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We introduce a new general class of metric f-manifolds which we call (nearly) trans-S-manifolds and includes S- manifolds, C-manifolds, s-th Sasakian manifolds and generalized Kenmotsu manifold studied previously. We prove their main properties and we present many examples which justify their study.

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In this paper, we introduce two new classes of almost contact structures, called trans-Sasakian and almost trans-Sasakian structures, which are obtained from certain classes of almost Hermitian manifolds closely related to locally conformal Kahler or almost Kahler manifolds, respectively. In particular, although transSasakian structures are normal almost contact metric structures containing both cosymplectic and Sasakian structures, they are different from quasi-Sasakian structures, as it is shown constructing explicit examples, and in fact no inclusion relation between these classes exists.
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In 1972, K. Kenmotsu studied a class of almost contact Riemannian manifolds. Later, such a manifold was called a Kenmotsu manifold. This paper, we studied Kenmotsu manifolds with (2n+s)-dimensional ss-contact metric manifold and this manifold, we have called generalized Kenmotsu manifolds. Necessary and sufficient condition is given for an almost ss-contact metric manifold to be a generalized Kenmotsu manifold.We show that a generalized Kenmotsu manifold is a locally warped product space. In addition, we study some curvature properties of generalized Kenmotsu manifolds. Moreover, we show that the φ\varphi % -sectional curvature of any semi-symmetric and projective semi-symmetric (2n+s)% (2n+s)-dimensional generalized Kenmotsu manifold is s-s.
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A class of manifolds which admit an f-structure with s-dimensional parallelizable kernel is introduced and studied. Such manifolds are Kenmotsu manifolds if s = 1, and carry a locally conformal Kähler structure of Kashiwada type when s=2. The existence of several foliations allows to state some local decomposition theorems. The Ricci tensor together with Einstein-type conditions and f-sectional curvatures are also considered. Furthermore, each manifold carries a homogeneous Riemannian structure belonging to the class T1 ÅT2\mathcal{T}_{1} \oplus \mathcal{T}_{2} of the classification stated by Tricerri and Vanhecke, provided that it is a locally symmetric space.
A necessary and sufficient condition for an n-dimensional manifold to admit a tensor field f ≠ O of type (1,1) and of rank r such that f3+f = O is that r is even: r =2m and the group of tangent bundle of the manifold be reduced to the group U(m) × O(n-2m). A symmetric affine connexion Γhji in the original manifold is introduced, the thing that is always possible. For example, we have only to introduce a Riemannian metric in the manifold and denote by Γhji the connexion given by the Levi-Civita parallelism. The tensor does not depend on a special choice of symmetric affine connexion involved and the covariant differentiation can be replaced by partial differentiation. When the distribution L is integrable and the almost complex structure induced on the integral manifold by the f-structure is also integrable say that the f-structure is partially integrable.
To set the stage for our development we begin this book with a treatment of the basic features of symplectic geometry. In this chapter we discuss symplectic manifolds and make brief mention of “associated metrics”, a topic that will be thoroughly discussed in Chapter 4. Here we treat in detail Lagrangian submanifolds and theorems of Darboux and Weinstein on the local structure of a symplectic manifold. We end this chapter with a brief discussion of symplectomorphisms.
Geometry of manifolds with structural group U(n) × O(s)
  • D E Blair
D.E. Blair, Geometry of manifolds with structural group U(n) × O(s), J. Diff. Geom. 4 (1970), 155-167.
On p-th Sasakian manifolds
  • I Hasegawa
  • Y Okuyama
  • T Abe
I. Hasegawa, Y. Okuyama and T. Abe, On p-th Sasakian manifolds, J. Hokkaido Univ. Edu. Section II A 37(1) (1986), 1-16.