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Problems of the theory and methodology of modern Kazakh literary studies



Formation of the latest scientific and methodological principles and the determination of the most important directions of the paradigm of the analysis of artistic creativity and text have been represented as actual problems of the theory of modern Kazakh literary criticism. The purpose of the work is to consider and analyze the modern concepts of Kazakh literary criticism, to evaluate the contribution of scientists from the period of independence of Kazakhstan in the development of theoretical analysis and interpretation of the artistic originality of national literature. The article discusses new trends in the theory of Kazakh literary criticism, changes in methodology, which are due to the leading positions of world literary criticism. In this regard, the article offers an analytical review of the main scientific and theoretical studies in the field of literary criticism, defines the evolution of the concepts of scientific and theoretical thought, identifies the principles and main aspects of the study of literature in a new way, shows certain achievements in close relationship with historical stages, as well as tasks future research; literary-theoretical and philosophical-aesthetic searches in modern Kazakh literary criticism are evaluated, the prospects for its development are determined.
Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development 2025, 9(1), 10392.
Problems of the theory and methodology of modern Kazakh literary studies
Assyl Matayeva1,*, Sagymbay Zhumagul1, Bayan Sarybayeva2, Ayaulym Yerlanova2, Aisulu Chuzhayeva2
1 L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana 010008, Republic of Kazakhstan
2 Pavlodar Pedagogical University, Pavlodar 140000, Republic of Kazakhstan
* Corresponding author: Assyl Matayeva,
Abstract: Formation of the latest scientific and methodological principles and the
determination of the most important directions of the paradigm of the analysis of artistic
creativity and text have been represented as actual problems of the theory of modern Kazakh
literary criticism. The purpose of the work is to consider and analyze the modern concepts of
Kazakh literary criticism, to evaluate the contribution of scientists from the period of
independence of Kazakhstan in the development of theoretical analysis and interpretation of
the artistic originality of national literature. The article discusses new trends in the theory of
Kazakh literary criticism, changes in methodology, which are due to the leading positions of
world literary criticism. In this regard, the article offers an analytical review of the main
scientific and theoretical studies in the field of literary criticism, defines the evolution of the
concepts of scientific and theoretical thought, identifies the principles and main aspects of the
study of literature in a new way, shows certain achievements in close relationship with
historical stages, as well as tasks future research; literary-theoretical and philosophical-
aesthetic searches in modern Kazakh literary criticism are evaluated, the prospects for its
development are determined.
Keywords: literary criticism; theoretical concepts; methodology; Kazakh literary; literary
1. Introduction
The independence of Kazakhstan marked a turning point in the development of
modern Kazakh literary criticism. This period has witnessed significant
transformations in understanding and evaluating national literature, leading to its
integration into the broader context of global literary science. These changes require
rethinking not only the cultural and historical heritage of the Kazakh people but also
the methodological tools and principles used to study literature.
This study aims to analyze contemporary trends in Kazakh literary criticism by
exploring theoretical approaches, methodological transformations, and their
alignment with global literary processes. A particular focus is given to the evolution
of research paradigms that reflect changes in the perception of artistic creativity and
its societal role. This analysis also highlights the influence of structuralism,
postmodernism, narratology, and mythopoetics, which have become integral to
modern Kazakh literary studies.
The research is driven by several questions:
1) What methodological principles define the current stage of Kazakh literary
2) How do new global theoretical concepts influence the analysis of national
Matayeva A, Zhumagul S,
Sarybayeva B, et al. (2025). Problems
of the theory and methodology of
modern Kazakh literary studies.
Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and
Development. 9(1): 10392.
Received: 18 November 2024
Accepted: 6 December 2024
Available online: 6 January 2025
Copyright © 2025 by author(s).
Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and
Development is published by EnPress
Publisher, LLC. This work is licensed
under the Creative Commons
Attribution (CC BY) license.
Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development 2025, 9(1), 10392.
3) What role does national self-identification play in the development of modern
literary studies?
The novelty of this work lies in its comprehensive review of theoretical studies
and their application to Kazakh literary criticism. By synthesizing international
approaches and local perspectives, the study aims to establish a more nuanced
understanding of the theoretical and methodological foundations of Kazakh
The methodological framework includes a combination of systemic and
comparative analyses, hermeneutic methods, and an interdisciplinary approach that
bridges literature, history, and philosophy. These methods allow for a detailed
exploration of the artistic and aesthetic principles shaping modern Kazakh literary
Thus, this research not only evaluates the achievements of Kazakh literary
criticism but also outlines its potential directions in the context of global scientific
and cultural trends.
2. Materials and methods
The methodology of this study is based on a comprehensive approach that
combines theoretical, historical, and analytical methods, ensuring an in-depth
analysis of modern Kazakh literary criticism in the years of independence. The
selected methodological framework allows for an integrated study of theoretical
concepts, methodological principles, and their application to the analysis of national
The research employs the following methods:
(1) Theoretical analysis:
This method focuses on the study of the main theoretical works in Kazakh
literary criticism, such as the application of structuralism, postmodernism,
hermeneutics, and narratology. These approaches are used to explore the evolution
of Kazakh literary theory in the context of global trends. The study also includes a
review of key concepts such as mythopoetics, communicative poetics, and the
artistic and aesthetic principles of literature.
(2) Historical and contextual analysis:
The development of Kazakh literary criticism is analyzed in connection with
significant historical events, including the rehabilitation of Kazakh writers in the late
20th century and the influence of independence on the formation of the national idea.
The research examines how these historical milestones shaped the methodological
and theoretical directions of Kazakh literary criticism.
(3) Comparative analysis:
By comparing Kazakh literary criticism with international theoretical trends, the
study highlights the influence of global methodologies, such as those developed by
Russian formalists, European structuralists, and postmodern theorists. This approach
also identifies the unique features of Kazakh literary criticism that distinguish it from
global trends.
(4) Hermeneutic and semiotic approaches:
Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development 2025, 9(1), 10392.
Hermeneutic methods are used to interpret the underlying meaning of literary
texts, focusing on the relationship between author and reader, while semiotic
analysis is applied to uncover the symbolic and structural elements of these texts.
These methods provide tools to explore the communicative and artistic dimensions
of literature.
(5) Systematic and interdisciplinary methods:
The research adopts a systematic approach to identify patterns and connections
within Kazakh literary criticism, including its philosophical, aesthetic, and
methodological dimensions. Interdisciplinary methods, integrating insights from
literature, philosophy, and cultural studies, are also applied to examine the broader
implications of national literature.
The chosen methodological framework reflects the multifaceted nature of
modern Kazakh literary criticism. It ensures a thorough examination of theoretical
advances, the evolution of methodological principles, and the integration of global
trends into national studies.
3. Results and discussion
A deep understanding of the theoretical and practical materials accumulated in
the field of modern Kazakh literary criticism, and a comprehensive study of modern
theoretical concepts are currently rising to a new level. The problems of receptive
poetics, style, literary comparative studies, hermeneutics and communicative poetics
require special attention.
One of the theoretical problems of the literature of independence is the study of
Kazakh national literature in connection with the world literary trends in the
development of art. The scientist Maĭtanov (2002) defines various methods and
directions of artistic thought in Kazakh literature as follows: “Conventionally, S.
Seifullin laid the foundations of the historical and biographical genre, S. Mukanov of
the historical and social genre, Zh. philosophical novel. For the first time Freudian,
as well as existential motif penetrated into the Kazakh consciousness in the prose of
M. Auezov, M. Zhumabaev, Zh. Aimauytov, and in the distant 20s they rose to the
heights of world literature” (our translation—A. M.).
In 19881989, the Communist Party of Soviet Union (CPSU) rehabilitated the
works of Sh. Kudaiberdyuly, A. Baitursynuly, M. Dulatuly, M. Zhumabayuly, Zh.
Aimauytov, considering the nature of art without a dominating ideology, guided by
the basic principle: “the content of literature should be measured by national
qualities” (Zhumagulov, 2008).
With the independence of Kazakhstan, Kazakh literary criticism relies on the
basic concept of national self-identification, the national idea. At present, the
historical characteristics of the national idea (S. Kirabayev, T. Kakishuly, M.
Bazarbayev, Sh. Yeleukenov, M. Myrzakhmetuly, R. Nurgali, T. Zhurtbay and
others), the foundations of the Enlightenment (O. Abdimanuly, E. Tleshov, D.
Kamzabekuly and others), the period of unity, the centralization of the national idea
(T. Zhurtbay, B. Omaruly, A. Sharip, E. Tleshov and others), and the value of the
works of Alash figures in the formation of the national idea (R. Nurgali , A.
Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development 2025, 9(1), 10392.
Ismakova and others), literary comparative studies (Sh. Satpayeva, G. Belger, M.
Madanova and others).
It was natural to combine free authorial thought in the literature of the period of
independence with the national idea. Taking literature as the main source of the
national idea in Kazakh scientific literary criticism, the scientist Sharip (2010)
outlined the ways of understanding the existence and consciousness of the people
through artistic thought: “As the historical consciousness of ethnic groups
developed, instead of the “folk spirit”, the concept of “national spirit” was
increasingly used”. And, thus, he continues his thoughts: “..., it is clear that the
formulation of the problem of the national character in literature to some extent also
acts in the figuratively expressed state of the national spirit and national self-
consciousness” (Sharip, 2010). Therefore, when new literary trends began to appear
that changed the structure of the work, the national idea became the main core.
It should also be noted that there has been an increased interest in scientific
methods and methodologies that contribute to the integration of Kazakh science into
world science and culture. At present time, the national literary science is
replenished with new theoretical concepts, analytical methods of world literary
criticism, such as hermeneutic, semiotic, structuralist, postmodernist.
One of the key phenomena in the development of contemporary world literature
is postmodernism, which has established a strong presence in Kazakh literature.
Postmodernist literature is characterized by fragmentation, paradox, implausible
plots disconnected from reality, parody, paranoia, black humor, and other distinctive
features. Postmodernist texts serve as a reaction against the dogmatic stance of
modernist approaches to thought and literature.
The key concepts of the term “postmodernism” were shaped by the views and
ideas of Toynbee (1991), Hassan (2001), Lyotard (1979), and among others. The
philosophical and aesthetic foundations of postmodernism include the ideas of
poststructuralists and post-Freudians on deconstruction (Jacques Derrida),
schizoanalysis (Gilles Deleuze and lix Guattari), as well as the concepts of irony
proposed by Italian semiotician Umberto Eco and American neopragmatist Richard
Rorty. The renowned Russian cultural theorist and literary scholar Epstein (2005)
conducted a philosophical and aesthetic exploration of Russian literary
postmodernism, its origins, and its key stages of development in the 20th century,
along with its cultural and historical distinctions from other aesthetic systems.
Theorists who have studied postmodernism (e.g., Jean-François Lyotard,
Douwe Fokkema, Theo D’haen, Judith Butler, David Lodge, Julia Kristeva, and Karl
Menger) introduced concepts such as “world-chaos”, “world-text”, “intertextuality”,
“double coding”, “authorial mask”, “pastiche”, and “metanarrative”, among others.
Historical, political, and socio-economic changes in Kazakhstani society
facilitated the emergence of postmodernism in Kazakh literature. During the period
of the country’s independence, Kazakh literary studies initiated research dedicated to
postmodernism and its manifestations in Kazakh literature. Significant contributions
to this area include the works of prominent literary scholars: On the question of
postmodernism in Kazakh literature of the 1950s1980s of the ХХ century (2002)
by Eleukenova, “A word on postmodernism (2006) by Kodar, “Postmodernist
literature and contemporary Kazakh literary studies (2006), “A few words for
Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development 2025, 9(1), 10392.
innovative youth about a new trend (2010) by Shaken, “What kind of phenomenon
is postmodernism (2010), by Zharilgapova, the collective monograph “Kazakh
prose: modernism and postmodernism (2015) by Zharilgapova et al, “Today’s
postmodernism, “Contemporary issues in global literary studies by Isamakova
(2018), “Postmodernism in contemporary prose (2023), by Saulembek, and among
others. These studies have explored the unique trajectory of postmodernism within
Kazakh literature.
Among the scientists who applied innovative approaches to the study of
literature (narratological, discursive analysis, etc.) we can name Doctor of
Philological Sciences, Professor Maĭtanov. In Maĭtanov’s monographic works,
periodic limitations of research materials are traced—a pattern born by the scientist’s
leading conclusion about the artistic and aesthetic features of the text within the
narratological system. The proof of this is that the scientist determined the place of
the narrator in the narrative system of Kazakh novels, the categories of the author
and the reader, the system of images of the novel, the objective world and the
stylistic features of the work. The researcher’s works: “The author in the narrative
system of the Kazakh novel” (2003), “Poetics of the Portrait” (2006), “The Structure
of the Monologue” (2006) and others—made a significant contribution to modern
Kazakh literary criticism (Maytanov, 2006).
Literary scholar Saulembek (2017), in her doctoral dissertation “Postmodernism
in Contemporary Prose”, emphasizes that postmodernism in Kazakh literature differs
significantly from its Western counterpart. While postmodernism in Europe and
America emerged as a reaction to canonical modernism, in post-Soviet countries, it
appeared as a return to interrupted modernism. Thus, postmodernism in Kazakh
literature has a different essence compared to the West (Saulembek, 2017).
A vivid example of postmodernist tendencies in Kazakh literature is the work of
writer Adbikuly (2012), Parassat Maidan (The Fiery Battle of Reason), which stands
out as one of the earliest examples of the genre. The author presents his narrative in
the form and style of a diary, enabling a more precise and profound depiction of the
protagonist’s character. The diary entries are filled with reflections, an urge to
analyze one’s actions, and a desire to “look inward” and confront inner solitude. In
this work, the author employs postmodernist techniques such as the narrative
simulacrum, intertextuality, chaos, and playful engagement with the reader. The text
incorporates 17 quotes from renowned figures, including Abai, Nietzsche, Balzac,
Gandhi, and others. This extensive intertextual framework significantly enriches the
semantic content of the work and broadens its interpretative boundaries, integrating
Abdikuly’s narrative into the “grand intertext” of world literature. A detailed
analysis of the narrative aspects of Parassat Maidan can be found in Jundubayeva’s
doctoral dissertation, Narrative Strategies in Postmodernist Prose (Jundubayeva,
Postmodernism in Kazakh national literature reflects a symbiosis of
traditionalism and postmodernism. It manifests in unique stylistic forms, artistic
techniques, and methods, while thematically addressing national roots. This is
exemplified in the works of contemporary writers such as A. Zhaksylykuly’s Dreams
of the Damned, D. Nakipov’s Circle of Ash, T. Asemkulov’s. The Treasure of
Bektory, D. Amantai’s Flowers and Books, Zh. Korgasbek’s. The Gaze of the
Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development 2025, 9(1), 10392.
Gioconda and Immortal Birds, A. Baibol’s the Gathering in the Forest, M. Kosyn’s.
The Error of Tostik, Bouvet Island, and The Nerd, among others. The innovative
content and forms in these works often provoke intense criticism within the domestic
literary community. Issues of simulacra, metaprose, intertextuality, and irony in the
postmodernist texts of A. Zhaksylykuly, T. Asemkulov, D. Amantai, A. Baibol, M.
Kosyn, and A. Ikhsan, among others, are examined through concepts such as self-
doubt, privileging the text over the author (Barthes’ The Death of the Author and
Foucault’s What Is an Author?), rejection of meaning in chaos, parody of meaning-
seeking, and playful narrative forms. These developments underscore how changes
in public consciousness lead to new demands on literature and its methods of
interpretation (Saulembek, 2017).
Despite the differences in objectives, some techniques are shared by both
modernism and postmodernism. Consequently, the aforementioned authors and
others are often classified as representatives of both movements. This duality defines
the unique nature of postmodernism in Kazakh literature. Postmodernist works of
world literature are characterized by features such as illusion, intertextuality,
hallucination, the death of the author, chaos, ambiguity, fragmented perception,
decanonization, rhizome, pastiche, parody, and others. These concepts, as creative
techniques, also find expression in Kazakh prose, shaping a unique narrative style.
In contemporary Kazakh literary studies, the hermeneutic method is widely
applied. This approach investigates literary works not only in interaction with the
author but also with the consciousness of the reader. Hermeneutics provides the
methodological foundation for this approach. It encompasses key concepts of literary
studies such as “understanding”, “interpretation”, “meaning”, and “dialogicality”.
Today, hermeneutics is perceived as both a theory and practice for recognizing
and interpreting diverse ideas present in texts, judgments, and symbols. Significant
contributions to the development of this field were made by thinkers such as F.
Schleiermacher, F. Schlegel, W. Dilthey, G. Simmel, E. Husserl, M. Schiller, E.
Betti, H. Gadamer, M. Landmann, P. Ricoeur, and M. Heidegger, among others. The
methodological pluralism of hermeneutics allows for the interpretation of literary
works as historically dynamic phenomena (Gadamer, 1993). One of the prominent
figures in literary hermeneutics is E. D. Hirsch. His foundational works include
Validity in Interpretation (1967), Three Dimensions of Hermeneutics (1972), and
The Aims of Interpretation (1976).
The hermeneutic method is particularly effective in literary studies, as it
facilitates the comprehensive application of mythopoetic, structural-semiotic, and
genre-system methods of analyzing artistic texts. It is worth noting that while
contemporary literary studies are not limited to these methods, they remain among
the most relevant and widely used by philologists today.
One of the latest developments in hermeneutics is reception aesthetics or
reception theory, which enables a deeper interpretation of texts. Its theorists include
Hans Robert Jauss, Roman Ingarden, and Wolfgang Iser. Reception aesthetics shifts
focus not only to the author but also to the reader, their inner world, and positions the
reader alongside the creator. This approach fosters an aesthetic appreciation and
evaluation of the poetic system and imagery in literary texts. In contemporary
Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development 2025, 9(1), 10392.
Kazakh literary studies, hermeneutics aims to explore the relationship between
author and reader, as well as the inner world of the individual.
The formal method began to be replaced by more targeted ways of analysis that
assess the aesthetic value of a literary text, as well as works that study the image and
position of the author, the relationship between the author and the reader:
“Introduction to literary analysis” (1991), “Poetics of a literary text” (2012), “Theory
of a literary text” (2015), T. Yesembekova, “The image of the author in fiction”
(1998), B. Shalabay, “Artistic anthropology” (1999), V. Savelyeva, “Artistic aspects
of the development of modern Kazakh literature” (2001), B. Karibayeva, “Author
and creative process” (2003), “Author’s position” (2017), M. Orazbek, “Typology of
literary trends in national prose” (2011), “Genre and artistic method” (2011), Zh.
Zharylgapova, “The image of the author and the character” (2014), K. Zhanuzakova
and others.
One of the researchers of the relationship between the level of artistry in the
poetics of the text and the communicative relations of the author and the reader is
Doctor of Philology, Professor G. Muchnik. Theoretical concepts about the
communicative features of the artistic word are reflected in his works: “Problems of
communicative poetics” (1995), “Text in the system of artistic communication
(perception, analysis, interpretation)” (1996) (Muchnik, 1996). It also discusses the
reader’s interpretation of a literary text, the author’s position, the strategy of the text,
examples of communication shortcomings, the functions of stereotypes and ways to
create them.
Currently, the following scholars are conducting research in the hermeneutic
field: Erkinbai Hermeneutic, Structuralist, and Semiotic Approaches in Modern
Literary Studies (2017); Aldambergenova and Panzabek Hermeneutics in Literary
Science (2018); Omirbekova Hermeneutics and the Interpretation of Literary
Texts (2018); Januzak Hermeneutics: The Theory of Interpretation (2019); and
Otarbayeva and Jumakayeva Interpretation as a Method of Understanding and
Comprehending Literary Works (2021), among others. Hermeneutics is crucial for
contemporary Kazakh literary criticism as it provides a framework for interpreting
The works of modern Kazakh authors such as A. Altai, D. Ramazan, N.
Kuantaiuly, K. Abilkaiyr, and S. Ordashova demonstrate innovations in textual
construction. For example, Abilkaiyr’s short story Blind Hope (Abilqayyr, 2017)
employs hermeneutic methods of interpretation, exploring the manifestation of “the
other” in the literary world and revealing deep semantic layers of culture, nationality,
and ethnicity. Similarly, Ordashova’s story A Hero in Search of His Author
(Ordasheva, 2015) highlights Kazakh literature’s successful adoption of new
hermeneutic approaches.
A special place in Kazakh scholarship is occupied by philosopher G. Esim’s
hermeneutically-oriented work, Hakim Abai. This book analyzes the worldview of
Kazakh poet Abai, systematically organizing his philosophical thoughts.
Hermeneutic methods are applied to interpret Abai’s profound philosophical
insights, as well as his poetry and prose, presenting his philosophical concepts in
clear terms.
Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development 2025, 9(1), 10392.
Hermeneutic practice in interpreting texts is a multifaceted and complex process
that requires preparation, close attention to the text, and the ability to engage in
dialogue with it while considering numerous factors. An interpreter can understand
more than the author, as they examine the author’s era, stylistic nuances, and
subconscious elements in the text. This allows the interpreter to grasp the work at a
deeper level than the author might have consciously intended. In interpreting literary
texts, the creative thinking of both the reader and the author interacts, but the reader
must engage in a personal interpretation, reevaluation, or “rewriting” of the text.
In Western literary studies, hermeneutics remains a cornerstone for examining
key methodological principles in literary theory, forming the foundation of the field.
In contemporary Kazakh literary studies, hermeneutics is regarded as a
comprehensive and effective method for text interpretation and the analysis of
textual content with a profound understanding.
Another relevant literary approach in modern Kazakh studies is structuralism.
Structuralism examines literature as a system where elements integrate and
transform. It emerged under the influence of adjacent disciplines (linguistics,
semiotics, logic, ethnology) and as a reinterpretation of the Russian OPOYAZ legacy
and phenomenological aesthetics.
Literary structuralism began developing in the 1960s, drawing on the linguistic
methods and concepts introduced by Ferdinand de Saussure in his Course in General
Linguistics (1916). Saussure’s work laid the foundation for the methods,
terminology, and key concepts of structuralist theory. Founders of literary
structuralism include Claude vi-Strauss, Roland Barthes, and Roman Jakobson.
Other notable contributors are historian Michel Foucault (19261984), Freudian
philosopher Jacques Lacan (19011981), semiotician Julia Kristeva (b. 1941), and
philosopher Louis Althusser (1918–1990). Foucault’s works, such as The Order of
Things: An Archaeology of the Human Sciences (1966), The Archaeology of
Knowledge (1969), and The Discourse on Language (1970), are particularly
influential. Structuralists view literary creation through the lens of linguistic systems
(Losev, 1982).
Structuralism in literature also encompasses a specialized field—“morphology”,
which focuses on the organization and structure of texts. The term was introduced by
Vladimir Propp in his work Morphology of the Folktale (Propp, 1928). Other
scholars, such as K. Tiander, A. Zeitlin, T. Munro, and M. Kagan, have also
contributed to this field. French-Lithuanian philologist and literary scholar Greimas
(Greimas, 1966) examined texts through structural-semiotic analysis, employing
actantial theory in his Structural Semantics: An Attempt at a Method.
In contemporary Kazakh literary studies, numerous scholars actively explore
and apply the structuralist approach.
Among those who adhere to new trends in understanding literary phenomena,
we can name Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor Savelyeva. The scientist
considers the structure of literary theory as a system of ideas and concepts, using the
possibilities of studying structuralists, post-structuralists, semiotics, cultural studies
and receptive aesthetics. In the research work of Savelieva “Artistic text and the
artistic world: problems of organization”, for the first time in scientific theory and
practice, the concepts of “artistic text” and “artistic world” are distinguished, a
Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development 2025, 9(1), 10392.
model of the artistic world is developed as an alternative reality, reproduced by the
reader’s method of reception through the interpretation and analysis of a literary text
(Savelieva, 1996). The artistic world is studied in terms of its figurative structure,
space and temporal organization, and event dynamics.
The next literary critic working in the field of structural poetics is
Kulymbetova. The scientist develops a systematic approach to identify the formal
and semantic properties of a literary text. At the same time, Kulymbetova considers
the specifics of the literary style of a literary critic in connection with the concept of
Bakhtin’s chronotope. Scientific observations and conclusions are presented in the
monographs: “The style of the Kazakh story and narration” (1993) and “System
analysis of a work of art” (2002) (Kulymbetova, 2002).
The studies of Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor Abisheva can also be
considered within the framework of the structural method. The monographic work of
the literary critic “The Poetic System, The World of Nature: Structure and
Semantics” (2002) serves as proof (Abisheva, 2002). Abisheva analyzes the
semantics and structure of a figurative word, composition, cycle, system of images
on the example of poetic materials of Kazakh-Russian poets.
Sadykov is one of the literary scholars convinced of the effectiveness of the
structural analysis of the text. An example is his textbook “Theory of Literature”
(2002) (Sadykov, 2002), where the author considers verbal art as an aesthetic
system, placing the structure of a literary text above its semantic features. A
scientifically significant study on the theory of literature is the work of Makpyruly
(2009) “The Art of Human Studies”. This study guide discusses in detail the
following issues: the nature of a literary word, the unity of the content and form of a
work of art, the personality of a person in a work of art, the language of a work of
art, the type and genres of literature, literary methods and trends. The works of world
and domestic writers and poets are analyzed in interrelation: V. Shakespeare, A.
Pushkin, Edgar Allan Poe, N. Gogol, F. Dostoevsky, N. Nekrasov, L. Tolstoy, A.
Kunanbayuly, Guy de Maupassant, S. Kudaiberdyuly, A. Chekhov, S. Zweig, S.
Seifullin, B. Mailin, M. Auezov, G. Musrepov and others.
The differentiation of the properties of the artistic word, built on such a
complex dispute (drama), is evident in the studies of Doctor of Philological Sciences,
Professor Yesembekov. Yessembekov, relying on the methodological base of the
structuralist, post-structuralist, psychoanalytic, postmodern approaches to the
differentiation of a literary text, draws new conclusions depending on the properties
of dramatic genres. The dramatic property of a literary text is revealed from the point
of view of the “author’s” approach. The relationship between the sequence of each
artistic element and the author’s position is revealed. The practical significance of
these theoretical conclusions is proved on the basis of the work of literary critics A.
Tarazi, S. Zhunusov, O. Bokey, M. Magauin, A. Kekilbayev, D. Isabekov. From the
point of view of the structuralist approach, drama serves the artistic unity of the text.
These studies are covered in the works “Drama and Kazakh prose” (1997), “Poetics
of the artistic text” (2012) (Yesembekov, 1997).
The structuralist approach in literature has opened new horizons for Kazakh
literary scholars, influencing methods for analyzing mythopoetics, psychoanalysis,
Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development 2025, 9(1), 10392.
and cultural-historical foundations, as well as comparative methods. It has initiated a
new era in the development of Kazakh literary studies.
Structuralism, as a theoretical method for analyzing the internal structure of
texts, provides a fresh critical perspective on Kazakh literature, revealing
connections between symbols and meanings in literary works. For instance, in O.
Bokey’s work “Arisin tosip ali otir” (“Still Waiting for Her Support”, where
“support” metaphorically refers to “husband,” translated by A. M.), symbols rooted
in national culture play a significant role:
Black: Symbols like the black cow, black shadow, black-gray sky, steppe in
black attire, black stone, and black scarf represent grief, misfortune, and sorrow.
Candle: In the narrative, the candle barely burns, about to extinguish. The
author draws a parallel between the dying candle and the protagonist, as well as her
elderly mother, symbolizing a fading life.
The story also employs retrospection to develop its theme and ideas, along with
spatial-temporal organization, descriptions of landscapes, and characters’ speech
levels. The protagonist’s character, appearance, and essence are conveyed through
dialogue, internal turmoil, and the perspectives of other characters. This
demonstrates how structural analysis is applied to contemporary Kazakh literary
It is well known that semiotics is a key method within structuralism. Semiotics,
the study of symbols, signs, and sign systems, functions as a means of
communication (storing, processing, and transmitting information about people,
culture, and nature). As an interdisciplinary field, semiotics arose at the intersection
of linguistics, philosophy, and cultural studies. Its principles are widely applied in
literary studies for text analysis.
The founders of semiotics are Ferdinand de Saussure and Charles Peirce.
Saussure introduced the concept of the sign, while Peirce unified fragmented earlier
theories about the symbolic nature of human reality, developing a comprehensive
concept of semiotics. He defined key notions (sign, object, interpretant) and
categorized signs into indexical, iconic, and symbolic types.
In the second half of the 20th century, semiotics was prominently represented
by the Tartu-Moscow Semiotic School, including figures such as Yuri Lotman, M. L.
Gasparov, and Yu. V. Levin. The works of E. M. Meletinsky, B. A. Uspensky, and
French scholar Roland Barthes also reflected semiotic principles.
In literature, semiotics examines texts as complex systems of signs, where
words, images, and symbols acquire additional meanings tied to cultural and
historical contexts. This approach enriches the understanding of literary works by
uncovering the deeper symbolic layers embedded within them.
Doctor of Philological Sciences, prof. Zhetpisbayeva, in particular, analyzes the
specifics of the ethnological and cultural genesis of the Turkic peoples, their history
of cultural self-identification. Zhetpisbayeva (1999) considers the system of
symbolic thinking of nomads on the material of Kazakh literature in the research
monograph “Symbol in the Movement of Literature” (1997). In the monographic
work “The Imaginative Worlds of M. Zhumabaev” (2008), the scientist subjects the
verses of the forbidden poet to a holistic study, determining the main sources and
Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development 2025, 9(1), 10392.
peculiar parameters of M. Zhumabayev’s myth-thinking, his creative relationship of
correspondence with Russian symbolism.
It is worth noting that in Kazakh literature, symbols and myths are closely
interconnected. The scholar Aimukhambet highlighted the role of symbols in myths:
“The most essential and primary attribute of a myth is the symbol. It is through
myths that we came to understand symbols” (Aimukhambet et al., 2021).
A significant contribution is made to the study of mythology in modern Kazakh
literary criticism by the scientist Aimukhambet. The research work “Problems of
mythology in the prose of Oralkhan Bokey” (1999) present a scientific analysis of
the nature of mythologism based on the prose of Oralkhan Bokey. The scientist
analyzes the functions of myth in folklore and written literature. The doctoral
dissertation “The Poetic Function of Myth” (on the example of modern Kazakh
poetry) (2010) is based on a comprehensive analysis of all aspects of myth: from the
cognitive activity of myth to its various systems of description and image, their
internal classifications (Khassenov et al., 2022). Scientific innovations are reflected
in the works: “The World of Myths and the Artistic World” (2003), “The Artistic
Sphere” (2009), “The Function of Myth in Poetics” (monograph, 2010), “In the
World of Literature” (2012), “Myth and Modern Literature” (2012), “Mythopoetics”
(2013), “Poetry and Myth” (2014), “Myth. Mythology. Mythopoetics” (2016)
(Aitmukhambet, 2016). Aimukhambet pays special attention to the problems of
mythology, generally considered by previous researchers, and makes his own in-
depth analysis: he clearly indicates internal divisions and draws convincing
conclusions, reveals the nature of individual images. He also substantiates in detail
the mythopoetic, mythologemic characteristics of the concepts “inner world”,
“celestial body”, “mountain”, “bird”, “native land”, develops independent
classifications and brings them to the conceptual level; reveals complex ways of
cognition and perception in the system of poetic thinking of a mythological nature
(Baltabayeva et al., 2024). Along with immersion in the inner layers of the literary
text, the scientist, when revealing his own stylistic realities, determines not only the
initial language usage, but also highlights the author’s (auto-metaphors). Thus,
Aimukhambet, based on the scientific concepts of world mythology, brought new
ideas to Kazakh mythology and new concepts to the scientific circulation of modern
Kazakh literary criticism.
In Kazakh literature, symbolism occupies a special place because symbols are
closely tied to the national consciousness. In this context, it is worth noting that
works such as M. Jumabaev’s “Ot”, “Payghambar”, “Künshygys”, “Men kim?”, and
“Syrym” are written in the style of symbolism. Similarly, symbolism can be
observed in the works of other poets and writers, such as S. Toraygirov’s “Shakirt
oyı” and M. Makatayev’s “Samal esti”. In contemporary Kazakh literature, the use
of symbols, especially mythological symbols, continues. For instance, in D.
Ramazan’s short story “Aksakal men ak zhylan” (The Old Man and the White
Snake), symbols connected to Kazakh mythological perceptions, such as “the old
man entering a dream,” “the serpent’s power,” “the sacredness of water,” and
“dreams,” are employed. By using these mythological symbols, the author revitalizes
the prior knowledge embedded in the people’s perception, presenting the cognitive
layer of the literary text through the mythological map of the world in the national
Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development 2025, 9(1), 10392.
consciousness. The symbols used help the author convey a complete thought and
shape the cognitive layer of the text. The unified thought or cognition in the artistic
text can be expressed as: “The hero’s future will be bright, his path open. He will be
a person who serves his country and becomes a figure honored by his people.”
Through the symbolic use of mystic forces, the author conveys the significance of
national beliefs and phenomena in human life. In contemporary Kazakh literature,
symbols reflect the national culture and code.
The new theories discussed above and the analyses showcasing their
manifestation in Kazakh literature demonstrate the integration of traditional literary
directions with the globalization process, while preserving the uniqueness of the
national culture.
During the totalitarian regime, topics that contradicted the official ideology
were not addressed in Kazakh literature. After gaining independence, issues such as
historical gaps, language, religion, and national identity emerged. The theme of
religion was one of the most prohibited subjects in Kazakh literature during the
Soviet era. However, after independence, there was an opportunity to restore national
spiritual values.
In modern Kazakh literary criticism, a significant place is occupied by scientific
research of Ph.D., prof. Ismakova. The scientific research of the scientist is directed
to the sphere of theoretical understanding of the genre features of literature banned in
the post-Soviet period and modern Kazakh prose. In the research work “Poetics of
the Kazakh artistic prose of the early twentieth century (theme, genre, style)” (1998),
Ismakova considers national prose in connection with world concepts of the
development of literature on the example of works of art by Sh. Kudaiberdyuly, M.
Dulatuly, Zh. Aimauytuly, M. Zhumabayuly, M. Auezov and other literary texts. In
her scientific works, the process of formation of national prose is analyzed, the novel
is studied as the final genre of the development of Kazakh literature in the 20s
(Ismakova et al, 2020), the novel is studied as the final genre of the development of
Kazakh literature in the 20s. Ismakova works in the field of intersection of structural
and post-structuralist, comparative historical literary criticism, as well as
narratology, since only such synthetic problems of literary criticism can adequately
reflect the complex processes taking place in modern artistic reflection (Safronova,
2009). This methodological approach was implemented in one of the last
monographs “Return of the Pleiades. Existential problems in the works of Sh.
Kudaiberdyuly, A. Baytursynuly, Zh. Aimauytuly, M. Zhumabayuly, M. Dulatuly
and M. Auezov” (2002). The scientific research “Literary criticism in the period of
independence” (2016) (Ismakova, 2016) summarizes the theoretical problems of
Kazakh literary criticism of the specified period, modern postmodern studies and
works of literary scholars.
Both artistic texts and scientific literary works of Doctor of Philological
Sciences, Professor Zhaksylykov deserve special attention. Examples of a new
analysis of eternal, spiritual themes in a work of art can be traced more clearly in the
works of Zhaksylykov, the scientist reveals one of the previously taboo topics in
literary criticismthe relationship between religion and literature. In the research
work “Images, motives and ideas with religious content in the works of Kazakh
literature. Typology, aesthetics, genesis” (1999), the scientist pays special attention
Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development 2025, 9(1), 10392.
to the development of the national prose of the twentieth century from the point of
view of the genesis and existence of religious and mythological issues, highlights the
causes and essence of the historically determined gap in the development of this
factor in the literature of the 3060s, its revival in the new prose of the 70s and 80s
of the twentieth century (Zhakulayev et al., 2024).
Zhaksylykov draws systematic conclusions about the influence of religious and
moral, spiritual and aesthetic, philosophical and ethical principles on the artistic
word of the Kazakhs of different eras. These conclusions are reflected in the
scientific, educational, methodological and monographic works of the scientist
“Enlightenment of Ahmad Yasawi” (1996), “Religion and literature in an aesthetic
relationship” (1997), “Religious motives in fiction” (1998), “Comparative typology
of images and motives with religious content in the works of Kazakh literature”
(2012) (Zhaksylykov, 2012). Freedom of the spirit and love for the creator,
according to the scientist, serve to determine the true image of literature.
A number of scientists also contributed to the formation and development of
new concepts of literary theory: Nurgali (1998), Ashimkhanova (2020),
Dzhuanyshbekov (2000), Ibraev (2020), Zhurtbay (2020), Yeleukenova (2013),
Ishanova (2013), Praliyeva (2003), Madanova (2003), Akhmetov (2004), Ismailova
(2003), Tleshev (2005), Zhanuzakova (2015), Yerzhanova (2014), Zharylgapov
(2020), Erkinbay (2017), Saulembek (2017), etc.
Modern integration of the humanities in the context of synergetics requires
more diversified searches. It should be noted that the project “New Humanitarian
Knowledge. 100 new textbooks in the Kazakh language” was carried out (New
Humanitarian, 2017).
During the implementation of this project, fundamental scientific works and
academic bestsellers were translated into Kazakh, covering various areas: from
sociology and linguistics to film studies and oriental philosophy. In particular, well-
known books have been translated on literary criticism: “Literary Theory: A
Practical Introduction” (2017) by Ryan (2019), “Literary Theory: An Anthology”,
vols. I, II, III, IV (2019) (Rivkin and Ryan, 2019). The main task of translation is to
introduce new areas of research in the theory of world literature. These works
present an analysis of theoretical concepts: Russian formalism, globalization,
cognition, emotion, evolution, the goals of literary criticism and theory. American
and Russian formalism is structured in chronological order, marked by a heuristic
character. The book discusses new approaches of structuralism, post-structuralism,
narratology, phenomenology and their main representatives: M. Foucault, J.
Baudriard, J. Derrida, L. Althusser, J. Kristeva, J. Lacan, R. Barthes, J. Deleuze, J.
Lyotard et al. The works contain articles in which works are analyzed, the perception
of literary texts, the role of literature in the development of mankind are studied.
Scientific editors of translations in literary criticism are the following scientists:
Sh. Yeleukenova, A. Ismakova, A. Sharip, Zh. Aimukhambet, D. Mukhamadiyev, N.
Kudaibergen. The following translations in linguistics should be note as well:
“Language as Instinct” (2007) by Steven Pinker, “A History of Languages: An
Introduction” (2011) by Tore Janson, “Introduction to Linguistics” (2014) by
Victoria Fromkina, Robert Rodman, Nina Hyams, “Language and intercultural
communication” (2017) by Svetlana Ter-Minasova; in Philosophy: “25 Key Books
Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development 2025, 9(1), 10392.
on Philosophy” (2015) Remy Hess, “A Brief History of Philosophy: Socrates to
Derrida” (2014) Derek Johnston, “Recent History of Western Philosophy: Ancient
Philosophy”, Volume I (2014), “Recent History of Western Philosophy: Philosophy
of the Middle Ages”, Volume II (2014), “Recent History of Western Philosophy:
The Beginning of Modern Philosophy”, Volume III (2014) by Anthony John, Patrick
Kenny and others. Thus, as a result of this project, Kazakhstan has a unique
opportunity to gain knowledge from the best textbooks included in the curricula of
advanced educational institutions such as Cambridge, Oxford and Harvard.
4. Conclusion
In the modern theory of Kazakh literary criticism, there are enough works in
which it is possible to highlight the analysis of individual artistic categories in a
work of art, in particular from the point of view of structuralism, structural poetics.
Much attention is paid to the methods of hermeneutics, semiotics as determinant
artistic approaches to literature.
We have cited a number of studies to reflect the state of today’s reality of
modern national literary criticism. This review and analysis of the works of modern
Kazakh literary critics show that the global trends in literary science have given a
new impetus to the development of the literature of Kazakhstan, and have found
special reflection and development in national studies. Modern Kazakh literary
criticism, therefore, not only revived during the period of independence, but also laid
the foundation for new concepts and trends in the development of the humanities.
The main factor for the success of contemporary Kazakh literary studies is the
openness and receptiveness to leading examples of world literature, participation in
the global context of literary research, and the preservation of national culture. Amid
all the global processes, the defining feature of modern Kazakh fiction literature is its
integration into the global literary space.
The prospects for the development of modern Kazakh literary studies in the
context of its integration with world literary studies represent a multi-faceted process
that can be viewed in several key directions:
4.1. Development and formation of theoretical aspects and
methodological approaches
The introduction of advanced theoretical and methodological concepts, adapted
to the specifics of Kazakh literature and cultural traditions, will open new
possibilities for analyzing artistic texts and provide new contexts that were
previously unexplored in national literary studies. For example, a feminist approach
could offer a deeper understanding of the role of women in Kazakh literature.
4.2. Intercultural dialogue and synthesis
The intensive integration and globalization of Kazakh literary studies into the
global academic community open up prospects for intercultural dialogue. Kazakh
literature, with its unique historical and cultural features, can be studied in the
context of and in comparison with the literatures of other peoples. This will provide
an opportunity to reveal the peculiarities of Kazakh literature and establish its place
Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development 2025, 9(1), 10392.
within various cultures and literary processes. Given the multilayered nature of
cultural interactions, such studies could lead to the creation of new conceptual
4.3. Development of joint research projects
Participation of Kazakh and foreign scholars in international research projects,
exchange programs, literary symposia, and conferences will create opportunities for
closer dialogue and a deeper understanding of Kazakh literature in a global context.
4.4. Development of new forms of integration through translations of
scientific and literary works
One of the key prospects is the active dissemination of translations of Kazakh
literature into other languages, as well as the integration of global works into the
Kazakh context. The development of translation activities and intercultural research
will contribute to the enrichment of scientific and cultural traditions.
4.5. Digitization and new technologies in literary studies
Digitization in the world of literature is a popular trend. The implementation of
new technologies in Kazakh literary studies will provide scholars with the ability to
create electronic archives, databases, and use artificial intelligence for more in-depth
analysis of artistic texts. The development of information online platforms for
accessing literature and research, as well as the participation of Kazakh scholars in
international digital projects, will accelerate the integration process of Kazakh
literature into the global literary research community.
4.6. Preservation and promotion of cultural heritage through media
Given the tremendous global interest in cultural and literary traditions, Kazakh
literary studies have the potential to play a key role in preserving and disseminating
the unique literary monuments and cultural heritage of Kazakhstan. In this context,
the use of modern media and social platforms will play an important role in
popularizing Kazakh literature, creating documentary projects, virtual exhibitions,
and online lectures. This will provide a global audience for Kazakh literature and
enable it to become part of the global cultural process.
The integration of Kazakh literary studies into the global academic community
opens new perspectives for scholars in Kazakhstan to deeply understand and analyze
Kazakh literature within the framework of global literary trends. This approach will
enrich Kazakh literary science with new concepts and theoretical approaches, while
also making Kazakhstan’s contribution to the world literary research community and
culture more noticeable and significant.
Author contributions: Conceptualization, AM; methodology, AM and SZ;
software, BS, AY and AC; validation, AM and SZ; formal analysis, AM;
investigation, AM; resources, AM and SZ; data curation, AM; writingoriginal
draft preparation, AM; writingreview and editing, AM; visualization, AM;
Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development 2025, 9(1), 10392.
supervision, AM; project administration, AM. All authors have read and agreed to
the published version of the manuscript.
Conflict of interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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This article explores historical discourse in a literary text from a fresh perspective through an experiment. We compiled the experiment’s questions in a Google Form, drawing inspiration from Askar Altai’s "The Hunchbak." The main emphasis in formulating the questions was placed on the category of historical figures in historical discourse. 23 students of Karaganda Buketov University, aged 19-22, voluntarily took part in our experiment. We chose a descriptive method for data analysis in the study. Using this method, three levels of reader perception (simple, medium, and high) are fully analyzed. As a result of the research, it was found that the vast majority of the survey participants fully understood the text of the literary work, thought about the subtext (indirect meaning) in it, analyzed the text from the point of view of their own knowledge, analyzed the author's position, and tried to express their thoughts. This indicates that the reader’s perceived level of comprehension is moderate. At the same time, the study showed that in the minds of the youth of the postcolonial country there are still some manifestations of ‘colonialism’; it is concluded that for the full recovery of a postcolonial country from ‘colonial diseases’, the full revival of historical consciousness, school programs and textbooks should be revised in Kazakhstan, and colleges and universities should have a systematic, fundamental state program for a long period (25 years).
Full-text available
This research aims to identify the role and place of the ideological concepts of the “Eternal Nation” and “The Great Steppe” in Kazakh literature. For this, it uses methods of stylistic analysis of literary works from the perspective of identifying communication symbols in prose. Additional research methods are the method of historical analysis of the ideological concepts formation and a cross-disciplinary approach to the interpretation of the content of works. The reasons for the strong influence of these concepts on the culture of modern Kazakhstan are justified. A symbol code is discovered through which writers reflected the state of public life in Kazakhstan. The research is one of the first attempts to review and analyse the stories of Kazakh literature published in the 21st century. The stories are specially classified in the thematic and content context, the scientific conclusions for the artistic world of the works, language and style features of the works are presented, whereby the authors of the study set a precedent for systematising disparate knowledge of modern Kazakh literature.
This article describes a new approach in modern Kazakh linguistics. The new approach is called ‘the mytholinguistic interpretation of the symbol point inside the circle (the point in the center of the circle)’. Using this approach, the authors try to answer the religious and philosophical question “where does the word begin?”. To find an answer to this difficult question, the article widely uses the results of research on speech ontogenesis, metaphysics, psychoanalysis, and materials from the Automated Similarity Judgment Program (ASJP) database, Austronesian Basic Vocabulary Database, S. Starostin’s etymological database (LWED) “Babel Tower” and dictionaries of Turkic languages (“An Etymological Dictionaries of Turkic Languages”, M. Kashgari’s Dictionary, “An Ancient Turkic Dictionary”). The information and conclusions presented in the study are of great interest not only to domestic scientists, but also to foreign researchers.
Intertextual relations in D.Amantay's novel "Flowers and books" (2003) which is the first postmodern novel in Kazakh literature are being studied for the first time in this article. In the introduction, we have reviewed importance of the research, works of investigators of D.Amantay's novel "Flowers and books". In the main part, we have identified the author's reasons to have written the novel, whose experience he relied on when writing the novel which was based on the theory of intertextuality, and the writers of the world literature who had an impact on him. Sources of references in the novel "Flowers and books", methods of presenting references in the text and their meaning formation role in the text have been defined, and analyses have been conducted on their function and interpretation in the text. As a result: Borges' narrative "Library of Babel", it has been identified that he relied on their experiences while creating intertext-based novel; 6. References made to myths, different examples of oral literature related to Turkic studies (myths about Turkic nations' origin rooting from Wolf, legends about Asan Qaigy who was positioned in Kazakh literature as "Eden seeker") in the novel have been defined, and their functions and interpretation have been studied. 7. Identifying references made to religious texts (Bible, Quran, Torah, Zabur, "Avesta", "Collision of worlds" of I.Velikovsky, "Essential sacred writings from around the world" of M.Eliade, religious encyclopeadias), there has been made research of their functions and interpretation in the text.
Poetic system "world of nature": Structure and semantics
  • Q Abilqayyr
Abilqayyr, Q. (2015). Last hope. Retrieved from Abisheva, S. D. (2002). Poetic system "world of nature": Structure and semantics. Almaty. Adbikuly, T. (2012). Parasat maydany. Almaty.
  • Zh Aitmukhambet
Aitmukhambet, Zh. (2016). Myth. Mythology. Mythopoetics: Monograph. Astana.
Mypthical symbolism in structure of meta-text
  • Z A Aimukhambet
  • A Zhumagazina
  • A Dalelbekkyzy
  • S Aituganova
  • Sh
  • A K Seiputanova
Aimukhambet, Z.A., Zhumagazina, A., Dalelbekkyzy, A., Aituganova, S.Sh., Seiputanova, A.K. (2021). Mypthical symbolism in structure of meta-text // Astra Salvensis Akhmetov, K. K. (2004). Introduction to literary criticism. Karaganda.