
The Relationship Between Teacher-Student Relationship and School Adjustment in Cilandak South Jakarta

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The relationship between teachers and children plays an important role in determining children's adjustment to school, especially in early childhood education environments. A positive relationship between teachers and children is believed to help children overcome challenges in the adaptation process, thus contributing to their success in the school environment. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between teachers and students with school adjustment in Kindergarten A students. Using a quantitative methodology, this study gathered data from 70 respondents who filled out questionnaires. With a correlation value of 0.604, the study discovered a positive and significant link between school adjustment and the relationship between teachers and students. According to this study, students' school adjustment is positively correlated with the strength of their interaction with their teachers. Furthermore, teacher-student relationships contribute 36.5% to school adjustment, while the remaining 63.5% is influenced by other factors such as family support, social environment, and individual student characteristics. This study emphasizes the importance of teachers' roles in fostering positive relationships with students to support optimal school adjustment processes.

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In this paper, Child-Teacher relationship and Academic Success of the students with reference to Social and Emotional Competencies. Researcher explores the significance of the social-emotional capability on children's growth. To develop children social-emotional capability, commerce between grown-ups and children is critically demanded. Preceptors have responsibility to enhance children's development in numerous aspects, including social, emotional, cognitive, academic, and behavioral chops. A positive relationship between preceptors and youthful scholars helps those scholars to have better academy achievement and behavioral chops. We review several studies that show the influence that social and emotional capability has on children's literacy issues and on their capability to engage in good actions. We also give several strategies that help preceptors to make strong and healthy connections with children. These strategies foster children's academic and behavioral success. We define social and emotional literacy in relation to academy successes to show that capability in these areas increases scholars' reading, writing, critical thinking, and vocabulary chops. Emotional regulations can also enhance academy achievement, both in the present and in the future. These findings have important counteraccusations for the design of social and emotional intervention programs.
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In order to develop future academic-professional skills and later social and financial independence , an adequate adolescent school adjustment is essential. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the variables that contribute to its improvement in a stage characterised by its decrease. The aim of the present study is to analyse and compare two theoretical models to determine the prediction of teacher and peer support, resilience and positive affect to school adjustment, measured through emotional engagement, school integration problems and perceived academic performance. The design was cross-sectional and participants were 1397 adolescents in high school (M = 13.88, SD = 1.27). The results reveal that teacher and peer support, resilience and positive affect indirectly predict perceived academic performance through school integration problems and emotional engagement. The negative effect of emotional engagement and support from peers on school integration problems is particularly worth highlighting, along with the prediction of resilience on positive affect and that of support from teachers on emotional engagement. The theoretical and practical implications of these results are discussed. Keywords Support in the school environment · Resilience · Positive affect · Emotional engagement · Integration problems · Perceived academic performance School is one of the principal microsystems in which adolescent development takes place, which is why well-adjusted behaviour in the school environment is one of the main indicators of good psychosocial adjustment (León et al., 2021). Research has shown that good school adaptation not only enables the development of academic-professional skills and subjective social and financial independence (Symonds et al., 2022), but is also closely * Lorea Azpiazu
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Studies comparing teacher-student relationships between Eastern and Western countries are relatively rare. This study compared the affective qualities of teacher-student relationships between Eastern (i.e., China) and Western (i.e., Italy) countries to explore the measurement invariance, latent mean differences, and cultural differences in reporters' (teachers and students) agreement levels. An Italian sample of 31 teachers and 1647 students (46.9% girls; ages 9-14 years) and a Chinese sample of 28 teachers and 1474 students (44% girls; ages 9-14 years) reported on their perceptions of closeness and conflict in the teacher-student relationship. Measures of both student-perceived and teacher-perceived relationships achieved (partial) scalar invariance between the two cultures in the full sample, elementary school subsamples, and junior high school subsamples. Compared to their Chinese peers, the Italian junior high school students reported lower levels of conflict with their teachers, but there was no difference in closeness level. In addition, there was no difference in reporters' agreement across China and Italy in the full sample and in the junior high school subsample, whereas the Italian reporters' agreement on conflict was higher in the elementary school subsample.
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The present study examined the relationship between children's behavioral self-regulation (BSR) skills and the teacher-child relationship (TCR). Furthermore, this study investigated the contribution of TCR, child age, family monthly income, and child gender on children's BSR assessed by the Revised Head-Toes-Knees-Shoulders. Participants consisted of 292 children aged 42 to 77 months. The data were analyzed using Pearson product-moment correlation and multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed a moderately positive relationship between BSR skills and TCR's closeness subscale and a moderately negative relationship between BSR skills and TCR's conflict subscale. Except for child gender, the TCR's subscales, child's age, and family monthly income significantly predicted the total score of BSR skills. TCR closeness was the strongest predictor of BSR skills, followed by TCR conflict, child age, and family monthly income. The results suggest that teacher-child relationships are essential for children's BSR skills.
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Self-adjustment is the basis for the formation of a child's personality. So that the ability to adjust for children is very necessary in the school environment. The purpose of this article is to know the importance of self-adjustment, knowing the determinants of successful adjustment and knowing the efforts to maximize children's adjustment in the school environment.
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The study aimed to support the resolution of problems experienced due to preschool children not adjusting to school at the start of first schooling. Thus, problems leading to school rejection and many other probable issues will be prevented. The experimental study about orientation problems occurring in students newly starting preschool used a semi-experimental method with implementations to ensure school adjustment. The study included 53 students with ages between 60-72 months with frequent school absenteeism due to a variety of reasons. Parents of selected students were given information and the general lines of the Designed Adjustment Program (DAP) were explained. The study applied to the students who could not adapt to the school and have experienced school refusal included a preparation phase for a maximum of 1 week. Afterwards, it covers a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 12 days of application. Accordingly, all students in the experimental group to whom DAP implemented adjusted to school, while 66.7% of students in the placebo group and 61.5% of students in the control group were identified to adjust to school. In conclusion, it was identified that the parental training about duties falling to parents during school adjustment provided positive results, individual studies actively including parents, school and teachers were more effective, peer acceptance was important for adjustment to school, there was a need to use social skill acquirements, and girls were more successful at adjustment to school compared to boys.
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Humans are social creatures who are inseparable from interactions or relationships with each other. This interaction can occur because of communication. It contributes to realizing the Cultural Mandate, the Great Commandment, and the Great Commission from God. Communication has a significant role in education, especially in the learning because communication can help to achieve learning goals in education. However, in the learning process communication between teachers and students does not always work effectively, this fact impedes achieving educational goals. One of reasons is teachers and students do not understand the basis of communication and their nature as teachers and students. Therefore, this paper aims to discuss more deeply about the basis of communication in building relationships between teachers and students viewed from biblical perspectives as a guide to true truth. Basically, communication created by God for His glory. A teacher is there to guide students to the path of wisdom for knowing Jesus Christ especially through Christian education. Students need to be guided because students are individuals who have sin but also have their own potential and uniqueness. Therefore, through effective communication, this issue can be achieved. Communication that builds relationships occurs when based on the principle of Christianity by respecting the image and likeness of God that is in our communicant.
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p> ABSTRAK Relasi guru-anak merupakan interaksi antara guru dengan anak yang terjadi dalam lingkungan sekolah. Jalinan interaksi guru dengan anak penting karena dapat mempengaruhi capaian kemampuan anak dalam berbagai aspek perkembangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara relasi guru-anak dengan kemampuan keaksaraan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan kuantitatif korelasional. Sampel penelitian terdiri dari 121 anak TK Kelompok B Se-Gugus 8 Jasmine Laweyan Surakarta. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner yang diisi oleh guru kelas. Analisis data menggunakan uji korelasi. Uji hipotesis penelitian ini menggunakan uji korelasi Spearman rho yang menunjukkan nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,000 < 0,05 yang berarti terdapat hubungan antara relasi guru-anak dengan kemampuan keaksaraan anak. Koefisien korelasi yang didapatkan sebesar 0,350 yang menunjukan arah hubungan positif. Kondisi ini berarti relasi guru-anak yang baik berhubungan dengan peningkatan kemampuan keaksaraan anak, artinya apabila terdapat relasi dengan dimensi kedekatan antara guru-anak memiliki intensitas yang tinggi dan dimensi konflik antara guru-anak memiliki intensitas yang rendah maka kemampuan keaksaraan anak akan dapat berkembang dengan baik. Kata kunci : relasi guru-anak, keaksaraan, anak usia 5-6 tahun ABSTRACT Teacher-child relationships were interaction between teacher and children in the school. Interaction of teacher and children was very important because teacher could affect achievement of developmental aspects. The purpose of this study was to find out whether was a correlation between teacher-child relationships with early literacy children. This research was correlation quantitative. This research sample included 121 children of kindergarten Group B at 8 Jasmine Cluster Laweyan Surakarta. Data collection techniques in this study used questionnaires answered by class teacher. Data analysis used by correlation. Hypothesis test of this research used Spearman rho correlation analysis showed that the significamce value was 0,000 < 0,05 which meant the hypothesis was accepted, namely the correlation between the teacher-child relationships with early literacy children. Correlation coefficient of 0,350, the direction of the correlation showed a positive sign.This condition meant that a good teacher-child relationships related to the improvement of childrens early literacy, This means that if there was a relationship with the dimension of closeness between teacher-child had a high intensity and the dimension of conflict between teacher-child had a low intensity, the child's literacy ability would develop. Keywords : teacher-child relationships , early Literacy, 5-6 Years Old Children </p
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The study examines the Psycho-demographic factors predisposing school adjustment among In-school adolescents in Osun state, Nigeria. The study adopted a descriptive design of correlational type. A Sample of three hundred In-school adolescents were selected using a multi-stage sampling technique. Data collected were analyzed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation, T-test and Multiple regression analysis. Results indicated School adjustment positively correlated with peer pressure (r= .461, p< 0.05), emotional instability (r = .665, p<0.05) while school adjustment is negatively correlated with gender (r= -.332, p<0.05). All the independent variables jointly accounted for 48.5% variance in predicting school adjustment among In-school adolescents. Two out of three predictors (emotional stability and gender) are potent predictors of school adjustment. The most potent factor was emotional stability (β = .591, t= 11.611, P<0.05), followed by gender (β = -.205, t= -4.757, P<0.05 except peer pressure (β = .062, t= 1.198, P>0.05) which is not a potent predictor of school adjustment. This implies that, an increased influence of emotional stability will increase school adjustment by 59.1% and gender will increase school adjustment by 20.5%. Also, the T-test analysis reveal a significant difference in the school adjustment of male and female; t (298) = 6.081, p<0.05.
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Development and validation of a 25-item Student–Teacher Relationship Measure is described. It is a self-report measure estimating students’ perceptions of their relationship with teachers. The study was applied among adolescents in grades 7–11 in Oman. The measure was administered in Arabic. In Study 1, findings from exploratory factor analysis for 1,035 students indicated the presence of a 2-factor model (academic relation and social relation). In study 2, the confirmatory factor analysis results of 1,099 students supported study 1 results. High internal consistency was acquired. STRM was regarded as a reliable and potentially valid measure of the quality of student–teacher relationships.
p>The objective of this research is to find and analyze empirically the influence of student and teacher interaction and interest in learning toward math learning outcomes. The population in this study is the affordable class VII student DPN 86 South Jakarta. 70 samples are obtained through random sampling method. The research design used through correlation with three variables consisting of two independent variables, namely the interaction of students and teachers and the interest in learning as well as the dependent variable, namely the learning outcomes matemtika. Data was collected through questionnaire techniques (variable student and teacher interaction and interest in learning) and test techniques (variable learning outcomes). The collected data were then analyzed using correlation and multiple regression techniques. Before the data were analyzed, first performed descriptive statistical analysis and test data requirements (normality test, linearity, and multicollinearity test). The results showed that: there is a significant relationship between student and teacher interaction and interest in learning the mathematics learning outcomes, with a correlation coefficient of 0.877 and a coefficient of determination 0.768 or 76.8% of students and teacher interaction and interest in learning jointly affect learning outcomes mathematics. The resulting regression equation Y = - 41.565 + 0.659 X1 + 0.371 X2. This may imply that the better interaction of students and teachers the better the learning outcomes and the higher the higher the interest in learning math learning outcomes. </p
Adjusting to school contributes to the healthy introduction of all educational activities. For this reason, it is important to determine all facilitating and debilitating factors to the school adjustment process and to develop preventive studies for overcoming school adjustment. The purpose of this study is to determine the factors affecting the school adjustment of first-grade primary school students based on an ecological approach. The study group consisted of 81 teachers and 517 parents. The data were gathered for 517 children aged between 64 months and 98 months from public schools located in the central districts of Ankara in the 2015–2016 academic year. Structural equation modeling was used in the present study. Thus, according to the School Adjustment Model, externalizing behaviors, teacher-student relationship, and peer relations have a significant direct impact on first-grade students' school adjustment, whereas family involvement has no statistically significant direct influence on first-grade students' school adjustment. In addition, externalizing behaviors affect school adjustment through the mediating role of teacher–student relationship and peer relations. Also, the total effect of the externalizing behavior variable on school adjustment is −0.55. The student–teacher relationship (B = 0.53) and peer relationship (B = 0.48) variables have also had an effect on school adjustment.
In this chapter I address: (a) current perspectives on the teacher–student relationship; (b) assessment issues; and (c) the implications of early student-teacher relationships for school adjustment. While substantial progress has been made on the conceptualization and measurement of the teacher–child relationship construct, it is important to empirically establish the multidimensionality of the construct across the school years. Research that examines the perspectives of both teachers and children is also critically needed in light of growing evidence that the teacher–child relationship is crucial in the early school years. The evidence on the role of the teacher–student relationship on school adjustment indicates that low relational negativity seems to particularly benefit children who present with troubling behaviors early in school. However, the nature of the association between early school adjustment and the teacher–child relationship is far from conclusive. Attention to constructs that represent warmth, closeness, caring, and nurturance is needed for research to explore what aspects of these constructs might serve as buffers against adversity.
The current study examined the extent to which teacher–child relationship contributed to school adjustment among 1310 elementary school-aged students and the degree to which this relationship was moderated by significant child characteristics. The results suggest a consistent and comparable effect for children across grades, gender, and types of school outcomes. Children experiencing behavioral or learning problems showed poorer school outcomes and were less able to benefit from a close teacher relationship when compared to peers without such problems. However, a protective effect was noted, such that children with developmental vulnerabilities and a close teacher relationship were significantly advantaged relative to similarly affected peers who lacked such relationships. The results are discussed in light of research and theory, and applications are made to school-based practices.
This study followed a sample of 179 children from kindergarten through eighth grade to examine the extent to which kindergarten teachers' perceptions of their relationships with students predict a range of school outcomes. Kindergarten teachers rated children's behavior and the quality of the teacher-child relationship. Follow-up data from first through eighth grade were organized by epoch and included academic grades, standardized test scores, work-habit ratings, and discipline records. Relational Negativity in kindergarten, marked by conflict and dependency, was related to academic and behavioral outcomes through eighth grade, particularly for children with high levels of behavior problems in kindergarten and for boys generally. These associations remained significant after controlling for gender, ethnicity, cognitive ability, and behavior ratings. The results have implications for theories of the determinants of school success, the role of adult-child relationships in development, and a range of early intervention and prevention efforts.
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