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Among-family variations in growth traits, the stress-wave velocity of stems, and log characteristics of the first-generation Neolamarckia macrophylla (Roxb.) Bosser in Indonesia


Abstract and Figures

The growth traits (stem diameter at 1.3 m above the ground and tree height), stress-wave velocity of the stems, and log characteristics (taper and dynamic Young’s modulus of logs) were examined for 54 trees from 18 half-sib families planted in a seedling seed orchard of the first-generation Neolamarckia macrophylla (11-year-old) in Wonogiri, Central Java, Indonesia. The mean values for stem diameter and tree height were 20.2 cm and 20.0 m, respectively. The stress-wave velocity of the stems was 3.76 km s-1. Meanwhile, the taper and dynamic Young’s modulus of logs were 0.57 cm m-1 and 8.13 GPa, respectively. The heritability values of each trait were 0.412, 0.365, 0.101, <0.001, and 0.092 for the stem diameter, tree height, stress-wave velocity of stems, taper of logs, and dynamic Young’s modulus of logs, respectively, suggesting that the improvement of all traits is possible for the next generation, with the exception of the log taper. The 18 half-sib families could be classified into three groups for different potential uses based on the principal component analysis and cluster analysis results.
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TROPICS Vol. 33 (2) 119128 Issued December 1, 2024
Among-family variations in growth traits, the stress-wave velocity of stems, and
log characteristics of the first-generation Neolamarckia macrophylla (Roxb.)
Bosser in Indonesia
Umi Latifah Dyah Dharmawati1, Ikumi Nezu1, Futoshi Ishiguri1*, Fanny Hidayati2, Agus Ngadianto3,
Yus Andhini Bhekti Pertiwi4, Arif Nirsatmanto5, Sri Sunarti5, Denny Irawati2, Yusuke Takahashi6,
Hikari Yokoyama1, Jyunichi Ohshima1 and Shinso Yokota1
1 School of Agriculture, Utsunomiya University, Utsunomiya 3218505, Japan
2 Faculty of Forestry, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
3 Vocational College, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
4 Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta 57126, Indonesia
5 National Research and Innovation Agency, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
6 Forest Tree Breeding Center, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, Hitachi 3191301, Japan
* Corresponding author:
Received: June 6, 2024Accepted: October 10, 2024
ABSTRACT  The growth traits (stem diameter at 1.3 m above the ground and tree height), stress-wave velocity of the stems,
and log characteristics (taper and dynamic Youngs modulus of logs) were examined for 54 trees from 18 half-sib families planted
in a seedling seed orchard of the first-generation Neolamarckia macrophylla (11-year-old) in Wonogiri, Central Java, Indonesia.
The mean values for stem diameter and tree height were 20.2 cm and 20.0 m, respectively. The stress-wave velocity of the stems
was 3.76 km s1. Meanwhile, the taper and dynamic Youngs modulus of logs were 0.57 cm m1 and 8.13 GPa, respectively. The
heritability values of each trait were 0.412, 0.365, 0.101, 0.001, and 0.092 for the stem diameter, tree height, stress-wave velocity
of stems, taper of logs, and dynamic Youngs modulus of logs, respectively, suggesting that the improvement of all traits is possible
for the next generation, with the exception of the log taper. The 18 half-sib families could be classified into three groups for
different potential uses based on the principal component analysis and cluster analysis results.
Key words: Fast-growing tree species, tree breeding, heritability, dynamic Youngs modulus
  The demand for logs as raw materials in the wood
industry in Indonesia has continued to increase over the
years. Erwinsyah et al. (2017) estimated that the production
of logs in Indonesia will increase by 0.61 to 3.32 % every
year if the production of wood-based materials increases by
1 %. In 2022, Indonesian log production reached 64.65
million m3, and almost half of the production was from
Acacia species, which are known as fast-growing tree
species (Livestock, Fisheries, and Forestry Statistics 2023).
This indicates that fast-growing species play a dominant
role and potential in fulfilling the supply of wood demands
in Indonesia. Cossalter and Pye-Smith (2003) reported that
the mean annual increment at an operational scale and time
to reach maturity for the fast-growing tree species in
temperate and tropical regions ranged from 5 to 40 m3 ha1
year1, and from 5 to 20 years, respectively. Therefore, logs
from the fast-growing species can be obtained from the
plantation within 20 years for Indonesias wood industry.
  Aside from Acacia species, several fast-growing
species are found in Indonesia. For instance, Neolamarckia
macrophylla (syn. Anthocephalus macrophyllus (Roxb.)
Havil), known as jabon merah in Indonesian, that naturally
distributed in eastern Indonesia, mainly in Sulawesi and the
Maluku Islands (Irawan and Purwanto 2014). Halawane et
al. (2011) reported that N. macrophylla, which grows
naturally in Sulawesi has an annual radial growth rate of up
to 7 cm year1 and a height of up to 3 m year1, indicating
that it can reach 42 cm in stem diameter and 18 m in tree
Copyright © 2024 The Japan Society of Tropical Ecology. This is an open access article distributed under the
terms of Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original source is properly credited. DOI:10.3759/tropics.MS24-02
Umi Latifah Dyah Dharmawati, Ikumi Nezu et al.
120 TROPICS Vol. 33 (2)
height at the age of six. Based on the data, they also
estimated that the rotation age of plantations of this species
might be 4 to 6 years, when intensive silvicultural treatment
is applied (Halawane et al. 2011). In addition to its fast-
growing characteristics, N. macrophylla has strong
adaptability to various soil types and resistance to pests
(Chung et al. 2016). Recently, these advantages have
resulted in the establishment of plantations to supply wood
for the industry.
  To increase the potential of N. macrophylla, the Centre
for Forest Biotechnology and Tree Improvement in
Indonesia has conducted a tree breeding program for this
species. In the program, 55 superior mother trees were
selected based on their growth traits (stem diameter, tree
height, and disease resistance) from Konawe, Southeast
Sulawesi, Indonesia. Using the seeds from the mother trees
selected, a seedling seed orchard was established as the
first-generation trial test site in Wonogiri, Central Java,
Indonesia, in 2012 (Setyaji et al. 2012). After establishing
the test site, several studies concerning growth traits were
conducted at a young age (Surip et al. 2017; Hidayati et al.
2020; Ihda et al. 2023). For example, Surip et al. (2017)
reported that the score for stem straightness in 40-month-
old trees was 2.74, demonstrating good straightness. The
bark thickness of 5-year-old N. macrophylla was 0.36 cm
(Ihda et al. 2023); meanwhile, the stem diameter and tree
height were 18.4 cm and 15.4 m, respectively (Hidayati et
al. 2020). Unfortunately, the wood traits are not yet fully
clarified for the breeding materials of this species. Thus,
wood traits of this species should be clarified to create the
next generation with favorable wood traits for the wood
industry as well as the pulp and paper industry in Indonesia.
  In the present study, growth traits (stem diameter at
1.3 m above the ground and tree height) were evaluated in
54 trees from 18 half-sib families planted in a seedling seed
orchard of the first-generation N. macrophylla in Wonogiri,
Central Java, Indonesia. Stress-wave velocity, which is
closely related to Youngs modulus of wood, was also
measured on the stems. In addition, longitudinal variations
of log characteristics (log taper and dynamic Youngs
modulus) were evaluated for the harvested trees. Based on
the results, among-family variations and the heritability of
each trait were esti mated to investigate the possibility of
selecting candidates for the next generation. Furthermore, a
principal component analysis and a cluster analysis were
conducted to investigate the broader utilization of the wood
from this species.
Field data collection
  This study was conducted using the 11-year-old trees
planted in a seedling seed orchard of Neolamarckia
macrophylla (Roxb.) Bosser (syn. Anthocephalus
macrophyllus) located in Wonogiri, Central Java, Indonesia
(07°48S, 110°54E; 141 m above sea level; Fig. 1). The
site was the first-generation seedling seed orchard of this
species, with 55 half-sib families originating from Konawe,
Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. The 7-month-old seedling
was planted in the seedling seed orchard in February 2012
with randomized complete block designs, including eight
replications (blocks I to VIII). Each family was represented
by four trees in a one-row plot per block. The initial
planting spacing was 4 by 2 m. At age 5, thinning treatment
was conducted in blocks I, II, III, and IV. As a result, one
tree in each family in a block remained. On the other hand,
thinning treatment did not apply to blocks V to VIII. The
climate conditions of the progeny trial site are presented in
Fig. 1.
  In July 2023, stem diameter was measured in total of
220 trees (1 tree by 55 families by 4 blocks) in blocks I to
IV. According to the mean (µ) and standard deviation (SD)
of the stem diameter (d) in blocks I to IV, families were
classified into three growth categories: slow growth (d µ
SD), medium growth (µSDdµSD), and fast
growth (dµSD). Six families from each growth
category were selected. Sample trees were then chosen
from the trees of the selected families growing in unthinned
blocks (V to VIII). Among 16 trees (four trees in a one-row
plot per block by four blocks) of each family in four blocks
(V to VIII), three trees were selected based on their stem
diameter ranking: Trees with second to fourth stem diameter
ranking were selected, since the best tree must remain as a
seed source in the seedling seed orchard. As a result, 54
sample trees from 18 families were selected in blocks V to
VIII for measuring the growth and wood traits.
  The stem diameter at 1.3 m above the ground and the
tree height were measured for each tree using a diameter
tape (Mejiro, Japan) and a Vertex III instrument (Haglöf,
Sweden), respectively. The stress-wave velocity of the stem
was measured on standing trees using a commercial
handheld stress-wave timer (Fakkop Microsecond Timer,
Fakkop Enterprise, Hungary). According to the methods of
the previous research by Ishiguri et al. (2008), the start and
stop sensors were installed at heights of 1.5 m and 0.5 m
above ground, respectively. The stress-wave propagation
time was measured six times at the same stem position by
Among-family variations of Neolamarckia macrophylla 121
hitting the start sensor with a hammer. The stress-wave
velocity was then calculated by dividing the distance
between two sensors by the average time of the six time
  The trees were harvested to collect the wood samples
after measuring the tree characteristics. The 2-meter-long
logs were collected from 1.3 m to 7.3 m above the ground
(three logs were obtained from each tree) from harvested
trees. The dynamic Youngs modulus of logs was
determined by the longitudinal vibration method according
to previous researches (Sobue 1986; Ishiguri et al. 2021). A
small hammer hit the cross-section of the butt end to create
sound waves. The first resonance frequency was measured
at the cross-section of the top end using a clip-on
microphone (Fantech, Indonesia) and an application (sound
monitor FFT Wave application, E.N. Software, Japan)
installed in a smartphone (Galaxy A20, Samsung, South
Korea). Before measuring the frequency, the diameters of
both cross ends (including bark) and the length and weight
of the logs were measured using a diameter tape (Mejiro,
Japan), a measuring tape (Joyko, Indonesia), and an
electronic balance (Wesco digital scale, Indonesia),
respectively, to calculate the density of the logs during
testing. The dynamic Youngs modulus (Efr, GPa) of logs
was calculated using the following equation:
Efr(2 l f )2 ρ109 (1)
where l is the length of the specimen (m), f is the first
resonance frequency (Hz), and ρ is the density of logs at
testing (kg m3).
Statistical analysis
  The statistical analysis was performed using the
statistical software R 4.3.2 version (R Core Team 2023).
Following intercept-only and linear mixed-effects models
with random effects of the family were developed to
evaluate longitudinal variations of log characteristics using
the package lme4 (Bates 2022):
Yjµej (2)
YjkµFamilykejk (3)
Yijα0Xijα1eij (4)
Yijk(α0Family0k)Xijkα1eijk (5)
Yijkα0Xijkα1Family1keijk (6)
Yijk(α0Family0k)XijkFamily1kα1eijk (7)
where Yj is the measured property of the jth individual tree,
Yjk is the measured property of the jth individual tree within
the kth family, Yij is the measured property of the ith height
Fig. 1. Location (a), a photograph (b), and climate data (c) of the
sampling site.
Note: Konawe, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia is the loca-
tion of the origin of the mother trees. Wonogiri, Central
Java, Indonesia is the location of the seedling seed orchard
used in the present study. Jakarta is the capital city of
Indonesia (Fig. 1a). The mean monthly temperature and
monthly precipita tion (Fig. 1c) were calculated by
averaging monthly values from 2018 to 2022 (Statistics of
Wonogiri Regency 2023). In Fig. 1c, bars indicate the
mean value of precipitation, and circles indicate the mean
value of the monthly mean temperature.
Umi Latifah Dyah Dharmawati, Ikumi Nezu et al.
122 TROPICS Vol. 33 (2)
position at the top end of the log (m above the ground) of
the jth individual tree, Yijk is the measured property of the
ith height position at the top end of the log (m above the
ground) of the jth individual tree within the kth family, µ is
the grand mean, Xij is the ith height position at the top end
of the log (m above the ground) of the jth individual tree,
Xijk is the ith height position at the top end of the log (m
above the ground) of the jth individual tree within the kth
family, α0 is the fixed slope, α1 is the fixed intercept,
Familyk is the random effect of the kth family, Family0k and
Family1k are the random slope and intercept of the kth
family, and ej,ejk,eij and eijk are residuals. The model with the
minimum Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) (Akaike
1998) was regarded as the optimal model among the
developed models. When the model including the random
effects of the family (Eqs. [3], [5], [6], and [7]) was selected
as the optimal model, the variance component ratio of the
family was calculated using the following formula:
f / (σ2
e)100 (8)
where V2
f (%) is the variance component ratio of the family,
f is the variance component of the family, and σ2
e is the
residual variance.
  To estimate the broad-sense heritability of each trait,
the variance components of the family for the growth and
wood traits were estimated using the following linear
mixed-effects model (9):
yjkµFamilykejk (9)
where yjk is the individual mean of the growth and wood
traits of the jth individual tree at the kth family, µ is the
ground mean, Familyk is the random effect of the kth family,
and ejk is residual. The broad-sense heritability of each trait
was estimated by the genetic variance using the following
formula provided by Falconer and Mackay (1989):
f / (σ2
e) (10)
where H2 is broad-sense heritability, σ2
f is the variance
component of the family, and σ2
e is the residual variance.
  Using the random effect values of the families
estimated by the model (9), a principal component analysis
(PCA) was performed. A cluster analysis was conducted
using the PCA scores for principal component (PC)1 and
PC2 to categorize the families according to their potential
utilization. Subsequently, the phenotypic correlations (rp)
were determined for the measured traits. In addition, the
genetic correlations (rg) were calculated using random-
effect estimates for family obtained from Eq. (9) by
Pearsons correlation coefficients.
  The mean values of the growth and wood traits of 18
half-sib families Neolamarckia macrophylla are presented
in Tables 1 and 2. The stem diameter ranged from 14.5 cm
in family number 34 to 28.3 cm in family number 70. The
total mean value of the stem diameter from 54 trees was
20.2 cm. The minimum mean value of tree height was
recorded in family numbers 48 and 50 (17.8 m), while the
maximum mean value was in family number 70 (22.9 m).
The total mean value of tree height was 20.0 m.
  The stress-wave velocity ranged from 3.60 km s1 in
family numbers 50 and 59 to 3.94 km s1 in family number
22, with a total mean value of 3.76 km s1. The mean values
of the dynamic Youngs modulus of logs ranged from
7.53 GPa in family number 59 to 9.20 GPa in family
number 30, with a total mean value of 8.13 GPa.
  Table 2 shows the values of the taper and dynamic
Youngs modulus of logs, which were used to evaluate their
longitudinal variations using mixed-effects models. Based
on the AIC values (Table 3), the intercept-only model (Eq.
[2]) was selected for the longitudinal variation of the log
taper, and the longitudinal variation of dynamic Youngs
Table 1. Mean values of stem diameter, tree height, and stress-
wave velocity of stems in 18 half-sib families.
Family ID nStem diameter
Tree height
velocity (km s1)
22 3 21.2 21.2 3.94
26 3 17.0 17.9 3.68
30 3 25.3 21.5 3.85
32 3 18.2 21.4 3.89
34 3 14.5 18.6 3.63
36 3 19.0 18.5 3.87
43 3 20.0 21.6 3.78
48 3 15.0 17.8 3.73
50 3 17.9 17.8 3.60
57 3 19.2 19.0 3.71
58 3 17.8 19.1 3.92
59 3 24.6 21.7 3.60
61 3 20.0 20.8 3.65
65 3 16.4 18.0 3.81
70 3 28.3 22.9 3.66
82 3 22.4 20.9 3.81
103 3 26.9 22.4 3.82
113 3 19.4 18.8 3.77
Minimum 12.9 16.1 3.45
Maximum 54 37.6 25.0 4.17
Mean±SD 20.2±5.0 20.0±2.3 3.76±0.17
Note: n, number of trees; SD, standard deviation.
Among-family variations of Neolamarckia macrophylla 123
modulus was well-fitted to the linear mixed-effects model,
which includes random intercepts of the family (Eq. [6]).
The taper was stable, while the dynamic Youngs modulus
was increased from base to top (Fig. 2). The regression
lines in Fig. 2 were based on the fixed-effect parameters in
the selected models (Table 4).
  The variance component and broad-sense heritability
of the growth and wood traits obtained in this study are
presented in Table 5. The heritability values of the stem
diameter, tree height, stress-wave velocity of the stems, and
dynamic Youngs modulus of logs were 0.412, 0.365, 0.101,
and 0.092, respectively. Meanwhile, the heritability value
of the taper was nearly zero.
  The phenotypic correlations (rp) between the measured
traits are presented in Table 6. Positive significant correlations
were found between the stem diameter and tree height (rp
0.528, p0.001) and between the stress-wave velocity of
the stems and the dynamic Youngs modulus of logs (rp
0.352, p0.009). However, no correlations were found
between the growth and wood traits.
  Similar results were found in terms of genetic correla-
tions (rg) (Table 6). A positive correlation was found between
stem diameter and tree height (rg0.844, p0.001). The
stress-wave velocity of the stems was also correlated with
Table 2. Mean values of taper and dynamic Youngs modulus of logs in 18 half-sib families.
Family ID n
First log Second log Third log Mean
22 3 0.26 8.53 1.04 8.54 0.51 8.76 0.61 8.61
26 3 0.79 7.33 0.43 7.65 0.34 8.36 0.52 7.78
30 3 1.08 9.38 0.00 9.14 0.86 9.09 0.65 9.20
32 3 0.70 8.58 0.53 8.89 0.61 9.85 0.61 9.11
34 3 0.35 7.85 0.35 8.45 0.61 8.60 0.43 8.30
36 3 0.17 7.65 0.43 7.99 0.26 8.99 0.29 8.21
43 3 0.56 7.50 0.26 7.57 0.63 8.11 0.48 7.73
48 3 0.78 7.28 0.60 8.17 0.27 7.69 0.55 7.71
50 3 0.95 7.54 0.52 7.81 0.69 8.10 0.72 7.82
57 3 0.69 7.46 0.70 8.18 0.52 7.87 0.63 7.84
58 3 0.60 7.94 0.71 8.30 0.35 7.97 0.55 8.07
59 3 0.54 7.56 0.87 7.39 0.61 7.65 0.67 7.53
61 3 0.96 7.82 0.43 8.62 0.97 9.28 0.79 8.57
65 3 0.95 7.69 0.61 8.17 0.60 7.99 0.72 7.95
70 3 0.54 7.83 0.17 7.55 0.52 7.87 0.41 7.75
82 3 0.35 7.67 0.56 7.71 0.89 8.27 0.60 7.88
103 3 0.82 7.43 0.89 8.40 0.35 8.10 0.69 7.97
113 3 0.17 8.05 0.68 8.23 0.43 8.61 0.43 8.30
Minimum 0.00 6.43 0.00 5.96 0.00 6.63 0.29 7.53
Maximum 54 1.67 11.17 1.91 10.52 2.14 11.21 0.79 9.20
Mean±SD 0.63±0.28 7.84±0.53 0.54±0.26 8.15±0.48 0.56±0.21 8.40±0.60 0.57±0.13 8.13±0.46
Note: n, number of trees; DMOE, dynamic Youngs modulus of logs; SD, standard deviation.
Table 3. Values of Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) in the models for longitudinal variations
of taper and dynamic Youngs modulus of logs.
(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Taper of logs 165.29 166.32 −−−
Dynamic Youngs modulus of logs 427.97 421.14 418.84 415.85 414.54
Note: Data for taper and dynamic Youngs modulus of logs are at different height positions. The
bold values indicate the selected model with a minimum AIC value; , the model failed to
Umi Latifah Dyah Dharmawati, Ikumi Nezu et al.
124 TROPICS Vol. 33 (2)
the dynamic Youngs modulus of logs (rg0.509, p0.031),
yet no correlations were found between growth and wood
  The results of the principal component analysis of the
random effect of family for the measured traits are presented in
Fig. 3 and Table 7. The cumulative proportion of variance in
PC1 and PC2 was 48.6 % and 35.5 %, respectively (Fig. 3).
High loading values in PC1 were shown for stem diameter
and tree height (0.606 and 0.662, respec tively), whereas
in PC2, the high absolute values were shown for the
stress-wave velocity and dynamic Youngs modulus of logs
(0.636 and 0.622, respectively) (Table 7). Based on the
Table 4. Parameter estimates, standard errors, t-values, and p-values of fixed-effect parameters and variance
components for a selected model of taper and dynamic Youngs modulus of logs.
Trait Eq.
Fixed-effect parameter Variance component
f (%)
Parameter Estimate SE t-value p-value σ
Taper 2 µ 0.573 0.032 18.160 0.001
DMOE 6 α00.142 0.039 3.719 0.001 0.1565 0.6205 20.2
α17.377 0.231 31.890 0.001
Note: DMOE, dynamic Youngs modulus of logs; µ, grand mean; α
0, fixed slope; α
1, fixed intercept; SE,
standard errors; σ
f, variance component of family; σ
e, residual variance; V2
f (%), variance component
ratio of family.
Fig. 2. Longitudinal variations of taper (a) and dynamic Youngs
modulus (b) of logs in 54 individual trees of 18 half-sib
Note: Regression lines were based on the fixed-effects
parameters in the selected model in Table 4.
Table 5. Variance components and broad-sense heritability in each measured trait.
Variance component
Stem diameter 10.530 15.050 25.580 0.412
Tree height 1.940 3.372 5.312 0.365
Stress-wave velocity of stems 0.003 0.027 0.030 0.101
Taper of logs 0.001 0.057 0.057 0.001
Dynamic Youngs modulus of logs 0.053 0.524 0.577 0.092
Note: ; σ
f, variance component of family; σ
e, residual variance.
Table 6. Correlations between measured traits.
Trait 1 Trait 2
Phenotypic Genetic
rpp-value rgp-value
D TH 0.528 <0.001 0.844 <0.001
SWV 0.129 0.353 0.029 0.901
DMOE 0.151 0.275 0.021 0.933
TH SWV 0.106 0.444 0.151 0.550
DMOE 0.126 0.364 0.217 0.387
SWV DMOE 0.352 0.009 0.509 0.031
Note: D, stem diameter; TH, tree height; SWV, stress-wave velocity
of stems; DMOE, dynamic Youngs modulus of logs; rp, pheno
correlation coefficient; rg, genetic correlation coefficient. Number of
trees in phenotypic correlations is 54. Number of families in genetic
correlations in the Eq. (9) is 18.
Among-family variations of Neolamarckia macrophylla 125
principal component analysis scores, 18 half-sib families
were classified into three groups (Fig. 3), and the potential
utilization of each group was examined in Table 8.
Growth and wood traits
  The annual radial growth rates (stem diameter / tree age)
in the present study ranged from 1.32 cm year1 (14.5 cm /
11 years) to 2.57 cm year1 (28.3 cm / 11 years), lower than
Fig. 3. Principal component analysis plot (a) and dendrogram (b) based on the principal component scores.
Note: PC, principal component. Numbers in Figs. indicate family IDs. Alphabets indicate cluster groups. Boxes indicate families
in the same group.
Table 7. Loading values of principal component analysis for
18 half-sib families.
Trait PC1 PC2
Stem diameter 0.606 0.392
Tree height 0.662 0.235
Stress-wave velocity of stems 0.299 0.636
Dynamic Youngs modulus of logs 0.326 0.622
Note: PC, principal component.
Table 8. Characteristics of each group.
Cluster Growth trait Wood trait Description Expected utilization
A++ Medium wood traits but poor growth traits Solid wood production for non-structural use
B+++ +++ Superior families both growth and wood
Candidate of the next generation producing
solid wood for structural use
C+++ ++ Good growth traits with lower wood traits Biomass production, veneer production, and
pulp and paper production
Note: +++, very good;++, average;, poor; cluster A to C refer to Fig. 3.
Umi Latifah Dyah Dharmawati, Ikumi Nezu et al.
126 TROPICS Vol. 33 (2)
the annual radial growth rate of N. macrophylla from the
same seedling seed orchard at 3 years old, which was
4.4 cm year1 (13.2 cm / 3 years) (Surip et al. 2017); and
also 5-year-old trees reported by Hidayati et al. (2020),
2.70 cm year1 (13.5 cm / 5 years) to 4.30 cm year1
(21.5 cm / 5 years). In another study, the annual radial
growth rate of 4-year-old trees grown in Gorontalo was
3.32 cm year1 (13.3 cm / 4 years) to 3.64 cm year1
(14.6 cm / 4 years) (Sandalayuk et al. 2023). These results
suggest that the annual radial growth rate in the present
study is slower than that in the previous studies. On the
other hand, the radial growth rate is usually not equal
during tree life: The rate appeared fast at younger ages, and
then became slow as tree age increased (Salas-Eljatib et al.
2021; Nezu et al. 2023). In 12-year-old Eucalyptus
camaldulensis planted in Thailand, the mean annual
increment gradually decreased from younger ages up to 12
years of age (Nezu et al. 2023). Considering that the
expected harvesting period in N. macrophylla is 4 to 6
years, the radial growth rate after 4 to 6 years of planting
might become slow, leading to the slower annual radial
growth rate obtained in the present study (1.32 cm year1 to
2.57 cm year1 for 11-year-old trees) compared to other
previous research results. Further research is needed to
clarify the age-related changes in the radial growth rate of
this species.
  Compared to other fast-growing species, the dynamic
Youngs modulus of logs in the present study was lower
than for Acacia mangium (11.70 GPa, Ngadianto et al.
2020) and Eucalyptus camaldulensis (11.72 GPa, Ishiguri et
al. 2013), although the stress-wave velocity of stems was
similar (A. mangium3.60 to 3.77 km s1, Masendra et al.
2023; E. camaldulensis3.45 km s1, Ishiguri et al. 2013).
These differences might be due to differences in measuring
methods between the dynamic Youngs modulus of logs
and the stress-wave velocity of stems, and in radial
variations of wood properties, such as wood density and
microfibril angle (MFA). On the other hand, Pertiwi et al.
(2017) reported that the stress-wave velocity of stems and
the dynamic Youngs modulus of logs in 4-year-old
Neolamarckia cadamba trees planted in Indonesia were
2.99 km s1 and 6.54 to 6.64 GPa, respectively. Thus,
Youngs modulus of logs and the stress-wave velocity of
stems in N. macrophylla might have a higher value than
those in N. cadamba (Pertiwi et al. 2017), although the tree
age differed.
  The broad-sense heritability of stem diameter and tree
height in the present study (Table 5) was similar to the
heritability values at the family level for 55 half-sib families
of N. macrophylla (0.463 for stem diameter and 0.213 for
tree height; Surip et al. 2017). The heritability of growth
traits in this study showed similar or relatively higher
values compared to the previous study (Surip et al. 2017).
Thus, growth characteristics can be improved through the
selection of superior families under appropriate tree
breeding programs. Although the heritability showed lower
values for stress-wave velocity and dynamic Youngs
modulus of logs than growth characteristics, the heritability
was around 0.1, suggesting that wood traits also might be
genetically improved through family or within-family
selection in this species.
Longitudinal variations of log characteristics
  The selected model explaining the longitudinal
variation of the log taper was an intercept-only model (Eq.
[2], Table 3), indicating that the taper values were almost
stable from the base to the top (Fig. 2). In general, trees
show that forcing the crown up the stem by pruning
decreases the taper (Punches 2004). Halawane et al. (2011)
reported that N. macrophylla has self-pruning abilities.
Thus, this ability might reduce the taper due to the uniform
growth along the stem of this species. On the other hand,
the selected model in the taper (Eq. [2]) did not include the
random effect of family. These results suggest that the stem
form of the N. macrophylla tree is cylindrical, despite the
differences between the families. In addition, the heritability
of the log taper was almost zero (Table 5). Based on these
results, the log taper of this species might be improved by
the silvicultural treatments, such as by controlling the
crown size by pruning and changing the tree spacings.
  The fixed slope α0 was 0.142 in the selected model of
the dynamic Youngs modulus of logs (Table 4), suggesting
that the dynamic Youngs modulus slightly increased from
the base to the top in N. macrophylla (Fig. 2). Youngs
modulus of wood is closely related to the wood density
(Saranpää 2003) and the MFA in the S2 layer of tracheids
and wood fibers (Donaldson 2008). Thus, the increase of
the dynamic Youngs modulus of logs in this study might
be due to a higher wood density or a lower microfibril angle
(MFA) along the stem. Further research is needed to clarify
the effects of wood density and MFA on Youngs modulus
of wood and on radial variations of wood density and MFA
in N. macrophylla.
  The selected model explaining the dynamic Youngs
modulus of logs (Eq. [6], Table 3) included a random
intercept of the family, suggesting that the ranking at the
family levels in the dynamic Youngs modulus of logs
might be the same at each height position. In addition, the
Among-family variations of Neolamarckia macrophylla 127
random slope of the family was not included in Eq. (6) for
the dynamic Youngs modulus, indicating that the
increasing ratio from the base to the top might be almost
the same among families. Furthermore, the variance
component of the family was moderate (ca. 20 % in Table
4). Therefore, selecting the families with a high dynamic
Youngs modulus in the first logs might lead to the effective
utilization of the N. macrophylla wood as solid wood.
Relationships between traits
  Table 6 indicates a positive correlation between the
stress-wave velocity of stems and the dynamic Youngs
modulus of logs. The same results were reported in previous
studies (Ishiguri et al. 2008, 2021): The stress-wave
velocity of stems has a positive correlation with the logs
dynamic Youngs modulus. Thus, the stress-wave velocity
on a standing tree can predict the Youngs modulus of a log,
even if the stress-wave velocity might only be measured at
outer parts of the stems.
  The positive correlations, both phenotypic (rp) and
genetic (rg), between the stem diameter and tree height and
between stress-wave velocity of stems and the dynamic
Youngs modulus of log might provide a more straight-
forward selection process. Considering their heritability, the
stem diameter and stress-wave velocity of stems are easier
to measure in the field. Thus, these two traits (stem diameter
and stress-wave velocity of stems) can be used as selection
criteria to increase genetic gain.
Characterization of families
  According to Halawane et al. (2011), N. macropylla is
commonly used as plywood, pulp and paper, boards, crates,
furniture, and non-construction building materials. In the
present study, based on the cluster analysis according to the
principal component analysis (Table 7 and Fig. 3), the
families were divided into three groups. The characteristics
and potential utilization of each group are presented in
Table 8. The families in group A exhibited average values
in wood traits but had below-average growth traits. The
wood from families in group B is considered superior
because they have the best growth and wood traits among
the other families. Thus, the families within group B may
be candidates for the next generation to improve the growth
and wood traits of N. macrophylla. The wood within these
families can be used for solid wood production for
structural purposes. On the other hand, group C has very
good growth traits. The wood within the families in group
C is suitable as raw material for pulp and paper or biomass
products. In addition, the moderate decrease in diameter of
this species suggests that the stem shape is relatively
cylindrical based on its taper values (Table 2), allowing this
wood to be utilized as a raw material for veneer because it
can produce a high yield.
  The growth traits, stress-wave velocity of the stem,
and dynamic Youngs modulus of logs were evaluated for
18 half-sib families of the 11-year-old first-generation N.
macrophylla grown in Central Java, Indonesia. Positive
significant relationships were found between stem diameter
and tree height, and between the stress-wave velocity of
stems and the dynamic Youngs modulus of logs. Thus, the
stem diameter and stress-wave velocity on standing trees
can be powerful tools for selecting the criteria of superior
trees in the tree breeding program for this species. No
significant correlation was found between growth traits and
wood traits. According to broad-sense heritability and the
correlation between measured traits, both growth and wood
traits can be improved simultaneously by selecting superior
families based on these traits. On the other hand, the shape
of the logs might be improved by effective silvicultural
treatments. Based on the PCA and cluster analysis, 18
families were classified into three groups: Group A, non-
structural solid wood; Group B, candidates for next-
generation and solid wood for structural purposes; and
Group C, for production purposes requiring high wood
yields. The obtained results in the present study can
contribute to the increase in N. macrophylla wood volume
with desirable properties for the wood industry.
  The authors would like to express their appreciation to
The Centre for Forest Biotechnology and Tree Improvement,
Indonesia, and the Environmental Agency of Wonogiri
Regency, Indonesia, for providing the wood samples. They
would also like to extend their appreciation to the students
of the Department of Forest Products Technology, Faculty
of Forestry, Universitas Gadjah Mada, for their help in the
field experiments.
Umi Latifah Dyah Dharmawati, Ikumi Nezu et al.
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Full-text available
The breeding of a fast-growing tree species, Acacia mangium Willd. has entered the third-generation cycle in Indonesia. To fulfill timber industry needs, wood traits, as well as growth traits, should be improved by conducting appropriate tree breeding programs for this species. In the present study, growth and wood traits were measured for the 10-year-old third-generation A. mangium from 40 half-sib families originating from four sub-lines from two provenances. The mean values of ten families in each sub-line ranged from 17.7 to 21.8 cm for stem diameter, 14.3 to 16.2 m for tree height, 3.60 to 3.77 km/s for stress-wave velocity, and 19.9 to 20.9 mm for Pilodyn penetration, respectively. The broad-sense heritability values in each sub-line ranged from 0.014 to 0.444 for stem diameter, 0.000 to 0.208 for tree height, 0.261 to 0.715 for stress-wave velocity, and 0.171 to 0.484 for Pilodyn penetration, respectively. These results suggested that families with higher density and Young’s modulus of wood, suitable for solid wood production, can be selected from the third-generation A. mangium . Stem diameter significantly correlated with the other three measured traits, while phenotypic correlation coefficients between stem diameter and stress-wave velocity or Pilodyn penetration were very low. In addition, no significant phenotypic correlations were found between other measured traits. Furthermore, positive- or non-significant genetic correlations were found between growth and wood traits in all sub-lines. Thus, it is concluded that the selection of families with good growth characteristics will not always reduce the wood properties of this species.
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This study aims to observe the growth of red jabon (Anthocephalus macrophyllus) plants at various thinning intensities. Red jabon is a native Indonesian plant species that have the potential to develop forest plantations and reforestation ex-mining land. The research measured stem diameter and plant height at each thinning intensity. The study results are expected to provide information on the potential of red jabon cultivation and become a recommendation for red jabon wood farmers to improve the quality of company and farmer income. This research is expected to contribute to the development of thinning activities in improving the quality of red jabon tree stands, as well as providing a better understanding of this plant's cultivation and potential benefits. The thinning intensity applied 6 months the growth of Red Jabon trees in the Industrial Plantation Forest Area of PT. Global Citra Lestari showed a significant effect on stem diameter increment, 40% intensity treatment has a promising potential to enhance both stem diameter and height growth.
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Jabon is a fast-growing tree species with two types, white and red. The families or the origin of the mother tree are sources of variation that influence the chemical composition, particularly the extractive properties. This research aimed to determine the chemical properties of the wood and bark of 10-year-old white Jabon (families 23, 11, and 6) and 5-year-old red Jabon (families 75, 85, and 2) planted in a progeny test plot in Wonogiri, Central Java. In the wood portion of white Jabon, family 23 had the highest n-hexane (HEC), methanol (MEC), and hot water (HWEC) soluble extractive contents, as well as total extractive content (TEC) and total flavonoid content (TFC), while family 6 had the highest total phenolic content (TPC). Meanwhile, in red Jabon, family 75 had the highest HEC, HWEC, and TFC, family 2 had the highest MEC and TEC, and family 85 had the highest TPC. In the bark portion, family 11 had the highest HEC, MEC, TEC, and TPC, while family 6 had the highest HWEC and TFC for white Jabon. In red Jabon, family 2 had the highest HEC, family 85 had the highest MEC, HWEC, and TEC, while family 75 had the highest TPC and TFC.
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Purpose of Review Growth equations have been widely used in forest research, commonly to assess ecosystem-level behavior and forest management. Nevertheless, the large number of growth equations has obscured the growth-rate behavior of each of these equations and several different terms for referring to common phenomena. This review presents a unified mathematical treatment of growth-rates besides several well-known growth equations by giving their mathematical basis and representing their behavior using tree growth data as an example. Recent Findings We highlight the mathematical differences among several growth equations that can be better understood by using their differential equations forms rather than their integrated forms. Moreover, the assumed-and-claimed biological basis of these growth-rate models has been taken too seriously in forest research. The focus should be on using a plausible equation for the organism being modelled. We point out that more attention should be drawn to parameter estimation strategies and behavior analysis of the proposed models. Thus, it is difficult for a single model to capture all possible shapes and rates that such a complex biological process as tree growth can depict in nature. Summary We pointed out misleading concepts attributed to some growth equations; however, the differences come from their mathematical properties rather than pure biological reasoning. Using the tree growth data, we depict those differences. Thus, comparisons of some functional forms (at least simple ones) must be carried out before selecting a function for drawing scientific findings.
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Community forests in Indonesia are important suppliers of wood resources for the wood industry. In the present study, stress-wave velocity of stems, log characteristics (taper, green density, and dynamic Young’s modulus), and wood properties (basic density, compressive strength parallel to grain, modulus of elasticity [MOE], and modulus of rupture [MOR]) were investigated for three fast-growing tree species grown in community forests in Indonesia: Acacia mangium Willd., Maesopsis eminii Engl., and Melia azedarach L. Based on the bending properties, the MOE values of laminae (30×150mm in cross-section) and glulam (six layers, 90×150mm in cross-section) were simulated. The mean values of simulated MOE in the laminae were 8.93, 6.82, and 8.63GPa for A. mangium, M. eminii, and M. azedarach, respectively. When the laminae from a species were randomly laminated, the simulated MOE values of glulam were 8.94, 6.82, and 8.66GPa for A. mangium, M. eminii, and M. azedarach, respectively. When laminae with a high, medium, and low MOE were laminated at outer, middle, and inner layers of glulam, respectively, the simulated MOE values of glulam increased by about 5% to 15% compared to the values of a randomly laminated one. It is concluded that glulam with a high MOE can be produced from fast-growing tree species grown in community forests in Indonesia.
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A total of 9 species of insects associated with Red Laran are discussed here. Seven of them are defoliators while one is a stem borer and another a sap-sucking bug. Except for bagworms (Lepidoptera, Psychidae), the rest are new records. Information pertaining to the description, life cycle and other ecological data of the insects is provided. Control measures are also highlighted.
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Selection is a fundamental process in the establishment of a progeny trial that will be converted into a seedling seed orchard. In present study, selection practiced in first-generation progeny trial of jabon merah (Anthocephalus macrophyllus Roxb. Havil.) was observed. The study was aimed to find out a criteria selection accompanied with the effective coefficient weight for predicting genetic gain in the first-generation progeny trial of jabon merah. The trial was established in Wonogiri which was laid out in randomized complete block design (RCBD) using 55 families, 4 replications, 4 tree-plot with a spacing of 4 x 2 meter. Measurement was conducted at 40 months after planting covering tree height, diameter at breast height, stem straightness, stem volume. First within-plot selection by culling 2 poorer trees within each plot was practiced at 46 months age. Selection differential from within-plot selection was used to derive coefficient weight which was then applied to predict genetic gain. Results of study showed that selection differential from first within-plot selection were positive for all measured traits. Stem volume was observed as highest priority trait with coefficient weight for each trait were -0.0863 (height), 0.1426 (diameter), 0.2195 (stem straightness), 2.3025 (stem volume). Prediction of genetic gain from within-plot selection were 3,50% (height), 3.58% (diamater), 3.41% (stem straightness), 7.40% (stem volume). While the gain from family selection were 2.80%, 3.75%, 3.54%, 7.10% for height, diamater, stem straightness, stem volume, respectively.
The knowledge of xylem maturation manner is importance to foresters and wood processors as it has major implications for end-product quality. This study aims to evaluate the maturation manner of secondary xylem in Eucalyptus camaldulensis for solid wood production. The samples were 45 twelve-year-old trees from 15 families with different radial growth in a progeny test site for the E. camaldulensis second generation in Thailand. Two mixed-effect models (cambial-age dependency and diameter-growth dependency models) were developed for radial variation of wood properties, resulting in that the cambial-age dependency model was a good fitting for all wood properties rather than growth-diameter models, with a few exceptions. Therefore, the secondary xylem of this species matures depending on cambial age rather than diameter growth. Changing ratios of multiple wood properties at 1-year intervals estimated by the cambial-age dependency model became stable after a cambial age of 11.8 years. The wood formed after starting xylem maturation showed 1) longer wood fiber length, 2) smaller number and larger diameter of vessels, 3) larger diameter and thicker wall thickness of wood fiber, and 4) higher density and compressive strength, rather than those formed in the early growth stage. Based on the results, desirable wood properties for solid wood products can be obtained by prolonging the rotation period from the present short rotation periods.
ABSTRACT In the last three decades the forestry sector has been given an important contribution to the economy of Indonesia , and during the period year 1993-2005 , it contributed from 1.7 to 3.1 percent . To maintain this contribution, it is needed to have a continuation raw material input, Roundwood . Some studies showed that the supply of raw material for wood-based primary industries such as plywood, sawn timber, and pulp in Indonesia are still continuing. Therefore it needs to know the characteristic supply and demand of the wood-based industry by predicting the elasticity. This paper will discuss elasticity supply and demand of the input market of Roundwood from natural and plantation forests and output market of plywood, sawn timber and pulp. Data used for this study is time series , from the year 1995 until the year 2009. The estimation of the econometric model used in this study was simultaneous (2SLS) equation or ordinary least squares (OLS) if the 2SLS model is not working. D ata process ed by the Rats processing program. All predicted parameter then evaluated and checked in accordance with the economic theory. However, not all predicted elasticity resulted from this study were used . For those could not use that data taken from references. Demand elasticity of Roundwood from natural forests and plantation forests are mostly priced inelastic. Keywords: wood-based industry, supply, demand, estimation of econometric models, e lasticity . ABSTRAK Dalam tiga dekade terakhir sektor kehutanan telah memberikan kontribusi penting bagi perekonomian Indonesia, dan selama rentang waktu tahun 1993-2005, memberikan kontribusi 1.7 sampai 3.1 persen. Untuk mempertahankan nilai ini, diperlukan keberlanjutan penyediaan kebutuhan bahan baku, kayu bulat. Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ketersediaan bahan baku bagi industri primer berbasis kayu seperti kayu lapis, kayu gergaji dan pulp di Indonesia masih berjalan. Oleh karena itu perlu untuk diketahui kharakteristik penawaran dan permintaan industri primer berbasis kayu melalui nilai penduga elastisitasnya. Penelitian ini akan membahas mengenai elastisitas penawaran dan elastisitas permintaan pasar input kayu bulat yang berasal dari hutan alam dan hutan tanaman, dan pasar output kayu lapis, kayu gergaji dan pulp. Data yang digunakan dalam rentang tahun 1995 sampai dengan tahun 2009. Model dugaan ekonometrik yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah persamaan simultan (2SLS) atau ordinary least squares (OLS) apabila 2SLS tidak dapat digunakan. Pengolahan data menggunakan program RATS. Keseluruhan nilai parameter dugaan selanjutnya dievaluasi dan diperiksa berdasarkan teori ekonomi. Namun demikian, tidak semua nilai dugaan elastisitas yang dihasilkan dalam penelitian ini digunakan. Nilai yang tidak dapat digunakan kemudian dicari nilai penggantinya yang diperoleh dari berbagai referensi. Elastisitas permintaan permintaaan kayu bulat yang berasal dari hutan alam dan hutan tanaman adalah inelastis. Kata kunci: industri berbasis kayu, penawaran, permintaan, model dugaan ekonometrik, elastisitas