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Microwave radiofrequencies, 5G, 6G, graphene nanomaterials: Technologies used in neurological warfare


Abstract and Figures

Background Scientific literature, with no conflicts of interest, shows that even below the limits defined by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, microwaves from telecommunication technologies cause numerous health effects: neurological, oxidative stress, carcinogenicity, deoxyribonucleic acid and immune system damage, electro-hypersensitivity. The majority of these biological effects of non-thermal microwave radiation have been known since the 1970s. Methods Detailed scientific, political, and military documents were analyzed. Most of the scientific literature comes from PubMed. The other articles (except for a few) come from impacted journals . The rare scientific documents that were not peer reviewed were produced by recognized scientists in their fields. The rest of the documentation comes from official sources: political (e.g., European Union and World Health Organization), military (e.g., US Air Force and NATO), patents, and national newspapers. Results (1) Since their emergence, the authorities have deployed and encouraged the use of wireless technologies (2G, 3G, 4G, WiFi, WiMAX, DECT, Bluetooth, cell phone towers/masts/base stations, small cells, etc.) in full awareness of their harmful effects on health. (2) Consequences of microwave radiation from communication networks are comparable to the effects of low-power directed-energy microwave weapons, whose objectives include behavioral modification through neurological (brain) targeting. Above 20 gigahertz, 5G behaves like an unconventional chemical weapon. (3) Biomedical engineering (via graphene-based nanomaterials) will enable brain-computer connections, linked wirelessly to the Internet of Everything through 5G and 6G networks (2030) and artificial intelligence, gradually leading to human-machine fusion (cyborg) before the 2050s. Conclusion Despite reports and statements from the authorities presenting the constant deployment of new wireless communication technologies, as well as medical research into nanomaterials, as society’s ideal future, in-depth research into these scientific fields shows, above all, an objective linked to the current cognitive war. It could be hypothesized that, in the future, this aim will correspond to the control of humanity by machines.
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is is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-Share Alike 4.0 License, which allows others
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©2024 Published by Scientic Scholar on behalf of Surgical Neurology International
Review Article
Microwave radiofrequencies, 5G, 6G, graphene
nanomaterials: Technologies used in neurological
Fabien Deruelle
Independent Researcher, Ronchin, France.
E-mail: *Fabien Deruelle-
*Corresponding author:
Fabien Deruelle, PhD
Independent Researcher,
Ronchin, France.
Received: 27August 2024
Accepted: 26October 2024
Published: 29 November 2024
Quick Response Code:
Unlike natural cosmic microwaves, microwaves from wireless communication technologies are
polarized (electronic oscillations take place in specic directions/orientations), which can lead
Background: Scientic literature, with no conicts of interest, shows that even below the limits dened by
the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, microwaves from telecommunication
technologies cause numerous health eects: neurological, oxidative stress, carcinogenicity, deoxyribonucleic acid
and immune system damage, electro-hypersensitivity. e majority of these biological eects of non-thermal
microwave radiation have been known since the 1970s.
Methods: Detailed scientic, political, and military documents were analyzed. Most of the scientic literature
comes from PubMed. e other articles (except for a few) come from impacted journals . e rare scientic
documents that were not peer reviewed were produced by recognized scientists in their elds. e rest of the
documentation comes from ocial sources: political (e.g., European Union and World Health Organization),
military (e.g., US Air Force and NATO), patents, and national newspapers.
Results: (1) Since their emergence, the authorities have deployed and encouraged the use of wireless technologies
(2G, 3G, 4G, WiFi, WiMAX, DECT, Bluetooth, cell phone towers/masts/base stations, small cells, etc.) in full
awareness of their harmful eects on health. (2) Consequences of microwave radiation from communication
networks are comparable to the eects of low-power directed-energy microwave weapons, whose objectives
include behavioral modication through neurological (brain) targeting. Above 20 gigahertz, 5G behaves like an
unconventional chemical weapon. (3) Biomedical engineering (via graphene-based nanomaterials) will enable
brain-computer connections, linked wirelessly to the Internet of Everything through 5G and 6G networks (2030)
and articial intelligence, gradually leading to human-machine fusion (cyborg) before the 2050s.
Conclusion: Despite reports and statements from the authorities presenting the constant deployment of new
wireless communication technologies, as well as medical research into nanomaterials, as society’s ideal future,
in-depth research into these scientic elds shows, above all, an objective linked to the current cognitive war. It
could be hypothesized that, in the future, this aim will correspond to the control of humanity by machines.
Keywords: Cognitive warfare, COVID-19 vaccines, Directed energy weapons, Electro-hypersensitivity, Internet
of Everything, Neurodegenerative diseases
Surgical Neurology International
Editor-in-Chief: Nancy E. Epstein, MD, Professor of Clinical Neurosurgery, School of Medicine,
State U. of NY at Stony Brook.
SNI: Socio-Economics, Politics, and Medicine
James I. Ausman, MD, PhD
University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA Open Access
Deruelle: Microwaves in cognitive warfare
 
to irregular triggering of electrosensitive ion channels on cell
membranes and cause numerous biological eects, up to and
including deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) damage, cell death,
or cancer;[113,114] modulated (used to encode information) and
pulsed, at very low frequencies (close to brain waves).[106,115]
By the 1970s, the biological eects of microwaves (neurologic,
endocrine gland activity, cardiovascular, hemodynamic,
metabolic, gastric, ocular, testicles, bone marrow, hypertension,
abortion, and behavioral), with exposures below intensities that
cause heating, were already known,[14,27,106] especially from
the military, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA) and World Health Organization (WHO).[1,79,117] e
guidelines and standards selected by the WHO, through
the International Commission on Non-ionizing Radiation
Protection (ICNIRP), have therefore been deliberately chosen
with full knowledge of the facts since the beginning of wireless
technology deployment.
e standards dened by the ICNIRP serve as the basis for
most recommendations and regulations in countries around
the world. In 2020, ICNIRP guidelines, for all frequencies
between 2 and 300 gigahertz (GHz), allow a 30-min average
whole-body exposure of 10, 000, 000 µW/m² (10 W/m² or
1000 µW/cm²).[106] With regard to 5G technology, which uses
frequencies above 6 GHz, and whose specicity is to send
directional beams localized on the user [Figure1], the ICNIRP
authorizes a local exposure of 200,000,000 µW/m2(200W/m2)
for 6 min over an area of 4 cm², and 400,000,000 µW/m2
over an area of 1 cm2, for frequencies >30 GHz.[106] However,
according to experts with no conicts of interest, the
maximum intensity should not exceed 10 µW/m².[106]
By comparison, for the whole frequency spectrum from 2G
to 5G, the ICNIRP exposure limit recommendation for man-
made electromagnetic radiation is ~1021–1023-fold higher
than the average radiation background of the Suns non-
ionizing radiation at Earths surface in the 2G–5G spectral
range (~10−23–10−21mW/cm²).[55]
e massive rollout of 5G and 5G in the millimeter-wave
(mmWave) frequency band (30–300 GHz) is scandalizing
many scientists with no conicts of interest. Indeed, since
the start of wireless communication technologies using
microwave frequency bands (0.3–300 GHz), the authorities
in charge of health assessments have constantly covered up
the truth about the dangerousness of these devices (2G, 3G,
4G, WiFi, WiMAX, DECT, Bluetooth, cell phone towers/
masts/base stations, small cells, etc.).[52,70,106,107]
Below ICNIRP limits (non-thermal eects), microwave
studies have shown brain tumors, neurological eects,
increased oxidative stress, cancers, mutagenic eects due
to DNA damage, neuropsychiatric disorders (behavioral
changes), electro-hypersensitivity (EHS), increased blood-
brain barrier (BBB) permeability, inammatory factors,
increased male and female infertility, cellular stress
response, immune suppression, and disturbance of energy
metabolism.[12,15,16,18,19,74,78,70,112,115,116,136] Note that oxidative stress
is associated with various chronic diseases and cancer and leads
to aging.[63] As a result, constant exposure to electromagnetic
radiation from wireless technologies accelerates aging.
Neuropsychiatric eects caused by non-thermal microwave
radiofrequencies (RFs) have been widely documented:
sleep disturbance, headache, depressive symptoms, fatigue,
concentration dysfunction, memory changes, dizziness,
irritability, electroencephalogram changes, etc.[111,112] ese
behavioral problems can extend to suicidal thoughts in
children and adolescents.[65,109]
EHS was rst described as microwave syndrome or
microwave illness: behavioral and nervous system eects,
fatigue, pain, depression, fainting, sleep disorders, etc.[27]
en, it was rened and completed by headache, tinnitus,
hyperacusis, supercial and/or deep sensibility abnormalities,
bromyalgia, vegetative nerve dysfunction and reduced
cognitive capability, transient cardiovascular dysfunction,
and loss of appetite.[16,17]
Superimposing 5G radiation on an already toxic wireless
radiation environment will exacerbate adverse health eects.
e 5G mmWaves network will aect not only the skin and
eyes but also the heart, liver, kidney, spleen tissue, blood, and
bone mar row.[74] In mice, exposure to 5G at 4.9 GHz induces
depressive-like behavior, which may be associated with
neuronal pyroptosis in the amygdala.[120] 5G at 3.5 GHz can
also rapidly cause microwave syndrome.[108] e interaction
of mmWaves with the structure and function of pertinent
cellular elements and cutaneous neuroreceptors in the skin
are of special concern. ere are not enough studies on
5GmmWaves to reach a condent judgment.[97]
  In contrast to previous generations of networks, 5G
uses beam steering, allowing base station antennas to direct the
radio signal toward users and devices rather than in all directions
(Source: “e Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) Explained Series -”).
Deruelle: Microwaves in cognitive warfare
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Despite the many warnings sent to the European Union
(EU) and WHO over several years by hundreds of scientists
and publications, health authorities continue to ignore the
biological eects of non-thermal microwave radiation,[52,106,107]
leading to criminal attitude from the EU.[107] Although children
are more vulnerable than adults to radiation from wireless
technologies,[16] ICNIRP considers that the limit values it
proposes provide greater protection for children, stipulating
that they would be better thermoregulated than adults.[69]
Fauna and ora are also constantly under assault from wireless
communication technologies [85,86] without any environmental
standards being set.[87]
us, the protective limits given by ICNIRP in 2020 protect
neither health nor the environment from RF microwaves,
including 5G.[70,74,106]
In 2020, two Members (Buncher and Rivasi) of the European
Parliament commissioned, coordinated, and published
a report on the ICNIRP showing that this scientic
organization is « captured by industry » and is therefore
unable to provide a reliable assessment of current scientic
knowledge.[129] It should be noted that Italy has a 10-
time lower exposure limit with no detrimental eects for
in dustr y.[106] «e media, WHO, and the governments are
not transmitting information to the population, who remain
Consequently, the harmfulness of guidelines is intentional,
and biological eects are not collateral damage. is study
aims to show the real objectives of wireless communication
technologies, disguised as scientic progress, and the
methods (e.g., combined with nanomaterials) used to achieve
them. e neurological system, mainly the human brain, is
WHO, EU, pharmaceutical industry
Pharmaceutical companies are well known for their
scientic misconduct, their conicts of interest and their
links with the WHO and EU, which induce political lies,
as well as their links with the military.[37] It would seem
that the same behavior applies to the telecommunications
in dustr y.[56,129] In 2019, a document from the French
Ministry of Economy and Finance recommended, for health
purposes, increasing the participation of pharmaceutical
companies in the international race to use electromagnetic
and acoustic non-ionizing waves.[41] is raises the possibility
of direct conicts of interest between the pharmaceutical and
telecommunications industries.
Given the large number of known pathologies triggered
by the non-thermal microwave RFs, as well as the conicts
of interest between pharmaceutical companies and the
telecommunications industry with the WHO and EU, we
wonder whether: Would not microwaves and wireless devices
also serve to increase the number of pathologies (mainly
neurodegenerative) to justify research into body-implantable
medical nanotechnology (see later section on graphene)?
Microwave interaction with atmospheric particles
e vast majority of laboratory experiments do not take into
account the synergistic adverse eects of other toxic stimuli
(e.g., chemical and biological) acting in conjunction with
wireless radiation.[74]
As microwave RFs induces BBB permeability, this
inevitably leads to increased absorption of micro- and
nanoparticles (e.g., aluminum), which can be found in
growing quantities in the atmosphere, raising the number of
cases of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s.[36]
Moreover, electromagnetic radiation modies the physical
properties of atmospheric microparticles. e number of
particles increases, and their morphologies, movements, and
trajectories are altered.[64] ese additional parameters need
to be taken into account for public health.
Army in background
In Australia, government advisory agencies must support
government plans for an Internet of ings (IoT) and smart
cities (dependent on wireless technologies) to the detriment
of people’s health. In addition, changes to RF standards
to protect health and the environment are not permitted if
they are prejudicial to departments of defense or national
sec u rity.[132]
At the beginning of the 1976 US military report, it is written
that if microwave radiation exposure standards in the most
advanced Western countries are as strict as in the (at the
time) Communist countries, there could be adverse eects
on industrial production and military functions.[1]
e military role is preponderant in understanding the
deployment of wireless technologies, mainly 5G, and the
authorized standards. For more than half a century, the US
military has been seeking to master mind control using
various technologies, including electromagnetic waves.[35]
Connecting the human brain to the machine has been one of
the most important military objectives (through DARPA) for
decades (p.20-32).[58]
Given that DNA damage is a known side-eect of microwave
RFs,[115] we might also wonder whether one of the aims of
this intentional microwave irradiation, at these levels of
power density, would be to create a form of genetic mutation
conducive to the future human-machine fusion (see last part
of the article).
Deruelle: Microwaves in cognitive warfare
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e most important applications of 5G technology will
not be in the civilian sector but in the military and secret
services. Here are just a few examples of military applications
that can be realized with 5G: Optimizing the use of
hypersonic weapons; increasing the lethality and precision
of killer drones and war robots by facial recognition and
other features; developing “autonomous military vehicles”
(i.e.,robotic air, land, and sea vehicles capable of autonomous
attack missions without even being remotely piloted). 5G
mobile networks made up of assembly and disassembly
towers will be set up in less than an hour. As part of NATO,
the Pentagon is making it clear that allied territories need to
be convinced of the military benets of 5G. e network is
being set up by private companies, which will charge civilian
users for 5G, thus considerably reducing military expenditure
compared with installing the network solely for the military
in many countries.[38-40,49,66] 5G mmWaves will, therefore
essentially have a warfare purpose.
5G technology originates from military technology because
5G phased array and beam steering capabilities originate
from military radar technology.[85,132]
Between 1953 and 1976, the Soviets irradiated the US embassy
in Moscow with microwaves (2.5–4.0 GHz at intensities of up
to 18 µW/cm²) at power densities well below the current limits
recommended by the ICNIRP.[27,100] Despite this, symptoms
were consistent with microwave sickness syndrome.[27] e
cancer cases were not publicly acknowledged, but the ocial
report was seriously questioned.[27,100]
From 2016 to 2017, state and CIA personnel stationed
in Cuba (Havana) complained of several symptoms with
similarities to those in Moscow: noises (many diplomats
heard chirping, ringing, or grinding noises at night during
episodes reportedly triggering health problems), hearing
loss, tinnitus, sleep problems, headaches, cognitive problems
dominate, sensations of pressure or vibration, vision, balance,
speech problems, nosebleeds, neurological symptoms, brain
injury, and brain swelling.[56,100,130] e ndings suggest
potential exposure to directional phenomena,[130] which
would correspond to the use of pulsed RF microwaves.[56]
Since 2018, other diplomats, as well as US intelligence
personnel in various locations around the world (China,
Germany, Australia, Russia, Taiwan, Washington, Austria,
Georgia, Poland, Colombia, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan),
have complained of the same symptoms, named “Havana
syndrome” (problems with balance and vertigo, coordination,
eye movement; anxiety; irritability; brain damage; “cognitive
fog”).[84] e acute symptoms include headache and nausea
immediately following the sounds of loud buzzing or bursts.
Testimonies report a directional sound coming from above
or behind the head.[94] According to a report by US National
Academy of Sciences, directed, pulsed RF microwave energy
is the most likely cause of these symptoms.[84,94]
ere are new weapons using microwave frequencies, able
to disrupt brain function without any burning sensation.
«e microwave auditory eect occurs from a miniscule
but rapid (µs) rise of temperature (10−6 °C) in the brain
from the absorption of pulsed microwave radiation. e
sudden rise in temperature creates a thermoelastic expansion
of the brain matter, which can launch a pressure wave that
propagates through the head and is detected by the sensory
hair cells in the cochlea. e nerve signal is then relayed to
the central auditory system for perception and recognition».
is auditory eect of microwaves can become a non-lethal or
lethal weapon.[95] e target would rst feel the pressure wave
as a sound. is has been conrmed by numerous American
diplomats, spies, soldiers, and ocials in Havana. Asmall
piece of equipment would suce.[20]
To generate a high-power microwave-induced acoustic
pressure level inside the human brain, the theoretical
temperature rise induced by microwave pulses should not
exceed 1°C, which is “safe,” according to ICNIRP.[96]
In 2021, two senior US Air Force ocers presented a thesis
at the Naval Postgraduate School (operated by the United
States Navy) explaining that the war is now neurological:
“Neurowar,” with cognitive functions as the main target.[58]
Manipulating, inuencing, and controlling both adversaries
and the population are the objectives of this neurological
warfare.[58] e manipulation of information to inuence the
population will have its limits when the population becomes
aware of it. e next stage will, therefore, correspond directly
to large-scale brain manipulation (p. 10).[58] For these
senior US Air Force ocers, Havana Syndrome (200cases
in 16 countries) corresponds to a new form of attack, but
also of war, which is already underway, and whose target
is the human brain (which is currently at the center of a
biotechnological revolution).[58]
Neurological weapons aim to aect cognitive, emotional,
and/or motor activity and capability to achieve specic and
predictable behavior, that is, total mind control (p.30-31).[58]
Neurological weapons can be either pharmacological,
biological, or electromagnetic (RF directed energy weapons
[DEWs], RF/acoustic weapons, ultrasonic weapons, high-
powered microwaves, low-powered waves set at the right
frequency, particle beams…) (p. 30-31).[58] e authors also
suggest that cases of Havana Syndrome are the result of the
use of a directed energy microwave weapon (p.86).[58] One
Deruelle: Microwaves in cognitive warfare
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of the problems of this new warfare (using DEWs) is the lack
of medical strategies to deal with the unconventional injuries
caused by this kind of weapon.[99]
Specic kinds of waves, modulated RFs between 0.4 and
3 GHz and an average power density at least as low as
400 µW/cm2, can cause noises or sounds heard as real directly
in the head or just behind without causing any discernible
injury to neural or labyrinthine tissues.[53,58] However,
high-frequency microwaves, in particular mmWaves, have
characteristics that make them more suitable for “stealth”
attacks. Indeed, mmWaves cause less interference with
ordinary electronics and cannot be detected with ordinary RF
survey meters. In addition, the equipment is smaller and can
be placed much closer to the target, enabling higher exposure
levels.[51] Starting in the 1970s, Russian scientists showed
that low-intensity microwaves could be used as a weapon to
disorient and aect behavior and during interrogations.[100]
Both in the 50–70s and from 2016 to 2021, the symptoms of
microwave attacks correspond, for the most part, to the same
symptoms as EHS.[56] It should be noted that, on average,
3–5% of the population in many countries or regions of the
world is EHS, and up to 13.3% of the population may be RF-
While the UnitedNations has put in place treaties against
biological and chemical weapons, most neurological weapons
currently fall into a legal and regulatory vacuum, as they do
not correspond to any of these categories (p.34).[58]
Consequently, the eects of ambient electromagnetic
pollution caused by the microwaves of wireless technologies
are comparable to the eects of pulsed RF directed energy
(DE) microwave weapons. In addition to making people ill,
the constant increase in the ambient level of high-frequency
electromagnetic waves is changing people’s behavior.
A DEW is a system using DE primarily as a means to
incapacitate, damage, disable, or destroy enemy equipment,
facilities, and/or personnel.[34] Specic examples of DE use by
the military include lasers, RF devices, high-power microwave,
millimeter wave, and particle beam technology.[125]
« Millimeter wave DE has various non-lethal military
applications, including crowd control and area denial.
Although proven to be very safe, millimeter wave energy can
produce signicant injuries ».[57]
ermal eect of microwave DEWs
e Active Denial System (ADS) produces beam high power
mmWaves (95 GHz) to non-lethally heat the topmost layer
of human skin, acting to eectively deny people access to
locations (p. 18).[125] e system is mounted on a vehicle and
used for crowd control, but it could be miniaturized and
carried by a person [Figure2] (p. 98-100).[58] In 2010, a patent
explained the operation of a portable weapon radiating
millimeter microwaves from 94 to 96 GHz (without being
limited to this frequency range) and able to vary the power
density for non-lethal purposes.[98]
Auditory eect of microwave DEWs
In 1989, a patent showed that it was possible to induce
sound in the head of an irradiated person using microwaves
(0.1–10 GHz) modulated with a particular waveform while
respecting the imposed standards.[22]
e US Army has developed a weapon system based on
the auditory eect of microwaves, Mob Excess Deterrent
Using Silent Audio (MEDUSA). e result is a strong sonic
sensation in the human head when irradiated by specically
selected low-energy microwave pulses. It is specied that the
system should be portable, require little energy, and be able
to control a crowd or a single individual. At present, no one
knows the status of this program.[20,96,126]
another viewpoint
In 2001, a document from NASA showed how the style of
warfare could evolve in the 2025s. Attack and/or retaliation
techniques include the use of microwave RFs. is kind
of radiation corresponds to an anti-functional and anti-
personnel weapon and is apparently legal. Used at high
power, this weapon acts by heat source, but when used at low
power (in µW/cm² with a frequency range of 0.4–3 GHz)
modulated at low frequency, this weapon alters cerebral
functions, diminishes behavioral performance, and can
become lethal. ere is also talk of microwave RF towers
used for selective anti-personnel purposes.[23]
As it is dicult to locate the source of the DE, DEWs are
oen used in special or covert operations. Authors of the US
Fig  Illustration of Active Denial System (photograph from
Deruelle: Microwaves in cognitive warfare
 
Air Force report assert that the world has reached a “ tipping
point ” in which DE is now essential to successful military
Matthew and Kazaure[102] showed that due to the dipolar
nature of the human body, the rollout of 5G technology
at frequencies above 20 GHz will produce eects such as
heating up of the body tissues due to electromagnetic eld
induction. is study established that any attempt to deploy
5G technology at ultra-high frequencies above 20 GHz
corresponds to the deliberate use of an unconventional
chemical weapon.[102]
Note that 5G mmWaves will use a frequency range extending
to levels above 95 GHz, depending on the country.[118]
Frequency bands up to 300 GHz have also been considered.
In addition, the 6G network (planned for 2030) will add the
frequency bands terahertz (THz), i.e. 300 GHz to 3 THz
(submillimeter waves), to the mmWave bands, inducing a
massive deployment of small cell networks.[13,29,31] In 2019,
the French document from the French Ministry of Economy
and Finance foresees the use of 5G at 38 and 60 GHz
inside buildings. is document species that the induced
accumulation of exposures (2G+, 3G, 4G, 5G, and IoT), their
continuous nature over time, as well as the possible eects of
millimeter emissions from the associated satellite coverage,
have not been the subject of health and environmental
impact studies (p. 33).[41]
e ideal nanomaterial for future medicine
From 2013 to 2023, the EU launched a huge research program
on graphene (just one layer of carbon atoms whose stacking
forms graphite), with the aim of its commercial application
in many sectors, including biomedical and healthcare.[59,93]
Graphene can be used to detect, treat, and manage diseases of
the nervous system using neural implants (which can be used
to record or stimulate electrical activity in nerve tissue) or
for drug delivery.[44] According to the roadmap for graphene
use in the medical sector, biosensors are already in use,
neural interface from 2029, drug delivery, and bioelectronic
medicine from 2030.[61] At the same time, the « Human Brain
Project » was launched with the aim of better understanding
how the brain works, mainly for medical purposes.[68]
Graphene oxide (GO) is considered a very good candidate
for future vaccine adjuvants.[10,26,119,127,134,140] Graphene is
also widely studied in dentistry, mainly as an anesthetic,
but also for its antimicrobial action, regenerative dentistry,
bone tissue engineering, drug delivery, physicomechanical
property enhancement of dental biomaterials, and oral cancer
treatment.[7,28,88,90,91,103,104,122] Inhalation of GO (for diagnostic
purposes and to deliver drugs for respiratory diseases) is also
being studied.[5]
In addition to the recognized biological toxicity of graphene-
family nanomaterials,[110,133] these nanoparticles are already
present in the environment and accumulate, for example, in
food-chain plants.[131]
In 2022, a study showed that among various types of
nanomaterials, GO and carbon nanotubes (cylindrically
shaped nanostructures made by sheets of graphene rolled up
to form hollow tubes) are among the possible adjuvants for
COVID-19 vaccines.[4]
e presence of graphene in COVID-19 vaccines is totally
refuted by the European Medicines Agency (EMA).[42]
However, not only EMA is tainted,[37] but also the presence
of graphene, micro- and nanostructures as well as undeclared
metal-containing components have been repeatedly detected
in COVID-19 vaccines. Some of these results, discovered
by several respected scientists in their elds, have not been
published in peer-reviewed journals [Figure 3],[9,24,25], while
others are available in the scientic literature.[71,72,137] GOs,
reduced GOs (rGOs), and the related derivatives possess self-
assembly capabilities enabling the construction of advanced
graphene-based materials or functional systems,[124] which
could partly explain the detection of certain nanostructures.
By culture of COVID-19 vaccine samples (mainly Pzer and
Moderna), a study showed (using a stereomicroscope) the self-
assembly of articial structures of various shapes (animated
worm-like entities, discs, chains, spirals, tubes, right-angle
structures containing other articial entities within them,
etc.), reacting, among other factors, to several frequencies
of electromagnetic elds. e authors of this study assume
that some form of nanotechnology (without specifying the
exact nature of its components) was intentionally added to
COVID-19 vaccines, whose purpose is to self-assemble into
pre-programmed structures under the eect of dierent
energy sources.[82]
In addition, analyses of blood samples from subjects aer
injections of COVID-19 vaccines showed the presence
of particles, which, according to the authors of these
publications, would correspond to GO.[33,72,83] is presence
of graphene would contribute to the side eects associated
with COVID-19 vaccines.[6]
Suitable for very high frequencies
Graphene can be used to build nanoantennas and
transceivers.[29] Graphene nanomaterials (e.g., GO and rGO)
are particularly well suited to interconnecting biomaterials
with RF microwaves.[80] Graphene is widely used for its
electrical properties and high conductivity.[32,60] In addition,
GO has a high potential for transmitting signals at GHz ranges
(0.5–40 GHz),[73] and millimeter frequencies seem perfectly
Deruelle: Microwaves in cognitive warfare
 
adapted to graphene micro antennas.[76] A study showed
that using a system of GO nanoparticles reacting to the
electric eld, a cell phone can control the rate of drug release
remotely for on demand administration,[121] representing an
example of a partnership between the pharmaceutical and
telecommunications industries.
Moreover, a graphene monolayer can multiply frequencies
from GHz to THz, generating electronic signals in the THz
range with very high eciency.[45,62] Graphene will, therefore,
be well suited to directional radiation in the THz band for 6G
Intrabody nanorobots
e literature conrms that graphene can be used as a base
material for intrabody nanomachines (sensors, routers, antennas,
etc.),[67,81,92,135] with the aim of wireless nanocommunications
through internet between the human body and objects (Internet
of Nano ings).[11,77] Carbon nanotubes are able to create
hybrid systems with the natural neural system and aect specic
cell behaviors.[46] Graphene can also be used to create a brain
interface due to its perfect compatibility with the brain’s neural
system,[47] opening the way to the exploitation and control of
the brain.[50] e hydrogel allows these graphene nanomaterials
to be accepted by the human body, thus representing the ideal
interface in human-machine fusion.[138]
To perform complex tasks, intrabody nanorobots need to
collaborate and organize themselves within a nanonetwork
that can be hybrid wired/wireless. Communication between
intrabody nanonetworks can be electromagnetic or molecular
(the absence or presence of a certain type of molecule to
encode messages digitally).[135] In addition, they self-power
by harvesting energy from their environment (blood vessels)
and their energy is mainly used for the transmission and
reception of wireless communication signals.[8]
e ecient transmission of nanotechnology signals and
data over the nanonetwork is managed by a routing system
called Coordinate and Routing System for Nanonetworks
(CORONA).[123] e most suitable frequency band for these
intrabody nanonetworks seems to be THz.[3,81] e few
studies concerning the biological eects of THz already show
consequences such as modication of the properties of cell
membranes, pore formation, modulation of cell viability and
proliferation. However, the authors point out that there is a
lack of standardized experimental methods.[30]
erefore, as some scientists suggest, these micro- and
nanostructures observed in COVID-19 vaccines could be
part of an intrabody network of wireless nanomachines, but
the many conicts of interest within the health authorities
(e.g., EMA and WHO) inevitably lead to highly biased expert
assessments and responses, which means that the public is
disinformed by part of the scientic community, politicians,
and the media.[37]
In addition, if this graphene-based nanomachine technology
has been injected through COVID-19 vaccines to react with
Fig Some examples of COVID-19 vaccines analysis photographs. (a) 1h27’56’’; (b) 1h31’; (c) 1h31’17’’: Undeclared components of the
COVID-19 vaccines.[9] (d and e): Microscopic objects and structures found in Pzer vaccines by Dr. Campra.[24] Numerous other photographs
of COVID-19 vaccine analyses showing microstructures, objects and graphene have been taken by Dr. Campra.[25]
ba c
d e
Deruelle: Microwaves in cognitive warfare
 
the electromagnetic environment, its operation with the GHz
band is not only current but also appears to be evolutionary
and projected in time to be activated by the THz waves of the
6G network around the 2030s.
Scientic publications and military documents clearly show
that the goal for the coming years is human-machine fusion.
Medicine will rst employ graphene brain implants.[21]
Carbon nanomaterials can be connected to implantable brain-
computer interfaces (BCIs),[89] and graphene nanosensors
appear suitable for operating non-invasive BCIs.[48]
Via the vascular circulation, nanorobots (some carbon
nanomaterials are being studied) could cross the BBB and
attach themselves to the axons of neurons in the brain,
which could then connect to the internet cloud through a
BCI.[101] It should be noted that optimizing a BCI seems to
require the intervention of articial intelligence (AI) to
study brain functions, but also to identify and monitor the
neurons that control behavior.[139] e huge volumes of data
exchanged between the cloud and the human brain will
require AI to manage these interactions, too.[101] 6G network
applications (2030) will enable wireless brain-computer
interaction.[31] While 5G will enable wireless communication
between simple physical objects (IoT), 6G, in which AI will
play a key role, will bring networked communication of
humans, processes, les, and objects (Internet of Everything
(IoE)), such as people-to-machine and people-to-people
connections via the internet.[13,75]
In 2023, a NATO document on the biological functioning
of cognitive warfare shows that one of the most promising
Fig  Control and gradual transformation of humanity. EHS: Electro-Hypersensitivity, DECT:
Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications, BCIs: Brain-Computer Interfaces, IoE: Internet of
Deruelle: Microwaves in cognitive warfare
 
nanotechnology projects is the development of integrated
synthetic DNA. Although the document does not specify the
materials used, this synthetic organic DNA could allow the
creation of human-machine interfaces and is oen referred
to as the 47thhuman chromosome. e paper explains that
neural nanotechnology can be used to bring nano-sized
robots closer to a neuron via the bloodstream and enable the
human brain to be linked directly (i.e., not intercepted by our
senses) to a computer using AI. e author species that this
is a two-way street: such an IA will, in turn, be linked to a
human brain.[128]
e army uses neurotechnology to treat or “improve”
soldiers.[58] us, advances in military neurotechnology,
robotics, and AI will make the « cyborg warrior » (cyborg:
Cybernetic organism), a weaponized brain-computer network
powered by AI and neurocognitive augmentation.[105] In
2019, a US army document, coauthored by renowned
neuroscientist James Giordano, shows that human-machine
fusion will appear before 2050, with the aim of improving
functional and structural human capacities through the use
of genetic engineering, synthetic biology, nanotechnology,
AI, or any number of emerging technologies.[43] e four
main objectives are ocular enhancements, restoration and
programmed muscular control, auditory enhancement, and
direct neural enhancement of the human brain for two-way
data transfer. e assembly of nanoparticles in the brain
(thus forming a BCI) could be positioned using directed
magnetic elds. Although this report aims to present
military cyborgs, the authors point out that not only will
the civilian sector be in demand, but it is the medical sector
that will familiarize the population with human-machine
fusion and provide the military with a large proportion of
the technological advances. In addition, the public will need
to be educated about the benets of becoming a cyborg.
Cinema, media, literature, and governments must build
messages to remove barriers to the adoption of these new
e “benets” (partly therapeutic, as it is also a question of
increasing the capabilities of humans and other living beings)
of designing hybrid systems between living beings and
robotic systems have already begun in civil science.[54]
Scientic literature shows that the use of modulated/pulsed/
polarized microwave RFs from wireless technologies, even
well below international limits designed to protect the
public, causes a number of very serious health consequences:
(1) increased oxidative stress (itself linked to numerous
pathologies, inammation, DNA damage, and aging).
is oxidative status also generates cellular stress and,
consequently the cell’s response to this stress (i.e., cell
cycle arrest, the repair process, and then the elimination of
damaged molecular debris). If stress is too great and there is
excessive molecular damage, the cell is irreparable and dies
(apoptosis). is articially induced premature cell death
can lead to degenerative diseases. If repair is incomplete,
the proliferation of damaged cells can trigger cancer. e
cellular stress response to an electromagnetic eld depends
on the type of cell, the duration of exposure, and the
characteristics of the electromagnetic eld.[78] (2)Changes in
intracellular calcium metabolism. (3) Structural injuries of
immune tissues and functional impairment in immune cells.
(4) Damage to the reproductive system. (5) Brain cancers
(glioma, meningioma, acoustic neuroma). (6) Increased
BBB permeability (allowing certain toxins direct access
to the central nervous system). (7) Increased risk of
cardiomyopathy. (8) Microwave RF also leads to the onset
of microwave syndrome, also known as EHS (i.e., headache,
tinnitus, chronic insomnia, fatigue, nausea, dizziness,
irritability, depressive tendencies, cognitive dysfunction,
and impaired memory). Depending on the individual’s level
of sensitivity and the duration of exposure, submission to
the electromagnetic waves of wireless technologies induces
behavioral changes.
NATO explains that cognitive warfare consists of exploiting
emotions rooted in the subconscious, targeting the amygdala
through the use of nanotechnology, biotechnology, and
information technology, among others. e ultimate aim
is to alter our perception of reality to aect our decision-
making. NATO insists that this is a war without rules, that
it is not science ction, and that it is already happening, but
also that cognitive attack is aimed at both military personnel
and civilians. Targeting is hyper-personalized. Among
civilians, those most vulnerable to such attacks may be, for
example, those who lack condence in governance and social
To sum up
• For decades, the military has been determined to nd
ways of mind control
• Low-power microwave beams could be used as a weapon
to aect behavior
• Global attacks using microwaves induce the same
symptoms (EHS) as irradiation with microwave
radiation from wireless technologies
• Cognitive warfare and 5G radiation at 4.9 GHz both act
on the amygdala, causing a change in behavior
• Above 20 GHz, 5G can be considered as a weapon
• Cognitive warfare personalizes targets; 5G directs its
beams toward users
• ere are powerful conicts of interest between the
telecommunications industry and the political sphere
(e.g., WHO and EU)
• ere are strong links between the telecommunications
Deruelle: Microwaves in cognitive warfare
  
industry and the military (e.g., 5G)
• e pharmaceutical industry is studying and introducing
to the market a nanomaterial (graphene) highly
conductive of electromagnetic waves
• e pharmaceutical industry is known for its conicts of
interest with WHO, the EU, and its military links.
Consequently, we can conclude that the irradiation, with
such standards, by the wireless technologies developed by the
telecommunications industry corresponds to an intentional
strategy from the military-industrial complex and part of the
political establishment to aect the cognitive functions of the
population. Graphene nanoparticles exacerbate, or will exacerbate
(depending on whether they are already present in the body),
the deleterious neurological eects of 5G and will progressively
connect the human brain to the Internet through 6G, with the
aim (a few years later) of merging man with machine [Figure 4].
Since the ocial channel for health information (WHO,
media, and politics) is corrupted, it becomes necessary to
disseminate veried and veriable information. In addition,
it is essential that all scientists, with no conicts of interest,
capable of publishing scientically, with the appropriate
equipment and an approved laboratory, analyze the
components of all vaccines (including those in COVID-19)
as well as dental anesthetics and publish their results in good
scientic journals. If it proves that organisms indeed contain
graphene, studies on chelating agents such as N-acetylcysteine
and calcium disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
would be necessary. It is also becoming vital to stay as far
away as possible from powerful sources of high-frequency
electromagnetic radiation (antennas, WiFi, etc.) and to use
all types of wireless technology as little as possible.
Ethical approval
e Institutional Review Board approval is not required.
Declaration of patient consent
Patient’s consent was not required as there are no patients in
this study.
Financial support and sponsorship
Conicts of interest
ere are no conicts of interest.
manuscript preparation
e authors conrm that there was no use of articial
intelligence (AI)-assisted technology for assisting in the
writing or editing of the manuscript and no images were
manipulated using AI.
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How to cite this article: Deruelle F. Microwave radiofrequencies, 5G, 6G,
graphene nanomaterials: Technologies used in neurological warfare. Surg
Neurol Int. 2024;15:439. doi: 10.25259/SNI_731_2024
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e views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reect the ocial policy
or position of the Journal or its management. e information contained in this article should not be considered to be
medical advice; patients should consult their own physicians for advice as to their specic medical needs.
... Forced injection of the world's entire population with such a technology is no longer a mere hypothetical possibility in the post-COVID-19 era. Furthermore, the research of Deruelle (2020Deruelle ( , 2022Deruelle ( , 2024 combined with the findings of Diblasi et al., as well as that of Yanowitz, Lee, Broudy, Hughes, Campra, Nixon, and others, suggests that self-assembling chip-like components in the COVID-19 injectables can almost certainly be harnessed for biological and neurological warfare as already described in the voluminous scholarly literature. ...
... With all of the foregoing in mind, it is the heavy metals and lanthanides in the COVID-19 injectables -not merely individually but collectively -that are of primary interest because of their known uses in self-assembling magnetic and electronic devices that can be programed and activated remotely and that are being studied for military-grade neurological (Deruelle, 2024) and climate engineering applications (Wigington, 2021;Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. & Wigington, 2023). At the same time, research and development are also underway with medical products involving among other things, the whole family of surfactants including the COVID-19 lipid nanoparticle stablilizers, polysorbate 80 and polyethylene glycol, both of which are judged critical to the COVID-19 nanotechnology by Pfizer and Moderna to stabilize the lipid nanoparticles (Nance & Meier, 2021). ...
Full-text available
Claims of “major flaws” in Diblasi et al. 2024, the article appearing in this journal immediately before this commentary, were published in The Defender after Mike Adams, in his own words, “leveled harsh criticism against Children’s Health Defense”. Those complaints were more directly against this journal and its editors because we reviewed and published that work. Adams said that some values reported were tinier than any detectable by the Agilent 7500cx instrument. From a typo, “µ” for “m” he inferred incompetence and fraudulent intent by the Diblasi team, and said the IJVTPR editors were “duped”. Consequently, we have re-examined the work from raw data to its individual tabled values, every one of them. That flagrant keystroke error was purged with others, but the conclusion stands: the COVID-19 injectables contain at least 55 undeclared chemical elements including so-called “rare earth” metals and 12 of the 15 lanthanides. The likelihood that such elements are not involved in self-assembling entities in the fluids and in the unnatural clots in many recipients is zero. Ongoing gain-of-function bioweapons research together with published agendas for population reduction and control suggest that military-grade nanotechnologies are at play in the world-wide COVID-19 experiment.
Full-text available
Observable real-time injuries at the cellular level in recipients of the “safe and effective” COVID-19 injectables are documented here for the first time with the presentation of a comprehensive description and analysis of observed phenomena. The global administration of these often-mandated products from late 2020 triggered a plethora of independent research studies of the modified RNA injectable gene therapies, most notably those manufactured by Pfizer and Moderna. Analyses reported here consist of precise laboratory “bench science” aiming to understand why serious debilitating, prolonged injuries (and many deaths) occurred increasingly without any measurable protective effect from the aggressively, marketed products. The contents of COVID-19 injectables were examined under a stereomicroscope at up to 400X magnification. Carefully preserved specimens were cultured in a range of distinct media to observe immediate and long-term cause-and-effect relationships between the injectables and living cells under carefully controlled conditions. From such research, reasonable inferences can be drawn about observed injuries worldwide that have occurred since the injectables were pressed upon billions of individuals. In addition to cellular toxicity, our findings reveal numerous — on the order of 3~4 x 106 per milliliter of the injectable — visible artificial self-assembling entities ranging from about 1 to 100 µm, or greater, of many different shapes. There were animated worm-like entities, discs, chains, spirals, tubes, right-angle structures containing other artificial entities within them, and so forth. All these are exceedingly beyond any expected and acceptable levels of contamination of the COVID-19 injectables, and incubation studies revealed the progressive self-assembly of many artifactual structures. As time progressed during incubation, simple one- and two-dimensional structures over two or three weeks became more complex in shape and size developing into stereoscopically visible entities in three-dimensions. They resembled carbon nanotube filaments, ribbons, and tapes, some appearing as transparent, thin, flat membranes, and others as three-dimensional spirals, and beaded chains. Some of these seemed to appear and then disappear over time. Our observations suggest the presence of some kind of nanotechnology in the COVID-19 injectables.
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The World Health Organization (WHO) in 2012 initiated an expert consultation about research on the health effects of radio-frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) for a WHO monograph that was last updated in 1993. The project was abandoned over concerns about the quality of the commissioned review papers. The WHO restarted the project in 2019 by commissioning 10 systematic reviews (SRs) of the research on RF-EMF exposure and adverse biological and health outcomes in laboratory animals, cell cultures, and human populations. The second of these SRs, published in 2024, addresses human observational studies of RF-EMF exposure and non-specific symptoms, including tinnitus, migraine/headache, and sleep disturbance. The present commentary is a critical appraisal of the scientific quality of this SR (SR7) employing criteria developed by the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine. Based upon our review, we call for a retraction of SR7 and an impartial investigation by unconflicted experts of the currently available evidence and future research priorities.
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Korea Veritas Doctors for COVID-19 are reporting two important fi ndings: (a) actively moving unknown live micro-organisms were found in the COVID-19 Vaccine vials (b) a treatment cocktail for 44 COVID-19 outbreak patients was administered and worked successfully. In our opinion all the contents of the COVID-19 vaccines should be thoroughly studied and irrational and harmful COVID-19 vaccinations should be stopped. As a result baseless Vaccine Pass Policy should be stopped. COVID-19 prevention and treatment cocktails should replace the harmful COVID-19 vaccines for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19. Sequels and the harmful eff ects of the COVID-19 vaccines should be addressed by detoxifi cations methods.
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In recent years exposure of living beings to radiofrequency radiation (RFR) emitted from wireless equipment has increased. In this study, we investigated the effects of 3.5‐GHz RFR on hormones that regulate energy metabolism in the body. Twenty‐eight rats were divided into four groups: healthy sham ( n = 7), healthy RFR ( n = 7), diabetic sham ( n = 7), and diabetic RFR ( n = 7). Over a month, each group spent 2 h/day in a Plexiglas carousel. The rats in the experimental group were exposed to RFR, but the sham groups were not. At the end of the experiment, blood and adipose tissues were collected from euthanized rats. Total antioxidant, total oxidant, hydrogen peroxide, ghrelin, nesfatin‐1, and irisin were determined. Insulin expression in pancreatic tissues was examined by immunohistochemical analysis. Whole body specific absorption rate was 37 mW/kg. For the parameters analyzed in blood and fat, the estimated effect size varied within the ranges of 0.215–0.929 and 0.503–0.839, respectively. The blood and adipose nesfatin‐1 ( p = 0.002), blood and pancreatic insulin are decreased, ( p = 0.001), gherelin (p = 0.020), irisin ( p = 0.020), and blood glucose ( p = 0.040) are increased in healthy and diabetic rats exposed to RFR. While nesfatin‐1 are negatively correlated with oxidative stress, hyperglycemia and insulin, ghrelin and irisin are positively correlated with oxidative stress and hyperglycemia. Thus, RFR may have deleterious effects on energy metabolism, particularly in the presence of diabetes.
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Graphene oxide nanomaterials are being developed for wide-ranging applications but are associated with potential safety concerns for human health. We conducted a double-blind randomized controlled study to determine how the inhalation of graphene oxide nanosheets affects acute pulmonary and cardiovascular function. Small and ultrasmall graphene oxide nanosheets at a concentration of 200 μg m⁻³ or filtered air were inhaled for 2 h by 14 young healthy volunteers in repeated visits. Overall, graphene oxide nanosheet exposure was well tolerated with no adverse effects. Heart rate, blood pressure, lung function and inflammatory markers were unaffected irrespective of graphene oxide particle size. Highly enriched blood proteomics analysis revealed very few differential plasma proteins and thrombus formation was mildly increased in an ex vivo model of arterial injury. Overall, acute inhalation of highly purified and thin nanometre-sized graphene oxide nanosheets was not associated with overt detrimental effects in healthy humans. These findings demonstrate the feasibility of carefully controlled human exposures at a clinical setting for risk assessment of graphene oxide, and lay the foundations for investigating the effects of other two-dimensional nanomaterials in humans. ref: NCT03659864.
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The many different voices speaking into the current narrative surrounding the health effects of 5G technologies necessitate an exploration of the background of the various published author-spokespersons and their potential motives. This has been attempted recently by de Vocht and Albers. However, that opinion piece used a narrow investigative lens, resulting in an undermining of both the rationality of the concerned general public and the motives of specific researchers. At the same time, biases, conflicts of interest, and flaws found in “independent” reviews were not considered. To address these oversights, an evidence-based appraisal of public opinion and the scientific caliber of authors involved in the 5G health discussion is warranted. Subsequently, this review article presents an analysis of the available Australian data representing public voices, while also conducting a broader investigation of the level of expertise of recent author-spokespersons based on their experience as scientists, particularly in the area of health effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields. This review thus attempts to more clearly illustrate for the reader the caliber and motives of the voices speaking into the 5G narrative. The article concludes with a set of questions that need to be answered to enable scientists to advise policy makers more effectively on matters of 5G and public health.
Two-dimensional (2D) materials have attracted tremendous interest ever since the isolation of atomically thin sheets of graphene in 2004 due to the specific and versatile properties of these materials. However, the increasing production and use of 2D materials necessitate a thorough evaluation of the potential impact on human health and the environment. Furthermore, harmonized test protocols are needed with which to assess the safety of 2D materials. The Graphene Flagship project (2013–2023), funded by the European Commission, addressed the identification of the possible hazard of graphene-based materials as well as emerging 2D materials including transition metal dichalcogenides, hexagonal boron nitride, and others. Additionally, so-called green chemistry approaches were explored to achieve the goal of a safe and sustainable production and use of this fascinating family of nanomaterials. The present review provides a compact survey of the findings and the lessons learned in the Graphene Flagship.