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Qualitative control learning can be much faster than reinforcement learning

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Abstract and Figures

Reinforcement learning has emerged as a prominent method for controlling dynamic systems in the absence of a precise mathematical model. However, its reliance on extensive interactions with the environment often leads to prolonged training periods. In this paper, we propose an alternative approach to learning control policies that focuses on learning qualitative models and uses symbolic planning to derive a qualitative plan for the control task, which is executed by an adaptive reactive controller. We conduct experiments utilizing our approach on the cart-pole problem, a standard benchmark in dynamic system control. We additionally extend this problem domain to include uneven terrains, such as driving over craters or hills, to assess the robustness of learned controllers. Our results indicate that qualitative learning offers significant advantages over reinforcement learning in terms of sample efficiency, transferability, and interpretability. We demonstrate that our proposed approach is at least two orders of magnitude more sample efficient in the cart-pole domain than the usual variants of reinforcement learning.
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Machine Learning (2025) 114:4
Qualitative control learning can be much faster
thanreinforcement learning
DomenŠoberl1· IvanBratko2
Received: 5 April 2024 / Revised: 20 August 2024 / Accepted: 27 September 2024 /
Published online: 14 January 2025
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media LLC, part of Springer Nature 2025
Reinforcement learning has emerged as a prominent method for controlling dynamic sys-
tems in the absence of a precise mathematical model. However, its reliance on extensive
interactions with the environment often leads to prolonged training periods. In this paper,
we propose an alternative approach to learning control policies that focuses on learning
qualitative models and uses symbolic planning to derive a qualitative plan for the control
task, which is executed by an adaptive reactive controller. We conduct experiments utiliz-
ing our approach on the cart-pole problem, a standard benchmark in dynamic system con-
trol. We additionally extend this problem domain to include uneven terrains, such as driv-
ing over craters or hills, to assess the robustness of learned controllers. Our results indicate
that qualitative learning offers significant advantages over reinforcement learning in terms
of sample efficiency, transferability, and interpretability. We demonstrate that our proposed
approach is at least two orders of magnitude more sample efficient in the cart-pole domain
than the usual variants of reinforcement learning.
Keywords Qualitative modeling· Qualitative reasoning· Qualitative control· Transfer
Editors:Rita P.Ribeiro, Ana Carolina Lorena and Albert Bifet.
* Domen Šoberl
Ivan Bratko
1 Department ofInformation Sciences andTechnologies, Faculty ofMathematics, Natural Sciences
andInformation Technologies, University ofPrimorska, Glagoljaška 8, 6000Koper, Slovenia
2 Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Faculty ofComputer andInformation Science, University
ofLjubljana, Večna pot 113, 1000Ljubljana, Slovenia
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
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