
Mohelenská hadcová step - historie vzniku rezervace a jejího výzkumu /

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... However, many more species remained unconfi rmed on the Steppe by this survey. Such diff erences could be caused by major changes in biotopes of the Steppe that have occurred over the past decades, being particularly manifested by a sharp increase in the degree of steppe's coverage with woody species and by related microclimatic changes (Veselý, 2002(Veselý, , 2010. This problem has not been addressed for many years. ...
... They o en include very rare species that have their northern boundary of occurrence in the Steppe in spite of the fact that the Steppe is located at the foothills of the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands (Českomoravská vysočina). Veselý (2002Veselý ( , 2010 worked up a detailed description of the site, including the description of changes that have occurred on the Steppe over the past 70 years. ...
... The construction of a storage reservoir of water for nuclear power in Dukovany (i. s. near Mohelno) is one of the key factors (Veselý, 2002). The absence of previously recorded species is remarkable and cannot be compensated with fi rstly recorded species (61 fi rst records + 115 confi rmed species). ...
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Mohelno serpentine steppe (Mohelenská hadcová step) is a unique natural habitat of European importance. Since its last apidologic proper survey passed about 70 years. The objective of this work was to summarize the results of the apidological survey performed in the national nature reserve Mohelno Serpentine Steppe in a period of 2010–2011, characterize current changes in the composition of bee populations and propose recommendations for the management of this nature reserve.The survey was performed within 20 days and includes a total of 91 hours of observations in the field with exact records of survey localization and weather. A total of 2705 bee individuals were caught using an insect net and examined. 71 to 276 bee individuals were identified on individual days of monitoring. The bee density varied in a range of 18.4–87.1 bees per hour of the pure time of sampling. A total of 176 bee species were identified. 115 bee species from the original list of 232 bee species were confirmed by this survey (50 %). Species that were not confirmed could disappear as a result of changes which have occurred in the Steppe biotope over the past 40 years or their disappearance is generally associated with changes in the population of a particular species in Moravia. The disappearance of 17 % of unconfirmed species (20 species) from the Steppe is very likely to occur but it is not associated with general changes in the population of these species in southern Moravia. 61 out of 176 bee species were recorded in the Steppe for the first time. Pyrobombus lapidarius was eudominant. The highest dominance was observed for Halictus simplex as a representative of the solitary species and for Nomada succincta as a representative of cleptoparasites. However, the major part of cleptoparasites (66 %) was not confirmed. The Shannon’s index (H’ = 3.97), Equitability (e = 0.77) and the Simpson’s index (c = 0.04) were determined for bee populations. The following species occurred on the Steppe: a) ubiquitous species with an abnormally small population (49 species) and b) steppe specialists (xerothermophile) with abnormally abundant populations and strongly competitive to ubiquitous species (9 species). The survey revealed a significant decrease in the diversity of apidofauna on the Steppe, showing that the degradation change took place only partially and that some rare xerothermophile species on the Steppe were preserved. The composition of apidofauna still maintains its predominant xerothermophile character. The results of the survey were used to propose recommendations for managing the maintenance of the national nature reserve Mohelno Serpentine Steppe.
... In 1933, a nature reserve was finally established on an area of 50 ha to prevent the steppe from being destroyed by stone mining. Intensive research continued in the reserve, resulting in a series of seven edited volumes published between 1934 and 1948 presenting knowledge in several fields (geology, soil science, climatology, botany and zoology; Veselý 2002). ...
... Repeated sampling of vegetation plots recorded by J. Horák in the 1950s revealed a substantial decrease in vegetation diversity by 2002(Hédl & Szabó 2009Kopecký et al. 2013;Müllerová et al. 2014 The flora is similar to that of the National Nature Reserve Děvín-Kotel-Soutěska. There is a small population of Salvia aethiopis, considered the only native occurrence of this species in the Czech Republic, above the southern slope of Stolová hora. ...
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The botanical guide was prepared for the 58th Annual Symposium of the International Association for Vegetation Science (IAVS), held in Brno in the Czech Republic on 19–24 July 2015. After an introduction and a brief description of geography and biogeography of Moravia, 16 botanical sites discribed: 1 Žďár Hills (1a Dářko National Nature Reserve, Louky u Černého lesa Nature Monument, 1c Žákova hora National Nature Reserve), 2 Podyjí National Park (2a Ledové sluje ridge, 2b Dyje valley near Hardegg, 2c Šobes meander, 2d Havraníky-Znojmo heathlands), 3 Mohelno Serpentinite Steppe; 4 Krumlov-Rokytná Conglomerates, 5 Krumlov Wood, 6 Moravian Karst (6a Hády Hill, 6b Říčka valley, 6c Josefov valley, 6d Macocha abyss and the karst valleys nearby), 7 Pouzdřany Steppe and Kolby Wood, 8 Pavlov Hills (8a Děvín Hill, 8b Tabulová National Nature Reserve, 8c Svatý kopeček Nature Reserve), 9 Milovická stráň Nature Reserve, 10 Dyje floodplain near Lednice (Lednice-Valtice Cultural Landscape; 10a Křivé jezero National Nature Reserve, 10b Lednice Chateau Park, 10c Pavelka Meadow), 11 Dyje-Morava floodplain near Lanžhot (J. Danihelka, V. Grulich & K. Šumberová), 12 Špidláky Nature Reserve, 13 Hodonínská Dúbrava Wood, 14 White Carpathian Mountains (14a Čertoryje meadows, 14b Zahrady pod Hájem meadows), 5 Hrubý Jeseník Mountains (15a Ovčárna chalet and Sedlové peatbog ,15b Mount Petrovy kameny, 15c Velká kotlina cirque), and 16 Botanical Garden of the Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Brno). For each of the sites, a brief geographic and biogeographic description is given, usually followed by information on landscape history, nature conservation, vegetation and flora. A list of plant species is given for all sites. Illustrations include a map, photographs of landscape, remarkable vegetion types and plants. The book also includes a list of vegetation units mentioned in the text and an index of species photographs.
... Since this species needs bare, sunlit stone walls for its nests (Baťa 1942, Mader 2001 we presume that quarries and other mining areas may potentially provide suitable new artificial habitats its survival in the future. Historically the species occurred e.g. at Mohelno serpentine steppe in Moravia (Šnoflák 1944), where the locality was intensively grazed, and some parts were also mined for road pavements and building (Veselý 2002). The termination of these activities after World War II probably resulted in the complete extinction of local populations of Megachile parietina there (Přidal & Veselý 2011, Přidal 2015. ...
Vládek A., Tichý L., Přidal A. 2021: A new locality with recent occurrences of Megachile parietina in the Czech Republic (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Megachilidae). Klapalekiana 57: 147–150. Megachile (Chalicodoma) parietina (Geoffroy, 1785) is a rare and very endangered dauber bee species in Central Europe. During the last 20 years, it has only been reported from two areas in the Czech Republic. During the summer of 2019 we found a large population in the Mokrá active limestone quarry. The abundance of this species, in the context of its bionomics, seems to be related to the mining activities in the large limestone quarry with many types of artificial biotopes, which serve as a suitable secondary habitat for its survival.
... Tento problém (mnohdy navíc spojen s invazními, expanzně se šířícími druhy) byl popsán z mnoha míst. Například ve dvou nejznámějších rezervacích CHKO Pálava klesla za uplynulé století rozloha bezlesí na necelou polovinu (Miklín, 2012), dřevinami zarůstala NPR Mohelenská hadcová step (Veselý, 2002), aktivní management druhově mimořádně bohatých luk je intenzivně řešen v CHKO Bílé Karpaty (Jongepierová, 2008). Spolu s bezlesím začaly z krajiny mizet druhy, které jej ke svému životu potřebují; nejznámější jsou příklady hmyzu (Konvička a kol., 2005), ale problém se týká prakticky všech skupin bioty. ...
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Není tomu tak dávno, co velká část českých lesů vypadala značně jinak než dnes. Namísto hustého, zapojeného lesa prolnutého mozaikou holých sečí mnohde rostly otevřené, různě strukturované porosty, dnes bychom snad řekli parkového typu. V jejich specifických podmínkách se dařilo mnohým druhům, které dnes patří k těm u nás nejohroženějším. Za jejich úbytkem stojí jak změny intenzity lesního hospodaření, tak často také paradoxně ochranářský management. V článku popisujeme změny krajiny v oblasti soutoku Moravy a Dyje v uplynulém století, jejich důsledky pro biodiverzitu oblasti – konkrétně výskyt starých a solitérních stromů, a vhodná managementová opatření. V celkovém kontextu by měla práce upozornit na vliv člověka na biodiverzitu, nutnost vhodné péče o chráněná území a být podkladem pro diskuzi o aktuálním tématu ochrany přírody.
... This territory is of an extreme importance for the preservation of both the Czech and Central European gene pool. That's why the Ministry of Education, Science and Art declared it on 11 December 1952 the Mohelno Serpentine Steppe NNR (VESELÝ, 2002b). The long-term measurements carried out over the last years have shown a gradual increase in the shrub and tree cover, and an overgrowing vegetation cover on the plateau. ...
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The aim of this research was to assess the implications of sheep grazing for the nutritional value of the vegetation in the Mohelno Serpentine Steppe National Nature Reserve (NNR). A free pasture controlled by an electric fence was practised from 1997 to 1998. The German Merino sheep were grazing on an area of 4.25 and 6 ha with a pasture load of 6.8-9.4 sheep per 1 ha in 1997 and 6.7-8.7 sheep per 1 ha in 1998. The steppe vegetation samples were collected from five different sites reflecting the phytocenological composition typical of the individual steppe areas. The vegetation samples were collected on an area of 3×1 m2 during the growing season at two-week intervals. The collected samples were tested for the amount of dry matter, fibre, nitrogenous substances, fat, ash, nitrogen-free extractive substances (NFES), gross energy (GE), metabolic energy (ME), lactation net energy (LNE), fattening net energy (FNE), PDIN and PDIE (PDI - referring to the factually digestible nitrogenous substances in the small intestine of the ruminants). During pasture there was a decrease in the dry matter levels but its average levels remained high (35.45-46.78%). The effect on the nitrogenous levels became apparent (P < 0.05) mainly in the second year of grazing (10.00-10.94% compared to 11.64-19.35% in the vegetation dry matter). However, in comparison with the pasture vegetation the effect remained less significant. A similar situation was observed in relation to the fluctuation of PDIN and PDIE (64.60-70.71 compared to 75.18-124.98 g/kg of the dry matter and 79.03-82.71 compared to 89.41-29.27 g/kg of the dry matter respectively). The fat levels (3.80-4.02%) were not affected by the site (P < 0.05) but the specific utilization. The grazing brought about a marked increase in the fat levels (P < 0.001). The amount of the fibre during the first year was affected only in terms of its decreased site variability (29.60-31.31%). The conclusive evidence (P < 0.05) of the decrease did not appear until the second year of grazing (21.76-27.88%). In the course of the pasture the ash levels identified in the dry matter were fluctuating between 8.74-10.19% depending on the site conditions and the form of utilization. Considerably high levels (P < 0.05) were recorded on more intensely grazed areas. NFES levels in the step areas (45.16-47.26%) were steady both in terms of the site conditions and the form of utilization. The energy levels did not reflect the site variability. The ME, LNE and FNE levels (9.39-9.79; 5.52-5.80 and 5.34-5.69 MJ per kg of the dry matter respectively) were affected by the form of utilization. During the pasture the site variability of the energy levels decreased. There was also a substantial increase in the amount of energy established in the dry matter, which rose to the levels usual for pasture vegetation.
... Veselý 2002;Möllenbeck et al. 2009). This biologically naive approach is responsible for degradation of protected grasslands in, for example, former Czechoslovakia, where the active conservation-oriented management started as late as in the 1980s (Veselý 2002). The extent of the conservation management is still insufficient at present, and dry-grassland area and quality are further deteriorating. ...
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Temperate grasslands are local biodiversity hotspots. In Europe, their extent was mostly reduced to isolated habitat patches, whose biota is subject to extinction debt. Knowledge on requirements of dry-grassland inhabitants is thus vital to slow down decline of grassland biodiversity. We studied habitat requirements of eight flightless steppe beetles, including some of the most endangered dry-grassland specialists of the continent. The beetles were sampled using 167 pitfall traps at a pannonian dry-grassland fragment, the Pouzdrany steppe, SE Czech Republic, from March to November 2006. The number of each species captures in each trap was related to vegetation and abiotic habitat characteristics; captures of all beetles were related to each other. Two of the studied species required relatively humid microhabitats, including tall-grass steppe with litter (Carabus hungaricus, Carabidae) and grassland of high herb cover (Meloe proscarabaeus, Meloidae). Others were associated with xeric habitats (e.g. Meloe scabriusculus) and their early-successional stages, including short-turf vegetation (Dorcadion fulvum, D. pedestre, Cerambycidae) and/or bare-ground patches (Blaps lethifera, Tenebrionidae; Meloe decorus, M. uralensis). Our findings point to key importance of early-successional vegetation for grassland biodiversity, and to the fact that locally co-occurring and closely related grassland specialists may exhibit contrasting habitat needs. Spatially and temporarily highly diversified patch management creating a fine scale mosaic of various seral stages from bare soil to tall-grass steppe is therefore the most appropriate approach for managing isolated grasslands. Prescribed burning and support of burrowing herbivores are recommended and discussed together with other measures for restoration of habitat diversity in dry-grassland fragments.
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Metodika zahrnuje všechny přírodní biotopy v České republice a věnuje se péči o ohrožené zástupce jak nočních, tak denních motýlů. Naopak všechny předchozí studie se omezovaly jen na stanoviště lesní nebo nelesní, případně motýly denní nebo noční. Vedle důkladné znalosti relevantní literatury používá Metodika údaje o početnosti, stanovištní vazbě a nárocích na péči jednotlivých druhů získané z obrovských objemů dat, shromážděných pro denní motýly, a pro tzv. „malé čeledi“ motýlů nočních, v databázi „Mapování motýlů České republiky“. Na sběru dat se podílejí ročně stovky amatérů i profesionálů. S nejaktivnějšími z nich autoři konzultovali stanovištní nároky druhů, navíc lokality prakticky všech ohrožených druhů byly navštíveny v roce zpracování Metodiky a nároky ohrožených druhů upřesněny. Novátorská je analýza příčin ohrožení, konfrontující moderní poznatky o ohrožení denních a nočních motýlů, stejně jako přístup k jednotlivým typům stanovišť, které jsou pojímány spíš podle celkové fysiognomie vegetačního krytu než podle druhového složení. Vedle standardních zemědělských (seč, pastva) a lesnických (prosvětlování korunového patra, pěstování nízkých a středních lesů) doporučení obsahuje metodika i diskusi k perspektivním přístupům – radikálnějšímu mechanickému managementu a volné pastvě velkých herbivorů, která je slibnou alternativou pro velká a různorodá území.
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