
El bullying a l’esport i a l’Educació Física. Una aproximació des de la perspectiva de les víctimes de bullying en el context esportiu, dels entrenadors i les entrenadores, i del futur personal docent d'Educació Física

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[cat] El bullying, una problemàtica social d’abast mundial, es va començar a estudiar als anys 70. La investigació, centrada principalment en el context escolar, ha posat de manifest la necessitat d’abordar el fenomen degut a les greus conseqüències que comporta. Estudis recents han demostrat la presència del bullying en contextos socials més enllà de l’escolar, on infants i adolescents interactuen i conviuen, com és el cas de l’entorn esportiu. Al mateix temps, l’atenció de la recerca s’ha centrat també en el bullying que pot desenvolupar-se en l’àmbit de l’Educació Física (EF). Ambdós contextos, l’esportiu i el de l’EF, tot i les diferències sobre la finalitat última que persegueixen, poden compartir certes similituds pel que fa, per exemple, a l’espai de realització de les sessions (espais oberts, poliesportius, etc.), a les activitats que es duen a terme (amb interacció directa entre les persones), al possible ús del vestidor, etc. La investigació sobre el bullying a l’esport s’ha dedicat, principalment, a analitzar la seva prevalença i a valorar la percepció que tenen els entrenadors i entrenadores, els i les esportistes i les famílies respecte al fenomen. Manquen, però, recerques que s’hagin ocupat d’analitzar en profunditat les experiències de les víctimes de bullying a l’esport, així com de valorar els coneixements que disposen els entrenadors i entrenadores sobre la temàtica. Pel que fa al bullying a l’EF, s’han portat a terme estudis que, entre d’altres, han estudiat els factors de risc d’esdevenir víctima de bullying en aquesta assignatura, així com el paper de l’EF en la prevenció del fenomen. Tot i també comptar amb investigacions que posen de manifest la importància del rol del personal docent en el tractament del bullying, hi ha una absència d’estudis que s'hagin ocupat de valorar quina és la percepció del fenomen que té concretament el futur personal docent d’EF, així com d’analitzar les estratègies que disposa el col·lectiu per prevenir, detectar i actuar davant d'un possible cas de bullying. Amb tot, la present tesi doctoral, constituïda per un compendi de tres publicacions, té l’objectiu general d’elaborar una diagnosi del bullying en el context de l’esport i de l’EF a partir de les experiències de les víctimes de bullying en el context esportiu, del coneixement dels entrenadors i entrenadores respecte a aquest fenomen, i de la formació i percepció que disposa el futur personal docent d’EF pel que fa a la problemàtica del bullying. El primer estudi persegueix l’objectiu de conèixer les experiències de víctimes de bullying a l’esport durant la seva etapa de formació esportiva. Per la seva consecució, es van portar a terme entrevistes semi-estructurades a quatre dones i set homes de nacionalitat espanyola, d’entre 17 i 27 anys (Medat = 21 anys, SD = 3.69), les quals van permetre recollir dades que, posteriorment, es van tractar a través d’una anàlisi de contingut jeràrquic. Els resultats mostren la presència de bullying de caràcter físic, verbal i social en el context esportiu, essent el vestidor l’espai on es desenvolupen amb una major freqüència aquests tipus de comportaments. La majoria de les víctimes mostren una atribució del succés de bullying de forma interna (auto-culpa), relacionada amb l’habilitat motriu i amb les característiques físiques i psicològiques personals. S’observa una doble victimització al club esportiu i al centre educatiu. Es fan ús d’estratègies passives per fer front a la situació, alhora que es mostra poc recolzament per part dels agents esportius (companys i companyes d’equip, entrenadors i entrenadores, etc). Les víctimes, com a conseqüència de l’experiència de bullying viscuda, pateixen efectes negatius, a curt i llarg termini, a nivell psicosocial. L’estudi conclou que la creació d’ambients segurs de pràctica esportiva passa pel disseny d’actuacions de sensibilització i formació a les organitzacions esportives per prevenir el bullying, detectar- lo i elaborar protocols d’actuació. El segon estudi es proposa valorar el coneixement del bullying en una mostra d’entrenadors i entrenadores d’esport formatiu de Catalunya (Espanya), així com analitzar les estratègies de prevenció que disposen. Els i les participants van ser 161 entrenadors i entrenadores (75.8% homes i 24.2% dones) de diferents modalitats esportives, amb una mitjana d'edat de 20.3 anys (SD = 3.15). Se’ls va administrar un qüestionari ad hoc amb les preguntes obertes: "Com definiries el bullying?", "Quines tipologies de bullying existeixen?" i "Quines estratègies utilitzes per prevenir el bullying a l’esport?". Es va realitzar una anàlisi de contingut mitjançant un procés deductiu de la definició de bullying i de les seves tipologies, i un procés inductiu per les estratègies de prevenció. A la vegada, es van calcular les freqüències (%) de les respostes en cadascuna de les categories de les diferents dimensions. Els resultats mostren poca concreció en la definició del fenomen atenent als conceptes clau (repetició, intencionalitat de fer mal i desequilibri de poder). La tipologia indicada amb més freqüència és el bullying físic, seguit del ciberbullying. Els entrenadors i entrenadores esmenten estratègies de prevenció relacionades amb el foment d'un clima positiu entre els i les esportistes, i amb menor mesura les relacionades amb l’observació, la sensibilització, la normativa, la comunicació, l’educació emocional i la intervenció davant conflictes. En general, es detecta poc coneixement entre els entrenadors i entrenadores sobre el bullying, considerant-se rellevant que aquests agents disposin d’una major formació específica al respecte. L’últim estudi se centra en conèixer les creences que té el futur personal docent d’EF sobre el bullying a l’assignatura, analitzar la seva formació i identificar les estratègies que disposen per l’abordatge de la problemàtica. Els i les participants van ser 44 futurs i futures docents d’EF (Medat = 23.91; SD = 2.96) de sis universitats espanyoles. Les dades van ser obtingudes mitjançant el desenvolupament de grups focals i es va realitzar una anàlisi de contingut jeràrquic de les mateixes. Els resultats de l’estudi reporten que els futurs i futures docents d’EF perceben que aquesta assignatura pot esdevenir un espai sensible en relació a l’aparició de bullying tot i que, segons el rol i l’actuació del professorat, també pot ser un context on prevenir el fenomen. El futur personal docent d’EF exposa no haver rebut formació sobre el bullying durant l’etapa universitària, mostrant poca concreció en les estratègies i una manca de confiança en l’abordatge del fenomen. L’estudi suggereix la necessitat d’incorporar la temàtica del bullying en els plans d’estudis universitaris del futur personal docent d’EF, on s’especifiquin aspectes teòrics relacionats amb la conceptualització del fenomen, es proporcionin estratègies i recursos específics per prevenir-lo i es presentin pautes clares d’intervenció davant la detecció d’un cas. Després de la realització de les tres investigacions, es posa de manifest la necessitat de dissenyar, aplicar i valorar programes per l’abordatge de la problemàtica del bullying a l’esport i a l’EF, així com d’articular formació entre entrenadors i entrenadores i entre el futur personal docent d’EF sobre la temàtica. [eng] Bullying, a global social problem, began to be studied in the 70s. The research, mainly focused on the school context, has highlighted the need to address the phenomenon due to the serious consequences it entails. Recent studies have shown the presence of bullying in social contexts beyond school, where children and adolescents interact and live together, as is the case in the sports environment. At the same time, research attention has also focused on bullying that can develop in the field of Physical Education (PE). Both contexts, sports and PE, despite the differences on the ultimate purpose they pursue, can share certain similarities regarding, for example, the space where the sessions are held (open spaces, sports centre, etc.), to the types of activities carried out (with direct interaction between people), to the possible use of the changing room, etc. Research on bullying in sport has mainly focused on analysing its prevalence and assessing the perception of coaches, athletes and families regarding this phenomenon. However, there is a lack of research that has dealt with analysing in depth the experiences of victims of bullying in sport, as well as assessing the knowledge that coaches have on the subject. With regard to research into bullying in PE, research has been carried out which, among others, has been aimed at analysing the risk factors of becoming a victim of bullying in this subject, as well as the role of PE in the prevention of the phenomenon. Despite also having studies that highlight the importance of teachers in the handling of bullying, there is an absence of research that has dealt with assessing what is the perception of the phenomenon that PE preservice teachers have in particular, as well as analysing the skills and strategies available to this group to prevent, detect and act in the face of a possible case of bullying. All in all, the present doctoral thesis, made up of a compendium of three publications, has the general objective of developing a diagnosis of bullying in the context of sport and PE, based on the experiences of bullying victims in the sports context, of the knowledge of coaches regarding this phenomenon, and of the training and perception available to PE preservice teachers regarding the problem of bullying. The first study pursues the objective of knowing the experiences of victims of bullying in sport during their youth sport training. To achieve this, semi-structured interviews were carried out with four women and seven men of Spanish nationality, aged between 17 and 27 years old (Mage = 21 years old, SD = 3.69), which made it possible to collect data that, subsequently, were treated through a hierarchical content analysis. The results show the presence of physical, verbal and social bullying in the sports context, the changing room being the space where this type of behaviour occurs with greater frequency. Most victims show an internal attribution of the bullying incident (self-blame), related to motor skills and personal physical and psychological characteristics. A double victimization is observed, at the sports club and at the educational centre. Passive strategies are used to deal with the situation, while showing little support from sports agents (teammates and coaches). Victims, as a result of the lived experience of bullying, suffer negative effects at a psychosocial level, in the short and long term. The study concludes that the creation of safe environments for sports practice requires the design of awareness-raising and training actions in sports organizations to prevent bullying, detect it and develop action protocols. With regard to the second study, the aim is to assess the knowledge of bullying in a sample of formative sport coaches from Catalonia (Spain), as well as the prevention strategies they have. The participants were 161 male and female coaches (75.8% men and 24.2% women) from different sports, with an average age of 20.3 years old (SD = 3.15). An ad hoc questionnaire was distributed to them with open questions: “How would you define bullying?”, “What typologies of bullying exist?” and “What strategies do you use to prevent bullying in sport?”. A content analysis was carried out through a deductive process of the definition of bullying and an inductive process for prevention strategies. At the same time, the frequencies (%) of the responses in each of the categories of the different dimensions were calculated. The results show little precision in the definition of the phenomenon according to the key concepts (repetition, intent to harm and power imbalance). The most frequently indicated typology is physical bullying, followed by cyberbullying. Coaches mention prevention strategies related to promoting a positive climate among athletes, and to a lesser extent those related to observation, awareness-raising, regulation, communication, emotional education and conflict intervention. In general, there is little knowledge among coaches about bullying, and it is considered important that they have more specific training regarding the phenomenon. In the last study, the objectives are to find out the beliefs of the PE preservice teachers about bullying in the subject, and to examine opinions about training received in this area and the strategies they would use to deal with this phenomenon. The participants were 44 PE preservice teachers (Mage = 23.91; SD = 2.96) from six Spanish universities. Data were obtained through the development of focus groups and a hierarchical content analysis was carried out. The results of the study report that PE preservice teachers perceive that this subject can become a sensitive space in relation to the appearance of bullying although, depending on the role and performance of the teacher, it can also be a context in which to prevent the phenomenon. PE preservice teachers report not having received training on bullying during the university stage, showing little concision in strategies and a lack of confidence in addressing the phenomenon. The study suggests the need to incorporate the topic of bullying into the university curricula of PE preservice teachers, where theoretical aspects related to the conceptualization of the phenomenon are specified, strategies and specific resources are provided to prevent it and clear intervention guidelines are presented in the face of a case. After the completion of the three investigations, the need to design, apply and evaluate programs to address bullying in sport and PE, as well as to articulate training between coaches and PE preservice teachers on the topic is highlighted.

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This study investigates how physical education (PE) teachers make sense of peer bullying, which types of behaviors they associate with peer bullying, their opinions about these behaviors, and methods for preventing bullying. The study group consisted of 18 PE teachers. The interview technique was used as a qualitative research method in the study. The data obtained after one-on-one interviews were analyzed through content analysis. According to the data obtained, PE teachers are the most important variable in the decrease or increase of peer bullying in classes. However, PE classes provide a suitable environment for the emergence of peer bullying. Additionally, bullying caused by the individual characteristics of students and environmental reasons can increase in schools, and there are generally no collective intervention programs within schools to prevent it. According to the teachers’ opinions, some of the important results are that students who are exposed to bullying experience the same fear every week in PE lessons, and although it is known that the majority of them do not want to participate in the activity in order to avoid being bullied, no solution can be found.
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This study explores the influence of individual and relational predictors on bullying perpetration/victimization among semi-professional team sport players in North Cyprus. Three variables reflect on an individual's level characteristics (e.g., gender, age, and nationality), and another one, representing the relational level factor (e.g., negative coaching behavior). The current paper obtained data from athletes through convenient sampling technique and online survey utilization. A total of 190 sports players with an average age of 24.77 (SD = 4.52) participated. All participants were club athletes from 16 diverse nations, competing in four different sports disciplines: football, volleyball, handball, and basketball. Hierarchical regression analysis was implemented to evaluate the above underlying linkages. It was found that age, nationality, and the coach's negative personal rapport significantly predicted bullying victimization dynamics among athletes. Bullying perpetration was only predicted by negative personal rapport with the coach but not by any of the individual level predictors. The moderation analysis showed that negative personal rapport with the coach significantly predicted the level of bullying victimization, the age and the nationality of the athlete moderated the relationship between the negative personal rapport and bullying victimization. In other words, the negative personal rapport had a higher effect on bullying victimization for the younger athletes and for international ones. Such findings have the potential to shape the base for further ongoing works, which could underline the critical demand for more emphasis and analysis of nationality, gender, age, and coach's negative rapport on bullying perpetration or victimization. The significance of the study's findings, its limits, and potential paths for further interpersonal violence research are addressed.
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Bullying is a social problem that has been studied most in schools but affects other social contexts. However, there is a general lack of studies on bullying in sports. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of bullying among youth soccer players. Participants were 1,980 soccer players (88.2% boys) aged 8 to 13 years (Mage = 10.5, SD = 1.68) from 25 clubs in Catalonia, Spain. An ad hoc questionnaire was administered to analyze the prevalence and characteristics of bullying from the perspective of victims, bullies, and bystanders. The overall bullying victimization rate was 8.9%, with higher rates observed in the younger categories (p < .001); 5.2% of victims experienced bullying in both their soccer club and at school. The bullying and bystander rates were 14.8% and 34.7%, respectively, with significant differences between boys and girls (15.5% of boys and 9% of girls were bullies [p < .05], while 36.4% of boys and 21.9% of girls were bystanders [p < .001]). Verbal bullying was the main type of bullying reported. The locker room and pitch were the most common locations, and victims were more likely to deal with bullying on their own than to ask for help. Bullying is present in grassroots soccer, and anti-bullying programs are needed to instill ethical and moral values in athletes and equip coaches with the necessary skills to prevent, detect, and address bullying situations.
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Bullying is a problem within the school context and with important consequences for the victim. The scientific literature has shown that emotional intelligence (EI) enhances the role of cohabitation within the school context. This systematic review aims to analyze the evidence of the role of EI in bullying. Results show greater levels of emotional perception in students involved in bullying and lower levels of emotional understanding and regulation compared to students not involved in these behaviors. In addition, gender differences in their levels of EI were found among students involved in bullying. The results reveal the importance of designing and implementing programs of EI in the school context as prevention and action against bullying.
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This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of an intervention entitled A-Judo Programme for the reduction in bullying and improvement of prosocial behaviour at school, based on the theory of self-determination (SDT). Physical education teachers (PETs) received 20 h of specific training, implementing the programme thereafter in their classes in a total of 10 sessions of 50 min each (two sessions per week over 5 weeks). Variables such as teacher’s teaching style, basic psychological needs (BPNs), self-determined motivation, tolerance and respect, moral identity, harassment and victimisation were studied. Seventy-nine students (11.13 ± 0.52 y) of both sexes (40 girls and 39 boys) participated in the study and were divided into an intervention and a control group (which received no training). The results showed significant changes with moderate to high effect sizes in BPN, motivation, tolerance–respect, moral identity and bullying. These research findings improve the body of knowledge of the applications offered by SDT and its usefulness for improving anti-bullying programmes through PET training.
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Teachers’ responses to bullying incidents are key in bullying intervention at school. Scholars have suggested that teacher responses can predict student cognitions that are associated with their bullying behaviors. However, little is known about whether and how teacher responses affect these cognitions. Therefore, the current study investigated the effects of four immediate teacher responses on four bullying-related student cognitions, using an experimental vignette design. Additionally, it was examined whether students’ own participant role behaviors in actual bullying moderated these effects. The investigated teacher responses were non-response, comforting the victim, correcting the bully, and a combination of comforting the victim and correcting the bully. The investigated student cognitions were perceived teacher attitudes toward bullying, perceived teacher moral disengagement regarding bullying, student willingness to report bullying to the teacher and student expectations regarding bullying participant role behaviors in the classroom. Fourth-to-sixth grade students (N = 910; 47% boys; Mage = 11.04 years, SD = 0.91) read a vignette describing a hypothetical teacher’s response to a same bullying incident, following random assignment to one of eight conditions (i.e., four teacher responses × two genders of bully and victim in the vignette). Afterward, students completed questionnaires about their social cognitions and manipulation checks. ANOVA demonstrated that students perceived stronger teacher anti-bullying attitudes and less teacher moral disengagement when the hypothetical teacher displayed an active response. These effects were even stronger when the teacher corrected the bully compared to when only the victim was comforted. Further, students were more willing to report bullying when the teacher corrected the bully than when the teacher only comforted the victim. Finally, students expected less pro-bullying behaviors, more defending and less victimization in the vignette’s classroom following active teacher response compared to non-response. The effects of teacher responses on student cognitions were not moderated by students’ own participant roles in bullying. Taken together, these findings emphasize the importance of active teacher responses to bullying, and especially, responses that clearly show that bullying is not tolerated. Teachers are encouraged to be aware that students can deduce beliefs from teacher responses which can, in turn, affect bullying processes in the classroom.
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Bullying is acknowledged by scientists as a considerable and still unresolved problem in sport. By triggering stress-related emotions, they determine the behavior of those experiencing bullying and cause various negative effects on their physical and mental health. However, in the presence of the tenacious trend in sports “to put one’s own house in order,” athletes, coaches, teams, and sports organizations themselves often do not emphasize bullying or state that they do not encounter the problem at all, and adheres to the belief that athletes may use negative emotions instrumentally in order to perform tasks given to them more effectively. The aim of this research was to reveal the determinants of the internal environment of sports organizations, causing trends of bullying in organized sport. To achieve the research aim, a qualitative research paradigm was chosen. The empirical study involved eight coaches working in organized sport in Lithuania. The survey was conducted using the semi-structured interview method. Data were analyzed employing inductive content analysis. The presented research results encompass the transcriptions of interviews, which are conceptually divided into three main categories revealing coaches’ opinion on trends of bullying in organized sport, related to the sports organization’s internal environment. Categories identified during the study can be equated to interrelated levels of model of Organizational behavior. The micro level-interrelationships; the mezzo level-sports professionals’ (coaches’) behavior; and the macro level-management of interrelationships. These results revealed which determinants of the sports organization’s internal environment can be favorable for emergence of bullying and its dynamics in both interrelationships among athletes and interrelationships between athletes and coaches. And these trends of bullying, revealed on the basis of the responses of coaches involved in the study, allow us to see harmful principles of coaching, bullying-promoting traditions of team/group leadership, existing in sport, and to predict how this may effect both the athlete himself, his environment and attractiveness of the sporting activity itself.
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In this study, we draw on Erving Goffman’s work on the presentation of self to explore responses by 12–15-year-old (i.e. 6th–9th grade) school students to an open-ended survey question about why they think they were bullied. In doing so, we contribute to a relatively unexplored aspect of school bullying research by focussing on how those students who are subjected to bullying understand their own bullying experiences. We focus in particular on explanations that focus on themselves as individuals. Utilising thematic analysis, we identified six themes: (1) Body, (2) Manner, (3) Social structures, (4) Opinions and interests, (5) Ability, and (6) Relations. Our analysis of the students’ responses suggests that they were bullied because they were perceived as different in some sense, and that such understandings of difference are connected to broader social and societal norms. These findings have important implications for understandings of bullying as aggressive acts and suggest that rather than simply focussing on the negative behaviour of individuals, anti-bullying initiatives also need to focus on the social structures that underpin the understandings of difference that facilitate such behaviour.
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ROSARIO ORTEGA-RUIZ FRANCISCO CÓRDOBA-ALCAIDE (coords.) EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA Y CONVIVENCIA: OPORTUNIDADES Y DESAFÍOS EN LA PREVENCIÓN DEL ACOSO ESCOLAR editorial LA MURALLA, S. A. El presente libro trata de ofrecer a profesionales de Educación Física en particular y a cualquier profesional de la enseñanza en general, propuestas prácticas para su desempeño en la detección y actuación ante problemas de acoso escolar. Se desarrollan estrategias y recursos educativos para comprender qué es el acoso escolar, como prevenirlo y cómo intervenir ante una sospecha. Cada capítulo se inicia con una imagen que introduce al lector en la temática y en el supuesto caso que sirve para contextualizarlo, después continúa con el desarrollo de los principales elementos teóricos y finaliza con propuestas concretas para la práctica.
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Self-efficacy, commonly seen as an important competence for teachers when intervening in bullying, is a heterogeneous construct. Differences in the specific kinds of self-efficacy under review, its assessment, theoretical foundations, and the samples used when researching it generate diverse results that can be hard to integrate. This systematic review surveys existing literature on the extent of teachers' self-efficacy in managing bullying and its connection to the likelihood that teachers will intervene in bullying, to their intervention strategies, and the prevention measures they employ, as well as students' bullying behavior and their experiences of victimization. Thirty-six relevant publications based on 33 studies were included. The quality of their results was assessed, and their findings were systematized and are discussed here. Many studies are of low quality because of incomplete descriptions of underlying theoretical as well as methodological foundations. Almost all results are based on descriptive study designs. Consistent findings show that teachers generally feel confident in managing bullying and that teachers who are more confident intervene more often. Findings were mixed on the connections between teachers' self-efficacy and intervention strategies, and the prevention measures they used, as well as students' bullying behavior and experiences of victimization. It was also discovered that the connections between teachers' self-efficacy and their prevention measures, their students' bullying behavior, and collective efficacy in general have rarely been addressed in the literature.
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Aggression and violence among youth are researched as social phenomena in sport. This paper was designed to determine the occurrence of these behaviors as well as prosocial behaviors among young athletes. The current paper is a research report aiming to detect the frequency of aggressive behavior, social exclusion, prosocial behavior and cohesion in the youth environment, the frequency of personal experience of peer violence or social exclusion, and to evaluate cross-national differences in terms of occurrence of these phenomena.The field research was conducted in six European countries (Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Italy, Lithuania, and Serbia) on a sample of 482 children aged 6 to 16. The conducted questionnaire consisted of pre-existing scales and measures for specific behaviors and social aspects that formed the Youth Environment Assessment and Youth Characteristics Questionnaire. Previous personal experience of violence and social exclusion determined groups in the sample. One-way ANOVA and discriminant analysis were conducted to compare various variables and groups within the sample. The results have shown that aggressive and social exclusion behaviors are rare or very rare, predominantly in the form of verbal aggression in the sports club environment. The results of the conducted discriminant analysis indicate that prosocial and cohesion behaviors occur "quite often" to "often" among sports club athletes' samples. The percentage of athletes who have had personal experience of violence or social exclusion in the last two years and whose feeling of hurt by that experience was assessed as "a lot" or "fully" on the measurement scale is estimated to be approximately 25%. Mild cross-national differences emerged in the overmentioned variables, probably due to the sample specificity, or to cultural variety. The results indicate the need for longitudinal research on this topic since the sport is an environment in which cohesion can be developed among young athletes, but it is not free from social exclusion or aggression.
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This study examines the role of acculturation orientation toward home and host countries in ethnic bullying victimization, by considering citizenship status and taking into account social withdrawal. Within a larger school project with middle and high school students, we analyzed data on 252 adolescents from immigrant backgrounds: 71 born abroad without Italian citizenship (Males = 71.4%; mean age = 13.98, SD = 1.7); 96 born in Italy to immigrant parents and without Italian citizenship (Males = 58.3%; mean age = 13.26, SD = 1.6); and 85 Italian citizens born in Italy with an immigrant parent (Males = 54.7%; mean age = 13.12, SD = 1.5). At the univariate level we found that the group of adolescents born abroad with foreign parents showed significantly higher levels of ethnic victimization compared to the group of adolescents born in Italy with an Italian parent. The latter also reported a significantly higher mean in Acculturation Orientation toward their Host Country (i.e., Italy) compared to the other two groups. Looking at the processes working within each group, we found differences in the patterns of association between acculturation orientation and ethnic bullying victimization. Specifically, we found a significant and positive association between acculturation orientation toward the home country and ethnic victimization in the two groups of adolescents born in Italy, while acculturation orientation toward the host country seems to be a protective factor only for adolescents with Italian citizenship. Acculturation orientation does not play any role in ethnic victimization for the first generation of immigrants, while for this group we found a stronger positive effect of Social Withdrawal. Citizenship status appears to be a good indicator of belonging to an ethnic minority group with a background of immigration: it seems to catch specific processes in ethnic bullying victimization.
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El acoso escolar es una problemática social que afecta a niños, niñas y adolescentes de todo el mundo. Su elevada prevalencia, junto con la severidad de sus consecuencias, han hecho del bullying una cuestión prioritaria en lo que atañe a la salud física y psicoemocional de la infancia y adolescencia. Desde que comenzara a estudiarse en los años setenta, el interés por alcanzar su comprensión no ha cesado, lo que se ha traducido en un incremento del número de estudios, en el desarrollo de nuevas líneas de investigación y, en definitiva, en un ingente crecimiento del conocimiento sobre esta forma de violencia en todas sus modalidades (por ejemplo, ciberacoso), lo que ha permitido mejorar la asistencia a las víctimas. Sin embargo, cuando la gravedad del acoso excede las competencias de los centros educativos y requiere la intervención del sistema legal, se observan problemas conceptuales y metodológicos que tienen como consecuencia una respuesta deficitaria a las víctimas. El presente trabajo tiene por objeto conocer el modo en que el acoso escolar es conceptualizado y tratado en el ámbito jurídico a través de un análisis de las sentencias dictadas sobre el mismo.
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Objectives The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between participation in extracurricular activities and bullying perpetration and victimization among children and adolescents with disabilities. Methods A nationally representative sample of 1906 children with and 15,901 children without disabilities and 1782 adolescents with and 15,885 adolescents without disabilities from the 2016 National Survey of Children’s Health was utilized. Parent-reported responses pertaining to bullying perpetration and victimization and extracurricular engagement were analyzed. Separate multilevel logistic regression analyses were conducted for children and adolescents, and separate analyses were conducted with a full sample of children as well as with a subset of children with disabilities. Results A nationally representative sample of 1906 children with and 15,901 children without disabilities and 1782 adolescents with and 15,885 adolescents without disabilities from the 2016 National Survey of Children’s Health was utilized. Parent-reported responses pertaining to bullying perpetration and victimization and extracurricular engagement were analyzed. Results indicated that extracurricular engagement can reduce the likelihood of experiencing bullying victimization among adolescences with disabilities. However, extracurricular engagement was not associated with lower odds of bullying perpetration. Conclusions for Practice These findings contribute to our understanding of the role extracurricular engagement can play in bullying behaviors among youth with disabilities. Similar to children without disabilities, it appears that engagement in extracurricular activities is significantly associated with lower odds of experiencing bullying victimization among those with disabilities. Conversely, the positive effects of extracurricular involvement on bullying perpetration risk was not evident in this current study.
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La finalidad de este estudio es conocer los niveles de deportividad, violencia escolar cotidiana y responsabilidad personal y social en los estudiantes de primaria y secundaria. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 672 estudiantes (382 chicos y 290 chicas), con edades comprendidas entre los 12 y los 16 años de edad (M ± DE = 13.99 ± 1.75), de 16 centros educativos de la región de Murcia. Los participantes pertenecían a 6º de primaria y 3º de ESO y rellenaron la versión española de la Escala multidimensional de orientaciones a la deportividad para medir dicha variable; el Cuestionario de violencia escolar cotidiana; y la traducción al español del Cuestionario personal y social, Responsibility Questionnaire, para medir esta variable. Los resultados mostraron unos niveles medios-altos en deportividad, unos índices bajos en violencia sufrida frente a violencia observada, cuyos valores son medio-altos y, unos niveles altos en cuanto a la responsabilidad, con valores superiores en responsabilidad social. Se encontraron relaciones positivas y significativas entre las cinco dimensiones de deportividad con las dos dimensiones de responsabilidad. Por otro lado, las dimensiones de violencia sufrida y observada correlacionaron negativa y significativamente con las cinco dimensiones de deportividad y las dos dimensiones de responsabilidad. De este modo, se sugiere la implementación de modelos pedagógicos orientados a la educación en valores como la responsabilidad o la deportividad para poder reducir la violencia escolar.
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The main objective of this study was to analyze student-perceived teaching styles’ power to predict students’ resilience and the emergence of bullying behaviors in physical education class. A total of 537 students of both sexes, between 11 and 15 years of age, from primary and secondary schools in the province of Alicante (Spain), participated in the study. The design of the study was cross-sectional. The results showed that bullying was positively predicted by students’ perceptions of a more controlling style and negatively by a greater perception of an autonomy-supportive style in physical education classes. Victimization was negatively predicted by greater resilience and positively by students’ perception of a teacher’s more controlling style. Finally, the mediation analysis showed that the perception of autonomy support indirectly and negatively predicted victimization, with resilience acting as a mediator. These findings provide useful information for physical education teachers interested in preventing bullying, and have important practical implications about the teaching style recommended for this purpose.
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Bullying victimization has been shown to negatively impact academic achievement. However, under certain circumstances, levels of academic achievement might also be a cause of bullying victimization. Previous research has shown that at least in Western countries, high school engagement is connoted by students as un-masculine. Therefore, high school engagement and achievement in school violate boys’, but not girls’, peer-group norm. This might put high-achieving boys at higher risk of bullying victimization as compared to high-achieving girls. The present study investigated boys’ and girls’ risk of bullying victimization, depending on different achievement levels. To this end, representative data of N = 3928 German fourth grade students were analyzed. Results showed that boys among the top-performers and also boys among the worst performers had a markedly higher risk of being bullied than girls showing the same achievement, whereas there were no such risk differences between genders in the average achievement groups. The relation between academic achievement and bullying victimization, features with regard to gender, and directions for future research are discussed.
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Bullying and cyberbullying are important global issues with negative consequences for physical and mental health in education. The objective of this study was to analyze to what extent some dimensions of emotional intelligence predict certain manifestations of bullying and cyberbullying in adolescents. The total number of subjects recruited in compulsory secondary education schools, was 309 (53.1% female). Their ages ranged from 12 to 16 (M = 14.17, SD = 1.4). The used instruments were the school violence questionnaire and the emotional coefficient inventory; the study design was cross-sectional. Results showed that the score increases on some scales (adaptability, stress management, and interpersonal) involved a greater risk of increasing the likelihood of social perception the different manifestations of school violence. However, in the general mood, the increase in this variable score implied lower perceiving in likelihood of violent behavior. It is important to take into account preventive actions aimed at improving school life and, above all, to alleviate difficulties in managing stress, adaptability, and interpersonal relationships.
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In recent years, the problem of bullying, existing in sport and arising in athletes’ relationships, is increasingly emphasized. The aim of this research was to reveal the specificity of bullying in athletes’ interrelationships by elaborating on causes of its emergence, nature of actions, and its consequences. To achieve the research aim, a qualitative research paradigm was chosen. The theoretical part of the research was prepared by applying the methods of scientific literature analysis and analogy. The empirical study involved seven organized sports athletes representing individual, duel, and team sports branches, belonging to the young adult age category. The survey was conducted using the semi-structured interview method. Data were analyzed employing the conceptual content analysis. Emic and etic perspectives were used for data processing. Research results revealed that the specificity of manifestation of bullying in sport unfolded through three generalized categories: intolerable perception of behavior, nature of bullying, and bipolarity of consequences. Every category was detailed by sub-categories, highlighting the nature, causes, and consequences of bullying accepted by athletes in the contexts of their emotional state and career. We found that the factors falling into these categories were interrelated and supplemented each other; therefore, they should be analyzed in a complex way, as bullying is determined not by some single factor but by the totality of them, functioning as a kind of well-established flawed tradition supported by the cultures of the sports organization and the sport.
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Objectives: To evaluate the associations of physical education (PE) with school violence and bullying. Design: Systematic review. Method: Using a systematic search in Medline, PsycINFO, SPORTDiscus, Web of Science, and Scopus, relevant studies with a quantitative and qualitative design were identified that met previously established eligibility criteria. Quality was assessed (bias risk analysis) and data were extracted from a previously elaborated template. Results: The systematic review finally included 16 studies, of which 10 had a quantitative design (n = 12795), 5 a qualitative design (n = 79) and 1 a mixed design (n = 86). The high heterogeneity presented by the measures used in the included studies hindered the comparison of the outcomes and prevented meta-analysis of the data. Although there is insufficient evidence about the positive impact of PE on bullying prevention, the results of this review indicate that some aspects of PE programs could improve students’ skills to cope with these situations. Conclusions: The results of this review suggest the importance of PE in the prevention of bullying. Secondly, it is emphasized that bullying situations have a negative impact on students’ enjoyment of PE, leading to detrimental consequences for their physical and psychological health. Thirdly, the figure of the PE teacher as a key element to prevent and/or encourage bullying was obvious. KEYWORDS: Physical education, bullying, school violence, student profile, teacher status
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Purpose: The article presents the specificity of bullying in organized sport with regard to sport participants’ gender and age variables. Trends in bullying manifestation through such constituents as antisocial behaviour and aggression in sport, bullying actions in sport, previous experiences and memories of bullying, lack of bullying control are analysed. Methodology: The survey was conducted employing Bullying and Harassment in Sport Questionnaire (BHISQ). A sample of 382 youth amateur athletes (adolescents and young adults), involved in different sports, participated in this study. Written and online surveys and statistical data analysis were chosen. Analyses were made applying Mann-Whitney U test to gender analyses and Kruskal-Wallis H test to three age groups. Findings: Athletes men are more aggressive physically, verbally or non-verbally than women. Men, not only as bullies, but also in the role of a victim, are more expressive than women in addition, it has been found that persons who were bullied in the past also apply the same negative behaviour themselves in sport activities later. Athletes’ age has a significant influence on the form of bullying as older persons use a more refined arsenal of means of negative behaviour. Although it has been found that male’s use bullying more often, it is noted that the environment legitimizing aggressiveness may influence greater openness of men, which should be taken into account in future research.
Preservice teachers will one day be responsible for addressing bullying among their students but their readiness to fulfill this critical role is unknown. This article addressed this line of inquiry by conducting a systematic review assessing preservice teachers’ knowledge, attitudes, sense of responsibility, and confidence to deal with bullying. A total of 42 studies met our inclusion criteria and were included in our review. Results suggest that few preservice teachers understand the hallmarks of bullying. In terms of their attitudes toward bullying, most preservice teachers report they are concerned about bullying, but some still believe it to be a normal part of growing up. Preservice teachers tended to view different forms of bullying as more serious than others, with many considering physical bullying to be the most serious form. Most preservice teachers report feeling responsible for dealing with bullying, yet many do not feel confident in their ability to do so. Implications for future research on preservice teachers, teacher preparation programs, and future efforts to reduce bullying in schools are discussed.
Purpose : The purpose of this study was to explore primary teachers’ perspectives of implementing cooperative learning (CL) to accomplish social and emotional learning (SEL) in Aotearoa New Zealand physical education. Method : A qualitative case study design gathered data from 21 teachers at four primary schools using interviews, focus groups, and field notes. Inductive and deductive analysis were used for data analysis. Findings : Four primary themes are presented: emotional processes, social and interpersonal skills, students working it out, and taking time . Findings show that using CL as a pedagogical approach allowed teachers to teach for and accomplish SEL outcomes while accomplishing broader learning outcomes in physical education. However, there appeared to be shortcomings and constraints in the implementation of CL to accomplish SEL outcomes comprehensively. Conclusion : Future research should look to examine and connect professional learning involving pedagogical approaches like CL in physical education to SEL theory and school settings to enhance learning.
El acoso entre iguales sigue siendo una problemática pendiente de resolver en las escuelas españolas. Su estallido en el año 2004 provocó la reacción de todos los sectores y, sin embargo, aún está pendiente de solucionarse. Desde el estado español se han desarrollado normativas que obligan a los centros educativos a implementar protocolos que permitan prevenir, detectar y actuar ante situaciones de acoso escolar. En el presente artículo se muestra la situación de España conrelación al bullying, las políticas educativas para su erradicación, así como los programas de mayor uso para su prevención.
Bullying is prevalent in youth but occurs at a higher rate of incidence in children with visual impairments in comparison to children without disabilities. The purpose of this study was to conduct a systematic review of literature from the past 20 years on bullying research in physical education of youth with visual impairments. This review examined studies on bullying in physical education for school-age children with visual impairments. Articles that did not include children with visual impairments or blindness, physical education, or any type of intentional bullying were eliminated. After a thorough screening of the articles obtained in the search, 14 were selected and analyzed thematically. Results revealed that of the 114 participants in these studies, 86% experienced social–relational bullying, 64% experienced verbal bullying, and 21% experienced physical bullying. Children with visual impairments were bullied in physical education class by their teachers (50%), paraeducators (7%), and their peers (93%). The bullying occurred in class (93%), in the locker room (21%), and at various locations outside of class. Generalization of these findings to all children with visual impairments is limited due to a lack of quantitative studies found with our search criteria. However, the findings indicate a need to educate teachers and paraeducators about proper modifications to class structure and assessment practices, as well as variations to sports and physical activity, to reduce bullying. In addition, teaching self-advocacy to children with visual impairments may minimize bullying and help with peer acceptance and support in the classroom.
Bullying is widely recognized as a major psychosocial problem with substantial negative consequences. The current study aimed to estimate the prevalence of traditional school bullying and cyberbullying and reciprocal associations between bullying involvement and mental health problems. The sample of the study consisted of 6202 middle and high school students (age 11-18, M= 14.4 ±1.9 years, 54% boy). Bullying involvement, self-harm behavior, anxiety, depression, and psychosocial difficulties were assessed by self-report questionnaire. The prevalence of traditional school bullying and cyberbullying victimization was 33% (95% CI 32.1-34.5%) and 17% (95% CI 16.3-18.2%), respectively. The prevalence of traditional school bullying and cyberbullying perpetration was 22.4% (95% CI 21.3-23.4%) and 10.4% (95% CI 9.7-11.3%), respectively. Bullying involvement –as a victim, perpetrator, or both- was associated with anxiety, depression, psychosocial difficulties, and self-harm behavior. Girls were more likely to be affected than boys in mental health outcomes. A significant association between bullying victimization and negative mental health outcomes were also observed. These findings provide evidence to intervention strategies need to target both traditional and cyberbullying involvement. Understanding the risk profile will help create useful and appropriate interventions, which will reduce the early effect of bullying on mental health and modify the clinical course.
Objectives The aim of this study was to gain an in-depth insight into male professional footballers' perception of the concept of bullying and to explore the essences of this behavior within this context. Design and Method: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 18 adult male professional football players in the UK. Data were analyzed in accordance with the principles of Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Results Participants highlighted that key themes within Olewus' (1993) seminal definition of bullying are relevant to professional football such as repetition, power, abuse and harm doing. Notably, there were variations in footballers' views of the constituents of these themes which were explained by divergent perceptions of how the football context shaped these components of bullying. It was evident however, that certain common elements of the football environment, such as its inherent masculinity, identity conforming nature and authoritarianism helped to contextualize the players' conceptualizations of bullying. Conclusions While some of the identified themes mirrored classic definitions of bullying, this concept was articulated in an individually nuanced, context dependent fashion. These findings advance bullying literature by demonstrating how professional football shapes perceptions of this concept, while highlighting the importance of contextually tailored intervention program to address bullying.
Schools are placing a heavy focus on providing a safe learning environment. Part of that safe environment is for the school to be a bully-free zone. In order for a school to be bully-free, staff must be able to identify bullying when it happens in order to make appropriate referrals. This article looks at the ability of pre-service teachers to identify bullying, their knowledge about bullying, and their perception of how to help. It is clear from the results of this survey, more attention needs to be spent helping pre-service teachers identify bullying as a means of keeping the school building and the students within it safe.
Dunning and Sheard’s seminal work, Barbarians, Gentleman and Players, illustrates the importance of adopting a sociological approach to understanding the development of modern sport. Their specific analysis of the role of football in public schools and peer and pupil–master relations offered an important perspective on changing relations between these social groups. Since then, research on physical education (PE) from a figurational viewpoint has focused more on teachers’ perspectives and experiences, with fewer articles concerning pupils’ thoughts. In this article, we revisit power relations within male PE by drawing upon data from a recent ethnographic study in the North East of England. We locate contemporary perspectives and experiences of bullying along long-term shifts in people’s attitudes towards violence and conflict resolution. In particular, we consider how the social processes involved in bullying illustrate the nuanced relationships and behaviours young people must navigate and negotiate within increasingly complex contemporary societies. In competitive single-sex PE environments, we demonstrate how young males are required to exhibit heightened levels of control over their emotional and behavioural expression.
El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar una revisión sistemática de estudios sobre acoso escolar y Educación Física (EF). Se identifican, categorizan y analizan los artículos señalando sus características y sintetizando los principales temas de investigación y su contenido. Para ello, se ha consultado la base de datos Web of Science®. Se seleccionaron un total de 19 artículos científicos. Respecto al análisis documental, se presentan hallazgos sobre revistas más productivas, autores e instituciones con mayor actividad investigadora en este campo y metodología de investigación utilizada en los estudios encontrados. Además, se hace un análisis cualitativo centrado en el contenido de los 4 temas identificados, que son: factores predictores de acoso en EF, caracterización del acoso en EF, clima de aula y acoso en EF, y percepción de miembros de la comunidad educativa respecto al acoso en EF. Finalmente, entre las conclusiones, se presentan algunas orientaciones prácticas para el profesor de derivadas de los resultados de las investigaciones revisadas que podrían contribuir a la mejora de la enseñanza de la EF orientada a la prevención de este tipo de conductas en las clases.Abstract: This paper is a systematic review of studies about bullying in schools and Physical Education (PE). The papers were identified, categorized, and analysed based on their characteristics, as well as summarizing their main research topics and their content. For this purpose, the database Web of Science® was consulted. A total of 19 scientific papers were selected. Regarding the quantitative analysis, results about the most productive journals, authors and institutions with higher research activity in this field and research methodology used were presented. In addition, a qualitative analysis focused on the content of the four topics identified was carried out. These topics are: factors predicting bullying in PE; characterization of bullying in PE; classroom climate and bullying in PE; and educational community members’ perception of bullying in PE. Finally, in the conclusions, some practical guidelines for teachers drawn from the results of the papers reviewed are presented. These guidelines could contribute to teaching improvement in PE, with a focus on prevention of this kind of behaviours in the classroom
La relación deporte-educación en valores tiene muchos focos que merecen la pena ser considerados. En el presente artículo se parte de considerar la necesidad de ser conscientes de la importante presencia del deporte a nivel social, para posteriormente analizar su influencia como agente transmisor de valores, teniendo en cuenta que es necesario promover intencionadamente la relación deporte-educación en valores. No podemos pensar que la simple práctica deportiva favorece el desarrollo de valores adecuados, es necesario trabajar de forma intencionada este aspecto para que la relación sea positiva. Una vez fijado el marco de referencia se analiza un modelo de deporte escolar, el programa de deporte escolar del municipio de Segovia (PIDEMSG) como ejemplo de propuesta formativa que se viene desarrollando con éxito la última década y tomando como base el mismo se valora la posibilidad de cambiar la dirección habitual de la influencia entre deporte escolar y deporte federado, desarrollando transferencias desde el modelo de deporte escolar, habitualmente más formativo, al modelo de deporte federado, más competitivo y menos educativo. Se pretende, de este modo, hacer realidad el potencial del deporte como herramienta educativa. Siguiendo esta línea, se exponen alternativas de acción relacionadas con el desarrollo de competiciones formativas que pueden suponer un interesante cambio en la concepción y desarrollo del deporte.Abstract. The relation between sport and social and moral education has many spots that are worth to be considered. In the present article we begin by considering the need to be aware about the significant presence of sport on a social level and how to analyze the influence it has as a social and moral agent, taking into account the need to intentionally promote the relationship sport – social and moral education. We cannot think that the simple sport promotes the development of appropriate values, it is necessary to work intentionally this aspect so that the relationship is positive. Once set the framework a model of school sports is analyzed, the Comprehensive Program Township School Sports in the municipality of Segovia (PIDEMSG) as an example of training proposal that has been developed successfully the last decade and based on it, we assess the possibility of changing the usual direction of influence between school sport and federated sport, developing transfers from the school sports model, usually more formative, to the more competitive and less educational federated sport. In this way we try to realize of sport as an educational tool reality. Following this line, alternative actions related to the development of training competitions that may pose an interesting change in the conception and development of sports are exposed.
Objetives: To explore perceptions of bullying in children’s football (8-13 years) based on the experiences of players, families, and coaches. Method: We conducted a multiple case study. Participants from four football clubs and one coaching academy in Catalonia (Spain) were selected to take part in nine focus group sessions (three for each group: players, families and coaches). Data from the sessions were analyzed by content analysis. Findings: Four main categories were identified: (1) type of bullying, (2) causes, (3) sites of occurrence, and (4) feelings and emotions towards bullying. These have included a series of direct quotes to reflect the main contributions made by the three sets of participants (players, parents, and coaches) based on their most significant experiences. Conclusions: The accounts of the participants show the existence of a wide range of bullying situations and experiences and highlight the need for immediate action towards the prevention and eradication of bullying in children’s football.
Background: Bullying is a social problem where there is a phenomenon of intentional aggression that occurs in all schools. It has multiple negative consequences for the victim’s psychological health. As school is a context for learning about life in society, strategies to prevent such attitudes and behaviours should be encouraged. Although some studies seem to indicate the potential of the subject of physical education to promote attitudes and behaviours against bullying, there is still insufficient scientific evidence to deduce a positive impact on the reduction or prevention of this phenomenon. Purpose: This study aimed to analyse the effectiveness of a specific intervention to prevent bullying in Physical Education classes in Secondary Education. 6 specific sessions inserted into the physical education curriculum to find out what bullying is, who its protagonists are and how to prevent it. Participants and setting: In the study, 764 students with an age range of 12–19 years (49.3% girls; age mean [M] = 14.80, standard deviation [SD] = 1.69) from two public educational centres participated. Among them, 439 were randomly assigned to the quasi-experimental group (48.1% girls; age M = 14.70, SD = 1.59) and 325 to the control group (51.1% girls; age M = 14.94, SD = 1.83). Data were collected at two timepoints, pre- and the post-intervention data. Data collection: The Spanish version of the European Bullying Intervention Project Questionnaire (EBIPQ) was used to measure the incidence of bullying. To measure cyberbullying, the Spanish version of the European Cyberbullying Intervention Project Questionnaire (ECIPQ) scale was used. Data analysis: The Student t-test was performed to compare possible differences between the experimental and control groups in the pre-test. To compare the means of the factors obtained based on the variables and the instruments used, as well as the scores obtained from the subjects of the experimental and control groups at the two timepoints, linear models of repeated measurements have been established comparing the pre- and post-intervention moments and the experimental and control groups, introducing sex and grade variables to compare the effectiveness of the programme based on them. Results: There were no differences in the pre-test measurements in any of the variables. After the intervention programme in the quasi-experimental group, the bullying victimisation (F = 16,951; p = .000) and bullying aggression (F = 5,215; p = .023) rates decreased significantly more than they did the control group. Likewise, victimisation in cyberbullying (F = 6,234; p = .013) decreased significantly differently, but aggression in cyberbullying did not (F = 0,099; p = .753). Conclusion: The implementation of a specific intervention to prevent bullying inserted into the physical education curriculum seems to have decreased bullying and cyberbullying victimisation.
Alcohol consumption represents one of the most serious public health problems worldwide. Although sport is indicated as an effective global strategy to cushion the impact of this problem, studies have concluded that it is not sport per se, but motivational aspects associated with it, that could have protective effects. The engagement with sport has not been investigated as a possible protective factor for alcohol consumption. Aim: To investigate the relationship between engagement with sports and alcohol consumption. Method. Participants: 362 young people (15 to 29 years old) athletes from Argentina. Instruments: Socio-demographic questionnaire, Sports Engagement Questionnaire (AEQ), Alcohol use Disorders Identification Test (AuDIT-C). Processing: Analysis of variance and logistic regression were performed with the SPSS package v.21. Results: athletes consume as much as non-athletes but those who have more energy invested in their sport, have current and excessive consumption less frequently. The practical implications of these results are discussed.
El objetivo es analizar la percepción de víctimas de bullying en educación física. Ello ayudará a detectar aspectos propios de la educación física a los que los profesionales deben prestar especial atención, para identificar y evitar casos de acoso escolar. La muestra está conformada por tres personas víctimas de bullying en Educación Secundaria, a los que se les entrevistó siguiendo un modelo de entrevista semiestructurada. El análisis de estas entrevistas se realizó mediante la técnica de análisis de contenido. Los resultados destacan que en educación física existen características intrínsecas que facilitan episodios de acoso escolar, como la conformación de los grupos, la existencia de espacios de acoso (como los vestuarios), los diferentes niveles motrices del alumnado, los roles de cada alumno/a dentro de la asignatura o los contenidos y actividades que se utilizan.
The sport experience is shaped by many factors, including the array of social exchanges that sport involvement affords. Sport is often structured to produce participatory and competitive opportunities that are considered fair and enjoyable. This chapter overviews the conceptual underpinnings of peer‐focused sport psychology research, presents the knowledge base on peers in sport, and highlights key knowledge gaps with an eye toward promising directions for future research. It provides examples of conceptual perspectives that have been used in these ways to advance understanding of peers in sport: interpersonal theory of psychiatry; social ecological theory; social cognitive theory; and motivational climate. The chapter overviews three core themes of peer‐based research in sport: sport as social currency; peers and sport motivation; and peers and youth development.
This unique book provides a practical framework for and coverage of a broad range of mental health concerns applicable to the care of athletes, including depression, suicide, mood disorders, substance abuse and risk-taking behaviors. To this end, it presents content relevant to the care of athletes, including doping and the use of performance-enhancing drugs, the mental health impact of concussion, bullying and hazing, the impact of social media and exercise addiction, among other pertinent topics. Current basic and translational research on behavioral health and the relationship of brain to behavior are reviewed, and current treatment approaches, both pharmacological and non-pharmacological (including mindfulness training), are considered. This practical resource targets the stigma of mental in athletes in order to overcome barriers to care by presenting a definitive perspective of current concepts in the mental health care of athletes, provided by experts in the field and targeting sports medicine providers, mental health providers and primary care physicians involved in the direct care of recreational and competitive athletes at all levels.
Locker rooms operate as pivotal access points to physical activity across sports, physical education, and fitness facilities. However, locker rooms are predicated on cis-heterosexual assumptions that can be isolating to LGBTQ+ individuals. Using an online cross-sectional survey, LGBTQ+ adults ( N = 1,067) were asked open-response questions about their past and present locker-room experiences. The resulting texts were independently coded by two researchers using thematic analysis and compared. All discrepancies were discussed with and rectified by a third researcher who acted as a critical peer. The results present distinct experiences across three intersecting aspects of embodiment: self-conscious—“I hate(d) being seen,” sexual transgression, and gender transgression. The findings provide insight into how harmful LGBTQ+ stereotypes influence locker-room experiences and support the redesign of locker rooms to challenge the binary organization of these spaces.
Although anti-bullying programs often include a component that focuses on strengthening teachers’ abilities in identifying and addressing bullying, it is not clear which bullying situations teachers find difficult to address and what type of support is needed. In the current qualitative study, we investigated what teachers considered difficult bullying situations, how they responded to these situations, and which barriers they encountered. We used data from individual in-depth interviews conducted with 38 Dutch elementary school teachers. Qualitative analysis showed that teachers experienced difficulties in (1) identifying bullying that happens out of sight; (2) estimating the seriousness of a reported incident; (3) addressing persistent aggressive and bullying behavior; and (4) finding solutions with parents to reduce bullying. Teachers used a variety of strategies in their efforts to address these situations. The results give insight into teachers’ needs regarding specific training and support in anti-bullying programs and pre-service teacher programs.
Many anti-bullying programs now emphasize the role of bystanders – youth who witness peer victimization. Using a large sample of adolescents (aged 12–18) from the United Kingdom who completed an online survey, the present study examined the types of bystander interventions, their outcomes, and reasons for intervening and not intervening. No significant group differences by any demographic group were found in intervening or not. Results showed that those who had a negative affective reaction when they witnessed bullying were more likely to intervene. Two intervening behaviors (telling the bully to stop and telling an adult) were the strongest predictors of positive results. The most frequently selected reason for not intervening was not knowing what to do, and for intervening, having prosocial and altruistic motives was most common. These and other results are discussed for theoretical and practical implications.
Background. Bullying at school is a serious social problem that influences the well-being of everyone involved, i.e., victims, perpetrators, and bystanders. Among the many health and psychological problems that these individuals may develop, emotion dysregulation appears to be a common marker. To date, however, it remains unclear whether bullying experienced during the school years is associated with emotion dysregulation also in adulthood. In this study, by adopting a retrospective approach, we investigated whether involvement in bullying at school – either as a bully, victim or bystander - could put these individuals at risk of presenting deficits in emotion regulation in adulthood, as assessed with behavioural (explicit) and physiological (implicit) indexes (i.e., skin conductance), and whether the association between the involvement in bullying and emotion regulation was direct or mediated by other factors, such as somatic complaints and sensation seeking. Method. 58 young adults were asked to control their emotional reactions in front of images with strong emotional content, and to explicitly evaluate them with ratings, while their arousal was measured through skin conductance. They also responded to questionnaires about retrospective involvement in bullying, somatic complaints, and sensation seeking. Results. Results revealed that victimisation and bystander behaviour were directly and negatively associated with emotion regulation as assessed with skin conductance, whereas bullying was positively associated with implicit emotion regulation through the mediation of sensation seeking. Interestingly, emotion regulation as assessed with explicit ratings was not associated with any of the characteristics of the participants. Conclusions. Our study suggests that being directly (as victim) but also indirectly (as bystander) involved in bullying at school time is associated with difficulties in emotional well-being in adulthood. Furthermore, it reveals that behavioural and physiological indexes associated with emotion regulation dissociate, suggesting that subtle physiological changes may remain hidden from explicit behaviour.
This paper reports on qualitative findings from the larger Safe Schools Longitudinal Study and explores what trainee teachers understand by the term ‘bullying’, its prevalence, and the barriers to responding to it. Twenty-four teacher trainees at an Initial Teacher Education programme in Scotland took part in two waves of qualitative interviews three years apart. Findings show trainee teachers use the term ‘bullying’ to cover a range of behaviours - with uncertainty around whether verbal insults are bullying. Key factors that impact teacher responses are discussed - with the attitude of the head teacher being pivotal to school climate.
This study aimed to understand if specific types of guilt were associated with distinct bystander roles. Specifically, we tested if differences in children’s endorsement of ethical vs. sanction-oriented guilt predicted differences in defending and outsider behaviours. Participants were 574 primary Italian school students from 4th and 5th grade. Measures included self-reported guilt feelings and peer reports of defender and outsider behaviours. Results showed that defenders and outsiders were characterized by different types of guilt. Ethical guilt and a marked lack of happy victimizing (i.e., feeling happy after transgressing) characterized defenders, whereas the link between outsider behaviours and ethical guilt was weaker. Also, outsider males tended to endorse externally dependent feelings of sanction-oriented guilt. Overall, defenders appear to feel and act in others’ defence, whereas the emotions and behaviours of outsiders may be more focused on their own defence.
Abstract The aim of this study is to analyse the connection between bullying and the dichotomy satisfaction-frustration of the basic psychological needs in adolescents. A total of 1845 students from Secondary Education (928 boys and 917 girls), and Baccalaureate-Year 1 (n = 278), aged between 12 and 17 (M = 14.51, SD = 1.55), from 16 schools of four Spanish provinces participate in the study. Students complete the Psychological Needs Satisfaction-Frustration Scale and the subscale Victimization from the European Bullying Intervention Project Questionnaire concerning three subjects: Mathematics, Spanish Language and Literature, and Physical Education. Results from the structural equation analysis reflect that victimization negatively predicts the satisfaction of the three basic psychological needs of competence, relatedness and autonomy, and positively the frustration of them in the three subjects. These results show the importance of creating educative contexts oriented to promote an increase of the students’ basic psychological needs of autonomy, relatedness and competence to prevent and/or lessen the possible effects of bullying in their victims.
This study created a Spanish triangulated version of the European Bullying Intervention Project Questionnaire and obtained indicators of its validity and reliability. This new tool allows researchers to triangulate and flexibly investigate the three main roles in school bullying, obtaining seven potential roles (pure victim, pure bully, pure bystander, bully/victim, victim/bystander, bully/bystander, and bully/victim/bystander). The sample was 2,068 adolescents and young adults aged 11–19 years (Mage = 14.2 ± 1.48 years old; 53.8% females). Confirmatory factor analysis indicated a good fit for the three‐related‐factor model and adequate reliability (ω > 0.91) in all dimensions. About 28.2% of the sample reported victimization; of whom only 2.9% were pure victims, 15.1% were victim/bystanders, and 9.8% were involved in all three roles (bully/victim/bystanders). Only 0.8% played the role of a pure bully, and 0.4% were bully/victims. The most prevalent profile was that of pure bystander (30%). These results are discussed in light of their importance for the interpretation of the prevalence of traditional bullying, and their implications for bullying assessments and interventions.
Youth sport participation has been found to have many beneficial physical, psychological, and social consequences, as well as risks for those involved. If the benefits are to outweigh the detriments, youth sport must be thoughtfully constructed. Research can play a major role in understanding how to positively structure youth sport. This paper describes how the youth sport landscape has changed over the past 4 decades and how these changes may influence the outcomes of involvement. Critical issues of contemporary concern in youth sport that urgently need scientific attention include physically based issues (e.g., role of youth sport in combating physical inactivity, youth sport injuries), psychological issues (e.g., reducing stress and burnout, enhancing young athletes’ mental health), access and structural issues (e.g., lack of opportunities for poor and less-skilled youth), sport culture issues (e.g., the professionalization of youth sport, child safety, maltreatment and bullying), issues associated with significant others (e.g., coach, sport parent, and peer influences and needs), economic issues (e.g., youth sport as business), governmental and legislative issues (e.g., the need to become more politically active in the setting of policy, legislation, and funding), and translational science and program-evaluation issues (e.g., the need for research dissemination and evaluation research).