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В статье актуализируется инструментарий эмпатии в деятельности организаций индустрии туризма и гостеприимства, ведущий к повышению результативности и продуктивности организаций отрасли. Для формирования высокой степени удовлетворенности и лояльности туриста, что повышает конкурентоспособность организаций индустрии туризма и гостеприимства, от персонала туристских предприятий в межличностных отношениях требуется владение профессиональным навыком, связанным с умением чувствовать эмоции гостя, воспринимать его переживания, принимать участие в эмоциональном опыте гостя, способностью понимать его поведенческие мотивы, оказывать воздействие на создание позитивного потребительского опыта туриста, т. е. активное применение техник и инструментов эмпатии как одного из коммуникативных навыков в индустрии туризма и гостеприимства. Проведенное авторами статьи исследование позволило выявить широкий спектр актуализации эмпатии в деятельности организаций индустрии туризма и гостеприимства: во-первых, активное применение инструментария эмпатии позволяет выстроить долгосрочные отношения с гостями и тем самым повысить уровень и степень устойчивости продаж, во-вторых, эмпатия руководителя в турбизнесе позволяет адекватно оценивать уровень удовлетворенности персонала и дает возможность правильно мотивировать персонал, повышать степень доверия, увеличивать производительность их деятельности. Авторы статьи приходят к выводу о том, что эмпатическое поведение в турбизнесе имеет воздействие на трех уровнях: в качестве инструментария для гостеприимного подхода к недовольным клиентам, для формирования персонализированных отношений между сотрудниками и гостями и для создания обратной связи с целью трансформации предоставляемых туруслуг и повышения конкурентоспособности организаций индустрии туризма и гостеприимства. The article highlights the tools of empathy in the activities of organizations in the tourism and hospitality industry, leading to an increase in the effectiveness and productivity. To form a high degree of satisfaction and loyalty of the tourist, which increases the competitiveness of organizations in the tourism and hospitality industry, the staff of tourism enterprises in interpersonal relations is required to possess a professional skill related to the ability to feel the emotions of the guest, perceive their experiences, take part in the emotional experience of the guest, the ability to understand their behavioral motives, have an impact on the creation of a positive consumer experience of the tourist, i. e. active use of empathy techniques and tools as one of the communication skills in the tourism and hospitality industry. The study conducted by the authors of the article made it possible to identify a wide range of empathy manifestations in the activities of organizations in the tourism and hospitality industry: firstly, the active use of empathy tools allows to build long-term relationships with guests and thereby increase the level and degree of sales sustainability, and secondly, the empathy of a manager in the tourism business enables to adequately assess the level of staff satisfaction and makes it possible to properly motivate staff, increase the degree of confidence, and increase the productivity of their activities. The authors of the article come to the conclusion that empathic behavior in the tourism business has an impact in three levels: as a tool for a hospitable approach to dissatisfied customers, for the formation of personalized relationships between employees and guests, and for creating feedback in order to transform the tourism services provided and increase competitiveness organizations in the tourism and hospitality industry.

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The purpose of this work is to critically analyze the current state of empathy research as well as to discuss some new lines of research. The relevance of addressing the concept of empathy can be explained in the following manner: if we assume that empathy is associated with helping behavior (some researchers of empathy tend in favor of this interpretation), then in the actual situation associated with the processes of globalization as a whole (interaction with members of other cultures), as well as with a high level of migration processes, researchers are faced with a challenge of finding the factors which promote empathic reactions towards the members of other cultures. On the other hand, the concept of empathy, introduced into psychology in 1909 by E. Titchener, has a rather long history in science, but as far as the literature analysis suggests, researchers differ significantly not only in their understanding and definitions of this phenomenon, or in their explanations tof he mechanisms of empathy, but also in methods of its measurement. Although the possibility of consensus is not considered, however, reflection regarding empathy and methods of its measurement is seen as necessary. This paper outlines some perspectives on empathy research, in particular, in the context of intergroup relations.
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В статье делается акцент на рассмотрении концепции точности эмпатии и анализе эмпирических работ, посвященных влиянию ситуативных переменных на точность эмпатии в межличностном взаимодействии. Теоретическую основу статьи составляют современные подходы к трактовке феномена эмпатии как многокомпонентного социально-психологического свойства личности. Целью исследования является определение и экспериментальная проверка тех ситуативных переменных, которые в наибольшей степени обусловливают точность эмпатии в конфликтном взаимодействии. Результаты исследования свидетельствуют о комбинированных эффектах таких ситуативных переменных на изменение точности валентной эмпатии, как пол партнера по взаимодействию, содержание ситуации взаимодействия, этническая принадлежность партнера по взаимодействию и вероятность возникновения конфликта во взаимодействии с партнером. В заключение статьи приводятся конфликтные паттерны изменения точности валентной эмпатии во взаимодействии с представителем другой культуры.
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Empathy and trust are among the key factors in building a stronger relationship between two parties or more. Today, more and more organizations are recognizing the importance of the relationship between empathy and trust in order to serve their employees better. Empathy and trust are pivotal in helping the organizations become a better workplace environment. This is because the current business world is characterized by rapid globalization, which has led to an increase in the growth and prominence of multinational organizations. This trend towards globalization has increased the challenges faced by business organizations, which have to manage their employees across cultures, time zones, and organizational structures. Accordingly, the reality of a global market calls for business organizations to increase empathy skills and instill trust among employees in order to have strong organizational structure and to enhance business survival and continuity.
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Empathy is the "capacity" to share and understand another’s "state of mind" or emotion. Itis often characterized as the ability to “put oneself into another’s shoes”, or in some way experience the outlookor emotions of another being within oneself. Empathy is a powerful communication skill that is often misunderstoodand underused. Initially, empathy was referred to as “bedside manner”; now, however, authors and educatorsconsider empathetic communication a teachable, learnable skill that has tangible benefits for both clinicianand patient: Effective empathetic communication enhances the therapeutic effectiveness of the clinician-patientrelationship. Appropriate use of empathy as a communication tool facilitates the clinical interview, increases theefficiency of gathering information, and honours the patient. Additionally, Emotional Intelligence (EI), often measuredas an Emotional Intelligence Quotient (EQ), describes a concept that involves the ability, capacity, skill or aself-perceived ability, to identify, assess, and manage the emotions of one’s self, of others, and of groups. Becauseit is a relatively new area of psychological research, the concept is constantly changing. The EQ concept argues thatIQ, or conventional intelligence, is too narrow; that there are wider areas of emotional intelligence that dictate andenable how successful we are. Success requires more than IQ (Intelligence Quotient), which has tended to be thetraditional measure of intelligence, ignoring essential behavioural and character elements. We’ve all met peoplewho are academically brilliant and yet are socially and inter-personally inept. And we know that despite possessinga high IQ rating, success does not automatically follow. The aim of this review is to describe the concept of empathyand emotional intelligence, compare it to other similar concepts and clarify their importance as vital parts of effectivesocial functioning. Just how vital they are, is a subject of constant debate.
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