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Robotic process automation – research impulses from the BPM 2023 panel discussion


Abstract and Figures

Robotic Process Automation is an established technology in organizations. In the last years, it has also received considerable attention in scholarly research with publications, special issues, and academic conferences dedicated to the topic. Given that Robotic Process Automation has now moved beyond the initial hype, we can ask what research should focus on in the future. To address this question, we conducted a panel discussion to discuss its current state and future development. This panel, which took place at the Robotic Process Automation forum at the Business Process Management Conference 2023, included experts from academia and industry, covering strategy consultants, implementers, and tool providers. In this report, we present insights from the panel discussions. We especially focus on three future research directions on Robotic Process Automation that emerged from the panel.
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Plattfautetal. Process Science (2024) 1:5
Process Science
Robotic process automation – research
impulses fromtheBPM 2023 panel discussion
Ralf Plattfaut1*, Jana‑Rebecca Rehse2*, Caspar Jans3, Matthias Schulte4 and Joost van Wendel de Joode5
Robotic Process Automation is an established technology in organizations. In the last
years, it has also received considerable attention in scholarly research with publications,
special issues, and academic conferences dedicated to the topic. Given that Robotic
Process Automation has now moved beyond the initial hype, we can ask what research
should focus on in the future. To address this question, we conducted a panel dis‑
cussion to discuss its current state and future development. This panel, which took
place at the Robotic Process Automation forum at the Business Process Management
Conference 2023, included experts from academia and industry, covering strategy
consultants, implementers, and tool providers. In this report, we present insights
from the panel discussions. We especially focus on three future research directions
on Robotic Process Automation that emerged from the panel.
Keywords: Robotic process automation, Process mining, Cognitive automation, Panel
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) can be defined as “a technology that allows the devel-
opment of (multiple) computer programs (i.e., bots) that automate rules-based business
processes through the use of GUIs” (Plattfaut and Borghoff 2022). e bots emulate
the actions of a human user, e.g., mouse movements, clicks, or keyboard strokes, which
then are used to interact with underlying core IT systems. As a light-weight automation
technology, RPA provides organizations with the opportunity to automate their busi-
ness processes without changing these underlying IT systems (vanderAalst etal. 2018).
As such, RPA is particularly well-suited for frequently occurring, simple, repetitive, and
manual processes, such as transferring data between systems. However, through the
integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning techniques, it can also be
applied to automate more complex processes (Engel etal. 2022).
Although its core technology is based on older concepts such as screen-scraping
(Taulli 2020), RPA only became widely popular around 2015 (Kregel etal. 2021). Since
then, it has received considerable attention in industry (Enríquez etal. 2020), academia
(Plattfaut and Borghoff 2022; Syed etal. 2020), and the general public (Kregel etal. 2021).
RPA has attracted several special issues (e.g., Reijers etal. (2021)), has been the topic of
1 University of Duisburg‑Essen,
Essen, Germany
2 University of Mannheim,
Mannheim, Germany
3 Celonis Process Management,
Amsterdam, Netherlands
4 viadee AG, Münster, Germany
5 UIPath, Inc., New York, USA
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dedicated publication outlets (e.g., Plattfaut and Rehse (2023)) and has been shown to be
perceived as “beyond the hype” (Kregel etal. 2021). Notably, RPA research has been the
focus of multiple research fields, including business process management (BPM) (Plat-
tfaut and Rehse 2023) as well as information systems (IS) (Haase etal. 2024). On the
practical side, RPA has been proven to work reliably (Plattfaut and Rehse 2023), leading
to widespread adoption (Gartner 2021). Following this development, the global market
for RPA solutions has grown considerably and is expected to grow even further in the
following years (Statista 2021). All these aspects are evidence for the degree of maturity
that RPA has achieved.
is remarkable development elicits the questions: What should RPA research focus
on in the future? Which new (methodological) angles are worth to be considered? Sev-
eral literature reviews have already attempted to answer this question (Syed etal. 2020;
Plattfaut and Borghoff 2022). However, as Webster and Watson famously coined, litera-
ture review set out to “analyze the past to prepare for the future” (Webster and Wat-
son 2002). is orientation risks neglecting new and practice-driven perspectives on the
specific phenomenon of RPA, which is unique in the sense that it gathers attention from
both industry and academia at the same time, but potentially with a different focus. To
ensure the relevance of both RPA scholarship and RPA practice and to avoid a further
separation between the two, RPA can benefit from a closer engagement between aca-
demics and practitioners (Vande Ven 2018), particularly when selecting the problems to
be studied and grounding them in reality.
To foster this engagement and initiate a joint discourse on the theory and practice of
RPA (Vande Ven and Johnson 2006), we conducted a panel discussion at the Business
Process Management (BPM) Conference in 2023. e goal of this panel was to bring
together practitioners with different perspectives on RPA and engage them in a discus-
sion with one another as well as the research community present at the conference. Our
panelists stemmed mainly from industry, covering strategy consultants, implement-
ers, and RPA tool providers. ey were joined by two RPA researchers, one serving as
a panelist providing an academic perspective on the topic and one serving as the panel
In this paper, we discuss the insights from this panel discussion on the current devel-
opment of RPA and the future directions of the field. As such, the paper serves as a
report on the (practical) aspects of RPA that the panel raised, placed in the context of
current RPA scholarship. It is meant to contribute to the practitioner-engaged scientific
discourse on RPA by providing novel perspectives on the topic. For this purpose, we
firstprovide some background on RPA, contrasting the perspectives from scholarly liter-
ature (reviews) and practice. en, we present the results of our panel discussion. After-
wards, we reflect upon the results in light of the existing literature and present three
calls for further research on RPA, before closing with a short conclusion.
Background: robotic process automation
RPA is an umbrella term for a broad and ever-increasing range of concepts (Czarnecki
and Fettke 2021; vanderAalst etal. 2018). Accordingly, researchers have proposed mul-
tiple different definitions of RPA. ey cover different aspects of RPA, e.g., its focus on
repetitive tasks (Lacity and Willcocks 2016), the emulation of human workers by the
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interaction over graphical user interfaces (Penttinen etal. 2018), or the fact that RPA
bots are easily built (Mayer etal. 2018). Literature reviews have set out to consolidate
these definitions (Syed etal. 2020; Plattfaut and Borghoff 2022). We follow their work
and understand RPA as “a technology that allows the development of (multiple) com-
puter programs (i.e., bots) that automate rules-based business processes through the use
of GUIs” (Plattfaut and Borghoff 2022).
Robotic process automation inscholarly literature
Figure 1 outlines the field of RPA as it is currently considered in literature. Very
broadly, scholars see RPA as a novel technology which can be used to (partially) auto-
mate processes within an organizational context. RPA should contribute to a com-
pany’s BPM goals, i.e., to improve the time, cost, quality, or flexibility of their process
execution (Dumas etal. 2018). Accordingly, we can separate existing research into three
streams(Syed etal. 2020; Plattfaut and Borghoff 2022): (1) RPA itself, i.e., the underly-
ing technology, (2) the goals of RPA, i.e., the benefits it brings to a process, and (3) the
organizational context of RPA, i.e., the environment in which it is managed and applied.
Within these streams, which are briefly outlined in the following, researchers mainly
employ behavioral or design-oriented research methods to gain new insights or develop
new solutions for the advancement of RPA.
In the first stream, it is noteworthy that there is not much research on core RPA
technology. e implementation and configuration of rule-based software robots is
considered to be relatively simple and sufficiently mature, such that it is typically left
to industry. Technology-focused RPA research treats it as a black box, on which other
technology is built. For example, RPA bots are orchestrated to achieve large-scale pro-
cess automation (Rizk etal. 2021). Many papers also treat the automated scoping and
configuration of RPA bots, e.g., through the use of process mining (Leno etal. 2021). In
addition, researchers have started to combine core RPA technology with machine learn-
ing features to enable the automation of more cognitively challenging tasks (Reijers etal.
With regard to the second stream, contemporary research has put RPA in the con-
text of traditional business process management, mainly focusing on achieving instru-
mental goals of improvements regarding time, cost, quality, and flexibility (François etal.
2022). In this context, a lot of effort has been invested into identifying characteristics
of RPA-suitable tasks (Syed etal. 2020) and identifying them in an automated way, e.g.,
from textual process descriptions (Leopold etal. 2018). To this end, prior research used
Fig. 1 The current field of RPA research
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predominantly behavioral or design-oriented methods to create both descriptive and
prescriptive insights (Plattfaut and Borghoff 2022).
Most RPA research can be associated with the third stream, i.e., the organiza-
tional context of RPA. is is also supported by two contemporary literature reviews.
Syed etal. (2020) analyzed 125 peer-reviewed and white papers on RPA and derived a
research agenda pertaining to the benefits of RPA, the organizational and technologi-
cal readiness for RPA, the capabilities needed to implement RPA, corresponding imple-
mentation methodologies, and specific technologies and techniques for implementing
RPA. Similarly, Plattfaut and Borghoff (2022) analyzed 82 research articles and devel-
oped research questions covering process suitability, bot design, integration of RPA and
AI, operating model and governance of RPA, and the interplay of humans and RPA. As
such, the contemporary literature reviews mainly call for more research on the way RPA
can be implemented, about the benefits of RPA and how they can be realized, and on the
operation of RPA within an organization.
Robotic process automation inpractice
Particularly as an academic (Vande Ven 2018), it is much easier to get an overview over
scholarly literature on RPA than it is to form an impression of the views of practitioners
on the topic. Nevertheless, we can form such an impression by looking at white papers
(Manyika etal. 2017) or studies (Deloitte 2017) by consulting companies, market reports
by analysts (Gartner 2021), or case study reports (Stenzel etal. 2021). Even when taken
with the necessary grain of salt, such gray literature shows that the conversation about
RPA in practice focuses on similar three streams than the academic discourse (Chugh
etal. 2022): (1) RPA technology, (2) the goals that RPA can achieve, and (3) the organiza-
tional context in which RPA exists. However, within and among these streams, the areas
of focus differ considerably.
e focus of practitioners is on traditional “Class 1” RPA technology, where no arti-
ficial intelligence or machine learning is applied (Chugh etal. 2022). is is mirrored
by the RPA definition in the IEEE Guide for Terms and Concepts in Intelligent Process
Automation, which states that RPA is a “preconfigured software instance that uses busi-
ness rules and predefined activity choreography to complete the autonomous execution
of a combination of processes, activities, transactions, and tasks in one or more unre-
lated software systems to deliver a result or service with human exception management”
(IEEE 2017). Compared to scholarly literature, the focus is more on the concrete imple-
mentation and scaling of the technology (Stenzel etal. 2021). Although there are dis-
cussions on integrating rule-based RPA with more “intelligent” capabilities to widen its
scope of tasks (Manyika etal. 2017), there are few reports on the practical use of such
Regarding RPA goals, there is a notable divide between the scholarly and the practi-
cal RPA discourse. Practitioners tend to focus on the tangible, short-term outcomes of
RPA implementation, particularly its ability to improve operational compliance, reduce
costs, and increase productivity (Deloitte 2017). e primary goal is to automate rou-
tine, time-consuming tasks to free up human resources for higher-level work (Manyika
etal. 2017). Additionally, there is an emphasis on achieving faster processing times and
improving accuracy in data handling by reducing human error (Stenzel et al. 2021).
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Hence, practitioners are more concerned with immediate performance improvements
and the potential return on investment that RPA can deliver. However, it is unclear how
much of this potential can be realized, given that many companies are still in the process
of RPA implementation (Deloitte 2017).
Compared to the (financial) goals of RPA, practitioners view its organizational context
as a secondary concern (Stenzel etal. 2021). Whereas the broader implications of RPA
for organizational structure, culture, and workforce dynamics are relevant for the aca-
demic discourse, particularly in the information systems discipline, practitioners focus
more on the short-term impact (Deloitte 2017). eir concern is typically around how
RPA fits within existing workflows, whether the organization has the necessary technical
infrastructure, and how employees will adapt to the changes (Deloitte 2017). Resistance
to change, retraining staff, and the integration of RPA with other systems are often prac-
tical challenges, but they are typically seen as hurdles to overcome rather than central
points of strategic focus (Chugh etal. 2022).
A contrast inperspectives
Table1 summarizes the perspectives that academics and practitioners have on RPA,
according to their respective bodies of literature as sketched in this section.
Although we can see some similarities in the respective discourses, we also see that the
weight of the respective areas differs. is might indicate a further divergence between
the fields, which is not beneficial for either side. One way to counteract this divergence is
to enable a joint discourse. is was the main motivation for our panel discussion, which
is described in the next section.
Broadening theeld ofRPA research – results fromthepanel discussion
To get a broader understanding on the current issues in the field of RPA, to assess
whether RPA still deserves additional research, and to direct the focus of this
research, we conducted a panel discussion at the RPA forum of the 2023 BPM Con-
ference. e goal of this panel discussion was to integrate a practical view into the
academic discourse on RPA and bring together the practical and the scholarly per-
spective on the topic. e panel took place within the context of the RPA Forum,
which has been a co-located event at the BPM conference for a few years and typically
brings together large parts of the RPA research community, either as authors or as
Table 1 Contrasting perspectives on RPA
Academia Practice
RPA Technology Defined w.r.t. rule‑based processes Defined as rule‑based software
Considered as black box Considered as black box
Focus on integration of ML Focus on implementation and scale
RPA Goals Process goals Financial goals
Identification of suitable processes Identification of routine tasks
Focus on long‑term effects Focus on short‑term effects
RPA Context Primary concern Secondary concern
Considered on an organizational scale Considered on a project scale
Focus on (theoretical) explanations Focus on (practical) solutions
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PC members (Plattfaut and Rehse 2023). As chairs of the 2023 RPA Forum, the two
first authors of this report organized the panel, selected the participants, and outlined
potential questions. One of them served as the panel moderator, the other one served
as a panelist providing an academic perspective on the topic. For the 90-minute panel
discussion, they were joined by four participants from practice: (i) a strategy consult-
ant, (ii) a representative from a tool provider, (iii) a representative from an imple-
mentation company, and (iv) a BPM consultant. ese participants were selected to
achieve a broad view on RPA practice, with employees of different companies provid-
ing complementary perspectives on the topic. All initially selected participants fol-
lowed our invitation.
In the following, we summarize the contents of that discussion, supported by direct
quotes from the practitioner panelists wherever helpful to summarize the contents in
a concise way. Note that the broad topics were previously planned by the two chairs,
but that the discussion was conducted organically. e participants shared their own
views freely, which sometimes opened up topics that were not previously planned.
e Current State of RPA Our panelists agreed with our understanding that RPA is an
established technology. To quote one panelist (tool provider):
“Five years ago, we had a lot of questions around ‘Can we try this [RPA] before
we buy it?’ [...] What you see right now is that we do not get those questions any
more. [...] A majority of the business users, but also from IT, now know that it is a
proven technology.
Apparently, RPA has achieved a certain degree of maturity from a technological per-
spective (Kregel et al. 2021). Also, it has gained acceptance among its users, who
appear to trust its capabilities.
Nevertheless, the panelists also agreed that RPA is still an important topic today with
interesting avenues of development both on the academic and the practitioner side. Fur-
ther research and guidance is needed – especially from the process science community.
During the panel, several phenomena from both ends of the socio-technical spectrum
(Sarker etal. 2019) were discussed.
RPA as One of Many Automation Solutions In essence, RPA is a means to an end: It
supports organizations in reaching a higher degree of automation. However, it is only
one potential solution for this purpose. To quote a panelist (implementor):
“RPA, from my perspective is just one element there in the tool chain of helping
organizations automate things.
e value of RPA is the highest when no other way of automation is available or (eco-
nomically) viable. However, this principle is not always followed, which causes multi-
ple challenges.
Panelists stressed that in many situations, citizen developers (i.e., non-IT professionals
involved in application development) (Plattfaut 2019; Hallikainen etal. 2018) rely on UI-
based automation where other more stable forms of process automation would be pref-
erable. One panelist shared an anecdote about an early RPA project, where a software
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robot was used to extract foreign currency exchange rates from a website and enter them
into an SAP system. is solution worked well until the UI of the website was changed
and the robot began entering wrong data into the system. Because the knowledge about
the implementation had diminished once the process step was automated, it took the
company a week to find and address the problem.
is anecdote underlines the necessity of evaluating the different process automation
options (e.g., RPA or core system automation). Core systems are typically more relia-
ble and more stable than solely UI-based solutions such as RPA. e problem is that
in many situation and for many systems, the required APIs are not readily available.
Moreover, API-based automation is typically more expensive and more complex than
RPA. Whereas API integration requires the involvement of IT specialists, RPA can be
implemented by citizen developers. Additionally, the intricacies of diverse APIs across
different systems and applications pose challenges in achieving seamless connectivity.
is financial and operational complexity can deter organizations from embracing API-
based automation, especially when the perceived benefits do not outweigh the associ-
ated costs.
e Long‑Term Effects of RPA Building on these arguments, the panel argued that RPA
may lead to a potential decline in business cases for core system renewal. When RPA
readily tackles simpler, more immediate business cases, organizations may hesitate to
invest in the overhaul or upgrade of core systems. e allure of automating individual
tasks without significant system-level changes might overshadow the broader need for
strategic core system upgrades. In essence, RPA functions as a bandaid to cover up more
relevant IT problems. To quote one panelist (BPM consultant):
“My personal statement is that the more RPA you have in the process, the worse
the quality of the process is.
is raises questions about the long-term sustainability and scalability of RPA bots.
Building on this, the panelists underlined the need for insights on how to build migra-
tion-ready RPA bots, a task that has recently been picked up by scholars (Strothmann
and Schulte 2023).
RPA & AI Next to the topic of organizational RPA implementation and use, the panel
also discussed the connection of RPA with other technologies. Current technological
innovations offer considerable potential for reducing this manual effort, increasing both
the scope and the applicability of RPA in practice. e first relevant technological inno-
vation is the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques, particularly Machine Learning
(ML), which can support RPA in multiple ways. e panelists discussed that AI has the
potential to increase the scope of RPA to also include decision-making and other cogni-
tive tasks. As one panelist (tool provider) put it:
“RPA is the body and AI is the brain.
is relates to the capabilities of ML models to capture the input factors of human
decisions in processes and train a model to automate these decisions. Combined with
RPA as the process-executing technology, this considerably widens the potentials for
process automation, which is why many RPA suites nowadays include AI components:
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e fact that there is [currently] not that much AI on the market, [but] it’s growing
and it needs to be incorporated into your organization. RPA is quite suitable for
is could even be extended by generative AI technology, such as ChatGPT, which also
hold the potential to automate manual creative tasks, such as writing e-mails. However,
as the panelists pointed out, these technologically advanced solutions are often not nec-
essary. In many mass processes, the focus is more on automating rule-based or transac-
tional decision making then on generating new content.
RPA & Process Mining A second technological innovation that is highly relevant for
RPA is process mining (Agostinelli etal. 2022), which holds considerable untapped
potential for the development of more capable RPA bots. e panelists discussed mul-
tiple aspects of integrating process mining and RPA: First, analyzing a process by means
of process mining prior to automating it by means of RPA can lead to a more stream-
lined and improved process, which simplifies the application of RPA. Second, the appli-
cation of process mining to low-level UI log data (Rehse etal. 2024), often called task
mining, can help to implement RPA more quickly and efficiently. ird, process mining
can be extended to more unstructured data, such as e-mails, to enable process automa-
tion in the first place (Khandaker etal. 2024). Finally, process mining can help to find
automation potentials by finding repetitive structured even in large and complex pro-
cesses (Leno etal. 2021).
e participants stressed that the potentials of technological innovations, such as AI
and process mining, are particularly relevant in non-standardized processes, where the
definition and scoping of processes is a necessary prerequisite for RPA. For these sys-
tems, we need to establish the conceptual and technological boundaries of a process
before even thinking about automating it. To quote one participant (implementor):
“In a happy SAP world with no customization in place, [RPA] works pretty fine.
However, in all the organizations we are consulting, we have a very heterogeneous IT
landscape with individual systems that maybe not even have something like a task
identifier or case identifier.
is shows that for RPA to be applied outside of standardized, well-scoped processes,
academics need to work on better leveraging the capacities of process mining and auto-
mated process analysis.
Knowledge Loss due to RPA On top of these technological themes, the discussion also
covered the impact on people. One critical concern that emerged during the panel dis-
cussion was the potential for knowledge loss within organizations due to the widespread
adoption of RPA. As organizations increasingly automate tasks, there is a risk that pro-
cess knowledge may be eroded at both individual and organizational levels and corre-
sponding skills decay (Mirispelakotuwa etal. 2023; Vu etal. 2023). With the delegation
of routine tasks to RPA bots, employees may gradually lose the hands-on experience and
expertise required to manually execute processes. is could be particularly problematic
during scenarios such as system updates, upgrades, or unforeseen circumstances that
necessitate a temporary return to manual operations. Individuals who have become reli-
ant on automated processes may struggle to recall the intricacies of manual execution,
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leading to delays and potential errors. As one panelist recalled from an insurance com-
pany they consulted:
A couple of years after the automation the process knowledge is lost.
On an organizational level, the cumulative impact of individual knowledge erosion poses
a broader challenge. As processes become more automated, the institutional memory
associated with manual workflows may fade. is becomes a significant risk when
organizations need to revisit manual execution, either due to system changes or stra-
tegic shifts. e loss of organizational process knowledge could hinder adaptability and
increase the learning curve when reverting to manual operations.
However, the single RPA bots are typically developed and visible in a Graphical User
Interface. As such, reverse-engineering the process and the related process knowledge
from the RPA bot is possible. One panelists argued that “there are people using RPA just
to describe their own process”.
e Ethics of RPA Lastly, the panel emphasized the paramount importance of delving
into the ethical dimensions associated with the deployment of automated processes. is
opens up a broader field encompassing the ethical implications of process automation,
transcending the immediate concerns of RPA implementation. As organizations increas-
ingly leverage RPA to streamline operations and enhance efficiency, the ethical implica-
tions of these technological advancements come to the forefront. e panel highlighted
the need for comprehensive research in this field, considering the potential impact on
societal structures. is could start with further insights on the “human in the loop in
all that automation, as one panelist put it. However, this includes the need to explore
the ethical considerations surrounding job displacement and the potential impact on the
workforce (Willcocks 2020). Understanding societal attitudes and concerns can inform
the development of ethical guidelines that align with public values.
As RPA continues to reshape organizational processes, understanding and addressing
the ethical implications of process automation is paramount. Comprehensive research in
this field will contribute to the development of ethical frameworks that guide responsi-
ble RPA adoption, ensuring a harmonious integration of technology with societal values
and well-being.
Three calls forfuture research
e topics discussed on the panel broaden the field of RPA research. As indicated above,
prior research mostly focused on the implementation of RPA itself and its effect on tra-
ditional dimensions such as time, cost, quality, and flexibility (Syed etal. 2020; Plattfaut
and Borghoff 2022; François etal. 2022). Building on this, our panel suggests that RPA
research should also focus on the social effects of RPA regarding the society, the organi-
zation, and the individual. Moreover, RPA research can also discuss the integration of
RPA with other technologies such as AI, ML, or process mining. As an example, the pan-
elists opened up interesting questions on the integration of RPA and generative artifi-
cial intelligence. Last, the insights gained from the panel also suggest to consider new
methodological angles to RPA research. Contemporary research predominantly relies
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on behavioral or design-oriented methods to create descriptive or prescriptive insights.
Next to this, researchers should also take a critical perspective (Myers and Klein 2011)
on the current practices associated with RPA to reveal opportunities for emancipation
of individuals (Young 2023).Our three calls for future research are summarized in Fig.2
and elaborated in the following.
The social aspects ofRPA
The widespread use of RPA has led to profound implications for organizations. Pro-
cesses could be improved regarding time, cost, quality - and sometimes flexibility
(François etal. 2022). However, next to these instrumental values that RPA targeted,
RPA has also considerable social effects, which can be on an individual, organi-
zational, or societal level. The panel in particular discussed the effects of RPA on
knowledge loss, both at the individual and at the organizational level. Due to the
increasing automation of business processes, individuals and organizations lose the
knowledge to execute these processes manually. This opens up interesting ques-
tions of knowledge management and preservation. Research has recently begun to
tackle these questions (Mirispelakotuwa etal. 2023; Eulerich etal. 2024), but further
research appears to be still necessary.
More broadly speaking, the application of RPA has an overall effect on the over-
arching socio-technical system. which can be understood in terms of task, human,
technology, and structure (Heinzl etal. 2024). The deployment of RPA can be con-
sidered a socio-technical change which impacts all four components. Regarding the
technology, new tools and methods are applied to develop the envisioned bot. More-
over, RPA interrelates with one or several existing application systems and is inte-
grated into the organization’s technological infrastructure. Regarding the task, RPA
alters how and by whom the tasks of a process is executed. This might impact not
only the performance level of the execution, but also the execution itself, especially
if the process is optimized towards RPA. Regarding the humans, project participants
and stakeholders influence RPA development, operation, and adoption through their
characteristics, interests, and expectations. In addition, their jobs and tasks might
also get impacted by RPA implementation, which hints towards reciprocal effects
on their attitude towards the robots. Regarding the structure, an RPA initiative is
embedded into an organizational context. Institutional structures, strategies, and
guidelines form the humans’ choices and behavior, thereby affecting project organi-
zation and decision-making.
Fig. 2 Broadening the field of RPA research
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Plattfautetal. Process Science (2024) 1:5
The characteristics of the individual socio-technical systems, their components,
and their dynamics determine how successful an RPA implementation will be (Lyyt-
inen and Newman 2008; Wallace etal. 2021). Hence, some systems may be more
suitable for the application of RPA than others, and it is important to assess their
suitability holistically by including all four components into the assessment, to
derive the most suitable use cases for RPA within an organization (Hofmann etal.
2020) and to better understand the social aspects of RPA (François et al. 2022).
Methodologically, authors can rely on empirical research methods (Easterbrook
etal. 2008), especially from the qualitative tradition (Davison 2023).
The integration ofRPA withmachine learning and(generative) articial intelligence
e combination of standard RPA with emerging technologies from the field of artificial
intelligence opens up remarkable opportunities in terms of the scope of RPA, meaning
the types of tasks that the robots can conduct, and its reliability, meaning the ability of
the robots to handle exceptions. Accordingly, this integration of RPA with other technol-
ogies can increase the effects that RPA has, both with regard to process improvement,
but also with regard to the social effects sketched above. is integration of RPA with
other technologies for the sake of automating more cognitive tasks has already been dis-
cussed in literature (Mendling etal. 2018; Viehhauser 2020). Still, the panel highlighted
the importance of further developing and strengthening this line of research, in parts
because RPA can be considered as a vehicle to integrate AI capabilities into processes
without requiring a fundamental re-design of the underlying IT systems. In this sense,
the benefits of RPA as a light-weight, democratized automation techniques remain the
same, but the technological scope and power become much larger.
e panel focused on the integration of RPA with two technologies in particular: gen-
erative AI and process mining. e latter has already been discussed at various places
in literature (El-Gharib and Amyot 2023). Nevertheless, the panel stressed its contin-
ued relevance, envisioning a future development where the enhanced capabilities of RPA
moves it from a simple commodity to a central technology for process automation. is
means that it has direct impact on the management of those processes, making the use
of process mining even more important: In a cyclic fashion, the process is executed by
means of RPA and analyzed by means of process mining. rough the continued identi-
fication of improvement potentials and the generation of new data that can be used for
training (cognitive) RPA bots, this tight integration paves the way towards a continued
automated process improvement.
e second technology that should be closer integrated with RPA is generative AI, par-
ticularly in the form of large language models (LLM). Different from process mining, this
topic has so far not been widely discussed in research, mainly because powerful LLMs
like GPT-4 have only been available to the public for a short amount of time. Researchers
have investigated the capabilities of LLMs to configure software robots based on event
logs (FaniSani et al. 2023). However, the potentials of generative AI are much larger
when used to provide input for the robot, e.g., by extracting the relevant information out
of a lengthy document, or to collaborate with the robot to generate output, e.g., by writ-
ing e-mails (Haase etal. 2024). Hence, generative AI provides many interesting avenues
for future research to advance the development of cognitive RPA.
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Work on this future research area could rely on more practice-integrated meth-
ods such as action research (Baskerville and Pries-Heje 1999), design science research
(Hevner etal. 2004), action design research (Sein etal. 2011), or clinical research (Bask-
erville etal. 2023).
Critical research perspectives onRPA
Contemporary research on RPA has focused on behavioral and design-oriented meth-
ods (Plattfaut and Borghoff 2022). Scholars studied the effect of RPA on organizations
and derived implementation models for RPA or associated critical success factors.
However, ethical questions come more and more into focus. An increasing automa-
tion will lead to both psychological (Haase etal. 2024) and societal (Manyika etal.
2017) effects that require further research. However, RPA with its seemingly light-
weight approach can also empower users through the development of automation
solutions. As such, it is one way to democratize IT development and empower or
emancipate employees in the organization to shape their own IT application portfolio
(Godefroid etal. 2024).
Analyzing such value-laden questions requires taking a critical perspective (Myers
and Klein 2011; Young 2023). “Critical research in information systems is concerned
with social issues such as freedom, power, social control, and values with respect to
the development, use, and impact of information technology” (Myers and Klein 2011).
It has been used to tackle ethical questions, e.g., regarding the effects of COVID-19
tracing apps (Rowe etal. 2020), or to develop guidelines to create empowering gov-
ernance structures (Zubler etal. 2024).
From a methodology perspective, a plethora of critical research methods in IS research
have been explored recently, e.g., in the form of emancipatory design science (Young
2023). Extending the portfolio of methods used in RPA research to also include these
critical research methods will open up the field to new and exciting insights.
Although RPA is now an established field, there is still ample need for future research.
e panelists agreed that RPA is relevant for both research and practice. However, RPA
is constantly evolving as it is combined and merges with more and more adjacent con-
cepts such as AI, ML, or process mining. As such, future research can, e.g., consider the
social aspects of RPA, study the integration of RPA with other technological advances,
or take critical research perspectives to evaluate the broader ethical implications. For
those future research areas, potential methodological approaches are discussed in this
report. As such, the panel and the related report provided answers to the questions on
future research areas and related new methodological angles of study.
While we set out to accompany existing literature reviews on RPA with a more prac-
tice-driven perspective, we need to acknowledge that these practice-driven perspectives
of course root in the experiences of the panelists. While we opted for a broad range of
different perspectives (i.e., tool providers, consultants, BPM experts), our results are still
limited by the selection of panelists and their idiosyncratic experience-based opinions.
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In conclusion, our panel not only underlined the importance of the topic but also
outlined areas for future research. We look forward to this research, especially from
the process science community.
Authors’ contributions
R.P. and J.R. prepared the panel and wrote the report. R.P. moderated the panel. J.R., C.J., M.S., and J.W. participated in the
panel. C.J., M.S., and J.W. reviewed the report.
Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL.
Data availability
No datasets were generated or analysed during the current study.
Ethics approval and consent to participate
Not applicable.
Competing interests
The authors declare no competing interests.
Received: 5 February 2024 Accepted: 20 October 2024
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IT has an enormous potential to democratise, equalise and decolonize development aid; however, the right IT governance is needed to actualize this potential. Such governance must align with the general efforts in development work to decolonize and eradicate adverse power imbalances. Power imbalances are at play when donors from the Global North finance and thereby set the development agenda for the Global South without concern for the actual needs. IT use in development aid is an important tool in decolonisation struggles, but corresponding structures also risk cementing problematic power distributions. As such, guidelines are needed on how to set up and decolonize IT governance structures. Using insights from a case study of a large international development aid NGO and building on the African emancipation philosophy Ubuntu, we propose five organising principles for a decolonized IT governance. These organising principles serve as guidelines to set up decolonized and emancipating IT governance structures and extend current IT governance theories.
Full-text available
Rapid technological advancements, especially in artificial intelligence, robotic process automation, and large language models, have significantly transformed information systems and business processes. These shifts are characterized by the automation of tasks, reshaping traditional human-centric operations, and consequently redefining human roles and experiences. This Panel Report builds on a discussion held at the annual Routines.Research.Community workshop in March 2023 in Berlin, Germany. It integrates diverse disciplinary perspectives to offer a comprehensive understanding of process automation. The panel draws on insights into automation tools such as robotic process automation and large language models, human-automation interaction research, and the study of routine dynamics, all vital for grasping the immediate human responses and longitudinal organizational adaptations due to automation. The report highlights the need for future research to focus on user-centric design for task automation, understanding individual differences in automation effects, exploring long-term psycho­logical impact, and developing adaptive tools and training strategies. It also calls for examining AI integration in routine tasks and RPA tools, its influence on organizational routines and culture, and the dynamics in teams with AI-based members to better understand and enhance human-automation collaboration. This interdisciplinary approach is essential for navigating the challenges and opportunities of the rapidly evolving digital landscape.
Full-text available
Studying the behavior of users in software systems has become an essential task for software vendors who want to mitigate usability problems and identify automation potentials, or for researchers who want to test behavioral theories. One approach to studying user behavior in a data-driven way is through the analysis of so-called user interaction (UI) logs, which record the low-level activities that a user performs while executing a task. In the paper, the authors refer to the analysis of UI logs as User Behavior Mining (UBM) and position it as a research topic. UBM is conceptualized by means of a four-component framework that elaborates how UBM data can be captured, which technologies can be applied to analyze it, which objectives UBM can accomplish, and how theories can guide the analytical process. The applicability of the framework is demonstrated by three exemplary applications from an ongoing research project with a partner company. Finally, the paper discusses practical challenges to UBM and derives an agenda for potential future research directions.
Process mining is often used to identify opportunities for process automation leading to improved efficiency and cost savings. Robotic process automation (RPA) is a fast-growing area that provides tremendous productivity growth to a growing number of companies across many industries. RPA tools allow users to record their work and then propose areas for automation, and produce scripts to automate work. Recording how a process is conducted, coupled with process mining techniques, offers the most detailed view of what process is followed, how well it is followed, and whether there are areas for automation or improvement in process or policies. However, the main challenge to deriving these insights is the need for grouping fine-grained recorded tasks into events, giving them names, and proposing how to automate those high-level tasks. In this paper, we propose a framework for using large language models (LLMs) to assist users in these steps, by leveraging their natural language understanding and generation capabilities. We first address the problem of event log generation, which is an input of automation techniques, by using LLMs to group and label tasks based on their semantic similarity and context. We then tackle the problem of connector recommendation by using LLMs to recommend best plugins to automate tasks. We evaluate our approach on a real publicly available dataset, and show that it can improve the quality and efficiency of event log generation and connector recommendation, compared to the baseline methods.
The final version of the paper is freely downloadable for 50 days at:,3rzWzLP1 Process mining (PM) aims to construct, from event logs, process maps that can help discover, automate, improve, and monitor organizational processes. Robotic process automation (RPA) uses software robots to perform some tasks usually executed by humans. It is usually difficult to determine what processes and steps to automate, especially with RPA. PM is seen as one way to address such difficulty. This paper aims to assess the applicability of process mining in accelerating and improving the implementation of RPA, along with the challenges encountered throughout project lifecycle. A systematic literature review was conducted to examine the approaches where PM techniques were used to understand the as-is processes that can be automated with software robots. Seven databases were used to identify papers on this topic. A total of 32 papers, all published since 2018, were selected from 605 unique candidate papers and then analyzed. There is a steady increase in the number of publications in this domain, especially during the year 2022, which suggests a raising interest in the combined use of PM with RPA. The literature mainly focuses on the methods to record the events that occur at the level of user interactions with the application, and on the preprocessing methods that are needed to discover routines with the steps that can be automated. Important challenges are faced with preprocessing such event logs, and many lifecycle steps of automation projects are weakly supported by existing approaches suggesting corresponding research areas in need of further attention.
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is often considered a short-term solution that bridges technology gaps temporarily. However, it is no longer the choice of automation technology when backend automation becomes readily available. We collect insights from thirteen interviews and two literature reviews to investigate the migration from frontend automation with RPA towards backend automation with APIs. This paper explores how the robots need to be designed and prioritized so that they can be easily replaceable in the order that allows an organization to benefit the most from a change in the automation infrastructure. Findings encompass requirements for the design of migration-ready RPA bots, challenges to overcome, and selection criteria for prioritization. We integrate these results into Business Process Management (BPM) from a methodological as well as architectural perspective. The practicability of our findings is backed by a prototypical implementation with which we showcase the migration from frontend to backend automation in an organizational setting from the telecommunications industry.KeywordsBPMRPAAPIsBackend MigrationDesign Science
Robotic process automation (RPA) is a process automation technology that mimics human behaviour using software agents called ‘bots’. This study aims to explore one of the emerging organisational challenges of RPA use—process knowledge loss (PKL), which materialises when bots start performing repetitive and rule-based tasks, replacing employees. PKL can negatively impact an organisation’s continuous improvement of processes, productivity, and competitiveness. Thus, it is a critical area that requires scholarly attention. There is a dearth of studies focusing on knowledge loss issues in RPA. Hence, no empirical models or frameworks exist to explain RPA’s impact on PKL. To address this research gap, we first reviewed RPA literature. Then, the findings were further investigated using seven RPA expert interviews. The RPA experts confirmed the existence of PKL in the context of RPA and explained the influencing factors. We present an empirically supported conceptual model illustrating how RPA impacts PKL, which goes beyond highlighting the phenomenon as a process-related or knowledge-management challenge. The conceptual model captures ten factors, including three positive factors that mitigate PKL (i.e., top management support, process expertise, and RPA-BPM integration), four negative factors that contribute to PKL (i.e., employee turnover, knowledge hiding, automation complacency, and continuous process redesign), and three factors with both positive and negative impacts (i.e., employee redeployment, RPA governance, and task division). These findings contribute to the knowledge base on RPA associated with PKL. This model may assist organisations in devising strategies to mitigate RPA-related PKL.KeywordsRobotic Process AutomationProcess Knowledge LossProcess KnowledgeExpert InterviewsConceptual Model