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Hepatitis Monthly 2009; 9(4): 265-270
A Placebo-Controlled Trial of Silymarin in Patients
with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Seyed Jalal Hashemi, Eskandar Hajiani*, Ebrahim Haidari Sardabi
* Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Internal Medicine, Emam Hospital,
Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences, Ahvaz, Iran
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)
is a spectrum of conditions ranging from
simple fatty infiltration of the liver to steatohepatitis,
fibrosis, and cirrhosis. Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
(NASH) is histologically characterized by significant
accumulation of hepatic lipid and predominantly
lobular necroinflammation, with or without
centrilobular fibrosis. NASH is histologically similar
to alcoholic liver disease, but without a history of
ingesting significant amounts of ethanol (1). The
disorder may be progressive, causing chronic liver
Eskandar Hajiani, M.D.
Associate Professor of Gastroenterology and Hepatology,
Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department
of Internal Medicine, Emam Hospital, Ahvaz Jundishapur
University of Medical Sciences, Ahvaz, Iran.
+98 611 553 0222
+98 611 334 0074
26 Apr 2009
8 Nov 2009
9 Nov 2009
Hepat Mon 2009; 9 (4): 265-270
Background and Aims:
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a chronic liver condition that is characterized by signifi-
cant hepatic lipid deposition with or without necroinflammation and fibrosis. Researchers have proposed that oxidative
stress may play a role in pathogenesis of NAFLD, and there is challenging evidence for the efficacy of antioxidant agents
in its treatment. Therefore, we tried silymarin as an antioxidant in a randomized controlled trial for a group of patients
with NAFLD.
During an 18-month period, a placebo-controlled study was conducted among patients with nonalcoholic ste-
atohepatitis (NASH) referred to the Ahvaz Jundishapur University Hospital (AJSUH) and Hepatitis Clinic from 2007 to
2008. Based on sonography findings and elevated alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST)
levels or liver biopsy, we selected 100 NASH patients who were referred to our center for management of liver disease.
Patients who had positive viral markers and other hepatic diseases and patients who had ingested ethanol or drugs
known to produce fatty liver disease within the previous 6 months were excluded from the study. Patients were random-
ized to two groups: Group A received a placebo, and Group B received treatment with 280 mg of silymarin. Treatment
was continued for 24 weeks, and cases were evaluated every 4 weeks in the outpatient clinic.
A total of 100 subjects who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria were included in the analysis. Group A (50
cases, 29 males and 21 females) and Group B (50 cases, 28 males and 22 females). The mean age was 39.0 ± 10.70 years
for Group A and 39.28 ± 11.117 years for Group B. The age range for both groups was 20 to 50 years. The mean serum
ALT levels in the silymarin group were 113.03 and 73.14 IU/mL before and after treatment, respectively (P = 0.001). ALT
normalization (ALT < 40) was observed in 18% and 52% of patients in Groups A and B, respectively (P = 0.001). AST
normalization (AST < 40) was observed in 20% of cases in the placebo group and 62% of cases in the silymarin-treated
group (P = 0.0001). No significant side effects were reported in our cases.
Silymarin treatment appears to be significantly effective in biochemical improvement and decreasing
transaminases levels in patients with NAFLD.
Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, Milk Thistle, Vitamin E, Silymarin
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Hepatitis Monthly, Autumn 2009; 9(4): 265-270
Hepatitis Monthly, Autumn 2009; 9(4): 265-270
266 Trial of Silymarin in NAFLD
disease, including liver cirrhosis. Because of the
increase in the incidence of its predisposing conditions
such as obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus, NASH
is a common disorder. NAFLD is the most common
liver disorder in developed countries, and it is
estimated that 20%-40% of the Western population
and 5%-35% of the population of Pacific and Asian
countries are afflicted with the disease (2, 3).
Insulin resistance plays an important role in
the pathogenesis of NASH, but oxidative stress is
also an important issue. Consequently, the exact
pathophysiology of the disease is not clear, and
because of that, the management of this condition
is empirical so various drug treatments have been
attempted with variable success, including vitamin
E, ursodeoxycholic acid, gemfibrozil, metformin
pioglitazone, and orlistat (4-7).
Because no single pharmacologic therapy has
completely proven to be effective for the treatment
of this disorder, weight loss is generally suggested as
the standard therapy; however, studies on the benefits
of weight loss have shown inconsistent results, and
there are some reports that weight loss may increase
inflammation (8) and worsen fibrosis (9, 10). Given
that a considerable number of patients with NAFLD
are not obese or would not benefit from weight
loss, use of medication that can directly reduce the
severity of liver damage independent of weight loss is
a reasonable alternative.
There are few challenging evidences for efficacy of
antioxidant agents such as vitamin E and silymarin
in the management of NASH.
Despite a proposed role of oxidant stress in the
pathogenesis of NAFLD, antioxidant approaches
have not been investigated sufficiently in NAFLD
therapy (11, 12).
Milk thistle (silybum marianum or silymarin), an
antioxidant and a regulator of immune functions
by modulating cytokine production, was used in
classical Greece to treat liver and gallbladder diseases
to protect the liver against toxins (13-15). There are
some challenging reports about silymarin efficacy
for treatment of NASH (16, 17) but few randomized,
placebo-controlled studies provide support for
silymarin, so we tried to evaluate the efficacy and
safety of oral silymarin in a placebo-controlled study
of subjects with NASH.
Materials and Methods
Materials and Methods
After approval of the ethics committee during an
18-month period, we conducted a random clinical
trial of patients with NAFLD referred to the Ahvaz
JundiShapur University Hospitals (AJSUH) and
Hepatitis Clinic from 2007 to 2008.
The study included 100 NASH patients who
attended our center for management of liver disease.
The criteria used for diagnosis of NASH include (a)
sonographic evidence of fatty liver, (b) elevated ALT
more than 1.2 times of the normal (c) excluding other
chronic liver conditions, (d) suggestive histological
evidence of NASH, or (e) the presence of strong risk
factors such as type 2 diabetes or obesity (BMI 30
Patients were excluded if they had an intake of
ethanol (more than 20 g/day) or if they had ingested
drugs known to produce fatty liver disease, such as
steroids, estrogens, amiodarone, tamoxifen, or other
chemotherapeutic agents in the previous 6 months.
Patients were screened for viral hepatitis B and
C using HBsAg and anti-HCV antibody and for
other hepatic diseases including autoimmune
hepatitis, Wilson’s disease, hemochromatosis, and
alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency. Patients with severe
comorbid medical conditions (such as severe cardiac,
pulmonary, renal, or psychological problems) or
those not consenting to participate in the study
were also excluded. The patients were followed up
with a weight-reducing diet at least three months
by checking ALT levels. After this screening period,
liver biopsies were performed in nonresponders to
rule out other causes of liver diseases and to prove the
histologic diagnosis of NAFLD in patients without
obesity or diabetes. At the end of this period, the
patients having ALT levels of at least 1.2 times the
upper normal limit and risk factors of NAFLD or
histological evidence of the disease, were included in
the study.
Ultrasonographic evaluations of liver were
performed at the entry of the study and at the end of
the treatment. In the ultrasonographic examination,
fatty liver was diagnosed according to the modified
criteria (18). The four parameters used in this
criteria were brightness of the liver, attenuation of
echogenicity, blurred vessels, and the contrast ratio
of the liver-to-kidney in an ultrasonography (US;
General Electric LOGIQ 400 CL).
Patients were randomized to two groups, which
received a placebo (Group A, 50 patients) or silymarin
treatment (Group B, 50 patients).
In Group B, the patients were treated with
Livergol tablets containing 140 mg of silymarin active
extract. Group A served as a control group, and the
participants were treated with a placebo. Both drugs
were in the form of tablets. The placebo tablet had
the same shape, color, and packaging as the active
drug. Patients of each group took two tablets per day
for 6 months.
Treatment was continued for 24 weeks, and cases
Archive of SID
Hepatitis Monthly, Autumn 2009; 9(4): 265-270
Hepatitis Monthly, Autumn 2009; 9(4): 265-270
Seyed Jalal Hashemi et al.
were evaluated every 4 weeks in the outpatient clinic
for a 6-month period. Serum levels of ALT, aspartate
aminotransferase (AST), alkaline phosphatase
(ALP), gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT),
fasting plasma glucose (FPG), serum triglycerides,
and cholesterol were monitored at each visit during
Statistical analysis
Sample size calculations were based on the
comparison of paired data. With a sample size of
71 subjects (36 cases for each arm), this study had
an 95% power to detect a difference in ALT levels
equivalent to one standard deviation with a two-
sided = 0.05. Considering the possibility of non-
adherent cases to therapy we included 100 patients
in the study. Statistical analysis was performed
using a repeat-measures analysis of variance and
Pearson’s correlation, with baseline and population
comparisons made using student’s t tests and chi-
squared tests for equal proportion where appropriate.
For all comparisons, a two sided = 0.05 was
considered statistically significant.
All calculations were made using SAS, version 8.2
(SAS Institute,Cary, NC, USA).
Basal characteristics were similar in the two
groups. Twenty-nine men (58%) and 21 women
(42%) in Group A and 28 men (56%) and 22 women
(44%) in Group B were studied (P = 0.8). The mean
age for Group A was 39.0 ± 10.70 and for Group B
was 39.28 ± 11.117 years. The age range for both
groups was 20 to 50 years. For Group A, the mean
BMI before administration of the drug was 27.80
kg/m2, which decreased to 27.42 after the treatment
(P = 0.99). For Group B, the mean BMI before drug
administration was 26.75 kg/m2, which decreased to
26.60 after the treatment (P = 0.609; see Table 1).
The mean serum ALT levels in Group B were
113.54 and 73.14 IU/mL before and after treatment
with silymarin, respectively (P = 0.001; see Fig. 1).
The mean serum ALT levels in Group A were 104.54
and 89.92 IU/mL before and after administration of
placebo, respectively (P = 0.237; see Fig. 1).
The percentage of patients with ALT normalization
(ALT < 40) in Group A was 12% (6 patients) after
3 months of therapy which increased to 18% (9
cases) after 6 months. In the sylimarin-treated group,
the figures were 32% (16 patients) after 3 months
and 52% (26 cases) after 6 months. The difference
between the two groups was significant (P = 0.001).
The mean serum AST level in Group A was
73.02 and 66.16 IU/mL before and after treatment
with the placebo, respectively (P = 0.343; see Fig. 2).
The mean serum AST level in Group B was 71.42
and 49.66 IU/mL before and after treatment with
silymarin, respectively (P = 0.006; see Fig. 2).
The percentage of patients with AST normalization
(AST < 40) was 22% (11cases) after 3 months and
20% (10 patients) after 6 month in Group A. The
figures were 46% (23 cases) after 3 month and 62%
(31 patients) after 6 month in the sylimarin-treated
group. The difference between the two groups at the
Before After
Treatment Treatment P-value
Before After
Treatment Treatment P-value
Sillymarin vs. Placebo
Baseline After Treatment
Age (yr) 39.0±10.70 39.28±11.117 NS
Sex (m/f) 29/21 28/22 0.8
BMI 27.80±3.75 27.42±3.35 0.99 26.75 ±2.65 26.60 ±2.53 0.609 0. 098 0.169
Fasting plasma glucose (mg/dl) 106.80±44.97 107.0±45.178 0.97 105.96±35.84 108.34±53.12 0.978 0.920 0.892
2hpp 158.92±64.56 165.60 ±60.63 0.087 161.32±63.72 165.78±64.24 0.986 0.852 0.989
Triglyceride (mg/dl) 261.32±102.02 268.52±102.68 0.66 281.48±116.66 260.16±102.18 0.915 0.360 0.694
Total Cholesterol (mg/dl) 216.18±52.12 220.82±53.79 0.196 235.18±59.25 238.42±59.94 0.999 0.092 0.126
LDL(mg/dl) 135.36±47.45 142.96±47.45 0.941 163.30±49.69 160.42±48.47 0.476 0.005 0.073
HDL(mg/dl) 41.06±6.00 39.40±5.33 0.458 40.58±5.19 40.90±5.75 0.589 0.670 0.179
ALT(U/liter) 104.54±41.82 89.92±41.83 0.237 113.54±50.92 73.14±62.44 0.001 0.363 0.118
AST (U/liter) 73.02±39.62 66.16±27.44 0.343 71.42±66.50 49.66±33.26 0.006 0.884 0.008
ALT<40 number`(%) 0.00 9 (18%) 0.00 26(52%) 0.001
AST<40 number`(%) 0.00 10 (20%) 0.00 31(62%) 0.0001
Table 1.
Table 1. Baseline characteristics of the subjects and outcome at 6 months.
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268 Trial of Silymarin in NAFLD
end of therapy was significant (P = 0.0001).
NAFLD is a disease with genetic, environmental,
metabolic, and stress-related components; the
prevalence of NAFLD has consistently increased
with changes in lifestyle. NAFLD is associated
with a potential risk of progression to cirrhosis,
hepatocarcinoma, and liver failure (19).
Therefore, treatment of NAFLD has drawn wide
attention. In recent studies, there has been increasing
evidence for considering NAFLD as part of a metabolic
syndrome including obesity, hyperinsulinemia,
insulin resistance, hypertriglyceridemia, and
hypertension (20).
However, the molecular mechanisms by which
obesity and diabetes can lead to NAFLD are still
not known. In a recent study, the presence of insulin
resistance and increases in free fatty acids, fatty acids
beta oxidation, and peroxidation of lipids in the liver
were observed in those with NAFLD (21).
There is no strong evidence supporting any
effective therapeutic agents for reducing inflammation
and fibrosis or preventing the progression of NASH.
Nonetheless, weight reduction and the drugs that
overcome oxidative stress may be appropriate to slow
the disease process.
Silybum marianum has been used as an anti-
Figure 1.
Figure 1. ALT levels before and after treatment with silymarin.
Figure 2.
Figure 2. AST levels before and after treatment with silymarin.
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Hepatitis Monthly, Autumn 2009; 9(4): 265-270
Hepatitis Monthly, Autumn 2009; 9(4): 265-270
Seyed Jalal Hashemi et al.
oxidant to protect the liver against toxin in several
studies. The substance has been investigated for
use as a cytoprotectant, an anticarcinogen, and a
supportive treatment for liver damage from Amanita
phalloides poisoning (22, 23).
The active component of the silymarin complex
is silybin, and the main mechanism of its action
is not completely understood, but a variety of
mechanisms have been proposed. For instance,
silymarin is reported to have antioxidant properties,
such as by increasing superoxide dismutase activity
in erythrocytes and lymphocytes (24).
Silymarin has also been reported to stabilize the
hepatocyte membrane structure, thereby preventing
toxins from entering the cell through entero-hepatic
recirculation, and to promote liver regeneration by
stimulating nucleolar polymerase A and increasing
ribosomal protein synthesis (25).
Silybin selectively inhibits leukotriene formation
by Kupffer cells and is a mild chelator of iron. It also
prevents glutathione depletion in human hepatocyte,
protecting cells from damage in vitro (26, 27).
There is a lack of studies about the treatment of
NAFLD in our area, so our trial was compared with
other drugs used in the treatment of NAFLD.
Previous studies that have suggested a therapeutic
role for silybum marianum in NAFLD have either
been uncontrolled and/or were conducted in a
heterogeneous group of patients with fatty livers.
In Caldwell et al. study (28), thiazolidindions were
used in 10 patients; in nine improvements in serum
transaminase level were detected.
In a recent double-blind, randomized controlled
study in Tehran, Merat et al. (29) compared a placebo
with Probucol, which is a lipid-lowering agent with
strong antioxidant properties. In this study liver
tests normalized or were significantly improved
after 6 months of treatment with Probucol. The
authors concluded that the antioxidant effect of
probucol regardless of its lipid-lowering effect was
the responsible mechanism for the normalization of
ALT levels.
In another study, treatment of NASH patients
with vitamin E resulted in significant improvement
in hepatic steatosis and ALP, ALT, and GGT levels
The effects of ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA),
a hydrophilic bile acid with hepatoprotective
properties, on NASH were examined in a controlled
trial (5). Use of UDCA was associated with improved
liver enzyme levels and a decrease in hepatic steatosis.
However, the long-term effects and optimal dose of
UDCA have not been established.
Although promising results have been obtained
with silymarin in patients with alcoholic liver disease,
clinical trials have produced conflicting results.
Trails of silymarin in patients with NASH are
limited, but in one study, silymarin treatment
in patients affected by cirrhosis and diabetes was
associated with a reduction of insulin resistance
and a significant decrease in fasting insulin levels,
suggesting an improvement of the activity of
endogenous and exogenous insulin. Given these
findings, this substance presents an interesting option
for the treatment of NAFLD (6).
In one study of 85 consecutive cases of NAFLD
treated with 4 pieces per day of the complex
silymarin-vitamin E-phospholipids for 6 months
followed by another 6 months of follow-up, they
found an improvement in treated individuals,
including insulinaemia, liver enzyme levels, and
degree of steatosis (P < 0.01) (30).
Finally, in a recent study from Iran of 50 NAFLD
patients who were treated with 140 mg of silymarin
for 8 weeks followed by another 2 months of follow
up, the researchers found an improvement in the liver
enzyme levels of the treated individuals (17). In this
study, silymarin extract caused apparent improvement
in serum ALT levels (41% ). Additionally, serum
AST levels decreased from 53.07 to 29.1 IU/mL (P
< 0.001) (17).
In two groups of NAFLD patients with elevated
liver enzymes, we investigated the effects of a
placebo and silymarin on biochemical tests with
higher doses and longer durations of treatment than
previous studies. Although there were no significant
differences between silymarin and the placebo in
decreasing the mean ALT level after therapy, we
found a significantly greater number of patients with
normal ALT at the end of treatment with silymarin:
32% vs. 12 % after 3 months and 52% vs. 18% after
6 months (P = 0.001)
Compared to ALT, silymarin treatment had a
greater impact on the changes in AST level, not only
because AST normalization was more significant in
the silymarin group (62% vs. 20% in the placebo
group; P = 0.0001), but also the decrease in mean
AST level in the silymarin group was significantly
higher than the AST level of the placebo group
There were no significant changes in the variables
related to metabolic syndrome, including glucose
metabolism, hyperlipidemia, and BMI before and
after treatment with placebo or silymarin (Table1).
Another finding of the study was that treatment
with silybum marianum in subjects with NAFLD
was safe and well tolerated. Patient compliance with
medication was good in both groups, and all cases
completed the study.
We could not reach a conclusion about the
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270 Trial of Silymarin in NAFLD
histological change because we did not biopsy the
patients after the treatment period. In conclusion,
in terms of biochemical improvement, silymarin
treatment is effective in the treatment of NAFLD,
particularly when other drugs have failed or as a
complementary treatment associated with other
therapeutic modalities.
Treatment with silymarin costs less than any other
treatment, and there are negligible side effects. In
the future, our findings must be confirmed in larger
scale studies with pre- and post-treatment biopsies.
Fallow-up of cases to clarify persistent or temporary
effects of the drug on NASH is very important.
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