Conference Paper

Artificial Intelligence in Physical Education: Opportunities, Threats, and Strategies

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Given the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the education sector, it is crucial to explore its potential within physical education (PE). This study examined the roles of AI in PE, the risks of using AI, and potential strategies to ensure the optimal use of AI? Three groups of participants took part in the research: group 1 included 10 participants who took part in 4 expert panels on AI and education, group 2 included 7 PE specialists, and group 3 included 4 AI experts. The data was gathered by recording the expert panels and interviewing the other participants involved. Thematic analysis was utilized to examine the data. The first theme identified the functions of AI, including standardization of space and sports equipment, professional development of PE teachers, classroom management, educational planning, improving assessment processes, and developing learning materials. The second theme included threats such as depriving students of thinking and creativity, emotional and social damages, scientific credibility of content developed, and ethical concerns. The third theme indicated six basic strategies for the optimal use of AI: 1) necessary preventative and deterrent policies, 2) understanding problems and challenges that AI can address, 3) developing AI literacy among teachers, 4) promoting AI use with teachers, 5) provision of the necessary infrastructure for AI use, and 6) ensuring the safety and security of users. In practice, the findings highlighted the future uses of AI within PE, along with the potential negatives of AI that need to be managed.

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