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Hypercontinuous Innovation and Demand-Side Learning: Why Digital Platforms Enjoy Longer and More Expansive Market Leadership Positions



Strategy and innovation scholars are increasingly concerned about the market power of successful digital platforms—and so are the authorities tasked with regulating the so-called Big Tech companies. This raises the question: What has allowed these digital platforms to enjoy such sustained and expanded positions of market leadership? Building from and extending upon the increasing returns to adoption literature, this article develops a framework of digital dominance. The framework explains how firms’ adoption and use of digital technologies such as big data analytics and cloud streaming has enabled two shifts in the underlying drivers of increasing returns to adoption. First, digitization facilitates a transition away from forcing sharp generational breaks to hypercontinuous innovation, enabling uninterrupted network externalities and impeding substitution. Second, firms’ learning orientation has shifted from the supply to the demand side, which has amplified customer switching costs and enhances platforms’ ability to adapt to market change. These shifts also do not act in isolation; there are powerful feedback mechanisms that help to further entrench and expand the dominance of these firms and their platforms. The framework contributes to the strategic management literature and offers implications for policy makers.
Joost Rietveld
UCL School of Management
University College London
One Canada Square, Level 38
London E14 5AA, United Kingdom
Melissa A. Schilling
Stern School of Business
New York University
40 West 4th Street
New York, NY 10012, USA
This version: December, 2024
Accepted for publication in the Special Issue on Platform Regulation at the Academy of
Management Perspectives.
Acknowledgements: We thank Martin Kilduff, Davide Ravasi, Joe Ploog and the attendees of the UCL School
of Management Reading Group for their valuable feedback. We further benefited from feedback received at the
84th annual meeting of the Academy of Management and Charles River Associates. All mistakes are our own.
Strategy and innovation scholars are increasingly concerned about the market power of
successful digital platforms—and so are the authorities tasked with regulating the so-called
Big Tech companies. This raises the question: What has allowed these digital platforms to
enjoy such sustained and expanded positions of market leadership? Building from and
extending upon the increasing returns to adoption literature, this article develops a framework
of digital dominance. The framework explains how firms’ adoption and use of digital
technologies such as big data analytics and cloud streaming has enabled two shifts in the
underlying drivers of increasing returns to adoption. First, digitization facilitates a transition
away from forcing sharp generational breaks to hypercontinuous innovation, enabling
uninterrupted network externalities and impeding substitution. Second, firms’ learning
orientation has shifted from the supply to the demand side, which has amplified customer
switching costs and enhances platforms’ ability to adapt to market change. These shifts also
do not act in isolation; there are powerful feedback mechanisms that help to further entrench
and expand the dominance of these firms and their platforms. The framework contributes to
the strategic management literature and offers implications for policy makers.
Keywords: platform competition; network externalities; organizational learning; innovation;
digital transformation.
Successful digital platforms
tend to enjoy sustained periods of market leadership across
multiple product markets, leading to growing concern by both researchers and regulators.
Strategy scholars have started looking at how digital platforms exploit their market power
through acts of over-orchestration, self-preferencing, and thwarting innovative new entrants
(among other concerns; e.g., Cutolo and Kenney, 2021; Jacobides, 2021; Jacobides and
Lianos, 2021; Lv and Schotter, 2024; Rietveld, Ploog, and Nieborg, 2020). Regulators such as
the EU’s European Commission and the UK’s Digital Markets Unit have introduced novel ex
ante legislation aimed specifically at curbing the power of dominant digital platforms.
Frameworks such as the Digital Markets Act (DMA) and the Digital Markets, Competition
and Consumers Bill (DMCC) designate dominant platforms as “gatekeepers” and their
sponsoring firms as having “strategic market status”.
Evidently, digital platforms possess
certain features that afford them to be dominant for longer, across multiple product markets.
However, despite the scale and scope of such firms as Alphabet, Amazon, and Apple
and their respective offerings, we still know surprisingly little about what has allowed these
market leaders to sustain and expand their platforms’ dominance so dramatically. This
question cannot be fully addressed by pointing to network externalities alone (also see: Teece,
2023). After all, network externalities have been identified as an isolating mechanism since
the 1980s—well before the advent of most digital technologies (Economides, 1989; Farrell
and Saloner, 1986; Katz and Shapiro, 1985; 1986). Moreover, network externalities are
insufficient at explaining why digital platforms can leverage their dominant positions across
We define “platforms” here as the hub of a platform ecosystem, in which a stable core (such as a smartphone
operating system or a music-streaming service) orchestrates the relationship between a wide range of
complements (such as software applications or music titles) and prospective end users. This definition is broad
and includes platforms where the hub merely mediates relationships in multisided markets (e.g., Uber) and more
complex platforms in which the hub is an active producer of complements (e.g., Apple’s iOS or Netflix).
For the DMA, see:
age/digital-markets-act-ensuring-fair-and-open-digital-markets_en and for the DMCC see: (last accessed November, 2024).
seemingly unrelated product markets (e.g., Amazon entering web services, Netflix expanding
into original programming, Alibaba entering financial services - Adner, Puranam, and Zhu,
2019; Ozalp et al., 2022). Therefore, in this article, we ask: How do firms leverage digital
technologies to extend and expand the dominant positions of market-leading platforms?
Building on the increasing returns to adoption literature (Arthur, 1989; Katz and
Shapiro, 1985), and insights from research on “Big Data” and new product development
(Agrawal, Gans, and Goldfarb, 2020; Hagiu and Wright, 2023; Tan and Zhan, 2016), this
article develops a framework of digital dominance that aims to explain why digital platforms
enjoy longer and more expansive positions of market leadership through their firms’ adoption
and use of digital technologies. It argues that firmsadoption and use of digital technologies
has enabled two qualitative shifts in how firms learn and adapt their offerings in the face of
exogenous external change, which can potentially erode their market-leadership positions.
First, online connectivity technologies such as automatic online updates, cloud
computing, and streaming enable firms to make near-constant seamless improvements to the
core functionality of their platforms, without any loss of compatibility with existing end users
and complementors (e.g., Ansari and Garud, 2009; Kretschmer and Claussen, 2016; Rietveld
et al., 2020). That is, technological innovation has become hypercontinuous rather than
discontinuous. Indeed, firms can now update their offerings in real-time, often without any
noticeable disruption, and sometimes without even notifying the customer. Rather than
needing to “sell” the customer the idea of buying the new version of the product, the firm can
seamlessly ensure the customer is always on the most current version, thus eliminating the
typical decision moments when a customer might consider switching to another platform. As
we will discuss, this makes it much harder for new entrants to “technologically leapfrog” a
dominant platform by offering superior standalone functionality (Schilling, 2003). A digital
platform with an initial advantage in network externalities can thus continue to grow those
network externalities without interruption, ever increasing in size and strength.
The second is a shift in firms’ learning orientation from the supply to the demand side.
Traditionally, in technology-driven industries, learning benefits tended to accrue from
accumulating experience on the supply side, including identifying better suppliers, improving
inbound logistics, lowering production unit costs and waste rates, and an overall increase in
efficiency (Lieberman, 1987). The move away from physical products manufacturing and an
exponential increase in readily available customer data, conveniently retrieved, stored, and
analyzed through automation technologies such as big data analytics and machine learning,
have enabled a shift in focus to powerful demand-side learning effects (e.g., Clough and Wu,
2020; Gregory et al., 2020; Hagiu and Wright, 2023). Demand-side learning effects can
manifest in the form of more precise identification of customer needs and preferences,
algorithmic predictions of consumer choice, and the development of new features that better
cater to customers’ preferences. Furthermore, digital platforms often engage customers to be
co-creators in personalizing their experience (e.g., creating playlists, providing reviews that
train their algorithms, etc.) which results in increased customer switching costs. Thus,
demand-side learning effects can help to create much stronger lock-in mechanisms for
customers, and help the firm identify new markets in which to expand their offerings.
The framework presented here helps to further explain the feedback mechanisms at
play that can entrench a platform’s dominant position even further. For instance, strong lock-
in effects can give market leaders more time to learn from their customers resulting in
superior product updates that can further extend a platform’s life cycle and keep rivals at bay.
The article aims to make three contributions. First, the framework enhances our
understanding of how firms’ adoption of digital technologies affects strategy and competition
in the age of digital transformation. Strategy scholars have started to investigate the various
consequences of digital transformation on such issues as competitive dynamics and industry
structure (e.g., Adner et al., 2019), organization design and organizing (e.g., Giustiziero,
Kretschmer, Somaya, and Wu, 2023; Kretschmer and Khasabi, 2020), and how firms create
and capture value (e.g., Amit and Han, 2017; Rietveld, 2018). This article contributes by
documenting how digital technologies affect the mechanisms that underpin and sustain
market leaders’ positions of dominance. It argues firms can leverage digital technologies to
increase switching costs and extend network externalities. It further illustrates how digital
technologies can help market leaders guard against potential forces of benefit erosion.
Second, the article holds important implications for research on platform competition.
The platform competition literature has long pointed to network externalities as the pre-
eminent factor in winner-take-all battles (e.g., Boudreau, 2012; Cennamo and Santalo, 2013;
Shankar and Bayus, 2003). However, the literature has mostly neglected the role of
organizational learning, which is an integral driver of increasing returns to adoption—
particularly in the presence of big data (e.g., Arthur, 1989; Farrell and Saloner, 1986; Gregory
et al., 2020). Learning effects, too, can confer first-mover advantages and are within the
firm’s control—unlike network externalities that are often heavily influenced by idiosyncratic
factors outside the firm’s control (Clough and Wu, 2020; Schilling, 1998, 2002). The
framework highlights the importance of firms’ learning orientation in the context of platform
competition. It illustrates how learning from end users and complementors can help firms
adapt to changing customer preferences and sustain a platform’s competitive advantage.
Third, the article sheds light on how demand-side strategies can contribute to a firm’s
absorptive capacity. Demand-side strategies look downstream to customer markets as an
important determinant of value creation and a prerequisite for value capture (Adner and
Zemsky, 2006; Priem, 2007). This literature surmises that “mundane” resources can be a
source of competitive advantage if they help a firm better cater to customer preferences
compared to rivals (Priem, Butler, and Li, 2013; Rietveld, 2018; Ye, Priem and Alshwer, 2012).
This article goes beyond the notion that customer heterogeneity matters by demonstrating that
firms can leverage digital technologies to generate insights about customer preferences and
use these insights to enhance their learning capabilities. The knowledge and capabilities
gleaned from customer interactions can help firms create superior value by refining their
offerings, improving how they orchestrate their ecosystems and expanding their scope.
Many technology products exhibit increasing returns to adoption, where the benefit a
customer derives is contingent on the product’s cumulative adoption (Arthur, 1989; Katz and
Shapiro, 1985). Increasing returns to adoption can create “tipping” effects or “winner-take-
all/most” dynamics, where one or a few competing products end up capturing a large share of
the overall market (Farrell and Saloner, 1985; 1986). When this happens, the market converges
on a dominant design (Utterback and Abernathy, 1975; Anderson and Tushman, 1990; Suarez
and Utterback, 1995). Well-known examples of markets that have coalesced around a
dominant design include PC operating systems (Microsoft’s Windows), keyboard layout
designs (QWERTY), video cassette recorders (JVC’s VHS), and video game consoles
(Nintendo’s NES). Firms sponsoring dominant technology products often enjoy market-
leadership positions that are “sticky” and reap superior performance compared to rivals.
Drivers of increasing returns to adoption are two-fold: network externalities and
learning curve benefits (Arthur, 1989; Schilling, 1998). Network externalities occur when the
value of a product to a user increases with the cumulative number of active users of the same
product (Economides, 1996; Katz and Shapiro, 1986). Network externalities can be either
direct or indirect (Clements, 2004). That is, network externalities can arise because
connectivity among a product’s end users is important and/or because the availability of
complementary goods and services is key to the product’s performance. A product’s installed
base of users can directly impact the outcome of a competitive interaction when connectivity
matters. The size of the installed base can also attract complementors (increasing the
availability of complements), and the availability of complements can attract users
(increasing the installed base); the importance of complements can thus lead to indirect
network externality effects. The availability of software applications for personal digital
assistants (Nair, Chintagunta, and Dubé, 2004), video game titles for video game consoles
(Clements and Ohashi, 2005), and even advertisements for lifestyle magazines (Kaiser and
Wright, 2006) have all been found to positively impact demand for the products they
complement. Network externalities are a significant driver of value for digital platforms and
they often constitute a large portion of a digital platform’s overall value proposition.
Learning curve benefits occur when firms enjoy advantages that stem from
accumulating experience (Lieberman, 1987). The more a product is manufactured and sold,
the more it can be improved and the more efficient its producer becomes. Learning curve
benefits are commonly associated with a firm’s supply-side improvements, such as lower
production costs, increased efficiency, fewer defects, and higher product quality: “A firm that
has sold higher volumes than its competitors in earlier periods will move farther down the
learning curve and achieve lower unit costs than its rivals” (Besanko et al., 2013; 379).
Learning effects can confer an early-mover advantage (Lieberman and Montgomery, 1988;
Suarez and Lanzolla, 2007), and are especially key to the long-term performance of firms that
operate on thin margins to quickly accumulate a large user base (Chou and Shy, 1990).
Products that exhibit increasing returns to adoption can enjoy powerful market
positions akin to natural monopolies (Bensaid and Lesne, 1996; Cabral, Salant, and Woroch,
1999). Once a product attains a dominant position customers become “locked in.” The self-
reinforcing feedback mechanisms that emanate from increasing returns to adoption can
entrench a product’s market position and confer a sustained competitive advantage on the
product and its sponsoring firm (e.g., McIntyre and Srinivasan, 2017; Sun and Tse, 2007).
A growing body of research has looked at how firm strategies and market-level
factors influence the duration of a product’s market dominance (e.g., Adner and Kapoor,
2016; Ansari, Garud, and Kumaraswamy, 2016; Giachetti and Marchi, 2017; Schilling, 2002;
2003). However, most of this work is embedded in industry settings where the focal product
has important physical asset components. As a result, many of the conclusions drawn from
this work are premised on market and cost assumptions that are intrinsically related to the
evolution of physical products. Digital products break down many of these assumptions. For
example, for physical products, the goal of improving performance and/or reducing costs are
typically met (as noted previously) by learning efforts on the supply side. Digital products
with intensive customer connectivity do not obviate these concerns, but they give rise to
hitherto unavailable data on the demand side. Big Data enables an incredibly rich
understanding of customer preferences, that in turn, enables the design of products that better
meet customers’ needs (Agrawal et al., 2020; Hagiu and Wright, 2023; Tan and Zhan, 2016).
As such, much of the opportunity to improve products now stems from learning on the
demand side, which has different implications for sustaining market leadership.
The rise of digital products also affects product life cycles in dramatic ways: the costs
of retooling manufacturing to produce upgraded physical products (on the producer side) and
the cost of purchasing upgraded physical products (on the customer side) collectively led to
an expectation that each version of a product will have a lifetime that justifies that expense.
Other things being equal, physical products with longer lifespans are often considered to be
of higher value by customers (Cooper, 2004; Wieser, Tröger, and Hübner, 2015), and product
versions with longer life cycles often generate more profits for their producers (Stark, 2022).
Digital products turn these expectations on their head. Digital products can often be updated
rapidly and at low cost. They can also be transferred seamlessly to the customer on a frequent
basis, in essence avoiding the generational breaks that characterize most physical technology
products. As we will show, this, too, has a tremendous effect on the prospects for sustaining
market leadership in the context of digital platforms with network externalities.
In sum, the rise of digital products with extensive customer connectivity has altered
the dynamics of platform competition and market dominance in ways that are not yet well
understood. Building on earlier work on generational breaks and nascent research on Big
Data, we develop a framework that explains why digital platforms might enjoy longer periods
of market dominance, and dominance over a wider range of markets, than non-digital
platforms, simultaneously revealing implications for scholars, managers, and policy makers.
This section develops a framework of digital dominance, explaining how market
leaders sustain and expand their digital platforms’ dominance through the use of digital
technologies such as big data analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. We
contend that though digital technologies may not have fundamentally altered the drivers of
platforms’ increasing returns to adoption, they have brought upon two qualitative shifts in
how firms establish and maintain their platforms’ increasing returns to adoption: 1) a shift in
technological innovation from being discontinuous to becoming hypercontinuous, and 2) a
shift in organizational learning from the supply to the demand side. These shifts can aid firms
and their platforms in strengthening their isolating mechanisms and protect against forces of
benefit erosion. Figure 1 graphically depicts the digital dominance framework.
Enabling Hypercontinuous Innovation and Alleviating Generational Breaks
Most digital platforms can be decoupled from physical hardware products. Some
comprise software products that can be downloaded to and executed from non-dedicated
hardware devices (e.g., Microsoft Windows runs on an array of personal computing devices),
whereas others are hosted on centralized servers and offered via cloud-based computing or
streaming technologies (e.g., Netflix delivers video content directly from the cloud).
The first major change brought upon by firms’ use of digital technology therefore is a
shift in the nature of technological innovation and the platform life cycle. Prior to the
decoupling of technology products from dedicated hardware products, firms’ innovation
efforts typically adhered to the traditional new product development process, whereby the
product and process design are frozen prior to commercialization, and then the product is
static for some period while the firm sells the product, enabling it to recoup its investment
and earn profits. For physical products, which typically require fixed capital investments for
production and distribution, constant product design change would be an extreme source of
inefficiency (if not impossible). Furthermore, choosing when to freeze product design is an
important strategic decision because freezing too early may forfeit important product design
improvements that could be made, and freezing too late may forfeit revenues and market
share that could be captured from commercialization. There are also important considerations
to be made about the optimal product life cycle from the customer’s perspective. If customers
must pay for each version of the product, they may have an adverse reaction to the rapid
introduction of improved versions. Consumers will experience regret if they feel that they
could have waited for an improved version and may subsequently delay their purchases.
Collectively, this means that for physical products, the firm must carefully weigh the
advantages of introducing an improved version sooner to compete against benefits provided
by competitors, versus waiting to introduce a version with more (or bigger) improvements
later that customers may feel more compelled to purchase. The net result of these dynamics is
a punctuated evolution of the product from the customer’s perspective (i.e., discontinuous
innovation), even if firms are always working on product innovations behind the scenes.
Concerns over compatibility also can play an important role in these evolutionary
dynamics. When the overall value of a technology product such as a two-sided platform or an
ecosystem depends on the availability of complementary goods, it is crucial that end users
have access to a wide variety of compatible complements—and that complementors can sell
to a large base of end users (e.g., Adner and Kapoor, 2010). Major updates to a platform’s
core functionality can imperil the compatibility of complementary products, which can lead
to a fragmentation of the platform-plus-complements bundle (Henderson and Clark, 1990;
Schilling, 2000). Such fragmentation can be detrimental to a platform’s market position: Loss
of compatibility expunges the network externalities a platform enjoys, and can lead to
widespread confusion among customers (Simcoe and Watson, 2019). Indeed, whereas a
continuation of compatibility can sustain a platform’s life cycle, a loss of it can result in
desertion by both complementors and end users (McIntyre et al., 2021). It is for these reasons
that innovation for many platform offerings is typically punctuated: Periods of marked
technological discontinuity are followed by relatively long periods of stability.
The market for video game consoles has closely followed this pattern. Roughly every
five to eight years, console manufacturers such as Nintendo and Sony release new platforms
to the market. These “next generation” gaming consoles often offer significant improvements
over their predecessors, with major upgrades in processing power, improved graphics, and
novel controller functionality (Schilling, 2003). The introduction of a next-generation gaming
console marks a pronounced generational break and unlocks a period of intense competition.
Console manufacturers typically release their consoles within close temporal proximity of
each other, encouraging consumers and complementors alike to reconsider their adoption
decisions. It is during these inter-generational transitions that the market is prone to
disruption, as new entrants—such as Microsoft’s Xbox in 2001—are offered a window of
opportunity, and consumers and complementors consider switching to one of the available
alternatives (Schilling and Rietveld, 2016).
After a new console has been launched to the
market, any subsequent changes tend to be aesthetic and/or aimed at reducing costs.
Digital connectivity technologies such as cloud computing and streaming have
enabled continuous technological innovation whereby firms can introduce improvements to a
platform’s core functionality over the course of its life. At its extreme, firms can engage in
hypercontinuous innovation where platforms are updated in real-time, almost constantly—
without forcing customers to adopt new hardware. In some instances, the end user may not
even be required to consent to the update, or be aware of it. This, in essence, erases the
switching costs for the user to move between generations of a platform offered by the same
provider. At the same time, many complements are now similarly decoupled from physical
products (e.g., cartridges, DVDs, paper) enabling online updating that does not require
issuing a recall or forcing end users to purchase these products a second time around. Even
when end users choose not to adopt the latest updates to a platform, system development kits
and application programming interfaces can easily detect the version a consumer is on and
remain fully functional. Moreover, both the platform’s core functionality and its complements
are often fully backward compatible, allowing the overall product bundle to coevolve in
synchrony and avoid issues associated with fragmentation or loss of compatibility.
Firms have limited means for keeping their customers locked-in during a generational transition. On the end
user side, console manufacturers sometimes make their next generation consoles backward compatible with the
prior generation (Hann, Koh, and Niculescu, 2016; Kretschmer and Claussen, 2016), whereas on the
complementor side platforms sometimes subsidize video game development costs and distribute early versions
of next generation system development kits (SDKs) to their most valued and loyal developers. Such tactics can
incentivize early adopters to upgrade but have limited effects on the platform’s long-term success.
This happens, for example, when console manufacturers introduce slightly modified models of the same video
game console. Some of these product improvements are visible to consumers (such as when Sony introduced the
PlayStation 3 Slim and Super Slim models) whereas others are not visible to consumers, as they reflect changes
that have been made “under the hood”—such as when Sony made improvements to its PS3 graphics chips.
These incremental upgrades do not require consumers and complementors to upgrade to retain compatibility.
Uninterrupted Network Externality Growth. One of the main advantages of
issuing frequent updates to a platform’s core functionality is the reduced need for (and
occurrence of) generational breaks. As discussed above, marked generational breaks can give
customers pause, potentially resulting in switching to a competing platform or abandoning
the market altogether (Christensen and Bower, 1996; McIntyre et al., 2021). A potential loss in
users on either side of the platform (i.e., end users or complementors) can be extremely
detrimental when a large portion of a product’s overall value is driven by network
externalities (Choi, 1994; Farrell and Saloner, 1992, Schilling, 2022). Similar to how an
increase in users on either side of the platform can lead to an exponential increase in value
creation, so too can a sudden loss in users result in an exponential decrease in value for the
remaining users on the platform. In the absence of generational breaks, a market-leading
platform may therefore enjoy uninterrupted network externalities. That is, the platform can
continue to grow its user base on both sides of the market in spite of regular updates.
This can hold true even when a digital platform is tied to a dedicated hardware
product. Consider the case of Apple’s iOS operating system, a proprietary operating system
that runs on i-devices such as the iPhone and iPad. Apple has interleaved generational
transitions for its iPhone and iPad hardware products with major updates to its iOS platform.
Generational transitions for iOS have historically been introduced a short period before the
release of new hardware products. For instance, iOS 15, a recent installment in the operating
system, was released on June 7, 2021, with the iPhone 13 Pro smartphone being released three
months later, on September 24, 2021.
Updates to iOS can be downloaded free of charge and
by giving current generation smartphone users access to the next-generation operating
system, Apple is offering them a strong incentive to purchase the latest version of its
hardware. Notably, any major updates to iOS are backward compatible with approximately
6 (November, 2024)
three prior generations of the iPhone and iPad hardware affording consumers a grace period
before upgrading their devices. A similar dynamic happens on the developer side to ensure
that apps, too, remain fully functional. Interleaving software and hardware updates this way
allows Apple to co-evolve its smartphone ecosystem without any loss of compatibility. Firms’
use of connectivity technologies can thus facilitate uninterrupted network externalities by
preventing a platform’s loss of compatibility with its end users and complementors.
Extended Technology Life Cycle. Firms’ newfound ability to issue frequent updates
to a platform’s core functionality and the subsequent potential for uninterrupted growth in
network externalities have made it much harder for new entrants to displace dominant
incumbents. The pace of substitution, or the time it takes for a new technology to replace an
existing one, can vary greatly from one industry to the next (e.g., Agarwal and Bayus, 2002;
Henderson, 1995). It depends on both the performance of the new technology and that of the
existing technology it is looking to replace (Adner and Kapoor, 2016; Christensen, 1992a). A
novel technology’s performance can only be assessed in relative terms, i.e., against that of the
existing technology. Put differently, if an existing technology has the potential to improve
continuously, this significantly raises the bar for any new technology looking to compete.
Moreover, from a customer’s perspective, the performance of a platform is
determined by a combination of factors that span beyond its standalone value. Indeed, the
availability of complements and the size of a platform’s installed base largely determine the
benefit a customer derives in the context of a platform market (e.g., Adner and Kapoor, 2016;
Christensen, 1992b; Henderson, 1995; Kapoor and Lee, 2013; Schilling, 2003; 2022). In the
absence of any substantive improvements to a platform’s core functionality, it is the
accumulation of complements and the platform’s user base that can generally sustain a firm’s
early-mover advantage (as discussed earlier). However, as technological progress continues
to be made, significant improvements offered by a new platform’s core functionality can lead
to the displacement of an existing platform—despite the new platform’s lack of users
(Christensen, 1992a; Schilling, 2003). This act of displacement by a new platform offering
superior standalone performance is commonly referred to as “technological leapfrogging.”
It is evident how allowing for continuous improvements over a platform’s life can
increase barriers to leapfrogging and entrench the dominant position of a market leader
(Adner and Kapoor, 2016). By continuously updating the iOS operating system, Apple has
created an additional barrier for rivals to overcome on top of its expansive app ecosystem and
massive user base. Potential competitors must also approximate the functionality and quality
of the latest version of iOS (instead of that of the initial iteration, with which Apple first
entered the market). Moreover, extending the life cycle of an existing platform can have a
negative impact on the upward performance trajectory of a rival platform, as complementors
and end users will hesitate to switch to a new platform so long as the incumbent platform
offers sufficient benefits. Continuous improvements thus not only extend the life cycle of a
dominant platform; they also create additional barriers to achieving benefit parity for any
rival offerings. As such, when a sponsoring firm can make continuous improvements to a
platform’s core functionality the point of substitution by rivals likely gets postponed.
In sum, digital transformation has allowed firms to decouple their platforms from
dedicated hardware products. Through the adoption and use of digital technologies, firms can
issue updates and improvements to their platforms without triggering a generational break
and jeopardizing their compatibility with existing users. As a result, innovation has become
hypercontinuous and this has allowed for uninterrupted growth in network externalities. The
combination of issuing constant updates and an increasing installed base has made it much
harder for new entrants to compete—thus extending the life cycle of dominant platforms.
Demand-Side Learning and Increasing Customer Switching Costs
The advent of digital technologies has eliminated physical production requirements
and minimized the marginal costs of production for many firms. While this may inadvertently
restrict firms from moving farther down the learning curve on the supply side—after all, there
no longer is a physical production component—the use of automation technologies such as
big data analytics and machine learning provides ample opportunity for learning on the
demand side (Clough and Wu, 2020; Greggory et al., 2020; Hagiu and Wright, 2023). The
second major change brought upon by firms’ use of digital technology therefore is a shift in
the orientation in organizational learning away from the supply side to the demand side.
Most digital platforms are now continuously connected to the Internet, where every
customer interaction can be tracked in real-time and stored on servers for subsequent retrieval
and analysis. The cost of collecting, tracking and analyzing data is now negligible in many
markets (Goldfarb and Tucker, 2019). These data can be used as input for training algorithms
and identifying opportunities for novel product features or new products altogether (Agrawal
et al., 2020). This, in turn, can facilitate organizational learning and bolster new product
development capabilities (Agrawal et al., 2020; Hagiu and Wright, 2023; Tan and Zhan, 2016).
As a firm accumulates data and insights from its end users and complementors, it can develop
new knowledge and leverage this knowledge to enhance its capabilities and respond to
external change (Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1995; Von Hippel, 1986; Roy, Lampert, and Stoyneva,
2018). Such demand-side learning can set in motion a virtuous cycle where experienced firms
are better able to retain existing customers as well as attract new ones.
Increased Customer Switching Costs. Demand-side learning effects can increase
customer switching costs in at least two key ways: 1) the firm accumulates superior customer-
specific knowledge that enables it to offer value customers would forego if they would leave,
and 2) customers develop firm-specific knowhow and co-created benefits that are not fully
transferrable to a competing platform. These two levers are interwoven and largely
inseparable. As the firm interacts with a customer and observes their preferences and
behavior, it acquires knowledge that enables it to provide benefits to the customer that the
customer could not obtain from rivals with whom they have not had such interactions. At the
same time, the interactions the customer has with the firm are a sort of investment that reaps
returns in the form of better knowledge about how to use the platform and its complements
(i.e., “learning costs” (Klemperer, 1987)), and products and services that better cater to their
needs. If the customer were to consider switching to a platform from another firm, the
customer might have to invest again in significant interactions before obtaining similar
benefits (what Burnham, Frels, and Mahajan termed “procedural switching costs” (2003)).
This is readily observable in online recommender systems and curated selections of
complementary goods on many digital platforms. Search queries on Google, browsing on
Amazon, and streaming on Spotify and Netflix all provide these platforms with valuable data
on a user’s revealed and latent preferences. These data are subsequently fed into
recommender systems that transform these data into personalized suggestions such as
Amazon’s “Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought” products and Netflix’s “Because
You Watched…videos. The more a customer interacts with a platform, the more effective its
recommender systems become, and the smarter the firm becomes at developing customer-
specific knowhow and offering superior value. Firms can also use customer data to promote
overlooked complements or highlight complementors with whom the firm has favorable
contractual agreements (Rietveld, Seamans, and Meggiorin, 2021). It can promote these
complementors and their offerings through curated selections, such as eBay’s “Top Rated
Sellers” (Elfenbein, Fisman, and McManus, 2015; Rietveld, Schilling, and Bellavitis, 2019).
Indeed, research suggests that online recommender systems can significantly increase a
customer’s volume and variety of consumption on a platform (Fleder and Hosanagar, 2009).
In many digital platforms, customers are also encouraged to invest in creating
personalized benefits of the platform through such features as an option to save preferences
for payment and delivery, to create playlists or wish lists, to build lists of contacts with which
an experience is shared, etc. For example, Amazon and Giftster both make it easy to save
wish lists, baby registries, wedding registries, etc. Film review platform Letterboxd makes it
easy to save watchlists and connect to friends with whom the user wants to exchange reviews
and film recommendations. These features are a form of co-creation between the customer
and the platform that increases both the value a customer derives and the investment (which
is the basis of procedural switching costs) the customer has made in the platform.
Additionally, these user-generated lists can be an input for organizational learning by helping
the platform identify complements and/or features that are of apparent value to its users.
Many of these benefits are not easily transferable to competing platforms.
Competitors cannot easily replicate the knowhow that leads to better recommendations
because they lack access to the data required to train their algorithms (Agrawal et al., 2020).
Furthermore, most platforms make it difficult to transfer saved preferences or co-created
features to competitors. This differential access to customer data reduces the likelihood that a
particular user switches from their current platform to a competing platform with an
otherwise comparable offering. The knowhow and features that are derived through
interaction between the platform and the customer thus create powerful lock-in mechanisms.
Enhanced Absorptive Capacity. At the aggregate level of learning across customers
and over time, the shift in learning orientation to the demand side can also help firms accrue
absorptive capacity that gives them an advantage in sustaining their dominance. Absorptive
capacity is an organization-level generalization of a phenomenon first observed at the level of
individual cognition: learning to learn (Ellis, 1965). As individuals learn across repeated
trials, they get better at the learning process itself. They become better able to interpret
feedback, better able to identify sources of failure, better able to choose among potential
methods to try, etc. Similarly, as organizations learn across repeated trials (e.g., products,
customers, markets, etc.) they become more efficient and effective at identifying which
product features are most important to improve, better methods of improving products,
interpreting the significance of different elements of customer feedback, and more. Thus, as a
firm accumulates experience, it gets better at reaping gains from subsequent experience, and
it can use this improved learning ability to respond better and faster to market change than
competitors with less experience. Firms that fail to invest in organizational learning, on the
other hand, are likely to exhibit considerable inertia, and will struggle to catch up to those
with absorptive capacity even if they have access to the same data (Cohen and Levinthal,
1990; Nelson and Winter, 1982; Schilling, 1998; 2002; Sosa, 2009; Tripsas and Gavetti, 2000).
First-mover advantages (such as those conferred by customer switching costs) can
dissipate over time, where the rate of erosion depends on several external factors and the
extent that a firm can counter these forces of erosion (Utterback and Abernathy, 1975;
Lieberman and Montgomery, 1988). The greater a firm’s absorptive capacity, however, the
more adept it will be at responding to external change, and the less vulnerable it will be to the
erosion of advantage from external change. One external driver of the erosion of advantage is
changing customer preferences (Carpenter and Nakamoto, 1989; Tripsas, 2008). When
preferences change, customer-specific knowhow can quickly become outdated—unless the
firm is able to assimilate and utilize knowledge about such changing customer demands. As
noted earlier, customer interactions are an important source of learning and can enable firms
to detect changes in customer preferences. Firms that use automation technologies can track
countless customer interactions that, when aggregated and analyzed, provide insight into
what product features are trending or trailing, how the firm can better orchestrate its
ecosystem, and even identify underserved market opportunities to expand its offering.
Consider again the example of Apple’s iOS. Apple proactively tracks the App Store
application ecosystem in search of new product ideas that it can integrate into its operating
A well-known case in this regard is the flashlight. At one point, there were over
1,000 flashlight apps available in the App Store, some of which had glowing user reviews and
strong sales. Recognizing the value of flashlight functionality to end users, Apple introduced
its own flashlight functionality and integrated the feature into the seventh generation of the
iOS operating system. By closely tracking end users’ interactions with apps, Apple learns
about new and valuable ideas, and it can leverage these into novel product features for its
operating system (also see: Parker, Van Alstyne, and Jiang, 2017; Wen and Zhu, 2019).
so allows Apple to continuously update and improve its iOS operating system, ensuring that it
remains competitive vis-à-vis rival operating systems and potential new entrants.
Customer interactions data can also enable firms to better orchestrate their ecosystems
(Wareham, Fox, and Giner, 2014). The rewards-based crowdfunding platform Kickstarter, for
example, started operations in 2009 by manually screening all the projects creators submitted
to the platform. By keeping track of every single project, including several performance
indicators such as whether a project had reached its funding goals or any instances of
fraudulent or opportunistic behavior on the part of the project creator, Kickstarter was able to
significantly revise its project requirements and update its code of conduct for creators. In
Apple co-founder Steve Jobs has been quoted saying: “We have always been shameless about stealing great
ideas.” The list of ideas that Apple has taken from the app developer community is long and ranges from fertility
trackers to video editing software. The practice of having an idea copied by Apple has even entered industry
vernacular and is referred to as “getting Sherlocked.” The origin of this term harks back to Apple’s desktop
search tool “Sherlock,” which copied many of the features of a third-party application tool called “Watson.”
(November, 2024)
The reverse is also true. The platform can pass on insights and data from customer interactions to its
complementors to help them learn and improve their offerings (Cennamo et al., 2023). For example, in 2011,
crowdfunding platform Kickstarter introduced a Creator Dashboard to give project creators insight into backers
and their funding pledges. Supplying rich information on backers can help creators become more effective in
marketing their projects. Such passing on of customer-behavior insights to complementors can be argued to not
only create switching costs for a platforms’ end users, but also create lock-in effects for complementors. (November, 2024)
2014, after Kickstarter had hosted over 150,000 projects, the firm implemented “Launch
Now,a machine-learning algorithm incorporating thousands of data points to check whether
a project is ready to launch.
Launch Now resulted in a significant reduction in the resources
required by Kickstarter to monitor the creative projects seeking entry and improve the quality
and conduct of those projects that it granted access to its crowdfunding platform.
Finally, firms can leverage demand-side learning to expand their offerings and
increase the scope of their platform ecosystems.
The Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba, for
example, used transactions data from small businesses on its e-commerce platform to launch
Ant Financial Services, a data-driven micro-lending business (loans no larger than ¥1 million
RMB, or $160,000 USD) for small and medium-sized enterprises—a market that had been
largely overlooked by the major banks in China (Zeng, 2018). Data on prior interactions can
help predict a borrower’s creditworthiness and inform the appropriate interest rate to charge
for a loan. Furthermore, because lending decisions are made based on Alibaba’s own data on
the would-be borrower, decisions can be made in minutes (typical bank-loan decisions take a
week or longer). Another example is Netflix entering original programing by commissioning
two full seasons of House of Cards after analyzing customer interactions data that indicated
there was an appetite for a remake of the original BBC series by viewers who also enjoyed
movies starring Kevin Spacey and those directed by David Fincher (who would direct the hit-
series remake).
Taken together, these examples illustrate how firms can enhance their
absorptive capacity through demand-side learning and anticipate market changes.
In sum, the shift in organizational learning to the demand side as facilitated by firms’
adoption and use of digital technologies has increased customer switching costs by way of
9 (November, 2024)
It is worth noting that while demand-side learning can increase the opportunity for firms to expand their
scope, it has also been observed that digitalization can enable firms to pursue positions of hyperspecialization
(Giustiziero et al., 2023). Therefore, digital transformation should be seen as factor that can increase a firm’s
options for scope as opposed to having a monotonic relationship with scope.
11 (November, 2024)
better serving existing individual customers through algorithmic recommendations and
curated selections, and by increasing customer investments in the platform. The shift has
further enhanced firms’ absorptive capacity at the aggregate level, which has resulted in firms
being better able to mitigate forces of benefit erosion through data-driven updates, enhanced
ecosystem orchestration, and differentiation of their offerings in adjacent domains.
Feedback Mechanisms
The various effects of digital technologies on the entrenchment of a platform’s
dominance (i.e., uninterrupted network externalities, extended platform life cycle, increased
switching costs, and enhanced absorptive capacity) should not be viewed in isolation. There
are interdependencies between each of the effects that can generate self-reinforcing feedback
mechanisms. While each of the individual effects alone has the potential to sustain or expand
a platform’s dominance, it is the interdependencies between them that can set in motion a
virtuous cycle that can further strengthen the firm’s isolating mechanisms, making it even
harder for rivals to erode a platform’s dominant market position (see Figure 2).
First, there is a powerful connection between increased customer switching costs and
uninterrupted network externalities (also see: Lam, 2017). Firms that develop customer-
specific knowhow and create superior value will be more likely to retain their customers and
thus grow their installed base over time. The reinforcing effect also works in the opposite
direction: As a digital platform enjoys uninterrupted network externalities, this can create
additional barriers to switching for the customers who have adopted the platform.
Second, there are interdependencies between uninterrupted network externalities and
a platform’s extended life cycle (e.g., Adner and Kapoor, 2016; Schilling, 2003). Firms that
invest in extending the life of a platform will have more time to accumulate an installed base
and thus enjoy stronger network externalities. Similarly, platforms with a large installed base
create additional hurdles for rivals to overcome (beyond a platform’s standalone value),
making it harder to equal a dominant firm’s offering, which can slow the pace of substitution.
Third, firms that invest in learning to develop and utilize knowledge from customer
interactions can leverage this knowhow to innovate and evolve a platform in ways that create
additional customer value (e.g., Cohen and Levinthal, 1990; Zahra and George, 2002). Indeed,
improvements to a platform’s core functionality will only extend its life cycle when these
changes cater to customers’ needs and preferences (Henderson, 1995; Tripsas, 2008). In the
reverse direction, firms that successfully manage to prolong the platform life cycle are
granted more time to learn from customer interactions and update their knowledge bases.
Finally, there are interdependencies between customer switching costs and enhanced
absorptive capacity (e.g., Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1995; Von Hippel, 1986; Roy et al., 2018).
The longer a customer uses a platform, the more time the firm has to deepen its knowledge
about their preferences and improve its offering. Firms that interact with the same customers
for a very long time are likely to accrue a much richer understanding of the customer’s
preferences, and better anticipate how they will evolve. Firms’ ability to act on customer
interactions similarly depends on their absorptive capacity: The stronger a firm’s absorptive
capacity, the more effective its development and utilization of that deep knowhow.
Amazon, by way of its Prime subscription service, enjoys several of these feedback
mechanisms. Amazon Prime is a paid subscription service that offers members access to
several premium features including free and expedited delivery, but also music and video
streaming, in addition to various other benefits. Prime members are likely to make more
purchases on Amazon’s Marketplace platform because they want to exploit the benefits
offered by the paid subscription service. Some of these feedback mechanisms were noted by
former Amazon CEO and founder Jeff Bezos: “We get to monetize [our subscription video]
in a very unusual way. When we win a Golden Globe, it helps us sell more shoes. And it does
that in a very direct way. Because if you look at Prime members, they buy more on Amazon
than non-Prime members, and one of the reasons they do that is once they pay their annual
fee, they're looking around to see, 'How can I get more value out of the program?'”
Furthermore, by bundling user accounts across different products (e.g., Marketplace,
Prime Video, etc.), Amazon can collate diverse data points for a comprehensive perspective
on customers’ behavior and their preferences. These data can then be leveraged to predict
lucrative product categories that Amazon may wish to enter on Marketplace, or the type of
content it should contract for its Prime Video streaming service. Growth in one part of
Amazon’s business can boost Prime membership rates, which generates positive spillover
effects to other parts of its business where growth may be slower. Notably, some of these
dynamics (e.g., locking in sellers, cross-selling consumers, competing with sellers) are at the
heart of the US Federal Trade Commission’s antitrust lawsuit against Amazon.
The firms behind Asian “super-apps” such as WeChat, Meituan and Grab have
similarly leveraged the reinforcing feedback mechanisms enabled by digital technologies
(Prud’homme, Chen, and Tong, 2023). WeChat, for instance, started out as an instant
messaging service in 2011. Before long, in 2012, it added brand accounts, allowing firms to
communicate with end users. From here on, the app evolved into a social media platform not
unlike Facebook or Instagram. Then, in 2013, it added a mobile wallet, which was later
expanded to in-store payment functionality in 2014. WeChat also added taxi-booking
functionality via ride-hailing app Didi in 2014. It has since added numerous other services,
including insurance and medical. From 2015, WeChat started monetizing business customers
more aggressively by allowing for advertisements in consumers’ timelines and it added
digital games to its platform. By 2018, the app had become an integrated platform boasting
Source: (November, 2024)
See: (November, 2024)
more than 1 billion monthly active users—it is colloquially referred to as the “everything
app.” By regularly adding new services, Tencent increases customers’ switching costs for
WeChat. The overall value created by super-apps keeps increasing; not only as a function of
the added services, but also by way of adding additional users to the installed base. The
combination of added services and added users allows Tencent to prolong the life cycle of
WeChat and making it harder for rivals to successfully displace the dominant super app.
While digital transformation has had profound effects on the business landscape,
many questions remain about how firms’ adoption and use of digital technologies affects their
business strategies (cf. Adner et al, 2019; Porter, 2001). One noteworthy observation is the
prevalence of dominant digital platforms, including those by Alphabet, Amazon, Apple and
Meta, among others. The notion of market dominance predates digitalization, but the
sustained duration and expanded scope of digital platforms’ market-leadership positions
suggests that the forces behind increasing returns to adoption are now stronger than ever.
This article developed a framework that explains why digital platforms enjoy longer
and more expansive positions of market leadership compared to their non-digital
counterparts. The framework highlights two important changes enabled by firms’ adoption
and use of digital technologies: 1) a shift from a punctuated technology life cycle to
hypercontinuous innovation where generations of platform technology are more seamlessly
interconnected, and 2) a shift from supply- to demand-side learning. These changes hold
implications for the manifestation and defensibility of early-mover advantages that underpin
the competitive advantage of incumbent market leaders. The framework also explains why
isolating mechanisms persist as a function of uninterrupted growth in network externalities
and increased customer switching costs. The framework further documents how firms can
guard themselves against forces of benefit erosion by decelerating the pace of substitution
and enhancing their absorptive capacity. Finally, the framework identifies feedback
mechanisms that can help sustain digital market leaders their dominant positions.
Implications for Technology Competition and Digital Strategy
The insights conveyed by the framework provide several important implications for
technology competition and digital strategy. First, when firms use digital technologies to
improve their products it becomes even harder for new entrants and challenger firms to
dethrone a dominant incumbent. Research on challenger strategies has been incomplete, but
extant literature suggests that competing technologies need to be sufficiently differentiated
from their dominant counterparts, particularly with an eye on emerging customer preferences
(Adner and Snow, 2010; Suarez and Kirtley, 2012). Other research suggests that there are
windows of opportunity for challenger firms that open when customer preferences change or
when technology shocks occur (Eggers, Grajek, and Kretschmer, 2020; Giachetti and Marchi,
2017). Digital technologies, however, allow incumbent technology sponsors to constantly
evolve and respond to changes in the external environment more quickly than ever before.
This implies that, all else equal, new entrants will find fewer untapped market segments to
serve, with shorter windows of opportunity to capture them. That said, all dominant
technologies eventually retreat, which raises important questions about how and when
dominant digital platforms are displaced (e.g., Madsen and Walker, 2017; Roy et al., 2018),
and to what extent this can be attributed to the strategies of challenger firms.
Second, the flipside of hypercontinuous innovation is that firms cannot rest on their
laurels if they wish to maintain or improve their relative standing in the market. While
pioneers may get a head start, this does not mean new entrants cannot catch up. Indeed, the
“evolvability” of digital technologies not only affords incumbents the possibility to extend
their platforms’ life cycles, but it also grants rivals the opportunity to continuously improve
their platforms (Agarwal and Tiwana, 2015). If Apple had not integrated flashlight
functionality into iOS, it might have inadvertently created a window of opportunity for
rivals—be it competing operating systems or complementors looking to disrupt from
within—to offer superior value (e.g., Adner and Lieberman, 2021; Ansari et al., 2016). This is
consistent with the notion of “Red Queen” competition, where firms must match the learning
and new product development capabilities of their rivals simply to maintain their standing in
the market (Barnett and Hansen, 1996; Derfus et al., 2008). As such, while continuous
investments in a platform’s performance can bring substantial advancements in consumer
surplus (e.g., Cutolo and Kenney, 2021), it may come at a cost for firms when it does not
significantly move the needle in terms of producer surplus. This “running in place” implies
that the overall value captured from digital technologies could be impaired: Some firms may
attain dominant market positions, but their profit margins could remain thin in certain cases.
Third, the shift from supply-side learning to demand-side learning increases the
salience of demand-side strategies for competitive advantage (Adner and Zemsky, 2006;
Priem, 2007). Improved and continuous insight into customers’ preferences can help firms
“grow the pie” (Brandenburger and Stuart, 1996). Adding features to a product or leveraging
technology in novel ways can increase existing customers’ willingness-to-pay and help attract
diverse customer segments to a digital platform. However, customers have heterogeneous
preferences and often derive diminishing marginal utility from narrow technological
improvements (Adner and Levinthal, 2001). Ignoring this can be perilous. Firms that are in
relentless pursuit of incremental improvements driven by technological advancements, aimed
at serving only their most profitable customers, are the ones most at risk of getting disrupted
(Christensen, 1997). Firms ought to be guided by intelligence gathered from their demand
environments. This is what the business models of successful technology companies have
been designed to do, as illustrated by Netflix’s data driven content development strategy or
Apple’s methods for spotting proven app functionality to absorb into its operating system.
Implications for Policy
Competition authorities all over the world have expressed concerns about how digital
platforms behave in relation to their competitors, complementors and end users. Though there
is disagreement about whether and to what degree Big Data is imitable or constitutes a source
of market power (e.g., Lambrecht and Tucker, 2015; Santesteban and Longpre, 2020; Sivinski,
Okuliar, and Kjolbye, 2017), the scale and scope of the Big Tech firms has led competition
watchdogs to typically operate from the position these firms hold significant market power
and any further expansion of their market positions would be bad for competition and
innovation. Various efforts have recently been introduced aimed at restraining large digital
platforms from becoming even bigger and more powerful. These efforts range from ex-ante
regulations such as the DMA and the DMCC as well as market investigations such as the
CMA’s mobile ecosystems study, to ex-post interventions aimed at specific companies and
behaviors including the FTC’s recent lawsuit against Amazon’s alleged monopolistic conduct
in e-commerce and several agencies’ investigations into the effects of Microsoft’s acquisition
of video game publisher Activision Blizzard on cloud gaming. These regulatory efforts have
picked up in pace over the last few years and they are testimony to the fact that platforms’
market leadership positions can be rather sticky in the age of digital transformation.
That said, these regulatory interventions into digital markets have had mixed results.
For example, the FTC lost five out of seven recent merger challenges that it brought to
On the one hand, while the drivers of market power appear to have evolved as
outlined in this article and others, agencies have mostly brought traditional theories of harm
battles (November, 2024)
to make their case. These traditional antitrust theories that tend focus on acquirers foreclosing
their rivals or conglomerates leveraging their market power may be ill equipped at addressing
the complex realities of digital platforms and ecosystems. On the other hand, agencies have
struggled to successfully bring cases on the basis of so-called ecosystem theories of harm.
These novel theories of harm that address how large technology companies leverage their
strength in one market segment to expand and impose their presence in another are largely
without legal precedent and remain somewhat elusive.
It also appears that regulators and
economists are still looking for the appropriate tools to formalize such theories in ways that
can convince the courts.
It is here where strategy scholars can contribute to the debate by
drawing on such concepts as business models, platforms and ecosystems, dynamic
capabilities, and isolating mechanisms (also see: Teece, 2023). Indeed, even economists have
recently resorted to the resources and dynamic capabilities frameworks in attempts to explain
synergies arising from digital mergers (e.g., Chen, Elliott, and Koh, 2023). There is an
opportunity for technology innovation management and strategy scholars to have impact by
helping regulators better understand how platform ecosystems function, what the drivers of
market power are, and when ecosystem “plays” do and do not result in consumer harm.
In this light, we should clarify that attaining a dominant market position in and of
itself is not strictly illegal or a sufficient basis for competition authorities to intervene.
Competition law intends to ensure markets are efficient and that competition is fair, with
market participants “competing on the merits.” According to both US antitrust doctrine and
EU competition law, holding a dominant market position that approaches monopoly power
For a recent example of where an ecosystem theory of harm was brought successfully, see the European
Commission’s decision to block’s proposed acquisition of eTraveli: (November, 2024)
For an economic discussion on ecosystem theories of harm, see:
theories-harm-digital-mergers-new-insights-network-economics-part-1 and
2 (November, 2024).
“is not only not unlawful; it is an important element of the free-market system.”
ability to raise prices above marginal costs (i.e., exercise market power) is ultimately what
induces risk taking and creates a powerful incentive to innovate. Indeed, so long as markets
are contestable—meaning firms can enter with the prospect of generating non-zero profits
post entry—we should expect competitors, dominant market leaders included, to engage in
innovation to protect and enhance their positions. The presence of competitive constraints
benefits consumers. Things become potentially more problematic when markets are no longer
contestable or when market leaders abuse their dominance by unfairly competing with (or
excluding altogether) rivals and complementors or implementing policies that can harm
consumers either directly or indirectly. In such cases, we might expect platforms to further
entrench their dominant positions without engaging in the type of innovation that ultimately
benefits consumers. Another area of potential concern is dominant platforms acquiring start-
ups that develop disruptive innovation that has the potential to displace or unseat an
incumbent market leader (Cunningham, Ederer, and Ma, 2021). Such acquisitions could lead
to short term benefits for consumers if the target’s innovation gets integrated into the
platform’s core (as seems to be the case with recent AI applications), but it may cause long
term harm if it reinforces a platform’s dominant position to the point where the market
becomes incontestable and new entrants are deterred from competing. Dominant firms have a
“special responsibility” to not allow their conduct to impair undistorted competition,
and for
digital platforms this responsibility extends to both complementors and consumers.
While the main purpose of this article was to document how digital technologies
contribute to firms’ positions of dominance, the framework can also be of help in guiding
regulators and decision makers. For instance, when it comes to devising remedies for
Verizon Communications, Inc. v. Law Offices of Curtis V. Trinko, LLP, 540 US 398 (2003).
C-322/81 Michelin I, §10 and §57 (1981).
unseating dominant platforms or establishing conditions under which ecosystem mergers can
be given regulatory approval, we can turn to the elements in the framework for guidance. In
2022, for example, the EC accepted concessions from Amazon following an investigation into
the e-commerce giant’s entry into marketplace seller segments (also see: Zhu and Liu, 2018).
Responding to the concerns, Amazon proposed to commit “not to use non-public data relating
to, or derived from, the independent sellers' activities on its marketplace, for its retail
This commitment, which EC Executive Vice-President Margarethe Vestager
coined a “data silo,”
should prevent Amazon from further expanding its operations through
analysis of customer interactions data. Put differently, this intervention was aimed at
restraining Amazon’s demand-side learning and may have interrupted some of the feedback
mechanisms discussed elsewhere in this article. Novel policies around data portability and
interoperability, for example, such as those introduced by the DMA, are aimed at making it
easier for challenger firms to compete by jumpstarting their network externalities, reducing
switching costs, and providing an early foundation for demand-side learning effects.
Suggestions for Future Research
The digital dominance framework presented in this article offers several suggestions
for future research. For one, it starts from the assumption that an incumbent already has a
dominant position and it elaborates on the forces that allow it to sustain and expand this
advantage. It alludes, however, to the forces that will determine the factors that permit
challenger firms to successfully dislodge dominant digital platforms. For example, is there
diminishing marginal utility to ever larger datasets? As more firms have access to bigger and
better data about users, the differential value of the data held by the largest firms versus
smaller firms may shrink. Furthermore, as platforms extend and expand their reach, the users
See: (November, 2024).
See: (November, 2024).
that make up their installed base will become more heterogeneous and could become less
engaged. This may negatively impact the strength of network externalities as such factors as
the network’s cohesiveness (Afuah, 2013; Suarez, 2005), the share of late adopters (Rietveld
and Eggers, 2018), and other factors relating to users’ involvement with a technology (Nair et
al., 2004) have all been found to affect the strength of network externalities.
Furthermore, digital technologies may make it easier to better target tightly connected
communities, or users that wish to interact with specific others, rather than targeting the
population in general. This could make it possible to satiate the potential for (direct) network
externalities with a much smaller installed base and open opportunities for more specialized
platforms. To what extent do changes in the composition of the user base offer challenger
firms a window of opportunity? How does increasing customer heterogeneity affect the
transferability of the firm’s learning efforts? How does the relative importance of network
externalities change as the technology’s installed base becomes more heterogeneous and the
firm’s opportunities for learning increase? What is the appropriate balance between network
externalities and learning effects for increasing returns to adoption, and does this balance
shift over the platform life cycle as firms become more dominant? These and other questions
may shed light on when and how dominant technology platforms are likely to be displaced.
It will also be important to develop a deeper understanding of what successful
capabilities look like at different stages of the technology life cycle. Prior research in this
regard has mostly dichotomized the technology life cycle into a pre-dominance stage and a
post-dominance stage (e.g., Anderson and Tushman, 1990; Dosi, 1982), wherein product
innovation is paramount before the emergence of a dominant design, while process
innovation prevails during the post-dominance stage (Utterback and Abernathy, 1975). In the
age of digital transformation, however, these stages have become blurred. To remain
dominant, firms must continuously experiment and improve the way they operate and
manage their internal processes as well as evolve the customer-facing product features that
ultimately determine the firm’s value proposition. This suggests that the capabilities for
managing the technology life cycle have changed, as also reflected in Amazon’s “Day 1”
manifesto which emphasizes a constant customer focus towards innovation.
Finally, researchers are invited to validate and refine the arguments put forward in this
article. How does the framework hold against empirical testing, and what are some of the
nuances encountered in the real world? For example, our arguments about hypercontinuous
innovation largely assume that the platform can be continuously improved while retaining
backward compatibility, but it is also likely that retaining backward compatibility constrains
the ways in which a platform can evolve. Future research should examine how this constraint
shapes a platform’s ability to retain its long-run dominance. Moreover, the framework was
conceptualized and illustrated predominantly by using consumer-facing platforms. It will thus
be interesting to see if and how the framework holds for digital platforms targeted at
customers in upstream links of the vertical chain. One example that suggests the framework
at least partially holds is the cloud infrastructure market dominated by Amazon’s Amazon
Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft’s Azure. In a recent market study by UK’s telecom
regulator Ofcom, it was concluded that “A lack of interoperability and portability can restrict
the ability of customers to switch and multi-cloud.” Moreover, “[s]ome customers have told
us they are already concerned about being ‘locked in’ to their current provider.”
In this
market, issues relating to switching costs, lock in, and sustained positions of market
leadership appear to be just as relevant. It would also be interesting to see to what extent
digital technologies enable more sustained and expansive periods of dominance in contexts
that would not be considered digital platforms. For example, many consumer product
(November, 2024)
Cloud services market study: Final report (Ofcom, 2023; pp. 3-4)
companies now collect more customer data than ever before and use this data to make better
predictions about customer preferences. While they are often not able to update their products
in real time the way that digital platforms can be updated, does their enhanced demand-side
learning change the likelihood or sustainment of market dominance? Put more generally,
future research should assess the (boundaries to the) framework’s generalizability.
Several Big Tech companies (e.g., Amazon, Alphabet, Apple, and Meta) have recently
come under scrutiny by antitrust agencies from around the world. Concerns around the effects
on innovation, competition and consumers are all directly related to the scale and scope of the
activities undertaken by these “digital giants.” Digital technologies have enabled successful
firms to sustain and expand their platforms’ dominance across a growing range of markets.
Why do technology firms enjoy such persistent and expansive competitive benefits
from their digital platforms? This article has sought to answer this question by presenting a
framework of digital dominance. First, it argued that firms’ use of digital technologies has
shifted the nature of innovation from being punctuated to being hypercontinuous. Firms’ use
of online connectivity technologies enables seamless improvements to a platform’s core
without any loss in compatibility with complementors and end users, resulting in
uninterrupted network externalities and a deceleration in the pace of technology substitution.
Second, the article argued that the adoption and use of digital technologies has shifted firms’
learning orientation from the supply to the demand side. By leveraging automation
technologies such as big data analytics and machine learning, firms can collect, store, and
analyze millions of data points on customer interactions, which can be leveraged to increase
customer switching costs and improve the firm’s absorptive capacity. Moreover, there are
reinforcing feedback mechanisms between the various benefits conferred by the adoption and
use of digital technologies. Taken together, these factors enable market leaders to better
anticipate and respond to external changes. The digital dominance framework provides
important considerations for our understanding of digital strategy and competition policy.
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Joost Rietveld ( is an associate professor of strategy and entrepreneurship
in the UCL School of Management at University College London. He earned his PhD from
Bayes Business School at City, University of London. Joost’s research interests lie at the
intersection of technology strategy and innovation management, currently focusing on platform
competition and digital markets.
Melissa A. Schilling ( is the Herzog Family Professor of Management
at New York University Stern School of Business. Her research focuses on innovation and
strategy in high technology industries such as smartphones, video games, pharmaceuticals,
biotechnology, and electric vehicles.
Figure 1. A Framework of Digital Dominance
Shifts created by
firms’ use of digital
Effects on isolating
mechanisms and
benefit erosion
Implications for
platform competition
Extended period of market leadership
Expanded scope of market leadership
Effects on benefit erosion pressures (-)
Firms’ adoption and use of
connectivity technologies (e.g.,
cloud computing or streaming)
Firms’ adoption and use of
automation technologies (e.g., big
data or machine learning)
Effects on isolating mechanisms (+)
Figure 2. Digital Dominance Feedback Mechanisms
Uninterrupted network
Increased customer
switching costs
Extended platform
life cycle
Enhanced absorptive
A large installed base paired with strong network externalities
can deter customers from switching to a rival platform
Increased switching costs can lock customers in, resulting in a
larger accumulated installed base
An extended platform life cycle affords the firm more time to
learn from customer interactions
Enhanced capacity for learning can inform the firm how to best
extend its platform’s life cycle by adding new functionality
Enhanced capacity for
learning facilitates the
development of
customer knowhow,
which can help the
firm improve its
The longer a customer
engages with a
platform, the more
opportunity the firm
has to learn from their
Extending the platform
life cycle prolongs the
time the firm has to
accumulate a large
installed base
A large installed base
creates an additional
barrier for new
entrants to overcome,
which slows the pace
of substitution
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I. Introduction The EU’s Digital Markets Act (DMA) is set to become the new standard regulatory framework of the digital economy. It introduces some innovative aspects in ex ante regulation to promote market contestability in a promising direction, like the general objective of counteracting practices that ossify competition and limit contestability of core services in the digital domain. However, the current approach with a scattered list of binding provisions and obligations not properly tailored to the varying types of digital platforms and business models may not deliver on the law’s premises and objectives of a more contestable and fair competitive landscape. Specifically, we are concerned that the business model agnostic approach to digital platforms taken in the DMA would miss out on the critical role those digital platforms play for the creation of value. Digital platforms do not just facilitate existing transactions between business users and end-users, they also enable new interactions that would not occur in the absence of the platform. These interactions are linked to the production of novel kinds of data which further contribute to the innovativeness of platform ecosystems.¹ Our core thesis rests on the differentiation between creating new interactions through the digital platform that we conceptualise as innovation leading to ‘value creation’, in contrast to facilitating existing interactions or market transactions, which we conceptualise as coordination between business users and end-users leading to ‘value exchange’.
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Digital technologies and modular production methods have led to the emergence of a new generation of global leaders which cement their market position by orchestrating digital platforms and ecosystems of complementors, which offer them new ways to create and capture value that often transcend the boundaries of existing sectors. Their business models, built on intangibles such as software code and access to data, support expansion that is both breathtakingly rapid and effectively costless. With capital markets all too willing to invest in these firms’ growth, and regulators unable to rein them in, these firms have been able to accumulate unprecedented power and wealth, with profound implications for competition, the economy, and society itself. This special issue confronts the challenge of regulating platforms and ecosystems head-on, revisiting the economic, strategic, and legal foundations that enable us to detect and redress issues of dominance and competition and address questions of the appropriate conception of and limits of the law. The papers included cover topics including the true nature of competition with an emphasis on dynamics and innovation, new approaches for legal and economic analysis including the alternatives for the “welfare criterion” and the protection of sunk investments, the approaches to take on tech mergers and acquisitions, the virtues and limits of self-regulation, the potential for radical breakups of Big Tech, and the issues of data, when privacy protection and competition steer us in different directions. Contributors also weigh up the case for regulatory intervention, the practical challenges involved, and the future state that we hope such actions will bring about.
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We study how a multisided platform's decision to certify a subset of its complementors affects those complementors and ultimately the platform itself. Kiva, a microfinance platform, introduced a Social Performance badging program in December 2011. The badging program appears to have been beneficial to Kiva-it led to more borrowers, lenders, total funding, and amount of funding per lender. To better understand the mechanisms behind this performance increase, we study how the badging program changed the bundle of products offered by Kiva's complementors. We find that Kiva's certification leads badged microfinance institutions to reorient their loan portfolio composition to align with the certification and that the extent of portfolio reorientation varies across microfinance institutions, depending on underlying demand-and supply-side factors. We further show that microfinance institutions that do align their loan portfolios enjoy stronger demand-side benefits than certified microfinance institutions that do not align their loan portfolios. We therefore demonstrate that platforms can influence the product offerings and performance of their complementors-and subsequently the performance of the ecosystem overall-through careful enactment of governance strategies, a process we call "market orchestration."
Full-text available
We expand the perspective on disruption by going beyond substitute products to consider the ways in which complements can impact the competitiveness of incumbents. Complementors represent a different kind of disruptive threat, one that is latent within the initial structure of value creation: complementors that disrupt are not new entrants but, rather, established actors that can shift their impact from positive to negative. With this perspective, we consider how ecosystem dynamics can clarify aspects of disruptive competition, and we use the dynamics of disruption to illuminate dimensions of competition in ecosystem settings. We elaborate three processes through which disruption through complements can occur: commoditization, adjacent entry, and value inversion. For each process we discuss specific examples, and we illustrate their interaction in the context of the automotive industry, which is fast evolving in response to technological change. In so doing, the paper fills a critical gap in the literature, which is so far missing a systematic examination of how complementors can disrupt established firms.
How has Japan become a major economic power, a world leader in the automotive and electronics industries? What is the secret of their success? The consensus has been that, though the Japanese are not particularly innovative, they are exceptionally skilful at imitation, at improving products that already exist. But now two leading Japanese business experts, Ikujiro Nonaka and Hiro Takeuchi, turn this conventional wisdom on its head: Japanese firms are successful, they contend, precisely because they are innovative, because they create new knowledge and use it to produce successful products and technologies. Examining case studies drawn from such firms as Honda, Canon, Matsushita, NEC, 3M, GE, and the U.S. Marines, this book reveals how Japanese companies translate tacit to explicit knowledge and use it to produce new processes, products, and services.
We model dynamic competition between firms which improve their products through learning from customer data, either by pooling different customers' data (across‐user learning) or by learning from repeated usage of the same customers (within‐user learning). We show how a firm's competitive advantage is affected by the shape of firms' learning functions, asymmetries between their learning functions, the extent of data accumulation, and customer beliefs. We also explore how public policies toward data sharing, user privacy, and killer data acquisitions affect competitive dynamics and efficiency. Finally, we show conditions under which a consumer coordination problem arises endogenously from data‐enabled learning.
Digital platforms have disrupted many sectors but have not yet visibly transformed highly regulated industries. This study of Big Tech entry in healthcare and education explores how platforms have begun to enter highly regulated industries systematically and effectively. It presents a four-stage process model of platform entry, which we term as “digital colonization.” This involves provision of data infrastructure services to regulated incumbents; data capture in the highly regulated industry; provision of data-driven insights; and design and commercialization of new products and services. The article clarifies platforms’ sources of competitive advantage in highly regulated industries and concludes with managerial and policy recommendations.