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The year 2024 marks the 75th anniversary of the discovery of the Burren Green Calamia tridens in Ireland and we provide a complete checklist of the Lepidoptera of the Burren region of western Ireland, the first such list since 1967. The checklist is compiled from published sources and verified records. In total 1,002 species are listed as present in the region up to the end of 2023 which represents 65% of the Irish Lepidoptera fauna. 27 species are only present in the Burren region within Ireland and two of these are only found here within Britain and Ireland. The Burren region supports a significant proportion of the Irish Red-listed macromoths and butterflies. The history of recording in the Burren region is briefly described. Keywords: Lepidoptera, Ireland, The Burren, Co. Clare, Co. Galway, checklist
Lepidopteran checklist of the Burren, Ireland
Edited by C. W. Plant
Volume 136 • Part 5 Supplement
Ent Rec Burren.qxp_Layout 1 02/10/2024 20:52 Page 1
World List abbreviation: Entomologist’s Rec. J. Var.
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Cover image: Limestone pavement at The Burren, western Ireland. Photograph: Brian Nelson
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The year 2024 marks the 75th anniversary of the discovery of the Burren Green
Calamia tridens in Ireland and we provide a complete checklist of the Lepidoptera
of the Burren region of western Ireland, the first such list since 1967. The checklist
is compiled from published sources and verified records. In total 1,002 species are
listed as present in the region up to the end of 2023 which represents 65% of the
Irish Lepidoptera fauna. 27 species are only present in the Burren region within
Ireland and two of these are only found here within Britain and Ireland. The Burren
region supports a significant proportion of the Irish Red-listed macromoths and
butterflies. The history of recording in the Burren region is briefly described.
Keywords: Lepidoptera, Ireland, The Burren, Co. Clare, Co. Galway, checklist
The Burren region is the most extensive karst landscape in Ireland and its scenery
of terraced hills and bare, grey expanses of limestone pavement is like nowhere else
on the island (Cabot & Goodwillie, 2018). Much of the western and northern part
of the region is over 100 m, but in the east the land is more low-lying and dips down
to under 50 m and comprises a complex mosaic of limestone pavement, fens, lakes
and turloughs (Simms, 2005). The name for the area comes from the Irish Boirinn
which can be translated as ‘rocky district’ (see, for example, and is
now universally referred to in English as the Burren as there are other places called
Burren in Ireland.
From a distance much of the Burren appears an empty, lifeless landscape.
However, this first impression is quickly dispelled on closer examination as the rich
and varied vegetation becomes apparent. This change in perspective is mirrored in
how the Burren has been viewed and documented by writers and visitors. Early
accounts referred to the harshness of the area and shortage of water, soil and
vegetation, especially trees. Fraser (1838) described the upper parts of the Burren
thus “destitute of herbage and present to the eye an arid cold and joyless waste
unchanged by either summer’s sun or winter’s cold”. Foot (1871) likened the area
to a desert but added that closer inspection revealed a vegetation which was the
“most remarkable, for the extent of the region” in Britain and Ireland and was very
productive for raising sheep and cattle, hence the “fertile rock” to local inhabitants
Lepidopteran checklist of the Burren, Ireland
2Entomologist’s Rec. J. Var. 136 (2024)
Plate 2. Expanses of limestone pavement almost devoid of vegetation are a conspicuous feature of
the Burren. Photograph: Brian Nelson
Plate 1. Landscape of terraced hills with Hazel scrub and bare, grey areas of limestone pavement
in the central Burren. Photograph: Emma Glanville
(Williams et al., 2009). As interest in natural history further developed in the 19th
century, the remarkable flora of the Burren became much better known (Cabot &
Goodwillie, 2018; Nelson & Walsh, 1991). Through the last decades of the 20th
century and into the present one, ecology and conservation have come more to the
fore as the need to protect and conserve the Burren has been recognised and much
of the area has been designated in some way (Williams et al., 2009).
Looking from the modern perspective, it is hard to conceive that this rich
biodiversity has not always been apparent, yet the Burren has held on to its secrets
for a long time. This is especially the case with the insect fauna, the recording of
which has lagged far behind the botany. Mention of the remarkable plants dates back
to 1650 (Nelson & Walsh, 1991) but the first record of an insect from the Burren
region did not appear until 1854 (More, 1854). As recently as 1950, Praeger, the pre-
eminent Irish naturalist of the 20th century, wrote that “the fauna (not yet fully
examined) offers little of remark” (Praeger, 1950). Yet, the year before in 1949, a
chance encounter with a totally unfamiliar green moth by a visiting entomologist,
Stuart Wright (Wright, 1951), rendered Praeger’s words unfortunate and badly timed.
The discovery of this moth, now known as the Burren Green Calamia tridens*,
initiated a period of entomological recording described as the ‘Burren boom’ by
Emmet (1975a). This added more unexpected species of butterfly and moth and the
Burren has since become the most celebrated area for these insects in Ireland.
Seventy-five years on from Wright’s discovery, we present a complete checklist of
the Lepidoptera of this limestone region in western Ireland. Such an exercise has
been attempted just once by Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967) and an update is long
overdue. We use the term ‘the Burren’ for this region but it has to be recognised that
there is no strict, defined, fixed boundary to the Burren, and many versions exist for
different purposes (Cabot & Goodwillie, 2018). We are in agreement with Webb and
Scannell (1983) and, we concur, with most naturalists, in recognising that the Burren
is entirely a limestone landscape and includes “all the karstic limestones of north
Clare (H9) and the adjacent parts of South-east Galway”. Readers should be aware
that these differences in the definition of the Burren exist.
Definition of the recording area
The inconsistent and loose use of the term the Burren hinders the production of a
checklist so our first task was to define a boundary for the recording area used in
this checklist.
Our requirements for the boundary were that it should be pragmatic and clearly
defined and restricted to areas with a predominance of karstic limestone landscape.
It also had to be devised so that as many as possible of the published records of
Lepidoptera associated with limestone habitats recorded from the Burren could be
included. Early records up to 1980 lacked grid references and even locality
information, and were often given as just from “the Burren”. The boundary also
had to recognise the existence of the Burren National Park and the designation of
Special Areas of Conservation which have limestone pavement as a qualifying
Lepidopteran checklist of the Burren, Ireland
* Authors of scientific names are included in Appendix 1 and are omitted from the text for ease of reading.
4Entomologist’s Rec. J. Var. 136 (2024)
Plate 4. A moth trap in operation in limestone pavement habitat with Hazel woodland in the
background. Photograph: Stephen Cotter
Plate 3. The Burren is best known for its open grasslands but there is also woodland including
some with native Scots Pine. Photograph: Brian Nelson
Early publications on the Burren used the term to mean an area largely or entirely
in north Clare based on the old political entity of the Burren barony. Publications that
used this restricted definition include Webb (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967),
Morris (1967) and Cabot & Goodwillie (2018). Their boundaries were deemed
unsuitable for our purposes as they were either undefined in some way or they
excluded significant areas of karst landscape and, therefore, records of the
Lepidoptera. More recent publications include a much wider area in their definition
of the Burren as explained in Webb & Scannell (1983) in recognition that most
naturalists viewed the Burren as covering ‘all the karstic limestones of north Clare
(H9) and the adjacent parts of South-east Galway’. We have used this wider definition
as the basis of our boundary. Some Burren definitions are even wider but they include
extensive areas of shale geology or limestone bedrock covered by significant depths
of drift. Examples of these wider boundaries are or have been used in conservation
and heritage programmes including the Burren Programme (see Williams et al., 2009),
and its successor the ACRES Burren Aran Co-operation Project, as well as the Burren
and Cliffs of Moher Geopark (Doyle, 2022).
Our boundary (Fig. 1) in common with all other versions of the Burren, uses the
shore of Galway Bay and the Atlantic coast as the north-western boundary. Our
region reaches down to Doolin on the west coast, and the southern boundary,
moving inland anticlockwise from Doolin, follows the limestone/shale boundary
around Slieve Elva (which is capped by shale) to near the south-west corner of
Lough Inchiquin. This geological boundary is available in various formats from the
Geological Survey of Ireland.
Lepidopteran checklist of the Burren, Ireland
Figure 1. The location of the Burren in western Ireland and the boundary used in this checklist.
Selected place names referred to in the text are shown. The map was produced in QGIS.
The remainder of the boundary is where our line deviates from that of Webb &
Scannell (1983). From Lough Inchiquin, our boundary follows minor roads looping
south-east to Junction 14 (Barefield) on the M18 Limerick to Gort motorway, taking
in the areas of karst south of Corrofin but not going as far south as in Webb &
Scannell (1983). From the Barefield junction the boundary then follows,
successively, the M18 to Junction 16 at Gort, the R458 from the Gort junction to
Ardrahan and, lastly, the railway line from Ardrahan to Craughwell to where it
crosses the Dunkellin River, which is the northern boundary. This last segment north
of Ardrahan deviates from Webb & Scannell’s boundary as theirs takes a more
westerly line following the R458/N67 road from Ardrahan to the Dunkellin River
just north of Kilcolgan. Our boundary extends east of this road to include the karst
area at Castletaylor which was one of the earliest collecting sites. For more detail
on the precise boundary line, see Appendix 3.
The area enclosed by this boundary is approximately 750 km2. It includes the
following Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) designated for limestone pavement:
Ardrahan Grassland SAC (IE0002244), Ballyogan Lough SAC (IE0000019), Black-
Head–Poulsallagh Complex SAC (IE0000020), Castletaylor Complex SAC
(IE0000242), Coole–Garryland Complex SAC (IE0000252), Dromore Woods and
Loughs SAC (IE0000032), East Burren Complex SAC (IE0001926), Galway Bay
Complex SAC (IE0000268), Lough Fingall Complex SAC (IE0000606), Moneen
Mountain SAC (IE0000054) and Moyree River System SAC (IE0000057).
Ballycullinan SAC (IE0000016) is also included as there is limestone pavement on
this SAC but it is not designated for this habitat.
In terms of hectads of the Irish grid, the recording area includes all or parts of the
land within the following 16 hectads: R09, R19, R28, R29*, R38, R39*, R49,
M00*, M10, M11*, M20*, M21*, M30*, M31, M40 and M41 (an asterisk denotes
that all the land area of the respective hectad is within the recording area). Our
boundary intersects the extreme north-west corner of R48 but there are no records
of Lepidoptera from this tiny area and it is not included in the list.
Compiling the checklist
The checklist was created from two principal sources, published references and
verified records. The bibliography of Irish entomological literature by O’Connor
(2023) was searched for relevant citations. Additional published references were
found by searches of online resources including the Biodiversity Heritage Library,
Google Scholar and JSTOR using search terms such as “Burren”, “Co. Clare”, “Co.
Galway” in combination with “moths”, “butterflies” and “Lepidoptera”. The printed
volumes of journals that are not available online were searched for any citations
with Burren records.
The second major source of Burren records was the datasets of verified records
of moths submitted to MothsIreland (MothsIreland, 2024) and butterflies to the
National Biodiversity Data Centre (National Biodiversity Data Centre, 2024).
KGMB maintains a database of Irish Microlepidoptera records and that was
especially helpful in highlighting changes resulting from redeterminations and
taxonomic change.
6Entomologist’s Rec. J. Var. 136 (2024)
No inference on the quality of the data or information contained in each
publication can be taken from the listing of the citations, and we have not
excluded references which, for instance, simply repeat information from earlier
papers. A significant number of the published records, especially from the 1950s
and 1960s, were listed simply as from “the Burren” without definition of what
was meant by the term or sufficient information to determine whether the record
was in or outside our boundary. Nevertheless, we could accept most of these
records even though they lacked a precise location or a grid reference. Some
records however we did not accept as there was doubt that they came from
limestone habitat. One example of this is the listing of Large Heath Coenonympha
tullia by Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967) based on Wheeler (1963). This
butterfly is not considered calcicolous in Ireland and we have excluded it as it
would appear from Wheeler (1963) that the record was from the shale area of
Slieve Elva. The records of Large Heath in Huggins (1956b, 1957) are not
accepted as the information provided is not sufficient to allow a definitive
determination of their location. Another example is Coleophora lassella which
was included in Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967) although it had been explained
by Bradley (1953b) that it most likely did not come from “typical Burren
country”. As modern records are all supplied with a grid reference, they could be
included or excluded easily. This is one advantage of a fixed boundary as it allows
for a simple and unambiguous determination of whether a species’ record falls
inside or outside of the recording area. We consider this is especially important
as it will allow for future comparison.
History of Lepidoptera recording in the Burren
The following is a short history of Lepidoptera recording in the Burren summarising
the main recording events and publications that we have traced.
1851-1900 The start of modern Irish entomological studies is dated from 1854 by
Beirne (1947) as that year saw the rate of publications on Irish entomology increase
from zero or one per year to consistently four or more. Before that, although there were
entomologists active in Ireland, only intermittent publications were produced and we
can find none from before 1854 that unequivocally contain Burren records. The two
earliest publications which we consider contain records from the Burren are More
(1854) and Greene (1854) referring to the occurrence of Transparent Burnet Zygaena
purpuralis and Dingy Skipper Erynnis tages, respectively. However, the first dated
record we have traced was one of the Wood White Leptidea sinapis by Alexander
Goodman More in 1850 (Moffat, 1898). As Beirne (1985) observed there was no
resident entomologist in the Burren so any records came from visitors, and More is
the first visiting naturalist whose records can be placed with certainty in the checklist
area. More was visiting the Shawe Taylors who owned the Castletaylor estate, Co.
Galway and were family friends of his parents. In all More stayed there in three
summers (1850, 1851 and 1854) and two late winters and springs (1856 and 1864)
(Moffat, 1898). The day he arrived on his first visit, 14 June 1850, More recorded the
Wood White (Moffat, 1898) and the next day he saw Small Blue Cupido minimus.
Lepidopteran checklist of the Burren, Ireland
Also, at some stage he saw Dingy Skipper Erynnis tages as a record of this is attributed
to him by Greene (1854). More was at Castletaylor again in summer 1851, this time
with his parents and sister. That summer, he targeted the moths of Castletaylor using a
net, sugaring and the “willing assistance of his sister” to list species (Moffat, 1898).
More’s sister Frances, according to Moffat (1898), usually accompanied More on his
travels, but her name is not associated with any of his insect records. However, she
was clearly an observant naturalist in her own right as she did add the orchid Neotinea
maculata to the Irish list (Nelson & Walsh, 1991). Birchall (1858a) listed 11 moths
new to Ireland found by More in 1851 including Transparent Burnet Zygaena
purpuralis and Rosy Footman Miltochrista miniata. Transparent Burnet became the
first celebrated insect of the Burren and indeed for several decades it was called the
Irish Burnet. More also found Least Minor Photedes captiuncula, but it was not listed
amongst More’s finds by Birchall (1858a) as the identification was not certain at that
time. More returned with his sister to Castletaylor at least three more times after 1851,
but he appears not to have recorded Lepidoptera again apart from a record of Brimstone
Gonepteryx rhamni at Kilmacduagh on 1 March 1856 (Moffat, 1898).
Edwin Birchall was the main entomologist and collector in the Burren area in
this early period and he is known to have supplied many museums and collectors
with specimens of Transparent Burnet (Beirne, 1985). Birchall provided few details
about where he collected and, for instance, never referred to the region as the Burren
in any of his papers. However, it is clear from his description of the landscape that
he visited areas of limestone pavement (Birchall, 1867) although most of his
collecting in the region appears to have been in the Kilcornan estate at Clarinbridge,
Co. Galway just outside the recording area (Birchall, 1858a, 1858b).
Other recorders in this period included Emily Lawless and Miss Nugent. Emily
Lawless lived in Co. Kildare but visited the Burren often. She certainly stayed in
Castletaylor and, like Birchall, collected also at Kilcornan. She also stayed in
Ballyvaghan. Lawless was clearly fascinated by the Transparent Burnet and her
comment that it may have been a significant pollinator of plants in the Burren in
the absence of Honey Bee Apis mellifera attracted the attention of Charles Darwin
(Nelson, 2015). Nugent is listed in Kane’s catalogue as providing records from
Ardrahan. She is not listed as an author in her own right in O’Connor (2023) and
she, like Lawless, does not have an entry in Praeger (1949). We have not found any
other biographical details of Nugent, not even her first name, but we consider that
most likely she was a relative (possibly a daughter or grand-daughter) of the Rev.
William Nugent who is listed as Church of Ireland rector of Ardrahan from 1862–
This period came to an end when William de Vismes Kane produced his catalogue
of Irish Lepidoptera published in parts in The Entomologist between 1893 and 1901.
Although Kane’s catalogue was tainted by his acceptance of the fabricated Dillon
records (Beirne, 1985) there is no reason to doubt the Burren records as these are
largely from Nugent, Birchall and More. A total of 70 species from the recording
area are listed in Kane (1893-1901; 1900-1901), most of these from the Ardrahan–
Castletaylor area. Kane however undoubtedly travelled into the Burren and he added
Royal Mantle Catarhoe cuculata to the list, finding one at Gleninagh on 13 July
8Entomologist’s Rec. J. Var. 136 (2024)
1895 (Kane, 1895). At the end of this period, 90 species of Lepidoptera were listed
from the area.
1900-1949 This was a period of decline in Irish natural history with no succession
of ‘new’ Irish entomologists to replace the pre-1900 generation until the 1930s
(Beirne, 1985). The main Irish publication, The Irish Naturalist, was also in decline
until it ceased in 1924 (Wyse Jackson & Wyse Jackson, 1992). It was a quiet time
in Burren recording for the general reasons Beirne (1985) explains. There were
people recording in the Burren in this period but few of them published their finds
and we have traced just 17 publications from the period which added 34 species to
the list. This was still in an era before the widespread use of light traps so most of
the recording was by day-time or looking for larvae. Charles Langham listed 32
species including the first record of Hypercallia citrinalis collected on a visit in
1916 (Langham, 1917). In 1922, the first record of Pearl-bordered Fritillary Boloria
euphrosyne from the Burren was published by Phillips (1923). Thomas Greer, a
very active lepidopterist from Co. Tyrone (Beirne, 1985), published a short list of
species of day-flying moths and butterflies (Greer, 1936). Charles Donovan was
the most significant figure in this period publishing a catalogue of the Irish
macrolepidoptera in 1936 (Donovan, 1936) which updated the preceding list by
Kane (1893-1901). A supplement containing records from 1936 was published in
1938 (Donovan, 1938). Donovan lived in England but did visit Ireland on occasion
(his family home was in Co. Cork). His diaries, which are held in the National
Museum of Ireland, record two recording trips to the Burren, both in late June, the
first in 1931 and the second in 1936. Donovan’s catalogue overall contains few new
records from the Burren and most are in the supplement. The micromoths of Ireland
were listed by Beirne (1941) but only four species are recorded from the Burren.
By the end of this period, 124 species of Lepidoptera were known from the Burren.
1949-1967 The discovery in August 1949 of the Burren Green Calamia tridens by
Stuart Wright brought about a significant increase in recording with the Burren
Green the major draw. The identification of Wright’s unknown moth was confirmed
by Eric Classey who announced it in a short note inaccurately titled Luceria
(Calamia) virens L. in Britain” (Classey, 1950). This preceded an equally sparse
note on the discovery by Wright himself published in the Irish Naturalists’ Journal
(Wright, 1951). The details provided were extremely sparse. It is generally stated
that Wright found the moth by day resting on bracken but the precise location was
never published–it appears as site X in Classey (1951)–with most considering it
was west of Ballyvaghan towards Black Head as in Nelson & Walsh (1991).
The discovery led to a period of intensive moth trapping, using the newly available
light traps, starting in 1950 with the Classey-Robinson expedition. This succeeded
in proving the Burren Green was a resident species. The paper produced at the end
of this visit lists 122 species from the checklist area (Classey & Goater, 1951). Few
localities are given; the original Burren Green site for example was still kept secret.
During the 1950s, significant papers were produced especially by John Bradley
listing many Microlepidoptera for the first time. Henry Huggins was a frequent
Lepidopteran checklist of the Burren, Ireland
visitor to Ireland and the Burren (Chalmers-Hunt, 1978) and his 1957 overview still
provides a good summary of the Burren Lepidoptera fauna especially of the western
coastal part from Doolin to Black Head and Ballyvaghan (Huggins, 1957).
The years 1959 to 1965 saw another increase in recording led by Robin Mere,
John Bradley and Teddy Pelham-Clinton, all of whom were micromoth specialists.
Mere, Bradley and Pelham-Clinton based themselves in Ballynalackan and mainly
worked the coastal area north to Black Head and the exposed west-facing slopes of
Doughbranneen. They also visited Newtown Castle and other sites around
Ballyvaghan away from the Atlantic coast but restricted their recording to Co. Clare.
Their work was systematic, targeting specific plants for species and ensuring that
visits were spaced over the season so that the entire period May to September had
at least one visit per month. They only used light traps regularly at two sites. This
work culminated in the 1967 paper (Bradley & Pelham-Clinton, 1967) which was
dedicated to the memory of Robin Mere, who had died in 1965, and presented a
checklist of 669 species. Whilst it is a valuable listing, the details for each species
are inconsistent and not of a standard that would be expected of modern recording.
10 Entomologist’s Rec. J. Var. 136 (2024)
Plate 5. W. S. Wright, the discoverer of the Burren Green Calamia tridens. Source Lurgan Mail
5 February 1961, reproduced with permission of National World Publishing Limited.
A feature of this period was the description of Burren subspecies by amongst
others Baynes, Cockayne and Huggins (Chalmers-Hunt, 1978). The validity of some
of these has been questioned and this is one aspect of the Burren fauna that needs
Over this period, 562 species were identified and published from the Burren for
the first time and the species list totalled 705 species at the end of 1967.
1968-1990 Again this was rather a quiet period in terms of addition of species.
Although we traced 71 citations in the period, these only added 39 species to the
checklist. Of most significance were the 16 species of nepticulid added by Maitland
Emmet (Emmet, 1975a, 1981). Baynes published his catalogue of the Irish
macrolepidoptera with a supplement (Baynes, 1970, 1973) and whilst many species
were listed from the Burren, these were without exception previously known
species. Brown Hairstreak Thecla betulae was added to the Burren list in 1980 by
Tom Tolman as documented in O’Sullivan (2001).
1991-present day An increase in both the number of publications and addition of
‘new’ species to the checklist are both apparent in this period compared to the
previous. One of the most significant publications in this period was Heckford &
Langmaid (1991) which listed 291 species from the Burren, including first records
of many micromoth species. Then in 1993, Peter Forder announced the finding of
the Irish Annulet Odontognophos dumetata near Lough Bunny, perhaps an even
more remarkable macromoth discovery than the Burren Green (Forder, 1993). Like
the Burren Green, the Irish Annulet is not present in Britain, but it is a southern
European species and the Burren represents its most northerly location. This
discovery (which was actually made in 1991 but took some time to be confirmed)
led to a renewed interest in the Burren from visiting moth recorders. During his
Burren visit, Forder had stayed in a Bed & Breakfast near Kinvarra and this has
become a regular base for visiting entomologists and especially moth recorders.
This switch has re-oriented recording effort and now it is the coastal and upland
parts of the Burren that are relatively neglected. There have been, for example, no
records published from the western upland fringe since it was targeted by Robin
Mere in the 1960s.
This latter period has seen more ecologically based work including studies of
the Irish Annulet (Woodrow et al., 2018), the wood whites Leptidea (Nelson et
al., 2001, 2011) and investigation of foodplants of some of the Burren specialities
(Henwood & Foot, 2013; Sterling et al., 2015). Larkin & Stanley (2021) included
butterflies in a study of the response of pollinators to management in the Burren.
Recording of the Burren species has improved with atlases produced on both
butterflies (e.g. Asher et al., 2001; Nash et al., 2012) and macromoths (Randle et
al., 2019) which show the relative importance of the Burren in the context of the
Irish fauna but also within the wider British and Irish biogeographical region.
Both Harding (2008) and Harding (2021) provide site lists for the butterflies in
the Burren, but a similar treatment and coverage of the Burren moths has not yet
been attempted.
Lepidopteran checklist of the Burren, Ireland
Format of the checklist
All species with published references or verified records are listed following
the checklist order, nomenclature and numbering system used in Agassiz et al.
(2024) – termed in shorthand the ABH system. Species are listed under family
headings, and for each family the number of known Irish species is given as
well as the number of species and percentage of the Irish fauna (in brackets)
found in the Burren. The common name of the species is provided for each
butterfly and macromoth. Common names for micromoths are not in usage
amongst Irish recorders and only a few of these are given. For each species, all
of the citations in which the species is mentioned are listed. For those species
which we have not found in any publications, we list the database that contains
verified records.
For all species, the date of the most recent record contained in the verified datasets
is categorised as following:
A: last record since start of 2000
B: last record between start of 1950 and end of 1999
C: last record before start of 1950
The following additional information is provided for species, where relevant:
Red List category. Red List assessments have been undertaken for Irish butterflies
(Regan et al., 2010) and macromoths (Allen et al., 2016). The Red List category is
12 Entomologist’s Rec. J. Var. 136 (2024)
Plate 6. Recording the moths for the Burren National Park in habitat of the Burren Green Calamia
tridens Photograph: Brian Nelson
given for Threatened (Critically Endangered, Endangered, Vulnerable) and Near
Threatened species from these two groups.
Irish rarity. A system of categorising Irish species according to their rarity based
on the number of hectads the species is recorded from on the island of Ireland
has been implemented for Irish plants and is proposed for use with insect species
(Stroh et al., 2023; Mantell et al., in press). The three categories on an all-Ireland
basis are Rare (recorded from 1-10 hectads), Very Scarce (present in 11-25
hectads) and Scarce (26-50). We list these categories for macromoths, following
Mantell et al. (in press) and have applied the same methodology to the Irish
butterflies. There has been no attempt to apply these categories to the
Range restriction within Ireland. In order to highlight species for which the
Burren is particularly important in an Irish context, we examined the Irish range of
the species as mapped by hectad occupancy and categorised the species according
to the proportion of the Irish range contained in the Burren recording area based on
the distribution data up to the end of 2023.
EXCLUSIVE 100% of the Irish range and therefore all the known
populations are contained in the Burren.
MAJORITY – 50% or more of Irish range is found in the Burren
SIGNIFICANT – >25% and <50% of Irish range is found in the Burren
We extracted references to species of Lepidoptera in the Burren from 350
publications and these contained almost 5,000 mentions of individual species. The
total number of species in these citations was 859. An additional 143 species have
accepted and verified records in either MothsIreland or the all-Ireland butterfly
dataset held by the National Biodiversity Data Centre. All these additional species
are moths with one exception, the Comma Polygonia c-album. The final checklist
therefore contains 1,002 species (Appendix 1). There are 21 additional species
mentioned as being from the Burren which have not been accepted for one reason
or another and these are listed in Appendix 2.
Burren Green Calamia tridens was the most cited of all species being mentioned
in 68 publications. The three most frequently referenced macromoth species are
Calamia tridens, Transparent Burnet Zygaena purpuralis (61) and Least Minor
Photedes captiuncula (36) and the three most mentioned butterflies are the Wood
White Leptidea sinapis (58), Dingy Skipper Erynnis tages (47) and Pearl-bordered
Fritillary Boloria euphrosyne (45). The three most commonly referenced
micromoths are Platyptilia tesseradactyla (31), Pyrausta sanguinalis (28) and
Merrifieldia tridactyla (27).
Number of species and family representation
Species have been recorded from the Burren from 59 of the 62 Lepidoptera
families known to occur in Ireland. The 1,002 species on the checklist represents
65% of the Irish lepidopteran fauna (1,542 species). The percentage
Lepidopteran checklist of the Burren, Ireland
representations of butterflies and macromoths are both higher at, respectively,
88% and 74%, than the figure for the micromoths of 58% (Table 1).
Representation of the larger families is in line with or slightly above overall
representation. For example, 74% of the Irish Noctuidae, 76% of the Geometridae
and 63% of the Tortricidae have been recorded in the Burren. Families that are
poorly represented in the Burren include the Nepticulidae (54%), Gracillariidae
(46%) and Pyralidae (32%). The three unrepresented families are the
Autostichidae, Stathmopodidae and Cossidae. These are represented by,
respectively, one, two and one species on the Irish list. One of the two species
within the Stathmopodidae is a recent introduction, the second is a native but very
rare. The single Irish species in the Autostichidae is mainly found in eastern
locations but could easily be in the region undetected. The only Irish
representative of the Cossidae is the Goat Moth Cossus cossus and this has a
curious split distribution in central and eastern Ireland and in the south-west. The
nearest records of this to the Burren are in east Co. Clare by Lough Derg some
30 km to the east. It could be present undetected in the wetlands in the eastern
Burren or in some of the established woodlands such as Garryland and Dromore.
Date of most recent record. A total of 852 species has been recorded in the Burren
since 1/1/2000 (group A; Table 1). All the butterflies listed from the Burren have
been seen since 2000. Group B contains 149 species, broken down as 23 species of
macromoth and 126 species of micromoth. There are only two species which have
not been recorded since 1949, Rosy Footman Miltochrista miniata and Thrift
Clearwing Pyropteron muscaeformis. Rosy Footman was recorded by More at
Castletaylor in 1851 (Birchall, 1858a) but has not been seen since and, indeed, may
not have been looked for. Thrift Clearwing is listed from the Burren in Donovan
based on a record of his own from Black Head but with no date (Donovan, 1936).
Donovan’s diary notebooks mention two visits to Black Head, the first on 24 June
1931 and the other in late June 1936. Given that the record of Thrift Clearwing is
published in the main catalogue and not the later 1938 supplement, the earlier date
would appear to be the correct one.
Red List species. Five of the six Threatened Irish butterflies, and four of the five
Near Threatened species, are found in the Burren (Regan et al., 2010; Table 1), the
only absentees being Large Heath Coenonympha tullia (VU) (see Appendix 2) and
Gatekeeper Pyronia tithonus (NT).
The Burren list contains 46% of the Threatened macromoths and 80% of the Near
Threatened species (Allen et al., 2016; Table 1). Three Critically Endangered species
have been recorded in the Burren, Thrift Clearwing, Portland Moth Actebia praecox
and Feathered Gothic Tholera decimalis. Thrift Clearwing has not been seen since
1931 but there would appear to be no reason to consider it absent. Portland Moth
was recorded at the dunes at Fanore on at least three occasions between 1951 and
1960 (Richardson, 1951; Baynes, 1973). It was described as frequent in 1960 but it
has not been seen since. Feathered Gothic has been recorded three times in the Burren
the most recent record being an unpublished one from 2013.
14 Entomologist’s Rec. J. Var. 136 (2024)
Rare Irish species. Table 1 gives the number of Rare, Very Scarce and Scarce
butterfly and macromoth species recorded from the Burren. All the rare and scarce
butterflies are found in the Burren and 50% of the rare and scarce macromoths. This
categorisation of Irish species is in its infancy but has been proposed to allow for
site assessment.
Range restriction. Based on the MothsIreland (2024) maps, 118 (12%) of the
Burren species fall into one of the three categories under this heading. Of most
significance are the species which are exclusive to the Burren and there are 26
species in this category–22 micromoths and three macromoths. The full list of the
exclusive species is: 1.002 Micropterix mansuetella, 4.046 Stigmella
auromarginella, 4.050 Stigmella dryadella, 4.097 Ectoedemia rubivora, 7.013
Nematopogon magna, 20.008 Argyresthia abdominalis, 32.022 Agonopterix
capreolella, 32.050 Telechrysis tripuncta, 32.051 Hypercallia citrinalis (the other
Irish record is an adventive occurrence), 34.012 Sorhagenia rhamniella, 35.073
Monochroa palustrellus, 35.082 Oxypteryx immaculatella, 35.129 Caryocolum
viscariella, 35.157 Recurvaria leucatella, 37.013 Coleophora siccifolia, 37.031
Coleophora ahenella, 37.081 Coleophora therinella, 37.094 Coleophora ramosella,
49.177 Argyroploce arbutella, 49.178 Stictea mygindiana, 49.204 Ancylis obtusana,
Lepidopteran checklist of the Burren, Ireland
Micromoths Macromoths Butterflies Whole group
Burren fauna (all Ireland fauna) 543 (925) 429 (580) 30 (34) 1002 (1542)
% representation 59% 74% 88% 65%
Date of most recent record
A seen since 1/1/2000 417 405 30 852
B last seen between 1/1/1950 and
31/12/1999 126 22 0 148
C not seen since 31/12/49 0 2 0 2
Red List status
Critically Endangered (CR) n/a 3 (7) 0 (0) 3 (10)
Endangered (EN) n/a 3 (9) 3 (3) 6 (12)
Vulnerable (VU) n/a 13 (30) 2 (2) 15 (32)
Near Threatened (NT) n/a 16 (20) 4 (5) 20 (25)
Irish rarity category
Rare n/a 12 (29) 1 (1) 13 (30)
Very Scarce n/a 23 (43) 2 (2) 25 (45)
Scarce n/a 43 (57) 1 (1) 44 (58)
Range restriction
Exclusive 23 3 0 26
Majority 34 5 1 40
Significant 38 10 2 50
Table 1. Numbers of Lepidoptera species found in the Burren. Figures in parentheses are the total
numbers of Irish species (all-island). See text for further information on how rarity and range
categories are defined.
49.218 Eriopsela quadrana, 49.293 Notocelia tetragonana, 70.135 Perizoma
minorata Heath Rivulet, 70.286 Odontognophos dumetata Irish Annulet, and 73.116
Calamia tridens Burren Green.
Two of these species–Burren Green and Irish Annulet additionally are not resident
in Great Britain (Randle et al., 2019). Eleven of these exclusive species have not
been recorded since 2000 and some, for example Micropterix mansuetella, have
not been seen since they were first recorded. Confirmation of their continued
presence in the Burren should be a priority for recording effort.
Species added to the Irish list from the Burren. We also considered the number
of species found for the first time in Ireland in the Burren. Clearly that applies to
all the exclusive species listed above but based on the data in the MothsIreland
dataset, the earliest records for 159 moths are from the Burren. The first records for
at least four butterflies appear also to have been made in the region. More analysis
of this aspect is needed to give more definite figures.
Burren subspecies. Nine subspecies have been described from the Burren, two of
butterflies and seven of macromoths. These are Erynnis tages baynesi Huggins,
1956, Hipparchia semele clarensis Lattin, 1952, Eupithecia intricata hibernica
Mere, 1964, Eupithecia vulgata clarensis Huggins, 1962, Chiasma clathrata
hugginsi Baynes, 1959, Aspitates gilvaria burrenensis Cockayne, 1951,
Odontognophos dumetata hibernica (Forder, 1993) and Calamia tridens
occidentalis Cockayne, 1954. All of these are listed in the latest ABH checklist with
the exception of Eupithecia vulgata clarensis. This was treated as a form by Riley
& Prior (2003) and Waring & Townsend (2017).
Many subspecies described within the Lepidoptera are poorly characterised, often
subjective and based on the examination of a limited number of specimens and may
simply be clinal variation within the species as reviewed by Braby et al. (2012).
There has been no systematic study of Burren subspecies but one is needed to clarify
their taxonomic status and distribution. Cockayne (1954a) argued that the clarensis
subspecies of Grayling described by Lattin (1952) was based on a “carefully
selected” series of specimens which were unusually pale. However, the contrary
view was expressed by Howarth (1971) who reinstated the subspecies after
examining more Burren material. In the same paper, Howarth described a second
Irish subspecies, hibernica but it is unclear where the two subspecies occur in
Ireland. Lastly, Riley (1993) refers to a specimen of Chiasmia clathrata hugginsi
found in Yorkshire with the implication that this form is not restricted to the Burren.
The Burren has long been known to have a notable natural history, especially the
rich assemblage of plants. Seventy-five years ago, the fauna was considered
unremarkable but this changed when Stuart Wright discovered the Burren Green.
This happened to coincide with the development of portable light traps, which has
transformed recording of moths, and the checklist of 124 species in 1949 has
increased 8-fold to its current total of 1,002.
16 Entomologist’s Rec. J. Var. 136 (2024)
Lepidopteran checklist of the Burren, Ireland
Plate 7. Some notable micromoths of the Burren. a. Telechrysis tripuncta; b. Coleophora siccifolia;
c. Hypercallia citrinalis; d. Athrips tetrapunctella; e. Teleiodes wagae; f. Pyrausta sanguinalis.
Photographs Stephen Cotter (d,e,f), Phillip Strickland (a,c), Rachel Mc Kenna (b).
a b
c d
e f
How outstanding the Burren is compared to other regions in Ireland is hard to
quantify until published checklists are produced for other Irish regions. The only
published figures available are from Northern Ireland which has a total fauna of at least
1,140 species comprising 25 butterfly and 462 macromoths species (Thompson &
Nelson, 2006) and 653 micromoths (Bond et al., 2016). 853 species have been recorded
in Hectad S50, a coastal square in Co. Waterford, and 824 species from Murlough in
Co. Down (MothsIreland data). What can be concluded from this comparison is that
there is still scope for adding species to the Burren list especially micromoths. By
providing this checklist we hope it will encourage further recording and provide the
background information needed to target recording in an effective manner. We hope it
will also encourage preparation of checklists for other sites and regions of Ireland.
We wish to acknowledge the past and present recorders who have contributed
records to the Burren databases. We are also very grateful to the authors of the
publications and all who have contributed information on the Burren Lepidoptera
which has made this checklist possible. We also acknowledge the assistance of all
the landowners and site managers who have permitted trapping on their land. Emma
Glanville of the Burren National Park is especially thanked for all her help,
especially in accessing remote locations. Dr Aidan O’Hanlon of the National
Museum of Ireland is thanked for giving BN access to the library and collections
of the museum. KGMB thanks the curators of museums in Dublin, Edinburgh and
London for access to the collections. The light trapping by the authors was licenced
under the Wildlife Acts (1976). Stella Beavan and Bob Heckford are thanked for
their helpful and thorough review. BN would like to dedicate this checklist to the
memory of his brother Charles who died May 2024 and who did so much to
document the rich natural history of the Burren.
Appendix 1. Checklist of the Burren butterflies and moths (Lepidoptera)
Irish species 4; Burren species 3 (75%)
1.002 Micropterix mansuetella (Zeller, 1844) B
Bradley (1952), Graves (1953), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Bond (1995), Bond et al. (2006)
1.004 Micropterix aruncella (Scopoli, 1763) B
Mere (1962), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid
1.005 Micropterix calthella (Linnaeus, 1761) A
Bradley (1952), Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford &
Langmaid (1991)
Irish species 8; Burren species 3 (38%)
2.001 Dyseriocrania subpurpurella (Haworth, 1828) B
Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
2.002 Eriocrania chrysolepidella (Zeller, 1851) A
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Bond (1995), Bond et al. (2006)
18 Entomologist’s Rec. J. Var. 136 (2024)
2.007 Eriocrania semipurpurella (Stephens, 1835) A
MothsIreland (2024)
Irish species 4; Burren species 4 (100%)
3.002 Korscheltellus lupulina (Linnaeus, 1758) Common Swift A
Huggins (1956b), Huggins (1957), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967),
Baynes (1973), Dowling & de Courcy Williams (1976), Gardner (1997), Mantell & Anderson
3.003 Korscheltellus fusconebulosa (DeGeer, 1778) Map-winged Swift A
Huggins (1955b), Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), deWorms (1971),
Dowling & de Courcy Williams (1976), O’Sullivan (1990), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Nelson
et al. (2022)
3.004 Phymatopus hecta (Linnaeus, 1758) Gold Swift A
O’Sullivan (1990), Nelson et al. (2022)
3.005 Hepialus humuli (Linnaeus, 1758) Ghost Moth A
Richardson (1952), deWorms & Ellison (1957), Anon (1963a), Mere (1964a), Pelham-Clinton
(1964), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), deWorms (1971), Huggins (1973), Dowling & de
Courcy Williams (1976), O’Sullivan (1990), Gardner (1997), Mantell & Anderson (2020), Nelson
et al. (2022)
Irish species 69; Burren species 37 (54%)
4.002 Stigmella lapponica (Wocke, 1862) A
Emmet (1975a)
4.003 Stigmella confusella (Wood, 1894) A
Emmet (1975a), Bond (1995)
4.005 Stigmella betulicola (Stainton, 1856) B
Emmet (1975a)
4.007 Stigmella luteella (Stainton, 1857) B
Emmet (1971a), Emmet (1975a), Bond (1995)
4.010 Stigmella microtheriella (Stainton, 1854) A
Emmet (1975a)
4.013 Stigmella malella (Stainton, 1854) B
Agassiz et al. (1998)
4.014 Stigmella catharticella (Stainton, 1853) A
Speight & Cogan (1979), Bond et al. (2006)
4.015 Stigmella anomalella (Goeze, 1783) Rose Leaf Miner A
Emmet (1975a)
4.016 Stigmella spinosissimae (Waters, 1928) A
Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Anon (1975), Emmet (1975a), Bond (1995), Agassiz et al.
(1998), Bond et al. (2006)
4.020 Stigmella paradoxa (Frey, 1858) B
Emmet (1970b), Emmet (1971a), Emmet (1975a)
4.023 Stigmella crataegella (Klimesch, 1936) B
Emmet (1975a)
4.024 Stigmella magdalenae (Klimesch, 1950) A
MothsIreland (2024)
4.030 Stigmella hybnerella (Hübner, 1796) A
Emmet (1975a)
4.032 Stigmella floslactella (Haworth, 1828) A
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Emmet (1975a), Bond
(1995), Bond et al. (2006), Cabot & Goodwillie (2018)
Lepidopteran checklist of the Burren, Ireland
4.034 Stigmella tityrella (Stainton, 1854) A
MothsIreland (2024)
4.035 Stigmella salicis (Stainton, 1854) A
Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Emmet (1975a), Bond (1995), Bond et al. (2006)
4.041 Stigmella sorbi (Stainton, 1861) A
Emmet (1975a)
4.042 Stigmella plagicolella (Stainton, 1854) A
Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Emmet (1975a)
4.043 Stigmella lemniscella (Zeller, 1839) A
Emmet (1975a)
4.044 Stigmella continuella (Stainton, 1856) B
Emmet (1981)
4.045 Stigmella aurella (Fabricius, 1775) A
Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Emmet (1975a), Heckford &
Langmaid (1991)
4.046 Stigmella auromarginella (Richardson, 1890) B
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Anon (1975), Emmet
(1975a), Bond (1995), Bond et al. (2006)
4.047 Stigmella splendidissimella (Herrich-Schäffer, 1855) B
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Emmet (1975a), Cabot &
Goodwillie (2018)
4.050 Stigmella dryadella (O. Hofmann, 1868) A
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Anon (1971b), Anon (1972),
Anon (1975), Emmet (1975a), Bond (1995), Bond et al. (2006), Beavan & Heckford (2011)
4.051 Stigmella poterii (Stainton, 1857) B
Bradley (1962), Mere (1962), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Mere (1964a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton
(1967), Emmet (1975a), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Bond (1995), Bond et al. (2006)
4.054 Stigmella perpygmaeella (Doubleday, 1859) A
Emmet (1975a)
4.055 Stigmella hemargyrella (Kollar, 1832) A
Emmet (1975a)
4.060 Stigmella ruficapitella (Haworth, 1828) B
Agassiz et al. (1998)
4.066 Trifurcula eurema (Tutt, 1899) B
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Emmet (1975a), Bond
(1995), Bond et al. (2006)
4.067 Trifurcula subnitidella (Duponchel, [1843]) B
Bradley (1962), Mere (1962), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Mere (1964a), Pelham-Clinton (1964),
Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Ellerton (1970), Anon (1971b), Anon (1972), Emmet (1975a),
Emmet (1975b), Bond et al. (2006)
4.071 Bohemannia pulverosella (Stainton, 1849) A
deWorms (1971), Emmet (1975a), Bond (1995), Bond et al. (2006)
4.078 Fomoria septembrella (Stainton, 1849) A
Mere (1964a), Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Emmet (1975a)
4.085 Ectoedemia argyropeza (Zeller, 1839) A
MothsIreland (2024)
4.090 Ectoedemia subbimaculella (Haworth, 1828) A
MothsIreland (2024)
4.094 Ectoedemia angulifasciella (Stainton, 1849) B
Agassiz et al. (1998)
20 Entomologist’s Rec. J. Var. 136 (2024)
4.097 Ectoedemia rubivora (Wocke, 1860) B
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Emmet (1975a), Bond
(1995), Bond et al. (2006)
Irish species 2; Burren species 1 (50%)
5.004 Pseudopostega crepusculella (Zeller, 1839) B
Bradley (1953a), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
Irish species 3; Burren species 3 (100%)
6.003 Heliozela sericiella (Haworth, 1828) B
MothsIreland (2024)
6.004 Heliozela resplendella (Stainton, 1851) A
MothsIreland (2024)
6.005 Heliozela hammoniella Sorhagen, 1885 A
Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
Irish species 11; Burren species 7 (64%)
7.005 Nemophora minimella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) A
Agassiz (1982)
7.008 Adela croesella (Scopoli, 1763) A
Mere (1964a), Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
7.010 Cauchas rufimitrella (Scopoli, 1763) A
MothsIreland (2024)
7.012 Nematopogon schwarziellus Zeller, 1839 A
Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
7.013 Nematopogon magna (Zeller, 1878) B
Harper (1993), Agassiz et al. (1994)
7.014 Nematopogon metaxella (Hübner, [1813]) B
Bradley (1952), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
7.015 Nematopogon swammerdamella (Linnaeus, 1758) A
Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
Irish species 5; Burren species 5 (100%)
8.001 Incurvaria pectinea Haworth, 1828 A
Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
8.002 Incurvaria masculella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) A
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
8.003 Incurvaria oehlmanniella (Hübner, 1796) A
Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
8.004 Incurvaria praelatella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) B
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
8.005 Phylloporia bistrigella (Haworth, 1828) A
MothsIreland (2024)
Irish species 4; Burren species 2 (50%)
9.002 Lampronia luzella (Hübner, [1817]) B
Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
Lepidopteran checklist of the Burren, Ireland
9.007 Lampronia pubicornis (Haworth, 1828) A
Bradley (1952), Graves (1953), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967),
Chalmers-Hunt (1990), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Bond (1995), Langmaid & Young (2002)
Irish species 3; Burren species 1 (33%)
10.003 Coptotriche marginea (Haworth, 1828) A
Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Cabot & Goodwillie (2018)
Irish species 5; Burren species 1 (20%)
11.012 Psyche casta (Pallas, 1767) A
Pelham-Clinton (1962), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Cabot & Goodwillie (2018), Nelson et
al. (2022)
Irish species 27; Burren species 10 (37%)
12.016 Nemapogon cloacella (Haworth, 1828) Cork Moth A
Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
12.021 Nemapogon clematella (Fabricius, 1781) A
Bond (1995), Bond et al. (2006)
12.026 Tineola bisselliella (Hummel, 1823) Common Clothes Moth B
Bradley (1953a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
12.027 Tinea pellionella Linnaeus, 1758 Case-bearing Clothes Moth B
Bradley (1952), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
12.032 Tinea semifulvella Haworth, 1828 A
Pelham-Clinton (1964), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
12.033 Tinea trinotella Thunberg, 1794 A
Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
12.034 Niditinea fuscella (Linnaeus, 1758) Brown-dotted Clothes Moth B
Bradley (1952), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
12.036 Monopis laevigella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) Skin Moth A
Bradley (1952), Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford &
Langmaid (1991)
12.047 Psychoides verhuella Bruand, 1854 B
MothsIreland (2024)
12.048 Psychoides filicivora (Meyrick, 1937) A
Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Nelson et al. (2022)
Irish species 10; Burren species 5 (50%)
14.001 Bucculatrix cristatella (Zeller, 1839) B
Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
14.002 Bucculatrix nigricomella (Zeller, 1839) A
Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
14.003 Bucculatrix maritima Stainton, 1851 A
MothsIreland (2024)
14.006 Bucculatrix frangutella (Goeze, 1783) A
Bond (1996), Agassiz et al. (1998)
14.013 Bucculatrix demaryella (Duponchel, 1840) A
Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Bond
(1995), Agassiz et al. (1998)
22 Entomologist’s Rec. J. Var. 136 (2024)
Irish species 67; Burren species 31 (46%)
15.003 Caloptilia populetorum (Zeller, 1839) B
MothsIreland (2024)
15.004 Caloptilia elongella (Linnaeus, 1761) A
MothsIreland (2024)
15.008 Caloptilia alchimiella (Scopoli, 1763) B
Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
15.010 Caloptilia stigmatella (Fabricius, 1781) A
Agassiz et al. (1998)
15.014 Gracillaria syringella (Fabricius, 1794) A
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
15.015 Aspilapteryx tringipennella (Zeller, 1839) A
Bradley (1952), Bradley (1953a), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967),
Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Nelson et al. (2022).
15.016 Euspilapteryx auroguttella Stephens, 1835 A
Heckford & Langmaid (1991).
15.018 Povolnya leucapennella (Stephens, 1835) A
MothsIreland (2024)
15.022 Callisto denticulella (Thunberg, 1794) B
Agassiz et al. (1998)
15.025 Parornix betulae (Stainton, 1854) A
MothsIreland (2024)
15.028 Parornix anglicella (Stainton, 1850) A
Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
15.029 Parornix devoniella (Stainton, 1850) A
Bradley (1952), Richards (1961), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
15.033 Parornix torquillella (Zeller, 1850) A
Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Bond
15.034 Phyllonorycter harrisella (Linnaeus, 1761) B
MothsIreland (2024)
15.039 Phyllonorycter quercifoliella (Zeller, 1839) B
Agassiz et al. (1998)
15.040 Phyllonorycter messaniella (Zeller, 1846) B
MothsIreland (2024)
15.043 Phyllonorycter oxyacanthae (Frey, 1856) A
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
15.047 Phyllonorycter hostis Triberti, 2007 B
Agassiz et al. (1998)
15.049 Phyllonorycter spinicolella (Zeller, 1846) A
MothsIreland (2024)
15.053 Phyllonorycter leucographella (Zeller, 1850) Firethorn Leaf Miner A
MothsIreland (2024)
15.056 Phyllonorycter salicicolella (Sircom, 1848) A
Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
15.058 Phyllonorycter hilarella (Zetterstedt, 1839) B
MothsIreland (2024)
15.063 Phyllonorycter maestingella (Müller, 1764) A
MothsIreland (2024)
15.064 Phyllonorycter coryli (Nicelli, 1851) A
Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Bond
15.067 Phyllonorycter rajella (Linnaeus, 1758) A
MothsIreland (2024)
15.071 Phyllonorycter nigrescentella (Logan, 1851) B
Mere (1964a), Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
Lepidopteran checklist of the Burren, Ireland
15.072 Phyllonorycter insignitella (Zeller, 1846) A
Anon (1970)
15.073 Phyllonorycter lautella (Zeller, 1846) B
Agassiz et al. (1998)
15.075 Phyllonorycter ulmifoliella (Hübner, [1817]) A
MothsIreland (2024)
15.081 Phyllonorycter nicellii (Stainton, 1851) A
Pelham-Clinton (1962), Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford &
Langmaid (1991), Bond (1995), Bond et al. (2006)
15.083 Phyllonorycter trifasciella (Haworth, 1828) B
MothsIreland (2024)
Irish species 17; Burren species 8 (47%)
16.001 Yponomeuta evonymella (Linnaeus, 1758) Bird-cherry Ermine A
Nelson et al. (2022)
16.002 Yponomeuta padella (Linnaeus, 1758) Orchard Ermine A
Langham (1917), deWorms & Ellison (1955), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton
(1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Agassiz et al. (1998)
16.004 Yponomeuta cagnagella (Hübner, [1813]) Spindle Ermine A
Classey & Goater (1951), Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford
& Langmaid (1991)
16.007 Yponomeuta plumbella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) A
Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Agassiz et al. (1998), Nelson et al. (2022)
16.010 Zelleria hepariella Stainton, 1849 A
Bradley (1953a), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
16.014 Pseudoswammerdamia combinella (Hübner, 1786) A
Bradley (1952), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
16.019 Paraswammerdamia albicapitella (Scharfenberg, 1805) A
Bradley (1953a), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Agassiz (1982), Nelson et al. (2022)
16.020 Paraswammerdamia nebulella (Goeze, 1783) A
Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
Irish species 9; Burren species 8 (89%)
17.001 Ypsolopha mucronella (Scopoli, 1763) A
MothsIreland (2024)
17.002 Ypsolopha nemorella (Linnaeus, 1758) B
Bradley (1953a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
17.003 Ypsolopha dentella (Fabricius, 1775) Honeysuckle Moth A
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
17.005 Ypsolopha scabrella (Linnaeus, 1761) A
Bradley (1953a), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Nelson et
al. (2022)
17.010 Ypsolopha parenthesella (Linnaeus, 1761) A
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid
(1991), Nelson et al. (2022)
17.011 Ypsolopha ustella (Clerck, 1759) A
MothsIreland (2024)
17.013 Ypsolopha vittella (Linnaeus, 1758) B
Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
24 Entomologist’s Rec. J. Var. 136 (2024)
17.014 Ochsenheimeria taurella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) B
Bradley (1953a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
Irish species 5; Burren species 4 (80%)
18.001 Plutella xylostella (Linnaeus, 1758) Diamond-back Moth A
Bradley (1952), Bradley (1953a), Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967),
Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Elliott & Skinner (1993)
18.003 Plutella porrectella (Linnaeus, 1758) A
MothsIreland (2024)
18.005 Rhigognostis annulatella (Curtis, 1832) B
Agassiz (1982)
18.006 Rhigognostis incarnatella (Steudel, 1873) A
MothsIreland (2024)
Irish species 10; Burren species 7 (70%)
19.001 Orthotelia sparganella (Thunberg, 1788) A
MothsIreland (2024)
19.002 Glyphipterix thrasonella (Scopoli, 1763) A
Pelham-Clinton (1964), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967),
Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
19.006 Glyphipterix forsterella (Fabricius, 1781) B
Bond et al. (2006)
19.007 Glyphipterix simpliciella (Stephens, 1834) Cocksfoot Moth A
Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
19.008 Glyphipterix schoenicolella Boyd, 1858 A
Anon (1962a), Anon (1962b), Mere (1962), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Mere (1964a), Mere &
Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Sadler (1972), Agassiz et al. (1998)
19.010 Digitivalva pulicariae (Klimesch, 1956) B
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
19.014 Acrolepia autumnitella Curtis, 1838 A
MothsIreland (2024)
Irish species 21; Burren species 11 (52%)
20.004 Argyresthia arceuthina Zeller, 1839 B
Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
20.008 Argyresthia abdominalis Zeller, 1839 A
Dickson (2013), Henwood et al. (2015), Bond (2018)
20.011 Argyresthia brockeella (Hübner, [1813]) B
MothsIreland (2024)
20.013 Argyresthia pygmaeella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) B
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
20.016 Argyresthia retinella Zeller, 1839 A
MothsIreland (2024)
20.018 Argyresthia spinosella Stainton, 1849 A
Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
20.019 Argyresthia conjugella Zeller, 1839 Apple Fruit Moth A
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
20.020 Argyresthia semifusca (Haworth, 1828) B
MothsIreland (2024)
20.021 Argyresthia pruniella (Clerck, 1759) Cherry Fruit Moth A
Agassiz et al. (1998)
Lepidopteran checklist of the Burren, Ireland
20.022 Argyresthia bonnetella (Linnaeus, 1758) A
Bradley (1953a), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
20.023 Argyresthia albistria (Haworth, 1828) A
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
Irish species 6; Burren species 3 (50%)
21.001 Lyonetia clerkella (Linnaeus, 1758) Apple Leaf Miner A
Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
21.003 Leucoptera lotella (Stainton, [1858]) A
Mere (1964a), Pelham-Clinton (1964), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-
Clinton (1967), Bond et al. (2006)
21.007 Leucoptera orobi (Stainton, [1869]) B
Anon (1972), Bond (1996), Bland (2008), Dickson (2013)
Irish species 2; Burren species 1 (50%)
22.002 Prays fraxinella (Bjerkander, 1784) Ash Bud Moth A
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
Irish species 1; Burren species 1 (100%)
24.001 Bedellia somnulentella (Zeller, 1847) B
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Bond (1995), Bond et al.(2006)
Irish species 11; Burren species 5 (45%)
28.009 Endrosis sarcitrella (Linnaeus, 1758) White-shouldered House-moth A
Bradley (1952), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford
& Langmaid (1991)
28.010 Hofmannophila pseudospretella (Stainton, 1849) Brown House-moth A
Classey & Goater (1951), Bradley (1952), Bradley (1953a), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley &
Pelham-Clinton (1967)
28.012 Borkhausenia fuscescens (Haworth, 1828) A
Bradley (1953a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
28.019 Esperia sulphurella (Fabricius, 1775) A
Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
28.025 Pleurota bicostella (Clerck, 1759) A
Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
Irish species 3; Burren species 2 (67%)
29.001 Diurnea fagella (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) A
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
29.002 Diurnea lipsiella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) A
MothsIreland (2024)
Irish species1; Burren species 1 (100%)
30.003 Agnoea josephinae (Toll, 1956) A
Bond et al. (2006)
Irish species 1; Burren species 1 (100%)
31.001 Carcina quercana (Fabricius, 1775) A
Bradley (1953a), Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
26 Entomologist’s Rec. J. Var. 136 (2024)
Irish species 32; Burren species 23 (72%)
32.002 Semioscopsis steinkellneriana ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) A
MothsIreland (2024)
32.007 Agonopterix ocellana (Fabricius, 1775) A
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
32.008 Agonopterix liturosa (Haworth, 1811) A
Classey & Goater (1951), Bradley (1953a), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton
(1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Bond (1995), Bond et al. (2006)
32.009 Agonopterix purpurea (Haworth, 1811) A
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
32.015 Agonopterix subpropinquella (Stainton, 1849) A
Agassiz (1982)
32.016 Agonopterix propinquella (Treitschke, 1835) A
Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Nelson
et al. (2022)
32.017 Agonopterix arenella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) A
Bradley (1952), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford
& Langmaid (1991), Nelson et al. (2022)
32.018 Agonopterix heracliana (Linnaeus, 1758) A
Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
32.019 Agonopterix ciliella (Stainton, 1849) A
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
32.022 Agonopterix capreolella (Zeller, 1839) A
Bradley (1953a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Chalmers-Hunt (1990), Heckford &
Langmaid (1991), Bond (1995), Agassiz et al. (1998), Bond et al. (2006), Dickson (2014)
32.024 Agonopterix assimilella (Treitschke, 1832) B
Bradley (1953a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
32.026 Agonopterix kaekeritziana (Linnaeus, 1767) A
Bradley (1953a), Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford &
Langmaid (1991)
32.028 Agonopterix pallorella (Zeller, 1839) A
Bradley (1953a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Chalmers-Hunt (1982)
32.030 Agonopterix nervosa (Haworth, 1811) A
MothsIreland (2024)
32.032 Agonopterix angelicella (Hübner, 1813) A
Bradley (1952), Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
32.033 Agonopterix astrantiae (Heinemann, 1870) A
Chalmers-Hunt (1992), Agassiz et al. (1993), Harper (1993), Agassiz et al. (1994), Beaumont
(2000), Walsh et al. (2009)
32.035 Agonopterix yeatiana (Fabricius, 1781) A
MothsIreland (2024)
32.036 Depressaria radiella (Goeze, 1783) Parsnip Moth A
Bradley (1952), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford &
Langmaid (1991), Nelson et al. (2022)
32.038 Depressaria badiella (Hübner, 1796) A
Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Nelson et al. (2022)
32.039 Depressaria daucella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) A
MothsIreland (2024)
32.042 Depressaria pulcherrimella Stainton, 1849 B
Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Bond (1995), Bond et al. (2006)
Lepidopteran checklist of the Burren, Ireland
32.050 Telechrysis tripuncta (Haworth, 1828) A
Bond (2018)
32.051 Hypercallia citrinalis (Scopoli, 1763) A
Langham (1917), Bradley (1953a), Huggins (1956b), Anon (1957b), Morris (1958), Anon
(1962a), Anon (1962b), Anon (1962c), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966),
Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Anon (1971b), Anon (1972), Chalmers-Hunt (1990), Heckford
& Langmaid (1991), Hunter (2020)
Irish species 7; Burren species 4 (57%)
34.002 Pancalia schwarzella (Fabricius, 1798) A
Bradley (1952), Anon (1962b), Mere (1962), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton
(1967), Chalmers-Hunt (1990), Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
34.007 Cosmopterix orichalcea Stainton, 1861 A
MothsIreland (2024)
34.012 Sorhagenia rhamniella (Zeller, 1839) A
Clancy (2007c), Langmaid & Young (2007), Langmaid & Young (2009), Bond & O’Connor (2012)
34.013 Sorhagenia lophyrella (Douglas, 1846) B
Bond (1996)
Irish species 77; Burren species 51 (66%)
35.001 Aproaerema sangiella (Stainton, 1863) A
Bradley (1953a), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Chalmers-
Hunt (1990), Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
35.002 Aproaerema cinctella (Clerck, 1759) A
Bradley (1953a), Pelham-Clinton (1964), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-
Clinton (1967), Dickson (2013)
35.004 Aproaerema taeniolella (Zeller, 1839) A
Bradley (1953a), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford
& Langmaid (1991)
35.010 Aproaerema anthyllidella (Hübner, [1813]) A
Bradley (1952), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-
Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Nelson et al. (2022)
35.017 Neofaculta ericetella (Geyer, [1832]) A
Bradley (1952), Bradley (1953a), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967),
Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Nelson et al. (2022)
35.018 Hypatima rhomboidella (Linnaeus, 1758) A
Pelham-Clinton (1964), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967),
Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Nelson et al. (2022)
35.020 Anarsia spartiella (Schrank, 1802) B
Bradley (1953a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
35.022 Dichomeris marginella (Fabricius, 1781) Juniper Webber B
Agassiz (1982), Bond (1995), Bond et al. (2006)
35.026 Acompsia cinerella (Clerck, 1759) A
Bradley (1953a), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Nelson et
al. (2022)
28 Entomologist’s Rec. J. Var. 136 (2024)
35.031 Helcystogramma rufescens (Haworth, 1828) A
Bradley (1953a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
35.036 Chrysoesthia sexguttella (Thunberg, 1794) A
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Anon (1970), Bond (1995),
Bond et al. (2006)
35.038 Bryotropha domestica (Haworth, 1828) A
Classey & Goater (1951), Bradley (1953a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
35.039 Bryotropha politella (Stainton, 1851) B
Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
35.040 Bryotropha terrella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) A
Bradley (1952), Bradley (1953a), Mere (1962), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-
Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
35.041 Bryotropha desertella (Douglas, 1850) A
Bradley (1953a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
35.046 Bryotropha senectella (Zeller, 1839) A
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Bond (1995), Bond et al.
35.047 Bryotropha affinis (Haworth, 1828) A
Bond & O’Connor (2012)
35.048 Bryotropha umbrosella (Zeller, 1839) A
Anon (1962b), Mere (1962), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Sadler
(1972), Anon (1975), Chalmers-Hunt (1990), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Karsholt & Rutten
35.058 Metzneria metzneriella (Stainton, 1851) A
Bradley (1953a), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford
& Langmaid (1991), Nelson et al. (2022)
35.065 Monochroa cytisella (Curtis, 1837) A
Bradley (1953a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
35.066 Monochroa tenebrella (Hübner, [1817]) A
Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
35.070 Monochroa lutulentella (Zeller, 1839) A
Mere (1964a), Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Agassiz et al. (1998)
35.071 Monochroa lucidella (Stephens, 1834) B
Bradley (1953a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
35.073 Monochroa palustrellus (Douglas, 1850) A
Clancy (2007c), Langmaid & Young (2007), Walsh et al. (2009), Bond & O’Connor (2012)
35.076 Monochroa suffusella (Douglas, 1850) A
MothsIreland (2024)
35.080 Oxypteryx unicolorella (Duponchel, [1843]) A
Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Bond et al. (1989), Bond (1995),
Agassiz et al. (1998)
35.081 Oxypteryx atrella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) A
Bradley (1952), Bradley (1953a), Graves (1953), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-
Clinton (1967), Bond (1995), Bond et al. (2006)
35.082 Oxypteryx immaculatella (Douglas, 1850) A
Heckford & Langmaid (1988), Chalmers-Hunt (1989), Chalmers-Hunt (1990), Sokoloff &
Bradford (1990), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Bond (1995), Bond et al. (2006)
35.085 Athrips mouffetella (Linnaeus, 1758) B
Bradley (1953a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Bond (1995), Bond et al. (2006)
35.086 Athrips tetrapunctella (Thunberg, 1794) A
Bond (1996)
Lepidopteran checklist of the Burren, Ireland
35.093 Mirificarma mulinella (Zeller, 1839) A
Bradley (1953a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Mantell & Anderson (2020)
35.101 Gelechia sororculella (Hübner, [1817]) B
Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
35.109 Scrobipalpa acuminatella (Sircom, 1850) B
Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bond (1995), Bond et al. (2006)
35.111 Scrobipalpa murinella (Duponchel, [1843]) B
Mere (1964a), Bradley (1964), Pelham-Clinton (1964), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley
& Pelham-Clinton (1967), Ellerton (1970), Anon (1971b), Anon (1972), Chalmers-Hunt (1990),
Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Bond (1995)
35.115 Scrobipalpa nitentella (Fuchs, 1902) A
Langmaid & Young (2009)
35.119 Scrobipalpa samadensis (Pfaffenzeller, 1870) B
Bradley (1953a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
35.120 Scrobipalpa artemisiella (Treitschke, 1833) Thyme Moth B
Bradley (1964), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford &
Langmaid (1991)
35.123 Scrobipalpa costella (Humphreys and Westwood, 1845) A
Nelson et al. (2022)
35.128 Caryocolum alsinella (Zeller, 1868) B
Agassiz (1998), Agassiz et al. (1998)
35.129 Caryocolum viscariella (Stainton, 1855) B
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Bond (1995), Bond et al. (2006)
35.130 Caryocolum vicinella (Douglas, 1851) A
MothsIreland (2024)
35.131 Caryocolum marmorea (Haworth, 1828) A
Bradley (1953a), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid
35.132 Caryocolum fraternella (Douglas, 1851) B
MothsIreland (2024)
35.141 Teleiodes vulgella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) A
Bradley (1953a), Pelham-Clinton (1964), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-
Clinton (1967)
35.142 Teleiodes wagae (Nowicki, 1860) A
Sattler (1980), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Agassiz (1992), Bond (1995), Beaumont (2000),
Bond et al. (2006)
35.146 Teleiopsis diffinis (Haworth, 1828) B
Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
35.150 Carpatolechia notatella (Hübner, [1813]) A
Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Bond (1995), Bond et al. (2006)
35.151 Carpatolechia proximella (Hübner, 1796) B
MothsIreland (2024)
35.153 Pseudotelphusa paripunctella (Thunberg, 1794) A
Bond (1995), Bond et al. (2006)
35.157 Recurvaria leucatella (Clerck, 1759) A
Bond & O’Connor (2012), Langmaid & Young (2012)
35.159 Exoteleia dodecella (Linnaeus, 1758) A
Nelson et al. (2022)
Irish species 1; Burren species 1 (100%)
36.001 Batrachedra praeangusta (Haworth, 1828) A
MothsIreland (2024)
30 Entomologist’s Rec. J. Var. 136 (2024)
Irish species 52; Burren species 32 (72%)
37.006 Coleophora gryphipennella (Hübner, 1796) A
Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
37.013 Coleophora siccifolia Stainton, 1856 B
MothsIreland (2024)
37.015 Coleophora serratella (Linnaeus, 1761) A
Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
37.016 Coleophora spinella (Schrank, 1802) Apple and Plum Case-bearer A
Langmaid & Young (1999)
37.020 Coleophora fuscocuprella Herrich-Schäffer, 1855 A
Bradley (1952), Graves (1953), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Agassiz (1990), Bond (1995)
37.022 Coleophora lusciniaepennella (Treitschke, 1833) A
MothsIreland (2024)
37.027 Coleophora potentillae Elisha, 1885 A
Mere (1964a), Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Bond (1995), Bond
et al. (2006)
37.028 Coleophora juncicolella Stainton 1851 B
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
37.031 Coleophora ahenella Heinemann, [1876] A
Langmaid & Young (2014), Henwood et al. (2015), Bond (2018)
37.034 Coleophora frischella (Linnaeus, 1758) B
Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Bond (1995), Gibbs (2004), Bond et al. (2006)
37.044 Coleophora discordella Zeller, 1849 A
Bradley (1953a), Pelham-Clinton (1964), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-
Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
37.046 Coleophora deauratella Lienig and Zeller, 1846 A
Mere (1964a), Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Agassiz et al. (1998)
37.048 Coleophora mayrella (Hübner, [1813]) A
Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
37.050 Coleophora albidella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) B
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bond (1995), Bond et al. (2006)
37.053 Coleophora betulella Heinemann, [1876] B
Elliott & Skinner (1995a), Bond (1995), Bond (1996), Bond et al. (2006)
37.055 Coleophora pyrrhulipennella Zeller, 1839 B
Langmaid & Young (1999)
37.061 Coleophora lixella Zeller, 1849 A
Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Bond (1995)
37.063 Coleophora albicosta (Haworth, 1828) A
Bradley (1952), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford &
Langmaid (1991)
37.070 Coleophora tamesis Waters, 1929 A
Bradley (1960), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Emmet
(1970a), Bond et al. (2006)
37.071 Coleophora glaucicolella Wood, 1892 B
Bradley (1953a), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
37.072 Coleophora otidipennella (Hübner, [1817]) B
Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
37.073 Coleophora alticolella Zeller, 1849 B
Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
Lepidopteran checklist of the Burren, Ireland
37.080 Coleophora virgaureae Stainton, 1857 A
Mere (1962), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid
37.081 Coleophora therinella Tengström, 1848 B
Bradley (1960), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
37.083 Coleophora saxicolella (Duponchel, [1843]) A
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Bond (1995), Bond et al.
37.086 Coleophora versurella Zeller, 1849 B
Bradley (1960), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
37.089 Coleophora pappiferella Hofmann, 1869 B
Anon (1962c), Bradley (1962), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Mere (1964a), Pelham-Clinton (1964),
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Ellerton (1970), Anon
(1971b), Anon (1972), Anon (1973), Anon (1975), Chalmers-Hunt (1990), Heckford & Langmaid
37.093 Coleophora peribenanderi Toll, 1943 B
Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
37.094 Coleophora ramosella Zeller, 1849 A
Bradley (1960), Anon (1962c), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967),
Ellerton (1970), Anon (1971c), Anon (1972), Anon (1974), Chalmers-Hunt (1975), Chalmers-
Hunt (1987), Agassiz (1991), Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
37.099 Coleophora striatipennella Nylander, [1848] B
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
37.103 Coleophora follicularis (Vallot, 1802) A
Bradley (1952), Graves (1953), Bradley (1960), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-
Clinton (1967), Anon (1969), Ellerton (1970), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Bond (1995), Bond
et al. (2006)
37.106 Coleophora paripennella Zeller, 1839 A
Bradley (1952), Chalmers-Hunt (1975), Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
Irish species 34; Burren species 21 (62%)
38.004 Elachista argentella (Clerck, 1759) A
Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
38.007 Elachista subocellea (Stephens, 1834) A
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Bond (1995), Bond et al. (2006)
38.009 Elachista dispunctella (Duponchel, [1843]) A
Bradley (1952), Bradley (1953a), Graves (1953), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-
Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Bond (1995), Bond (1996), Bond et al. (2006)
38.016 Elachista subalbidella Schläger, 1847 A
Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Bond et al. (2006)
38.018 Elachista bisulcella (Duponchel, [1843]) B
Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
38.022 Elachista gleichenella (Fabricius, 1781) B
MothsIreland (2024)
38.025 Elachista atricomella Stainton, 1849 A
Bradley (1953a), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford &
Langmaid (1991), Nelson et al. (2022)
38.028 Elachista alpinella Stainton, 1854 A
Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
32 Entomologist’s Rec. J. Var. 136 (2024)
38.029 Elachista luticomella Zeller, 1839 A
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
38.030 Elachista albifrontella (Hübner, [1817]) A
Pelham-Clinton (1964)
38.032 Elachista apicipunctella Stainton, 1849 B
Pelham-Clinton (1964)
38.033 Elachista subnigrella Douglas, 1853 B
Pelham-Clinton (1964), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967),
Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
38.037 Elachista canapennella (Hübner, [1813]) A
Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Nelson
et al. (2022)
38.038 Elachista rufocinerea (Haworth, 1828) A
Bradley (1952), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford &
Langmaid (1991)
38.039 Elachista maculicerusella (Bruand, 1859) A
Agassiz et al. (1998), Bond et al. (2006)
38.040 Elachista trapeziella Stainton, 1849 B
Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
38.041 Elachista cinereopunctella (Haworth, 1828) B
Bradley (1952), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Agassiz (1990), Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
38.044 Elachista eleochariella Stainton, 1851 B
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Bond (1995), Bond et al.
38.046 Elachista albidella Nylander, [1848] A
Bond (1995), Agassiz et al. (1998), Dickson (2013), Nelson et al. (2022)
38.047 Elachista freyerella (Hübner, [1825]) B
Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Bond et al. (2006)
38.048 Elachista consortella Stainton, 1851 A
Bradley (1952), Graves (1953), Classey (1954), Anon (1962c), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966),
Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Ellerton (1970), Emmet (1979)
Irish species 5; Burren species 2 (40%)
39.001 Blastodacna hellerella (Duponchel, 1838) A
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Bond (1995), Bond et al.
39.003 Spuleria flavicaput (Haworth, 1828) B
Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
Irish species 10; Burren species 5 (50%)
40.004 Mompha propinquella (Stainton, 1851) A
MothsIreland (2024)
40.008 Mompha subbistrigella (Haworth, 1828) A
Nelson et al. (2022)
40.011 Mompha langiella (Hübner, 1796) A
MothsIreland (2024)
40.014 Mompha terminella (Humphreys & Westwood, 1845) A
MothsIreland (2024)
40.015 Mompha raschkiella (Zeller, 1839) A
Bond (1995)
Lepidopteran checklist of the Burren, Ireland
Irish species 3; Burren species 2 (67%)
41.002 Blastobasis adustella Walsingham, 1894 A
Bradley (1953a), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Nelson et
al. (2022)
41.003 Blastobasis lacticolella Rebel, 1940 A
MothsIreland (2024)
Irish species 2; Burren species 1 (50%)
43.004 Scythris picaepennis (Haworth, 1828) B
Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Bond
Irish species 1; Burren species 1 (100%)
44.001 Alucita hexadactyla Linnaeus, 1758 Twenty-plume Moth A
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Mantell & Anderson (2020)
Irish species 23; Burren species 16 (70%)
45.004 Platyptilia gonodactyla ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) Triangle Plume A
MothsIreland (2024)
45.006 Platyptilia isodactylus (Zeller, 1852) Hoary Plume A
Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
45.007 Platyptilia tesseradactyla (Linnaeus, 1761) Irish Plume A
Kane (1893-1901), Kane (1900-1901), Tutt (1906), Kane (1914), Langham (1917), Beirne
(1941), Bradley (1952), Huggins (1955a), Huggins (1956b), Huggins (1957), Richards (1961),
Anon (1962b), Anon (1962c), Mere (1962), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Huggins (1963),
deWorms (1963), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Morris (1967), Anon (1969), Huggins
(1972), Sadler (1972), Anon (1975), Chalmers-Hunt (1990), Heckford & Langmaid (1991),
Anon (1997a), Hart (1998), Cabot (1999), Beaumont (2001), Walsh et al. (2009), Mantell &
Anderson (2020)
45.008 Gillmeria pallidactyla (Haworth, 1811) Yarrow Plume A
deWorms & Ellison (1955), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
45.010 Amblyptilia acanthadactyla (Hübner, [1813]) Beautiful Plume B
Bradley (1953a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
45.011 Amblyptilia punctidactyla (Haworth, 1811) Brindled Plume A
Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
45.012 Stenoptilia pterodactyla (Linnaeus, 1761) Brown Plume A
Bradley (1953a), Baynes (1965a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
45.013 Stenoptilia bipunctidactyla (Scopoli, 1763) Twin-spot Plume A
Bradley (1953a), deWorms & Ellison (1956), Baynes (1965a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967),
Mantell & Anderson (2020), Nelson et al. (2022)
45.019 Stenoptilia millieridactyla (Bruand, 1861) Saxifrage Plume A
Anon (1963b), Mere (1964a), Baynes (1965a), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley &
Pelham-Clinton (1967), Anon (1972), Anon (1975), Chalmers-Hunt (1984), Chalmers-Hunt
(1990), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Hart (1998)
45.025 Oxyptilus parvidactyla (Haworth, 1811) Small Plume A
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
45.030 Pterophorus pentadactyla (Linnaeus, 1758) White Plume A
Kane (1893-1901)
34 Entomologist’s Rec. J. Var. 136 (2024)
45.032 Merrifieldia tridactyla (Linnaeus, 1758) Western Thyme Plume A
Beirne (1941), Bradley (1953a), Anon (1954a), Anon (1954c), Classey (1954), Huggins (1954),
Huggins (1956b), Huggins (1957), deWorms & Ellison (1957), Richards (1961), Anon (1962a),
Anon (1962c), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Mere (1964a), Baynes (1965a), Baynes (1965c), Mere &
Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Morris (1967), Ellerton (1970),
Huggins (1972), Sadler (1972), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Hart (1998), Cabot (1999), Agassiz
(2000), Cabot & Goodwillie (2018)
45.033 Merrifieldia leucodactyla ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) Thyme Plume A
Kane (1893-1901), Kane (1900-1901), Langham (1917), Bradley (1952), Bradley (1953a), Anon
(1962a), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Mantell & Anderson (2020),
Nelson et al. (2022)
45.038 Hellinsia tephradactyla (Hübner, [1813]) Plain Plume A
Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
45.043 Adaina microdactyla (Hübner, [1813]) Hemp Agrimony Plume A
Bradley (1952), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
45.044 Emmelina monodactyla (Linnaeus, 1758) Common Plume A
Bradley (1952), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
Irish species 1; Burren species 1 (100%)
46.001 Schreckensteinia festaliella (Hübner, [1819]) A
Pelham-Clinton (1964), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967),
Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
Irish species 4; Burren species 2 (50%)
47.001 Phaulernis fulviguttella (Zeller, 1839) B
Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
47.005 Epermenia chaerophyllella (Goeze, 1783) A
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
Irish species 4; Burren species 1 (25%)
48.001 Anthophila fabriciana (Linnaeus, 1767) A
Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991),
Mantell & Anderson (2020)
Irish species 246; Burren species 156 (63%)
49.004 Ditula angustiorana (Haworth, 1811) Red-barred Tortrix A
MothsIreland (2024)
49.005 Epagoge grotiana (Fabricius, 1781) A
Agassiz (1982), Agassiz et al. (1998), Nelson et al. (2022)
49.008 Philedone gerningana ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) A
Bradley (1953a), Huggins (1954), deWorms & Ellison (1955), Huggins (1956b), Mere & Pelham-
Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Chalmers-Hunt (1990), Heckford & Langmaid
(1991), Agassiz et al. (1998)
49.009 Capua vulgana (Frölich, 1828) A
Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
49.010 Philedonides lunana (Thunberg, 1784) A
Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
49.013 Archips podana (Scopoli, 1763) Large Fruit-tree Tortrix A
Agassiz et al. (1998), Nelson et al. (2022)
Lepidopteran checklist of the Burren, Ireland
49.016 Archips rosana (Linnaeus, 1758) Rose Tortrix A
Bradley (1953a), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
49.024 Pandemis corylana (Fabricius, 1794) Chequered Fruit-tree Tortrix A
Bradley (1953a), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Nelson et al.
49.025 Pandemis cerasana (Hübner, 1786) Barred Fruit-tree Tortrix A
Pelham-Clinton (1964), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Mantell
& Anderson (2020)
49.026 Pandemis heparana ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) Dark Fruit-tree Tortrix A
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Nelson et al. (2022)
49.028 Syndemis musculana (Hübner, [1799]) A
Bradley (1952), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid
49.029 Lozotaenia forsterana (Fabricius, 1781) A
Bradley (1952), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
49.031 Zelotherses paleana (Hübner, 1793) Timothy Tortrix A
Bradley (1953a), Bradley (1964), Huggins (1964c), Pelham-Clinton (1964), Huggins (1965), Mere
& Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
49.032 Zelotherses unitana (Hübner, [1799]) B
Mere (1964a), Bradley (1964), Pelham-Clinton (1964), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley
& Pelham-Clinton (1967), Ellerton (1970), Anon (1974), Bond (1995), Bond et al. (2006)
49.033 Aphelia viburnana ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) Bilberry Tortrix A
Pelham-Clinton (1962), Mere (1964a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid
49.035 Clepsis senecionana (Hübner, [1819]) A
Bradley (1952), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid
49.036 Clepsis rurinana (Linnaeus, 1758) A
Chalmers-Hunt (1990), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Bond (1995), Beaumont (2004), Bond et
al. (2006), Cabot & Goodwillie (2018)
49.037 Clepsis spectrana (Treitschke, 1830) Cyclamen Tortrix A
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991),
Nelson et al. (2022)
49.038 Clepsis consimilana (Hübner, [1817]) A
Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Nelson et al. (2022)
49.039 Epiphyas postvittana (Walker, 1863) Light Brown Apple Moth A
Mantell & Anderson (2020), Nelson et al. (2022)
49.045 Eana osseana (Scopoli, 1763) A
Classey & Goater (1951), Bradley (1953a), deWorms & Ellison (1955), Mere & Pelham-Clinton
(1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
49.048 Eana penziana (Thunberg, 1791) A
Classey & Goater (1951), Bradley (1952), Bradley (1953a), deWorms & Ellison (1955), Huggins
(1956b), Richards (1961), Huggins (1963), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Anon (1970), Anon
(1972), Sadler (1972), Anon (1978), Chalmers-Hunt (1990), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Agassiz
et al. (1998), Mantell & Anderson (2020), Nelson et al. (2022)
49.049 Cnephasia incertana (Treitschke, 1835) Light Grey Tortrix A
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
49.050 Cnephasia stephensiana (Doubleday, [1849]) Grey Tortrix A
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
49.051 Cnephasia asseclana ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) Flax Tortrix B
Huggins (1964c), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
49.056 Cnephasia conspersana Douglas, 1846 A
Bradley (1953a), Mere (1964a), Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Bland
(1987), Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
49.057 Cnephasia longana (Haworth, 1811) A
MothsIreland (2024)
36 Entomologist’s Rec. J. Var. 136 (2024)
49.059 Tortrix viridana Linnaeus, 1758 Green Oak Tortrix B
MothsIreland (2024)
49.060 Aleimma loeflingiana (Linnaeus, 1758) B
MothsIreland (2024)
49.061 Acleris holmiana (Linnaeus, 1758) A
Bradley (1953a), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Nelson et
al. (2022)
49.062 Acleris forsskaleana (Linnaeus, 1758) A
MothsIreland (2024)
49.063 Acleris bergmanniana (Linnaeus, 1758) A
Bradley (1952), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford &
Langmaid (1991)
49.066 Acleris laterana (Fabricius, 1794) A
Nelson et al. (2022)
49.069 Acleris sparsana ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) A
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
49.070 Acleris rhombana ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) Rhomboid Tortrix A
Bradley (1953a), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton
(1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Nelson et al. (2022)
49.071 Acleris emargana (Fabricius, 1775) A
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
49.073 Acleris schalleriana (Linnaeus, 1761) A
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Emmet (1994), Nelson et
al. (2022)
49.077 Acleris variegana ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) Garden Rose Tortrix A
Classey & Goater (1951), Bradley (1952), Bradley (1953a), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Pelham-
Clinton (1964), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford &
Langmaid (1991), Nelson et al. (2022)
49.078 Acleris aspersana (Hübner, [1817]) A
Classey & Goater (1951), Bradley (1952), Bradley (1953a), Mere (1964a), Pelham-Clinton
(1964), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
49.080 Acleris hastiana (Linnaeus, 1758) A
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
49.081 Acleris permutana (Duponchel, 1836) A
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Huggins (1967), Cabot &
Goodwillie (2018)
49.082 Acleris hyemana (Haworth, 1811) A
MothsIreland (2024)
49.090 Eulia ministrana (Linnaeus, 1758) A
Bradley (1952), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford &
Langmaid (1991)
49.091 Pseudargyrotoza conwagana (Fabricius, 1775) A
Bradley (1952), Bradley (1953a), Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967),
Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
49.094 Phtheochroa sodaliana (Haworth, 1811) A
Bond (1996), Langmaid & Young (2002)
49.097 Cochylimorpha straminea (Haworth, 1811) A
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid
(1991), Dickson (2013), Mantell & Anderson (2020), Nelson et al. (2022)
49.103 Phalonidia affinitana (Douglas, 1846) B
Bond (1995), Bond et al. (2006)
49.107 Gynnidomorpha permixtana ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) A
Bond (1995)
Lepidopteran checklist of the Burren, Ireland
49.109 Agapeta hamana (Linnaeus, 1758) A
Bradley (1953a), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford &
Langmaid (1991)
49.110 Agapeta zoegana (Linnaeus, 1767) A
Classey & Goater (1951), Bradley (1953a), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-
Clinton (1967)
49.111 Eupoecilia angustana (Hübner, 1799) A
Bradley (1953a), deWorms (1963), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton
(1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
49.115 Aethes piercei Obraztsov, 1952 A
Bradley (1952), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Sadler (1972),
Chalmers-Hunt (1990), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Heckford & Wilson (1999), McCormick
(1999), Wedd (2000), Nelson et al. (2022)
49.127 Aethes cnicana (Westwood, 1854) A
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Nelson et al. (2022)
49.128 Aethes rubigana (Treitschke, 1830) A
Bradley (1953a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
49.129 Cochylidia rupicola (Curtis, 1834) B
Mere (1964a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Bond (1995)
49.133 Thyraylia nana (Haworth, 1811) B
MothsIreland (2024)
49.135 Cochylis flaviciliana (Westwood, 1854) A
Agassiz et al. (1998)
49.137 Neocochylis dubitana (Hübner, [1799]) A
Classey & Goater (1951)
49.139 Cochylichroa atricapitana (Stephens, 1852) A
Bradley (1952), Bradley (1953a), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966),
Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
49.142 Falseuncaria ruficiliana (Haworth, 1811) A
Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
49.146 Apotomis semifasciana (Haworth, 1811) B
Bradley (1953a), Mere (1964a), Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967),
Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
49.149 Apotomis turbidana Hübner, [1825] B
MothsIreland (2024)
49.150 Apotomis betuletana (Haworth, 1811) A
MothsIreland (2024)
49.151 Apotomis capreana (Hübner, [1817]) A
Langmaid & Young (1999)
49.152 Apotomis sororculana (Zetterstedt, 1839) A
MothsIreland (2024)
49.154 Orthotaenia undulana ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) A
Bradley (1952), Bradley (1953a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid
(1991), Nelson et al. (2022)
49.156 Hedya nubiferana (Haworth, 1811) Marbled Orchard Tortrix A
Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
49.157 Hedya pruniana (Hübner, [1799]) Plum Tortrix A
Bradley (1952), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford &
Langmaid (1991)
49.159 Hedya atropunctana (Zetterstedt, 1839) A
MothsIreland (2024)
49.161 Celypha striana ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) A
MothsIreland (2024)
38 Entomologist’s Rec. J. Var. 136 (2024)
49.164 Celypha cespitana (Hübner, [1817]) A
Bradley (1953a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Nelson et
al. (2022)
49.166 Celypha lacunana ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) A
Bradley (1952), deWorms & Ellison (1955), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton
(1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Nelson et al. (2022)
49.167 Celypha rivulana (Scopoli, 1763) A
MothsIreland (2024)
49.169 Celypha aurofasciana (Haworth, 1811) A
MothsIreland (2024)
49.172 Phiaris schulziana (Fabricius, [1777]) A
Huggins (1964c), Agassiz (1982)
49.174 Phiaris palustrana (Lienig and Zeller, 1846) A
Bradley (1953a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
49.177 Argyroploce arbutella (Linnaeus, 1758) B
Anon (1962b), Mere (1962), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Mere (1964a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton
(1967), Anon (1971b), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Bond (1995)
49.178 Stictea mygindiana ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) B
Mere (1962), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Bond (1995), Agassiz
et al. (1998)
49.185 Lobesia littoralis (Westwood & Humphreys, 1845) A
Bradley (1952), Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Anon (1970),
Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Nelson et al. (2022)
49.188 Endothenia marginana (Haworth, 1811) A
Mere (1962), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Bond (1995)
49.192 Endothenia ericetana (Humphreys and Westwood, 1845) B
Bradley (1953a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
49.193 Endothenia quadrimaculana (Haworth, 1811) A
Huggins (1964c), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
49.194 Bactra lancealana (Hübner, [1799]) A
Pelham-Clinton (1962), deWorms (1963), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-
Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Nelson et al. (2022)
49.195 Bactra furfurana (Haworth, 1811) A
MothsIreland (2024)
49.196 Bactra lacteana Caradja, 1916 A
MothsIreland (2024)
49.201 Ancylis unguicella (Linnaeus, 1758) A
Mere (1962), Pelham-Clinton (1962), deWorms (1963), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967),
Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
49.202 Ancylis uncella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) A
MothsIreland (2024)
49.204 Ancylis obtusana (Haworth, 1811) A
Langmaid & Young (2015)
49.207 Ancylis geminana (Donovan, 1806) A
Agassiz (1990)
49.208 Ancylis subarcuana (Douglas, 1847) B
Bond (1995), Bond et al. (2006)
49.214 Ancylis badiana ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) A
Bradley (1953a), deWorms & Ellison (1955), Mere (1962), Pelham-Clinton (1962), deWorms
(1963), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford &
Langmaid (1991), Nelson et al. (2022)
Lepidopteran checklist of the Burren, Ireland
49.215 Ancylis achatana ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) A
Bond (1995), Bond (1996)
49.218 Eriopsela quadrana (Hübner, [1813]) A
Bradley (1952), Graves (1953), Mere (1962), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton
(1967), Chalmers-Hunt (1990), Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
49.221 Rhopobota stagnana ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) A
Bradley (1952), Graves (1953), Mere (1962), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton
(1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
49.223 Rhopobota naevana (Hübner, [1817]) Holly Tortrix A
Bradley (1953a), Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Nelson et al. (2022)
49.224 Spilonota ocellana ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) A
Bradley (1953a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
49.225 Spilonota laricana (Heinemann, 1863) A
MothsIreland (2024)
49.229 Epinotia caprana (Fabricius, 1798) B
Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
49.230 Epinotia trigonella (Linnaeus, 1758) A
Nelson et al. (2022)
49.233 Epinotia solandriana (Linnaeus, 1758) A
Bradley (1953a), Huggins (1954), Huggins (1956b), Huggins (1960a), Pelham-Clinton (1962),
Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Huggins (1973)
49.234 Epinotia abbreviana (Fabricius, 1794) A
Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
49.235 Epinotia nemorivaga (Tengström, 1848) B
Anon (1962b), Mere (1962), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Mere (1964a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton
(1967), Anon (1969), Anon (1971b), Bond et al. (2006)
49.237 Epinotia signatana (Douglas, 1845) A
MothsIreland (2024)
49.238 Epinotia cruciana (Linnaeus, 1761) Willow Tortrix B
Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
49.240 Epinotia immundana (Fischer von Röslerstamm, 1839) B
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
49.244 Epinotia subocellana (Donovan, 1806) B
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
49.245 Epinotia tetraquetrana (Haworth, 1811) B
deWorms (1963)
49.248 Epinotia tenerana ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) Nut Bud Moth A
Bradley (1953a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Nelson et al. (2022)
49.249 Epinotia ramella (Linnaeus, 1758) A
MothsIreland (2024)
49.251 Epinotia rubiginosana (Herrich-Schäffer, 1851) A
Dickson (2013)
49.252 Epinotia tedella (Clerck, 1759) B
Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
49.255 Epinotia nisella (Clerck, 1759) A
MothsIreland (2024)
49.257 Zeiraphera griseana (Hübner, [1799]) Larch Tortrix A
MothsIreland (2024)
49.259 Zeiraphera ratzeburgiana (Saxesen, 1840) Spruce Bud Moth A
Nelson et al. (2022)
49.260 Zeiraphera isertana (Fabricius, 1794) B
Bradley (1952), Bradley (1953a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
40 Entomologist’s Rec. J. Var. 136 (2024)
49.264 Eucosma obumbratana (Lienig and Zeller, 1846) A
Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Bond et al. (2006)
49.265 Eucosma cana (Haworth, 1811) A
Classey & Goater (1951), Bradley (1953a), deWorms & Ellison (1955), Pelham-Clinton (1964),
Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Nelson et al. (2022)
49.266 Eucosma hohenwartiana ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) A
Classey & Goater (1951)
49.269 Eucosma campoliliana ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) A
Bradley (1953a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
49.276 Eucosma aspidiscana (Hübner, [1817]) A
Kane (1914), Bradley (1952), Graves (1953), Huggins (1957), Anon (1962b), Mere (1962),
Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Bond
et al. (2006)
49.279 Gypsonoma dealbana (Frölich, 1828) A
Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
49.285 Epiblema scutulana ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) A
Bradley (1952), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford &
Langmaid (1991)
49.286 Epiblema cirsiana (Zeller, 1843) A
Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
49.289 Epiblema costipunctana (Haworth, 1811) A
Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991),
Bond et al. (2006)
49.292 Notocelia cynosbatella (Linnaeus, 1758) A
Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Nelson
et al. (2022)
49.293 Notocelia tetragonana (Stephens, 1834) B
Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Bond & O’Connnor (2012)
49.294 Notocelia uddmanniana (Linnaeus, 1758) Bramble Shoot Moth A
Bradley (1952), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford &
Langmaid (1991)
49.295 Notocelia roborana ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) A
Bradley (1952), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
49.296 Notocelia incarnatana (Hübner, [1800]) A
Classey & Goater (1951), Bradley (1953a), Huggins (1964c), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966),
Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Anon (1972), Anon (1978), Chalmers-Hunt (1990), Heckford
& Langmaid (1991), Nelson et al. (2022)
49.297 Notocelia rosaecolana (Doubleday, 1850) B
MothsIreland (2024)
49.298 Notocelia trimaculana (Haworth, 1811) A
Bradley (1952), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
49.299 Pseudococcyx posticana (Zetterstedt, 1839) B
Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
49.309 Dichrorampha plumbana (Scopoli, 1763) A
Pelham-Clinton (1962), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967),
Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
49.311 Dichrorampha aeratana (Pierce and Metcalfe, 1915) A
Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Bond
49.313 Dichrorampha acuminatana (Lienig and Zeller, 1846) A
Bradley (1953a), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
49.315 Dichrorampha simpliciana (Haworth, 1811) A
MothsIreland (2024)
Lepidopteran checklist of the Burren, Ireland
49.320 Dichrorampha alpinana (Treitschke, 1830) A
Bradley (1953a), Huggins (1954), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton
(1967), Bond (1995), Bond et al. (2006)
49.321 Dichrorampha petiverella (Linnaeus, 1758) A
Bradley (1952), Bradley (1953a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
49.322 Dichrorampha plumbagana (Treitschke, 1830) A
Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
49.324 Cydia nigricana (Fabricius, 1794) Pea Moth A
Bradley (1952), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Bond et al. (2006)
49.325 Cydia ulicetana (Haworth, 1811) A
Bradley (1952), Bradley (1953a), Mere (1962), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-
Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
49.341 Cydia splendana (Hübner, [1799]) B
Bradley (1953a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Bond et al. (2006)
49.342 Cydia fagiglandana (Zeller, 1841) A
MothsIreland (2024)
49.345 Lathronympha strigana (Fabricius, 1775) A
Bradley (1953a), Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Nelson et al. (2022)
49.347 Grapholita compositella (Fabricius, 1775) A
Bond et al. (2006)
49.351 Grapholita lunulana ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) A
deWorms & Ellison (1955), Chalmers-Hunt (1990), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Bond (1995)
49.354 Grapholita jungiella (Clerck, 1759) A
Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
49.357 Grapholita funebrana Treitschke, 1835 Plum Fruit Moth A
Bond (1995)
49.359 Grapholita janthinana (Duponchel, 1835) Fruitlet Mining Tortrix A
MothsIreland (2024)
49.362 Pammene giganteana Peyerimhoff, 1863 A
MothsIreland (2024)
49.367 Pammene fasciana (Linnaeus, 1761) A
MothsIreland (2024)
49.371 Pammene rhediella (Clerck, 1759) Fruitlet Mining Tortrix A
Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
49.373 Pammene spiniana (Duponchel, [1843]) A
Pelham-Clinton (1962), Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Anon (1970),
Bond et al. (2006)
49.375 Pammene regiana (Zeller, 1849) A
MothsIreland (2024)
49.379 Pammene aurana (Fabricius, 1775) A
MothsIreland (2024)
49.380 Pammene gallicana (Guenée, 1845) B
Anon (1970), Agassiz (1982)
Irish species 6; Burren species 3 (50%)
52.003 Sesia bembeciformis (Hübner, [1806]) Lunar Hornet Moth A
MothsIreland (2024)
52.008 Synanthedon formicaeformis (Esper, 1782) Red-tipped Clearwing A
Nelson et al. (2022)
52.016 Pyropteron muscaeformis (Esper, 1783) Thrift Clearwing C
Donovan (1936)
42 Entomologist’s Rec. J. Var. 136 (2024)
Lepidopteran checklist of the Burren, Ireland
Plate 8. Two notable macromoths of the Burren. a. Transparent Burnet Zygaena purpuralis. b. Dew
Moth Setina irrorella. Photographs Brian Nelson (a), Stephen Cotter (b)
44 Entomologist’s Rec. J. Var. 136 (2024)
Plate 9. Two Red-listed macromoths of the Burren. a. Rosy Footman Miltochrista miniata.
b. Figure of Eight Diloba caeruleocephala. Photographs Brian Nelson
Lepidopteran checklist of the Burren, Ireland
Plate 10. Two Red-listed macromoths of the Burren. a. Royal Mantle Catarhoe cuculata. b. Heath
Rivulet Perizoma minorata. Photographs: Stephen Cotter (a), Michael O’Donnell. (b)
46 Entomologist’s Rec. J. Var. 136 (2024)
Plate 11. Two Red-listed macromoths of the Burren. a. Irish Annulet Odontognophos dumetata;
b. Burren Green Calamia tridens. Photographs Stephen Cotter (a) Brian Nelson (b)
Lepidopteran checklist of the Burren, Ireland
Plate 12. Two notable butterflies of the Burren. a. Pearl-bordered Fritillary Boloria euphrosyne;
b. Brown Hairstreak Thecla betulae. Photographs Brian Nelson
48 Entomologist’s Rec. J. Var. 136 (2024)
Plate 13. Two notable macromoths from the Burren. a. Reddish Light Arches Apamea sublustris;
b. Least Minor Photedes captiuncula. Photographs Brian Nelson
Irish species 4; Burren species 4 (100%)
54.002 Adscita statices (Linnaeus, 1758) Forester A
Lawless (1872), Tutt (1899), Greer (1936), Mere (1964a), Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley &
Pelham-Clinton (1967), Baynes (1973), Anon (1978), Baker (1978), Tremewan (2008), Cabot &
Goodwillie (2018), Nelson et al. (2022)
54.004 Zygaena purpuralis (Brünnich, 1763) Transparent Burnet A
Greene (1854), More (1854), Stainton (1855), Birchall (1858a), Birchall (1858b), More (1866),
Birchall (1867), Newman (1871), Lawless (1872), Corry (1880), Kane (1893-1901), Pierce
(1893), Moffat (1898), Lawless (1899), Tutt (1899), Kane (1900-1901), Langham (1917),
Donovan (1936), Greer (1936), Beirne (1943), Baynes (1950), Beirne (1952), Bradley (1952),
Huggins (1955a), Huggins (1955b), Huggins (1957), deWorms & Ellison (1957), Richards
(1961), Tremewan (1961), Mere (1962), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Haynes (1963), Wheeler (1963),
deWorms (1963), Huggins (1964c), Mere (1964a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Morris
(1967), deWorms (1967), deWorms (1971), Sadler (1972), Baynes (1973), Dowling & de Courcy
Williams (1976), Tremewan (1976), Anon (1978), Baker (1978), O’Sullivan (1990), Heckford
& Langmaid (1991), Gardner (1997), West (1997), Clancy (1998), Cabot (1999), Collins (2001),
O’Sullivan (2004), McCormick (2008), O’Sullivan & Lavery (2008), Tremewan (2008), Williams
et al. (2009), Nelson (2015), Cabot & Goodwillie (2018), Mantell & Anderson (2020), Nelson
(2022), Nelson et al. (2022)
54.008 Zygaena filipendulae (Linnaeus, 1758) Six-spot Burnet A
Birchall (1858b), Tutt (1899), Greer (1936), Classey & Goater (1951), Huggins (1955b),
deWorms & Ellison (1955), Huggins (1957), deWorms & Ellison (1957), Pelham-Clinton (1962),
Haynes (1963), Wheeler (1963), deWorms (1963), Mere (1964a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton
(1967), deWorms (1971), Dowling & de Courcy Williams (1976), O’Sullivan (1990), Heckford
& Langmaid (1991), Gardner (1997), West (1997), Ford et al. (2000), O’Sullivan (2004),
Tremewan (2008), Cabot & Goodwillie (2018), Nelson et al. (2022)
54.009 Zygaena lonicerae (Scheven, 1777) Narrow-bordered Five-spot Burnet A
Donovan (1936), Donovan (1938), Huggins (1955b), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967),
Tremewan (2008)
Irish species 3; Burren species 1 (33%)
57.001 Erynnis tages (Linnaeus, 1758) Dingy Skipper A
Subspecies Erynnis tages baynesii Huggins, 1956
Greene (1854), Kane (1893-1901), Kane (1900-1901), Tutt (1905-1906), Donovan (1936), Greer
(1936), Beirne (1942), Graves (1947), Graves (1948), Stelfox (1949), Huggins (1955b), Anon
(1956), Huggins (1956a), Huggins (1956b), Huggins (1957), Goodson (1960), Pelham-Clinton
(1962), Haynes (1963), deWorms (1963), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Morris (1967),
deWorms (1967), Sadler (1972), Baynes (1973), Anon (1978), Baker (1978), Dennis & Shreeve
(1989), O’Sullivan (1990), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Gardner (1997), Jones (1998a), Jones
(1999), McCormick (1999), Wedd (2000), Asher et al. (2001), O’Connell & Korff (2001),
O’Sullivan (2004), Bond et al. (2006), Bond & Gittings (2008), Harding (2008), O’Sullivan &
Lavery (2008), Nash et al.(2013), Thomas & Lewington (2014), Cabot & Goodwillie (2018), Eeles
(2019), Mantell & Anderson (2020), Harding (2021), Larkin & Stanley (2021), Warren (2021)
Irish species 7; Burren species 7 (100%)
58.001 Leptidea sinapis (Linnaeus, 1758) Wood White A
Lawless (1872), Kane (1893-1901), Moffat (1898), Langham (1917), Donovan (1936), Greer
(1936), Donovan (1938), Graves (1947), Richardson (1952), Huggins (1956b), deWorms &
Lepidopteran checklist of the Burren, Ireland
Ellison (1957), Anon (1961), Anon (1962a), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Haynes (1963), Wheeler
(1963), deWorms (1963), Mere (1964a), Baynes (1965a), Heal (1965), Bradley & Pelham-
Clinton (1967), Morris (1967), deWorms (1967), Morris & Duffy (1970), deWorms (1971),
Sadler (1972), Baynes (1973), Baker (1978), Fleming & O’Mahony (1978), Tubbs (1984),
Warren (1984), O’Sullivan (1990), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Gardner (1997), Jones (1999),
McCormick (1999), West (1997), Wedd (2000), Nelson et al. (2001), O’Connell & Korff (2001),
O’Sullivan (2004), Jeffcoate (2006), Bond & Gittings (2008), Harding (2008), O’Sullivan &
Lavery (2008), Warnock (2008), Dapporto et al. (2009), Nelson et al. (2011), Regan & Meagher
(2011), Nash et al. (2013), Thomas & Lewington (2014), Cabot & Goodwillie (2018), Eeles
(2019), Mantell & Anderson (2020), Harding (2021), Larkin & Stanley (2021), Warren (2021),
Lohse et al. (2022)
58.003 Anthocharis cardamines (Linnaeus, 1758) Orange-tip A
Phillips (1923), Huggins (1957), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Anon (1965), Bradley & Pelham-
Clinton (1967), O’Sullivan (1990), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Anon (1997b), McCormick
(1999), Jones (1998a), Jones (1999), O’Sullivan (2004), Harding (2008), Mantell & Anderson
(2020), Harding (2021)
58.006 Pieris brassicae (Linnaeus, 1758) Large White A
Richardson (1952), deWorms & Ellison (1957), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-
Clinton (1967), Dowling & de Courcy Williams (1976), O’Sullivan (1990), O’Sullivan (2004),
Harding (2008), Mantell & Anderson (2020), Harding (2021), Larkin & Stanley (2021)
58.007 Pieris rapae (Linnaeus, 1758) Small White A
Richardson (1952), Huggins (1957), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967),
Heckford & Langmaid (1991), O’Sullivan (2004), Harding (2008), O’Sullivan & Lavery (2008),
Harding (2021), Larkin & Stanley (2021)
58.008 Pieris napi (Linnaeus, 1758) Green-veined White A
Richardson (1952), deWorms & Ellison (1957), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Anon (1963b), Haynes
(1963), Anon (1965), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Dowling & de Courcy Williams (1976),
O’Sullivan (1990), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Gardner (1997), West (1997), Jones (2000),
McCormick (2000), O’Sullivan (2004), Harding (2008), O’Sullivan & Lavery (2008), Mantell
& Anderson (2020), Harding (2021), Larkin & Stanley (2021)
58.010 Colias croceus (Geoffroy, 1785) Clouded Yellow A
Leech (1959), Elliott & Skinner (1993), Harding (2008), Harding (2021)
58.013 Gonepteryx rhamni (Linnaeus, 1758) Brimstone A
Kane (1893-1901), Moffat (1898), Donovan (1936), Graves (1948), Huggins (1957), Huggins
(1960b), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Morris (1967), Tubbs (1984),
O’Sullivan (1990), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Elliott & Skinner (1993), Gardner (1997),
Cabot (1999), Wedd (2000), O’Connell & Korff (2001), O’Sullivan (2004), Harding (2008),
O’Sullivan & Lavery (2008), Nash et al. (2013), Thomas & Lewington (2014), Cabot &
Goodwillie (2018), Woodrow et al. (2018), Eeles (2019), Mantell & Anderson (2020), Harding
Irish species 17; Burren species 15 (88%)
59.002 Lasiommata megera (Linnaeus, 1767) Wall A
deWorms & Ellison (1955), Huggins (1957), Pelham-Clinton (1962), deWorms (1963), Bradley
& Pelham-Clinton (1967), Morris (1967), Chatelain (1983), O’Sullivan (1990), Heckford &
Langmaid (1991), Gardner (1997), O’Sullivan (2004), Harding (2008), O’Sullivan & Lavery
(2008), Cabot & Goodwillie (2018), Eeles (2019), Mantell & Anderson (2020), Harding (2021)
59.003 Pararge aegeria (Linnaeus, 1758) Speckled Wood A
Phillips (1923), Classey & Goater (1951), Huggins (1956b), Huggins (1957), Pelham-Clinton
(1962), Wheeler (1963), deWorms (1963), deWorms (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967),
Morris (1967), Dowling & de Courcy Williams (1976), Chatelain (1983), O’Sullivan (1990),
Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Gardner (1997), O’Sullivan (2004), Harding (2008), O’Sullivan
& Lavery (2008), Cabot & Goodwillie (2018), Mantell & Anderson (2020), Harding (2021),
Larkin & Stanley (2021)
50 Entomologist’s Rec. J. Var. 136 (2024)
59.005 Coenonympha pamphilus (Linnaeus, 1758) Small Heath A
Greer (1936), Graves (1947), deWorms & Ellison (1955), Huggins (1956b), deWorms & Ellison
(1957), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Haynes (1963), Wheeler (1963), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton
(1967), Dowling & de Courcy Williams (1976), O’Sullivan (1990), Heckford & Langmaid
(1991), Barrington (1996), Gardner (1997), O’Sullivan (2004), Harding (2008), O’Sullivan &
Lavery (2008), Cabot & Goodwillie (2018), Mantell & Anderson (2020), Harding (2021), Larkin
& Stanley (2021)
59.009 Aphantopus hyperantus (Linnaeus, 1758) Ringlet A
deWorms & Ellison (1957), Wheeler (1963), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-
Clinton (1967), deWorms (1971), Dowling & de Courcy Williams (1976), O’Sullivan (1990),
O’Sullivan (2004), Harding (2008), O’Sullivan & Lavery (2008), Mantell & Anderson (2020),
Harding (2021), Larkin & Stanley (2021)
59.010 Maniola jurtina (Linnaeus, 1758) Meadow Brown A
Phillips (1923), deWorms & Ellison (1955), Huggins (1956b), Huggins (1957), Anon (1957b),
deWorms & Ellison (1957), Leech (1959), Wheeler (1963), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966),
deWorms (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), deWorms (1971), Dowling & de Courcy
Williams (1976), Tubbs (1982), Chatelain (1983), O’Sullivan (1990), Jones (2000), McCormick
(2000), O’Sullivan (2004), Harding (2008), O’Sullivan & Lavery (2008), Cabot & Goodwillie
(2018), Mantell & Anderson (2020), Harding (2021), Larkin & Stanley (2021)
59.013 Hipparchia semele (Linnaeus, 1758) Grayling A
Subspecies Hipparchia semele clarensis Lattin, 1952
Kane (1895), Heron (1952), de Lattin (1952), Cockayne (1954a), Huggins (1954), Huggins
(1955b), deWorms & Ellison (1955), Anon (1956), Huggins (1956b), Huggins (1957), Anon
(1957a), deWorms & Ellison (1957), Anon (1958), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley &
Pelham-Clinton (1967), Howarth (1971), Anon (1973), Baynes (1973), Howarth (1973), Dowling
& de Courcy Williams (1976), Tubbs (1982), Chatelain (1983), Dennis & Shreeve (1989),
O’Sullivan (1990), McCormick (1991), Jones (2000), McCormick (2000), Wedd (2000),
O’Connell & Korff (2001), O’Sullivan (2004), Wakeham-Dawson & Dennis (2004), Bond &
Gittings (2008), Harding (2008), O’Sullivan & Lavery (2008), Nash et al. (2012), Thomas &
Lewington (2014), Cabot & Goodwillie (2018), Eeles (2019), Mantell & Anderson (2020),
Harding (2021)
59.014 Boloria euphrosyne (Linnaeus, 1758) Pearl-bordered Fritillary A
Phillips (1923), Donovan (1936), Greer (1936), Donovan (1938), Graves (1947), Baynes (1950),
Beirne (1952), Huggins (1955a), Huggins (1955b), Anon (1956), Huggins (1956b), Anon (1963b),
Haynes (1963), deWorms (1963), Huggins (1964c), Mere (1964a), Pelham-Clinton (1964),
Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Morris (1967), deWorms (1967), Baynes (1973), Howarth
(1973), Huggins (1973), Heath et al. (1984), O’Sullivan (1990), Heckford & Langmaid (1991),
Gardner (1997), Cabot (1999), Asher et al. (2001), O’Connell & Korff (2001), O’Sullivan (2001),
O’Sullivan (2004), Bond & Gittings (2008), Harding (2008), O’Sullivan & Lavery (2008),
Williams et al. (2009), Regan & Meagher (2011), Nash et al. (2012), Nash & Hardiman (2013),
Thomas & Lewington (2014), Cabot & Goodwillie (2018), Eeles (2019), Mantell & Anderson
(2020), Harding (2021), Warren (2021)
59.017 Argynnis paphia (Linnaeus, 1758) Silver-washed Fritillary A
Richardson (1952), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Elliott & Skinner (1993), Cabot (1999),
Wedd (2000), O’Sullivan (2004), Harding (2008), O’Sullivan & Lavery (2008), Nash et al.
(2013), Cabot & Goodwillie (2018), Mantell & Anderson (2020), Harding (2021), Larkin &
Stanley (2021), Warren (2021)
59.019 Speyeria aglaja (Linnaeus, 1758) Dark Green Fritillary A
Kane (1893-1901), Kane (1895), Langham (1917), Greer (1936), Classey & Goater (1951),
Huggins (1955a), Huggins (1955b), deWorms & Ellison (1955), Huggins (1956b), Huggins
(1957), Torlesse (1964), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967),
Anon (1971a), deWorms (1971), Dowling & de Courcy Williams (1976), O’Sullivan (1990),
Lepidopteran checklist of the Burren, Ireland
McCormick (1991), Barrington (1996), Gardner (1997), Jones (1998a), Cabot (1999), O’Sullivan
(2004), Bond & Gittings (2008), Harding (2008), O’Sullivan & Lavery (2008), Nash et al. (2012),
Thomas & Lewington (2014), Cabot & Goodwillie (2018), Mantell & Anderson (2020), Harding
(2021), Larkin & Stanley (2021), Warren (2021)
59.023 Vanessa atalanta (Linnaeus, 1758) Red Admiral A
Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Cabot
(1999), O’Sullivan (2004), Harding (2008), Harding (2021), Larkin & Stanley (2021)
59.024 Vanessa cardui (Linnaeus, 1758) Painted Lady A
Corry (1880), Crawford (1936), Mere (1964a), Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley & Pelham-
Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), O’Sullivan (2004), Harding (2008), Mantell &
Anderson (2020), Harding (2021)
59.026 Aglais io (Linnaeus, 1758) Peacock A
Heron (1952), Richardson (1952), deWorms & Ellison (1957), Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley
& Pelham-Clinton (1967), Dowling & de Courcy Williams (1976), O’Sullivan (1990), Heckford
& Langmaid (1991), Gardner (1997), O’Sullivan (2004), Harding (2008), O’Sullivan & Lavery
(2008), Mantell & Anderson (2020), Harding (2021), Larkin & Stanley (2021)
59.027 Aglais urticae (Linnaeus, 1758) Small Tortoiseshell A
Classey & Goater (1951), deWorms & Ellison (1955), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-
Clinton (1967), Dowling & de Courcy Williams (1976), O’Sullivan (1990), O’Sullivan (2004),
Harding (2008), O’Sullivan & Lavery (2008), Mantell & Anderson (2020), Harding (2021),
Larkin & Stanley (2021)
59.031 Polygonia c-album (Linnaeus, 1758) Comma A
National Biodiversity Data Centre (2024)
59.033 Euphydryas aurinia (Rottemburg, 1775) Marsh Fritillary A
Huggins (1956b), Huggins (1957), Anon (1963b), deWorms (1963), Mere (1964a), Pelham-
Clinton (1964), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), deWorms (1971), Anon (1978), Heckford &
Langmaid (1991), Lavery (1993), Cabot (1999), Asher et al (2001), O’Sullivan (2004), Harding
(2008), O’Sullivan & Lavery (2008), Williams et al. (2009), Nash et al. (2012), Cabot &
Goodwillie (2018), Mantell & Anderson (2020), Harding (2021), Warren (2021)
Irish species 7; Burren species 7 (100%)
61.001 Lycaena phlaeas (Linnaeus, 1761) Small Copper A
Huggins (1956b), Huggins (1957), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Haynes (1963), Bradley & Pelham-
Clinton (1967), Gardner (1997), O’Sullivan (2004), Harding (2008), O’Sullivan & Lavery (2008),
Mantell & Anderson (2020), Harding (2021), Larkin & Stanley (2021)
61.003 Thecla betulae (Linnaeus, 1758) Brown Hairstreak A
McCormick (1989), O’Sullivan (1990), Cabot (1999), Salter (1999), Wedd (2000), Asher et al.
(2001), O’Connell & Korff (2001), O’Sullivan (2001), O’Sullivan (2004), Harding (2008),
O’Sullivan & Lavery (2008), Williams et al. (2009), Nash et al. (2012), Thomas & Lewington
(2014), Cabot & Goodwillie (2018), Woodrow et al. (2018), Eeles (2019), Mantell & Anderson
(2020), Harding (2021), Warren (2021)
61.004 Favonius quercus (Linnaeus, 1758) Purple Hairstreak A
O’Connell & Korff (2001), Harding (2008), Nash et al. (2012), Harding (2021), Warren (2021)
61.005 Callophrys rubi (Linnaeus, 1758) Green Hairstreak A
O’Sullivan (2004), Mantell & Anderson (2020), Harding (2021)
61.010 Cupido minimus (Fuessly, 1775) Small Blue A
Corry (1880), Kane (1893-1901), Moffat (1898), Tutt (1908-1909), Langham (1917), Phillips
(1923), Greer (1936), Huggins (1955b), Huggins (1956b), Huggins (1957), deWorms & Ellison
(1957), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Wheeler (1963), deWorms (1963), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton
(1967), Morris (1967), Baynes (1970), deWorms (1971), Sadler (1972), Baynes (1973), Howarth
52 Entomologist’s Rec. J. Var. 136 (2024)
(1973), Dowling & de Courcy Williams (1976), O’Sullivan (1990), Heckford & Langmaid
(1991), Gardner (1997), Cabot (1999), O’Sullivan (2004), Bond & Gittings (2008), Harding
(2008), O’Sullivan & Lavery (2008), Nash et al. (2012), Mantell & Anderson (2020), Harding
(2021), Larkin & Stanley (2021)
61.012 Celastrina argiolus (Linnaeus, 1758) Holly Blue A
O’Sullivan (2004), Harding (2008), Nash et al. (2013), Cabot & Goodwillie (2018), Harding
(2021), Warren (2021)
61.018 Polyommatus icarus (Rottemburg, 1775) Common Blue A
Kane (1893-1901), Pierce (1893), Phillips (1923), Greer (1936), Heron (1952), deWorms &
Ellison (1955), Huggins (1956b), Huggins (1957), deWorms & Ellison (1957), Pelham-Clinton
(1962), Haynes (1963), Wheeler (1963), deWorms (1963), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967),
Morris (1967), deWorms (1971), Dowling & de Courcy Williams (1976), O’Sullivan (1990),
Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Gardner (1997), Jones (1998b), Cabot (1999), Jones (1999),
McCormick (1999), O’Connell & Korff (2001), O’Sullivan (2004), Barrington (2005), Harding
(2008), O’Sullivan & Lavery (2008), Nash et al. (2012), Cabot & Goodwillie (2018), Mantell &
Anderson (2020), Harding (2021), Larkin & Stanley (2021)
Irish species 37; Burren species 13 (35%)
62.001 Aphomia sociella (Linnaeus, 1758) Bee Moth A
Classey & Goater (1951), Bradley (1953a), deWorms & Ellison (1955), Mere & Pelham-Clinton
(1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Nelson et al. (2022)
62.007 Cryptoblabes bistriga (Haworth, 1811) A
MothsIreland (2024)
62.012 Pyla fusca (Haworth, 1811) A
Classey & Goater (1951), Bradley (1952), Bradley (1953a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967),
Nelson et al. (2022)
62.014 Pempeliella ornatella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) A
Bradley (1953a), Huggins (1956b), Huggins (1961b), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967),
Chalmers-Hunt (1989), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Chalmers-Hunt (1992), Agassiz et al.
(1993), Parsons & Clancy (2023)
62.015 Delplanqueia dilutella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) A
Classey & Goater (1951), Bradley (1953a), Huggins (1961b), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Huggins
(1964c), Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Anon (1970), Huggins
(1970a), Huggins (1973), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Agassiz (2015), Nelson et al. (2022)
62.028 Dioryctria abietella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) A
Nelson et al. (2022)
62.029 Phycita roborella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) A
MothsIreland (2024)
62.035 Acrobasis advenella (Zincken, 1818) A
Bradley (1953a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Nelson et al. (2022)
62.037 Acrobasis marmorea (Haworth, 1811) A
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Bond (1995), Bond et al.
62.038 Acrobasis consociella (Hübner, [1813]) B
MothsIreland (2024)
62.057 Phycitodes maritima (Tengström, 1848) A
MothsIreland (2024)
62.058 Phycitodes binaevella (Hübner, [1813]) A
Bradley (1953a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Nelson et al. (2022)
62.059 Phycitodes saxicola (Vaughan, 1870) A
Bradley (1953a), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
Lepidopteran checklist of the Burren, Ireland
Irish species 78; Burren species 50 (64%)
63.003 Pyrausta cingulata (Linnaeus, 1758) A
Kane (1893-1901), Langham (1917), Beirne (1941)
63.004 Pyrausta sanguinalis (Linnaeus, 1767) A
Kane (1893-1901), Pierce (1893), Langham (1917), Donovan (1936), Beirne (1941), Bradley
(1952), Bradley (1953a), Huggins (1955b), Huggins (1956b), Huggins (1957), deWorms &
Ellison (1957), Pelham-Clinton (1964), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-
Clinton (1967), Anon (1970), deWorms (1971), Anon (1974), Anon (1978), Agassiz (1990),
Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Agassiz (1998), Wedd (2000), Beaumont (2004), Waring (2007),
Clancy (2008), McCormick (2008), Cabot & Goodwillie (2018), Mantell & Anderson (2020),
Nelson et al. (2022), Parsons & Clancy (2023)
63.005 Pyrausta despicata (Scopoli, 1763) A
Kane (1893-1901), Langham (1917), Classey & Goater (1951), Bradley (1952), Bradley (1953a),
deWorms & Ellison (1955), Mere (1964a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford &
Langmaid (1991), Nelson et al. (2022)
63.007 Pyrausta purpuralis (Linnaeus, 1758) A
Classey & Goater (1951), Bradley (1952), Bradley (1953a), deWorms & Ellison (1955), Pelham-
Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Beaumont (2001), Mantell & Anderson
(2020), Nelson et al. (2022)
63.008 Pyrausta ostrinalis (Hübner, 1796) A
Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Bond (1995), Gardner (1997),
Bond et al. (2006)
63.016 Anania fuscalis ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) A
Langham (1917), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Mantell &
Anderson (2020), Nelson et al. (2022)
63.018 Anania coronata (Hufnagel, 1767) A
MothsIreland (2024)
63.022 Anania crocealis (Hübner, 1796) A
Nelson et al. (2022)
63.024 Anania funebris (Ström, 1768) A
Kane (1893-1901), deWorms & Ellison (1957), Anon (1962b), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley
(1964), Mere (1964a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Anon (1971c), Huggins (1973),
Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Gardner (1997), Agassiz (1998), Heckford & Wilson (1999), Wedd
(2000), Beaumont (2001), Beaumont (2004), Clancy (2008), McCormick (2008), O’Sullivan &
Lavery (2008), Mantell & Anderson (2020), Nelson et al. (2022), Parsons & Clancy (2023)
63.025 Anania hortulata (Linnaeus, 1758) Small Magpie A
Langham (1917), Bradley (1952), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966),
Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Nelson et al. (2022)
63.029 Paratalanta pandalis (Hübner, [1825]) Bordered Pearl A
Kane (1893-1901), Bradley (1952), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967),
Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Gardner (1997), Heckford & Wilson (1999), Beaumont (2001),
Mantell & Anderson (2020)
63.031 Udea ferrugalis (Hübner, 1796) Rusty-dot Pearl A
Bradley (1953a), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Huggins (1964c), Baynes (1965b), Bradley & Pelham-
Clinton (1967)
63.033 Udea lutealis (Hübner, [1809]) A
Bradley (1953a), deWorms & Ellison (1955), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-
Clinton (1967), Nelson et al. (2022)
63.034 Udea prunalis ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) A
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Nelson et al. (2022)
63.037 Udea olivalis ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) A
Nelson et al. (2022)
54 Entomologist’s Rec. J. Var. 136 (2024)
63.038 Patania ruralis (Scopoli, 1763) Mother of Pearl A
Classey & Goater (1951), Bradley (1953a), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-
Clinton (1967), Nelson et al. (2022)
63.040 Mecyna asinalis (Hübner, [1819]) A
Classey & Goater (1951), Bradley (1953a), Huggins (1956b), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966),
Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Agassiz (1982)
63.052 Nomophila noctuella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) Rush Veneer A
Bradley (1953a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991
63.057 Evergestis forficalis (Linnaeus, 1758) Garden Pebble A
Classey & Goater (1951), deWorms & Ellison (1955), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley
& Pelham-Clinton (1967), Nelson et al. (2022)
63.060 Evergestis pallidata (Hufnagel, 1767) A
Bradley (1953a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Nelson et al. (2022)
63.062 Scoparia subfusca Haworth, 1811 A
Agassiz (1982), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Mantell & Anderson (2020), Nelson et al. (2022)
63.064 Scoparia ambigualis (Treitschke, 1829) A
Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991),
Dickson (2013), Mantell & Anderson (2020), Parsons & Clancy (2023)
63.066 Scoparia pyralella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) A
Bradley (1952), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Mantell & Anderson (2020)
63.067 Eudonia lacustrata (Panzer, 1804) A
Bradley (1953a), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Nelson et
al. (2022)
63.069 Eudonia angustea (Curtis, 1827) A
Anon (1962b), Mere (1962), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley &
Pelham-Clinton (1967), Mantell & Anderson (2020), Nelson et al. (2022)
63.071 Eudonia lineola (Curtis, 1827) A
Bradley (1953a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Nelson et al. (2022), Parsons & Clancy (2023)
63.072 Eudonia delunella (Stainton, 1849) A
Agassiz et al. (1998), Nelson et al. (2022)
63.073 Eudonia truncicolella (Stainton, 1849) A
Bradley (1952), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Nelson et al.
63.074 Eudonia mercurella (Linnaeus, 1758) A
Bradley (1953a), Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Nelson et al. (2022)
63.075 Eudonia pallida (Curtis, 1827) A
Nelson et al. (2022)
63.077 Chilo phragmitella (Hübner, [1810]) A
Nelson et al. (2022)
63.080 Chrysoteuchia culmella (Linnaeus, 1758) A
Classey & Goater (1951), Bradley (1952), Bradley (1953a), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Mere &
Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Mantell
& Anderson (2020)
63.081 Crambus pascuella (Linnaeus, 1758) A
deWorms & Ellison (1957), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967),
Mantell & Anderson (2020), Nelson et al. (2022)
63.083 Crambus uliginosellus Zeller, 1850 A
MothsIreland (2024)
63.086 Crambus lathoniellus (Zincken, 1817) A
Bradley (1952), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), McCormick
(1999), Heckford & Wilson (1999), Mantell & Anderson (2020)
63.088 Crambus perlella (Scopoli, 1763) A
Bradley (1952), Bradley (1953a), deWorms & Ellison (1957), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Mere &
Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Mantell
& Anderson (2020), Nelson et al. (2022)
Lepidopteran checklist of the Burren, Ireland
63.089 Agriphila tristella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) A
Classey & Goater (1951), Bradley (1953a), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-
Clinton (1967), Nelson et al. (2022)
63.090 Agriphila inquinatella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) A
Bradley (1953a), deWorms & Ellison (1955), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-
Clinton (1967), Nelson et al. (2022)
63.092 Agriphila selasella (Hübner, [1813]) A
Classey & Goater (1951)
63.093 Agriphila straminella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) A
Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Nelson et al. (2022)
63.095 Agriphila geniculea (Haworth, 1811) A
Classey & Goater (1951) Bradley (1953a), deWorms & Ellison (1955), Mere & Pelham-Clinton
(1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Nelson et al. (2022)
63.099 Catoptria pinella (Linnaeus, 1758) A
Langham (1917), Classey & Goater (1951) Bradley (1953a), deWorms & Ellison (1955), Mere
& Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991),
Parsons & Clancy (2023)
63.100 Catoptria margaritella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) A
Bradley (1953a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Anon (1970)
63.114 Elophila nymphaeata (Linnaeus, 1758) Brown China-mark A
Bradley (1953a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Nelson et al. (2022)
63.115 Acentria ephemerella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) Water Veneer B
Byrne & Reynolds (1982)
63.116 Cataclysta lemnata (Linnaeus, 1758) Small China-mark A
MothsIreland (2024)
63.117 Parapoynx stratiotata (Linnaeus, 1758) Ringed China-mark A
Bradley (1953a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Nelson et al. (2022)
63.118 Nymphula nitidulata (Hufnagel, 1767) Beautiful China-mark A
Bradley (1953a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Nelson et al. (2022)
63.121 Donacaula forficella (Thunberg, 1794) A
Bradley (1953a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
63.122 Donacaula mucronella ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) A
Bradley (1953a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Nelson et al. (2022)
Irish species 11; Burren species 8 (73%)
65.001 Falcaria lacertinaria (Linnaeus, 1758) Scalloped Hook-tip A
Kane (1893-1901), deWorms & Ellison (1957)
65.003 Watsonalla cultraria (Fabricius, 1775) Barred Hook-tip A
MothsIreland (2024)
65.005 Drepana falcataria (Linnaeus, 1758) Pebble Hook-tip A
MothsIreland (2024)
65.007 Cilix glaucata (Scopoli, 1763) Chinese Character A
Classey & Goater (1951), deWorms & Ellison (1955), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley
& Pelham-Clinton (1967), Baynes (1973), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Nelson et al. (2022)
65.008 Thyatira batis (Linnaeus, 1758) Peach Blossom A
Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), deWorms (1971), Dowling & de
Courcy Williams (1976), Nelson et al. (2022)
65.009 Habrosyne pyritoides (Hufnagel, 1766) Buff Arches A
Kane (1893-1901), Huggins (1954), deWorms & Ellison (1957), Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley
& Pelham-Clinton (1967), Dowling & de Courcy Williams (1976), Nelson et al. (2022)
65.012 Tetheella fluctuosa (Hübner, [1803]) Satin Lutestring A
Mantell & Anderson (2020)
65.013 Ochropacha duplaris (Linnaeus, 1761) Common Lutestring A
Donovan (1938), Huggins (1956b), deWorms & Ellison (1957), Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley
& Pelham-Clinton (1967), deWorms (1967), Baynes (1973), Huggins (1973), Anon (1977),
Nelson et al. (2022)
56 Entomologist’s Rec. J. Var. 136 (2024)
Irish species 7; Burren species 7 (100%)
66.001 Poecilocampa populi (Linnaeus, 1758) December Moth A
MothsIreland (2024)
66.002 Trichiura crataegi (Linnaeus, 1758) Pale Eggar A
Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Baynes (1970), Baynes (1973), Rippey (1991), Nelson et al.
66.003 Malacosoma neustria (Linnaeus, 1758) Lackey A
Kane (1893-1901), Tutt (1900), Donovan (1936), Classey & Goater (1951), deWorms & Ellison
(1955), Huggins (1956b), Huggins (1957), deWorms & Ellison (1957), Pelham-Clinton (1962),
Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Dowling & de Courcy Williams (1976), O’Sullivan (1990),
Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Nelson et al. (2022)
66.005 Eriogaster lanestris (Linnaeus, 1758) Small Eggar A
Kane (1893-1901), Donovan (1936), Donovan (1938), Beirne (1942), Huggins (1954), Huggins
(1956b), Wheeler (1963), Mere (1964a), Pelham-Clinton (1964), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966),
Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), deWorms (1971), Baynes (1973),
Anon (1973), Chalmers-Hunt (1975), O’Sullivan (1990), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), West
(1992b), Gardner (1997), Wedd (2000), O’Sullivan (2004), Badmin (2006), Woodrow et al.
(2018), Randle et al. (2019), Mantell & Anderson (2020)
66.007 Lasiocampa quercus (Linnaeus, 1758) Oak Eggar A
Huggins (1955b), deWorms & Ellison (1955), Huggins (1956b), Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley
& Pelham-Clinton (1967), Huggins (1970b), Dowling & de Courcy Williams (1976), Heckford
& Langmaid (1991), West (1992a), Mantell & Anderson (2020), Nelson et al. (2022)
66.008 Macrothylacia rubi (Linnaeus, 1758) Fox Moth A
Richardson (1952), Pelham-Clinton (1962), deWorms (1963), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967),
Dowling & de Courcy Williams (1976), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Gardner (1997), Nelson
et al. (2022)
66.010 Euthrix potatoria (Linnaeus, 1758) Drinker A
Classey & Goater (1951), deWorms & Ellison (1955), deWorms (1963), Mere & Pelham-Clinton
(1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Baynes (1973), Dowling & de Courcy Williams
(1976), O’Sullivan (1990), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Mantell & Anderson (2020), Nelson
et al. (2022)
Irish species 1; Burren species 1 (100%)
68.001 Saturnia pavonia (Linnaeus, 1758) Emperor A
Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991),
Gardner (1997), Nelson et al. (2022)
Irish species 14; Burren species 9 (64%)
69.002 Smerinthus ocellata (Linnaeus, 1758) Eyed Hawk-moth A
Pelham-Clinton (1962), deWorms (1963), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
69.003 Laothoe populi (Linnaeus, 1758) Poplar Hawk-moth A
deWorms & Ellison (1957), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), deWorms
(1971), Dowling & de Courcy Williams (1976), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Nelson et al. (2022)
69.004 Agrius convolvuli (Linnaeus, 1758) Convolvulus Hawk-moth A
Classey & Goater (1951), Baynes (1966), Heron (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967),
French (1968), Bretherton & Chalmers-Hunt (1984)
69.005 Acherontia atropos (Linnaeus, 1758) Death’s-head Hawk-moth B
Baynes (1956)
69.008 Hemaris tityus (Linnaeus, 1758) Narrow-bordered Bee Hawk-moth A
Kane (1893-1901), Greer (1936), Mere (1962), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Anon (1963b), Mere
(1964a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Anon (1977), Baker (1978), Lavery (1989), O’Sullivan
Lepidopteran checklist of the Burren, Ireland
(1990), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Lavery (1991), Elliott & Skinner (1993), Gardner (1997),
Clancy (1998), Collins (1999), McCormick (1999), Wedd (2000), Collins (2001), O’Connell &
Korff (2001), Waring (2007), O’Sullivan & Lavery (2008), Mantell & Anderson (2020)
69.010 Macroglossum stellatarum (Linnaeus, 1758) Humming-bird Hawk-moth A
Classey & Goater (1951), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Elliott & Skinner (1993), O’Connell
& Korff (2001), O’Sullivan (2004), Mantell & Anderson (2020)
69.015 Hyles livornica (Esper, [1804]) Striped Hawk-moth A
Anon (1963b), Mere (1964a), Pelham-Clinton (1964), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Baynes
(1973), Elliott & Skinner (1993), Clancy (2007b), Clancy & Skinner (2007)
69.016 Deilephila elpenor (Linnaeus, 1758) Elephant Hawk-moth A
Kane (1893-1901), Tutt (1904), deWorms & Ellison (1957), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley &
Pelham-Clinton (1967), deWorms (1971), Dowling & de Courcy Williams (1976), Nelson et al.
69.017 Deilephila porcellus (Linnaeus, 1758) Small Elephant Hawk-moth A
Kane (1893-1901), Langham (1917), deWorms & Ellison (1957), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Haynes
(1963), deWorms (1963), Mere (1964a), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), deWorms (1971),
O’Sullivan (1990), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Gardner (1997), Mantell & Anderson (2020),
Nelson et al. (2022)
Irish species 221; Burren species 167 (76%)
70.009 Idaea subsericeata (Haworth, 1809) Satin Wave A
MothsIreland (2024)
70.011 Idaea dimidiata (Hufnagel, 1767) Single-dotted Wave A
Richardson (1952), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Nelson
et al. (2022)
70.013 Idaea biselata (Hufnagel, 1767) Small Fan-footed Wave A
Birchall (1858a), Moffat (1898), Richardson (1952), deWorms & Ellison (1955), Mere & Pelham-
Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Mantell & Anderson (2020), Nelson et al. (2022)
70.016 Idaea aversata (Linnaeus, 1758) Riband Wave A
Kane (1893-1901), Richardson (1952), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-
Clinton (1967), Nelson et al. (2022)
70.018 Idaea straminata (Borkhausen, 1794) Plain Wave A
MothsIreland (2024)
70.025 Scopula immutata (Linnaeus, 1758) Lesser Cream Wave A
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Baynes (1970), Nelson et
al. (2022)
70.027 Scopula floslactata (Haworth, 1809) Cream Wave A
Donovan (1936)
70.032 Cyclophora albipunctata (Hufnagel, 1767) Birch Mocha A
Kane (1893-1901), Donovan (1936)
70.037 Cyclophora linearia (Hübner, [1799]) Clay Triple-lines A
Nelson et al. (2022)
70.038 Rhodometra sacraria (Linnaeus, 1767) Vestal A
MothsIreland (2024)
70.040 Scotopteryx mucronata (Scopoli, 1763) Lead Belle A
Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Baynes (1973)
70.041 Scotopteryx luridata (Hufnagel, 1767) July Belle A
Nelson et al. (2022)
70.045 Scotopteryx chenopodiata (Linnaeus, 1758) Shaded Broad-bar A
Classey & Goater (1951), deWorms & Ellison (1955), Anon (1956), Anon (1957b), Mere &
Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Dowling & de Courcy Williams
(1976), Nelson et al. (2022)
70.046 Orthonama vittata (Borkhausen, 1794) Oblique Carpet A
Pelham-Clinton (1962), Skinner & Chatelain (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Nelson
et al. (2022)
58 Entomologist’s Rec. J. Var. 136 (2024)
70.047 Nycterosea obstipata (Fabricius, 1794) Gem B
Classey & Goater (1951), Skinner & Chatelain (1966), Bretherton (1983)
70.049 Xanthorhoe fluctuata (Linnaeus, 1758) Garden Carpet A
Classey & Goater (1951), deWorms & Ellison (1955), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-
Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Nelson et al. (2022)
70.051 Xanthorhoe spadicearia ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) Red Twin-spot Carpet A
Richardson (1952), deWorms & Ellison (1955), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-
Clinton (1967), Baynes (1973), Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
70.052 Xanthorhoe ferrugata (Clerck, 1759) Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet A
Classey & Goater (1951), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford
& Langmaid (1991), Mantell & Anderson (2020), Nelson et al. (2022)
70.053 Xanthorhoe designata (Hufnagel, 1767) Flame Carpet A
Kane (1893-1901), Classey & Goater (1951), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton
(1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Nelson et al. (2022)
70.054 Xanthorhoe montanata ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) Silver-ground Carpet A
Pelham-Clinton (1962), Haynes (1963), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford &
Langmaid (1991), Mantell & Anderson (2020), Nelson et al. (2022)
70.056 Catarhoe cuculata (Hufnagel, 1767) Royal Mantle A
Kane (1893-1901), Kane (1895), Langham (1917), Donovan (1936), Greer (1936), Donovan (1938),
Graves (1948), Anon (1952c), Beirne (1952), deWorms & Ellison (1957), Leech (1959), Bradley
& Pelham-Clinton (1967), deWorms (1967), Baynes (1973), Brown (1987), Walsh et al. (2009),
Cabot & Goodwillie (2018), Woodrow et al. (2018), Randle et al. (2019), Nelson et al. (2022)
70.059 Camptogramma bilineata (Linnaeus, 1758) Yellow Shell A
Kane (1893-1901), Langham (1917), Classey & Goater (1951), Anon (1952c), deWorms &
Ellison (1955), deWorms & Ellison (1957), Wheeler (1963), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967),
Heckford & Langmaid (1991), West (1996a), O’Sullivan (2004)
70.060 Epirrhoe tristata (Linnaeus, 1758) Small Argent & Sable A
Kane (1893-1901), Kane (1900-1901), Langham (1917), Donovan (1936), Donovan (1938),
Classey & Goater (1951), deWorms & Ellison (1955), Anon (1957b), Huggins (1957), Leech
(1959), Pelham-Clinton (1962), Haynes (1963), deWorms (1966), Skinner & Chatelain (1966),
Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), deWorms (1971), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Cabot &
Goodwillie (2018), Randle et al. (2019), Mantell & Anderson (2020)
70.061 Epirrhoe alternata (Müller, 1764) Common Carpet A
Classey & Goater (1951), deWorms & Ellison (1955), Anon (1957b), Pelham-Clinton (1962),
Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Pickles (2005), Mantell &
Anderson (2020), Nelson et al. (2022)
70.063 Epirrhoe galiata ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) Galium Carpet A
Langham (1917), Greer (1936), Huggins (1954), Huggins (1956b), deWorms & Ellison (1957),
Pelham-Clinton (1962), deWorms (1963), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Waring (2007),
Mantell & Anderson (2020), Nelson et al. (2022)
70.065 Euphyia unangulata (Haworth, 1809) Sharp-angled Carpet A
Nelson et al. (2022)
70.066 Earophila badiata ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) Shoulder Stripe A
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Baynes (1970), Heckford &
Langmaid (1991)
70.067 Anticlea derivata ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) Streamer A
Richardson (1952), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Baynes
(1973), Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
70.068 Mesoleuca albicillata (Linnaeus, 1758) Beautiful Carpet A
Kane (1893-1901), Richardson (1952), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-
Clinton (1967), Mantell & Anderson (2020), Nelson et al. (2022)
70.069 Pelurga comitata (Linnaeus, 1758) Dark Spinach B
Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Baynes (1970)
Lepidopteran checklist of the Burren, Ireland
70.072 Entephria caesiata ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) Grey Mountain Carpet B
Kane (1893-1901), Kane (1895), Donovan (1936), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), Bradley &
Pelham-Clinton (1967), Baynes (1970)
70.074 Hydriomena furcata (Thunberg, 1784) July Highflyer A
Classey & Goater (1951), deWorms & Ellison (1955), Pelham-Clinton (1962) Bradley & Pelham-
Clinton (1967), Dowling & de Courcy Williams (1976), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Cabot &
Goodwillie (2018), Mantell & Anderson (2020), Nelson et al. (2022)
70.075 Hydriomena impluviata ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775) May Highflyer A
Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967)
70.076 Hydriomena ruberata (Freyer, [1831]) Ruddy Highflyer A
Heckford & Langmaid (1991)
70.077 Pennithera firmata (Hübner, [1822]) Pine Carpet A
MothsIreland (2024)
70.078 Thera cognata (Thunberg, 1792) Chestnut-coloured Carpet A
Huggins (1955b), Mere (1962), Pelham-Clinton (1962), deWorms (1963), Mere (1964a), Bradley
& Pelham-Clinton (1967), Sadler (1972), Baynes (1973), Wedd (2000), Waring (2007),
McCormick (2008), Nelson et al. (2022)
70.079 Thera britannica (Turner, 1925) Spruce Carpet A
Nelson et al. (2022)
70.081 Thera obeliscata (Hübner, [1787]) Grey Pine Carpet A
Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Nelson et al. (2022)
70.082 Thera juniperata (Linnaeus, 1758) Juniper Carpet A
Huggins (1964c), Baynes (1965a), Huggins (1965), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Baynes
(1973), Bond & Early (1991), Bond et al. (2006), Clancy (2007a)
70.085 Cidaria fulvata (Forster, 1771) Barred Yellow A
Kane (1893-1901), Donovan (1936), Classey & Goater (1951), Anon (1952c), Huggins (1954),
deWorms & Ellison (1955), Anon (1956), Anon (1957b), deWorms & Ellison (1957), Leech
(1959), Mere & Pelham-Clinton (1966), deWorms (1966), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967),
deWorms (1971), Baynes (1973), Nelson et al. (2022)
70.086 Electrophaes corylata (Thunberg, 1792) Broken-barred Carpet A
Pelham-Clinton (1962), Haynes (1963), Bradley & Pelham-Clinton (1967), Baynes (1973)
Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Mantell & Anderson (2020)
70.087 Cosmorhoe ocellata (Linnaeus, 1758) Purple Bar A
Classey & Goater (1951), deWorms & Ellison (1955), deWorms & Ellison (1957), Bradley &
Pelham-Clinton (1967), Heckford & Langmaid (1991), Mantell & Anderson