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The sense-think-act paradigm revisited



Approximately 25 years have passed since the "sense-act-think" paradigm was advanced as the operational definition of a robot, and as a broad roadmap for robotics research. With the appearance of mobile robots that do real work in the real world, "communicate" has de facto been added to the list of functionalities that are essential features of robots. In keeping with the theme of the ROSE-2003 Workshop, this paper attempts to articulate and justify a set of intellectual and engineering challenges for 21 st century sensing and perception for robotics. It especially argues for examining the current and re-examining future roles for teleoperation, both as a practical route around the improbability that machine intelligence will equal human intelligence in the foreseeable future, and because it is apparent that sensor improvement is driven in large part by incremental advances in sensor-display design-and-test loops that are in turn driven by human factors governing perception.
Intemational Workshop
Robotic Sensing
Orebro University, Orebro,
The Sense-Think-Act Paradigm Revisited
Me1 Siege1
Robotics Institute, Camegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh PA 15213 USA, phone: +1 412 268 8742
years have passed since
the “sense-act-think” paradigm was advanced as the
operational definition of a robot, and as a broad
roadmap for robotics research. With the appearance
of mobile robots that do real work in the real world,
‘%ommunicate” has de facto been added to the list of
functionalities that are essential features of robots.
keeping with the theme of the
this paper attempts to articulate and justijy a set of
intellectual and engineering challenges for 21st
century sensing and perception for robotics. It
especially argues for examining the current and re-
examining future roles for teleoperation, both as a
practical route around the improbability that machine
intelligence will equal human intelligence in the
foreseeable future, and because
is apparent that
sensor improvement
driven in large part by
incremental advances in sensor-display design-and-test
loops that are in turn driven by human factors
governing perception.
robot, sense, think, act, communicate,
display, teleoperation, human perception
It is approximately
years since the “sense-act-
think” paradigm [I] was advanced
definition of a robot and
broad roadmap for robotics
research. This approximate anniversary, and the
2003 Workshop theme of “Sensing and Perception in
21st Century Robotics”, suggest that now is
good time
to revisit and revise the original paradigm and the
robot’s corresponding modules for perception,
cognition, and manipulatiodmobility.
appropriate revision is revealed in the light of steady
progress in mobile robots, which have replaced pick-
and-place industrial robots
the public’s image of
intelligent autonomous machines: clearly we must
append “communicate” to sense-think-act-, since
without communication the capacity for mobility
not useless, then at least nearly
Another requirement
for excellent communication capability, incompletely
years ago, is related to the fact that
whereas teleoperation was then seen
a regrettable
intermediate step
the path
toward autonomy via artificial intelligence, it is now
recognized that high-fidelity intelligent teleoperation [2]
is of equivalent importance, and achieving it is
intellectual and engineering challenge
autonomy, for it requires
much greater understanding
of human perception and action. From this perspective,
the paper will attempt to articulate and justify
intellectual and engineering challenges for 21st century
sensing and perception for robotics, placing these in the
context of contemplated grand missions and
corresponding challenges to the inseparable areas of
robot thinking, acting, and communicating.
The organization is as follows: Section
and discusses issues relating to sensors and displays,
new perspective
and teleoperation, Section 4 discusses issues relating to
scaling theory in robotics, and Section
presents the
Audio and image capture (sensing) and reproduction
(display) technologies became enormously better and
cheaper during the
century. Exactly how that
happened may teach
lesson for how effectively to
drive the- development of 21 century robotic sensing
technologies and modalities. It seems thus: make
better display, and
corresponding incremental
improvement of the sensor follows to take advantage of
the improved display; make
better sensor, and
corresponding incremental improvement of the display
follows to take advantage of the improved sensor.
This cycle of sensor-and-display improvement was
obviously in action in the “tele-” era, i.e., the period in
which the telegraph, telephone, and television appeared
the human scene. There was no point in having
telegraph key, microphone,
camera that was much
in temporal, spatial or spectral resolution,
dynamic range, etc.
than the corresponding
annunciator, loudspeaker, or display screen. Conversely,
there was
point in having an annunciator,
loudspeaker or display screen that was much better than
the corresponding sensor. Nevertheless, it was useful
for the sensor or the display to become incrementally
little better,
each improvement drove corresponding
incremental improvement in the complementary device.
The human element in this incremental development
cycle is critical: we understand what it is important to
improve only when we are close enough to recognize
0-7803-8109-2/ 03
“virtual reality”, which is really “artificial
reality”, we need sensors and displays that are no worse
than the corresponding human senses, but there is no
point to having either a sensor
a display whose
technical specifications are better than the technical
specifications of the corresponding human sense. In this
context more is not better, it is simply wasted.
However new sensors increasingly empower
“extended reality”: they “hear” lower and higher
frequencies that
ears hear, they “see” infrared and
ultraviolet colors to which
eyes are blind, they “feel”
textures and vibrations that our skin cannot perceive,
and they give us modalities, e.g., radar, that have no
counterpart in the human sensing apparatus. How do we
couple these super-human sensory capacities to the
human brain?
One approach in principle is to leave the perception
and cognition to the computer: let the machine
understand what these extended-modality sensors tell
about the structure and dynamics of the world, and let
the machine translate its understanding into the
structural and dynamical parameters we actually want to
discover via the sensor data. In practice ths
hypothetical approach is neither desirable
It is not desirable because something is inevitably lost in
the translation, e.g., by forcing a translation from the
sensor’s natural modality into the conceptual constraints
of a human sensing modality. The breadth of potential
knowledge about the world is necessarily narrowed by
separating the inference from the data that generated the
inference. It is not possible because the machine is,
after all, programmed by people who can hardly be
expected to appreciate the richness of the information
provided by a super-human perceptual capability
without themselves being able to experience the
perception. It might be argued that learning machines,
e.g., neural networks, could overcome this impossibility,
but it seems improbable that significant learning could
occur without a source of ground-truth, i.e., human
knowledge, experience, and context.
The realistic approach
rather to translate
the super-human perceptions into the human domain:
from the bat’s ultrasonic chirp to shift it
into the human’s audible range
nonlinearly compress and shift the
pm imagery
from an extended-range infrared camera into a false-
color map in the human’s visible spectrum between
translate the radar range
map into a gray-scale image with white representing
some minimum distance and black representing some
maximum distance
Of course there is a price to pay for compression, i.e.,
the corresponding lowering of resolution. This is
usually overcome by acquiring enough preliminary
information about the broad domain to isolate smaller
sub-domains of interest, then expanding the most
interesting sub-domain
sub-domains to fill the
perceptual domain available to the human viewer. This
is usually an extremely worthwhile tradeoff, but
course it is done at the risk of overlooking entirely a
sub-domain that might contain invaluable information.
recapitulate and wrap up, advances in sensing
happen in the context of advances in suitable ways to
display the sensed parameter. Usually there is a cycle of
sequential development of sensors and displays,
progress in each driving progress in the other. In human
communication, entertainment, and “person-in-the-loop”
control systems, it is probably fair to conclude that
display development naturally drives sensor
development, not the reverse. This is particularly
illustrated by the development of television, where it
was useful to improve cameras only to the extent that
correspondingly high resolution, his speed, high
dynamic range, etc., displays were available. In
contrast, computer automated control systems do not in
principle require physical displays,
development can in principle proceed without any
coi~esponding display development. However it seems
clear that even if the sensing goal is restricted to
providing the computer with input about the task
environment, as a practical matter sensor development
done by people, of course
cannot precede
development of displays that are good enough to guide
the: human developers.
for its
in the predictable future of robotics, the
author’s feeling is that it will be particularly worthwhile
to employ a sensor-display development cycle in the
context of developing practical tactile and haptic sensors
Whle there is no lack of proposals and prototypes
of these sensors, their few if any real-world examples of
their application. It seems more than just plausible that
this situation can be attributed to the practical absence
of useful tactile displays, hampering both the application
and the development
the sensor technology.
Since remote manipulation
either autonomous
is the most likely context for application
of haptic and tactile sensing and display technology, this
discussion leads naturally into the topic of the next
section, the re-emergence of teleoperation.
Teleoperation in the context of robotics research and
applications has long been viewed as an unfortunate
even an embarrassing
intermediate stepping-stone on
the path toward robot autonomy. Nevertheless, the most
successful and socially-valuable of robotic applications
outside the realm of fixed-base pick-and-place,
welding, painting, etc., industrial robots
are probably
all teleoperated machines, even when that essential fact
is downplayed in the publicity. Where communication
time is not an issue and where precise motion and
manipulation are essential, e.g., in bomb examination
and disposal, teleoperation is essentially via a one-to-
one linkage, albeit via a wireless or fiber-optic channel
Where communication time is a serious issue and
where gross motion and manipulation are adequate, a
much higher level of abstraction has been demonstrated,
but what we might call “motivation”, as well as a
substantial measure of execution strategy, still must be
supplied by the human operator, e.g., in
exploration missions
Telepresence, the sensing or
perception dual of teleoperation’s action or
mobility/manipulation, seems generally a less
disreputable term, but as discussed in Section
the two
in reality go hand-in-hand.
websites, for
example, discuss “telerobotics” and “telepresence”
technologies enthusiastically, but seem consciously to
avoid any mention of the term “teleoperation”. Working
definitions of these three related terms are given in
but in fact they are practically self-explanatory.
Two things seem to be needed in the field:
and honest acknowledgement that the level of artificial
intelligence that will be required to obtain robotic task
performance that approximates the level of even a
in the
future that teleoperation is the only practical way to
apply existing off-the-shelf robotic hardware to real-
world applications, and
we therefore need to put
serious front-door effort and resources into developing
“high fidelity”
telepresence and teleoperation.
This perspective actually reduces Section
to aspects of the same problem at different
depths: telepresence is mediated by information that
moves from sensing apparatus to display apparatus, and
teleoperation is mediated by information that moves
from interactive display apparatus to actuators being
observed by the sensing apparatus. Inasmuch as high
fidelity teleoperation is pretty much a reality, i.e.,
existing excellent servo systems can precisely control
the pose and stiffness of multi-jointed remote machines
with short time constants and negligible overshoot, the
subsequent discussion will focus on high fidelity
In order of importance the essential components
high fidelity telepresence are excellent remote vision,
excellent remote haptics, i.e., force/torque/touch, and
excellent audio.
Obtaining excellent audio is largely a matter of
acknowledging that it is important and thus providing an
appropriate quality and quantity of hardware. While at
first glance audio may seem negligibly important
compared to vision and haptics, experience shows that
for many tasks
particularly one-of-a-kind and first-
time-done tasks
sound provides essential support for
both mobility and manipulation. In particular, in the
absence of specific sensors having been provided for
every conceivable mechanical strain mode, the sound
accompanying vehicle or manipulator strain may be the
only indication of danger and the only guide to getting
The requirement to provide excellent haptic
information, especially for manipulation, is more
obvious. Sensing forces and torques is straightforward:
excellent sensors exist, it is only necessary to provide
them, and to provide the complementary forcers and
torquers as feedback at the operator’s interface, i.e.,
display. Touch is much harder, inasmuch as we have
neither adequate sensors nor adequate displays, but its
importance is perhaps somewhat overrated: gloves can
be an initial annoyance, but with practice all but the
most delicate tasks can be accomplished while wearing
them. For the perhaps small but important set of
specific tasks that do suffer irrecoverably for lack of
touch sensing and display, development of adequate if
not excellent systems ought to follow the cyclic
development path described in detail in Section
with the vision
problem in large part because we have deluded
ourselves into believing that television is vision. Far
from it: NTSC-quality TV was ingeniously designed in
to exploit multiple bugs in the human eye-
brain system to achieve excellent apparent quality with
much less transmitted and displayed information than
would be required absent the bugs
substantially higher quality is around the comer in the
form of HDTV and the possibilities it enables to achieve
high quality stereoscopic video. In fact, it can be
routinely achieved even before
becomes routine
by employing high-resolution high-refresh rate
computer monitors
the displays. The high refresh
rate allows time-domain altemation of the left- and
right-eye perspectives without perceptible flicker and
of pixel count
a problem with spatial
multiplexing approaches.
With present computer monitor and near-future
HDTV technologies for infrastructure, high fidelity
stereoscopic video will be available in flavors palatable
to almost all operators of remote robots. The few who
“stereo adepts”, able comfortably to fuse stereo pairs
more-or-less arbitrarily located and within their field of
view, will be happy with the “basic virtual reality
approach”, wherein the display system geometry mimics
perfectly the interocular separation, convergence, and
other geometrical and optical parameters of the human
eye pair. Others, less adept, will benefit from what the
author has called “just enough reality” or “kinder gentler
stereo”, in contrast to the virtual reality approach
This alternative approach recognizes that “virtual reality
sickness” is due primarily to conflicts between the
“geometrically correct” cues received and processed by
the primary visual modality and other cues that are
missing due to the imperfection or absence of
complementary modalities. The classic example is the
conflict between convergence and accommodation
(focus) when left and right eyes are both focused
display screen surface, but stereo disparity dictates that
they be converged to a plane
front of or behind the
physical screen. The “just enough reality” approach is
simple and effective: reduce the interocular separation,
hence the on-screen disparity between left- and right-eye
images, to the minimum that is sufficient to stimulate
stereoscopic perception, i.e., an adequate understanding
of “frontness” and “backness” in the scene. This
minimum is remarkable small: for an arms-length
working distance and for the most stereo-normal
individuals, an interocular separation of
adequate, compared to the typical
interocular separation in adults.
This sort of reduction of interocular separation has
been employed in various stereo-microscopy
applications, wherein the interocular separation is
reduced below it normal value in proportion to the
reduced distance between object and objective lens in a
microscope relative
e.g., the
length” working
distance of a normal bench task.
In contrast, “just
enough reality
uses a reduced vs. a scaled value of
interocular separation to achieve comfort, i.e., the
absence of virtual reality sickness, at the expense of
precise geometrical reality. True scaling, such as is
employed in geometrically correct stereo-microscopy, is
a specific aspect of general scaling principles that are
discussed in the following section, particularly as they
apply to issues that are anticipated in the near future as
we increasingly progress toward mini-, micro-, nano-,
and molecular-scale-
The final topic in this loolung-toward-the-future re-
visiting of the sense-think-act paradigm relates to
fundamental and engineering issues that arise as we
more in the directions of robots that are much larger or
much smaller than “everyday scale”. Actually much
larger is not much of a problem, inasmuch as when
roboticists build large structures they either are
mechanical engineers or they employ mechanical
engineers, and mechanical engineers are invariably well
schooled in how to design large structures that resist
scale-related disasters, e.g., collapse under their own
weight. On the other hand, we have hardly any
experience, and consequently hardly any intuition
concerning the very small sorts
robotic devices being
contemplated for applications as varied in nature and
scale as, for example, exploring and treating the
ailments of the human body from the inside-out, and
monitoring the earth’s atmosphere via some
sensor nodes distributed at a density of
throughout the atmosphere over the surface of the earth
to an altitude of
Two somewhat counterintuitive generalities emerge
big is weak, small is strong, i.e., it is large
structures that collapse under their own weight, large
animals that break their legs when they stumble, etc.,
whereas small structures and animals are practically
unaffected by gravity, and
horses “eat like birds” and
birds “eat like horses”, i.e., a large animal or machine
stores relatively larger quantities of energy and
dissipates relatively smaller quantities of energy than a
small animal or machine. The critical consequence of
is that the smaller the robot the smaller its range and
its operating time between refuelings. Applying simple
scaling models to contemplated small robots, the
conclusion is quickly reached that robots at currently
contemplated small scales will be not be able to store
enough energy to complete any sensible mission. They
will rather have to forage for fuel in the environment,
ju:jt as microorganisms have
forage for their nutrients
in the “soup” in which they must live. Thus we
understand why microorganisms
in liquid
environments vs. on dry surfaces or in the atmosphere,
and we also understand why long distance transportation
is most economically provided by a small number of
very large vessels vs. a large number of very small
Quantitative scaling considerations, as outlined in
lead to a common set
questions that have to be
the design of sensing, thinking, acting, and
communicating module and in the (by definition) robotic
systems composed
these modules. The first four
relate primarily to the context for contemplated robotic
systems, whereas the second four relate explicitly to the
quantitative scaling relationships.
(i) What limits
precision, rate, range, etc., are
imposed by the fundamental properties of material and
characteristics of nature?
(ii), Which of these have their origin in fundamental
sources of noise, i.e., thermodynamics, quantization, and
the uncertainty principle?
(iii) Which are practically unavoidable sources of
technical noise, e.g., the local cosmological
environment, the weather, etc?
(iv) Whch are avoidable
in space or time
sources of
technical noise, e.g., man-made electromagnetic
pollution, traffic-induced ground vibration, etc?
How are the above fundamental limitations
approached as the “robots” become smaller, the number
of robots in
team or
swarm becomes larger, etc?
(vi) Which have hard limits
implying that they can be
reached with finite resources
vs. which are approached
increased expenditure of resources?
(vii) What are the limitations related to engineering and
economic realities?
(viii) How might these be overcome by “thinlung out
the box”,
schemes for “foraging” or “scavenging”
energy vs. packaging and carrying it?
important to note that the relationship between
robot’s scale and the value assumed by
parameter that influences robot performance can make
particular direction either
advantageous or
disadvantageous, depending
performance aspect that is
keeping with the Robotic
Perception in
Century Robotics”, the paper revisits in
spirit the “sense-think-act” paradigm that has been
central to the practical architecture and philosophical
foundations of robotics since its emergence
embryonic academic discipline around
The first
step is to append “-communicate” to “sense-think-act”,
in recognition that whereas fixed-base robots have
evolved into economically valuable industrial
workhorses, the excitement
the field is clearly with
mobile robots, the
the paper examines sensor development
from a high level perspective: the process seems to work
best when sensors and the corresponding displays are
developed in
cycle whereby
improvement in either
places pressure
the other to improve correspondingly
to take advantage of the first.
the model of Section
is expanded to
encompass issues relating to telepresence and
teleoperation. It is argued that these are not disreputable
interim stages that must be passed through
the way to
robot autonomy, but that there are rather excellent
reasons to devote effort and resources to optimizing this
aspect of man-machine interaction.
summarizes qualitatively some recent
quantitative studies of scaling relations in robotics,
particularly relating to small and very small robots
intended to carry out sensing missions. It is specifically
noted that small robots cannot in principle carry
fuel relative to their energy dissipation
can large
robots, consequently at some limit of small size they will
have to extract energy from the environment.
for example,
The concept of “high fidelity teleoperation” was articulated by
Gregg Podnar, personal communication.
variety of
precisely explained specific alternatives
Illustrated for vegetation mapping at
Illustrated with
false-color mapping of altitude
Siegel, M., Tactile Display Development: The Driving Force
Tactile Sensor Development, Workshop on Haptic Audio Visual
Environments and Applications (HAVE-2002), 2002 November
follow links to
Telerobotics Program Resources
practical definitions
the teleoperation, telerobotics, and
telepresence, and
collection of
references and
follow links to products
101 See
[I I]
M. Siegel and
Enough Reality:
Viewing via Microstereopsis,”
Circuifs and
Video Technology,
vol. 10, pp. 387-396,2000,
[12] M. Siegel, “Scaling
on Robot-Based Sensing Missions”,
IEEE International Measurement Technology Conference (IMTC-
2003), 2003 May 20-22, Vail CO
... Drawing on the U&G theory [51,52], the literature on artificial autonomy [33,37,38], and the sense-think-act paradigm [64,65], this study provides a new perspective for understanding how AI educators' artificial autonomy can improve their usage intention. The model proposed in this study takes into account that users proactively select AI educators when motivated by the U&G benefits. ...
... Thus, artificial autonomy is closely linked with specific problem-solving tasks [39]. Typically, a specific problem-solving task should be addressed in three steps: sense, think, and act [64,65]. That is, the task performers first sense and identify the environmental factors, then think and reflect to generate a decision or plan, and finally act based on the plan to solve the problem. ...
... That is, the task performers first sense and identify the environmental factors, then think and reflect to generate a decision or plan, and finally act based on the plan to solve the problem. Consistent with previous studies [33,39,[80][81][82][83], we categorize artificial autonomy, based on the STA paradigm, into sense autonomy, Drawing on the U&G theory [51,52], the literature on artificial autonomy [33,37,38], and the sense-think-act paradigm [64,65], this study provides a new perspective for understanding how AI educators' artificial autonomy can improve their usage intention. The model proposed in this study takes into account that users proactively select AI educators when motivated by the U&G benefits. ...
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With the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, AI educators have become a reality. The advancement and increasing applications of AI technology in higher education not only provide more efficient tools for teachers in long-term and focused teaching, but also provide new active and independent spaces for sustainable self-motivated learning for college students. It is of great importance that the effects of AI educator design are understood to ensure the sustainable development and deployment of AI-driven courses at universities. This paper investigates the influences of AI educators’ autonomy design on students’ usage intentions by delving into how the artificial autonomy of AI educators satisfies students’ needs. Drawing on the uses and gratification (U&G) framework, we theoretically elaborate on how AI educator autonomy (i.e., sensing autonomy, thought autonomy, and action autonomy) influences students’ intentions to use an AI educator through the mediating effects of U&G benefits (i.e., information-seeking gratification, social interaction gratification, and entertainment gratification). By conducting an online survey (N = 673) on college students, we found that the sensing autonomy of AI educators is positively associated with usage intention due to the mediating effects of social interaction and entertainment gratifications; the thought autonomy of AI educators is positively related to usage intention, mediated by information-seeking and social interaction gratifications, and the action autonomy of AI educators is positively linked with usage intention through the paths of information-seeking and entertainment gratifications. Our findings provide both theoretical contributions and practical implications.
... Overall, the majority of participants valued technology's contribution to recognizing suffering, empathizing, and alleviating suffering the most. These three elements show similarities with the Sense-Think/Feel-Act paradigm, which is considered a broad roadmap in the field of human-computer/robot interaction [47]. In this paradigm, 'sense' could be related to recognizing suffering, 'think/feel' could be related to cognitive and affective empathy, and 'act' could be related to acting to alleviate suffering. ...
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Background Compassion is an essential and beneficial value in mental healthcare. However, how digital mental health interventions influence compassion in treatment has not been systematically investigated, due to the lack of appropriate measurement instruments. To address this gap, we developed the Compassionate Technology Scale for Professionals (CTS-P), aimed at mental health professionals. Methods We used Q-methodology, a method that combines quantitative and qualitative analysis to explore shared viewpoints on a particular topic, to select and refine items. Participants were 15 professionals from different areas of mental healthcare. In individual sessions, while thinking aloud, they sorted 35 statements on relevance for evaluating technology use on compassion. The statements were based on a scientific conceptualization of compassion with five elements. The sorting task was followed by a short interview to explore participants’ associations with compassion and technology. Results With by-person factor analysis, we found three different viewpoints among participants, all with eigenvalues > 1 and with a total explained variance of 63.02%. We selected prioritized items of each viewpoint and for each theoretical element of compassion, resulting in a full scale (15 items) and a short scale (3 items). Based on qualitative input from participants, the scale was adapted to clarify its focus and the wording of items. While thinking aloud, participants shared benefits and critical notes regarding technology and compassion. Discussion Together with key stakeholders, we developed the CTS-P. Most participants prioritized the potential of technology to obtain more information and be closer to their client in facilitating compassion. The main critical note participants had was that technology is not necessary to support compassion at the therapist’s experiential level. This emphasizes the need to further explore how mental health professionals and technology can complement each other in a system of compassionate care. Future research should explore the factor structure, validity, and reliability of the scale through psychometric validation. Conclusions The CTS-P can make the extent to which technology for mental healthcare influences elements of compassion measurable and comparable. The scale can prove useful for prioritizing the value of compassion in both the development and use of digital mental health interventions.
... Even motors have been demonstrated in the pneumatic domain with an inflatable stator driving a rotor through a peristaltic motion (26). To satisfy the operational definition of a robot (27), these devices must not only sense and act but also think with the discipline of fluidic logic showing the most promise for bridging this gap without electronics. ...
Fluidic logic circuits simplify system design for soft robotics by eliminating bulky components while enabling operation in a range of hostile environments that are incompatible with electronics but at the expense of limited computational capabilities and response times on the order of seconds. This paper presents a four-terminal fluidic transistor optimized for fast switching times, reduced component count, low unit cost, and high reproducibility to achieve complex fluidic control circuits while maintaining flow rates of liters per minute. A ring oscillator using three fluidic transistors achieves oscillation frequencies up to a kilohertz with full signal propagation, tolerating billions of cycles without failure. Fundamental processor circuits like a full adder and a 3-bit analog-to-digital converter require just seven transistors each. A decode circuit drives a high-resolution soft haptic display with refresh times below the human perception threshold for latency, and an electronics-free control circuit performs closed-loop position control of a pneumatic actuator with disturbance rejection, demonstrating the value across domains.
... • мышление (think) -действие (act) -чувство (sense) [30], [31] • анализ -творчество -синтез [32] задающим трёхактную структуру процессов управления, дизайна, взаимодействия индивида с окружающей средой, и других [27]. Возможны и другие разбиения процесса на этапы. ...
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Современные методы построения онтологий, семантических и знаниевых карт ограничены узкоспециализированными приложениями, за рамками которых задача структурирования информации остаётся нерешённой. Причина этой проблемы состоит в ограниченности существующих алгоритмов статической логикой сущностей, в основе которой лежит операция классификации. В докладе представлен подход к развитию онтологического моделирования на основе процессной логики. При этом первичным элементом модели является циклический процесс, разворачивающийся в последовательность трёх функциональных этапов: распознавание новости и постановка по отношению к ней субъективных целей (1), действия и мероприятия по достижени этих целей (2), а также внедрение, апробация и оценка полученного результата (3). Такая последовательность, известная в системотехнике как жизненный цикл, используется в качестве шаблона, наполняемого конкретными информационными блоками. Эта структура позволяет упорядочивать информацию в виде процессных единиц, содержащих не только объективно данные информационные блоки, но и субъективно установленные между ними причинно- следственные связи. Показано, что этот подход фактически используется в кибернетике, сценаристике и режиссуре, образовании и осмыслении событий в повседневном мышлении. Представленная онтология и её математическая формализация позволяют ввести задачу процессного моделирования в научное поле. Сопряжение процессной и статической логик открывает возможности для создания алгоритмов и систем анализа данных на принципах естественного мышления.
... Such variations have been captured by current works [43], [44]. However, no matter how simple or complex a task might be, it can always be decomposed into three basic primitives as per the Sense-Think-Act (STA) paradigm [45]. Each of these task primitives can act as an independent AIbased artifact that do not need any human intervention, which has been demonstrated in the context of human-robot interaction [20]. ...
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Adoption of Voice Assistants (VA) has been a hot topic of research currently. However, the existing studies are based on traditional models like the Technology Acceptance Model that is less suitable for investigating adoption of AI-based technologies like VAs. This is because the conventional models do not consider the anthropomorphic nature of AI-based technologies that has the potential to form emotional bonds between man and machines. Therefore, in this work we propose artificial autonomy as an intelligent AI—based attribute founded on three task primitives of sensing, thinking, and action autonomy. Further, we use the concept of interpersonal love and apply it in the context of human-AI relationship based on Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of love. Data is collected from 607 participants across two Asian countries. Partial Least Squares (PLS) based Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) has been used for the purpose of model building and testing. The results highlight the importance of artificial autonomy on all the three aspects of love, indicating the presence of consummate love. “ Love for AI ” is different from “ brand love ” since in the later case some of the love aspects of passion, intimacy, and commitment are missing. Theoretically, this study improves our understanding of artificial autonomy as an intelligent AI-attribute and the perceptions of love in Information Systems research. The findings can help technology companies develop novel strategies for improving the human-likeliness of these VAs.
Modern sensing technologies and data analysis methods usher in a new era for sports training and practice. Hidden insights can be uncovered and interactive training environments can be created by means of data analysis. We present a system to support volleyball training which makes use of Inertial Measurement Units, a pressure sensitive display floor, and machine learning techniques to automatically detect relevant behaviours and provides the user with the appropriate information. While working with trainers and amateur athletes, we also explore potential applications that are driven by automatic action recognition, that contribute various requirements to the platform. The first application is an automatic video-tagging protocol that marks key events (captured on video) based on the automatic recognition of volleyball-specific actions with an unweighted average recall of 78.71% in the 10-fold cross-validation setting with convolution neural network and 73.84% in leave-one-subject-out cross-validation setting with active data representation method using wearable sensors, as an exemplification of how dashboard and retrieval systems would work with the platform. In the context of action recognition, we have evaluated statistical functions and their transformation using active data representation besides raw signal of IMUs sensor. The second application is the "bump-set-spike" trainer, which uses automatic action recognition to provide real-time feedback about performance to steer player behaviour in volleyball, as an example of rich learning environments enabled by live action detection. In addition to describing these applications, we detail the system components and architecture and discuss the implications that our system might have for sports in general and for volleyball in particular.
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Background: Compassion is an essential and beneficial value in mental healthcare. However, how digital mental health interventions influence compassion in treatment has not been systematically investigated, due to the lack of appropriate measurement instruments. To address this gap, we developed the Compassionate Technology Scale for Professionals (CTS-P), aimed at mental health professionals. Methods: We used Q-methodology, a method that combines quantitative and qualitative analysis to explore shared viewpoints on a particular topic, to select and refine items. Participants were 15 professionals from different areas of mental healthcare. In individual sessions, while thinking aloud, they sorted 35 statements on relevance for evaluating technology use on compassion. The statements were based on a scientific conceptualization of compassion with five elements. The sorting task was followed by a short interview to explore participants’ associations with compassion and technology. Results: With by-person factor analysis, we found three different viewpoints among participants, all with eigenvalues >1 and with a total explained variance of 63.02%. We selected prioritized items of each viewpoint and for each theoretical element of compassion, resulting in a full scale (15 items) and a short scale (3 items). Based on qualitative input from participants, the scale was adapted to clarify its focus and the wording of items. While thinking aloud, participants shared benefits and critical notes regarding technology and compassion. Discussion: Together with key stakeholders, we developed the CTS-P. Most participants prioritized the potential of technology to obtain more information and be closer to their client in facilitating compassion. The main critical note participants had was that technology is not necessary to support compassion at the therapist’s experiential level. This emphasizes the need to further explore how mental health professionals and technology can complement each other in a system of compassionate care. Future research should explore the factor structure, validity, and reliability of the scale through psychometric validation. Conclusions: The CTS-P can make the extent to which technology for mental healthcare influences elements of compassion measurable and comparable. The scale can prove useful for prioritizing the value of compassion in both the development and use of digital mental health interventions.
Lane-change decision-making for vehicles is a challenging task for many reasons, including traffic rules, safety, and the stochastic nature of driving. Because of its success in solving complex problems, deep reinforcement learning (DRL) has been suggested for addressing these issues. However, the studies on DRL to date have gone no further than validation in simulation and failed to address what are arguably the most critical issues, namely, the mismatch between simulation and reality, human-likeness, and safety. This paper introduces a real-world DRL framework for decision-making to design safe and human-like agents that can operate in the real world without extra tuning. We propose a new learning paradigm for DRL integrated with Real2Sim transfer, which comprises training, validation, and testing phases. The approach involves two simulator environments with different levels of fidelity, which are parameterized via real-world data. Within the framework, a large amount of randomized experience is generated with a low-fidelity simulator, whereupon the learned skills are validated regularly in a high-fidelity simulator to avoid overfitting. Finally, in the testing phase, the agent is examined concerning safety and human-like decision-making. Extensive simulation and real-world evaluations show the superiority of the proposed approach. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first application of DRL lane-changing policy in the real world.
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We address human factors and technology issues for the design of stereoscopic display systems that are natural and comfortable to view. Our title “just enough reality” hints at the contrast between the popularly perceived requirements for strict “virtual reality” and the expert's pragmatic acceptance of “sufficient reality” to satisfy the human interface requirements of real-world applications. We first review how numerous perceptions and illusions of depth can be exploited to synergistically complement binocular stereopsis. Then we report the results of our experimental studies of stereoscopy with very small interocular separations and correspondingly small on-screen disparities, which we call “microstereopsis.” We outline the implications of microstereopsis for the design of future stereoscopic camera and display systems, especially the possibility of achieving zone-less autostereoscopic displays. We describe a possible class of implementations based on a nonlambertian filter element, and a particular implementation that would use an electronically switched louver filter to realize it
Conference Paper
Scaling analysis provides a systematic way to translate the performance of a system from one size domain, operating environment, etc., to another. In this paper, we identify scaling issues and present some simple results in the domain of individual mobile robots, as well as teams, swarms, etc., deployed on sensing missions. Since most robot-based sensing missions anticipate mini-, micro-, and nano-scale robots, our explicit examples focus on scaling-down of existing human-scale robot design and concepts. However the principles articulated apply equally to scaling-up situations. The topic is introduced via a simple example that shows why scaling-down of mobile robots that carry their own energy source will generally prove impractical: to obtain reasonable operating times it will rather be necessary to develop small robots into which energy can be beamed, or which can forage for energy sources in the environment. From this concrete illustrative example, the paper moves on to a higher level discussion of robot architecture and the applicability of scaling principles, to varying degrees, to all the modules, i.e., it is not exclusively a mobility issue. There follows a short discussion of how changes of scale are not inherently problematic, but to the contrary, in many cases suitable scale change provides the key to solving a difficult engineering problem. The final section is a quantitative example in which design and operating parameters of the robotic nodes of a sensor network are considered from the perspective of operating time limited by the energy cost of node-to-node communication. This example powerfully illustrates a system in which fairly modest changes contemplated range of engineering parameters result in enormous changes in the anticipated operating time of the system., follow links to products > [ 101 See htt~:// [I I Just Enough Reality: Comfortable 3D Viewing via Microstereopsis
  • M Siegel
  • S Nagata
[8] See See littn://, follow links to products > [ 101 See htt~:// [I I] M. Siegel and S. Nagata, " Just Enough Reality: Comfortable 3D Viewing via Microstereopsis, " IEEE Trumacfions on Circuifs and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 10, pp. 387-396,2000,