
Multiparametric shell eigenvalue problems

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The eigenproblem for thin shells of revolution under uncertainty in material parameters is discussed. Here the focus is on the smallest eigenpairs. Shells of revolution have natural eigenclusters due to symmetries, moreover, the eigenpairs depend on a deterministic parameter, the dimensionless thickness. The stochastic subspace iteration algorithms presented here are capable of resolving the smallest eigenclusters. In the case of random material parameters, it is possible that the eigenmodes cross in the stochastic parameter space. This interesting phenomenon is demonstrated via numerical experiments. Finally, the effect of the chosen material model on the asymptotics in relation to the deterministic parameter is shown to be negligible.

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We consider and analyze applying a spectral inverse iteration algorithm and its subspace iteration variant for computing eigenpairs of an elliptic operator with random coefficients. With these iterative algorithms the solution is sought from a finite dimensional space formed as the tensor product of the approximation space for the underlying stochastic function space, and the approximation space for the underlying spatial function space. Sparse polynomial approximation is employed to obtain the first one, while classical finite elements are employed to obtain the latter. An error analysis is presented for the asymptotic convergence of the spectral inverse iteration to the smallest eigenvalue and the associated eigenvector of the problem. A series of detailed numerical experiments supports the conclusions of this analysis. Numerical experiments are also presented for the spectral subspace iteration, and convergence of the algorithm is observed in an example case, where the eigenvalues cross within the parameter space. The outputs of both algorithms are verified by comparing to solutions obtained by a sparse stochastic collocation method.
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We study random eigenvalue problems in the context of spectral stochastic finite elements. In particular, given a parameter-dependent, symmetric positive-definite matrix operator, we explore the performance of algorithms for computing its eigenvalues and eigenvectors represented using polynomial chaos expansions. We formulate a version of stochastic inverse subspace iteration, which is based on the stochastic Galerkin finite element method, and we compare its accuracy with that of Monte Carlo and stochastic collocation methods. The coefficients of the eigenvalue expansions are computed from a stochastic Rayleigh quotient. Our approach allows the computation of interior eigenvalues by deflation methods, and we can also compute the coefficients of multiple eigenvectors using a stochastic variant of the modified Gram-Schmidt process. The effectiveness of the methods is illustrated by numerical experiments on benchmark problems arising from vibration analysis.
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We propose and analyze sparse deterministic-stochastic tensor Galerkin finite element methods (sparse sGFEMs) for the numerical solution of elliptic partial differential equations (PDEs) with random coefficients in a physical domain DRdD\subset\mathbb{R}^d. In tensor product sGFEMs, the variational solution to the boundary value problem is approximated in tensor product finite element spaces VΓVDV^\Gamma\otimes V^D, where VΓV^\Gamma and VDV^D denote suitable finite dimensional subspaces of the stochastic and deterministic function spaces, respectively. These approaches lead to sGFEM algorithms of complexity O(NΓND)O(N_\Gamma N_D), where NΓ=dimVΓN_\Gamma=\dim V^\Gamma and ND=dimVDN_D=\dim V^D. In this work, we use hierarchic sequences V1ΓV2ΓV^\Gamma_1\subset V^\Gamma_2\subset\ldots and V1DV2DV^D_1\subset V^D_2\subset\ldots of finite dimensional spaces to approximate the law of the random solution. The hierarchies of approximation spaces allow us to define sparse tensor product spaces VΓ^VDV^\Gamma_\ell\hat{\otimes}V^D_\ell, =1,2,\ell=1,2,\dots, yielding algorithms of O(NΓlogND+NDlogNΓ)O(N_\Gamma\log N_D+N_D\log N_\Gamma) work and memory. We estimate the convergence rate of sGFEM for algebraic decay of the input random field Karhunen-Loève coefficients. We give an algorithm for an input adapted a-priori selection of deterministic and stochastic discretization spaces. The convergence rate in terms of the total number of degrees of freedom of the proposed method is superior to Monte Carlo approximations. Numerical examples illustrate the theoretical results and demonstrate superiority of the sparse tensor product discretization proposed here versus the full tensor product approach.
We consider the discretization and solution of eigenvalue problems of elliptic operators with random coefficients. For solving the resulting systems of equations we present a new and efficient spectral inverse iteration based on the stochastic Galerkin approach with respect to a polynomial chaos basis. The curse of dimensionality inherent in normalization over parameter spaces is avoided by a solution of a non-linear system of equations defining the Galerkin coefficients. For reference we also present an algorithm for adaptive stochastic collocation. Functionality of the algorithms is demonstrated by applying them on four examples of a given model problem. Convergence of the Galerkin-based method is analyzed and the results are tested against the collocated reference solutions and theoretical predictions.
We design and analyze algorithms for the efficient sensitivity computa-tion of eigenpairs of parametric elliptic self-adjoint eigenvalue problems on high-dimensional parameter spaces. We quantify the analytic dependence of eigenpairs on the parameters. For the efficient approximate evaluation of parameter sensitivities of isolated eigenpairs on the entire parameter space we propose and analyze a sparse tensor spectral collocation method on an anisotropic sparse grid in the parameter domain. The stable numerical implementation of these methods is discussed and their error analysis is given. Applications to parametric elliptic eigenvalue problems with infinitely many parameters arising from elliptic differential operators with random coefficients are presented.
We discuss the finite element approximation of eigenvalue problems associated with compact operators. While the main emphasis is on symmetric problems some comments are present for non-self-adjoint operators as well. The topics covered include standard Galerkin approximations, non-conforming approximations, and approximation of eigenvalue problems in mixed form Some applications of the theory are presented and, in particular, the approximation of the Maxwell eigenvalue problem is discussed in detail. The final part tries to introduce the reader to the fascinating setting of differential forms and homological techniques with the description of the Hodge-Laplace eigenvalue problem and its mixed equivalent formulations. Several examples and numerical computations complete the paper, ranging from very basic exercises to more significant applications of the developed theory.
We are interested in the asymptotic analysis of the eigenvalue problem of clamped cylindrical shells. We analyze the lowest eigenvalues as a function of the shell thickness t, the asymptotic behavior of the respective eigenfunctions, and show how the different displacement components and parts of the energy scale in t. As a consequence, we are able to single out the numerical difficulties of the problem, which, surprisingly for a formally bending inhibited problem, include the presence of locking. Extensive numerical tests are included.
Introduction.- Geometrical Preliminaries.- Elements of Functional and Numerical Analysis.- Shell Mathematical Models.- Asymptotic Behaviors of Shell Models.- Displacement-Based Shell Finite Elements.- Influence of the Thickness in the Finite Element Approximation.- Towards the Formulation of Effective General Shell Elements.- On the Nonlinear Analysis of Shells.
We study the shell models arising in the numerical modelling of shells by geometrically incompatible finite elements. We build a connection from the so-called bilinear degenerated 3D FEM to the classical 2D shell theory of Reissner–Naghdi type showing how nearly equivalent finite element formulations can be constructed within the classical framework. The connection found here facilitates the mathematical error analysis of the bilinear elements based on the degenerated 3D approach. In particular, the connection reveals the ‘secrets’ that relate to the treatment of locking effects within this formulation. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
We describe the analysis and the implementation of two finite element (FE) algorithms for the deterministic numerical solution of elliptic boundary value problems with stochastic coefficients.They are based on separation of deterministic and stochastic parts of the input data by a Karhunen–Loève expansion, truncated after M terms. With a change of measure we convert the problem to a sequence of M-dimensional, parametric deterministic problems. Two sparse, high order polynomial approximations of the random solution’s joint pdf’s, parametrized in the input data’s Karhunen–Loève expansion coordinates, are analyzed: a sparse stochastic Galerkin FEM (sparse sGFEM) and a sparse stochastic Collocation FEM (sparse sCFEM).A priori and a posteriori error analysis is used to tailor the sparse polynomial approximations of the random solution’s joint pdf’s to the stochastic regularity of the input data. sCFEM and sGFEM yield deterministic approximations of the random solutions joint pdf’s that converge spectrally in the number of deterministic problems to be solved. Numerical examples with random inputs of small correlation length in diffusion problems are presented. High order gPC approximations of solutions with stochastic parameter spaces of dimension up to M=80 are computed on workstations.
The asymptotic behaviour of the smallest eigenvalue in linear Koiter shell problems is studied, as the thickness parameter tends to zero. In particular, three types of shells of revolution are considered. A result concerning the ratio between the bending and the total elastic energy is also provided, by using the general theory detailed in [L. Beirão da Veiga, C. Lovadina, An interpolation theory approach to Shell eigenvalue problems (submitted for publication); L. Beirão da Veiga, C. Lovadina, Asymptotics of shell eigenvalue problems, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 9 (2006) 707-710].
Fourier mode analysis of layers in shallow shell deformations
  • J Pitkäranta
  • A.-M Matache
  • C Schwab
J. Pitkäranta, A.-M. Matache, C. Schwab, Fourier mode analysis of layers in shallow shell deformations., Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 190 (2001) 2943-2975.