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Abstract and Figures

Spirulina is a popular nutritional supplement that is accompanied by claiMSS for antioxidant and performance-enhancing effects. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to examine the effect of spirulina supplementation on (i) exercise performance, (ii) substrate metabolism, and (iii) blood redox status both at rest and after exercise. Nine moderately trained males took part in a double-blind, placebo-controlled, counterbalanced crossover study. Each subject received either spirulina (6 g x d(-1)) or placebo for 4 wk. Each subject ran on a treadmill at an intensity corresponding to 70%-75% of their VO2max for 2 h and then at 95% VO2max to exhaustion. Exercise performance and respiratory quotient during exercise were measured after both placebo and spirulina supplementation. Blood samples were drawn before, immediately after, and at 1, 24, and 48 h after exercise. Reduced glutathione (GSH), oxidized glutathione (GSSG), GSH/GSSG, thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS), protein carbonyls, catalase activity, and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) were determined. Time to fatigue after the 2-h run was significantly longer after spirulina supplementation (2.05 +/- 0.68 vs 2.70 +/- 0.79 min). Ingestion of spirulina significantly decreased carbohydrate oxidation rate by 10.3% and increased fat oxidation rate by 10.9% during the 2-h run compared with the placebo trial. GSH levels were higher after the spirulina supplementation compared with placebo at rest and 24 h after exercise. TBARS levels increased after exercise after placebo but not after spirulina supplementation. Protein carbonyls, catalase, and TAC levels increased similarly immediately after and 1 h after exercise in both groups. Spirulina supplementation induced a significant increase in exercise performance, fat oxidation, and GSH concentration and attenuated the exercise-induced increase in lipid peroxidation.
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Copyright @ 200 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Ergogenic and Antioxidant Effects of Spirulina
Supplementation in Humans
Institute of Human Performance and Rehabilitation, Center for Research and Technology – Thessaly, Trikala, GREECE;
Department of Physical Education and Sport Science, University of Thessaly, Trikala, GREECE;
School of Sport,
Performing Arts and Leisure, Wolverhampton University, Walshall, UNITED KINGDOM; and
Department of Biochemistry
& Biotechnology, University of Thessaly, Larissa, GREECE
Y. KOUTEDAKIS, and D. KOURETAS. Ergogenic and Antioxidant Effects of Spirulina Supplementation in Humans. Med. Sci.
Sports Exerc., Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 142–151, 2010. Purpose: Spirulina is a popular nutritional supplement that is accompanied by
claiMSS for antioxidant and performance-enhancing effects. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to examine the effect of
spirulina supplementation on (i) exercise performance, (ii) substrate metabolism, and (iii) blood redox status both at rest and after
exercise. Methods: Nine moderately trained males took part in a double-blind, placebo-controlled, counterbalanced crossover study.
Each subject received either spirulina (6 gId
) or placebo for 4 wk. Each subject ran on a treadmill at an intensity corresponding to
70%–75% of their V
for 2 h and then at 95% V
to exhaustion. Exercise performance and respiratory quotient during
exercise were measured after both placebo and spirulina supplementation. Blood samples were drawn before, immediately after, and at
1, 24, and 48 h after exercise. Reduced glutathione (GSH), oxidized glutathione (GSSG), GSH/GSSG, thiobarbituric acid-reactive
substances (TBARS), protein carbonyls, catalase activity, and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) were determined. Results: Time to
fatigue after the 2-h run was significantly longer after spirulina supplementation (2.05 T0.68 vs 2.70 T0.79 min). Ingestion of spirulina
significantly decreased carbohydrate oxidation rate by 10.3% and increased fat oxidation rate by 10.9% during the 2-h run compared
with the placebo trial. GSH levels were higher after the spirulina supplementation compared with placebo at rest and 24 h after
exercise. TBARS levels increased after exercise after placebo but not after spirulina supplementation. Protein carbonyls, catalase, and
TAC levels increased similarly immediately after and 1 h after exercise in both groups. Conclusions: Spirulina supplementation
induced a significant increase in exercise performance, fat oxidation, and GSH concentration and attenuated the exercise-induced
Spirulina (Spirulina platensis) is a photosynthetic cy-
anobacterium that possesses biological activity and
is widely cultivated to produce nutritional supple-
ments (26). Spirulina is rich in essential amino acids and
fatty acids (palmitic acid, linoleic acid, and F-linolenic acid),
vitamin C, vitamin E, and selenium (26). Recently, attention
has been placed on the antioxidant potential of spirulina.
Indeed, many of the chemical components of spirulina,
such as phenolic compounds, tocopherols,
-carotenes, and
phycocyanins exhibit antioxidants properties (11). For in-
stance, it has been reported that spirulina supplementation
with ginseng decreased lipid peroxidation and increased the
levels of reduced glutathione (GSH), superoxide dismutase,
and glutathione peroxidase in the kidney of rats (21).
Exercise promotes the production of reactive oxygen and
nitrogen species (RONS). Growing evidence indicates that
RONS contribute to muscle fatigue (14). To protect against
exercise-induced oxidative damage, cells contain endoge-
nous cellular defense mechanisMSS to control the levels of
RONS (37). Furthermore, exogenous dietary antioxidants
interact with endogenous antioxidants and form a network of
cellular antioxidants (37). The fact that exercise-induced
RONS production can contribute to muscle fatigue (14) has
resulted in numerous investigations examining the effects of
different antioxidants (e.g., vitamin C or N-acetylcysteine)
on human redox status and exercise performance (e.g.,
[2,28]). However, comparatively few researchers have
studied the effect of foods rich in antioxidants on oxidative
stress provoked by exercise (34,45). Thus, the extent to
Address for correspondence: Athanasios Z. Jamurtas, Ph.D., Department of
Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Thessaly, Karies,
42100, Trikala, Greece; E-mail:
Submitted for publication November 2008.
Accepted for publication April 2009.
Copyright "2009 by the American College of Sports Medicine
DOI: 10.1249/MSS.0b013e3181ac7a45
Copyright @ 200 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
which foods rich in antioxidants (such as spirulina) modify
the redox status responses induced by exercise is largely
We found only one study that examined the effects of
spirulina on redox status and exercise performance (25).
However, the blood samples after spirulina supplementation
and exercise were compared with the resting blood samples
making it difficult to discern the spirulina effect. Nowadays,
spirulina is a very popular nutritional supplement for
humans and is accompanied by claiMSS for antioxidant
and performance-enhancing effects (12). These claiMSS are
extrapolated by the findings of in vitro and animal studies
(11,21) but have not been substantiated concerning humans.
Therefore, the aim of the present study was to examine the
effect of spirulina supplementation on (i) exercise perfor-
mance, (ii) substrate metabolism, and (iii) blood redox
status both at rest and after exercise.
Subjects. Nine healthy moderately trained men (age =
23.3 T1.7 yr, height = 174.3 T1.7 cm, weight = 70.7 T
1.9 kg, body fat = 9.8 T1.3%, maximal oxygen consump-
tion (V
) = 52.2 T1.8 mLIkg
) volunteered to
participate. The subjects were recreational runners and had
trained for at least 1 yr (3.4 T1.1 yr), at least two times per
week (3.1 T0.9 times per week), at least 45 min per session
(56 T10 min per session). All subjects were informed
thoroughly about the risks, the possible discomforts, and the
benefits of the study before signing a written informed
consent. All subjects completed a medical and supplemen-
tation history and physical activity questionnaire to deter-
mine eligibility. No subject was a smoker or taking
supplements or anti-inflammatory drugs. The procedures
were in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975
and approved by the institutional review board.
Baseline measurements. One to two weeks before
the first exercise trial, subjects visited the laboratory for
baseline measurements. Body mass was measured to the
nearest 0.5 kg with subjects lightly dressed and barefoot
(Beam Balance 710; Seca, Birmingham, United Kingdom)
and standing height was measured to the nearest 0.5 cm
(Stadiometer 208; Seca). Percentage body fat was calculated
from seven skinfold measurements using a Harpenden skin-
fold caliper (John Bull, British Indicators Ltd, St. Albans,
United Kingdom) according to published guidelines (4). To
establish that all subjects ran at similar exercise intensity,
was determined using a treadmill test to exhaustion.
The protocol began at 10 kmIh
and was increased by
1 km every 2 min until V
was reached. V
was terminated when three of the following four criteria
were met: (i) subject exhaustion, (ii) a G2 mLIkg
increase in V
with an increase in work rate, (iii) a
respiratory exchange ratio Q1.10, and (iv) an HR within 10
bpm of the theoretical maximum HR (220 jage).
Respiratory gas variables were measured using a metabolic
cart (Vmax29; SensorMedics, Yorba Linda, CA), which
was calibrated before each test using standard gases of
known concentration. Exercise HR was monitored by
telemetry (Tester S610
; Polar, Electro Oy, Finland).
Study design. A double-blind, placebo-controlled,
counterbalanced crossover design was used (i.e., half of
the subjects were given the spirulina first and the other half
were given the placebo and the reversed). Each subject
participated in four exercise trials (Fig. 1). In the first
exercise trial, subjects visited the laboratory 7–14 d after
FIGURE 1—Study design. Arrows indicate blood sampling.
SPIRULINA, EXERCISE, AND REDOX STATUS Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
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determination (between 08:00 and 10:00), where
they ran on a treadmill at an intensity corresponding to
70%–75% of their V
for 2 h. After the 2-h run, the
speed of the treadmill was increased to elicit the 95%
, and exercise was terminated at exhaustion (31).
Fatigue was considered to have occurred when the required
speed could not be maintained by the subject or when the
subject stopped voluntarily. The time to reach volitional
fatigue was recorded and used as an index of aerobic
performance. Expired gas samples were obtained every
10 min to ensure the prescribed exercise intensity and to
calculate the fat and carbohydrate oxidation rates. Water
(250 mL) was given to the volunteers every 20 min during
exercise. After the end of the initial exercise trial, each
subject consumed two capsules (1 g each) containing either
S. platensis manufactured by Algae AC (Serres, Greece) or
100% egg protein (placebo). The capsules were consumed
before meals three times per day for 4 wk. The daily dosage
of spirulina that was used (6 gId
) was close to other
relevant human studies (7.5 [15] and 8 [25] gId
). One day
after the end of the 4-wk supplementation period, subjects
came back to the laboratory to perform the second exercise
bout with identical conditions as the first exercise trial. A
2-wk washout period occurred between the second and the
third exercise trials to avoid possible carryover effects.
After the washout period, the subjects came back for a third
and fourth times, where the exercise conditions of the first
and second exercise trials were followed. The first and third
exercise trials were performed to ensure that the 2-wk
washout period was adequate to have similar physiological
and biochemical values before the two periods of supple-
mentation. We are aware of only one study that investi-
gated the effects of spirulina supplementation on humans
using a crossover design (6). In this study, a 2-wk washout
period was also used. In addition, taking into account the
short supplementation period used in the present study (i.e.,
4 wk), we considered that the 2-wk washout period would
be long enough for any effects of placebo or spirulina to
The basic composition of dry spirulina is as follows: 63.3%
protein, 7.1% lipid, and 15.2% carbohydrate (50), 101 mg of
vitamin C (5), 15 mg of vitamin E, and 0.13 mg of selenium
per 100 g (50), as well as 43.6% palmitic acid, 17.2% lino-
leic acid, and 21.7% F-linolenic acid of total fatty acids (33).
Fat and carbohydrate oxidation. Fat and carbohy-
drate oxidation rates (gImin
) were calculated indirectly
by monitoring the rate of O
consumption (LImin
) and
production (LImin
) using the following stoichiomet-
ric equations (18), assuming that protein oxidation during
exercise was negligible:
fat oxidation = 1.695V
– 1.701V
carbohydrate oxidation = 4.210V
– 2.962V
Blood collection and handling. Blood samples were
drawn from a forearm vein at rest and after exercise
(immediately after exercise and at 1, 24, and 48 h after
exercise). Directly after taking the blood sample, 0.5 mL of
blood was placed in a tube containing EDTA for the
determination of hematocrit and hemoglobin. Whole-blood
lysate was produced by adding 5% trichloroacetic acid
(TCA) to whole blood (1:1 v/v) collected in EDTA tubes
for reduced GSH and oxidized glutathione (GSSG) analy-
sis. The whole-blood samples were centrifuged at 4000gfor
10 min at 4-C, and the supernatant was removed and
centrifuged again at 28,000gfor 5 min at 4-C. The clear
supernatant was collected in Eppendorf tubes and stored
at j80-C until GSH and GSSG determination. Another
portion of blood was collected in plain tubes, left on ice
for 20 min to clot, and centrifuged at 1500gfor 10 min at
4-C for serum separation. Serum was transferred in
Eppendorf tubes and was used for the determination of
creatine kinase, thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances
(TBARS), protein carbonyls, catalase, and total antioxidant
capacity (TAC). Serum samples were stored in multiple
aliquots at j80-C and were thawed only once before
Assays. A slightly modified version of Reddy et al. (40)
was used to measure GSH, which is originally based on
Beutler et al. (7). Twenty microliters of whole blood treated
with TCA was mixed with 660 KL of 67 mM sodium
potassium phosphate (pH 8.0) and 330 KL of 1 mM 5,5-
dithiobis-2-nitrobenzoate (DTNB). The samples were incu-
bated in the dark at room temperature for 45 min, and the
absorbance was read at 412 nm. A standard curve was
constructed by using GSH as a standard at concentrations of
0, 0.25, 0.50, and 1 mM. GSSG was determined according
to Tietze (49). Two hundred and sixty microliters of whole
blood treated with TCA was neutralized up to pH 7.0–7.5
with NaOH. Four microliters of 2-vinyl pyridine was added,
and the samples were incubated for 2 h at room tempera-
ture. Five microliters of whole blood treated with TCA was
mixed with 600 KL of 143 mM sodium phosphate (6.3 mM
EDTA, pH 7.5), 100 KL of 3 mM nicotinamide dinucleo-
tide phosphate (NADPH), 100 KL of 10 mM DTNB, and
194 KL of distilled water. The samples were incubated for
10 min at room temperature. After the addition of 1 KL of
glutathione reductase, the change in absorbance at 412 nm
was read for 3 min. A standard curve was constructed by
using GSSG as a standard at concentrations of 0, 0.025,
0.050, and 0.100 mM. The GSH/GSSG ratio was calculated
for each subject, and the means of these ratios for each time
point are presented.
TBARS were measured according to Keles et al. (22). One
hundred microliters of serum was mixed with 500 KL of
35% TCA and 500 KL of Tris–HCl (200 mM, pH 7.4) and
incubated for 10 min at room temperature. One microliter of
2 M Na
and 55 mM thiobarbituric acid solution was
added, and the samples were incubated at 95-C for 45 min.
The samples were cooled on ice for 5 min and were vortexed
after adding 1 mL of 70% TCA. Finally, the samples were
centrifuged at 15,000gfor 3 min, and the absorbance of the
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supernatant was read at 530 nm. A standard curve was con-
structed by using malondialdehyde as a standard at concen-
trations of 0, 1.25, 2.5, 5, and 10 KM.
Protein carbonyls were measured according to Patsoukis
et al. (36). In 50 KL of serum, 50 KL of 20% TCA was
added, incubated in the ice bath for 15 min, and centrifuged
at 15,000gfor 5 min at 4-C. The supernatant was discarded,
and 500 KL of 10 mM 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (in 2.5N
HCl) for the sample, or 500 KL of 2.5N HCl for the blank,
was added to the pellet. The samples were incubated in
the dark at room temperature for 1 h, with intermittent
vortexing every 15 min, and were centrifuged at 15,000g
for 5 min at 4-C. The supernatant was discarded, and 1 mL
of 10% TCA was added, vortexed, and centrifuged at
15,000gfor 5 min at 4-C. The supernatant was discarded,
and 1 mL of ethanol–ethyl acetate (1:1 v/v) was added,
vortexed, and centrifuged at 15,000gfor 5 min at 4-C. The
washing step was repeated two more times. The supernatant
was discarded, and 1 mL of 5 M urea (pH 2.3) was added,
vortexed, and incubated at 37-C for 15 min. The samples
were centrifuged at 15,000gfor 3 min at 4-C, and the
absorbance was read at 375 nm. Protein carbonyls values
were obtained by using the extinction coefficient of 2,4-
dinitrophenylhydrazine (22 mMIcm
Catalase activity was measured according to Aebi (1). In
20 KL of serum, 2975 KL of 67 mM sodium potassium
phosphate (pH 7.4) was added, and the samples were
incubated at 37-C for 10 min. Five microliters of 30%
hydrogen peroxide was added to the samples, and the
change in absorbance was immediately read at 240 nm for
1.5 min. Catalase activity was obtained by using the
extinction coefficient of hydrogen peroxide (43.6 MIcm
TAC was measured according to Janaszewska and
Bartosz (17). For TAC, in 20 KL of serum, 480 KL of 10
mM sodium potassium phosphate (pH 7.4) and 500 KL of
0.1 mM 2,2-diphenyl-1 picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) were added
and incubated in the dark for 30 min at room temperature.
The samples were centrifuged for 3 min at 20,000g, and the
absorbance was read at 520 nm. TAC values were obtained
by calculating the number of DPPH molecules scavenged
per minute.
Serum creatine kinase was determined spectrophotomet-
rically using a commercially available kit (Spinreact, Sant
Esteve, Spain). Total protein in serum was assayed using a
Bradford reagent. Postexercise plasma volume changes
were computed based on hematocrit and hemoglobin.
Hematocrit was measured by microcentrifugation, and
hemoglobin was measured using a kit from Spinreact.
Each assay was performed in duplicates, except for GSSG,
which was performed in triplicates. The intra-assay
coefficient of variation for each measurement was as
follows: GSH 4.0%, GSSG 6.5%, TBARS 3.9%, protein
carbonyls 5.5%, catalase 6.7%, TAC 3.7%, and creatine
kinase 2.9%.
Dietary analysis. To factor the effect of the diet on the
outcome measures of the study and to establish that
participants had similar levels of macronutrient and anti-
oxidant intake during the period of data collection, they
were asked to record their diet for 3 d preceding their first
visit to the laboratory and to repeat this diet before their
next three visits to the laboratory. Each subject had been
provided with a written set of guidelines for monitoring
dietary consumption and a record sheet for recording food
intake. Diet records were analyzed using the nutritional
analysis system ScienceFit Diet 200A (ScienceFit, Athens,
Statistical analysis. The distribution of all dependent
variables was examined by the Shapiro–Wilk test and was
found not to differ significantly from normal. First, to
ensure that the 2-wk washout period was adequate, the
data from the first and the third trials were analyzed
through two-way (trial !time) ANOVA with repeated
measures on time. Second, to evaluate the effects of
supplementation and exercise, the data from the second
and the fourth trials were analyzed through two-way
(group !time) ANOVA with repeated measures on time.
If a significant interaction was obtained, pairwise com-
parisons were performed through simple main effect
analysis. Differences in diet among trials or groups were
examined through one-way ANOVA. Aerobic perfor-
mance at the second and fourth exercise trials was
examined by paired t-test. Carbohydrate and lipid oxidation
rates during the 2-h run at the second and fourth exercise
trials were also examined by paired t-test. Statistical
significance was considered when PG0.05. The SPSS
version 15.0 was used for all analyses (SPSS, Inc., Chicago,
IL). Data are presented as mean TSEM.
Washout, compliance, and diet. The comparison of
the data from the first and the third trials revealed no
significant interaction and no significant main effect of trial
on any of the dependent variables measured. Therefore, the
2-wk washout period proved adequate to have similar
physiological and biochemical values before the two
periods of supplementation. Supplementation compliance
was 97.6% and 96.4% for placebo and spirulina, respec-
tively, as revealed by the counting of the capsules provided
upon return of the bottles. No adverse effects were reported
after spirulina supplementation. Dietary intake, assessed
during the 3-d period, showed no differences between
groups in any of the assessed variables (Table 1).
Exercise performance. The average exercise inten-
sity during the 2-h submaximal run for the placebo and
spirulina trials was 70.6 T2.4% and 71.0 T1.9 % of
, respectively (P90.05). Time to fatigue after the
2-h run was significantly higher after spirulina supplemen-
tation (2.05 T0.68 vs 2.70 T0.79 min for the placebo and
spirulina groups, respectively, P= 0.048; Fig. 2). Time to
fatigue at 95% V
was reproducible in preliminary
trials (coefficient of variance (CV) 6.2 T0.7%).
SPIRULINA, EXERCISE, AND REDOX STATUS Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
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Fat and carbohydrate oxidation. Supplementation
of spirulina significantly decreased carbohydrate oxidation
rate by 10.3% (P= 0.008) and increased fat oxidation rate
(P= 0.003) by 10.9% during the 2-h run compared with
the placebo trial (Fig. 3).
Plasma volume. Plasma volume did not change during
the 48-h postexercise period in both groups (P90.05);
nevertheless, the values were corrected for any nonsignifi-
cant plasma volume changes.
Creatine kinase. There was no significant main
effect of group or time !group interaction concerning
serum creatine kinase (Fig. 4). However, there was a
significant main effect of time (PG0.001), with creatine
kinase activity increasing 24 and 48 h after exercise in
both groups.
GSH status. There was no significant main effect of
time or group !time interaction concerning GSH
(Fig. 5A). However, there was a significant main effect of
group (P= 0.049), with GSH level being higher after the
spirulina supplementation at rest and 24 h after exercise.
There were no significant main effects or interactions for
GSSG and GSH/GSSG ratio (Figs. 5B and C).
TBARS and protein carbonyls. There was no signif-
icant main effect of group or time concerning serum
TBARS (Fig. 6A). However, there was a significant
group !time interaction (P= 0.007), with TBARS levels
increasing after exercise after placebo but not after spirulina
supplementation. There was no significant main effect of
group or time !group interaction concerning serum protein
carbonyls (Fig. 6B). However, there was a significant main
effect of time (PG0.001), with protein carbonyls levels
increasing immediately after and 1 h after exercise in both
Catalase and TAC. There was no significant main
effect of group or group !time interaction concerning se-
rum catalase (Fig. 7A). However, there was a significant
main effect of time (PG0.001), with catalase activity increas-
ing immediately after and 1 h after exercise in both groups.
There was no significant main effect of group or group !time
interaction concerning serum TAC (Fig. 7B). However, there
was a significant main effect of time (PG0.001), with TAC
increasing immediately after and 1 h after exercise in both
To our knowledge, this is the first attempt to examine the
effects of spirulina supplementation on exercise performance,
FIGURE 3—Oxidation rate in the placebo and spirulina trial during
the 2-h run (mean TSEM). *The carbohydrate and fat rates were
significantly different between the placebo and the spirulina trials
FIGURE 2—Exercise performance at 95% V
in the placebo and
spirulina trial (mean TSEM). *Significantly different from the placebo
trial (PG0.05).
FIGURE 4—Creatine kinase (CK) activity in the placebo (open
rectangles) and spirulina exercise trials ( filled rectangles; mean T
SEM). *Significantly different from the resting value in the same trial
TABLE 1. Analysis of daily energy intake after placebo and spirulina supplementation
(mean TSEM).
Placebo Spirulina
Energy (kcal) 2537 T127 2421 T61
Carbohydrate (% energy) 44.0 T2.8 47.0 T1.7
Fat (% energy) 39.0 T3.1 37.1 T2.9
Protein (% energy) 17.0 T1.3 15.9 T1.6
Vitamin A (mg, RE) 999 T164 663 T177
Vitamin C (mg) 169 T18 162 T18
Vitamin E (mg,
-TE) 11.0 T1.4 11.5 T1.3
Selenium (Kg) 155 T11 123 T5
-tocopherol equivalents; RE, retinol equivalents.
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substrate metabolism, and blood redox status at rest and after
exercise in humans. The results showed that spirulina
supplementation for 4 wk induced a significant increase in
exercise performance, fat oxidation, and glutathione concen-
tration as well as attenuated exercise-induced increases in lipid
peroxidation. This provides evidence that increased levels of
fat oxidation and GSH may contribute to enhanced exercise
Exercise performance and increased fat oxida-
tion rate. Probably the most interesting finding of the
present study is the increase in exercise performance after
spirulina supplementation. Despite the fact that the mecha-
nism behind the ergogenic effect of spirulina is difficult
to be identified, the most plausible explanation implicates
fat oxidation, the rate of which was found substantially
increased (15.8%) during the 2-h exercise trial in spirulina-
supplemented individuals. The maintenance of maximal
aerobic power output requires that carbohydrates are
oxidized as well as fats (15). Because carbohydrates come
from the glycogen stores, the time that maximal aerobic
power can be sustained depends on the amount of glycogen
stored initially (15). In fact, it was found that the time to
exhaustion when working at 75% of maximal aerobic
power (almost equal to 70% V
that was used in the
present study) correlated with the initial muscle glycogen
concentration (15). Moreover, there is evidence that in-
creasing fat oxidation leads to sparing of glycogen (15);
thus, at least in principle, the increased fat oxidation could
have spared glycogen or glucose to allow high-intensity
exercise to be continued for a longer time.
We have no hint as to what biochemical mechanism may
have led to increased fat oxidation after spirulina supple-
mentation, partly because spirulina is a complex mixture of
substances with different properties. Potential control points
of fat oxidation include lipolysis in adipose tissue,
transportation of fatty acids via blood, transportation of
fatty acids to muscle, hydrolysis of myocellular triacylgly-
cerols, transportation of fatty acids to mitochondria, and
mitochondrial density (30). We know very little about
whether and how spirulina affects these processes. How-
ever, the high content of F-linolenic acid in spirulina
(21.7% of total fatty acids in dry spirulina [33]) may play
a role in mediating the reported effects on fat metabolism in
the present study. In fact, F-linolenic acid has been shown
to reduce body fat (47) and facilitate fatty acid A-oxidation
in the liver as judged by the increased activities of carnitine
palmitoyl-transferase (24,47), acyl-CoA oxidase (24), and
-oxidation (47) in rats.
Exercise performance and increased GSH con-
centration. Except for the substrate-oriented explanation
depicted in the previous paragraphs, the increased concen-
tration of GSH may also explain to some extent the
increased performance detected after spirulina supplemen-
tation. Several studies provided convincing data to support
the view that cysteine is generally the limiting amino acid
for GSH synthesis in humans and in other animals (54).
FIGURE 5—GSH (A) and GSSG concentrations (B) as well as GSH/GSSG (C) ratio in the placebo (open rectangles) and spirulina exercise trials
(filled rectangles; mean TSEM). #Significantly different between placebo and spirulina trial at the same time point (PG0.05).
SPIRULINA, EXERCISE, AND REDOX STATUS Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
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Thus, increasing the supply of cysteine or its precursors
(e.g., N-acetylcysteine) via oral or intravenous administra-
tion enhances GSH synthesis (28,44). Because cysteine can
be generated from the catabolism of sulfur-containing
methionine via the transsulfuration pathway, dietary me-
thionine can replace cysteine to support GSH synthesis
in vivo (54).
Spirulina contains 0.45 g of cysteine and 1.25 g of me-
thionine per 100 g of dry spirulina (42). Given that subjects
of the present study received 6 g spirulina per day, they re-
ceived approximately 27 mg of cysteine and 75 mg methio-
nine per day from spirulina. An analysis of the amino acid
intake received by the subjects through their diet revealed
that the subjects consumed approximately 3417 mg of
cysteine and 6953 mg of methionine every day. This
translates to a 0.79% increase in cysteine and 1.08% increase
in methionine daily consumption solely from spirulina. It is
possible that this small (but stable and dispersed throughout a
day) administration of cysteine and methionine for the 4 wk
of the supplementation period led to the increased concen-
tration of GSH. Indeed, increased GSH concentration after
spirulina supplementation has been reported in studies of the
kidney (21,23), liver (21,38), lung (52), heart (48,52), and
blood of rats (48).
Another potential mechanism that may have led to the
increased levels of GSH after spirulina supplementation is
the increased content of vitamins C and E in spirulina (54).
In fact, vitamin C, vitamin E, and GSH undergo redox
cycling in vivo, and there seeMSS to be a significant
interrelationship among the three molecules in this cycling
(54). Supporting this fact, several studies have indicated
increased levels of GSH after supplementation with vita-
mins C and E (54).
GSH levels seem to be important in controlling the levels
of RONS and muscle function (14). N-Acetylcysteine, a
drug that supports GSH synthesis, has been consistently
shown to delay muscle and whole-body fatigue. In humans,
N-acetylcysteine administration improved performance of
limb muscles (41) and diaphragm (51) during increased
contractile activity protocols and extended time to failure
during whole-body exercise (27,28). Overall, the role that
RONS play in fatigue is still unclear (14), and conse-
quently, the potential mechanisMSS through which the
increased levels of GSH may have affected whole-body
endurance in the present study are difficult to be predicted.
Effect of spirulina supplementation on redox
status at rest. The only difference found in the present
study regarding the redox status at rest was the higher
concentration of GSH detected in spirulina-supplemented
individuals. Despite a fair number of studies conducted in
animals (e.g., [21,23,38,48,52]), we found only two studies
that addressed the effects of spirulina supplementation on
FIGURE 6—TBARS (A) and protein carbonyl (B) concentrations in
the placebo (open rectangles) and spirulina exercise trials (filled
rectangles; mean TSEM). *Significantly different from the resting
value in the same trial (PG0.05). #Significantly different between
placebo and spirulina trial at the same time point (PG0.05).
FIGURE 7—Catalase activity (A) and total antioxidant capacity (B) in
the placebo (open rectangles) and spirulina exercise trials ( filled
rectangles; mean TSEM). *Significantly different from the resting
value in the same trial (PG0.05).
http://www.acsm-msse.org148 Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine
Copyright @ 200 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
redox status in humans (35,43). The two studies measured
several indices of redox status in blood and reported
contradictory results. For example, Park et al. (35) reported
decreased levels of lipid peroxidation, whereas Shyam et al.
(43) reported no change in lipid peroxidation after spirulina
Effect of spirulina supplementation on redox
status after exercise. TBARS was the only biochem-
ical variable that a significant group !time interaction
was detected, with TBARS levels increasing after exercise
after placebo but not after spirulina supplementation. The
main probable mechanism through which exercise in-
creased lipid peroxidation after its cessation is the
increased susceptibility to peroxidation of unsaturated
fatty acids (16) because exercise markedly increases the
concentration and unsaturation degree of nonesterified
fatty acids in blood (32). The higher levels of GSH can
partially explain the absence of an increase in lipid
peroxidation after exercise in the spirulina-supplemented
individuals. GSH can effectively scavenge several RONS
that can cause lipid peroxidation (e.g., hydroxyl radical,
lipid peroxyl radical, peroxynitrite, and hydrogen perox-
ide) directly and indirectly through enzymatic reactions
(54). In addition, GSH is a substrate for glutathione
peroxidase, which catalyzes the reduction of peroxides,
such as hydrogen peroxide and lipid hydroperoxides (54).
Another potential mechanism through which spirulina
decreased lipid peroxidation might be the increased
content of F-linolenic acid in spirulina (33). Indeed, it
has been found that an increased ratio of F-linolenic acid
to arachidonic acid is capable of attenuating the biosyn-
thesis of arachidonic acid metabolites (i.e., prostaglandins,
leukotrienes, and platelet-activating factor) and exerts an
anti-inflammatory effect (9,19). Decreased inflammation
via this route might have decreased the production of
superoxide, hydrogen peroxide, and hypochlorous acid
by the activated neutrophils (10) leading to less lipid per-
oxidation after spirulina supplementation.
Regarding the remaining indices of redox status (protein
carbonyls, catalase, and TAC), all increased immediately
and 1 h after exercise indicating oxidative stress. All redox
status indices returned to their preexercise values at 24 h.
Studies that have investigated the effects of aerobic exercise
on serum protein carbonyls generally have reported
increases similar to ours lasting up to 6 h of recovery (8,29).
Evidence addressing the efficacy of antioxidant supple-
mentation to decrease oxidative stress remains ambiguous.
For example, it has been shown that supplementation for
4 wk with vitamin E prevented the increase of lipid
peroxidation after exercise (46). In addition, supplementa-
tion for 2 wk with vitamins C and E attenuated the rise in
protein oxidation after exercise (8). On the contrary,
supplementation for 6 wk with vitamin C, vitamin E, and
-carotene did not prevent the exercise-induced increase of
lipid peroxidation (20). Moreover, supplementation for
5 wk with artichoke extract did not attenuate oxidative
damage to erythrocytes after exercise (45). These differences
in results may be related, in part, to the different concentra-
tion of the antioxidants and the combination of ingredients.
Mobilization of tissue antioxidant stores into plasma,
such as uric acid (13), is probably one mechanism re-
sponsible for the marked increase (and not decrease, as
might be expected intuitively) of TAC after exercise. This is
a widely accepted phenomenon that helps maintain or even
increase serum antioxidant status in times of need (39).
Increased catalase activity after exercise also could have
contributed to the increased TAC. Nevertheless, this
increase in the antioxidant capacity of serum did not prove
efficient at inhibiting the increase in lipid and protein
oxidation in the blood. Most studies agree that exercise
increases TAC for some hours after exercise (3,53). Perhaps
the increased TAC could mean that the plasma gets
enriched with antioxidant molecules that need to be trans-
ported into tissues where they can provide protection.
Many positive claiMSS for spirulina are based on
research done on individual nutrients that spirulina contains,
such as various antioxidants, rather than on direct research
using spirulina. This is one of the few studies where
humans were supplemented with spirulina. We report for
the first time that supplementation of spirulina for 4 wk
increased exercise performance, possibly through an in-
crease in fat oxidation rate, and increased GSH levels. The
reasons behind the enhanced performance and increased fat
oxidation after spirulina supplementation are poorly under-
stood, and more research is needed to elucidate this.
Particularly, the effect of spirulina on mitochondrial
function and Aoxidation in conjunction with inflammation
and oxidative stress requires further investigation.
This study was supported by funds from the Center of Research
and Technology – Thessaly.
The results of the present study do not constitute endorsement
by American College of Sports Medicine.
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SPIRULINA, EXERCISE, AND REDOX STATUS Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise
... Scientifically known as Arthrospira Platensis, Spirulina is a microorganism that thrives in alkaline lakes and is celebrated for its high protein content, essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants (9). Additionally, Spirulina c o n t a i n s g a m m a -l i n o l e n i c a c i d ( G L A ) , a polyunsaturated fatty acid with anti-inflammatory properties (9,10). These nutritional components make Spirulina a compelling candidate for exploring its potential in weight management. ...
... Our study also finds a reduction in fat-free mass. The multidimensional effects of Spirulina supplementation were discovered by Kalafati et al. (2010), who explored the ergogenic and antioxidant effects of Spirulina supplementation in humans (10). The study revealed t h a t S p i r u l i n a s u p p l e m e n t a t i o n e n c o u r a g e d improvements in exercise performance, fat metabolism, and antioxidant defence, while also mitigating exerciseinduced lipid peroxidation. ...
... Our study also finds a reduction in fat-free mass. The multidimensional effects of Spirulina supplementation were discovered by Kalafati et al. (2010), who explored the ergogenic and antioxidant effects of Spirulina supplementation in humans (10). The study revealed t h a t S p i r u l i n a s u p p l e m e n t a t i o n e n c o u r a g e d improvements in exercise performance, fat metabolism, and antioxidant defence, while also mitigating exerciseinduced lipid peroxidation. ...
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Spirulina, a blue-green microalga, is high in protein, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, making it a popular supplement for improving general health. Due to its potentiality for fat metabolism, the study aims to explore the effect of eight weeks of Spirulina supplementation in reducing body fat in overweight young males. Following CONSORT 2010 checklist, eight-week placebo-controlled trial has been implemented involving twenty participants. The experimental group received 5 grams of Spirulina supplementation for eight weeks. The intake frequency increased from 3 days per week in the first week to daily by the sixth week, ensuring controlled adaptation. No significant differences were found in demographic and anthropometric characteristics between the controlled and experimental groups. Spirulina supplementation led to a slight reduction in body fat percentage in experimental group, though the changes were not statistically significant (p=0.75). The reduction of body fat in the supraspinal and subscapular regions was relatively higher in the experimental group volunteers. The findings of the study indicate that providing overweight young boys with Spirulina supplementation for eight weeks did not have a significant impact on reducing body fat or modifying other physical measurements. The absence of significant change in body composition can be attributed to the duration of intervention, dosage and individual variability in response. The synergy of Spirulina supplementation and physical activity could be pivotal in effective weight control. Further research is required to examine the possible benefits of using Spirulina supplementation with other lifestyle strategies to achieve an effective reduction of body fat.
... It contains a variety of possible antioxidants, including phycocyanin, beta-carotene, and tocopherols, which could protect against oxidative stress and inflammation [13,14]. Studies on both rats [15] and untrained human subjects [16,17] found that spirulina supplementation increased the time to exhaustion during exercise, reduced levels of oxidative stress markers, and enhanced antioxidant status. These findings were further supported by a systematic review [18] that highlighted the potential benefits of spirulina in reducing muscle damage and improving exercise tolerance but concluded on the need to conduct further research on the topic. ...
... In the current work, the non-invasive approach of breath analysis is implemented for the first time in an intervention study that investigates the effect of spirulina supplementation on exercise-induced oxidative stress. All previous, similar, research works were based on invasive blood analysis using traditional biomarkers of oxidative stress such as TBARSs, reduced glutathione (GSH), protein carbonyls, Total Antioxidant Capacity, and Superoxide Dismutase (SOB) [16,17]. However, in this work, a novel breath analysis method is proposed that uses 15 target alkanes, ranging from C5 to C14, as potential oxidative stress biomarkers in exhaled air, to investigate the effect of spirulina on exercise-induced oxidative stress. ...
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In the current work, the non-invasive approach of breath analysis is implemented for the first time in an eccentric exercise protocol that investigated the effect of spirulina supplementation on exercise-induced oxidative stress. We assessed whether volatile alkanes in exhaled breath can serve as alternative biomarkers of oxidative stress. A randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, crossover supplementation study was carried out enrolling 14 participants. The volunteers consumed 42 mg·kg−1 body weight of either Spirulina Nigrita® or maltodextrin, as a placebo, daily for 15 days. Afterward, they followed a damaging eccentric exercise protocol of the upper limbs. Expired breath samples were collected from them just before supplementation (baseline measurement), prior to exercise, and 1 h, 24 h, 48 h, and 72 h after exercise. The samples were analyzed by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) coupled with a thermal desorption unit (TDU) to determine the alveolar gradient (AG) of several alkanes, C5–C14, that are known to be related to oxidative stress. Apart from breath analysis, TBARSs were also determined as a crude marker of lipid peroxidation. Two-way repeated measures ANOVA tests were applied to the alkanes’ AGs between the spirulina (SPI) and placebo (PL) groups across time. In the PL group, a trend of increasing almost all alkanes immediately after exercise, with a gradual return to pre-exercise levels up to 72 h later was revealed. A statistically significant time effect was observed for 2-methylhexane, 3-methylhexane, heptane, octane, and undecane. The administration of spirulina appeared to reduce the increases in alkanes after exercise, and a statistically significant attenuation was observed for 2-methylpentane and 2-methylhexane. An examination of TBARSs confirmed that the reduced increases observed in the SPI group were due to changes in lipid peroxidation, while a positive correlation between the iAUC of TBARSs and that of 2-methylhexane and 3-methylhexane was revealed. In conclusion, the analysis of volatile alkanes in exhaled breath may serve as an attractive alternative for assessing redox changes after eccentric exercise compared to traditional blood biomarkers.
... Spirulina platensis; a microalga, has several biological properties such as: antioxidant, immunomodulatory, and anti-inflammatory activities (Kalafati et al., 2010;Wu et al., 2016). Currently, it is being used to produce nutritional supplements. ...
... Currently, it is being used to produce nutritional supplements. S. platensis is comprised of protein (55À70 %) (Phang and Chu, 1999), carbs (15À20 %) (Mathur, 2019), lipids (about 7 %) (Mathur, 2019), fibre, ash, and water, along with a variety of minerals, vitamins, (Kalafati et al., 2010;Soheili and Khosravi-Darani, 2011). Numerous animal and human investigations have shown potential advantageous outcomes associated with the use of S. platensis in the context of several ailments, including diabetes (El-Sheekh et al., 2014), dyslipidemia (Mazokopakis et al., 2014), and chronic obstructive pulmonary illnesses (Ismail et al., 2015). ...
Microalgae are diminutive unicellular magnificent creatures that exist in the microscopic form. Within this classification, two notable subtypes, namely Spirulina platensis and Chlorella vulgaris, have garnered significant attention. S. platensis is mostly known for its therapeutic benefits due to proteins, vitamins, essential amino acids, minerals, and essential fatty acids abundance. The subsequent work aimed to investigate the prebiotic effect of S. platensis enhancing Lactobacillus casei microbiome growth rate and antibacterial effect. Different concentrations of S. platensis were prepared (0, 0.5, 5, and 50 mg/mL) then co-cultured with L. casei. Live probiotic enumeration, molecular characterization and scanning electron microscopy studies were performed. Data revealed that 5 mg/mL of S. platensis significantly enhanced the probiotic live count and consequently the antibacterial activity. The antibacterial and antibiofilm effects of L. casei/S. platensis mixture showed complete inhibition to the growth of bacterial cells after 4-and 8-h incubation with Staphylococcus epidermidis 12228 and Escherichia coli 25922, respectively. Moreover, minimal biofilm eradication concentration (MBEC) value of 16 mg/mL was recorded for L. casei/S. platensis mixture
... To our knowledge, it is the first time reported that SLE supplementation significantly increased MAS performance. However, a previous study reported the effect of Spirulina supplementation during 4 weeks in humans [59]. It has been demonstrated that time to fatigue after a 2 h run was significantly longer with Spirulina supplementation, which is similar to the MAS measurement in our present study. ...
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Background: Physical activity, such as running, protects against cardiovascular disease and obesity but can induce oxidative stress. Athletes often consume antioxidants to counteract the overproduction of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species during exercise. Spirulina, particularly its phycocyanin content, activates the Nrf2 pathway, stimulating antioxidant responses. Studies show that phycocyanin enhances antioxidant defenses and reduces inflammation, potentially improving muscle adaptation and recovery. This study evaluates a Spirulina liquid extract (SLE) supplementation during endurance training, hypothesizing that phycocyanin improves oxidant status and performance in soleus and extensor digitorum longus muscles. Methods: Three-week-old male Wistar rats were divided into four groups: a sedentary control group (C), a sedentary group supplemented with SLE (SP), an endurance training group (T), and an endurance training group supplemented with SLE (SPT). After 8 weeks of treadmill training, blood and muscle were collected. Biochemical parameters and gene expression analyses were performed to assess the effects of training and supplementation. Results: The maximal aerobic speed improved significantly in the SPT group. Plasma lipid profiles showed a reduction in triglyceridemia, cholesterolemia, and atherogenic index in the trained groups, especially with SLE supplementation. Muscle malondialdehyde levels decreased in the SPT group compared to T. Gene expression analysis revealed upregulation of Nrf2 and mitochondrial biogenesis genes in both muscles, with differences between groups for genes related to glycogen storage and β-oxidation. Conclusions: This study demonstrated that SLE supplementation enhanced exercise performance and promoted muscle molecular adaptations. These findings suggest SLE as a promising functional food supplement for athletes, optimizing recovery and performance.
... Initial studies showed a differential sensitivity of HUVEC to cellpermeable iron depending on the proliferation status, whereby quiescent endothelial cell lial NO production [63] would then induce a stimulation of endothelial proliferation [64]. Other studies have attributed its antioxidant capacity [55,65,66] to its content of phenolic compounds, such as α-linolenic acid, α-tocopherol, and phycocyanin [8,67]. ...
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Atherosclerosis is initiated by injury or damage to the vascular endothelial cell monolayer. Therefore, the early repair of the damaged vascular endothelium by a proliferation of neighbouring endothelial cells is important to prevent atherosclerosis and thrombotic events. Arthrospira platensis (AP) has been used as a dietary supplement, mainly due to its high content of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and pigments such as chlorophylls, carotenoids, and phycocyanin, ingredients with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-thrombotic properties. Therefore, in this prospective, placebo-controlled, data-driven, sample-size-estimated in vitro study, we tested whether an aqueous extract of AP at different concentrations (50, 100, and 200 µg/mL) had an effect on the different cellular parameters of human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Therefore, cell impedance measurement and cell proliferation were measured to investigate the monolayer formation. In addition, cell viability, integrity, and metabolism were analysed to evaluate singular cellular functions, especially the antithrombotic state. Furthermore, cell–cell and cell–substrate interactions were observed. The highest proliferation was achieved after the addition of 100 µg/mL. This was consistently confirmed by two independent optical experiments in cell cultures 48 h and 85 h after seeding and additionally by an indirect test. At this concentration, the activation or dysfunction of HUVECs was completely prevented, as confirmed by prostacyclin and interleukin-6 levels. In conclusion, in this study, AP induced a significant increase in HUVEC proliferation without inducing an inflammatory response but altered the hemostasiological balance in favour of prostacyclin over thromboxane, thereby creating an antithrombotic state. Thus, APE could be applied in the future as an accelerator of endothelial cell proliferation after, e.g., stent placement or atherosclerosis.
... A lower body-fat percentage was recorded in pre-meal tomato supplementation in young women [27]. Increased lipid oxidation, detrimental to CHO, was found after a single dose of spirulina supplementation [28]. Polyphenol-rich beverages consisting of 51% Aronia succeeded in influencing lipid metabolism in healthy subjects, leading to a lower calorie intake and a better body composition [29]. ...
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Background: Intense physical activity is known to generate high levels of oxidative stress, and supplementation with bioactive products with powerful antioxidant effects is often recommended. In this context, the present study aims to evaluate the potential benefits of supplementing the diet of professional combat fighters with a new bioactive formulation based on Aronia melanocarpa (black chokeberry) and bee pollen, a natural combination with a balanced ratio of macro-and mi-cronutrients, rich in proteins and polyphenols. Methods: A total of 31 professional combat fighters were selected to participate in this study. Due to allergic medical history, two were excluded, and the remaining 29 were divided into two groups: 14 in the control and 15 in the supplementation group. The supplemented group consumed daily 40 g of novel supplement based on a combination of dried black chokeberry and bee pollen (1:2 ratio) for 4 weeks. Results: A statistically significant increase in plasma antioxidant capacity was observed in the supplemented group compared to control related to the time and group factors at the end of this study. During this study, a significant increase in neutrophils was recorded in both groups. Supplementation with black chokeberry and bee pollen generated no significant modifications in inflammatory markers, body composition, glycemia, maximum aerobic capacity, blood glycemia, hemoglobin or red cell line. Conclusion: This clinical study pointed out a positive result in terms of plasma antioxidant capacity upon administration of the novel nutraceutical formulation.
... Reactive oxygen species and free radical overproduction are significant contributors to several diseases, including cancer, neurological conditions, heart disease, diabetes, and organ damage [22]. Spirulina treatment significantly reduces oxidative stress in people and animals [23][24][25][26]. ...
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Phycocyanin (PC) is a naturally occurring green pigment in Spirulina. It was extracted by ultrasonic extraction using green technology, and its structure was studied using IR- and NMR-spectroscopy. Spectral data confirmed the PC structure. This study also involves an in silico assessment of the diverse applications of green pigment PC. Utilizing QSAR, PreADME/T, SwissADME, and Pro-Tox, this study explores the safety profile, pharmacokinetics, and potential targets of PC. QSAR analysis reveals a favorable safety profile, with the parent structure and most metabolites showing no binding to DNA or proteins. PreADME/T indicates low skin permeability, excellent intestinal absorption, and medium permeability, supporting oral administration. Distribution analysis suggests moderate plasma protein binding and cautious blood–brain barrier permeability, guiding formulation strategies. Metabolism assessments highlight interactions with key cytochrome P450 enzymes, influencing drug interactions. Target prediction analysis unveils potential targets, suggesting diverse therapeutic effects, including cardiovascular benefits, anti-inflammatory activities, neuroprotection, and immune modulation. Based on the in silico analysis, PC holds promise for various applications due to its safety, bioavailability, and potential therapeutic benefits. Experimental validation is crucial to elucidate precise molecular mechanisms, ensuring safe and effective utilization in therapeutic and dietary contexts. DFT calculations, including geometry optimization, MEP analysis, HOMO-LUMO energy surface, and quantum reactivity parameters of the PC compound, were obtained using the B3LYP/6–311G(d,p) level. This integrated approach contributes to a comprehensive understanding of PC’s pharmacological profile and informs future research directions.
Spirulina, a blue-green microalga, is renowned as an algal elixir due to its high nutritional value and therapeutic potential. This review article provides an in-depth analysis of Spirulina, beginning with an overview of Spirulina and then delving into its nutritional composition. Additionally, we examined the bioactive compounds present in Spirulina along with different extraction methods for key compounds. We also elucidated the therapeutic po tential of Spirulina, discussing its versatile applications in various health conditions such as immune system modulation, antioxidant properties, allergic rhinitis, diabetes management, cardiovascular health, anticancer, prebiotic & probiotic properties, eyesight conditions, anti-anaemic, neuro-protective and also effects on diseases of metabolism with their mechanisms of action. Through this review we also explored varieties of valuable products derived from Spirulina which highlighted its potential and adaptability across various industries; it also underlines the significance of considering potential side effects and also emphasized the importance of sub stantial dosing. It serves as a valuable resource for healthcare professionals, researchers and encourages more research and utilization of Spirulina for human health and well-being.
Spirulina is a food that is gaining increasing attention in the field of sports and exercise nutrition due to its rich biochemical composition and positive effects on health. The antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects of spirulina have been proven in various studies, but its effects on athletes and people exercising are not clear. The effects of a herbal food with high protein content, such as spirulina, are important in the athlete population, where the use of vegetable protein increases. The purpose of this review is to examine current studies on spirulina supplements and exercise and to provide updated and complementary information on the subject by summarizing the use of spirulina to increase exercise and sports performance and accelerate post-training recovery.
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The relationship between exhaustive exercise, oxidative stress, the protective capacity of the antioxidant defense system and cellular immune response has been determined. Exhaustive exercise in well-trained young men (n =19)-induced leukocytosis, decreased proportion of activated-lymphocyte subsets (CD4 + and CD8+) expressing CD69, decreased lymphocyte mitogenic response to concanavalin A (ConA) and phytohemagglutinin (PHA), increased lipid peroxidation, increased total antioxidant status (TAS) and catalase activity, immediately after exercise. Suppressed blood concentration of T-lymphocyte subsets (CD3 +, CD4+, CD8+, NK), increased TAS and blood total glutathione (TGSH) in early recovery period (30 min after exercise) were found. Strong positive correlation was observed between TGSH and lymphocyte mitogenic response to ConA and PHA (r=0.85 and 0.85, respectively) immediately after exercise. Moderate positive correlation was observed between TAS and lymphocyte mitogenic response to PHA (r=0.59) immediately after exercise as well as between TAS and lymphocyte mitogenic response to PHA and ConA (r=0.69 and 0.54, respectively). Moderate to weak correlation was observed between TAS and conjugated dienes with exercise (r =0.66) as well as in 30-min recovery (r =0.50). After a short-term bout of exhaustive exercise, immune system was characterized by acute phase response, which was accompanied with oxidative stress. Suppression of the cellular immunity 30 min after exercise shows that this period is not enough for recovery after exhaustive exercise. The results suggest the interactions between exercise-induced oxidative stress and immune response.
Two New Age foods which contain high concentrations of whole food nutrients are the single-celled microalgae Chlorella and Spirulina. They are accepted as functional foods, which are defined as products derived from natural sources, whose consumption is likely to benefit human health and enhance performance. These foods are used as a supplement/ingredient or as a complete food to enhance the performance and state of the human body, or improve a specific bodily function. Functional foods are used mainly as products to nourish the human body after physical exertion or as a preventive measure against ailments. We determined the fatty acid compositions, particularly polyunsaturated fatty acid compositions, of Chlorella and Spirulina by capillary column-gas chromatography. The data obtained show that Spirulina contains unusually high levels of gamma-linolenic acid, an essential polyunsaturated fatty acid.
Purpose: To compare the effects of two antioxidant formulas on biomarkers of oxidative stress before and after aerobic exercise. Methods: Aerobically trained men (N = 25) and women (N = 23) were assigned to one of three treatments: 400 IU of vitamin E + 1 g of vitamin C (V; N = 15), a fruit and vegetable juice powder concentrate (FV; N = 16), or a placebo (P; N = 17). Subjects ran for 30 min at 80% VO2max before, after 2 wk of supplementation, and after a 1-wk washout period. Blood samples were taken before and immediately after exercise and analyzed for protein carbonyls (PC), malondialdehyde (MDA), 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-OHdG), and vitamins C and E. Results: The V treatment increased plasma vitamin C and E after 2 wk (P <= 0.05), with no change in the FV or P. Postexercise PC values were elevated for all treatments after all exercise bouts (P < 0.0001). Both V and FV attenuated the exercise-induced increase in PC after 2 wk of supplementation (V = 21%, FV = 17%), and after the 1-wk washout (V = 13%, FV = 6%) compared with P (P < 0.05), with no differences between V and FV. MDA was unaffected by exercise and treatment. A treatment main effect for 8-OHdG was noted, with values for V lower than for FV and P (4.5 +/- 2.5, 5.5 +/- 2.7, and 6.0 +/- 2.5 ng(.)mL(-1), respectively; P = 0.0002). No exercise session or time main effect was noted for 8-OHdG, suggesting that the lower mean value for the V treatment group was not a result of the supplementation. Conclusion: These data suggest that V and FV supplementation for 2 wk can attenuate the rise in PC after 30 min of aerobic exercise, even after a 1-wk washout, without an impact on plasma MDA or 8-OHdG.
IntroductionStrain selection and improvementMedia design strategies for fermentationScaleup from laboratory to industrial fermentorsCommercial considerations and production costsConclusion