
Mass of Kerr-Newman Black Holes in an external magnetic field

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The explicit solution for a Kerr-Newman black hole immersed in an external magnetic field, sometimes called the Melvin-Kerr-Newman black hole, has been derived by Ernst and Wild in 1976. In this paper, we clarify the first law and Smarr formula for black holes in a magnetic field. We then define the unique mass which is integrable and reduces to the Kerr-Newman mass in the absence of magnetic field. This defines the thermodynamic potentials of the black hole. Quite strikingly, the mass coincides with the standard Christodoulou-Ruffini mass of a black hole as a function of the entropy, angular momentum and electric charge.

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The near horizon geometry of the rotating C-metric, describing accelerating Kerr–Newman black holes, is analysed. It is shown that, at extremality, even though it is not isomorphic to the extremal Kerr–Newman, it remains a warped and twisted product of AdS2×S2. Therefore the methods of the Kerr/CFT correspondence can successfully be applied to build a CFT dual model, whose entropy reproduces, through the Cardy formula, the Bekenstein–Hawking entropy of the accelerating black hole. The mass of accelerating Kerr–Newman black hole, which fulfils the first law of thermodynamics, is presented. Further generalisation in presence of an external Melvin-like magnetic field, used to regularise the conical singularity characteristic of the C-metrics, shows that the Kerr/CFT correspondence can be applied also for the accelerating and magnetised extremal black holes.
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We construct concrete counterterms of the Balasubramanian-Kraus type for Einstein-scalar theories with designer gravity boundary conditions in AdS4, so that the total action is finite on-shell and satisfy a well defined variational principle. We focus on scalar fields with the conformal mass m 2 = −2l −2 and show that the holographic mass matches the Hamiltonian mass for any boundary conditions. We compute the trace anomaly of the dual field theory in the generic case, as well as when there exist logarithmic branches of non-linear origin. As expected, the anomaly vanishes for the boundary conditions that are AdS invariant. When the anomaly does not vanish, the dual stress tensor describes a thermal gas with an equation of state related to the boundary conditions of the scalar field. In the case of a vanishing anomaly, we recover the dual theory of a massless thermal gas. As an application of the formalism, we consider a general family of exact hairy black hole solutions that, for some particular values of the parameters in the moduli potential, contains solutions of four-dimensional gauged N=8 \mathcal{N}=8 supergravity and its ω-deformation. Using the AdS/CFT duality dictionary, they correspond to triple trace deformations of the dual field theory.
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We examine several aspects of black hole physics using the Melvin-Kerr-Newman (MKN) family of spacetimes. Roughly speaking these are black holes immersed in a distorting background magnetic field and unlike the standard Kerr-Newman (KN) family they are not asymptotically flat. Among other properties we see that their angular momentum and charge are bounded by horizon area in exactly the same way as KN and also that they obey the uniqueness theorems for extremal horizons: these properties are in accord with standard theorems but are seen to be satisfied in interesting and non-trivial ways. Horizon geometries are compared to KN horizons with equal area, charge and angular momentum. Finally we calculate the energy of these distorted black holes using the isolated horizon, Komar and recently proposed Gibbons-Pang-Pope procedures. Disagreements between these methods highlight the inherent ambiguities in attempting to define energy and other physical properties for a non-asymptotically flat spacetime.
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The tools of Kerr/CFT correspondence are applied to the Kerr black hole embedded in an axial external magnetic field. Its extremal near horizon geometry remains a warped and twisted product of AdS2×S2AdS_2\times S^2. The central charge of the Virasoro algebra, generating the asymptotic symmetries of the near horizon geometry, is found. It used to reproduce, via the Cardy formula, the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of the magnetised Kerr black hole as the statistical microscopic entropy of a dual CFT. The presence of the background magnetic field makes available also a second dual CFT picture, based on the U(1) electromagnetic symmetry, instead of the only rotational one of the standard non-magnetised Kerr spacetime.
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We extend the conjectured Kerr/CFT correspondence to the case of Kerr black holes immersed by magnetic fields, namely Melvin-Kerr black holes. We compute the central charge in Virasoro algebra which is generated by a class of diffeomorphisms that satisfies a set of boundary conditions in the near horizon Melvin-Kerr black holes. Our results support the Kerr/CFT conjecture where the central charges of non-gravitational fields vanish. We then employ the Cardy formula for entropy in 2D CFT, by using the associated Frolov-Thorne temperature, to reproduce the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy formula for Melvin-Kerr black holes.
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The thermodynamics of a magnetised Kerr-Newman black hole is studied to all orders in the appended magnetic field B. The asymptotic properties of the metric and other fields are dominated by the magnetic flux that extends to infinity along the axis, leading to subtleties in the calculation of conserved quantities such as the angular momentum and the mass. We present a detailed discussion of the implementation of a Wald-type procedure to calculate the angular momentum, showing how ambiguities that are absent in the usual asymptotically-flat case may be resolved by the requirement of gauge invariance. We also present a formalism from which we are able to obtain an expression for the mass of the magnetised black holes. The expressions for the mass and the angular momentum are shown to be compatible with the first law of thermodynamics and a Smarr type relation. Allowing the appended magnetic field B to vary results in an extra term in the first law of the form μdB-\mu dB where μ\mu is interpreted as an induced magnetic moment. Minimising the total energy with respect to the total charge Q at fixed values of the angular momentum and energy of the seed metric allows an investigation of Wald's process. The Meissner effect is shown to hold for electrically neutral extreme black holes. We also present a derivation of the angular momentum for black holes in the four-dimensional STU model, which is N=2{\cal N}=2 supergravity coupled to three vector multiplets.
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We construct Gödel-type black hole and particle solutions to Einstein-Maxwell theory in 2+1 dimensions with a negative cosmological constant and a Chern-Simons term. On-shell, the electromagnetic stress-energy tensor effectively replaces the cosmological constant by minus the square of the topological mass and produces the stress-energy of a pressure-free perfect fluid. We show how a particular solution is related to the original Gödel universe and analyze the solutions from the point of view of identifications. Finally, we compute the conserved charges and work out the thermodynamics.
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The general properties of a rotating electrically charged black hole (BH) in an external magnetic field are examined using the Ernst-Wild (1976) metric. The electromagnetic potential corresponding to a uniform magnetic field which is parallel to the axis of rotation of a charged BH is found. It is shown that, in the presence of an external magnetic field, the rapidly rotating BH can have specific angular momentum and electric discharge values exceeding those of a Kerr-Newman BH. This superextreme BH possesses a horizon of events and does not convert into a naked singularity. The parameters of an electrically equilibrium black hole in a uniform magnetic field are determined. Consideration is also given to the transformation which the parameters of the superextreme BH undergo when the uniform magnetic field is turned off.
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The spacetimes obtained by Ernst's procedure for appending an external magnetic field B to a seed Kerr-Newman black hole are commonly believed to be asymptotic to the static Melvin solution. We show that this is not in general true. Unless the electric charge of the black hole satisfies Q=jB(1+1/4j2B4)Q= jB(1+ 1/4 j^2 B^4), where j is the angular momentum of the original seed solution, an ergoregion extends all the way from the black hole horizon to infinity. We give a self-contained account of the solution-generating procedure, including including explicit formulae for the metric and the vector potential. In the case when Q=jB(1+1/4j2B4)Q= jB(1+ 1/4 j^2 B^4), we show that there is an arbitrariness in the choice of asymptotically timelike Killing field KΩ=/t+Ω/ϕK_\Omega= \partial/\partial t+ \Omega \partial/\partial \phi, because there is no canonical choice of Ω\Omega. For one choice, Ω=Ωs\Omega=\Omega_s, the metric is asymptotically static, and there is an ergoregion confined to the neighbourhood of the horizon. On the other hand, by choosing Ω=ΩH\Omega=\Omega_H, so that KΩHK_{\Omega_H} is co-rotating with the horizon, then for sufficiently large B numerical studies indicate there is no ergoregion at all. For smaller values, in a range B<B<B+B_-<B<B_+, there is a toroidal ergoregion outside and disjoint from the horizon. If BBB\le B_- this ergoregion expands all the way to infinity in a cylindrical region near to the rotation axis. For black holes whose size is small compared to the Melvin radius 2/B, we recover Wald's result that it is energetically favourable for the hole to acquire a charge 2jB.
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The Kerr/CFT correspondence has been recently broadened to the general extremal black holes under the assumption that the central charges from the non-gravitational fields vanish. To confirm this proposal, we derive the expression of the conserved charges in the Einstein-Maxwell-scalar theory with topological terms in four and five dimensions and check that the above assumption was correct. Combining the computed central charge with the expected form of the temperature, the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of the general extremal black holes in four and five dimensions can be reproduced by using the Cardy formula. Comment: 20 pages, v2:references added, published in JHEP
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We compute the mass, angular momenta, and charge of the Gödel-type rotating black hole solution to five-dimensional minimal supergravity. A generalized Smarr formula is derived, and the first law of thermodynamics is verified. The computation rests on a new approach to conserved charges in gauge theories that allows for their computation at finite radius.
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The conserved charges for p-form gauge fields coupled to gravity are defined using Lagrangian methods. Our expression for the surface charges is compared with an earlier expression derived using covariant phase space methods. Additional properties of the surfaces charges are discussed. The proof of the first law for gauge fields that are regular when pulled-back on the future horizon is detailed and is shown to be valid on the bifurcation surface as well. The formalism is applied to black rings with dipole charges and is also used to provide a definition of energy in plane wave backgrounds.
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Modern derivations of the first law of black holes appear to show that the only charges that arise are monopole charges that can be obtained by surface integrals at infinity. However, the recently discovered five dimensional black ring solutions empirically satisfy a first law in which dipole charges appear. We resolve this contradiction and derive a general form of the first law for black rings. Dipole charges do appear together with a corresponding potential. We also include theories with Chern-Simons terms and generalize the first law to other horizon topologies and more generic local charges. Comment: 21 pages, v2: typos corrected, v3: more typos corrected
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We derive general formulae for the first order variation of the ADM mass, angular momentum for linear perturbations of a stationary background in Einstein-Maxwell axion-dilaton gravity being the low-energy limit of the heterotic string theory. All these variations were expressed in terms of the perturbed matter energy momentum tensor and the perturbed charge current density. Combining these expressions we reached to the form of the {\it physical version} of the first law of black hole dynamics for the stationary black holes in the considered theory being the strong support for the cosmic censorship. Comment: 8 pages, Revtex
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These notes provide a self-contained introduction to the derivation of the zero, first and second laws of black hole mechanics. The prerequisite conservation laws in gauge and gravity theories are also briefly discussed. An explicit derivation of the first law in general relativity is performed in appendix.
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Surface charges and their algebra in interacting Lagrangian gauge field theories are investigated by using techniques from the variational calculus. In the case of exact solutions and symmetries, the surface charges are interpreted as a Pfaff system. Integrability is governed by Frobenius' theorem and the charges associated with the derived symmetry algebra are shown to vanish. In the asymptotic context, we provide a generalized covariant derivation of the result that the representation of the asymptotic symmetry algebra through charges may be centrally extended. Finally, we make contact with Hamiltonian and with covariant phase space methods.
After a brief summary of the basic properties of stationary spacetimes representing rotating, charged black holes in strong axisymmetric magnetic fields, we concentrate on extremal cases, for which the horizon surface gravity vanishes. We investigate their properties by constructing simpler spacetimes that exhibit their geometries near degenerate horizons. Starting from the symmetry arguments we find that the near-horizon geometries of extremal magnetised Kerr-Newman black holes can be characterised by just one dimensionless parameter: "effective Kerr-Newman mixing angle". Employing the near-horizon geometries we demonstrate the Meissner effect of magnetic field expulsion from extremal black holes.
Physical aspects of the theory of black holes in an external electromagnetic field are reviewed. The "magnetized" black hole model is currently widely discussed in astrophysics because it provides a basis for the explanation of the high energy activity of galactic cores and quasars. The particular feature of this model is that it predicts unusual "gravimagnetic" phenomena that arise as a result of a natural combination of effects in electrodynamics and gravitation, namely, the appearance of an inductive potential difference during the rotation of a black hole in a magnetic field, the drift of a black hole in an external electromagnetic field, the change in the chemical potential of the event horizon, the creation of an effective ergosphere of a black hole in a magnetic field, and so on. Questions relating to the description of electromagnetic fields in Kerr space-time are examined, including their influence on the space-time metric, the interaction between a rotating charged black hole and an external electromagnetic field, the motion of charged particles near "magnetized" black holes, including their spontaneous and stimulated emission, and the influence of magnetic fields on quantum-mechanical processes in black holes.
We study the thermodynamics of n-dimensional static asymptotically AdS black holes in Einstein gravity coupled to a scalar field with a potential admitting a stationary point with an AdS vacuum. Such black holes with non-trivial scalar hair can exist provided that the mass-squared of the scalar field is negative, and above the Breitenlohner-Freedman bound. We use the Wald procedure to derive the first law of thermodynamics for these black holes, showing how the scalar hair (or charge) contributes non-trivially in the expression. We show in general that the black hole mass can be deduced by isolating an integrable contribution to the (non-integrable) variation of the Hamiltonian arising in the Wald construction, and that this is consistent with the mass calculated using the renormalised holographic stress tensor and also, in those cases where it is defined, with the mass calculated using the conformal method of Ashtekar, Magnon and Das. Similar arguments can also be given for the smooth solitonic solutions in these theories. Neither the black hole nor the soliton solutions can be constructed explicitly, and we carry out a numerical analysis to demonstrate their existence and to provide approximate checks on some of our thermodynamic results.
We present two new classes of dyonic anti-de Sitter black hole solutions of 4-dimensional maximal N=8, SO(8) gauged supergravity. They are: (1) static black holes of N=2, U(1)^4 gauged supergravity with 4 electric and 4 magnetic charges, with spherical, planar or hyperbolic horizons; and (2) rotating black holes of N=2, U(1)^2 gauged supergravity with 2 electric and 2 magnetic charges. We study their thermodynamics, and point out that the formulation of a consistent thermodynamics for dyonic anti-de Sitter black holes is dependent on the existence of boundary conditions for the gauge fields. We identify several distinct classes of boundary conditions for gauge fields in U(1)^4 supergravity. We study a general family of metrics containing the rotating solutions, and find Killing-Yano tensors with torsion in two conformal frames, which underlie separability.
A formula is derived for the mass of a black hole as a function of its "irreducible mass," its angular momentum, and its charge. It is shown that 50% of the mass of an extreme charged black hole can be converted into energy as contrasted with 29% for an extreme rotating black hole.
Earth's nearest candidate supermassive black hole lies at the centre of the Milky Way. Its electromagnetic emission is thought to be powered by radiatively inefficient accretion of gas from its environment, which is a standard mode of energy supply for most galactic nuclei. X-ray measurements have already resolved a tenuous hot gas component from which the black hole can be fed. The magnetization of the gas, however, which is a crucial parameter determining the structure of the accretion flow, remains unknown. Strong magnetic fields can influence the dynamics of accretion, remove angular momentum from the infalling gas, expel matter through relativistic jets and lead to synchrotron emission such as that previously observed. Here we report multi-frequency radio measurements of a newly discovered pulsar close to the Galactic Centre and show that the pulsar's unusually large Faraday rotation (the rotation of the plane of polarization of the emission in the presence of an external magnetic field) indicates that there is a dynamically important magnetic field near the black hole. If this field is accreted down to the event horizon it provides enough magnetic flux to explain the observed emission-from radio to X-ray wavelengths-from the black hole.
We present exact expressions for the electromagnetic fields associated with arbitrarily charged Kerr–Newman black holes in a magnetic universe. In the particular case of charge Q=2 B0J, where B0 is the magnetic field parameter and J=ma is the angular momentum, exact expressions for the gravitational field are also presented, while for arbitrarily charged black holes metrical corrections of order B0 are evaluated.
The effective ergospheres of neutral and charged particles near a rotating black hole immersed in an external uniform magnetic field are described. It is shown that the magnetic field alters the chemical potential of the horizon and the entropy of the black hole. It is noted that magnetic entrainment of the reference system around a charged hole in a magnetic field may occur. In the general case, the Harrison transformation leads to conical singularities. A modified Kerr-Newman-Ernst solution, which describes a rotating charged black hole in an external magnetic field, is derived by allowing for the effect of the field on the metric.
The coupled Einstein-Maxwell field equations are reformulated in terms of a pair of complex functions which have especially simple forms in the case of known axially symmetric stationary solutions. The formalism affords, in particular, a simple derivation of a solution previously guessed by Newman et al.
The magnetized black hole solutions discovered by Ernst are studied. It is shown that no static magnetic-universe Kerr--Newman black holes exist if either a, the Kerr angular momentum parameter, or e, the electric charge parameter, is nonzero. Robinson's identity is used to prove that the Schwarzschild--Melvin black hole solution is the unique static, axisymmetric black hole solution of the sourceless Einstein--Maxwell equations which asymptotically resembles Melvin's magnetic universe. This may be viewed as a generalization of Israel's theorem, in which one extra assumption (axisymmetry) is required, but the boundary conditions at infinity are somewhat relaxed.
We obtain spherically-symmetric and R2\R^2-symmetric dyonic black holes that are asymptotic to anti-de Sitter space-time (AdS), which are solutions in maximal gauged four-dimensional supergravity, with just one of the U(1) fields carrying both the electric and magnetic charges (Q,P). We study the thermodynamics, and find that the usually-expected first law does not hold unless P=0, Q=0 or P=Q. For general values of the charges, we find that the first law requires a modification with a new pair of thermodynamic conjugate variables. We show that they describe the scalar hair that breaks some of the asymptotic AdS symmetries.
The thermodynamic theory underlying black-hole processes is developed in detail and applied to model systems. It is found that Kerr-Newman black holes undergo a phase transition at an angular-momentum mass ratio of 0.68M or an electric charge (Q) of 0.86M, where the heat capacity has an infinite discontinuity. Above the transition values the specific heat is positive, permitting isothermal equilibrium with a surrounding heat bath. Simple processes and stability criteria for various black hole situations are investigated. The limits for entropically favored black-hole formation are found. The Nernst conditions for the third law of thermodynamics are not satisfied fully for black holes. There is no obvious thermodynamic reason why a black hole may not be cooled down below absolute zero and converted into a naked singularity. Quantum energy-momentum tensor calculations for uncharged black holes are extended to the Reissner-Nordstrom case and found to be fully consistent with the thermodynamic picture for the case where electric charge is less than mass.
A rigorous, static, cylindrically symmetrical solution of the combined sourceless Einstein-Maxwell system showing the persistent local energy-stress concentration that can be taken as the defining characteristic of a geon was obtained. The solution represents a parallel bundle of electric or magnetic flux held together by its own gravitational pull. (auth)
We study the near-horizon limit of a four-dimensional extreme rotating black hole. The limiting metric is a completely nonsingular vacuum solution, with an enhanced symmetry group SL(2,R)×U(1). We show that many of the properties of this solution are similar to the AdS2×S2 geometry arising in the near-horizon limit of extreme charged black holes. In particular, the boundary at infinity is a timelike surface. This suggests the possibility of a dual quantum mechanical description. A five-dimensional generalization is also discussed.
Using the fact that a Killing vector in a vacuum spacetime serves as a vector potential for a Maxwell test field, we derive the solution for the electromagnetic field occurring when a stationary, axisymmetric black hole is placed in an originally uniform magnetic field aligned along the symmetry axis of the black hole. It is shown that a black hole in a magnetic field will selectively accrete charges until its charge becomes Q=2Bb0J, where B0 is the strength of the magnetic field and J is the angular momentum of the black hole. As a by-product of the analysis given here, we prove that the gyromagnetic ratio of a slightly charged, stationary, axisymmetric black hole (not assumed to be Kerr) must have the value g=2.
An electromagnetic field in the vicinity of the magnetized Kerr–Newman black hole is studied. In the extreme case, the field does not thread the horizon of an electrically neutral configuration. Analogically, the magnetic field is expelled out of an extreme black hole with zero angular momentum. Uniqueness of the magnetized Schwarzschild black hole is discussed.
The field equations governing the gravitational field of a uniformly rotating axially symmetric source are reformulated in terms of a simple variational principle. The new formalism affords a concise unified derivation of the solutions discovered by Weyl and Papapetrou, and permits a simple derivation of the Kerr metric in terms of prolate spheroidal coordinates. More complex solutions are identified by applying perturbation theory.
The energy functional of a field theory with anti-de Sitter background geometry can be positive for scalar potentials which are unbounded below and for vacua corresponding to critical points which are maxima or saddle points.
We examine anti-de Sitter gravity minimally coupled to a self-interacting scalar field in D ⩾ 4 dimensions when the mass of the scalar field is in the range . Here, l is the AdS radius, and is the Breitenlohner–Freedman mass. We show that even though the scalar field generically has a slow fall-off at infinity which back reacts on the metric so as to modify its standard asymptotic behavior, one can still formulate asymptotic conditions (i) that are anti-de Sitter invariant; and (ii) that allows the construction of well-defined and finite Hamiltonian generators for all elements of the anti-de Sitter algebra. This requires imposing a functional relationship on the coefficients a, b that control the two independent terms in the asymptotic expansion of the scalar field. The anti-de Sitter charges are found to involve a scalar field contribution. Subtleties associated with the self-interactions of the scalar field as well as its gravitational back reaction, not discussed in previous treatments, are explicitly analyzed. In particular, it is shown that the fields develop extra logarithmic branches for specific values of the scalar field mass (in addition to the known logarithmic branch at the B–F bound).
Under suitable assumptions on the boundary conditions, it is shown that there is a bijective correspondence between equivalence classes of asymptotic reducibility parameters and asymptotically conserved (n−2)-forms in the context of Lagrangian gauge theories. The asymptotic reducibility parameters can be interpreted as asymptotic Killing vector fields of the background, with asymptotic behaviour determined by a new dynamical condition. A universal formula for asymptotically conserved (n−2)-forms in terms of the reducibility parameters is derived. Sufficient conditions for finiteness of the charges built out of the asymptotically conserved (n−2)-forms and for the existence of a Lie algebra among equivalence classes of asymptotic reducibility parameters are given. The representation of in terms of the charges may be centrally extended. An explicit and covariant formula for the central charges is constructed. They are shown to be 2-cocycles on the Lie algebra . The general considerations and formulas are applied to electrodynamics, Yang–Mills theory and Einstein gravity.
Expressions are derived for the mass of a stationary axisymmetric solution of the Einstein equations containing a black hole surrounded by matter and for the difference in mass between two neighboring such solutions. Two of the quantities which appear in these expressions, namely the area A of the event horizon and the ``surface gravity'' kappa of the black hole, have a close analogy with entropy and temperature respectively. This analogy suggests the formulation of four laws of black hole mechanics which correspond to and in some ways transcend the four laws of thermodynamics.
Quantum gravity in the region very near the horizon of an extreme Kerr black hole (whose angular momentum and mass are related by J=GM^2) is considered. It is shown that consistent boundary conditions exist, for which the asymptotic symmetry generators form one copy of the Virasoro algebra with central charge c_L=12J / \hbar. This implies that the near-horizon quantum states can be identified with those of (a chiral half of) a two-dimensional conformal field theory (CFT). Moreover, in the extreme limit, the Frolov-Thorne vacuum state reduces to a thermal density matrix with dimensionless temperature T_L=1/2\pi and conjugate energy given by the zero mode generator, L_0, of the Virasoro algebra. Assuming unitarity, the Cardy formula then gives a microscopic entropy S_{micro}=2\pi J / \hbar for the CFT, which reproduces the macroscopic Bekenstein-Hawking entropy S_{macro}=Area / 4\hbar G. The results apply to any consistent unitary quantum theory of gravity with a Kerr solution. We accordingly conjecture that extreme Kerr black holes are holographically dual to a chiral two-dimensional conformal field theory with central charge c_L=12J / \hbar, and in particular that the near-extreme black hole GRS 1915+105 is approximately dual to a CFT with c_L \sim 2 \times 10^{79}.
Boundary charges in gauge theories (like the ADM mass in general relativity) can be understood as integrals of linear conserved n-2 forms of the free theory obtained by linearization around the background. These forms are associated one-to-one to reducibility parameters of this background (like the time-like Killing vector of Minkowski space-time). In this paper, closed n-2 forms in the full interacting theory are constructed in terms of a one parameter family of solutions to the full equations of motion that admits a reducibility parameter. These forms thus allow one to apply Stokes theorem without bulk contributions and, provided appropriate fall-off conditions are satisfied, they reduce asymptotically near the boundary to the conserved n-2 forms of the linearized theory. As an application, the first law of black hole mechanics in asymptotically anti-de Sitter space-times is derived. Comment: 17 pages Latex file, improved presentation, main results unchanged, additional section on first law, additional references
We consider a general, classical theory of gravity with arbitrary matter fields in n dimensions, arising from a diffeomorphism invariant Lagrangian, \bL. We first show that \bL always can be written in a ``manifestly covariant" form. We then show that the symplectic potential current (n1)(n-1)-form, th\th, and the symplectic current (n1)(n-1)-form, \om, for the theory always can be globally defined in a covariant manner. Associated with any infinitesimal diffeomorphism is a Noether current (n1)(n-1)-form, \bJ, and corresponding Noether charge (n2)(n-2)-form, \bQ. We derive a general ``decomposition formula" for \bQ. Using this formula for the Noether charge, we prove that the first law of black hole mechanics holds for arbitrary perturbations of a stationary black hole. (For higher derivative theories, previous arguments had established this law only for stationary perturbations.) Finally, we propose a local, geometrical prescription for the entropy, SdynS_{dyn}, of a dynamical black hole. This prescription agrees with the Noether charge formula for stationary black holes and their perturbations, and is independent of all ambiguities associated with the choices of \bL, th\th, and \bQ. However, the issue of whether this dynamical entropy in general obeys a ``second law" of black hole mechanics remains open. In an appendix, we apply some of our results to theories with a nondynamical metric and also briefly develop the theory of stress-energy pseudotensors. Comment: 30 pages, LaTeX
The first law of black hole mechanics is derived from the Einstein-Maxwell (EM) Lagrangian by comparing two infinitesimally nearby stationary black holes. With similar arguments, the first law of black hole mechanics in Einstein-Yang-Mills (EYM) theory is also derived. Comment: Modified version, major changes made in the introduction. 14 pages, no figure
Black holes: Lecture notes
  • P K Townsend
P. K. Townsend, "Black holes: Lecture notes", gr-qc/9707012.