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Coasts are the most densely populated regions in the world and are vulnerable to different natural and human factors, e.g., sea-level rise, coastal accretion and erosion processes, the intensification of sea storms and hurricanes, the presence of marine litter, chronic pollution and beach oil spill accidents, etc. Although coastal zones have been affected by local anthropic activities for decades, their impacts on coastal ecosystems is often unclear. Several papers are presented in this Special Issue detailing the interactions between natural processes and human impacts in coastal ecosystems all around the world. A better understanding of such natural and human impacts is therefore of great relevance to confidently predict their negative effects on coastal areas and thus promote different conservation strategies. The implementation of adequate management measures will help coastal communities adapt to future scenarios in the short and long term and prevent damage due to different pollution types, e.g., beach oil spill accidents, through the establishment of Environmental Sensitivity Maps.
Citation: Asensio-Montesinos, F.;
Molina, R.; Anfuso, G.; Manno, G.; Lo
Re, C. Natural and Human Impacts
on Coastal Areas. J. Mar. Sci. Eng.
2024,12, 2017.
Received: 9 October 2024
Accepted: 28 October 2024
Published: 8 November 2024
Copyright: © 2024 by the authors.
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
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Natural and Human Impacts on Coastal Areas
Francisco Asensio-Montesinos 1, Rosa Molina 1, Giorgio Anfuso 1, Giorgio Manno 2, * and Carlo Lo Re 3
Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Marine and Environmental Sciences, University of Cádiz, Polígono
Río San Pedro s/n, 11510 Puerto Real, Cádiz, Spain; (F.A.-M.); (R.M.); (G.A.)
2Department of Engineering, Universitàdegli Studi di Palermo, Viale delle Scienze, Building 8,
90128 Palermo, Italy
3Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA), Via Vitaliano Brancati 48,
00144 Rome, Italy;
Abstract: Coasts are the most densely populated regions in the world and are vulnerable to different
natural and human factors, e.g., sea-level rise, coastal accretion and erosion processes, the inten-
sification of sea storms and hurricanes, the presence of marine litter, chronic pollution and beach
oil spill accidents, etc. Although coastal zones have been affected by local anthropic activities for
decades, their impacts on coastal ecosystems is often unclear. Several papers are presented in this
Special Issue detailing the interactions between natural processes and human impacts in coastal
ecosystems all around the world. A better understanding of such natural and human impacts is
therefore of great relevance to confidently predict their negative effects on coastal areas and thus
promote different conservation strategies. The implementation of adequate management measures
will help coastal communities adapt to future scenarios in the short and long term and prevent
damage due to different pollution types, e.g., beach oil spill accidents, through the establishment of
Environmental Sensitivity Maps.
Keywords: beach oiling; coastal dynamic and evolution; coastal vulnerability; environmental
sensitivity maps; pollution; marine litter
1. Introduction
1.1. Erosion and Vulnerability
Coastal and marine environments are complex systems in which numerous and diverse
natural and human factors coexist and interact, making understanding their behavior a
challenge. Beaches and nearshore zones are the most dynamic parts of these systems [
distinct complex coastal processes, essentially linked to waves and currents, take place
there, giving rise to characteristic morphologies. In the case of human occupation, such
processes often constitute a risk for human activities and infrastructures [
]. Therefore,
the risk of coastal erosion/flooding is one of the most common problems in developed
coastal areas [
], and have been significantly increasing over the past few decades along
with coastal tourism [6,7].
Climatic change-related processes such as the sea-level rise (SLR), the increased height
of extreme waves, or changes in storm frequency and intensity, also have a relevant in-
fluence on erosion/flooding processes [
]. The impacts related to these processes are
numerous; as an example, human activities and infrastructures (e.g., tourism, fishing, indus-
trial activities) are significantly affected by the impact of storms and hurricanes, especially
those located very near dynamic shorelines, and are associated with huge economic losses
and high mortality rates worldwide [
]. Further, in many locations, the width of beaches
and dune ridges has been reduced due to coastal erosion and flooding processes, leading
to an associated loss of touristic, aesthetic, and natural value [11,12].
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Seasonal wave climate variations lead to erosion/accretion cycles [
], tempo-
rally/locally threatening human structures/activities or naturally restoring the beach
during fair weather conditions. Beach restoration has an associated protective function and
potential for exploitation by the tourism industry [
]. However, erosion processes can also
be progressive when they are linked to SLR and variations in sediment supply [16,17].
To reduce the impacts of the aforementioned processes and associated economic and
human losses, it is necessary to understand specific coastal characteristics and sensitivity,
as well as the potential vulnerability and economic value of the urbanized sectors [1820].
The concept of “vulnerability” is based on a human-based judgment [
] and has numerous
definitions [
]; e.g., the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) defined
vulnerability as “the extent to which climate change may damage or harm a system” [
and Pethick and Crooks (2000) [
] defined it as “the exposure of social (and environmental)
systems to stress as a result of the impacts of natural or anthropic forcing factors”.
The assessment of coastal risks and their impacts to identify potential vulnerabilities
has become essential for coastal management and protection. The most used approaches to
assess coastal risks are [23] as follows.
(i) Index-based methods/indicator-based approaches. These methods combine qual-
itative and quantitative parameters by means of mathematical formulas to express the
vulnerability of the investigated coastal area. They can be applied at any spatial and tempo-
ral scale depending on the availability of the data selected, which are generally grouped in
physical, coastal forcing, and socioeconomic parameters. A specific software is not required
for the application of these approaches but GIS software is commonly used as the outputs
are generally presented in maps.
(ii) Decision Support Systems (DSSs). These methods consider the conditions of a
system under a selection of scenarios, including the consequences of the application of the
determined adaptation and mitigation measures. A regional spatial resolution is required
for the application of these approaches. Only climate data and physical/forcing parameters
are used as inputs and the integration of different models is usually computed using specific
software, e.g., DESYCO (, accessed on 5 July 2024) or
InVEST [24].
(iii) Dynamic computational models. These methods are based on the application of
specific and usually complex models that predict the future conditions of determined pro-
cesses (geophysical, chemical, biological, socioeconomic, etc.). They can be applied at any
temporal scale, and the spatial scale depends on the method used, ranging from regional to
global. These models combine a greatvariety of data inputs using very specific software that
needs advanced scientific knowledge, e.g., DIVA (,
accessed on 5 July 2024) and SimClim (, accessed on
5 July 2024). The outputs obtained by this approach are usually maps and time-series
projections, depending on the method used.
Index-based methods are the most common approaches [
] and numerous
indexes have been developed in this sense to present all this information in a format
that managers can easily understand [
]. Such methods were established in the 1990s,
when there was a great increase in guidelines and methodologies for assessing coastal
vulnerability to climate change processes [
]. In 1992, the IPCC suggested a common
methodology to assess the coastal vulnerability to climate change [
] by publishing the
“Technical Guidelines for Assessing Climate Change Impacts and Adaptations” [
] and
“The Regional Impacts of Climate Change: An Assessment of vulnerability” [
]. The
IPCC updates these guidelines with each Assessment Report, the last being published in
2022 [32].
The widely used Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI) assesses the coastal vulnerability
as a function of coastal characteristics, coastal forcing, and socioeconomic variables [
The recent Index of Social and Morphological Vulnerability (ISMV), proposed by Bianco
and García-Ayllón [
], who defined it as “a mixed approach to calculate vulnerability
assessment from a comprehensive point of view”, integrates three sub-indices: the Index of
J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2024,12, 2017 3 of 10
Morphological Variation (IMV), the Index of Services’ Cost (ISC), and the Index of Coastal
Regeneration (CRI). These are used to assess the resilience of the studied area. Recent
reviews have highlighted the vast number of studies about coastal vulnerability, stating
that such studies differ mainly in the complexity of their formulations, the number of
processes included in the approaches, the spatial scale of the areas of application, and the
different outcomes [23,25,26].
1.2. Beach Litter
Coastal degradation is mainly due to urbanization processes (e.g., through the de-
struction of natural ecosystems, discharge of wastewaters, etc.), tourism (e.g., an increase
in beach visitors), and industrial activities (e.g., fishing, shipping). All of these generate
different impacts and marine/beach littering is one of them [35].
Marine litter is defined as “any manufactured or processed solid waste material that
enters the marine environment from any source” [
]. Litter is becoming a major problem
for beaches and oceans, where it accumulates [
]. Over the past few decades, the presence
of litter has been documented in all coastal and marine environments [
]. It is estimated
that 70% of the litter that enters the marine environment sinks to the seabed, 15% drifts
within the water column, and the same amount is found on beaches [
]. Actually, litter is
ubiquitous on the Earth and litter of all ages, sizes, shapes, and colors. Research on marine
beach litter has been published since the early 1970s, Allan T. Williams being the most
productive scientist in this field [40].
Across the globe, beach litter has been studied with different types of coastlines,
including river shores [
], open continental coasts [
], pocket beaches [
and/or beaches located on islands and isolated areas [
] as well as in coastal sectors
of areas difficult to access such as mangrove swamps [
] and salt marshes [
]. In
addition, the investigated beaches can be composed of different types of sediment such as
sand, gravel, pebbles, boulders, rocky shores, etc. [45,50,59].
Regarding the litter composition, plastic is generally the most common material in all
coastal and marine environments [
]. The world plastic production reached 400.3 Million
tonnes (Mt) in 2022 [
]. In Europe, the production of plastics reached 58.8 Mt in 2022.
The same year, a total of 11.7 Mt of the 58.8 Mt was linked to circular plastic production,
i.e., 19.7% of the European production of plastic took place according to the circular
economy concept [
]. Regarding the plastic type, in 2022, polypropylene and polyethylene
continued to represent the bulk of European plastic production [
]. This has been verified
in a study that analyzed in detail the type of plastics presents on many beaches in Southwest
Spain [62].
Marine litter can have serious effects on wildlife and their ecosystems [
], causing
damage or even the death of different marine species including birds [
], turtles [
mammals [
], etc. During the degradation process of litter, some materials, such as plastic,
can release toxic chemicals (e.g., phthalates, bisphenol A, heavy metals, etc.) that were
originally incorporated during their manufacture [
] or adsorbed to their surfaces in the
marine environment [
]. Different items may act as a vector for chemical contaminants
but also for alien species that can use floating items to travel long distances with the help
of wind and marine currents. In fact, more than 60 alien species were identified related to
marine litter [69].
The top 10 types of litter items collected globally on beaches include cigarette butts,
beverage bottles, food wrappers, bottle caps, grocery bags, other bags, food containers, cups
and plates and, finally, straws/stirrers, most of which contain different plastic types [
]. Six
trillion cigarettes are manufactured annually worldwide and 4.5 trillion cigarette butts end
up in the environment [
]. It is worth highlighting that they constitute the most common
litter category on beaches and are extremely toxic since filters are made of cellulose acetate,
a type of plastic that can take a decade or more to decompose [
]. In addition, among
the thousands of compounds contained in cigarettes, at least 150 are considered to be highly
toxic [
] in various manners to various marine species [
]. It is also worth mentioning
J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2024,12, 2017 4 of 10
other items that, although less abundant, are very injurious: harmful litter (e.g., broken
glass, hooks, etc.) and sewage-related debris such as cotton bud sticks, sanitary towels,
or even condoms, which are considered to be one of the most offensive items found on
beaches [75].
Depending on the beach typology [
], different types of litter can be found, e.g., on
urban beaches, user-related litter is very common [
]. However, any type of litter that
ends up on a beach interacts with the sediment and can be trapped or buried for a long
time [
]. Unfortunately, at present, litter is already part of the sediment of many
beaches, where it will remain for a long time and interact with natural elements such
as sand, pebbles, wood, etc. It is therefore necessary to continue to study beach litter in
order to reduce its presence in coastal environments and understand its harmful effects
on ecosystems.
1.3. Beach Oil Spills
Since the end of the 19th century, petroleum has been the most important energy source
and, therefore, its extraction and use is a very relevant issue globally. As a result, the need
to transport crude oil from extraction sites to refineries and final points of consumption
has also increased. Oil transportation takes place on land essentially by means of pipelines
and in oceans and seas by tanker ships. In 2023, these transported over 650 million tons of
deadweight [77], compared to 500 million in 1960 and 100 million in 1935 [78].
Oil transportation has an associated high risk of spilling, which can be extremely
harmful to coastal environments and socioeconomic activities. The impacts of an oil spill
accident range a lot according to the typology and amount of spilled oil; the environmental
conditions, e.g., wind and waves recorded during and after the accident; and the natural
characteristics of the coast, e.g., the presence of sensitive biological aspects, and socioeco-
nomic developments affected [
]. Other important features are the lapsed time between
the spill and the activation of response and restoration measures, e.g., the quicker the
response, the better [8083].
Numerical models and distribution forecasts are usually used to predict the dispersion
of oil linked to different causes such as human and mechanical errors, e.g., during bunkering
operations; natural disasters, e.g., hurricanes or storms that can damage offshore oil
platforms; and planned action, e.g., wars. The average annual worldwide total release of
petroleum from all previously mentioned sources to the sea has been estimated at 1.3 million
tons [
]. Models are applied in areas that can be potentially affected by beach oil spills,
e.g., coastal sectors close to refineries, where bunkering operations are carried out and,
especially, along most relevant maritime transport lines/routes between extraction points
and end-consumers. Such areas become risky areas due to (i) the possibility of collisions
between vessels in areas of high traffic such as the Gibraltar Strait that separates Africa
and Europe, or (ii) oil tanker damage/sinking due to both physical coastal characteristics,
e.g., the presence of rocky shoals, and/or the local wave climate, e.g., a marine sector
characterized by a high frequency of storms/hurricanes.
For such coastal sectors that present a high level of risk of beach oil spills, Environ-
mental Sensitivity Index (ESI) Maps are employed worldwide [
] such as in the Gibraltar
Strait [
], the Baltic Sea, [
], the German Wadden Sea [
], and different coastal sectors
of Indonesia [
], among others. They allow for the identification of the most sensible
areas in advance and the selection of suitable clean-up strategies [
]. Such maps and
associated data give information on three main aspects of coastal areas, as follows.
(i) Coastal typology. This is classified according to the coast’s sensitivity, the persistence
of oil, and the feasibility of clean-up operations. The geomorphological characteristics of the
coast are considered, such as its exposition and energy and, essentially, the type of substrate
(rocky, sand, silty, etc.), which determines the sediment permeability, the transitability of
the beach, the mobility of cleaning machines, the feasibility of clean-up operations, and the
biological productivity and associated sensitivity.
J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2024,12, 2017 5 of 10
(ii) Biological resources. This refers to the presence/distribution of natural fauna and
flora and their sensitivity to beach oil spills.
(iii) Human resources. This point refers to the mapping and characterization of
different human activities such as industrial and tourism areas, aquaculture and shellfish
farming activities, areas of archeological heritage, etc.
All the information acquired concerning the three abovementioned aspects are usually
presented in different geo-referenced layers that are superimposed by GIS tools to obtain
a vulnerability map for a specific area. The results are depicted using symbols or colors
on maps that have to be easy to understand. Information concerning the coastal typology
is considered the most relevant aspect because the nature of the substrate determines
the oil penetration and determines both the biological richness and human activities.
According to the coastal typology, coastal areas are divided into 10 categories, with a
value of 1 attributed to the less sensible areas, i.e., rocky coasts that are very energetic
and present an impermeable substrate, and a value of 10 to the most sensible areas, i.e.,
saltmarshes and mangrove swamps that have great biological productivity and are areas of
oil accumulation [
]. In between, there are fine- and coarse-grained sandy and gravel
beaches and sheltered and exposed coastal protection structures and tidal flats.
The information presented in ESIs constitutes the preliminary stage of preparing
contingency plans (or emergency plans) that include all the information needed to properly
respond to oil spills, i.e., information on spill response procedures, equipment to be used,
safety issues, procedures of communication among the different involved actors, and the
training of personnel to carry out the different required activities.
2. An Overview of This Special Issue
This Special Issue includes twelve papers focused on coastal processes, evolution,
and pollution across the world. Among them, eight papers concern coastal sediment
characterization, coastal evolution, and vulnerability determination and are based on field
surveys and observations by means of aerial photos and satellite images; three papers deal
with coastal pollution and are based on field studies; and one is based on different kinds
of operational models/instruments to prevent damage caused by beach oil spills. Last, a
review paper deals with coastal ecosystem disturbances. Specifically, the papers included
in this SI can be grouped into three main categories, as follows.
2.1. Coastal Feature Characterization, Evolution and Vulnerability
Nine papers belong to this category and provide information concerning the character-
ization and evolution, at different spatial and temporal scales, of a great variety of coastal
environments. Cescon et al. [
] described the origins of beach ridges from various deposi-
tional processes that occur in a variety of settings on the islands of the Greater Caribbean.
The highest density of beach ridge complexes occurs along the Atlantic-facing coasts of The
Bahamas and northern Cuba. Others were recorded in Hispaniola and around the Ile de la
Gonave (Haiti), in Puerto Rico, in the islands of Anegada and Barbuda (Lesser Antilles),
Venezuela and The Bahamas, Turks and Caicos. Griggs [
] described the main coastal fea-
tures of California, their evolution, and the impacts of rising sea levels and human activity.
Aquilano et al. [
] described the geochemical characteristics of the sediments of a coastal
area close to Venice, in Northern Italy. The sediment characterization included the assess-
ment of its granulometric distribution, carbonate content, major oxides, and heavy metal
concentrations. This information allowed the authors to obtain relevant data concerning
local coastal dynamic processes as well as the distribution of heavy metals. Singh et al. [
evaluated the coastal accretion and erosion on South Andaman’s coastal shoreline linked to
the impact of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. Tõnisson et al. [
] evaluated the possibility
of using sand dredged at a port entrance for the nourishment of nearby eroding areas. Two
papers, Manno et al. [
] and Corbau et al. [
], assessed the coastal vulnerability in Sicily
and Lucania, both areas located in South Italy. Martinez-García et al. [
] investigated the
Valdevaqueros dune system in SW Spain with the aim of establishing a methodology for
J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2024,12, 2017 6 of 10
achieving a wind transfer function for local applications (<10 km). Another paper included
in this category, Gomez et al. [
], is a review concerning the causes and consequences
of anthropogenic and natural disturbances of the ecosystem health in Mexico and the
associated quality of life of the local population.
2.2. Coastal Pollution
Three studies deal with coastal pollution characterization and management. One
paper, Bolívar-Anillo et al. [
], analyzed the quantity, typology, and impacts of litter on
sandy beaches and mangrove swamp environments along the Caribbean and Pacific Ocean
side of Colombia. Fernández García et al. [
] investigated the relation between beach
litter variability with beach visitor numbers in May and June 2022 in two tourist beaches in
Cadiz, in SW Spain, highlighting the limitations of mechanical clean-up operations that are
not able to collect small items such as cigarette butts, bottle caps, and pieces of plastic. The
last paper included in this category, Chiu et al. [
], developed emergency response plans
for actual and future scenarios linked to oil spill incidents in Taiwan waters.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, F.A.-M., R.M., G.A., G.M. and C.L.R.; methodology, F.A.-
M., R.M., G.A., G.M. and C.L.R.; formal analysis, F.A.-M., R.M., G.A., G.M. and C.L.R.; resources,
F.A.-M., R.M., G.A., G.M. and C.L.R.; data curation, F.A.-M., R.M., G.A., G.M. and C.L.R.; writing—
original draft preparation, F.A.-M., R.M., G.A., G.M. and C.L.R.; writing—review and editing, F.A.-M.,
R.M., G.A., G.M. and C.L.R.; visualization, F.A.-M., R.M., G.A., G.M. and C.L.R.; supervision, F.A.-
M., R.M., G.A., G.M. and C.L.R. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
the manuscript.
Acknowledgments: This work is a contribution to the PAI Research Group RNM-373 of Andalu-
sia, Spain. R.M. is supported by the Margarita Salas Grant funded by the European Union—Next
Generation-EU and Universities Ministry (Spain) (ref. 2021-067/PN/MS-RECUAL/CD). G.M. is
supported by the RETURN Extended Partnership and received funding from the European Union
Next-GenerationEU (National Recovery and Resilience Plan—NRRP, Mission 4, Component 2, In-
vestment 1.3—D.D. 1243 2/8/2022, PE0000005).
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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... This article addresses the following research question: How can public and private actors be integrated into the management of tourist beaches? This research integrates the theoretical and methodological frameworks of integrated coastal zone management [24][25][26], sustainable development [59], and marine-coastal governance [60][61][62] to analyze the subject of study. The methodological structure of the research was developed in three stages, as illustrated in Figure 1. ...
... It promotes their involvement in decision-making processes and fosters a strong commitment to the socio-ecosystem's sustainability. Additionally, the model ensures intra-generational equity, preserving valuable resources for future generations [59]. ...
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This paper aims to present a process that led to the development of a community-based adaptive governance model for tourist beaches as a significant step toward consolidating an integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) program at the local level. This research spans 16 years of work conducted in Playa Blanca, Santa Marta, Colombia, from 2008 to 2024. A qualitative social research methodology was employed using content analysis as the primary technique. The Force-Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response (DPSIR) model, the ASAS method, two expert panels, and eight community workshops were carried out as part of the study. As a result, the concept of community-based adaptive governance for tourist beaches was developed, leading to the design of a Model of Adaptive Governance based on Communities for Tourist Beaches (known in Spanish as GABCO-PLAYTUR). This model emphasizes the empowerment and active involvement of local actors. National and international experts, along with regional and local stakeholders, have validated the GABCO-PLAYTUR Model to ensure its effectiveness in beach management. When applying this model, the results indicated that the primary pressures on the Playa Blanca ecosystem were related to tourism activities. Additionally, the study revealed that inefficient coordination among the various actors involved in decision-making processes affects the socio-ecosystem. In conclusion, the relevance of the governance model in Playa Blanca was confirmed, illustrating a complex process with both progress and setbacks that evolve over time. While the community actors demonstrated high levels of organization and leadership in beach management, the role of institutions in this process was less prominent during the period analyzed.
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Beach ridges originate from various depositional processes and occur in a variety of settings. This paper assesses their nature and distribution on the islands of the Greater Caribbean based on a literature review and the identification of sites using Google Earth© 7.3 imagery. The morphological and orientation parameters were measured for each site, and a measure of storm density was developed. These were statistically analysed to develop a classification of beach ridge types. The results show a diversity of beach ridge systems, in terms of setting, morphology, composition and preservation. The presence or absence of an adjacent coral reef is a major differentiating element at the regional level. A regional beach ridge plain classification is proposed, including two main classes, marine beach ridges and river-associated beach ridges, with further sub-divisions based on exposure to hurricanes or hurricanes plus swell waves.
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Sandy beaches high in recreation value make up 16% of the over 4000 km long shoreline of Estonia. The shore processes associated with climate change have remarkably accelerated over recent decades. Many sandy shores have suffered from strong erosion, including an excellent former beach at Valgeranna. The jetties, which were built in the 1860s to protect the navigation channel of Port Pärnu from clogging, have prevented natural sediment transport along the coast from south to north. At the same time, the sandy beach in Pärnu is expanding, and part of the sand accumulates with strong storms also in between the jetties, reducing the width of the shipping channel. The channel needs regular dredging, but, so far, the dredged sediment has been taken far away to the open sea and accumulated on the seabed. The current paper addresses the possibilities of using that sand for beach restoration in destructed and eroded areas. An overview of the applied methods and measurements during field studies is given. The results of modelling the processes of wave activity and sediment transport are discussed. The recycling of shore sediments is an important measure in sustainable coastal zone management. Different options and scenarios are analysed in order to find the most reasonable ways to bring sand back onto beaches and stabilize natural processes. Support from the state by working out respective laws and regulations would be motivating as well.
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Damaging and accelerated anthropization in coastal areas, as well as the need to adapt to climate change, means we must concentrate on improving management plans based on the diagnoses provided by coastal studies. Among these studies is the vulnerability assessment, obtained from evaluating a set of variables or indicators, which contribute to sustainable development. Since there is no single list of variables to consider in determining coastal vulnerability, 60 vulnerability studies from a period of 29 years (1994-2023), from across the globe, were consulted, and through a statistical mode method, the variables most used by multidisciplinary authors were identified. These studies were organized into groups: ecological, geomorphological, maritime climate, socioeconomic and legislative; creating sets categorized as the minimum indispensable, acceptable, and ideal variables. The results showed that most studies use between six and seven variables from only the maritime climate and geomorphological information groups. The number of variables used by individual studies, on the other hand, was not directly related to the scales (global, national, regional, local), but to the risks, such as flooding and erosion, it resolved. Only two studies included the minimum essential information for the legislative group, which is the presence of protected natural areas. Coastline displacements was the variable most used (43 studies), followed by the geoform type and the rate of sea level change (36), the wave regime (35) and the tidal range (33). The DSSs (Decision Support Systems) for coastal management were also reviewed, showing that these systems focus on a topic with a greater number of variables.
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The amount and composition of litter was evaluated during May and June 2021 at two urban beaches, i.e., La Victoria and La Cortadura, in Cádiz, SW Spain. Surveys were carried out daily in the morning and in the evening during the weekends to quantify the daily accumulation of beach litter and relate it to the number of beach users, which was assessed at around 1:00 p.m. Litter amount was also related to cleanup operations that were very mechanically and manually carried out each day very early in the morning. A total of 8108 items were collected at the two investigated sectors during the study period and beach visitors were quantified in 22 surveys. Plastic was the most common material, representing 82% in La Victoria and 68% in La Cortadura. The most common items were cigarette butts and small, hard plastic fragments. Some litter items that were hazardous to beach visitors were identified, such as broken glass. The number of visitors was positively related to the amount of litter. Significant differences were seen in the litter abundance between the morning and evening assessments since the beaches were cleaned daily and bins were available to facilitate trash disposal. Cleaning operations remove many of the litter items but always leave small quantities of small items uncollected. Efforts to prevent litter on these beaches should focus on informing visitors properly in order to avoid littering and on improving cleanup operations.
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California and most other coastlines around the world are being impacted by both long-term sea-level rise and short-term extreme events. Due to California’s long and intensively developed coastline, it is an important area for evaluating responses to these challenges. The predominant historic approach to coastal erosion in California and globally has been the construction of hard coastal armoring such as seawalls and rock revetments. The concept of living shorelines—defined as using natural elements like plants, sand, or rocks to stabilize the coastline—has been widely proposed as a soft or green response to coastal erosion and flooding. However, these approaches have very limited application in high-energy environments such as California’s 1100-mile-long outer coast and are not realistic solutions for protection from wave attack at high tides or long-term sea-level rise. Each of the state’s coastal communities need to identify their most vulnerable areas, develop adaptation plans, and plan eventual relocation strategies in response to an accelerating sea-level rise.
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California and most other coastlines around the world are being impacted by both long-term sea-level rise and short-term extreme events. Because of California’s long and intensively developed coastline, it is an important area for evaluating responses to these challenges. The predominant historic approach to coastal erosion in California and globally has been the construction of hard coastal armoring such as seawalls and rock revetments. The concept of living shorelines – defined as using natural elements like plants, sand or rocks to stabilize the coastline – has been widely proposed as a soft or green response to coastal erosion and flooding. These approaches have very limited application in high-energy environments, however, such as California’s 1,100-mile-long outer coast and are not realistic solutions for protection from wave attack at high tides or long-term sea-level rise. Each of the state’s coastal communities need to identify their most vulnerable areas, develop adaptation plans, and plan eventual relocation strategies in response to an accelerating sea-level rise.
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This study aims to establish a comprehensive workflow for developing emergency response plans for both actual and scenario oil spill incidents in the Taiwan waters while addressing the resource allocation for oil spill containment as well. This workflow comprises two vital components. The first component involves the integration of numerical tools and observational data, which includes the incorporation of wind data from sources such as the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) or meteorological stations. Additionally, it incorporates ocean current data simulated by the semi-implicit cross-scale hydroscience integrated system model (SCHISM) into the general NOAA operational modeling environment (GNOME) model, which is a new approach for this purpose. In order to assess the efficacy of this component, two distinct case studies were conducted. The first case study focused on an incident in a northern coastal area of Taiwan under open sea conditions, whereas the second case study examined an incident within a major commercial harbor in central Taiwan. The second component of this workflow involves creating oil risk maps by integrating the results from the first component with specific geographical factors into Google Earth. These oil risk maps serve multiple purposes. They offer real-time information to emergency response commanders regarding oil spill hazard prediction, and they also enable the effective development of emergency response strategies and disposal plans for potential oil spill incidents. This is achieved by generating risk maps for various scenarios using the approach outlined in the first component. Additionally, these maps assist in the assessment and planning of resource allocation for oil containment.
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The aim of this study is to characterize the sediments of the coastal area of Bibione and the Baseleghe Lagoon (Province of Venice, Italy). The characterization includes the assessment of particle size distribution, carbonate content, composition of major oxides, and heavy metal concentrations. The results indicated that the sediments primarily consisted of carbonate but showed significant heterogeneity in both composition and grain size within the different environments of the Bibione coastal area. Carbonate content decreased from the beach to the seabed, which does not appear to be solely influenced by variations in sediment grain size. This finding has potential implications for the Bibione area’s coastal erosion processes and sediment quality. Significant differences in grain size and composition were observed between the mouth and the inner region in the lagoon area. The textural characteristics of the sediments in the inner part of the lagoon make it particularly vulnerable to pollution, with potential environmental and economic consequences. Different pollution indices have indicated the presence of heavy metal contamination in both the coastal and, especially, the lagoon area. The source of these metals appears to be predominantly natural, although there may be some contribution from anthropogenic sources for certain metals. However, the comparison of the metal concentrations in the samples with the limits set by the Italian legislation showed that the sediments were still of good quality.
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The uncertainty behind a warming climate produces significant risk for communities that rely on tourism, but vulnerability assessment can help inform planning for adaptation and mitigation efforts. Since coastal regions have significant tourism economies, and rely on the tourism sector for socio-economic stability, we seek to understand how assessments of vulnerability have been applied in coastal communities by systemically assessing literature that describes the concepts of adaptation, resilience, and vulnerability. We conducted a systematic search across three peer-reviewed journal databases (Web of Science, Scopus, and PubMed) to compare the types of methods and models used to determine coastal adaptation and vulnerability in various geographical and demographic settings. The systematic process found 205 unique articles; 143 were deemed relevant as they focused on adaptation, resilience, or vulnerability assessment. A qualitative analysis of the key themes of relevant studies, identified using thematic coding, found that vulnerability and adaptation research in tourism-based coastal communities is predominantly done through qualitative methods, researched more frequently in higher-populated areas of Europe and North America, have a focus on water as a driver of vulnerability, focus on socio-economic impacts of vulnerability, and emphasize locally-based knowledge in understanding adaptive capacity. Bibliometric analysis of citations and mentions in social-media reveal a larger number of papers with a higher citation rate focused on coastal-based systems (salt-water) with an emphasis on regional studies rather than those with a specific urban or rural focus. We found few studies aimed at coastal communities using tourism operators as informants, but rural coastal communities had higher social-media metrics indicating their comparative public importance. Thus, we highlight the need for locally-informed case studies in vulnerability and adaptation assessment for small coastal communities.
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The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami significantly impacted the coastal shoreline of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, causing widespread destruction of infrastructure and ecological damage. This study aims to analyze the short-and long-term shoreline changes in South Andaman, focusing on 2004-2005 (pre-and post-tsunami) and 1990-2023 (to assess periodic changes). Using remote sensing techniques and geospatial tools such as the Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS), shoreline change rates were calculated in four zones, revealing the extent of the tsunami's impact. During the pre-and post-tsunami periods, the maximum coastal erosion rate was −410.55 m/year, while the maximum accretion was 359.07 m/year in zone A, the island's east side. For the 1990-2023 period, the most significant coastal shoreline erosion rate was also recorded in zone A, which was recorded at −2.3 m/year. After analyzing the result, it can be seen that the tsunami severely affected the island's east side. To validate the coastal shoreline measurements, the root mean square error (RMSE) of Landsat-7 and Google Earth was 18.53 m, enabling comparisons of the accuracy of different models on the same dataset. The results demonstrate the extensive impact of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami on South Andaman's coastal shoreline and the value of analyzing shoreline changes to understand the short-and long-term consequences of such events on coastal ecosystems. This information can inform conservation efforts, management strategies, and disaster response plans to mitigate future damage and allocate resources more efficiently. By better understanding the impact of tsunamis on coastal shorelines, emergency responders, government agencies, and conservationists can develop more effective strategies to protect these fragile ecosystems and the communities that rely on them.