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Feasibility of Machine Learning-Enhanced Detection for QR Code Images in Email-based Threats


Abstract and Figures

As QR codes become increasingly common in digital communication, cybercriminals have seized upon this technology as a vehicle for sophisticated URL-based email phishing attacks. These malicious QR codes, embedded within email messages, are designed to deceive recipients into revealing sensitive information. The primary challenge for cybersecurity vendors is efficiently detecting and analyzing these QR codes at scale, a task that is both computationally demanding and challenging within the high-throughput environment of email servers. This research investigates the application of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to automate the detection of QR codes embedded in email images, addressing a growing vector for phishing attacks by integrating advanced image recognition techniques into existing email security frameworks. Through iterative development and refinement, a CNN model was designed to accurately differentiate between benign and malicious QR codes. The experimentation process revealed that while the model achieved high accuracy in early stages, it also encountered issues with overfitting as complexity increased, underscoring the need for careful balance in training processes. The study concludes with a proof of concept that demonstrates the effectiveness of CNNs in enhancing email security systems. It also emphasizes the importance of continuous model adaptation to address the evolving nature of phishing threats. This work represents a significant step toward scalable and efficient solutions for detecting QR code-based phishing attacks in the dynamic cybersecurity landscape.
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Feasibility of Machine Learning-Enhanced
Detection for QR Code Images in Email-based
Jason Ford
Computer Science, Engineering and Mathematics
University of South Carolina Aiken
Aiken SC USA
Hala Strohmier Berry
Computer Science, Engineering and Mathematics
University of South Carolina Aiken
Aiken SC USA
Abstract—As QR codes become increasingly common in
digital communication, cybercriminals have seized upon
this technology as a vehicle for sophisticated URL-based
email phishing attacks. These malicious QR codes, em-
bedded within email messages, are designed to deceive re-
cipients into revealing sensitive information. The primary
challenge for cybersecurity vendors is efficiently detecting
and analyzing these QR codes at scale, a task that is both
computationally demanding and challenging within the
high-throughput environment of email servers.
This research investigates the application of convolu-
tional neural networks (CNNs) to automate the detection
of QR codes embedded in email images, addressing a
growing vector for phishing attacks by integrating ad-
vanced image recognition techniques into existing email
security frameworks. Through iterative development and
refinement, a CNN model was designed to accurately
differentiate between benign and malicious QR codes. The
experimentation process revealed that while the model
achieved high accuracy in early stages, it also encountered
issues with overfitting as complexity increased, underscor-
ing the need for careful balance in training processes.
The study concludes with a proof of concept that
demonstrates the effectiveness of CNNs in enhancing email
security systems. It also emphasizes the importance of con-
tinuous model adaptation to address the evolving nature
of phishing threats. This work represents a significant step
toward scalable and efficient solutions for detecting QR
code-based phishing attacks in the dynamic cybersecurity
Keywords—QR code, phishing, convolutional neural
networks, email security, threat detection, cybersecurity
Quick Response (QR) codes have become a ubiqui-
tous part of modern digital interactions, offering a con-
venient method for encoding and sharing information.
Originally developed for tracking vehicle parts during
manufacturing, QR codes have evolved into a versatile
tool used across various sectors, including marketing,
healthcare, logistics, and personal transactions. Their
ability to store a vast amount of data in a compact,
easily scannable format has made them particularly
popular. The widespread use of QR codes is further
bolstered by the prevalence of smartphones equipped
with built-in QR code readers, making the scanning
process seamless and immediate.
The rise in QR code usage has coincided with
growing concerns about their security vulnerabilities.
Cybercriminals increasingly exploit QR codes to deliver
malicious payloads, initiate phishing attacks, or redirect
users to fraudulent websites. These threats highlight a
critical need for robust security measures and height-
ened user awareness to prevent unauthorized access and
data breaches. As a component of the Internet of Things
(IoT) perception layer, QR codes facilitate the collection
and processing of data, making them integral to various
IoT applications. Niu et al. [1] highlight that this
integration also positions QR codes as potential entry
points for cyberattacks, compromising the integrity of
the systems they support.
Traditional email security solutions primarily focus
on analyzing text and URLs embedded in emails, rely-
ing heavily on keyword matching and heuristic analysis
to detect threats. However, these methods are often
ineffective at identifying malicious content embedded
within images, such as QR codes, which can easily
evade detection. This vulnerability in many contem-
porary email security systems is increasingly exploited
by cybercriminals, presenting a growing challenge for
cybersecurity defenses. Existing methods fall short be-
cause they are not equipped to analyze image-based
content, leaving a significant gap in the detection of
these threats.
In response to this new threat vector, cybersecurity
researchers have begun exploring advanced techniques
to detect image-based threats. Among these, Convo-
lutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have demonstrated
significant promise due to their robust image recogni-
tion capabilities. While the potential of QR code-based
phishing is increasingly recognized as a serious threat,
there remains a significant gap in research specifically
focused on detecting these malicious QR codes within
email images.
Studies such as those conducted by Sharevski et al.
[2] have shown that a significant number of users tend
to scan QR codes without inspecting the embedded
URLs for phishing cues, driven by the convenience and
immediacy of access. This behavior underscores the im-
portance of developing effective detection mechanisms
that do not rely solely on user vigilance. Combining
CNNs with traditional security measures could enhance
the detection of malicious QR codes, offering a more
comprehensive defense against cyber threats.
In this paper, we focus on the application of CNNs
in enhancing QR code security within the context of
cybersecurity, specifically targeting the detection of QR
codes embedded in email images. By training machine
learning models to identify and classify QR codes that
pose potential security risks, we aim to augment existing
email security frameworks. This research bridges the
gap between image recognition and phishing detection
by integrating CNN-based image processing techniques
with traditional cybersecurity methods. Our approach
seeks to develop a scalable and efficient solution to
counter the emerging threat of QR code-based phishing
attacks. By leveraging the strengths of CNNs in image
recognition, this study contributes to the broader field of
machine learning in cybersecurity, enhancing the ability
of email security systems to effectively identify and
mitigate malicious QR code activities, thus safeguarding
users from growing cyber threats.
The emergent tactic of utilizing QR codes in phishing
campaigns, particularly those targeting user credentials
for Microsoft applications and services, is covered
extensively by Arntz [3]. The sophistication of these
schemes lies in their dual exploitation of technological
novelty and user trust. Arntz’s analysis details the
intricacies of such attacks, revealing the layered deceit
that enables the harvesting of user credentials under the
guise of convenience. This work highlights the need
for innovative countermeasures against QR code-based
phishing, laying the groundwork for further exploration
of detection methodologies.
Casayuran [4] explores the rising trend of QR code
utilization in phishing campaigns, emphasizing the im-
portance of end-user vigilance. Casayuran’s research
places QR code phishing within the broader context of
cyber awareness, underlining how user behavior plays
a critical role in the success of such attacks. This
work suggests that security solutions must account for
human factors, a consideration that is crucial in the
development of machine learning models that can adapt
to user-centric attack vectors. Our research builds upon
Casayuran’s insights by integrating these behavioral
considerations into a machine learning framework de-
signed specifically for QR code detection.
Dedenok [5] offers a granular view into the preva-
lence of QR codes in email-based phishing, under-
scoring the challenge they pose to traditional email
security paradigms. By framing QR code phishing as
an evolutionary step in cybercriminal tactics, Dedenok’s
research provides a vital dataset of attack patterns that
can inform the training of machine learning algorithms.
Our study extends this work by utilizing these datasets
to train and validate a convolutional neural network
(CNN) model, specifically tuned to detect QR codes
in email images.
The study by Tekale [6] provides a comprehensive
overview of QR code technologies, including the secu-
rity features that can be leveraged for and against their
misuse. Tekale’s exploration of different QR code types
and their error correction capabilities offers valuable
insights that can be harnessed in machine learning
models to better detect malicious QR codes. Integrating
this understanding helps refine the CNN’s ability to
differentiate between benign and malicious QR code
Niu et al. [1] delve into the security threats posed
by QR codes in the context of the Internet of Things
(IoT). Their research emphasizes the need for both tech-
nical and non-technical security measures, including
cryptographic techniques and third-party management
to safeguard against QR code-based attacks. This work
underscores the critical role of robust QR code detection
mechanisms, which align with our study’s focus on
leveraging CNNs for automated detection and classi-
fication of QR codes within email security frameworks.
Sharevski et al. [7] highlight the real-world implica-
tions of QR code phishing through studies conducted
in naturalistic settings. Their findings indicate a high
rate of user interaction with potentially malicious QR
codes, driven by persuasive pretexts and a lack of
awareness about phishing risks. These insights stress
the importance of implementing user-focused security
interventions in QR code scanner applications. Our
research aims to address these vulnerabilities by devel-
oping CNN-based models that can autonomously detect
and alert users to the presence of suspicious QR codes
embedded in emails.
Atawneh and Aljehani [8] propose a phishing email
detection model using deep learning techniques, con-
tributing to the broader body of research focused on
enhancing email security. While their work centers on
text-based phishing detection, our study diverges by
focusing on the relatively underexplored domain of
image-based phishing detection, particularly QR codes,
thereby addressing a significant gap in the literature.
Additionally, we expand upon the foundational work
of Wang et al. [9] by applying CNNs to the specific
challenge of detecting QR codes within the context of
email-based threats.
Zhang et al. [10] emphasize the importance of re-
thinking generalization in deep learning, particularly
the challenges of training models for diverse tasks. We
apply these principles to the task of QR code detec-
tion, refining CNN models to enhance their ability to
generalize across various QR code formats and contexts
within emails.
Wang et al. [9] demonstrate the effectiveness of
CNNs in extracting and learning hierarchical features
from raw pixel data, a capability critical for distin-
guishing between benign and malicious QR codes.
Our research leverages this approach, adapting CNN
architectures to handle the specific challenges posed
by QR code detection in the context of cybersecurity,
where rapid and accurate image processing is essential.
In a related domain, Bashi et al. [11] explored the ap-
plication of deep CNNs for RF fingerprinting in WLAN
networks to detect router impersonation attacks. Their
work illustrates the versatility of CNNs in cybersecurity,
particularly in detecting sophisticated network-based
threats. Complementing this, our study applies similar
deep learning techniques to the detection of malicious
QR codes embedded in emails, enhancing the detection
capabilities of email security systems.
In contrast to previous works, our study uniquely
integrates image recognition techniques with phishing
detection frameworks, offering a comprehensive solu-
tion to the growing threat of QR code-based phishing.
By leveraging the strengths of CNNs in feature extrac-
tion and the extensive data from phishing incidents,
our research aims to advance email security systems,
providing a scalable and effective defense against this
novel attack vector.
The rapid evolution of cyber threats presents a signif-
icant challenge in the field of cybersecurity, particularly
within the domain of email security. As cybercriminals
increasingly shift from traditional file-based attacks to
more sophisticated phishing techniques, the emergence
of QR codes as a deceptive vector has added a new
layer of complexity to the threat landscape. This shift
highlights the inadequacy of conventional email security
mechanisms, which are primarily designed to detect
malicious URLs embedded in text. QR codes, often
embedded within email images, bypass these defenses,
allowing attackers to exploit user trust and curiosity
more effectively.
The core issue is the detection and classification of
QR codes embedded in emails, a complex task that
is compounded by the sheer volume of email traffic
and the need for high accuracy in threat detection. The
challenge is further compounded by the computational
burden of scanning each email for QR codes while
maintaining low false positive rates to prevent disrup-
tion of legitimate communications. While existing tech-
nologies can scan QR codes, their integration into the
high-throughput environment of email servers requires
a solution that is not only fast and resource-efficient
but also scalable to handle the vast quantities of data
processed daily.
Further complicating the issue is that distinguishing
between benign and malicious QR codes is a nuanced
task that demands precision to avoid undermining user
trust and workflow efficiency. This research aims to
bridge this gap by proposing a solution that leverages
the advanced image recognition capabilities of convo-
lutional neural networks (CNNs) to detect and analyze
QR codes within email traffic. When implemented in
a production environment, the proposed solution would
also incorporate an analysis of email metadata to iden-
tify patterns indicative of phishing attempts, thereby
enhancing the overall effectiveness of email security
systems against this emerging threat.
To address the challenge of QR code-based phishing
attacks, this research focuses on developing a machine
learning model that accurately detects QR codes embed-
ded within email images. The core of this approach is
a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model, chosen
for its proven effectiveness in image recognition tasks
due to its ability to hierarchically extract features from
raw pixel data. This section details the model archi-
tecture, training process, data sources, and implementa-
tion strategy, with justifications for the specific choices
A. CNN Architecture and Implementation
The CNN developed for this study is designed as a
binary classification model, specifically to detect and
distinguish between images that contain QR codes and
those that do not. The following is a detailed description
of the architecture, highlighting each layer’s configura-
tion, activation functions, and the rationale behind the
choices made.
1) Input Layer: The input to the CNN is prepro-
cessed images, resized to 128x128 pixels with
three color channels (RGB). The image size is
chosen to balance computational efficiency with
the ability to retain enough detail for effective
feature extraction.
2) Convolutional Layers: The CNN uses multiple
convolutional layers to extract features from the
input images. The convolution operation as de-
fined by Saxena & Mishra [12] is represented as:
(IK)(x, y) = X
I(x+m, y +n)·K(m, n)
where Iis the input image, Kis the kernel (filter),
and (x, y)denotes the position of the convolution
operation. The first convolutional layer uses 32
filters that are 3×3 in size with ReLU activation.
Subsequent layers increase the filter count to 64
and 128 to capture more complex features.
3) Flatten Layer: A flattening layer is used to con-
vert the 2D output from the final convolutional
layer into a 1D vector. This transformation is
necessary to interface with the fully connected
(dense) layers, enabling the model to perform the
4) Fully Connected (Dense) Layers: The fully con-
nected layers serve to aggregate and interpret fea-
tures extracted by the convolutional layers. Two
dense layers are used: the first with 512 neurons
and the second with 256 neurons, both employing
the ReLU activation function to introduce non-
linearity. These layers process the flattened vector
from the convolutional output, identifying com-
plex patterns that indicate the presence of QR
5) Output Layer: This layer uses a single neuron
with sigmoid activation that outputs a value be-
tween 0 and 1, which represents the probability of
the image containing a QR code. The use of this
function allows the model to map predictions to
a probability, facilitating decision thresholds for
classifying the image as containing a QR code or
6) Optimizer: The Adam optimizer is used for train-
ing and configured with default parameters: learn-
ing rate (lr=0.001), beta1 (beta1=0.9), and beta2
7) Loss Function: Binary cross-entropy is used to
measure the difference between the prediction and
the actual label (1 for the presence of a QR code,
0 for absence), which guides the optimization
process in an effort to minimize error. The binary
cross-entropy loss is given by:
[yilog(ˆyi) + (1 yi) log(1 ˆyi)]
where Nis the number of samples, yiis the actual
label, and ˆyiis the predicted probability.
8) Hyperparameters: The CNN model utilizes a set
of carefully chosen hyperparameters to optimize
training performance and model generalization. A
batch size of 32 is employed to balance memory
usage with computational efficiency, facilitating
effective training without overburdening system
resources. The model is trained across varying
epochs, ranging from 10 to 35, to refine its accu-
racy through multiple iterations. A learning rate
of 0.001 is adopted, a standard starting point in
CNN training, ensuring stable and gradual weight
updates that foster convergence while avoiding
9) Data Augmentation: To enhance the robust-
ness of the model and prevent overfitting, data
augmentation techniques are applied using the
ImageDataGenerator class. The augmentation
includes operations such as rotation, width and
height shifting, shearing, zooming, and horizontal
flipping. These techniques ensure that the model
is exposed to a wide variety of scenarios during
training, enhancing its ability to generalize to new,
unseen data.
The CNN is implemented using Python with Ten-
sorFlow and Keras libraries, chosen for their extensive
support for deep learning models and ease of use. (See
Appendix 1CN N Architecture)
B. Data Sources and Preparation
This project utilizes a diverse assortment of sources
for training and validation data to ensure a com-
prehensive learning process. Public repositories such
as GitHub, image datasets from Google Images, and
dataset compilations from Kaggle provide the initial
dataset used primarily in generations one through four.
These sources were chosen for their wide availability
and the diverse range of QR code images they offer,
which is crucial for training a robust model capable of
generalizing across various real-world scenarios. When
these sources are exhausted, Python scripts utilizing the
‘qrcode’ library are used to generate additional QR code
images. This helps further diversify the training and
validation data, ensuring that the model is not overly
dependent on any single type of QR code image.
Fig. 1. Example of a QR code similar to those used in the positive
Fig. 2. Examples of non-QR code images used in the negative dataset:
(a) Rubik’s cube, (b) barcode, (c) tic-tac-toe board. These images are
used to train the model to distinguish QR codes from other patterns
and reduce false positives.
To improve the model’s robustness and its ability to
distinguish QR codes from other patterns, a variety of
visually similar but non-QR code images were included
in the negative dataset. These images, such as barcodes,
Rubik’s cubes, and tic-tac-toe boards, are strategically
chosen to address the common challenge of false posi-
tives in binary classification tasks. This augmentation
step enhances the model’s ability to accurately dif-
ferentiate between QR codes and other similar visual
All images undergo a preprocessing step that involves
resizing them to a consistent dimension of 150x150
pixels to ensure uniform input size for the model. The
inclusion of diverse images in both the positive and neg-
ative datasets plays a crucial role in training the CNN.
By exposing the model to a broad spectrum of patterns,
the training process helps develop a feature recognition
capability that can be more easily generalized. This
strategy not only improves the accuracy of detecting
legitimate QR codes but also minimizes the chances of
misclassifying non-QR code patterns as malicious.
C. Data Augmentation and Training Process
The data augmentation process uses Python libraries
such as ImageDataGenerator to generate variations
of existing images through rotation, scaling, and flip-
ping. These transformations expose the model to a
wide range of image variations during training, which
is essential for improving the model’s robustness and
reducing overfitting.
The CNN is trained using the augmented dataset in an
iterative manner. The training process involves several
cycles where the model is exposed to progressively
more diverse image sets. The Adam optimizer is used
for efficient gradient descent, and was selected due to
its efficiency in handling large datasets and its proven
effectiveness in deep learning tasks. (See Appendix 2
T raining P rocess)
D. Evaluation and Validation
To assess the model’s performance, a separate valida-
tion dataset is used that was not included in the training
phase. This approach simulates a real-world scenario
where the model encounters new, unseen data.
E. Efforts Toward Continuous Improvement
Throughout the project, detailed reports are generated
after each training iteration, documenting key perfor-
mance metrics and providing insights into areas of
improvement. These reports are critical for ensuring
a continuous improvement loop, where insights from
each iteration inform subsequent training cycles. The
methodology outlined here aims to create a robust,
scalable solution for detecting QR code-based phishing
attacks. By leveraging the power of CNNs and compre-
hensive data augmentation, this research endeavors to
contribute a significant advancement in email security.
This experiment was conducted over seven iterative
training generations of a CNN model, each designed
to optimize the detection of QR codes in images. The
goal was to evaluate how variations in dataset size,
model complexity, and training duration impacted the
model’s ability to generalize effectively and maintain
high accuracy in real-world scenarios.
A. Experimental Setup and Parameters
The experiment started with a relatively small dataset
and fewer epochs, progressively scaling up in subse-
quent generations to test the model’s ability to handle
larger datasets and more complex training scenarios.
Key parameters such as the number of training images,
validation images, epochs, and steps per epoch were
adjusted across generations as detailed in Appendix 3
M odel T raining.
B. Observations and Analysis
The first six generations demonstrated consistently
high training and validation accuracy, indicating that the
model was effectively learning to distinguish QR codes
from other image patterns. However, in the seventh
generation, despite using the largest dataset (200,000
training images) and the most extensive training (35
Fig. 3. Training and Validation Accuracy over Epochs. These
graphs show the trend of accuracy improvement and the point at
which overfitting may have occurred, as evidenced by the divergence
between training and validation accuracy.
epochs), the model exhibited a significant drop in vali-
dation accuracy from 99.44% to 73.70%.
This drop suggests that the model may have overfitted
to the training data. The increasing number of epochs
and the larger dataset in Generation 7 likely exacerbated
this issue, as the model continued to optimize for
the training set while losing flexibility in applying its
learned features to the validation set. To address this,
future experimentation should focus on implementing
techniques to mitigate overfitting. These could include:
1) Regularization Techniques: Adding L2 regulariza-
tion or dropout layers to the model to penalize
overly complex models.
2) Data Augmentation: Further increasing the diver-
sity of the training data through advanced data
augmentation techniques to prevent the model
from memorizing specific patterns.
3) Early Stopping: Implementing early stopping
based on validation loss or accuracy to prevent
the model from overtraining.
4) Choice of Hyperparameters: Learning rate, batch
size, and architecture of the CNN could be re-
visited to fine-tune the balance between model
complexity and generalization capability.
Figure 3 presents a graphical representation of the
training and validation accuracy across different epochs,
highlighting the trends in model performance and the
potential overfitting observed in the later stages of
The experimentation with the CNN model across
seven generations demonstrated both progress and chal-
lenges. The model’s training accuracy consistently im-
proved, achieving near-perfect results of 99.98% by the
seventh generation. However, the significant drop in
validation accuracy in the final generation suggests that
the model’s capacity was stretched to a point where
its ability to generalize was compromised, indicating
potential overfitting.
These results highlight a key insight: while increasing
the complexity of the model and expanding the dataset
can improve training accuracy, they do not necessarily
lead to better generalization. This calls for a reconsider-
ation of our approach in future experimentation. Given
the overfitting observed in the final generation, explor-
ing alternative model architectures that inherently resist
overfitting, such as deeper networks with dropout layers,
will be crucial. Additionally, incorporating real-world
testing will not only validate the model’s performance
but also help identify any unforeseen challenges when
deployed in live environments.
A. Future Work Directions
1) Exploration of Alternative Model Architectures:
Given the limitations observed with the current
CNN architecture in the seventh generation, future
work could explore alternative architectures that
may offer better generalization capabilities. This
could involve experimenting with different types
of neural networks or hybrid models that combine
CNNs with other techniques.
2) Incorporation of Real-World Testing: Deploying
the model in controlled environments that sim-
ulate actual email traffic can provide deeper in-
sights into its practical performance, helping to
identify potential gaps that were not apparent
during initial experimentation.
3) Focus on Model Interpretability: As the model
becomes more complex, understanding how it
makes decisions becomes increasingly important.
Future efforts could include developing methods
to interpret the CNN’s decisions, ensuring that the
model’s predictions are not only accurate but also
understandable and explainable.
4) Longitudinal Performance Monitoring: Continu-
ous monitoring of the model’s performance over
time, especially after deployment, will be essen-
tial. This will help in identifying any degradation
in accuracy or emerging patterns that could indi-
cate new types of phishing tactics, allowing for
timely updates to the model.
5) Collaboration with Industry Partners: To ensure
that the model is aligned with current industry
needs, future research could seek to collaborate
with cybersecurity firms. This collaboration may
provide access to more diverse datasets and in-
sights into the latest threat landscapes, enabling
the model to be more robust and effective.
The results of this study underscore the complexity
of developing a model that is both highly accurate and
generalizable. While the initial results were promising,
the challenges identified in the later stages of experi-
mentation highlight areas for further investigation. By
pursuing the proposed directions for future work, the
research aims to enhance the model’s robustness and
applicability, ultimately contributing to more secure and
resilient email systems against QR code-based phishing
This study contributes to the field by introducing a
novel approach that integrates CNNs with traditional
email security systems, specifically targeting the detec-
tion of QR code-based phishing threats. The insights
gained from this research provide a foundation for
further developments in adaptive, image-based threat
detection technologies.
While the results of this research are promising,
particularly in demonstrating the capability of machine
learning models to identify QR codes within email im-
ages, this is only one piece of a broader security frame-
work. The detection of QR codes is a crucial first step,
but it must be integrated with other security measures to
effectively mitigate phishing threats. Specifically, URL
analysis plays a pivotal role in identifying sites that are
commonly exploited by threat actors. Free file hosting
sites, for instance, are often misused for malicious
purposes due to their ease of access and the challenges
associated with tracing and removing harmful content.
Phishing campaigns frequently deploy fake login
pages that mimic those of trusted brands like Microsoft
and Google to deceive users into divulging their cre-
dentials. To counter this, the QR code detection model
could be augmented with heuristic analysis techniques
that scrutinize the associated URLs and web content.
Key indicators such as the domain of the URL, the
presence of SSL certificates, and the visual layout of
the landing page could provide valuable insights into
the legitimacy of a site. Additionally, linguistic analysis
of the email content could uncover social engineering
tactics, such as urgent calls to action or offers that seem
suspiciously advantageous.
The adaptability of this model is crucial. As phishing
tactics continue to evolve, the model must also be con-
tinuously updated and refined. This involves not only
regular retraining with new data but also integrating
feedback loops that allow the model to learn from
the latest phishing trends. Collaboration with threat
intelligence networks could further enhance the model’s
ability to counter new and emerging threats, ensuring
it remains a robust component of a comprehensive
cybersecurity strategy.
The rapid evolution of phishing tactics, particularly
the rise of QR code-based threats, underscores the
necessity for a multifaceted and adaptive defense strat-
egy in cybersecurity. This research demonstrates the
potential of integrating machine learning-based image
recognition techniques, such as convolutional neural
networks, with comprehensive detection frameworks to
effectively counter these emerging threats. However,
it also highlights that such models must be part of
a broader security ensemble that includes traditional
detection methods, such as sender reputation evalua-
tion, forensic analysis of message headers, and content
The success of machine learning models in this
domain is heavily dependent on the quality and rele-
vance of the training data. High-fidelity datasets that
accurately represent real-world scenarios are crucial for
developing models that not only detect QR codes but
can also discern the context in which they are used
in phishing attempts. By leveraging data that reflects
the diverse tactics employed by cybercriminals, these
models can be fine-tuned to predict and counteract a
wide range of threats.
In addition to deploying advanced detection systems,
organizations must adopt and enforce robust email se-
curity practices. Implementing protocols like DMARC
(Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting &
Conformance) can help authenticate email sources and
create feedback loops for identifying suspicious activity.
Incorporating the human element into the security strat-
egy through regular, targeted security awareness training
is essential. Educating users about the complexities
of modern phishing attacks, including those involving
QR codes, equips them to act as an additional line of
Layering security measures across various do-
mains—such as deploying browser isolation solutions,
utilizing secure enterprise browsers, and enforcing
multi-factor authentication—can further strengthen an
organization’s defenses. These measures, when com-
bined with the findings from this research, create
a resilient security posture capable of withstanding
the dynamic and increasingly sophisticated threats in
today’s digital landscape. This research serves as a
foundational step towards developing effective defenses
against image-based phishing attacks. The insights
gained here provide a blueprint for organizations to
enhance their cybersecurity frameworks, ensuring they
are better equipped to combat the ever-evolving nature
of email-based threats.
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# Construct the CNN model for binary classification
model =tf.keras.models.Sequential([
# Convolutional layer with 32 filters, 3x3 kernel size, and ReLU activation function
tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(32, (3,3), activation=’relu’, input_shape=(150, 150, 3)),
# MaxPooling layer to reduce spatial dimensions
tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling2D(2, 2),
# Repeat the above two layers, increasing filter sizes
tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(64, (3,3), activation=’relu’),
tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling2D(2, 2),
tf.keras.layers.Conv2D(128, (3,3), activation=’relu’),
tf.keras.layers.MaxPooling2D(2, 2),
# Flatten layer to convert 2D matrix to vector for Dense layers
# Dense layer with 512 units and ReLU activation
tf.keras.layers.Dense(512, activation=’relu’),
# Output layer with 1 unit and sigmoid activation for binary classification
tf.keras.layers.Dense(1, activation=’sigmoid’)
from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.image import ImageDataGenerator
# Data augmentation setup
train_datagen =ImageDataGenerator(
train_generator =train_datagen.flow_from_directory(
target_size=(128, 128),
# Model training
Gen 1Gen 2Gen 3Gen 4Gen 5Gen 6Gen 7
Training Images 9000 29453 36954 37493 90113 99916 200000
Validation Images 100 991 1103 1206 2213 3214 10000
Epochs 10 15 15 20 20 25 35
Training Steps 100 100 100 150 150 200 250
Validation Steps 50 50 50 50 50 100 200
Validation Accuracy 99.91% 99.81% 99.75% 99.50% 99.37% 99.44% 73.70%
Training Accuracy 99.98% 99.96% 99.94% 99.97% 99.91% 99.95% 99.98%
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Security identification solutions against WLAN network attacks according to straightforward digital detectors, such as SSID, IP addresses, and MAC addresses, are not efficient in identifying such hacking or router impersonation. These detectors can be simply mocked. Therefore, a further protected key uses new information by combining these simple digital identifiers with an RF signature of the radio link. In this work, a design of a convolutional neural network (CNN) based on fingerprinting radio frequency (RF) is developed with computer-generated data. The developed CNN is trained with beacon frames of a wireless local area network (WLAN) that is simulated as a result of identified and unidentified router nodes of fingerprinting RF. The proposed CNN is able to detect router impersonators by comparing the data pair of the MAC address and RF signature of the received signal from the known and unknown routers. ADAM optimizer, which is the extended version of stochastic gradient descent, has been used with a developed deep learning convolutional neural network containing three fully connected and two convolutional layers. According to the training progress graphic, the network converges to around 100% accuracy within the first epoch, which indicates that the developed architecture was efficient in detecting router impersonations.
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Email phishing is a widespread cyber threat that can result in the theft of sensitive information and financial loss. It uses malicious emails to trick recipients into providing sensitive information or transferring money, often by disguising themselves as legitimate organizations or individuals. As technology advances and attackers become more sophisticated, the problem of email phishing becomes increasingly challenging to detect and prevent. In this research paper, the use of deep learning techniques, including convolutional neural networks (CNNs), long short-term memory (LSTM) networks, recurrent neural networks (RNNs), and bidirectional encoder representations from transformers (BERT), are explored for detecting email phishing attacks. A dataset of phishing and benign emails was utilized, and a set of relevant features was extracted using natural language processing (NLP) techniques. The proposed deep learning model was trained and tested using the dataset, and it was found that it can achieve high accuracy in detecting email phishing compared to other state-of-the-art research, where the best performance was seen when using BERT and LSTM with an accuracy of 99.61%. The results demonstrate the potential of deep learning for improving email phishing detection and protecting against this pervasive threat.
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Convolutional neural network (CNN) algorithm is a very important branch of deep learning research, which has been widely applied in many fields and achieved excellent results, especially in computer vision, where convolutional neural network has made breakthroughs in image classification and object detection. Convolutional neural network architecture can realize more efficient network training through the final combination of different modules, and the convolutional neural network training does not need to actively extract image features and can directly carry out end-to-end training and prediction. At first, this paper analyzed some problems of the current image recognition and expounds the progress of convolution neural network in image recognition and then studied the traditional algorithm of target recognition, including traditional recognition algorithm framework of target, the target orientation, feature extraction, classifier classification, etc., and the traditional target recognition algorithm is compared with those of the target recognition algorithm of deep learning. On the basis of the above research, an improved model of CNN is proposed, which focuses on the structural design and network optimization of convolutional neural network and designs a more efficient convolutional neural network. Test experiments verify the effectiveness of the proposed model, which not only achieves lower error rate, but also greatly reduces the number of network parameters and has stronger learning ability.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is the expansion and extension of the traditional network. It is a network that connects goods and objects, which has been widely used in today's social development process. It occupies an important position in various industries. The emergence of the Internet of Things has greatly improved the refinement level of human management. The QR code (Quick Response Code) is a part of the perception layer of the IoT, which belongs to the perception and recognition technology of the IoT. The QR code not only brings convenience to users but also becomes the carrier and disseminator of malware, phishing, and other attacks. Therefore, it is of great significance for the security of the IoT to understand the potential threats of the QR code, analyze its potential attack methods, and put forward defense plans. This paper briefly introduces the basic characteristics of the QR code, as well as some attack methods and potential threats against the QR code, and put forward some preventive measures from both technical and non-technical aspects. The technical aspect includes the combination of cryptography and the introduction of third-party management. The non-technical aspects are discussed at the national and individual user levels.
QR code means Quick Response Code. It is one of the most popular types of barcode. A QR code is a two- dimensional (2D) matrix that means both horizontal and vertical direction. That is why it stores a huge amount of data than a Barcode, which is a one dimensional (1D) matrix (only horizontal direction). The QR code is classified into two types: the Static QR code and the Dynamic QR code. There are many variants of QR code, like QR code Model 1 and Model 2, Micro QR code, Rectangular Micro QR code, Frame QR, iQR code, Secure QR code, HCC2D etc. The QR code provides security, fast and omnidirectional scanning (allowing users to read code quickly from any direction), huge data storage capacity and most important error correction capability (to read data if code is dirty or damaged). The most important thing is, now these days, no particular device is needed to scan QR codes. The QR code can be scanned using a smartphone as well. That means as Smartphone users increase, QR codes will become more popular. In this paper we will widely discuss the basics of the QR code, its types, encoding and decoding process of the QR code, uses of QR codes etc
Conference Paper
QR codes, designed for convenient access to links, have recently been appropriated as phishing attack vectors. As this type of phishing is relatively and many aspects of the threat in real conditions are unknown, we conducted a study in naturalistic settings (n=42) to explore how people behave around QR codes that might contain phishing links. We found that 28 (67%) of our participants opened the link embedded in the QR code without inspecting the URL for potential phishing cues. As a pretext, we used a poster that invited people to scan a QR code and contribute to a humanitarian aid. The choice of a pretext was persuasive enough that 22 (52%) of our participants indicated that it was the main reason why they scanned the QR code and accessed the embedded link in the first place. We used three link variants to test if people are able to spot a potential phishing threat associated with the poster’s QR code (every participant scanned only one variant). In the variants where the link appeared legitimate or it was obfuscated by a link shortening service, only two out of 26 participants (8%) abandoned the URL when they saw the preview in the QR code scanner app. In the variant when the link explicitly contained the word “phish” in the domain name, this ratio rose to 7 out of 16 participants (44%). We use our findings to propose usable security interventions in QR code scanner apps intended to warn users about potentially phishing links.
Despite their massive size, successful deep artificial neural networks can exhibit a remarkably small gap between training and test performance. Conventional wisdom attributes small generalization error either to properties of the model family or to the regularization techniques used during training. Through extensive systematic experiments, we show how these traditional approaches fail to explain why large neural networks generalize well in practice. Specifically, our experiments establish that state-of-the-art convolutional networks for image classification trained with stochastic gradient methods easily fit a random labeling of the training data. This phenomenon is qualitatively unaffected by explicit regularization and occurs even if we replace the true images by completely unstructured random noise. We corroborate these experimental findings with a theoretical construction showing that simple depth two neural networks already have perfect finite sample expressivity as soon as the number of parameters exceeds the number of data points as it usually does in practice. We interpret our experimental findings by comparison with traditional models. We supplement this republication with a new section at the end summarizing recent progresses in the field since the original version of this paper.
QR codes used to phish for Microsoft credentials
  • P Arntz
Arntz, P. (2023, August 20). QR codes used to phish for Microsoft credentials. Malwarebytes.
Optimizing Electric Vehicle Energy Management Systems with a Hybrid LSTM-CNN Architecture
  • A K Saxena
  • P P Mishra
Saxena, A. K., & Mishra, P. P. (2022, November 19). Optimizing Electric Vehicle Energy Management Systems with a Hybrid LSTM-CNN Architecture.
QR codes in email phishing
  • R Dedenok