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El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar los cambios en los pensamientos negativos después de participar en un taller de manejo del estrés asistido con perros de terapia, como apoyo a la técnica de reestructuración cognitiva. Al taller asistieron 9 mujeres. La participación de los perros fue activa. Se evaluaron los pensamientos negativos con el Cuestionario de Pensamientos Automáticos (ATQ); los resultados indican una disminución significativa en los puntajes del ATQ. Se concluye que los perros de terapia pueden contribuir en el proceso de reestructuración cognitiva, cuando se diseñan actividades en las que la participación del perro potencia el trabajo de detectar y cuestionar pensamientos automáticos.

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... Las técnicas de reestructuración cognitiva de mayor utilización son, terapia cognitiva de Beck, terapia racional emotiva de Ellis, entre otras. El propósito de estas técnicas es la modificación directa de pensamientos automáticos negativos y creencias (esquemas cognitivos disfuncionales) que se consideran mediadores de las manifestaciones de muchos trastornos psicopatológicos como el estrés y la ansiedad (González y Landero, 2013). ...
... Cuando se trabaja en grupo, hay que realizar dinámicas que ayuden a que todo el grupo se involucre en el proceso de reestructuración cognitiva, ya que pueden ser aún más eficaces que en la terapia individual (González y Landero, 2013). Para Beck, el terapeuta traduce los síntomas del paciente en términos de situaciones evocadores-pensamientos-afectos-conductas implicadas como primer paso; después detecta los pensamientos automáticos y su base de distorsiones cognitivas y por último genera hipótesis sobre los Supuestos Personales subyacentes (Ruiz y Cano, 2010). ...
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La presente investigación se propone para analizar el efecto de la combinación entre la terapia cognitivo conductual y la terapia centrada en soluciones en el tratamiento para el manejo del estrés en estudiantes foráneos de una Universidad del norte de México La intervención terapéutica tuvo modalidad de taller, el cual constó de 7 sesiones con 13 participantes, de los cuales 7 de ellos cumplieron con los criterios para formar parte de esta investigación. Los resultados mostraron una disminución en las distorsiones cognitivas, un mejor manejo de la solución de problemas y una mejor expectativa del futuro a nivel personal, académico y profesional. Por ello se concluyó este tipo de intervención tuvo un impacto positivo en los participantes, y es recomendable su implementación para los alumnos que están en su primer año como estudiantes en una facultad foránea.
... It should be noted that dogs are the most commonly used because of the diversity of their breeds and their ability to be trained [7], encouraging communication and acting as a positive reinforcement for patients [8]. The main environments for intervention are neuro-rehabilitation, education, mental health, geriatrics, gerontology and prison or hospital contexts [17]. ...
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Animal-assisted therapy (AAT) is a complementary intervention of therapy that has shown positive results in the treatment of various pathologies. This study assesses the viability of the implementation and the effectiveness of an AAT program in patients diagnosed with substance abuse disorder and associated mental disorders (dual pathology). For the study, a dynamic prospective cohort was used, consisting of 43 patients in residential treatment. The program consisted of 10 sessions with a duration of about 60 min, where data was collected in the 3rd, 6th and 10th sessions. The Life Skills Profile questionnaire (LSP) and the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS-11) were used for subsequent evaluation. Patients who participated in the program showed an improvement in daily skills, which favoured a better quality of life and decreased impulsiveness, enabling them to regain self-control. These results suggest that the dog can be a multi-sensory stimulus that captures attention, and improves motivation, cooperation and patient involvement in therapy. It was concluded that AAT can serve as an adjunctive therapy in the rehabilitation processes of people diagnosed with dual pathology.
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El presente estudio propone analizar la eficacia de la terapia que integra el enfoque cognitivo conductual y el centrado en soluciones para reducir el estrés infantil ocasionado por el COVID-19. La modalidad empleada fue mediante un taller en línea, el cual consistió en 5 sesiones semanales, en dónde se aplicaron las estrategias de reestructuración cognitiva, psicoeducación, solución de problemas, adiestramiento en autoinstrucciones, mindfulness, pregunta escala y excepciones. Se contó con la asistencia de siete personas (cinco niñas y dos niños) de entre 9 y 12 años, quienes mediante la evaluación del inventario de estrés cotidiano infantil demostraron una disminución en el estrés percibido; y, en el Child and Adolescent Mindfulness Measure, un aumento en habilidades de relajación y atención plena. La prueba no paramétrica de rangos Wilcoxon indicó cambios significativos y con el tamaño de efecto encontrado se puede concluir que el taller en línea, diseñado con técnicas cognitivo conductuales y centrada en soluciones, es una buena opción para tratar temas de estrés en la población infantil.
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Desde sus inicios la Psicología ha tenido relación con especies no humanas, utilizándolas de diversas maneras. En los clásicos estudios de Pavlov y Skinner se evidencia la crueldad reiterada, e incluso investigaciones más recientes revelan también el uso impune de procedimientos dolorosos. Cabe señalar que desde el siglo pasado existen indicios sobre la tortura a animales en personas menores de edad y posterior conducta violenta hacia humanos, de manera que ésta se asocia a trastornos en el ICD-10 y DSM-5. Al analizar la relación con los animales destaca también su utilización en procesos terapéuticos, sobre todo con la participación de perros, gatos y equinos, los cuales aportan beneficios a la salud mental. Sin embargo, de manera generalizada se observa una tendencia humano-céntrica, si bien, cabe destacar, existen avances éticos que indican que los seres sintientes tienen derechos, y deben ser respetados. El artículo presenta un resumen desde la psicología sobre la relación inter-especies, concluyendo que es necesaria una aproximación en el marco de los derechos de los animales. Es urgente el desarrollo de la investigación-acción que promueva la empatía con los animales y motive la educación por una cultura de paz y respeto a los seres sintientes y al entorno en general.
Desde hace varias décadas los investigadores estudian la importancia del vínculo humano-animal. Estos estudios reconocen que la interacción entre las personas y los animales proporcionan beneficios físicos, psicológicos y fisiológicos significativos para el bienestar humano. Esta relación humano-animal puede constituirse de varias formas, incluyendo animales de compañía, como las mascotas, o mediante la terapia asistida con animales
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ABSTRACT Contemporary administrative studies identify sports entrepreneurship as a promoter of various economic, social and cultural processes. The quality of the service offered in sports activities must undoubtedly be one of the distinguishing features of the sporting entrepreneurial profile, but it is little discussed in the literature on the subject. In this sense, the research provides an analysis of the criteria of entrepreneurs in the sports sector regarding the current status of their physical activity offers and the ways in which they are managed in the Sabana region of the Department of Sucre. The methodology is developed from a structured questionnaire that included questions on an ordinal scale, applied to the sector under study. The results showed that the quality of the service offered in the business premises is associated more with talking about opportunities and not about problems. Therefore, it is considered that this variable allows the entrepreneur to positively overcome the crisis and adversities that arise in the environment. The present work exposes the study of the participation of sports entrepreneurs in the Sabana region of the Department of Sucre. These undertakings contribute to the development and consolidation of a social offer for the reduction of sedentary lifestyle and with it chronic non-communicable diseases and the creation of healthy habits and lifestyles. The limitation of the study is that the data obtained only infer the criteria of a part of the population the entrepreneurs. KEY WORDS: Sports Entrepreneurship, Quality of Service and Physical Activity
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Uno de los objetivos más importantes de la Asociación Intercontinental de Gestión Deportiva (AIGD), es dar a conocer su doctrina, filosofía y actividades en otros países y universidades del mundo. Nuestra alianza internacional de gestión deportiva debe fortalecer su ideario para conseguir que más profesores, investigadores y alumnos interesados en la gestión deportiva puedan beneficiarse de compartir un mayor conocimiento, y de este modo, mejorar en sus capacidades investigativas y docentes en el ámbito de la gestión deportiva. En este sentido, en el mes de marzo, fuimos invitados a participar en el II Congreso Internacional de Gestión, Administración Deportiva y Empresarial (GADE) organizado por el grupo de investigación GADE que dirige el Profesor Ph.D. José Ramón Sanabria Navarro, actualmente profesor investigador del Programa de Ciencias del Deporte y la Actividad Física de la Corporación Universitaria del Caribe CECAR, de la ciudad de Sincelejo en Colombia. En este congreso científico participaron profesores e investigadores de 10 países de Iberoamérica (España, Portugal, Ecuador, México, Brasil, Uruguay, Argentina, Venezuela, Cuba y Colombia) para socializar sus conocimientos sobre temas relacionados con la gestión deportiva de la actualidad y que en un futuro muy próximo tendrán incidencia en los nuevos modelos de gestión que se están configurando, también se debatió en relación con las ciencias aplicadas a la actividad física y el deporte y cómo desde la gestión se pueden mejorar estos procesos. En este congreso, el Profesor Ph.D. Pedro Sarmento, Presidente de la AIGD, expuso la filosofía de trabajo de esta red de valorización de conocimiento y buenas prácticas compartidas con el propósito de darlas a conocer, e invitó a todos los participantes a enviar trabajos de investigación a la revista RIGD para que la misma, además de ser instrumento y plataforma científica de investigación, permita reforzar los lazos académicos, de investigación y de solidaridad entre países y universidades de Iberoamérica. La AIGD es y seguirá siendo un importante referente, una gran tribuna donde la comunidad académica, los gobiernos, las empresas, las organizaciones no gubernamentales, los clubs y entidades deportivas pueden y deben de ser partícipes activos, generando conocimiento, y sobre todo compartiéndolo, para que juntos podamos seguir contribuyendo a construir una mejor sociedad, una sociedad inclusiva, sostenible y garante de las libertades de las personas que la conforman. Por todo ello queremos agradecer al grupo de investigación GADE, al Ph.D, José Sanabria y a su excelente equipo de profesores que la conforman, el que la AIGD haya sido invitada a este evento para aportar ideas que contribuyan a que el deporte sea un instrumento y un medio fundamental que ayude a la mejora de calidad de vida de toda la ciudadanía, sobre todo y con especial referencia a los ciudadanos con algún tipo de discapacidad cuya participación a través del deporte, hará posible que se integren mejor en la misma y que entre todos podamos construir una sociedad más inclusiva. Queremos también agradecer a la Corporación Universitaria del Caribe - CECAR, a la ciudad de Sincelejo y a todas las personas e instituciones que han participado en este congreso por su amabilidad y compromiso con nosotros. La AIGD siempre participará en este tipo de reuniones científicas porque está en nuestro ADN el aportar y sumar esfuerzos para que el deporte sea generador de iniciativas que coadysuven para hacer un mundo mejor entre todos. Dr. Valentín Molina Moreno Doctor en Ciencias Económicas Empresariales. Magíster en Gestión de Cooperativas. Profesor Titular de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Universidad de Granada, España. Director de Revista Intercontinental de Gestão Desportiva. Correo:
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Reciban mi más cordial saludo. Me dirijo a Uds. a fin de informarle que el artículo LA GESTIÓN DEL PROCESO DE PREPARACIÓN EN LOS DEPORTES DE COMBATE DESDE LA PERSPECTIVA DE LAS DIRECCIONES TÉCNICAS, TÁCTICAS Y PSICOLÓGICAS (páginas 46-66), de su autoría, una vez sometido a evaluación de pares por el sistema doble ciego fue ACEPTADO para formar parte del libro La Actividad Física y sus Ciencias Aplicadas II Congreso Internacional de Gestión, Administración Deportiva y Empresarial, como producto de investigación científica, publicado por el Fondo Editorial UNERMB en el en el año en curso, con el ISBN: 978-980-427-094-9, para la versión digital, como un producto resultado de investigación luego de la verificación de los soportes asociados al mismo. Atentamente, Dra. Carla Padrón Coord. Colectivo de Investigación DCOLM
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Capítulo 8 Análisis del Emprendimiento Deportivo desde la Perspectiva de los Emprendedores en la Región Sabana del departamento de Sucre1 Analysis of Sports Entrepreneurship from the Perspective of Entrepreneurs in the Sabana Region of the Sucre department Ph.D. José Ramón Sanabria Navarro2 MSc. Manuel Cortina3 Resumen Los estudios administrativos contemporáneos identifican al emprendimiento deportivo como motor de diversos procesos económicos, sociales y culturales. La calidad del servicio que se oferta en las actividades deportivas tiene que ser, sin duda, uno de los atributos del emprendedor deportivo, aspecto poco discutido en la literatura sobre este tema. En este sentido, la presente investigación proporciona un análisis de los criterios distintivos de los emprendedores en el ámbito deportivo, considerando sus ofertas actuales en el contexto de la actividad física y las formas en que se gestionan en la región Sabana, del Departamento de Sucre. El estudio es de carácter descriptivo, con un diseño transeccional, de campo, en el cual se utilizó como instrumento de recolección de datos un cuestionario estructurado aplicado al sector objeto de estudio. Los resultados indican que la calidad del servicio brindada en los locales de emprendimientos se asocia más a las oportunidades que a las limitaciones y problemas. Por lo tanto, se considera que esta 1 El presente trabajo es parte de un proyecto de investigación institucional que financia la Corporación Universitaria del Caribe (CECAR) de Colombia, denominado Estudio del perfil emprendedor deportivo, por una cultura con salud e inclusión social en el Departamento de Sucre 2 Doctor en Ciencias de la Cultura Física, Máster en ciencias en Administración y Gestión de la Cultura Física y Deportes. Licenciado en Cultura Física y Deportes. Docente Investigador Programa Ciencias del Deporte y la Actividad Física de la Corporación Universitaria del Caribe CECAR. 3 Candidato a Doctor en educación deportiva y ciencias del deporte. Magister en fisiología del ejercicio. Licenciado en Educación Física, Recreación y Deportes. Profesor Investigador Universidad de Córdoba.
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The aim of this paper was to evaluate the effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral techniques in the reduction of stress and to identify the most useful to Mexican students of international baccalaureate. Experimental group was composed by 16 students and control group by 11. The program had five sessions in which different techniques were applied and the perception of effectiveness was measured in each one. The results were as we expected. We found lower scores of stress, symptoms and negative thoughts in the last evaluation. We recommend continuing with the application of this kind of programs to international baccalaureate students.
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RESUMEN El presente artículo, tomó en cuenta tres objetivos principales. En el primer propósito de este estudio, se analizó el proceso psicoterapéutico de un modelo que combina los enfoques centrado en soluciones y cognitivo conductual. Este análisis, se llevó a cabo a través de un método híbrido dividido en dos etapas, una cuantitativa que consistió en un análisis descriptivo ex post facto de casos múltiples; y otra cualitativa, conformada por terapeutas para la realización de una sesión de grupo de enfoque. Los resultados obtenidos para este objetivo revelaron mayor uso del enfoque en soluciones, en comparación al cognitivo conductual. El segundo propósito consistió en comparar ambos modelos y encontrar sus semejanzas en la práctica clínica. Y el tercer propósito, se asentó en una propuesta la cual pretende equilibrar la utilización de los enfoques Centrado en Soluciones y Cognitivo Conductual. Palabras Clave: Terapia Breve, Terapia Centrada en Soluciones, Terapia Cognitivo Conductual.
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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to present a preliminary study of the effect of the presence at work of employees' dogs on stress and organizational perceptions. Design/methodology/approach A pre‐post between‐group design with repeated measures was used to compare differences between employees who bring their dogs to work (DOG group), employees who do not bring their dogs to work (NODOG group), and employees without pets (NOPET group) on physiological and perceived stress, perceptions of job satisfaction, organizational affective commitment, and perceived organizational support. Findings Combined groups scored significantly higher on multiple job satisfaction subscales than the reference norm group for these scales. No significant differences were found between the groups on physiological stress or perceived organizational support. Although perceived stress was similar at baseline; over the course of the day, stress declined for the DOG group with their dogs present and increased for the NODOG and NOPET groups. The NODOG group had significantly higher stress than the DOG group by the end of the day. A significant difference was found in the stress patterns for the DOG group on days their dogs were present and absent. On dog absent days, owners' stress increased throughout the day, mirroring the pattern of the NODOG group. Originality/value This paper provides the first quantitative exploratory study of the effects of pet dogs in the workplace setting on employee stress and perceptions of satisfaction, support and commitment.
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This work adapts two assessment scales of anxious and depressive self-statements, the Anxious Self-Statements Questionnaire (ASSQ) (Kendall y Hollon, 1989), and the Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire (ATQ) (Hollon y Kendall, 1980), respectively, to use with chronic pain patients. We analysed 205 patients from different diagnostics in Seville. We confirmed a good reliability (Cronbachs Alfa and Spearman Brown half-split procedures); structure validity (Principal Components Factor Analysis); concurrent validity, construct validity and predictive validity (Pearsons correlations, using different measures, like sensory pain parameters, negative thoughts, coping strategies, pain behaviors, locus of control and self-efficacy expectancies) .
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Animal-assisted therapy (AAT) has been practiced for many years and there is now increasing interest in demonstrating its efficacy through research. To date, no known quantitative review of AAT studies has been published; our study sought to fill this gap. We conducted a comprehensive search of articles reporting on AAT in which we reviewed 250 studies, 49 of which met our inclusion criteria and were submitted to meta-analytic procedures. Overall, AAT was associated with moderate effect sizes in improving outcomes in four areas: Autism-spectrum symptoms, medical difficulties, behavioral problems, and emotional well-being. Contrary to expectations, characteristics of participants and studies did not produce differential outcomes. AAT shows promise as an additive to established interventions and future research should investigate the conditions under which AAT can be most helpful.
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The efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for anxiety in adults is well established. In the present study, the authors examined whether CBT tested under well-controlled conditions generalizes to less-controlled, real-world circumstances. Fifty-six effectiveness studies of CBT for adult anxiety disorders were located and synthesized. Meta-analytic effect sizes are presented for disorder-specific symptom measures as well as symptoms of generalized anxiety and depression for each disorder, and benchmarked to results from randomized controlled trials. All pretest-posttest effect sizes for disorder-specific symptom measures were large, suggesting that CBT for adult anxiety disorders is effective in clinically representative conditions. Six studies included a control group, and between-groups comparisons yielded large effect sizes for disorder-specific symptoms in favor of CBT. Benchmarking indicated that results from effectiveness studies were in the range of those obtained in selected efficacy trials. To test whether studies that are more representative of clinical settings have smaller effect sizes, the authors coded studies for 9 criteria for clinical representativeness. Results indicate an inverse relationship between clinical representativeness and outcome, but the magnitude of the relationship is quite small.
This work adapts two assessment scales of anxious and depressive self- statements, the Anxious Self-Statements Questionnaire (ASSQ) (Kendall y Hollon, 1989), and the Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire (ATQ) (Hollon y Kendall, 1980), respectively, to use with chronic pain patients. We analysed 205 patients from different diagnostics in Seville. We confirmed a good reliability (Cronbach's Alfa and Spearman Brown half-split procedures); structure validity (Principal Components Factor Analysis); concurrent validity, construct validity and predictive validity (Pearson's correlations, using different measures, like sensory pain parameters, negative thoughts, coping strategies, pain behaviors, locus of control and self- efficacy expectancies).
For individuals living with HIV, stress can have a critical impact on emotional and physical well-being, as well as decreasing immune functioning, which is a significant concern for HIV-infected individuals. This online workbook presents an empirically supported, group treatment program that teaches HIV-infected individuals how to manage their stress. This comprehensive Cognitive-Behavioral Stress Management (CBSM) program combines stress management with relaxation training. Each group meeting introduces a new relaxation method, such as progressive muscle relaxation, imagery, and meditation. Stress management skills build on one another and include cognitive restructuring, coping strategies, and establishing a strong social network. By the end of the program, participants are equipped with a variety of inter-related techniques that they can use to reduce stress and improve quality of life. This workbook comes complete with user-friendly monitoring forms and homework exercises designed to help reinforce the skills learned in group. It also includes instructions for relaxation practice that will remain useful long after the program is completed.
There are few quantitative studies on the benefits of animal-assisted therapy (AAT). Information about this modality consists mainly of anecdotal statements, testimonials, and case reports. However, recent research has demonstrated that the use of therapy dogs, integrated with more traditional forms of therapy, can improve therapeutic results. This case report describes the treatment of a 10-year-old girl with posttraumatic stress disorder and a history of physical and sexual abuse. AAT was used as part of a broader cognitive-behavioral therapy intervention. The patient's behavior during therapy sessions was observed before and after the introduction of the therapy dog. There was a dramatic change in behavior and a subsequent report from her foster mother that behavior in the home improved.
Objectives: Animal-assisted therapy using dogs trained to be calm and provide comfort to strangers has been used as a complementary therapy for a range of medical conditions. This study was designed to evaluate the effects of brief therapy dog visits for fibromyalgia patients attending a tertiary outpatient pain management facility compared with time spent in a waiting room. Design: Open label with waiting room control. Setting: Tertiary care, university-based, outpatient pain management clinic. Subjects: A convenience sample of fibromyalgia patients was obtained through advertisements posted in the clinic. Interventions: Participants were able to spend clinic waiting time with a certified therapy dog instead of waiting in the outpatient waiting area. When the therapy dog was not available, individuals remained in the waiting area. OUTCOME MEASURES.: Self-reported pain, fatigue, and emotional distress were recorded using 11-point numeric rating scales before and after the therapy dog visit or waiting room time. Results: Data were evaluated from 106 therapy dog visits and 49 waiting room controls, with no significant between-group demographic differences in participants. Average intervention duration was 12 minutes for the therapy dog visit and 17 minutes for the waiting room control. Significant improvements were reported for pain, mood, and other measures of distress among patients after the therapy dog visit, but not the waiting room control. Clinically meaningful pain relief (≥2 points pain severity reduction) occurred in 34% after the therapy dog visit and 4% in the waiting room control. Outcome was not affected by the presence of comorbid anxiety or depression. Conclusions: Brief therapy dog visits may provide a valuable complementary therapy for fibromyalgia outpatients.
Hospitalization is a major, stressful experience for children. The stress associated with children's hospitalization may lead to negative physiological and psychological sequelae. Pediatric healthcare professionals can develop interventions to decrease children's stress during hospitalization. Although Animal-Assisted Therapy (AAT) frequently is used to alleviate the stress of hospitalization, little scientific evidence exists on its efficacy in that situation. This study examined the effects of AAT on cardiovascular responses, state anxiety, and medical fear in hospitalized children. A quasi-experimental, repeated measures design was used. Children (8 girls, 7 boys, aged 7 to 17 years) participated in AAT and comparison visits on two consecutive days; they were assigned to AAT (n = 9) or comparison (n = 6) visits first. Children's systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), and heart rate (HR) were measured 18 times: 3 pre-, during, and post-visit measurements each. State anxiety and medical fear were measured after each visit. Repeated measures ANOVAs were used for data analysis. SBP decreased from before to during to after AAT, while SBP decreased from before to during the comparison visit and increased from during to after the comparison intervention. The decreases in SBP after AAT continued after the intervention was over. The findings suggest that the cardiovascular effect of AAT may continue for at least a few minutes after the AAT ends. Children's anxiety and medical fear did not differ after the AAT visit compared with the comparison intervention. This exploratory study indicates that AAT can decrease physiological arousal in hospitalized children and therefore may be useful in helping them cope better in a hospital setting.
The number of elderly people in the United States is projected to more than double to 80 million by the year 2050, which will likely result in an increased incidence of dementia. Although AAT programs have been instituted as therapeutic activities for residents of long-term care facilities, there is little research documenting their effectiveness, especially in patients with dementia, who have difficulty maintaining contact with the external world. In addition, some long-term care facilities may be reluctant to include AAT in their facilities due to concerns about infection, injury, animal care, or cleanliness. The use of Sony's computerized, or robotic, “pet” called AIBO, may be a means of stimulating social interaction in residents with dementia without the drawbacks associated with live animal visitation. This study compares the effects of visitation by a person, a person accompanied by a live dog, and a person accompanied by an AIBO, on behavioral indicators of social interaction among female nursing home residents with dementia. All three types of visits stimulated residents to initiate conversation, touches, and looks at other individuals (human, dog, and AIBO) and provided contacts with the outside world. Both the live dog and AIBO stimulated resident social interaction beyond that stimulated by the visitor alone. The AIBO induced longer looks and more resident-initiated conversation than the live dog and provided a positive source of social interaction. While all three types of visits stimulated nursing home resident social interaction, the success of the robotic dog in stimulating social interaction by dementia residents suggests that it may provide a viable alternative to live animal visitations.
Traces the development of the cognitive approach to psychopathology and psy hotherapy from common-sense observations and folk wisdom, to a more sophisticated understanding of the emotional disorders, and finally to the application of rational techniques to correct the misconceptions and conceptual distortions that form the matrix of the neuroses. The importance of engaging the patient in exploration of his inner world and of obtaining a sharp delineation of specific thoughts and underlying assumptions is emphasized. (91/4 p ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
A 30-item questionnaire was devised to measure the frequency of occurrence of automatic negative thoughts (negative self-statements)associated with depression. Male and female undergraduates were asked to recall dysphoric experiences and to report associated cognitions. One hundred representative cognitions were selected and administered to a second sample, along with the MMPI D scale and the Beck Depression Inventory. Thirty items discriminating between criterion groups of psychometrically depressed and nondepressed subjects were identified. The resultant 30-item automatic thoughts questionnaire (ATQ-30)was cross-validated and found to significantly discriminate psychometrically depressed from nondepressed criterion groups. No differences were found between males and females on the measure. Factor analysis indicated a four-factor solution, with a large first factor reflecting Personal Maladjustment, a second factor indicative of Negative Self-Concept and Negative Expectations, and two lesser factors. The ATQ-30 may provide a means of testing basic theory relating cognitive content to behavioral and affective processes and assessing change in cognitions associated with experimental manipulation or psychotherapeutic intervention.
Numerous clinical trials have supported the efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for the treatment of anxiety disorders. Accordingly, CBT has been formally recognized as an empirically supported treatment for anxiety-related conditions. This article reviews the evidence supporting the efficacy of CBT for anxiety disorders. Specifically, contemporary meta-analytic studies on the treatment of anxiety disorders are reviewed and the efficacy of CBT is examined. Although the specific components of CBT differ depending on the study design and the anxiety disorder treated, meta-analyses suggest that CBT procedures (particularly exposure-based approaches) are highly efficacious. CBT generally outperforms wait-list and placebo controls. Thus, CBT provides incremental efficacy above and beyond nonspecific factors. For some anxiety disorders, CBT also tends to outperform other psychosocial treatment modalities. The implications of available meta-analytic findings in further delineating the efficacy and dissemination of CBT for anxiety disorders are discussed.
Terapia asistida con animales efectos positivos en la salud humana
  • C Cabra
Cabra, C. (2012). Terapia asistida con animales efectos positivos en la salud humana. Journal of Agriculture and Animal Sciences, 1(2), 32-45.
Service and Therapy Dogs in American Society: Science, Law and the Evolution of Canine Caregivers
  • J J Ensminger
Ensminger, J.J. (2010). Service and Therapy Dogs in American Society: Science, Law and the Evolution of Canine Caregivers.Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas
101 creative ideas for animal assisted therapy
  • S Grover
Grover, S. (2010). 101 creative ideas for animal assisted therapy. United States of America: Motivational Press.
Evaluación del estrés y el impacto de la fibromialgia después de autoaplicar técnicas cognitivo-conductuales. Psicología desde el Caribe
  • M T González
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González, M.T., & Landero, R. (2010). Evaluación del estrés y el impacto de la fibromialgia después de autoaplicar técnicas cognitivo-conductuales. Psicología desde el Caribe, 26, 119-141.
Recetario ilustrado de ejercicios para terapia y actividades con perros
  • P Gilbert
  • B Arroyo
  • A De La Calle
  • M Muñoz
Gilbert, P., Arroyo, B., de la Calle, A., & Muñoz, M. (2010). Recetario ilustrado de ejercicios para terapia y actividades con perros. Madrid: Lincoln Consulting.
Recomendaciones terapéuticas en terapia cognitivo-conductual
  • P Soler
  • J Gascón
Soler, P. & Gascón, J. (2005). Recomendaciones terapéuticas en terapia cognitivo-conductual.Barcelona: ArsMédica.
What is animal-assisted crisis response? Northeast Crisis Response Coalition Web site
  • E Teal
Teal, E. (2011). What is animal-assisted crisis response? Northeast Crisis Response Coalition Web site. Available at: what%20is.html Accessed July 11, 2013.