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Clusters as Large-Scale Development Facilities
Rémy Evard, Narayan Desai, John-Paul Navarro, and Daniel Nurmi
Argonne National Laboratory
{evard, desai, navarro, nurmi}
This work was supported by the Mathematical, Information, and Computational Sciences Division subprogram of the Office of Advanced Scientific
Computing Research, U.S. Dept. of Energy, under Contract W-31-109-ENG-38.
In this paper, we describe the use of a cluster as a
generalized facility for development. A development
facility is a system used primarily for testing and
development activities while being operated reliably for
many users. We are in the midst of a project to build and
operate a large-scale development facility. We discuss
our motivation for using clusters in this way and compare
the model with a classic computing facility. We describe
our experiences and findings from the first phase of this
project. Many of these observations are relevant to the
design of standard clusters and to future development
1.1. Background
The objective of Argonne National Laboratory’s Chiba
City Project [1] is to provide a computing platform for
development and testing of large-scale high-performance
computing software while carrying out research in
systems software (i.e., the software needed to manage and
operate the systems and to support applications). We
have two primary motivations for this work:
• Scalability is a fundamental goal of high-
performance computing. Much research during
the past decade has demonstrated that the
primary barrier to achieving systems scalability
is scalability of systems software.
• Researchers investigating paths to petaflops-
capable systems in the early and mid-1990s
identified multiple possible hardware technology
paths to petascale performance. Each of these
hardware paths, regardless of the technology
base, had one characteristic in common: the need
for increasing degrees of concurrency in future
systems. Future systems are likely to have
hundreds of thousands to millions of individual
In essence, future high-end systems will be
substantially larger scale than today’s systems, perhaps by
three or more orders of magnitude. System software,
libraries, and applications must be able to operate
effectively at this scale.
The explosive growth of commodity-based clusters has
reinforced these expectations. Many institutions have
demonstrated that one can effectively build very large
systems out of small and inexpensive individual
components. As processor technology continues to shrink
in size and cost, to increase in capability, and to become
specialized, clusters will continue to grow in size and
capability. The scalability of systems software, however,
has not kept pace with the growth of clusters. The
development of systems software that scales reliably
continues to be one of the biggest challenges in the cluster
computing community.
One of the barriers to the development of such systems
software is that facilities that support developing and
testing at scale are rare. The vast majority of large
computers in existence are dedicated to computational
simulation, not to development and testing. Developers
have only limited access and time on these systems, and
any kind of development that might destabilize the system
(such as file system or scheduler changes) must be done
with extreme care, if at all. The standard batch-queue
model of supercomputer scheduling is not conducive to
development or exploration of ideas, both of which tend
to require interaction. This situation substantially limits
the amount of research and development that can be put
into scalability issues, which in turn tends to cause people
to focus their effort in other directions.
The first Chiba City cluster was installed in 1999 as a
facility for large-scale development and testing in order to
help address the lack of testbeds for systems software
developers and to promote research into scalability issues
in all areas of high-performance computing. Demand for
Chiba City’s development capabilities is increasing
strongly. We are now in the process of designing the next
generation of the facility. In this paper, we describe our
Figure 1 – Chiba City Diagram
experiences and observations from the first phase of this
2. A Development and Testbed Facility
We designed and built Chiba City by incorporating our
own experience in supporting a decade of research
activities on a wide range of parallel platforms with the
designs of other clusters and input from potential early
users of the system. The capabilities of the system have
changed over time as we have come to better understand
the requirements of the testbed community. Here we
describe the initial capabilities and features of the system
that were focused on testbed activities.
2.1. System Components
To first order, Chiba City looks very much like a
standard cluster used for computational science (e.g. a
BEOWULF system [2]). (See Figure 1.) The
components of the system can be categorized as follows:
• User nodes (256). These nodes run the users’
• Login nodes (2). These are the front-end nodes,
with a full Linux computing environment. This
is where “jobs” are submitted to a scheduler.
• Management nodes (11). These systems
manage the user nodes but are not visible to the
• Storage nodes (8). These systems provide file
system service to the user nodes and are
accessible to users carrying out I/O experiments.
• Visualization nodes (32). These systems
support graphics and visualization experiments.
• Myrinet.
• Switched fast/gigabit Ethernet.
A more detailed description of the Chiba City
environment is in [1]. In practice this system organization
has worked fairly well.
2.2. The Management System
The management system has been essential to the
testbed activities. The cluster was designed around the
concept of having a robust and reliable management
system that could be used to manage and control the rest
of the cluster.
The physical components of the management system
include the following:
• The management nodes mentioned above. These
are organized hierarchically; one primary
management node controls all of the other
management nodes. Each of these in turn
controls and monitors up to thirty-two user
• A serial console infrastructure, allowing access
to all system consoles via the network. The
management system monitors the consoles for
status and occasionally issues commands over
8 User Towns
256 Dual Pentium III systems
1 Visualization Town
32 Pentium III systems
with Matrox G400 cards
1 Storage Town
8 Xeon systems
with 300G disk each
Cluster Management
12 PIII Mayor Systems
4 PIII Front End Systems
2 Xeon File Servers
3.4 TB disk
High Performance Net
64-bit Myrinet
Management Net
Gigabit and Fast Ethernet
Gigabit External Link
the consoles.
• A simple power control infrastructure that allows
administrators to power cycle any hardware in
the system.
Management of the system requires a suite of software
tools. Some of these are standard systems administration
and cluster tools from the open source community, while
others were developed in house. The most important of
these in relation to this paper is the “ChibaDB” – a
database of information about the cluster, including node
hardware information and node software configuration.
When a node is rebooted or rebuilt (as described in
section 4.1), the management system uses the database to
determine which operating system to install on that node.
2.3. System Use
While the cluster was to be dedicated to supporting
testbed activities, we also intended to support
computational science when cycles on the system were
available. Priorities for cluster use were set in this order:
1. Computer science researchers and developers.
2. Computational scientists who were willing to act
as testers of the potentially unstable system
3. Computational scientists testing code at large
4. Other potential users.
Under normal circumstances, a batch scheduler
mediates access to the cluster, just as if it were a standard
computational cluster.
2.4. Initial Capabilities
Based on the requirements identified by the initial
users of the system, we designed a system that gave users
the following abilities:
• On-Demand Access: the ability to run
programs on the system without waiting in the
batch queue. We have supported this in a
number of ways, some of which have changed
over time.
• Interactivity: the ability to interact with a
program or the OS on a user node. This is a
fairly standard feature on most clusters, as it is
important for debugging.
• Root Access: having root access on one or more
user nodes of a system.
• Dynamic OS: the ability to install a nonstandard
operating system, or variant of a standard one, on
one or more user nodes.
We were able to grant root access and dynamic
operating systems on the user nodes by building a cluster
management infrastructure that could reboot and install an
operating system on any user node in the system. Thus,
after a user completed using a set of nodes in this way, we
could “clean up” and re-install the standard OS before
allocating those nodes to the next user.
This set of features was sufficient for the early use of
the system. As our understanding of the needs of testbed
users has grown, however, we have modified and
extended the basic requirements list accordingly.
2.5. Relation to Computational Clusters
The standard usage of a testbed cluster is similar to the
usage of a computational cluster:
• Users request resource allocations and run jobs
on the resulting nodes.
• Job runs consist of the following steps:
o The user supplies the application and
input data.
o The user then specifies the way that the
application is executed.
o Finally, the output data produced by the
application is returned to the user.
While this high-level description applies to both
computational and testbed clusters, the specifics in both
Table 1 – Requirements of Computational vs. Testbed Users
Computational User Testbed User
Desired resource
Some number of nodes with a
standard (and usually minimal) OS
Some number of nodes with a
custom and user-specified OS
A user-mode application An OS with custom features
Typically data sets or input
Test cases to be executed
Typically some form of numerical
Results of tests, both
qualitative and quantitative
cases substantially differ. We illustrate this situation in
Table 1.
In essence the basic job model for both uses is similar
in. (Indeed, we support both types of jobs on the system,
often simultaneously.) The specific goals of a testbed
user’s job are often quite different, and hence the usage
patterns within that job are different.
3. Characterization of Testbed Usage
In the first days of the system, testbed usage was
largely characterized by users who needed interactive
access to a large cluster for short periods of time. For
example, scientists used the cluster to test systems
software that launched jobs. In this case, which is typical
of much of this type of development, the scientists needed
to use the entire system interactively but only for
moments at a time.
Over time, the usage of the system has changed, both
as the system has become more capable and as the user
community of Chiba City has grown. Recently, we have
had quite a number of different OS and system tool
developers on the system who need to install their own
operating systems on as much of the cluster as possible.
After pushing out and configuring the installation, they
usually run a series of tests that might take hours or days.
We can classify testbed usage based on two metrics:
• Degree of scalability. This describes the degree
to which the specific project is focused on
developing and testing at large scale or carrying
out research into scalability issues.
• Degree of system impact. This describes the
project’s ability to operate in the standard
environment. We have categorized these as
“computational usage”, “basic development”,
“system development”, and “extreme
development”, each of which is described below.
These two issues, scalability and impact, go hand in
hand. While the testbed can support high-impact
development on a single node, most high-impact testbed
users are also interested in testing scalability issues.
Therefore, while we have found it interesting to note
which of our users operate at large scale, we have not
found it particularly useful to differentiate between them
based on scalability because most of the testbed users
eventually want to use the entire system.
In the following sections, we profile these broad
categories of cluster users and describe the augmented
functionality they require in order to use testbed clusters
effectively. They are described in order of increasing
degree of system impact.
3.1. Computational Usage
The first type of user is a standard application user on
a computational cluster. In most of these cases, the user
wants to run a mature application for a considerable
period of time. The operating system running on the
nodes usually doesn’t matter as long as the application
can be recompiled for the target system. No enhanced
privileges of any sort are required on any portion of the
system. A computational user may place significant
demand on the I/O system of the cluster.
The intent of a computational application user is
typically to generate a set of numerical results.
3.2. Basic Development
The second type of user, quite common on Chiba City,
is the basic development user. A good example of this
type of user is the developer of a systems library such as a
numerical library or a communications library.
In general, this type of user is interested in code
scalability and performance. The following are typical
requirements, some of which were noted above:
• On-demand Access. Waiting in a queue when
actively developing can severely limit the
effectiveness of a development session. These
users like to be in the “code/compile/test” loop
that is common for development on unscheduled
systems. In order to address this issue, we took
three steps:
o Thirty-two of the nodes on the system
were designated “unscheduled”, that is
the scheduler does not control access to
them. They are available to all users at
all times and are intended to be used as
an on-demand testing area.
o The scheduler policy was arranged to
allow only very short-running jobs
during certain business hours. In
theory, this would allow the quick jobs
that characterize this kind of
development to migrate to the front of
the queue. In reality, we discovered
that this feature was rarely used because
developers didn’t link their
development schedules to the queue
o We made it possible to easily request
reserved nodes on the system for
arbitrary amounts of time.
• Interactive Access. Interactive debugging is
important for the basic development user. This
type of access to the nodes was enabled by
default; when the scheduler allocates a node to a
user, that user can login to that node.
• Property Extraction in Job Runs. The
development user frequently wants information
from a variety of sources ranging from kernel
counters to network performance data, in order
to gain insight into execution and performance.
• Permission to Stress the System. Occasionally,
large-scale development and testing will tax the
system greatly, sometimes beyond the limits of
system stability. When such system instabilities
occur, the developer is usually interested in
determining the root cause of the problem and
may not consider the instability to be
detrimental. In order to support this type of
activity, expectations across the user community
must be set; users must be aware that the system
will occasionally have instabilities as a result of
user code and that this is acceptable (although
not actually desirable).
Typically, the intent of the basic development user is
to obtain information about performance properties of
applications. We note that, in many cases, computational
users also carry out basic development when they are
developing their computational code and generally have
these same requirements.
3.3. System Development
A more demanding type of user is one who carries out
“system” development. Projects that require system
development capabilities make some kind of modification
to the user nodes or to the system itself that requires some
type of cleanup before the system can be used by other
System developers typically have the same
requirements as basic developers. In addition, they have
one or more of these:
• Root Access. Some developers, such as those
developing device drivers or testing daemons,
require privileged access on the user nodes. On
a system where root privileges can be assigned to
users, the software state on a node can become
untrustworthy. Even when a user is trusted,
honest mistakes can happen, causing a
configuration management nightmare. In effect,
when root access is granted to a user, the node
must be considered untrustworthy and must be
rebuilt when the user is finished. One
implication of this is that the rebuild process
must be robust and efficient. Giving root access
to a user also has security implications, which
are discussed below.
• Specialized Kernels. In some cases, a developer
needs a specific kernel that may be different
from the one installed by default on the node.
As with root access, the node will need to be
rebuilt when the user is done.
• Hardware Management. A user who is
working in this mode is often doing work that
can crash the node. If such a crash takes place,
the user will want access to system hardware in
order to debug or restart the node. At present on
our facility, the user must have access to the
management infrastructure of the cluster, a level
of access that we are not comfortable making
generally available. In practice, this situation
comes up rarely, and in such cases it has been
possible to have a system administrator
participate in the debugging activities. If this
becomes a bigger issue in the future, we will
need to develop this in a more general solution.
Again, the intent of this kind of user is to carry out
development and to test an application’s properties, such
as stability and performance, rather than to generate
numerical result.
3.4. Extreme Development
The “extreme” developer is one that is developing or
packaging up a complete operating system or is working
on clusterwide systems services. Most extreme
developers have the same requirements as the previous
types of developers but have one or both of the following
objectives as well:
• User-Defined Node Software. The user
provides an operating system in some form that
can be installed on the nodes allocated to them.
In order for this to be successful, these images
usually need to meet certain requirements: they
must be able to use the facility’s network, which
opens up a number of issues related to node
identification. Nodes typically need to set up
trust relationships with other nodes in the same
project. These issues create a number of
technical challenges that are discussed in section
4. Once the user is done with the nodes, they
will need to be rebuilt into a standard
• Dynamic System Services. Some projects
eventually mature to the point that they can be
installed as a part of the cluster fabric for serious
testing. Examples of such projects include
naming services, mapping services, grid
software, and file systems. In all such cases so
far, we have had the system managers of the
facility get directly involved in the project in
order to determine specific goals, testing
procedures, and fallback plans. Perhaps the
trickiest issue here is that these types of activity
tend to destabilize the system infrastructure, once
again requiring that the user community have the
correct expectations for system reliability.
3.5. Hardware Development
A final type of user may be the hardware developer.
We have not yet had any hardware developers carry out
development or research on our facility, but such a
possibility appears increasingly likely.
Hardware-related projects might include simple testing
of new network hardware at scale, augmenting nodes in
particular ways (e.g. PIMs or other specialized
processors), or trying alternative system management
interfaces for nodes.
3.6. Hybrid Models
Unlike the four categories previously cited, hybrid
models constitute a nonstandard and not precisely discrete
environment. Potentially new approaches to computation
and development can be carried out in this type of
For example, it is possible for someone to fine-tune an
OS image for a specific application and then to carry out
computations using that customized OS image.
4. Technical Issues
To support the technical requirements of the various
categories of user, one must address a variety of issues
that are not commonly faced on standard clusters. Some
of these can be solved through simple policy changes, for
example by adjusting scheduler algorithms and by
appropriately setting user expectations. Many, however,
are technical in nature.
In the following sections, we describe the technical
issues that we have encountered. In some cases, we feel
that we have adequately addressed these challenges in the
first phase of this project. In other cases, the problems are
beyond the scope of our initial activities.
4.1. Support for Arbitrary OS Images
One of the main requirements of a development
cluster, as noted above, is the capability for users to run
customized operating systems on the nodes of the cluster.
We refer generically to a node’s operating system and its
configuration as an “image”. The degree of image
customization varies from user to user and may range
from a changed device driver to a completely different
In our environment, we have decided to reinstall the
standard node operating system on any node customized
by a user, even in the simplest cases. This approach has
worked quite well. We use this same model to rebuild
nodes where users have been granted root access (because
we have no idea what might have changed).
This node image installation and recovery scheme has
three important aspects: an image description mechanism,
an OS installation mechanism, and a node recovery
system. Each of these will be described in some detail.
4.1.1. Image Description Mechanism. Automated
operating system installation has been a common
technique in the systems administration community for
decades. The most significant challenge has turned out to
be the description of the software to be installed on a
system and the changes to be made on each individual
system. This is also a challenge for clusters.
Fortunately, the systems administration community has
developed a variety of configuration management tools
and techniques, many of which can be adopted directly
for use on a cluster [3]. Despite this activity, image
description and change management remain fertile areas
of potential research [4,5].
In essence, images to be installed on nodes must be
described somehow. More importantly, users who install
their own images must also be able to describe their
images, which is an activity that most users would prefer
to avoid. The open question in this area is how best to
enable users and administrators to easily describe node
images, which may include such complications as
• The node disk geometry
• Other hardware configuration information such
as network card parameters
• The base operating system and software
• Configuration changes to the base operating
• Pointers to external services such as naming
mechanisms or file systems
• The need to be installed on potentially different
nodes over time
We would like a general solution to this problem but
have found that two basic mechanisms have worked for
us so far:
• Raw Bit Installation
: In this method, an
administrator or a user installs an image on a
single node. We then take a snapshot of the bits
on the node and the disk partition information.
From this snapshot, we can reconstruct an exact
copy of that node on nearly any system. We
have successfully installed both Linux and
Windows operating systems using this method.
Changes in hardware (i.e., devices) or the
environment (i.e., servers), however, limit the
effectiveness of this solution.
• Boot Disk Installation
: In this method, the user
provides a boot disk that will install the proper
bits onto disk. The boot disk includes image
configuration information that can be customized
to each node. That boot disk is distributed on the
cluster management infrastructure, and the
individual nodes then boot from that boot disk.
(This process is similar to using Kickstart [6],
and in fact we have booted nodes using Kickstart
in this way.)
We have found that these approaches meet the basic
requirements; that is, they can be used to allow users to
install arbitrary images on nodes. Because of the complex
nature of image creation, however, the cluster
administrators usually need to assist with the process. As
demand on the system continues to grow, we are
concerned that approaches of this type will not scale.
4.1.2. OS Installation Mechanism. The job of the
operating system installation mechanism is, as one might
expect, to install an image on a node. The installation
mechanism should be able to install an arbitrary image
(i.e. any image built in the ways described above).
The OS installation mechanism should not rely on any
hooks or infrastructure on the node itself; it should work
if the node has no software, has a supported operating
system, or is running mysterious user code.
Fortunately, the industry has largely solved this
problem with standard network booting protocols. DHCP
[7] and PXE [8] are commonly used to remotely install
operating systems on computers over a network. PXE,
unfortunately, works only on a subset of Ethernet cards;
however, these are increasingly common.
In addition to these standard protocols, our solution
incorporates a database that maps nodes to desired
images, making boot decisions based on the state of the
system. In some cases, we will install the appropriate
image directly. In others, where this is not possible, we
will install a known reliable image that will format the
local hard drive appropriately and then install the target
4.1.3. Node Recovery System. Once user jobs have run,
nodes may have been left in an indeterminate state. The
job of the node recovery system is to prepare those nodes
for image installation. Because the node state is unknown
at this point, the infrastructure for node recovery must
work independently of host operating system support.
Since our boot management system can take over
during a reboot, the simple solution is to force a reboot of
the node. We have implemented this with the use of
network accessible power controllers.
This solution works fairly well for us, with the
following caveats:
• If a user were to reset the BIOS so that a network
boot was not forced, the node would not recover
correctly. If this were done across the cluster,
we would be forced to manually reset the BIOS
on every node, a task that would be a disaster.
• We’re beginning to worry about repeatedly
interrupting the power to the nodes. This doesn’t
seem to be the best way to treat hardware. We
would prefer to have hardware-level reboot and
power cycle control, such as exists as a
management interface on some systems.
4.2. Complex Infrastructure Requirements
In many cases, developers are able to work on any
available set of nodes without substantial adaptation of
their code. In general this is the case for developers in the
basic and systems development categories. Some
developers discover that they have to think carefully
about adapting their project to a dynamic cluster
environment. This is frequently the case for developers
who make substantial changes to the node environment or
are working with clusterwide system services (i.e.
Extreme Developers); occasionally it is also an issue for
4.2.1. Entire Cluster Simulation. One of the popular
uses of our facility is to test cluster operating systems and
cluster management software. Configuring the test
environment for this kind of use takes special care.
Typically, these developers need to simulate an entire
cluster, including management, login, storage, and
compute functionality, all within the user nodes allocated
to them.
This testing is more difficult than normal for two
• The users need to map their services onto a set of
basically identical systems. The concept of
generically mapping services onto nodes (rather
than onto some hardwired test cluster) is usually
• The users often need some specific hardware
configuration. This may require more disk space
than is available (i.e., to simulate storage nodes),
different network cards from those the nodes are
configured with, or different hardware
arrangements (i.e., to access serial consoles or
hardware performance data) than is possible.
We do not have a general solution to these problems at
this time. We are leaning toward having a pool of
“advanced capability” nodes, namely, with extra memory,
disk, and room for peripherals, in order to address the
second issue.
4.2.2 External Infrastructure. Some of the software
under development on the cluster relies on persistent,
external infrastructure. Those persistent services could
conceivably be installed dynamically as parts of that
user’s “job” but in practice are much easier to install once
on some dedicated system. These often help bootstrap the
user’s code.
We have two distinct examples:
• When installing Windows2000 as a cluster OS
environment, it is useful to have at least one
Windows Domain Controller accessible on the
cluster network, providing Windows-specific
information such as user accounts and naming.
• To facilitate some of the Red Hat-based
distributions that have been installed on the
cluster, we allocated a dedicated computer to act
as the Kickstart boot manager.
The ability to provide external services on a persistent
system has simplified these two experiences substantially.
4.2.3. Production Integration. In some cases, the
software under development is approaching production-
ready quality. The next step for these projects is to try the
software with real users in production mode. The goal at
this point is to flush out remaining bugs and understand
performance issues under a real workload. The logical
next step is to deploy this software as part of the real
cluster infrastructure.
On our system, production integration has taken place
with file systems, process managers, and messaging
libraries. The system administrators of the facility
installed these on the cluster itself, and these software
versions became the default versions available for users.
At this point, the cluster users (both computational and
development) became the set of users testing these
software packages.
This process raises three issues. First, it’s not
necessarily clear that this is a good idea to do with all
software, and the selection criteria are a bit unclear.
Second, doing this requires a great deal of interaction
between the project developers and the cluster
administrators; both parties need to buy into the plan.
Finally and perhaps most important, the resulting
instabilities can cause problems for all users on the
cluster. As we noted previously, it helps to warn users in
advance that these kinds of failure are expected.
4.3. Supporting Data Gathering in Jobs
We have found that development users want
information from a variety of sources, to gain insight into
application execution and performance. This data
• Kernel counters
• Hardware counters, such as cache hits, and
number of instructions executed
• Environmental data such as temperature and
clock speed
• Network performance data
• Application profiling data
This data is accessible in locations both on and off of a
user node. For this reason, the application cannot
necessarily collect all of this data directly. At this point,
we provide the data on an ad hoc basis. A more general
solution would be very helpful.
4.4. Persistent Node Identification
A possible characteristic of a development facility is
that hardware configurations change fairly regularly,
either as a part of testing hardware or when replacing
nodes. In our case, we’ve learned that we shuffle
hardware far more than we had originally anticipated.
On a system in which individual nodes are commonly
moved or replaced, the issue of node identification
becomes both important and difficult. In this sense,
“node identification” is the ability to permanently map a
node’s physical location in the cluster to a hostname.
Knowing the exact physical and network location of a
node (and its associated hostname) is important for many
reasons, including the following:
• The ability to locate a node when hardware
problems occur
• The desire to track performance and reliability
trends based on a persistent name associated with
the hardware
• The fact that both developers and administrators
occasionally need to understand the topology of
the system, for example, when analyzing
network performance characteristics or when
renumbering subsets of a cluster for security
• The desire to know a node’s identity before it
boots, in order to deliver the correct OS to that
Knowing specifically which hardware has which
network address sounds like a very simple problem, but it
is difficult when hardware is regularly moved or changed.
Most name assignment schemes are based on the theory
that one assigns names only once or assigns names
dynamically. Neither is true in this situation.
The usual method for assigning names is to gather the
MAC addresses of each node, associate those addresses
with known hostnames, and then assign them to nodes
dynamically via DHCP or statically via some host
configuration system. On any cluster that is installed only
once, MAC address gathering can be done by hand or via
a controlled sequenced boot of each node, one by one.
In a cluster with dynamic hardware configurations, a
more reliable solution is to have the cluster infrastructure
detect that the hardware has changed.
Our initial implementation on Chiba City used the
serial console infrastructure to detect MAC addresses,
register them in the cluster’s DHCP services, and modify
the node installations as necessary. This was an option
because the serial console port could be used to precisely
identify the physical location of the node. Because the
serial console hooks work only on our own node image
and not on arbitrary node images, we are now working on
a more general solution that uses network switch sensing
to detect MAC addresses.
4.5. Node-Proof System Software
On a system on which the user nodes may be running
any kind of code, the system infrastructure must be able
to function optimally without any dependency on those
nodes. We have found in particular that some scheduling
and job launching software tends to rely on status
information from daemons on the user nodes and will
hang or time-out when those nodes are unresponsive.
4.6. Smarter Node BIOS
Standard commodity PC BIOS systems have fairly
limited capabilities. This fact has caused problems for us
in a number of ways. We would find the following
features extremely helpful:
• Accessibility to the BIOS over the console port
• Operating system access to the BIOS, that is,
being able to set BIOS features in the same way
that is possible on Solaris systems and others
• Enhanced monitoring capabilities
• A consistent approach to locking BIOS settings
with a password
Some of these BIOS issues are being addressed by the
LinuxBIOS [9] project (which also has other desirable
features). Unfortunately, in our case, the hardware that
we are using cannot take full advantage of LinuxBIOS;
thus, we are also hoping for a wider acceptance of
LinuxBIOS by the vendor community in order to be able
to use it in the future.
4.7. Security
Allowing users to have root access introduces a
number of complications.
The most common problem that we have faced is that
someone with root may have done something
(intentionally or not) to modify the state of the image. As
noted in Section 4.1, we solve this by rebuilding a node
from scratch after a user with root privileges has finished
with it.
Users with root access also introduce a number of
security issues, particularly if there is a possibility that the
user may be malicious:
• Nodes under administrative control of users
should not be trusted by system management
infrastructure. For example, a cluster’s NFS file
systems should not be exported to such nodes.
• Static standard trust-related configurations, such
as cluster-internal “.rhosts” or .ssh key files, are
no longer viable. Nodes under the control of one
user should not trust nodes under control of
another user.
• Users might use their nodes to launch attacks
against other networked systems outside the
cluster. (A cluster would make an interesting
testbed for denial-of-service attacks.)
• Users might introduce network-based attacks
such as IP spoofing or network sniffing in order
to attack some other job currently running.
• Users might configure system services
(intentionally or otherwise) such that their nodes
are susceptible to attacks from outside.
We have not yet addressed any of these issues yet
because we are quite familiar with that portion of our user
community to whom we have granted root access, largely
because of their need for aid with image configuration
issues. Thus, we have been able to keep an eye out for
such activities. As our user community grows, security is
becoming increasingly important.
These problems can be addressed in the following
• Nodes on which a user has root access should be
designated as “untrusted.”
• Untrusted nodes should be easily discernable
from trusted nodes in order to allow the
management infrastructure to differentiate
between the two. In particular, they should have
different IP addresses and hostnames from when
they are trusted.
• In order to prevent network-based attacks within
the cluster, untrusted nodes should be on
different networks from trusted nodes and also
from other groups of untrusted nodes. This
segmentation requires the use of routers between
all distinct security zones.
• Network filters and detectors should be installed
to detect attacks originating in the cluster and
targeting the cluster. Segregating trusted and
untrusted hosts by network can help with these
• Clearly, any detected security problems should
immediately result in the disabling of the
associated user’s access to the cluster.
These solutions require networking gear that can
operate at both layer 2 and layer 3, can perform IP
filtering on the fly, and can be dynamically reconfigured
in association with node allocation on the cluster.
5. Conclusion
In this paper, we have described the technical
challenges that we have encountered in the first phase of a
project to build and operate a cluster in support of
development and scalability research. Facilities to
support large-scale development and research are critical
to the future rapid growth of high-performance computing
systems and the associated scientific community.
A number of the challenges in supporting this facility
were solved with a robust node management
infrastructure and with flexible system policies, but the
most difficult problems, ranging from image description
through data gathering, remain. As we add more users to
the system and support increased functionality, it will
become imperative that we solve these in a general way.
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