
The differential rank of a differential-valued field

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We develop a notion of (principal) differential rank for differential-valued fields, in analog of the exponential rank and of the difference rank. We give several characterizations of this rank. We then give a method to define a derivation on a field of generalized power series and use this method to show that any totally ordered set can be realized as the principal differential rank of a H-field.

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We give group analogs of two important theorems of real algebra concerning convex valuations, one of which is the Baer-Krull theorem. We do this by using quasi-orders, which gives a uniform approach to valued and ordered groups. We also recover the classical Baer-Krull theorem from its group analog.
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We consider the valued field \mathds{K}:=\mathbb{R}((\Gamma)) of formal series (with real coefficients and monomials in a totally ordered multiplicative group Γ>\Gamma>). We investigate how to endow \mathds{K} with a logarithm l, which satisfies some natural properties such as commuting with infinite products of monomials. In the article "Hardy type derivations on generalized series fields", we study derivations on \mathds{K}. Here, we investigate compatibility conditions between the logarithm and the derivation, i.e. when the logarithmic derivative is the derivative of the logarithm. We analyse sufficient conditions on a given derivation to construct a compatible logarithm via integration of logarithmic derivatives. In her monograph "Ordered exponential fields", the first author described the exponential closure \mathds{K}^{\rm{EL}} of (\mathds{K},l). Here we show how to extend such a log-compatible derivation on \mathds{K} to \mathds{K}^{\rm{EL}}.
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We consider the valued field \mathds{K}:=\mathbb{R}((\Gamma)) of generalized series (with real coefficients and monomials in a totally ordered multiplicative group Γ\Gamma). We investigate how to endow \mathds{K} with a series derivation, that is a derivation that satisfies some natural properties such as commuting with infinite sums (strong linearity) and (an infinite version of) Leibniz rule. We characterize when such a derivation is of Hardy type, that is, when it behaves like differentiation of germs of real valued functions in a Hardy field. We provide a necessary and sufficent condition for a series derivation of Hardy type to be surjective.
The derivation on the differential-valued field Tlog\mathbb{T}_{\log} of logarithmic transseries induces on its value group Γlog\Gamma_{\log} a certain map ψ\psi. The structure (Γlog,ψ)(\Gamma_{\log},\psi) is a divisible asymptotic couple. We prove that the theory Tlog=Th(Γlog,ψ)T_{\log} = {\rm Th}(\Gamma_{\log},\psi) admits elimination of quantifiers in a natural first-order language. All models (Γ,ψ)(\Gamma,\psi) of TlogT_{\log} have an important discrete subset Ψ:=ψ(Γ{0})\Psi:=\psi(\Gamma\setminus\{0\}). We give explicit descriptions of all definable functions on Ψ\Psi and prove that Ψ\Psi is stably embedded in Γ\Gamma.
We introduce H-fields as ordered differential fields of a certain kind. Hardy fields extending , as well as the field of logarithmic-exponential series over are H-fields. We study Liouville extensions in the category of H-fields, as a step towards a model theory of H-fields. The main result is that an H-field has at most two Liouville closures.
The derivation of a Hardy field induces on its value group a certain function Ψ If a Hardy field extends the real field and is closed under powers, then its value group is also a vector space over ℝ. Such “ordered vector spaces with Ψ-function” are called H-couples. We define closed H-couples and show that every H-couple can be embedded into a closed one. The key fact is that closed H-couples have an elimination theory: solvability of an arbitrary system of equations and inequalities (built up from vector space operations, the function Ψ, parameters, and the unknowns to be solved for) is equivalent to an effective condition on the parameters of the system. The H-couple of a maximal Hardy field is closed, and this is also the case for the H-couple of the field of logarithmic-exponential series over ℝ. We analyze in detail finitely generated extensions of a given H-couple.
H-fields are fields with an ordering and a derivation subject to some compatibilities. (Hardy fields extending R and fields of transseries over R are H-fields.) We prove basic facts about the location of zeros of differential polynomials in Liouville closed H-fields, and study various constructions in the category of H-fields: closure under powers, constant field extension, completion, and building H-fields with prescribed constant field and H-couple. We indicate difficulties in obtaining a good model theory of H-fields, including an undecidability result. We finish with open questions that motivate our work.
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