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From Doxastic Blame to Doxastic Shame



There is a philosophical puzzle about blaming people for their attitudes that arises because we lack direct voluntary control over our attitudes. The fact that we lack direct voluntary control over our attitudes suggests that we are not responsible for them. Defenders of blaming people for their beliefs have appealed to various senses in which we are responsible for our beliefs, despite our lacking direct voluntary control over them. In this paper, I pursue a different strategy. I argue that it is something fitting to be ashamed of your beliefs, or, to put this another way, that it is sometimes fitting to feel shame for believing something. I articulate an account of shamefulness, on which the shameful is a species of legitimate expectation violation. By contrast with blameworthiness, shamefulness does not entail responsibility. For this reason, the fittingness of shame for beliefs (i.e. doxastic shame), unlike the fittingness of blame for beliefs (i.e. doxastic blame), is orthogonal to questions of responsibility. Independent of whether we are responsible for our beliefs, doxastic shame can be fitting.
 
Washington University in St. Louis
African Centre for Epistemology and Philosophy of Science, University of
    
    
            
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       
 Allan Hazle
Ergo vol. 11, no. 38 2024
        
   -
  
           
  -
         -
 
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           
   
From Doxastic Blame to Doxastic Shame 
Ergo vol. 11, no. 38 2024
1. Blame and Shame
  
  -
     
          
           -
           
x x -
           
   
 Allan Hazle
Ergo vol. 11, no. 38 2024
     
          
             
            
  
            
  
  
From Doxastic Blame to Doxastic Shame 
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    
         for   
            
             
    
 
         
               
              
              
 Allan Hazle
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             
2. The Shameful as a Species of Legitimate Expectation
      
        
   
wrongdoing legitimate expectation
   
       
  
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           
     
  
           
   
        
         -
    
   -
      
 Allan Hazle
Ergo vol. 11, no. 38 2024
       -
       -
          
         
     
         
 
 
   doing
being 
      
       -
  
      
  
     
From Doxastic Blame to Doxastic Shame 
Ergo vol. 11, no. 38 2024
   
     
 
          
 
 
     
 Allan Hazle
Ergo vol. 11, no. 38 2024
   
           -
   
    
            
          
            
    -
  
     
       
     
              
From Doxastic Blame to Doxastic Shame 
Ergo vol. 11, no. 38 2024
   
       
        
    
  
  
 your      
             
        
             
 
 
            
      
 Allan Hazle
Ergo vol. 11, no. 38 2024
3. Shamefulness Does not Entail Responsibility
   
 -
       
             
    
        
 
           
   
 
         
   
  
            
   
             
     
  
 
From Doxastic Blame to Doxastic Shame 
Ergo vol. 11, no. 38 2024
  -
            
  
   
   
  
           
 
  
   
   
          
    -
          
        
  -
          
         
           
           
 
 Allan Hazle
Ergo vol. 11, no. 38 2024
          -
 
   
           
     
4. Shameful Belief
    
   
          
   
         
              
From Doxastic Blame to Doxastic Shame 
Ergo vol. 11, no. 38 2024
            
       
 
            
          
 
  
 
        -
            
  
 Allan Hazle
Ergo vol. 11, no. 38 2024
           
            
  
      
 
       -
   
             
   
    
 
      -
               
From Doxastic Blame to Doxastic Shame 
Ergo vol. 11, no. 38 2024
        
         
   
                
         
           
        
 -
        
        
      
           
     
       
           
On The Times They Are a-Changin’
 Allan Hazle
Ergo vol. 11, no. 38 2024
5. The Proleptic Function of Shame
    
      
  
   
 
 prospective       
   
   
         possible
From Doxastic Blame to Doxastic Shame 
Ergo vol. 11, no. 38 2024
 
         
fear 
        
     
        
   
         -
    
            
   
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     
 
               
  -
  
    
              
 Allan Hazle
Ergo vol. 11, no. 38 2024
p.   -
          
having believed
              
  
   
       
fear 
         p  
         
From Doxastic Blame to Doxastic Shame 
Ergo vol. 11, no. 38 2024
  -
           
  not 
p 
p  
           -
          
          
        -
        
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  -
 
          
 
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    p       -
     
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      -
  
    
 
 Allan Hazle
Ergo vol. 11, no. 38 2024
   
  
          -
   -
          
    
             
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         
Theory of Moral Sentiments
From Doxastic Blame to Doxastic Shame 
Ergo vol. 11, no. 38 2024
  
  
          
 
              
  
         
          
 
  
   
 
  
 Allan Hazle
Ergo vol. 11, no. 38 2024
         
          
           
             
 
 
6. Epistemic Blame
        
        
       -
           
   
  -
From Doxastic Blame to Doxastic Shame 
Ergo vol. 11, no. 38 2024
       
   
         
      
            
        
            
 
  
   
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 
  
  -
  
    epistemic       
 Allan Hazle
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           
   
         
        
 
  
           -
    
   
          
       
From Doxastic Blame to Doxastic Shame 
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        
 
  
7. Conclusion
            
            -
           
       -
         
 Allan Hazle
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        
      
   
 
 
Philosophical Review 94
The Routledge
Handbook of Social Epistemology 
sophical Perspectives 2
Beyond “Justication”: Dimensions of Epistemic Evaluation. 
The Honor Code: How Moral Revolutions Happen. 
      In Praise of Desire  
  Femininity and
Domination: Studies in the Phenomenology of Oppression
Midwest Studies in Philosophy 46
Philosophical Studies 176
Philosophical Issues 29
         Philosophical Studies
Pragmatic Encroachment in Epistemology 
Hard Feelings: The Moral Psychology of Contempt-
Ruling Passions
Philosophy and
Phenomenological Research103
From Doxastic Blame to Doxastic Shame 
Ergo vol. 11, no. 38 2024
    Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 76
Noûs 54
   
Review of Philosophy and Psychology 7
 Journal of Political Philosophy
Journal of Philosophy 105
The Second-Person Standpoint
Social Epistemology 28
 Philosophy and Phenomenological Research
How To Do Things with Emotions: The Morality of Anger and Shame
Across Cultures
Philosophy and Phenomenological Re-
search 73
          
The Epistemic Life of Groups: Essays in the Epistemology of Collectives  
Wise Choices, Apt Feelings: A Theory of Normative Judgment
         
Implicit Bias and Philosophy, Volume 2: Moral Responsibility, Struc-
tural Injustice, and Ethics 
To The Best of Our Knowledge: Social Expectations and Epistemic
Episteme 17-
Philosophical Topics
           -
  Epistemic Evaluation: Purposeful Epistemology 
Philosophical Perspectives 13
   
Epistemic Value 
            
   
The Routledge Handbook of Social Epistemology 
Pacic Philosophical Quarterly 87
Synthese 161
 Allan Hazle
Ergo vol. 11, no. 38 2024
Journal of Social Philosophy 43
From Personality to Virtue  -
 Philosophers’
Imprint 18
         Philo-
sophical Review 92
         Noûs
  Philosophy
and Phenomenological Research 94
Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches 
Ethics 113
       Philosophical Explorations 14
Philosophical Is-
sues 23
 Epistemologies of Resistance: Gender and Racial Oppression, Epistemic
Injustice, and Resistant Imaginations
 Journal of Philo-
sophical Research 40
Social Epis-
temology 33
Episteme 18
The Racial Contract
Race and Epistemologies of Ignorance 
On Guilt and Innocence: Essays in Legal Philosophy and Moral Psy-
Blameworthy Belief: A Study in Epistemic Deontologism-
Hiding from Humanity: Disgust, Shame, and the Law
Responsible Belief: A Theory in Ethics and Epistemology
Living Without Free Will
  
The Oxford Handbook
of Philosophy and Psychiatry 
asian Journal of Philosophy 99
A Theory of Justice
Synthese 195
From Doxastic Blame to Doxastic Shame 
Ergo vol. 11, no. 38 2024
   Being and Nothingness: A Phenomenological Essay on Ontology
           
      Women in Philosophy: What Needs to
Change? 
Moral Dimensions: Permissibility, Meaning, Blame-
Reasons First
        Philosophical Review
In Praise of Blame
Responsibility from the Margins
    
Utilitarianism: For and Against 
 
Ethics 115
Blame: Its Nature and Norms 
Judgment and Agency
Synthese 161
      Dialectica 65
Synthese 188
  Proceedings of the British Academy 48
Morality and Self-Interest
Pride, Shame, and Guilt: Emotions of Self-Assessment-
American Philosophical Quarterly
Oxford Studies
in Agency and Responsibility Volume 4
Responsibility and the Moral Sentiments
            
Blame: Its Nature and Norms  
Implicit Bias and Philosophy, Volume 2: Moral Responsibility, Struc-
tural Injustice, and Ethics
Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy. 
Shame and Necessity
           
  Making Sense of Humanity and Other Philosophical Papers 
 Allan Hazle
Ergo vol. 11, no. 38 2024
        
  Making Sense of Humanity and Other Philosophical Papers 
An Essay on Moral Responsibility
Implicit Bias and Philosophy, Volume 2: Moral Re-
sponsibility, Structural Injustice, and Ethics
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Choices can be wise or foolish, and feelings can be apt or off the mark.' Since this is how we judge, it would be good to know what content these normative judgements carry. Gibbard offers an answer, and elaborates it. His theory explores what is at issue in narrowly moral questions, and in questions of rational thought and conduct in general. It helps to explain why normative thought and talk so pervade human life, and why our highly social species might have evolved to be gripped by these questions. Gibbard asks how, if his theory is right, we can interpret our normative puzzles, and thus proceed toward finding answers to them. What claims to objectivity could we make for these answers, if once we had them? Gibbard maintains that normative philosophical inquiry is a refinement of a central human activity: working out in discussion how to live, and how to feel about things in our lives and in the lives of others. Not available from OUP in the USA, Canada or the Phillippines.
Simon Blackburn puts forward a compelling original philosophy of human motivation and morality. He maintains that we cannot get clear about ethics until we get clear about human nature. So these are the sorts of questions he addresses: Why do we behave as we do? Can we improve? Is our ethics at war with our passions, or is it an upshot of those passions? Blackburn seeks the answers in an exploration of guilt, shame, disgust, and other moral emotions; he draws also on game theory and cognitive science in his account of the structures of human motivation. Many philosophers have wanted a naturalistic ethics--a theory that integrates our understanding of human morality with the rest of our understanding of the world we live in. What is special about Blackburn's naturalistic ethics is that it does not debunk the ethical by reducing it to the non-ethical. At the same time he banishes the spectres of scepticism and relativism that have haunted recent moral philosophy. Ruling Passions sets ethics in the context of human nature: it offers a solution to the puzzle of how ethics can maintain its authority even though it is rooted in the very emotions and motivations that it exists to control.
In this article, I will consider whether, and in what way, doxastic states can harm. I’ll first consider whether, and in what way, a person’s doxastic state can harm her, before turning to the question of whether, and in what way, it can harm someone else.
The last fifty years or more of ethical theory have been preoccupied by a turn to reasons. The vocabulary of reasons has become a common currency not only in ethics, but in epistemology, action theory, and many related areas. It is now common, for example, to see central theses such as evidentialism in epistemology and egalitarianism in political philosophy formulated in terms of reasons. And some have even claimed that the vocabulary of reasons is so useful precisely because reasons have analytical and explanatory priority over other normative concepts—that reasons in that sense come first. Reasons First systematically explores both the benefits and burdens of the hypothesis that reasons do indeed come first in normative theory, against the conjecture that theorizing in both ethics and epistemology can only be hampered by neglect of the other. Bringing two decades of work on reasons in both ethics and epistemology to bear, Mark Schroeder argues that some of the most important challenges to the idea that reasons could come first are themselves the source of some of the most obstinate puzzles in epistemology—about how perceptual experience could provide evidence about the world, and about what can make evidence sufficient to justify belief. And he shows that along with moral worth, one of the very best cases for the fundamental explanatory power of reasons in normative theory actually comes from knowledge.
There are all sorts of normative expectations in epistemology—expectations about the epistemic condition of other subjects—that would appear to be relevant to epistemic assessment in ways that do not conform to epistemic standards as traditionally understood. The expectations in question include expectations of inquiries pursued or completed, expectations of certain competences, professional expectations, expectations of having consulted with experts, institutional expectations, moral expectations, expectations of friends, and so forth. My goals in this paper are two. First, I aim to highlight the prevalence of such expectations, and the range of distinct types of circumstance in which they arise. Second, I assess several responses to the allegation that normative epistemic expectations are relevant to epistemic assessment. These range from “explaining away” the appearances to trying to offer one or another positive account of their significance. The former sort of reaction comes at a greater cost than many appear to appreciate, given the prevalence of these expectations and the range of circumstances in which they arise. The latter sort of reaction comes at the cost of having to revise our account of epistemic assessment itself. My own favored view does so in terms of the doctrine of normative defeat; I present my reasons for preferring this view, though I cannot claim in this paper to vindicate it.
Der Begriff der Freiheit zeigt keinen gesicherten Tatbestand an. Vielmehr bildet er den Titel einer Problemlage. Für sie fand Hegel drastische Worte: "Über keine Idee weiß man es so allgemein, daß sie unbestimmt, vieldeutig und der größten Mißverständnisse fähig und ihnen deswegen wirklich unterworfen ist als über die Idee der Freiheit, und keine ist mit so wenigem Bewußtsein geläufig". Auch heute macht sich die Unbestimmtheit, Vieldeutigkeit und mögliche Missverständlichkeit der Freiheitsidee in der Mannigfaltigkeit der mit ihr verbundenen Probleme geltend. Der Kongress der Internationalen Hegel-Vereinigung vom 22.-25. Juni 2011 in Stuttgart suchte zur Klärung der Problemlage beizutragen. Zehn seiner Kolloquien, deren Beiträge dieser Band nun veröffentlicht, umkreisen die Gesichtspunkte, die diese Lage bestimmen: Erste Natur, Kunst, Determinismus, Autonomie, Gesellschaft, Markt, Recht, Emanzipation, Zweite Natur, Religion. Hinzu tritt ein Kolloquium, das sich eigens der Herausforderung widmet, die Hegels Rechtsphilosophie für die Bestimmung der Freiheitsidee darstellt. Die Beiträge bewegen sich dabei nicht nur in den Bahnen der Hegel-Interpretation; vielmehr greifen sie das Thema der Freiheit, das unbestreitbar im Zentrum des Hegelschen Denkens steht, aus ungleichen systematischen Perspektiven auf.