 1.5×107 cm/s. The limiting on-current and transconductance are considerably higher than those deduced experimentally by a previous study of MOSFETs with channel lengths greater than 0.2 μm. At the same time, the transconductance to current ratio is substantially lower than that of a bipolar transistor
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We have developed a new analytical ultra-short channel MOSFET model for circuit simulation including velocity overshoot effects. We have been able to reproduce experimental I-V curves and conductances of MOSFETs down to 0.07 μm channel lengths both at low and room temperatures
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A simple, physical view of carrier transport in nanoscale MOSFETs is presented.
Different types of d.c. gate circuits are possible with complementary transistors. Low-pass, high-pass, band-pass and band-elimination d.c. voltage circuits besides the usual ternary circuits are possible with them. The various types of d.c. gate circuits with such transistors and their characteristics are described in the paper.
This paper reviews our experimental results for electrical transport properties of nano-scale silicon metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFETs). We used very small devices produced using 10-nm-scale lithographic techniques: electrically variable shallow junction MOSFETs (EJ-MOSFETs) and lateral hot-electron transistors (LHETs). With LHETs we succeeded in directly detecting the hot-electron current and estimated the characteristic length to be around 25 nm. We also investigated the energy relaxation mechanism by performing measurements at various applied voltages and temperatures. Furthermore, we clearly observed the tunneling current between the source and drain (source-drain tunneling) in an 8-nm-gate-length EJ-MOSFET. Based on these experimental results, we predict the limitation of MOSFET miniaturization to be around 5 nm in the source-drain tunneling scheme.
The current voltage characteristics of the ballistic metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) is reviewed. Reducing the carrier scattering by employing e.g. the intrinsic channel structure and the low temperature operation, nanometer to sub-0.1 mum size MOSFETs operation approaches the ballistic transport. The drain current is derived by analyzing the carrier behavior in the vicinity of the potential maximum in the channel. The carrier degeneracy and the predominant carrier distribution in the lowest subband around the maximum point have critical effects on the current value. A convenient approximation of the current in terms of terminal voltages is given. The current control mechanism is discussed with use of the "Injection velocity." with which carriers are injected from the source to the channel. An index to represent the ballisticity is given, and some published experimental data are analyzed. Transport of the quasi-ballistic MOSFET is discussed.
In elementary textbooks semiconductors are often defined as being a class of materials having electrical conductivities intermediate between those of metals and insulators. They are also said to be characterized by a negative temperature coefficient of resistivity, in contrast to the positive coefficient exhibited by metals.
A new definition of Leff which agrees well with electrical measurements using the channel resistance method is proposed, based on numerically simulated surface potential. Using the Leff definition, the physics underlying the fact that Leff can be considerably longer than the metallurgical channel length Leff is explored, and the independence of Leff on substrate bias Vsub is clarified. The gate bias dependence of Leff in LDD MOSFET is clearly reflected by the proposed Leff definition.
The fundamental ballistic limits of on-state current in ultimately scaled Si MOSFETs are examined. Theoretical analysis of these limits, with comparisons to currents that have actually been achieved in recent CMOS technologies and that have been predicted by Monte Carlo simulations, gives insight about why the limits have not been reached and how they might be reached. The study considers SOI as well as bulk-Si devices, and suggests that, for controlled off-state current, only an optimally designed double-gate structure could yield a ballistic-limit on-state current.
A compact analytical model for MOSFET channel-length modulation (CLM) based on momentum and energy-conservation of Boltzmann transport equation as well as quasi-2D formulation is presented. It is consistent with the generalized drift–diffusion formulation including the nonlocal electron temperature, which can be interpreted as being an effective CLM or effective velocity overshoot. The model has a simple familiar form of the “pinch-off” model, with one fitting parameter for the length- and bias-dependent effective saturation field and effective Early voltage. The model can be easily characterized with one measured Ids–Vds data and has been verified with submicron technology data for the full range of gate lengths and bias conditions.
Reduction of channel length makes the channel current to be less than that of drain current. In this paper, by using multiplication factor model [Proc. IEEE IRPS. (1996) 318, Proc. IEEE IRPS (1999) 167] and a simple approximation of the collector current of PBT the drain current in short-channel MOSFETs is modeled and simulated. This model makes use of four parameters, which by extracting them for each device, it is possible to calculate total drain current. The simulation results from this model are compared with the results obtained from MINIMOS, in which match observed between them.
The ballistic MOSFET characteristics are compared in detail with those of the experimental 70-nm device at low temperatures reported by Sai-Halasz et al. The saturated region characteristics for V-G less than or equal to 0.8 V show good agreement and a proper consideration of higher subbands significantly improves agreement for V-G greater than or equal to 1.0 V. The discrepancy is large in the linear region due to carrier scattering. The carrier backscattering mechanism and the bias effect are discussed.
The dependence of the linear and saturated drain current of a nanoscale MOSFET on the near-equilibrium, inversion layer mobility of a long-channel device from the same technology is examined. Simple expressions developed from a scattering theory of the MOSFET provide a quantitative relation between the long-channel mobility and the short-channel drain current. The theory explains the commonly observed mobility-dependence of the linear and saturated drain currents in present-day deep submicron MOSFETs, and the results can be extrapolated all the way to the ballistic limit.
Interface traps in submicron buried-channel LDD pMOSTs, generated under different stress conditions, are investigated by the direct-current current-voltage (DCIV) technique. Two peaks C and D in the DCIV spectrum are found corresponding to interface traps generated in the channel region and in the LDD region respectively. The new DCIV results clarify certain issues of the underlying mechanisms involved on hot-carrier degradation in LDD pMOSTs. Under channel hot-carrier stress conditions, the hot electron injection and electron trapping in the oxide occurs for all stressing gate voltage. However, the electron injection induced interface trap spatial location changes from the LDD region to the channel region when the stressing gate voltage changes from low to high.
A semiempirical strong inversion current-voltage ( I -V) model for submicrometer n-channel MOSFETs which is suitable for circuit simulation and rapid process characterization is proposed. The model is based on a more accurate velocity-field relationship in the linear region and finite drain conductance due to the channel length modulation effect in the saturation region. The parameter extraction starts from the experimental determination of the MOSFET saturation current and saturation voltage by differentiating the output characteristics in a unified and unambiguous way. These results are used in order to systematically extract the device and process parameters such as the effective electron saturation velocity and mobility, drain and source series resistances, effective gate length and characteristic length for channel length modulation, and short-channel effects. The values agree well with other independent measurements. The results of experimental studies of wide n-MOSFETs with nominal gate length of 0.8, 1.0, and 1.2 μm fabricated by an n-well CMOS process are reported. The calculated I -V characteristics using the extracted parameters show excellent agreement with the measurement results
Principles of Semiconductor Devices
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