
Variation in wood properties of Pinus patula from different provenances

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Propriedades da madeira de Pinus patula de diferentes procedências plantadas em Itapeva, SP, Brasil. Desde as décadas de 60 e 70, Pinus spp. têm sido uma alternativa às espécies nativas do Brasil para certos usos na indústria madeireira. Assim, se justifica a importância de saber quais espécies de Pinus são as mais indicadas para o plantio em diferentes localidades do Brasil. No presente estudo, objetivamos ampliar o conhecimento da madeira de Pinus patula de diferentes procedências de sementes plantadas em Itapeva, São Paulo, Brasil, estudando a variabilidade em propriedades físicas, mecânicas e anatômicas e comparando-as com Pinus elliottii var. elliottii, espécie já utilizada tradicionalmente pela indústria madeireira brasileira. Espera-se que nossos achados forneçam subsídios para novos estudos voltados ao melhoramento genético de P. patula e, assim, contribuam para suprir a demanda por matérias-primas de boa qualidade. Para tanto, aos 31 anos foram coletadas 25 árvores, cinco de cada espécie/procedência. Não encontramos diferença entre os materiais estudados para espessura da parede das traqueídes, resistência à compressão paralela às fibras, resistência ao cisalhamento tangencial aos anéis de crescimento e módulo de ruptura. Pinus elliottii apresentou menor comprimento de traqueíde em comparação com as procedências de Pinus patula. Todas as propriedades avaliadas aumentaram em direção à casca, mas a partir da posição de 75%, os valores de todas as propriedades tenderam a se estabilizar, indicando maior presença de lenho adulto. Nossos resultados mostram que Pinus patula pode ser indicado para fins estruturais.

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Pinus patula Schiede ex Schltdl. & Cham. is a forest tree species native to Mexico, widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. In Africa, the plantation of the species has gained considerable interest being represented in different African countries, and probably being the most widely planted pine in tropical Africa. The species traits and the diversity of wood use to highlight the importance and usefulness of the species in the tropical regions of the African continent. The aim of this chapter is to review the state-of-the-art on the knowledge of the species, namely their characteristics and their growth dynamics, present information on productions, silvicultural management and biotic vulnerabilities, and summarize the effects on biodiversity and relevance on carbon stock. Knowledge of species biological and silvicultural traits supports decision-making on sustainable forest management and contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of UN Agenda 2030.
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Pine plantations are an important wood source in Brazil, with Pinus taeda being most frequently planted. Most pinewood is directed to the paper and pulp industry, but there is an increasing demand for wood for solid end-uses, requiring large stems from longer rotations which can be obtained using P. taeda as the canopy in two-aged stands. We evaluated radial growth and wood density at different stem heights of P. taeda in the highlands of Southern Brazil over a production period of 36 years and subjected to shelterwood harvest. Cross-sectional disks were obtained from 15 trees in different stem heights; 10 were used for growth analyses and 5 for growth and density analyses. We used disk images and X-ray techniques for growth and density analyses, respectively. Samples were analyzed for ring (width and density), earlywood, and latewood (width, density, and proportion). Ring width varied between 0.4 and 1.7 cm, with the widest rings in the first years (3–5 years.) of growth. Ring density increased with age, with higher densities on the lower stem portions. Mature wood started to be formed from the 16th ring onwards. Shelterwood harvest affected both ring width and density, but the effects on ring width lasted for at least 5 years, while the effects on wood density were short-lasting. Mature P. taeda trees increased their size after the shelterwood harvest without compromising their wood density. Longer production periods of P. taeda as retained trees in the canopy of two-aged stands provide high-quality wood for structural purposes.
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Persian oak (Quercus brantii Lindl.) is a valuable native species in Iranian forests with very limited availability of data on its wood properties. The objective of the current study was to determine the influence of altitude and slope on physical properties and fiber dimensions of Persian oak wood. In addition, the relationship among wood properties, site conditions (temperature and rainfall) and growth traits of trees (tree height, DBH, basal area, age, crown diameter, crown basal area, volume and annual diameter increment) were studied by principal component analysis (PCA). Three altitude levels (1730, 1980 and 2250 m) and three slope classes (<30%, 30–45% and >45%) were considered in the current study. It was determined that trees growing in the intermediate altitude (1980 m) showed the highest oven-dry density values, and those in the lowest altitude (1730 m) revealed the lowest ones. The results also indicate significant statistical differences between altitude levels and slope classes on the fiber length, fiber diameter and volumetric swelling at the 99% confidence interval while no significant differences were found between average values of oven-dry density among different altitudes and slopes. PCA analysis indicated that altitude and temperature are the most important factors affecting the wood properties. Knowledge of the relationship between wood properties and environmental factors are essential in terms of both forestry management and wood applications.
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Wood scarcity, attacks by primates and insects, and fungal damage in forest plantations make the introduction of new species necessary. Given this, it is important to understand the potential uses of wood in the production chain. Pinus patula Schltdl & Cham presents good adaptation to Brazilian conditions and is a candidate for wood supply. Its juvenile wood density however, is lower than that of other pine species. This study aimed to evaluate the properties of veneer on panels produced with twelve-year old P. patula wood compared with panels produced with P. taeda wood of the same age, which is commonly used for panel production. Panels were bonded with urea-formaldehyde and phenol-formaldehyde adhesives using veneers applied on two types of plywood panel. The P. patula panels showed lower strength, stiffness and density when bonded with urea-formaldehyde, and higher strength, density and stiffness when bonded with phenol-formaldehyde in comparison with P. taeda. P. patula panels can be used for multilayer panel production.
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The softwood pulp industry is based on the supply of Pinus taeda and P. elliottii woods, and competes for this raw material with other timber sectors. The study aimed to evaluate the wood quality of Pinus patula for pulp and paper production. Trees aged 14 years were obtained from a plantation located in Ponte Alta do Norte, State of Santa Catarina/Brazil. Discs were collected along the commercial height for determining the weighted basic density and its longitudinal variation in the trees, and the chemical composition. For the anatomical characterization, a disc was extracted from the base of each tree to determine the radial variation of tracheids morphological characteristics, and their quality indexes for the production of kraft pulp. The weighted basic density (365 kg.m-3) of the wood was low when compared with other species of the same genus. Regarding the tracheids morphology, a mean length of 2.37 mm; wall thickness of 5.49 µm; width of 40.32 µm and a lumen diameter of 29.09 µm were observed. The chemical composition of the species showed low contents of lignin (25.06%) and ashes (0.27%), compatible content of holocellulose (70.76%), and high content of extractives (6.24%) compared with conifers of traditional use. In general, P. patula species shows characteristics compatible with those traditionally used for the pulp and paper production, and it should be considered in more advanced studies with this species in this segment.
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Este estudo teve como objetivos determinar a massa específica básica da madeira, o rendimento da laminação e a qualidade das lâminas obtidas de Pinus patula; comparar os valores dessas variáveis com as obtidas para a tradicionalmente utilizada espécie Pinus taeda; e avaliar os efeitos da classe de diâmetro da árvore e da posição da madeira ao longo do fuste nestas variáveis, em árvores de três diferentes classes de diâmetro e com idade de 12 anos. Foram utilizadas árvores de três classes de diâmetro à altura do peito (17 a 22,99; 23 a 32,99 e E 33 cm) plantadas no município de Bituruna-PR. Verificou-se que a madeira de Pinus patula apresentou menor massa específica básica e que as suas árvores apresentaram maior número de toras passíveis de laminação e maior volume de madeira laminável que as de Pinus taeda. O rendimento médio em laminação não apresentou diferença estatística entre as duas espécies e a qualidade das lâminas também foi semelhante.
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Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar as propriedades físicas da madeira de Pinus patula, com 38 anos, oriundos de um povoamento florestal de Moçambique, localizado no município de Machipanda. A determinação das propriedades físicas como a massa especifica básica, retratibilidade e umidade da madeira, no sentido medula-casca, seguiram as recomendações da Norma Panamericana - COPANT. Os resultados evidenciaram diferença estatística, ao nível de 5% de significância, no sentido radial para o coeficiente de retratibilidade. Os valores de retratibilidade foram de 6,06 e 8,80% no lenho juvenil e 6,18 e 8,65% no lenho adulto no sentido radial e tangencial, respectivamente, com coeficiente de anisotropia de 1,43 no lenho juvenil e 2,44 no lenho adulto. A madeira de Pinus patula, plantado na floresta de Inhamacari, apresenta uma madeira estável aos 38 anos de idade, que pode ser aplicada para fins estruturais e para a fabricação de artigos de carpintaria e móveis.
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The aim of present study was to define the age of segregation of the woods of Luehea divaricata, Platanus x acerifolia and Carya illinoinensis, by Modulus of Rupture (MOR) and Modulus of Elasticity (MOE). To this end, test specimens were prepared in the radial direction and static bending tests were carried out in universal testing machine. To determine the zone of transition between juvenile and mature wood, the data were plotted in the radial direction individually for each tree, a regression was used to estimate the variation of data in general, and another linear regression was used at the initial linear points. The boundary of the increasing part of the data determined the transition zone between juvenile and mature wood. The results showed that there was no difference in age of transition, for each species, in relation to the property (MOR and MOE) used to delimit the transition zone. The following average ages of transition were obtained: 9.3 years for Platanus x acerifolia, 11.8 years for Carya illinoinensis and 23.8 years for Luehea divaricata.
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Köppen's climate classification remains the most widely used system by geographical and climatological societies across the world, with well recognized simple rules and climate symbol letters. In Brazil, climatology has been studied for more than 140 years, and among the many proposed methods Köppen's system remains as the most utilized. Considering Köppen's climate classification importance for Brazil (geography, biology, ecology, meteorology, hydrology, agronomy, forestry and environmental sciences), we developed a geographical information system to identify Köppen's climate types based on monthly temperature and rainfall data from 2,950 weather stations. Temperature maps were spatially described using multivariate equations that took into account the geographical coordinates and altitude; and the map resolution (100 m) was similar to the digital elevation model derived from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission. Patterns of rainfall were interpolated using kriging, with the same resolution of temperature maps. The final climate map obtained for Brazil (851,487,700 ha) has a high spatial resolution (1 ha) which allows to observe the climatic variations at the landscape level. The results are presented as maps, graphs, diagrams and tables, allowing users to interpret the occurrence of climate types in Brazil. The zones and climate types are referenced to the most important mountains, plateaus and depressions, geographical landmarks, rivers and watersheds and major cities across the country making the information accessible to all levels of users. The climate map not only showed that the A, B and C zones represent approximately 81%, 5% and 14% of the country but also allowed the identification of Köppen's climates types never reported before in Brazil.
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The objective of this study was to examine the variation in and intercorrelation among wood properties determining the suitability of 16- to 20-year-old South African-grown Pinus patula trees for structural timber. A total of 1 112 sawn boards from 340 logs, 170 trees and 17 different compartments were examined. Sawlogs were taken from two height levels from each tree. The mean modulus of elasticity measured on edge (MOEedge) was far below, and the mean twist higher than the limits set for structural grade softwood timber in South Africa. All the desirable properties for structural timber improved with distance from the pith with the exception of the fifth percentile value for modulus of rupture (MOR), which was higher at the pith than for the boards processed adjacent to the pith. Boards processed from the lower part of the stem were superior in most of the important properties compared to the properties higher up in the stem. The correlation between the dynamic modulus of elasticity (MOEdyn) and MOR of boards processed from the logs taken higher up in the stem was much weaker than in the case of the boards processed from the log taken from the lower part in the stem, suggesting that indirect (non-destructive) prediction of MOR decreased in reliability with increase in height in trees. A relatively strong negative correlation was found between the mean growth ring widths of the pith boards and the mean MOEdyn values per compartment, suggesting that slower initial growth in a compartment resulted in increased mean stiffness of boards from that compartment.
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Influência do solo nas dimensões dos traqueídeos e densidade da madeira de Pinus caribeae var. hondurensis. Pesquisa Florestal Brasileira, Colombo, v. 31, n. 66
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The Influence of physical and mechanical properties on quality of wood produced from Pinus patula tree grown at Arsi Forest
  • Z Getahun
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GETAHUN, Z.; PODDAR, P.; SAHU, O. The Influence of physical and mechanical properties on quality of wood produced from Pinus patula tree grown at Arsi Forest. Advanced Research Journal of Plant and Animal Sciences, Tehran, v. 2, n. 4, p. 32-41, 2014.
Áreas Protegidas / Estações Experimentais / Itapeva. São Paulo: IF, 2023. Disponível em: . Acesso em 15 mar
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Avaliação das propriedades mecânicas da madeira de espécies de Pinus tropicais
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KRONKA, F. J. N.; BERTOLANI, F.; PONCE, R. H. A cultura de Pinus no Brasil. São Paulo: Sociedade Brasileira de Silvicultura, 2005, 160 p.
Agricultural Research Service, National Plant Germplasm System. Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN Taxonomy). National Germplasm Resources Laboratory
  • United
  • Department
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UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Agricultural Research Service, National Plant Germplasm System. Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN Taxonomy)
  • R Trianoski
  • J L M Matos
  • S Iwakiri
  • J G Prata
TRIANOSKI, R.; MATOS, J. L. M.; IWAKIRI, S.; PRATA, J. G. Avaliação das propriedades mecânicas da madeira de espécies de Pinus tropicais. Scientia Forestalis, Piracicaba, v. 42, n. 101, p. 21-28, 2014. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Agricultural Research Service, National Plant Germplasm System. Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN Taxonomy). National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. 2022. Disponível em: <> Acesso em 13 abr. 2023.