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Current Psychology
Yaru Jin
Cuili Wang
Huaxin Si
Yanhui Bian
Xiaoxia Qiao
Lili Ji
Qinqin Liu
Wenyu Wang
Jiaqi Yu
Yanyan Li
Wendie Zhou
Weihua Yue
Jiajia Liu
1 School of Nursing, Peking University, No.38 Xueyuan Road,
Beijing 100191, P. R. China
2 Peking University Sixth Hospital, Peking University Institute
of Mental Health, Beijing 100191, P. R. China
Subjective support-focused cognitive behavioral therapy (SS-CBT) could increase subjective support among (pre)frail
community-dwelling older adults, however, the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. We conducted a randomized con-
trolled trial, in which the SS-CBT group (n = 50) received SS-CBT once a week for eight weeks and the wait-list control
group (n = 50) received no intervention. The dependent variable was subjective support, and potential mediators included
self-esteem, gratitude, cognitive distortions, interpersonal competence and rumination. Measurements took place before
and after the intervention. We found that interpersonal competence mediated the eectiveness of SS-CBT on both perceived
support availability (β = 2.030, 95%CI = 1.164, 3.081) and perceived support adequacy (β = 6.37, 95%CI = 3.52, 9.74),
while self-esteem only mediated the eectiveness of SS-CBT on perceived support availability (β = 1.621, 95%CI = 0.502,
2.843). Gratitude, cognitive distortions, and rumination neither mediated the eectiveness of SS-CBT on perceived sup-
port availability nor on perceived support adequacy. These ndings highlight self-esteem and interpersonal competence
as the mechanisms through which SS-CBT increases subjective support, especially perceived support availability. This
implicates that the SS-CBT should exclusively emphasize the apparent active ingredients (self-esteem and interpersonal
competence) to promote its eciency.
Keywords Subjective support-focused cognitive behavioral therapy · Frailty · Mechanism · Randomized controlled trial
Accepted: 4 December 2024
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2024
Uncovering mechanisms of subjective support focused cognitive
behavioral therapy in improving subjective support among (pre)frail
community-dwelling older adults: a randomized controlled trial
CuiliWang1· HuaxinSi1· YanhuiBian1· XiaoxiaQiao1· LiliJi1· QinqinLiu1· WenyuWang1· JiaqiYu1· YanyanLi1·
WendieZhou1· WeihuaYue2· JiajiaLiu1· YaruJin1
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