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Yield Increases for Smallholder farmers in Sub Saharan Africa via Enhanced Rock Weathering: Preliminary results from a smallholder field trial in Kisumu County, Kenya

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Abstract and Figures

Enhanced Rock Weathering (ERW) has emerged as a promising geochemical carbon dioxide removal (CDR) technology with the potential to improve both soil health and crop yields, particularly in smallholder farming systems. This study, conducted in a collaboration between Flux and the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), investigates the agronomic and social co-benefits of ERW deployments in Kisumu County, Kenya. Targeting women smallholder farmers, the research focuses on maize cultivation in nutrient-poor soils where traditional inputs like lime and fertilisers are often inaccessible due to cost constraints. The study involved 56 farmers, each with divided plots-one control and one treated with volcanic rock powder sourced from a local quarry. Our findings demonstrate significant agronomic benefits, with an average yield increase of 71.17% ± 15.5% and an aggregate yield increase of 47.47% ± 5.73% in maize yield on treatment plots compared with the control plots. Whilst follow-on soil samples are yet to be taken, it is assumed that the yield increases are due to the rock powder enhancing soil nutrient availability, improving pH balance, and supporting plant growth. These results highlight the potential of ERW to not only sequester carbon but also positively impact agricultural productivity, offering economic benefits to smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa.
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N o v e m b e r 2 0 2 4
Yield Increases for smallholder
farmers in Sub Saharan Africa via
Enhanced Rock Weathering
Preliminary results from a smallholder pilot
study in Kisumu County, Kenya
Yield Increases for Smallholder farmers in Sub
Saharan Africa via Enhanced Rock Weathering:
Preliminary results from a smallholder field trial in
Kisumu County, Kenya
November 2024
Fatima Haque, Vincent J. Clementi, Benjamin Möller, Laura Bastianini, Cavince Odhiambo, Susan
Sagina, Herine Ondolo, Collins Kechir, and Sam Davies
Enhanced Rock Weathering (ERW) has emerged as a promising geochemical carbon dioxide removal
(CDR) technology with the potential to improve both soil health and crop yields, particularly in
smallholder farming systems. This study, conducted in a collaboration between Flux and the United
Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), investigates the agronomic and social
co-benefits of ERW deployments in Kisumu County, Kenya. Targeting women smallholder farmers, the
research focuses on maize cultivation in nutrient-poor soils where traditional inputs like lime and
fertilisers are often inaccessible due to cost constraints.
The study involved 56 farmers, each with divided plots—one control and one treated with volcanic rock
powder sourced from a local quarry. Our findings demonstrate significant agronomic benefits, with an
average yield increase of 71.17% ± 15.5% and an aggregate yield increase of 47.47% ± 5.73% in maize
yield on treatment plots compared with the control plots. Whilst follow-on soil samples are yet to be
taken, it is assumed that the yield increases are due to the rock powder enhancing soil nutrient
availability, improving pH balance, and supporting plant growth. These results highlight the potential of
ERW to not only sequester carbon but also positively impact agricultural productivity, offering economic
benefits to smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa.
A. List of farmers removed from study
B. Harvest and yield data
C. Complete soil analysis
D. Example Soil Analysis certificate
E. Maps of deployment
F. Accompanying Images
At the time of publication, this study represents the first and only deployment of Enhanced Rock
Weathering with smallholder farmers in Africa in a real world setting (that is to say not a controlled plot
or single farm experiment). This project aimed to fit entirely within smallholder farmers normal farming
practices in the region, and to understand not only the agronomic implications of ERW for soil health,
but also the operational challenges and requirements for this environment. This comes with both
challenges, which have been highlighted in this report, and opportunities for learning. If ERW is to
become a realistic pathway to boosting yields and soil health for smallholder farmers in Africa, we must
rapidly deploy in the actual context, and at scale, to understand how it works.
In self-publishing this report as a whitepaper, it is our intention to speed up this learning cycle, generate
interest in the topic from researchers and interested parties, and generate further research projects - as
soon as possible. It is our ambition to publish as a peer-reviewed paper when final soil analysis is
complete in 2025, but that getting out in its current form now will be useful to the community.
Before publishing this whitepaper we invited a group of reviewers from various backgrounds within the
CDR and ERW community to offer feedback and comments to improve the rigour of the paper and
make it more useful for the reader. We are incredibly grateful for the detailed and thoughtful comments
from these reviewers that have helped improve this work.
All further comments and feedback are most definitely welcome and appreciated and should be
directed to
Background and Motivation
Enhanced rock weathering (ERW) is a geochemical carbon dioxide removal (CDR) approach that has
been identified as a requisite negative emission technology to limit warming to <2 °C above
pre-industrial levels1. The weathering reaction that facilitates permanent CDR in agricultural settings can
also deliver agronomic co-benefits for soil health, plant nutrition, and crop yield, which makes ERW a
promising pathway to address current and future food insecurities2,3. This may be particularly true for
smallholder farmers, who account for an estimated 83% of the 570+ million farmers globally4, and the
surrounding communities.
Smallholder farms (<2 ha) are the dominant farm size in much of the world (particularly in South(east)
Asia, Latin America, and sub-Saharan Africa5) and play a central role in global food production6.
However, much of our understanding of the agronomic co-benefits from ERW originate from studies
that have taken place in or replicate the soils, climates, and farming practices that broadly characterise
agricultural systems in Europe, North America, and other developed nations7-10. This limits our ability to
extrapolate these findings since temperate climates, socioeconomic mechanisms, and agricultural
practices throughout much of the “Global North” often differ greatly from those elsewhere, particularly
in tropical regions, which host a majority of smallholder farms4,5.
The tropics are uniquely positioned to scale ERW technology whilst delivering co-benefits throughout
the developing world11. Experiments in Latin America and Southeast Asia have demonstrated the CDR
potential of tropical ERW and that the dissolution of silicate rock powders can increase plant resilience,
nutrient supply, and crop yield12,13. Notably, there is a lack of research on the efficacy of ERW with
smallholder farming practices, as well as studies on ERW in sub-Saharan Africa.
Sub-Saharan Africa could be a hotspot for ERW. The warm and humid climate provides ideal conditions
for ERW reaction kinetics, and there are enough basaltic deposits to sequester ~1 billion tonnes of
carbon dioxide14. Despite the abundance of family and smallholder farming (33+ million), there exists
widespread food insecurity in part because cultivation takes place in acidic and nutrient-poor soils15,16.
Therefore, partnerships between ERW suppliers and smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa can not
only help ERW achieve gigatonne scale for CDR, but also provide the agricultural material to alleviate
food stress in one of the most populated regions on Earth. Achieving this, however, requires a robust
effort to remove the logistical and financial barriers to accessing ERW technology.
Collaboration between Flux and UNCCD
Flux is an enhanced rock weathering company based in Nairobi, Kenya. Flux is working to unlock the
potential of ERW across Africa, aiming to sequester hundreds of millions of tonnes of CO2whilst
simultaneously improving soils and yields for millions of farmers across the continent. As part of its
mission, Flux is running several experiments and trials to answer pressing research questions, and is
partnering with academic and philanthropic institutions interested in ERW in Africa.
In March 2024, Flux partnered with the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)
on a pilot study to assess the agronomic and social co-benefits of ERW deployments for women
smallholder farmers in Kisumu County, Kenya. Smallholder farms in this region are often <1 ha and used
to grow maize, sugarcane, and other crops for subsistence and income. However, liming agents and
fertilisers are not widely available or used due to cost limitations.
In this study, Flux provided the feedstock material that was required and farmers were encouraged to
use their standard farming practices to ensure that this study reflected real-world conditions.The
feedstock was selected based on local availability to minimise transport emissions, mineral composition
with a high theoretical CO₂ sequestration potential, and its composition of calcium and magnesium to
enhance soil health. Here, we report on preliminary results from this pilot, which highlight clear
agronomic co-benefits associated with spreading rock powders on maize crops across two cluster
Study Design
Geographic, Geologic, and Agricultural Setting
This study focuses on smallholder farm clusters in two wards - Ombeyi and Wawhidi - in Kisumu County,
which is located in Western Kenya (Figure 1). Positioned along the equator, the region experiences
warm daytime temperatures (~28°C on average) and substantial precipitation (~1900 mm) year round,
with most rainfall occurring during the two wet seasons from March-May (~230 mm/month) and
October-December (~210 mm/month). The tropical climate conditions support robust agricultural
activity at the commercial and smallholder scales, with Kisumu County serving as a major producer of
sugarcane, cassava, and rice in the region.
In addition to the ideal climatic conditions, Western Kenya is located in the central sector of the East
African Rift System. Geologically, the region is characterised by extensional tectonics, commencing in
the Oligocene, and associated, silica-undersaturated mafic volcanism.17 This volcanic activity has
produced rock types that appear particularly well suited for ERW, as they contain high amounts of
fast-weathering Ca-, Mg-, and Na-silicates. Among these are nephelinites, which occur in multiple
volcanic centres throughout Western Kenya.18
Figure 1: Study area. A) Map of Kenya in eastern Africa. Red shows the location of Kisumu County in
western Kenya. B) Kisumu County outlined by the red dotted line. C, D) Clusters with control plots
shown in yellow and treatment plots in pink.
Project Timeline
Funding Approved
Nov 2023
Sensitisation Meetings
Dec 2023
Farmer Onboarding & Mapping
Jan 2024
Baseline Soil Sampling
Jan 2024
Rock Spreading
Mid-Feb to mid-Mar 2024
Harvest & Yield Analysis
Jul to Aug 2024
Soil Analysis Certificates Issued to Farmers
Sep 2024
White Paper Publication
Nov 2024
2nd Soil Sampling (yet to be done)
Jan 2025
Future soil sampling / yield analysis
Onboarding of Farmers
In a community based pilot such as this, thorough sensitization, informed consent, and community
engagement were key components of the successful implementation of this study (Figure 2). Flux first
conducted a county-level stakeholder engagement initiative with key personnel from Kisumu County,
including the county commissioner and the ministers for Women and Gender, Environment, Agriculture,
and Business. Flux then engaged local community leaders to identify which community clusters could
meet the project requirements (i.e., size and number of farms, climatic conditions, crop types, and
willingness to participate). Once these clusters were identified, field agents held community meetings
to explain the project and delivered information in three languages: Swahili, Luo, and English. Farmers
who wished to participate were then onboarded.
Figure 2: Onboarding process.
A total of 56 smallholder farms used to cultivate maize in
the Wawidhi and Ombeyi communities of Kisumu County
were onboarded for the study. During the community
meetings, over 100 farmers volunteered to be part of the
trial. The 56 farmers selected from this initial group were
based largely on their field size, to ensure there was
adequate land for both treatment and controls not smaller
than 0.05ha.
Each farmer's plot was divided roughly in half into two
sections: a control plot and a treatment plot (referred to as
the Application” plot). These two plots were subdivisions
from within one field that had similar usage in the past.
To ensure accurate mapping, the Fields Area Mapper app was used to collect area data for each farm;
maps of the two clusters are shown in Figure 2. Farmers were assigned unique identification numbers
based on their cluster and plot location. All farms in the Wawidhi cluster were prefixed with “KW”
(Kisumu - Wawidhi), while those in the Ombeyi cluster began with “KO” (Kisumu - Ombeyi). This was
followed by a sequential number and a letter to indicate the plot type: "C" for Control or "A" for
Application. For instance, a plot ID “KW21A refers to Wawidhi farm number 21 with an application
There was no cost to farmers during this deployment - which replicates the model that Flux sees for
scaling ERW with smallholders on the continent. Where hand spreading was used, farmers were
compensated at an appropriate daily rate. For mechanical spreading, local contractors were used.
Farmers also received free soil analysis and advice.
Rock Spreading
On the treatment plots, a 0-4 mm rock
powder was applied at a rate of 20
tonnes per hectare (Figure 3). This was
done using a combination of mechanical
spreading and hand spreading. The
mechanical spreading was carried out by
a local contractor using a 1.5 tonne
rear-mounted twin-disc lime spreader.
Hand spreading was carried out using
teams of 3-5 farmers with buckets of rock
powder that were collected from a
central location.
Rock powder was applied between the
1st and 2nd ploughing, and incorporated
into normal farming practices with no alteration from Flux.
Fitting in with regular farming practices
One of the key aims of this pilot was to implement ERW without disrupting what farmers normally do -
this will be crucial if ERW is to scale. Farmers in the two clusters from this pilot followed roughly the
same farming practices per harvest cycle of their maize crop, which is outlined in the diagram below.
Figure 3: Schematic showing normal farming practices in the region for this harvest cycle.
The feedstock used in the field trials was sourced as a by-product from a quarry located in Homa Bay
County in western Kenya, approximately 110 km from the field sites. The material was sourced at a
particle size of 0-4 mm. This particle size range was chosen for logistical feasibility as it was readily
available at the quarry site and able to be procured in time for the trial. The volcanic rock used in this
trial is a nephelinite, consisting primarily of clinopyroxene and nepheline (Table 1). It is rich in calcium
and magnesium, resulting in a high theoretical gross sequestration potential of 0.45 tCO2/trock (Table 2).
The silicate rock powder was analysed for heavy metal content using both ICP-MS and ICP-AES for
comparison with regulatory standards for soil and fertiliser. To date, Kenya has not established national
standards for potentially toxic elements in agricultural soils or inorganic soil improvers. We therefore
deferred to maximum permissible soil limits set by the World Health Organization (WHO) and Food and
Agriculture Organization (FAO), and to the European Union (EU) for inorganic fertilisers. Data from this
exercise are displayed in Table 3.
Heavy metal concentrations for the feedstock used in this study are less than the WHO/FAO
permissible limits for soils with the exception of Co, Cr, Cu, and Ni. However, metal content is below the
maximum limits for As, Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn as established by the EU for inorganic fertilisers. We estimate
based on the Cr and Ni content of this feedstock that several hundred applications at a rate of 20
tonnes per hectare would be required to attain soil concentrations that exceed the WHO/FAO
permissible limits, which suggests that this feedstock is safe for use in ERW field trials.
Table 1: Mineral composition of the feedstock as determined via XRD.
Mineral formula
Composition %
Pyroxene (augite/hedenbergite)
Feldspar (orthoclase/sanidine)
Mica (biotite/muscovite)
Other minor phases
Table 2: Major element composition of the feedstock material as determined via XRF. *Note: The
Na2O value was derived as an average of two additional analyses. These were required as the
original XRF analysis used sodium peroxide as a flux for the preparation of the fusion beads. Sodium
was determined via atomic absorption spectrometry.
Table 3: Trace element concentrations in feedstock determined by ICP-MS or ICP-AES (denoted by
asterisk *).
EU limits for fertiliser19 [mg/kg]
Feedstock content (this study) [mg/kg]
Farming Practices
The study maintained the diversity of farming practices to reflect real-world conditions, recognizing that
each farmer uses different methods, seeds, fertilisers, manure, and faces varying climatic conditions
and soil types. In the end, fertiliser was not used by farmers on any plot during this study owing to the
increased price and lack of soil testing available to identify the most beneficial products. Use of manure
sourced from local livestock was reported by 50% of the farmers but was not quantified or tracked
during this study, however, the same practices were applied to both control and treatment plots by all
farmers. No farms used any form of irrigation due to the high rainfall in the area.
The subtle variations in farming practices guided the decision to include both a control and a treatment
plot for each farmer. Although additional repetitions per plot were considered, this was ultimately not
pursued due to operational constraints.
Soil Sample Collection
Soil sampling was conducted by one
Flux associate with assistance from
three stakeholders in the community.
These 4 team members (all women)
were trained in soil sampling and
collection at KALRO (Kenya
Agriculture and Livestock Research
Organisation) in Kibos, and became
agents for Flux in their respective
communities. This greatly helped with
community engagement and provided
a necessary skill that can be shared
for future sampling in the region.
Image: Farmers from within the
communities undertake soil sample collection training at KALRO laboratory.
Health and Safety
Throughout the trial, personal health and safety were paramount. To mitigate risks associated with
heavy machinery, we implemented strict safety protocols. Only trained operators, equipped with
high-visibility gear and protective equipment, were allowed to operate the tractor and spreader.
Regular maintenance ensured the machinery's safe operation.
Dust inhalation was a potential concern. We minimise exposure by restricting access to deployment
areas during windy conditions, providing dust masks to all personnel, and conducting regular safety
briefings. Despite no reported incidents, we plan to enhance future deployments with higher-rated
masks, extended safety training, and community first-aid lessons.
Soil Characterization
Baseline soil samples were collected before planting, with one mixed sample taken per control and per
treatment plot. Samples were obtained using a systematic sampling method, with 10-15 cores which
were composited, taken at 5-metre intervals in a ‘W’ pattern across the plots to ensure a random and
representative sample. The samples were taken to a depth of 30 cm. The cores were not GPS logged
in this study but should be for future trials and as best practice for ERW MRV. This process resulted in a
total of 112 soil samples (one per control and one per treatment plot per farmer) being sent to the
KALRO for determination of texture classification, soil pH, organic carbon and nitrogen content, and
major and trace elemental composition following standard analytical protocols.
Unfortunately, some results were never returned by the lab and a duplicate of the soil samples was not
retained for these samples. The missing results are randomly distributed and can be attributed to
human error at the lab. Future studies should hold duplicate samples in an archive to mitigate the risk
of this error.
The soils of the Ombeyi cluster are, according to available soil maps20, haplic, partially sodic and
calcaro-cambic xerosols with arenosols, and minor calcic, sodic cambisols. In the Wawidhi cluster, pellic
and vertic, partially sodic vertisols and gleysols dominate. The low exchangeable sodium content (Table
4) in the topsoil of the fields included in the study indicates that these particular plots are not affected
by sodification.
A summary of the soil analyses for the Wawidhi and Ombeyi clusters, presented in Table 4, outlines the
baseline properties evaluated prior to treatment. The majority of farms in both the Wawidhi and Ombeyi
clusters are characterised by a clay soil texture. In the Wawidhi cluster, 90% of the farms have a clay
soil texture, 7% are classified as silt clay, and 3% as silt clay loam. In the Ombeyi cluster, 90.5% of the
farms are clay, with the rest classified as silt clay. The exchangeable sodium percentages of ca. 0.51 %
and 0.46 % respectively indicate that the particular
Changes in soil characteristics due to ERW will be evaluated via post-application sampling, to be
conducted during January 2025. The results will be published in an addendum to this report.
Table 4: Characterization of soil. Error represents 1 SE.
Wawidhi Cluster
Ombeyi Cluster
Soil Texture
Sand (%)
Silt (%)
Clay (%)
Hydrometer method
20.7 ± 1.5
28.3 ± 1.8
51.0 ± 1.1
37.0 ± 1.4
13.9 ± 1.0
49.1 ± 2.1
Soil pH
pH meter on 1:1
water:soil slurry
6.51 ± 0.07
6.81 ± 0.09
Total Nitrogen (%)
Kjeldahl method
0.15 ± 0.1
0.25 ± 0.01
Total Organic Carbon (%)
Walkley-Black method
1.53 ± 0.06
2.55 ± 0.12
Phosphorus (ppm)
Mehlich I extraction
28.20 ± 0.71
31.97 ± 7.23
Copper (ppm)
0.1M HCl extraction
1.24 ± 0.1
1.05 ± 0.14
Iron (ppm)
98.92 ± 4.06
37.03 ± 4.65
Zinc (ppm)
5.14 ± 0.34
3.60 ± 0.37
Yield Analysis
To ensure representative and comparable yield measurements between plots, a 10 m x 20 m ‘Harvest
Box’ was measured and roped off in each plot (Figure 4). The Harvest Boxes were positioned to give
maximum coverage of the greatest variation of yield within a particular plot, and located away from the
edges of fields where footpaths and livestock can disrupt growing. All of the maize plants within this
box were then harvested, and the cobs bagged and weighed separately from the rest of the field. The
total weight of the cobs from within the Harvest Box was then recorded as the ‘Harvest Weight’. This
yield can therefore be expressed as kg/0.02 ha.
Figure 4: Diagram of harvest analysis collection protocol.
Maize Nutritional Analysis
After the cobs were weighed, the farmers air-dried them as per normal practice for 3-5 days. They then
removed the kernels from the cobs. A 1 kg sample of these kernels were sub-sampled from the
application and control kernels per farmer and sent to KALRO for nutritional analysis. These results are
Potassium (meq/100g)
1N Ammonium
Acetate at pH 7,
Ethanol, 1N KCl at pH
1.36 ± 0.06
1.05 ± 0.07
Calcium (meq/100g)
13.91 ± 0.83
35.09 ± 3.94
Magnesium (meq/100g)
3.41 ± 0.04
3.75 ± 0.06
Manganese (meq/100g)
0.60 ± 0.03
0.30 ± 0.03
Sodium (meq/100g)
0.51 ± 0.04
0.46 ± 0.04
Cation Exchange
Capacity (meq/100g)
32.2 ± 1.12
50.34 ± 2.84
still pending and will be updated here to explore whether any difference in nutritional qualities
between control and application maize is observed.
Image: An overhead photo of a harvest box being implemented in the field.
Loss of farms from study
Although 56 farmers were initially onboarded, several plots were lost from the study at various stages,
which are detailed below. As such, the results here were collected from 31 smallholder farms from the
Wawidhi and Ombeyi clusters.
Table 5: Number and reason for losses of participants throughout the trial. Detailed explanations can be
found at Annex A
interest in Trial
Rock Spread
Harvest Data
Data Utilised in
Reasons for
Farm size
too small
Spouses not
7 due to
3 Planted
10 destroyed by
1 harvested before
1 farm eaten by
3 contaminated
yield results
Land ownership and participation constraints
Seven farmers withdrew their farms from the study due to pressure from their spouses. The motivation
of the study was to understand the impact with women smallholder farmers, so this was the subsection
that was engaged. However, this left some of the male spouses of the farmers feeling left out and
under-informed, and ultimately led to their withdrawal from the study. Future pilots should aim to
engage and educate all stakeholders within a community to reduce the likelihood of conflict or ill
feeling from other parties.
This area of Kisumu County received unseasonably high and long rainfall, which resulted in flooding in
some areas. Ten farms had either their entire crops or one side of the plot destroyed by flooding.
Although some crops were subsequently replanted and small yields were documented, the data would
not have been applicable for this study. It would be an interesting further study to explore the effect of
flooding on the weathering efficiency of silicate rocks, and if it is subject to run-off or being
Other challenges
Other challenges came from coordination with farmers and fitting in with practices. For example some
farmers planted before we were able to spread rock, and some harvested before our teams arrived to
conduct the harvest box analysis - thus losing any yield data.
Preliminary Observations
Preliminary observations were made 7 weeks after planting, but were not accurately quantified on all
plots. Aerial photographs taken at this point showed visible differences on some plots, but were not
taken for every farm.
Image: Overhead view of a farm in the Wawidhi cluster showing visible differences in maize
production between an application plot (left) and control plot (right) under normal farming practices
after seven weeks.
Harvest Yield Analysis
After roughly four months of growing, farmers began to harvest their maize crops as they became
ready. The harvest came earlier by two weeks in the Wawidhi cluster compared to Ombeyi. Statistically
significant (p<<0.05) increases in crop yield for the Ombeyi cluster (60.4±15.7%) and the Wawidhi cluster
(80±25.4%) are attributed to the application of silicate feedstock (Figure 7; Figure 8). To report yield
changes comprehensively, we present both the Average Yield Changes and the Aggregate Yield
Change. The Average Yield Changes, calculated by averaging the yield change across all fields, shows
a yield change of 71.17 ± 15.5%. This measure reflects the variability in yield across individual fields,
offering insights into field-specific performance and highlighting any variability or potential outliers in
the data. In contrast, the Aggregate Yield Change of 47.47 ± 5.73%, which is derived by averaging the
control and treatment data separately and calculating the yield difference between them, provides a
broader assessment of the treatment’s overall effectiveness across the entire study area. Possible
modes of action are considered in the discussion section below.
Figure 5: Farm-specific yield increases for maize. Left: bar plots showing increase in harvest yield at
each farm plot with the Ombeyi cluster. Right: same but for the Wawidhi cluster. Dotted lines denote the
average yield increase for each cluster (Ombeyi: 60.4±15.7 [%]; Wawidhi: 80±25.4 [%]).
The average yield increases are strongly influenced by the very large increases observed on a small
subset of the plots, specifically on those with a low control yield. The least productive quartile saw an
average yield increase of 169.8 %, whereas the most productive quartile, with control yields well above
the national average, saw an average increase of 28.9 %.
Table 6: Summary of average yield increases by control yield. It is apparent that low-productivity plots
saw the highest relative yield impact of rock powder application. For comparison, the average corn yield
in Kenya was 1900 kg/ha in 2023/2024.21 Complete yield results are available at Annex B.
Control yield [kg/ha]
Average yield increase [%]
< 1600
1600 - 2600
> 2600
Socioeconomic Impact of Yield Increases
The average yield per hectare on control plots was 2085 kg. The average on treated plots was 3075
kg. At the August 2024 price of 43KES (Kenyan Shillings) per kg of maize, this difference of 989 kg per
hectare is equivalent to $326. For context, a farmhand worker in this region could expect to earn $60
to $80 monthly. This increase in yield also enhances food security by providing more maize for both
consumption and sale, reducing dependency on external sources. Moreover, higher income and
productivity can stimulate community economic growth and foster long-term agricultural sustainability.
Discussion and Further Study
The yield data presented in this first report provides strong indication that ERW deployments have the
potential to significantly increase maize yields in smallholder farming systems of Western Kenya. The
encouraging results justify further research, and operational learnings will improve the setup of future
While the results from the post-application soil sampling will be required to understand the exact effect
that the enhanced weathering had on soil fertility parameters, the known composition of the rock
powder along with literature data allows us to identify possible modes of action, including:
1. pH increase due to silicate weathering and resulting improvement in nutrient availability9
2. Release of macro and micro nutrients (P, K, Ca, Mg, Zn, Cu, Fe) from the silicate minerals during
3. Improved P availability as a result of silicic acid formation23
4. Increased pest and disease resistance due to higher plant-available silicon24
5. Improved physical soil properties (water infiltration, water holding capacity)13
6. Increased soil CEC due to high content of zeolite group minerals in the rock powder25
It is intriguing that the substantial yield increases shown in this study were achieved on soils with a
relatively high starting pH (6.49 and 6.78 for Wawidhi and Ombeyi cluster respectively), a high clay
content and CEC, and reasonably high available P and K, and that neither of these parameters directly
correlates with the magnitude of yield change. It therefore seems unlikely that the agronomic effect is
(exclusively) due to pH regulation or macro nutrient release, two processes commonly demonstrated in
ERW trials9,21.
In this study, ca. 50% of farmers reported using locally sourced livestock manure; however, the quantity
and frequency of application were not tracked, which may impact nutrient availability and crop yield
results. Recognizing the potential influence of manure on soil nutrient levels and yield outcomes, future
trials should include systematic quantification of manure use to improve the accuracy of nutrient
contribution assessments. Although we did not collect detailed manure data in this study, each plot’s
control and treatment design accounts for variability introduced by individual farmer practices. This
approach strengthens the reliability of treatment effects, despite the variation in unquantified manure
use across the farms.
Building upon the insights and challenges identified in this pilot study, future research will focus on
enhancing the study design, addressing limitations, and expanding the scope to better understand
weathering kinetics and the agronomic and socioeconomic impacts of ERW in smallholder farming
systems in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Future trials will evaluate a broader range of application scenarios. This will include soils developed
over felsic basement rocks of the rift shoulders, where soil pH and nutrient status are generally lower,
indicating more favourable weathering conditions and a potentially higher agronomic impact of ERW. To
account for additional variables beyond soil and rock powder characteristics, a more detailed
documentation of farming practices, including the type and amount of organic fertiliser applied, will be
conducted. Pest and disease incidence will be monitored to account for this (potentially
underestimated) parameter.
To better capture intra-plot heterogeneity in future trials, we will consider increasing the number of soil
and yield replicates per plot. For soil sampling, this will involve creating composite samples from
different zones within each plot, while for yield measurements, multiple smaller harvest boxes will be
established. This approach will allow for a more detailed assessment of variability within plots,
enhancing the statistical robustness of the data. The field trials will be supplemented by mesocosm
experiments in a controlled environment, which will allow us to investigate the impact of individual
variables in isolation.
Also, we recognize that the absence of historical yield data for control plots limits our ability to fully rule
out selection bias, as it is unclear whether yield differences may partially stem from pre-existing
conditions. Future trials should incorporate a baseline yield assessment to better account for natural
productivity differences, which would provide a clearer measure of ERW's direct impact on crop yields
In addition to the investigation of changes in soil fertility indicators and crop yield, future studies will
also include measurements targeted at the quantification of CDR. Both established and novel
measurement approaches will be tested for their applicability in tropical smallholder farming systems,
aiming to unlock their vast potential for ERW.
The preliminary findings from this trial indicate that ERW can lead to significant agronomic benefits for
smallholder farmers in Kisumu County, Kenya. The average yield increase of 71.17% ± 15.5% and the
aggregate yield increase of 47.47% ± 5.73% collectively demonstrate that the application of silicate rock
powder significantly enhances soil health and boosts crop productivity. This remarkable improvement
may be partly due to the initially low baseline yield on these marginal lands, where soil conditions were
suboptimal for high productivity. The addition of silicate minerals likely enriched the soil with essential
nutrients like calcium and magnesium, while also raising soil pH, which can improve nutrient availability.
These changes not only support healthier crop growth but also contribute to increased food security
and economic benefits for local communities, creating a more resilient agricultural system. Our results
highlight ERW's potential as a sustainable farming practice that simultaneously addresses climate
change through carbon sequestration and supports the livelihoods of smallholder farmers in
Sub-Saharan Africa. While promising, further research is essential to solidify these findings, address
fundamental challenges, and optimise the application of ERW at scale.
We encourage interested parties from both academia and industry to reach out and discuss with us the
findings presented here, as well as the possibility of collaboration in future research.
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Materials, 14(10), 2617.
Annex A - List of farms removed from study
Farmer ID
Reason for Removal from Study
Rock not spread - Spouse declined
Rock not spread - Spouse declined
Rock not spread - Spouse declined
Rock not spread - Spouse declined
Rock not spread - Spouse declined
Rock not spread - Spouse declined
Rock not spread - Spouse declined
Rock not spread Planted before Flux team arrived to spread rock
Rock not spread -Planted before Flux team arrived to spread rock
Did not plant on the control side
Affected by flooding Rains overwhelmed the control and application areas.
Affected by flooding - Rains overwhelmed the control and application areas.
Affected by flooding - Rains overwhelmed the control and application areas
Affected by flooding - Rains overwhelmed the control and application areas.
Affected by flooding - Rains overwhelmed the control and application areas
Affected by flooding - Rains overwhelmed the control and application areas
Affected by flooding - Rains overwhelmed the control and application areas
Affected by flooding - Rains overwhelmed the control and application areas
Affected by flooding - Rains overwhelmed the control and application areas
Affected by flooding -Rains overwhelmed the control and application areas
Control side destroyed by flooding
Harvested before Flux team arrived to do analysis
Harvest Errors
Harvest Errors
Harvest Errors
Annex B - Complete harvest and yield change data
Harvest Weight from inside
harvest box (10mx20m) (kg)
Field ID
Yield Change
Average Yield
Change ± SE
71.17 ± 15.50%
Average Yield
Yield Change ±
47.47 ± 5.73%
Annex C - Complete Soil Analysis Data
Soil analysis data for all plots can be found in the supporting documents on ResearchGate.
Annex D - Example Soil Analysis Certificate given to farmers
Annex E - Deployment Maps - Wawidhi Cluster
Annex E - Deployment Maps - Ombeyi Cluster
Annex F - Accompanying Images
Image: Overhead of one of the plots showing rock spread on the right hand side. During this phase, the
rock had got wet from rainfall and was harder to spread, which resulted in more passes with the tractor.
Image: Drone photo showing one of the fields within the deployment setting. Access with the tractor
was fairly reasonable despite the small sizes of the plots.
Image: One of our community field agents giving a briefing to farmers in Wawidhi Cluster before
spreading operations began. Using community members as agents helped reduce frictions for the
project and is highly recommended for future studies.
Image: Women farmers from the Wawidhi Cluster see the rock powder for the first time.
Image: The ‘Backhoe’ loader filling up the lime spreader with silicate rock powder before an
application. The weight of rock held per scoop of the backhoe was calculated to allow for accurate
filling of the spreader before heading to a field site.
Image: Farmers in Wawidhi celebrate receiving their soil sample analysis in Sept 2024

Supplementary resource (1)

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Soil acidification and low nutrient availability are two major challenges facing agriculture in most regions of East Africa, resulting in aluminum toxicity and poor crop yields. The amendment of local sediments to cropland can potentially alleviate these challenges, but responses are variable. In this study, we investigated the potential of two different local sediments influenced by volcanic deposits to increase soil pH, Si and P availability and reduce Al toxicity, thereby improve barley yield. Hence, a field experiment was established in Eldoret, Western Kenya, using 1% and 3% addition by weight of two sediments in barley cultivated plots. The Baringo 3% amendment significantly increased soil pH (from 4.7 to 7.0), the available P content (from 0.01 mg g⁻¹ to 0.02 mg g⁻¹) and decreased the Al availability (from 3.03 mg g⁻¹–2.17 mg g⁻¹). This resulted in a barley yield of 4.7 t/ha (+1061%). The Nakuru 3% and Baringo 1% amendments increased yield to 2–3 t/ha, while the Nakuru 1% did not significantly increase yield. These results highlight that, from a biophysical perspective, there are natural and local opportunities to reduce soil acidification and to partly replace mineral fertilizer, but its magnitude depends on the sediment and the amendment rate.
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Addressing soil nutrient degradation and global warming requires novel solutions. Enhanced weathering using crushed basalt rock is a promising dual-action strategy that can enhance soil health and sequester carbon dioxide. This study examines the short-term effects of basalt amendment on spring oat (Avena sativa L.) during the 2022 growing season in NE England. The experimental design consisted of four blocks with control and basalt-amended plots, and two cultivation types within each treatment, laid out in a split plot design. Basalt (18.86 tonnes ha⁻¹) was incorporated into the soil during seeding. Tissue, grain and soil samples were collected for yield, nutrient, and pH analysis. Basalt amendment led to significantly higher yields, averaging 20.5% and 9.3% increases in direct drill and ploughed plots, respectively. Soil pH was significantly higher 256 days after rock application across cultivation types (direct drill: on average 6.47 vs. 6.76 and ploughed: on average 6.69 vs. 6.89, for control and basalt-amended plots, respectively), likely due to rapidly dissolving minerals in the applied basalt, such as calcite. Indications of growing season differences in soil pH are observed through direct measurement of lower manganese and iron uptake in plants grown on basalt-amended soil. Higher grain and tissue potassium, and tissue calcium uptake were observed in basalt-treated crops. Notably, no accumulation of potentially toxic elements (arsenic, cadmium, chromium, nickel) was detected in the grain, indicating that crops grown using this basaltic feedstock are safe for consumption. This study indicates that basalt amendments can improve agronomic performance in sandy clay-loam agricultural soil under temperate climate conditions. These findings offer valuable insights for producers in temperate regions who are considering using such amendments, demonstrating the potential for improved crop yields and environmental benefits while ensuring crop safety.
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Modeling studies show that large-scale deployment of enhanced rock weathering on croplands has the potential to reduce levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide by the end of the century. There is, however, a pressing need to verify model predictions through long-term field trials. Here we report results from the first 3 years of an ongoing enhanced weathering field trial, carried out on an oil palm plantation in Sabah, Malaysia. Crushed silicate rock was applied to three hydrologically isolated catchments, and three adjacent (paired) reference catchments were left untreated. The drawdown of atmospheric CO 2 was quantified via the export of alkalinity in stream waters and changes in soil carbonate content. The amended and reference catchments were found to have a similar extent of CO 2 drawdown via alkalinity export [respectively, 3.8 ± 0.8 (1 SD) and 3.7 ± 0.6 (1 SD) tCO 2 ha ⁻¹ ] when all catchments were averaged over the study period (October 2018 to July 2021). However, differences were observed between the different catchment pairs (plots): two of the plots displayed a similar extent of CO 2 removal for both the amended and reference catchments, but the third amended catchment had a higher extent of CO 2 removal of ~1 tCO 2 ha ⁻¹ relative to its adjacent reference catchment. The difference in CO 2 removal rates determined for this plot can likely be attributed to increased weathering of silicate minerals in the amended catchment. Soil carbonate concentrations were on average <0.2 wt% CaCO 3 , but we report a small increase of ~0.03 wt% CaCO 3 in the top 30 cm of soil in the amended soils relative to the reference catchments. The magnitude of CO 2 drawdown via alkalinity export determined for these agricultural catchments is around an order of magnitude higher than in natural forested catchments in Sabah and similar to that of basaltic catchments. We show that these high weathering rates are primarily driven by weathering of carbonate fertilizers. The data presented from this field trial provide vital contextual information on the real-world efficacy and practicalities associated with the implementation of enhanced weathering for atmospheric CO 2 removal that will help to inform further trials as well as wider-scale deployment.
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Enhanced weathering (EW) of silicate rocks can remove CO2 from the atmosphere, while potentially delivering co-benefits for agriculture (e.g., reduced nitrogen losses, increased yields). However, quantification of inorganic carbon sequestration through EW and potential risks in terms of heavy metal contamination have rarely been assessed. Here, we investigate EW in a mesocosm experiment with Solanum tuberosum growing on alkaline soil. Amendment with 50 t basalt/ha significantly increased alkalinity in soil pore water and in the leachate losses, indicating significant basalt weathering. We did not find a significant change in TIC, which was likely because the duration of the experiment (99 days) was too short for carbonate precipitation to become detectable. A 1D reactive transport model (PHREEQC) predicted 0.77 t CO2 /ha sequestered over the 99 days of the experiment and 1.83 and 4.48 t CO2 /ha after 1 and 5 years, respectively. Comparison of experimental and modeled cation pore water Mg concentrations at the onset of this experiment showed a factor three underestimation of Mg concentrations by the model and hence indicates an underestimation of modeled CO2 sequestration. Moreover, pore water Ca concentrations were underestimated, indicating that the calcite precipitation rate was overestimated by this model. Importantly, basalt amendment did not negatively affect potato growth and yield (which even tended to increase), despite increased Al availability in this alkaline soil. Soil and pore water Ni increased upon basalt addition, but Ni levels remained below regulatory environmental quality standards and Ni concentrations in leachates and plant tissues did not increase. Last, basalt amendment significantly decreased nitrogen leaching, indicating the potential for EW to provide benefits for agriculture and for the environment.
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Most food in sub-Saharan Africa is produced on small farms. Using large datasets from household surveys conducted across many countries, we find that the majority of farms are less than 1 ha, much smaller than previous estimates. Farms are larger in farming systems in drier climates. Through a detailed analysis of food self-sufficiency, food and nutrition security, and income among households from divergent farming systems in Ethiopia, Ghana, Mali, Malawi, Tanzania and Uganda, we reveal marked contrasts in food security and household incomes. In the south of Mali, where cotton is an important cash crop, almost all households are food secure, and almost half earn a living income. Yet, in a similar agroecological environment in northern Ghana, only 10% of households are food secure and none earn a living income. Surprisingly, the extent of food insecurity and poverty is almost as great in densely-populated locations in the Ethiopian and Tanzanian highlands that are characterised by much better soils and two cropping seasons a year. Where populations are less dense, such as in South-west Uganda, a larger proportion of the households are food self-sufficient and poverty is less prevalent. In densely-populated Central Malawi, a combination of a single cropping season a year and small farms results in a strong incidence of food insecurity and poverty. These examples reveal a strong interplay between population density, farm size, market access, and agroecological potential on food security and household incomes. Within each location, farm size is a major determinant of food self-sufficiency and a household’s ability to rise above the living income threshold. Closing yield gaps strongly increases the proportion of households that are food self-sufficient. Yet in four of the locations (Ethiopia, Tanzania, Ghana and Malawi), land is so constraining that only 42–53% of households achieve food self-sufficiency, and even when yield gaps are closed only a small proportion of households can achieve a living income. While farming remains of central importance to household food security and income, our results help to explain why off-farm employment is a must for many. We discuss these results in relation to sub-Saharan Africa’s increasing population, likely agricultural expansion, and agriculture’s role in future economic development.
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Soil nutrient depletion threatens global food security and has been seriously underestimated for potassium (K) and several micronutrients. This is particularly the case for highly weathered soils in tropical countries, where classical soluble fertilizers are often not affordable or not accessible. One way to replenish macro- and micronutrients are ground silicate rock powders (SRPs). Rock forming silicate minerals contain most nutrients essential for higher plants, yet slow and inconsistent weathering rates have restricted their use in the past. Recent findings, however, challenge past agronomic objections which insufficiently addressed the factorial complexity of the weathering process. This review therefore first presents a framework with the most relevant factors for the weathering of SRPs through which several outcomes of prior studies can be explained. A subsequent analysis of 48 crop trials reveals the potential as alternative K source and multi-nutrient soil amendment for tropical soils, whereas the benefits for temperate soils are currently inconclusive. Beneficial results prevail for mafic and ultramafic rocks like basalts and rocks containing nepheline or glauconite. Several rock modifications are highly efficient in increasing the agronomic effectiveness of SRPs. Enhanced weathering of SRPs could additionally sequester substantial amounts of CO2 from the atmosphere and silicon (Si) supply can induce a broad spectrum of plant biotic and abiotic stress resistance. Recycling massive amounts of rock residues from domestic mining industries could furthermore resolve serious disposal challenges and improve fertilizer self-sufficiency. In conclusion, under the right circumstances, SRPs could not only advance low-cost and regional soil sustaining crop production but contribute to various sustainable development goals.
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Thousands of tons of zeolitic materials are used yearly as soil conditioners and components of slow-release fertilizers. A positive influence of application of zeolites on plant growth has been frequently observed. Because zeolites have extremely large cation exchange capacity, surface area, porosity and water holding capacity, a paradigm has aroused that increasing plant growth is caused by a long-lasting improvement of soil physicochemical properties by zeolites. In the first year of our field experiment performed on a poor soil with zeolite rates from 1 to 8 t/ha and N fertilization, an increase in spring wheat yield was observed. Any effect on soil cation exchange capacity (CEC), surface area (S), pH-dependent surface charge (Qv), mesoporosity, water holding capacity and plant available water (PAW) was noted. This positive effect of zeolite on plants could be due to extra nutrients supplied by the mineral (primarily potassium—1 ton of the studied zeolite contained around 15 kg of exchangeable potassium). In the second year of the experiment (NPK treatment on previously zeolitized soil), the zeolite presence did not impact plant yield. No long-term effect of the zeolite on plants was observed in the third year after soil zeolitization, when, as in the first year, only N fertilization was applied. That there were no significant changes in the above-mentioned physicochemical properties of the field soil after the addition of zeolite was most likely due to high dilution of the mineral in the soil (8 t/ha zeolite is only ~0.35% of the soil mass in the root zone). To determine how much zeolite is needed to improve soil physicochemical properties, much higher zeolite rates than those applied in the field were studied in the laboratory. The latter studies showed that CEC and S increased proportionally to the zeolite percentage in the soil. The Qv of the zeolite was lower than that of the soil, so a decrease in soil variable charge was observed due to zeolite addition. Surprisingly, a slight increase in PAW, even at the largest zeolite dose (from 9.5% for the control soil to 13% for a mixture of 40 g zeolite and 100 g soil), was observed. It resulted from small alterations of the soil macrostructure: although the input of small zeolite pores was seen in pore size distributions, the larger pores responsible for the storage of PAW were almost not affected by the zeolite addition.
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To lock atmospheric CO2 at anthropogenic timescale, fast weathering silicates can be applied to soil to speed up natural CO2 sequestration via enhanced weathering. Agricultural lands offer large area for silicate application, but expected weathering rates as a function of soil and crop type, and potential impacts on the crops, are not well known. This study investigated the role of plants on enhanced weathering of wollastonite (CaSiO3) in soils. Using rooftop pot experiments with leguminous beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and non-leguminous corn (Zea mays L.), CO2 sequestration was inferred from total inorganic carbon (TIC) accumulation in the soil and thermogravimetric analysis, and mineral weathering rate was inferred from alkalinity of soil porewater. Soil amendment with wollastonite promoted enhanced plant growth: beans showed a 177% greater dry biomass weight and corn showed a 59% greater plant height and a 90% greater dry biomass weight. Wollastonite-amended soil cultivated with beans showed a higher TIC accumulation of 0.606 ± 0.086%, as compared to that with corn (0.124 ± 0.053%). This demonstrates that using wollastonite as a soil amendment, along with legume cultivation, not only buffers the soil against acidification (due to microbial nitrogen fixation) but also sequesters carbon dioxide (12.04 kg of CO2 /tonne soil/month, 9 times higher than the soil without wollastonite amendment).
Terrestrial enhanced weathering (EW) of silicate rocks, such as crushed basalt, on farmlands is a promising scalable atmospheric carbon dioxide removal (CDR) strategy that urgently requires performance assessment with commercial farming practices. We report findings from a large-scale replicated EW field trial across a typical maize-soybean rotation on an experimental farm in the heart of the United Sates Corn Belt over 4 y (2016 to 2020). We show an average combined loss of major cations (Ca ²⁺ and Mg ²⁺ ) from crushed basalt applied each fall over 4 y (50 t ha ⁻¹ y ⁻¹ ) gave a conservative time-integrated cumulative CDR potential of 10.5 ± 3.8 t CO 2 ha ⁻¹ . Maize and soybean yields increased significantly ( P < 0.05) by 12 to 16% with EW following improved soil fertility, decreased soil acidification, and upregulation of root nutrient transport genes. Yield enhancements with EW were achieved with significantly ( P < 0.05) increased key micro- and macronutrient concentrations (including potassium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, and zinc), thus improving or maintaining crop nutritional status. We observed no significant increase in the content of trace metals in grains of maize or soybean or soil exchangeable pools relative to controls. Our findings suggest that widespread adoption of EW across farming sectors has the potential to contribute significantly to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions goals while simultaneously improving food and soil security.
Terrestrial enhanced weathering is the spreading of silicate powder on land, and can sequester atmospheric CO2 through carbonation of calcium-and magnesium-rich minerals. When applied to soils, at suitable geochemical conditions, alkaline minerals lead to accumulation of soil inorganic carbon as pedogenic carbonates. Agricultural land covers 37 % of the Earth's land surface, thus offering a natural sink for atmospheric CO 2. Wollastonite (CaSiO3) has been commercialized in Ontario as an agricultural soil amendment for several years, but it is not known if or how much CO2 is sequestered annually. In the present study, wollastonite-amended soils were collected from three commercial-scale fields located in Ontario: a leafy vegetables farm in the town of Paris (Field 1); a potato farm in the settlement of Alliston (Field 2); and a soybean farm in the city of Woodstock (Field 3). Chemical and mineralogical assessments of these soils were conducted to determine their carbonate content and the fate of the wollastonite. The soil inorganic carbon (SIC) content was higher in all soils that had been amended with wollastonite, compared to controls, and in Field 1 the SIC content was 2.6 times higher in soil amended thrice with wollastonite compared to a single application. Mineralogical analysis showed the presence of additional polymorphs of SiO2 , which may originate from the wollastonite after the dissolution of calcium. This work provides further evidence, here for the first time at a regional scale, that soil amendment with alkaline silicates can be an effective geoengineering tool for climate change mitigation.