The Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) is the first comprehensive classification of treatments that nurses perform. It is a standardized language of both nurse-initiated and physician-initiated nursing treatments. An alphabetical listing of 336 interventions was published in a book in May 1992 [Iowa Intervention Project, McCloskey, J. C., & Bulechek, G. M. (eds). Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC). St. Louis: Mosby-Year Book]. Each NIC intervention is composed of a label, a definition, a set of activities that a nurse does to carry out the intervention, and a short list of background readings. NIC interventions include: the physiological (e.g., Acid-Base Management, Airway Suctioning, Pressure Ulcer Care) and the psychosocial (e.g., Anxiety Reduction, Preparatory Sensory Information, Home Maintenance Assistance); illness treatment (e.g., Hyperglycemia Management, Ostomy Care, Shock Management), illness prevention (e.g., Fall Prevention, Infection Protection, Immunization/Vaccination Administration), and health promotion (e.g., Exercise Promotion, Nutrition Management, Smoking Cessation Assistance); and those used for individuals and those for families (e.g., Family Integrity Promotion, Family Support). Most recently, indirect care interventions (e.g., Emergency Cart Checking, Supply Management) have been developed. Research methods used to develop the classification include content analysis, expert survey, focus group review, similarity analysis, and hierarchical cluster analysis. The research, conducted by a large team of investigators at the University of Iowa and supported by the National Institute of Nursing Research, is ongoing. Since the 1992 publication, approximately 50 additional interventions have been developed, a taxonomic structure has been constructed and validated, a feedback and review system has been established and implemented, NIC interventions have been linked to nursing diagnoses, and five clinical agencies are serving as field sites to study the implementation process of NIC in nursing information systems. A numerical coding system for the interventions will be available in 1995. A second edition of the NIC book is in early preparation and will be available from Mosby-Year Book in early 1996. NIC facilitates the implementation of a Nursing Minimum Data Set. The use of NIC to plan and document care will facilitate the collection of large databases that will allow us to study the effectiveness and cost of nursing treatments. The use of standardized language provides for the continuity of care and enhances communication between nurses and other providers. NIC provides nursing with the treatment language that is essential for the computerized health care record. The domains and classes provide a description of the essence of nursing. NIC is helpful in representing nursing to the public and in socializing students to the profession. The coded interventions can be used in documentation and in reimbursement. For the first time in the history of nursing, nurses have a language which can be used to describe their treatments. The language is comprehensive and can be used by nurses in all settings and in all specialties. poster, giving an overview of the development of NIC, will be accompanied by a display of books and publications about NIC and its use.