
Navigation Decision-Making Method of Complex Multitype Ships’ Routing Waters

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Ship collisions are a major maritime accident; various systems have been proposed to prevent them. Through investigating and analyzing the causes of maritime accidents, it has been established that ship collisions can either caused by delaying actions or not taking the sufficient actions to avoid them. Recognizing the limitations in providing quantitative numerical values for avoiding ship collisions, this study aimed to use Bayesian regularized artificial neural networks (BRANNs) to suggest the proper time and sufficient actions required for ship collision avoidance consistent with the Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea. We prepared the data by calculating the proper times and sufficient actions based on precedent research and used them to train, validate, and assess the BRANNs. Subsequently, an artificial neural network controller was designed and proposed. The data of the proposed neural network controller were verified via simulation, validating the controller. This study is limited in cases such as overtaking a ship in front. However, it is expected that this controller can be improved by establishing the criteria for an appropriate overtaking distance after further examining the closest point of approach (CPA) and time to the CPA (TCPA) for overtaking a ship in front and using the method presented herein.
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Collision prevention is critical for navigational safety at sea, which has developed rapidly in the past decade and attracted a lot of attention. In this article, an improved velocity obstacle (IVO) algorithm for intelligent collision avoidance of ocean-going ships is proposed in various operating conditions, taking into count both a ship’s manoeuvrability and Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGs). An integrated model combines a three-degree-of-freedom manoeuvring model with ship propeller characteristics to provide a precise prediction of ships in various manoeuvring circumstances. In the given case, what is different to present studies, this improved algorithm allows for decision-making in two ways: altering course and changing speed. The proposed technique is demonstrated in a variety of scenarios through simulation. The findings reveal that collision-avoidance decision-making can intelligently avoid collisions with the target ships (TSs) in multi-ship situations.
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Due to the complex hydrology and narrow channels of inland rivers, ship collision accidents occur frequently. The traditional collision-avoidance algorithms are often aimed at sea areas, and not often at inland rivers. To solve the problem of inland-ship collision avoidance, this paper proposes an inland-ship collision-avoidance decision system based on the velocity obstacle algorithm. The system is designed to assist ships in achieving independent collision-avoidance operations under the limitation of maneuverability while meeting inland-ship collision-avoidance regulations. First, the paper improves the Maneuvering Modeling Group (MMG) model suitable for inland rivers. Then, it improves velocity obstacle algorithms based on the dynamic ship domain, which can deal with different obstacles and three encounter situations (head-on, crossing, and overtaking situations). In addition, this paper proposes a method to deal with close-quarters situations. Finally, the simulation environment built by MATLAB software is used to simulate the collision avoidance of inland ships against different obstacles under different situations with a decision-making time of less than 0.1 s. Through the analysis of the simulation results, the effectiveness and practicability of the system are verified, which can provide reasonable collision-avoidance decisions for inland ships.
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The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has imposed restrictions on the sulfur content of global marine fuels since 2020, putting the international container shipping and logistics industry under new challenges such as alliance-based operations and emission control for green development and adding to the stress on fleet scheduling of container liner companies. Against this background, this paper studies the fleet scheduling problem of container liner alliance members in the slot exchange mode, with sulfur emission restrictions taken into consideration. It builds an ellipsoidal uncertainty set to describe market demand uncertainties, and includes the changes in fuel surcharges and low-sulfur fuel costs into the robust optimization study of liner fleet scheduling. The minimax regret approach is used to solve the problem and an optimal robust optimization decision-making scheme is obtained, so that liner shipping enterprises can well share risks and allocate profits in uncertainties. The model established in this paper makes predictive analysis of the operations of liner shipping enterprises under the sulfur restriction policy, and provides an effective tool for fleet scheduling decision-making, which offers helpful reference to the survival and development of liner shipping enterprises in the new situation.
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A novel collision avoidance (CA) algorithm was proposed based on the modified artificial potential field (APF) method, to construct a practical ship automatic CA system. Considering the constraints of both the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGS) and the motion characteristics of the ship, the multi-ship CA algorithm was realized by modifying the repulsive force model in the APF method. Furthermore, the distance from the closest point of approach-time to the closest point of approach (DCPA-TCPA) criterion was selected as the unique adjustable parameter from the perspective of navigation practice. Collaborative CA experiments were designed and conducted to validate the proposed algorithm. The results of the experiments revealed that the actual DCPA and TCPA agree well with the parameter setup that keeps the ship at a safe distance from other ships in complex encountering situations. Consequently, the algorithm proposed in this study can achieve efficient automatic CA with minimal parameter settings. Moreover, the navigators can easily accept and comprehend the adjustable parameters, enabling the algorithm to satisfy the demand of the engineering applications.
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Modelling blood circulation is difficult. Due to the similarity of blood circulation and circuit loop, a numerical model coupled with the cardiovascular system and the left ventricular assist device is used to study the control algorithm of left ventricular assist devices in this study. According to severity, heart failure can be divided into three levels, and is simulated by varying the time-varying capacitance. Most of the left ventricular assist devices adopt the control algorithm of constant speed, which can reduce the pulsation of aortic pressure, and it is especially obvious in level III heart failure. We compare the positive pulse mode and the constant speed mode, and the results show that the positive pulse could increase systolic blood pressure and reduce diastolic blood pressure, which is more in line with the human aortic pulsation, and is more suitable for patients with high level of heart failure.
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Given the complex and time-varying external disturbances of inland waterways, designing an accurate path following controller is challenging. Based on the traditional PID controller, combined with the servo system model and the lead compensator, an adaptive feedforward PID controller for path following of ships in inland waterways is designed considering ship maneuverability and external disturbances. Simulations of a ship in a curved channel in different scenarios are carried out to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed path following method. Compared with the traditional path following controller, the proposed one based on adaptive feedforward PID control has favorable relative stability, anti-interference ability and high steady-state precision in inland waterways.
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Sunda Strait has played an essential role to the Indonesian marine transportation. Safety of navigation is one issue that often leads to an accident, especially ship collision. A collision risk assessment in a waterway is critical not only to predict the probability of collision accident but also to understand its consequences to human life, shipping company, as well as to the environment. However, it could be hard to evaluate the accident due to the scarcity of real accident data. Thus, a near miss analysis can be considered as an equivalent substitute. A one-week of Automatic Identification System (AIS) data is taken as the sample to test the methodology proposed in this paper. The target area of the near miss analysis discussed in this paper is TSS area in Sunda Strait. To categorise the encounter as a safe or unsafe encounter, this paper utilises the closest point of approach (CPA) as the indicator and it contains two parameters, the distance to CPA (DCPA) and the time to CPA (TCPA). Four values of DCPA and TCPA are used as the threshold, those are introduced by Park, Fukuto and Imazu, Goodwin, and Limbach. In this time range, 135929 sample data are collected, but only 92,379 points from 276 ships are found inside the target area. The number of situations that are categorized as near miss encounters (N NM ) for each threshold are 1668, 5870, 9370, and 13549, respectively. The combined threshold is proposed to adjust with the condition of Sunda Strait and produce a result with 9,946 points detected as near miss encounter.
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This article proposes a new collision avoidance decision method for ships, allowing ships at risk of collision to take timely collision avoidance measures to ensure safe passage. Through vessel traffic service (VTS) collision alert system, an analysis can be made for the probability of a ship collision and an early warning can be issued. For ships in potential collision danger, the proposed method will use Microsoft Visual Studio to establish a knowledge base of international regulations for preventing collisions at sea. Thus, based on an analysis of the situation when encountering other ships, the knowledge base will suggest an appropriate avoidance technique and use a fuzzy monitoring system, propose a novel collision danger domain that forbids entering for give-way ship. Considering the required advance for ship turning, the fuzzy monitoring system will suggest the optimal rudder steering procedure for the give-way ship, allow the ship to avoid collision and ensure navigation safety. The avoidance action taken by the ship does not consider reducing speed, instead focuses only on rudder steering. The system also integrates VTS/automatic identifica-tion system (AIS)/marine geographic information system (MGIS) by using MGIS as an AIS imaging system to facilitate the optimal decision for ship collision avoidance and deter-mine the input linguistic variables for the fuzzy logic theory via an analytical hierarchy process. The proposed method can enhance the VTS operator's decision-making abilities for colli-sion avoidance by providing a fuzzy monitoring system.
Ships' routeing was first adopted to reduce the risk of ship collisions and promote marine traffic efficiency. But as maritime transport continues to develop, the number of ships passing through ships' routeing areas keeps increasing and the navigational environment is becoming increasingly complex, which also poses a major challenge to navigational safety. In this contribution, a quantitative assessment method based on the Gini coefficient is proposed to evaluate the ship collision risk in ships' routeing waters. This method is applied to Ningbo Zhoushan Port, the Gini coefficient of the course over ground (COG) for each leg is calculated with the historical Automatic Identification System (AIS) data, and then the Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm (HCA) is applied to classify the 28 legs of the ships' routeing waters in Ningbo Zhoushan Port into 5 risk levels. The results show that: PA 4 and 7 are high-risk areas; PA 1 and 2 are medium-high-risk areas. It is recommended that when navigating in these areas, ship officers and captains should be particularly cautious and that priority should be given to these areas when formulating ship collision risk prevention measures and risk control plans.
Since the initiative of 21st century Maritime Silk Road has been put forward, more and more countries and regions have participated. As an economically developed coastal provinces in China, parts of them have got the remarkable achievements. This study mainly investigates the situation of logistics development in the coastal provinces before and after the initiative, also discuss the changes of its position in the logistics network. Through the turnovers from 2000 to 2020, we can calculate the value impacting logistics development, then build the complex network among 31 provinces, cities and autonomous zones with cosine similarity. On this basis, we use the community division to show the logistics development in coastal provinces. Overall, the initiative obviously promotes the logistics development in the coastal provinces, yet the development degree is also different.
Minimizing fire and explosion (F&E) accident risk in bulk carrier ships are of paramount to enhance safety in maritime transportation. Due to nature of cargo carried by bulk carrier ships, the fire and explosion risk is relatively high. Therefore, a detailed risk analysis is required to understand potential root causes of F&E accidents. This paper aims at performing risk analysis under fuzzy logic, fault tree analysis (FTA) and Cut Set Importance Measurement (CS-I) technique for F&E accidents in bulk carrier ships. Since the fault tree presents a robust graphical tool to explore the causes of system level failures, the fuzzy sets deal with vagueness and ambiguity in decision-making process. In addition, the CS-I technique is used in the study to reveal the most effective accident combinations in the formation of such accidents. The result of the paper shows that probability of the F&E risk on bulk carriers is 9.27E-02. The findings of the paper provide valuable insights to the ship owners, safety inspectors, Health, Safety, Environment and Quality (HSEQ) managers of bulk carrier ships based on the proposed control actions to reduce risk and improve operational safety.
The shipping routes in coastal waters are always crossed amid with dense traffic. Transit capacity of the shipping routes in coastal waters and traffic flow saturation in the traffic-intensive waters should be quantitatively studied. In this study, a ship traffic flow simulation platform based on the environmental stress model, encounter situation identification model, and collision avoidance decision model is proposed to assess the traffic flow saturation in waters of the coastal ship routing system. This platform can realize the autonomous navigation of simulated ships departing at different intervals on the setting route and realize the automatic avoidance of ships according to the 1972 International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea(1972,COLREGS) in line with the current local navigators’ collision avoidance experience. This study choose No.3 precautionary area of Qiongzhou Strait as the study area. It is a creative and accessible way to propose the total ship unsafe passing distance ratio as the evaluation index of ship traffic flow saturation. Fully considering the different factors affecting transit capacity in the No.3 precautionary area of Qiongzhou Strait, the traffic flow saturation level is calculated quantitatively based on the ship traffic flow simulation platform.
Container ship accidents can contaminate the surrounding marine environment and even have wider impact. Our study aims to provide a comprehensive review of emerging marine pollution from container ship accidents with the focus on risk characteristics, response strategies, and regulation advancements. It was found that the number of container ship accidents significantly increased in the past decade, and most accidents occurred in ports, harbors, piers, anchorages, berths, and open seas. The types of accidents were mainly collisions, groundings, and fires. The risk of marine pollution from container ship accidents is complex due to the variety of containerized cargo. The contamination derived from heavy metal, plastic fiber, leaked fuel, and hazardous and noxious substances after accidents can endanger entire marine habitats and be continuously accumulated through the food chain, eventually posing a threat to human health. The risks and pollution caused by container boxes are often overlooked. There is a basic response process, comprising data collection, decision-making, emergency response, monitoring, etc., for container ship accidents. There are currently deficiencies in management regulations for mitigating sunken container pollution. Improving operating procedures, establishing regional cooperation frameworks, developing contingency plans and protocols, and increasing public awareness can help deal with these pollution issues.
Reinforcement learning has the characteristics of simple structure and strong adaptability, which has been widely used in the field of ship autonomous collision avoidance. In order to solve the problem of collision avoidance in multi-ship encounter situation, a novel collision avoidance method for autonomous ship with attention-based deep reinforcement learning (ADRL) is proposed, it consists of two parts, risk assessment module and motion planning module, the difference between the former and the existing collision risk calculation method is that from the officer's attention distribution, it encode the ship's information through the local map, and calculate each ship's collision avoidance decision in the form of attention score in real time under the constraints of the COLREGS. In addition, a composite learning method is designed, which integrates supervised learning into the common direct environmental exploration model, which accelerates the exploration efficiency of the model and shows excellent learning performance. Finally, based on the Open AI Gym platform, static obstacle situation, dynamic multi-ship encounter situation, dynamic and static obstacle coexistence situation are designed, and the rationality and effectiveness of collision avoidance decision are analyzed from the perspectives of collision risk and the closest safety distance respectively.
The ship’s routeing is adopted to organise marine traffic flow and reduce the risk of collision between ships in crowded waters. With the expansion of the world’s fleet, ship traffic in shipping bottleneck and chokepoint areas becomes more and more busy and complex creating serious challenges for navigational safety. Therefore, quantitative collision risk assessment is significantly important for the ships’ routeing waters. In this paper, the information entropy method which integrates the K-means clustering based on Automatic Identification System (AIS) data is introduced to quantitatively evaluate the collision risks in the ships’ routeing waters. As a case study, the information entropy of Courses Over Ground (COG) for Ningbo-Zhoushan Port (the largest port in the world since 2009) is calculated by using historical AIS data. Then the K-means clustering is used to group the bytes of information entropy of the different legs in the shipping route. We find that in Ningbo-Zhoushan port Precautionary Area (PA) 2, 4 and 7 are the highest risk legs; PA 1, 5 and 6, Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS) 16, and 17 are medium-high risk areas. Therefore ship collision risk prevention measures should be prioritised in those legs. Our contributions provide a novel approach to quantitatively assess ship collision risks in busy waters.
Our research study indicates that, over the past few decades, the expected decrease in the number of maritime accidents has not occurred. The statistics show the collision and contact types of marine accidents have always been the most frequent. Primary causes that contribute to ship collisions were collected from 513 collision accidents reported since 1977, which is the date the Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972 (COLREGs) came into effect. The root causes of ship-to-ship collisions were determined statistically. Qualitative and quantitative analyses were carried out using the Fault Tree Analysis (FTA). This provided the probability and importance of the primary causes contributing to the ship collision accidents and defined minimal cut sets. Results show that the violation of the COLREG Rules is the most important and effective factor for collision accidents. Therefore, further analysis was conducted and the results showed which type of COLREG Rules mostly violated statistically. The primary causes were also examined by Multiple Correspondence Analysis, and it was determined that maneuvering and perception errors were the most effective factors in collision accidents. The results represent the cause statistics of the ship-to-ship collision accidents that occurred in the last 43 years. Considering the collision accident reports data, our results show %94,7 of collision accidents are related to human error.
The rapid development of artificial intelligence significantly promotes collision-avoidance navigation of maritime autonomous surface ships (MASS), which in turn provides prominent services in maritime environments and enlarges the opportunity for coordinated and interconnected operations. Clearly, full autonomy of the collision-avoidance navigation for the MASS in complex environments still faces huge challenges and highly requires persistent innovations. First, we survey relevant guidance of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and industry code of each country on MASS. Then, major advances in MASS industry R&D, and collision-avoidance navigation technologies, are thoroughly overviewed, from academic to industrial sides. Moreover, compositions of collision-avoidance navigation, brain-inspired cognitive navigation, and e-navigation technologies are analyzed to clarify the mechanism and principles efficiently systematically in typical maritime environments, whereby trends in maritime collision-avoidance navigation systems are highlighted. Finally, considering a general study of existing collision avoidance and action planning technologies, it is pointed out that collision-free navigation would significantly benefit the integration of MASS autonomy in various maritime scenarios.
This study addresses the Spatio-temporal associations of internal and external factors (e.g., ship type, flag registry, port inspections and season, etc.) with ship collisions in coastal waters. To prevent collision and subsequent pollution, effective identification of various potential risk factors related to collisions is important. Based on 10-year collision reports, a Bayesian Spatio-temporal (BS) model is developed to assess collision risk by taking into account space and time mutual influences. In this research, the research area including parts of North China, Korean Peninsula, and Japan, is categorized into three different risk levels of potential collision. An association rule mining algorithm is then developed to analyze the spatial-temporal mutual relationships of collision elements in neighbor regions. Corresponding association rules among different collision risks are revealed for different regions. The results show that small ship size, general cargo type, and spring or summer season have a strong association with the collisions occurred in high-risk regions, while large ship size in accordance with summer or winter season is remarkable in moderate-risk regions. It is also found that large ship size and tanker ship type are significant factors in low-risk areas. Finally, management strategies are proposed to help preventing ship collisions and reducing potential pollutions.
In this paper, a deep reinforcement learning (DRL)-based collision avoidance method is proposed for an unmanned surface vehicle (USV). This approach is applicable to the decision-making stage of collision avoidance, which determines whether the avoidance is necessary, and if so, determines the direction of the avoidance maneuver. To utilize the visual recognition capability of deep neural networks as a tool for analyzing the complex and ambiguous situations that are typically encountered, a grid map representation of the ship encounter situation was suggested. For the composition of the DRL network, we proposed a neural network architecture and semi-Markov decision process model that was specially designed for the USV collision avoidance problem. The proposed DRL network was trained through repeated simulations of collision avoidance. After the training process, the DRL network was implemented in collision avoidance experiments and simulations to evaluate its situation recognition and collision avoidance capability.
This paper proposes a fuzzy logic-based intelligent decision-making approach for navigation strategy selection in the inland traffic separation scheme. The dynamic characteristics of navigation process, including free navigation, ship following and ship overtaking, are further analysed. The proposed model can be implemented in the decision support system for safe navigation or be included in the process of autonomous navigation. The decision-making model is achieved from the perception-anticipation-inference-strategy perspective, and the dynamic features of ships (i.e. speed, distance, and traffic flow) are comprehensively considered in the modelling process. From the results of both scenarios for overtaking and following, it illustrates that the timing is significant for strategy selection and should well consider the complex situation and ship behaviours, moreover, the proposed approach can be used for intelligent strategy selection.
Real-time collision avoidance with full consideration of ship maneuverability, collision risks and International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGs) is difficult in multi-ship encounters. To deal with this problem, a novel method is proposed based on model predictive control (MPC), an improved Q-learning beetle swarm antenna search (I-Q-BSAS) algorithm and neural networks. The main idea of this method is to use a neural network to approximate an inverse model based on decisions made with MPC for collision avoidance. Firstly, the predictive collision avoidance strategy is established following the MPC concept incorporating an IQ-BSAS algorithm to solve the optimization problem. Meanwhile, the relative collision motion states in typical encounters are collected for training an inverse neural network model, which is used as an approximated optimal policy of MPC. Moreover, to deal with uncertain dynamics, the obtained policy is reinforced by longterm retraining based on an aggregation of on-policy and off-policy data. Ship collision avoidance in multi-ship encounters can be achieved by weighting the outputs of the neural network model with respect to different target ships. Simulation experiments under several typical and multi-ship encounters are carried out using the KVLCC2 ship model to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.
This paper introduces an approach for solving a safe ship trajectory planning problem. The algorithm, utilising the concept of a discrete artificial potential field and a path optimisation algorithm, calculates an optimised collision-free trajectory for a ship. The method was validated by simulation tests with the use of real navigational data registered on board the research and training ship Horyzont II . Results of simulation studies demonstrate that the approach is capable of finding a collision-free trajectory in near-real time, and this proves its applicability in commercial collision avoidance systems for ships. The paper contributes to the development of decision support systems for ships and autonomous navigation.
This study aims to develop a Bayesian regression model to evaluate the economic loss resulting from two-ship collisions using ten years’ ship collision data for occurrances in Fujian waters. The model results show that the involvement of passenger/cruise ships could cause the largest increment on economic loss in ship collisions. Interestingly, it is found the involvement of fishing ships could greatly increase the ship collision consequence in terms of economic loss. Results also reveal that the higher economic loss is associated with the collisions in the straits/sea areas, under the strong wind/wave conditions, during nighttime period, and in poor visibility conditions. The impact analysis results highlight that judgment errors play a decisive role in increasing the economic loss as compared with the other two types of human errors: lookout failure and operation errors. The results of this study are useful for policy-makers in proposing efficient strategies to mitigate the economic loss from two-ship collisions. The developed model is also beneficial for insurance companies in determining the appropriate ship insurance rates. © National Academy of Sciences: Transportation Research Board 2019.
This paper presents a real-time and deterministic path planning method for autonomous ships or Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USV) in complex and dynamic navigation environments. A modified Artificial Potential Field (APF), which contains a new modified repulsion potential field function and the corresponding virtual forces, is developed to address the issue of Collision Avoidance (CA) with dynamic targets and static obstacles, including emergency situations. Appropriate functional and safety requirements are added in the corresponding virtual forces to ensure International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGS)-constrained behaviour for the own ship's CA actions. Simulations show that the method is fast, effective and deterministic for path planning in complex situations with multiple moving target ships and stationary obstacles and can account for the unpredictable strategies of other ships. The authors believe that automatic navigation systems operated without human interaction could benefit from the development of path planning algorithms.
Ship collision avoidance is highly dependent upon seamanship and rules. When ship collision risk exists, proper collision avoidance actions must be taken according to the correct encounter situation and determined stage. All autonomous collision avoidance (ACA) operations in the future must comply with given rules and seamanship practices, which make the quantitative analysis of them prerequisites for ACA. This study presents a novel quantitative analysis system for the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREG) Rules and Seamanship. The proposed system consists of three parts: an encounter situation discrimination model based on the mutually relative bearing of the “target ship” (TS) and “own ship” (OS); a stage discrimination model representing the extent of collision risk per different domain models for every potential situation and a model to determine collision avoidance action per COLREG, seamanship, and ship maneuverability information was established accordingly. The collision avoidance plans appropriate for different situations and stages are generated based on the rules, seamanship, and rudder steering direction judgments. A simulation scenario was utilized to validate the effectiveness and feasibility of the system.
Automatic collision avoidance from obstacles is important, but the conventional methods for ship collision avoidance emphasize how to design the feasible routes for collision avoidance basing on a ship’s real time position, not to consider the dynamics or control for ship.. In this paper, an applicable multi-ship collision avoidance control method on the basis of the directions of relative velocity is presented, which applies to the routing plan of collision avoidance and ship motion control simultaneously. This method consists of three main steps. The first step is extracting/calculating basic motion and position parameters of the own ship and target ships. The second step is calculating suitable real time directions of velocity of the own ship basing on the method of velocity obstacle. The third step is controlling the variable transformation and algorithm design. This method is simple and flexible. It can be applied to the real time multi-ship collision avoidance, and is very feasible. Simulation results show that the algorithm has good effects.
Recently, a basic pattern of coast seaway system networking has been established in China. As a result, a large number of precautionary areas will be gradually established. Because of the high frequency of ships' encounters and accidents, these precautionary areas have been a weak but important facet of ships' routeing. Navigational Traffic Conflict Technique (NTCT) was introduced to quantitatively evaluate the safety of precautionary areas. Focusing on traffic conflict, the calculation method of navigational traffic conflict points is discussed, and a comparison analysis of the two editions (2002 and 2008) of Yangtze estuary ships’ routeing is performed. Then the automatic acquisition system of navigational traffic conflict data that can be used in the quantitative analysis of the influence degree of a single traffic flow on the whole precautionary area safety is developed, and the left-turning traffic flows of Yangtze estuary ships’ routeing precautionary areas B are taken as an example. This article establishes a foundation for the precautionary area safety analysis system, and provides the decision basis for policy making in optimisation of geometric design and traffic organisation of precautionary areas.
In this paper, the fuzzy inference system combined with an expert system is applied to collision avoidance system. Especially, calculation method of the collision risk by using neural network is proposed. At first, the membership functions of DCPA and TCPA are determined on the basis of simulation results using the KT equations. And then, the inference table is redesigned by using the ANFIS (Adaptive Network-based Fuzzy Inference System) algorithm. Secondly, additional factors, the ship domain, topological characteristics and restricted visibility, which can affect navigator's reasoning of the collision risk besides DCPA and TCPA are considered. Finally, MLP (Multilayer Perceptron) neural network to the collision avoidance system is applied to make up for fuzzy logic.
The annual total losses of trading ships as a result of collision and wreck were considered in a previous paper for the purposes of comparing the safety records of different flag groups. Losses up to the year 1979 were included in the tables. In order to assess whether there has been an improvement, the losses for the 5-year period 1980–4 will now be considered and compared with losses in previous years.
Study on the collision avoidance algorithm against multiple traffic ships using changeable action space searching method
  • N S Son
  • Y Furukawa
  • S Y Kim
  • K Kijima
  • Son N. S.
Design of ship routeing scheme in Minjiang Estuary
  • C Xu
  • Y Zheng
  • L Gan
  • C Zhou
  • L Zhang
  • H Cheng
  • Xu C.
Comprehensive safety assessment for navigation environment of routeing waters based on set-pair analysis
  • J Wu
  • Y Xiao
  • Wu J.