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AFLNet Five Years Later: On Coverage-Guided
Protocol Fuzzing
Ruijie Meng, Van-Thuan Pham, Marcel B¨
ohme, and Abhik Roychoudhury
Abstract—Protocol implementations are stateful which makes them difficult to test: Sending the same test input message twice might
yield a different response every time. Our proposal to consider a sequence of messages as a seed for coverage-directed greybox
fuzzing, to associate each message with the corresponding protocol state, and to maximize the coverage of both the state space and
the code was first published in 2020 in a short tool demonstration paper. AFLNet was the first code- and state-coverage-guided
protocol fuzzer; it used the response code as an indicator of the current protocol state. Over the past five years, the tool paper has
gathered hundreds of citations, the code repository was forked almost 200 times and has seen over thirty pull requests from
practitioners and researchers, and our initial proposal has been improved upon in many significant ways. In this paper, we first provide
an extended discussion and a full empirical evaluation of the technical contributions of AFLNet and then reflect on the impact that our
approach and our tool had in the past five years, on both the research and the practice of protocol fuzzing.
Index Terms—Greybox Fuzzing, Network Protocol Testing, Stateful Fuzzing.
It is critical to find security flaws in protocol implemen-
tations. Protocols are used by internet-facing servers to talk
to each other or to clients in an effective and reliable manner.
Aprotocol specifies the exact sequence and structure of mes-
sages that can be exchanged between two or more online
parties. However, this ability to talk to a server from any-
where in the world provides ample opportunities for remote
code execution attacks. An attacker does not even require
physical access to the machine. For instance, the famous
Heartbleed vulnerability is a security flaw in OpenSSL, an
implementation of the SSL/TLS protocol which promises
secure communication.1
However, finding vulnerabilities in protocol implemen-
tations is also difficult. First, a server is stateful and
message-driven. It takes a sequence of messages (a.k.a.
requests) from a client, processes the messages, and sends
appropriate responses. Yet, the implemented protocol may
not entirely correspond to the specified protocol, making
model-based fuzzing approaches [1], [2] less effective. For
instance, as shown in Figure 2, the Live555 streaming me-
dia server implements a state machine for the Real-Time
Streaming Protocol (RTSP) that supports an unspecified
transition between the INIT and PLAY states (shown in
red). Second, the server’s response depends on both the
current message and its internal state, which is influenced
by earlier messages, posing challenges for vanilla coverage-
guided greybox fuzzers like American Fuzzy Lop (AFL)
and its extensions [3], [4].
•R. Meng is with the National University of Singapore, Singapore. E-mail:
ruijie meng@u.nus.edu.
•V.T. Pham is with the University of Melbourne, Australia. E-mail:
•M. B¨ohme is with the Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy,
Germany. Email-: marcel.boehme@acm.org.
•A. Roychoudhury is with the National University of Singapore, Singapore.
E-mail: abhik@comp.nus.edu.sg.
1. See http://heartbleed.com/
“One of the things that I struggle with is the limitation AFL
seems to have, in that it only performs fuzzing with one input
(a file). For many systems, such as network protocols, it would
be useful if fuzzing could be done on a sequence of inputs. This
sequence of inputs might be for example messages necessary to
complete a handshake in TLS/TCP.”
- Paul (a member of the AFL’s user group) [5]
“I’m interested in doing something fairly non-traditional and
definitely not currently supported by AFL. I would like to
perform fuzzing of a large and complex external server that
cannot easily be stripped down into small test cases.”
- Tim Newsham (a member of the AFL’s user group) [5]
Fig. 1. Requests from AFL’s users asking for stateful fuzzing support.
Before the extension to state-coverage, greybox fuzzers
were primarily designed to test stateless programs (e.g.,
command line programs or libraries) where the same input
would mostly produce the same output. If a generated input
covered source code that was not previously covered, it was
added to the set of input seeds for later fuzzing. If there
was any program state, it would not be considered. Indeed,
users of AFL were aware of these limitations and submitted
several requests and questions for stateful fuzzing support
to its developers’ group [5], as shown in Figure 1.
In 2020, motivated by the aforementioned challenges of
stateful network protocol fuzzing and the pressing need
for an effective tool by researchers and practitioners, we
introduced AFLNE T [6]—the first code- and state-coverage-
guided greybox fuzzer. However, an extended technical dis-
cussion and a full empirical evaluation of all its components
in a full-length article have since been outstanding.
arXiv:2412.20324v1 [cs.SE] 29 Dec 2024
SETUP request PLAY request
SETUP with a “range” parameter
PLAY request
Other requests
SETUP request
Fig. 2. RTSP as implemented in Live555. There exists an unspecified
shortcut between the INIT and PLAY state (shown in red).
AFLNET integrates automated state model inference
with coverage-guided fuzzing, allowing both to work in
tandem: fuzzing generates new message sequences to cover
new states and incrementally complete the state model.
Meanwhile, the dynamically constructed state model helps
drive fuzzing towards more critical code regions by lever-
aging both state coverage and code coverage information
from the retained message sequences. With these advanced
features, AFLNE T successfully generated a random message
sequence that discovered the hidden transition in the RTSP
implementation of Live555 (see Figure 2), retained the se-
quence, and systematically evolved it to uncover a critical
zero-day vulnerability (CVE-2019-7314, CVSS score: 9.8). In
March 2020, we released AFLNE T as an open-source tool on
GitHub: https://github.com/aflnet/aflnet.
Over the past five years, our tool has received tremen-
dous attention from both the research community and in-
dustry. As of November 2024, it has garnered 872 stars
on GitHub. It supports 17 protocols2, most of which were
contributed by other researchers. Security researchers have
written experience reports and tutorials about the appli-
cation of AFLNET to challenging targets such as as the
5G network [7], Internet of Things (IoT) [8], [9], medical
imaging applications [10], and automotive systems [11]
highlighting its impact on practice. Researchers have cited
the short AFLNET tool demo paper hundreds of times (270+
according to Google Scholar), highlighting its impact on
research. Educators are introducing AFLNET as a coverage-
guided protocol fuzzer to hundreds of Master’s students at
several universities, including the University of Melbourne
and Carnegie Mellon University, highlighting its impact on
In this paper, we first provide an extended discussion
and a full empirical evaluation of the technical contributions
of AFLNE T. We evaluate AFLNET in large-scale experiments
on the widely-used ProFuzzBench benchmark [12] to pro-
vide researchers and practitioners with a deeper under-
standing of the capabilities of AF LNET and the effectiveness
of each of its components. Specifically, we thoroughly ana-
lyze the effectiveness of state feedback both independently
and in combination with traditional code coverage feedback.
Additionally, we evaluate the impact of different seed-
2. List of protocols supported by AFL NET : RTSP, FTP, MQTT, DTLS,
NTP, and SNMP.
selection strategies implemented in AFLNET. Based on these
results, we offer practical guidance to AFLNE T users on its
optimal use cases and the most effective configurations to
maximize their results.
Finally, we reflect on the impact that our approach and
our tool had in the past five years, on both the research
and the practice of protocol fuzzing. This reflection not only
illustrates AFLNE T ’s growing impact but also identifies
open challenges and opportunities, shedding light on recent
progress and promising new directions for future research
in stateful network protocol fuzzing.
2.1 Motivating Example: File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
We begin with an informal introduction of the main con-
cepts behind server communication and the terminology we
are using in this paper. A server is a software system that
can be accessed remotely, e.g., via the Internet. A client is a
software system that uses the services which are provided
by a server. In order for the client to use the services of
a server, the server must first establish a connection via a
communication channel. A network socket is an endpoint for
sending or receiving data and can be identified by an IP
address and a port.
In order to exchange information, both network partic-
ipants send messages. A message is a distinct data packet.
Amessage sequence is a vector of messages. A valid order of
messages is governed by a protocol. The protocol provides
strict rules and regulations that determine how data is
transmitted and ensures reliable communication between
client and server. A message from the client is also called
request while a message from the server is called response.
Each request may advance the server state, e.g., from initial
state to authenticated. The server state is a specific status of
the server in the communication with the client.
Listing 1. Message exchange between an FTP client (red) and the
LightFTP server (black) on the control channel.
1220 LightFTP server v2.0a ready
2USER foo
3331 User foo OK. Password required
4PASS foo
5230 User logged in, proceed.
6MKD demo
7257 Directory created.
8CWD demo
9250 Requested file action okay, completed.
10 STOR test.txt
11 150 File status okay
12 226 Transfer complete
14 150 File status okay
15 226 Transfer complete
17 221 Goodbye!
Listing 1 shows an exchange of messages according
to the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) between a client and
LightFTP [13], a server that implements FTP and is one of
the subjects in our evaluation. The message sequence sent
from the client is highlighted in red. FTP is the standard
protocol for transferring files (RFC959 [14]). FTP specifies
that a client must first authenticate itself at the server. Only
after successful authentication can the client issue other
commands (i.e., transfer parameter commands and service
commands). For each request message from the client, the
FTP server replies with a response message containing a
status code (e.g., 230 [login successful] or 430 [invalid user/-
pass]). The status code in the response ensures that client
requests are acknowledged and informs the client about the
current server state.
Finding vulnerabilities in protocol implementations is
challenging. First, a server is stateful and message-driven.
It takes a sequence of messages (e.g., messages shown in
Listing 1 in red) from a client, handles the messages, and
sends appropriate responses. In addition, a server features
a massive state space that can be traversed effectively only
with specific sequences of messages. For example, only after
accepting the correct user name and password (i.e., USER
foo and PASS foo), lightFTP can transition to the state
where it can process the MKD demo command. Second, a
server’s response depends on both, the current message and
the current internal server state which is controlled by a
sequence of earlier messages.
2.2 Difficulties of Traditional Fuzzing Approaches
To find vulnerabilities in stateful protocols, there are sev-
eral challenges for state-of-the-art fuzzing approaches, like
coverage-based greybox fuzzing (CGF) [15], [16] and state-
ful blackbox fuzzing (SBF) [1], [17]. CGF is an effective
automated vulnerability detection technique. It leverages
code coverage information, obtained by lightweight code
instrumentation, to retain and prioritize interesting seeds
(e.g., input files) generated by mutation operators (e.g., bit
flips and splicing) in an evolutionary fashion. However,
vanilla CGF, like AFL and its extensions [18], [4], [3], neither
know the server state information nor the required structure
or order of the messages to be sent. These CGF were mainly
designed to test stateless programs (e.g., file processing
programs) which always produce the same output for the
same input. No state is maintained or taken into account.
Developers only have workaround solutions to fuzz
protocol implementations using current CGF approaches.
They would need to write test harnesses for unit testing
of specific program states of the server under test (SUT) [16]
or to concatenate message sequences into files and use them
as seeds to do normal mutational file fuzzing [15]. These
two approaches have several drawbacks. While unit testing
is effective at some specific program states, it may not be
able to thoroughly test the interactions/transitions between
several program states. Moreover, it usually requires a sub-
stantial effort to write a new test harness to maintain correct
program states and avoid false positives. Importantly, it
is not applicable for end-to-end fuzzing to test the whole
server whose source code may not be available.
Working on concatenated files leads to inefficiency and
ineffectiveness in bug finding. First, for each fuzzing itera-
tion, the whole selected seed file needs to be mutated. Given
a file fwhich is constructed by concatenating a sequence of
messages from m1to mn, CGF mutates the whole file f
and treats all messages equally. Suppose a message miis
the most interesting one (e.g., exploring it leads to higher
code coverage and potential bugs), CGF repeats mutating
uninteresting messages m1to mi-1 before working on mi
and it has no knowledge to focus on mi. Second, lacking
state transition information, CGF could produce many in-
valid sequences of messages which are likely to be rejected
by the SUT.
Due to the aforementioned limitations of CGF on stateful
server fuzzing, the most popular technique is still state-
ful blackbox fuzzing (SBF). Several SBF tools have been
developed in both academia (e.g., Sulley, BooFuzz [19],
[17]), and in the industry (e.g., Peach, beSTORM [1], [20]).
These tools traverse a given protocol model, in the form
of a finite state machine or a graph, and leverage data
models/grammars of messages accepted at the states to
generate (syntactically valid) message sequences and stress
test the SUT. However, their effectiveness heavily depends
on the completeness of the given state model and data
model, which are normally written manually based on
the developers’ understanding of the protocol specification
and the sample captured network traffic between the client
and the server. These manually provided models may not
capture correctly the protocols implemented inside the SUT.
Protocol specifications contain hundreds of pages of prose-
form text. Developers of implementations may misinterpret
existing or add new states or transitions. Moreover, like
other blackbox approaches, SBF does not retain interesting
test cases for further fuzzing. More specifically, even though
SBF could produce test cases leading to new interesting
states, which have not been defined in its state model, SBF
does not retain those for further explorations. It also does
not update the state model at run-time.
To address the aforementioned limitations of current
CGF and SBF approaches, we introduce AFLNE T– the
first stateful CGF (SCGF) tool. AF LNET is an evolutionary
mutation-based fuzzer that leverages code as well as state
feedback to efficiently and systematically explore the code
and state space of a protocol implementation. In our setting,
AFLNET acts as a client while the protocol server acts as
the fuzz target. AFLNE T makes automated state model in-
ferencing and coverage-guided fuzzing work hand in hand;
fuzzing helps to generate new message sequences to cover
new states and make the state model gradually more com-
plete. Meanwhile, the dynamically constructed state model
helps to drive the fuzzing towards more important code
parts by using both the state coverage and code coverage
information of the retained message sequences.
AFLNET is a network-enabled stateful greybox fuzzer that
leverages additional state feedback from the server along
with the code feedback to boost the coverage of a pro-
tocol implementation. Algorithm 1 provides a procedural
overview. The input is the server program under test P, an
initial (potentially empty) draft of the implemented protocol
state machine (IPSM) S, and the actual, recorded network
traffic Tbetween a client and P. The traffic Tcan be
recorded traces from multiple sessions. The output is a set
of error-revealing message sequences C✗and the IPSM S
that has been augmented throughout the fuzzing campaign.
AFLNET starts with a pre-processing phase (Lines 1–6).
Given the server P, the initial IPSM S, and the recorded
Algorithm 1: Stateful Network Protocol Fuzzing
Input : Server program P, Sniffer traces T, IPSM S
Output: Crashes C✗, Corpus C, and IPSM S
1Corpus C← ∅; Crashes C✗← ∅; Bitmap B← ∅
2for each trace t∈Tdo ▷Pre-processing Phase
3Sequence M←parse(t)
4Corpus C←C∪ {M}
5Response R←send(P, M, B )
6IPSM S←updateIPSM(S, R)
7LastPathTime lpt ←cur time
8repeat ▷Fuzzing Phase
9if (cur time −lpt)> M axT imeGap then
10 State s←choose state(S)
11 Sequence M←choose sequence to state(C, s)
12 ⟨M1, M2, M3⟩ ← M
(i.e., split Min subsequences such
that M1is the message sequence to
drive Pto arrive at state s, and mes-
sage sequence M2is selected to be
13 else ▷Interleaving Seed Selection
14 Sequence M←choose sequence from queue(C)
15 ⟨M1, M2, M3⟩ ← M
(i.e., randomly select subsequence
M2to be mutated)
16 for ifrom 1 to energy(M)do
17 Sequence M′← ⟨M1,mutate(M2), M3⟩
18 Response R←send(P, M ′, B)
19 if Phas crashed then
20 Crashes C✗←C✗∪ {M′}
21 LastPathTime lpt ←cur time
22 else if is interesting(M′, B )then
23 Corpus C←C∪ {M′}
24 IPSM S←updateIPSM(S, R)
25 LastPathTime lpt ←cur time
26 until timeout reached or abort
network traffic T, AFLNE T constructs the initial seed corpus
Cand adds state transitions observed in Tto S. In order to
construct C, each trace t∈Tof recorded network traffic is
parsed into the corresponding message sequence M, which
is then added to Cand sent to the server P. The details
of the recording and replay of message sequences (incl. the
parse and send methods) are discussed in Section 3.1. From
each server response R, the exercised state transitions are
extracted. States and transitions that have been observed
are added to the IPSM Sif they do not already exist. If no
IPSM is given as input, Sis initialized as a directed graph
without nodes and edges. Our lightweight protocol learning
(incl. the updateIPSM method) is elaborated in Section 3.2.
In each iteration (Lines 8–26), AFLNET generates several
new sequences based on the selected seed sequence. During
seed selection, AFLNET interleaves AFL’s original strategy,
which relies on the order of the seed queue (Lines 14–15),
with a strategy based on the state heuristics in the IPSM S
(Lines 10–12). Specifically, AFLNE T starts lightweight seed
selection based on the seed queue, and switches to the heavy
state-heuristic-based strategy when the fuzzer cannot find
“interesting” sequences within the allowed time gap. The
former strategy is the same as that used in AFL. In the latter
seed-selection strategy, AFLNE T selects a progressive state
s∈Sand a sequence M∈Cexercising sto steer the fuzzer
towards more progressive regions in the server state space
(Section 3.3; incl. choose state and choose sequence to state).
The selected sequence is assigned energy based on
the default power schedule of the greybox fuzzer [18]
and systematically mutated (Section 3.4; incl. mutate and
is interesting). Crash-triggering sequences are added to the
crashing corpus C✗, “interesting” sequences are added to
the normal corpus C, and all other generated sequences
are discarded (Line 19–25). A sequence Mis considered as
interesting if the new state(s) or state transition(s) have been
observed in the server response Rfor M, or Mcovers new
branches in the server’s source code.
3.1 Recording and Replay for Fuzzing
In order to facilitate mutational fuzzing for message se-
quences, we first need to develop the capability to record
and replay message sequences. In order to record a realistic
message exchange between client and server, a network
sniffer can be used. A network sniffer captures network
traffic for a specified period of time. For instance, we can
use tcpdump3to capture the traffic from a user-generated
FTP session. The sniffer records the entire network traffic
that can be filtered automatically. The relevant message
exchange can be extracted using a packet analyzer. A
packet analyzer can identify and distinguish different mes-
sage exchanges between different nodes in the network.
For instance, we used the packet analyzer Wireshark4to
automatically extract the sequence of FTP requests.
USER foo PASS foo MKD demo QUIT
220, 331 220, 331, 230 220, 331, 230, 257 220, 331, …, 221
Fig. 3. An annotated FTP message sequence processed for mutational
fuzzing (from the sniffer trace in Listing 1).
To generate the initial corpus of message sequences C,
AFLNET parses the filtered sniffer traces T(i.e., parse in
Algorithm 1). The objective of the parser is to identify the
start and end of a message in the filtered trace. This can
be done with a packet analyzer such as Wireshark. In
our case, we implemented a lightweight method that finds
the header and terminator of a message as specified in the
given protocol. For instance, each FTP message starts with
a valid FTP command (e.g., USER,PASS) and is terminated
with a carriage return followed by a line feed character (i.e.,
0x0D0A). Moreover, AFLNET associates with each message
in the sequence the corresponding server state transitions
(cf. Figure 3). This is done by sending the messages and
parsing the responses one by one.
To replay a message sequence (i.e., send in Algorithm 1),
AFLNET acts as a client. In our setting, the server provides
network sockets and the fuzzer can connect to those. After
the server is started and the connection is established,
AFLNET can proceed to replay message sequences. For each
request min the sequence, (i) the request mis sent to the
3. https://www.tcpdump.org/pcap.html
4. https://www.wireshark.org/
server, (ii) a delay is introduced, and (iii) the response is
received. The delay is required because many servers (incl.
the LightFTP server) stop the message exchange if a new
request arrives before the server’s response has been re-
ceived. When the entire sequence is executed, the connection
is closed, and the server is terminated. We suggest terminat-
ing the server (or at least the ongoing session) because this
will reset any accumulated state. The next message sequence
can start from the same initial state.
3.2 Lightweight Protocol Learning
The directed labelled graph which reconciles all state transi-
tions that have been observed throughout the fuzzing cam-
paign, we call as implemented protocol state machine (IPSM).
Each node represents a state. Each directed edge represents
astate transition. The edge is annotated with a request and
response message. If there is an edge between two states s1
and s2, and the server is currently in state s1and receives
a request that matches the one in the edge label, then the
server sends a response that matches the one in the edge
label and transitions to state s2. An example illustrating the
utility of the IPSM is shown in Figure 2.
The IPSM represents the current and potentially incom-
plete view of the protocol state machine that has actually
been implemented. The purpose of the fuzzer is to generate
message sequences that discover new state transitions. This
in turn iteratively increases the completeness of the IPSM
w.r.t. actual state machine.
After sending a request sequence M∈C, the network-
enabled fuzzer receives a response sequence R. From R,
AFLNET extracts the sequence of state transitions. We as-
sume determinism, i.e., executing Mseveral times always
produces the same sequence of state transitions. Each state
should be uniquely identifiable. For many protocols, the
response contains information about the current server state.
For instance, we can use the FTP status code in the server
response to quickly identify the server state (e.g., 230 [login
successful]). If no (detailed) state information is normally
available in R, we suggest to instrument the program
such that the server function that handles a certain state
also prints the associated state ID. Such instrumentation
is sensible when fuzzing in-house or open-source protocol
In order to augment the IPSM S(cf. updateIPSM in
Algorithm 1), the nodes and edges are added for states and
state transitions that have not been observed previously (i.e.,
before sending m∈M). For each existing or new state
s∈S, AFLNE T records the number of times a mutated
message sequence has executed s(#fuzz), the number of
times shas been selected for fuzzing (#selected), and
the number of coverage-increasing message sequences that
have been added to Cafter selecting sfor fuzzing (#paths).
This statistical information is used for steering the fuzzer
towards more progressive regions of the state space. In
turn, the boosted fuzzer should enable a more efficient
augmentation of the IPSM.
3.3 Steering the Fuzzer to Progressive States
In order to steer the fuzzer towards more progressive
regions in the state space, AFLNE T chooses message se-
quences M∈Cto mutate that exercise one of the more
progressive states and that is more likely to increase cover-
age (Lines 10–12 in Algorithm 1).
Choosing a state. In each iteration, AFLNET selects a
server state s∈Sin the IPSM Sto focus on (cf. choose state
in Algorithm 1). AFLNE T uses several heuristics that can be
computed from the statistical data available in the learned
IPSM. To identify fuzzer blind spots, i.e., rarely exercised
states, AFLNE T chooses a state swith a probability that is
inversely proportional to the proportion of mutated mes-
sage sequences that have executed s(#fuzz). AFLNE T
chooses recently discovered states swith higher priority by
prioritizing states that have been rarely chosen for fuzzing
(#selected). In order to maximize the probability of dis-
covering new state transitions, AFLNET chooses a state s
with higher priority that has been particularly successful in
contributing to an increased code or state coverage when
they were previously selected (#paths).
Choosing a message sequence. In each iteration, given
the selected state s∈S, AFLNE T selects a message se-
quence M∈Cfrom the corpus Cthat exercises s(cf.
choose sequence to state in Algorithm 1). We leverage the
original selection strategy that is provided by the greybox
fuzzer but on the reduced corpus of sequences that exercise
the selected state s. For instance, classically AFL priori-
tizes shorter seeds in the corpus that execute quicker. Our
modified strategy first filters only sequences that execute
s. Shorter and quicker sequences that have reached more
states are prioritized.
Assigning energy. In greybox fuzzing, the energy of a seed
input determines how many new inputs are generated from
the given seed input the next time it is chosen (cf. energy in
Algorithm 1). For instance, the AFL coverage-based greybox
fuzzer [15] assigns more energy to a seed that executes
faster and that is shorter. AFLNET leverages the default
power schedule of the greybox fuzzer. A power schedule is
the mechanism that assigns the energy of a seed.
3.4 Mutating a Message Sequence
AFLNET is mutation-based fuzzer, i.e., a seed message se-
quence is chosen from a corpus and mutated to generate
new sequences. There are several advantages over exist-
ing generation-based approaches which generate new message
sequences from scratch. First, a mutation-based approach
can leverage a valid trace of real network traffic to gen-
erate new sequences that are likely valid—albeit entirely
without a protocol specification. In contrast, a generation-
based approach [19], [2], [17] requires a detailed protocol
specification, including concrete message templates and the
protocol state machine. Hence, BO OFUZZ [17], a generation-
based approach, does not discover the unspecified state
transition in Figure 2 in page 2. Second, a mutation-based
approach allows to evolve a corpus of particularly interest-
ing message sequences. Generated sequences that have led
to the discovery of new states, state transitions, or program
branches are added to the corpus for further fuzzing. This
evolutionary approach is the secret sauce of the tremendous
recent success of coverage-based greybox fuzzing.
Given a state sand a message sequence M, AFLNE T
generates a new sequence M′by mutation (cf. Line 17 in
Algorithm 1). In order to ensure that the mutated sequence
M′still exercises the chosen state s, AFLNE T splits the
original sequence Minto three parts:
•The prefix M1is required to reach the selected state
s. The prefix is identified using the state annota-
tions (cf. Figure 3). If M=⟨m1, . . . , mn⟩, then
M1=⟨m1, . . . , mi⟩such that sis observed for
the first time when message miis sent, i.e. s∈
states(send(P,⟨m1, .., mi−1⟩))∧s∈states(send(P, M1)).
•The candidate subsequence M2contains all messages
that can be executed after M1while still remaining
in state s. In other words, M2is the longest subse-
quence ⟨M1, M2⟩ ⊆ M, such that states(send(P, M1)) =
states(send(P,⟨M1, M2⟩)).
•The suffix M3is simply the left-over subsequence such
that ⟨M1, M2, M3⟩=M.
The mutated message sequence M′=
⟨M1, mutate(M2), M3⟩. By maintaining the original
subsequence M1,M′will still reach the state swhich
is the state that the fuzzer is currently focusing on. The
mutated candidate subsequence mutate(M2)produces
an alternative sequence of messages upon the progressive
state s. In our initial experiments, we observed that the
alternative requests may not be observable “now”, but
propagate to later responses. Hence, AFLNE T continues
with the execution of the original suffix M3.
AFLNET offers several protocol-aware mutation operators
to modify the candidate subsequence (cf. mutate in Algo-
rithm 1). From the corpus Cof message sequences, AFLNET
produces a pool of messages. The message pool is a collec-
tion of actual messages from network sniffer traces (plus
generated messages) that can be added or substituted into
existing message sequences M∈C. In order to mutate the
candidate sequence M2, AFLNE T supports the replacement,
insertion, duplication, and deletion of messages. In addi-
tion to these protocol-aware mutation operators, AFLNE T
uses the common byte-level operators that are known from
greybox fuzzing, such as bit flipping, and the substitution,
insertion, or deletion of blocks of bytes. The mutations are
stacked, i.e., several protocol-aware and byte-level mutation
operators are applied to generate the mutated candidate
sequence. The mutations affect the start and end indices of
the mutated and any subsequent message in the sequence.
Hence, the index annotations are updated accordingly.
3.5 Selecting Interesting Message Sequences
After applying protocol-aware mutations on the selected
message sequence M, AFLNE T generates a new message
sequence M′and sends it to the server under test to inves-
tigate whether M′is “interesting” (Line 18 in Algorithm 1).
A sequence is considered as interesting if the server response
contains new states or state transitions that have not previ-
ously been observed (i.e., they are not recorded in the IPSM
S); a sequence is interesting also if it covers new branches
in the server’s source code.
To select “interesting” message sequences, AFLNE T
records both state coverage and branch coverage in the
same bitmap Bduring program execution. In contrast, AFL
only records the branch coverage in the bitmap. While
hitting a branch B1→B2, AF L computes the map index
using Equation 1 (where prev loc and cur loc are branch
keys of the basic block of B1and B2) and increments the
corresponding value for this index by 1. However, based on
our observation, this bitmap often has many empty entries
in the default bitmap size (MAP SIZE), which provides
the chance to maintain additional state coverage within the
same bitmap as well.
map index =cur loc ⊕(prev loc ≫1) (1)
To achieve this, AFLNET shifts the code coverage
to the left of the bitmap by a certain number of ele-
STATE SIZE is the maximum number of states observed)
and computes the map index of code branches using Equa-
tion 2.
map index = (cur loc ⊕(prev loc ≫1)) % (MAP SIZE−
Following this adjustment, AF LNET reserves the bitmap
space with SHIFT SIZE many elements to state coverage.
While observing a state transition S1→S2, AFLNE T
computes the map index for this state transition using
Equation 3, where prev state and cur state are state keys by
numbering raw states S1and S2starting from the number
1, and then increments the value at the corresponding index
by 1.
map index = (prev state ×STATE SIZE + cur state)
Based on the maintained bitmap, AF LNET selects “in-
teresting” message sequences that hit new bitmap entries
or increase the hit count (cf. is interesting in Algorithm 1).
The interesting message sequences are saved into the seed
corpus Cfor further examination (Line 23). Meanwhile
(Lines 24–25), AFLNET updates the states in IPSM S, and
the time to find interesting paths, which facilitates tracking
whether AFLNE T enters the coverage plateau.
We implemented our prototype AFLNE T as an extension
of the popular and successful greybox fuzzer AFL [15],
[21]. The architecture of AFLNE T is shown in Figure 4. To
facilitate communication with the server, we first enabled
network communication over sockets, which is not sup-
ported by the vanilla AFL. AFLN ET supports two channels,
one to send and one to receive messages from the Server
Under Test. AFLNET uses standard C Socket APIs (i.e.,
connect, poll, send, and recv)5to implement this feature.
To ensure proper synchronization between AFLNET and
the server under test, we added delays between requests
(see Section 3.1). Otherwise, several server implementations
drop the connection if a new message is received before the
response is sent and acknowledged. To minimize the delay,
we used the Linux poll API to monitor the status of both
5. http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/socket.2.html
State Machine
Target State Selector
Sequence Selector Sequence
Mutators Server Under Test
(mutated) client requests
S1 ...
.pcap files
Captured network
S2 Sn
(e.g., “200 OK”,
“400 ERR”)
Message Pool
Fig. 4. Architecture and Implementation of Stateful Greybox Fuzzing into AFLNET.
outgoing and incoming buffers. In our experiments, this led
to a substantial speed up (3×) compared to a static delay.
The Request Sequences Parser takes the pcap files con-
taining the captured network traffic and produces the initial
corpus of message sequences (cf. Section 3.1). AFLNE T
uses protocol-specific information of the message structure
to extract individual requests, in correct order, from the
captured network traffic. In order to reduce the onus on the
developer, AFLN ET only requires to specify a mechanism to
identify message boundaries (i.e., start and end of individ-
ual request messages). For instance, for the four protocols
in our evaluation, we implemented the method to extract
request sequences (and to parse the state information from
the server responses) into only 200 lines of C code.
The State Machine Learner takes the server responses
and augments the implemented protocol state machine
(IPSM) with newly observed states and transitions. AFLNET
reads the server response into a byte buffer, extracts
the status code as specified in the protocol, and deter-
mines the executed state (transitions). To represent the
IPSM, AFLNE T uses the Graphviz graph libary6and the
Collections-C7, which supports high-level data structures
like HashMap and List. These libraries are used to construct
the state machine, and associate state-specific information.
The GraphViz library can render the entire state machine as
an image file. This allows users of AFLNET to understand
intuitively the fuzzer progress in terms of the coverage of
the state space.
The Target State Selector takes information from the
IPSM to select that state which AF LNET should focus on
next. AFL implements the seed corpus (here, containing
message sequences) as a linked list of queue entries. A queue
entry is the data structure containing pertinent information
about the seed input. In addition, AFLNET maintains a
state corpus which consists of (i) a list of state entries, i.e., a
data structure containing pertinent state information, and
(ii) a hashmap which maps a state identifier to a list of
queue entries exercising the state corresponding to the state
identifier. Both, the target state selector and the Sequence
Selector leverage the state corpus. The Sequence Mutator
augments AFL’s fuzz_one method with protocol-aware
mutation operators.
Now we illustrate how all these components of AFLNET
work together to fuzz the LightFTP server. Suppose
6. https://www.graphviz.org/pdf/libguide.pdf
7. https://github.com/srdja/Collections-C
220 331 230 221257 250 150 226
530 Not logged in
Fig. 5. Learning example of the implemented protocol state machine
(IPSM) from the LightFTP Server.
USER foo PASS bar MKD demo QUIT
220, 331 220, 331, 530 220, 331, 530 220, 331, …, 221
Fig. 6. A sample mutated sequence if the state 331 (User OK) and the
message sequence in Figure 3 have been chosen.
AFLNET starts with only one pcap file containing the net-
work traffic as shown in Listing 1. First, Request Sequence
Parser parses the pcap file to generate a single sequence
(as visualized in Figure 3) and save it into the corpus
C. At the same time, State Machine Learning constructs
the initial IPSM based on the response codes; this initial
IPSM contains black nodes and transitions in Figure 5.
Suppose that Target State Selector selects state 331 (“USER
foo OK”) as the target state, Sequence Selector will then
randomly select a sequence from the sequence corpus C,
which contains only one sequence at this moment. After-
ward, Sequence Mutators identifies the sequence prefix
(“USER foo” request), the candidate subsequence (“PASS
foo” request), and the remaining subsequence as the suffix.
By mutating the candidate subsequence using stacked mu-
tators, Sequence Mutators may generate a wrong password
request (“PASS bar”) leading to an error state (530 Not
logged in). Following this wrong password, it replays the
suffix (e.g., “MKD demo”, “CWD demo”) leading to a loop in
the state 530 because all these commands are not allowed
before successful authentication. Finally, the “QUIT” request
is sent, and the server exits. Since the generated test se-
quence (as visualized in Figure 6) covers new state and state
transitions (as highlighted in red in Figure 5), it is added into
the corpus Cand the IPSM.
This evaluation seeks to analyze the contribution of each
algorithmic component embedded within AFLNET. To this
end, we design three research questions to be covered in the
RQ.1 How effective is state feedback alone in guiding
the fuzzing campaign? This research question aims
to evaluate whether state feedback alone is effective
in guiding the fuzzing campaign when code feedback
is unavailable. We seek to measure this performance
and examine the potential for extending AFLNET to
scenarios such as fuzzing remote servers.
RQ.2 Can state feedback enhance the fuzzing effective-
ness alongside code feedback? This research question
aims to evaluate the extent to which fuzzing effective-
ness can be improved by incorporating additional state
feedback. We expect the fuzzer to cover more code with
the inclusion of state feedback.
RQ.3 What is the impact of different seed-selection strate-
gies? In the default configuration, AFLNET adopts
an interleaving seed-selection strategy that alternates
between the order in the seed queue and the state
heuristics. This research question aims to evaluate the
impact of this interleaving strategy compared to the
seed selection based on a single source.
To answer these questions, we follow the recommended
experimental design for fuzzing experiments [22], [23].
Benchmark. We selected the subjects from PRO-
FUZZBENCH [12] as our benchmark. PROFUZZBE NCH is a
widely-used benchmarking platform for evaluating stateful
fuzzers of network protocols [24], [25], [26], [27]. PRO-
FUZZBENCH comprises a suite of mature and open-source
programs that implement well-known network protocols
(e.g., SSH and FTP). In addition, it integrates a set of protocol
fuzzing tools, including AFLNET. Our experiments were
conducted on PR OFUZZBENCH using the default versions
of these subjects.
Performance Metrics and Measures. For each experiment,
we report both code coverage and state space coverage. The
key idea is that a bug cannot be exposed in uncovered code
or states. To evaluate code coverage, we measure the branch
coverage achieved using the automated tooling provided
by the benchmarking platform PR OFUZZBENCH [12]. To
evaluate the coverage of the state space, we measure the
number of state transitions constructed in the protocol state
machine IPSM. Additionally, we use the Vargha-Delaney
effect size ( ˆ
A12) to measure the statistical significance of
the comparison results between two independent groups,
which in our case are AFLNE T and its variants.
Experimental Infrastructure. All experiments were con-
ducted on an Intel® Xeon® Platinum 8468V CPU with 192
logical cores clocked at 2.70GHz, 512GB of memory, and
running Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS. Each experiment runs for 24
hours. We report the average results over 10 runs to mitigate
the impact of randomness.
RQ.1 Effectiveness of State Feedback alone
To evaluate the effectiveness of state feedback alone in guid-
ing the fuzzing campaign, we developed two additional
invariant tools of AFLNET for comparison:
•AFLNETDARK: a dark-box version of AFLNET with
only state feedback enabled,
•AFLNETBLA CK: a black-box version of AFLN ET with
both code and state feedback disabled.
In this experiment, AFLNETDARK is our focus, AFLNET-
BLACK serves as the baseline, and AFLN ET represents the
target that AFLNETDARK aims to achieve.
Figure 7 shows the trends in average code coverage
Overall, state feedback alone had no negative impact on
code coverage across all subjects. With the guidance from
state feedback, AFLNETDARK significantly outperformed
AFLNETBLA CK in terms of code coverage in 6 of the 12
PROFUZZBENC H subjects (i.e., Bftpd, DNSmasq, Kamailio,
lightFTP, ProFTPD and Pure-FTPd). In particular, in the
subject Bftpd, AFLNETDARK even performed similarly to
AFLNET. In the subjects OpenSSH and TinyDTLS, although
AFLNETDARK only slightly improved the number of code
branches covered at the end of the fuzzing campaign, it
achieved the same branch number approximately 6×and
4×faster than AFLNETBLACK, respectively, which can ob-
viously reduce the fuzzing time. Unfortunately, for other
subjects (i.e., DCMTK, Exim, forked-daapd, and Live555),
there was almost no difference in code coverage between
To investigate the reason for this difference, we collected
the state number of all subjects at the end of the fuzzing
campaign. It is interesting to note that for the subjects
where AFLNETDARK did not outperform AF LNETBLACK,
the state numbers were also lower compared to those where
AFLNETDARK showed better performance. For example,
the state number of the subject DCMTK is 3, while there
are 334 states observed for the subject Bftpd. This result is
expected, as an insufficient number of states is inadequate
for guiding the fuzzing campaign, leading to a similar
performance between AFLNETDARK and AFLNETBLACK.
Therefore, we conclude that state feedback alone is effec-
tive in guiding the fuzzing campaign, provided there is a
reasonable number of states to offer guidance. When code
feedback is unavailable, state feedback is a fallback guidance
for improving code coverage.
State feedback alone is effective in guiding the fuzzing
campaign when the state number is reasonable.
RQ.2 Effectiveness of Additional State Feedback
In this experiment, we examined whether a fuzzer with
additional state guidance could outperform one with only
code guidance. For this purpose, we compared two variants
•AFLNETCOD E: a variant AFLN ET with only code feed-
•AFLNETQUEUE: a variant AFLNET with both code and
state feedback.
Both AFLNE TQUEUE and AFLNETCODE select interesting
seeds based on the test order in the corpus queue. We did
not include the original AFLNET for comparison, because
it uses an interleaving strategy between the seed-queue
order and the state heuristics to select interesting seeds.
Since this experiment specifically focuses on the impact
of additional state guidance, we developed the invariant
Fig. 7. Code branch covered over time by AFLNE T,AFLNETDARK and AFLNETBLAC K across 10 runs of 24 hours on the PRO FUZZBENC H
Average branch coverage and average state coverage across 10 runs of 24 hours achieved by AFLNETQUE UE compared to AFLNE TCODE.
Subject Code Coverage Comparison State Coverage Comparison
Bftpd 491.5 484.8 +1.38% 0.72 334.0 170.5 +0.96×1.00
DCMTK 3086.3 3076.6 +0.32% 0.56 3.0 3.0 0.00×0.50
DNSmasq 1217.6 1221.0 -0.28% 0.43 27364.0 282.5 +95.85×1.00
Exim 2862.7 2847.7 +0.53% 0.46 75.7 61.6 +0.23×1.00
forked-daapd 2401.3 2384.9 +0.69% 0.54 37.7 22.0 +0.71×1.00
Kamailio 9752.4 9800.2 -0.49% 0.43 300.3 89.2 +2.37×1.00
lightftp 347.2 355.8 -2.42% 0.21 388.7 179.0 +1.17×1.00
Live555 2818.5 2809.8 +0.31% 0.53 87.9 75.1 +0.17×1.00
OpenSSH 3300.0 3336.7 -1.10% 0.20 30480.9 93.5 +325.00×1.00
ProFTPD 5309.6 5296.4 +0.25% 0.55 473.5 250.6 +0.89×1.00
Pure-FTPd 1277.1 1268.0 +0.72% 0.45 420.2 292.1 +0.44×1.00
TinyDTLS 575.7 574.4 +0.23% 0.50 37.5 30.5 +0.23×1.00
Average - - +0.01% - - - +35.67×-
fuzzer AFLNETQUE UE to eliminate the influence of seed-
selection strategies.
Table 1 shows the average number of code branches
and states covered by AFLNE TQUEUE and AFLN ET-
CODE across all subjects. To quantify the improvement of
AFLNETQUEUE over AFLNETCOD E, we report the percent-
age improvements in terms of code coverage and state cov-
erage achieved in 24 hours, respectively (Improv), as well as
the possibility that a random campaign of AFLNETQUEUE
outperforms a random campaign of AFLNETCO DE (ˆ
We consider the Vargha-Delaney effect size ˆ
A12 ≥0.71
or ˆ
A12 ≤0.29 to indicate a substantial advantage of
AFLNETQUEUE over AFLNETCO DE, or vice versa.
In the aspect of code coverage, the additional state
feedback in AFLNETQUEUE had a mixed impact when
compared to AFLNE TCODE, which uses only code feed-
back. AFLNE TQUEUE outperformed AFLN ETCODE in 8 out
of 12 subjects, with only 1 subject (i.e., lightftp) showing
statistically significant improvement. In contrast, for the
remaining 4 subjects, the additional state feedback had a
negative impact on the code coverage, although only in the
subjects lightftp and OpenSSH in a statistically significant
way. Overall, while additional state coverage can slightly
improve code coverage for most subjects, this improvement
is not statistically significant (7 out of the 12 subjects).
In the aspect of state coverage, AFLNETQUEUE cov-
ered 35.67×more states on average. For nearly all sub-
jects (except the subject DCMTK), the Vargha-Delaney ef-
fect size ˆ
A12 = 1.00 indicates a substantial advantage
of AFLNETQUE UE over AFLNETCO DE in exploring state
space. In addition, it is worth noting that some subjects (e.g.,
DCMTK and forked-daapd) only exhibited a small number
of observed states. It is expected that this sparse feedback
is not effective in improving the code coverage. Conversely,
the results for DNSmasq and OpenSSH suggest that overly
dense feedback can also be ineffective. Overall, there is no
correlation between the number of states observed and the
improvements in code coverage.
These experimental results demonstrate that additional
state feedback can effectively guide the fuzzer to explore
more states. Unfortunately, the additional state guidance
did show significant effectiveness in improving the code
coverage, while it also has no obvious harm on most subjects
(i.e., 10 out of 12 subjects). A possible explanation is that
AFLNET considers response codes from a server as the
representation of states; however, this may not be a good
state definition for each subject, as noted by the follow-up
works of AFLNET [28], [26].
Additional state feedback, as defined by AFLNET, can ef-
fectively guide the fuzzer to explore a larger state space.
However, it does not result in significant improvement
in code coverage.
RQ.3 Impact of Seed-Selection Strategies
To evaluate the impact of seed-selection strategies, we com-
pare AFLNE T with two alternative implementations:
•AFLNETQUEUE: a variant AFLNET that selects interest-
ing seeds only based on the order of the seed queue,
•AFLNETIPSM: a variant AFLN ET that selects interest-
ing seeds only based on the state heuristics.
AFLNET selects interesting seeds using an interleaving
strategy between the order of the seed queue and the state
heuristics. All these tools are configured with both code-
and state- feedback. We compare three tools in terms of the
code coverage and the state coverage.
Table 2 shows the average code branches covered by
of 24 hours. In addition, we report the improvement in
the code coverage of AFLNET compared to AFLNETQUEUE
and AFLNE TIPSM, respectively (Improv), and the Vargha-
Delaney effect size ( ˆ
A12). Compared to the seed-selection
strategy based on queue order (i.e.,AFLNETQUE UE), the in-
terleaving seed-selection strategy (i.e., AF LNET) performed
significantly better in some subjects (i.e., DCMTK, Kamailio,
OpenSSH, and TinyDTLS). However, it underperformed in
the subjects DNSmasq, forked-daapd, and Pure-FTPd. In
the remaining subjects, both seed-selection strategies had
similar performance. Compared to the strategy based on
the state heuristics (i.e., AFLNETIPSM), the interleaving
strategy consistently performed better although the im-
provement was not statistically significant in some subjects
(e.g., Bftpd).
Table 3 shows the state coverage of AFLNET,
AFLNETQUEUE and AFLNETIPSM in a similar format
to our previous table. Overall, AFLNET outperformed
both baseline tools AFLNETQUEUE and AFLNETIPSM in
terms of state coverage. AFLNET covered 5.77% more
states than AFLNETQUEUE, and 12.77% more states than
AFLNETIPSM on average. Although AFLNE T covers fewer
states than AFLNETIPSM or AFLNETQUEUE in the subjects
Bftpd, lightftp, and TinyDTLS, this underperformance is not
significant given the values of ˆ
Considering both aspects of code coverage and state
coverage, AFLNE T is the best performer among the com-
parison tools across all subjects. Therefore, the interleaving
seed-selection strategy is generally the best configuration
while testing most subjects. However, if the primary goal
is to maximize code coverage, users might consider config-
uring the fuzzer with a seed-selection strategy based solely
on queue order, as suggested by the comparison between
AFLNET and AFLNETQUEUE. On the other hand, if maxi-
mizing state coverage is the objective, the interleaving seed-
selection strategy is undoubtedly the best choice.
In addition, it is interesting to note that there is no obvi-
ous correlation between state coverage and code coverage.
A fuzzer that covers more states does not necessarily mean
it would cover more code as well, as demonstrated in some
subjects (e.g., DNSmasq, forked-daapd, and Pure-FTPd).
The fuzzer configured with interleaving seed-selection
strategy outperforms selecting interesting seeds based
only on queue order or state heuristics.
AFLNET has significantly advanced fuzzing techniques for
network protocols. During the fuzzing campaign, AFLNE T
acts as the client application, establishing real network con-
nections with the server under test and then exchanging
messages. This approach follows the real-world architec-
tures of network protocols, reducing the manual effort of
understanding network protocols and modifying source
codes. AFLNE T is widely regarded as an optimal choice for
network protocol fuzzing 8, and has uncovered numerous
critical vulnerabilities in widely-used protocol implementa-
tions. However, it also has several shortcomings that the
research community has actively addressed, leading to en-
hancements in various aspects.
What is a state? Considering state feedback and optimizing
state coverage is a key contribution of AFLNET. Yet, what do
we consider as the current “state” and how do we identify
it? In the default setting, AFLNET uses the response code ex-
tracted from the response message to represent the current
protocol state. However, the response code is a very coarse
representation of states. As demonstrated in our previous
experiment, this state representation does not significantly
improve code coverage. In addition, the response codes are
not always available in response messages.
To address this limitation, a series of works have pro-
posed alternative state representations. SGFUZZ [28] uses
the sequence of values assigned to state variables (identified
as enum type variables) to represent the sequence of protocol
states corresponding to a message sequence. Similarly, NS-
FUZZ [26] introduces a variable-based state representation
8. https://github.com/AFLplusplus/AFLplusplus/blob/stable/
docs/best practices.md#fuzzing-a-network-service
Average branch coverage across 10 runs of 24 hours achieved by AFLNE T compared to AFLNET QUEUE and AFLNET IPSM.
Subject AFLNE T Comparison with AFLNE TQUEUE Comparison with AFLN ETIPSM
Bftpd 487.0 491.5 -0.92% 0.23 486.6 +0.08% 0.47
DCMTK 3120.4 3086.3 +1.10% 0.95 3113.7 +0.22% 0.70
DNSmasq 1202.5 1217.6 -1.24% 0.00 1194.9 +0.64% 0.70
Exim 2922.0 2862.7 +2.07% 0.36 2888.8 +1.15% 0.80
forked-daapd 2329.9 2401.3 -2.97% 0.13 2279.4 +2.22% 0.80
Kamailio 9899.4 9752.4 +1.51% 0.97 9824.6 +0.76% 0.68
lightftp 346.6 347.2 -0.16% 0.33 345.5 +0.32% 0.62
Live555 2808.1 2818.5 -0.37% 0.41 2780.5 +0.99% 0.75
OpenSSH 3353.8 3300.0 +1.63% 0.82 3341.4 +0.37% 0.65
ProFTPD 5324.2 5309.6 +0.27% 0.58 5150.5 +3.37% 0.89
Pure-FTPd 1167.5 1277.1 -8.58% 0.00 1075.4 +8.56% 0.96
TinyDTLS 583.8 575.7 +1.41% 0.79 577.5 +1.09% 0.76
Average - - -0.52% - - +1.65% -
Average state coverage across 10 runs of 24 hours achieved by AFLNET compared to AFLN ETQUEUE and AFLN ETIPSM.
Subject AFLNE T Comparison with AFLNE TQUEUE Comparison with AFLN ETIPSM
Bftpd 334.3 334.0 +0.09% 0.57 335.0 -0.21% 0.37
DCMTK 3.0 3.0 0.00% 0.50 3.0 0.00% 0.50
DNSmasq 32256.5 27364.0 +17.88% 1.00 26982.2 +19.55% 1.00
Exim 69.1 75.7 -8.72% 0.45 66.0 +4.70% 0.51
forked-daapd 43.2 37.7 +14.67% 1.00 39.0 +10.85% 1.00
Kamailio 313.0 300.3 +4.23% 0.89 235.2 +33.10% 0.70
lightftp 380.4 388.7 -2.14% 0.46 375.9 +1.20% 0.58
Live555 91.7 87.9 +4.32% 0.57 89.3 +2.69% 0.69
OpenSSH 35433.5 30480.9 +16.25% 1.00 30943.6 +14.51% 1.00
ProFTPD 476.0 473.5 +0.53% 0.59 359.9 +32.26% 1.00
Pure-FTPd 521.2 420.2 +24.05% 1.00 463.8 +12.39% 1.00
TinyDTLS 36.8 37.5 -1.87% 0.46 30.1 +22.26% 0.74
Average - - +5.77% - - +12.77% -
to infer states of network protocols. STATEAFL [27] infers
protocol states by taking snapshots of long-lived memory
areas. Utilizing the recent advances in large language mod-
els (LLMs), CH ATAFL [24] uses LLMs to infer protocol
states based on exchanged messages. These approaches
effectively address the challenge of state identification in
How to maximize state coverage? AFLN ET provides three
seed-selection (line 10 of Algorithm 1) algorithms: FAVOR,
RANDOM, and ROUND-ROBIN, with FAVOR being the de-
fault configuration. The FAVOR algorithm prioritizes states
that are rarely exercised, giving them more chances to be
tested. The RANDOM algorithm selects states randomly, while
the ROUND-ROBIN algorithm maintains states in a circular
queue and selects them in turns. However, as shown by
Liu et al. [29], these three algorithms yield similar results in
terms of code coverage.
Subsequent works have sought to propose more prin-
cipled approaches to state selection. Borcherding et al. [30]
model state selection as a Multi-armed Bandit Problem. Un-
fortunately, the authors found that this approach prevents
the fuzzer from reaching deeper states, resulting in worse
code coverage compared to AFLNE T. AFLNETLEGION [29]
introduces a novel seed-selection algorithm to AFLNE T
based on LEGION [31], a variant of Monte Carlo tree search.
However, the performance improvements of AFLNETLE-
GION turn out to be not statistically significant. We believe
that this is explained by the low fuzzing throughput of
baseline AFLNE T, which hinders the full potential of this
systematic algorithm. Once this challenge is resolved, it
is worthwhile to explore other heuristics that have shown
promise in (code) coverage-guided greybox fuzzing [18],
[32], [4].
How to maximize fuzzing throughput? AFLNE T operates
with low fuzzing throughput, averaging around 20 execu-
tions per second, due to several factors: Firstly, AFLNE T
sends inputs through the network sockets, which is signif-
icantly slower than reading inputs from files. Secondly, it
introduces a time delay between messages to ensure the
server is ready to receive the next message. Lastly, it runs
a clean-up script to reset the state of the environment after
each iteration.
GREEN-FUZZ [33] improves the fuzzing throughput of
AFLNET by utilizing a simulated socket library Desock+, a
modified version of preeny, to reduce system call over-
head. NYX-NET [25] employs hypervisor-based snapshot
fuzzing to ensure noise-free execution and accelerate state
resets. SNAPFUZZ [34] enhances the fuzzing throughput
by introducing several strategies, including transforming
slow asynchronous network communication into fast syn-
chronous communication, snapshotting states, and using
in-memory filesystems. These approaches significantly in-
crease the fuzzing throughput of AFLNE T.
How to maximize the syntactic validity of each message?
During message mutation, AFLNET uses the same byte-
level mutation operators as traditional greybox fuzzers,
which can easily break the structure of a valid message.
In principle, existing grammar-aware strategies can be ap-
plied to AFLNET to improve the effectiveness of message
mutation. Given a user-provided data model describing
the message grammar, structure-aware blackbox protocol
fuzzers [1], [20] generate valid messages from scratch, while
structure-aware greybox fuzzers [3], [35] take a mutation-
based approach. In contrast, CH ATAFL [24] obtains the
message structure information from the LLMs and then
preserves valid message grammar during mutation. In ad-
dition, there are several existing works [36], [37], [38] that
dynamically infer message structures based on the observed
messages. We can distinguish blackbox approaches [39], [40]
that learn the message structure from a given corpus of
messages and whitebox approaches [36], [41] that actively
explore the protocol implementation to uncover message
structure. For instance, Polyglot [36] uses dynamic analysis
techniques, such as tainting and symbolic execution, to ex-
tract the message format from the protocol implementation.
Protocol Environment Fuzzing. AFLNET focuses on only
fuzzing network traffic over a specific port. However, be-
yond this single input source, network protocols often in-
teract with complex execution environments such as config-
uration files, databases, and other network sockets, which
can affect the behaviors as well. CH AOS AFL [42] involves
all file-related inputs as fuzzing targets, while EFUZ Z [43]
considers the full program environment in the system-call
layer as fuzzing targets. Both approaches extend the capa-
bility of AFLNET in finding environment-inducing bugs.
Over the past five years, AFLNET has made significant
contributions to research, practice, and education. In terms
of research impact, the short tool demo paper of AFLNE T
has been cited over 270 times (as of November 2024, accord-
ing to Google Scholar), with many citations appearing in
premier conferences and journals in Security and Software
Engineering. Regarding practical impact, AFLNE T has gar-
nered 872 stars on GitHub and currently supports 17 pro-
tocols, 12 of which were contributed by other researchers,
demonstrating its versatility and community engagement.
Security researchers have also published experience re-
ports and tutorials on using AFLNET for challenging targets
[7], [10], [11], [8], [9]. For example, the NCC Group explored
the challenges of fuzzing 5G protocols [7] and demonstrated
AFLNET’s ability to uncover bugs in this critical domain9.
Similarly, researchers from the University of Melbourne
extended AFLNE T to support IPv6 for fuzz testing the soft-
ware development kit (SDK) of Matter, a novel application-
layer protocol designed to unify fragmented smart home
ecosystems [44]. This extension has discovered zero-day
vulnerabilities in the Matter SDK [8], [9]. Moreover, ETAS, a
subsidiary of Robert Bosch GmbH, highlighted AF LNET as
a potential open-source protocol fuzzing solution in the con-
text of the ISO/SAE 21434 standard for road vehicle cyber-
security engineering [11]. In education, AFLNET has been
introduced to hundreds of Master’s students through mod-
ules such as ”Security and Software Testing (SWEN90006)”
[45] at the University of Melbourne and ”Fantastic Bugs
and How to Find Them (17-712)” [46] at Carnegie Mellon
Why has the work of AFLNet generated such practical
and academic impact in a short period of less than five
years? Looking back and reflecting on it, we feel this is
because of the sheer dearth of suitable approaches for test-
ing reactive systems, though there exist many approaches
for testing sequential transformational systems. Reactive
systems are in continuous interaction with the environment
by exchanging messages or events between the system and
the environment. Thus the “input” to a reactive system is
not a single event but rather a sequence of events. Most
protocol implementations are reactive systems - instead, the
sequence of messages that can be legitimately exchanged
is the so-called protocol! Prior to the greybox approach of
AFLNet, reactive system validation would typically need
to be carried out via stateful blackbox fuzzing approaches
or via algorithmic whitebox verification approaches such
as model checking. We already mentioned the deficiencies
of using stateful blackbox fuzzing approaches - since they
involve manual writing of a state model and data model.
Moreover, the effectiveness of the stateful blackbox fuzzing
approach depends on how complete the manually written
state model and data model are.
Regarding the use of model checking for validating
reactive systems, this would suffer from various limitations.
•a temporal logic property needs to be provided to guide
the validation exercise via model checking.
•the validation will be carried out at the model level
where only the protocol model is being checked. Al-
ternatively, if the protocol implementation is being
checked, an abstraction will need to be designed to
extract a finite state transition system from the infinite
state protocol implementation, as per the abstraction-
refinement approach of software model checking [47].
•finally after a bug is found, it is reported in the form
of a counter-example trace from where a buggy event
sequence still needs to be extracted.
The work of AFLNet and subsequent works free the
practitioner from all of these steps, thereby constituting a
significant practical advance. It also represents a significant
conceptual and practical advance over greybox fuzzing
by accompanying greybox fuzzing with lightweight model
9. NCC Group reported that AFLNE T identified some crash-
triggering issues, which were under further investigation and subject
to coordinated disclosure as appropriate.
learning. This has opened up the applicability of greybox
fuzzing from stateless systems like file format parsers to a
plethora of stateful, reactive applications. Recent works in
the research community on extending greybox fuzzing to
concurrent and distributed systems (e.g., [48], [49]) also rely
partially on the core advance in the AFLNet work. Moving
forward, we may thus see a much wider variety of stateful,
reactive, concurrent, distributed application software being
routinely checked via greybox fuzzing. These advances
would constitute the broader and longer-term impact of the
AFLNet work in 2020.
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