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Soil test based nourishment to enhance yield attributes, nutrient-uptake, pigment and economics of beetroot grown in western ghats of Tamil Nadu


Abstract and Figures

Beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.) is a widely cultivated root vegetable globally known for its significant health benefits. This study was conducted on a farmer’s field in the Nilgiris district of Tamil Nadu's Western Ghats, using the Improved Crystal Hybrid beetroot variety, to evaluate the effects of varying dosages of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), and integrated nutrient management systems on yield attributes, nutrient uptake, pigment content, and cost-effectiveness. The experimental trials were carried out in Kadanad Village during the winter of 2024 and in Emerald Village during the summer of 2024. The treatments included untreated nutrient controls, a general fertilizer recommended dose (GFRD), GFRD combined with Farm Yard Manure (FYM), Soil Test Crop Response (STCR) inorganic-based nutrient doses targeting yields of 350, 400, and 450 q ha-1, STCR integrated-based nutrient doses with the same yield targets, and the farmer’s standard fertilizer application. The findings showed that the treatment with 1.80 N + 2.33 P2O5 + 1.16 K2O q ha-1 combined with FYM @125 q ha-1 (T3) achieved the largest root diameter (8.76 cm), root perimeter (28.67 cm), total root length (20.40 cm), edible root length (8.1 cm), root fresh weight (264.51g per plant), root dry weight (23.53g per plant), root yield (442.10 q ha-1), nutrient uptake of N (181.65 kg ha-1), P (35.26 kg ha-1), K (195.98 kg ha-1), and pigment content (total betalain 138.02 mg 100g-1 FW, betacyanins 93.34 mg 100g-1 FW, betaxanthins 44.68 mg 100g-1 FW). This treatment also achieved the highest gross revenue (1,326,300Rs.), net income (1,100,300Rs.), and benefit-cost ratio (4.87:1).
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Plant Science Today, ISSN 2348-1900 (online)
Received: 01 September 2024
Accepted: 12 October 2024
Available online
Version 1.0 : 19 December 2024
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Arulmani R, Sellamuthu KM, Maragatham S,
Senthil A, Thamaraiselvi SP, Malathi
P, Sridevi G. Soil test based nourishment to
enhance yield attributes, nutrient-uptake,
pigment and economics of beetroot grown
in Western Ghats of Tamil Nadu. Plant
Science Today.2024;11(sp4):01-07.
Beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.) is a widely cultivated root vegetable globally known
for its significant health benefits. This study was conducted on a farmers field
in the Nilgiris district of Tamil Nadu's Western Ghats, using the Improved
Crystal Hybrid beetroot, to evaluate the effects of varying dosages of nitrogen
(N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and integrated nutrient management
systems on yield attributes, nutrient uptake, pigment content and cost-
effectiveness. The experimental trials were carried out in Kadanad Village
during the winter of 2024 and in Emerald Village during the summer of 2024.
The treatments included untreated nutrient controls, a general fertilizer
recommended dose (GFRD), GFRD combined with Farm Yard Manure (FYM),
Soil Test Crop Response (STCR) inorganic-based nutrient doses targeting yields
of 350, 400 and 450 q ha-1, STCR integrated-based nutrient doses with the same
yield targets and the farmers standard fertilizer application. The findings
showed that the treatment with 1.80 N + 2.33 P2O5 + 1.16 K2O q ha-1 combined
with FYM @125 q ha-1 (T3) achieved the largest root diameter (8.76 cm), root
perimeter (28.67 cm), total root length (20.40 cm), edible root length (8.1 cm),
root fresh weight (264.51g per plant), root dry weight (23.53g per plant), root
yield (442.10 q ha-1), nutrient uptake of N (181.65 kg ha-1), P (35.26 kg ha-1), K
(195.98 kg ha-1) and pigment content (total betalain 138.02 mg 100g-1 FW,
betacyanins 93.34 mg 100g-1 FW, betaxanthins 44.68 mg 100g-1 FW). This
treatment also achieved the highest gross revenue (₹1,326,300), net income
(₹1,100,300) and benefit-cost ratio (4.87:1).
Beta vulgaris; economics; NPK uptake; pigment; STCR- integrated; yield attributes
Since independence, achieving food security has been a major national
concern. Population growth and rising incomes drive increased demand for
food and processed goods. Beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.), a prominent root
vegetable commonly referred to as garden or table beet, is a member of the
Chenopodiaceae family . This plant produces green leaves and a swollen root,
widely used as vegetables and salads. Beetroot is a rich source of nutrients,
including carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins A and C, niacin and antioxidants. The
leading beetroot-growing states in India are Maharashtra, West Bengal, Uttar
Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh and Haryana. Nationwide, beetroot is cultivated on
ISSN 2348-1900 (online)
Vol 11(sp4): 0107
e-Publishing Group
Soil test based nourishment to enhance yield attributes,
nutrient-uptake, pigment and economics of beetroot grown in
western ghats of Tamil Nadu
R Arulmani1, KM Sellamuthu1*, S Maragatham1, A Senthil2, SP Thamaraiselvi3, P Malathi1 & G Sridevi1
1Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore 641 003, Tamil Nadu, India
2Department of Crop Physiology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore 641 003, Tamil Nadu, India
3Department of Floriculture and Landscape Architecture, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore 641 003, Tamil Nadu, In dia
over 0.079 lakh hectares, yielding an annual production of
1.51 lakh tonnes (1).
In temperate regions, beetroot is cultivated as a
biennial plant. Its vivid red hue is attributed to betalains, which
include yellow pigments (betaxanthins) and red-violet
pigments (betacyanins) that give the root its colour.
Betacyanin, a naturally occurring pigment, is utilized to create
artificial colorants and functions as a natural food coloring in
products such as beverages, dairy products, soups, and others
(2). Vegetables serve a crucial part in human nutrition and in
recent years, interest in boosting vegetable production has
markedly expanded due to heightened knowledge of their
nutritional worth and significance in fulfilling the nation's food
requirements .
As a primary source of dietary nitrates, vegetables raise
concerns regarding nitrate accumulation in fresh produce.
Beetroot provides numerous health benefits, such as
maintaining cholesterol levels, lowering the risk of heart
disease and offering protection against congenital disabilities
and certain types of cancer (3). Moreover, beetroot functions as
a comprehensive tonic, advantageous for pregnant women
and assists in cleansing the liver, kidneys and gallbladder.
However, excessive nitrate buildup in beetroot can pose health
risks, as nitrates may convert into nitrites within the body,
potentially causing methemoglobinemia (4).
In modern agriculture, chemical fertilizers have become
the primary method for supplying essential nutrients to plants
to maximize production. However, their extensive use has
resulted in negative environmental impacts and rising
production costs. Issues like declining soil fertility, food
contamination and environmental degradation stem directly
from the overuse of synthetic fertilizers on farmland. Therefore,
exploring alternative solutions that enhance profitability,
improve quality and are environmentally sustainable is crucial.
Combining synthetic and organic fertilizers provides a
balanced approach, boosting crop production while mitigating
adverse effects on soil and the environment (5).
Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) offers a
sustainable approach to crop production by reducing
dependence on inorganic fertilizers. By combining organic
manure with synthetic fertilizers, INM enhances soil health,
minimizes pollution, increases productivity and supports food
security. This approach also promotes better crop growth,
higher economic yields, improved pigment content and greater
profitability in beetroot farming. The present study aims to
identify the optimal combination of chemical and organic
fertilizers to enhance beetroot yield, quality, nutrient uptake,
pigment concentration and profitability, considering all these
key factors.
Materials and Methods
Soil samples were analysed for organic carbon using the
Walkley-Black method (6), potassium permanganate
oxidizable nitrogen (7), Bray phosphorus (8), ammonium
acetate-extractable potassium (9), cation exchange capacity
(CEC) with neutral normal ammonium acetate (10) and DTPA-
extractable micronutrients (11). The trial plots were set up in a
farmers field in Kadanad Village (11° 49' N, 76° 73' E) during the
winter of 2024 and in Emerald Village (11° 32' N, 76° 64' E)
during the summer of 2024. Both sites are located in the Nilgiris
region of the Western Ghatsof Tamil Nadu.
Initial soil samples were collected and analysed for
various parameters. The soil was non-calcareous, red and clay
loam, with an acidic pH of 4.45 (pH meter) and low salinity, with
an EC of 0.35 mS cm-1 (EC meter). The soils CEC was 18
centimoles per kg. Pre-sowing soil fertility assessments showed
an organic carbon content of 30.27 g kg-1, with Potassium
Permanganate-Nitrogen (KMnO₄-N), Bray phosphorus and
Ammonium Acetate-Potassium (NH₄OAc-K) levels at 424, 191
and 522 kg ha-1, respectively. The diethylenetriaminepentaacetic
acid (DTPA)-extractable micronutrients (mg kg-¹) were in the
optimal range: Iron (Fe) (43.06), Manganese (Mn) (11.23), Zinc
(Zn) (2.16) and Copper (Cu) (2.74).
The field trial included ten treatment combinations, as
outlined in Table 1. The quantities of KMnO4-N, Bray-P, NH4OAc
-K needed to achieve the desired beetroot yield were
determined using fertilizer recommendation equations.
Following the treatment guidelines, the total quantities
of K and P and 50 % of N were applied as a basal dose before
sowing. The remaining N dosage was applied 30 days after
sowing (DAS). Farm Yard Manure (FYM) was incorporated into
the plots before sowing, in line with the treatment
specifications. N, P and K were supplied through urea, single
superphosphate (SSP) and potassium chloride, respectively.
Agronomic practices and crop protection measures were
followed according to standard protocols.
Data collected included root diameter (cm), root
perimeter (cm), total root length (cm), edible root length (cm),
root fresh weight per plant (g), root dry weight per plant (g),
root yield (q ha-1) and nutrient uptake (kg ha-1) for N, P and K.
Pigment content was measured as total betalain (TB),
betaxanthins (BX) and betacyanins (BC) (mg 100g-1 FW).
Economic parameters such as total revenue (Rs), net revenue
(Rs) and benefit-cost ratio were also recorded. All plant
parameters were assessed at harvest (110 DAS).
Nutrient Uptake
N content was measured using the micro Kjeldahl method
with diacid extraction. Phosphorus was quantified using the
vanado molybdophosphoric yellow color method (triacid
extraction) and K was measured with a flame photometer
(triacid extraction)(12). Nutrient uptake was calculated by
multiplying the nutrient content values by the
corresponding dry mass yield of beetroot.
STCR-Inorganic nutrient Soil Test Crop Response (STCR)-
Integrated nutrient
FN = 0.69TY-0.37STVN FN = 0.69TY-0.37STVN-0.62FYMN
FP2O5 = 0.61TY-0.54STVP FP2O5 = 0.61TY-0.54STVP-0.86FYMP
FK2O = 0.82TY-0.42STVK FK2O = 0.82TY-0.42STVK-0.63FYMK
Table 1. Nutrient prescription for beetroot
TY= Target yield (q ha-1), FN= Nitrogen Fertilizer (kg ha-1), FP2O5= Phosphorus
Fertilizer (kg ha-1), FK2O= Potassium Fertilizer (kg ha-1), STVN= Soil-test value
nitrogen (kg ha-1), STVP= Soil- test value phosphorus (kg ha-1), STVK=Soil-test value
potassium (kg ha-1), FYMN= Farmyard manure nitrogen (kg ha-1), FYMP= Farmyard
manure phosphorus (kg ha-1), FYMK= Farmyard manure potassium (kg ha-1).
Plant Science Today, ISSN 2348-1900 (online)
A measured 1 g sample of the powdered material was
treated with a di-acid mixture to oxidize the organic matter
and dissolve the mineral elements. The digested sample
was then distilled with an alkali and the resulting ammonia
was absorbed in a standard acid solution. The excess acid
was back-titrated and the N content was subsequently
The total P content in the plant samples was extracted using
a triple-acid method. A heteropoly compound formed by
the reaction between vanadomolybdate and phosphate
radicals in a nitric acid medium produced a yellow color.
The intensity of this color was measured at 470 nm using a
spectrophotometer and the P content was determined
based on a standard calibration curve.
The total K content in the plant samples was extracted using
a triple-acid method. When liquid samples containing K are
ignited in a flame, K emits photons at characteristic
wavelengths. The intensity of this emission, which is directly
proportional to the K content, was measured with a flame
photometer to determine the K concentration in the plant
Pigment analysis
Pigment analysis using chromatographic techniques
typically employs a Betalainstandard. However, this study
used a spectrophotometric method to measure absorbance
values for three color compounds: total betalain at 600 nm,
betacyanin at 537 nm and betaxanthin at 478 nm. Based on
the optical density (OD) values, pigment concentrations
were calculated as follows: (13).
Where A is the absorption value, DF is the dilution
factor, MW is the molecular weight, L is the path length of
the cuvette and ɛ the molar extinction coeicients, DF is
the dilution factor, MW is the molecular weight, L is the
path length of the cuvette and ɛ is the molar extinction
coeicient. The results obtained in mg L-¹ were then
converted to mg 100g-¹.
Economic analysis was conducted based on current
market costs for inputs and outputs. Data collected over
two consecutive years were statistically assessed (14).
Statistical analysis of the data was carried out using
analysis of variance (ANOVA) for a randomized block
design (RBD).
Results and Discussion
Yield attributes of beetroot
Root diameter : Among the various organic and inorganic
nutrient management treatments, the highest root diameter
(8.76 cm) was observed under the treatment of 1.80 q N, 2.33 q
phosphorus pentoxide and 1.16 q potassium oxide ha-1,
combined with FYM at 125 q ha-1 (T3). This treatment
outperformed all other treatments, while the smallest root
diameter (4.81 cm) was recorded in the control treatment
without any nutrient application (T10).
The increased beetroot diameter observed in T3 may be
attributed to improved overall plant growth, which enhanced
photosynthetic activity from the leaves (source) to the roots
(sink), leading to a larger diameter. This larger diameter likely
resulted from increased cell division and rapid cell proliferation
vegetative growth likely contributed directly to root size, with
more carbohydrate storage promoting an increase in diameter
as storage organs became nutrient-rich (15, 16). The
combination of NPK fertilizer and FYM favoured plant growth
regulator activities, ultimately contributing to the increase in
root diameter (17).
Root perimeter : The impact of various treatments on root
perimeter was found to be statistically significant. The largest
root perimeter (28.67 cm) was recorded in treatment T3, which
involved the application of 1.80 q N, 2.33 q P2O5 and 1.16 K2O q
ha-1 along with FYM at 125 q ha-1. This treatment significantly
outperformed all others at harvest. In contrast, the smallest root
perimeter (15.24 cm) was observed in T10 (untreated nutrients).
The increased root perimeter in T3 is likely due to
improved nutrient availability and absorption, contributing to a
larger root circumference and higher root yield. Similar findings
have also been reported (18). The increase in root perimeter
may also be attributed to enhanced nutrient uptake and
balanced nutrition. Additionally, the interaction between NPK
and FYM prompted the synthesis of growth regulators, amino
acids and vitamins, thereby enhancing photosynthate
production (19).
Total root length and edible root length : The longest total
root length (20.40 cm) was recorded in T3, significantly greater
than all other treatments. Conversely, the shortest total root
length (8.96 cm) was observed in T10.
The data regarding edible beetroot length, as shown in
Table 2, indicate a statistically significant effect of the
treatments on edible beetroot length. The largest edible root
length (8.10 cm) was significantly observed in T3, while the
shortest (3.50 cm) was found in T10.
The increased root length in T3 may be attributed to the
consistent supply of P, which stimulated root growth and
facilitated greater nutrient uptake. Applying organic manure
also improved soil structure, promoting beetroot growth by
enhancing soil microbial activity and the production of
polysaccharides (20).
Phosphorus plays a crucial role in root development by
enhancing nutrient absorption and translocation and is
involved in various enzyme functions and ATP synthesis,
ultimately leading to increased root growth (21). Incorporating
FYM into the soil enhances its physical condition by improving
Betalain pigments (mg L-1) = ɛ* L
B:C ratio =
Net revenue
Cost of Cultivation
soil particle aggregation, which further contributes to
increased root length (22). These aggregates positively affect
soil fertility and influence water retention, gas diffusion and
root growth and development, all contributing to overall plant
growth (23). The addition of organic manures enhances the
suitability of the physical environment by optimizing soil bulk
density, hence promoting root elongation, tuber development
and nutrient uptake from soil and nutrient sources (24).
Root fresh mass per plant : There were significant differences
in root fresh mass per plant among the treatments. The highest
root fresh mass per plant (264.51 g) was observed in treatment
T3, while the lowest root fresh weight (144.21 g) was recorded
in T10 (the control treatment).
This increase in root fresh mass may be attributed to the
nutrient-solubilizing effects of FYM, which enhances the uptake
of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (NPK). FYM supplies
essential macronutrients during mineralization, directly
supporting plant growth by improving the soil's physical
properties. Similar findings have been reported in previous
studies (25-27). As plants absorb nutrients throughout their
growth cycle, there is a corresponding increase in root fresh
mass (28).
Root dry mass per plant : The higher root dry mass per plant
(23.53 g) was recorded in treatment T3, while the lowest dry
mass (12.85 g) was observed in T10 (the untreated control). The
observed increase in dry mass in T3 is likely due to the elevated
dry matter content of beetroot, which varies from 9 % to 13 % .
A similar outcome was reported in previous studies (29).
Root yield: Data on beetroot yield per hectare indicated
significant differences between treatments (Table 3).
Treatment T3 exhibited the highest root yield per hectare
(442.10 q ha-¹), demonstrating statistical superiority over all
other treatments. In contrast, the lowest root yield was
observed in T10 (251.90 q ha-¹).
The increased root production observed in T3,
associated with the STCR-integrated treatment, may be
attributed to improved nutrient accessibility, which enhanced
the growth and yield factors of beetroot, ultimately resulting in
a higher yield. The accumulation of humus substances likely
mobilized stored nutrients to the roots, facilitated by
hydrolysing and oxidizing enzymes. The higher yield can also
be linked to increased plant height, leaf number and fresh root
weight (30).
The combination of NPK and FYM significantly
improved growth traits, contributing to the higher yield. Similar
findings have been reported in previous studies (31, 32).
Nitrogen is one of the most yield-limiting nutrients for crops
like potatoes, where the greatest reduction in production is
often attributed to N deficiency, along with deficiencies in K
and P (33). The effectiveness of organic manure in enhancing
crop yield stems from its ability to provide adequate quantities
of essential plant nutrients throughout the growth period,
especially during critical growth stages, which leads to
improved nutrient uptake, plant vigour and superior yield
attributes (34).
Table 2. Treatment details for a field trial on chemical and combined nutrient management in beetroot
Treatments FYM (q ha-1) Fertilizer nutrient doses (q ha-1)
T1-STCR-Integrated-TY1 350 q ha-1 125 0.91 1.14 0.50
T2-STCR-Integrated-TY2 400 q ha-1 125 1.40 1.74 0.77
T3-STCR-Integrated-TY3 450 q ha-1 125 1.80 2.33 1.16
T4-STCR-Inorganic-TY1 350 q ha-1 - 1.23 1.41 0.89
T5-STCR-Inorganic-TY2 400 q ha-1 - 1.72 2.01 1.28
T6-STCR-Inorganic-TY3 450 q ha-1 - 1.80 2.40 1.50
T7-General fertilizer recommended dose (100 % GFRD alone) - 1.20 1.60 1.00
T8-General fertilizer recommended dose (100 % GFRD) + FYM @ 125 q ha-1 125 1.20 1.60 1.00
T9-Farmers fertilizer Practice (FFP) - 0.80 0.85 0.76
10-Absolute control (untreated nutrients) - 0 0 0
Treatments Root
Total root
length (cm) Edible root
length (cm) Root fresh mass
per plant (g)
Root dry
mass per
plant (g) Yield (q ha-1)
T1 6.61 20.93 13.76 5.50 206.34 18.51 354.00
T2 7.76 26.31 16.23 6.90 240.61 21.34 403.50
T3 8.76 28.67 20.40 8.10 264.51 23.53 442.10
T4 6.10 19.24 12.73 5.10 173.95 17.46 291.90
T5 7.58 24.56 15.28 6.10 230.61 20.23 389.00
T6 7.95 27.51 18.52 7.70 253.08 22.16 423.30
T7 5.65 18.02 10.71 4.70 164.28 15.21 283.40
T8 6.78 22.16 14.85 5.80 215.62 19.24 360.60
T9 5.38 17.12 9.82 4.30 154.26 13.52 259.60
T10 4.81 15.24 8.96 3.50 144.21 12.85 251.90
SEd 0.21 0.45 0.16 0.07 3.60 0.18 7.21
CD (0.05) 0.45 0.96 0.34 0.16 7.56 0.38 15.16
Cv 2.01 2.55 1.42 1.65 2.15 1.72 2.55
Table 3. Impact of chemical and combined nutrient management on yield characteristics of beetroot (average data from two seasons)
Plant Science Today, ISSN 2348-1900 (online)
Nutrient Uptake
Nitrogen uptake : Nitrogen uptake in beetroot plants was
highest in T3, with an N uptake of 181.65 kg ha-1,
significantly higher than all the other treatments. The
lowest N uptake was recorded in T10, with a value of 102.75
kg ha-1 (Fig. 1).
The high amount of N uptake in T3 treatment could
be attributed to the prolonged and enhanced availability of
N in this treatment, along with an increase in dry matter yield
(35-37). Additionally, the greater N uptake by beetroot tubers
may be due to the increased mineralized N in the soil (38).
Phosphorus uptake : The highest P uptake (35.26 kg ha-1) was
recorded in T3, significantly surpassing all other treatments,
while the lowest uptake (15.28 kg ha-1) was observed in the
treatment without any nutrient application (T10) (Table 4).
The increased P uptake in T3 can be attributed to the
chelating effect of organic acids, which improve ion
accessibility and the solubilizing action of FYM decomposition
(39). The enhanced availability of P is likely due to organic acids
produced during FYM breakdown, which solubilize P ions.
Additionally, the superior organic matter content in FYM
facilitates a gradual nutrient release into the soil system. This
observation is consistent with previous findings (40).
Potassium uptake : The highest K uptake (195.98 kg ha-1) was
observed in treatment T3, while the lowest (108.67 kg ha-1) was
recorded in T10 (untreated nutrients).
The increased K uptake in T3 can be attributed to the
retention of K in an exchangeable form in FYM-enriched soil,
which prevents K fixation by clay particles (37, 41). The
building up of organic matter complexes due to organic acids
also contributes to the enhanced absorption of N, P and K
following FYM application. The combined use of organic
manure and chemical fertilizers significantly increased yield,
improved soil chemical properties, boosted nutrient
availability and thus led to higher nutrient uptake by beetroot
(17). Enhanced K uptake promoted greater root growth,
enabling the plant to access a broader area for nutrient
absorption (42).
Eect of treatments on total betalains, betacyanins and
The highest concentration of total betalains (138.02 mg per
100 g FW) was observed in treatment T3, while the lowest
concentration (97.36 mg per 100 g FW) was recorded in T10,
which served as the control.
For betacyanins, the highest content (93.34 mg per 100
g FW) was achieved in treatment T3, significantly surpassing all
other treatments. In contrast, the lowest betacyanins content
(56.21 mg per 100 g FW) was observed in T10, where no
nutrients were applied. Similarly, T3 also recorded the highest
betaxanthins content (44.68 mg per 100 g FW), which was
statistically superior to all other treatments. In comparison, the
minimum betaxanthins content (41.15 mg per 100 g FW) was
found in T10 (untreated nutrients).
The data indicate that the highest levels of total
betalains, betacyanins and betaxanthins were found in
treatment T3. This increase in pigment concentration in the
roots could be attributed to the type and dosage of fertilization.
Fertilizers rich in N have proven to be an effective strategy for
enhancing betalains, betacyanins and betaxanthins content
(43) (Fig. 2).
The highest total revenue (₹1,326,300), net revenue (₹1,100,300)
and benefit-cost ratio (4.87:1) (Table 5) were recorded in
treatment T3. This outcome is attributed to the greater root yield
per hectare achieved with this treatment compared to others.
These findings align with results of a previous study (44) .
Fig.1. Eect of treatments on nutrient uptake in beetroot (average data from
two seasons).
Treatments N uptake P uptake K uptake Total Betalains Betacyanins Betaxanthins
T1 131.57 23.64 143.67 112.94 71.25 41.69
T2 155.82 30.14 171.94 118.62 81.56 37.06
T3 181.65 35.26 195.98 138.02 93.34 44.68
T4 124.38 21.54 132.67 108.72 67.64 41.08
T5 148.67 28.61 162.34 115.29 78.62 36.67
T6 167.94 33.28 184.29 125.47 86.52 38.95
T7 117.54 19.52 124.37 103.37 64.62 38.75
T8 139.85 26.57 155.72 114.57 75.21 39.36
T9 110.76 17.26 115.37 100.64 60.61 40.03
T10 102.75 15.28 108.67 97.36 56.21 41.15
SEd 3.16 0.52 2.68 1.52 1.37 0.61
CD (0.05) 6.65 1.1 5.64 3.19 2.89 1.30
Cv 2.81 2.56 2.20 1.64 2.18 1.90
Table 4. Impact of chemical and combined nutrient management on nutrient uptake (kg ha-1) and pigment content (mg 100g-1 FW) in beetroot (average data from
two seasons)
FW=Fresh Weight
Enhancing the pigment content of beetroot increases its
economic value and broadens the potential for sustainable
beetroot cultivation in hilly regions. The findings from the two
field trials clearly demonstrate that the combined application
of mineral nutrients (1.80 N + 2.33 P₂O+ 1.16 K₂O kg ha-¹) with
125 kg ha-¹ of FYM (T3) resulted in the highest beetroot yield
and superior growth parameters compared to other
treatments. This combination not only increased yield
characteristics, including root diameter, fresh and dry root
weight, root perimeter and root length but also elevated
nutrient absorption and pigment concentration in the plants.
The trial results indicate that using mineral nutrients
with organic manure significantly improves beetroot yield,
yield attributes, nutrient uptake, pigment content and overall
economic benefits. This combination of inorganic and organic
fertilizers offers a return of 4.87 rupees for every rupee invested.
Therefore, integrating mineral fertilizers with available
farmyard organic manures increases farmers' income and
supports soil health sustainability.
The authors thank Tamil Nadu Agricultural University for
providing the necessary support and facilities to perform
this work.
Authors' contributions
RA conducted the experiment and draed the manuscript.
KMS designed the experiment and edited the manuscript.
SM, PM and AS interpreted the study results. SPT and GS
helped with the statistical analysis and edited the
Compliance with ethical standards
Conflict of interest: Authors do not have any conflict of
interest to declare.
Ethical issues: None
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T3 226000 1326300 1100300 4.87
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T5 216050 1167000 950950 4.40
T6 225000 1269900 1044900 4.64
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T8 255684 1081800 826116 3.23
T9 201640 778800 577160 2.86
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The present investigation was conducted to determine the effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers on growth, yield and quality of beetroot. The experiment consisted of variety (Ruby queen) which was laid out in randomised block design with three replication and ten treatments comprising of organic and inorganic fertilizers viz., T1 (50% RDF + 50% Vermicompost), T2 (100% Vermicompost), T3 (100% Poultry manure), T4 (50% RDF + 50% Poultry manure), T5 (100% Farmyard manure), T6 (50% RDF + 50% FYM), T7 (50% RDF + 50% Poultry manure), T8 (50% Vermicompost + 50% FYM), T9 (50% Poultry manure + 50% Vermicompost), T10 (control). The result of experiment showed that the treatment T4 (50% RDF + 50% Poultry manure) showed minimum days to 50% germination and maximum number of leaves per plant, root diameter, fresh root weight, dry root weight, root yield per plot, root yield per hectare, phenolic content, betalains while, 50% Poultry manure along with 50% FYM recorded maximum root length. Among quality parameters, TSS and ascorbic acid content was recorded maximum with combination of 50% RDF + 50% Vermicompost. The maximum chlorophyll, carotenoid content, anthocyanin and betalains were recorded with 100% Poultry manure. The economic analysis depicted the maximum gross income, net income and benefit-cost ratio from treatment T4 (50% RDF + 50% Poultry manure).
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A field experiment was carried out to study the effect of integrated nutrient management on the growth and yield of beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.) cv. Ruby Queen. The experiment was laid out in a randomized block design using ten treatments and three replications at the college farm of the Department of Horticulture, Tilak Dhari PG College, Jaunpur, (U.P.) during the rabi season of 2021-22. Integration of nutrient sources was comprised in the form of treatments viz. T1 - 100% NPK of RDF (70:110:70 Kg/ha), T2 -75% NPK of RDF + FYM (10 t/ha) + Azotobacter (10 Kg/ha) + PSB (10 Kg/ ha), T3 - 75% NPK of RDF + VC (3 t/ha) + Azotobacter (10 Kg/ha) + PSB (10 Kg/ha), T4 - 75% NPK of RDF + FYM (5 t/ha) + VC (1.5 t/ha) + Azotobacter (10 Kg/ha) + PSB (10 Kg/ha), T5 - 50% NPK of RDF + FYM (10 t/ha) + Azotobacter (10 Kg/ha) + PSB (10 Kg/ha), T6 - 50% NPK of RDF + VC (3 t/ha) + Azotobacter (10 Kg/ha) + PSB (10 Kg/ha), T7 - 50% NPK of RDF + FYM (5 t/ha) +VC (1.5 t/ha) + Azotobacter (10 Kg/ha) + PSB (10 Kg/ha), T8 - 75% NPK of RDF + FYM (10 t/ha), T9 - 50% NPK of RDF + VC (3 t/ha) and T10 - Control. Among all treatments, T4 (75% NPK of RDF + FYM + VC + Azotobacter + PSB) performed best for growth and yield parameters recorded significantly minimum number of days required for 80 percent germination of seedlings (2.68 days), highest plant height (50.24 cm), most leaves per plant (13.53), maximum leaf area (3227.50 cm2), higher chlorophyll content index (21.76), maximum root length (16.23 cm), root diameter (7.73 cm), root yield per plant (220.14 g), root yield per plot (4.40 Kg), root yield per hectare (22.014 t), and highest harvest index (0.91) was observed.
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Agroforestry play crucial role in satisfying the need for industrial round wood and reaching the national aim of bringing one-third of total country's land under forest/tree cover. The risk of losing money on crops due to poor monsoon conditions is mitigated, and farmers receive a steady stream of additional income as a result. Beet root is a highly productive, popular root vegetable grown mainly for its fleshy, enlarged roots prefers moderately cool condition. Furthermore, it could make a significant impact on the national initiative to double farmers' income growing agricultural crops under with spatial and temporal management. Present experiment was laid out to assess the effect of different levels of inorganic fertilizers on growth and yield of Beetroot under Poplar based Agroforestry in Randomized Block Design (RBD) with ten treatments and three replications viz. T 0-2228 kg NPK / ha). Findings of experiment show that fertilizer Treatment has a significant influence on the growth and yield of Beetroot. The yield parameters of beetroot were significantly affected due to different inorganic nutrient management and comparatively higher tuber yield (307.67 q/ha) was recorded in Treatment T 6 (70:180:70kg NPK/ha).
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A field experiment was conducted during four consecutive winter seasons from 2013-14 to 2016-17 at Patna, Bihar under sandy clay loam soil. The trial on potato was laid out in randomized block design with four replications with objective to develop nutrient omission plot technique in potato. The highest plant height and number of shoot per plant were recorded under 150% recommended dose of fertilizer of NPK. The range of dry matter content in potato tuber varied from 16.1 to 17.7% on dry weight basis. The maximum yield of smallest tuber (0-25g) was recorded under 150% recommended dose of fertilizer of NPK, which was at par to all the nutritional treatments and significantly superior over absolute control plot. The maximum yield of medium, large and very large size tuber was recorded under 150% recommended dose of fertilizer of NPK. However, 150% recommended dose of fertilizers of NPK recorded about 13% higher net return over 100% recommended dose of fertilizers of NPK. The maximum yield reduction was observed in the omitted plot without nitrogen among other nutrients like phosphorus and potassium. Hence, nitrogen was one of the most limiting nutrients for tuber yield of potato.
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A field trial was conducted during rabi season 2014-15 to study the effect of organic manures, inorganic fertilizers and varieties on growth, yield and quality of carrot. Two varieties V1 (Pusa Rudhira) and V2 (Pusa Kesar) and nine nutrient levels i.e. N1 (100 % NPK through inorganic fertilizer), N2 (100 % N through FYM), N3 (100 % N through vermicompost), N4 (100 % N through poultry manure), N5 (100 % N through neem cake), N6 (50 % NPK + 50 % N through FYM), N7 (50 % NPK + 50 % N through vermicompost), N8 (50 % NPK + 50 % N through poultry manure) and N9 (50 % NPK + 50 % N through neem cake) were evaluated in factorial randomized block design (FRBD) with three replications. Result indicated that variety V1 (Pusa Rudhira) recorded maximum plant height, number of leaves per plant, length of leaves, fresh weight and dry weight of plant, length, diameter, root girth, fresh and dry weight of root, yield of root and TSS at harvesting stage as compare to Pusa Kesar. Application of N7 recorded higher values of plant height, number of leaves per plant, length of leaves, fresh and dry weight of plant, length, diameter, root girth, fresh and dry weight of root, yield of root and TSS as compare to other nutrient levels. Economic evaluation of different combinations showed that V1 (Pusa Rudhira) and nutrient level N7 were promising with highest net income and B:C ratio(1:3.78).