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Academic Editor: Jari Nurmi
Received: 12 December 2024
Revised: 28 December 2024
Accepted: 4 January 2025
Published: 6 January 2025
Citation: Cao, H.; Han, S.; Meng, R.;
Xu, X.; Zhang, P. Channel Code-Book
(CCB): Semantic Image-Adaptive
Transmission in Satellite–Ground
Scenario. Sensors 2025,25, 269.
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Channel Code-Book (CCB): Semantic Image-Adaptive
Transmission in Satellite–Ground Scenario
Hui Cao , Shujun Han , Rui Meng , Xiaodong Xu * and Ping Zhang
State Key Laboratory of Networking and Switching Technology, Beijing University of Posts and
Telecommunications, Beijing 100876, China; caohui@bupt.edu.cn (H.C.); hanshujun@bupt.edu.cn (S.H.);
buptmengrui@bupt.edu.cn (R.M.); pzhang@bupt.edu.cn (P.Z.)
*Correspondence: xuxiaodong@bupt.edu.cn
Abstract: Satellite–ground communication is a critical component in the global communi-
cation system, significantly contributing to environmental monitoring, radio and television
broadcasting, aerospace operations, and other domains. However, the technology en-
counters challenges in data transmission efficiency, due to the drastic alterations in the
communication channel caused by the rapid movement of satellites. In comparison to tra-
ditional transmission methods, semantic communication (SemCom) technology enhances
transmission efficiency by comprehending and leveraging the intrinsic meaning of infor-
mation, making it ideal for image transmission in satellite communications. Nevertheless,
current SemCom methods still struggle to adapt to varying channel conditions. To address
this, we propose a SemCom transmission model based on a Channel Code-Book (CCB) for
adaptive image transmission in diverse channel environments. Our model reconstructs
and restores the original image by documenting fading and noise states under various
channel conditions and dynamically adjusting the denoiser’s model parameters. Extensive
experimental results demonstrate that our CCB model outperforms three representative
baseline models, including Deep JSCC, ASCN, and WITT in various environments and
task conditions, achieving an advantage of more than 10 dB under high signal-to-noise
ratio conditions.
Keywords: semantic communication; satellite–ground scenarios; channel adaptive; image
1. Introduction
1.1. Background
Since its inception in the mid-20th century, satellite communication has emerged as a
vital component in the global communication system [
]. Its wide coverage, high reliability,
and adaptability to various geographical environments have made it indispensable in
various fields, including military operations, meteorology, navigation, broadcasting, and
the Internet [
]. With the relentless progression of science and technology, modern satellite
communication systems have witnessed remarkable enhancements in data transmission
rates, spectrum utilization efficiency, and anti-interference capabilities. In recent years, the
deployment and utilization of low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites have facilitated faster and
lower-latency communication services worldwide, further accelerating the development
and application of satellite communication technology. These technologies will play a
pivotal role in the development of 6G and other networks that integrate new functions
such as sensing and computing, allow the use of new services, and leverage improved
environmental information for machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) [
Sensors 2025,25, 269 https://doi.org/10.3390/s25010269
Sensors 2025,25, 269 2 of 20
However, satellite–ground communication currently faces numerous challenges in the
process of image transmission. These challenges primarily involve environmental inter-
ference, spectrum resources, and energy management [
]. Firstly, as the signal traverses
the atmosphere, it is subjected to atmospheric attenuation and meteorological conditions,
resulting in path loss and signal degradation. Concurrently, multipath effects cause sig-
nal interference, further diminishing transmission quality, increasing bit error rates, and
reducing the accuracy and integrity of the transmission [
]. Additionally, limited spectrum
resources constrain the transmission bandwidth and rate of image data. Furthermore, the fi-
nite energy resources of satellites necessitate a careful balance between transmission power
and energy consumption to ensure the normal operation and longevity of the satellite [8].
1.2. SemCom-Enabled Satellite Communications
To achieve stable satellite-to-ground image transmission, scholars have conducted
extensive research on image restoration. In [
], the dark channel prior method is employed
to enhance the visual clarity of satellite photographs and reduce haze, particularly in poor
weather conditions. Yang et al. in [
], utilized techniques such as multi-band digital
image color synthesis and multi-spectral image band combination to further improve the
clarity of satellite images. Additionally, the study presented in [
] applies a recursive least
squares (RLS) adaptive filter to enhance the recovery performance of retrieved satellite
images. However, these methods require a large amount of real-time computing, which puts
forward huge requirements for satellite computing power and cannot meet the growing
demand for data transmission.
In this scenario, the burgeoning Semantic Communication (SemCom) technology has
increasingly come into focus. The SemCom system leverages logical reasoning capabilities
to grasp the inherent meaning of information [
], specifically the intent of the message, and
maps the signal space onto the semantic space. This approach significantly diminishes the
volume of business transmission and substantially enhances transmission efficiency [
SemCom goes beyond mere data transmission, placing equal emphasis on the semantic
information underlying the data [
]. By extracting and utilizing this semantic informa-
tion, it facilitates more efficient transmission within limited bandwidth constraints [
Consequently, SemCom is exceptionally well-suited for the extensive multimedia data
transmissions involved in satellite communications, including images and videos [16].
Recent studies have explored the application of SemCom in satellite–ground sce-
narios from various perspectives. Regarding frequency band selection, Zhu et al. [
proposed a multi-agent reinforcement learning method that significantly enhances classifi-
cation accuracy. For energy efficiency optimization, the integration of a privacy-preserving
task-offloading algorithm [
] and an ML-based semantic encoder [
] has achieved a
balance between task completion time, energy consumption, and the quality of service.
Furthermore, the scope and efficiency of task processing have been enhanced through the
implementation of a non-ground network architecture [
] and a task-offloading frame-
work [21].
In the realm of routing optimization, Guo et al. [
] developed a SemCom-aware
routing scheme to improve data throughput and end-to-end delay performance. Another
study [
] enhanced transmission efficiency by leveraging time-varying channel condi-
tions and specific content through a routing-based semantic adaptive coding and hybrid
automatic repeat request (HARQ) mechanism. Additionally, the semantic enhancement
system uses orthogonal time-frequency space (OTFS) modulation and generative adversar-
ial network (GAN) to extract and recover semantic features, which significantly improves
signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) gain and spectral efficiency [24].
Sensors 2025,25, 269 3 of 20
For information perception, an adaptive semantic encoder–decoder architecture fo-
cuses on utilizing channel conditions and content correlation to protect and restore specific
functions [
]. The perception–communication–computing–actuation–integrated paradigm
(PCCAIP), as proposed in [
], optimizes communication process through the integra-
tion of sensing, computing, and actuation technologies. In terms of delay optimization,
papers [
] have improved transmission efficiency by integrating SemCom with
different modulation methods.
1.3. Motivations and Contributions
While these research results provide significant theoretical and technical support for
enhancing the efficiency and reliability of satellite–ground communication systems, several
issues remain in the image transmission algorithm within the satellite–ground scenario
using SemCom. Firstly, unlike traditional ground networks, LEO satellites are in constant
high-speed motion, resulting in a continuously changing communication environment with
the ground. The fast fluctuating channel is characterized by significant changes in chan-
nel parameters over short periods, making it challenging for traditional satellite–ground
image transmission models to adapt in real time, resulting in a decline in transmission
performance. Additionally, fast fluctuation channels are typically accompanied by multi-
path fading, which causes signal interference and jitter, negatively impacting the stability
and quality of image transmission. Furthermore, the spectrum compression effect is less
pronounced in fast fluctuation channels compared to stable channels, thereby limiting the
effectiveness of satellite–ground image transmission models in high-data-rate scenarios.
This dynamic environment necessitates that the image transmission algorithm using Sem-
Com consider more samples of different states during model training. Particularly for
transmission algorithms employing pre-trained models, discrepancies between actual chan-
nel conditions and training conditions can lead to a rapid decline in performance. Although
current iterative decoding methods [
] can accurately correct errors and improve the
quality of transmitted information by combining semantic and syntactic information, they
require multiple calculations. This significantly increases computational complexity and
time overhead, rendering them unsuitable for deployment in satellite–ground scenarios
where computing power and delay are limited. Secondly, current SemCom algorithms
based on deep learning are typically designed and trained with a joint encoder–decoder
configuration. Consequently, any changes in the decoder configuration require correspond-
ing adjustments in the encoder configuration. However, in satellite–ground transmission,
a satellite often needs to serve multiple users simultaneously. Constantly modifying the
encoder configuration on the satellite side for users in different regions is impractical. Thus,
it is imperative to develop a channel-adaptive transmission model that does not necessitate
modifications to the satellite-side configuration.
Against this background, we propose an adaptive transmission architecture based on
Channel Code-Book (CCB). The proposed framework records different channel information
in the code-book in the form of parameters, obtains the current actual environmental
information through the pilot signal, matches and denoises the information stored in the
code-book, and finally realizes the data restoration. The main contributions of this paper
are listed as follows:
Addressing the issue of poor adaptability in image transmission models due to rapid
channel changes in satellite–ground environments, we propose a SemCom framework
equipped with the CCB. The framework enables reliable image transmission in various
complex environments;
To tackle the problem of signal distortion resulting from channel fading and noise, we
design an Adaptive Channel Denoising Model (ACDM) as a denoising solution. This
Sensors 2025,25, 269 4 of 20
model can adaptively choose the appropriate denoising parameters based on different
signal characteristics, effectively restoring faded and noisy images in satellite–ground
channel environments;
To enable the denoising model to select suitable parameters based on the current
channel environment, we propose a pilot-based method for channel model param-
eter selection. This method can analyze the characteristics of the current channel
environment and intelligently select the most appropriate parameter configuration to
optimize the performance of the CCB model;
To demonstrate the superiority of our proposed scheme, we conducted extensive
simulation experiments and compared our results with those of other schemes. The
simulation results indicate that, compared to the existing fixed-structure SemCom sys-
tem, CCB significantly enhances the image transmission performance of the satellite–
ground channels and shows stronger adaptability and stability.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we first introduce
the system model, including the network model, channel model, and the proposed CCB
architecture. Then, in Section 3, we introduce the CCB MappingNet, including the design
principle and training algorithm. Section 4is dedicated to the details of the denoiser and
parameter selection mechanism. Section 5provides the experiment results and a direct
comparison of several methods to quantify the performance gain of the proposed method.
Finally, Section 6concludes this paper.
2. System Model
This section introduces the network model, channel model, and proposed end-to-end
semantic image adaptive transmission framework for satellite–ground communications.
2.1. Network Model
We consider a scenario where images are transmitted from satellite to ground, as
shown in Figure 1. The components involved are as follows:
Figure 1. The system model of satellite–terrestrial transmission network.
LEO satellite: The satellite revolves around the Earth, constantly moving and covering
different regions. The satellite uses the images generated by observing the ground
data as the source, and encodes these data, including compression and semantic
information extraction, to improve transmission efficiency and data quality. It is
necessary to consider the dynamic adjustment of the change in track and coverage
areas to ensure the stability of data transmission;
Transmission link: Links between satellites and ground equipment via wireless chan-
nels can be affected by environmental factors such as clouds and electromagnetic
interference, which can degrade signal quality. In addition, due to the movement of
LEO satellites, the transmission path and conditions will change with the position
Sensors 2025,25, 269 5 of 20
of the satellite, so it is necessary to dynamically adjust the transmission strategy to
maintain the stability and efficient transmission of signals;
Ground terminal: Terminal equipment includes ground gateway station and personal
terminal. The terminal device receives the signal transmitted by the satellite and
decodes it to restore the original image or semantic information, and the user can view
or use the received information here.
2.2. Channel Model
Differently from the traditional terrestrial network, in the satellite–ground transmis-
sion scenario, the channel between the satellite and the ground user is not only affected
by the distance loss caused by the line-of-sight (LoS) propagation, but also by the atmo-
spheric fading, the shadow effect caused by obstacles, and the scattering. We use the
shadowed-Rician (SR) fading channel, which is widely used in both S-band and ka-band
satellite channels for data transmission [
]. We assume that the satellite uses a single
transmitting antenna. According to [
], the probability density function (PDF) of the SR
channel gain fh(r)is expressed as
fh(r) = 2b0m
2b0·1F1m, 1, Ωr
denote the average power of scatter component, the Nakagami-
eter, and LOS component, respectively. The term
is the first kind of confluent
hypergeometric function. In particular, for the parameter
, when
is small, this indicates
that there are more obstacles and shadows between the satellite and the ground, which
may not meet the conditions for establishing the LoS link. When
tends to infinity, this
indicates that the link between the satellite and the ground has almost no obstacles and
blockages, which satisfies the conditions of the LoS link. In this case, the SR distribution
will be downgraded to the Rayleigh distribution [33].
According to the different size of the fading, paper [
] divides the channel model into
three states, which are infrequent light shadowing (referred to as light), frequent heavy
shadowing (referred to as heavy), and average shadowing (referred to as average).
2.3. Proposed Semantic Image-Adaptive Transmission Framework
An overview of the proposed CCB architecture for image transmission is presented in
Figure 2. The main parts of the architecture are as follows.
Figure 2. The overall architecture of CCB for satellite–ground image transmission.
2.3.1. Swin Transformer Encoder
The encoder
we used consists of a swin transformer encoder. The swin transformer
model combines a standard multi-head self-attention (MSA) module and a feedforward
network for processing [
]. The window-based self-attention mechanism allows the model
to capture long-term dependencies in the image. It divides the image into window grids and
applies self-attention in each window. Four cascaded swin transformer block modules are
used to process high-resolution source images and learn from the changing characteristics
Sensors 2025,25, 269 6 of 20
of the transmission channel. After this step, we obtain the feature map
16 ×W
16 ×C
represent the semantic latent representation of the input image
, where
and Crepresent height, width, and channel number. The process is modeled as
where ϕcontains the model parameters corresponding to the encoder.
2.3.2. Denoiser
Beyond the encoder,
is sent to the satellite–ground channel for transmission. Due
to the existence of channel fading and noise, the feature vector
will change to
passing through the channel. The fading process is modeled as
x′=hx +n,(3)
where nis random Gaussian noise, n∼(0, œ2), and his the channel gain.
To reduce the error caused by noise interference in the transmission process, the
denoiser is used in this architecture. The denosier adopts different model parameters in
different channel environments that are trained in CCB MappingNet and chosen by the
proposed parameter selection mechanism. In the denoiser,
is transformed into
, which
is similar to x, and the process is modeled as
x′′ =fdn (x′,θ),(4)
where θcontains the model parameters of the denoiser.
2.3.3. Swin Transformer Decoder
is sent to the decoder. The decoder
follows the symmetric architecture
with the encoder
, including feature reconstruction, upsampling patch segmentation
operation, and swin transformer. The output image
is recovered by the decoder, and the
process is represented as
where ϕ′contains the model parameters of the decoder.
2.4. The Training Process of the End-to-End Transmission Model
For the transmission model, our goal is to minimize the difference between the output
image and the input image, that is,
ϕ′∗) = arg min
, where
is the loss
function. We use the MSE function as the loss function. The MSE function is widely used
in image restoration models [35–37], and the formula is
MSE =1
yi)2, (6)
is the actual value and
is the predicted value. After training the end-to-end
transmission model, it can be employed for real-time transmission. The whole process is
outlined in Algorithm 1.
Sensors 2025,25, 269 7 of 20
Algorithm 1 Training and Inference of the End-to-End Transmission Model
Input: Dateset S, train epoch Ep, learning rate lr, batch size b.
Output: Encoder parameters ϕ, decoder parameters ϕ′, and denoiser parameters θ.
1: Training stage:
2: Initialize the model architecture.
3: for epoch = 1 : Epdo
4: Sample a batch of images s1,..., sb∈S;
5: Generate semantic features x1,..., xbfrom encoder with ϕ;
6: Transmit the bit streams to the receiver through a channel and get x′
1,..., x′
7: Remove noise and fading effects from denoiser and get x′′
1,..., x′′
8: Generate the images s′
1,..., s′
bfrom decoder with ϕ′;
9: Calculate the loss function between s′and s;
10: Calculate the gradient and update ϕ,ϕ′;
11: end for
12: Set the channel environment parameters;
13: for epoch = 1 : Epdo
14: Get denoising parameters from Algorithm 2;
15: Train denoising parameters θfrom Algorithm 3;
16: end for
17: return the model parameters ϕ,ϕ′, and θ.
18: Inference stage:
19: Choose denoising parameters through Algorithm 4;
20: Transmit images.
Algorithm 2 Training Algorithm for Channel Code-Book MappingNet
Input: Recorded channel parameters (b0,m,Ω, SNR), train epoch Ep.
Output: Denoising model parameters θdn.
1: Recorded fixed channel parameters (b0,m,Ω, SNR).
2: for epoch = 1 : Epdo
3: Transmit x;
Receive the transmitted data
through the channel with above channel parameters;
5: Generate x′′ =f(x′)with model parameter θdn ;
6: Calculate the loss function between x′′ and x;
7: Calculate the gradient and update θdn;
8: end for
9: return the final θdn with above channel parameters;
10: Change the channel model parameters and repeat the above steps.
Algorithm 3 Training Algorithm for Channel DenoisingNet
Input: Input features x′.
Output: Denoiser parameters Wand b.
1: Initialize the denoiser model architecture;
Generate encoder1’s convolution kernel
and bias term
fconv (x′) =
Wconv ∗x′+bconv ;
Generate decoder1’s convolution kernel
and bias term
x′′ =
fdeconv(a) = Wdeconv ∗a+bdeconv;
4: Get specific θdn from Section 3;
5: Transform θdn into Wand b.
Sensors 2025,25, 269 8 of 20
Algorithm 4 Denoiser Model Parameter Selection Mechanism
Initial transmission polit
, total transmission number
, pre-stored guiding vector
n(n=1, 2 . . . N).
Output: Denoiser parameter θ.
1: Initialize denoiser parameter θ=0;
2: for transmission number = 1 : Mdo
3: if transmission number == 1 then
4: Transmit x0;
5: Receive the transmitted data x′
6: for Pre-stored guiding vector x′
7: Compute the difference and set parameter: x′
min =argmin(d|x′
8: end for
9: Converted into denoising parameters: θ↔x′
10: Denoiser apply denoising parameters fdn =θ.
11: end if
12: end for
3. Designed Channel Code-Book MappingNet Based on
Vector Quantization
In this section, we present the CCB MappingNet for image transmission under satellite–
ground conditions. Firstly, we introduce the design principle of CCB. Then, we propose a
channel information conversion module CCB MappingNet. Finally, we give the training
algorithm of CCB MappingNet.
3.1. Channel Code-Book
In the satellite–ground communication environment, with the change in satellite
position, the transmission channel between satellite and ground also changes greatly, so
it cannot be expressed by a single channel function. Therefore, we design a CCB to store
different channel parameters.
The proposed CCB uses vector quantization (VQ) technology [
], which can reduce
the complexity of channel estimation compared with traditional design methods. Firstly,
the wireless channel parameter His extracted, where
h11 h12 · · · h1N
h21 h22 · · · h2N
hM1hM1· · · hMN
. (7)
Specifically, the parameters of
are determined by various parameters and SNR
values in the SR channel. This process enables the dynamic adjustment of code-book
parameters in response to changing channel conditions, thereby facilitating adaptation to
different noise environments. This ensures that the model maintains optimal performance
under varying signal conditions.
Then the extracted channel characteristic parameters are quantified to generate the
feature vector v, that is,
v=f(H) = σ(WfH+B), (8)
is a nonlinear activation function,
is the weight matrix, and
is the bias
vector. Theoretically, different channel matrices may be mapped to the same feature vector,
so the denoising parameters optimized for
may not be effective for
. Therefore,
when we perform feature mapping, we use multi-level feature vectors to represent channel
information more comprehensively, which can reduce the probability that different channel
matrices are mapped to the same feature vector.
Sensors 2025,25, 269 9 of 20
Finally, the CCB is constructed by VQ technology, and the channel feature vector is
mapped to code-book index cfor
c=Q(v) = arg min
ci∈C∥v−ci∥, (9)
is the feature vector,
is the codeword in the code-book, and
is a set
of code-books.
3.2. Channel Code-Book MappingNet
Faced with the complex satellite–ground environments, a single channel parameter
expression cannot accurately describe the current actual situation. Therefore, to improve
the performance and reliability of communication systems, we propose the Channel Code-
Book MappingNet. The network consists of two main modules: Channel Code-Book and
Denoising Parameter. Channel Code-Book is used to store different channel parameters,
and Denoising Parameter is used to store the denoising model parameters under different
channel conditions. The channel state mapping network realizes the accurate description
and optimization of the channel environment by extracting and mapping the channel state
information to the corresponding denoising parameters.
3.3. Training Algorithm
To establish the channel parameter mapping relationship under different states of
the SR channel, we first record different channel parameters. The channel parameters
consist of four parts:
, and SNR. Then, we train the corresponding denoising
parameters through the recorded channel parameters. In this step, the goal of this process is
to minimize the difference between
, that is,
(θ∗) = arg min
. By changing
the parameters of the current training channel model, the CCB MappingNet can obtain
and store the channel parameters of different environments and the denoising model
parameters mapped to them. The training procedure is outlined in Algorithm 2.
By this method, image transmission in different channel environments can be realized
through a set of systems in the satellite–ground scene, which can greatly reduce the resource
occupation of the system under the premise of ensuring the quality of data recovery.
4. Proposed CCB-Guided Adaptive Channel Denoising Mechanism
To adapt to the complex channel conditions under satellite–ground conditions, im-
prove transmission quality, and reconstruct the image fidelity, we propose a denoiser
module and a model parameter selection mechanism. The denoiser module dynamically
adjusts the parameters and configuration of the model by modeling and storing different
channel environment parameters to best adapt to different channel qualities. The model
parameter selection mechanism judges the current actual channel parameters through the
pilot signal and dynamically selects the appropriate denoiser model parameters to achieve
the best transmission performance under different channel and SNR conditions, thereby
improving the robustness and reliability of the system.
4.1. Architecture of Adaptive Channel Denoising Model
We propose an adaptive channel dependence mechanism, which enables the end-to-
end image transmission system to automatically adapt to changes in channel state without
manual intervention. As the denoiser module, ACDM is designed to enhance the stability
and performance of the system.
As shown in Figure 3, ACDM consists of a UNet architecture, including the encoder1
and the corresponding decoder1, an intermediate layer, and a final output layer. The
reason for using the UNet model is that the model uses skip connections to directly transfer
Sensors 2025,25, 269 10 of 20
the high-resolution feature maps extracted from each encoder layer to the corresponding
decoder layer. Skip connection provides a direct path from the early layer of the network to
the higher layer for high-resolution functions. When an image passes through multiple con-
volutional layers, it will undergo multiple transformations, which may lead to information
loss. Skipping the connection helps to bypass these transformations, allowing the original
high-resolution information to be retained and reintroduced into the later stages of the
network. Therefore, by preserving high-frequency components and fine details, skipping
the connection ensures that the denoised image retains clarity. In this way, not only is the
global semantic information retained during the upsampling process, but also the rich
spatial details are retained. Then, since the denoiser module only needs to recover the
fading of semantic features in the channel without restoring the entire image, we reduced
the number of layers in the model to two and the number of channels from 64 to 2, greatly
increasing the system’s operating efficiency while ensuring the completion of the task.
Figure 3. The architecture of ACDM.
In this architecture, encoder1 converts the input data
into the probability distribution
parameter of the latent variable z, that is,
q(z|x) = N(z;µ(x),σ2(x)), (10)
are the mean and variance of latent variables, respectively. These pa-
rameters are generated by encoder1 to help the model sample reasonably in the data space.
Correspondingly, decoder1 generates the distribution of the reconstructed data
through the latent variable zfor
p(x|z) = N(x;f(z),σ2), (11)
is the mean function generated by decoder1 and
is the variance. By maximiz-
, the parameters of decoder1 can be optimized to make the reconstructed image
closer to the original input.
We adopt Kullback–Leibler (KL) divergence to measure the difference between the
posterior distribution q(z|x)of the latent variable and the prior distribution p(z), with
LKL =DKL(q(z|x)∥p(z)), (12)
Sensors 2025,25, 269 11 of 20
DKL(q(z|x)∥p(z)) = Rq(z|x)log q(z|x)
. Specifically, the prior distribution
is derived from the statistical characteristics of the actual data, effectively capturing the
true distribution properties of the data. By leveraging this prior and the obtained poste-
rior knowledge, the KL divergence is calculated using integral methods. This approach
ensures that the model accurately reflects the underlying data distribution and optimizes
its performance in various applications.
4.2. Training Algorithm for Channel DenoisingNet
The training of Channel DenoisingNet mainly consists of two parts: encoder1 and
decoder1. The training algorithm is shown in Algorithm 3. encoder1 consists of two
convolutional layers that extract information from the input features, and each layer
applies convolutional filters to capture spatial hierarchies of patterns, such as edges and
textures. The mapping procedure is
fconv (x′) = Wconv ∗x′+bconv, (13)
are the convolution kernel and bias term, respectively.
the convolution operation. After convolution, a pooling operation reduces the spatial
dimensions (height and width) of the feature maps, retaining essential information while
downsampling the data. This pooling increases the receptive field, allowing the network to
understand larger context from the image.
The structure of the decoder1 mirror, i.e., encoder1, realizes the precise positioning
of the features. decoder1 reconstructs the segmented image according to the coding
features, which contain two convolutional layers and an upsampling layer. The upsampling
layer consists of a series of upsampling operations (such as deconvolution or transposed
convolution) and convolution operations, which are used to gradually increase the size and
number of channels of the feature map. This can gradually restore the resolution and retain
more details, and the mapping procedure is
x′′ =fdeconv(a) = Wdeconv ∗a+bdeconv, (14)
are the deconvolution kernel and bias term, respectively, and
is the output of the previous stage.
Through the training algorithm for Channel Code-Book MappingNet in Section 3, the
model can obtain the different values of
based on
. By choosing the values of
, the denoiser can adjust the parameters according to different channel states to adapt
to dynamic channels.
4.3. Denoiser Parameter Selection Mechanism
Algorithm 4outlines the image processing process. First, the input image is processed
to feature vector by the encoder. The transmitter will then check if it is the first transmission.
If it is, the transmitter sends the polit feature vector
, which is generated from a fixed
image; the receiver receives
after the wireless channel and compares it with the pre-stored
fading vector
1, 2,
. . .
to choose the closest vector
. When it obtains
the denosier will set the denoiser parameter
, converted by
. After completing the
above steps, the subsequent transmission image will pass the denoiser using this parameter
model and enter the decoder for image reconstruction.
Sensors 2025,25, 269 12 of 20
5. Simulation Results and Analysis
5.1. Dataset
We utilize the CIFAR10 dataset [
] to assess the transmission quality of the CCB
model and the DIV2K dataset [
] for image visualization training and verification. The
CIFAR10 dataset, a well-known resource for universal object recognition in computer vision,
consists of 60,000 32
32 RGB color images across 10 categories. Of these, 50,000 images
are allocated to the training set, and 10,000 images to the testing set. The DIV2K dataset
comprises 800 high-resolution training images and 100 high-resolution verification images,
each characterized by exceptional clarity, making it ideal for training and evaluating super-
resolution algorithms.
5.2. Baseline Schemes
5.2.1. Deep JSCC
Deep JSCC [
] is a scheme that leverages deep learning to jointly optimize source
coding and channel coding. Unlike traditional communication systems, which typically
treat these two processes separately, Deep JSCC employs convolutional neural networks
(CNNs) for end-to-end learning. This approach enables the simultaneous optimization of
both processes, leading to improved communication efficiency and reliability. However, it
should be noted that this method may not perform well in rapidly changing environments.
5.2.2. ASCN
] is a scheme utilizing a single deep neural network (DNN) that adaptively
adjusts the transmission rate at three levels of SR fading. This adjustment is based on
the input image features and time-varying channel state information. Across these SR
fading levels, ASCN uses pilots to obtain channel state information and performs semantic
matching according to image features, resulting in a significant improvement in image
reconstruction quality compared with existing schemes.
5.2.3. WITT
] is a method that utilizes the swin transformer as its backbone to optimize
image transmission, taking into account the impact of wireless channels. The authors
propose a spatial modulation module that scales the latent representations based on channel
state information. This enhances the model’s ability to manage various channel conditions
effectively. Furthermore, the scheme can be extended to a generalized version, improving
its adaptability to different channel conditions and rate configurations.
5.3. Performance Metrics
5.3.1. PSNR
Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) is an index used to measure the quality of images
or signals. It is usually used to evaluate the similarity between an image and the original
image, especially in the field of image compression and reconstruction. The higher the
PSNR value, the higher the similarity between the two images, the better the quality. The
calculation formula is
PSNR =10 ·log10 (max2
MSE ), (15)
represents the maximum possible value of the pixel value, usually 255 in image
processing, and MSE represents the mean square error.
Sensors 2025,25, 269 13 of 20
5.3.2. SSIM
Structural Similarity Index Measure (SSIM) is a perceptual metric that aims to approx-
imate human visual perception when comparing the quality of digital images. SSIM is
widely used in the field of image processing and computer vision [
]. It is a more
comprehensive and perceptually consistent image quality assessment method. The SSIM
value ranges between 0 and 1, where a value closer to 1 indicates greater similarity between
the two images being compared. The calculation formula is
SSI M(x,y) = (2µxµy+c1)(2σxy +c2)
y+c2), (16)
are the average values of
are the variances of
, and
is the covariance of
are constants used to maintain stability,
usually set to
c1= (k1L)2
c2= (k2L)2
, where
is the dynamic range of pixel values,
and k1and k2are default values that usually take k1= 0.01 and k2= 0.03.
5.4. Simulation Parameters
Table 1presents the model structure and the output size for each layer. In the entire
model, we employ the Gaussian Error Linear Unit (GELU) as the activation function.
GELU is a nonlinear activation function that integrates the properties of the Gaussian
distribution with a linear function. This combination enables the function to capture
complex data patterns, enhancing the model’s ability to understand intricate details within
images and effectively capture the nonlinear characteristics of the data. For the CIFAR10
dataset, we use two stages:
= [2, 4],
= [128, 256], with the window size
set to 2. For the DIV2K dataset, we utilize four stages:
= [2, 2, 6, 2],
[C1, C2, C3, C4]= [128, 192, 256, 320]
, with the window size set to 8. The model structure
of baseline is shown in Table 2.
We employ the Adam optimizer with a learning rate of 0.0001. The batch sizes of the
CIFAR10 dataset and the DIV2K dataset are set to 128 and 4, respectively. The CCB model
is trained in the SR channel with SNR from
5 dB to 20 dB, and the channel parameters
are shown in Table 3. To initialize the codebook entries, we first utilize the Gaussian
distribution to randomly generate initial values. After completing the training of a channel
model, the pre-trained model parameters are subsequently employed to initialize and train
other channel models. All these parameters are implemented in the PyTorch architecture,
utilizing the NVIDIA A10 GPU.
Table 1. Model structure.
Layers Output Size
Encoder PatchEmbed 256
SwinTransformerBlock ×2 128
SwinTransformerBlock ×4 256
LayerNorm 256
Linear 96
Denoiser Encoder1 (1, 128, 64, 96)
Middle (4, 64, 32, 48)
Decoder1 (2, 128, 64, 96)
Conv_last (1, 128, 64, 96)
Decoder SwinTransformerBlock ×4 256
SwinTransformerBlock ×2 128
PatchReverseMerging 128
Linear 256
Sensors 2025,25, 269 14 of 20
Table 2. Baseline model structure.
Model Type Layers
Deep JSCC Encoder (Conv + PReLU) ×5
Decoder (Transconv + PReLU) ×5
Transconv + sigmoid
ASCN Encoder (Conv + ReLU) ×3
(ResNet + SNR Adaptive) ×2
SR Channel ModNet
Decoder SR Channel ModNet
(ResNet + SNR Adaptive) ×2
(Transconv + ReLU) ×2
Conv + sigmoid
WITT Encoder Patch Embedding + Swin Transformer Block
(Patch Merging + Swin Transformer Block) ×3
Channel ModNet
Decoder Channel ModNet
(Patch Division + Swin Transformer Block) ×4
Table 3. SR channel parameters
Type/Parameter b0mΩ
Light 0.158 19.4 1.29
Heavy 0.063 0.739 8.79 ×10−4
Average 0.126 10.1 0.835
5.5. Results Analysis
5.5.1. PSNR Performance
Figure 4provides a detailed depiction of the PSNR performance of the proposed CCB
model across various SNR constraints in SR fading channels with differing parameters.
The model demonstrates strong adaptability to varying signal-to-noise ratios and channel
conditions, with performance that is equivalent to or even surpasses that of JSCC and
WITT. Particularly, in heavy environments, where channel noise significantly impacts the
system, the challenge to decode information semantics becomes greater. This may be
attributed to the utilization of neural networks for encoding and decoding, avoiding the
introduction of additional redundancies that undermine other schemes. Due to the targeted
training of the channel parameters specific to the scene, our scheme exhibits a performance
advantage of more than 10 dB across all SNRs when compared to other models. The
results indicate that, as a versatile model, our CCB achieves satisfactory SNR adaptation in
complex satellite–ground channel environments, with negligible performance loss.
Figure 4. (a) PSNR performance over the light fading channel. (b) PSNR performance over the heavy
fading channel. (c) PSNR performance over the average fading channel.
Sensors 2025,25, 269 15 of 20
5.5.2. SSIM Performance
Figure 5illustrates the SSIM performance of the proposed CCB model under varying
SNR constraints in SR fading channels with different parameters. Utilizing an encoder
based on a swin transformer, our CCB model achieves a substantial recovery of the original
image, with SSIM values approaching 1 at high SNR. In contrast, the Deep JSCC model,
which relies on complex JSCC strategies, struggles to cope with high noise interference,
leading to increased decoding errors and poor performance in the low-SNR environment.
Moreover, our model demonstrates strong adaptability to different channel conditions,
achieving performance comparable to or even exceeding that of the reference model. The
results indicate that our CCB model maintains robust performance across both low- and
high-SNR conditions, particularly excelling in high-SNR scenarios, where it effectively
reconstructs the information conveyed by the original image.
Figure 5. (a) SSIM performance over the light fading channel. (b) SSIM performance over the heavy
fading channel. (c) SSIM performance over the average fading channel.
5.5.3. Visualization Performance
To compare the advantages and disadvantages of various schemes more intuitively,
we reconstruct high-definition images on the DVI2K dataset in a visual way.
Figure 6illustrates the visualization results obtained from various image transmission
schemes under different SNR conditions. Under high-SNR conditions, both our proposed
scheme and the WITT scheme effectively restore the original image. In contrast, the JSCC
scheme exhibits an obvious color cast issue, attributed to the limitations of the CNN model
in high-precision image processing. Under low-SNR conditions, despite the presence of
numerous noise points, our proposed scheme outperforms other schemes in terms of image
restoration accuracy due to its superior anti-noise capabilities. These results demonstrate
that our proposed CCB transmission scheme provides better visual quality compared to
other schemes.
5.5.4. Robustness Performance
Due to the complex satellite–ground transmission environment, it is impossible to
take all channel conditions into account during model training. Therefore, it is necessary to
test the robustness of the model to ensure that the proposed model can still work stably in
non-training scenarios.
Figure 7illustrates the performance of the proposed CCB model under different testing
and training environments. The training scenario involves a light fading channel, while the
test scenario involves a heavy fading channel. The diagram indicates that the JSCC model,
which employs a CNN mechanism, has a relatively simple architecture and thus relies
heavily on the training environment. Consequently, when the test environment differs,
its PSNR falls significantly below 10 dB, and its SSIM drops below 0.2, rendering image
transmission nearly impossible. The introduction of a pilot mechanism in our proposed
CCB model allows it to select model parameters that are most closely aligned with the
actual test scenario. As a result, it can improve by more than 2 dB compared to the WITT
Sensors 2025,25, 269 16 of 20
model at low SNR. These results demonstrate that the CCB model performs well, even in
the absence of corresponding parameters for the current test environment.
Figure 6. The first two lines are visual comparison examples under light fading with SNR = 20 dB.
The last two lines are visual comparison examples under light fading with SNR = 5 dB. The first
column to the fourth column show the original image and the reconstructed image under different
transmission schemes.
Figure 7. (a) PSNR performance under different training scenarios and test scenarios. (b) SSIM
performance under different training scenarios and test scenarios.
Figure 8illustrates the performance of the proposed CCB model under different
training and test datasets, simulating various satellite transmission image tasks. The
training dataset used is DIV2K, while the test dataset is CUB-200-2011 [
]. The graph
shows that the performance of the proposed CCB model is comparable to the WITT model,
with a PSNR exceeding 25 dB. This is because, in high-SNR environments, noise interference
on image restoration is minimal. As a result, the quality of image restoration predominantly
relies on the inherent capabilities of the encoder and decoder. Both CCB and WITT models
Sensors 2025,25, 269 17 of 20
utilize an architecture based on the swin transformer, which captures more semantic
information. In contrast, the Deep JSCC model, employing a simpler CNN architecture,
heavily relies on the features within the training dataset. When there is a significant
disparity between the test and training datasets, the JSCC model struggles to adapt to new
data features, resulting in a substantial performance drop. Consequently, the SSIM of the
JSCC model in the new test dataset falls below 0.2, rendering it practically unusable.
Figure 8. (a) PSNR performance under different training dataset and test dataset. (b) SSIM perfor-
mance under different training dataset and test dataset.
These results highlight the superior adaptability and robustness of the proposed CCB
model in handling diverse and complex test scenarios compared to other models.
5.5.5. Latency and Complexity Performance
We use inference time to characterize the latency and complexity of the model across
various stages. Table 4provides a comparative analysis of the inference time among differ-
ent model schemes when processing the test set. As seen in the table, the Deep JSCC model
exhibits the shortest delay due to its reliance solely on the CNN architecture; however,
this also results in suboptimal image restoration quality. The latencies associated with the
CCB and WITT models are similar because both employ comparable codec architectures.
Nonetheless, the WITT model experiences longer delays due to the necessity of channel esti-
mation through feedback. Consequently, our proposed CCB model preserves transmission
quality without increasing model complexity.
Table 4. Model inference time.
Inference Time (s) 3.7689 4.2914 2.8360
6. Conclusions
Satellite–ground communication faces significant challenges in data transmission
efficiency due to the dynamic nature of satellite communication channels. In this paper,
we have presented a CCB architecture for wireless image transmission in satellite–ground
scenarios, which demonstrates the ability to flexibly adapt to different channel states in
complex channel environments. Firstly, we construct a well-designed CCB framework
based on the emerging swin transformer backbone network, which outperforms the tradi-
tional CNN-based neural JSCC. Then, we design a MappingNet to map the environmental
parameters to the corresponding decoding parameters. Through joint training under differ-
ent satellite–ground transmission channels, we construct a CCB-based denoiser parameter
library and determine the model parameters of the denoiser by sending specific pilots, so
as to realize adaptive adjustment of different channels and noises without changing the
Sensors 2025,25, 269 18 of 20
state of the encoder. The experimental results show that, compared to the CNN-based
JSCC system and the ordinary swin transformer system WITT, our CCB model can achieve
better performance, adapt to more channel environments, and have stronger robustness,
especially under high SNR conditions.
In future work, to better adapt to real satellite–ground image communication sce-
narios, we plan to incorporate a broader range of channel environments for training and
testing. This will include the use of a frequency-selective fading tapped delay line (TDL)
channel model and Doppler frequency-shift satellite channels. By diversifying the channel
conditions, we aim to enhance the robustness and effectiveness of our communication
model across different real-world environments.In addition, to more accurately evaluate
the performance of image transmission and semantic loss in downstream tasks (such as
object detection or classification), we plan to adopt more comprehensive evaluation metrics,
such as accuracy and mean average precision (mAP).
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, H.C. and S.H.; methodology, H.C.; software, H.C.; valida-
tion, H.C.; formal analysis, S.H. and R.M.; data curation, H.C.; writing—original draft preparation,
H.C. and S.H.; writing—review and editing, H.C., S.H. and R.M.; visualization, H.C.; supervision,
X.X. project administration, X.X. and P.Z.; funding acquisition, P.Z. All authors have read and agreed
to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by the National Key R&D Program of China No. 2020YFB1806905,
National Natural Science Foundation of China No. 62401074, Beijing Natural Science Founda-
tion No. L242012, and the Major Key Project of Peng Cheng Laboratory (PCL) Department of
Broadband Communication.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Data will be made available on request.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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