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Abstract and Figures

Web surveys frequently include so-called “final comment questions” (FCQs) to provide respondents the opportunity to express their experiences with the survey in general and its questions in particular. A comprehensive analysis of FCQs to enhance survey and question design is often impeded by high item nonresponse and low answer quality in the form of short and uninterpretable answers. In this article, we therefore investigate what respondent and FCQ characteristics drive the provision and quality of answers to FCQs. For this purpose, we conducted two web survey studies in two German online panels. The first Study (N = 874) experimentally varied the visual design of the FCQ (“one multi-line answer box” vs. “ten single-line answer boxes”). The second Study (N = 1,001) experimentally varied the answer format of the FCQ (“request for a text answer” vs. “request for a voice answer”). The results reveal that answer provision is mainly driven by respondent characteristics (e.g., age and survey interest), while answer quality is mainly driven by FCQ characteristics (e.g., request for a voice answer). Overall, this article provides researchers with empirically proven FCQ design recommendations to improve the data quality of future web surveys.
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Asking for feedback: Innovating final comment questions in self-administered web surveys
Joshua Claassen
German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW)
Leibniz University Hannover
Jan Karem Höhne
German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW)
Leibniz University Hannover
Jessica Kuhlmann
University of Siegen
Web surveys frequently include so-called “final comment questions” (FCQs) to provide
respondents the opportunity to express their experiences with the survey in general and its
questions in particular. A comprehensive analysis of FCQs to enhance survey and question design
is often impeded by high item nonresponse and low answer quality in the form of short and
uninterpretable answers. In this article, we therefore investigate what respondent and FCQ
characteristics drive the provision and quality of answers to FCQs. For this purpose, we conducted
two web survey studies in two German online panels. The first Study (N = 874) experimentally
varied the visual design of the FCQ (“one multi-line answer box” vs. “ten single-line answer
boxes”). The second Study (N = 1,001) experimentally varied the answer format of the FCQ
(“request for a text answer” vs. “request for a voice answer”). The results reveal that answer
provision is mainly driven by respondent characteristics (e.g., age and survey interest), while
answer quality is mainly driven by FCQ characteristics (e.g., request for a voice answer). Overall,
this article provides researchers with empirically proven FCQ design recommendations to improve
the data quality of future web surveys.
Keywords: answer behavior, visual design, built-in microphone, final comment question, open-
ended answers, smartphone survey, survey evaluation
Self-administered web surveys are a predominant data collection method in social science
research. Most frequently, web surveys include closed questions with pre-defined answer options.
Open questions requiring narrative answers are less frequently used, even though they come with
methodological advantages. For example, they have great potential to gather rich and in-depth
information from respondents. Furthermore, they are well suited for explorative research because
This document is a preprint and thus it may differ from the final version.
they do not require extended knowledge about the object under investigation (Braun et al. 2021;
Singer and Couper 2017). A special type of open questions are so-called “final comment questions”
(FCQs) that are placed at the very end of web surveys. FCQs allow respondents to express
themselves freely and beyond closed questions. The following question is an example of an FCQ:
Do you have any comments or suggestions on the survey as a whole or individual questions from
it? Answers to FCQs can be used to investigate personal narratives and subjective experiences
regarding the survey topic. For example, Nalavany et al. (2023) conducted a thematic analysis of
FCQ answers in a web survey of adults with dyslexia to learn about their psychosocial experiences.
FCQs are also crucial in survey-related research to collect information on respondents’ evaluations
of the web survey including its questions. Importantly, FCQs shed light on various aspects, such
as topic coverage, potential critique, methodological problems, and technological issues, that
researchers and practitioners are not aware of when fielding a web survey.
Web surveys frequently struggle with depressed response rates (Daikeler et al. 2020) and the
collection of high-quality data (Cornesse and Bosnjak 2018). Asking respondents about their
survey experience, difficulties, and preferences through FCQs is thus key for designing
respondent-centered web surveys (Wilson and Dickinson 2022) that reduce respondent burden and
improve data quality (O’Cathain and Thomas 2004; Schonlau 2015). Nonetheless, when
considering the existing survey literature, answers to FCQs are rarely analyzed and reported. The
reasons for this circumstance are threefold: First, even though text-as-data methods continuously
improve (Schonlau and Couper 2016; Schonlau et al. 2021; Gavras et al. 2022), the coding of
narrative answers is often done manually, which is time-consuming and costly (Singer and Couper
2017). Second, many respondents do not provide answers to FCQs and thus they frequently
struggle with high item nonresponse (Boscher et al. 2022; Decorte et al. 2019; McLauchlan and
Schonlau 2016; Schonlau 2015). Third, answers to FCQs are often short, contain general or non-
informative content (Höhne and Claassen 2024), and impede proper analysis (LaDonna et al.
The reasons for high item nonresponse rates of FCQs and their low answer quality remain
open, because there is only a small body of research investigating the relationship between
answering FCQs and respondent characteristics and survey or question design. Regarding
respondent characteristics, Boscher et al. (2022) argue that respondents’ cognitive capacities and
motivation are important factors driving the provision of answers to FCQs. The authors found
supporting evidence for the latter claim on motivation. Relatedly, Decorte et al. (2019) found that
respondents’ involvement (or interest) in the survey topic is positively associated with answering
FCQs. Regarding FCQ characteristics, in contrast, there is – to our best knowledge – no research
that experimentally varies the design of FCQs to investigate its relationship with answer provision
and quality.
In this article, we address this research gap to provide new evidence on respondent and FCQ
characteristics driving the provision and quality of answers to an FCQ. Therefore, we
experimentally investigate answer provision and answer quality across respondent characteristics
(e.g., education and survey interest) and different FCQ designs (e.g., text or voice answers). For
this purpose, we conducted two web surveys in two German online panels. The first web survey
(called Study 1) experimentally varied the answer format of the FCQ between one multi-line
answer box (single-box condition) and ten single-line answer boxes (list-style condition). The
second web survey (called Study 2) experimentally varied the answer format to the FCQ between
a request for a text answer (text condition) and a request for a voice answer (voice condition).
While the first web survey was a mixed-device survey, the second one was a smartphone-only
Background and research hypotheses
Research on FCQs is rare and thus, in our upcoming argumentation, we partially build on research
on open narrative questions in general. It is frequently argued that open questions (including FCQs)
are cognitively more demanding than closed questions. Open questions do not provide respondents
with a frame of reference in the form of answer options. In contrast, respondents must rely on
themselves and formulate answers in their own words (Zuell et al. 2015). In line with this reasoning
and satisficing theory (Krosnick 1991), it is expected that the provision of narrative answers is
associated with respondents’ educational level (as an indicator of their cognitive capacities). There
is empirical evidence for open questions in general that education is positively associated with
answer provision (Scholz and Zuell 2012) and answer quality in terms of length and interpretability
(Barth and Schmitz 2021; Kunz et al. 2021; Schmidt et al. 2020).
Answering open questions is burdensome, especially on smartphones with virtual on-screen
keypads shrinking the viewing space (Revilla and Ochoa 2016). Therefore, open questions require
respondents to make greater effort than their closed counterparts. Importantly, respondents’
motivation to give (effortful) answers to survey questions is closely related to their interest in the
topic of the survey (Anduiza and Galais 2017; Gummer et al. 2021). Thus, survey interest is a key
aspect that may help to explain the provision of answers to open questions (Holland and Christian
2009; Zuell and Scholz 2015) as well as their quality in terms of length, substantiveness (or
interpretability), and number of topics (Barth and Schmitz 2021; Holland and Christian 2009;
Schmidt et al. 2020).
When investigating FCQs, it is important to look at both answer provision and answer
quality, because previous research has shown that many respondents do not provide answers to
FCQs (McLauchlan and Schonlau 2016; Schonlau 2015). In addition, answers to FCQs often
contain general or non-informative content (Höhne and Claassen 2024). The relevance of
education and survey interest for answering FCQs is highlighted by the fact that FCQs are placed
at the very end of web surveys. Studies suggest that respondent burden increases and answer
quality decreases over time (Galesic and Bosnjak 2009; Jeong et al. 2023; Neuert 2024). Thus,
respondents’ education (co-responsible for their ability to provide narrative answers) and survey
interest (co-responsible for their willingness to exert the effort required) are key aspects for
explaining the provision and quality of answers to FCQs. We postulate the following two
hypotheses that are tested in Studies 1 and 2:
H1: Respondents with a high educational level and high survey interest are more likely to
provide an answer to an FCQ.
H2: Respondents with a high educational level and high survey interest are more likely to
provide an answer of high quality to an FCQ.
Respondent characteristics, such as education and survey interest, cannot be directly changed
by researchers. In contrast, survey and question design features can be varied and thus they provide
promising avenues for increasing the provision and quality of answers to FCQs. Specifically, the
visual design of answer boxes is auspicious because there is evidence that respondents use their
size and appearance as cues to draw conclusions about the answers they are expected to provide.
Large answer boxes tend to stimulate narrative answers (Couper et al. 2011, p. 67) and their size
is positively associated with the length of answers (Chaudhary and Israel 2016; Christian and
Dillman 2004). In contrast to single-box designs, list-style designs in which respondents must enter
their answers in multiple single-line answer boxes might be best suited for FCQs because they
signal respondents to comprehensively mention all aspects (or topics) that come to mind (Keusch
2014; Meitinger and Kunz 2024; Mohr et al. 2016). However, list-style designs are likely to be
associated with a higher burden because respondents are asked to retrieve as much information as
possible and to condense this information into a few, concise words per line (Meitinger and Kunz
2024). In correspondence to our reasoning, we expect that the list-style design decreases
respondents’ willingness to provide an answer to an FCQ but increases the share of substantive
answers and the number of topics. We postulate the following three hypotheses that are tested in
Study 1:
H3a: Respondents who receive ten single-line answer boxes (list-style condition) are less
likely to provide an answer to an FCQ than respondents who receive one multi-line answer box
(single-box condition).
H3b: Respondents who receive ten single-line answer boxes (list-style condition) are more
likely to provide a substantive answer to an FCQ than respondents who receive one multi-line
answer box (single-box condition).
H3c: Respondents who receive ten single-line answer boxes (list-style condition) are more
likely to provide a higher number of topics to an FCQ than respondents who receive one multi-
line answer box (single-box condition).
The trend towards smartphone usage in web surveys has been increasing in recent years
(Gummer et al. 2019, 2023; Peterson et al. 2017; Revilla et al. 2016). For example, in the first
regular wave of the probability-based German Internet Panel (September 2012), only 4% of
respondents participated with a smartphone. In the March 2024 wave of the German Internet Panel,
already 45% of respondents participated with a smartphone. This smartphone increase introduces
novel measurement opportunities that potentially reduce respondent burden and improve data
quality (Revilla 2022). Specifically, it enables researchers to ask open questions with requests for
voice instead of text answers releasing respondents from the burden of typing in their answers via
a virtual on-screen keypad (Ruan et al. 2017). Thus, FCQs with a request for voice answers are a
promising way to improve respondent experience and data quality (Gavras et al. 2022; Höhne et
al. 2024; Revilla and Couper 2021; Revilla et al. 2020; Schober et al. 2015). By partially simulating
everyday conversations, requests for voice answers have the potential to encourage respondents to
engage in open narrations, reducing the respondent burden associated with answers to FCQs
(Gavras and Höhne 2022; Gavras et al. 2022; Höhne et al. 2024). This potentially helps to increase
the share of substantive answers to FCQs, since respondents are more likely to elaborate on their
Despite the growing use of voice inputs in everyday life (e.g., voice messages sent via
messenger apps), respondents’ willingness to provide voice answers in web surveys designed for
smartphones is still rather low (Höhne 2023; Lenzner and Höhne 2022; Revilla et al. 2018). For
example, in a smartphone survey conducted by Revilla et al. (2020), between 5% and 60% of
respondents receiving a request for open voice answers did not provide answers. Requests for text
answers resulted in only 2% of respondents not providing an answer. However, Gavras et al. (2022)
and Höhne et al. (2024) show that voice answers tend to be of higher quality than their text
counterparts. For example, voice answers result in more topics, indicating that voice answers are
richer and more in-depth than text answers. In line with this reasoning, we postulate the following
three hypotheses that are tested in Study 2:
H4a: Respondents who receive a request for a voice answer are less likely to provide an
answer to an FCQ than respondents who receive a request for a text answer.
H4b: Respondents who receive a request for a voice answer are more likely to provide a
substantive answer to an FCQ than respondents who receive a request for a text answer.
H4c: Respondents who receive a request for a voice answer are more likely to provide a
higher number of topics to an FCQ than respondents who receive a request for a text answer.
Study 1
Data collection
Data for Study 1 were collected in the non-probability SoSci Panel (, which
is a project of the Institute for Communication Science and Media Research at the Ludwig-
Maximilian-University Munich and the German Society for Journalism and Communication
Science (DGPuK). It does not pursue any commercial goals. Researchers are eligible to submit
study proposals that undergo a review process evaluating the methodological soundness of the
studies. By acceptance of the proposals, respondents of the panel (recruited via an opt-in
subscription process) are invited to take part in the web surveys. The invitation process via email
is administered by researchers of the DGPuK. Web survey data collection is free of charge.
The web survey ran from 16th May 2022 to 5th June 2022 (with a reminder sent on 25th
May 2022). Email invitations included information on the topic (i.e., new communication forms
in web surveys), the estimated duration of the web survey (approx. 20 min), and a link to the web
survey. Respondents could use the device of their choice for web survey completion. The first page
of the web survey provided additional details on the web survey and its structure. We also included
a statement of confidentiality, expounding that the study adheres to EU and national data protection
laws and regulations. Respondents took part voluntarily without the provision of incentives.
An invitation email was sent to 5,676 respondents (out of these emails, 68 could not be successfully
delivered). A total of 1,146 respondents started the web survey, out of which 874 respondents
finished it. The AAPOR Response Rate 1 was about 20% (AAPOR 2023). On average, these
respondents were 49 years old and 65% of them were female. In terms of education, 20% had
completed intermediate secondary school or less (low/medium education level), while 79% had
completed college preparatory secondary school or university-level education (high education
level). In total, 63% of respondents participated with a computer, 3% with a tablet, and 35% with
a smartphone.
Experimental design
Respondents were randomly assigned to one out of two experimental groups. The first group (n =
436) received an FCQ with one multi-line answer box (single-box condition). The second group
(n = 438) received an FCQ with ten single-line answer boxes (list-style condition). To evaluate the
effectiveness of random assignment we compared the two experimental groups with respect to age
[t(866) = -0.05, p = 0.959], gender [χ2(1) = 0.43, p = 0.511], education [χ2(1) = 0.00, p = 0.99], and
participation device 2(2) = 0.46, p = 0.79]. The two groups did not differ statistically with respect
to these variables.
Final comment question (FCQ)
At the end of the web survey, we asked respondents the following FCQ:
Finally, we would like to give you the opportunity to say something about our survey. Do you
have any comments or suggestions on the survey in general or individual questions in particular?
Respondents received the FCQ with one multi-line answer box (single-box condition) or ten
single-line answer boxes (list-style condition). In the latter condition, we used placeholders
(Aspect 1, Aspect 2, etc.) to indicate that respondents are supposed to enter one aspect per line.
Appendix A includes screenshots of the FCQ.
Analytical strategy
In a first step, we report statistics for answer provision, substantive answers, and topic number
across the single-box condition and the list-style condition. To investigate answer provision across
respondent characteristics and FCQ designs, we then run logistic regressions with answer
provision as dichotomous dependent variable (1 = Yes). We estimate two sequential models. In
line with hypothesis 1 and hypothesis 3a, we use high education (1 = Yes; low/medium as
reference), survey interest (1 “Not at all interesting” to 7 “Very interesting”), and the experimental
condition (1 = List-style condition; single-box condition as reference) as main independent
variables in the first model. Following previous research on respondent behavior (Barth and
Schmitz 2021; Lenzner and Höhne 2022; Zuell and Scholz 2015), we add the following variables
as control variables in the second model: female (1 = Yes), age (in years), participation device (1
= smartphone, computer/tablet as reference), survey evaluation in terms of difficulty (1 = “Very
easy” to 7 = “Very difficult”) and topic sensitivity (1 = “Not at all intimate” to 7 “Very intimate”).
Appendix C contains English translations of the original question wordings and response
To examine hypothesis 2 as well as hypotheses 3b and 3c, we investigate the provision of
substantive answers and the number of topics. Following Revilla and Ochoa (2016), we define
non-substantive answers as answers that do not require respondents to think, such as when saying
“no comment”, “no”, or nonsense in the form of “hahaha.” Based on these considerations, the third
author coded a dichotomous variable: substantive answers (1 = Yes). To estimate interrater
reliability, the first author independently coded a random subset of 30% (n = 70) of the answers.
We then computed unweighted Cohen’s Kappa, resulting in a value of 0.92 (agreement rate =
97%), which indicates an almost perfect agreement (Landis & Koch 1977). Following the coding
of substantive answers, the third author manually went through all substantive answers and coded
the number of mentioned topics. To estimate interrater reliability, the first author independently
coded another random subset of 30% (n = 61) of the substantive answers. We then computed
weighted Cohen’s Cappa, resulting in a value of 0.73 (agreement rate = 85%). This indicates a
substantial agreement (Landis and Koch 1977).
We only include respondents who provided answers to the FCQ (n = 232) in the analysis of
substantive answers and only respondents who provided substantive answers to the FCQ (n = 202)
in the analysis of topic number (Table D1 in Appendix D reports descriptive statistics). For
substantive answers, as dichotomous dependent variable (1 = “yes”), we run logistic regressions.
Furthermore, we run zero-truncated poisson regressions for the number of topics as dependent
variable, because topic number is a count variable without the occurrence of the value 0. Again,
we estimate two sequential models for each of the two dependent variables, using the same model
specifications as in the previous analysis on hypotheses 1 and 3a.
Study 2
Data collection
Data for Study 2 were collected in the Forsa Omninet Panel ( in Germany in
November 2021. Forsa drew a cross-quota sample from their online panel based on age (young,
middle, and old) and gender (female and male). In addition, they drew quotas on education (low,
middle, and high). The quotas were calculated based on the German Microcensus as a population
The email invitation included information on the device to be used for survey participation
(smartphone) and a link that re-directed respondents to the web survey. The first web survey page
introduced the topic and outlined the overall procedure. In addition, it included a statement of
confidentiality assuring that the study adheres to EU and national data protection laws and
regulations. Respondents also received financial compensation for their participation from Forsa.
Forsa invited 6,745 respondents to take part in the web survey. No respondents were screened out
because of full quotas or because they tried to access the web survey with a device other than a
smartphone. A total of 1,681 respondents started the web survey, but 680 of them broke off before
they were asked any study-relevant questions. In the text condition 159 (about 24%) respondents
broke off, whereas in the voice condition 521 (about 51%) respondents broke-off. This leaves us
with 1,001 respondents for statistical analyses. The AAPOR Response Rate 1 was about 15%
(AAPOR 2023). On average, these respondents were 48 years old, and 49% of them were female.
In terms of education, 72% had completed intermediate secondary school or less (low/medium
education level), while 28% had completed college preparatory secondary school or university-
level education (high education level).
Experimental design
Respondents were randomly assigned to one out of two experimental groups. The first group (n =
500) received an FCQ with a request for a text answer (text condition). The second group (n =
501) received an FCQ with a request for a voice answer (voice condition). To guarantee that
differential break-off did not affect the effectiveness of random assignment, we compared the two
experimental groups with respect to age [t(999) = -0.54, p = 0.588], gender 2(1) = 0.22, p =
0.636], and education 2(1) = 0.88, p = 0.349]. The two groups did not differ statistically with
respect to these variables.
Final comment question (FCQ)
At the end of the web survey, we asked respondents the following FCQ:
Finally, we would like to give you the opportunity to say something about our survey. Do you
have any comments or suggestions on the survey in general or individual questions in particular?
Respondents received the FCQ with a request for a text answer (text condition) or voice
answer (voice condition). Respondents also received instructions on how to provide text and voice
answers at the very beginning of the survey. Voice answers were collected using the open source
“SurveyVoice (SVoice)” tool by Höhne et al. (2021). Appendix B includes screenshots of the FCQ
and English translations of the answer instructions.
Analytical strategy
Before data analysis, the recordings of respondents’ voice answers were automatically transcribed
by OpenAI’s automatic speech recognition system Whisper (Radford et al. 2023). As a quality
assurance measure, a student assistant listened to 20% of the recordings (n = 48) and systematically
notated any differences between the recordings and the transcripts. The differences were assessed
by the first author, revealing only minor discrepancies and an overall high transcription quality.
In a first step, we report statistics for answer provision, substantive answers, and topic
number across the text and voice condition. To investigate answer provision across respondent
characteristics and FCQ designs, we then run logistic regressions with answer provision as the
dichotomous dependent variable (1 = Yes). We estimate two sequential models. Similar to our
analysis in Study 1 and in line with hypothesis 1 and hypothesis 4a, we use high education (1 =
Yes, Low/medium as reference), survey interest (1 “Not at all interesting” to 7 “Very interesting”),
and the experimental condition (1 = Voice condition; text condition as reference) as main
independent variables in the first model. In the second model, we add the same control variables
as in Study 1. Appendix C contains English translations of the original question wordings and
response categories.
We investigate the provision of substantive answers and the number of topics
to examine
hypothesis 2 as well as hypotheses 4b and 4c. Using the same coding scheme as in Study 1, the
third author coded a dichotomous variable: substantive answers (1 = Yes). To estimate interrater
reliability, the first author independently coded a random subset of 30% (n = 138) of the answers.
We then computed unweighted Cohen’s Kappa, resulting in a value of 1.0 (agreement rate =
100%), which indicates a perfect agreement (Landis and Koch 1977). To determine the topic
number, the third author then manually went through all substantive answers and coded the number
of topics mentioned. To estimate interrater reliability, the first author independently coded another
random subset of 30% (n = 106) of the substantive answers. We subsequently computed weighted
Cohen’s Cappa, resulting in a value of 0.73 (agreement rate = 79%). This indicates a substantial
agreement (Landis and Koch 1977).
As in Study 1, we only include respondents who provided answers to the FCQ (n = 460) in
the analysis of substantive answers and only respondents who provided substantive answers to the
FCQ (n = 353) in the analysis of topic number (Table D1 in Appendix D reports descriptive
statistics). We run logistic regressions with the provision of substantive answers as the
dichotomous dependent variable (1 = Yes). Furthermore, we run zero-truncated poisson
regressions with the number of topics as the dependent variable. As before, we estimate two
sequential models for each of the two dependent variables with the same model specifications as
in the previous analysis in Study 1.
Study 1
Descriptive statistics
In a first step, we report the share of provided answers, substantive answers, and the average
number of topics across experimental conditions and in total. Table 1 presents the results. The
results show that only about 27% of respondents provided an answer to the FCQ. Answer provision
does not differ significantly between the single-box condition and the list-style condition. Of the
respondents providing an answer, 87% provided a substantive answer. The proportion of
substantive answers is significantly higher in the list-style condition (93%) than in the single-box
condition (82%). On average, respondents mentioned 1.4 topics per answer. There are no
significant differences between the experimental conditions.
Using the same data, Höhne and Claassen (2024) already analyzed the answer length of text and voice answers to
the FCQ. The authors report that voice answers are more than three times longer than text answers.
These results provide preliminary evidence that the list-style condition is positively
associated with substantive answers, as proposed by hypothesis 3b. However, there is no
preliminary evidence for hypotheses 3a, which proposed a negative association between the list-
style condition and answer provision, and 3c, which proposed a positive association between the
list-style condition and topic number.
Table 1. Statistics across the single-box and list-style conditions and in total (Study 1)
Answer provision
Substantive answers
Number of topics
26.5 %
87.1 %
Single-box condition
28.7 %
82.4 %
List-style condition
24.4 %
92.5 %
Test statistics
Z(1) = 1.42,
p = 0.078
Z(1) = 2.29,
p = 0.011
t(200) = -1.32,
p = 0.095
Note. We report proportions for answer provision and substantive answers and means for topic number. We computed
directed Z-tests for answer provision (psingle-box condition > plist-style condition) and substantive answers (plist-style condition > psingle-
box condition) and a directed Student’s t-test with equal variances for topic number (μlist-style condition > μsingle-box condition).
Regression analyses
In a next step, we investigate variables associated with answer provision, substantive
answers, and topic number. To do so, we run separate logistic regressions with answer provision
(1 = Yes) and substantive answers (1 = Yes) as dependent variables, respectively. In addition, we
run zero-truncated poisson regressions with topic number as the dependent variable (ranging from
1 to 4 topics). For each dependent variable, we estimate two sequential models. In the first model,
we include the list-style condition (single-box condition as reference), survey interest, and high
education (low/medium education as reference) as independent variables. In the second model, we
add female (male as reference), age, survey difficulty, topic sensitivity, and smartphone
participation as control variables. Table 2 presents the results.
With respect to answer provision (hypotheses 1 and 3a), only the second model is statistically
significant [M1: LR χ2(3) = 2.55, p = 0.467, Pseudo R2 = 0.00; M2: LR χ2(8) = 35.55, p < 0.001,
Pseudo R2 = 0.04] indicating that the list-style condition, survey interest, and high education cannot
explain answer provision. In the second model, in contrast to our hypotheses, the list-style
condition, survey interest, and high education are again not associated with answer provision. To
put it differently, the likelihood of providing an answer to the FCQ does not differ between
respondents with high and low/medium education, between respondents with high and low survey
interest, and between respondents receiving ten single-line answer boxes (list-style condition) and
one multi-line answer box (single-box condition), respectively. However, we now find that age is
positively associated with answer provision implying that older respondents may be more eager to
comply with the web survey instructions.
Table 2. Regression analyses Study 1
Substantive answers
Number of topics
List-style condition (reference: single-
box condition)
Survey interest
High education(reference: low/medium
Survey difficulty
Topic sensitivity
Smartphone participation (reference:
McFadden’s Pseudo R2
Note. *p < .05, **p < .01, ***p < .001. M1 = model 1, M2 = model 2. SE = standard error. Listwise deletion of missing values.
Turning to the provision of substantive answers (hypotheses 2 and 3b), both models are
statistically significant [M1: LR χ2(3) = 9.48, p = 0.024, Pseudo R2 = 0.06; M2: LR χ2(8) = 15.67,
p = 0.047, Pseudo R2 = 0.09] but the second model has greater explanatory power indicated by the
higher Pseudo R2. In both models and in line with our descriptive results, the list-style condition
is positively associated with substantive answers supporting hypothesis 3b. In other words,
respondents receiving ten single-line answer boxes (list-style condition) are more likely to provide
substantive answers than respondents receiving one multi-line answer box (single-box condition).
In addition, smartphone participation is negatively associated with substantive answers indicating
that answering open-ended questions on smartphones with virtual on-screen keypads is associated
with higher respondent burden impeding the provision of high-quality answers (Revilla & Ochoa
2016). In contrast, survey interest and high education are not associated with substantive answers.
Thus, we do not find evidence supporting hypothesis 2.
Finally, with respect to topic number (hypotheses 2 and 3c), both models have a low Pseudo
R2 and fail to reach statistical significance [M1: LR χ2(3) = 3.85, p = 0.279, Pseudo R2 = 0.01; M2:
LR χ2(8) = 12.63, p = 0.125, Pseudo R2 = 0.04] implying that the independent variables we included
in the model are not associated with topic number. Importantly, in contrast to our hypotheses, there
is no association between survey interest, high education, the list-style condition, and topic
number. To put it differently, topic number does not differ between respondents with high and
low/medium education, between respondents with high and low survey interest, and between
respondents receiving ten single-line answer boxes (list-style condition) and one multi-line answer
box (single-box condition), respectively.
Study 2
Descriptive statistics
As for Study 1, we first report the percentages of provided answers, substantive answers,
and the average number of topics across experimental conditions and in total. Table 3 presents the
results. The results show that about 46% of respondents provided an answer to the FCQ. Answer
provision does not differ significantly between the text and voice conditions. Of the respondents
providing an answer, 77% provided a substantive answer. The proportion of substantive answers
is significantly higher in the voice condition (83%) than in the text condition (70%). Respondents
mentioned on average 1.4 topics per answer. Voice answers contained about 30% more topics than
their text counterparts.
These results provide preliminary evidence that the voice condition is positively associated
with substantive answers, as proposed by hypothesis 3b, and topic number, as proposed by
hypothesis 3c. However, there is no preliminary evidence for hypothesis 3a, which proposed a
negative association between the voice condition and answer provision.
Table 3: Statistics across text and voice conditions and in total (Study 2)
Answer provision
Substantive answers
Number of topics
46.0 %
76.7 %
Text condition
44.2 %
69.7 %
Voice condition
47.7 %
83.3 %
Test statistics
Z(1) = 1.11,
p = 0.867
Z(1) = 3.44,
p < 0.001
t(335.08) = -5.97,
p < 0.001
Note. We report proportions for answer provision and substantive answers and means for topic number. We computed
directed Z-tests for answer provision (ptext condition > pvoice condition) and substantive answers (pvoice condition > ptext condition)
and a directed Student’s t-test with unequal variances for topic number (μvoice condition > μtext condition)
Regression analyses
In a next step, we investigate variables associated with answer provision, substantive answers, and
topic number. To do so, we run separate logistic regressions with answer provision (1 = yes) and
substantive answers (1 = yes) as the dependent variables, respectively, and zero-truncated poisson
regressions with topic number as the dependent variable (ranging from 1 to 5 topics). For each
dependent variable, we estimate two sequential models. In the first model, we include the voice
condition (text condition as reference), survey interest, and high education (low/medium education
as reference) as independent variables. In the second model, we add female (male as reference),
age, survey difficulty, and topic sensitivity as control variables. Table 4 presents the results.
Looking at answer provision (hypotheses 1 and 4a), both models are statistically significant
[M1: LR χ2(3) = 46.94, p < 0.001, Pseudo R2 = 0.03; M2: LR χ2(7) = 78.68, p < 0.001, Pseudo R2
= 0.06] but the explanatory power of the second model is higher indicated by the increase of the
Pseudo R2. In both models, survey interest is positively associated with answer provision while
high education is not associated with answer provision. These results partly support hypothesis 1,
which proposed a positive association between survey interest, high education, and answer
provision. In addition, in contrast to hypothesis 4a, there is no association between the voice
condition and answer provision. However, as in Study 1, we find that age is positively associated
with answer provision implying that older respondents may be more eager to comply with the web
survey instructions.
With respect to substantive answers (hypotheses 2 and 4b), both models are again
statistically significant [M1: LR χ2(3) = 15.44, p = 0.001, Pseudo R2 = 0.03; M2: LR χ2(7) = 27.80,
p < 0.001, Pseudo R2 = 0.06]. However, of all independent variables in our two models, only the
voice condition is associated (positively) with substantive answers. To put it differently, in line
with our descriptive results and hypothesis 4b, respondents receiving an FCQ with a voice answer
request are more likely to provide substantive answers than respondents receiving an FCQ with a
text answer request. In contrast to hypothesis 2, the likelihood of providing substantive answers
does not differ between respondents with high and low/medium education and between
respondents with high and low survey interest, respectively.
Table 4. Regression analyses Study 2
Answer provision
Substantive answers
Number of topics
Voice condition (reference: text
Survey interest
High education (reference:
low/medium education)
Survey difficulty
Topic sensitivity
McFadden’s Pseudo R2
Note. *p < .05, **p < .01, ***p < .001. M1 = model 1, M2 = model 2. SE = standard error. Listwise deletion of missing values.
Finally, with respect to topic number (hypothesis 2 and 4c), both models are statistically
significant [M1: LR χ2(3) = 33.58, p < 0.001, Pseudo R2 = 0.05; M2: LR χ2(7) = 39.03, p <
0.001, Pseudo R2 = 0.06] and do not differ substantially with respect to their explanatory power
as indicated by the marginal increase of the Pseudo R2. In line with our descriptive results and
hypothesis 4c, respondents receiving an FCQ with a voice answer request mention on average
more topics than respondents receiving an FCQ with a text answer request. However, in contrast
to hypothesis 2, there is no association between survey interest, high education, and topic
Discussion and conclusion
The aim of this article was to investigate respondent and FCQ characteristics driving the
provision and quality of answers to an FCQ. Therefore, we conducted two experimental studies
varying the visual design (Study 1) and answer format of the FCQ (Study 2). Similar to previous
research (Boscher et al. 2022; Decorte et al. 2019; Höhne and Claassen 2024; McLauchlan and
Schonlau 2016; Schonlau 2015), our results show that many respondents provide no answers
or only answers of low quality to an FCQ (Studies 1 and 2). Interestingly, answer provision is
mainly driven by respondents’ age (Studies 1 and 2) and survey interest (Study 2). In contrast,
answer quality in terms of substantive answers (Studies 1 and 2) and topic number (Study 2) is
mainly driven by FCQ characteristics. In the following, we discuss our empirical findings in
light of our hypotheses.
First looking at respondent characteristics, we found no empirical evidence for an
association between high education, survey interest, and answer provision in Study 1, in
contrast to our first hypothesis. When it comes to Study 2 the results are somewhat mixed: High
education is not associated with answer provision, while survey interest is. These findings
suggest that respondents’ motivation (measured through survey interest) is more important for
explaining answer provision than respondents’ cognitive capacities (measured through their
educational level). Interestingly, we additionally found that older respondents are more likely
to provide an answer to an FCQ than younger respondents (Studies 1 and 2). Previous research
indicates that age is positively associated with agreeableness and conscientiousness (Allemand
et al. 2008; Soto and John 2012). Thus, older respondents may be more eager to comply with
the web survey instructions. However, this presumption lacks empirical evidence and needs
further, more refined investigation. For instance, it would we worthwhile to measure the Big
Five personality traits in future studies investigating answer provision to FCQs.
We found no empirical evidence in Study 1 and Study 2 for an association between high
education, survey interest, and answer quality, in contrast to our second hypothesis. We also
found no other respondent characteristics to be associated with answer quality, except
smartphone participation in Study 1. Thus, future studies should include additional covariates
that could possibly explain individual variance in answer quality, such as the Big Five
personality traits (Sturgis and Smith 2023) and survey experience (Zhang et al. 2020).
Furthermore, it would be important to consider additional indicators of data quality beyond
substantive answers and topic number. For instance, answers to FCQs could be coded in terms
of whether respondents elaborate on mentioned topics (Smyth et al. 2009).
Now turning to the characteristics of FCQs, we initially look at Study 1 varying the visual
design of the FCQ (“one multi-line answer box” vs. “ten single-line answer boxes”). In contrast
to hypothesis 3a, we found no differences with respect to answer provision between the list-
style and single-box condition. These results are also supported by the regression analyses
controlling for gender, age, survey difficulty, topic sensitivity, and smartphone participation.
However, in line with hypothesis 3b, the share of substantive answers was about 10% higher in
the list-style condition than in the single-box condition. Furthermore, the list-style condition
was positively associated with substantive answers in our regression analyses indicating the
robustness of the finding. Our findings indicate that providing respondents with multiple single-
line answer boxes does not increase respondent burden but helps respondents to formulate
substantive answers that can be interpreted meaningfully. These findings are partly in contrast
to previous research indicating that providing respondents with multiple single-line answer
boxes increases respondent burden (Keusch 2014). However, it is important to note that our
conclusions regarding respondent burden lack proper empirical evidence and thus we encourage
future research to examine respondent burden associated with different FCQ characteristics.
For instance, investigating response times may shed light on respondent burden. In addition,
while previous studies have found respondents to mention more topics when receiving multiple
single-line answer boxes (Keusch 2014; Meitinger and Kunz 2024), we found no difference
between the list-style and single-box condition (contrary to hypothesis 3c). This finding was
supported by our regression analyses.
Turning now to Study 2 varying the answer format of the FCQ (“request for a text answer”
vs. “request for a voice answer”), it is important to note that previous studies have consistently
found lower answer provision rates for open questions with requests for voice compared to text
answers (Gavras et al. 2022; Gavras and Höhne 2022; Revilla and Couper 2021; Revilla et al.
2020). In contrast to hypothesis 4a, we found no differences in terms of answer provision
between the voice and text conditions. This was supported by our regression analyses
controlling for gender, age, survey difficulty, and topic sensitivity. However, in line with a
recent study comparing the quality of text and voice answers to open probing questions
(Lenzner et al. under review), the share of substantive answers in the voice condition was about
15% higher than in the text condition, providing initial support for hypothesis 4b. This finding
also holds when controlling for gender, age, survey difficulty, and topic sensitivity in the
regression analyses, providing new evidence on the data quality benefits of open questions with
requests for voice answers (see also Gavras and Höhne 2022). Similar to previous studies on
open questions with voice and text answer requests (Gavras et al. 2022; Höhne et al. 2024), we
found that voice answers contained about 30% more topics than their text counterparts. Again,
this also holds when controlling for gender, age, survey difficulty, and topic sensitivity. This
finding can be explained by the different answer processes of text and voice answers: Voice
answers are less burdensome than text answers (i.e., respondents only have to press a recording
button and record their answer) and trigger open narrations resulting in longer answers
containing more topics than text answers (Gavras et al. 2022; Höhne et al. 2024).
This article has some methodological limitations providing avenues for future research.
First, both samples were drawn from nonprobability online panels, and thus, we cannot infer to
the general population. We encourage future research to go a step further using data collected
from a probability-based panel to check the robustness and generalizability of our results.
Second, related to the previous point, the distribution of respondents’ educational level in Study
1 is skewed. Almost 80% of respondents were highly educated impeding proper testing of our
hypotheses 1 and 2. It would be worthwhile to conduct more refined subgroup analyses with
respect to education in future studies. Therefore, it would be necessary to collect a more
heterogenous sample when it comes to education. Third, following previous research (see, for
example, the literature review by Roberts et al. 2019), we used respondents’ educational level
as an indicator of their cognitive abilities. Future research should consider more refined
indicators of respondents’ cognitive abilities, such as vocabulary tests measuring respondents’
verbal intelligence (Lenzner 2012). Finally, in line with previous research we found low answer
provision rates (about 25% in Study 1 and 45% in Study 2). In addition, answer provision was
not associated with FCQ characteristics. Future studies may investigate how to increase answer
provision rates with respect to FCQs by, for instance, examining whether and to what extent
motivational prompts and additional incentives (e.g., per provided answer) increase answer
This article contributes to the state of research and provides new evidence for the ongoing
methodological discussion about FCQs. Most importantly, it shows that answer provision is
mainly driven by respondent characteristics, while answer quality is mainly driven by FCQ
characteristics. Thus, our findings provide crucial information on how to best design FCQs
across respondent groups. In addition, it is key to tailor the design of FCQs to the planned
analyses after data collection. For instance, if researchers aim to conduct content analysis of
respondents’ narratives and survey experiences, answers to the FCQ should be detailed and
elaborated. Thus, it may be worthwhile to employ an FCQ with a request for a voice answer
facilitating open narrations. In contrast, if researchers aim to obtain a rough overview of
whether respondents encountered technical issues while answering the web survey, answers to
the FCQ should be rather short and concise. In this case, it may be worthwhile to employ a list-
style design facilitating short and substantive answers.
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Appendix A
Screenshots of the FCQ (Study 1)
Figure A1. Exemplary screenshots of the FCQ
Note. Multi-line answer box (single-box condition) at the top and ten single-line answer boxes (list-style condition)
at the bottom with desktop presentation on the left and smartphone presentation on the right.
Appendix B
Screenshots of the FCQ and English translations of the instructions on how to answer the open
questions with requests for text and voice answers (Study 2).
Figure B1. Exemplary screenshots of the FCQ
Note. Request for a text answer (text condition) on the left and request for a voice answer (voice condition) on the
Instruction for the text condition
Today we would like to ask you some questions about various social and political issues. You
will be asked several times to provide the answers in your own words.
You can enter your answers in the text field via the keyboard of your smartphone.
After successful entry, click on “Next” to continue with the survey as usual.
Of course, your answers will be treated completely confidentially.
Instruction for the voice condition
Today we would like to ask you some questions about various social and political issues. You
will be asked several times to give your answers verbally in your own words. You can record
your answers via the microphone of your smartphone (similar to WhatsApp or other messaging
Press and hold the microphone icon while recording your answer.
Once you have recorded your answer, you can stop pressing the microphone icon. A tick will
indicate that you have successfully recorded your answer. If you want to re-record your answer
(e.g., due to recording problems), click on “Delete recording” and simply record your answer
After successful recording, click on “Next” to continue with the survey as usual.
Of course, your answers will be kept completely confidential.
Note. These instructions were placed at the beginning of the web survey. The original German wordings of the
instructions are available from the first author on request.
Appendix C
English translations of the survey interest and education question and control variables used in
the regression analyses.
Survey interest and education question
Survey interest (Studie 1 and 2): How interesting did you find the survey overall? Response
categories: 1 ‘Very interesting’ to 7 ‘Not at all interesting’ (recoded into 1 ‘Not at all interesting’
to 7 ‘Very interesting’).
Education (Study 1): What is your highest general school-leaving qualification? Response
categories: 1 ‘Still a student’, 2 ‘Without elementary/main school leaving certificate’, 3
‘Elementary/main school leaving certificate, 8th or 9th grade, Polytechnische Oberschule
(POS) leaving after 8th grade’, 4 ‘Realschulabschluss, 10th grade graduation, graduation from
the Polytechnische Oberschule (POS) of the GDR’, 5 ‘Advanced technical college entrance
qualification (12th grade)’, 6 ‘General or subject-specific higher education entrance
qualification (12th or 13th grade, extended secondary school (EOS), also EOS with
apprenticeship)’ (categories 5 and 6 recoded into 1 ‘High education’ and categories 1 to 4 into
0 ‘Low/medium education’).
Education (Study 2): Received from survey company.
Control variables used in the regression analyses
Female (Study 1): You are… Response categories: 1 ‘Male’, 2 ‘Female’, 3 ‘Divers’
Female (Study 2): Received from survey company.
Age (Study 1): In which year were you born (e.g. 1987)? Open text field (recalculated into age).
Age (Study 2): Received from survey company.
Survey difficulty (Studies 1 and 2): How easy or difficult did you find it to answer the questions
asked? Response categories: 1 ‘Very easy’ to 7 ‘Very difficult’.
Topic sensitivity (Studies 1 and 2): How personal did you find answering the questions asked?
Response categories: 1 ‘Very personal’ to 7 ‘Not at all personal’ (recoded into 1 ‘Not at all
personal’ to 7 ‘Very personal’).
Smartphone participation (Study 1): Extracted from paradata.
Appendix D
Frequency of provided and substantive answers to the FCQ by Study and experimental
Table D1. Frequency and percentages of item nonresponse, provided answers, and (non-)
substantive answers across studies
Type of answer
Study 1
Study 2
Item nonresponse
Provided answers
Substantive answers
Non-substantive answers
N (n)
Note. N (n) = item nonresponse + provided answers. Provided answers = substantive answers + non-substantive
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The smartphone increase in web surveys, coupled with technological developments, provides novel opportunities for measuring attitudes. For example, smartphones allow the collection of voice instead of text answers by using the built-in microphone. This may facilitate answering questions with open answer formats resulting in richer information and higher data quality. So far, there is only a little body of research investigating voice and text answers to open questions. In this study, we therefore compare the linguistic and content characteristics of voice and text answers to open questions on sensitive topics. For this purpose, we ran an experiment in a smartphone survey (N = 1001) and randomly assigned respondents to an answer format condition (text or voice). The findings indicate that voice answers have a higher number of words and a higher number of topics than their text counterparts. We find no differences regarding sentiments (or extremity of answers). Our study provides new insights into the linguistic and content characteristics of voice and text answers. Furthermore, it helps to evaluate the usefulness and usability of voice answers for future smartphone surveys.
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Not seemingly measuring up to Western societies' educational and occupational expectations for success, adults with dyslexia are at risk for discrimination, humiliation, low self‐esteem, low self‐efficacy, depression, and anxiety. We analysed 113 responses to the final comment question that was incorporated at the end of a quantitative survey on the socioemotional experiences of adults with dyslexia. The final comment question was not intended for conveying personal experiences, yet the final comment responses were personal, in‐depth, and substantive – indicators of quality recommended in survey research. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the data and develop themes. One overarching theme was yearnings for understanding and acceptance. Its associated subthemes included (1) “This stuff is torture”, (2) “Thank God I'm not normal, (3) educational experience, (4) coping strategies, (5) family support, and (6) generational dyslexia. This study contributes to the small but growing body of literature on the socioemotional experiences of adults with dyslexia. Among the implications for practice, policy and research, a larger challenge at the broader society level that embraces diversity, equity, and inclusion for individuals with dyslexia is forefront.
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In this paper, we consider the role of personality as a component of motivation in promoting or inhibiting the tendency to exhibit the satisficing response styles of midpoint, straightlining, and Don’t Know responding. We assess whether respondents who are low on the Conscientiousness and Agreeableness dimensions of the Big Five Personality Inventory are more likely to exhibit these satisficing response styles. We find large effects of these personality dimensions on the propensity to satisfice in both face-to-face and self-administration modes and in probability and nonprobability samples. People who score high on Conscientiousness and Agreeableness were less likely to be in the top decile of straightlining and midpoint distributions. The findings for Don’t Know responding were weaker and only significant for Conscientiousness in the nonprobability sample. We also find large effects across all satisficing indicators for a direct measure of cognitive ability, where existing studies have mostly relied on proxy measures of ability such as educational attainment. Sensitivity analysis suggests the personality effects are likely to be causal in nature.
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Recent advances in web survey methodology were motivated by the observation that respondents increasingly use mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, to participate in web surveys. Even though we do not doubt this general observation, we argue that the claim is lacking a solid empirical basis. Most research on increasing mobile device use in web surveys covers limited periods of time and/or analyzes data from only one study or panel. There is a surprising lack of comprehensive overviews on the magnitude of mobile device use in web surveys. In the present study, we explored this research gap by analyzing data from 128 web surveys collected in four different academic studies in Germany between 2012 and 2020. Overall, we found strong empirical evidence for an increase in smartphone use, a stagnation in tablet use, and a decrease in desktop PC use. There was no evidence that the increase in smartphone use will slow down any time soon. Thus, we recommend that survey researchers prepare for a device change in web surveys that may enable new applications in web surveys.
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The rapid increase in smartphone surveys and technological developments open novel opportunities for collecting survey answers. One of these opportunities is the use of open‐ended questions with requests for oral instead of written answers, which may facilitate the answer process and result in more in‐depth and unfiltered information. Whereas it is now possible to collect oral answers on smartphones, we still lack studies on the impact of this novel answer format on the characteristics of respondents' answers. In this study, we compare the linguistic and content characteristics of written versus oral answers to political attitude questions. For this purpose, we conducted an experiment in a smartphone survey (N = 2402) and randomly assigned respondents to an answer format (written or oral). Oral answers were collected via the open source ‘SurveyVoice (SVoice)’ tool, whereas written answers were typed in via the smartphone keypad. Applying length analysis, lexical structure analysis, sentiment analysis and structural topic models, our results reveal that written and oral answers differ substantially from each other in terms of lengths, structures, sentiments and topics. We find evidence that written answers are characterized by an intentional and conscious answering, whereas oral answers are characterized by an intuitive and spontaneous answering.
Cognitive interviewing in the form of probing is key for developing methodologically sound survey questions. For a long time, probing was tied to the laboratory setting, making it difficult to achieve large sample sizes and creating a time-intensive undertaking for both researchers and participants. Web surveys paved the way for administering probing questions over the Internet in a time- and cost-efficient manner. In so-called web probing studies, respondents first answer a question and then they receive one or more open-ended questions about their response process, with requests for written answers. However, participants frequently provide very short or no answers at all to open-ended questions, in part because answering questions in writing is tedious. This is especially the case when the web survey is completed via a smartphone with a virtual on-screen keypad that shrinks the viewing space. In this study, we examine whether the problem of short and uninterpretable answers in web probing studies can be mitigated by asking respondents to complete the web survey on a smartphone and to record their answers via the built-in microphone. We conducted an experiment in a smartphone survey (N = 1,001), randomizing respondents to different communication modes (written or oral) for answering two comprehension probes about two questions on national identity and citizenship. The results indicate that probes with requests for oral answers produce four to five times more nonresponse than their written counterparts. However, oral answers contain about three times as many words, include about 0.3 more themes (first probing question only), and the proportion of clearly interpretable answers is about 6 percentage points higher (for the first probing question only). Nonetheless, both communication modes result in similar themes mentioned by respondents.
Self-administered web surveys provide respondents only limited opportunities for feedback. Therefore, many web surveys include so-called “final comment questions” (FCQs) that allow respondents to elaborate on the survey in general and the survey questions in particular. Typing in open answers in text boxes is burdensome – especially via smartphones with virtual on-screen keypads – so that respondents frequently provide short or no answers at all. In this study, we make use of new technological advancements in web survey methodology and investigate FCQs with requests for written and oral answers. For this purpose, we conducted an experiment in a smartphone survey ( N = 1,001) in a German online panel. The results reveal that FCQs with a request for written and oral answers do not differ with respect to item-nonresponse. However, oral answers are substantially longer than written answers pointing to more in-depth information. The oral answer condition also results in more positive comments than the written answer condition. This study is a methodological showcase for innovative web survey design that contributes to the improvement of data quality.
Living standards measurement surveys require sustained attention for several hours. We quantify survey fatigue by randomizing the order of questions in 2-3 hour-long in-person surveys. An additional hour of survey time increases the probability that a respondent skips a question by 10%–64%. Because skips are more common, the total monetary value of aggregated categories such as assets or expenditures declines as the survey goes on, and this effect is sizeable for some categories: for example, an extra hour of survey time lowers food expenditures by 25%. We find similar effect sizes within phone surveys in which respondents were already familiar with questions, suggesting that cognitive burden may be a key driver of survey fatigue.
The ever-growing number of respondents completing web surveys via smartphones is paving the way for leveraging technological advances to improve respondents’ survey experience and, in turn, the quality of their answers. Smartphone surveys enable researchers to incorporate audio and voice features into web surveys, that is, having questions read aloud to respondents using pre-recorded audio files and collecting voice answers via the smartphone’s microphone. Moving from written to audio and voice communication channels might be associated with several benefits, such as humanizing the communication process between researchers and respondents. However, little is known about respondents’ willingness to undergo this change in communication channels. Replicating and extending earlier research, we examine the extent to which respondents are willing to use audio and voice channels in web surveys, the reasons for their (non)willingness, and respondent characteristics associated with (non)willingness. The results of a web survey conducted in a nonprobability online panel in Germany ( N = 2146) reveal that more than 50% of respondents would be willing to have the questions read aloud (audio channel) and about 40% would also be willing to give answers via voice input (voice channel). While respondents mostly name a general openness to new technologies for their willingness, they mostly name preference for written communication for their nonwillingness. Finally, audio and voice channels in smartphone surveys appeal primarily to frequent and competent smartphone users as well as younger and tech-savvy respondents.