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Abstract and Figures

The identification and early treatment of retinal disease can help to prevent loss of vision. Early diagnosis allows a greater range of treatment options and results in better outcomes. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a technology used by ophthalmologists to detect and diagnose certain eye conditions. In this paper, human retinal OCT images are classified into four classes using deep learning. Several image preprocessing techniques are employed to enhance the image quality. An augmentation technique, called generative adversarial network (GAN), is utilized in the Drusen and DME classes to address data imbalance issues, resulting in a total of 130,649 images. A lightweight optimized compact convolutional transformers (OCCT) model is developed by conducting an ablation study on the initial CCT model for categorizing retinal conditions. The proposed OCCT model is compared with two transformer-based models: vision Transformer (ViT) and Swin Transformer. The models are trained and evaluated with 32 × 32 sized images of the GAN-generated enhanced dataset. Additionally, eight transfer learning models are presented with the same input images to compare their performance with the OCCT model. The proposed model’s stability is assessed by decreasing the number of training images and evaluating the performance. The OCCT model’s accuracy is 97.09%, and it outperforms the two transformer models. The result further indicates that the OCCT model sustains its performance, even if the number of images is reduced.
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Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research (2025) 9:1–40
A Low Complexity Efficient Deep Learning Model
forAutomated Retinal Disease Diagnosis
SadiaSultanaChowa2· Md.RahadIslamBhuiyan2· IsratJahanPayel2·
AsifKarim1· InamUllahKhan2· SidratulMontaha3· Md.ZahidHasan2·
MirjamJonkman1· SamiAzam1
Received: 13 April 2024 / Revised: 8 August 2024 / Accepted: 17 December 2024 /
Published online: 3 January 2025
© The Author(s) 2025
The identification and early treatment of retinal disease can help to prevent loss
of vision. Early diagnosis allows a greater range of treatment options and results
in better outcomes. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a technology used
by ophthalmologists to detect and diagnose certain eye conditions. In this paper,
human retinal OCT images are classified into four classes using deep learning.
Several image preprocessing techniques are employed to enhance the image qual-
ity. An augmentation technique, called generative adversarial network (GAN), is
utilized in the Drusen and DME classes to address data imbalance issues, result-
ing in a total of 130,649 images. A lightweight optimized compact convolutional
transformers (OCCT) model is developed by conducting an ablation study on the
initial CCT model for categorizing retinal conditions. The proposed OCCT model is
compared with two transformer-based models: vision Transformer (ViT) and Swin
Transformer. The models are trained and evaluated with 32 × 32 sized images of the
GAN-generated enhanced dataset. Additionally, eight transfer learning models are
presented with the same input images to compare their performance with the OCCT
model. The proposed model’s stability is assessed by decreasing the number of train-
ing images and evaluating the performance. The OCCT model’s accuracy is 97.09%,
and it outperforms the two transformer models. The result further indicates that the
OCCT model sustains its performance, even if the number of images is reduced.
Keywords Optical coherence tomography (OCT)· Retinal disease· Compact
convolutional transformer (CCT)· Transformer model· Generative adversarial
network (GAN)· Ablation studies
Extended author information available on the last page of the article
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Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research (2025) 9:1–40
1 Introduction
The retina, an intricate eye component, converts light into signals that the brain
can comprehend. The photosensitive layer, which lines the eyeball’s inner surface,
receives the light that is focused by the lens and converts it into neural impulses
[1]. The retina is considered the most crucial component of the eye [2]. However,
many people are affected by retinal disorders, particularly the elderly and people
with underlying systemic illnesses like diabetes [3]. There are some common eye
diseases which affect the retina such as diabetic macular edema (DME), choroidal
neovascularization (CNV), and Drusen. A non-invasive imaging method, known
as optical coherence tomography (OCT), can assist in diagnosing such retinal
problems. Identifying retinal abnormalities requires skill, is time-consuming, and
may result in misdiagnosis [4]. Artificial intelligence (AI) is capable of handling
disease categorization procedures that are time-consuming and laborious for spe-
cialists [5]. This research aims to develop an automated decision support system
for retinal disease identification which is efficient and reliable.
Medical images may differ in terms of appearance, size, shape, and orientation.
This can make it challenging for deep learning models to classify or generalize
unseen images. A dataset containing noisy images and an imbalanced distribution
of classes may cause biases in the deep neural network’s training process [6]. So,
for better model performance, image processing and augmentation are essential
for such type of dataset. High-dimensional data is frequently included in medical
imaging, requiring a lot of computational resources and parameters to process.
Reducing the number of pixels in the images may shorten the training period.
However, it is a matter of concern that training with low dimensional images may
also yield poor performance. To overcome the issue, a CCT model can be useful
as it combines and utilizes the benefits of convolutional neural networks (CNN)
and transformers to analyze medical images efficiently and provide improved per-
formance, making it a promising choice for medical image datasets.
Our research aims to classify retinal disease using OCT images with a deep
transformer learning model CCT, utilizing data augmentation. The dataset is
enhanced through a generative adversarial network (GAN) prior to the model
generation. Additionally, a variety of image preprocessing techniques, to improve
the performance, are assessed. The CCT model is subjected to an ablation study
for seven variables which results in the OCCT model, the model with the high-
est accuracy. The ViT and Swin Transformer models are trained with the same
optimizer, activation function, loss function, pooling layer, and learning rate as
the fine-tuned OCCT model, and their performance is compared. Additionally,
the OCCT, ViT, and Swin Transformer models were assessed for their resilience
by using a reduced set of images for both real and enhanced OCT datasets. Fur-
thermore, we have presented that a transformer-based architecture can outper-
form CNN models like DenseNet121, DenseNet201, ResNet50, MobileNetV2,
ResNet101V2, VGG16, VGG19, and EfficientNetB1 with 32 × 32 image size.
K-fold cross-validation and confusion matrix evaluation are conducted to assess
the performance consistency of the model. Moreover, to demonstrate the efficacy
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Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research (2025) 9:1–40
of GAN and proposed model, performance comparisons with prior studies are
carried out for both.
The major contribution of this study is summarized as follows:
An optimized transformer model, OCCT, is introduced that is configured based
on a comprehensive ablation study consisting of seven experiments.
An automatic augmentation method is proposed utilizing GAN to address the
issue of class imbalance within the dataset.
A performance comparison is done with two transformer models and eight trans-
fer learning models with the same configuration as the proposed model and the
OCCT model consistently outperform all other models.
An experiment is carried out between two transformer model, ViT and Swin, and
the proposed model by gradually decreasing the number of images to assess the
model’s reliability with limited image data, where the proposed model shows an
exceptional performance even with a reduced number of images.
2 Literature Review
The advancement of retinal disease diagnosis is pursued by implementing differ-
ent Machine learning and deep learning models. Rajagopalan etal. [2] developed
a CNN classification scheme for three different retinal diseases. It was trained
using 12,000 images. The network received input images with spatial dimensions
of 224 × 224 × 1, using denoised images, and an eleven-layer CNN architecture was
used to categorize retinal abnormalities. The accuracy was 97.01%. Alqudah etal.
[1] worked with a novel automated CNN architecture for a spectral-domain optical
coherence tomography-based multiclass classification system (SD-OCT). 108,312
retinal OCT images in five different classes were included in their dataset. They
introduced a newly designed algorithm to train the deep network architecture’s neu-
ron layers (greedy layer-wise training). By implementing the Adam optimization
technique, the neural network attained an accuracy of 98.1%, a sensitivity of 97.12%,
and a specificity of 99.28%. Tayal etal. [5] proposed a deep-learning-based diagnos-
tic tool for four-class classification DME, Drusen, CNV, and normal OCT images.
Retinal OCT images underwent noise elimination, contrast enhancement, identifica-
tion of edges based on contours, and extraction of retinal layers. The study employed
three distinct CNN-based model designs, namely a five-layer CNN model, a seven-
layer CNN model, and a nine-layer CNN model. The seven-layer CNN model had a
96.5% accuracy. Rajagopalan etal. [7] developed a deep CNN framework for diag-
nosis and categorization into normal, DMD, and DME. To decrease any intrinsic
speckle noise in the input OCT images, a Kuan filter was applied. Hyperparameter
optimization was utilized to optimize the CNN network. The proposed model had
a 95.7% accuracy. Singh etal. [3] aimed to establish an explainable deep learning
approach for retinal OCT diagnosis. The study tested and assessed explainable deep
learning algorithms for detecting three retinal diseases: CNV, DME, and Drusen.
Before the evaluation phase, the model was trained on 84,000 images and subse-
quently tested on a set of 1000 images, with 250 images per class. Chen etal. [8]
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Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research (2025) 9:1–40
evaluated different approaches to diagnose age-related macular degeneration (AMD)
and DME. The VGG19, Resnet101, and Resnet50 models performed remarkably
well in categorizing OCT images into AMD and DME when appropriate algorithm
hyperparameters were used. Ai etal. [4] developed a hybrid attention technique to
categorize and distinguish retinopathy (Drusen, CNV, and DME) images. Using two
public OCT datasets and a hybrid attention mechanism, which combines a paral-
lel spatial attention mechanism with a channel attention mechanism, they obtained
classification accuracies of 96.5% and 99.76%. Kayadibi et al. [9] introduced a
hybrid methodology that combines dual preprocessing and a fully dense fusion neu-
ral network (FD-CNN) to detect retinal diseases. In the dual preprocessing, noise
in OCT images is diminished through the application of a hybrid speckle reduction
filter. Following the training of the FD-CNN architecture, features are extracted. In
order to reclassify these features, deep support vector machine (D-SVM) and deep
K-nearest neighbor (D-KNN) classifiers are implemented. In both datasets, D-SVM
performed best, with 99.60% accuracy, 99.60% sensitivity, 99.87% specificity,
99.60% precision, and 99.60% F1 score in the UCSD dataset. In the Duke dataset, it
achieved 97.50% accuracy, 97.64% sensitivity, 98.91% specificity, 96.61% precision,
and 97.03% F1 score. Hassan etal. [10] presented an EOCT model that improves
the classification of retinal OCT images by employing a random forest and modi-
fied ResNet (50) algorithms. The study incorporated the Adam optimizer during the
training phase with the aim of improving the performance of ResNet (50) relative to
conventional pre-trained models. The results of the experiments demonstrate that the
EOCT model that was proposed achieved significant enhancements in the following
performance metrics: accuracy (97.47%), sensitivity (98.36%), specificity (96.15%),
precision (97.40%), negative predictive value (97.56%), false discovery rate (3.85%),
and false negative rate (2.6%). Mathews etal. [11] presented an automated diagnos-
tic system that utilizes deep learning to identify diabetic macular edema (DME) and
Drusen macular degeneration (DMD). The Mendeley OCT and Duke datasets are
used to test the suggested model, which is made up of residual blocks and channel
attention modules. When applied to the Mendeley test dataset, the results show an
impressive classification accuracy of 99.5%. When applied to the Duke dataset, the
results show an accuracy of 94.9%. A thorough study of pre-trained models shows
that the suggested model outperforms existing methods, even though it has fewer
trainable parameters. Karthik etal. [12] proposed a standard ResNet architectures’
residual connection which was replaced with featuring an activation function that
preserves negative weights and reinforces smaller gradients. The proposed design
enhanced the classification accuracy in lab conditions, especially when baseline
accuracy is over 98% (< 1% gain) or below (1.6% gain). Two OCT datasets with
four and eight disease classifications were used. With OCT-C4 data, ablation studies
show an average accuracy loss of 0.875%, and with OCT-C8 data, an accuracy loss
of 1.39%. Jin etal. [13] introduced a two-stage deep learning (DL) system designed
for accurate automatic grading of ERM. With its training on human-segmented core
features, iERM improves classification performance and makes the data more com-
prehensible. iERM outperforms conventional DL models in grading performance by
a significant margin (1–5.9%). The model attains exceptionally high accuracy rat-
ings of 82.9%, 87.0%, and 79.4%, respectively, on the internal test dataset and two
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Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research (2025) 9:1–40
external test datasets. While the literature offers a diverse range of methodologies
for retinal disease classification, this study presents a significant advancement with
a lightweight OCCT model, demonstrating enhanced accuracy and stability with
reduced training data.
3 Method
3.1 Dataset Description
The dataset includes a total of 108,312 images, of which 37,206 are CNV images,
11,349 DME images, 8617 Drusen images, and 51,140 normal images. The dataset
is created by Zhang Lab at the University of California at San Diego (UCSD) and is
available for free at Mendeley [14]. Each class refers to a different condition of the
retina [15] (see Table1).
Figure1 shows OCT images in each of the four classes.
There are multiple distinct layers visible in an OCT retinal image. A labeled
structure of an OCT image of a healthy normal retina is depicted in Fig.2. The ret-
ina comprises various layers, including the outer nuclear layer (ONL), retinal nerve
fiber layer (RNFC), ganglion cell layer and inner plexiform layer (GCL + IPL), inner
nuclear layer (INL), inner segmentation and outer segmentation of photo receptor
Table 1 Different conditions of
the retina for each class Class Description
CNV Blood vessels in the sub-retinal spaces
DME The described condition is a conse-
quence of diabetes, in which fluid
builds up in the macula, the core
area of the retina responsible for
clear vision. It can cause blindness
Drusen Drusen are yellow deposits under the
retina. Drusen are made up of lipids
and proteins and can cause central
vision loss
Normal Images of a normal healthy retina
Fig. 1 Different types of conditions of the retina
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Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research (2025) 9:1–40
layer with junction, outer plexiform layer (OPL), retinal pigment epithelium layer
(RPE), and RPE complex [16]. The retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) transfers visual
input from the eye to the brain. The RNFL can provide crucial diagnostic data about
eye health and the progression of eye disorders. Measurements of the RNFL thick-
ness can be used to identify early stages of eye conditions and to monitor the devel-
opment over time. The ganglion cell layer (GCL) accommodates the cell bodies of
retinal ganglion cells that interpret visual data and transmit it to the brain through
the optic nerve. The IPL contains the dendrites and axons of bipolar and amacrine
cells, which help to refine and modulate visual signals before they are transmitted to
the ganglion cells. The thickness and integrity of these layers can provide important
diagnostic information about the health of the eye and the status of various eye dis-
eases. The ganglion cells receive visual signals from the photoreceptor cells which
are modified and modulated by the INL. Because INL damage can develop early in
the course of a disease, it is an important target for early detection and treatment.
The OPL is essential to get visual information from the photoreceptor cells to the
bipolar cells. Because damage to the OPL can occur at an early stage of the dis-
ease process, it is also an important target for early identification and intervention.
The ONL is essential for the initial processing of visual information. Loss of vision
can be the consequence of damaged or dying photoreceptor cells in the ONL. The
light that enters the eye is converted into electrical signals that other retinal cells
can understand by photoreceptor cells in the ISL and OSL. As the photoreceptor
layer can get damaged, leading to visual loss that may begin early in the disease
process, it is also a key target for early identification and management of retinal ill-
nesses. The primary role of the RPE is to absorb extraneous light that enters the eye
and stop it from bouncing around and harming other retinal cells. The RPE is a pri-
mary target for retinal diseases such as age-related macular degeneration. A variety
of visual problems can be caused by injury or abnormalities in any of the layers of
the retina. The indications and manifestations may vary, contingent upon the layer of
the retina that has been damaged.
Fig. 2 Labeled structure of an OCT image of a healthy normal retina
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3.2 Methodology
An overview of the method utilized in this research is depicted in Fig.3.
The dataset consists a total of 108,312 images in four classes. Since the dataset
is imbalanced regarding the number of images in each class, a data augmenta-
tion technique named GAN is applied. Then, a preprocessed dataset is generated
by applying several image preprocessing techniques on the augmented dataset.
This includes removing artifacts and improving the quality of the images, using
white border removal, erosion, median, and alpha beta correction. The proposed
OCCT model is developed by performing with seven ablation studies where the
model’s layer design and hyperparameters are altered. In order to reduce the
numbers of parameters and the time complexity, and improve the performance,
ablation studies based on the transformer layer, kernel layer, activation function,
pooling layers, learning rate, optimizer, and loss function are carried out. The
OCCT model’s performance is evaluated through a comparison with the ViT and
Swin transformers. In addition, the robustness of the model is evaluated by grad-
ually decreasing the number of images. Additionally, the proposed model’s per-
formance is compared to transfer learning models like DenseNet201, ResNet50,
MobileNetV2, ResNetV2, VGG16, VGG19, and EfficientNetB1. Lastly, several
statistical analyses, confusion matrix, and K-fold cross-validation are evaluated to
assess the performance consistency of the proposed model.
Fig. 3 The classification process for retinal OCT images
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3.3 Data Augmentation Using Deep Convolutional GAN (DCGAN)
In computer vision, especially in the medical domain, there is often a scarcity of
images. This makes it difficult to accurately predict the classes. Augmenting data
aids in amplifying the quantity of images and facilitates the training of the model by
presenting samples that the model has not encountered previously. A popular aug-
mentation approach, called GAN, produces new data that share the same traits as the
training data. It is basically a deep CNN and can also be called DCGAN. It can uti-
lize both supervised and unsupervised learning [17]. GANs have therefore become a
focus point of research in computer vision.
GAN is a machine learning technique that automatically discovers and learns the
patterns of the input data and generates samples, maintaining similarity to the origi-
nal dataset. Using a GAN, the probability density function need not be explicitly
modeled to generate data [18]. The architecture of a GAN typically involves two
components: a generator and a discriminator [19, 20]. The generator leverages a ran-
dom input vector to produce a counterfeit sample that emulates the characteristics of
the original data. The discriminator predicts whether the sample is real or not, after
being trained with both real and fake sample data [21]. If the discriminator detects
any false sample data, it returns those false data to the generator. The generator then
creates improved false data which is sent back to the discriminator for recognition.
The generator and detector must constantly develop themselves to enhance their
respective generational and discriminative abilities. The loss function’s minimiza-
tion enhances the generator’s performance, while the loss function’s maximization
enhances the discrimination’s performance.
The primary distinction between DCGAN and previously developed GANs is
that the DCGAN utilizes a CNN. To train the generator and discriminator networks,
Eq.1 is used [22].
Here, R and C represent the discriminator and generator, x denotes the original
data, and z is the latent space, which is a hidden representation of data points. R(x)
stands for the probability of x, which is sampled from real data, over the generated
data, and C(z) denotes the generated data.
represents the expected val-
ues for both real and fake cases, and
represents the overall anticipated values
where nz denotes the random noise variable. To maximize the accuracy of the dis-
criminator (R), it is trained to accurately discriminate the real data (x) from the gen-
erated data (G(z)), minimizing
[22]. Figure4 shows the DCGAN
As the generator’s initial input, we have used a 100 × 1 random noise vector,
molded with a 14 × 14 × 512 matrix, and fed into the dense layer. In this architecture,
one conv2D layer and four convolution2D transposers are used, resulting in images
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Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research (2025) 9:1–40
with sizes from 14 × 14 × 512 to 224 × 224 × 3. The first Convolutional2D trans-
pose layer reshapes the image size from 14 × 14 × 512 to 28 × 28 × 256. The archi-
tecture is the similar for rest of the layers. The output is reshaped to 56 × 56 × 128,
112 × 112 × 64, and 224 × 224 × 32 through the Conv2D transpose layer, the activa-
tion function LeakyReLu, and the batch normalization layer, respectively. Thus, we
get an image of size 224 × 224 × 3 as a result.
The images of both the genuine dataset and the artificially generated dataset are
presented as input to the discriminator. This has four convolution blocks, each of
them containing a dropout layer and an activation function, LeakyReLu. The dis-
criminator which is a binary classifier operator predicts whether an image is false
or real when the input image passes through the four blocks. The discriminator mis-
takes the generated sample image for a real image only if the real and generated
images are close. The discriminator can identify fake images when the images are
not similar to the real ones. This helps to acquire the gradient which updates the
weights through backpropagation. As the weights are updated, a more robust genera-
tor is built through training. This is how better fake images to trick the discriminator
are produced.
The dataset contains four classes which are not balanced. The normal class
includes 51,140 images. This is the class with the highest number of images. The
second largest class is CNV, containing 37,206 images. The other two classes
(DME & Drusen) are augmented by generating images, resulting in a number that
is quite close to the second-highest class, CNV. The images in our dataset are
resized into 224 × 224 before applying DCGAN. In training the DCGAN model,
the following parameters were employed: the Adam optimizer, a learning rate of
0.0008, a batch size of 128, and binary cross-entropy as the loss function. The
number of epochs is chosen based on the image numbers in the original dataset.
For the DME class, 400 epochs are used for model training because the initial
set of Images (11,349) contains enough different images for these epochs. On the
other hand, for the Drusen class, the epoch number was 250 because this class
Fig. 4 DCGAN architecture
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Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research (2025) 9:1–40
had fewer images (8617). To present the model’s generalization capability, we
intentionally generated 8739 images for the DME class and 13,598 images for
the Drusen class, resulting in approximately 20k samples for each. We chose
to synthesize around 20 k images for the DME and Drusen classes instead of
30 k (close to CNV class) to prevent over-representation of minority classes.
While balancing datasets is a common practice to prevent models from becom-
ing biased towards overrepresented classes, creating an exactly equal number of
images with GAN for each class can introduce issues. Though GANs can gener-
ate realistic data, they are prone to mode collapse, when the diversity of gen-
erated samples is low. This means GANs might bias the synthetic data towards
majority demographics or common image pattern, potentially missing the pres-
ence of lower number of images with uncommon patterns [23]. Generating a vast
amount of synthetic data to balance the dataset, especially when the original data
distribution is significantly skewed (see Fig.5a), it can compromise model reli-
ability.For example, in our dataset, compared to the CNV and normal classes,
the DME andDrusen classes lack a significantly high amount of data.Creating
synthetic data at this scale may lead to the model overly relying on artificial data,
which might not accurately work for real-world conditions [23]. This reliance can
result in issues like underfitting, where the noise introduced by synthetic samples
prevents the model from capturing the true underlying patterns in the data [24],
or overfitting, where the model performs well on synthetic data but poorly on
real-world data [25]. Moreover, we have not produced an exactly equal number of
images for each class, because, with such a balanced dataset, the model’s effec-
tiveness cannot be assessed.
The utilization of DCGAN resulted in an expansion of the dataset from
108,312 images to 130,649 images. Table2 presents the total count of images
generated with DCGAN, along with the original number of images.
Figure 6 shows original images of the DME and Drusen classes from the
Mendeley OCT dataset as well as DCGAN generated images for each of the two
classes. It demonstrates how well our DCGAN model performs by generating the
smooth and highly defined layers of retinal OCT images. The images of the orig-
inal classes and the DCGAN generated classes are hardly distinguishable from
each other.
Fig. 5 Comparison of class distribution. a The skewness of the classes before GAN. b The skewness of
the classes after GAN
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Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research (2025) 9:1–40
3.5 Image Preprocessing
Image preprocessing is a crucial step which leads to better model accuracy,
robustness, efficiency, and time complexity by ensuring that the model is process-
ing information consistently across all images. Generally, OCT images contain
speckle noise. Also, the images of the dataset contain white borders and several
artifacts. The artifacts are removed by applying morphological erosion. Sub-
sequently, a median filter is used in order to smooth the image and remove the
speckle noise. Finally, alpha–beta correction is applied to adjust the brightness
and contrast level.
3.6 Morphological Erosion
Morphological erosion computes a local minimum of a given kernel which is
used to remove an object’s boundary pixels. In this operation, noise and artifacts
of the input image are removed using a structuring element. The object’s bound-
ary pixels elimination depends on the size and shape of the kernel. The algorithm
works using the following formula [26].
denotes the input grayscale image and
is the reference point of the
structuring element S which is present at the image coordinates m, n. The min func-
tion computes the minimum value of all the pixels under the structuring element,
and at position (m, n), we get the output pixel. In this study, applying a kernel size
of 5 × 5, the operation effectively removes artifacts and produces a noise free image.
Table 2 The original and DCGAN generated image
Classes Number of images in
original dataset
Training images for
Generated images
CNV 37,206 - - 37,206
DME 11,349 2000 8739 20,088
Drusen 8617 2000 13,598 22,215
Normal 51,140 - - 51,140
Total = 108,312 Total = 130,649
Fig. 6 Original images with DCGAN generated images
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Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research (2025) 9:1–40
3.7 Median
The median filter is a digital signal processing filter that works by replacing each
pixel in the picture with the median value of its neighbors, in order to minimize the
noise in the image. It preserves sharp edges and is an efficient way to smooth spiky
noise. It moves pixel by pixel through the image and replaces each pixel value with
the median pixel value of the window [27]. This is an effective and simple yet pow-
erful method to remove image noise.
3.8 Alpha–Beta Correction
Alpha–beta correction is a data filter where the alpha is used for contrast control and
the beta is used for brightness control [28]. For lower contrast, the alpha value can
be set between 0 and 1. For higher contrast, the alpha value should be larger than
1. The range of beta is [− 127, 127]. The output of every pixel is contingent on the
value of the corresponding input pixel.
where α and β are gain and bias parameters, respectively. The source image pixel is
denoted by f(x) and p(x) is the output image pixel.
In this study, we have used the alpha value of 1 and the beta value of 2. Figure7
illustrates the output image after every image preprocessing step.
Figure7 shows sample images after each processing step. (a) The original images
contain white borders and speckle noise. (b) The white borders are removed. (c) In
order to eliminate artifacts and mitigate speckle noise within the images, morpho-
logical erosion is implemented. (d) Median filter is applied to get a clearer view of
the image, and the speckle noise is successfully eliminated. (e) Alpha–beta correc-
tion is applied to highlight the retinal layers.
3.9 Model
To conduct the classification, a vision transformer-based model called CCT is fine-
tuned through ablation study. The proposed optimized CCT (OCCT) model com-
bines a lightweight architecture with higher accuracy. The ViT and Swin models are
p(x)=af (x)+𝛽
Fig. 7 Image pre-processing steps
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Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research (2025) 9:1–40
also employed and compared with the proposed OCCT model. The ViT and Swin
Transformer models are trained using the same optimizer, activation function, loss
function, pooling layer, and learning rate as the OCCT model. This section provides
a comprehensive explanation of the models.
3.10 Proposed OCCT Model
CCT model combines the advantages of transformers and convolution. CCT is the
latest version of ViT and is regarded as a data-hungry model. Transformer with
sequential pooling and convolutional tokenization are the major building blocks of
CCT architectures. Compared to the ViT, the convolutional tokenizer is more effi-
cient in CCT. A series of convolutional layers, an input layer, and a self-attention
mechanism make up the basic structure of the CCT model, providing computational
efficiency. These modules enable the model to concentrate on pertinent features and
their relationships.
3.11 Convolutional Tokenization
The convolutional tokenization block is used to identify images by passing their
patches through a transformer encoder. The transformer encoder features dropout,
ReLU activation, and layer normalization (LN) which is applied after learnable posi-
tional embedding. The augmented images are sent to an input layer with dimensions
of 32 × 32 × 3. The following equation can be used to represent the convolutional
tokenization module.
Here, X0 represents the input image, the convolutional 2D operation has 64 filters
with the ReLU activation function, and MaxPool represents the pooling layer. The
convolutional block allows the model to construct a feature map and retain local
spatial information. Image patches from this block which are then sent to the trans-
former-based backbone.
3.12 Transformer Encoder
The transformer encoder is a critical component of the CCT model’s design, respon-
sible for capturing the correlations between various image components. It is com-
posed of a sequence of layers, with each layer featuring spatial attention and a
position-wise fully connected feed-forward neural network. Non-linear interactions
between distinct characteristics are possible with the position-wise feed-forward
neural network. The encoder block, which consists of a self-attention layer and a
multilayer perceptron (MLP) head, subsequently receives the output image. The
transformer encoder employs dropout, ReLU activation, and layer normalization
(after positional embedding).
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3.13 Sequential Pooling
In order to map sequential outputs and weigh the latent spaces sequential embed-
dings, sequence pooling is used. Sequential layers pool the sequence of embeddings
and comprise the data into relevant information. The network uses sequence pooling
to weigh the sequential embeddings of latent spaces. Then sequence pooling layer
pools the full sequence of data since it contains pertinent data from different input
image sections. This operation can be described as
where L is a layer transformer encoder whose output is
. The mini-batch size is
denoted by s, the embedding dimension is denoted by e and the sequence length
is denoted by g. The softmax activation function (Eq.7) is then applied to a linear
layer called
. After pooling the second dimension, the result is
the images are categorized. The output operation can be given as (Eq.8).
Figure8 describes the modules and layers that comprise the CCT architecture.
The following is a step-by-step breakdown of the base CCT architecture:
Geometric augmentations are performed to the input image.
The mages are transferred to the CCT convolution layer.
With the help of convolution and max pooling, the output image is reshaped.
Before being directed towards the transformer encoder, the resulting image data
is handled by TensorFlow extensions.
Fig. 8 CCT model’s key modules
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The transformer encoder block performs layer normalization, followed by spatial
attention and regularization.
Similar to the preceding transformer encoder, two more transformer encoder
employs a regularization layer to further regularize the output.
As a result, the first steps in the transformer encoder comprise layer normaliza-
tion, two pairs of dense and dropout layers, and regularization, all of which are
performed using TensorFlow addons.
The normalized output is sent via a dense and a SoftMax layer, which form the
final output.
This work proposes the OCCT through ablation research to the core CCT model.
The base architecture of CCT is shown in Fig.9.
The general architecture of the compact convolutional transformer model is as
In the data augmentation part, the model applies the usual geometric augmenta-
tions to input images.
The images are passed to the CCT tokenizer, where the output image is reshaped
using the convolution tokenizer and max pooling. Here, the stride and kernel
sizes for the CCT tokenizer block’s convolution layer are 2 and 4, respectively.
The set of transformer blocks that come after these convolutional layers uses
self-attention methods in order to enhance the features and identify long-range
dependencies between them.
Before sending the output image data to the transformer encoder block, Ten-
sorFlow extensions are utilized to process it. The layers in this block are cat-
egorized into two groups using two pairs of dense and dropout layers: layer
Fig. 9 CCT base model architecture
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Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research (2025) 9:1–40
normalization is applied in the first group, while spatial attention regulariza-
tion is implemented in the second group. Another regularization layer is added
to the last layer of the transformer encoder block. The regularization layer’s
output was then routed to the layer normalization.
The CCT model uses layer normalization to increase the stability and effec-
tiveness of the training process. The activations of the neurons inside a layer
are normalized by normalization layers, which can help the model converge
more rapidly during training by preventing activations from being excessively
large or tiny. The normalized output is subjected to a dense and SoftMax layer
to generate the final output.
After the last dense layer produces a vector of logits, the SoftMax activation
function is applied, followed by a SoftMax layer, to determine the final out-
put probabilities in the CCT model. Sequence pooling layers create a single
feature vector that represents the whole input sequence, which can assist in
reducing the input’s dimensionality and enhancing the model’s effectiveness.
Ultimately, the CCT model’s dense, SoftMax, and sequence pooling layers
collaborate to construct the final output classification probabilities from the
input image. The dense layers modify the retrieved features linearly, the Soft-
Max layer normalizes the output probabilities, and the sequence pooling layer
collects the features over many spatial locations.
3.14 Ablation Study
An ablation study on the core CCT model is conducted to optimize the perfor-
mance. This involves changing the type of activation functions and pooling lay-
ers, altering the number of transformer encoders, and experimenting with differ-
ent pooling layers, stride sizes, kernel sizes, loss functions, optimizers, learning
rates, and batch sizes. After completing all the ablation experiments, the OCCT
model results in better accuracy and faster performance. The purpose of the abla-
tion study is to analyze the effect of various components on the model’s perfor-
mance. The section4.2contains the results of ablation study.
3.15 Proposed OCCT Model
The resulting OCCT architecture, demonstrated in Fig.10, is similar to the base
CCT and has only one transformer encoder block rather than three, simplifying the
model and allowing for faster training. Compared to the proposed model, the OCCT
model has shorter training and testing times and requires fewer resources, as it does
not include positional encoding and relies solely on the self-attention technique in
the transformer structure. The remaining components of the architecture are the
same with some modifications made to the model hyperparameters, including the
kernel size and stride size. As a result, the OCCT model is more efficient.
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3.16 Comparison withTwo Transformer Models
The performance of OCCT is compared with a vision transformer and a Swin Trans-
former. This section provides a detailed description of these models. The OCCT
model is a hybrid architecture that combines the advantages of self-attentional
mechanisms and convolutional neural networks (CNNs). The OCCT model utilizes
a CNN to extract local features from the input image and self-attention mechanisms
to model long-range relationships between these features. As a result, the OCCT
model can gather both local and global context information. In contrast, the Swin
Transformer model is a hierarchical architecture that combines the advantages of
self-attention and CNNs, and the ViT model is exclusively based on self-attention
3.17 Vision Transformer
ViT is a graphical representation of a transformer’s architecture. The model was
introduced by [29]. An input image is represented by the ViT model as a collec-
tion of image patches. The visual transformer can modify an image by segmenting
it into fixed-size patches, precisely embedding each patch, and including positional
embedding as input to the transformer encoder to model long-range dependencies
between features. In ViT, there are various features: positional embedding, image
tokenization, transformer encoder, classification token, and classification head. The
core architecture of a vision transformer is shown in Fig.11.
ViT breaks an image into non-overlapping square patches and arranges them line-
arly. The learnable positional embedding, which concatenates the patch embedding,
stores the spatial location of each patch. The total number of pixels in the image and
the size of the patches are used to calculate the number of patches. Two-dimensional
images can be divided into smaller, non-overlapping patches for processing. Let H
and W represent the height and width of the image, respectively. If each patch has
dimensions P × P, then the total number of patches, N is given by N=
2 In this
equation, H and W denote the image dimensions, P is the side length of each square
Fig. 10 Proposed OCCT model architecture
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Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research (2025) 9:1–40
patch, and
represents the area of each patch. Thus, N represents the total number
of such patches covering the entire image [30]. To create the token embeddings,
the sequence of patches is flattened into a 1D vector using a linear layer. The lin-
ear embedding layer includes two linear transformations: the patch projection, which
maps each patch embedding to a higher-dimensional vector space, and the positional
encoding projection, which provides information about the spatial placement of each
patch in the input image. The sequence of patches is mapped to a model vector using
a learned embedding matrix E. The transformer sees the inserted picture patches
as a collection of patches with no understanding of their link to one another. The
positional information is encoded as Epos and added to the patch representations to
maintain the spatial arrangement of the patches in the original image. The sequence
of embedded patches with the token z0, along with the positional encoding, can be
expressed as shown in Eq.9.
We employ traditional learnable 1D position embeddings. The created sequence
of embedding vectors is the input of the encoder. The latent data that will subse-
quently be used for classification are contained in the [class] token. The transformer
encoder consists of several identical blocks, each with two sub-layers: a multi-head
attention layer and feedforward layer. It also has a multi-head self-attention block
(Eq.10). The model can represent long-term interdependence and spatial interac-
tions between patches, thanks to the multi-head self-attention layer. It performs
operations on the input vector sequence by computing self-attention scores between
all pairs of vectors in the sequence. The feed-forward layer performs a non-linear
transformation to the output of MSA (multi-headed self-attention). It consists of
two linear transformations, separated by the GELU activation function (Eq. 11).
To increase the model’s stability and convergence, each transformer encoder block
incorporates residual connections and layer normalization (Eq. 12). The residual
connection allows the output of a block to be added to its input, while the layer
Fig. 11 (I) The vision transformer architecture with the (II) transformer encoder component, (III) head as
multiscale-self attention (MSA), and (IV) also the self-attention (SA) head
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normalizes the output of the block to have zero mean and unit variance. The various
attention heads aid in the training of an image’s regional and global dependencies.
The ViT model’s input features are subjected to a self-attention operation by the
MSA block, allowing it to recognize the dependencies and connections between
various elements of the input image. The location of the picture representation is
determined by the position of the [class] token. A “transformer” computational
intelligence model uses selective attention mechanisms to evaluate the significance
of each portion of the input data separately. The self-attention technique’s ability to
discern long-term correlations between sequence components has had a substantial
impact on transformer model accuracy.
3.18 Swin Transformer
The Swin Transformer overcomes the shortcomings of the ViT by creating hierar-
chical feature maps and shifting windows. For MLP architectures, the hierarchical
design and the shifted window technique work well [31]. Figure12 gives an over-
view of the Swin architecture.
Fig. 12 (I) The architecture of a Swin Transformer and (II) Swin Transformer Block with 2 sub-units.
The first sub-unit applies W-MSA and the second sub-unit applies SW-MSA, multi-head self-attention
modules that can be configured with conventional or shifted windowing
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The term “hierarchical” in Swin Transformer refers to the process of merging
feature maps from one layer to another, which results in a reduction of the spatial
dimension of the feature maps. This is achieved through patch merging, which
involves the gradual merging and down sampling of feature maps. Patch merging
concatenates features of each set of n × n neighboring patches, resulting in a down
sampling of feature maps by a factor of n. Depth-wise grouping and combination
of n × n neighboring patches are performed to create hierarchical feature maps [31].
The Shifted Window MSA (SW-MSA) and Window MSA (W-MSA) modules
replace the ViT’s multi-head self-attention (MSA) module in the Swin Transformer.
Each module includes an attention module, an MLP layer, a normalization layer, and
a further normalization layer.
The Swin Transformer utilizes a Window-based MSA module that performs
attention computation within each window of 2 by 2 patches. Since the window
size is fixed, the complexity of the window-based MSA is linear with respect to the
number of patches. However, its limitation is that it only allows self-attention within
each window. To overcome this, the Swin Transformer introduces the Shifted Win-
dow MSA (SW-MSA) module, which enables cross-window connectivity. The SW-
MSA module is used after the W-MSA module in the Swin Transformer architec-
ture. Swin Transformer’s “Cyclic Shift” approach inserts “abandoned” patches into
windows. Because a window can now comprise patches, a filter is utilized during
the calculation to limit self-attention to neighboring patches. This approach of win-
dow shifting introduces connections across windows and has been shown to improve
network efficiency [31].
3.19 Comparison withTransfer Learning Models
Eight transfer models, including DenseNet121 [32], DenseNet201 [33], ResNet50
[34], MobileNetV2 [35], ResNet101V2 [36], VGG16 [37], VGG19 [38], and Effi-
cientNetB1 [39], are implemented in this study and compared with the proposed
OCCT model. The models are evaluated with the same configurations as the OCCT
model, where we have used a batch size of 128, “Adam” optimizer, “categori-
cal crossentropy” as the loss function, a learning rate of 0.001, and the activation
function “elu.” Each model has a unique architecture and a unique method for mak-
ing predictions. DenseNet is an image classification algorithm that was created to
address the issue of vanishing gradients and increase the accuracy of a model. By
simply connecting every layer directly to one another, DenseNet eliminates this
gradient problem resulting in improved accuracy. DenseNet201 transition layers
assist in lowering the network’s computational expense while preserving accuracy.
ResNet-50 has demonstrated cutting-edge performance in image classification,
object detection, and semantic segmentation. MobileNetV2 is a shallow network,
trained with the ImageNet dataset, a sizable dataset with 1.4 million images and
1000 classes. ResNet101V2 uses residual blocks to avoid the vanishing gradient
problem by allowing gradients to flow straight through the network. It also skips
connections and batch normalization layers to increase network stability and conver-
gence. The VGG-16 architecture was specifically developed for image classification
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Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research (2025) 9:1–40
tasks and has achieved outstanding performance on the ImageNet dataset. VGG-19
is a well-known architecture in computer vision research that has inspired numerous
subsequent convolutional neural network implementations. EfficientNetB1 adopts a
compound scaling approach that resizes the network’s depth, width, and resolution
in a systematic way, which improves its efficiency and accuracy. This enables the
development of a family of models that outperform earlier architectures while being
smaller and faster.
3.20 Computing Environment
The experiments are carried out on a computer with an Intel Core i5-8400 processor
and 16GB of installed RAM. An NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 GPU boosts the pro-
cessing power to effectively handle deep learning workloads. A fast 256GB DDR4
SSD fulfills the need for storage.
4 Results andDiscussion
In this section, the results of this overall study, including the ablation studies, trans-
former, and transfer learning model evaluation, and model evaluation matrix are dis-
cussed. Additionally, a discussion is offered based on the limitations.
4.1 Evaluation Metrics
In classification tasks, the results are evaluated based on the true positive (TP), true
negative (TN), false positive (FP), and false negative (FN) values obtained from the
confusion matrix [36].
4.2 Result oftheAblation Study
This section presents the results of the ablation study, which explores different
hyperparameters and layer architectures of the proposed model to improve its per-
formance and reduce computation time. Using an epoch size of 100, we have done
seven experiments, shown in Table3, altering different components of the OCCT
model, to achieve a more reliable architecture with improved classification accuracy.
This study focuses on optimizing the model’s performance while maintaining
computational efficiency. Therefore, the selected range of hyperparameters for each
experiment was chosen based on balancing accuracy improvement and resource
consumption. In study 1, experiments are done with different numbers of trans-
former encoder blocks. While increasing the number of transformer blocks from
1 to 3, it is observed that the accuracy increases marginally with each additional
block. Specifically, the accuracies for 1, 2, and 3 transformer blocks were 91.25%,
91.41%, and 91.53%, respectively. However, the number of parameters and the train-
ing time increased significantly with the number of transformer blocks. The param-
eter counts for configurations with 1, 2, and 3 blocks were 0.24M, 0.41 M, and
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Table 3 Ablation study
Study 1: Changing the transformer layer
Configuration number Transformer encoder block number Number of parameter Training time Accuracy Findings
1 1 0.24M 19s 91.25% Close to highest accuracy with lowest computational
2 2 0.41M 38s 91.41% Moderate time with close highest accuracy
3 3 0.57M 60s 91.53% Highest accuracy with highest computational time
Study 2: Changing the kernel size
Configuration number Kernel size Parameter number Training time Accuracy Findings
1 1 0.17M 23s 87.30% Close to high accuracy
2 2 0.2M 24s 92.12% Close highest accuracy
3 3 0.24M 19s 93.57% Highest accuracy with lowest complexity
4 4 0.3M 21s 92.31% Lowest accuracy
5 5 0.37M 25s 92.82% Lower accuracy
Study 3: Changing the activation function
Configuration number Activation function Training time Accuracy Findings
1 relu 19s 93.57% Close to highest accuracy
2 elu 19s 93.82% Highest accuracy
3 Tanh 19s 93.37% Close to highest accuracy
4 softplus 19s 91.72% Lower accuracy
5 softsign 19s 92.37% Lower accuracy
6 LeakyReLU 19s 91.25% Lower accuracy
7 GELU 19s 92.84% Lowest accuracy
8 sigmoid 19s 91.20% Lower accuracy
Study 4: Changing the pooling layers
Configuration number Pooling layer Training time Accuracy Findings
1Max 19s 93.82% Highest accuracy
2Average 19s 92.55% Lowest accuracy
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Table 3 (continued)
Study 5: Changing the optimizer
Configuration number Optimizer Training time Accuracy Findings
1 Adam 19s 95.48% Highest accuracy
2 Adamax 19s 94.17% Accuracy improved
3 Nadam 19s 93.82% Lower accuracy
4 SGD 19s 86.18% Lowest accuracy
5 RMSprop 19s 95.04% Accuracy improved
Study 6: Changing the learning rate
Configuration number Learning rate Training time Accuracy Findings
1 0.01 19s 84.06% Lowest accuracy
2 0.001 19s 97.09% Highest accuracy
3 0.006 19s 89.3% Lower accuracy
4 0.0008 19s 95.19% Close highest accuracy
Study 7: Changing the loss function
Configuration number Loss function Training time Accuracy Findings
1 Categorical Crossentropy 19s 97.09% Highest accuracy
2 Binary Crossentropy 19s 95.23% Close to highest accuracy
3 Mean squared error 19s 95.39% Close to highest accuracy
4 Mean squared logarithmic error 19s 15.32% Lowest accuracy
5 Mean absolute error 19s 92.31% Lower accuracy
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Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research (2025) 9:1–40
0.57M, respectively, and the corresponding training times were 19s, 38s, and 60s
per epoch. This indicates that while the accuracy difference between the configura-
tions is minimal (only a 0.28% increase from 1 to 3 blocks), the computational cost
increases substantially, with training times nearly tripling. Due to this, the configu-
ration with 1 transformer block was selected for further experiments offering a good
balance between accuracy and computational efficiency. Further experiments were
therefore performed with one transformer encoder block. In study 2, the experiment
has been run with different kernel sizes of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. The optimal accuracy
of 93.57% was achieved with a kernel size of 3, which also maintained the same
parameter count and training time as for transformer block 1. From kernel size 1
to 3 the accuracy increased substantially. In contrast, when we tested kernel size 4,
the accuracy dropped to 92.31%, and both the parameter count (0.3M) and training
time (21s) increased. The performance of the model with a kernel size of 5 was
also tested, but the results showed no further accuracy improvement and a continued
increase in computational cost. Therefore, the kernel size range was limited to 1 to
5, identifying size 3 as the most efficient in balancing accuracy and computational
demands. So, further evaluation will be done with a kernel size of 3. In the subse-
quent experimental studies (studies 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7), the number of parameters and
training time remained consistent across configurations. Consequently, the configu-
rations were solely selected based on achieving the highest accuracies. We have used
eight different activation functions, namely ReLU, exponential linear units (ELU),
Tanh, Softplus, Softsign, LeakyReLU, GELU, and sigmoid, to see the impact on the
CCT classification model in study 3, and for the further ablation study, elu is chosen
as it demonstrates the best accuracy of 95.42%. Two types of pooling layers have
been utilized in study 4’s experiment (average pooling and max pooling). The max
pooling resulted in an accuracy of 93.82%, and this will be used for further studies.
The choice of optimizer can significantly affect the model’s performance. For this
reason, the performance of our model has been evaluated using five different opti-
mizers: Adam, Adamax, Nadam, SGD, and RMSprop in study 5. The Adam opti-
mizer results in the highest accuracy of 95.48%. Further experiments are done by
changing the learning rate (0.01, 0.001, 0.006, 0.0008) in study 6 where a learning
rate of 0.001 shows the highest accuracy, whereas the other learning rates reduce the
accuracy percentage. Lastly, in study 7, five different loss functions have been tried,
namely, categorical cross entropy, binary cross entropy, mean squared error, and
mean squared logarithmic error mean absolute error. Among the loss functions, cat-
egorical cross-entropy resulted in the highest accuracy of 97.09%. Figure13 shows a
visualization of the proposed model’s improvements after each ablation study.
We can see that after taking only one transformer layer the overall accuracy
decreases slightly to 91.24% compared to the base model’s accuracy of 91.53%
on the enhanced preprocessed data. The accuracy improves in the next study
where a kernel size of 3 gives an accuracy of 93.57%. Using the activation func-
tion elu and a max pooling layer increased the accuracy to 93.82%. The optimizer
Adam improves the accuracy to 95.48%. With a learning rate 0.001 and categori-
cal cross-entropy as the loss function, the highest accuracy is 97.09% for our pro-
posed OCCT model. The modified configuration of the proposed model is shown
in Table4.
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Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research (2025) 9:1–40
4.3 Confusion Matrices oftheProposed Model andTwo Transformer Models
Figure14 shows the confusion matrix generated for the OCCT, Swin, and ViT mod-
els. The confusion matrices have rows that correspond to the true labels and col-
umns that correspond to the predicted labels of the test images.
In Fig.14, the confusion matrices for the proposed OCCT model, Swin Trans-
former, and ViT are displayed. The rows of each matrix indicate the true labels of
the test images, and the columns represent the predicted labels generated by each
model. The values located on the diagonal of each matrix correspond to the true
positive (TP) values. The observations show that our proposed OCCT model does
not predict any of the classes better than others and is not biased to any class. How-
ever, the other two models (Swin and ViT) seem to be biased on one or multiple
Fig. 13 The improved configuration of the OCCT model is demonstrated
Table 4 The proposed OCCT
model’s configuration after the
ablation study
Configuration Value
Epochs 100
Transformer layer 1
Kernel size 3
Parameter number 0.24M
Activation function elu
Pooling layer maxpooling
Optimizer Adam
Loss function categorical crossentropy
Learning rate 0.001
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Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research (2025) 9:1–40
classes. In classification tasks, the results are evaluated based on the TP, true nega-
tive (TN), false positive (FP), and false negative (FN) values obtained from the con-
fusion matrix.
4.4 Performance Analysis oftheModels
The statistical analysis along with the evaluation metrics for the proposed OCCT
model and the ViT and Swin model that have been used for the performance com-
parison are shown in Table5. We have utilized a variety of metrics, such as preci-
sion (Pre), recall, F1 score (F1), specificity (Spe), sensitivity (Sen), NPV, FPR, FDR,
FNR, Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC), and the accuracy of the models.
The performance of the proposed OCCT model increased significantly after the
ablation study. While evaluating the OCCT model, it performed well compared to
the other transformer models. The model achieves an F1 score of 96.87%, whereas
the F1 score for ViT and Swin transformer models are 83.64% and 90.28%, respec-
tively. The precision, recall, and specificity for the OCCT model are 96.52%,
Fig. 14 Confusion matrices of proposed a OCCT model, b Swin model, and c ViT model
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Table 5 Performance evaluation of OCCT, Swin, and ViT models
Model F1 (%) Pre (%) Recall (%) Spe (%) Sen (%) NPV (%) FPR (%) FNR (%) FDR (%) MCC (%) Accuracy (%)
OCCT 96.87 96.52 97.27 99.02 97.48 98.94 0.98 2.77 3.48 95.85 97.09
Swin 90.28 89.61 91.44 97.14 91.47 96.89 2.9 8.5 10.3 87.54 91.39
ViT 83.64 82.19 86.24 95.35 86.24 94.69 4.7 13.8 17.8 79.08 85.57
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Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research (2025) 9:1–40
97.27%, and 99.02%, respectively, while the precision, recall, and specificity for
ViT are 82.19%, 86.24%, and 95.35% and for the Swin model 89.61%, 91.44%,
and 97.14%. The sensitivities for the OCCT, Swin transformer and ViT models are
97.48%, 91.47%, and 86.24% respectively. The NPV score for the OCCT model is
98.94%, while the scores for Swin and ViT models are 96.89% and 94.69%. The
FPR and FNR for the OCCT model are 0.98% and 2.77%. The FPR and FNR for the
Swin model are 2.9% and 8.5% and for the ViT model 4.7% and 13.8%. The OCCT
model has the lowest FDR, of 3.48%, whereas the Swin model’s FDR is 10.3% and
ViT’s FDR is 17.8%. The highest MCC value of 95.85% is obtained by the pro-
posed OCCT model, while the Swin model and ViT have MCC scores of 87.54%
and 79.08% respectively. We can conclude that the OCCT model outperforms the
other transformer models.
4.5 The Performance Analysis ofProposed Model onReal‑World Data
The classification accuracy of the proposed OCCT model is assessed using dataset
that includes GAN-generated synthetic images. In this section, we focus on assess-
ing the model’s performance on real-world data to demonstrate its practical effec-
tiveness. To achieve this, the model is trained using an augmented dataset and then
tested on a dataset containing only real OCT images. The data distribution used for
training and testing the model is detailed in Table6.
In Table6, the dataset is divided into 70% for training and 30% for testing. From
the training set, 2000 images are used for DCGAN training. Additionally, 10,000
synthetic images are generated for DME and 12,000 for Drusen. The total number
of images for model training is 65,598, consisting of augmented data, while 32,494
real images are used for testing the model. The results are shown in Table7.
Table7 presents the results for test accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score for
both the real test dataset and the test dataset combined with synthetic images. The
accuracy difference between these two is only 0.29%, highlighting the proposed
model’s effectiveness. The 30% testing data was kept isolated during model train-
ing, ensuring it remained unseen by the model. This demonstrates that the proposed
model performed well even on unseen real-world test data.
4.6 Comparison Between OCCT, Swin andViT Models Based onDecreased
Number ofImages
This section presents the performance analysis of the OCCT model with decreased
amount datasets. The evaluation is carried out 13 times with a reduction of 25% in
the dataset each time. As the real retinal OCT dataset is enhanced for the model
training, this experiment is done on both real dataset and enhanced dataset. For the
experiment, the input image dimension is consistently maintained at 32 × 32 pixels.
The learning rate is set to 0.001, the activation function used is elu, the optimizer is
Adam, and the batch size is 128.
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Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research (2025) 9:1–40
Table 6 The distribution of training and testing data
Classes Number of images in
original dataset
Training set (70%) Testing set (30%) Training images for DCGAN
(taken from training set)
DCGAN generated
Total training
set after GAN
CNV 37,206 26,044 11,162 - - 26,044
DME 11,349 7944 3405 2000 10,000 17,944
Drusen 8617 6032 2585 2000 12,000 18,032
Normal 51,140 35,798 15,342 - - 35,798
Total = 32,494 Total = 65,598
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4.7 Performance ofOCCT Model onEnhanced Dataset
The decreasing process for the enhanced dataset results in a total of 4139 images
from the original 130,649 images. Table8 shows the proposed OCCT model, the
Swin model and the ViT model’s performance model’s performance for a decreased
number of images.
If we compare the performances of the OCCT, Swin Transformer, and ViT
models, we can see that the OCCT model performs better than the ViT and Swin
transformer models. The OCCT model outperformed the other transformers even
for the smallest number of images (4780 images) where OCCT yields an accuracy
of 85.60% and the Swin Transformer acquires an accuracy of 70.54%. In contrast,
the ViT model only has an 85.57% accuracy with the highest number of images
(130,649 images), and it is considered the weakest model for this application. The
accuracy drops from 97.09 to 85.60% for the OCCT model. For Swin and ViT mod-
els, the accuracy fall is 91.39 to 70.54% and 85.57 to 69.98%, respectively. So, here,
we cannot see any drastic accuracy drop for the reduced datasets. For OCCT model,
the accuracy drops gradually, and it only drops 10% accuracy, while the data has
Table 7 The model’s performance on real image and synthetic image dataset
OCT model’s test data Accuracy (%) Pre (%) Recall (%) F1 (%)
Tested with augmented dataset 97.09 96.52 97.27 96.87
Tested with real images of the OCT dataset 96.8 96.63 96.25 96.75
Table 8 OCCT, Swin, and ViT model performances on the minimized datasets (enhanced data)
Number of
Test accu-
Test accu-
Test accuracy
1 130,649 32 97.09% 65 91.39% 95 85.57%
2 97,987 25 96.34% 52 91.02% 73 87.31%
3 73,493 20 95.17% 35 89.88% 58 86.88%
4 55,119 14 94.40% 25 86.78% 45 85.62%
5 41,338 12 93.70% 20 86.16% 35 83.25%
6 31,003 7 92.55% 15 84.36% 25 83.12%
7 23,252 5 91.57% 12 83.75% 23 79.89%
8 17,439 6 91.91% 8 79.33% 14 77.18%
9 13,079 3 88.51% 8 76.85% 15 74.41%
10 9809 3 89.20% 7 75.35% 8 73.51%
11 7357 2 87.26% 5 73.11% 7 72.29%
12 5518 2 86.21% 3 71.58% 5 71.09%
13 4139 2 85.60% 3 70.54% 3 69.98%
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Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research (2025) 9:1–40
been reduced by almost 97% (130,649 to 4139 images). For the Swin Transformer
models, the accuracy collapses over 20%, and for the ViT model, the accuracy drops
over 15%. So, in comparison to OCCT, no model was able to maintain efficiency as
well as OCCT has. Despite the limited sample, the OCCT observation is remarkable.
4.8 Performance ofOCCT Model onReal Dataset
The reduction process for the real retinal OCT dataset yields a total of 3430 images
from the original 108,312 images. Table9 presents the performance of the proposed
OCCT model, along with the Swin and ViT models, on the reduced dataset.
The proposed model achieved an accuracy of 91.49% on the real imbalanced
retinal OCT dataset, outperforming the Swin and ViT models. The accuracy range
for the OCCT model on reduced datasets was 91.49 to 70.75%, compared to 87.89
to 65.37% for the Swin model and 77.23 to 58.33% for the ViT model. This dem-
onstrates the superior performance of the proposed model, even under challenging
4.9 Comparison withTransfer Learning Models
Eight transfer learning models were trained with the DCGAN-generated enhanced
dataset with an image size of 32
32 pixels, batch size of 128, learning rate of
0.001, activation function elu, and optimizer Adam. Table10 compares the results
of our proposed OCCT model with the transfer learning models. DenseNet121
achieved the highest accuracy of 72.21% and the lowest computational time among
Table 9 OCCT, Swin, and ViT model performances on the minimized datasets (real data)
Number of
Test accu-
Test accu-
Test accuracy
1 108,312 27 91.49% 55 87.89% 87 77.23%
2 81,234 23 89.67% 37 85.99% 61 76.18%
3 60,925 16 86.23% 29 83.13% 53 74.51%
4 45,694 13 84.63% 24 81.65% 38 73.29%
5 34,270 8 83.18% 19 80.75% 28 72.09%
6 25,702 7 81.67% 14 79.17% 26 69.41%
7 19,277 6 78.29% 10 75.77% 15 67.20%
8 14,457 4 77.91% 9 75.37% 14 65.98%
9 10,843 3 75.33% 7 73.14% 10 63.37%
10 8132 3 74.91% 7 71.11% 9 63.02%
11 6099 2 73.21% 4 69.25% 7 61.77%
12 4574 2 71.01% 2 65.69% 3 59.13%
13 3430 1.3 70.75% 2 65.37% 2 58.33%
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Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research (2025) 9:1–40
the transfer learning models. The other models had accuracies ranging from 67 to
39%. However, despite using a large number of training images, the transfer learning
models performed poorly compared to the proposed OCCT model, which achieved
an accuracy of 97.09% and a training time of only 32min, significantly lower than
the training time of the transfer models. Therefore, we can conclude that the pro-
posed model outperforms both transformers learning models and transfer learning
4.10 Performance Evaluation Using K‑Fold Cross‑Validation
Cross-validation is a technique used to assess a model’s capacity to accurately pre-
dict results for new, unobserved data [40]. This approach provides a more depend-
able estimate of the model’s performance on novel data and mitigates the risk of
overfitting. The experimental results of tenfold cross-validation are shown in
The model is evaluated utilizing 10K-fold cross-validation with different K val-
ues ranging from 1 to 10. The x-axis of Fig.15 represents the number of iterations
Table 10 Performance compatibility analysis of transfer learning models with the OCCT model
Model Number of images Time (s)
epochs Total time (min) Accuracy
DenseNet121 130,649 143s
100 237 72.21%
DenseNet201 130,649 153s
100 255 66.48%
ResNet50 130,649 158s
100 264 55.95%
MobileNetV2 130,649 159s
100 265 53.79%
ResNet101V2 130,649 156s
100 260 53.74%
VGG16 130,649 155s
100 259 50.51%
VGG19 130,649 163s
100 272 41.11%
EfficientNetB1 130,649 143s
100 239 39.22%
OCCT 130,649 19s
100 32 97.09%
Fig. 15 K-fold cross validation
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Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research (2025) 9:1–40
of the cross-validation process. The y-axis represents the accuracy. It is found that
across all folds and iterations, and the OCCT model yields over 95% test accuracy
which further validates the performance consistency of the model.
4.11 DCGAN’s Performance Comparison withPrior Studies
The performance of GAN for synthetic data generation is compared with prior stud-
ies in this section. To evaluate the quality of the generated images, we calculated
the peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and structural similarity index (SSIM) for
both the diabetic macular edema (DME) and Drusen classes. A total of 100 images
were randomly selected for each class, comprising 50 real images and 50 synthetic
images. The results, presented in Table11, show the PSNR and SSIM values for
each class, along with the mean values across both classes.
The PSNR and SSIM values presented in Table11 indicate the quality of the
GAN-generated images compared to real images. The PSNR values are 25.38dB
for DME and 25.93dB for Drusen, suggesting that the synthetic images closely
resemble the real images in terms of signal quality. The SSIM values are 0.7679
for DME and 0.7915 for Drusen, with both values above 0.7, indicating a high level
of structural similarity between the synthetic and real images. The performance
of our DCGAN model is benchmarked against existing GAN models, as shown in
In the comparative analysis, though values for SSIM (0.7794) and PSNR
(25.66 dB) achieved by our DCGAN model are not superior to all other studies,
they are still within a range that may considered acceptable for generating high-
quality synthetic images. For instance, our model outperforms the GAN models
in Wijanto etal. [41] study, where both PSNR of 25.3 dB and an SSIM of 0.54
scores are lower than our DCGAN and in Chen etal. [44] study, which reported a
Table 11 the PSNR and SSIM
for 100 images of DME and
Drusen classes
Class SSIM PSNR (dB)
DME 0.7679 25.38
Drusen 0.7915 25.93
Mean 0.7794 25.66
Table 12 Comparative analysis
of DCGAN’s performance with
prior studies
Authors SSIM PSNR (dB)
Wijanto etal. [41] 0.54 25.3
Xie etal. [42] 0.95 28.1
Kande etal. [43] 0.83 28.25
Chen etal. [44] 0.88 25.45
Qiu etal. [45] 0.71 26.4
Gour etal. [46] 0.68 27.55
Our 0.7794 25.66
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Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research (2025) 9:1–40
PSNR of 25.45dB. This demonstrates that the DCGAN model generates images of
higher quality in terms of PSNR while maintaining competitive structural similar-
ity. Moreover, our results are close to scores achieved by Qiu etal. and Kande etal.
Qiu etal. [45] attained a PSNR of 26.4dB and an SSIM of 0.71 (SSIM lower than
DCGAN), whereas Xie etal. [42], Kande etal. [43], and Gour etal. [46] reported
a PSNR of 28.1dB, 28.25 dB, and 27.55dB and an SSIM of 0.95, 0.83, and 0.68
(SSIM lower than DCGAN), respectively. Although our PSNR and SSIM values are
slightly lower in some cases, they remain within a comparable range, indicating our
DCGAN model’s performance is close to these strong benchmarks. It is important to
note that performance metrics across different studies may vary due to differences in
datasets and class distributions used. Despite these variations, the threshold values
of PSNR and SSIM range mostly above 25dB and 0.68. The values achieved by
our DCGAN model fall within the benchmark thresholds, and by maintaining good
PSNR and SSIM values, the DCGAN model underscores its effectiveness in produc-
ing realistic and structurally coherent images, thereby supporting robust proposed
model’s training, and reducing class imbalance in the dataset.
4.12 Proposed Model’s Performance Comparison withPrior Studies
In this section, a comparative analysis with existing studies is carried out to demon-
strate the effectiveness of this study. Table13 displays the name of authors, publica-
tion year, dataset, classes, proposed method, and its findings.
The proposed classification method offers substantial improvements in retinal
disease diagnosis compared to previous studies, which reported accuracies ranging
from 82 to 97%. While most of these studies typically used the same number of
classes as ours, they often failed to adequately address class imbalance which affect
adversely in model performance. Furthermore, there was a general lack of empha-
sis on optimizing models for reduced complexity. Our innovative approach not only
addresses these issues but also surpasses other studies without relying heavily on a
balanced dataset.
4.13 Limitations
The research describes a novel deep learning strategy for categorizing retinal dis-
eases, with an emphasis on optical coherence tomography (OCT) images. While
the findings are promising, several limitations should be considered. The quality
and diversity of the dataset used for training and the impact of data augmentation
techniques, such as generative adversarial networks (GANs), on model perfor-
mance should be thoroughly evaluated. The major evaluation parameter in the paper
is accuracy, which may not adequately represent the clinical utility of the model.
Therefore, sensitivity, specificity, and AUC-ROC assessments are required. The
adaptability to new retinal conditions, as well as the requirement for longitudinal
investigations, should be recognized. Finally, the study should compare its clinical
value and utility in practice not only with other transformer-based models but also
with existing diagnostic approaches.
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Table 13 Comparative analysis of proposed model’s performance with prior studies
Authors Year Dataset Classes Number of data Method Result (Accuracy)
Elkholy etal. [47] 2024 OCT dataset [48] Normal, CNV, DME, Drusen 35,468 Proposed an optimized CNN model for
Dai etal. [49] 2024 OCT dataset [50] Normal, CNV, DME, Drusen 108,312 Utilized the ResNet50, DenseNet121,
and InceptionV3 models, pre-trained
on RadImageNet, enhanced with a
sample replication technique
95% for all
Dutta etal. [51] 2023 OCT dataset [50] Normal, CNV, DME, Drusen 109,309 Proposed a Conv-ViT model 94.46%
Huang etal. [52] 2023 OCT dataset [50] Normal, CNV, DME, Drusen 108,31 Proposed GABNet for classification 96.5%
Paluru etal. [53] 2023 University of California
San Diego (UCSD)
AMD and Normal 109,300 Proposed a self-distillation frame-
work with different baseline models
including ResNet18, MobileNetV2,
and ShuffleNetV2
F1 score 95%
for ResNet18
Baharlouei etal. [54] 2023 1. OCTID
2. Duke
3. Heidelberg
1. Normal, CSR, MH, AMD, DR
2. Normal, DME, AMD
3. Normal, DME, AMD
4. Normal, DME
1. 572
2. 3231
5. 4254
4. 57,171
Proposed a CNN with wavelet scatter-
ing transform (WST) for classifica-
1. 82.5%
2. 96.6%
3. 97.1%
4. 94.4%
Özdaş etal. [55] 2023 1. Dataset 1 [56]
2. Dataset 2 [57]
1. Normal, CNV, DME, Drusen
2. Normal, DME, AMD
1. 14,568
2. 3231
Combined feature extraction methods
and used the firefly algorithm with
machine learning classifiers for clas-
1. 95.7%
2. 95.4%
OCCT (proposed) OCT dataset [14] Normal, CNV, DME, Drusen 130,649
Proposed an effective augmentation
and classification approach
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Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research (2025) 9:1–40
5 Conclusion
Artificial intelligence (AI) plays a significant role in disease diagnosis by ena-
bling the automatic analysis of medical images and large-scale patient data. Such
capability allows for the identification of intricate patterns and relationships
of medical data that may not be immediately apparent to human experts. This
research presents the OCCT, a deep learning model based on a transformer learn-
ing model CCT for retinal disease classification. The OCT dataset of retina is
enhanced with data augmentation employing the DCGAN for reducing the class
imbalance issue. The enhanced dataset is further process through several pre-
processing techniques for better visualization and boost the model training. The
CCT model is optimized through an ablation study creating an optimized model
named OCCT and trained with the DCGAN generated enhanced dataset. The pro-
posed OCCT model has demonstrated superior performance compared to vision
transformer and Swin transformer models. The OCCT model is computationally
efficient, with fewer parameters than ViT and Swin Transformer models, mak-
ing it suitable for resource-constrained environments. It also outperforms eight
state-of-the-art transfer learning models in terms of both accuracy and computa-
tional efficiency. K-fold cross-validation further validates the model’s reliability.
The model maintains high accuracy even with reduced training images and shows
no class bias, underscoring its robustness. In conclusion, the proposed methodol-
ogy of this study offers an efficient solution for retinal disease classification with
imbalanced dataset, highlighting the potential of AI in medical diagnostics and its
applicability in real-world healthcare scenarios.
Author Contribution SS (First Author): Conceptualization, Methodology, Data curation, Software, For-
mal analysis, Writing—original draft and editing. RI: Writing—review and editing. SA and AK: Project
administration, Conceptualization, Supervision. IJ: Methodology, Validation, Writing—original draft and
editing. IU: Visualization, Writing—original draft and editing. SM and AK: Visualization, Writing—
original draft and editing. MZ: Supervision, Validation, Resources. MJ (Corresponding Author): Valida-
tion, Writing—review and editing.
Funding Open Access funding enabled and organized by CAUL and its Member Institutions.
Data Availability The dataset is available and it is free at Mendeley. https:// doi. org/ 10. 17632/ rscbj br9sj.3
Competing Interest The authors declare no competing interests.
Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License,
which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long
as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative
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Journal of Healthcare Informatics Research (2025) 9:1–40
Authors and Aliations
SadiaSultanaChowa2· Md.RahadIslamBhuiyan2· IsratJahanPayel2·
AsifKarim1· InamUllahKhan2· SidratulMontaha3· Md.ZahidHasan2·
MirjamJonkman1· SamiAzam1
* Asif Karim
* Sami Azam
Sadia Sultana Chowa
Md. Rahad Islam Bhuiyan
Israt Jahan Payel
Inam Ullah Khan
Sidratul Montaha
Md. Zahid Hasan
Mirjam Jonkman
1 Faculty ofScience andTechnology, Charles Darwin University, Casuarina, NT0909, Australia
2 Health Informatics Research Laboratory (HIRL), Department ofComputer Science
andEngineering, Daffodil International University, Dhaka-1341, Bangladesh
3 Department ofComputer Science, University ofCalgary, Calgary, ABT2N1N4, Canada
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Dispersion in optical coherence tomography (OCT) poses a challenge that is exacerbated by the increased spectral bandwidth, which leads to image blur and feature loss. In this paper, we present a straightforward and cost-effective approach for dispersion compensation in OCT. To achieve this, we employed a pixel-to-pixel (Pix2Pix) generative adversarial network (GAN) architecture customized for image-to-image translation. Two data groups with varying amounts of training image data and epochs were used. The Pix2Pix GAN was trained to generate clear OCT images from the corresponding dispersion-affected OCT images in paired datasets. According to the experimental results, the Pix2Pix GAN technique demonstrated a substantial improvement over the basic GAN. Specifically, it increases the peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) by 159%, structural similarity index (SSIM) by 370%, and Fréchet inception distance (FID) by 274%. These outcomes indicate that the proposed model can generate images with resilience and effectiveness, particularly when dealing with dispersion-affected OCT data.
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Deep learning shows promising results in extracting useful information from medical images. The proposed work applies a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) on retinal images to extract features that allow early detection of ophthalmic diseases. Early disease diagnosis is critical to retinal treatment. Any damage that occurs to retinal tissues that cannot be recovered can result in permanent degradation or even complete loss of sight. The proposed deep-learning algorithm detects three different diseases from features extracted from Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) images. The deep-learning algorithm uses CNN to classify OCT images into four categories. The four categories are Normal retina, Diabetic Macular Edema (DME), Choroidal Neovascular Membranes (CNM), and Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD). The proposed work uses publicly available OCT retinal images as a dataset. The experimental results show significant enhancement in classification accuracy while detecting the features of the three listed diseases.
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COVID-19, pneumonia, and tuberculosis have had a significant effect on recent global health. Since 2019, COVID-19 has been a major factor underlying the increase in respiratory-related terminal illness. Early-stage interpretation and identification of these diseases from X-ray images is essential to aid medical specialists in diagnosis. In this study, (COV-X-net19) a convo-lutional neural network model is developed and customized with a soft attention mechanism to classify lung diseases into four classes: normal, COVID-19, pneumonia, and tuberculosis using chest X-ray images. Image preprocessing is carried out by adjusting optimal parameters to preprocess the images before undertaking training of the classification models. Moreover, the proposed model is optimized by experimenting with different architectural structures and hyperparameters to further boost performance. The performance of the proposed model is compared with eight state-of-the-art transfer learning models for a comparative evaluation. Results suggest that the COV-X-net19 outperforms other models with a testing accuracy of 95.19%, precision of 96.49% and F1-score of 95.13%. Another novel approach of this study is to find out the probable reason behind image misclassification by analyzing the handcrafted imaging features with statistical evaluation. A statistical analysis known as analysis of variance test is performed, to identify at which point the model can identify a class accurately, and at which point the model cannot identify the class. The potential features responsible for the misclassi-fication are also found. Moreover, Random Forest Feature importance technique and Minimum Redundancy Maximum Relevance technique are also explored. The methods and findings of this study can benefit in the clinical perspective in early detection and enable a better understanding of the cause of misclassification.
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To assist ophthalmologists in diagnosing retinal abnormalities, Computer Aided Diagnosis has played a significant role. In this paper, a particular Convolutional Neural Network based on Wavelet Scattering Transform (WST) is used to detect one to four retinal abnormalities from Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) images. Predefined wavelet filters in this network decrease the computation complexity and processing time compared to deep learning methods. We use two layers of the WST network to obtain a direct and efficient model. WST generates a sparse representation of the images which is translation-invariant and stable concerning local deformations. Next, a Principal Component Analysis classifies the extracted features. We evaluate the model using four publicly available datasets to have a comprehensive comparison with the literature. The accuracies of classifying the OCT images of the OCTID dataset into two and five classes were 100%100\% 100 % and 82.5%82.5\% 82.5 % , respectively. We achieved an accuracy of 96.6%96.6\% 96.6 % in detecting Diabetic Macular Edema from Normal ones using the TOPCON device-based dataset. Heidelberg and Duke datasets contain DME, Age-related Macular Degeneration, and Normal classes, in which we achieved accuracy of 97.1%97.1\% 97.1 % and 94.4%94.4\% 94.4 % , respectively. A comparison of our results with the state-of-the-art models shows that our model outperforms these models for some assessments or achieves nearly the best results reported so far while having a much smaller computational complexity.
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The current advancement towards retinal disease detection mainly focused on distinct feature extraction using either a convolutional neural network (CNN) or a transformer-based end-to-end deep learning (DL) model. The individual end-to-end DL models are capable of only processing texture or shape-based information for performing detection tasks. However, extraction of only texture- or shape-based features does not provide the model robustness needed to classify different types of retinal diseases. Therefore, concerning these two features, this paper developed a fusion model called ‘Conv-ViT’ to detect retinal diseases from foveal cut optical coherence tomography (OCT) images. The transfer learning-based CNN models, such as Inception-V3 and ResNet-50, are utilized to process texture information by calculating the correlation of the nearby pixel. Additionally, the vision transformer model is fused to process shape-based features by determining the correlation between long-distance pixels. The hybridization of these three models results in shape-based texture feature learning during the classification of retinal diseases into its four classes, including choroidal neovascularization (CNV), diabetic macular edema (DME), DRUSEN, and NORMAL. The weighted average classification accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score of the model are found to be approximately 94%. The results indicate that the fusion of both texture and shape features assisted the proposed Conv-ViT model to outperform the state-of-the-art retinal disease classification models.
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Retinal optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging is a valuable tool for assessing the condition of the back part of the eye. The condition has a great effect on the specificity of diagnosis, the monitoring of many physiological and pathological procedures, and the response and evaluation of therapeutic effectiveness in various fields of clinical practices, including primary eye diseases and systemic diseases such as diabetes. Therefore, precise diagnosis, classification, and automated image analysis models are crucial. In this paper, we propose an enhanced optical coherence tomography (EOCT) model to classify retinal OCT based on modified ResNet (50) and random forest algorithms, which are used in the proposed study’s training strategy to enhance performance. The Adam optimizer is applied during the training process to increase the efficiency of the ResNet (50) model compared with the common pre-trained models, such as spatial separable convolutions and visual geometry group (VGG) (16). The experimentation results show that the sensitivity, specificity, precision, negative predictive value, false discovery rate, false negative rate accuracy, and Matthew’s correlation coefficient are 0.9836, 0.9615, 0.9740, 0.9756, 0.0385, 0.0260, 0.0164, 0.9747, 0.9788, and 0.9474, respectively.
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Introduction The retina represents a critical ocular structure. Of the various ophthalmic afflictions, retinal pathologies have garnered considerable scientific interest, owing to their elevated prevalence and propensity to induce blindness. Among clinical evaluation techniques employed in ophthalmology, optical coherence tomography (OCT) is the most commonly utilized, as it permits non-invasive, rapid acquisition of high-resolution, cross-sectional images of the retina. Timely detection and intervention can significantly abate the risk of blindness and effectively mitigate the national incidence rate of visual impairments. Methods This study introduces a novel, efficient global attention block (GAB) for feed forward convolutional neural networks (CNNs). The GAB generates an attention map along three dimensions (height, width, and channel) for any intermediate feature map, which it then uses to compute adaptive feature weights by multiplying it with the input feature map. This GAB is a versatile module that can seamlessly integrate with any CNN, significantly improving its classification performance. Based on the GAB, we propose a lightweight classification network model, GABNet, which we develop on a UCSD general retinal OCT dataset comprising 108,312 OCT images from 4686 patients, including choroidal neovascularization (CNV), diabetic macular edema (DME), drusen, and normal cases. Results Notably, our approach improves the classification accuracy by 3.7% over the EfficientNetV2B3 network model. We further employ gradient-weighted class activation mapping (Grad-CAM) to highlight regions of interest on retinal OCT images for each class, enabling doctors to easily interpret model predictions and improve their efficiency in evaluating relevant models. Discussion With the increasing use and application of OCT technology in the clinical diagnosis of retinal images, our approach offers an additional diagnostic tool to enhance the diagnostic efficiency of clinical OCT retinal images.
Objective: Clinical data's confidential nature often limits the development of machine learning models in healthcare. Generative adversarial networks (GANs) can synthesise realistic datasets, but suffer from mode collapse, resulting in low diversity and bias towards majority demographics and common clinical practices. This work proposes an extension to the classic GAN framework that includes a variational autoencoder (VAE) and an external memory mechanism to overcome these limitations and generate synthetic data accurately describing imbalanced class distributions commonly found in clinical variables. Methods: The proposed method generated a synthetic dataset related to antiretroviral therapy for human immunodeficiency virus (ART for HIV). We evaluated it based on five metrics: (1) accurately representing imbalanced class distribution; (2) the realism of the individual variables; (3) the realism among variables; (4) patient disclosure risk; and (5) the utility of the generated dataset for developing downstream machine learning models. Results: The proposed method overcomes the issue of mode collapse and generates a synthetic dataset that accurately describes imbalanced class distributions commonly found in clinical variables. The generated data has a patient disclosure risk of 0.095%, lower than the 9% threshold stated by Health Canada and the European Medicines Agency, making it suitable for distribution to the research community with high security. The generated data also has high utility, indicating the potential of the proposed method to enable the development of downstream machine learning algorithms for healthcare applications using synthetic data. Conclusion: Our proposed extension to the classic GAN framework, which includes a VAE and an external memory mechanism, represents a promising approach towards generating synthetic data that accurately describe imbalanced class distributions commonly found in clinical variables. This method overcomes the limitations of GANs and creates more realistic datasets with higher patient cohort diversity, facilitating the development of downstream machine learning algorithms for healthcare applications.