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Theor. Comput. Fluid Dyn.
Akhil V. Marayikkottu ·Nathaniel K. Myers ·
Irmak T. Karpuzcu ·Deborah A. Levin ·Qiong Liu
Analyzing particulate behavior in high-speed, high-altitude
conditions through an overlay-based computational
Received: 20 June 2024 / Accepted: 25 October 2024
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2024
Abstract This paper presents an overlay-based one-way coupled Eulerian–Lagrangian computational
approach designed to investigate the dynamics of particulate phases in extreme high-speed, high-altitude
flight conditions characterized by very low particulate mass loading. Utilizing the Direct Simulation Monte
Carlo method to generate accurate gas flow fields, this study explores two canonical hypersonic flow sys-
tems. First we focus on the hypersonic flow over a sphere-cone, revealing the formation of dust-free zones for
small particulate diameters and describing the particulate interaction with gas shocks. As particulate diame-
ter and flight speed increase, the characteristics of the particulate phase evolve, leading to the emergence of
distinctive features such as high particulate concentration bands or regions void of particulates. Subsequently,
the investigation considers flow over a double-cone, emphasizing the behavior of particulate phases in sep-
arated vortex-dominated systems where particulate-inertia-driven interactions with vortices result in unique
particulate-free zones in the vicinity of the primary and secondary vortices. Additionally, the paper addresses
the importance of using realistic fractal-like particulate shapes and demonstrates that the shape effect tends
to decelerate the fractal aggregates and trap them along the boundaries of the primary vortex. This research
contributes to a deeper understanding of particulate phase dynamics in extreme flight conditions, offering
insights relevant to aerospace and aerodynamic applications.
Keywords Dilute multiphase flow ·Rarefied gas-particulate flows ·DSMC ·Lagrangian ·One-way coupled ·
Irregular particle drag
1 Introduction
In the realm of high-altitude, high-speed flight, the intricate interplay of gas and particulate matter within the
surrounding environment presents an array of formidable challenges and captivating opportunities. Whether
for the development of cutting-edge propulsion systems [1,2], the precise execution of atmospheric entry
and exit maneuvers [3–5], or the exploration of outer space [6–9], an in-depth understanding of the behavior
exhibited by gas-particulate multiphase flows in these extreme conditions is not merely a scientific pursuit, but
is paramount importance. Safety and reliability hinge on this knowledge, as it mitigates the risk of catastrophic
Supplementary Information The online version contains supplementary material available at https://doi.org/10.1007/
s00162-024- 00724-y.
A. V. Marayikkottu ·N. K. Myers ·I. T. Karpuzcu ·D. A. Levin (B
Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801, USA
E-mail: deblevin@illinois.edu
Present Address:
Q. Liu
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM 88003, USA
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