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Abstract and Figures

Background Conducted in May 2024, this study examines the well-being of Israeli evacuees and non-evacuees from conflict zones. We assess health-related quality of life (HRQoL), meaning in life (MIL), coping strategies, psychological symptoms, and self-mastery. Aims include exploring effects of trauma and socio-demographics on HRQoL and MIL, analyzing mediating roles of psychological symptoms and coping, and evaluating if evacuation status moderates these relationships during ongoing conflict. Methods In May 2024, seven months post–October 7th attacks, we conducted a cross-sectional study with 366 participants (221 evacuated, 145 non-evacuated) via a survey company. We assessed HRQoL (SF-12), MIL (MLQ), psychological symptoms (PHQ-4), self-related and other-related coping strategies (Brief COPE), and self-mastery (Self-Mastery Scale) through self-reported measures. Path and moderated mediation analyses evaluated relationships among socio-demographics, psychological symptoms, coping variables, HRQoL, and MIL. Results Except for self-mastery, northern and southern evacuees showed no significant differences and were combined into one group. Path analysis revealed significant associations between traumatic life events, HRQoL, and MIL. Traumatic events were negatively associated with the physical component summary (PCS) of HRQoL and positively with anxiety, depression, and coping (self and others- problem-solving). Depression negatively related to PCS, mental component summary (MCS), and MIL, while coping (self and others) was positively associated with MIL. Moderated mediation analysis showed evacuated participants had higher dysfunctional coping, whereas non-evacuated participants demonstrated a stronger positive relationship between anxiety and the search for meaning. Conclusion Despite regional differences, evacuees exhibited similar psychological responses, likely due to the shared experience of displacement. Traumatic events negatively impacted their HRQoL and MIL. Adaptive coping strategies—self-related and problem-focused coping through helping others—played significant roles in mitigating these effects. The theoretical frameworks of Conservation of Resources (COR) theory, Taylor’s “tend and befriend” model, and Frankl’s existential framework provided a basis for explaining these findings.
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Sarid et al. Israel Journal of Health Policy Research (2025) 14:1 Israel Journal of Health Policy
Orly Sarid
1The Spitzer Department of Social Work, Ben-Gurion University of the
Negev, Beer Sheva 84105, Israel
2The Bob Shapell School of Social Work, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
3School of Social Work, Yaira Hamama-Raz, Ariel University, Ariel, Israel
Background Conducted in May 2024, this study examines the well-being of Israeli evacuees and non-evacuees from
conict zones. We assess health-related quality of life (HRQoL), meaning in life (MIL), coping strategies, psychological
symptoms, and self-mastery. Aims include exploring eects of trauma and socio-demographics on HRQoL and MIL,
analyzing mediating roles of psychological symptoms and coping, and evaluating if evacuation status moderates
these relationships during ongoing conict.
Methods In May 2024, seven months post–October 7th attacks, we conducted a cross-sectional study with 366
participants (221 evacuated, 145 non-evacuated) via a survey company. We assessed HRQoL (SF-12), MIL (MLQ),
psychological symptoms (PHQ-4), self-related and other-related coping strategies (Brief COPE), and self-mastery
(Self-Mastery Scale) through self-reported measures. Path and moderated mediation analyses evaluated relationships
among socio-demographics, psychological symptoms, coping variables, HRQoL, and MIL.
Results Except for self-mastery, northern and southern evacuees showed no signicant dierences and were
combined into one group. Path analysis revealed signicant associations between traumatic life events, HRQoL,
and MIL. Traumatic events were negatively associated with the physical component summary (PCS) of HRQoL and
positively with anxiety, depression, and coping (self and others- problem-solving). Depression negatively related
to PCS, mental component summary (MCS), and MIL, while coping (self and others) was positively associated with
MIL. Moderated mediation analysis showed evacuated participants had higher dysfunctional coping, whereas non-
evacuated participants demonstrated a stronger positive relationship between anxiety and the search for meaning.
Conclusion Despite regional dierences, evacuees exhibited similar psychological responses, likely due to the
shared experience of displacement. Traumatic events negatively impacted their HRQoL and MIL. Adaptive coping
strategies—self-related and problem-focused coping through helping others—played signicant roles in mitigating
these eects. The theoretical frameworks of Conservation of Resources (COR) theory, Taylor’s “tend and befriend”
model, and Frankl’s existential framework provided a basis for explaining these ndings.
Keywords Traumatic events, Health-related quality of life, Meaning in life, Coping strategies, Self-mastery, Evacuation
Coping, meaning in life, and quality of life
during ongoing conict: insights from Israeli
OrlySarid1* , LiatHamama2 and YairaHamama-Raz3
Page 2 of 14Sarid et al. Israel Journal of Health Policy Research (2025) 14:1
On October 7, 2023, an attack by Hamas precipitated a
massacre, numerous abductions, the outbreak of war,
and the evacuation of approximately 126,000 people [1].
is study, focused on individuals from the southern and
northern regions of Israel who were evacuated due to the
conict, as well as those who remained in their homes fur-
ther inland with less direct exposure. Both evacuees and
non-evacuees were surveyed to assess various aspects of
their well-being, including quality of life, meaning in life,
coping strategies, and psychological symptoms.
Health policymakers face signicant challenges in ensur-
ing the well-being of people in conict zones, where
increased health risks and disrupted protective factors
are prevalent [2].
Traumatic life events signicantly inuence individuals’
physical and mental health, aecting their health-related
quality of life (HRQOL) and sense of meaning in life
(MIL). Guided by Taylor’s bio-psycho-social framework
[3] which conceptualizes health outcomes as processes
linking environmental factors, stress responses, and
coping resources—we explored both direct and indirect
paths from traumatic life events and socio-demographic
variables to HRQOL and MIL outcomes.
HRQOL is dened as an individual’s functioning and
perceived well-being in physical and mental health
domains [4]. MIL, on the other hand, is characterized by
beliefs, values, and goals that provide purpose and coher-
ence [5, 6]. Frankl [7] emphasized that life can hold sig-
nicant meaning even in dire circumstances, highlighting
the role of inherent human signicance in adapting to
and overcoming traumatic experiences [810].
Building on Taylor’s model, we examined the direct
eects of traumatic life events and socio-demographic
factors on HRQOL and MIL. Additionally, we investi-
gated indirect eects mediated by symptoms, coping
strategies, and self-mastery, drawing on Hobfoll’s con-
servation of resources theory (COR) [11]. According to
Hobfoll, individuals strive to obtain, retain, and protect
their resources, and the loss or threat of loss of these
resources can lead to stress and adverse health outcomes.
In this study, we assessed the health outcomes of
evacuees from both the northern and southern regions
of Israel, as well as individuals who were not evacuated.
Despite the dierent contexts of evacuation, each stem-
ming from distinct traumatic events—we hypothesize
that coping strategies, psychological symptoms, and
health outcomes may be consistent across the two groups
of evacuees. In other words, the experience of evacuation
may overshadow other dierences, inuencing all aspects
of their experiences.
Based on Taylor’s model we explored literature look-
ing for direct paths from traumatic life events and
socio-demographic variables to HRQoL and MIL out-
comes. We then explored indirect paths through symp-
toms, coping strategies, and self-mastery using Hobfoll’s
Relationships between traumatic life events, socio-
demographic variables with HRQoL and MIL
e theoretical model of COR [11], provides valuable
insight into the impact of displacement, separation from
social networks, and the traumatic events associated
with wartime on mental health. According to the COR
model, individuals strive to obtain, retain, and protect
their resources, with stress occurring when resources are
threatened or lost [11]. is model has been applied to
examine responses to traumatic and high-stress situa-
tions, especially in conict and disaster contexts [1214].
e COR framework emphasizes that the loss of per-
sonal, social, or material resources signicantly aects
mental health and well-being [15]. Previous research
indicated that traumatic life events including violence,
abuse, and life-threatening diseases have been linked to
lower HRQoL, particularly among women [16].
Socioeconomic status (SES) signicantly impacts phys-
ical health, though its eect on psychological health was
less evident [17]. However, a recent study demonstrated
that when individuals have a more positive subjective
appraisal of their SES, their physical and mental HRQoL
also tends to increase [18]. Additionally, low educational
attainment has been associated with lower HRQoL [19].
Regarding gender, women in nurturing roles often experi-
ence a decrease in HRQoL, as they bear a disproportion-
ate burden of caregiving responsibilities in the domestic
sphere compared to their male counterparts [20].
Concerning MIL, SES (including subjective SES), was
found to be positively correlated with meaning in life
[2123]. Economic resources may enhance purpose, sig-
nicance, and coherence, which are vital components of
meaning [19]. Women were found to have higher levels
of the presence of MIL and a higher tendency to search
for MIL than men [6].
Relationships between socio-demographic variables and
the mediators’ variables (psychological indicators, coping
strategies, and self-mastery)
Socio-demographic factors, such as age, place of resi-
dence, marital status, and nancial status, are linked to
psychological symptoms such as anxiety and depression
during disasters [25, 26]. For example, Ukrainian adults
during the Russian invasion showed higher depression
levels if they were older, lived in rural areas, were unmar-
ried, or had lower nancial status [25]. Women college
students in disaster-prone areas in Indonesia exhibited
higher anxiety than men [26].
Page 3 of 14Sarid et al. Israel Journal of Health Policy Research (2025) 14:1
In the context of coping strategies, scholars dene cop-
ing as conscious cognitive and behavioral processes used
to manage stressful physical and psychological events
[2729]. In this study, we focused on the Carver COPE
[27] scale as a method to monitor individuals’ conscious
coping strategies following trauma, rather than utiliz-
ing support scales that measure perceived social sup-
port. is approach emphasizes the importance of active
engagement in coping processes, as opposed to passive
reliance on perceived support. Common coping strat-
egies include emotion-focused coping, which aims to
reduce emotional burdens through activities such as
actively reaching out to others for social and instru-
mental support, humor, acceptance, and religious ritu-
als. Another strategy is problem-focused coping, which
addresses stress through actions like active coping, seek-
ing informational support, planning, and positive refram-
ing. Lastly, dysfunctional coping involves maladaptive
behaviors such as avoidance, self-blame, denial, and sub-
stance use, including smoking, drugs, and alcohol [30].
A study among internally displaced individuals and host
communities in war-aected regions of Nigeria found
that being single, living in camps, and aged 18–29 pre-
dicted the use of emotion-focused and dysfunctional
coping strategies [31]. Interestingly, individuals aged
18–29 and over 50 also employed problem-focused cop-
ing strategies, suggesting that younger adults may utilize
a broader range of coping mechanisms.
In the current study, we also examine coping strategies
that involve helping others. We extended Taylor’s [32]
original “tend and befriend” concept to explore the role
of providing social support through coping processes.
Coping strategies that involve aiding others not only
mitigate stress eects but also enable individuals to bet-
ter understand and articulate the support they provide,
touching upon underexplored intrapersonal aspects of
coping [33, 34]. Coping for others involves behaviors,
emotions, and cognitive expressions aimed at helping
others, such as problem-solving, giving advice, or oer-
ing humor and emotional support. e literature lacks
comprehensive measures for these strategies; therefore,
we adapted Carver’s [35] questionnaire to include coping
related to helping others. According to Frankl [7], indi-
viduals who helped others in concentration camps were
better able to cope with their helplessness, maintained
resilience, and found meaning. Prioritizing others’ needs
can cultivate a sense of purpose, even in adversity, sug-
gesting an altruistic pathway that benets the helper by
fostering social connections and enhancing well-being
[36, 37]. It is important to note that coping related to
helping others is a strategy for managing ongoing stress,
with outcomes that can be adaptive or maladaptive
for the provider depending on the context [38]. Conse-
quently, its impact on the provider’s mental health is not
predetermined. Finally, regarding the link between socio-
demographic variables and self-mastery—dened as an
individual’s perceived control over life events [39] and
known to enhance coping with stress [40]—a previous
study found higher self-mastery levels among men, as
well as individuals with higher education, higher income,
and better health status [41].
Relationships between mediators’ variables with HRQoL
and MIL
Previous research has demonstrated a negative asso-
ciation between psychological symptoms of anxiety and
depression with mental and physical quality of life (QoL)
[42]. Additionally, these psychological symptoms were
linked to a diminished sense of purpose in life [43].
As for self-coping strategies, dysfunctional coping was
linked to decreased QoL, while problem- and emotion-
focused strategies improved QoL over time during the
COVID-19 pandemic [44]. Similarly, MIL was strongly
correlated with problem- solving and emotion-focused
adaptive coping strategies in the face of daily stress-
ors and severe trauma [45]. Specically, MIL has been
linked to problem-focused coping mechanisms, such as
positive reinterpretation, proactive planning, and self-
ecacy, and to a lesser extent, emotion-focused behav-
iors [45]. e concept of self-mastery is discussed in the
context of displacement and evacuation. is is particu-
larly relevant where stressors from both material and
interpersonal sources disrupt daily routines and contrib-
ute to poorer mental health [46, 47]. Hou and colleagues
[48] identied two types of daily routines: primary and
secondary. Primary routines involve behaviours neces-
sary for maintaining a livelihood, such as hygiene, sleep,
eating, and home maintenance. In contrast, secondary
routines are optional and depend on motivation and
preferences, including activities like exercising, leisure,
social activities, and employment. Both routines are
crucial for maintaining a sense of normalcy and control
over one’s life. In the context of war, displacement exac-
erbates the irregularity of daily routines and reduces the
sense of predictability and coping exibility, which, in
turn, leads to deteriorating mental health over time [46].
High self-mastery can potentially mediate the negative
eects of disrupted routines by promoting adaptive cop-
ing mechanisms. It enables individuals to maintain feel-
ings of autonomy and self-ecacy, fostering innovative
problem-solving strategies [49]. e current study aims
to highlight the role of self-mastery—the ability to cope
with the challenges of displacement, and its eects on
health and the nding of MIL.
Given the context, the objectives of the present study
are as follows:
Page 4 of 14Sarid et al. Israel Journal of Health Policy Research (2025) 14:1
1. To compare evacuees from the northern and
southern regions of Israel in terms of HRQoL, MIL,
psychological indicators, self-coping strategies,
self-mastery, and coping strategies related to helping
2. To investigate the direct relationships between the
independent variables (traumatic life events and
socio-demographic background) and the dependent
variables (HRQoL and MIL).
3. To analyze the direct relationships between the
independent variables and the mediating variables,
including psychological indicators, self-coping
strategies, self-mastery, and coping strategies related
to helping others.
4. To evaluate the relationships between the mediating
variables and the dependent variables (HRQoL and
MIL). We hypothesize that psychological indicators
(anxiety and depression) will negatively correlate
with both HRQoL and MIL. We further hypothesize
that individuals who utilize adaptive coping strategies
(self/others problem- and emotion-focused coping)
will report higher HRQoL and greater MIL.
5. To examine a mediation model assessing the role
of mediators (psychological symptoms, self-coping
strategies, self-mastery, and coping strategies related
to helping others) on the relationship between
the independent variables (socio-demographic
background and traumatic life events) and the
dependent variables (HRQoL and MIL). We
hypothesize that group status (evacuee versus non-
evacuee) will serve as a moderator in the mediation
is cross-sectional study was conducted in Israel in May
2024, seven months after the October 7th attack and the
beginning of the Swords of Iron War. e research pro-
tocol was approved by the three principal researchers’
ethics committees. Participants were recruited via iPanel,
Israel’s leading online research platform, which follows
ESOMAR’s international guidelines and manages a panel
of about 100,000 members.
e inclusion criteria for the sample were as follows:
Participants had to provide informed consent, be at least
21 years old, uent in Hebrew and have been evacuated
from their homes within the rst month after October
7, 2023. Exclusion criteria included pregnant women,
those not procient in Hebrew, returned hostages, and
individuals who declined participation. All participants
were fully informed about the study’s aims and consented
before participating.
e sample size for the moderated-mediation hypoth-
esis was calculated via two separate power analyses.
e mediation aspect was assessed using a Monte Carlo
power simulation through the mc_power_med app [50],
indicating that a minimum of 300 participants would be
required to achieve 80% power (1-β), based on medium
eect sizes for each model path (r = .3), and an alpha
level of 0.05. For the moderation component, G*Power
3.1.951 was employed, which estimated that 120 partici-
pants would be sucient to detect a medium eect size
(f2 = 0.15) with at least 80% power (1-β) and an alpha of
0.05. e study’s actual sample size of 360 participants
surpassed both estimates, thereby ensuring ample statis-
tical power for both components.
e study involved 366 participants: 221 individu-
als evacuated from war zones in southern and northern
Israel, and 145 individuals who were not evacuated due
to their greater distance from the conict borders in the
northern and southern regions (a control group). Par-
ticipants’ ages ranged from 19 to 82 years (M = 40.93,
SD = 13.50). Most participants were female (62.8%,
n = 230), married or in a committed relationship (60.7%,
n = 222), and reported an average or below-average
income (66.9%, n = 245). About half had tertiary educa-
tion (51.1%, n = 187). No signicant sociodemographic
dierences were found between evacuees and non-evac-
uees, except for the fact that there were more women in
the evacuee group (69.7% vs. 52.4%).
Participants completed a series of standardized self-
report questionnaires, previously validated for Israeli
populations and showing strong psychometric proper-
ties. e measures are grouped according to their role in
the study:
Independent variables
Sociodemographic data included information on par-
ticipants’ gender, age, marital status, education, income,
region of residence (north or south), and whether they
were evacuated from their homes.
Traumatic life events were assessed using the List of
reatening Experiences Questionnaire (LTE-Q [52]),
which evaluates 12 major adverse events from the past
two months, such as job loss or serious illness, using a
yes/no format. Among our participants, 35.5% (n = 130)
reported no traumatic events, 38.3% (n = 140) reported
one to two events, and 26.2% (n = 96) rep orted three
and more events. e most frequently reported events
were the death of a close family friend or relative (27%),
a serious illness or injury of a close relative (24.3%),
unemployment or prolonged job-seeking lasting over a
month (21.9%). e original questionnaire demonstrated
Page 5 of 14Sarid et al. Israel Journal of Health Policy Research (2025) 14:1
Cronbach’s alpha of .8452, while the current study yielded
an acceptable alpha of 0.70.
Mediating variables
Depression and anxiety were assessed using the Patient
Health Questionnaire 4-item (PHQ-4) [53], which
includes a 2-item depression scale (e.g., “Feeling down,
depressed, or hopeless”) and a 2-item anxiety scale (e.g.,
“Feeling nervous, anxious, or on edge”). Participants
rated how often they were bothered by certain problems
over the past two weeks on a 4-point scale from 0 (“not
at all”) to 3 (“nearly every day”). e original PHQ-4
had Cronbach’s alphas of 0.85 for depression and 0.81
for anxiety [53]. In this study, the alphas were 0.86 for
depression and 0.84 for anxiety.
Coping strategies (self) were measured using the Brief
COPE questionnaire [35], which assesses coping using 14
subscales (each subscale has 2 items) divided into three
overarching coping styles: emotion-focused (12 items;
e.g., “I’ve been getting emotional support from others”),
problem-focused (8 items; e.g., “I’ve been thinking hard
about what steps to take”), and dysfunctional strategies
(8 items; e.g., “I’ve been giving up trying to deal with
it”) [27]. Each item was rated on a 4-point scale from 1
(“I haven’t been doing this at all”) to 4 (“I’ve been doing
this a lot”), with higher scores indicating greater degree
to which the respondent has been engaging in that cop-
ing style. In this study, Cronbach’s alphas were 0.71 for
emotion-focused, 0.84 for problem-focused, and 0.70 for
dysfunctional strategies.
Coping strategies (other) were measured by adapting
Brief COPE [35] to assess coping through aiding oth-
ers. Items from the original subscales were reworded to
reect helping behaviors, capturing how individuals cope
with stress by supporting others rather than focusing
solely on intra-personal strategies (e.g., “I taught some-
one how to take action to improve the situation”, “I sup-
ported someone who told me they refused to believe it
happened”, “I encouraged someone to use alcohol or
other substances to improve their mood”).
A conrmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted
with the study participants. e analysis revealed poor
t indices [χ2(347) = 2266.57, χ2/df = 6.53, CFI = 0.69,
RMSEA = 0.12, SRMR = 0.11], with 7 items (ve from dys-
functional coping and two from emotion-focused cop-
ing) showing low loadings. As a result, the decision was
made to focus solely on the problem-focused coping fac-
tor. e CFA for the problem-focused coping items indi-
cated a poor to excellent t [χ2(20) = 143.60, χ2/df = 7.18,
CFI = 0.93, RMSEA = 0.13, SR MR = 0.06]. An examination
of modication indices suggested adding a correlation
between the error terms of items 12 (“I taught someone
to view the situation in a dierent light, making it appear
more positive to them) and 17 (“I’ve been looking for
something good in what is happening”) to improve the
t. is adjustment signicantly improved the t indi-
ces (Δχ² = 127.57, Δdf = 9, p < .001), supporting a three-
factor structure with acceptable to excellent t indices
2(19) = 56.09, χ2/df = 2.95, CFI = 0.98, RMSEA = .07,
SRMR = .03]. e internal consistency of the problem-
focused coping (other) factor was excellent α = .92.
Self-mastery was assessed using the Self-Mastery Scale
[39], which comprises seven statements that measure the
extent to which individuals perceive their life outcomes
as being under their control rather than determined by
fate (e.g., “I have little control over the things that hap-
pen to me”). Participants responded using a 4-point Lik-
ert scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 4 (strongly
agree), with higher scores indicating a weaker sense of
personal mastery. In this study, Cronbach’s alpha was
Dependent variables
Health-related quality of life
(HRQoL) was assessed using the Short Form-12 Health
Survey (SF-12) [54], a tool designed to evaluate the physi-
cal and mental components of quality of life. It consists of
12 questions across eight health domains: physical func-
tioning, role limitations due to physical health, bodily
pain, general health perceptions, vitality, social func-
tioning, role limitations due to emotional problems, and
mental health. Responses are combined into two sub-
scales: the Physical Component Summary (PCS) and the
Mental Component Summary (MCS), each ranging from
0 (worst) to 100 (best). Cronbach’s alphas were 0.80 for
the PCS and 0.81 for the MCS.
Meaning in life
(MIL) was assessed using the Meaning in Life Question-
naire (MLQ) [5], which includes two subscales: the pres-
ence of meaning (MIL-P) and the search for meaning
(MIL-S). e MIL-P measures how meaningful a person
perceives their life to be (5 items: e.g., “I understand my
life’s meaning”), while the MIL-S assesses their motiva-
tion to nd or deepen life’s meaning (5 items; e.g., “I am
searching for meaning in my life”). Each item is rated on a
7-point scale from 1 (Absolutely untrue) to 7 (Absolutely
true), with higher scores indicating greater meaning in
life. In the original scale, Cronbach’s alphas were 0.87 for
MIL-S and 0.86 for MIL-P. In this study, they were 0.87
for MIL-S and 0.91 for MIL-P.
Statistical analysis
Before conducting the analyses, the dataset was exam-
ined for outliers and assessed for normality. No outliers
were identied [55], and all variables exhibited normal
skewness and kurtosis values [56]. For the study’s rst
aim, we analyzed whether evacuees from the northern
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and southern regions of Israel diered in their experi-
ences and responses. Independent samples t-tests were
used for continuous variables, and chi-square (χ²) tests of
independence were performed for categorical variables.
Based on Taylor’s model bivariate analyses were sub-
sequently performed to investigate the relationships
between background variables, mediators, and depen-
dent variables. Pearson’s correlations were utilized for
continuous variables, while point-biserial correlations
were employed for associations involving dichotomous
and continuous variables.
To address study aims 2 through 5, path analysis was
conducted with paths specied according to the results
of the bivariate analyses. Independent variables included
gender, income, and traumatic life events; media-
tors comprised anxiety, depression, coping measures
(self and other), and self-mastery; dependent variables
encompassed HRQoL and MIL measures; and covariates
included age, family status, education, and evacuation.
Model estimation was performed using the maximum
likelihood method, and model t was evaluated using
several goodness-of-t-indices [57]: the χ2/df index,
which is deemed acceptable if less than 5 and excellent
if between 1 and 3; the Comparative Fit Index (CFI),
with values above 0.90 considered adequate and above
0.95 considered excellent; the Root Mean Square Error
of Approximation (RMSEA), with values below 0.08
indicating an adequate t and below 0.06 indicating an
excellent t; Standardized Root Mean Squared Residual
(SRMR), with values below 0.10 considered adequate and
below 0.08 considered excellent. Non-signicant paths
were excluded to achieve the most parsimonious model
[58], followed by a comparison between the initial and
parsimonious models. A modication indices test was
subsequently conducted to determine whether additional
paths could be incorporated to improve the t of the par-
simonious model, followed by a comparison between the
parsimonious and modied models. Model comparisons
were conducted using the Expected Cross-Validation
Index (ECVI), Akaike’s Information Criterion (AIC), and
Bayes Information Criterion (BIC), with lower values
indicative of better t [59]. To evaluate the signicance
of the indirect eects, condence intervals (CI) were esti-
mated for each indirect eect based on 5,000 bootstrap
samples [60]. An indirect eect was considered signi-
cant if the CI did not include zero [61]. A multiple group
path analysis was also conducted based on evacuation,
comparing a fully unconstrained model with no equality
constraints, to a constrained model with all coecients
held constant across groups. A signicant χ [2] square
dierence test suggests evidence of non-invariant param-
eters [62], and each path was tested for invariance. Addi-
tionally, moderated mediation analyses were conducted
exclusively for relevant indirect eects, specically, those
comprising at least one path moderated by evacuation
during war.
e statistical tests were performed using IBM SPSS
Statistics version 29. Path analysis was conducted using
IBM SPSS Amos version 24, employing the “Specic indi-
rect eects” [63] to analyze the specic indirect eects;
“Multigroup Analysis” plugin [64] to examine multiple
group path analysis, including path comparisons by evac-
uation during war; and “MyModMed” estimand [56] for
moderated-mediation analyses. An alpha level of 0.05
(two-tailed) was set for all statistical tests.
Regarding the rst aim of the study, Table1 presents the
background characteristics, mediators, and dependent
variables of evacuees, stratied by their residential area
prior to evacuation. Notably, except for self-mastery, all
comparisons between these groups across these variables
yielded non-signicant results. erefore, we combined
them into a single evacuee group.
Tables2 and 3 display the associations between back-
ground variables, mediators, and dependent variables.
However, since path analysis accounts for all associations
among these variables, the results are presented with a
focus on model t and path estimates.
Following the proposed theoretical model, we con-
ducted a path analysis to examine the hypothesized rela-
tionships among variables. e estimated model showed
an excellent t with the data. However, an examination
of the path model revealed several non-signicant paths,
including all the paths of education and emotion-focused
coping (self). Consequently, a more parsimonious model
was evaluated. A comparison between the initial and
parsimonious models favored the latter. Additionally,
incorporating intercorrelations between the error terms
of mediators and between the error terms of dependent
variables further improved the model t, making the par-
simonious-modied model the most favorable. e nal
model, depicted in Fig.1, exhibited an excellent t with
the data (see Table4).
e analysis of path coecients revealed several sig-
nicant relationships. Income showed a negative rela-
tionship with problem-focused coping (other) and MCS.
Traumatic life events were negatively correlated with
PCS, and positively associated with all mediators. Anxi-
ety was positively related to search for meaning, whereas
depression exhibited negative relationships with PCS,
MCS, and presence of meaning. Additionally, problem-
focused coping (self) was positively related to pres-
ence of meaning, while dysfunctional coping (self) had
a negative association. Self-mastery was found to have
negative relationships with both MCS and presence of
meaning. at it, the stronger the sense of personal mas-
tery was, the higher these measures were. Conversely,
Page 7 of 14Sarid et al. Israel Journal of Health Policy Research (2025) 14:1
problem-focused coping (other) was positively linked to
both search for meaning and presence of meaning.
A subsequent analysis of the indirect eects revealed
that all modeled indirect eects were signicant, except
for the eect of income on presence of meaning through
problem-focused coping (other) (see Table 5). e
results indicated that being female, as opposed to male,
and having experienced more traumatic life events pre-
dicted higher scores on anxiety, depression, problem-
focused coping (self), dysfunctional coping (self), and
Table 1 Background variables, mediators, and dependent variables of evacuees by residential area before evacuation
North South
Characteristic (n = 102) (n = 119)
Background M SD M SD t d
Age 40.54 12.38 41.40 13.95 -0.48 -0.07
Traumatic life events 1.01 0.88 1.08 0.92 -0.54 -0.07
Income 2.83 1.28 2.84 1.32 -0.06 -0.01
n%n% χ2
Gender 0.32
Male 29 28.4 38 31.9
Female 73 71.6 81 68.1
Family status 0.16
Married or in a relationship 58 56.9 78 66.1
Other 44 43.1 40 33.9
Education 0.02
Non-academic 49 48.0 56 47.1
Academic 53 52.0 63 52.9
Questionnaire M SD M SD t d
Anxiety 2.66 1.81 2.44 1.87 0.89 0.12
Depression 2.63 1.94 2.39 1.87 0.94 0.13
Problem-focused coping - Self 18.98 4.98 20.22 5.80 -1.69 -0.23
Emotion-focused coping - Self 26.00 5.36 26.94 6.49 -1.18 -0.16
Dysfunctional coping - Self 15.77 4.39 15.70 4.24 0.13 0.02
Self-mastery 2.22 0.59 2.07 0.49 2.09*0.28
Problem-focused coping - Other 17.47 5.84 18.89 6.88 -1.64 -0.22
PCS 50.13 9.51 48.62 9.76 1.16 0.16
MCS 35.42 12.59 37.81 11.07 -1.50 -0.20
Search for meaning 23.15 6.97 23.05 6.88 0.10 0.01
Presence of meaning 23.33 7.47 25.12 6.57 -1.89 -0.25
Note. Data wer e missing for 26 cases for i ncome and one case fo r family status. Hi gher self-maste ry scores indica te a weaker sense of per sonal mastery. PCS = Physical
Component S cale; MCS = Mental Component S cale.
*p < .05
Table 2 Associations between background variables and both mediators and dependent variables
Variable Age Gender aFamily status bEducation cIncome Traumatic life events Evacuation during war d
Anxiety − 0.03 0.25*** − 0.18*** 0.07 0.01 0.27*** 0.18***
Depression − 0.05 0.19*** − 0.22*** 0.05 − 0.004 0.25*** 0.17**
Problem-focused coping - Self − 0.02 0.23*** − 0.02 0.02 − 0.02 0.22*** 0.16**
Emotion-focused coping - Self − 0.14** 0.15** − 0.09 0.06 − 0.05 0.15** 0.11*
Dysfunctional coping - Self − 0.01 0.16** − 0.16** 0.04 − 0.04 0.26*** 0.08
Self-mastery 0.02 − 0.04 − 0.02 0.03 − 0.04 0.11*0.08
Problem-focused coping - Other − 0.05 0.20*** − 0.06 0.07 − 0.13*0.16** 0.13*
PCS − 0.21*** − 0.04 0.07 0.06 0.11*− 0.32*** − 0.17***
MCS 0.13*− 0.21*** 0.13*− 0.11*− 0.05 − 0.22*** − 0.24***
Search for meaning − 0.03 0.12*− 0.08 0.09 − 0.03 0.02 0.10*
Presence of meaning 0.11*0.05 0.19*** − 0.03 0.05 − 0.11*0.32***
Note. N = 366. Highe r self-mastery scor es indicate a weaker sense of p ersonal mastery. PCS = Physical Component S cale; MCS = Mental Component S cale
a 0 = Ma le, 1 = Fe male; b 0 = Other, 1 = Married or in a relat ionship; c 0 = Non -academic , 1 = Aca demic; d 0 = N o, 1 = Yes
*p < .05. **p < .01. ***p < . 001
Page 8 of 14Sarid et al. Israel Journal of Health Policy Research (2025) 14:1
problem-focused coping (other). In turn, higher anxiety
scores predicted higher search for meaning scores, while
higher depression scores predicted lower scores on PCS,
MCS, and presence of meaning. Additionally, higher
scores on problem-focused coping (self) and dysfunc-
tional coping (self) predicted lower search for meaning
scores, whereas higher scores on problem-focused cop-
ing (other) predicted higher scores on both search for
meaning and presence of meaning. Furthermore, a higher
number of traumatic life events was linked to higher
self-mastery scores (meaning lower sense of personal
mastery), which subsequently predicted lower scores
on MCS and presence of meaning. In terms of income,
the indirect eect on search for meaning through prob-
lem-focused coping (other) was signicant, with higher
income predicting lower scores on problem-focused cop-
ing (other), which subsequently predicted lower search
for meaning scores (see Fig.1).
Finally, the multiple group path analysis on the par-
simonious modied model indicated that the uncon-
strained model had a better t than the constrained
model (Δχ2 = 57.33, Δdf = 32, p = .004). Furthermore,
comparing the paths of evacuees showed several signi-
cant moderations: the association between traumatic life
events and dysfunctional coping (self) was positive, while
it was non-signicant for those who were not evacuated.
In contrast, the positive relationship between anxiety and
search for meaning, as well as the negative relationship
between self-mastery and MCS, were signicant for par-
ticipants who were not evacuated, but non-signicant
for those who were evacuated (see Table6). However, all
relevant moderate-mediation analyses resulted in non-
signicant results (all p’s > 0.277).
For all additional analyses and supplementary informa-
tion, please refer to the supplementary appendices (1–3).
is study, conducted in May 2024, examined evacuees
from the southern and northern regions of Israel, as well
as individuals who were not evacuated because they lived
farther inland. All evacuees in our study were evacuated
within the rst month following October 7, 2023—the
onset of the war. Evacuees from the northern and south-
ern regions showed no signicant dierences in most
study variables, except for self-mastery. e similarity
in the responses of the evacuees needs to be thoroughly
explained, especially given the regional variations in the
intensity of military actions, with the south experienc-
ing more severe immediate impacts. It is possible that the
concept of a shared reality of displacement may explain
the uniformity in traumatic experiences across regions
[65]. is concept refers to the collective sense of threat,
mutual understanding, and shared experiences of being
displaced that arise during nationwide crises, aecting
Table 3 Correlations between mediators and dependent variables
Variable M SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1. Anxiety 2.28 1.79
2. Depression 2.24 1.85 0.80***
3. Problem-focused coping - Self 18.97 5.34 0.31*** 0.27***
4. Emotion-focused coping - Self 26.00 5.80 0.32*** 0.26*** 0.71***
5. Dysfunctional coping - Self 15.46 4.15 0.45*** 0.50*** 0.38*** 0.38***
6. Self-mastery 2.11 0.53 0.31*** 0.33*** − 0.08 0.02 0.28***
7. Problem-focused coping - Other 17.59 6.42 0.20*** 0.12*0.66*** 0.59*** 0.32*** − 0.05
8. PCS 50.56 8.96 − 0.28*** − 0.28*** − 0.17** − 0.15** − 0.19*** − 0.19*** − 0.07
9. MCS 39.01 11.70 − 0.60*** − 0.68*** − 0.21*** − 0.23*** − 0.41*** − 0.35*** − 0.14** 0.09
10. Search for meaning 22.51 7.00 0.25** 0.21*** 0.31*** 0.26*** 0.16** 0.03 0.32*** − 0.02 − 0.19***
11. Presence of meaning 22.55 6.76 − 0.17** − 0.28*** 0.18*** 0.06 − 0.22*** − 0.33*** 0.19*** 0.09 0.25*** 0.08
Note. N = 366. Highe r self-mastery scor es indicate a weaker sense of p ersonal mastery. PCS = Physical Component S cale; MCS = Mental Component S cale
*p < .05. **p < .01. ***p < . 001
Page 9 of 14Sarid et al. Israel Journal of Health Policy Research (2025) 14:1
individuals regardless of their proximity to direct con-
ict zones. Furthermore, the war was ongoing in both
the north and the south, albeit with less intensity in the
north. Media coverage, national alerts, and the mobiliza-
tion of reserves contributed to a pervasive atmosphere of
threat throughout the country. is widespread exposure
and the shared experience of displacement may have led
to similar psychological impacts among evacuees from
dierent regions, as the collective experience of war can
transcend geographical boundaries [66, 67].
We examined a multivariable mediation model based
on Taylor’s [3] framework to identify the mechanisms
aecting HRQoL - specically the physical compo-
nent summary (PCS) and mental component summary
(MCS) - and meaning in life (MIL) - including presence
of meaning and search for meaning Taylor’s conceptual-
ization provides a foundational framework for interpret-
ing our ndings, particularly in relation to aims two- four.
e results concerning the entire sample revealed that
traumatic life events were negatively associated with
Physical Component Summary (PCS) scores and posi-
tively linked to all mediators, including the adapted
subscale measuring problem-focused coping related to
helping others. is indicates that individuals who expe-
rienced more traumatic events tended to struggle more
with anxiety, depression, and maladaptive coping strate-
gies across the entire sample. However, they also dem-
onstrated resilience through adaptive strategies such
as problem-focused and emotion-focused self-coping,
self-mastery, and aiding others through problem-solving
By expanding the model to include MIL as a depen-
dent variable, we observed that anxiety was positively
related to the search for meaning in life, highlighting that
heightened anxiety can drive individuals to seek pur-
pose. Depression was negatively associated with PCS,
the Mental Component Summary (MCS), and the pres-
ence of meaning, suggesting that it hinders psychological
Table 4 Fit and model comparison indices
Initial 104.50 60 1.74 0.98 0.05 0.03 1.11 404.50 989.89
Parsimonious 83.72 58 1.44 0.98 0.04 0.04 0.66 239.72 544.13
Parsimonious + MI 64.72 56 1.16 0.99 0.02 0.04 0.62 224.72 536.93
Note. N = 366. CFI = Comparative Fit Index; RMSEA = Root Mean Square Error of Approximation; SRMR = Standardized Root Mean Squared Residual; ECVI = Expected
Cross-Validation Index; AIC = Akaike’s Information Criterion; BIC = Bayes Information Criterion; MI = Modication Indices
Fig. 1 Note. N = 366. Standardized path coecients are presented, controlling for age, family status, and evacuation during war. Measurement errors and
correlations are not displayed for clarity (Appendix 1). Higher self mastery scores indicate a weaker sense of personal mastery. PCS = Physical Component
Scale; MCS = Mental Component Scale. a0 = Male, 1 = Female. *p < .05. **p < .01. ***p < .001
Page 10 of 14Sarid et al. Israel Journal of Health Policy Research (2025) 14:1
well-being across the sample. Direct connections were
also established between coping strategies and MIL.
Problem-focused self-coping demonstrated a positive
association with the presence of MIL, while dysfunc-
tional coping exhibited a negative correlation. Addition-
ally, problem-focused coping related to helping others
was positively associated with both the search for mean-
ing and the presence of meaning in life.
ese ndings emphasize the signicance of MIL as
a complementary factor in evaluating quality of life for
the entire sample, highlighting its ability to provide a
sense of purpose even in challenging circumstances.
e pervasive atmosphere of war impacted all partici-
pants, contributing to these results. Engaging in proso-
cial behaviours and focusing on helping others allowed
individuals who had endured traumatic events to nd
renewed purpose and meaning, eectively shifting atten-
tion away from their own condition [6],7. It is interesting
to note that individuals with an established socioeco-
nomic status (SES) tend to engage less in caring behavior
towards others [11]. Self-coping strategies, particularly
among women and those who have experienced mul-
tiple traumatic life events, are linked to increased anxi-
ety and depression. ese negative emotional states can
ultimately lead to lower scores in the search for MIL.
Previous ndings suggest that employing adaptive cop-
ing strategies helped mitigate symptoms of distress and
enhanced satisfaction with life (6869).
In our study, we examined coping strategies related
to helping others. While existing research has primar-
ily focused on how individuals perceive social support
from others, coping strategies that involve aiding others
not only mitigate the eects of stress but also enable indi-
viduals to better understand and articulate the support
they have provided, touching upon underexplored inter-
personal aspects of coping [33, 34]. Our ndings revealed
that only the problem-solving subscale demonstrated
reliability. is provides limited insight into how indi-
viduals employ various coping strategies to support oth-
ers. To gain a deeper understanding of these dynamics,
Table 5 Bootstrap results for the indirect eects
95% bootstrap CI
Indirect eect B Lower Upper β
Gender Anxiety Search for meaning 0.74 0.32 1.23 0.05
Gender Depression PCS -0.76 -1.36 -0.31 − 0.04
Gender Depression MCS -2.79 -4.14 -1.56 − 0.12
Gender Depression Presence of meaning -0.60 -1.08 -0.22 − 0.04
Gender Problem-focused coping - Self Presence of meaning 0.48 0.06 1.01 0.03
Gender Avoidant coping - Self Presence of meaning -0.34 -0.78 -0.05 − 0.02
Gender Problem-focused coping - Other Search for meaning 0.81 0.36 1.36 0.06
Gender Problem-focused coping - Other Presence of meaning 0.38 0.03 0.87 0.03
Income Problem-focused coping - Other Search for meaning -0.16 -0.33 -0.01 − 0.03
Traumatic life events Anxiety Search for meaning 0.42 0.18 0.71 0.05
Traumatic life events Depression PCS -0.50 -0.88 -0.20 − 0.05
Traumatic life events Depression MCS -1.83 -2.67 -1.08 − 0.14
Traumatic life events Depression Presence of meaning -0.39 -0.72 -0.15 − 0.05
Traumatic life events Problem-focused coping - Self Presence of meaning 0.26 0.03 0.54 0.03
Traumatic life events Dysfunctional coping - Self Presence of meaning -0.29 -0.60 -0.05 − 0.04
Traumatic life events Self-mastery MCS -0.24 -0.53 0.00 − 0.02
Traumatic life events Self-mastery Presence of meaning -0.19 -0.43 0.00 − 0.02
Traumatic life events Problem-focused coping - Other Search for meaning 0.33 0.11 0.63 0.04
Traumatic life events Problem-focused coping - Other Presence of meaning 0.16 0.01 0.37 0.02
Note. N = 366. Only the signicant indirect eects are shown for clarity. Higher self-mastery scores indicate a weaker sense of personal mastery. CI = Condence
Interval; P CS = Physical Comp onent Scale; MCS = Mental Comp onent Scale
a 0 = Ma le, 1 = Fe male
Table 6 Path comparisons by evacuation during war
Path Not evacuated β Evacuated β Δβ pΔ
Traumatic life events Dysfunctional Coping - Self 0.08 0.33*** − 0.25 0.018
Anxiety Search for meaning 0.32*** 0.12 0.20 0.024
Self-mastery MCS − 0.31*** − 0.09 − 0.22 0.007
Note. N = 366. Only the signicant dierences in paths are shown for clarity. Higher self-mastery scores indicate a weaker sense of personal mastery. MCS = Mental
Component Scale
***p < .001
Page 11 of 14Sarid et al. Israel Journal of Health Policy Research (2025) 14:1
we recommend that future research incorporate compre-
hensive assessments of the types, frequencies, and quali-
ties of coping strategies aimed at helping others.
By integrating both intrapsychic and interpsychic
coping mechanisms, our study oers a comprehen-
sive understanding of the multifaceted ways individuals
manage stress and adversity. is approach aligns theo-
retically with the concept of community belonging. By
engaging in altruistic behaviors, individuals potentially
strengthen their social support networks and reinforce
their sense of belonging [70]. Such actions not only con-
tribute to personal coping but also enhance communal
resilience, underscoring the interconnected nature of
individual well-being and collective solidarity.
Concerning the fth aim of the study, which com-
pared the pathways between evacuees and non-evacu-
ees, we found a positive association between traumatic
life events and dysfunctional self-coping among evacu-
ees. In contrast, these pathways were non-signicant for
those who were not evacuated. Dysfunctional coping is a
strategy used to avoid provoking threatening feelings by
steering clear of stimuli that trigger such emotions [22],
aiming to reduce emotional stress. It is possible that, due
to the immediate stressors and uncertainties associated
with evacuation, the loss of familiar environments, daily
routines, and support networks, evacuees were more
inclined to employ dysfunctional coping mechanisms. In
line with this notion, traumatic events illustrate “loss spi-
rals”, a key concept of the COR theory [11]. Accordingly,
evacuees, compared to non-evacuated participants, did
not have a stable environment that might have allowed
for a more diverse range of coping strategies, which have
been found to mitigate reliance on maladaptive coping
such as avoidance [71].
Interestingly, among non-evacuated participants, we
observed a signicant positive relationship between
anxiety and the search for meaning. is suggests that
individuals who remain in their homes might channel
their anxiety into a constructive pursuit of personal sig-
nicance or purpose. is nding aligns with Frankl’s
existential perspective, which posits that the search for
meaning is a fundamental human motivation, particularly
in the face of adversity [7]. Furthermore, it corroborates
previous research indicating that individuals confronting
chronic stressors may adopt meaning-making as a coping
strategy, thereby buering against anxiety and promoting
psychological well-beingbeing [75].
Finally, the negative relationship between self-mastery
and MCS scores was signicant among non-evacuated
participants, but not among those evacuated. is sug-
gests that among non-evacuees in a relatively stable envi-
ronment, a stronger sense of self-mastery was associated
with better mental health [62]. According to COR theory
[11], self-mastery may serve as a personal resource that
can empower individuals to develop their abilities and
capacities, thereby reducing stressors and enhancing
well-being [14, 72, 73].
is study has several limitations that warrant consid-
eration. First, the cross-sectional design, with data col-
lected at a single point in time, limits the ability to draw
causal inferences during ongoing wartime, especially
when some areas are experiencing intense ghting while
others are relatively calm. e absence of pre-assessment
for mental health indicators, such as anxiety and depres-
sion, further necessitates caution in data interpretation.
Another limitation of our study is the way we assessed
traumatic events. We used the Traumatic Life Events
Questionnaire [52] and found no signicant dierences
between the two groups of evacuees. However, it is pos-
sible that this tool was not sensitive enough to detect
nuanced variations in trauma exposure. A more detailed
and precise questionnaire may be necessary to accurately
capture the complexity and intensity of these experi-
ences, especially in situations of displacement caused
by war. Additionally, we did not assess traumatic grief,
which is characterized by the simultaneous experience of
trauma and loss and has profound, long-lasting psycho-
logical impacts. erefore, we recommend that future
studies explore this important topic. Furthermore, we did
not measure the impact of trauma on shifts in roles and
responsibilities, nor did we assess community belong-
ing among the study groups. Community belonging is
a vital factor in understanding psychosocial outcomes,
as it encompasses an individual’s sense of connection,
acceptance, and identication with their community [74].
While we believe that assessing coping strategies related
to helping others reects intrinsic mechanisms of com-
munity belonging, our measurements did not explicitly
include all its dimensions, such as participation in com-
munity activities, shared values, and trust within the
community [75]. Engaging in altruistic behaviors can
strengthen social support networks and reinforce one’s
sense of belonging within the community [70]. However,
we acknowledge that these unmeasured factors could
have provided additional insights into psychosocial out-
comes. Future studies should incorporate specic mea-
sures of community belonging and support to expand
upon our ndings.
We also acknowledge the need for comprehensive eval-
uations of the types, frequencies, and qualities of thera-
peutic interventions and other support systems available
to the evacuees. Future investigations could examine
how varying levels of therapy inuence the development
of coping strategies, psychological resilience, and over-
all well-being. Finally, reliance on self-report data may
introduce cognitive biases and social desirability eects.
Page 12 of 14Sarid et al. Israel Journal of Health Policy Research (2025) 14:1
To address this, future research should incorporate mul-
tiple data sources and objective measures where possible.
Moreover, the generalizability of our study is limited due
to its focus on an Israeli population with unique cul-
tural characteristics. To enhance external validity, future
research should aim to replicate these ndings across
diverse cultural contexts and populations.
Implication for health policy
Grounded by the theoretical frameworks of the COR
theory [11], Taylor’s “tend and befriend” model [32], and
Frankl’s existential framework [76], our study empha-
sizes the necessity for comprehensive health care policies
that holistically address the needs of individuals aected
by conict-induced evacuation. Specically, health care
systems should prioritize the integration of mental and
physical health services to provide a unied approach
to treatment. Interdisciplinary collaboration is impera-
tive for adapting policies to evolving needs and ensuring
comprehensive care.
Additionally, implementing trauma-informed care
practices is crucial; health care providers must be trained
to recognize and sensitively respond to the eects of
trauma, including evacuation itself, thereby creating sta-
ble and supportive environments [77]. Likewise, incor-
porating meaning-centered therapeutic interventions
inspired by Frankl’s existential perspective can facilitate
the search for purpose, which is particularly healing in
times of profound distress. Targeted interventions should
prioritize enhancing adaptive coping strategies (problem-
focused coping) while addressing the impacts of income
and traumatic experiences on mental health. us, men-
tal health professionals should focus on strengthening
these adaptive coping mechanisms to mitigate the nega-
tive psychological impacts of trauma. Notably, the study
indicates that education and emotion-focused coping
may play a less critical role than initially thought, poten-
tially redirecting future research eorts.
By fostering opportunities for individuals to engage
in altruistic activities—aligned with Taylor’s Tend-and-
Befriend model and Frankl’s ideas—health care policies
can enhance coping mechanisms that involve social sup-
port and community engagement. is approach not
only aids individual recovery but also strengthens social
cohesion within displaced communities. Additionally,
addressing resource loss, as highlighted by COR theory,
should be a critical component of health care strategies.
By integrating social services that assist with housing,
employment, and nancial stability within health care
settings, providers can alleviate external stressors that
exacerbate health issues.
Culturally sensitive and individualized care must also
be emphasized to meet the diverse needs of evacuees,
ensuring that interventions are respectful and eective
across dierent cultural contexts. Enhancing accessibility
to health care through mobile clinics, telemedicine, and
multilingual services will further reduce barriers faced by
e research highlights the need for trauma-informed
care that acknowledges the complex impacts of trau-
matic life events on HRQOL. is study advocates for
a paradigm shift in social policy towards a comprehen-
sive understanding of well-being—one that considers
not only physical and mental health, but also the crucial
role of meaning-making and prosocial coping in achiev-
ing resilience, especially during wartime and traumatic
HRQOL Health-related quality of life
MIL Meaning in life
SES Socioeconomic status
PCS Physical Component Summary
MCS Mental Component Summary
COR Conservation of resources
Supplementary Information
The online version contains supplementary material available at h t t p s : / / d o i . o r
g / 1 0 . 1 1 8 6 / s 1 3 5 8 4 - 0 2 4 - 0 0 6 6 5 - 1 .
Supplementary Material 1
We gratefully acknowledge Dr. Eran Druckman for his invaluable and
constructive statistical advice.
Author contributions
All authors (OS, LH, YHR) contributed to the conception of the research idea.
The original draft of the manuscript was written by OS. Conceptualization was
by OS; Methodology, investigation and validation was by OS, LH, and YHR;
Formal analysis and data curation was by OS, LH, and YHR; Writing, editing and
visualization was by OS, LH, and YHR; OS supervised the study.
This research did not receive any specic grant from funding agencies.
Data availability
The datasets of the current study are available from the corresponding author
upon reasonable request.
Ethics approval and consent to participate
Ben Gurion University, Ariel University and Tel Aviv University’s research
ethics committee reviewed and approved the study protocols (Approval
#OT05052024; 0008436-1; AU-SOC-YHR-20240506). All methods were
performed in accordance with the ethical standards as laid down in the
Declaration of Helsinki and its later amendments or comparable ethical
standards. Written informed consent was obtained from all the participants
prior to completing the questionnaire. Questionnaires were coded for
anonymous data analysis. The type of disease and health status were self-
reported by the participants.
Consent for publication
Not applicable.
Page 13 of 14Sarid et al. Israel Journal of Health Policy Research (2025) 14:1
Conicts of interest
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Received: 13 October 2024 / Accepted: 25 December 2024
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Full-text available
This exhaustive examination focuses on the nuanced coping mechanisms utilized by grown-ups in navigating stressful situations. It intricately dissects the multifaceted dimensions of how people perceive stress. In particular, it highlights how people evaluate stress factors as menacing challenges or manageable tasks, and consequentially, how they respond to them. To offer a comprehensive viewpoint, this review undertook a thorough exploration of pertinent research from the DOAJ and EBSCOhost databases, concentrating on literature published within the last decade. The examination encompasses diverse aspects of stress, encompassing its cognitive appraisal, adaptive coping mechanisms, and interventions aimed at alleviating its impact. Stress manifests diversely among individuals, being inherently subjective. Its ramifications can range from severe repercussions to perceived challenges with positive outcomes. Coping mechanisms are deeply rooted in learned behaviors, shaped by familial and past traumatic encounters. Recognizing prevalent stress reactions is crucial for crafting effective coping strategies. Problem-solving and seeking social support rank high among successful coping methods. Emotion regulation tactics also aid in managing stress responses. Conversely, nonadaptive coping mechanisms offer short-term relief but often neglect addressing underlying stressors. This review highlights the pivotal role of coping mechanisms in the realm of stress alleviation among adult populations. Approaches centered on finding solutions, such as active problem-solving and seeking social reinforcement, surface as invaluable assets for individuals navigating through stressful situations. It is imperative to acknowledge that adults possess the autonomy to opt for coping strategies that can efficiently counteract the negative impacts of stress. Through understanding and advocating for these strategies, individuals can refine their stress management prowess, thereby fostering better mental health outcomes and overall holistic well-being.
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Introduction Long COVID patients experience a decrease in their quality of life due to the symptomatology produced by the disease. It is also important to understand how long COVID affects both men and women. The objective of this study is to examine the impact of long COVID symptomatology on the quality of life of Spanish adults from a gender perspective. Methods An observational and cross-sectional study was carried out. Participants were able to complete an online questionnaire using an online platform. A sample of 206 people participated in the study. Results The 80.6% of the sample were women with a mean age of 46.51 (±8.28) and the 19.4% were men with a mean age of 48.03 (±9.50). The medium score in the PAC19-QoL test was 141.47 (±24.96) and segmented by gender, 141.65 (±23.95) for women and 140.82 (±28.66) for men. The most common symptoms in women were muscle and joint pain (94.6%), fatigue (94.0%), discomfort (92.2%), difficulty concentrating (91.0%), and memory loss (88.6%). For men the symptoms included muscle and joint pain (97.5%) and fatigue (97.5%) both occupying first position, discomfort (92.0%), difficulty concentrating (90.0%), mood disturbances (90.0%), and memory loss (87.5%). The chi-square test showed statistical significance (p < 0.005) for socio-demographic information, quality of life scores, and long COVID symptoms by intensities. Conclusion This study shows that there are gender differences in the way that long COVID is experienced.
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There is still a gap in scientific knowledge in relation to civilian participants in hostilities. This is despite the fact that there is an extensive body of literature on major depressive disorder (MDD) in individuals who have experienced armed conflict. The purpose of this article is to identify socio-demographic factors which are related to levels of depression among civilian participants in the war in Ukraine, based on a cross-sectional study that was conducted in 2019 from a convenience sample of 314 Ukrainian adults (235 males). Depression was assessed via the Beck Depression Inventory. Multiple regression analyses were conducted to identify possible predictors of depression. Significant predictors were: loss of a loved one, place of residence, age, health insurance, financial situation, and marital status (F (6, 224) = 10.515, p < 0.001, R2 = 0.21; Adjusted R2 = 0.19). They also show that symptoms of depression resulting from the loss of a loved one due to war can be reduced through participation in an educational system. Having children is associated with a risk of more severe depression. Specialists are encouraged to engage in face-to-face interviews and to maintain a supportive and safe environment for participants in hostilities, e.g., in the area of education.
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We developed a multidimensional coping inventory to assess the different ways in which people respond to stress. Five scales (of four items each) measure conceptually distinct aspects of problem-focused coping (active coping, planning, suppression of competing activities, restraint coping, seeking of instrumental social support); five scales measure aspects of what might be viewed as emotion-focused coping (seeking of emotional social support, positive reinterpretation, acceptance, denial, turning to religion); and three scales measure coping responses that arguably are less useful (focus on and venting of emotions, behavioral disengagement, mental disengagement). Study 1 reports the development of scale items. Study 2 reports correlations between the various coping scales and several theoretically relevant personality measures in an effort to provide preliminary information about the inventory's convergent and discriminant validity. Study 3 uses the inventory to assess coping responses among a group of undergraduates who were attempting to cope with a specific stressful episode. This study also allowed an initial examination of associations between dispositional and situational coping tendencies.
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A full understanding of depression requires knowledge about how and to what extent depressed and nondepressed persons differ in the ways they appraise, cope with, and respond emotionally to the events of daily living. In this study, 75 community-residing married couples were interviewed once a month for 5 months about the most stressful encounter they had experienced the previous week. Depressive symptomatology was assessed monthly. Subjects high and low in depressive symptoms were compared on appraisal, coping, emotion, and encounter outcome. Compared with subjects low in depressive symptoms, those high in symptoms felt they had more at stake in stressful encounters; used more confrontive coping, self-control, and escape-avoidance, and accepted more responsibility; and responded with more disgust/anger and worry/fear. The overall pattern suggested that subjects high in depressive symptoms were more vulnerable and hostile than those who were low. However, subjects high in depressive symptoms were not negative in all facets of their appraisal and coping processes.
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The Mental health of Palestinians has been described as among the lowest in the world, with over half of Palestinian adults meeting the diagnostic threshold for depressive symptoms and a significant portion of Palestinians experiencing mental distress and anxiety. The aim of the current study was to test the correlation between quality of life (QoL) and mental health outcomes, and the role of sociodemographic variables in predicting mental health outcomes (depression, anxiety, and stress) among Palestinian adults during a challenging period of political confict. The sample of our study consisted of 957 participants, 283 males and 674 females they were recruited using online methods; online advertisements, e-mail campaigns and social media. Our fndings showed that QoL negatively correlated with stress (r = − 0.43, p < 0.01), anxiety (r = − 0.46, p < 0.01), and depression (r= − 0.47, p < 0.05). Moreover, stress positively correlated with anxiety (r= 0.81, p < 0.01), and depression (r = 0.89, p < 0.01). Finally, anxiety positively correlated with depression (r= 0.82, p < 0.01). Results of hierarchical regression analysis to predict stress, anxiety and depression, indicated that QoL, educational level, gender, region of residence, and age explained in a signifcant way variance in depression, anxiety and stress. Our fndings are promising to conduct other studies in order to understand better how current study variables correlate to each other, so appropriate clinical interventions to mitigate the negative effects of depression, anxiety, and stress through enhancing quality of life and positive coping strategies can be developed and implemented by mental health providers.
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Introduction There is growing recognition that daily stressors, such as social and material deficiencies, can be highly detrimental to the mental health of refugees. These stressors are in addition to stressful life events, which have been widely studied in the context of migration and forced displacement. Despite increasing evidence for an ecological model, there is still no consensus regarding the conceptualization of these highly influential factors. In particular, the demarcation of daily stressors from stressful life events and the categorization of daily stressors require further examination in order to develop usable and accurate tools for researchers, design effective interventions for practitioners and assist politicians in designing meaningful policies. Methods To address these challenges, we used data from a sample of 392 unaccompanied young refugees from diverse backgrounds and employed network analysis to examine the relationships between daily stressors, stressful life events, and symptoms of depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress. Results Our findings highlight the significant relationship between daily stressors and mental health, particularly depression. Meaningful clusters of daily stressors include material stressors, social stressors, and social exclusion stressors. Conclusion Our results demonstrate the importance of considering daily stressors in the mental health of refugees and suggest that using a network approach offers a viable way to study these complex interrelationships. These findings have implications for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers in understanding and addressing the mental health needs of refugees.
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The present study aimed to explore the relationships between coping strategies, symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress, and satisfaction with life among Portuguese workers. A sample of 402 participants (207 male, 195 female), ranging in age from 18 to 70 years (M = 32.90, SD = 11.75), was included in the study. Participants reported varying levels of work experience, ranging from 1 to 45 years (M = 10.62, SD = 4.07). The sample encompassed diverse occupations, including arts and design (n = 28), engineering (n = 23), marketing (n = 27), administration (n = 50), transportation and logistics (n = 57), clerks (n = 63), lawyers (n = 21), factory workers (n = 20), accountant and finance (n = 41), journalism (n = 27), health care (n = 29), and others (n = 16). To examine the associations between each determinant and satisfaction with life, hierarchical multiple regression analyses were conducted. Two models were tested, with predictors entered in blocks based on theoretical and empirical considerations. The second model accounted for 52.4% of the variance in satisfaction with life (F (14, 384) = 3.884, p < 0.001, R2 = 0.27, adjusted R2 = 0.24). Depressive symptoms and stress consistently exhibited a significant association (p < 0.05) with satisfaction with life across all tested models. In terms of coping mechanisms, instrumental support reinterpretation, disengagement, and humor demonstrated a significant association with satisfaction with life (p < 0.05). The findings suggest that employing adaptive coping strategies may help mitigate symptoms of mental distress and enhance satisfaction with life. By understanding the relationships between coping strategies, mental health symptoms, and satisfaction with life, interventions can be developed to promote well-being and improve overall quality of life among Portuguese workers.
Background: Conflict leads to the displacement of people, making it more difficult for them to cope with increasing stress. In war-affected regions, people use different strategies to cope with their stress. This study examines the coping strategies of internally displaced persons (IDPs) and those in host communities in war zones. Methods: People living in the IDP camp and host communities in Maiduguri, Nigeria were recruited using a convenient sampling strategy. A 28-item Hausa version of the Brief COPE Scale was used for data collection. Data were analyzed using linear regression and presented as unstandardized beta (B) and standard error (SE). Results: A total of 562 participants were recruited (IDPs, n = 281; and the host communities, n = 281). Problem and emotion-focused coping strategies were identified as the most common approaches used in host communities; however, dysfunctional strategies were more common among the IDPs. Age (younger or older adulthood) was identified as a predictor for the use of emotion-, problem-, and dysfunctional-focused coping strategies. Conclusion: Host communities were more likely to use a problem-and emotion-focused approach to coping, while IDPs were more likely to use dysfunctional strategies. Location and demographic factors (being single, aged 18–29years, >50 years and older) also influenced coping.
Purpose in life consists of having a sense of meaning and purpose regarding one's activities as well as an overall sense that life is meaningful. This study reports a comprehensive assessment of the relationship of purpose in life with depression and anxiety. A meta‐analysis (total n = 66,468, total k = 99) investigated the association of purpose in life with depression and anxiety. Across samples, greater purpose in life was significantly associated with lower levels of depression and anxiety. The mean weighted effect size between purpose in life and depression was r = −0.49, [95% confidence intervals, CIs: −0.52, −0.45], p < 0.001. For the purpose in life and anxiety the mean weighted effect size was r = −0.36, [95% CIs: −0.40, −0.32], p < 0.001. The association of purpose in life with mental health was stronger for clinical populations, especially with regard to the relationship with anxiety. Both approach deficits and avoidance motivation are argued to play a role in the relationship between purpose and psychopathology, with greater purpose potentially limiting avoidance tendencies and reducing the effects of depression and anxiety. Understanding the role that purpose in life may play in depression and anxiety could help to inform current conceptualizations of these disorders and improve treatment outcomes.