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Multiple photoreceptor systems control the swim pacemaker activity in box jellyfish


Abstract and Figures

Like all other cnidarian medusae, box jellyfish propel themselves through the water by contracting their bell-shaped body in discrete swim pulses. These pulses are controlled by a swim pacemaker system situated in their sensory structures, the rhopalia. Each medusa has four rhopalia each with a similar set of six eyes of four morphologically different types. We have examined how each of the four eye types influences the swim pacemaker. Multiple photoreceptor systems, three of the four eye types, plus the rhopalial neuropil, affect the swim pacemaker. The lower lens eye inhibits the pacemaker when stimulated and provokes a strong increase in the pacemaker frequency upon light-off. The upper lens eye, the pit eyes and the rhopalial neuropil all have close to the opposite effect. When these responses are compared with all-eye stimulations it is seen that some advanced integration must take place.
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The presence of a central nervous system (CNS) and the level of
neuronal processing in cnidarians have long been matters of dispute.
In most zoological textbooks their nervous system is presented as
a simple nerve net without condensations, implying only little
processing (e.g. Lesh-Laurie and Suchy, 1991). Still, during the last
decades Mackie and coworkers have convincingly shown that
hydromedusae have a complex nervous system with a CNS
performing several types of processing and integration (Mackie,
1971; Passano, 1976; Mackie and Meech, 1995a; Mackie and
Meech, 1995b; Mackie and Meech, 2000; Mackie et al., 2003;
Mackie, 2004). The main part of this CNS is a double ring nerve
that encircles the bell-shaped body and it is here that several
subsystems can be distinguished by their physiology and
neurotransmitter profiles (Mackie, 2004). From our earlier
neuroanatomical studies we have shown that another cnidarian
group, the cubozoans (or box jellyfish) also have condensations in
their nervous system, which probably qualify as a CNS (Garm et
al., 2006; Skogh et al., 2006; Garm et al., 2007b). The CNS of box
jellyfish differs from that of hydrozoans because there is only a
single ring nerve and an additional part in each of their four sensory
clubs, the rhopalia. This rhopalial nervous system is directly
connected to the ring nerve making the box jellyfish CNS one
coherent system (Garm et al., 2006). Still, so far it has not been
shown what kind of processing and integration takes place in the
box jellyfish CNS.
One way to evaluate to what level processing takes place in the
CNS is by looking at the complexity of the sensory input and
behavioural output. Here box jellyfish stands out in Cnidaria with
their advanced visual system, comprising of 24 eyes of four
morphologically distinct types (Berger, 1898; Yamasu and Yoshida,
1976). Further, two of the eye types are structurally similar to
camera-type eyes of vertebrates (Laska and Hündgen, 1982; Nilsson
et al., 2005). The rhopalial nervous system lies in direct connection
with these eyes, and subsystems seem to interconnect the different
types of eyes and the two sides of the bilateral symmetric rhopalium
(Parkefelt et al., 2005; Skogh et al., 2006; Parkefelt and Ekström,
2009). What exact information the eyes register and how it is being
processed by the rhopalial nervous system is largely unknown
Concerning box jellyfish behaviour, more and more evidence
points towards the presence of an elaborate repertoire. It has been
shown that at least some species have internal fertilisation of their
eggs, which includes a proper mating behaviour (Werner, 1973;
Lewis and Long, 2005). Another well-documented cubozoan
behaviour is obstacle avoidance (Hamner et al., 1995; Matsumoto,
1995) and it has been shown that this behaviour is visually guided
and involves true spatial vision (Garm et al., 2007a). A major
part of these behaviours is the swim speed of the medusa, which
is largely controlled by the rate of bell contractions. The bell
contractions are in turn controlled by a central pattern generator
situated in the rhopalial nervous system (Yatsu, 1917; Satterlie,
1979). This swim pacemaker system has a one-to-one relationship
with the swim pulses (Satterlie, 1979) and is influenced by the
visual input (Garm and Bielecki, 2008). Under constant light
intensities the pacemaker frequency stays constant but if the
rhopalium experiences a sudden increase or decrease in light
intensity it has great impact on the pacemaker. A decrease in
intensity induces a so-called shadow response with a steep
increase in pulse frequency for a limited period of time (Garm
and Bielecki, 2008), a behaviour also known from hydromedusae
(Yoshida and Ohtsu, 1973; Arkett, 1985; Arkett and Spencer,
1986a; Arkett and Spencer, 1986b). An increase in the light
intensity inhibits the pacemaker making the jellyfish sink and this
is an important part in optimising the feeding behaviour for
Tripedalia cystophora (Buskey, 2003; Garm and Bielecki, 2008).
Because the pacemaker system is involved in several of the box
jellyfish behaviours it seems to be the ideal system to investigate
how the visual input influences these behaviours. Among other
things, it offers the possibility to examine if parts of the rhopalial
nervous system integrate information from several eye types or if
the modulations of the pacemaker are governed by a single eye type
only. In the present study we examine the visual control of the swim
pacemaker of the Caribbean box jellyfish T. cystophora. We record
The Journal of Experimental Biology 212, 3951-3960
Published by The Company of Biologists 2009
Multiple photoreceptor systems control the swim pacemaker activity in box jellyfish
A. Garm* and S. Mori
Section of Aquatic Biology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
*Author for correspondence (
Accepted 9 September 2009
Like all other cnidarian medusae, box jellyfish propel themselves through the water by contracting their bell-shaped body in
discrete swim pulses. These pulses are controlled by a swim pacemaker system situated in their sensory structures, the rhopalia.
Each medusa has four rhopalia each with a similar set of six eyes of four morphologically different types. We have examined how
each of the four eye types influences the swim pacemaker. Multiple photoreceptor systems, three of the four eye types, plus the
rhopalial neuropil, affect the swim pacemaker. The lower lens eye inhibits the pacemaker when stimulated and provokes a strong
increase in the pacemaker frequency upon light-off. The upper lens eye, the pit eyes and the rhopalial neuropil all have close to
the opposite effect. When these responses are compared with all-eye stimulations it is seen that some advanced integration must
take place.
Key words: cubomedusae, eyes, pacemaker, swim pulse,
the pacemaker signals while stimulating one eye at a time with white
light of a range of different intensities. The results demonstrate that
stimulating the upper lens eye (ULE), the pit eyes (PE) or the
neuropil (NP) has similar effects whereas stimulation of the lower
lens eye (LLE) has the opposite effect.
Adult medusae (7–9mm in bell diameter) of Tripedalia cystophora
Conant 1897 were obtained from our cultures at the University of
Copenhagen, Denmark. In the cultures the medusae are kept in a
200l tank with circulating seawater at 25‰ and about 28°C and
fed SELCO (INVE Technologies, Dendermonde, Belgium)-enriched
Artemia daily. They reach adult size in 2–3 months.
A rhopalium was cut off approximately midway along the stalk with
a pair of fine scissors and transferred using a pipette to a small Petri
dish containing seawater. The seawater was kept at a temperature
of 28±0.5deg. using a Peltier element. In the Petri dish the rhopalium
was held by a micropipette at the area of the crystal, which allowed
for orienting the rhopalium such that there was access to all four
eye types. Under a dissection microscope a glass suction electrode
[for electrode details, see Derby (Derby, 1995)] was applied to the
cut surface of the rhopalial stalk in the area of the epidermal nerve.
The suction electrode was moved around until the regular activity
pattern of the pacemaker was seen where after the rhopalium was
left to dark adapt for 3min.
A Linos microbench system was used for light stimulation.
Light from an ultra bright white LED (Luxeon III star, Philips,
San Jose, CA, USA) was focused into a quartz light guide, 50m
in diameter. The light guide was arranged in the Petri dish such
that the light shone directly into either one of the PE, the ULE,
the LLE or one of the slit eyes (SE). Due to the small diameter
of the light guide, direct light could be limited to the eye type of
interest only. The maximum intensity was 1.1105Wsr–1m–2
when integrated between 350 and 750nm and measured at the tip
of the light guide (ILT900W spectroradiometer, International
Lights Technologies, Peabody, MA, USA). The LED was
controlled via a NI6229 A/D converter (National Instruments,
Austin, TX, USA) and a custom made program for LabView 8.5
(National Instruments).
The electrophysiological experiments tested the response to
sudden changes in light intensities covering a range of
approximately 1.1 log units (from 8.7103Wsr–1m–2 to
1.1105Wsr–1m–2) in five steps. To ensure maximum health of
the preparation, only one or two rhopalia were used from each
medusa and only one eye from each rhopalium. The protocol for
each eye contained five consecutive recordings and only data from
preparations that lasted a full protocol were used. Each recording
started with 1min of darkness (<110–3Wsr–1m–2) followed by
3min of light and then 3min of darkness, giving the protocol a
total duration of 35min. Due to some indications of long-term
adaptations half of the trials were started from the low intensity
end and the other half from the high intensity end. All four eye
types were tested (N10 for each eye type). Control recordings
A. Garm and S. Mori
100 µm
Fig.1. Stimulus accuracy. The accuracy of the light stimulus varied with the different eyes. When working with the ULE, PE or NP the rhopalium was held by
a micropipette at the back of the crystal (A) but in the case of the LLE and SE the micropipette was attached to the side of the crystal (E). When the 50m
light guide was aimed at the ULE it is seen that here the pigment screen is not light proof and the NP is therefore also illuminated (B, asterisk). Illumination
of the PE also allows light to reach the NP, because of its incomplete pigment screen and small diameter (C). When stimulating the NP at the base of the
stalk (arrow) light scattered throughout most of the NP (D). The pigment screen of the LLE is completely light proof and stimulating this eye leaves the rest
of the rhopalium in complete darkness (F). As for the PE, the small size and incomplete pigment screen of the SE causes the neuropil and the back side of
the PE (G, asterisk) to be illuminated. LLE, lower lens eye; PE, pit eye; NP, neuropil; SE, slit eye; ST, stalk; ULE, upper lens eye. Scale bar in A applies to
all subfigures.
3953Pacemaker control in box jellyfish
were done (i) with the light guide aimed at the neuropil from above
besides the stalk base (no eye was stimulated directly), which
resulted in light scattered throughout most of the NP (Fig.1D) and
(ii) in 35min of darkness. The neuropil was chosen as a control
because leakiness of the PE and the ULE and the small size of
the SE and PE result in illumination of the neuropil when working
with these eyes (Fig. 1). For organisation of the NP see Skogh et
al. (Skogh et al., 2006). A possible concern is heating of the
preparation during the 3min of stimulation but because we used
a LED and light guide system heat transmission is minimal.
Further, heating caused by photon absorption should be less than
what they will experience under natural conditions where they are
exposed to close to full sunlight (Stewart, 1996).
The recorded signals were amplified 1000 times (1700 differential
AC amplifier from A-M systems, Carlsborg, WA, USA) and
filtered through high- and low-pass filters in the amplifier (0.1 and
1000Hz, respectively). The amplifiers 50Hz notch filter was also
used. All recordings lasted 7min and were stored and analysed on
a laptop using the NI6229 A/D converter and the program Igor Pro
6.03A (WaveMetrcs Inc., Lake Oswego, OR, USA) with a
NeuroMatic add-on.
Characteristics of the pacemaker signal
When recording from the rhopalial stalk the pacemaker signal is
not represented by discrete action potentials but rather by complex
signals of long duration as described earlier (Garm and Bielecki,
2008). This is evident from the highly variable amplitude seen in
Fig.2A. In constant darkness the pacemaker has a mean frequency
close to 1Hz when measured over minutes. This frequency is rather
variable and at times the activity occurs in bursts (Fig.2B).
Dark control
The pacemaker activity was recorded in darkness for 35min in 7min
slots during control experiments. As said above the activity pattern
changed and at times it was highly regular (Fig.2A) but at other
times the pacemaker would fire in bursts (Fig.2B). Still, when the
mean frequency was taken from 10 rhopalia and measured in 10s
Dark 0–7 min
Dark 7–14 min
Dark 14–21 min
Dark 21–28 min
Dark 28–35 min
Pulse frequency (Hz)
Time interval (s)
0–10 410–420200–210100–110 300–310
0–7 min
7–14 min
14–21 min
21–28 min
28–35 min
Interpulse intervals (s)
Frequency of occurrence
0 100 200 300 400
Time (s)
0 100 200 300 400
Fig.2. Dark reference. The pacemaker
activity was recorded in darkness
(<110–3Wsr–1 m–2) for 35min (total
time of the experimental protocol) in five
slots of 7min. Under these conditions the
activity varied. In some cases the
pacemaker showed a regular activity
pattern (A) but in other cases strong
bursting was seen (B). When the
frequency is measured in 10s intervals it
is seen that the frequency tends to be
highest, and most stable, in the first 7min
(C). The mean frequency is close to 1Hz,
the black line indicates the means ±
s.e.m. When the stability is examined
using the inter-pulse interval no significant
differences were found between the five
different time slots (D).
intervals the frequency stayed between 0.5 and 1.6Hz (Fig.2C).
When the five slots of 7min are compared it is seen that there is a
tendency for the pacemaker to be most active during the first 7min.
The mean frequency during the first 7min was approximately
1.25Hz whereas during the last 7min frequency was approximately
0.9Hz but this difference was not significant [one-way analysis of
variance (ANOVA), F4,202.703, P>0.05]. The mean of the five
7min slots is therefore used for comparison with the frequencies
obtained under the different experiments conditions (Fig.2C).
To examine if the regularity of the pacemaker activity is
influenced by the time spent in darkness the inter-pulse intervals
were measured in bins of 250ms and compared between the five
7min slots (Fig.2D). This showed that the distribution of inter-pulse
intervals does not differ between the different time periods spent in
The lower lens eye
When the LLE was stimulated by the light guide it had major effect
on the pacemaker activity (Fig.3). The light-on had a strong and
close to immediate inhibitory effect on the pacemaker (Fig.3B). In
the most extreme cases the pacemaker became almost silent during
the 3min of light stimulation (Fig.3A). For all intensities the
frequency during light was significantly lower than the dark
reference (one-way ANOVA, F5,102206, P<0.0001, Tukey HSD
post hoc P<0.001). The light-off response was the opposite and had
an immediate and strong stimulatory effect on the pacemaker
(Fig.3C). This off-response not only restored the pacemaker
frequency to the initial level but transiently overshot it (Fig.3D,
two tailed t-test, P<0.0024). In the strongest responses the frequency
reached 2.4Hz in the first 10s after light-off. The light-off response
lasted only for 10s where after the frequency dropped below the
dark reference (Fig.3D). This drop was long lasting and the
pacemaker frequency did not return to the level of the dark reference
until about 2min after light-off.
The upper lens eye
Stimulation of the ULE had the opposite effect on the pacemaker
as when stimulating the LLE. At light-on a fast and strong increase
in the pacemaker frequency was seen (Fig.4A,B). The initial effect
typically exceeded 1.8Hz but was brief and lasted for 10s only.
Over the next approximately 30s the frequency declined to about
1.5Hz, where it remained until light-off (Fig.4D). For all intensities
the frequency during light was significantly higher than the dark
reference (one-way ANOVA, F5,10229.2, P<0.0001, Tukey HSD
post hoc P<0.0001). During the light period the pacemaker activity
is less variable, which is seen by the, in general, smaller standard
error (Fig.4D). At light-off the pacemaker activity immediately falls
back to the level of the dark reference (Fig.4C,D, one-way ANOVA,
F5,304.8, P<0.0024, Tukey HSD post hoc 0.15<P<1).
The pit eye and the neuropil
Similar effects were seen in the pacemaker activity when
stimulating either one of the PE (Fig.5) or the NP at the base of
the stalk (Fig.6) although with slightly different magnitudes. These
effects were again similar to what was seen for the ULE (compare
Fig.4 and Fig.5). At light-on an increase in the pacemaker
frequency was obtained but this did not peak until 10–20s after
light-on. A maximum of 1.9–2.1Hz was typically seen for the NP
A. Garm and S. Mori
0-10 10-20 20-3030-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 100-110 110-120 120-130130-140 140-150 150-160 160-170 170-180 180-190 190-200 200-210 210-220 220-230230-240 240-250 250-260 260-270 270-280 280-290 290-300 300-310 310-320 320-330330-340 340-350 350-360 360-370 370-380 380-390 390-400 400-410 410-420
Time (s)
Dark Dark
Time (s)
0 100 200 300 400
(V) (V)
40 50 60 70 80 220 230 240 250 260
0–10 200–210 410–420300–310100–110
Time interval (s)
Pulse frequency (Hz)
Fig.3. Pacemaker activity when
stimulating the lower lens eye (LLE).
The pacemaker frequency is strongly
influenced by stimulation of the LLE
alone. Light-on causes a sudden
decrease in the frequency and, in the
most extreme cases, an almost
complete stop of the pacemaker (A,B).
Light-off, by contrast, causes an
increase in the frequency (A,C). In both
cases the response is almost immediate
(B,C). The light-on response is long
lasting whereas the light-off is transient
and lasts for about 10·s (D). After the
transient light-off response the
frequency again drops below the level
of the dark reference (black line in D).
Note the very small error bars during
light-on. The red line in A, B, C and
under D indicates the stimulus pattern.
The black line in D is the mean of the
dark recordings and the error bars
indicate ± s.e.m. The asterisk in A
indicates activity of other non-
pacemaker cells. Light
intensity1.1105Wsr–1 m–2 in A–C and
8.7103Wsr–1 m–2 in D.
3955Pacemaker control in box jellyfish
and 1.7–1.9Hz for the PE but the difference was not significant
(two tailed t-test, P0.17). As for the ULE the pacemaker
frequency would drop to 1.4–1.6Hz during the rest of the stimulus
period. For all intensities the frequency during light was
significantly higher than the dark reference (one-way ANOVA,
F5,10239.9, P<0.0001, Tukey HSD post hoc P<0.0001). At light-
off, the frequency decreased to about 0.3–0.6Hz in the case of the
PE and stayed lower than the dark reference during the 3min of
darkness (Fig. 5D, one-way ANOVA, F5,10252.4, P<0.0001,
Tukey HSD post hoc P<0.0001). For the NP the light-off response
takes the pacemaker to 0.5–0.9Hz (Fig.6A,C,D). For both the NP
and PE the light-off caused some long term effects in the
pacemaker frequency, which resulted in low pre-stimulus
frequencies (Figs5 and 6, one-way ANOVA, F5,3012.1,
P<0.0001, Tukey HSD post hoc 0.0001<P<0.029).
The slit eyes
The pacemaker response when stimulating the SE was more variable
than when performing the other stimulations. Still, the average effect
resembled that of stimulating the ULE, PE or NP (Fig.7). Light-on
in general caused an increase in the pacemaker frequency, normally
peaking in the first 10s (Fig.7A,B,E). For all intensities the
frequency during light was significantly higher than the dark
reference (one-way ANOVA, F5,10228.3, P<0.0001, Tukey HSD
post hoc P<0.0001). Light-off caused the frequency to fall back to
about the level of the dark control (Fig.7A,C,E). But in some of
the trials a distinct off-response was missing (Fig.7D). When
compared with the ULE, PE or NP the magnitude of the pacemaker
response was, in general, smaller when working with the SE (Fig.8).
The pacemaker activity never exceeded 1.7Hz and after the initial
light-on response the frequency would typically settle around 1.3Hz
until light-off.
Effects of the light intensity
All of the five different types of stimulations (four different eye
types and NP) were tested with five different light intensities
covering about 1.1 log units (Fig.8). When stimulating the ULE,
PE or SE no significant correlation was found between light
intensity and magnitude of the light-on response, when measured
as the mean frequency during the first 20s after the stimulus onset
(Fig.8B,C,E, linear regression, R20.07, 0.76 and 0.68,
respectively). The light-on responses from these areas therefore
seem to be all-or-nothing responses at least within the examined
intensity range. Here it should be noted that saturation might have
occurred and it could have been advantageous to have used a
broader range of intensities to investigate this. A typical eye has
a dynamic range of 2–2.5 log units when not taking adaptations
into account. When working with the NP or the LLE there was a
significant change with changing intensity (Fig.8A,D). The higher
the intensity the higher the mean swim pacemaker frequency in
the first 20s after light-on (linear regression, R20.96 for NP and
R20.92 for LLE). This means for the LLE that the higher the
light intensity the less the inhibition of the pacemaker. In the pre-
stimulus situation there is some variation in the pacemaker
frequency for the LLE. There is a trend for this variation to follow
the intensity but this is not significant (linear regression, R20.51).
If, instead, the response is measured as the mean pacemaker
frequency during the full 3min of light a significant positive
0-10 10-20 20-3030-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 100-110 110-120 120-130130-140 140-150 150-160 160-170 170-180 180-190 190-200 200-21 0 21 0-220 220-230230-240 240-250 250-260 260-270 270-280 280-290 290-300 300-310 310-320 320-330330-340 340-350 350-360 360-370 370-380 380-390 390-400 400-4 1 0 41 0-420
Pulse frequency (Hz)
0 100 200 300 400
Time ( s)
Time ( s)
40 50 60 70 80 220 230240 250 260
0–10 200–210 410–420
Time interval (s)
Dark Dark
Fig.4. Pacemaker activity when
stimulating the upper lens eye (ULE).
Stimulating the ULE causes effects on
the pacemaker that are opposite to what
was seen when stimulating the lower
lens eye (LLE) (A and Fig. 2). At light-on
the pacemaker frequency increases
(A,B,D). This increase is immediate and
culminates 0–10s after the onset of the
stimulus (2.1Hz at 7.1104Wsr–1 m–2 as
shown in D) where after it stabilises at
about 1.5Hz for 2min until light-off. At
light-off the frequency falls back to the
level of the dark reference (D). The red
line in A, B, C and under D indicates the
stimulus pattern. The asterisks in C
indicate activity of other non-pacemaker
cells. The black line in D is the mean of
the dark recordings and the error bars
indicate ± s.e.m. Light
intensity7.1104Wsr–1 m–2 for all
correlation is seen with NP and PE (linear regression, R20.92 for
NP and R20.85 for PE).
When considering the light-off response the situation is similar
to the light-on response. With the LLE, ULE, SE and PE there is
no significant correlation between the magnitude of the response
and the light intensity when the magnitude is measured either as
the mean pacemaker frequency in the first 20s after light-off or as
the mean frequency during the full 3min after light-off (R2<0.64).
With NP there was a positive correlation between the intensity and
the mean pacemaker frequency in the first 20s after light-off
(R20.86). Interestingly, this again shows that the larger the relative
change in intensity the less the inhibition.
There are many interesting questions concerning vision in
cubomedusae. How did this complex visual system evolve? Why
are so many different eye types needed? What visual cues do they
pick up? What visually guided behaviours do they support? How
is the visual information translated into these behaviours? Answers
are beginning to appear to some of these questions and in the present
paper we have looked further into how the visual input to individual
eyes is integrated in the rhopalial nervous system and influences
one of the important behavioural parameters of the medusae; their
rate of swim contractions.
Multiple effectors
Interestingly, the results we present indicate that all four eye types
are involved in modifying the swim pacemaker frequency. To our
surprise not only stimulating the eyes but also stimulating the general
NP of the rhopalium influenced the pacemaker. The question arises
whether some of the results are artefacts caused by light escaping
the stimulated eye and possibly reaching other photosensitive areas.
Unfortunately this cannot be ruled out. As shown in Fig.1
imperfection of the pigment screens along with very small eye size
has the effect that it was not possible to stimulate the ULE, PE, SE
and NP without having stray light affecting the others or at least
the NP. Only in the case of the LLE will no light escape the eye.
With respect to this it is also noteworthy that the ULE, PE, SE and
NP provoke similar responses from the swim pacemaker. One way
to evaluate which of these are true responses, and which might be
caused by problems with the stimulation, is to look for differences
in the response magnitudes and unique characteristics in the detailed
The influence by ULE is probably valid because the light-on
response seen here has a very distinct peak in the first 10s, which
was significantly higher than the following 10s (two-tailed t-test
for paired observations, P<0.01 for 8.7103and 9.6104Wsr–1m–2,
P<0.1 for the other three intensities). This difference was not seen
for any of the other stimulations (two-tailed t-test for paired
observations, 0.27<P<0.87). The PE is probably also its own
effector, because when stimulating this eye, the strongest and most
consistent off-response is seen resulting in significantly lower
frequencies for this eye at all of the tested intensities than for ULE,
SE or NP (one-way ANOVA, F3,6815.7–70.5, P<0.0001, Tukey
HSD post hoc P<0.0005). Further, the light-on response caused by
stimulating the NP in general has the largest amplitude (although
not statistically significant but in a few cases) and shows the clearest
intensity dependence (highest R2values, see above), which in our
A. Garm and S. Mori
Pulse frequency (Hz)
Time interval (s)
Dark Dark
Time ( s)
0 100 200 300 400
Time ( s)
40 50 60 70 80 220 230240 250 260
0–10 200–210 410–420
Fig. 5. Pacemaker activity when
stimulating a pit eye (PE). Stimulating a
PE has a large impact on the
pacemaker frequency similar to when
stimulating the upper lens eye (ULE) (A
and Fig. 3). At light-on a strong increase
is seen (A,B) whereas light-off has a
strong and immediate inhibitory effect on
the pacemaker (A,C). The light-on
response has the strongest effect
10–20s after light-on after which it
decreases and stabilises at 1.4–1.5Hz
throughout the remainder of the light-on
period (D). The light-off response causes
a large drop in the frequency to about
1/3 of the dark level and this lasts for at
least 3min (D). The long-term influence
of the light-off response also has the
effect that the pre-stimulus frequency is
lower than the dark reference. The red
line in A, B, C and under D indicates the
stimulus pattern. The black line in D is
the mean of the dark recordings and the
error bars indicate ± s.e.m. Light
intensity1105Wsr–1 m–2 for all
3957Pacemaker control in box jellyfish
opinion authenticate stimulations in this area. Stimulating the SE,
however, produced some more dubious results. The responses were
highly variable and did not appear to have any unique features. Also,
the response amplitude, measured as the amount of change in the
swim pacemaker frequency, was the smallest for this eye. We
therefore believe that the areas that modify the pacemaker upon
light stimulation are the LLE, ULE and PE and probably also NP.
The effects seen from the SE are artefacts caused by stray light
stimulating the ULE, PE, NP or a combination of them.
The above conclusion also matches what is known about the
visual fields of the different eyes. When comparing the data
available on the optics of T. cystophora (Nilsson et al., 2005; Garm
et al., 2008) it becomes clear that the ULE and PE must have vastly
overlapping visual fields and the same goes for the LLE and the
SE. It makes good sense, therefore, that the effects of stimulating
either the ULE or the PE are similar, because it is close to
impossible under natural conditions to stimulate the one eye type
without stimulating the other. The LLE and SE also have vastly
overlapping visual fields. If the effects seen from the SE are not
artefacts, these eyes will have more or less directly opposite effects
on the pacemaker counteracting each other constantly, which would
seem like an inappropriate and unlikely arrangement.
Extraocular photoreception
The putative effects mediated by the NP came as a surprise and are
admittedly not easily explained. Using the same logic as above there
will be a constant conflict between the input to the swim pacemaker
system provided by the LLE and the NP, because a large part of
the light illuminating the NP will originate from within the large
visual field of the LLE. Further, the effects mediated by NP are
similar to those mediated by the ULE and the PE. Why have rather
similar effects located in three different places? We do not have
any good answers at this stage but the fact that the strongest intensity
dependency is found for the NP causes us to believe that the effects
are real.
Extraocular photoreceptors in the nervous system are commonly
found throughout the animal kingdom, not least in cnidarians (Ohtsu,
1982; Arendt et al., 2004; Taddei-Ferretti et al., 2004). In Hydra
such photoreceptors also modify a pacemaker system controlling
body contractions (Taddei-Ferretti et al., 2004). One of the
interesting things about extraocular photoreceptors is that they have
a tendency to make use of other photopigments than those
conventionally used in vision. In vertebrates melanopsin is such an
extraocular photopigment (Kumbalasiri and Provencio, 2005), and
a special ‘cnidops’ opsin clade has been found in cnidarians
(Plachetzki and Oakley, 2007). Recently, two research groups have
characterised opsins from two different species of cubomedusae, T.
cystophora and Carybdea rastonii (Koyanagi et al., 2008; Kozmic
et al., 2008). In both cases only a single opsin was found and
interestingly they were only found in direct association with the
retinas of the two lens eyes. Such an expression pattern is supported
by our own immunofluorescence data (Ekström et al., 2008). This
could be taken as evidence for a lack of photoreception in the NP
but because these studies also failed to find any opsins in connection
with the PE and SE we believe that additional undiscovered
photopigments are at play. The fact that the effects on the swim
pacemaker mediated by the PE and NP are intensity-dependent will
be used in the near future to determine the spectral sensitivity of
1234567891011121314 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2324 25 26 27 28 29 30313233 343536373839404142
Pulse frequency (Hz)
0 100 200 300 400
Time ( s)
Time ( s)
40 50 60 70 80 220 230240 250 260
0–10 200–210 410–420
Time interval (s)
Dark Dark
Fig.6. Pacemaker activity when stimulating
the neuropil (NP). Stimulating the NP has
a large impact on the pacemaker similar to
when stimulating a pit eye (PE) (compare
with Fig. 5). At light-on the strongest
increase is seen (A,B) whereas light-off
has a strong and immediate inhibitory
effect on the pacemaker (A,C). Like for PE
the light-on response peaks 10–20s after
light-on after which it stabilises at
1.4–1.5Hz (D). The light-off response
causes a drop in the frequency to just
below the dark level (D). Similar to the PE
long-term influence of the light-off response
causes a pre-stimulus frequency lower
than the dark reference. The red line in A,
B, C and under D indicates the stimulus
pattern. The black line in D is the mean of
the dark recordings and the error bars
indicate ± s.e.m. The asterisks in B
indicate activity of other non-pacemaker
cells. Light intensity8.7103Wsr–1 m–2 in
A–C 8 and 1.1105Wsr–1 m–2 in D.
the underlying photoreceptors and thereby shed light on the nature
of their photopigments.
Complex swim pacemaker control
Being cnidarians cubomedusae belong to the group of animals first
in evolution to possess a true nervous system. Even though their
CNS holds several thousand nerve cells the number of computational
units is probably a lot lower due to redundancy (Skogh et al., 2006;
Garm et al., 2007b). It is therefore of great interest how such a
relatively sparse CNS is able to handle the information provided by
the far from simple visual system. Earlier work has suggested that
one mechanism used is strong filtering in the periphery, which
reduces the amount of information passed on to the CNS (Nilsson
et al., 2005; O’Connor et al., 2009). Still, the neuroanatomy
suggests that fairly complex information processing and integration
does happen in the rhopalial nervous system (Parkefelt et al., 2005;
Parkefelt and Ekström, 2009).
The results presented here support the idea that visual integration
takes place in the rhopalial nervous system. Three of the four eye
types and probably also the NP have impact on the pacemaker
activity and all with at least slightly different characteristics. Recent
work showed that applying a light stimulus to the entire rhopalium
resulted in light-on and light-off responses resembling what is found
here when stimulating the LLE alone (Garm and Bielecki, 2008).
There are important differences, though, because the light-on
response for the LLE alone is much stronger (the pacemaker activity
decreases more) and the light-off is more brief and bi-phasic. This
demonstrates that the visual control of the pacemaker is not a mere
hierarchy between the stimulated eyes or a sum of their individual
inputs. What kind of interactions is taking place we cannot say at
this point. To look further into this it is necessary to identify which
cells in the rhopalial nervous system make up the swim pacemaker
and map how they connect with the different eye types.
Visual ecology of the swim pacemaker control
The swim pacemaker frequency is an important part of controlling
the swim speed of the medusae and therefore the swim pacemaker
control is behaviourally important. One of the central behaviours
here is the so-called shadow response or shadow reflex, which is
known from both cubomedusae and hydromedusae (Yoshida and
A. Garm and S. Mori
0-10 10-20 20-3030-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 100-110 110-120 120-130130-140 140-150 150-160 160-170 170-180 180-190 190-200 200-210 210-220 220-230230-240 240-250 250-260 260-270 270-280 280-290 290-300 300-310 310-320 320-330330-340 340-350 350-360 360-370 370-380 380-390 390-400 400-410 410-420
Time ( s)
Time ( s)
0 100 200 300 400
0 100 200 300 400
Time ( s)
40 50 60 70 80 220 230240 250 260
Dark Dark
0–10 200–210 410–420
Time interval (s)
Pulse frequency (Hz)
Fig.7. Pacemaker activity when
stimulating a slit eye (SE). Stimulating a
SE has similar effect on the pacemaker
as stimulating the upper lens eye (ULE) or
the pit eye (PE) but more variable (A,D).
Light-on stimulates the pacemaker
frequency (A,B,E). Light-off has an
inhibitory effect in some cases (A,C) but
in other cases it has but little effect (D). In
A and B a spontaneous burst started
about 15s before the stimulus and the
onset of the stimulus caused a further
increase in the activity. The light-on effect
culminates in the first 10s and at light-off
the pacemaker frequency falls back to the
level of the dark reference (E). The red
line in A–D and under E indicates the
stimulus pattern. The black line in E is the
mean of the dark recordings and the error
bars indicate ± s.e.m. Light
intensity1.1105Wsr–1 m–2 for all
3959Pacemaker control in box jellyfish
Ohtsu, 1973; Arkett, 1985; Arkett and Spencer, 1986a; Garm and
Bielecki, 2008). Upon a sudden drop in light intensity the
medusae increase the pulse frequency for a shorter
(hydromedusae) or longer period of time (cubomedusae). In
hydromedusae this may function as predator avoidance or control
of the diurnal migration (Anderson and Mackie, 1977; Arkett and
Spencer, 1986a) but in cubomedusae it has been shown to help
optimise their feeding behaviour (Stewart, 1996; Garm and
Bielecki, 2008). What we have shown here is that the eye type
mainly governing this behaviour is the LLE. The swim pacemaker
is also involved in the feeding behaviour by slowing down when
experiencing an increase in light intensity, which prolongs the
time the medusae stay in the light shaft where they feed (Garm
and Bielecki, 2008). From our results it is again evident that this
part of the feeding behaviour is largely controlled by the LLE.
Hence, all of the cubozoan behaviours so far proven to be visually
guided are controlled by the LLE (present results) (Garm et al.,
2007a). To better understand the cubozoan visual system it is now
important to find out what roles the other eye types play in the
behavioural control of the medusae. The obvious place to start is
to reveal the behavioural significance of the swim pacemaker
control by the ULE and PE shown here.
0-10 10-20 20-3030-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 100-110 110-120 120-130130-140 140-150 150-160 160-170 170-180 180-190 190-200 200-210 210-220 220-230230-240 240-250 250-260 260-270 270-280 280-290 290-300 300-310 310-320 320-330330-340 340-350 350-360 360-370 370-380 380-390 390-400 400-410 410-420
0-10 10-20 20-3030-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 100-110 110-120 120-130130-140140-150 150-160 160-170 170-180 180-190 190-200 200-210 210-220 220-230230-240 240-250 250-260 260-270 270-280 280-290 290-300 300-310 310-320 320-330330-340 340-350 350-360360-370 370-380 380-390 390-400 400-410 410-420
lle 2,5v
lle 1,9v
lle 1 ,3v
lle 0,7v
lle 0,1v
0-10 10-20 20-3030-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 100-110110-120 120-130130-140 140-150 150-160 160-170 170-180 180-190 190-200 200-210 210-220 220-230230-240 240-250 250-260 260-270 270-280 280-290 290-300 300-310 310-320 320-330330-340 340-350 350-360 360-370 370-380 380-390 390-400 400-410 410-420
0-10 10-20 20-3030-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 100-110110-120 120-130130-140 140-150 150-160 160-170 170-180 180-190 190-200 200-210 210-220 220-230230-240 240-250 250-260 260-270 270-280 280-290 290-300 300-310 310-320 320-330330-340 340-350 350-360 360-370 370-380 380-390 390-400 400-410 410-420
0-10 10-20 20-3030-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 100-110110-120 120-130130-140 140-150 150-160 160-170 170-180 180-190 190-200 200-210 210-220 220-230230-240 240-250 250-260 260-270 270-280 280-290 290-300 300-310 310-320 320-330330-340 340-350 350-360 360-370 370-380 380-390 390-400 400-410 410-420
0–10 200–210 410–420
Time interval (s)
Dark Dark
Pulse frequency (Hz)
ALower lens eye
Upper lens eye
Pit eye
Slit eye
1.1x10 W/sr/m
1.0x10 W/sr/m
9.6x10 W/sr/m
7.1x10 W/sr/m
8.7x10 W/sr/m
Fig.8. Effects of different light intensities.
In all five different types of stimulations
five different intensities were tested
covering ~1.1 log units. When the LLE or
NP was stimulated the response
magnitude during light was correlated
with the intensity of the light stimulus
(A,D). The stronger the light the higher
the mean pacemaker frequency during
the first 20s after light-on. In the case of
the PE, ULE and SE, no such correlation
is seen (B,C,E, see text for details). In
the case of the entire light-on period a
positive correlation between amplitude
and intensity was found for the NP and
PE. The situation is similar for the light-
off response where a correlation between
the frequency change and stimulus
intensity is again seen for the NP. LLE,
lower lens eye; PE, pit eye; NP, neuropil;
SE, slit eye; ULE, upper lens eye.
The authors appreciate the constructive comments offered by several members of
the Vision Group, Lund University and we truly thank Assoc. Prof. Poul Bennekou,
University of Copenhagen, for the generosity with his equipment. A.G. would also
like to acknowledge the grant # 272-07-0163 from the Danish Research Council
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A. Garm and S. Mori
... The lower lens eye is directed 60 • into the water and with a visual field of approximately 170 • scans the underwater environment for potentially dangerous objects [12,13]. It has been shown that the lower lens eye overrides the upper lens eye, indicating that underwater input is regarded of higher importance than above water input [25]. Intuitively a sensible prioritization since collision with the prop roots of the mangrove trees poses an immediate danger of inflicting fatal damage to the fragile box jellyfish bell. ...
... Conversely, a light-OFF stimulus to a light adapted lower lens eye will result in a sudden increase in pacemaker signal frequency. Whereas the light-ON response is long lasting (scale of minutes), the light-OFF response is transient and lasts about 10 s [25]. The pacemaker signal response is directly related to the foraging behavior of T. cystophora. ...
... The swim bell contractions are the only means of locomotion for the box jellyfish so the swim pacemaker signals can be used as indication of the behaviour of the animal. The advantage is, as mentioned, that we do not need to examine the entire animal to determine a behavioural reaction to a given visual stimulus [25,34]. ...
Full-text available
The rapidly expanding field of biomimetics emulates biological principles, distilled through evolutionary time, to solve problems in technology, medicine and material science. Information processing in neuronal circuitry of biological models may offer guidelines for future highly efficient computing systems exhibiting, as for example, low power consumption accompanied by excellent pattern recognition capabilities. Here, we consider the visual information processing in the nervous system of the box jellyfish Tripedalia cystophora as template for pattern recognition hardware to operate self-guiding robotic vehicles or automated driving assistants. LTspice XVII simulations of coupled relaxation-type oscillators, based on programmable unijunction transistors (PUTs), enabled the emulation of basal visual functionalities of the T. cystophora central nervous system. The transfer of such simulations in real hardware circuits including possible limitations are discussed.
... This difference in habitat complexity has been hypothesized to underpin the rise of complex eyes and why we see an increase in complexity of rhopalia and visual acuity in cubozoans compared to scyphozoans and hydromedusae (Coates 2003;Garm et al. 2007bGarm et al. , 2011O'Connor et al. 2009;Petie et al. 2013a;Seymour and O'hara 2020). Both scyphozoans and cubozoans use vision/light to inform the swim pacemaker, which is a neuronal central pattern generator that controls the rate of bell contractions (Passano 1965(Passano , 1973Satterlie 1979Satterlie , 2002Mackie and Meech 1995;Schuyler and Sullivan 1997;Garm and Bielecki 2008;Garm and Mori 2009). The pacemaker is a major part of visually guided behaviors and has been implicated in horizontal directional swimming, vertical diel migrations, and shadow-avoidance behaviors (Passano 1965;Yoshida and Ohtsu 1973;Arkett 1985;Arkett and Spencer 1986;Schuyler and Sullivan 1997;Satterlie 2002;Garm and Mori 2009). ...
... Both scyphozoans and cubozoans use vision/light to inform the swim pacemaker, which is a neuronal central pattern generator that controls the rate of bell contractions (Passano 1965(Passano , 1973Satterlie 1979Satterlie , 2002Mackie and Meech 1995;Schuyler and Sullivan 1997;Garm and Bielecki 2008;Garm and Mori 2009). The pacemaker is a major part of visually guided behaviors and has been implicated in horizontal directional swimming, vertical diel migrations, and shadow-avoidance behaviors (Passano 1965;Yoshida and Ohtsu 1973;Arkett 1985;Arkett and Spencer 1986;Schuyler and Sullivan 1997;Satterlie 2002;Garm and Mori 2009). ...
... Cubozoans show additional visually guided behaviors such as navigation (O'Connor et al. 2009;Garm et al. 2011;Seymour and O'hara 2020), obstacle avoidance (Garm et al. 2007b;Petie et al. 2013a), and the identification of light shafts for feeding (Buskey 2003;Garm and Bielecki 2008). Electrophysiological changes in pacemaker activity, which cause alterations in swim behavior, can be driven by different light conditions (Satterlie 1979(Satterlie , 2002Garm and Bielecki 2008;Garm and Mori 2009). For example, box jellyfish reduce contractions (sink) in high light intensity areas due to an inhibition of the pacemaker, while swimming contractions increase in lower light intensity areas. ...
Full-text available
Cnidarian photosensory systems exemplify distributed visual systems and are intriguing for a rich array of ecological and evolutionary questions. Here, we review what is known of photosensory systems in Cnidaria, in both larval and adult stages. We discuss the photobiology of cnidarians with attention to the phototransduction cascade, including cnidarian opsins, and summarize the visual organs known to be present in the phylum. Additionally, we summarize the diverse photobehaviors from medusozoan and anthozoan larvae and adults and discuss some ecological implications. We contextualize our discussion in light of distributed vision and highlight areas that warrant deeper investigation.KeywordsVisionEvolutionEyesCnidariaOpsinPhotosensitivityMedusozoaAnthozoa
... This has possible implications for the generality of the relationship across different animal species where metabolic activity can differ widely. One study was conducted on the visual sensory structures of the jellyfish (rhopalia) by measuring the output of pacemaker cells (Garm and Mori, 2009). The rhopalia modulates the output of these cells determining the basic swim movement in jellyfish (Garm and Mori, 2009;Katsuki and Greenspan, 2013). ...
... One study was conducted on the visual sensory structures of the jellyfish (rhopalia) by measuring the output of pacemaker cells (Garm and Mori, 2009). The rhopalia modulates the output of these cells determining the basic swim movement in jellyfish (Garm and Mori, 2009;Katsuki and Greenspan, 2013). ...
... The more independent investigations you have that reach the same result, the more confidence you can have that the conclusion is correct. Moreover, if one independent investigation produces a result that is at odds with the consilience of several other investigations, that is an indication that the error is probably in the methods of the adherent (Schäfer et al., 1988) Cat Touch (Adrian and Zotterman, 1926b;Chambers et al., 1972), proprioception (Boyd and Roberts, 1953;Matthews and Stein, 1969), hearing (Kiang, 1965), vision (Sakmann and Creutzfeldt, 1969), temperature (Handwerker and Neher, 1976) Ferret Hearing (Sumner and Palmer, 2012) Fish Electroreception (Hopkins, 1976), hearing (Fay, 1985), smell (Friedrich and Laurent, 2004), movement (Mogdans et al., 2017) Frog Proprioception (Adrian and Zotterman, 1926a;Loewenstein, 1956) Gerbil Hearing (Westerman and Smith, 1984;Ohlemiller and Siegel, 1998) Guinea pig Hearing (Smith and Zwislocki, 1975;Yates et al., 1985) Mouse Non-image based vision (Milner and Do, 2017) Pigeon Temperature (Schäfer et al., 1989) Rat Taste (Smith et al., 1978) Arthropoda Beetle Temperature (Merivee et al., 2003) Blowfly Taste (Maes and Harms, 1986) Caterpillar Taste (Bernays et al., 2002) Cockroach Proprioception (Ridgel et al., 2000) Crayfish Proprioception (Brown and Stein, 1966;Barrio et al., 1988) Fruit fly Smell (De Bruyne et al., 1999;Kim et al., 2011;Martelli et al., 2013), taste (Gothilf et al., 1971) Mosquito Smell (Davis, 1976), temperature (Gingl et al., 2005) Mollusca Squid Vision (Lange and Hartline, 1974) Cnidaria Jellyfish Vision (Garm and Mori, 2009) investigation, not in the conclusions of the consilience." 1 This work comprises a study of enormous breadth showing, perhaps for the first time, commonalities that exists across almost all sensory modalities and animal species. Evidence includes nearly 100 years of data from eight major sensory modalities, derived from organisms from four major phyla in Animalia (see Table 2). ...
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Measurements of the peripheral sensory adaptation response were compared to a simple mathematical relationship involving the spontaneous, peak, and steady-state activities. This relationship is based on the geometric mean and is found to be obeyed to good approximation in peripheral sensory units showing a sustained response to prolonged stimulation. From an extensive review of past studies, the geometric mean relationship is shown to be independent of modality and is satisfied in a wide range of animal species. The consilience of evidence, from nearly 100 years of experiments beginning with the work of Edgar Adrian, suggests that this is a fundamental result of neurophysiology.
... 21 The swim pacemaker frequency is strongly influenced by the visual input to the rhopalium. 22 The behavioral repertoire of T. cystophora is intimately connected to their mangrove lagoon habitat where the jellyfish forage on copepod prey found between prop roots of the Rhizophora mangle trees growing at the edge of the lagoon. 23,24 Particularly important for the medusa is to avoid damage to their fragile body, which happens through collisions with the prop roots. ...
... (ii) Adjusting for the angular size of the moving bar would result in changes in overall light intensity of the projecting screen, which would affect the light ON/OFF response involved in detecting mangrove light shafts. 22,23 The movement direction of the obstacle (right-to-left or left-to-right) was determined by the micro-orientation of the LLE. Ideally, the eye was placed perpendicular to the projecting screen, but this was not always exact. ...
... The Cnidaria (including the jellyfish Aglantha digitale, the coral Acropora millipora and the hydra Hydra vulgaris) is considered a basal animal group [43,44]. The nervous system of Cnidaria has no central brain, and the control flow of the organism is organized by local interactions between sensory elements and local effectors [43,45]. Nerve networks are anatomically diffuse but not random and not without differentiation [46]. ...
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The evolutionary history of animal cognition appears to involve a few major transitions: major changes that opened up new phylogenetic possibilities for cognition. Here, we review and contrast current transitional accounts of cognitive evolution. We discuss how an important feature of an evolutionary transition should be that it changes what is evolvable, so that the possible phenotypic spaces before and after a transition are different. We develop an account of cognitive evolution that focuses on how selection might act on the computational architecture of nervous systems. Selection for operational efficiency or robustness can drive changes in computational architecture that then make new types of cognition evolvable. We propose five major transitions in the evolution of animal nervous systems. Each of these gave rise to a different type of computational architecture that changed the evolvability of a lineage and allowed the evolution of new cognitive capacities. Transitional accounts have value in that they allow a big-picture perspective of macroevolution by focusing on changes that have had major consequences. For cognitive evolution, however, we argue it is most useful to focus on evolutionary changes to the nervous system that changed what is evolvable, rather than to focus on specific cognitive capacities.
... Behavioral experiments can reveal these neural representations because visually mediated behaviors reflect integrated visual information rather than input from single photoreceptive organs (Chappell et al., 2021). Additionally, bottom-up neuroanatomical approaches allow us to investigate where and how visual information is integrated and processed, which is largely unknown for many distributed visual systems (Spagnolia and Wilkens, 1983;Garm and Mori, 2009). Thus far, our knowledge of biological visual processing is mostly limited to studies on animals with brains, but some animals with distributed visual systems have relatively decentralized nervous systems without prominent central processing structures. ...
The marine mollusc Acanthopleura granulata (Mollusca; Polyplacophora) has a distributed visual array composed of hundreds of small image-forming eyes embedded within its eight dorsal shell-plates. As in other animals with distributed visual systems, we still have a poor understanding of the visual capabilities of A. granulata and we have yet to learn where and how it processes visual information. Using behavioral trials involving isoluminant looming visual stimuli, we found that A. granulata demonstrates spatial vision with an angular resolution of 6°. We also found that A. granulata responds to looming stimuli defined by contrasting angles of linear polarization. To learn where and how A. granulata processes visual information, we traced optic nerves using fluorescent lipophilic dyes. We found that the optic nerves innervate the underlying lateral neuropil, a neural tissue layer that circumnavigates the body. Adjacent optic nerves innervate the lateral neuropil with highly overlapping arborizations, suggesting it is the site of an integrated visuotopic map. Using immunohistochemistry, we found that A. granulata's lateral neuropil is subdivided into two separate layers. In comparison, we found a chiton with eyespots (Chiton tuberculatus) and two eyeless chitons (Ischnochiton papillosus and Chaetopleura apiculata) have lateral neuropil that is a singular circular layer without subdivision, findings consistent with previous work on chiton neuroanatomy. Overall, our results suggest that A. granulata effectuates its visually mediated behaviors using a unique processing scheme - it extracts spatial and polarization information using a distributed visual system, and then integrates and processes that information using decentralized neural circuits.
... Through behavioural, morphological, and physiological examinations, we seek to test the following two hypotheses. (1) Each pair of eyes serve different purposes as seen in some other multi-eyed visual systems (Garm and Mori, 2009;Menda et al., 2014), which is reflected in differences in physiology and/or morphology. (2) The eyes of the bioluminescent H. imbricata will be optimized to detect the light emitted by their autotomized scales. ...
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Annelids constitute a diverse phylum with more than 19000 species, exhibiting greatly varying morphologies and lifestyles ranging from sessile detritivores to fast swimming active predators. The lifestyle of an animal is closely linked to its sensory systems not least the visual equipment. Interestingly, many errant annelid species from different families such as the scale worms, Polynoidae, share the same two pairs of eyes on their prostomium. These eyes are typically 100-200 µm in diameter and structurally similar judged from the gross morphology. The polynoids, Harmothoe imbricata and Lepidonotus squamatus from the North Atlantic are both benthic predators preying on small invertebrates but only H. imbricata can produce bioluminescence in their scales. Here we have examined their eye morphology, photoreceptor physiology, and light guided behaviour in order to assess their visual capacity and visual ecology. Whereas the structure and physiology of the two pairs of eyes are remarkably similar within species, the only difference being the gaze direction, the photoreceptor physiology differs between the two species. Both species express a single opsin in their eyes but in H. imbricata the peak sensitivity is green shifted and the temporal resolution is lower, suggesting that the eyes of H. imbricata are adapted to detect their own bioluminescence. The behavioural experiments showed that both species are strictly night active but yielded no support to the hypothesis that H. imbricata are repelled by their own bioluminescence.
Cells and organisms are continuously confronted with an erratically changing muddle of signals. To survive in such environments it is necessary to identify essential signals to generate appropriate information for survival under consideration of internal requirements. Inherited from the evolution within a unicellular world are cellular information processes also common to multicellular organisms. For energetic and systemic reasons in all cells and organisms evolved—interdependent with morphological and eco-physiological properties—limited potentials for signal perception and information processing. These general rules are also valid for neuronal information systems, evolved as peculiarities in mobile animals for deterministic co-ordination of their locomotion within the dynamic framework of endogenous and external signals.
The radially symmetric body of starfish has major implications on their nervous system including eyes and vision. All the up to 50 arms are structurally identical, and most examined species have a small compound eye basally on the terminal tube foot of each arm. The 20–300 ommatidia of the compound eyes are lens-less but hold approximately 100 photoreceptors with outer segments made of a combination of microvilli and a modified cilium. The eyes support image forming vision but of low spatial resolution and extremely low temporal resolution with flicker fusion frequencies ≤1 Hz. Starfish are color-blind, and vision seems to be based on a single rhabdomeric opsin although many other types of opsins are expressed in their eyes. Starfish also possess extraocular photoreceptors, but little is known about their identity and function. Not many visually guided behaviors are known from starfish so far, but habitat recognition is well documented in a couple of tropical species. More behavioral data are urgently needed, but interestingly, recent data suggest that at least in some situations vision is integrated with olfaction and rheotaxis forming a sensory hierarchy, where olfaction is dominating. Such processing and integration putatively take place in the central nervous system. The eyes are direct extensions of the radial nerve, which constitute the major part of the CNS of starfish and other echinoderms. In general, the echinoderm CNS is enigmatic and the functionality is at best speculative. Here we present new data showing differentiations of the radial nerve along the length of the arms and differences in radial nerve structure between eye-possessing and eyeless species.KeywordsCompound eyesOmmatidiaLow resolution visionRadial nerveSea starRadial symmetryEchinodermTemporal resolutionHabitat recognition
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We argue that cognitive functions are not reducible to biological functionality. Since only neural animals can develop complex forms of agency, we assume that genuinely cognitive processes are deeply related with the activity of the nervous system. We first analyze the significance of the appearance of the nervous system in certain multicellular organisms (i.e., eumetazoa), arguing that it has changed the logic of their biological organization. Then, we focus on the appearance of specifically cognitive capacities within the nervous system. Considering a case of a minimal form of perceptual representation (as it happens in the visual system of cubozoan medusae), we analyze the specific functional role of this minimal form of (cognitive) activity in relatively earlier nervous systems, arguing that though this role is only understandable within a biological organization, yet it is not reducible to the underlying biological functionality. Finally, we conclude that the appearance of cognition is in turn linked to the emergence of an autonomous neurodynamic domain and a qualitative change in body complexity.
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Hydra's response to a light pulse is a phase shift of the state of bioelectric activity correlated with the periodic shortening-elongation behaviour. The direction and absolute value of a phase shift depend on intensity, direction, application phase (along the periodic activity state). and wavelength of the light pulse. Repetitive pulses entrain the behavioural cycle. The period of the behavioural cycle depends on intensity and wavelength of steady background illumination; however. the light effect is not exerted isotropically along all the phases of the behavioural cycle. Inferences are drawn on light influence on the behaviour pacemaking mechanism. By using polyclonal antibodies against squid rhodopsin, an opsin-like protein has, presumably in sensory cells.
Some years ago it was fashionable to hope that the nervous system of some coelenterate would be simple enough so that it could be ‘described completely’, either functionally, morphologically or, ideally, both. But now, for at least three reasons, this approach has palled. In the first place, the nervous system seems more complex, with the passing of the simplistic view that the functional units are always neurons, linked together by standardized junctions. At least in other, ‘higher’ forms, there are many different kinds of synapses, even within single neurons; single neurons can subserve more than one function in an organism, even at the same time. Secondly, non-nervous components in coelenterate coordinating systems are now known to be basic elements in behavioral control (Mackie, 1970). Finally, behavioral studies always reveal greater complexity than was previously imagined.
1. The photosensitive 'O' system neurons showed a graded hyperpolarization during various 'instantaneous' decreases in light intensity and graded depolarization during increases in light intensity. The 'O' system failed to respond to 'instantaneous' changes in light intensity of less than about 28% (Fig. 1a). 2. The two motor systems, the SMNs and 'B' system which drive swimming muscle and tentacle contractions respectively, showed graded depolarizations and spiking frequencies during various 'instantaneous' decreases in light intensity (Fig. 1b, c). Increases in light intensity initially cause hyperpolarizations of these two systems. The SMNs failed to respond to 'instantaneous' changes in light intensity of less than about 26% (Fig. 1b). 3. The 'O' system and SMNs respond with little habituation to repetitive changes in light intensity. Each system shows a near constant response to 'instantaneous' 100% changes in light intensity to all except the lowest light intensities tested (Figs. 2, 3). 4. The rate of 'O' system hyperpolization is directly proportional to the rate of percentage decrease in light intensity (Figs. 4, 5, 7a). 5. The SMNs and 'B' system show graded depolarizations and changes in spiking frequencies during 'slow', continuous decreases in light intensity. These two motor systems also show graded hyperpolizations during 'slow' increases in light intensity (Figs. 6, 7). 6. The 'O' system neurons show properties common to photoreceptors in general, namely graded responses to light intensity changes and electrical coupling between adjacent cells.
The cubozoan Carybdea rastonii occurs throughout the Pacific and is very abundant in areas of South Australia. C. rastonii has been observed feeding in the field on mysids and larval fish and on Anemia and fish in the laboratory. The medusae occur in swarms and are closely associated with sand patches during the day (but are not capable of attachment like C. sivickisi) and move up to the surface at dawn and dusk. The species is dioecious and the males secrete a sperm strand that may be picked up by the female. This study provides some preliminary observations on the behaviour and ecology of the cubomedusan Carybdea rastonii to stimulate further research on the mechanisms of sensory perception within the order Cubozoa. Observations on the nematocysts and the optic system are presented along with field and laboratory observations on anatomy and behaviour. The evidence for the role of vision in cubozoan behaviour is discussed.
Juvenile Chironex fleckeri medusae were maintained in aquaria for several months, One individual was raised over a nine-month period to subadult condition for the first time. The medusae did not feed naturally in most aquaria but they accepted and digested prey items placed by hand onto the manubrium. Medusae maintained in planktonkreisels, however, extended tentacles and captured and ingested live Acetes, large prawns and fish by subumbrellar flexing of the pedalia. Digestion of prey was rapid and food particles were circulated directionally through functional canals and lacunae primarily by contractions of the bell but also by peristaltic contractions of interradial gastrovascular tissues. In the laboratory, medusae visually reacted to dark objects by swimming away from them. Swimming behaviour of medusae in the sea and natural predation by green turtles (Chelonia mydas) on C. fleckeri are described.
1.Swimming in the cubomedusaCarybdea rastonii is controlled by a subumbrellar nerve net. Neurons that make up this net, including “giant” neurons, make random synaptic contacts with each other and with the circular subumbrellar swimming muscles (Figs. 1–3).2.Extracellularly recorded swimming impulses originate in the rhopalia and spread throughout the subumbrellar nerve net, initiating contractions of the subumbrellar musculature (Fig. 4).3.Intracellular recordings from the subumbrellar giant neurons indicate that all-or-none overshooting action potentials precede each swimming contraction (Fig. 6). Synaptic depolarizations were occasionally recorded alone, and triggering an action potential (Fig. 6C, E).4.Extracellularly recorded muscle potentials exhibit frequency-dependent facilitation, with normal swimming at about 80% of the maximal contraction of the muscle sheet (Figs. 4 and 5).5.Intracellular recordings from subumbrellar muscle cells reveal graded depolarizations with each contraction of the muscle sheet. The jagged potentials are initially small and increase in amplitude with the first few contractions in a series (Fig. 7). The increases in muscle cell depolarizations may be related to the facilitation in the size of extracellularly recorded muscle potentials.6.Pacemakers of the four rhopalia interact by a dominance hierarchy; the rhopalium with the highest firing frequency controls swimming. Dominance shifts have been observed in two-rhopalia preparations (Fig. 8 A), and facilitation of the musculature often occurs independently of rhopalial sequence (Fig. 8B).7.The swimming system ofCarybdea is comparable to the “giant fiber nerve net (GFNN)” of other scyphomedusae.
A variety of photic stimuli were presented to the hydromedusan Polyorchis pen icillatus under controlled conditions to characterize the photic responses of various sizes of P. penicillatus and to determine the role of these responses in its behavior. “¿�Treadmill” experiments showed that for all but very small hydromedusae, swimming frequencies at different constant light intensities did not differ. Swimming frequency of P. penicillatus was, however, directly proportional to rates of decrease in light in tensity. Slowlyincreasing light intensity caused an inhibition of swimming and “¿�crum pling.”Rapid, 100%shadows of various absolute magnitudes usually caused only a single swimming contraction. The maximal response to rapid shadows of monochro matic light occurred around 450â€"550 nm. These results suggest that the shadow re sponse of P. penicillatus does not function in predator avoidance, but more likely contributes to nighttime upward movement in the water column. The inhibition of swimming during increasing light intensity may initiate dawn sinking. Most of the photic responses of P. penicillatus show size- (age) related differences which may result in ontogenic changes in distribution and feeding behavior.