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Wrong, Strong, and Silent: What Happens when Automated Systems With High Autonomy and High Authority Misbehave?



Warnings about the risks of literal-minded automation—a system that can’t tell if its model of the world is the world it is actually in—have been sounded for over 70 years. The risk is that a system will do the “right” thing—its actions are appropriate given its model of the world, but it is actually in a different world—producing unexpected/unintended behavior and potentially harmful effects. This risk—wrong, strong, and silent automation—looms larger today as our ability to deploy increasingly autonomous systems and delegate greater authority to such systems expands. It already produces incidents, outages of valued services, financial losses, and fatal accidents across different settings. This paper explores this general and out-of-control risk by examining a pair of fatal aviation accidents which revolved around wrong, strong and silent automation.
Wrong and Strong
Wrong, Strong, and Silent:
What happens when automated systems with high autonomy and high authority misbehave?
Sidney W. A. Dekker David D. Woods
Griffith University The Ohio State University
Warnings about the risks of literal-minded automation—a system that can’t tell if its model of
the world is the world it is actually in—have been sounded for over 70 years. The risk is that a
system will do the ‘right’ thing—its actions are appropriate given its model of the world, but it
is actually in a different world—producing unexpected/unintended behavior and potentially
harmful effects. This risk— wrong, strong and silent automation—looms larger today as our
ability to deploy increasingly autonomous systems and delegate greater authority to such
systems expands. It already produces incidents, outages of valued services, financial losses,
and fatal accidents across different settings. This paper explores this general and out-of-
control risk by examining a pair of fatal aviation accidents which revolved around wrong,
strong and silent automation.
Author Biographies
Sidney W. A. Dekker, is Professor and Director of the Safety Science Innovation Lab at Griffith University,
Brisbane, Australia, and Professor in Aerospace Engineering at Delft University, The Netherlands. A
prolific author on Human Factors and Safety including!The Field Guide to Understanding Human Error;
Safety Differently;!Just Culture; The Safety Anarchist. He has flown Boeing 737 for an airline on the side,
is a trained mediator, and chaplain (see
David D. Woods, Professor Emeritus in Integrated Systems Engineering at the Ohio State University and
Past-President of the Resilience Engineering Association and Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.
He pioneered in Resilience Engineering—how to support people as they adapt to cope with
complexity. His books include Behind Human Error, Resilience Engineering, Joint Cognitive Systems. He
started the SNAFU Catchers industry-university consortium to apply the new science to build resilience
in critical digital services.
Preprint of Dekker, S. W. A. and Woods, D. D. (2024). Wrong, Strong, and Silent: What Happens when
Automated Systems with High Autonomy and High Authority Misbehave? Journal of Cognitive
Engineering and Decision Making, 18(4) 339–34, DOI: 10.1177/15553434241240849.
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Wrong and Strong
Literal-Minded Machines
Warnings about the limits of automata—algorithm(s) embodied to carry out activities on its
own when authorized by another party—began as soon as scientific progress led to tooling
that enabled widespread development and deployment of automata into dynamic and risky
worlds. Norbert Wiener (1950) highlighted the risks of literal-minded machines—a system that
can’t tell if its model of the world is the world it is actually in. As a result, the system will do the
right thing—in the sense that the actions are appropriate given its model of the world, when it
is in a different world—producing unexpected/unintended behavior and potentially harmful
effects (Woods and Hollnagel, 2006, chapters 10/11).
Technology advances our ability to deploy increasingly autonomous systems and our
willingness to delegate greater authority to these systems (to expand the scope of authority
where the system acts on its own). Risks associated with literal-minded automated systems
and subsystems loom larger every day, already having caused incidents, outages, financial
losses and fatal accidents across different industries. We see this in for example vehicle path
control, medication infusion, plan following, stock trading, and vehicle-to-vehicle separation.
When assumed and actual worlds do not match, automated systems will misbehave, taking
actions that are inappropriate and possibly dangerous. Some supervisory role has to
recognize the behavior as inappropriate or dangerous and intervene by redirecting the
automation. Stepping from a monitoring role into an active role in a developing non-normal
or abnormal situation is a difficult shift. If the behavior and configuration of automated
systems is opaque (What is it doing? What will it do next? What is the configuration currently
controlling key parameters or processes?), and if the mechanisms for re-directing parts of the
suite of automation are clumsy, then the integrated system has a built-in vulnerability to
breakdowns where the automation is strong, silent and wrong.
Of course, automata can function alone, but limits like literal-mindedness arise and
complexity factors produce surprising challenges that exceed an automata’s competence
envelope (Maguire, 2024). Suites of automata can be designed to coordinate with
supervisory roles to produce a more robust and resilient multi-agent integrated system
(Eraslan et al., 2020; Morey et al., 2020; Farjadian et al., 2021). Suites of automata can be
designed to be cooperating agents in a shared activity space with others human and machine
agents when disruptions occur and spread (Johnson et al., 2014; 2017; Maguire, 2024). How
this is done is beyond the scope of this paper. Why this knowledge is used so little remains a
troubling technical, psychological and social problem debated elsewhere (Woods, 2021).
Strong, Silent, Difficult to Direct Automation in Aviation
The adaptive pattern above played out in the introduction and expansion of flight deck
automation in the1980s. The effects and changes over time, led substantially by NASA, have
been well studied (see References:Flight Deck Automation Studies). Driven by reports of pilot
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Wrong and Strong
difficulties, incidents, and accidents involving modern (or modernized), highly automated
flight decks, this research yielded insights into what has become known as ‘mode awareness,
and ‘automation surprises.’ These denote a breakdown in human-machine coordination that
could be traced to the new ‘strong, silent, difficult to direct’ suite of automated subsystems on
the flight deck (Woods and Sarter, 2000, p. 329).
‘Strong’ is used to refer to the authority delegated to an automated (sub-)system. In the suite
of automated systems on modern aircraft, the envelope protection sub-system is ‘strong’ in
that it has the authority to take over control of the aircraft from the flight crew if it’s inputs/
internal model suggest the flight is exceeding a safe operating envelope. In this case the
delegation is from aircraft automation design and industry layers, not onboard pilots.
Traditionally in aviation this is called control authority—what automated subsystem is driving
what aspect of the aircraft, flightpath and flight plan—e.g., thrust, pitch, heading, altitude, and
changes in these. Other automated sub-systems scope of authority for control of path, plan,
power, etc. vary based on instructions or directions from the flight crew (via tactical modes or
more advanced modes where the automation will fly a maneuver on its own or in part). Within
the pilot-delegated scope of authority the suite of automation will do things on its own. One
example that has been a contributor to incidents and accidents is “indirect mode” changes
where automation changes the configuration of the automation, going beyond the specific
pilot supervisory input to the automation. This issue led to the discovery of mode awareness
as a contributor to automation surprises (Sarter and Woods, 1995).
‘Silent’ is used to refer to low observability—the form and quality of the feedback between
human (and machine) agents about how the automation is configured to fly the aircraft—
transitions in flight path control, flight maneuvers, flight plan—and how the aircrafts actual
behavior. Observability is about ability to see events and activities ahead—the near future,
especially transitions (external events, internal configuration changes). As Earl Wiener put it
famously in 1989: observability is the how smoothly human supervisors of automation can
answer questions—What’s it doing now? What is it going to do next? When unexpected events
occur (in automation configuration/control; aircraft behavior; external events), observability
refers to how smoothly human supervisors of automation can answer questions—Why did it
do that? How did we get into that mode? Past research has shown observability of the
behavior and changes in the configuration of the automation suite can be low, and deploying
high autonomy/high authority automata require more sophisticated design for observability
(Sarter, 2002).
Difficult to direct refers to how smoothly the design allows the flight crew to modify
automated system configuration/behavior as conditions and priorities change given the
tempo of operations—how the flightcrew manages the automation as the automation controls
the aircraft, e.g., instruct, program, configure, override, change scope of authority. Re-
directability refers to how smoothly human supervisors of automation can answer questions
such as—How do I get it to do what I want? How do I stop it from doing this? Effective
supervisory control requires mechanisms for re-directing automation prior to reversion to
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Wrong and Strong
direct/manual control (note: as automation grows more powerful and central to operations
here and elsewhere, reversion to manual control becomes more difficult or even impossible)
When sensor inputs to strong, silent, difficult to direct automation go bad
The danger in how literal minded automata contributes to incidents and accidents can arise
from many sources (see References:Sample Accidents). One is hidden interdependencies in
software (e.g. as can be seen in radiation mis-administrations; medication mis-administrations
via automated infusion devices, runaway automation in financial trading). Another is bad
inputs to automated systems operating with high authority. Several commercial airliner
accidents in the past decade have been linked directly to automated system sensor failures. A
compelling example is formed by the twin Boeing 737 MAX accidents which together killed
346 people in 2018 and 2019.
In the latest modification to Boeing’s 737 series of aircraft, a maneuvering characteristics
augmentation system (MCAS) was added to the existing suite of automated systems and
given high command authority over pitch-up excursions (designed to respond to bring pitch
down to a normal range via control of the horizontal stabilizer). Another system already
existed to control pitch via the elevator. The design evolved to act twice as strong as the
human pilot—for every pilot input gain on the elevator, MCAS makes double that gain in the
opposite direction on the horizontal stabilizer. MCAS also adjusts the stabilizer at a rate faster
than can be countered by pilots using electric trim switches on the control column.
Repetitive activation was built into MCAS which represents persistent high control authority—
while it could deactivate after 10 seconds—it would reactivate again 5 seconds later. As long
as MCAS received sensor input in its trigger range, it would continue to reactivate trying to
push the nose of the aircraft down. Before the first accident in 2018—Lion Air FL610, pilots did
not know about the addition or operation of MCAS. MCAS was not described by name in
manuals or training.
MCAS control software operated based on input from Angle of Attack (AOA) sensors
(measures of pitch attitude). Except there was only one sensor. Individual AOA sensors, like all
sensors (especially those in harsh environments), can have reliability issues. Normally sensor
design adds some mix of redundancy, diversity and software checks to ensure accurate
inputs, detect when inputs may be inaccurate, and inform supervisors of the need to
intervene, redirect or takeover. But MCAS was not part of the safety case for the modified 737
MAX; why would the extra steps for extra reliability matter? [Note: Boeing was actively
minimizing the chance MCAS would become part of the safety case or need extra testing for
safety implications. However the same assumption has arisen before other accidents
occurred—evidence of a risk is downplayed or ignored for items not on the safety list—e.g.,
Columbia Space Shuttle Accident.]
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Wrong and Strong
Another widespread assumption was present here and in the reactions to the twin accidents.
Engineering considered only the controller design/software as “the MCAS system” with
sensors, sensor reliability, alerts, much less supervisory control features as outside. This
confusion about system boundaries and what is the integrated whole for deployed
automation is common for autonomy and AI as well. In this case, the narrow perspective
meant many claimed “the automation” didn’t fail. This tendency to narrow what is “the
automation or the autonomy” hides the true integrated system, its complexity, overestimates
reliability and underestimates the need for resilient supervisory control (Woods, 2016).
The danger of a literal-minded machine was present—MCAS acting according to its model of
the world which was mismatched to the actual world. In the real world, aircraft attitude was
normal; in MCAS’s model, the aircraft was pitching up and dictated a vigorous response. In
the meantime, the situation in the cockpit followed the classic automation surprise pattern
with multiple lines of cognitive work interwoven as the tempo of operations increases,
uncertainty is high, danger is increasing while opportunities for recovery are vanishing (Sarter
et al., 1997; Woods and Sarter 2000; Woods and Paterson, 2001). Given the development/
design/testing policy that MCAS operation was not safety related and that single sensor
channel reliability was sufficient, flight crew were not provisioned with knowledge or signals
to determine that MCAS was driving the abnormal behavior. Nor did they have knowledge or
guidance on how to stop an automatic control system they did not know existed. In the first
accident, these decisions meant the flight crew had no help to understand and intervene
successfully to counter MCAS’ high command authority as the situation deteriorated.
As seen vividly in the 2nd MCAS driven accident, Ethiopian Airlines 302, stopping MCAS
activation and counteracting the effects of its mis-control was, in part, cumbersome and in
part, indirect. Ultimately, the limited alternative means for recovery/regaining control were
not strong enough to match the size of the disturbances created by the misbehavior of MCAS
—the pilots did not have sufficient control authority to recover without turning MCAS back on.
Once reactivated, the cycle of persistent over-control occurred. This ‘fight for control’
between the crew and the misbehaving automation has precedents in other aviation
accidents (including one where different parts of the suite of automation controlled the
aircraft at cross-purposes—DSB, 2010).
The recommended procedure, developed after the first accident, called for the pilots to use
the manual stabilizer trim wheel to recover control. This was not effective because of the
speed of the dive that MCAS had commanded (manual control inputs could not overcome
the aerodynamic forces on the horizontal tail). This meant the only option was to switch the
electric trim system back on which automatically re-activated MCAS—still programmed to take
‘strong and persistent’ actions given the erroneous input.
Information about angle of attack sensor problems were also kept from most crews. A Boeing
AR had questioned in 2015 whether MCAS was vulnerable to single AOA sensor failures, but
this was dismissed by Boeing test pilots and the aircraft was delivered with MCAS dependent
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Wrong and Strong
only a single AOA sensor despite this. Even if MCAS software had been provisioned to two
AOA sensors, from the beginning of deliveries, 80% of the 737 MAX fleet worldwide was
flying around with an inoperable angle of attack disagree alert. Boeing had known this since
2015, but the FAA learned of it only after the first MAX accident (Lion Air).
Fundamentally, the design for supervisory management of MCAS as part of a suite of
automated systems for different aspects of flight was virtually non-existent. In other words, the
twin 737 Max accidents are a compelling exemplar of the risks from poor design of
supervisory management when high authority/high autonomy automation misbehaves. It
should not take 346 lives to get engineering and engineering management to understand
the fundamental vulnerability highlighted by these accidents. Why? Because similar events
have happened before and because much of the knowledge for joint system design has
already been developed and demonstrated (see References:Sample Accidents and, e.g.,
Johnson et al., 2014; 2017; Schraagen et al., 2022).
Conclusion: Misbehavior of Strong, Silent, Difficult to Direct Automation
is a General Risk Out-of-Control
Automated systems with high autonomy and high authority will misbehave when factors
combine to create a gap between the internal model of the world and the actual events/
context going on in the world where the automation is deployed. This risk is inescapable and
individual incidents or accidents involving misbehavior of strong, silent, difficult to direct
automation occur regularly as stakeholders deploy increasingly autonomous systems with
high authority in dynamic risky worlds (Woods, 2016). However, the risk is seen as an issue to
be handled on a case by case basis for the designers using tools tailored for a specific sub-
system/application. Organizational and financial pressures easily overwhelm engineering
teams’ ability to address the risk as in the 737 MAX accidents (Dekker et al., 2023).
Furthermore, fundamental research has shown there are hard limits to the achievable
robustness of high authority/high autonomy systems. Systems engineering could expand its
scope to engage techniques/models for design for supervisory management as part of joint
activity of systems of multiple automated and human roles (Johnson et al., 2014; 2017).
Furthermore, methods for designing resilient layered control have been developed recently
(Eraslan et al., 2020; Farjadian et al., 2021; Woods and Balkin, 2018).
Equally, stakeholders regularly discount the systemic and organizational lessons from these
breakdowns (Woods et al., 2010). Some see each individual incident or accident involving
misbehavior of strong, silent, difficult to direct automation as simply basic design failures
which have direct engineering solutions (MCAS design could have used standard methods
for sensor redundancy/diversity). In hindsight, other analysts determine there was some path
available to escape the deteriorating situation—therefore no systemic lessons or changes are
needed (as Boeing continues to assert on 737 MAX accidents). Ironically, these analysts
operate with knowledge/time/resources unavailable to supervisors responsible for a risky
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Wrong and Strong
system. Supervisors in the scene face uncertainties, overload, and pressures after-the-fact
analysts miss or underplay.
The solution is straightforward. More robust and resilient control is indeed possible if and
only if stakeholders recognize the risk as fundamental and expand the systems engineering
concepts/techniques. All parties engaged in deploying high authority/high autonomy
systems/sub-systems should prioritize misbehavior of strong, silent, difficult to direct
automation as a top level failure mode in their risk analyses, testing programs, and assurance
Unless and until this shift is normative, formally and informally, the race to deploy high
authority/high autonomy systems will be accompanied by incidents/accidents driven by
misbehavior of strong, silent, difficult to direct automation. Underlying science has shown that
the risk arises from architecture/design decisions and has shown the way to architect more
resilient system architectures (Woods, 2018; 2024). There are pragmatic means available to
achieve gains from high authority/high autonomy systems while also provisioning safeguards
against wrong, silent and strong automation. But utilizing the knowledge requires a
substantial shift at organizational levels to re-balance/re-prioritize the trade-off between
maximizing short-term gains while discounting longer-term risks of autonomy. The short-term
financial costs of the joint systems and resilience engineering methods do not outweigh the
long-term risks as exemplified by massive financial losses in some cases (e.g, Knight Capital
case in References:Sample Accidents) and by the deaths of 346 people in the twin Boeing
737 MAX accidents.
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... Cummings (2024) adds depth to our initial thinking about Systemic Automation Failures by (i) calling attention to the lack of regulatory requirements for machine vision and (ii) relating an instance where an AI vision system reasoned away sensed information that did not correspond with expectations. Mumaw (2024), Dekker and Woods (2024), and van Paassen et al. (2024) expanded on automation failure in commercial aviation. Each of their commentaries offers insights that either validate or enrich the taxonomy. ...
... Van Paassen et al. (2024) and Dekker and Woods (2024) offer expanded accounts of the B737 MAX accidents. The former emphasize the reliance on layered implementation of discrete rules, both in the initial design that led to two catastrophic accidents and in the updated design that adds further condition logic triggering task initiation and execution. ...
... The taxonomy offers no obvious insights into the automation/autonomy conundrum referenced by many contributors (Chiou, 2024;Cooke, 2024;Cummings, 2024;Dekker & Woods, 2024;Pritchett, 2024). Perhaps one of these colleagues will put forward a target article on that topic for the next special issue. ...
Fifteen commentaries have either responded to, or been inspired by, our article about the automation failure construct, which introduced a taxonomy of failure mechanisms for consideration in the design of cognitive engineering experiments. Our rejoinder organizes these responses into those aligned with the objectives of the target article, those inspired by it, a couple that rehash our earlier articles, and one that seeks to put us all in our place. We conclude with an assessment of points of consensus and divergence in our shared apprehension of the automation failure construct.
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Two trajectories underway transform human systems. Processes of growth/complexification have accelerated as stakeholders seek advantage from advances in connectivity/autonomy/sensing. Surprising empirical patterns also arise—puzzling collapses of critical valued services occur against a background of growth. In parallel, new scientific foundations have arisen from diverse directions explaining the observed anomalies and breakdowns, highlighting basic weaknesses of automata regardless of technology. Conceptual growth provides laws, theorems, and comprehensive theories that encompass the interplay of autonomy/people and complexity/adaptation across scales. One danger for synchronizing the trajectories is conceptual lag as researchers remain stuck in stale frames unable to keep pace with transformative change. Any approach that does not either build on the new conceptual advances—or provide alternative foundations—is no longer credible to match the scale and stakes of modern distributed layered systems and overcome the limits of automata. The paper examines longstanding challenges by contrasting progress then as the trajectories gathered steam, to situation now as change has accelerated.
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Following other contributions about the MAX accidents to this journal, this paper explores the role of betrayal and moral injury in safety engineering related to the U.S. federal regulator’s role in approving the Boeing 737MAX—a plane involved in two crashes that together killed 346 people. It discusses the tension between humility and hubris when engineers are faced with complex systems that create ambiguity, uncertain judgements, and equivocal test results from unstructured situations. It considers the relationship between moral injury, principled outrage and rebuke when the technology ends up involved in disasters. It examines the corporate backdrop against which calls for enhanced employee voice are typically made, and argues that when engineers need to rely on various protections and moral inducements to ‘speak up,’ then the ethical essence of engineering—skepticism, testing, checking, and questioning—has already failed.
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Zombie ideas plague much of the discussions on deploying AI and other autonomous machine capabilities into fields of human activity. People consistently mis-envision the impact of deploying these teclmologies by a wide mark. Because these oversimnplified & erroneos ideas about AI/autonomy reappear & persist even after repeated empirical & technical debunking, they are zombies. This gives rise to the query: how can we kill off zombie's ideas?
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Multi-level human-autonomy teaming in a distributed mission context consists of multiple manned and unmanned systems that require flexible decision making authority. We introduce the notion of ‘hybrid multi-team systems’ to refer to multiple teams consisting of n-number of humans and n-number of semi-autonomous agents having interdependence relationships with each other. Based on the coactive design approach, we have developed a set of design patterns that provide team members with real-time information on interdependencies and can therefore support observability, predictability and directability of interdependencies in a hybrid team. We demonstrate the viability of the design patterns for providing observability, predictability and directability for several hybrid teams of humans and semi-autonomous agents.
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The 21st century is witnessing large transformations in several sectors related to autonomy, including energy, transportation, robotics, and health care. Decision making using real-time information over a large range of operations (as well as the ability to adapt online in the presence of various uncertainties and anomalies) is the hallmark of an autonomous system. To design such a system, a variety of challenges must be addressed. Uncertainties may occur in several forms, both structured and unstructured. Anomalies may often be severe and require rapid detection and swift action to minimize damage and restore normalcy. This article addresses the difficult task of making autonomous decisions in the presence of severe anomalies. While the specific application of focus is flight control, the overall solutions proposed are applicable for general complex dynamic systems.
In the last Failure Mode article, we looked at how observability and explainability are critical—but insufficient—design elements of a reliable human-machine team. In this article, we connect ideas and research from cognitive systems engineering into high-impact design principles for improving safety and reliability of highly automated and intelligent systems.
For resilience in complex and large-scale software systems, we need to go beyond observability and explainability and consider joint cognition between human–machine teams.
Significance Nervous systems use highly effective layered architectures in the sensorimotor control system to minimize the harmful effects of delay and inaccuracy in biological components. To study what makes effective architectures, we develop a theoretical framework that connects the component speed–accuracy trade-offs (SATs) with system SATs and characterizes the system performance of a layered control system. We show that diversity in layers (e.g., planning and reflex) allows fast and accurate sensorimotor control, even when each layer uses slow or inaccurate components. We term such phenomena “diversity-enabled sweet spots (DESSs).” DESSs explain and link the extreme heterogeneities in axon sizes and numbers and the resulting robust performance in sensorimotor control.
With all of the research and investment dedicated to artificial intelligence and other automation technologies, there is a paucity of evaluation methods for how these technologies integrate into effective joint human-machine teams. Current evaluation methods, which largely were designed to measure performance of discrete representative tasks, provide little information about how the system will perform when operating outside the bounds of the evaluation. We are exploring a method of generating Extensibility Plots, which predicts the ability of the human-machine system to respond to classes of challenges at intensities both within and outside of what was tested. In this paper we test and explore the method, using performance data collected from a healthcare setting in which a machine and nurse jointly detect signs of patient decompensation. We explore the validity and usefulness of these curves to predict the graceful extensibility of the system.
We report an organization's method for recruiting additional, specialized human resources during anomaly handling. The method has been tailored to encourage sharing adaptive capacity across organizational units. As predicted by Woods' theory, this case shows that sharing adaptive capacity allows graceful extensibility that is particularly useful when a system is challenged by frequent but unpredictably severe events. We propose that (1) the ability to borrow adaptive capacity from other units is a hallmark of resilient systems and (2) the deliberate adjustment adaptive capacity sharing is a feature of some forms of resilience engineering. Some features of this domain that may lead to discovery of resilience and promote resilience engineering in other settings, notably hospital emergency rooms.