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We present an updated classification for the entire Crustacea Decapoda, listing all known families and genera organized by higher taxonomic groups and including estimates of the number of species in every genus. All taxonomic names are also linked to the verified literature in which they were described, the first compilation of its kind for the Decapoda. To arrive at this compilation, we began with the classification scheme provided by Martin & Davis (2001) for extant families, updated the higher classification and included the fossil taxa. The resultant framework was then populated with the currently valid genera and an estimate of species numbers within each genus. Our resulting classification, spanning both extant (living) and fossil taxa, is the first comprehensive estimate of taxonomic diversity within the entire Decapoda. The classification consists of 233 families of decapods containing 2,725 genera and an estimated 17,635 species (including both extant and fossil species). Of the families in our classification, 53 are exclusively fossil, 109 contain both fossil and extant species, and 71 are extant only. The current estimate for extant species is 14,756, whereas 2,979 species are known exclusively as fossils.
RAFFLES BULLETIN OF ZOOLOGY 2009 Supplement No. 21: 1–109
Date of Publication: 15 Sep.2009
© National University of Singapore
Sammy De Grave1, N. Dean Pentcheff 2, Shane T. Ahyong3, Tin-Yam Chan4, Keith A. Crandall5,
Peter C. Dworschak6, Darryl L. Felder7, Rodney M. Feldmann8, Charles H.J.M. Fransen9,
Laura Y.D. Goulding1, Rafael Lemaitre10, Martyn E.Y. Low11 , Joel W. Martin2, Peter K.L. Ng11,
Carrie E. Schweitzer12, S.H. Tan11, Dale Tshudy13, Regina Wetzer2
1Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3PW, United Kingdom!!
2Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 900 Exposition Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90007 United States of America!!!!
3Marine Biodiversity and Biosecurity, NIWA, Private Bag 14901, Kilbirnie Wellington, New Zealand
4Institute of Marine Biology, National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung 20224, Taiwan, Republic of China
5Department of Biology and Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602 United States of America
6Dritte Zoologische Abteilung, Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien, Austria
7Department of Biology, University of Louisiana, Lafayette, LA 70504 United States of America
8Department of Geology, Kent State University, Kent, OH 44242 United States of America
9Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum, P.O. Box 9517, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands
10Invertebrate Zoology, Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History, 10th and Constitution Avenue,
Washington, DC 20560 United States of America
11Department of Biological Sciences, National University of Singapore, Science Drive 4, Singapore 117543!!!!
12Department of Geology, Kent State University Stark Campus, 6000 Frank Ave. NW, North Canton, OH 44720 United States of America
13Department of Geosciences, Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, Edinboro, PA 16444 United States of America
ABSTRACT. – We present an updated classification for the entire Crustacea Decapoda, listing all known
families and genera organized by higher taxonomic groups and including estimates of the number of species
in every genus. All taxonomic names are also linked to the verified literature in which they were described,
the first compilation of its kind for the Decapoda. To arrive at this compilation, we began with the
classification scheme provided by Martin & Davis (2001) for extant families, updated the higher
classification and included the fossil taxa. The resultant framework was then populated with the currently
valid genera and an estimate of species numbers within each genus. Our resulting classification, spanning
both extant (living) and fossil taxa, is the first comprehensive estimate of taxonomic diversity within the
entire Decapoda. The classification consists of 233 families of decapods containing 2,725 genera and an
estimated 17,635 species (including both extant and fossil species). Of the families in our classification, 53
are exclusively fossil, 109 contain both fossil and extant species, and 71 are extant only. The current
estimate for extant species is 14,756, whereas 2,979 species are known exclusively as fossils.
KEY WORDS. – Decapoda, Crustacea, Arthropoda, taxonomy, classification.
...........................................................................Preamble ! 3
....................................................................General notes ! 3
......................How many species of Decapoda are there? ! 5
..............................The higher classification of Decapoda ! 5
.............................................The placement of fossil taxa ! 8
............................................................Acknowledgements! 9
................................................................Literature cited ! 10
..............................................................Order Decapoda ! 14
..........................................!Suborder Dendrobranchiata ! 14
......................................!!!!!Superfamily Penaeoidea ! 14
....................................!!!!!Superfamily Sergestoidea ! 14
..................................................!Suborder Pleocyemata ! 15
.............................................! ! Infraorder Stenopodidea ! 15
......................................................! ! Infraorder Caridea ! 15
..............................!!!!!Superfamily Pleopteryxoidea ! 15
..................................!!!!!Superfamily Procaridoidea ! 15
..........................!!!!!Superfamily Galatheacaridoidea ! 15
..................................!!!!!Superfamily Pasiphaeoidea ! 15
................................!!!!!Superfamily Oplophoroidea ! 15
..........................................!!!!!Superfamily Atyoidea ! 15
.....................................!!!!!Superfamily Bresilioidea ! 16
.........................!!!!!Superfamily Nematocarcinoidea ! 16
..............................!!!!!Superfamily Psalidopodoidea ! 16
..............................!!!!!Superfamily Stylodactyloidea ! 16
............................!!!!!Superfamily Campylonotoidea ! 16
................................!!!!!Superfamily Palaemonoidea ! 16
......................................!!!!!Superfamily Alpheoidea ! 18
....................................!!!!!Superfamily Processoidea ! 19
.....................................!!!!!Superfamily Pandaloidea ! 19
...........................!!!!!Superfamily Physetocaridoidea ! 19
..................................!!!!!Superfamily Crangonoidea ! 19
.............................!!!!!Unplaced at superfamily level ! 19
...................................................! ! Infraorder Astacidea ! 20
......................!!!!!Superfamily Palaeopalaemonoidea ! 20
..........................!!!!!Superfamily Enoplometopoidea ! 20
..................................!!!!!Superfamily Nephropoidea ! 20
.......................................!!!!!Superfamily Astacoidea ! 20
..................................!!!!!Superfamily Parastacoidea ! 20
................................................! ! Infraorder Glypheidea ! 20
.......................................!!!!!Superfamily Erymoidea ! 20
....................................!!!!!Superfamily Glypheoidea ! 21
......................................................! ! Infraorder Axiidea ! 21
....................................................! ! Infraorder Gebiidea ! 22
.....................................................! ! Infraorder Achelata ! 22
................................................! ! Infraorder Polychelida ! 23
....................................................! ! Infraorder Anomura ! 23
........................................!!!!!Superfamily Aegloidea ! 23
...................................!!!!!Superfamily Galatheoidea ! 23
........................................!!!!!Superfamily Hippoidea ! 24
.......................................!!!!!Superfamily Kiwaoidea ! 25
.....................................!!!!!Superfamily Lithodoidea ! 25
......................................!!!!!Superfamily Lomisoidea ! 25
......................................!!!!!Superfamily Paguroidea ! 25
..................................................! ! Infraorder Brachyura ! 26
...................................................!!!Section Dromiacea ! 26
............................!!!!!Superfamily Dakoticancroidea ! 26
.....................................!!!!!Superfamily Dromioidea ! 26
..................................!!!!!Superfamily Eocarcinoidea ! 27
..........................!!!!!Superfamily Glaessneropsoidea ! 27
.........................!!!!!Superfamily Homolodromioidea ! 27
....................................!!!!!Superfamily Homoloidea ! 28
....................................................!!!Section Raninoida ! 28
..........................................!!!Section Cyclodorippoida ! 29
................................................!!!Section Eubrachyura ! 29
......................................!!!!Subsection Heterotremata ! 29
.......................................!!!!!Superfamily Aethroidea ! 29
........................................!!!!!Superfamily Bellioidea ! 29
...............................!!!!!Superfamily Bythograeoidea ! 30
....................................!!!!!Superfamily Calappoidea ! 30
......................................!!!!!Superfamily Cancroidea ! 30
....................................!!!!!Superfamily Carpilioidea ! 30
...............................!!!!!Superfamily Cheiragonoidea ! 31
.......................!!!!!Superfamily Componocancroidea ! 31
.....................................!!!!!Superfamily Corystoidea ! 31
........................................!!!!!Superfamily Dairoidea ! 31
....................................!!!!!Superfamily Dorippoidea ! 31
......................................!!!!!Superfamily Eriphioidea ! 31
..............................!!!!!Superfamily Gecarcinucoidea ! 32
................................!!!!!Superfamily Goneplacoidea ! 32
.................................!!!!!Superfamily Hexapodoidea ! 33
...................................!!!!!Superfamily Leucosioidea ! 33
.........................................!!!!!Superfamily Majoidea ! 34
....................................!!!!!Superfamily Orithyioidea ! 37
........................................!!!!!Superfamily Palicoidea ! 37
................................!!!!!Superfamily Parthenopoidea ! 37
....................................!!!!!Superfamily Pilumnoidea ! 37
.....................................!!!!!Superfamily Portunoidea ! 38
......................................!!!!!Superfamily Potamoidea ! 39
......................!!!!!Superfamily Pseudothelphusoidea ! 40
.................................!!!!!Superfamily Pseudozioidea ! 41
..............................!!!!!Superfamily Retroplumoidea ! 41
....................................!!!!!Superfamily Trapezioidea ! 41
...........................!!!!!Superfamily Trichodactyloidea ! 41
......................................!!!!!Superfamily Xanthoidea ! 42
....................................!!!!Subsection Thoracotremata ! 44
..............................!!!!!Superfamily Cryptochiroidea ! 44
......................................!!!!!Superfamily Grapsoidea ! 44
...................................!!!!!Superfamily Ocypodoidea ! 45
................................!!!!!Superfamily Pinnotheroidea ! 46
..................................!!!!Unplaced at subsection level ! 46
........................................!Unplaced at subordinal level ! 46
..............................................................Authorities cited ! 47
............................................................................Figures ! 95
De Grave et al.: Living and fossil genera of decapod crustaceans
It is a daunting task to compile a comprehensive list of the
families and genera of the decapod crustaceans. Decapods
are incredibly diverse, and decapod taxonomy is an active
field with productive researchers constantly making new
discoveries. These discoveries require changes in our
classification in order to accommodate new findings and to
better reflect evolutionary relationships. Thus, producing a
complete and “up to date” classification of the decapods is
in many ways an exercise in futility, as any such work is
bound to be outdated by the time it is published.
Nevertheless, such compilations are immensely helpful for
newcomers to the field, for established veterans with
failing memories, for keeping track of recent updates, and
for organizing future work. Indeed, a well-done clas-
sification becomes the framework for a diversity of fields
and projects well beyond the systematic field. Such
classifications are the backbone of retrieval systems for
genetic data, such as GenBank, and they are the foundation
for synthesis efforts such as the Encyclopedia of Life
project. For the decapods, we had the great advantage of
having a recent and comprehensive classification of all
crustacean families (Martin & Davis, 2001) as our starting
point. From that starting point, we incorporated recent
updates, modified the higher level classification to reflect
current phylogenetic understanding and expanded the
treatment to the genus level. Additionally, we have
incorporated into the taxonomy a complete listing of all
fossil decapod taxa, with the resulting list thus spanning
the realms of neontology and paleontology, an exercise not
often undertaken for Crustacea. The cut-off date for
inclusion of taxa was set at 31 July 2009; we are however
acutely aware that by the time this compilation sees the
light of day, new taxa will have been described, some taxa
will perhaps have been synonymised, and new insights into
decapods relationships will have appeared in print. As
additional modern studies are conducted there will
inevitably be reassignments and re-evaluations; however,
the present list reflects our best judgment based upon our
personal evaluation of the literature and an intimate
knowledge of that group of animals with which we are all
fascinated, the decapod crustaceans.
Structure of the list. It is important to recognize that,
although some relationships are implied by the grouping of
genera within families and families within superfamilies,
the classification presented here is intended to be more of a
catalogue of Decapoda rather than a wholly phylogenetic
treatment. Thus, superfamilies and families are often listed
in alphabetical order. Unfortunately, this can at times
obscure relationships that seem (to us) well founded. One
example is the separation of the eriphiids and menippids
from other traditionally “xanthoid” families; another is the
separation of the goneplacoids and portunoids. But on the
other hand, an alphabetical listing is quite useful for the
purposes of a catalogue. Within families and subfamilies,
all genera are also listed alphabetically.
One reason we have avoided a phylogenetic treatment at
this time is that we have included both extant and fossil
taxa; few phylogenetic studies of Crustacea have crossed
this divide and incorporated both (see Karasawa et al.,
2008, for an example of such a study). Where phylogenetic
information is generally accepted and relatively uncontro-
versial, as for instance in the arrangement of the sub- and
infraorders, we have attempted to list taxa phylo-
genetically. Because many modern phylogenetic studies
and resulting classifications are based upon molecular
studies, the incorporation of fossil taxa into these
frameworks can be problematic. As such, the current clas-
sification may seem an unfortunate “mix of two evils” to
some readers, and we can but hope that revisionary studies
will continue apace, so that when the time comes to
produce a second, revised version we may have achieved
that Holy Grail of neo-Darwinian systematics, a clas-
sification that reflects modification by descent. Indeed, one
of our purposes in publishing such a list at this time is to
discern what areas of decapod phylogeny are in need of
more rigorous testing.
On taxon authorities, author names and dating. As is
well known among systematists, attributing the correct
authorship in some of the older references can be
confusing, especially in those cases where the authors
themselves attribute the name to somebody else. For
instance, Desmarest (1823) attributed several names to
either Latreille or Leach. Under current ICZN rules these
names must be attributed to Desmarest, and not attributed
to Leach in Desmarest. A full discussion of this and related
issues can be found in Ng (1998), Ng (1999), and Ng et al.
(2008). In the present catalogue, the same rules are
applied. Although it is customary to address the spelling of
author names and how these should be listed in the
literature section, much of this has been stated previously,
and we refer readers to Ng et al. (2008) for a discussion on
this topic. A further difficult point as concerns older
references is their date of publication, a very important
issue for taxonomists but one that is often misunderstood
in other branches of science that use and rely on taxonomic
information. In those cases where dating issues have been
reported, commented upon in various draft versions of the
current list, or where discrepancies were noted, we have
made every effort to arrive at the correct year of
publication. For this we have relied on a variety of sources:
Duncan (1937) and Dickinson (2005) for Proceedings of
the Zoological Society of London and their Transactions;
Clark & Presswell (2001) for White’s publications;
Evenhuis (2003) for the Annals and Magazine of Natural
History; Guinot & Cleva (2002) for authorship and dates in
d’Orbigny’s Voyage dans l’Amérique méridionale;
Harrison & Smith (2008) for all of Leach’s publications;
Low et al. (2009) for dating of early issues of the Raffles
Bulletin of Zoology; others as listed in Ng et al. (2008); and
additional as yet unpublished information, for instance on
the publication date of Bruce (1995).
On species counts. The species counts are based on a
number of published and unpublished species level lists by
the various authors of the current compilation. Subspecies
were not counted. In numerous cases, the counts are
accurate up to 31 August 2009, but in this rapidly moving
field, numerous new species are described every month,
and others are synonymised as new evidence comes to
light. As such, the species counts should be regarded only
as current “best estimates.” Taxa that are either exclusively
living (extant) or exclusively fossil (the latter indicated by
††) have only one tally associated with them. In contrast,
taxa that are known to include both extant and fossil
species (indicated by †) are provided with three counts,
e.g. “Family Nephropidae Dana, 1852a (49, 4, 90)”. The
first number represents exclusively extant species, the
second number indicates extant species also represented in
the fossil record, and the third is the number of exclusively
fossil species. The total number of extant species is the
sum of the first two numbers; in this case there are 53
known species of living Nephropidae. The total number of
fossil species is the sum of the second and third numbers:
there are 94 known species of fossil Nephropidae. The
total number of known species (extant, fossil, or both) is
the sum of all three numbers: there are 143 known species
of Nephropidae.
On subgenera. The current classification is presented
down to genus level only. We are aware that subgenera are
in common use in some taxa, such as the crab genera Uca
Leach, 1814, Portunus Weber, 1795, Charybdis De Haan,
1833, and Macrophthalmus A.G. Desmarest, 1823 (see Ng
et al., 2008) and the crayfish genus Cambarus Erichson,
1846. For consistency, and because of the difficulty in
properly assigning both fossil and extant species to
subgenera, we have chosen to summarize information
down to only the genus level.
On synonyms. The current classification lists only
currently valid genera. The observant reader will notice the
absence of some well known genera, for example the
caridean genus Kemponia Bruce, 2004, for which very
recently a senior synonym, Cuapetes Clark, 1919, was
resurrected by Okuno (2009). We accept that this may be
of some inconvenience to those users of the classification
who are perhaps not as familiar with decapod literature as
the authors. For Brachyura, such information can be found
in Ng et al. (2008) (with updates available on the website:,
and this key compilation will soon be joined by similar
efforts for Dendrobranchiata, Caridea and Stenopodidea
(De Grave & Fransen, in prep.); for Astacidea, Achelata
and Polychelida (Chan & Crandall, in prep.); and by the
important compilation of fossil Decapoda [Schweitzer et
al., 2009 (in press)]. We refer the reader to those
compilations for synonymy information.
On hyperlinks in the text. Each taxon name in the text is
linked to an internet resource for that taxon. Initially, those
links will go to the curated bibliographic information for
that taxon (which includes, where available, the full text of
the publication) at After pub-
lication, this taxonomic catalogue will be used to revise the
online classification at the World Register of Marine
Species ( Once the revision of the
online resource is completed, the links will be redirected to
the taxon information there (which will also include the
authority information). Corrections, changes, and additions
will be made to the online catalogue. By linking taxon
De Grave et al.: Living and fossil genera of decapod crustaceans
Table 1. Number of species of Decapoda.
! ! Extant!Extant species also!Exclusively fossil
!Taxon!species!known as fossils!species
Order Decapoda Latreille, 1802!14,335!321!2,979
!Suborder Dendrobranchiata Bate, 1888!540!0!98
!Suborder Pleocyemata Burkenroad, 1963!13,795!321!2,862
! ! Infraorder Stenopodidea Bate, 1888!69!0!2
! ! Infraorder Caridea Dana, 1852!3,268!0!57
! ! Infraorder Astacidea Latreille, 1802!653!5!124
! ! Infraorder Glypheidea Winkler, 1883!2!0!256
! ! Infraorder Axiidea de Saint Laurent, 1979!423!14!260
! ! Infraorder Gebiidea de Saint Laurent, 1979!192!4!25
! ! Infraorder Achelata Scholtz & Richter, 1995!140!3!72
! ! Infraorder Polychelida Scholtz & Richter, 1995!38!0!55
! ! Infraorder Anomura MacLeay, 1838!2,451!19!230
! ! Infraorder Brachyura Linnaeus, 1758!6,559!276!1,781
!!!Section Dromiacea De Haan, 1833!240!4!293
!!!Section Raninoida De Haan, 1839!39!7!196
!!!Section Cyclodorippoida Ortmann, 1892!89!0!27
!!!Section Eubrachyura de Saint Laurent, 1980!6,191!265!1,265
! ! ! ! Subsection Heterotremata Guinot, 1977!5,066!241!1,209
! ! ! ! Subsection Thoracotremata Guinot, 1977!1,125!24!55
! ! ! ! Unplaced at subsection level !0!0!1
!Unplaced at subordinal level !0!0!19
names to an online resource, updated information will be
available after the publication of the text.
Chace (1951) was the last authority to tabulate all genera
and species of then-known Recent decapod crustaceans,
based on a comprehensive file card system that he and
colleagues maintained at the United States National
Museum of Natural History. Chace estimated the known
number at 8,321 species, distributed among 1,000 genera,
with Brachyura accounting for 4,428 species (in 635
genera). According to Ng et al. (2008), this latter figure
compares quite favorably with their estimate of 4,120
known at that time (raised to 6,793 by 2008), and thus we
can place some confidence in Chace’s global decapod
species estimate of 8,321 known in 1951. More recent,
somewhat vague, published estimates put the number of
species somewhere upwards of 10,000 species, with only
Martin & Davis (2006) providing an accurate estimate of
7,905 species (but based on a database estimated to contain
only about half of all described crustacean species). Based
on our current effort, we put the total number of extant
species of Decapoda at 14,756 (in 2,725 genera), with
Brachyura accounting for 6,835 species, i.e. 46% (Table 1).
This implies that in the last 50 years, the number of
described species has nearly doubled! However, we are of
course still a long way from knowing the true global
diversity of Decapoda. The number of known fossil species
currently stands at 3,300. Here too, discoveries will
continue for some time to come, as new localities are
explored, more revisions are completed, and museum
collections are more thoroughly studied.
The higher classification of the Decapoda is deeply rooted
in the early works of such luminaries as H. Milne Edwards,
Dana, Latreille and contemporaries, to which can be added
the often divergent opinions of Borradaile, Bate and others.
In the last few decades, a more stable classification has
emerged due to the more rigorous application of cladistic
techniques to both morphological and molecular data, as
well as to the advent of more sophisticated morphological
and molecular studies. Although the last word on the
subject has not been given (especially within the
Brachyura), we now appear to have broad consensus on the
validity of two suborders: Dendrobranchiata and
Pleocyemata, amply supported by genetic and
morphological studies. The Pleocyemata are herein further
divided into 10 infraorders, most of which have been
recognized for some time and appear uncontroversial
(Caridea, Stenopodidea, Astacidea, Achelata, Anomura,
Brachyura). In addition to those, we follow Dixon et al.
(2003), Ahyong & O’Meally (2004), and Bracken et al.
(2009) in affording infraordinal status to the glypheid
lobsters (as infraorder Glypheidea). Following Scholtz &
Richter (1995) and Ahyong (2009), we also recognize the
infraorder Polychelida. We follow Robles et al. (2009) in
the recognition of two infraorders (Axiidea, Gebiidea) for
the thalassinidean families. Within the Brachyura, and
departing from Ng et al. (2008), we do not recognize the
section Podotremata, and instead follow Ahyong et al.
(2007) with three sections: Dromiacea, Raninoida,
Cyclodrippoida (see also Ahyong, Naruse et al., 2009).
Further notes on the classification employed within the
various groups are presented below.
We stress that our arrangement of taxa, both at higher
levels (families within superfamilies, sections, etc.) and at
lower levels (genera within families), is not agreed upon
by all workers.
Dendrobranchiata, Stenopodidea, Caridea. For the
Dendrobranchiata, apart from some additional genera, little
has changed since the comprehensive treatment in Pérez
Farfante & Kensley (1997), which in turn formed the basis
of the Martin & Davis (2001) classification. Recent and
ongoing molecular studies (e.g. Chan et al., 2008; Ma et
al., 2009) may require changes in the near future. The
stenopodideans, a relatively small group, also have
changed little since the Martin & Davis (2001) list,
although one family and several new genera have been
added. For the Caridea, an enormous and diverse
assemblage, our work is based on ongoing updates to the
Holthuis (1993) catalogue by S. De Grave and C. Fransen.
One difference pertains to the subfamilies in Atyidae,
which we do not recognize herein. Another difference
concerns the family status of several palaemonoid groups,
where we follow Bruce (1993) in recognizing eight
families. The order of superfamilies followed here is not a
reflection of phylogenetic order, and merely follows Chace
(1992) and Holthuis (1993). We acknowledge the recent
study by Bracken et al. (2009), which questioned the
validity of the superfamily arrangement within Caridea as
well as the monophyly of several families. Christoffersen
(1986, 1987, 1988a, 1988b, 1989, 1990) proposed an
alternative arrangement of caridean systematics (see
Holthuis, 1993, for a discussion). Although some of his
suggestions have been incorporated over the years (e.g. see
Martin & Davis, 2001), many others were rejected.
However, recent, as yet unpublished, work has forced
caridean workers to look more closely at some of
Christoffersen’s suggestions. Evidence that an extensive
rearrangement of caridean superfamilies and families is
needed is forthcoming in ongoing morphological and
molecular studies, but for now we adhere to the more
traditional classification.
Astacidea. The evolutionary relationships and taxonomy
of groups within the infraorder Astacidea are far from
settled and stable. Cladistic methods applied to
morphology (since the mid-1990s) and to molecular data
(since 2004) hold promise, but results often disagree even
at high taxonomic levels. For example, the extinct family
Chilenophoberidae is arguably monophyletic (Ahyong,
2006; Tshudy & Babcock, 1997), but its relationship to
other higher taxa differs in various studies (Ahyong, 2006;
Rode & Babcock, 2003; Tshudy & Babcock, 1997).
Additionally, some astacid fossil families (e.g.
Protastacidae, Stenochiridae) have been largely or
altogether ignored to date in cladistic analyses. For marine
clawed lobsters, Ahyong & O’Meally (2004) and Ahyong
(2006) are currently the most extensive analyses; both
show good agreement with the results of Tshudy et al.
(2009), who analyzed nephropid phylogeny using 12s and
16s rRNA from most of the extant nephropid genera.
The higher classification presented here is based largely on
Ahyong & O’Meally’s (2004) extensive, combined
morphological-molecular analysis of 45 decapod taxa.
Their analysis shows marine clawed lobsters to be the
sister group to the freshwater crayfish. Within the marine
lobsters, the Enoplometopidae are a sister group to the
Nephropidae "+"Thaumastochelidae. These results are
corroborated by more recent molecular studies (e.g. Tsang,
Ma et al., 2008). Following Amati et al. (2004), the extinct
Erymoidea is removed to the infraorder Glypheida (see
The thaumastochelids are a morphologically distinctive
and cladistically cohesive monophyletic group, tradition-
ally recognized as the family Thaumastochelidae.
However, they are depicted as nested within the
Nephropidae in recent molecular analyses (Tsang, Ma et
al., 2008; Tshudy et al., 2009). We follow that arrangement
At a lower taxonomic level (families, genera), Ahyong
(2006) presented the most extensive morphological analy-
sis of clawed lobster genera to date. His cladogram serves
as the morphological state of the art for comparison to
recent molecular phylogenies (e.g. Tsang, Ma et al., 2008
and Tshudy et al., 2009). Currently, molecular results are in
relatively good agreement with each other but differ sig-
nificantly from morphological results (e.g. see Tshudy et
al., 2009).
The freshwater crayfish are a well-established mono-
phyletic group (Crandall et al., 2000; Scholtz & Richter,
1995). Scholtz & Richter (1995) further suggested that
there are no morphological characters uniting freshwater
crayfishes with the clawed lobsters and that the mud
shrimps (Thalassinidea) might actually be more closely
related to the crayfishes. However, recent analyses support
the sister relationship between clawed lobsters and
freshwater crayfishes (Ahyong & O’Meally, 2004; Bracken
et al., 2009; Breinholt et al., 2009; Crandall et al., 2000;
Dixon et al., 2003; Porter et al., 2005), lending support to
the continued recognition of Astacidea. Within the fresh-
water crayfish, there are two monophyletic groups that
correspond to the superfamilies Parastacoidea (the
southern-hemisphere crayfish) and Astacoidea (northern
hemisphere crayfish). The genus level taxonomy has been
very dynamic of late with three significant alterations, one
by Hansen & Richardson (2006) who sank the genus
Parastacoides Clark, 1936, and created two new genera,
Spinastacoides Hansen & Richardson, 2006, and
Ombrastacoides Hansen & Richardson, 2006. Another
proposal was by Starobogatov (1995), who created six new
genera and 36 new species in the Astacidae. However, his
taxonomy has not been generally accepted by the
community (especially those in Europe where the
Astacidae are found), and therefore we keep to the more
conventional higher taxonomy outlined by Hobbs (1974),
but with the adjustments from Hansen & Richardson
(2006). We should note, however, that this taxonomy
leaves much to be desired, as many of the genera from the
family Cambaridae clearly do not form monophyletic
groups (Breinholt et al., 2009; Crandall & Fitzpatrick,
1996). In addition to these adjustments with the extant
taxa, there have also been recent additions at the family
level (Taylor et al., 1999) and genus level (Martin et al.,
2008) for fossil crayfish. Previous species counts (Crandall
& Buhay, 2008) included the Starobogatov (1995)
taxonomy and species counts as well as counts of
subspecies. The species counts in the present catalogue do
not include subspecies or the Starobogatov taxonomy and
are therefore reduced from the previous counts (but they do
include new species and fossil species published through
31 July 2009).
Glypheida. We follow the results of Dixon et al. (2003),
Ahyong & O’Meally (2004) and Bracken et al. (2009) in
giving infraordinal status to the glypheid lobsters. Further,
as the analysis of Amati et al. (2004) demonstrated that the
erymoids are the sister group to the glypheoids, the
Erymoidea is treated herein as a superfamily within the
Axiidea and Gebiidea. Our classification of the decapods
formerly treated as the infraorder Thalassinidea follows
recently proposed revisions that have partitioned this
paraphyletic group into two separate infraorders, which
were originally proposed by de Saint Laurent (1979a,
1979b) as “sections,” the Axiidea and Gebiidea, each with
families as reflected in the listings that follow. As reviewed
in the genetically-based revision by Robles et al. (2009),
both morphological observations (Gurney, 1938, 1942; de
Saint Laurent, 1979a; de Saint Laurent, 1979b; Sakai,
2004; Sakai & Sawada, 2005) and previous genetic studies
(Tsang, Lin et al., 2008; Tsang, Ma et al., 2008) lend
support to this arrangement. No genetic support can be
found for retention of the former superfamilies Axioidea,
Thalassinoidea and Callianassoidea as previously applied
by Poore (1994) and Martin & Davis (2001). Within the
Axiidea, the Thomassiniidae and the Callianideidae do not
appear to represent distinct families, and the formerly
separated Eiconaxiidae and Calocarididae appear to be
imbedded within the family Axiidae, no longer warranting
separate family rank (Robles et al., 2009). However, for
now, these four families continue to be included in our list.
It should also be noted that many lower level taxonomic
De Grave et al.: Living and fossil genera of decapod crustaceans
revisions within these infraorders proposed by Sakai
(1999, 2005, 2006) are not incorporated into this list,
especially in cases of obvious errors or lack of adequate
justification (see Dworschak, 2007; Poore, 2008a, 2008b).
Achelata. The infraorder Achelata was treated as Palinura
in the Martin & Davis (2001) classification. However,
following the removal of the polychelid lobsters to a
separate infraorder (see Ahyong, 2009), we follow Scholtz
& Richter (1995) in recognizing the remaining taxa as
Anomura. For the Anomura we follow the seven
superfamily scheme proposed by McLaughlin et al. (2007)
in their extensive review of external morphological char-
acters and their appraisal of overall anomuran phylogenetic
relationships. At the same time, we acknowledge that there
are conflicting studies on the classification within this
group. It is noteworthy that although the extant Anomura
currently include 17 families, 265 genera and about 2,470
species; approximately 54% of the genera and 43% of the
species are paguroids.
The phylogenetic relationships of the Anomura historically
have been the focus of intense debate, including disagree-
ments over which taxa belong in this diverse infraorder and
even what name is appropriate (Anomura or Anomala).
McLaughlin & Holthuis (1985) reviewed historical aspects
and concluded that the name Anomura MacLeay, 1838,
should be used in preference to the older, but less
frequently used, Anomala Latreille, 1816. Lemaitre &
McLaughlin (2009) recently reviewed advances and
conflicts over the last two decades; the studies reviewed by
them include works based on molecular as well as
morphological data that have continued to add controversy
to concepts of anomuran phylogeny. Modern studies have
been useful in contributing to deciphering anomuran
relationships but also have limitations. Several phylo-
genetic studies based on molecular data, in particular, are
contradictory. Ahyong, Schnabel et al.’s (2009) latest
study, based on the largest molecular dataset used for the
Anomura to date, acknowledges that a consensus on
internal relationships is still far off and concludes that only
three superfamilies, Aegloidea, Hippoidea and Lomisoidea,
remain uncontroversial. Clearly, the Anomura remains
today a source of much discord, and although there is now
agreement on some major issues (below), hypotheses on
anomuran phylogenetic relationships will undoubtedly
remain contentious until morphological and molecular
studies produce more harmonious results.
Lemaitre & McLaughlin (2009) provided some summary
statements about our phylogenetic knowledge of ano-
murans: 1) based on morphological and molecular data, the
Anomura and Brachyura both appear to be monophyletic
sister clades (Ahyong & O’Meally, 2004; Ahyong,
Schnabel et al., 2009; Dixon et al., 2003; Scholtz &
Richter, 1995; Schram, 2001), the two jointly forming a
clade referred to by some as the Meiura; 2) "the
Thalassinidea are now consistently placed outside of the
Anomura (see Axiidea and Gebiidea above); 3) "the
Lomisoidea is a monophyletic group, although there is
uncertainty as to its sister group (e.g., McLaughlin et al.,
2007); 4) "the Hippoidea appears to be a monophyletic
group, but this concept still needs rigorous phylogenetic
testing; 5)"there is conclusive evidence that the Aeglidae is
outside the Galatheoidea, although it is unclear which is
the sister group (e.g., Ahyong, Schnabel et al., 2009;
McLaughlin et al., 2007; Morrison et al., 2002; Porter et
al., 2005); 6)"the families Galatheidae, Chirostylidae and
Porcellanidae of the Galatheoidea still need rigorous
phylogenetic testing to determine relationships among and
within them, as does the Kiwaidae, a taxon originally
placed in the Galatheoidea and then elevated to super-
family rank by McLaughlin et al. (2007) [although this
elevation was not accepted by Baba et al. (2008) or by
Ahyong, Schnabel et al. (2009)]; 7)"the composition of the
Paguroidea sensu lato has been revised recently based on
extensive morphological and developmental evidence, and
as a result the family Lithodidae was removed to its own
superfamily (McLaughlin et al., 2007); however, Ahyong,
Schnabel et al. (2009) found that move incompatible with
results from their molecular analysis; 8) "within the
Paguroidea, Lemaitre et al. (2009) found that the mono-
phyly of the Pylochelidae is not clearly confirmed, provi-
ding support for a paraphyletic Pylochelidae as originally
proposed by Richter & Scholtz (1994) (see also Lemaitre
& McLaughlin, 2009; McLaughlin & Lemaitre, 2009),
although molecular studies are needed to explore the
possible polyphyly of this family suggested by larval data,
and other families still need to be fully analyzed.
Brachyura. For the Brachyura (true crabs), an enormous
and historically difficult group of decapods, we have fol-
lowed the recent and comprehensive catalogue of all extant
families, genera and species of crabs of the world by Ng et
al. (2008), with a few notable exceptions.
The most important exception, perhaps, is that the Ng et al.
(2008) catalogue provisionally recognized the
Podotremata, a category that contains several groups of
presumed “primitive” crabs, although Ng et al. (2008) are
also careful to discuss the various lines of evidence
(morphological and molecular) for and against its
recognition (see also Ahyong et al., 2007; Scholtz &
McLay, 2009; Tavares, 2003). The Martin & Davis (2001)
classification, on which much of the current catalogue is
based, did not recognize the Podotremata, instead treating
some of these same families as a “Section
Dromiacea” (which did not, however, include the
Raninoidea or Cyclodorippoidea). Recent morphological
(Scholtz & McLay, 2009) and molecular (Ahyong et al.,
2007) evidence also suggests the artificiality of the
Podotremata; Ahyong et al. (2007) proposed that the
Dromiacea, Raninoida and Cyclodorippoida be treated as
separate brachyuran lineages that are equal in weight to the
much larger Eubrachyura (see discussions in Ahyong et al.,
2007; Ng et al., 2008; Scholtz & McLay, 2009). The
Ahyong et al. (2007) work seems to us the strongest
evidence to date on the relationships of the primitive crab
families, and we have followed their suggestion in
recognizing the Dromiacea, Raninoida, and
Cyclodorippoida, and not the Podotremata.
The Ng et al. (2008) catalogue also differs from the Martin
& Davis (2001) list in recognizing subfamilies (in part
following Davie’s (2002) extremely useful catalogue of
Australian crabs and Ng & Davie’s (2002) list of crabs
from Phuket and western Thailand), and by including all
known species. This addition makes it a very useful
compendium, and we have followed the Ng et al. (2008)
catalogue, rather than the Martin & Davis (2001)
classification, in our treatment of nearly all families and
subfamilies and their included genera.
The current list also differs from the Ng et al. (2008)
catalogue in the inclusion of fossil taxa. Although all
named fossil taxa are now included, not all recently
proposed arrangements within families based on fossil taxa
have been incorporated [see e.g. revisions of the
Xanthoidea by Karasawa & Schweitzer (2006) and of the
Carcineretidae by Schweitzer et al. (2007)]. On the whole,
we have attempted to place the fossil taxa within a
framework based on living taxa, with one exception. For
the Portunoidea we do not follow the primarily fossil-
based Karasawa et al. (2008) classification (with some
minor exceptions). However, a recent preliminary analysis
by Schubart & Reuschel (2009) suggests that an extensive
rearrangement of portunoid families will be required. And
indeed, following Schubart & Reuschel (2009), we are
now treating the families Pirimelidae and Thiidae as
members of the Portunoidea. As an example of a widely
divergent placement between classifications based on
extant taxa and those used by fossil workers, the family
Mathildellidae could be cited. Although treated as a family
of the Portunoidea by Karasawa et al. (2008) on mostly
fossil evidence, the Mathildellidae is retained here in the
Goneplacoidea following Ng et al. (2008).
In part because of consideration of fossil taxa, we also
have not used the suggested subfamilies of the family
Dynomenidae as employed by Guinot (2008). We felt that
the addition of these subfamilies would result in too large a
number of unplaced fossil genera. The pending list of
fossil decapods [Schweitzer et al., 2009 (in press)] also
does not use these suggested dynomenid subfamilies. For
the freshwater crabs, we have combined the genera
formerly in the family Parathelphusidae (e.g. in Ng et al.,
2008) with those in the Gecarcinucidae, resulting in a
single family (Gecarcinucidae) in the superfamily
Gecarcinucoidea, following the suggestion of Klaus et al.
(2009), who found no support for recognizing both
families. However, with regard to"the suggestion by"Klaus
et al. (2009) that the Old World freshwater crabs should
perhaps be combined in one superfamily, we defer from
doing so until more evidence surfaces (see also
Cumberlidge & Ng, 2009).
There is still debate among systematists as to the recogni-
tion, limits and constituencies of some of the proposed
higher crab taxa, such as the Podotremata (noted above),
Eubrachyura, Heterotremata and Thoracotremata. The use
of superfamilies has also been questioned recently, at least
for “grapsoid” families (see Schubart et al., 2006). We
have maintained these superfamily groupings and higher
taxa (other than Podotremata) for now in keeping with our
decision to follow the classifications used by Martin &
Davis (2001) and Ng et al. (2008). For most of the higher
level taxa (families and their organization into super-
families and sections), see discussions in Martin & Davis
(2001), Davie (2002), McLaughlin et al. (2005), Ahyong et
al. (2007), and Ng et al. (2008).
We refer readers to the Ng et al. (2008) paper for a large
number of synonymies, assigned authors, dates of pub-
lications and discussions of questionable taxa in the
Brachyura. Also discussed at various points by Ng et al.
(2008) are recent changes suggested by Števčić (2005),
who proposed a number of new taxa and proposed
increasing the number of recognized superfamilies to 48
[up from 25 in Martin & Davis (2001) and 37 in Ng et al.
(2008)]. One of our goals in assembling the current list is
to establish a general framework that can then be tested
using a combination of molecular, morphological, and
paleontological characters. Števčić’s proposed clas-
sification gives us another alternative that we will be
testing in the years ahead, along with the arrangements
proposed by Martin & Davis (2001), Ng et al. (2008), and
Our classification draws heavily on the work Schweitzer et
al. [Schweitzer et al., 2009 (in press)] for the placement of
fossil taxa, but it differs in some respects. We have relied
more heavily on classifications based on extant taxa and in
many cases have “shoe-horned” fossil taxa into this
classification. For those forms, primarily Cenozoic in age,
that exhibit very close morphological affinities with extant
forms, the placement of fossil taxa has been a
straightforward exercise. However, many ancient decapods
are morphologically quite dissimilar from known modern
animals, and therefore they pose special problems in
classification. Modern classifications of Decapoda are
largely based upon characters of the anatomy that only
rarely are preserved in the fossil record, such as the
maxillipeds and the reproductive structures. Therefore,
paleontologists find it necessary to employ morphological
features that are preserved on fossils and relate those
attributes to comparable features on extant forms. These
so-called proxy characters (Schweitzer, 2003), although
not without problems (see Ng et al., 2008), often provide a
bridge that permits fossil taxa to be placed within
classification schemes developed solely for extant forms
(Feldmann, 2003; Feldmann & Schweitzer, 2000).
De Grave et al.: Living and fossil genera of decapod crustaceans
An additional challenge in working with extinct taxa is the
placement of families known only from the fossil record
into a classification that may be based in part on genetic
work (e.g. Martin & Davis, 2001; Ng et al., 2008). Re-
examination of Glaessner’s (1969) classification in the
light of recent fossil discoveries, and the detailed study of
suprageneric groups of fossil and extant decapods, has
resulted in some important reassignments [see Schweitzer
et al., 2009 (in press)].
Without doubt, substantial changes, particularly within the
fossil shrimp taxa, will continue for years to come. For
many of these groups, attempts to employ molecular
analyses in combination with morphological analyses of
fossil and extant decapods are still few and far between.
Entry into the general field of paleontological literature is
facilitated by two landmark publications that should be
acknowledged. Glaessner (1929) provided a nearly
comprehensive compilation of species known from the
fossil record up to that date in the decapod volume of
Fossilium Catalogus. This monumental work provides an
excellent entry into early literature and a platform from
which one can apply more recent systematic work. Forty
years later, Glaessner (1969) published the decapod
volume of the Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, in
which he revised the classification of fossil decapods and
added taxa not listed in Fossilium Catalogus. However, no
attempt was made to provide a comprehensive list of
species in the Treatise, and a vast literature has grown
since 1969. Although these compilations are extremely
useful, more than 400 references to fossil occurrences,
spanning the time from the 18th Century to the present,
were employed in preparing the current list.
We thank the many workers in the field who have
contributed additions and corrections to this list and/or
have generously responded to our requests for help in
locating the necessary literature over the last several years.
These workers include Joseph Goy, Cedric d’Udekem
d’Acoz, Sandy Bruce, Tomoyuki Komai, Peter Davie,
Daniele Guinot, Peter Castro and Roy Kropp. We are
indebted to Alessandro Garassino, Günter Schweigert and
Hiroaki Karasawa for additional help with information on
fossil decapods. We stress that these workers are not
necessarily in agreement with our arrangements of families
within superfamilies, genera within families and estimates
of species numbers within genera. We thank a number of
undergraduate students from the University of Southern
California who were of immense help in collecting and
collating much of the taxonomic authority information:
Isaac Ahn, Ashley Avery, Celia Carter, Christina Chen,
David Luangpraseuth, Anita Rai, Jonathan Sepulveda,
Adam Wall and Jennifer Zieba.
Some of the photographs used were based on specimens
collected by the Philippines AURORA 2007 and the
Mozambique MAINBAZA expeditions. The AURORA
2007 Expedition was a collaboration between Museum
national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris (principal investigator
Philippe Bouchet); Philippine National Museum (principal
investigator Marivene Manuel-Santos); Philippine Bureau
of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources; Smithsonian
Institution (National Museum of Natural History); Aurora
State College of Technology; National University of
Singapore; University of San Carlos, Cebu City; and
National Taiwan Ocean University; and with funding from
the Lounsbery Foundation and Total (Philippines)
Corporation. The MAINBAZA expedition was organized
by Philippe Bouchet of the Museum national d’Histoire
naturelle, Paris. These cruises were affiliated with the
Census of Continental Margins (CoMarges) component of
the Census of Marine Life. T.-Y. Chan received funding
support from the National Science Council, Taiwan,
Republic of China; Academia Sinica, Taiwan, Republic of
China; and the Center for Marine Bioscience and
Biotechnology of the National Taiwan Ocean University.
Photographs copyrighted by J."W. Martin are also courtesy
of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Marine National
Monument, Hawaiian Islands National Wildlife Refuge,
the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands State Marine Refuge,
NOAA’s Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center and
CReefs, in accordance with permit numbers
NWHIMNM-2006-015 and DLNR.NWHI06R021 and
associated amendments (Rusty Brainard, Chief Scientist).
We thank Arthur Anker (Florida Museum of Natural
History) for the cover images.
This publication is a product of the decapod crustacean
“Assembling the Tree of Life” (AToL) project supported
by the United States National Science Foundation via a
series of collaborative grants to K.A. Crandall (team
leader) and N. "Hannegan (DEB 0531762), D.L. Felder
(DEB 0531603), J.W. Martin (DEB 0531616), and R.
Feldmann and C. Schweitzer (DEB 0531670). S.T.
Ahyong gratefully acknowledges support from the NIWA
Capability Fund and New Zealand Foundation for
Research Science and Technology. J.W. Martin was
additionally supported by a contract from NOAA for
systematic work on Hawaiian decapods.
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Latreille, 1802
Bate, 1888
Family Aegeridae †† Burkenroad, 1963!(25)
!Acanthochirana †† Strand, 1928!(5)
!Aeger †† Münster, 1839!(20)
Family Aristeidae † Wood-Mason & Alcock, 1891
[in Wood-Mason & Alcock, 1891–1893]!(27,"0,"1)
!Aristaeomorpha Wood-Mason & Alcock, 1891
[in Wood-Mason & Alcock, 1891–1893]!(2)
!Aristeus Duvernoy, 1840!(9)
!Archeosolenocera †† Carriol & Riou, 1991!(1)
!Aristaeopsis Wood-Mason & Alcock, 1891
[in Wood-Mason & Alcock, 1891–1893]!(1)
!Austropenaeus Pérez Farfante & Kensley, 1997!(1)
!Hemipenaeus Bate, 1881!(2)
!Hepomadus Bate, 1881!(3)
!Parahepomadus Crosnier, 1978!(1)
!Plesiopenaeus Bate, 1881!(2)
!Pseudaristeus Crosnier, 1978!(6)
Family Benthesicymidae † Wood-Mason & Alcock, 1891
[in Wood-Mason & Alcock, 1891–1893]!(42,"0,"1)
!Altelatipes Crosnier & Vereshchaka, 2008!(3)
!Bentheogennema Burkenroad, 1936!(5)
!Benthesicymus † Bate, 1881!(16,"0,"1)
!Benthonectes Smith, 1885c!(1)
!Gennadas Bate, 1881!(17)
Family Carpopenaeidae †† Garassino, 1994!(3)
!Carpopenaeus †† Glaessner, 1946!(3)
Family Penaeidae † Rafinesque, 1815!(221,"0,"65)
!Albertoppelia †† Schweigert & Garassino, 2004!(1)
!Ambilobeia †† Garassino & Pasini, 2002!(1)
!Antrimpos †† Münster, 1839!(15)
!Artemesia Bate, 1888!(1)
!Atypopenaeus Alcock, 1905a!(5)
!Bombur †† Münster, 1839!(2)
!Bylgia †† Münster, 1839!(4)
!Carinacaris †† Garassino, 1994!(1)
!Cretapenaeus †† Garassino, Pasini & Dutheil, 2006!(1)
!Drobna †† Münster, 1839!(1)
!Dusa †† Münster, 1839!(5)
!Farfantepenaeus Burukovsky, 1997!(8)
!Fenneropenaeus Pérez Farfante, 1969!(6)
!Funchalia Johnson, 1868!(6)
!Hakelocaris †† Garassino, 1994!(1)
!Heteropenaeus De Man, 1896a!(1)
!Ifasya †† Garassino & Teruzzi, 1995!(2)
!Koelga †† Münster, 1839!(2)
!Libanocaris †† Garassino, 1994!(1)
!Litopenaeus Pérez Farfante, 1969!(5)
!Longichela †† Garassino & Teruzzi, 1993!(1)
!Longitergite †† Garassino & Teruzzi, 1996!(1)
!Macropenaeus †† Garassino, 1994!(1)
!Macropetasma Stebbing, 1914!(1)
!Marsupenaeus Tirmizi, 1971!(1)
!Megokris Pérez Farfante & Kensley, 1997!(9)
!Melicertus Rafinesque, 1814!(8)
!Metapenaeopsis Bouvier, 1905!(74)
!Metapenaeus Wood-Mason & Alcock, 1891
[in Wood-Mason & Alcock, 1891–1893]!(28)
!Microchela †† Garassino, 1994!(1)
!Micropenaeus †† Bravi & Garassino, 1998a!(1)
!Parapenaeopsis Alcock, 1901!(22)
!Parapenaeus Smith, 1885b!(14)
!Pelagopenaeus Pérez Farfante & Kensley, 1997!(1)
!Penaeopsis Bate, 1881!(7)
!Penaeus † Fabricius, 1798!(3,"0,"18)
!Protrachypene Burkenroad, 1934!(1)
!Pseudobombur †† Secretan, 1975!(1)
!Pseudodusa †† Schweigert & Garassino, 2004!(1)
!Rauna †† Münster, 1839!(1)
!Rhodanicaris †† Van Straelen, 1924!(1)
!Rimapenaeus Pérez Farfante & Kensley, 1997!(4)
!Satyrocaris †† Garassino & Teruzzi, 1993!(1)
!Tanypenaeus Pérez Farfante, 1972!(1)
!Trachypenaeopsis Burkenroad, 1934!(3)
!Trachypenaeus Alcock, 1901!(2)
!Trachysalambria Burkenroad, 1934!(9)
!Xiphopenaeus Smith, 1869b!(1)
Family Sicyoniidae † Ortmann, 1898!(52,"0,"1)
!Sicyonia † H. Milne Edwards, 1830a!(52,"0,"1)
Family Solenoceridae Wood-Mason & Alcock, 1891
[in Wood-Mason & Alcock, 1891–1893]!(86)
!Cryptopenaeus de Freitas, 1979!(5)
!Gordonella Tirmizi, 1960!(3)
!Hadropenaeus Pérez Farfante, 1977!(4)
!Haliporoides Stebbing, 1914!(4)
!Haliporus Bate, 1881!(3)
!Hymenopenaeus Smith, 1882!(17)
!Mesopenaeus Pérez Farfante, 1977!(3)
!Pleoticus Bate, 1888!(3)
!Solenocera Lucas, 1849!(44)
Family Luciferidae De Haan, 1849
[in De Haan, 1833–1850]!(8)
!Lucifer Thompson, 1829!(8)
Family Sergestidae † Dana, 1852a!(104,"0,"2)
!Acetes H. Milne Edwards, 1830a!(14)
!Allosergestes Judkins & Kensley, 2008!(6)
!Cretasergestes †† Garassino & Schweigert, 2006!(1)
De Grave et al.: Living and fossil genera of decapod crustaceans
!Deosergestes Judkins & Kensley, 2008!(11)
!Eusergestes Judkins & Kensley, 2008!(2)
!Neosergestes Judkins & Kensley, 2008!(8)
!Paleomattea †† Maisey & G.P. de Carvalho, 1995!(1)
!Parasergestes Judkins & Kensley, 2008!(6)
!Peisos Burkenroad, 1945!(1)
!Petalidium Bate, 1881!(3)
!Sergestes H. Milne Edwards, 1830a!(10)
!Sergia Stimpson, 1860c!(40)
!Sicyonella Borradaile, 1910!(3)
Burkenroad, 1963
Bate, 1888
Family Macromaxillocarididae
Alvarez, Iliffe & Villalobos, 2006!(1)
!Macromaxillocaris Alvarez, Iliffe & Villalobos, 2006!(1)
Family Spongicolidae † Schram, 1986!(34,"0,"1)
!Globospongicola Komai & Saito, 2006!(2)
!Jilinicaris †† Schram, Shen, Vonk & Taylor, 2000!(1)
!Microprosthema Stimpson, 1860c!(10)
!Paraspongicola de Saint Laurent & Cléva, 1981!(2)
!Spongicola De Haan, 1844 [in De Haan, 1833–1850]!(9)
!Spongicoloides Hansen, 1908!(7)
!Spongiocaris Bruce & Baba, 1973!(4)
Family Stenopodidae † Claus, 1872!(34,"0,"1)
!Engystenopus Alcock & Anderson, 1894!(2)
!Odontozona Holthuis, 1946!(14)
!Phoenice †† Garassino, 2001!(1)
!Richardina A. Milne-Edwards, 1881a!(6)
!Stenopus Latreille, 1819!(12)
Dana, 1852c
Schweigert & Garassino, 2006!(1)
Family Pleopteryxidae ††
Schweigert & Garassino, 2006!(1)
!Pleopteryx †† Schweigert & Garassino, 2004!(1)
Chace & Manning, 1972!(6,"0,"5)
Family Procarididae Chace & Manning, 1972!(6)
!Procaris Chace & Manning, 1972!(5)
!Vetericaris Kensley & Williams, 1986!(1)
Unplaced at family level ††!(5)
!Udora †† Münster, 1839!(5)
Vereshchaka, 1997a!(1)
Family Galatheacarididae Vereshchaka, 1997a!(1)
!Galatheacaris Vereshchaka, 1997a!(1)
Family Pasiphaeidae † Dana, 1852a!(92,"0,"1)
!Alainopasiphaea Hayashi, 1999!(2)
!Eupasiphae Wood-Mason, 1893
[in Wood-Mason & Alcock, 1891–1893]!(4)
!Glyphus Filhol, 1884!(1)
!Leptochela Stimpson, 1860c!(15)
!Parapasiphae Smith, 1884!(4)
!Pasiphaea † Savigny, 1816!(61,"0,"1)
!Psathyrocaris Wood-Mason, 1893
[in Wood-Mason & Alcock, 1891–1893]!(5)
Family Oplophoridae † Dana, 1852a!(70,"0,"6)
!Acanthephyra A. Milne-Edwards, 1881b!(27)
!Ephyrina Smith, 1885c!(6)
!Heterogenys Chace, 1986!(2)
!Hymenodora Sars, 1877!(4)
!Janicella Chace, 1986!(1)
!Kemphyra Chace, 1986!(1)
!Meningodora Smith, 1882!(6)
!Notostomus † A. Milne-Edwards, 1881b!(9,"0,"1)
!Odontochelion †† Garassino, 1994!(1)
!Oplophorus † H. Milne Edwards, 1837
[in H. Milne Edwards, 1834–1840]!(4,"0,"3)
!Systellaspis Bate, 1888!(10)
!Tonellocaris †† Garassino, 1998!(1)
[in De Haan, 1833–1850]!(449,"0,"3)
Family Atyidae † De Haan, 1849
[in De Haan, 1833–1850]!(449,"0,"3)
!Antecaridina Edmondson, 1954!(1)
!Archaeatya Villalobos, 1959!(1)
!Atya Leach, 1816b!(13)
!Atyaephyra de Brito Capello, 1867!(3)
!Atyella Calman, 1906b!(2)
!Atyoida Randall, 1840!(3)
!Atyopsis Chace, 1983!(2)
!Australatya Chace, 1983!(1)
!Caridella Calman, 1906b!(3)
!Caridina † H. Milne Edwards, 1837
[in H. Milne Edwards, 1834–1840]!(279,"0,"1)
!Caridinides Calman, 1926!(1)
!Caridinopsis Bouvier, 1912b!(1)
!Delclosia †† Rabadà, 1993!(2)
!Dugastella Bouvier, 1912a!(2)
!Edoneus Holthuis, 1978!(4)
!Gallocaris Sket & Zakšek, 2009!(1)
!Halocaridina Holthuis, 1963!(2)
!Halocaridinides Fujino & Shokita, 1975!(2)
!Jolivetya Cals, 1986!(1)
!Jonga Hart, 1961!(1)
!Lancaris Cai & Bahir, 2005!(2)
!Limnocaridella Bouvier, 1913!(1)
!Limnocaridina Calman, 1899b!(8)
!Mancicaris Liang, Z.L. Guo & Tang, 1999!(1)
!Marosina Cai & Ng, 2005!(2)
!Micratya Bouvier, 1913!(1)
!Neocaridina Kubo, 1938!(23)
!Palaemonias Hay, 1902!(2)
!Paracaridina Liang, Z.L. Guo & Tang, 1999!(5)
!Paratya Miers, 1882!(15)
!Parisia Holthuis, 1956!(8)
!Potimirim Holthuis, 1954!(4)
!Puteonator Gurney, 1987!(1)
!Pycneus Holthuis, 1986!(1)
!Pycnisia Bruce, 1992b!(2)
!Sinodina Liang & Cai, 1999!(12)
!Stygiocaris Holthuis, 1960b!(2)
!Syncaris Holmes, 1900!(2)
!Troglocaris Dormitzer, 1853!(13)
!Typhlatya Creaser, 1936!(17)
!Typhlocaridina Liang & Yan, 1981!(3)
!Typhlopatsa Holthuis, 1956!(1)
Family Agostocarididae Hart & Manning, 1986!(3)
!Agostocaris Hart & Manning, 1986!(3)
Family Alvinocarididae † Christoffersen, 1986!(23,"0,"2)
!Alvinocaris Williams & Chace, 1982!(12)
!Chorocaris J.W. Martin & Hessler, 1990!(3)
!Harthofia †† Polz, 2007!(2)
!Mirocaris Vereshchaka, 1997b!(2)
!Nautilocaris Komai & Segonzac, 2004!(1)
!Opaepele Williams & Dobbs, 1995!(2)
!Rimicaris Williams & Rona, 1986!(2)
!Shinkaicaris Komai & Segonzac, 2005!(1)
Family Bresiliidae Calman, 1896!(7)
!Bresilia Calman, 1896!(6)
!Encantada Wicksten, 1989!(1)
Family Disciadidae Rathbun, 1902!(12)
!Discias Rathbun, 1902!(8)
!Kirnasia Burukovsky, 1988!(2)
!Lucaya Chace, 1939!(1)
!Tridiscias Kensley, 1983!(1)
Family Pseudochelidae De Grave & Moosa, 2004!(3)
!Pseudocheles Chace & Brown, 1978!(3)
Smith, 1884!(75)
Family Eugonatonotidae Chace, 1937a!(2)
!Eugonatonotus Schmitt, 1926!(2)
Family Nematocarcinidae Smith, 1884!(46)
!Lenzicarcinus Burukovsky, 2005!(1)
!Lipkius Yaldwyn, 1960!(1)
!Nematocarcinus A. Milne-Edwards, 1881b!(43)
!Nigmatullinus Burukovsky, 1991!(1)
Family Rhynchocinetidae Ortmann, 1890!(25)
!Cinetorhynchus Holthuis, 1995!(11)
!Rhynchocinetes H. Milne Edwards, 1837
[in H. Milne Edwards, 1834–1840]!(14)
Family Xiphocarididae Ortmann, 1895!(2)
!Xiphocaris von Martens, 1872!(2)
1892 [in Wood-Mason & Alcock, 1891–1893]!(3)
Family Psalidopodidae Wood-Mason, 1892
[in Wood-Mason & Alcock, 1891–1893]!(3)
!Psalidopus Wood-Mason, 1892
[in Wood-Mason & Alcock, 1891–1893]!(3)
Family Stylodactylidae Bate, 1888!(33)
!Bathystylodactylus Hanamura & Takeda, 1996!(3)
!Neostylodactylus Hayashi & Miyake, 1968!(6)
!Parastylodactylus Figueira, 1971!(6)
!Stylodactyloides Cleva, 1990!(1)
!Stylodactylus A. Milne-Edwards, 1881b!(17)
Family Bathypalaemonellidae de Saint Laurent, 1985!(11)
!Bathypalaemonella Balss, 1914b!(8)
!Bathypalaemonetes Cleva, 2001!(3)
Family Campylonotidae Sollaud, 1913!(5)
!Campylonotus Bate, 1888!(5)
Rafinesque, 1815!(971,"0,"20)
Family Anchistioididae Borradaile, 1915!(4)
!Anchistioides Paul’son, 1875!(4)
Family Desmocarididae Borradaile, 1915!(2)
!Desmocaris Sollaud, 1911a!(2)
Family Euryrhynchidae Holthuis, 1950!(7)
!Euryrhynchina Powell, 1976!(1)
De Grave et al.: Living and fossil genera of decapod crustaceans
!Euryrhynchoides Powell, 1976!(1)
!Euryrhynchus Miers, 1877a!(5)
Family Gnathophyllidae Dana, 1852a!(14)
!Gnathophylleptum d’Udekem d’Acoz, 2001!(1)
!Gnathophylloides Schmitt, 1933!(2)
!Gnathophyllum Latreille, 1819!(9)
!Levicaris Bruce, 1973a!(1)
!Pycnocaris Bruce, 1972b!(1)
Family Hymenoceridae Ortmann, 1890!(3)
!Hymenocera Latreille, 1819!(1)
!Phyllognathia Borradaile, 1915!(2)
Family Kakaducarididae Bruce, 1993!(3)
!Calathaemon Bruce & Short, 1993!(1)
!Kakaducaris Bruce, 1993!(1)
!Leptopalaemon Bruce & Short, 1993!(1)
Family Palaemonidae † Rafinesque, 1815!(934,"0,"20)
Subfamily Palaemoninae † Rafinesque, 1815!(372,"0,"20)
!Alburnia †† Bravi & Garassino, 1998b!(1)
!Bechleja †† Houša, 1957!(4)
!Beurlenia †† Martins-Neto & Mezzalira, 1991a!(1)
!Brachycarpus Bate, 1888!(3)
!Coutierella Sollaud, 1914!(2)
!Creaseria Holthuis, 1950!(1)
!Cryphiops Dana, 1852a!(5)
!Exopalaemon Holthuis, 1950!(10)
!Leander E. Desmarest, 1849!(5)
!Leandrites Holthuis, 1950!(4)
!Leptocarpus Holthuis, 1950!(3)
!Macrobrachium Bate, 1868!(239)
!Micropsalis †† von Meyer, 1859!(1)
!Nematopalaemon Holthuis, 1950!(5)
!Neopalaemon Hobbs, 1973!(1)
!Palaemon † Weber, 1795!(42,"0,"6)
!Palaemonetes Heller, 1869!(31)
!Propalaemon †† Woodward, 1903!(3)
!Pseudocaridinella †† Martins-Neto & Mezzalira, 1991b
!Pseudopalaemon Sollaud, 1911b!(7)
!Schmelingia †† Schweigert, 2002!(1)
!Troglindicus Sankolli & Shenoy, 1979!(1)
!Troglocubanus Holthuis, 1949!(5)
!Troglomexicanus Villalobos, Alvarez & Iliffe, 1999!(3)
!Urocaridella Borradaile, 1915!(5)
!Yongjiacaris †† Garassino, Shen, Schram & Taylor, 2002
Subfamily Pontoniinae Kingsley, 1879a!(562)
!Allopontonia Bruce, 1972a!(1)
!Altopontonia Bruce, 1990b!(1)
!Amphipontonia Bruce, 1991a!(1)
!Anapontonia Bruce, 1966!(1)
!Anchiopontonia Bruce, 1992a!(1)
!Anchistus Borradaile, 1898!(7)
!Apopontonia Bruce, 1976!(1)
!Araiopontonia Fujino & Miyake, 1970!(1)
!Ascidonia Fransen, 2002!(5)
!Balssia Kemp, 1922!(3)
!Blepharocaris Mitsuhashi & Chan, 2007!(1)
!Brucecaris Marin & Chan, 2006!(1)
!Bruceonia Fransen, 2002!(1)
!Cainonia Bruce, 2005b!(1)
!Carinopontonia Bruce, 1988e!(1)
!Chacella Bruce, 1986a!(1)
!Chernocaris Johnson, 1967!(1)
!Climeniperaeus Bruce, 1995!(1)
!Colemonia Bruce, 2005b!(1)
!Conchodytes Peters, 1852!(9)
!Coralliocaris Stimpson, 1860c!(11)
!Coutierea Nobili, 1901!(1)
!Crinotonia Marin, 2006!(2)
!Ctenopontonia Bruce, 1979!(1)
!Cuapetes A.H. Clark, 1919!(25)
!Dactylonia Fransen, 2002!(8)
!Dasella Lebour, 1945!(3)
!Dasycaris Kemp, 1922!(4)
!Diapontonia Bruce, 1986b!(1)
!Epipontonia Bruce, 1977!(4)
!Eupontonia Bruce, 1971!(1)
!Exoclimenella Bruce, 1995!(4)
!Exopontonia Bruce, 1988c!(1)
!Fennera Holthuis, 1951!(1)
!Hamiger Borradaile, 1916!(1)
!Hamodactyloides Fujino, 1973!(2)
!Hamodactylus Holthuis, 1952b!(3)
!Hamopontonia Bruce, 1970!(2)
!Harpiliopsis Borradaile, 1917!(3)
!Harpilius Dana, 1852a!(4)
!Ischnopontonia Bruce, 1966!(1)
!Isopontonia Bruce, 1982b!(1)
!Izucaris Okuno, 1999!(2)
!Jocaste Holthuis, 1952b!(3)
!Laomenes A.H. Clark, 1919!(8)
!Leptomenaeus Bruce, 2007b!(2)
!Lipkebe Chace, 1969!(1)
!Manipontonia Bruce, Okuno & Li, 2005!(1)
!Margitonia Bruce, 2007a!(1)
!Mesopontonia Bruce, 1967!(6)
!Metapontonia Bruce, 1967!(1)
!Miopontonia Bruce, 1985b!(1)
!Neoanchistus Bruce, 1975b!(2)
!Neopericlimenes Heard, Spotte & Bubucis, 1993!(1)
!Neopontonides Holthuis, 1951!(4)
!Nippontonia Bruce & Bauer, 1997!(1)
!Notopontonia Bruce, 1991b!(1)
!Odontonia Fransen, 2002!(7)
!Onycocaridella Bruce, 1981!(3)
!Onycocaridites Bruce, 1987!(1)
!Onycocaris Nobili, 1904!(15)
!Onycomenes Bruce, 2009!(1)
!Orthopontonia Bruce, 1982a!(1)
!Palaemonella Dana, 1852a!(20)
!Paraclimenaeus Bruce, 1988a!(3)
!Paraclimenes Bruce, 1995!(4)
!Paranchistus Holthuis, 1952b!(6)
!Paratypton Balss, 1914d!(1)
!Patonia Mitsuhashi & Chan, 2006!(1)
!Periclimenaeus Borradaile, 1915!(69)
!Periclimenella Bruce, 1995!(2)
!Periclimenes Costa, 1844!(173)
!Periclimenoides Bruce, 1990a!(2)
!Philarius Holthuis, 1952b!(3)
!Phycomenes Bruce, 2008b!(1)
!Platycaris Holthuis, 1952b!(1)
!Platypontonia Bruce, 1968!(2)
!Plesiopontonia Bruce, 1985a!(1)
!Pliopontonia Bruce, 1973c!(2)
!Pontonia Latreille, 1829!(10)
!Pontonides Borradaile, 1917!(7)
!Pontoniopsides Bruce, 2005a!(1)
!Pontoniopsis Borradaile, 1915!(1)
!Poripontonia Fransen, 2003!(2)
!Propontonia Bruce, 1969!(1)
!Pseudoclimenes Bruce, 2008a!(1)
!Pseudocoutierea Holthuis, 1951!(6)
!Pseudopontonia Bruce, 1992a!(1)
!Pseudopontonides Heard, 1986!(1)
!Pseudoveleronia Marin, 2008!(1)
!Rapipontonia Marin, 2007!(3)
!Rostronia Fransen, 2002!(1)
!Sandimenes Li, 2009!(1)
!Sandyella Marin, 2009!(2)
!Stegopontonia Nobili, 1906!(1)
!Tectopontonia Bruce, 1973b!(1)
!Thaumastocaris Kemp, 1922!(1)
!Tuleariocaris Hipeau-Jacquotte, 1965!(4)
!Typton Costa, 1844!(17)
!Typtonychus Bruce, 1996!(4)
!Unguicaris Marin & Chan, 2006!(4)
!Urocaris Stimpson, 1860c!(1)
!Veleronia Holthuis, 1951!(2)
!Veleroniopsis Gore, 1981!(1)
!Vir Holthuis, 1952b!(6)
!Waldola Holthuis, 1951!(1)
!Yemenicaris Bruce, 1997!(1)
!Zenopontonia Bruce, 1975a!(1)
Family Typhlocarididae Annandale & Kemp, 1913!(4)
!Typhlocaris Calman, 1909a!(4)
SUPERFAMILY ALPHEOIDEA Rafinesque, 1815!(963)
Family Alpheidae Rafinesque, 1815!(627)
!Acanthanas Anker, Poddoubtchenko & Jeng, 2006!(1)
!Alpheopsis Coutière, 1896!(20)
!Alpheus Fabricius, 1798!(283)
!Amphibetaeus Coutière, 1896!(1)
!Arete Stimpson, 1860c!(4)
!Aretopsis De Man, 1910!(2)
!Athanas Leach, 1814 [in Leach, 1813–1815]!(32)
!Athanopsis Coutière, 1897!(5)
!Automate De Man, 1888!(9)
!Bannereus Bruce, 1988b!(1)
!Batella Holthuis, 1955!(3)
!Bermudacaris Anker & Iliffe, 2000!(3)
!Betaeopsis Yaldwyn, 1971!(3)
!Betaeus Dana, 1852a!(15)
!Coronalpheus Wicksten, 1999!(1)
!Coutieralpheus Anker & Felder, 2005!(1)
!Deioneus Dworschak, Anker & Abed-Navandi, 2000!(1)
!Fenneralpheus Felder & Manning, 1986!(1)
!Harperalpheus Felder & Anker, 2007!(1)
!Jengalpheops Anker & Dworschak, 2007!(1)
!Leptalpheus Williams, 1965!(8)
!Leptathanas De Grave & Anker, 2008!(1)
Anker, Poddoubtchenko & Wehrtmann, 2006!(1)
!Metabetaeus Borradaile, 1899!(2)
!Metalpheus Coutière, 1908!(4)
!Mohocaris Holthuis, 1973a!(1)
!Nennalpheus Banner & Banner, 1981!(2)
!Notalpheus Méndez G. & Wicksten, 1982!(1)
!Orygmalpheus De Grave & Anker, 2000!(1)
!Parabetaeus Coutière, 1896!(4)
!Pomagnathus Chace, 1937b!(1)
!Potamalpheops Powell, 1979!(13)
!Prionalpheus Banner & Banner, 1960!(7)
!Pseudalpheopsis Anker, 2007!(1)
!Pseudathanas Bruce, 1983b!(1)
!Pterocaris Heller, 1862a!(1)
!Racilius Paul’son, 1875!(1)
!Richalpheus Anker & Jeng, 2006!(2)
!Rugathanas Anker & Jeng, 2007!(2)
!Salmoneus Holthuis, 1955!(34)
!Stenalpheops Miya, 1997!(2)
!Synalpheus Bate, 1888!(146)
!Thuylamea Nguyên, 2001!(1)
!Vexillipar Chace, 1988!(1)
!Yagerocaris Kensley, 1988!(1)
Family Barbouriidae Christoffersen, 1987!(8)
!Barbouria Rathbun, 1912!(2)
!Janicea Manning & Hart, 1984!(1)
!Parhippolyte Borradaile, 1900b!(5)
Family Hippolytidae Bate, 1888!(318)
!Alope White, 1847b!(2)
!Bathyhippolyte Hayashi & Miyake, 1970!(1)
!Birulia Bražnikov, 1903!(2)
!Bythocarides Sokolov, 2002!(1)
!Bythocaris Sars, 1870!(17)
!Calliasmata Holthuis, 1973b!(3)
!Caridion Goës, 1864!(2)
!Chorismus Bate, 1888!(2)
!Cryptocheles Sars, 1870!(1)
!Eualus Thallwitz, 1892!(37)
!Eumanningia Crosnier, 2000!(1)
!Exhippolysmata Stebbing, 1915!(4)
!Gelastocaris Kemp, 1914!(1)
!Gelastreutes Bruce, 1990c!(1)
!Heptacarpus Holmes, 1900!(34)
!Hippolyte Leach, 1814 [in Leach, 1813–1815]!(31)
!Latreutes Stimpson, 1860c!(17)
!Lebbeus White, 1847c!(47)
De Grave et al.: Living and fossil genera of decapod crustaceans
!Leontocaris Stebbing, 1905!(8)
!Ligur Sarato, 1885!(1)
!Lysmata Risso, 1816!(36)
!Lysmatella Borradaile, 1915!(1)
!Merguia Kemp, 1914!(2)
!Merhippolyte Bate, 1888!(7)
!Mimocaris Nobili, 1903!(1)
!Nauticaris Bate, 1888!(3)
!Paralatreutes Kemp, 1925!(1)
!Paralebbeus Bruce & Chace, 1986!(2)
!Phycocaris Kemp, 1916!(1)
!Saron Thallwitz, 1891!(4)
!Spirontocaris Bate, 1888!(20)
!Thinora Bruce, 1998!(1)
!Thor Kingsley, 1878!(12)
!Thorella Bruce, 1982c!(1)
!Tozeuma Stimpson, 1860c!(11)
!Trachycaris Calman, 1906a!(2)
Family Ogyrididae Holthuis, 1955!(10)
!Ogyrides Stebbing, 1914!(10)
Family Processidae Ortmann, 1896!(65)
!Ambidexter Manning & Chace, 1971!(3)
!Clytomanningus Chace, 1997!(2)
!Hayashidonus Chace, 1997!(1)
!Nikoides Paul’son, 1875!(10)
!Processa Leach, 1815 [in Leach, 1815–1875]!(49)
Family Pandalidae † Haworth, 1825!(187,"0,"1)
!Anachlorocurtis Hayashi, 1975!(1)
!Atlantopandalus Komai, 1999!(1)
!Austropandalus Holthuis, 1952a!(1)
!Bitias Fransen, 1990!(2)
!Calipandalus Komai & Chan, 2003!(1)
!Chelonika Fransen, 1997!(1)
!Chlorocurtis Kemp, 1925!(1)
!Chlorotocella Balss, 1914a!(2)
!Chlorotocus A. Milne-Edwards, 1882a!(2)
!Dichelopandalus Caullery, 1896!(2)
!Dorodotes Bate, 1888!(1)
!Heterocarpus A. Milne-Edwards, 1881b!(27)
!Miropandalus Bruce, 1983a!(1)
!Notopandalus Yaldwyn, 1960!(1)
!Pandalina Calman, 1899a!(4)
!Pandalopsis Bate, 1888!(20)
!Pandalus † Leach, 1814 [in Leach, 1813–1815]!(21,"0,"1)
!Pantomus A. Milne-Edwards, 1883!(2)
!Peripandalus De Man, 1917!(1)
!Plesionika Bate, 1888!(92)
!Procletes Bate, 1888!(1)
!Pseudopandalus Crosnier, 1997!(1)
!Stylopandalus Coutière, 1905!(1)
Family Thalassocarididae Bate, 1888!(4)
!Chlorotocoides Kemp, 1925!(1)
!Thalassocaris Stimpson, 1860c!(3)
Chace, 1940a!(1)
Family Physetocarididae Chace, 1940a!(1)
!Physetocaris Chace, 1940a!(1)
Family Crangonidae † Haworth, 1825!(199,"0,"3)
!Aegaeon Agassiz, 1846 [in Agassiz, 1842–1846]!(5)
!Argis Krøyer, 1842!(10)
!Crangon † Fabricius, 1798!(19,"0,"2)
!Lissocrangon Kuris & Carlton, 1977!(1)
!Lissosabinea Christoffersen, 1988!(5)
!Mesocrangon Zarenkov, 1965!(3)
!Metacrangon Zarenkov, 1965!(24)
!Morscrangon †† Garassino & Jakobsen, 2005!(1)
!Neocrangon Zarenkov, 1965!(6)
!Notocrangon Coutière, 1900!(1)
!Paracrangon Dana, 1852a!(7)
!Parapontocaris Alcock, 1901!(6)
!Parapontophilus Christoffersen, 1988!(18)
!Philocheras Stebbing, 1900!(52)
!Placopsicrangon Komai & Chan, 2009!(1)
!Pontocaris Bate, 1888!(10)
!Pontophilus Leach, 1817 [in Leach, 1815–1875]!(3)
!Pseudopontophilus Komai, 2004!(1)
!Prionocrangon Wood-Mason & Alcock, 1891
[in Wood-Mason & Alcock, 1891–1893]!(7)
!Rhynocrangon Zarenkov, 1965!(3)
!Sabinea J.C. Ross, 1835!(3)
!Sclerocrangon Sars, 1883!(8)
!Syncrangon Kim & Hayashi, 2003!(2)
!Vercoia Baker, 1904!(4)
Family Glyphocrangonidae Smith, 1884!(85)
!Glyphocrangon A. Milne-Edwards, 1881b!(85)
Family Udorellidae †† Van Straelen, 1924!(1)
!Udorella †† Oppel, 1862!(1)
!Acanthinopus †† Pinna, 1974!(1)
!Alcmonacaris †† Polz, 2009!(1)
!Bannikovia †† Garassino & Teruzzi, 1996!(1)
!Blaculla †† Münster, 1839!(3)
!Buergerocaris †† Schweigert & Garassino, 2004!(1)
!Gampsurus †† von der Marck, 1863!(1)
!Hefriga †† Münster, 1839!(3)
!Leiothorax †† Pinna, 1974!(1)
!Parvocaris †† Bravi & Garassino, 1998a!(1)
!Pinnacaris †† Garassino & Teruzzi, 1993!(1)